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Editorial el Pirata El dragón que no tenía fuego
SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Habí a una vez un pequeñ o dragó n que se llamaba Pascual y que estaba triste porque no tení a fuego. Hasta que un dí a se hizo amigo de unos niñ os de Olot y tuvo una idea: allí habí a volcanes, y los volcanes tienen fuego. Quizá podrí a bajar a buscarlo… El dragó n que no tení a fuego es el cuarto cuento de la colecció n Aprender a leer en letra MAYÚ SCULA e imprenta, en españ ol, que está ordenada en funció n de la dificultad lectora, siendo el nÚ mero 1 el má s sencillo y el nÚ mero 9 el má s complejo.El texto es rimado y está escrito en ambos tipos de letra para facilitar el salto de una a la otra. En cada pá gina se encuentra el mismo texto dos veces: arriba en letra de imprenta y abajo en letra de PALO (mayÚ sculas). Permite trabajar la lectura en letra mayÚ scula y el cambio hacia la letra de imprenta. Al final del libro encontrará s un mensaje para reflexionar.Tí tulos de la colecció n: 1) Daniel, el bombero2) Valiente3) Pequeñ o, el granito de arena travieso4) El dragó n que no tení a fuego5) Simba, el leó n6) El tesoro de pirata7) El hombre que tení a tres pelos8) El coche amarillo9) Trompa largaLa colecció n está pensada para aprender a leer y se ordena en funció n de la dificultad lectora. LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAñ OL.SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Once upon a time there was a little dragon named Pascual who was sad because he couldn’ t breathe fire. Until one day he became friends with some children from the city of Olot and he had an idea: there were volcanoes there, and volcanoes have fire. Maybe he could go down and look for it... El dragó n que no tení a fuego is the fourth story from the Learn to Read collection in UPPERCASE and lowercase letters, in Spanish, which is arranged according to reading difficulty, number 1 being the easiest and number 9 the most challenging.Each page contains the same text twice: above in lowercase letters and below in CAPITAL LETTERS (uppercase). It teaches capital letters and makes the change towards lowercase easier. At the end of the book, you can find a message to think about.Titles in the collection: 1) Daniel, el bombero2) Valiente3) Pequeñ o, el granito de arena travieso4) El dragó n que no tení a fuego5) Simba, el leó n6) El tesoro de pirata7) El hombre que tení a tres pelos8) El coche amarillo9) Trompa largaThe collection is designed to learn to read and is arranged according to reading difficulty.ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Manga
Manga is a visual form of narrative storytelling. Its roots are international, but the form as we know it today developed in Japan between the late 19th and early 20th centuries and has recently achieved global reach. Originally confined to comics, prints and graphic novels, manga has expanded to influence animation, fashion, gaming, street art and new media. It is a multi-billion pound industry, popular with people of all ages in Japan and increasingly all over the world, encompassing hundreds of genres, from sports, love, horror and ageing to global threats and sexual identity. There is a manga for everyone. For manga fans, this book celebrates the excitement of manga’s cross-cultural appeal and its long history of breaking barriers. For those new to manga, it offers the chance to become literate in what is fast becoming a universal visual grammar of our globalized age. Arranged into six thematic chapters, with essays by leading scholars, this volume showcases the work of Japan’s most influential manga-ka (manga creators) past and present, with printed manga extracts, original drawings, manga magazines, theatre, film, digital technologies and exclusive interviews with artists, editors and publishers. The first chapter focuses on understanding how manga is read, drawn and produced. The second explores its power of storytelling, and presentation of reality; the third, the power of manga to depict many different worlds, both seen and unseen. The fourth shifts the attention from the art form to its role in society, including fan groups, grassroots manga, Comiket events and the importance of cosplay. The penultimate chapter discusses the roots of modern manga in the work of 19th-century artists such as Hokusai and Kyosai, while the final chapter examines manga’s expansion into the avant-garde, its crossover into other media and its growing international reach and influence. Published in conjunction with a landmark, cutting-edge exhibition at the British Museum, this is manga as Western audiences have never before seen it: diverse yet universally familiar, traditional yet intensely modern, rooted in the 2D printed page but effortlessly leaping out of it.
