Search results for ""Didier""
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Metamaterials and Wave Control
Since the concept was first proposed at the end of the 20th Century, metamaterials have been the subject of much research and discussion throughout the wave community. More than 10 years later, the number of related published articles is increasing significantly. On the one hand, this success can be attributed to dreams of new physical objects which are the consequences of the singular properties of metamaterials. Among them, we can consider the examples of perfect lensing and invisibility cloaking. On other hand, metamaterials also provide new tools for the design of well-known wave functions such as antennas for electromagnetic waves. The goal of this book is to propose an overview of the concept of metamaterials as a perspective on a new practical tool for wave study and engineering. This includes both the electromagnetic spectrum, from microwave to optics, and the field of acoustic waves. Contents 1. Overview of Microwave and Optical Metamaterial Technologies, Didier Lippens. 2. MetaLines: Transmission Line Approach for the Design of Metamaterial Devices, Bruno Sauviac. 3. Metamaterials for Non-Radiative Microwave Functions and Antennas, Divitha Seetharamdoo and Bruno Sauviac. 4. Toward New Prospects for Electromagnetic Compatibility, Divitha Seetharamdoo. 5. Dissipative Loss in Resonant Metamaterials, Philippe Tassin, Thomas Koschny, and Costas M. Soukoulis. 6. Transformation Optics and Antennas, André de Lustrac, Shah Nawaz Burokur and Paul-Henri Tichit. 7. Metamaterials for Control of Surface Electromagnetic and Liquid Waves, Sébastien Guenneau, Mohamed Farhat, Muamer Kadic, Stefan Enoch and Romain Quidant. 8. Classical Analog of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency, Philippe Tassin, Thomas Koschny and Costas M. Soukoulis.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Planetologie extrasolarer Planeten
Als im Jahre 1995 die Schweizer Astronomen Michel Mayor und Didier Queloz die Entdeckung des ersten extrasolaren Planeten um einen sonnenähnlichen Stern bekanntgaben, konnte noch niemand ahnen, daß sich daraus in den folgenden knapp zwei Jahrzehnten eine neue, nicht nur in ihrer Entwicklung atemberaubende neue Disziplin der Astronomie entwickeln würde. Zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt (2013) findet man in den Katalogen der Astronomen mittlerweile fast 1000 bestätigte und über 3500 „Exoplanetenkandidaten“ – insbesondere Dank der unerwartet erfolgreichen Mission des leider im Frühjahr 2013 ausgefallenen Kepler-Weltraumteleskops. Es zeigt sich immer mehr, daß Planetensysteme im Kosmos etwas ganz normales sind, die ihrer Natur gemäß eine riesige Formenvielfalt aufweisen. „Heiße Jupiter“, Super-Erden und Pulsarplaneten benennen Objekte, die in unserem Sonnensystem völlig unbekannt sind. Diese exotischen Welten, von denen man meist nur ein paar wenige Parameter kennt, regen nicht nur die Phantasie an, sondern sie befeuern auch die Hoffnung, über kurz oder lang in den Weiten der Milchstraße auch einmal einen Pendanten unseres blauen Planeten zu finden.In diesem Buch werden die wichtigsten Methoden und Erkenntnisse der Exoplanetenforschung so vorgestellt, daß der Leser einen profunden Überblick über diesen neuen Zweig der astronomischen Forschung erhält und in die Lage versetzt wird, die entsprechende Fachliteratur mit Gewinn zu verfolgen. Themen sind die verschiedenen Nachweis- und Beobachtungsmethoden von Exoplaneten, ihre Statistik und Klassifizierung, ihr physischer Aufbau sowie ihre Entstehung, wie er sich den Astronomen aus Beobachtungen und theoretischen Überlegungen erschließt.Das Buch wendet sich an interessierte Studenten der Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften, an Abiturienten, Dozenten, Lehrer und nicht zuletzt an Amateurastronomen, die das Wissen über diesen faszinierenden Gegenstand der Forschung mit großer Begeisterung vielen Menschen nahebringen.Mathias Scholz, 1981-1986 Studium der Physik an der Universität Rostock, danach Berechnungsingenieur und ab 1990 freiberuflich auf dem Gebiet der Umweltsimulation sowie im IT-Bereich tätig; Amateurastronom.
