Search results for ""Author Barbara"
Verlag Barbara Budrich The Future of Childhood Studies
Seit den 1990er Jahren ist das aufstrebende Feld der Kinderforschung ein Katalysator für empirische Forschung, für Politikanalyse und für die Entwicklung der beruflichen Praxis. Welche Konzepte und Theorien sind bei der Analyse von Phänomenen, die für das Leben von Kindern relevant sind, am hilfreichsten? Das Buch reflektiert diese Debatte und diskutiert aktuelle Herausforderungen der wichtigsten Disziplinen innerhalb der Soziologie der Kindheit.
Verlag Barbara Budrich How Sentiment Matters in International Relations: China and the South China Sea Dispute
Der Aufstieg der Volksrepublik China stellt die internationale Politik und Diplomatie vor immense Herausforderungen. Gleichzeitig nehmen die Spannungen zwischen den USA und der Volksrepublik unaufhörlich zu. Beide Staaten steuern unmittelbar auf einen Konflikt zu, den keine Seite intendiert und dessen allumfassende Konsequenzen noch kaum absehbar sind. Ein besonderer Schauplatz dieser wachsenden Auseinandersetzung ist die Region Südostasien, in der sowohl die USA, im Verbund mit einigen Anrainerstaaten, als auch die Volksrepublik China miteinander in einem harten Wettbewerb um die regionale Vorherrschaft stehen. Dieses Buch zeigt anhand der territorialen und maritimen Konflikte in der Südchinesischen See auf, dass Chinas zunehmend proaktive und rücksichtslosere Position gegenüber diesen Konflikten und den Konfliktparteien auch eine Folge der zunehmenden Wahrnehmung von Respektlosigkeit und dem damit einhergehenden Wunsch Chinas, dies entsprechend zu korrigieren, ist und nicht allein eine strategische Entscheidung oder gar unvermeidliche Entwicklung darstellt. Auf diesen Ergebnissen aufbauend wird die Möglichkeit eines nachhaltigen Konfliktmanagements diskutiert und entsprechend eine Reihe konkreter Handlungsempfehlungen formuliert.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Family Dynamics after Separation: A Life Course Perspective on Post-Divorce Families
In many Western societies, there has been a tremendous increase in family diversity over the course of the past few decades, resulting in a considerable prevalence of non-traditional family forms. The increased instability of marital and non-marital unions entails new challenges for both parents and children. In this special issue, family studies scholars from different disciplines examine from a life course perspective how re-partnering processes work and how family relationships are rearranged in order to adapt to the altered needs and requirements of post-separation family life.
Verlag Barbara Budrich The Study of Ethnicity and Politics: Recent Analytical Developments
The book analyses the study of the growing field of ethnicity and politics from a number of different angles. These include the nature of the subject itself, different theoretical approaches, ways of addressing political issues the relationship gives rise to, the impact of major global challenges and a survey of output in the field. Comprehensive text book makes great course reading. Questions of identity, particularly ethnicity, play an increasingly important role in people’s lives. They are also of growing significance in both domestic and international politics. The increased attention to these issues has been matched by the mushrooming of scholarship in the field of ethnicity and politics. The chapters in this survey of recent analytical developments examine the contribution that this literature has made within the broad area of comparative politics within the discipline of political science. They are written by experts active in the international network of scholars that has been devoted to the study of this subject. The question of what we mean when we use ethnic terminology is rigorously interrogated. And the major theoretical approaches to the study of ethnicity and politics are critically examined. Ways of addressing ethnic diversity are debated under the wide headings of accommodation and integration. The issue of ethnicity in world politics is considered through an analysis of how watersheds of the last 25 years, including the end of the Cold War, 9/11 and the global economic downturn have impacted on the study of the subject. Also analysed is the output of publications in scholarly journals that has addressed this subject area. From the Contents: Ethnicity – What are we talking about? (Jean Touron) Ethnic and national mobilization (Eric Kaufmann/Daniele Conversi) The Politics of accomodation and integration in democratic States (Brendan O’Leary/John McGarry) Global Watersheds and the Study of ethno-politics (Adrian Guelke) Who is doing what, where and how in the study of ethnicity and politics (Britt Cartrite/Dan Miodownik)
Verlag Barbara Budrich Modernizing the United Nations System: Civil Society''s Role in Moving from International Relations to Global Governance
This book contends that civil society must mobilize its capacities to bring a new will to national and international politics and oblige governments to act. It starts by demonstrating the need for institutional change at the UN and then shows how, both in the past and the present, leading individuals and nongovernmental organizations, using their knowledge base and their organizational networks, have lead the fight for international organizations. After a summary of major UN reform proposals over the years, the book concludes by identifying leading global “reformers” and elaborating a detailed plan for a global reform movement to spearhead the modernization of the UN system.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Gender and Diversity Studies: European Perspectives