Penguin Books Ltd A House in the Sky: A Memoir of a Kidnapping That Changed Everything
A House in the Sky is the dramatic and redemptive memoir of Amanda Lindhout, a woman whose curiosity led her to the world's most beautiful and remote places, its most imperiled and perilous countries, and then into fifteen months of harrowing captivity-an exquisitely written story of courage, resilience, and grace.As a child, Amanda Lindhout escaped a violent household by paging through issues of National Geographic and imagining herself in its exotic locales. At the age of nineteen, working as a cocktail waitress, she began saving her tips so she could travel the globe. Aspiring to understand the world and live a significant life, she backpacked through Latin America, Laos, Bangladesh, and India, and emboldened by each adventure, went on to Sudan, Syria, and Pakistan. In war-ridden Afghanistan and Iraq she carved out a fledgling career as a television reporter. And then, in August 2008, she traveled to Somalia-"the most dangerous place on earth." On her fourth day, she was abducted by a group of masked men along a dusty road.Held hostage for 460 days, Amanda converts to Islam as a survival tactic, receives "wife lessons" from one of her captors, and risks a daring escape. Moved between a series of abandoned houses in the desert, she survives on memory-every lush detail of the world she experienced in her life before captivity-and on strategy, fortitude, and hope. When she is most desperate, she visits a house in the sky, high above the woman kept in chains, in the dark, being tortured.Vivid and suspenseful, as artfully written as the finest novel, A House in the Sky is the searingly intimate story of an intrepid young woman and her search for compassion in the face of unimaginable adversity. For fans of the award-winning blockbuster Captain Phillips and readers of Kate McCann's Madeleine, Natasha Kampusch's 3,096 Days and Greg Mortenson's Three Cups of Tea.Amanda Lindhout is the founder of the Global Enrichment Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports development, aid and education initiatives in Somalia and Kenya. For more information, visit and globalenrichmentfoundation.comSara Corbett is a contributing writer to The New York Times Magazine. Her work has also appeared in National Geographic; Elle; Outside; O, the Oprah magazine; Esquire; and Mother Jones.
Johns Hopkins University Press Uncertain Guardians: The News Media as a Political Institution
The news media are often presumed to be a fourth estate, or fourth branch of government, serving as a check on the other three. In Uncertain Guardians, political scientist Bartholomew Sparrow argues that this is a mistaken notion. Instead, the media-print, radio, and television-affect policy making just as other political institutions do, whether the Congress, the electoral system, or public administration. The media decide what to report, when, and how, and these decisions affect both the processes and outcomes of the political system. But the routine production of the news demands that reporters, editors, publishers, and news executives work with the major political and economic actors of the political system in order to get the news and sell the news, and thus ensure the livelihoods of their news organizations. Because of this dependence, however, the news media are highly constrained in their reportage. Blending original interview material with his own institutional analysis, Sparrow shows how the major U.S. news organizations can act contrary to the interests of the American public and democratic government. Because individual journalists and news organizations face serious and similar uncertainties with respect to their political credibility, access to news sources, and commercial performance, they rely regularly on the same practices to report the news. But these shared practices enable both journalists and politicians to manipulate political communication, government officials to mislead the public, and advertising and other business factors to have significant influence on the news; they also cause journalists to regret the damage done to democratic government. Sparrow investigates important recent examples in foreign policy, economic policy, and health policy in which the news media were unable to serve as guardians of the public interest. He also offers proposals to revitalize the news media to better serve the American public and the cause of representative government. By providing an in-depth analysis of the news media's role in the American political system, Uncertain Guardians challenges us to re-evaluate much of what we take for granted as news consumers and to think about how to improve political communication.
University of California Press The Darker Vision of the Renaissance: Beyond the Fields of Reason
The Darker Vision of the Renaissance explores political, literary, social, religious, medical, and artistic events between 1300 and 1670 that led beyond the bounds of reason into the nonrational, irrational, and suprarational phenomena of the European Renaissance. Robert S. Kinsman’s introduction examines Renaissance uses of ratio, “fancy” and “folly,” melancholy, anxietas, and alienation. Lynn White Jr. presents the essential thesis of the collection in his view that the years 1300–1650 constituted one of the most psychically disturbed eras ever in European history. The “world-alienation” of the period is analyzed by Donald R. Howard, illustrated by two poems of the late fourteenth century: Gawain and the Green Knight and Toilus and Criseyde. The flourishing of hermetic, magical, cabalistic, and astrological practices in the Renaissance is described by John G. Burke. The gentleman and courtier’s physical and psychological tensions resulting from literal exile or from psychic alienation from his lesser fellows are investigated by Lauro Martines. An analysis of the “structures” of Renaissance mysticism is provided by Kees W. Bolle. Gilbert Reaney’s essay examines ratio as the basis for the “measured” music of the fourteenth century, against which the newer duple and triple rhythms that came into prominence in the later half of the century were assessed. An essay by Marc Bensimon concerns itself with Renaissance modes of perception—as illustrated in works of art, of literature, and of philosophic speculation—that seem shaped by primordial anxieties caused by the passing of time and the fear of death. The reflections of theological notions about the “dreadful hidden will of God” in such pieces as Marlowe’s Dr. Faustus are given full background and perceptive treatment by Paul R. Sellin. Robert Kinsman concludes with his study “Folly, Melancholy, and Madness: Shifting Styles of Medical Analysis and Treatment, 1450–1675.” This title is part of UC Press’s Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1974.
Peeters Publishers 'Augustinianism': Studies in the Process of Spiritual Transvaluation
The book is about the evolution of 'Augustinianism' in a process of 'spiritual transvaluation' as Augustine of Hippo's thought was appropriated by spiritual masters in the mediaeval period. The chapters deal with a range of experiences in 'spiritual transvaluation' beginning with Augustine's own philosophic transvaluation of Christian 'affectivity'. The first study is about St Gregory the Great's 'pastoral' transvaluation of Augustine's spirituality; the second about William of St Thierry's 'mystical' transvaluation in the twelfth century; and the final one is about Walter Hilton's 'christo-centric' transvaluation, writing as an Augustinian Canon Regular in late fourteenth century England. The Epilogue draws together the themes of each chapter as a reflection about the spiritual nature of 'Augustinianism'.