Ohio University Press The Histories of HIVs: The Emergence of the Multiple Viruses That Caused the AIDS Epidemics
This new collection of essays on HIV viruses spans disciplines to topple popular narratives about the origins of the AIDS pandemic and the impact of the disease on public health policy. With a death toll in the tens of millions, the AIDS pandemic was one of the worst medical disasters of the past century. The disease was identified in 1981, at the height of miraculous postwar medical achievements, including effective antibiotics, breakthrough advances in heart surgery and transplantations, and cheap, safe vaccines—smallpox had been eradicated just a few years earlier. Arriving as they did during this era of confidence in modern medicine, the HIV epidemics shook the public’s faith in health science. Despite subsequent success in identifying, testing, and treating AIDS, the emergence of epidemics and outbreaks of Ebola, Zika, and the novel coronaviruses (SARS and COVID-19) are stark reminders that such confidence in modern medicine is not likely to be restored until the emergence of these viruses is better understood. This collection combines the work of major social science and humanities scholars with that of virologists and epidemiologists to provide a broader understanding of the historical, social, and cultural circumstances that produced the pandemic. The authors argue that the emergence of the HIV viruses and their epidemic spread were not the result of a random mutation but rather broader new influences whose impact depended upon a combination of specific circumstances at different places and times. The viruses emerged and were transmitted according to population movement and urbanization, changes in sexual relations, new medical procedures, and war. In this way, the AIDS pandemic was not a chance natural occurrence, but a human-made disaster. Essays by: Ernest M. Drucker, Tamara Giles-Vernick, Ch. Didier Gondola, Guillaume Lachenal, Amandine Lauro, Preston A. Marx, Stephanie Rupp, François Simon, Jorge Varanda
Ohio University Press The Histories of HIVs: The Emergence of the Multiple Viruses That Caused the AIDS Epidemics
This new collection of essays on HIV viruses spans disciplines to topple popular narratives about the origins of the AIDS pandemic and the impact of the disease on public health policy. With a death toll in the tens of millions, the AIDS pandemic was one of the worst medical disasters of the past century. The disease was identified in 1981, at the height of miraculous postwar medical achievements, including effective antibiotics, breakthrough advances in heart surgery and transplantations, and cheap, safe vaccines—smallpox had been eradicated just a few years earlier. Arriving as they did during this era of confidence in modern medicine, the HIV epidemics shook the public’s faith in health science. Despite subsequent success in identifying, testing, and treating AIDS, the emergence of epidemics and outbreaks of Ebola, Zika, and the novel coronaviruses (SARS and COVID-19) are stark reminders that such confidence in modern medicine is not likely to be restored until the emergence of these viruses is better understood. This collection combines the work of major social science and humanities scholars with that of virologists and epidemiologists to provide a broader understanding of the historical, social, and cultural circumstances that produced the pandemic. The authors argue that the emergence of the HIV viruses and their epidemic spread were not the result of a random mutation but rather broader new influences whose impact depended upon a combination of specific circumstances at different places and times. The viruses emerged and were transmitted according to population movement and urbanization, changes in sexual relations, new medical procedures, and war. In this way, the AIDS pandemic was not a chance natural occurrence, but a human-made disaster. Essays by: Ernest M. Drucker, Tamara Giles-Vernick, Ch. Didier Gondola, Guillaume Lachenal, Amandine Lauro, Preston A. Marx, Stephanie Rupp, François Simon, Jorge Varanda
Karnac Books Autistic Phenomena and Unrepresented States: Explorations in the Emergence of Self
With contributions from Anne Alvarez, Joshua Durban, Jeffrey L. Eaton, Bernard Golse, Didier Houzel, Howard B. Levine, Suzanne Maiello, Sylvain Missonnier, Bernd Nissen, Marganit Ofer, and Jani Santamaría. The capacity to create psychic representations is now understood to be a developmental achievement. Without it, meaning cannot be ascertained and this can lead to “psychic voids” and “unrepresented states”, which can contribute to the development of autism and autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). Unrepresented states are also implicated and encountered in other, non-autistic, non-neurotic conditions, such as psychosomatic disorders, addictions, perversions, and primitive character disorders. The affects that unrepresented states produce or are associated with are often those of terror, emptiness, annihilation and despair. The organisation of the psyche