Search results for ""Author Terry""
Pan Macmillan South Africa Stone of Tears
Richard Cypher embarks on a perilous journey to the Old World, where he must learn to master his own magic powers and uncover the secrets of his heritage.
Stackpole Books Hunter's Guide to Shotguns for Upland Game
"Hunter's Guide to Shotguns for Upland Game" is a valuable reference that educates hunters about how to choose the perfect shotgun to match their needs. The book takes a pragmatic approach for the average hunter looking to get the most bang for his buck and shows that hunters don't have to break the bank to buy a versatile shotgun. It discusses the best guns to use for various species of upland game in different types of cover and examines the all-important criteria for selecting a shotgun: the hunter's physique, preferred action type and gauge, gun features, price range, whether or not he's hunting with dogs, and other possible uses for the gun such as deer hunting or clay target games. Profiles of major manufacturers and models analyse a wide variety of shotguns to give readers a good idea of the relative strengths and weaknesses of available products. Once a hunter has selected the right shotgun, he will discover how to use custom loads and make modifications to personalise his gun and improve its performance.
Scarecrow Press Power in the Eye: An Introduction to Contemporary Irish Film
The use of Irish settings in mainstream Hollywood cinema has been well documented; Terry Byrne's objective in Power in the Eye is to explore indigenous Irish film production that addresses itself primarily to a native Irish audience and to analyze the social impact of the films on modern Irish society. This is no easy task, as the book makes clear. Historically denied access to mainstream production funds and distribution systems, the work of these indigenous Irish filmmakers has (with two or three notable exceptions) been relegated to Irish and European art-house cinemas and to European television channels. The book addresses mainly the work of these filmmakers, in the hope that the stimulation of interest outside Ireland will encourage interested students of cinema to seek them out. In that context, Power in the Eye should serve as a guidebook—a launching-point from which to begin a search for these films and the subsequent work of their makers. In addition to internationally-known Irish filmmakers (Neil Jordan, Jim Sheridan, Pat O'Connor), the book focuses on the works and opinions of Joe Comerford, Cathal Black, John T. Davis, Thaddeus O'Sullivan, Gerry Stembridge, Kieran Hickey, Bob Quinn, Pat Murphy, and many others. It also deals with the social, economic, and political issues surrounding the production of films for the Irish market and those which would speak to the world on behalf of the Irish. Funding, censorship, and the definition of Irish culture are all wound up in these issues and brought to bear quite strongly in the making of films about the Irish. Power in the Eye addresses these issues and aims to stimulate the reader to pursue them further and to equip them to begin that pursuit.
Black Cat Flash and Filigree
McClelland & Stewart Inc. The Best Laid Plans
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Shred is Not Dead
Random House USA Inc ¡Hora del fútbol! (Soccer Time! Spanish Edition)
¡GOOOOL! Este libro infantil es una emocionante introducción al futbol, el primer deporte de muchos niños.Sin manos, sólo pies. El juego comienza. ¡Piii! Con este libro, los aficionados del fútbol mejorarán sus habilidades de lectura y aprenderán diferentes conceptos relacionados con el deporte. Empleando familias de palabras y aliteración, la autora Terry Pierce captura la adrenalina y la emoción de este querido deporte.LEYENDO A PASOS es una línea de Step into Reading que ofrece ediciones en español de libros nivelados. Los libros Paso 1 tienen letra grande y palabras fáciles. Son ideales para niños que conocen el abecedario y que quieren comenzar a leer. Su ritmo, rima y pistas visuales contribuyen a la comprensión del texto.GOOOOOOOOAL!! This Spanish-language Step 1 introduction to practically every child's first team sport is a win for emergent readers.No hands--just feet. The game starts. Tweet! Young soccer enthusiasts will build their reading confidence as they learn about basic skills and the thrill of scoring a goal in this Spanish edition of Terry Pierce's rhythmic, rhyming Step 1 reader. As she did in Jack and Jill and T-Ball Bill and Tae Kwon Do!, Pierce captures the excitement of sports while scaffolding reading with alliteration and word families.LEYENDO A PASOS is a line from Step into Reading offering leveled readers in Spanish. Step 1 Readers feature big type and easy words for children who know the alphabet and are eager to begin reading. Rhyme and rhythmic text paired picture clues help children decode the story.