Peeters Publishers La Reponse De L'Ethique De La Discussion Au Defi Moral De La Situation Humaine Comme Telle Et Specialement Aujourd'Hui
Le besoin d'une ethique globale a son origine dans la situation humaine comme telle (l'hominisation nous a en effet eloignes de la securite naturelle des instincts animaux et nous a jetes dans l'etat de liberte) et specialement dans la situation presente de l'humanite. Celle-ci se caracterise par un accroissement extreme des defis externes a notre co-responsabilite. Ces defis sont poses par les resultats de la science naturelle, de la technologie, de la politique et de l'economie tandis que semblent bien marquer les ressources internes de la raison ethique. Le present livre tente de montrer que l'approche pragmatico-transcendantale de l'ethique de la discussion est en mesure de reconstruire la genese de cette situation et de fournir une reponse rationnelle tant aux defis externes qu'aux defis internes auxquels une ethique globale est confrontee.
The Catholic University of America Press An Answer Key to a Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin: A Supplement to the Text by John F. Collins
This long-awaited volume provides an answer key to the drills and exercises contained in each of the units of John F. Collins's bestselling ""A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin"". Written for those charged with the responsibility of teaching the Latin of the church, the primer aims to give the student - within one year of study - the ability to read ecclesiastical Latin. Thirty-five instructional units provide the grammar and vocabulary, and supplemental readings offer a survey of church Latin from the fourth century to the Middle Ages. Included is the Latin of ""Jerome's Bible"", of canon law, of the liturgy and papal bulls, of scholastic philosophers, and of the Ambrosian hymns.
Pearson Education (US) The Economics of Macro Issues
For principles of economics and social issues courses. Brief, relevant readings that spark independent thinking and classroom discussions.The Economics of Macro Issues 4e is a collection of brief, relevant readings that spark independent thinking and classroom discussions in Principles of Economics and Social Issues. The text encourages students to apply theoretical discussions to today's important issues and to gain a deeper understanding of current macroeconomic policy concerns.The fourth edition offers provocative new topics, updates to ongoing macroeconomic policy debates, and new discussion questions. A flexible format and built-in correlation guide make this text easy to integrate into a course without adding to the professor's preparation time.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
‘It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be’ Albus Dumbledore When the Quidditch World Cup is disrupted by Voldemort’s rampaging supporters alongside the resurrection of the terrifying Dark Mark, it is obvious to Harry Potter that, far from weakening, Voldemort is getting stronger. Back at Hogwarts for his fourth year, Harry is astonished to be chosen by the Goblet of Fire to represent the school in the Triwizard Tournament. The competition is dangerous, the tasks terrifying, and true courage is no guarantee of survival – especially when the darkest forces are on the rise. These adult editions have been stylishly redesigned to showcase Andrew Davidson’s beautiful woodcut cover artwork.
Troubador Publishing The Legacy of Crystal Island Book Two: Truth and Courage
In Colleen O’Flaherty-Hilder’s second book, Orla has returned to Crystal Island after her Crystal awakening. Alongside her promised consort, Finn, she is tasked with choosing new leaders for the seven Federations of the Earth. They will replace the Chief Generals who are controlled by the dangerous Shadow and have led the planet down a path of greed and destruction for many decades. Fourteen new leaders are chosen – seven men and seven women – with the potential to access their buried Crystal Wisdom. But first, they must remove the influence of the deeply embedded Shadow. Under this new leadership, will the planet be able to heal?
Pennsylvania State University Press Beginning Biblical Hebrew
Achieving the right balance of amount of information, style of presentation, and depth of instruction in first-year grammars is no easy task. But Mark Futato has produced a grammar that, after years of testing in a number of institutions, will please many, with its concise, clear, and well-thought-out presentation of Biblical Hebrew. Because the teaching of biblical languages is in decline in many seminaries and universities, Futato takes pains to measure the amount of information presented in each chapter in a way that makes the quantity digestible, without sacrificing information that is important to retain. The book includes exercises that are drawn largely from the Hebrew Bible itself.Fourth printing, 2012.