consists of psychotic – i.e. unstructured – as well as neurotic parts of the mind; unintegrated as well as integrated areas; and unrepresented areas with little meaning as well as represented states consisting of specific ideas imbued with affect. Given this organisation, we should expect to find both an unstructured and a dynamic unconscious in all patients. This implies that, to some degree, unrepresented and unintegrated states are universal and will exist and be encountered in all of us. Consequently, the opportunities and challenges presented by the understanding and treatment of autism and ASD, where the unrepresented and its consequences (e.g. defensive organisations employed to protect against annihilation anxiety and catastrophic dread) can be encountered may offer us metaphors and clues relevant to aspects of the treatment of all patients, no matter what their dominant diagnoses may be. Packed with theory and helpful case studies, this carefully edited collection from an international array of experts in the field is essential reading for all practising clinicians.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Zonotopes: From Guaranteed State-estimation to Control
This title focuses on two significant problems in the field of automatic control, in particular state estimation and robust Model Predictive Control under input and state constraints, bounded disturbances and measurement noises. The authors build upon previous results concerning zonotopic set-membership state estimation and output feedback tube-based Model Predictive Control. Various existing zonotopic set-membership estimation methods are investigated and their advantages and drawbacks are discussed, making this book suitable both for researchers working in automatic control and industrial partners interested in applying the proposed techniques to real systems. The authors proceed to focus on a new method based on the minimization of the P-radius of a zonotope, in order to obtain a good trade-off between the complexity and the accuracy of the estimation. They propose a P-radius based set-membership estimation method to compute a zonotope containing the real states of a system, which are consistent with the disturbances and measurement noise. The problem of output feedback control using a zonotopic set-membership estimation is also explored. Among the approaches from existing literature on the subject, the implementation of robust predictive techniques based on tubes of trajectories is developed. Contents 1. Uncertainty Representation Based on Set Theory. 2. Several Approaches on Zonotopic Guaranteed Set-Membership Estimation. 3. Zonotopic Guaranteed State Estimation Based on P-Radius Minimization. 4. Tube Model Predictive Control Based on Zonotopic Set-Membership Estimation. About the Authors Vu Tuan Hieu Le is a Research Engineer at the IRSEEM/ESIGELEC Technopôle du Madrillet, Saint Etienne du Rouvray, France. Cristina Stoica is Assistant Professor in the Automatic Control Department at SUPELEC Systems Sciences (E3S), France. Teodoro Alamo is Professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Automatic Control at the University of Seville, Spain. Eduardo F. Camacho is Professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Automatic Control at the University of Seville, Spain. Didier Dumur is Professor in the Automatic Control Department, SUPELEC Systems Sciences (E3S), France.
Prometheus Books Mysteries and Secrets Revealed: From Oracles at Delphi to Spiritualism in America
Revealed uncovers the science behind mysteries of nature and secrets of frauds who have been fooling us for centuries. Beginning at the Greek oracle in Delphi, author Loren Pankratz, PhD. guides us through the mysteries of the ancient world, the rituals of the Renaissance Church, and the readings of early mystics and spiritualists of the modern world to expose the deception of those claiming to tap into supernatural realms. Quite often these deceptions were the product of powerful institutions, like Roman Oracles or the Church of the Enlightenment, used to suppress free-thinking and maintain a tight grip on power. From Galileo’s scientific discoveries of the cosmos to Bernard Fontenelle’s popular philosophical dialogue that helped common people understand the sun-centered universe, Pankratz profiles those who used reason to challenge the authority of their time.Soon after, mesmerists and hypnotists paraded subjects who demonstrated insensitivity to pain and powers of clairvoyance. One such clairvoyant, a Frenchman named Alexis Didier, was so compelling as to provoke claims that if a case for clairvoyance could not be made for him, then no case can be made for anyone. This declaration has not been previously challenged, and Didier’s secret methods are unraveled here through information in rare documents and privately printed pamphlets for the first time.Modern spiritualism started with simple rapping noises created by the Fox sisters, but these quickly escalated into an arms race of psychic manifestations like levitations and mysterious writing on slates. Scientists like Michael Faraday conducted clever experiments with magnets to show the deception at work –but the captivating power of the spiritualists was too much to overcome, and his results were shrugged off. We follow more individuals who devised tests to debunk these hucksters, even as mediums did everything possible to avoid exposure.Each story in Revealed captures the tension of mysterious conflict, the thrill of discovery, and the power of science to unmask frauds and fakes.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Chemistry in Microelectronics