What concepts of `gender’ and `diversity’ emerge in the different regions and pertinent research and practical fields? On the back drop of current European developments – from the deregulation of economy, a shrinking welfare state to the dissolution and reinforcement of borders – the book examines the development of Gender and Diversity Studies in different European regions as well as beyond and focuses on central fields of theoretical reflection, empirical research and practical implementation policies and politics. Anti-discrimination policies of the EU contribute to an institutionalization of Gender and Diversity Studies and interact with legal, political, societal and economic factors which shape the academic and practical fields. Pressure towards the deregulation of economy, the reduction of welfare state institutions, increased requirements of mobility for individuals and, at the same time, stronger regulations of migration have an impact on research and theory development in the field of Gender and Diversity Studies. While certain rights and anti-discrimination policies are being strengthened within the EU, and while inner borders between member states dissolve and – recently at the same time partially also increase – external borders of Europe are simultaneously being enforced. The large flows of refugee migration towards and into Europe has put these questions on top of the agenda. Taking these processes as well as social and political changes in different European and border regions into account, the state of the art as well as future perspectives of Gender and Diversity Studies are debated from multiple European and border perspectives. What concepts of `gender’ and `diversity’ emerge in the different regions and fields of studies? The book examines the development of Gender and Diversity Studies in different European regions as well as beyond and focuses on central fields of theoretical reflection, empirical research and practical implementation policies and politics in the following fields: Anti-discrimination, law and policies Social movements and politics Work and organizations Higher education and the sciences Intersectionality
Verlag Barbara Budrich Migration and mobility in an enlarged europe: A gender perspective
The book investigates transnational migration and mobility of women from and within Central-Eastern European countries. It looks at women’s practices and experiences mostly in the service sector where they are in demand as substitutes in stereotypically „women’s work“. The book combines different perspectives: sociological and anthropological studies, comparative policy analysis and historical and statistical evidence and provides new insights into current theoretical debates in migration and gender studies.
Verlag Barbara Budrich The City: An Interdisciplinary Introduction to Urban Studies
In diesem Buch wird der aktuelle Stand der Stadtforschung in den relevanten Disziplinen verständlich dargestellt. Der Autor bietet Einblicke in die Sichtweisen der wichtigsten Disziplinen, die sich mit Stadt-Thematiken beschäftigen, wie Soziologie, Geographie, Raum- und Stadtplanung, Geschichte, Philosophie und Politikwissenschaft. Dabei berücksichtigt er auch die Sprachphilosophie und zeigt die unterschiedlichen Bedeutungen von stadtbezogenen Begriffen in einem Dutzend Wortsprachen auf. Ein Überblick über die zentralen Ansätze und Theorien sowie deren praktische Anwendung ermöglicht es den Lesern und Leserinnen, ein vertrautes Thema aus neuen Perspektiven zu betrachten.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Social Policy and Social Dimensions on Vulnerability and Resilience in Europe
There are two tendencies in present public discussions.Social problems have their causes in the individual, and are thus not a problem of socio-economic inequality. Consequently, we find an increasing policy in Europe of selfactivation and self-help as substitutes of social work. On the other hand, new types of social vulnerability and challenges for social work and social policy are detected which are discussed in the book in their European dimensions. Beginning in the last century in Europe, processes of social exclusion are discussed as common phenomena of the crisis in social welfare systems. They have their origins in the radical changes in paid employment, the weakening of family ties, and the increasing incapability of the welfare state to promote social inclusion. New types of ,social vulnerabilities’ are emerging - containing chances as well as risks. They are discussed in two ways. On the one hand the implementation of indicator-based management systems of social services is attempted, which implies a range of chances and risks in ethical and professional self-image. On the other hand there are self-help movements, social networks and other social types of resilience – which are often a complement or support to Social Work. Yet there is a policy to substitute Social Work by a strategy of self-activation. Both developments are signs of the present and indicators of the future of Social Work. They show the necessity of clarifying the social and political scopes and prospects of Social Work in societies at the crossroads of enhancing civility, human development and social security or overburden the vulnerable, who face new dimensions of psychological, ecological and economic distress. This book is an attempt to bring together several European discussions concerning Social Work and social politics.