Random House USA Inc The Third Mushroom
"Believe in the unexpected" with this hilarious, heartwarming, and much-anticipated sequel to the New York Times bestseller The Fourteenth Goldfish!Ellie's grandpa Melvin is a world-renowned scientist . . . in the body of a fourteen-year-old boy. His feet stink, and he eats everything in the refrigerator--and Ellie is so happy to have him around. Grandpa may not exactly fit in at middle school, but he certainly keeps things interesting. When he and Ellie team up for the county science fair, no one realizes just how groundbreaking their experiment will be. The formula for eternal youth may be within their reach! And when Ellie's cat, Jonas Salk, gets sick, the stakes become even higher. But is the key to eternal life really the key to happiness? Sometimes even the most careful experiments yield unexpected--and wonderful--results.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Wild Rescuers: Sentinels in the Deep Ocean
From StacyPlays, the YouTube sensation with over 2 million subscribers, comes the exhilarating fourth and final book in her Minecraft-inspired adventure series about a girl raised by wolves. After barely surviving the harsh tundra biome, Stacy has finally discovered the origins of the intelligent, playful wolves who’ve raised her. But will Stacy be able to decode a mysterious diary that may hold the keys to her future in the taiga? As she races against time to uncover the secrets buried within the diary’s pages, Stacy and her pack set out on a new thrilling adventure across biomes. Will they beat the clock and make it to the farthest reaches of their world: the deep ocean? As they dive deeper into the unknown, Stacy and the wolves learn that the deep ocean may hold the biggest secret yet. Stacy's wolves might not be as alone in this world as they once thought. Fans of Minecraft: The Crash and PopularMMOs Presents: A Hole New World will love this thrilling conclusion to the illustrated, action-packed series!
Rowman & Littlefield Last Man Down: USS Nautilus and the Undersea War in the Pacific
SS-168—the USS Nautilus--was the flagship of Submarine Division 12 operating out of Pearl Harbor throughout World War II. It was commissioned July 1, 1930, before international naval treaties limited future submarine size, and thus was among the largest submarines in the U.S. fleet. Over a football field in length and displacing 4,000 tons submerged, the boat was able to carry a large crew, ample cargo, two dozen torpedoes, cruiser-sized six-inch caliber guns, and cruise as far as 25,000 miles. She could dive to three hundred feet – though her crew was known to take her deeper. Throughout 1942-45 the Nautilus engaged the enemy in fourteen different patrols, from the Battle of Midway to the liberation of the Philippines, earning fourteen battle stars. Her skipper, William H. Brockman, Jr., received not one but three Navy Crosses for heroism, the first for fighting through 42 depth charges at Midway. Nautilus did everything a submarine can do and was involved in most of the major actions of the Pacific theater. In Last Man Down, historical events documented in deck logs and patrol reports are told through the voices of the men who lived them.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Anatomy - An Essential Textbook, Latin Nomenclature
Second edition of acclaimed, richly illustrated textbook is the definitive resource for learning challenging anatomy! While the relevance of anatomy to medical diagnosis and treatment continually evolves, anatomical knowledge will always be instrumental to effective treatment of patients. Building on the tradition of the highly acclaimed prior editions, Anatomy: An Essential Textbook, Latin Nomenclature, Second Edition by Anne M. Gilroy features new learning components that leverage the Thieme companion, Atlas of Anatomy, Latin Nomenclature, Fourth Edition. Concise, bulleted text paired with large, detailed anatomic figures enhance visual learning and retention of knowledge. Organized by eight units, the book starts with basic concepts and a general overview of anatomic systems. Subsequent units focused on regional anatomy cover the Back, Thorax, Abdominal Wall and Inguinal Region, Pelvis and Perineum, Upper Limb, Lower Limb, and Head and Neck. Each unit includes a chapter on the practical application of regional imaging and extensive question sets with detailed explanations. A new ordering of chapters now mirrors the revised organization of the Atlas and sequence of dissections in most gross anatomy programs. More than 100 new images, updated illustrations, and revised versions of all autonomic schematics enhance understanding of anatomy New topics in clinical and developmental anatomy addressed throughout include clinically important vascular anastomoses, spinal cord development, and common anatomic anomalies Matching colored side tabs allow quick access to similar units in both books Over 50 of the new and previously included clinical and developmental correlations now feature descriptive images, radiographs, or schematics Self-testing sections in each unit have been expanded with over 40 new USMLE®-style question sets with detailed explanations This is the quintessential resource for medical students to build anatomy knowledge and confidence as they progress in their medical careers. This print book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on
The University of Chicago Press Women, Family, and Ritual in Renaissance Italy
Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, a brilliant historian of the Annales school, skillfully uncovers the lives of ordinary Italians of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, Tuscans in particular, young and old, rich, middle-class, and poor. From the extraordinarily detailed records kept by Florentine tax collectors and the equally precise ricordanze (household accounts with notations of events great and small), Klapisch-Zuber draws a living picture of the Tuscan household. We learn, for example, how children were named, how wet nurses were engaged, how marriages were negotiated and celebrated. A wealth of other sources are tapped—including city statutes, private letters, philosophical works on marriage, paintings—to determine the social status of women. Klapisch-Zuber reveals how women, in their roles as daughters, wives, sisters, and mothers, were largely subject to a family system that needed them but valued them little.