Random House USA Inc The Skaar Invasion
Penguin Putnam Inc Milk Goes to School
Random House USA Inc Witch Wraith: The Dark Legacy of Shannara
Random House USA Inc The Wishsong of Shannara (The Shannara Chronicles)
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Stuck in Neutral
HarperCollins Thud
“Start with Douglas Adams’s comic science fiction (A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) and J.R.R. Tolkien’s alternative worlds, mix in James Ellroy’s gritty realism and Jonathan Swift’s unflinching satire and, if you’re lucky, you’ll get something like Terry Pratchett’s Thud!” —Wall Street JournalCity Watch Commander Sam Vimes must solve the murder of a prominent dwarf or watch as Discworld is plunged into a bloody civil war in Terry Pratchett’s delightful Discworld satire, a brilliant tale of prejudice, ancient feuds, and tender fatherhood.Long, long ago, in a gods-forsaken hellhole called Koom Valley, trolls and dwarfs met in bloody combat. Centuries later, each side still views the other with simmering animosity that has been heightened of late because of one Grag Hamcrusher. The influential dwarf has been fomenting unrest among a sect
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Witch's Vacuum Cleaner and Other Stories
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Monstrous Regiment
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Life Happens Next
Stuck in Neutral, a Printz Honor Book, introduced the world to Shawn McDaniel, a fourteen-year-old kid with cerebral palsy. But what happens next? Shawn's got a new perspective on life. But no one has a clue. That's because they can see only his wheelchair, his limp body, his drool. What they don't see? His brain, with perfect auditory memory. And his heart, which is in love with a girl. And his fierce belief that someday someone will realize there's way more to him than his appearance. How do you connect with others when you can't talk, walk, or even wave hello? In the sequel to Stuck in Neutral, which ALA Booklist called "an intense reading experience," Shawn McDaniel discovers a new definition of "normal" and finds that life happens next for everyone.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Wit & Wisdom of Discworld
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Wintersmith
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Only You Can Save Mankind
teNeues Verlag GmbH Ikonische Outfits von Harry Styles
teNeues Verlag GmbH Ikonische Outfits von Taylor Swift
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Die Magie der Erinnerung Das Schwert der Wahrheit
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Die ShannaraChroniken Die Reise der Jerle Shannara 2 Das Labyrinth der Elfen
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Die ShannaraChroniken Die Erben von Shannara 2 Druidengeist
Piper Verlag GmbH Der Zauberhut Ein Roman von der bizarren Scheibenwelt
Piper Verlag GmbH Die Farben der Magie Ein Roman von der bizarren Scheibenwelt
Piper Verlag GmbH MacBest Ein Roman von der bizarren Scheibenwelt
Goldmann TB Lords und Ladies Ein ScheibenweltRoman
Whittles Publishing The Joy of Climbing: A Celebration of Terry Gifford's Classic Climbs
The Joy of Climbing is the result of a search through Britain, Europe and America for the esoteric gems at the easier end of climbing. This special selection demonstrates the sheer fun and enjoyment of climbing. The articles have been especially chosen to provide a stimulating but achievable challenge, whether on a climb itself or appreciating the moves from the comfort of an armchair. In his writing, Terry adopts a variety of styles, resulting in a blend that enhances the dramatic nature of the subject and provides the reader with both the lyrical and the unexpected.
Collective Ink T C Lethbridge – The Man Who Saw the Future
This is the first formal biography of the archaeologist and psychic investigator T. C. Lethbridge. Lethbridge was Keeper of Anglo-Saxon Antiquities at the Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology from 1922-1956. Terry Welbourn's biography 'T.C. Lethbridge - The Man Who Saw the Future', with a foreword written by Colin Wilson, reveals many intriguing facets of a remarkable man. What is extraordinary about Lethbridge's life is how he witnessed and recorded the 20th century with extraordinary detail: from the discovery of new lands during his Arctic adventures, through to his pragmatic investigations into occult phenomena. Lethbridge believed that the supernatural of one generation would eventually become the natural of the next and that all occult phenomena would in time be explained by science. His understanding of dimensions operating on different vibrational rates is akin to String Theory, an ongoing branch of science instigated by theoretical physicist Gabriele Veneziano. Lethbridge did not perceive himself as a radical. He had an enquiring mind and simply wished to find things out. Since his death in 1971, Lethbridge has become somewhat of a cult figure and his influence still remains far-reaching. It is only a matter of time before he is finally acknowledged as being one of the greatest, but overlooked minds of the 20th century.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Children of D'Hara
Richard Rahl and Kahlan Amnell confront an apocalyptic nightmare in this irresistibly tense, utterly terrifying, near-thousand-page return to Terry Goodkind's 26-million-copy bestselling Sword of Truth world. The insatiable hunger of the Golden Goddess... The irresistible power of a Witch's Oath... A fracture in the world of life... An opening in the world of death... Richard Rahl and Kahlan Amnell face the perfect storm. The Children of D'Hara picks up immediately after the conclusion of the Sword of Truth series in one breathtakingly compelling, powerful, blockbuster novel. Previously published in five parts: The Scribbly Man, Hateful Things, Wasteland, Witch's Oath, Into Darkness.