Microelectronics is a complex world where many sciences need to collaborate to create nano-objects: we need expertise in electronics, microelectronics, physics, optics and mechanics also crossing into chemistry, electrochemistry, as well as biology, biochemistry and medicine. Chemistry is involved in many fields from materials, chemicals, gases, liquids or salts, the basics of reactions and equilibrium, to the optimized cleaning of surfaces and selective etching of specific layers. In addition, over recent decades, the size of the transistors has been drastically reduced while the functionality of circuits has increased. This book consists of five chapters covering the chemicals and sequences used in processing, from cleaning to etching, the role and impact of their purity, along with the materials used in “Front End Of the Line” which corresponds to the heart and performance of individual transistors, then moving on to the “Back End Of the Line” which is related to the interconnection of all the transistors. Finally, the need for specific functionalization also requires key knowledge on surface treatments and chemical management to allow new applications. Contents 1. Chemistry in the “Front End of the Line” (FEOL): Deposits, Gate Stacks, Epitaxy and Contacts, François Martin, Jean-Michel Hartmann, Véronique Carron and Yannick Le Tiec. 2. Chemistry in Interconnects, Vincent Jousseaume, Paul-Henri Haumesser, Carole Pernel, Jeffery Butterbaugh, Sylvain Maîtrejean and Didier Louis. 3. The Chemistry of Wet Surface Preparation: Cleaning, Etching and Drying, Yannick Le Tiec and Martin Knotter. 4. The Use and Management of Chemical Fluids in Microelectronics, Christiane Gottschalk, Kevin Mclaughlin, Julie Cren, Catherine Peyne and Patrick Valenti. 5. Surface Functionalization for Micro- and Nanosystems: Application to Biosensors, Antoine Hoang, Gilles Marchand, Guillaume Nonglaton, Isabelle Texier-Nogues and Francoise Vinet. About the Authors Yannick Le Tiec is a technical expert at CEA-Leti, Minatec since 2002. He is a CEA-Leti assignee at IBM, Albany (NY) to develop the advanced 14 nm CMOS node and the FDSOI technology. He held different technical positions from the advanced 300 mm SOI CMOS pilot line to different assignments within SOITEC for advanced wafer development and later within INES to optimize solar cell ramp-up and yield. He has been part of the ITRS Front End technical working group at ITRS since 2008.
Quercus Publishing Dog Island
From the author of Grey Souls and Brodeck's Report: a chilling island fable of murder, exploitation and complicity"A parable about modern migration that is also the kind of detective story Mikhail Bulgakov might have written: visionary and darkly humourous" Lucy Hughes-Hallet, New Statesman BOOKS OF THE YEAR"A timely and elegant examination of the migrant situation in the Mediterranean from the point of view of a remote, volcanic island" The New European BOOKS OF THE YEARThe Dog Islands are a small, isolated cluster of islands in the Mediterranean - so called because together, when viewed from above, they form the shape of a dog, twisting and baring its teeth against a brilliant blue sea. One of the only inhabited islands (the one that takes the place of one of the dog's teeth) is dominated by a gently smoking volcano, fringed by black volcanic beaches and under the iron rule of the heads of community who are loath to let any outside influence disrupt the quiet way of life on the island.Then one morning, an old woman comes across three bodies that have washed up with the tide: three young black men, who have apparently drowned in their attempt to cross the sea. The initial reaction of the island community is that this tragedy must be covered up, lest any association with the drownings damages the island's tourism industry . . .But the island's deliberate isolation from the realities of the world cannot last for long, and when a visiting detective arrives on the island and starts asking awkward questions, it becomes clear that the deaths of these three men indicate something far more sinister and deeply rotten lying at the heart of this godforsaken fragment of sea-bound land.Translated from the French by Euan CameronEUAN CAMERON is a literary translator from the French and a former publisher. His previous translations include works by Patrick Modiano, Didier Decoin and Paul Morand, as well as biographies of Marcel Proust and Irène Némirovsky. His debut novel, Madeleine, was published in 2019.With the support of the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union