Medieval Institute Publications King Arthur's Death: The Middle English Stanzaic Morte Arthur and Alliterative Morte Arthure
Professor Benson's edition of the Stanzaic Morte Arthur and the Alliterative Morte Arthure has been long out of print. Benson's edition of these important Middle English poems is here revised and updated by Professor Edward E. Foster, taking into account recent scholarship, to once again be available and accessible to students. The romances included here are two of the best, most significant Arthurian romances in Middle English, which complement each other in terms of style and content. While the Alliterative Morte Arthure belongs to the Alliterative Revival movement, replete with details of fourteenth century warfare, the Stanzaic Morte Arthur represents a briefer, quicker-paced, yet more sentimental English adaptation of the French Mort Artu. This edition—with contextualizing introductions, helpful glosses, plentiful notes, and useful glossary—comprises a great introduction to Middle English Arthuriana for students of the Middle Ages.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Dan Dare: Volume 1
Three audio adventures based on the Eagle comic strip "Dan Dare" created by Rev. Marcus Morris, adapted and drawn by Frank Hampson. Episode 1 - Voyage to Venus by Richard Kurti and Bev Doyle. Brilliant test pilot, Dan Dare, is chosen to fly the Anastasia - a new experimental spacecraft - on its maiden voyage to Venus. This isn't exploration - it is to make first contact with a mysterious civilisation that has sent technological secrets as a goodwill gesture. However, what Dan, Digby and Professor Peabody find on Venus isn't goodwill, but a terrifyingly intelligent, cold-hearted ruler, the Mekon. A creature destined to become Dan Dare's nemesis - and Earth's greatest threat...Episode 2 - The Red Moon Mystery by James Swallow.Unable to return to Earth, Dan Dare and the crew of the Anastasia head to the desolate planet Mars, where Dan's estranged Uncle Ivor is part of a research team working on a top-secret archaeological dig; but when they find the base wrecked and the scientists missing, Dare, Digby and Professor Peabody soon discover that the Red Planet is not nearly as dead as everyone thought and that Ivor's expedition has woken an army of deadly insect-creatures that threaten to swarm and engulf the Earth. ..Dare must stop the aliens, but can he really resort to genocide in order to save the human race?Episode 3 - Marooned on Mercury by Marc Platt. When a distress call summons the crew of the Anastasia to the burning wilderness of Mercury, they are reunited with their old ally, Sondar. He tells them of the beleaguered Mercurians who are held in thrall to a cruel new taskmaster - the Mekon! The exiled Mekon is rallying his forces, plotting a desperate revenge against his former homeworld of Venus and his hated enemy, Colonel Dan Dare! Contains a fourth disc of extras. NOTE: Dan Dare features some mild swearing and content which may not be suitable for younger listeners.
Cornell University Press Across the Perilous Sea: Japanese Trade with China and Korea from the Seventh to the Sixteenth Centuries
Originally published as Le commerce extérieur du Japon des origines au XVIe siécle in 1988, this new edition of the landmark French study chronicles Japan's transformation from an importer of continental luxury items, raw materials, and techniques to an exporter of high-quality merchandise over nearly a millennium. The vicissitudes of foreign trade policy, as well as the volume and balance of trade, are examined within the context of regional political and economic developments. All aspects of state-sanctioned and unofficial external commerce are considered. Indeed, this volume reveals that proliferation of private foreign trade constituted a vital link between Japan and its neighbors throughout the suspension of diplomatic relations from the ninth to the fourteenth century. Evidence culled from Japanese, Chinese, and Korean annals and administrative compendia, archaeological excavations, classic literature, artifact collections, and monk and courtier diaries attests to the spectacular diversity of foreign trade goods and their significance in pre-Tokugawa Japanese society. Methodically revised, and featuring an updated, expanded bibliography and redesigned maps, as well as a précis on the state of the field since the original publication, the 2006 English edition is an indispensable resource for scholars and the teaching of premodern East Asian regional history.
Liverpool University Press Jordanes: Romana and Getica
Of Gothic descent, Jordanes wrote a unique set of histories. The Getica narrates the history of the Goths from their earliest origins until the middle of the sixth century. Building on the lost history of Cassiodorus, it is the earliest example of a history told from the perspective of one of the barbarian peoples establishing kingdoms in the fifth and sixth centuries. It had great influence on later medieval historians, on national histories of the nineteenth century and on modern accounts of Gothic history. The Romana is a survey of world and Roman history. Whilst largely dependent on traditional Roman histories and chronicles for events up to the fourth century, it contains much unique information for the last two centuries it narrates. This book offers the first translation into English of the Getica for a century and the first modern translation of the Romana. The introduction locates the Getica and the Romana in the context of ancient historiography, building a new picture of Jordanes as a historian and of the two works themselves. It also offers a detailed discussion of the sources used by Jordanes, suggesting possible ways to identify his debt to Cassiodorus. Extensive notes guide the reader through these fascinating but often complex texts.