Emerald Publishing Limited Making Aid Agencies Work: Reconnecting INGOs with the People They Serve
The development industry is worth billions. International non-governmental organizations (INGOs) have become an integral component in international development and humanitarian response. Yet as recent scandals at Save the Children and Oxfam have highlighted, such organizations can overstep moral boundaries, raising questions about the scale, power and role of INGOs. Are they dedicated to continuous learning and self-improvement, or are they development dinosaurs driven by their own need for survival and by the political agendas of their paymasters? Drawing upon his experience as an international development practitioner-one who has worked with NGOs large and small, international and local, in over 40 countries-and drawing also upon his own academic research, Terry Gibson addresses these questions head on. He combines large-scale industry analysis with attention to the lives and worlds of the people the aid industry aims to serve, and he demonstrates how to overcome barriers between the two worlds and free flows of learning, resources, and even political influences that might lead to better outcomes. Making Aid Agencies Work is essential reading for practitioners and researchers, as well as for anyone concerned about the future of this vital area of human endeavour.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Nest
In the wake of her brother's brutal murder, Kate Bishop has a lot of questions. Why was her brother keeping a man chained in his cellar? What was his relationship with the detective now leading the investigation into his death? Could his murder be connected to the death of their reclusive uncle two weeks earlier? One man, the enigmatic author of a book called A Brief History of Evil, contacts Kate saying he has the answers to her questions – answers that will expose her to the nature of true evil. Kate, he says, has a hidden talent, a talent that has marked her for death at the hands of humanity's super-predators... An explosive mix of action and suspense, Nest is a dangerous journey to the back alleys of the darknet, to the darkest corners of our minds, and to the very origins of what it is to be human – a place few have ventured and fewer still have survived.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Shroud of Eternity
Sister of the Light, Sister of the Dark. The Slave Queen, Death's Mistress. Nicci has gone by many names and faced many challenges, but now she faces her greatest test yet on a perlious journey into uncharted lands. 'And the Sorceress must save the world'. Guided by the witch-woman Red's mysterious prophecy, Nicci and her companions Nathan and Bannon make their way south of Kol Adair towards Ildakar, a fabled city shrouded behind time. But the grotesque omens on their path – severed heads on pikes, a monster born of dark arts, and a petrified army of half a million – are just a taste of the unimaginable horrors that await within the Shroud of Eternity.
Cicerone Press West Highland Way Map Booklet
This compact booklet of maps shows the full route of the 95 mile West Highland Way, one of Scotlandâ??s Great Trails. This booklet is included with the Cicerone guidebook to the trail and shows the full route on OS 1:25K maps. The map booklet can be used to walk the trail in either direction.
Cicerone Press Walking the Severn Way: 215 miles from the River Severn's source in Powys to Severn Beach near Bristol
This guidebook offers all the information walkers need to enjoy the 344km (215 miles) of the Severn Way. Beginning at the River Severn's source in Powys, mid-Wales, the route follows the entire Severn Valley, meandering through many superb landscapes and interesting towns and villages before finishing near Bristol, in south-west England. The step-by-step route description is divided into four county sections, accompanied by OS map extracts and packed with historical and geographical information about the places along the way. Also includes a route to the source of the river via Plynlimon and a link route from Severn Beach back to Bristol at the end. The River Severn pulls together threads of history, trade, commerce, civil war and the lives of ordinary folk to produce a tapestry that is finely woven and rich in colour. That walkers should want to trace its course, its many twists and turns, is hardly surprising, not least because of its capacity to offer countless challenges and plentiful delights. Walking the Severn Way is a chance to get away from it all and relax without having to resort to distant mountain regions.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Multifaith Spaces: History, Development, Design and Practice
Multifaith spaces reflect the diversity of the modern world and enable a connection between individuals from different religious backgrounds. These spaces also highlight the complex and sensitive areas of political and social debates regarding the emergence of densely urbanised populations. They hold the potential to encourage connection and dialogue between members of different communities, promoting empathy, community and shared activity for the betterment of society. This book explores the history, development, design and practicalities of multifaith spaces from the early shared religious buildings that had to cater for two or more faiths, to the shared multifaith spaces of modern secular locations such as universities, airports and hospitals. Terry Biddington looks at the architectural, theological, social, legal and practical complexities that arise from the development and use of such spaces. The book also draws together research to enable further development of multifaith spaces.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC SOE: Churchill’s Secret Agents
The Special Operations Executive (SOE) was one of the most innovative British creations of the Second World War. Its mission was to export resistance, subversion and sabotage to occupied Europe and beyond, disrupting the German war effort and building a Secret Army which would work in the shadows to help defeat the Nazis. Potential agents were put through intensive paramilitary and parachute training, then taught how to live clandestinely behind enemy lines, to operate radios and write in secret codes. They lived in constant fear of arrest, and of betrayal by treacherous collaborators. This book uses rare images from the collections of The National Archives and the Imperial War Museum to illustrate the lives of the men and women who made up the SOE, their rigorous training, the clever gadgets they used and their lives behind enemy lines.