Verlag Barbara Budrich New Approaches Towards the ‘Good Life’: Applications and Transformations of the Capability Approach
The Capability Approach founded by Armatya Sen and Martha Nussbaum offers a justicebased analytical framework for human development. The contributions to the present volume show how the Capability Approach can be applied productively in empirical analyses of the life situations of young people and the educationalinstitutions they attend in different parts of the world including Serbia, Kosovo, Kenya, India, Greece, and Germany. Moreover, the volume helps to extend the Capability Approach by relating it to different theoretical and methodological approaches such as the capability concept of Paul Ricoeur, critical materialism, critical discourse analysis, and biographical research. Thus, the volume delivers comprehensive insights into the social (in) justices to be found not only on the level of individual life paths but also in institutions and in educational policy while showing innovative ways of applying the Capability Approach in the social sciences.
Barbara Fiore Editora Los conejos
Los conejos llegaron hace muchas generaciones.Llegaron en barco. Los conejos se propagaron por el país.No había montaña, desierto o río que pudiera detenerlos.Quién nos salvará de los conejos?Una rica y encantadorahistoria para todas lasedades y culturas.
Barbara Fiore Editora La ola
En este sugerente libro sin palabras la aclamada artista Suzy Lee cuenta la historia de una niña en un día de playa. La impresionante simplicidad de las ilustraciones, en tan sólo dos tonos de acuarela, crean una vibrante e inolvidable historia llena de alegría y risas.Suzy Lee nació en Seoul, Korea, actualmente vive y trabaja en Singapore. Después de conseguir un Master of Arts in Books, en Londres, ha participado en numerosas exposiciones internacionales.
Barbara Fiore Editora Lneas
Un artista dibuja una línea con su lápiz, los patines de una niña siguen esta línea. De repente, estamos ante un estanque congelado. Página tras página, nos deslizamos siguiendo el movimiento que crea el baile de la niña sobre el hielo. Sin embargo, una caída inesperada, nos obliga a preguntarnos: qué es real y qué es fantasía en esta historia?La aclamada artista coreana vuelve tras Espejo, La ola y Sombras, con una original propuesta en la que las imágenes construyen una narración con varias capas de significados. Un tierno ejercicio visual que atrapará tanto a grandes como a pequeños.
Barbara Fiore Editora Un da ms contigo caminando por una tarde de primavera
A veces te echo de menos.Existe un cielo más allá de las nubes? Y nubes en el paraíso?Por fin, he cumplido lo que acordamos.En esta tarde de primavera, sé que tú estás.
Barbara Fiore Editora Verdad o mentira
?A los mentirosos la Luna les cortará la lengua! ?Verdad o mentira?Desde pequeños, nuestra vida transcurre entre historias que son verdad o mentira y nos sentimos desconcertados por toda clase de conjeturas, frágiles como pompas flotantes de jabón.Lo que en nuestra infancia creemos que es verdad, luego, al hacernos mayores, nos parece mentira.Lo que, en nuestra juventud, presumimos que es una gran tomadura de pelo, con los años vemos que es la dura realidad.A la gente suele resultarle imposible distinguir las pompas que revolotean en el aire. Lo único que se puede hacer de vez en cuando es gritar:Verdad o mentira?.
Barbara Fiore Editora El oso que no estaba
El oso que no estaba es el viaje de un oso que sale a la búsqueda de sí mismo y de su verdadera identidad.Un paseo a través del bonito bosque con preguntas aparentemente simples: soy el primero?, o el último?, eres yo? Pensamientos positivos soy un oso muy amable y encuentros reveladores con la Vaca Valerosa, la Lagartija Lánguida, el Pingüino Pintoresco y la Tortuga Taxi, que ayudarán al oso a encontrar las respuestas que buscabas, y en la búsqueda será capaz de conocerse a sí mismos.Una historia, ilustrada por Wolf Erlbruch, imaginativa, filosófica, irónica e inteligente, con un guiño al oso bonachón de Winnie de Pooh y al viaje fantástico de Alicia en el país de las maravillas.