CABI Publishing Aquaculture: An Introductory Text
Providing a broad and readable overview of the subject, this updated fourth edition of Aquaculture: An Introductory Text covers issues associated with sustainable aquaculture development, culture systems, hatchery methods, nutrition and feeding of aquaculture species, reproductive strategies, harvesting, and many other topics. While its main focus is on the culture of fish, molluscs and crustaceans for food, the book also covers other forms of aquaculture, such as the production of seaweeds, recreational fish and ornamental species, as well as live foods, such as algae and rotifers that are used to feed larval shrimp and marine fish. Thoroughly updated and revised, this essential textbook now includes: - Increased coverage of open-ocean cage culture and sea lice issues with salmon culture; - Coverage of the significant progress made in nutrition, including the move away from fishmeal as protein and fish oil as lipids in feed; - Information on biofloc technology uses, predictive impacts of climate change, probiotics, and the impact of COVID-19 on the aquaculture community; - Updated aquaculture production statistics and lists of approved anaesthetics. Aquaculture remains one of the most rapidly growing agricultural disciplines, and this book remains an essential resource for all students of aquaculture and related disciplines
Princeton University Press Hearing and Knowing Music: The Unpublished Essays of Edward T. Cone
Edward T. Cone was one of the most important and influential music critics of the twentieth century. He was also a master lecturer skilled at conveying his ideas to broad audiences. Hearing and Knowing Music collects fourteen essays that Cone gave as talks in his later years and that were left unpublished at his death. Edited and introduced by Robert Morgan, these essays cover a broad range of topics, including music's position in culture, musical aesthetics, the significance of opera as an art, setting text to music, the nature of twentieth-century harmony and form, and the practice of musical analysis. Fully matching the quality and style of Cone's published writings, these essays mark a critical addition to his work, developing new ideas, such as the composer as critic; clarifying and modifying older positions, especially regarding opera and the nature of sung utterance; and adding new and often unexpected insights on composers and ideas previously discussed by Cone. In addition, there are essays, such as one on Debussy, that lead Cone into areas he had not previously examined. Hearing and Knowing Music represents the final testament of one of our most important writers on music.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Dermatopathology: Diagnosis by First Impression
Dermatopathology The most up-to-date edition of a pattern-based dermatopathology atlas In Dermatopathology: Diagnosis by First Impression, an expert team of dermatopathologists deliver an authoritative guide to the microscopic differentiation of visually similar dermatological diseases that is useful for both trainees and practicing physicians. This latest fourth edition includes new sections on alopecia and immunohistochemistry as well as over 100 new photomicrographs for a total of almost 1000 high-resolution and annotated figures. The “Key Differences” pages walk the reader through the identification of distinctive diagnostic features, and disease-based and alphabetical indexes make it simple to quickly locate necessary information. Unique amongst dermatopathology atlases, this book remains organized by microscopic pattern???as opposed to disease category???which makes it the perfect companion for slide analysis. It also offers self-assessment questions and algorithms for pattern analysis, as well as: An introduction to gestalt diagnosis Focus on architectural patterns as well as cell type/morphology Practical discussion of immunohistochemistry Expanded sections on melanocytic, soft tissue, and lymphoid lesions as well as alopecia A visual feast for practicing dermatologists and pathologists, Dermatopathology: Diagnosis by First Impression will also earn a place in the libraries of trainees.
Abrams We Are the Smurfs Our Brave Ways We Are the Smurfs Book 4
Smurfaroo! The thrilling tales and side-splitting laughs continue with the Smurfs! Featuring three original stories chock-full of Smurfy humor, fun, and heartfelt lessons, the Smurf-ventures continue in the fourth book of this early graphic novel series. It’s time for a celebration at Smurf Village! Sculptor Smurf is creating a masterpiece to showcase everyone’s hard work. But his rude, selfish ways have put everyone in a sour mood, ruining the big reveal. And Handy Smurf is ready to help his neighbors build a better village for everyone to enjoy. But when no one returns the tools they borrowed, all projects come to a halt. And Gargamel’s back! This time, he’s captured a poor Smurf for his nefarious plans! Will the Smurfs be able to bravely band together to save their friend?We Are the Smurfs series:Welcome to Our Village (#1)Better Together (#2)Bright New Days<
Kogan Page Ltd Excellence in Coaching: Theory, Tools and Techniques to Achieve Outstanding Coaching Performance
How can you achieve coaching excellence? Use the latest research and insights from some of the biggest industry names in this fully revised fourth edition, which provides a diverse range of theory, tools and models for students and practicing coaches alike. Excellence in Coaching is a comprehensive guide presenting the latest cutting-edge thinking in the field of workplace coaching. Published with the Association for Coaching, this book covers all key components of the coaching process, and examines a diverse range of coaching models including behavioural and transpersonal coaching, enabling coaches and trainers to adapt their approach and excel in their professional practice. With updates to incorporate the latest thinking and insights, this revised fourth edition of Excellence in Coaching also contains a wealth of fresh material, including new chapters on establishing a coaching business, neuroscience coaching, psychodynamic coaching and understanding the coaching relationship. Featuring tips, checklists and tools, and a collection of best-practice material from some of the biggest names in the profession including Sir John Whitmore, Peter Hawkins and David Clutterbuck. This remains essential reading for practising coaches as well as for students.