Canongate Books Gilliamesque: A Pre-posthumous Memoir
GILLIAMESQUE LIMITED EDITION£250To celebrate Terry Gilliam's 75th birthday, Canongate are releasing an exceptional limited edition of Gilliamesque. As well as a signed copy of Gilliam's 'pre-posthumous' memoir, this limited edition features an exclusive signed and numbered print, 'Book Worms', by Terry Gilliam, created exclusively for this volume. The book and print are cased in a beautiful cloth-bound collector's box. Only 75 copies are available.More on GILLIAMESQUE, the book:Telling his story for the first time, the director of Time Bandits, Brazil, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, The Fisher King, 12 Monkeys and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - not to mention co-founder of Monty Python's Flying Circus - recalls his life so far. Packed with never-before-seen artwork, photographs and commentary, Gilliamesque blends the visual and the verbal with scabrous wit and fascinating insights.This book is an unrestrained look into a unique creative mind and an incomparable portrait of late twentieth-century popular culture.
Blinky Publishing Master the Ukulele 2 Uke Like the Pros
Turner Publishing Company The Devil Hath a Pleasing Shape
Atria Books The Year of the Locust: A Thriller
PM Press The Left Left Behind
Taylor & Francis Inc Gonorynchiformes and Ostariophysan Relationships: A Comprehensive Review (Series on: Teleostean Fish Biology)
An understanding of gonorynchiform morphology and systematic inter- and intra-relationships has proven vital to a better understanding of the evolution of lower teleosts in general, and more specifically of groups such as the clupeiforms (e.g., herrings and anchovies), and ostariophysans (e.g., carps, minnows and catfishes). This book examines the current knowledge of gonorynchiform biology, including comparative osteology, myology, epibranchial morphology and development. Phylogenetic interrelationships among gonorynchiform fishes are reexamined.
Pan Macmillan Terry Denton's Really Truly Amazing Guide to Everything
In this funny, brilliant, entertaining book - highly illustrated with cartoons and diagrams - Terry Denton talks you through all you need to know about Earth, Life, the Universe and EVERYTHING (almost).Perfect for anyone from the ages of 8 to 80 (and beyond), this is a funny, fascinating whistle-stop tour of the history and science of the universe, life on Earth, the ins and outs of biology, geography, geology and the weather, how life evolved and how it works, and how people use the forces of nature around us to create amazing things. There’s even a chapter on time! Get ready to laugh and be amazed at the world around you and within you.
Pan Macmillan Rabbits
'Murakami meets Ready Player One' – Nicholas Eames, author of Kings of the Wyld'A twisted trip through a cool digital wilderness of a mystery. This book sticks to your brain' – Norman Reedus, star of The Walking DeadWhat happens in the game, stays in the game . . . Rabbits is a secret, dangerous and sometimes fatal underground game. The rewards for winning are unclear, but there are rumours of money, CIA recruitment or even immortality. Or it might unlock the universe’s greatest secrets. But everyone knows that the deeper you get, the more deadly the game becomes – and the body count is rising. Since the game first started, ten iterations have taken place . . . and the eleventh round is about to begin.K can’t get enough of the game and has been trying to find a way in for years. Then Alan Scarpio, reclusive billionaire and alleged Rabbits winner, shows up out of nowhere. And he charges K with a desperate mission. Something has gone badly wrong with the game and K needs to fix it – before Eleven starts – or the world will pay the price.Five days later, Scarpio is declared missing.Two weeks after that Eleven begins, so K blows the deadline.And suddenly, the fate of the entire universe is at stake.Rabbits by Terry Miles is an electrifying, compulsive read based on the hit podcast from the Public Radio Alliance – perfect for fans of Stranger Things and Black Mirror.
New York University Press God on the Big Screen: A History of Hollywood Prayer from the Silent Era to Today
Links film history with church history over the past century, illuminating America’s broader relationship with religious currents over time Moments of prayer have been represented in Hollywood movies since the silent era, appearing unexpectedly in films as diverse as Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, Frankenstein, Amistad, Easy Rider, Talladega Nights, and Alien 3, as well as in religiously inspired classics such as Ben-Hur and The Ten Commandments. Here, Terry Lindvall examines how films have reflected, and sometimes sought to prescribe, ideas about how one ought to pray. He surveys the landscape of those films that employ prayer in their narratives, beginning with the silent era and moving through the uplifting and inspirational movies of the Great Depression and World War II, the cynical, anti-establishment films of the 60s and 70s, and the sci-fi and fantasy blockbusters of today. Lindvall considers how the presentation of cinematic prayer varies across race, age, and gender, and places the use of prayer in film in historical context, shedding light on the religious currents at play during those time periods. God on the Big Screen demonstrates that the way prayer is presented in film during each historical period tells us a great deal about America’s broader relationship with religion.