Barbara Fiore Editora No hace mucho tiempo
Las ilustraciones de este álbum datan aproximadamente de entre los años 2000 y 2002 y fueron publicadas en el suplemento literario de un periódico. La técnica empleada en la mayoría es la acuarela con rotulador fino.A partir del 2002, en respuesta a los cambios que experimentó la prensa escrita, la mayoría de periódicos empezaron a publicar a todo color, con lo que ya no he vuelto a tener motivo para dibujar en blanco y negro. Así estas obras han quedado atrapadas en el ámbar de una época cuyo recuerdo y sabor preservan.Al revisar estas ilustraciones, es como si pudiera recuperar la tranquilidad de los buenos y viejos tiempos, aunque fuera una época de actividad frenética, porque en la creación sólo se ha filtrado lo bueno. He olvidado algunas cosas y hay gente que ya no está, pero por suerte estos dibujos han permanecido guardado en el cajón.En estos tiempos, Internet ha revolucionado por completo nuestras vidas y costumbres que parece como si antes fuéramos criaturas muy
Verlag Barbara Budrich Social Consequences of Labour Market Marginalisation in Germany: Analysing the Impact of Social Identities and Values
Das Buch untersucht die sozialen Folgen von Arbeitsmarktmarginaliserung für nahe soziale Beziehungen und gesellschaftliche Partizipation in Deutschland. Dabei zeigen Mehrebenenmodelle und Längsschnittanalysen, die individuelle, haushaltsbezogene und regionale sozio-ökonomische Faktoren analysieren, dass finanzielle Schwierigkeiten nur marginal soziale Exklusion erklären können. Vielmehr sind soziale Rollen, Normen und Identität ausschlaggebend für eine Arbeitsmarktmarginalisierung.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Principles of Distributive Justice
There is constant debate around the questions of what constitutes the "just" distribution of goods and how we can assess existing distribution patterns. Some commentators mistakenly believe that there can be one simple, all-encompassing governing principle that automatically yields the "fairest" results. In this book Grzegorz Lissowski argues that three types of principles need to be distinguished according to three requirements of justice: equality, impartiality, and unanimity.
Barbara Fiore Editora Maarn
Mi querido gatito, es el paradigma de la obra de Jimmy Liao. Un libro empático y conmovedor en el que los gatos tienen un papel esencial; transmite su profundo afecto por estos animales mientras describe la soledad y el desconcierto de la vida urbana con su agudeza habitual.A través de la protagonista, el autor dibuja con palabras los sentimientos de melancolía, ansiedad, aflicción y frustración con su estilo poético.En cada ilustración, se esconde la historia de un minino.Sin haberme recuperado aún del sueñode la noche pasada, me viene a lamente otro sueño esta noche y soyincapaz de distinguir entre la realidady la fantasía.El domingo por la mañana, alguiencanta y me despierta, pero vuelvo adormirme al rato.Su canción me llega a través del techoblanco, del rosal marchito, del aguaque gotea del aire acondicionado,del suspiro del despertador.Su canción me llega de lo másprofundo del bosque, de la playaenvuelta en la niebla.
Barbara Fiore Editora La pajarera de oro
La pajarera de oro es una historia misteriosa de sombras y luces.Valentina es la hija del imperador, que tiene a su lado solo sirvientes asustados de sus imposibles deseos. Cada deseo se convierte en orden, porque Valentina es una niña prepotente y terrible, una princesa de odio y sangre.A causa de su amarga soledad, la princesa colecciona objetos, pero sobre todo: pájaros. Cientos de maravillosos y exuberantes pájaros enjaulados, que se convierten en su lujoso capricho, exóticos ejemplares alados, símbolos de su soledad. Animales tan exóticos que solo viven en la imaginación de Valentina.Los sirvientes viajan por remotos y desolados lugares para encontrar los pájaros más esplendidos y para contentar los deseos de Valentina. Durante los intrépidos viajes algunos pierden la vida otros al volver son decapitados. Hasta que un sirviente, con inteligencia y astucia, le regala algo inesperado: el huevo de un pájaro que habla. La felicidad y la esperanza iluminan la vida de Valentina
Verlag Barbara Budrich Education, Work, and Family Events in Women’s Lives: Long-Term Developments and Recent Trends in East and West Germany
This book investigates how educational expansion, the trend towards the service society and the German unification affect East and West German women’s life courses and family lives. It focuses on educational enrolment, educational attainment level, labour force participation, career resources, social origin, the educational match among partners as well as historical periods and examines their consequences on women’s entry into first motherhood as well as partnership formation and dissolution processes. Using longitudinal data from the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), multivariate methods such as event history analysis were applied. The findings suggest that women’s entry into motherhood during full-time education is highly dependent on women’s age, social origin and the policy measures in a country. Furthermore, women’s education has mainly an effect on the time structure of entry into first motherhood over the life course of differently qualified women but not on their final decision to enter into motherhood. This book also looks into women’s partnership formation and dissolution processes. East and West German women do only differ slightly with regard to these transitions. Based on a new theoretical model on educational assortative mating and divorce, this book is able to show that there are not only benefits from division of work but also benefits from communication within married couples. Women’s upward marriages are the most stable ones, with homogamous marriages ranking second, followed by married down marriages being the least stable ones.