Kogan Page Ltd Excellence in Coaching: Theory, Tools and Techniques to Achieve Outstanding Coaching Performance
How can you achieve coaching excellence? Use the latest research and insights from some of the biggest industry names in this fully revised fourth edition, which provides a diverse range of theory, tools and models for students and practicing coaches alike. Excellence in Coaching is a comprehensive guide presenting the latest cutting-edge thinking in the field of workplace coaching. Published with the Association for Coaching, this book covers all key components of the coaching process, and examines a diverse range of coaching models including behavioural and transpersonal coaching, enabling coaches and trainers to adapt their approach and excel in their professional practice. With updates to incorporate the latest thinking and insights, this revised fourth edition of Excellence in Coaching also contains a wealth of fresh material, including new chapters on establishing a coaching business, neuroscience coaching, psychodynamic coaching and understanding the coaching relationship. Featuring tips, checklists and tools, and a collection of best-practice material from some of the biggest names in the profession including Sir John Whitmore, Peter Hawkins and David Clutterbuck. This remains essential reading for practising coaches as well as for students.
Hot Key Books Enola Holmes 4: The Case of the Peculiar Pink Fan
Follow London's newest detective, Enola Holmes, in her fourth fantastic adventure - from the series that inspired the films, starring Millie Bobby Brown.Read them all before the next film lands!The ever-elusive Enola Holmes has now been on the run for more than eight months, much to the bemusement of her brother - the world's most famous detective, Sherlock Holmes.During a chance encounter with an old acquaintance, Lady Cecily, Enola realises that there is more to the young woman's plight than meets the eye. Especially when she leaves behind a dire plea for help within a peculiar pink fan . . .Puzzled, Enola finds she has no choice but to risk her freedom and join forces with Sherlock. But can she trust him? And can they both save Lady Cecily in time? Enola Holmes captivates in this sensational fourth adventure.'A story of a young girl who is empowered, capable, and smart ... the Enola Holmes book series conveys an impactful message to kids and teenagers all over the world that you can do anything if you set your mind to it, and it does so in an exciting and adventurous way.' - MILLIE BOBBY BROWN
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Barbarian West 400 - 1000
In the fourth century the Roman Empire was under threat. The Barbarians were becoming a powerful force in Europe, and the Huns, the most savage of these tribesmen, were sweeping south towards the imperial frontiers. At the same time the Empire faced growing internal social and economic problems: plague and war had diminished the agricultural population and productivity was falling; the army was under increasing strain in defending the extensive boundaries. Christianity, too, continued to prove an unsettling influence - accepted and established in Constantinople, but not in Rome. In this perceptive and stimulating book, Professor Wallace-Hadrill traces the development of Western Europe from the dissolution of the late Roman Empire to the emergence, in the tenth century, of the individual states of medieval Europe. Now in its fourth edition, The Barbarian West contains a fully revised and up-to-date bibliography.
The Chinese University Press Translation and Global Asia: Relocating Cultural Production Network
Translation and Global Asia: Relocating Cultural Production Network is a collection of conference papers from The Fourth Asian Translation Traditions Conference held in Hong Kong in 2010. The aim of the conference was to explore the richness and diversity of non-Western discourses and practices of translation, focusing on translational exchanges among non-Western languages and the changes and continuity in Asian translation traditions. The eleven papers selected from the sixty papers presented at the conference, then edited and revised, give insights into the translation traditions of various Asian countries. They cover topics such as literary translation, translation history, and translation and colonialism.
Monacelli Press From Classic to Contemporary: Decorating with Cullman & Kravis
Interior design firm Cullman & Kravis infuses traditional interiors with a modern perspective, embracing historicism and referencing a wide range of cultures and contemporary design motifs. In From Classic to Contemporary: Decorating with Cullman & Kravis, Ellie Cullman and Tracey Pruzan explore the lessons from modernism that add a new and welcome dynamism to the firm’s most recent projects, both traditional and modern. “We believe in the alchemy of old and new,” observes Ellie Cullman, founder and principal of Cullman & Kravis. “We approach every project with the rigor of a jigsaw puzzle, but with the desire to create a magnificent tapestry.” Cullman and Pruzan share how the venerable interior design firm applies principles of modernism to add a new and welcome tension to their more classical work, while in their more modern schemes, the classic principles of design guide their process. The fourteen distinct projects in this book are collaborations between Ellie Cullman and her partners Lee Cavanaugh, Sarah Ramsey, Claire Ratliff, and Alyssa Urban. Running the gamut from modest revisions to ground-up construction and complete renovations, these interiors include a sumptuous New York City duplex that is a clever mix of traditional furnishings and an impressive contemporary art collection; a glass-clad modern Miami villa with vivid colors and bold prints; an oceanfront Palm Beach house with museum-quality art and antiques; an historic Westchester estate once owned by Brooke Astor; and Ellie Cullman’s own home, whose “refresh” illustrates how to renew, modernize, and reinvigorate any project.