Quercus Publishing Dog Island
From the author of Grey Souls and Brodeck's Report: a chilling island fable of murder, exploitation and complicity"A parable about modern migration that is also the kind of detective story Mikhail Bulgakov might have written: visionary and darkly humourous" Lucy Hughes-Hallet, New Statesman BOOKS OF THE YEAR"A timely and elegant examination of the migrant situation in the Mediterranean from the point of view of a remote, volcanic island" The New European BOOKS OF THE YEARThe Dog Islands are a small, isolated cluster of islands in the Mediterranean - so called because together, when viewed from above, they form the shape of a dog, twisting and baring its teeth against a brilliant blue sea. One of the only inhabited islands (the one that takes the place of one of the dog's teeth) is dominated by a gently smoking volcano, fringed by black volcanic beaches and under the iron rule of the heads of community who are loath to let any outside influence disrupt the quiet way of life on the island.Then one morning, an old woman comes across three bodies that have washed up with the tide: three young black men, who have apparently drowned in their attempt to cross the sea. The initial reaction of the island community is that this tragedy must be covered up, lest any association with the drownings damages the island's tourism industry . . .But the island's deliberate isolation from the realities of the world cannot last for long, and when a visiting detective arrives on the island and starts asking awkward questions, it becomes clear that the deaths of these three men indicate something far more sinister and deeply rotten lying at the heart of this godforsaken fragment of sea-bound land.Translated from the French by Euan CameronEUAN CAMERON is a literary translator from the French and a former publisher. His previous translations include works by Patrick Modiano, Didier Decoin and Paul Morand, as well as biographies of Marcel Proust and Irène Némirovsky. His debut novel, Madeleine, was published in 2019.With the support of the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union
Quarto Publishing PLC The Big Book of Football by MUNDIAL
Dive into the world of football with this mega book of everything to do with the beautiful game. Learn all the lingo; meet the greatest players, managers and teams from both the men’s and women’s games; take masterclasses with the pros; wander through the haircut hall of fame; learn the most iconic goal celebrations and more. Written by the team at MUNDIAL, the celebrated football lifestyle magazine, and filled with fun, colourful illustrations, The Big Book of Football by Mundial covers it all: The basics and the lingo that will have you talking like a football expert in no time. History of football, including how we got from playing with a ball made of feathers to using high-tech footballs, the greatest teams of all time and the evolution of football boots. The great players, including Paolo Maldini, Lev Yashin, Joy Fawcett, Franz Beckenbauer, Johan Cruyff, Michelle Akers, Sir Stanley Matthews and Marta Vieira da Silva. Legendary managers and how they did it – learn the favourite killer formations of greats like Rinus Michels and Sir Alex Ferguson. The big cups, with their histories and greatest players. The world’s most amazing stadiums, including Wembley, Melbourne Cricket Ground and San Siro. Kits hall of fame, from the USSR’s (now Russia) classic red sweatshirt with ‘CCCP’ written across the front to Mexico’s green home shirt with Aztec patterns and the giant face of the Aztec god of death. How to take the perfect shot like Ji So-yun, take the perfect set piece like David Beckham, take penalties like Matt Le Tissier, beat the offside trap like Fernando Torres, do the perfect attacking header like Didier Drogba and more. Weird and wonderful, from the way we describe things that happen in the game (a fox in the box) to the way we celebrate a goal (by pretending to be a robot) or do our hair (shaving it all off except for a triangle at the front). The culture and people surrounding the game, from traditional pre-game food to the referee, commentator and all-important crowd. This great big book is your essential guide to the wonderful world of football.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd A History of the New Aviation: The Development of Paragliding, Hang-gliding, Paramotoring and Microlighting