Verlag Barbara Budrich (Why) Do Neighbours Cooperate?: Institutionalised Coalitions and Bargaining Power in EU Council Negotiations
Negotiations in the European Union Council of Ministers are not only taking place within formal decision-making structures. Member states strive to find allies and coordinate their positions prior to formal negotiation meetings. They either create ad hoc coalitions to pool voting power or cooperate within more durable, institutionalised coalitions that traditionally form due to geographical proximity or among like-minded member states as task-specific coalitions on particular issues. Institutionalised coalitions bestow their members with a bargaining advantage even if they cannot generate enough voting weight to reach voting thresholds.
Verlag Barbara Budrich The Regional Security Puzzle Around Afghanistan: Bordering Practices in Central Asia and Beyond
Western military presence wanes in Afghanistan and a transformed security environment challenges borders and stability in Central Asia. This book examines how the tensions relating to the reorganization of external military presence interact with regional states' ambitions and challenge the borders already contested by numerous dividing lines. It studies a complex political landscape across which radical Islam connected with international terrorism is feared to spread as the international mission initiated in the wake of the 9/11 attacks winds down.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Civil Strife against Local Governance: Dynamics of community protests in contemporary South Africa
Hardly a day goes by without South Africans going on a rampage over the provision of basic municipal services such as water, electricity, sanitation and other municipal obligations. This book connects the critical issue of community protests to the equally precarious issue of political trust in local governance in South Africa by using comparative analysis of grassroots activism in predominantly black communities and predominantly white communities.
Verlag Barbara Budrich How to Be a Superpower: The Public Intellectual Debate on the Global Role of the United States after September 11
How to Be a Superpower focuses on the role and self-perception of public intellectuals in 21st-century America. Drawing on a series of interviews conducted with the most prominent ‘professional thinkers’ in the field of foreign policy since 9/11, from Noam Chomsky via Francis Fukuyama to Michael Walzer. With his fascinating interviews, Tobias Endler illustrates how intellectuals inspire, influence, and participate in the nation’s current public discourse and opinion-shaping process. This unique and insightful book explores the role and self-perception of 21st-century American intellectuals. Challenging the idea that intellectuals are becoming increasingly irrelevant, this book argues that they have managed to stake out a significant role in present society. Accelerated and intensified by the events of September 11, renowned experts in the field of foreign policy such as Zbigniew Brzezinski, Noam Chomsky, Francis Fukuyama, Anne-Marie Slaughter, and Michael Walzer have engaged in a vibrant public political debate on the global status of the United States – and very successfully so.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Competencies: How they are acquired and measured
A comprehensive guide to competences Competence has become a key concept in political and scientific discussions. It is used as a headword in publications, at conferences and congresses: it dominates strategy papers and practical concepts; it is the standard bearer and point of crystallization for sometimes bitterly fought differences of opinion. The text explains the term “competence” and reflects the current international discussion. From the Contents: Development guidelines and approaches regarding education policy The competence concept and its difference from similar concepts Building blocks of competence Types of competences Genesis of competence Recording competence and measuring competence Fields of application Instruments for recording and harmonising competences and qualifications for comparison purposes
Verlag Barbara Budrich “Frozen conflicts” in Europe
Oft forgotten but simmering “frozen conflicts” continuously mark the political map of Europe. All located in South Eastern Europe, the Black Sea area and Transcaucasia, these conflicts run along ethnic, national, cultural and linguistic lines, separating communities. This insightful book offers a rare critical analyses of the cases of Northern Cyprus, Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Kosovo, and Crimea.
Verlag Barbara Budrich International Relations: A Self-Study Guide to Theory
The book is written for active learners – those keen on cutting their own path through the complex and at times hardly comprehensible world of THEORY in International Relations. To aid this process as much as possible, this book employs the didactical and methodical concept of integrating teaching and self-study. The criteria for structured learning about IR theory will be derived from an extensive discussion of the questions and problems of philosophy of science (Part 1). Theory of IR refers to the scientific study of IR and covers all of the following subtopics: the role and status of theory in the academic discipline of IR; the understanding of IR as a science and what a ""scientific"" theory is; the different assumptions upon which theory building in IR is based; the different types of theoretical constructions and models of explanations found at the heart of particular theories; and the different approaches taken on how theory and the practice of international relations are linked to each other. The criteria for the structured learning process will be applied in Part 2 of the book during the presentation of five selected theories of International Relations. The concept is based on ""learning through example"" – that is, the five theories have been chosen because, when applying the criteria developed in Part 1 of the book, each single theory serves as an example for something deeply important to learn about THEORY of IR more generally.