The New Aviation began with a hang-gliding meeting on a sand-dune in southern California on 23 May 1971. The longest flight that day was 196 feet, the longest time in the air just 11 seconds. But it was a start – the start of a movement that has grown exponentially world-wide with every passing year. The essence of the New Aviation is to stand on a hill, spread your wings, and climb into the sky by your own skill. It is the fundamentals of flight as it is meant to be, and this is the story of the development of this exhilarating sport, and of its largely unknown pioneers. The first of these was German pioneer aviator, Otto Lilienthal. Despite dozens of deaths before him, Lilienthal was the first to establish that manned flight was actually possible; before him, flight was just a dream. His tragic death in 1896 inspired the American Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur, to their own experiments on a wind-swept beach in Kittyhawk, North Carolina, where the first powered flight there on 17 December 1903. The book begins and ends with two significant tales, opening with the life and death of Englishman Alvin Russell, and ending with the fabled Swiss flyer Didier Favre, who traversed the length of the Alps ‘by foot or by flight’. It is full of terrific stories, often repeating exploits of the mainstream aviators but flying just a kite and a trapeze bar, flying with eagles and teaching orphaned geese to migrate. It has exclusive accounts of record-breaking distances, on adding engines to ‘rag wings’, on how women broke into the machismo world and an English girl led a team in which every other competitor was a man, and beat them all. A History of the New Aviation is the first in-depth ‘narrative’ to stitch together the history and evolution of a pastime which is enjoyed by hundreds of thousands around the world. It is told by Brian Milton, the man who formed the British Hang Gliding League and led the first two British teams to beat the mighty Americans, for which he won the Prince of Wales Cup from Prince Charles, now King Charles III. Brian went on to make the first flight around the world by a powered hang glider. Two men set off on this flight; Brian returned alone.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Structured Credit Products: Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Securitisation
Updated coverage of structured credit products with in-depth coverage of the latest developments Structured credit products are one of today's fastest growing investment and risk management mechanisms, and a focus of innovation and creativity in the capital markets. The building blocks of these products are credit derivatives, which are among the most widely used products in finance. This book offers a succinct and focused description of the main credit derivative instruments, as well as the more complex products such as synthetic collateralized debt obligations. This new edition features updated case studies from Europe and Asia, the latest developments in synthetic structures, the impact of the subprime meltdown, along with models and teaching aids. Moorad Choudhry returns with this excellent update of the credit derivatives market. The second edition of his classic work is, like the subject matter itself, at the forefront of the financial industry. It deserves a wide readership. —Dr Didier Joannas Regional Director, Thomson Reuters, Hong Kong This is the perfect companion for both experienced and entry level professionals working in the structured credit fraternity. It is an erudite, insightful and enjoyable read that successfully demystifies one of the most topical subject areas in banking today, while also providing important practical examples that link the theory to the job itself. —Dr James Berriman Global Pricing Unit, Royal Bank of Scotland Moorad Choudhry has earned a deserved reputation from both academics and practitioners as one of the leading practical yet rigorous authors of finance books. In this Second Edition, his practical knowledge of credit derivatives keeps the audience engaged with straightforward explanations of complicated structures, and an accessible level of mathematical sophistication necessary to understand structured credit products. The author offers complete, rigorous analysis while avoiding overuse of mathematical formulas and carefully balanced practical and theoretical aspects of the subject. I strongly recommend this book for those wishing to gain an intuitive understanding of structured credit products, from practitioners to students of finance! —Mohamoud Barre Dualeh Senior Product Developer, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, UAE This is THE book for credit derivative trading. From first steps to advanced trading strategies, this is invaluable. Well written and insightful, perfect for ad hoc reference or reading cover to cover. —Andrew Benson ETF Market Making, KBC Peel Hunt, London Professor Choudhry has inspired me to really get into credit derivatives. It’s great to be lectured by someone with such energy and practical hands-on experience, as well as the ability to get stuck into the details. —George Whicheloe Equity-Linked Technology, Merrill Lynch, London Moorad Choudhry is Head of Treasury at Europe Arab Bank plc in London. He is a Visiting Professor at the Department of Economics at London Metropolitan University.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials: Applications to Hemp Concretes
Using plant material as raw materials for construction is a relatively recent and original topic of research. This book presents an overview of the current knowledge on the material properties and environmental impact of construction materials made from plant particles, which are renewable, recyclable and easily available. It focuses on particles and as well on fibers issued from hemp plant, as well as discussing hemp concretes. The book begins by setting the environmental, economic and social context of agro-concretes, before discussing the nature of plant-based aggregates and binders. The formulation, implementation and mechanical behavior of such building materials are the subject of the following chapters. The focus is then put upon the hygrothermal behavior and acoustical properties of hempcrete, followed by the use of plant-based concretes in structures. The book concludes with the study of life-cycle analysis (LCA) of the environmental characteristics of a banked hempcrete wall on a wooden skeleton. Contents 1. Environmental, Economic and Social Context of Agro-Concretes, Vincent Nozahic and Sofiane Amziane. 2. Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates. Vincent Picandet. 3. Binders, Gilles Escadeillas, Camille Magniont, Sofiane Amziane and Vincent Nozahic. 4. Formulation and Implementation, Christophe Lanos, Florence Collet, Gérard Lenain and Yves Hustache. 5. Mechanical Behavior, Laurent Arnaud, Sofiane Amziane, Vincent Nozahic and Etienne Gourlay. 6. Hygrothermal Behavior of Hempcrete, Laurent Arnaud, Driss Samri and Étienne Gourlay. 7. Acoustical Properties of Hemp Concretes, Philippe Glé, Emmanuel Gourdon and Laurent Arnaud. 8. Plant-Based Concretes in Structures: Structural Aspect – Addition of a Wooden Support to Absorb the Strain, Philippe Munoz and Didier Pipet. 9. Examination of the Environmental Characteristics of a Banked Hempcrete Wall on a Wooden Skeleton, by Lifecycle Analysis: Feedback on the LCA Experiment from 2005, Marie-Pierre Boutin and Cyril Flamin. About the Authors Sofiane Amziane is Professor and head of the Civil Engineering department at POLYTECH Clermont-Ferrand in France. He is also in charge of the research program dealing with bio-based building materials at Blaise Pascal University (Institut Pascal, Clermont Ferrand, France). He is the secretary of the RILEM Technical Committee 236-BBM dealing with bio-based building materials and the author or co-author of over one hundred papers in scientific journals such as Cement and Concrete Research, Composite Structures or Construction Building Materials as well as international conferences. Laurent Arnaud is a Bridges, Waters and Forestry Engineer (Ingénieur des Ponts, Eaux et Forêts) and researcher at Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble, France. He is also Professor at ENTPE (Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’Etat). Trained in the field of mechanical engineering, his research has been directed toward the characterization and development of new materials for civil engineering and construction. He is head of the international committee at RILEM – BBM, as well as the author of more than one hundred publications, and holder of an international invention patent.
Johns Hopkins University Press Wildlife Management and Landscapes: Principles and Applications
Wildlife management specialists and landscape ecologists offer a new perspective on the important intersection of these fields in the twenty-first century.It's been clear for decades that landscape-level patterns and processes, along with the tenets and tools of landscape ecology, are vitally important in understanding wildlife-habitat relationships and sustaining wildlife populations. Today, significant shifts in the spatial scale of extractive, agricultural, ranching, and urban land uses are upon us, making it more important than ever before to connect wildlife management and landscape ecology. Landscape ecologists must understand the constraints that wildlife managers face and be able to use that knowledge to translate their work into more practical applications. Wildlife managers, for their part, can benefit greatly from becoming comfortable with the vocabulary, conceptual processes, and perspectives of landscape ecologists.In Wildlife Management and Landscapes, the foremost landscape ecology experts and wildlife management specialists come together to discuss the emerging role of landscape concepts in habitat management. Their contributions• make the case that a landscape perspective is necessary to address management questions• translate concepts in landscape ecology to wildlife management• explain why studying some important habitat-wildlife relationships is still inherently difficult• explore the dynamic and heterogeneous structure of natural systems• reveal why factors such as soil, hydrology, fire, grazing, and timber harvest lead to uncertainty in management decisions• explain matching scale between population processes and management• discuss limitations to management across jurisdictional boundaries and balancing objectives of private landowners and management agencies• offer practical ideas for improving communication between professionals• outline the impediments that limit a full union of landscape ecology and wildlife managementUsing concrete examples of modern conservation challenges