Barbara Fiore Editora Allí Hier
El primer libro de Carmen José es una obra de arte, la historia de una de tantas emigrantes españolas que decidieron ?trasplantarse? a otro país en busca de algo mejor. En el caso de Carmen: un lugar donde poder desarrollar su trabajo artístico. Pero, qué hacer con todo lo bueno que se queda en casa? Cómo reconciliar dos lenguas, dos identidades, dos vidas? Es posible llevarlo todo consigo?De esta reconciliación, o no-reconciliación, trata ALLÍ : HIER. Del crecimiento, el cambio y la búsqueda de otros climas distintos, del crecimiento y el cambio, también, al llegar a casa (o es que lo que queda en casa ya es sólo pasado?). La emigración no es un viaje de ida y vuelta, aunque se vuelva: sólo de ida. Qué es dentro y qué es fuera? Cómo saber qué casa es la casa? Traducir la casa, amueblar la casa, llevar la casa, habitar la casa. Ser casa.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Handbook of Direct Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union the political history of Central and Eastern Europe has been mainly the story of arise, consolidation, transformation and struggles of new democratic regimes and societies. The handbook offers an instructive approach to that history focusing on the relevance of practices and institutions of direct democracy. It collects 20 political analyses of direct democracy in 20 Central and Eastern European countries after 1989.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Revisiting Regionalism and the Contemporary World Order: Perspectives from the BRICS and beyond
The book explores different questions, for example the status and role of BRICS in the changing international order; how countries in the Global South can use regionalism to change the world order; the competing worldviews that manifest themselves in the institutional variety of regionalism; and, most importantly, how all these changes push International Relations as a field to become more global, or at least to go beyond Westphalian thinking – thus bringing the role of multilateralism back to the discussion. The book critically analyzes the ongoing changes in the regional, intra-regional, and global dynamics of cooperation, from a multi-disciplinary and pluralist perspective. It is based on the insight that in a post-hegemonic world the formation of regions and the process of globalization can be largely disconnected from the orbit of the US, and that a plurality of power and worldviews has replaced US hegemony. In spite of these changes, most existing analyses of current changes in the world order still rely upon Western-centered approaches, and Westphalian thinking. Against this backdrop, the book proposes to advance a truly global IR understanding of the post-hegemonic world, and weaves together the pluralist and multi-disciplinary perspectives of scholars located all around the world.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Family Diversity: Collection of the 3rd European Congress of Family Science
Family in all its aspects Familienbande International experts provide an overview of the current state-of-the-art of European family research and outline the multiple formations, structures and configurations of family in Europe. Four aspects are discussed in depth: family images, sex/gender roles, globalisation and family development processes. Influenced by globalisation, European countries experience processes which still have greatly varying consequences. Cultural differences, reflected in a range of family schemes and national family policies, are one reason for the continued existence of differences in the scope and speed of change processes. Quite generally, images and concepts of family have become more heterogeneous and flexible. The flip side of this coin is that family members are increasingly faced with the challenges of achieving a satisfactory work-life balance – a task aggravated by globalisation. We therefore need to ask how family policy can help families enjoy adequate freedom of action and latitude for their decision-making. To summarise: a read well worth the effort for all experts working in family research and family policy.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Political Sociology – The State of the Art
The World of Political Science - New volumes The book traces the disciplinary development of political sociology and the transdisciplinary research into the overlapping issues involving politics and society. The contributions cover overviews of the history, methodological and theoretical development of this academic discipline. Successes as well as failures in past, unexplored areas and salient issues in ongoing research are also highlighted. From the Contents: Subrata K. Mitra and Malte Pehl, Taking Stock of Political Sociology Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Political Culture at a Crossroads? Kay Lawson and Mildred Schwartz, Parties, Interest Groups and Social Movements: Shall Change be Mid - wife to Truth? Eva Etzioni-Halevy, Socio-Political Inequalities: Elites, Classes and Democracy Prakash Sarangi, Contemporary Approaches to the Study of the State Jan van Deth, Political Sociology: Old Concerns and New Directions
Verlag Barbara Budrich European Competence Standards for the Academic Training of Career Practitioners: NICE Handbook Volume 2
The citizens of Europe are facing increasingly complex challenges to their career development nowadays. Over the span of their lifetime, they need to manage their careers, and make numerous decisions concerning education, training and employment – decisions, which seriously impact their futures and their wellbeing. To prepare citizens for these challenges, and to support them in the progress, competent career practitioners are needed. But what kinds of career practitioners are we talking about? And what do they need to be able to do? How can the quality of their training be assured? This handbook introduces common European competence standards for the academic training of career practitioners in Europe, together with some proposals and examples, of how to implement and establish such competence standards in practice. More than 200 experts from all across Europe have contributed to the development of these shared standards of the Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe (NICE). The standards are already being used in many countries for the development of degree programmes.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Crossing and Controlling Borders: Immigration Policies and their Impact on Migrants'' Journeys
This volume highlights the impact of border controls on migrants’ journeys in two major areas of immigration: the European Union and the United States of America. In order to show the linkages between border control policies and migratory practices, the book combines empirical insights from ethnography with approaches from political science. Describing migrants’ realities reveals that the impact of border control policies goes beyond the actual border area affecting many lives and states.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Strategies for Peace: Contributions of International Organizations, States, and Non-State Actors
How can sustainable peace be achieved? The book identifies potential supranational, state and non-state actors involved in peacebuilding processes. Further - more, it develops strategies to address the problems and dilemmas of international peacebuilding. An important contribution to a highly topical debate. Hopes for a less conflict-prone world after the end of the Cold War were bitterly disappointed. Instead, the international community is faced with protracted wars and violent conflicts today. In addition, social, economic and cultural insecurities as well as fragile statehood challenge the post-Westphalian environment. As a result, scholars and policy-makers alike are trying to develop viable strategies for sustainable peace. The book contributes to this debate, as it illustrates current research results on the topic and addresses the complex problems and dilemmas that various international peace - building actors are confronted with.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Flight and Migration from Africa to Europe: Contributions of Psychology and Social Work
This publication collects contributions to understanding and addressing migration flows from Africa to Europe and supporting social coexistence in the destination countries. Written by experts in psychology and social work, the articles approach the topic of immigration based on empirical research in their academic and professional specialties. The book focuses on issues of intervention, letting the research be the starting point for further plans. This focus makes the book valuable for professionals as well as policy makers.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Extended Education – an International Perspective: Proceedings of the International Conference on Extracurricular and Out-of-School Time Educational Research
Non scholae, sed vitae… ? Institutions for and processes of out-of-school education are of growing importance in modern societies. This is the case not only with a view to the scale of the (public or private) range of education but also with a view to the need, i.e., from families that are ambitious with a view to education and training. The contributions deal with the importance, the impact, as well as the future of out-ofschool education—processes as well as institutions— from eight different European countries.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Art as a Political Witness
The book explores the concept of artistic witnessing as political activity. In what ways may art and artists bear witness to political events? The contributors engage with dance, film, photography, performance, poetry, and theater and explore artistic witnessing as political activity in a wide variety of case studies.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Youth Policy in a Changing World: From Theory to Practice
Why do we need evidence based youth policies? International in scope, this book presents a systematic and interdisciplinary reflection on what has been termed the “magic triangle”, i.e., the relationship between youth policies, youth research and practical youth work, based on the necessity of organising knowledge exchange between different actors in the youth field. On this basis, researchers from across the globe analyse and discuss youth policy development, the theories that underlie youth policy, as well as the models and impact of youth policy in different societies. They respond by: - Analysing the impact of economic, social and cultural change on young people in different world regions, locations and social contexts; - Presenting and explaining theories of youth; - Discussing strategies for the development and implementation of youth policies in different world regions; - Evaluating the impact of current youth policies at regional, national and international levels; - Analysing and discussing applied models of cross sectional policy and practice in the youth sector; - Discussing contributions of youth research to the development of evidence based youth policies in areas such as values, employment, participation, citizenship, migration, social exclusion and vulnerability.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Democracy under scrutiny: Elites, citizens, cultures
Values – elites and ordinary people This book reveals the diverse worlds of history, civic culture and values of South Africa, South Korea, Chile, Poland, Turkey, Germany and Sweden. It explores the similarities and contrasts between the values of the elites and the ordinary people. Written from various disciplinary perspectives and offering both empirical evidence and insiders’ knowledge, this book is bound to interest a wide variety of readers. The study on which the book reports was in the main based on analyses of value orientations of the parliamentary and media elites and those of the ordinary citizens. The data for the elites were obtained from surveys conducted for the purposes of the study; the data for the general population were drawn from the latest World Values Surveys. The volume is divided into two parts. The first part, entitled Theory and history, considers the quality of democracy in the context of the historical and cultural heritage of the seven countries, their civic culture and notions of citizenship, and their constitutions as foundations of the democratic political order. The second part of the book, entitled Theory and empiricism, assesses the quality of democracy by means of comparative analyses of the convergence and divergence in value orientations of the elites and the masses, both within each case and across all the seven cases.