that range from oil and gas development to agriculture and urbanization, the volume posits that shifts in conservation funding from a hunter constituent base to other sources will bring a dramatic change in the way we manage wildlife. Explicating the foundational similarity of wildlife management and landscape ecology, Wildlife and Landscapes builds crucial bridges between theoretical and practical applications.Contributors: Jocelyn L. Aycrigg, Guillaume Bastille-Rousseau, Jon P. Beckmann, Joseph R. Bennett, William M. Block, Todd R. Bogenschutz, Teresa C. Cohn, John W. Connelly, Courtney J. Conway, Bridgett E. Costanzo, David D. Diamond, Karl A. Didier, Lee F. Elliott, Michael E. Estey, Lenore Fahrig, Cameron J. Fiss, Jacqueline L. Frair, Elsa M. Haubold, Fidel Hernández, Jodi A. Hilty, Joseph D. Holbrook, Cynthia A. Jacobson, Kevin M. Johnson, Jeffrey K. Keller, Jeffery L. Larkin, Kimberly A. Lisgo, Casey A. Lott, Amanda E. Martin, James A. Martin, Darin J. McNeil, Michael L. Morrison, Betsy E. Neely, Neal D. Niemuth, Chad J. Parent, Humberto L. Perotto-Baldivieso, Ronald D. Pritchert, Fiona K. A. Schmiegelow, Amanda L. Sesser, Gregory J. Soulliere, Leona K. Svancara, Stephen C. Torbit, Joseph A. Veech, Kerri T. Vierling, Greg Wathen, David M. Williams, Mark J. Witecha, John M. Yeiser
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Supervision and Safety of Complex Systems
This book presents results of projects carried out by both scientific and industry researchers into the techniques to help in maintenance, control, supervision and security of systems, taking into account the technical environmental and human factors. This work is supported by the Scientific Group GIS 3SGS. It is a collaborative work from 13 partners (academic and industrial) who have come together to deal with security problems. The problems and techniques discussed mainly focus on stochastic and dynamic modeling, maintenance, forecasting, diagnosis, reliability, performance, organizational, human and environmental factors, uncertainty and experience feedback. Part 1. Industrial Issues 1. Safety and Performance of Electricity Production Facilities, Gilles Deleuze, Jean Primet, Philippe Klein, Carole Duval and Antoine Despujols. 2. Monitoring of Radioactive Waste Disposal Cells in Deep Geological Formation, Stéphane Buschaert and Sylvie Lesoille. 3. Towards Fourth-generation Nuclear Reactors, Jean-Philippe Nabot, Olivier Gastaldi, François Baqué, Kévin Paumel and Jean-Philippe Jeannot. Part 2. Supervison and Modeling of Complex Systems 4. Fault-tolerant Data-fusion Method: Application on Platoon Vehicle Localization, Maan El Badaoui El Najiar, Cherif Smaili, François Charpillet, Denis Pomorski and Mireille Bayart. 5. Damage and Forecast Modeling, Anne Barros, Eric Levrat, Mitra Fouladirad, Khanh Le Son, Thomas Ruin, Benoît Iung, Alexandre Voisin, Maxime Monnin, Antoine Despujols, Emmanuel Rémy and Ludovic Bénétrix. 6. Diagnosis of Systems with Multiple Operating Modes, Taha Boukhobza, Frédéric Hamelin, Benoît Marx, Gilles Mourot, Anca Maria Nagy, José Ragot, Djemal Eddine Chouaib Belkhiat, Kevin Guelton, Dalel Jabri, Noureddine Manamanni, Sinuhé Martinez, Nadhir Messai, Vincent Cocquempot, Assia Hakem, Komi Midzodzi Pekpe, Talel Zouari, Michael Defoort, Mohammed Djemai and Jérémy Van Gorp. 7. Multitask Learning for the Diagnosis of Machine Fleet, Xiyan He, Gilles Mourot, Didier Maquin, José Ragot, Pierre Beauseroy, André Smolarz and Edith Grall-Maës. 8. The APPRODYN Project: Dynamic Reliability Approaches to Modeling Critical Systems, Jean-François Aubry, Genia Babykina, Nicolae Brinzei, Slimane Medjaher, Anne Barros, Christophe Berenguer, Antoine Grall, Yves Langeron, Danh Ngoc Nguyen, Gilles Deleuze, Benoîte De Saporta, François Dufour and Huilong Zhang. Part 3. Characterizing Background Noise, Identifying Characteristic Signatures in Test Cases and Detecting Noise Reactors 9. Aims, Context and Type of Signals Studied, François Baqué, Olivier Descombin, Olivier Gastaldi and Yves Vandenboomgaerde. 10. Detection/Classification of Argon and Water Injections into Sodium into an SG of a Fast Neutron Reactor, Pierre Beauseroy, Edith Grall-Maës and Igor Nikiforov. 11. A Dynamic Learning-based Approach to the Surveillance and Monitoring of Steam Generators in Prototype Fast Reactors, Laurent Hartert, Moamar Sayed-Mouchaweh and Danielle Nuzillard. 12. SVM Time-Frequency Classification for the Detection of Injection States, Simon Henrot, El-Hadi Djermoune and David Brie. 13. Time and Frequency Domain Approaches for the Characterization of Injection States, Jean-Philippe Cassar and Komi Midzodzi Pekpe. Part 4. Human, Organizational and Environmental Factors in Risk Analysis 14. Risk Analysis and Management in Systems Integrating Technical, Human, Organizational and Environmental Aspects, Geoffrey Fallet-Fidry, Carole Duval, Christophe Simon, Eric Levrat, Philippe Weber and Benoît Iung. 15. Integrating Human and Organizational Factors into the BCD Risk Analysis Model: An Influence Diagram-based approach, Karima Sedki, Philippe Polet and Frédéric Vanderhaegen.