Verlag Barbara Budrich The Governance of Small States in Turbulent Times: The Exemplary Cases of Norway and Slovakia
What is special about small states? How do they adapt their policies and patterns of governance to meet turbulent times such as a new security environment and the international financial crisis? Answers to these and further questions are provided by experts. What are the constraints on and opportunities of governance of small states in an interdependent and increasingly turbulent global setting? How do small states deal with radical changes in the international environment? What is the role of political institutions in facilitating and constraining policy responses to a rapidly changing international environment? How can political leadership contribute to stability in times of change? This book seeks to answer these questions by taking a comparative perspective on the processes of change and adaptation in the governance of Norway and Slovakia. These two small European states with highly open economies have been exposed to the same set of global turbulences related to post Cold War changes in the security environment and the global financial crisis; they are also facing internal challenges that spring from rapidly rising expectations while demographic shifts put pressure on their welfare systems. Their governance structures and processes are informed by their different political-administrative cultures, different history and levels of stability of democratic governance structures and, indeed, by their different modes of attachment to the European Union and other regional integration frameworks. These differences and a comparative approach in exploring the questions raised above can shed light not only on the specific forms of adaptation of governance structures in two small European states, but also generate insights into the role of integration structures in facilitating and constraining change.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Mobile Living Across Europe II: Causes and Consequences of Job-Related Spatial Mobility in Cross-National Comparison
Job-related spatial mobility is a subject of great importance in Europe. But how mobile are the Europeans? What are the consequences of professional mobility for quality of life, family life and social relationships? For the first time these questions are analysed on the basis of the data of a large-scale European survey. This vo l - ume analyses the causes and determinants of job mobility and their individual and societal consequences in cross-national comparison.
Barbara Fiore Editora Esconderse en un rincón del mundo
Encuadernación: RústicaVale, vale!No volveré a decir que no me gusta esta familia!Tampoco diré que os odio! Es sólo que a veces me gustaría que me dejarais tranquilo un rato!Aquí todo está bien!Todo menos yo, quizás! Vale, es mi problema.Vale, de todos modos, los mayores nunca os equivocáis. Lo que pasa es que los pequeños somos unos desobedientes.Vosotros no sois los únicos que tenéis preocupaciones, yo también las tengo! Lo que pasa es que no os las cuento, y punto.Por favor, no estéis tan preocupados!, de acuerdo?Ya soy mayor, puedo cuidar de mí mismo. No voy a abandonaros, pero también tengo cosas que hacer!Tampoco soy un bicho raro, hay mucha gente así.Bueno, todos queremos escondernos en un rincón del mundo! De todos modos, diga lo que diga, no me creeréis! Chis!En mi corazón vive una niña que siempre que tiene la sensación de que el mundo no funciona, se esconde en su rincón. En el rincón hay canciones que esperan a que ella las cant
Barbara Fiore Editora El oso con la espada
Barbara Fiore Editora Emigrantes
Emigrantes es un emblematico y extraordinario clásico moderno.
Barbara Fiore Editora Las reglas del verano
La ciudad en verano es el campo de juego perfecto para dos niños pequeños con todo el tiempo del mundo en sus manos.El lector está invitado a formar parte de un mundo que no le pertenece, que es del todo de los niños, un mundo donde las reglas están creadas por y para ellos, reglas que a ojos de un adulto podrían parecer absurdas o ridículas, pero cuyo incumplimiento podría abrir las puertas a los más oscuros seres misteriosos y a los mayores terrores imaginables.A lo largo de las páginas, se va presentando cuál es el resultado de no cumplir reglas tan sencillas como no dejar un calcetín rojo en el tendedero o no pisar caracoles.La magia de las ilustraciones de Shaun Tan provoca una mezcla de desconcierto e identificación por parte del lector, quien, poco a poco, va dejando a un lado su forma de construir el mundo para pasar a verlo como estos dos niños solitarios que juegan en un escenario surrealista sin mayor preocupación que la de cumplir sus propias normas. Juego y vid