Johns Hopkins University Press Science and Eastern Orthodoxy: From the Greek Fathers to the Age of Globalization
People have pondered conflicts between science and religion since at least the time of Christ. The millennia-long debate is well documented in the literature in the history and philosophy of science and religion in Western civilization. Science and Eastern Orthodoxy is a departure from that vast body of work, providing the first general overview of the relationship between science and Christian Orthodoxy, the official church of the Oriental Roman Empire. This pioneering study traces a rich history over an impressive span of time, from Saint Basil's Hexameron of the fourth century to the globalization of scientific debates in the twentieth century. Efthymios Nicolaidis argues that conflicts between science and Greek Orthodoxy-when they existed-were not science versus Christianity, but rather ecclesiastical debates that traversed the whole of society. Nicolaidis explains that during the Byzantine period, the Greek fathers of the church and their Byzantine followers wrestled passionately with how to reconcile their religious beliefs with the pagan science of their ancient ancestors. What, they repeatedly asked, should be the church's official attitude toward secular knowledge? From the rise of the Ottoman Empire in the fifteenth century to its dismantlement in the nineteenth century, the patriarchate of Constantinople attempted to control the scientific education of its Christian subjects, an effort complicated by the introduction of European science in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Science and Eastern Orthodoxy provides a wealth of new information concerning Orthodoxy and secular knowledge-and the reactions of the Orthodox Church to modern sciences.
Griffin Publishing My Story
On June 5, 2002, fourteen-year-old Elizabeth Smart, the daughter of a close-knit Mormon family, was taken from her home in the middle of the night by religious fanatic, Brian David Mitchell and his wife, Wanda Barzee. She was kept chained, dressed in disguise, repeatedly raped, and told she and her family would be killed if she tried to escape. After her rescue on March 12, 2003, she rejoined her family and worked to pick up the pieces of her life. In My Story she tells, for the first time, of the constant fear she endured every hour, her courageous determination to maintain hope, and how she convinced her captors to return to Utah, where she was rescued minutes after arriving. Smart explains how her faith helped her stay sane in the midst of a nightmare and how she found the strength to confront her captors at their trial and see that justice was served. In the years after her rescue, Smart transformed from victim to advocate, traveling the country and working to educate, inspire and foster change. She has created a foundation to help prevent crimes against children and is a frequent public speaker. In 2012, she married Matthew Gilmour, whom she met doing mission work in Paris for her church. Elizabeth is writing a new chapter for the trade paperback edition that will explore how she readjusted to life after the kidnapping, how she learned to cope, and how telling her story has changed her.
Kogan Page Ltd Ultimate Aptitude Tests: Over 1000 Practice Questions for Abstract Visual, Numerical, Verbal, Physical, Spatial and Systems Tests
Do you need to prepare for an aptitude test for an interview or selection process? Do you want to practise and improve your scores? Ultimate Aptitude Tests, now in its fourth edition and part of the best-selling Ultimate series, is the largest and most comprehensive book of its kind, boasting over 1000 varied practice aptitude questions with accompanying answers and explanations. In such a competitive job market, it's the perfect book to ensure you're entirely prepared to get those high scores and impress potential employers. Businesses use aptitude tests when recruiting; sometimes even to fast-track potential leaders. Providing essential practice, Ultimate Aptitude Tests includes tests like those you are likely to encounter, including abstract visual tests, verbal and numerical reasoning tests, practical skills and understanding tests, spatial and systems potential tests and logic and intuition tests of different types. This new edition also now includes a brand new section on online testing environments as well as free access to a separate full online test to evaluate your abilities. Ultimate Aptitude Tests is brilliant preparation for candidates wishing to outshine their competition and secure their dream job. About the Ultimate series... The Ultimate series contains practical advice on essential job search skills to give you the best chance of getting the job you want. Taking you from your job search to completing an interview, it includes guidance on CV or résumé and cover letter writing, practice questions for passing aptitude, psychometric and other employment tests, and reliable advice for interviewing.
Avonmore Books Solomons Air War Volume 2: Guadalcanal & Santa Cruz October 1942
This second volume of Solomons Air War chronicles aerial warfare in the Solomon Islands theatre during the critical month of October 1942. It can be read alone or as part of the ongoing Solomons Air War series.October 1942 saw an explosion of air activity in the Solomons. During the first three weeks of the month busy Tokyo Express runs landed thousands of IJA troops on Guadalcanal in advance of a new offensive to be launched against the Marine garrison. This was presaged by a battleship bombardment of Henderson Field and daily air raids against the same target.Against this background Cactus Air Force was fighting for its life, and very nearly reached the level of exhaustion. Somehow just enough replacement F4Fs and SBDs were scraped together from the New Hebrides to keep it in business. Important support was provided by COMAIRSOPAC B-17s and PBYs operating from Espiritu Santo.In the middle of the month an enormously powerful IJN force arrived in the theatre, based around five aircraft carriers. This force threatened to overwhelm the USN which at the time had only one carrier in the South Pacific, the USS Hornet. However, the timely arrival of the USS Enterprise evened the ledger and the fourth carrier battle of the Pacific War, the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands, was fought over 25-27 October.This chronicle has been written using both Allied and Japanese sources, to give a fresh, factual and highly detailed account of all aspects of the Solomons air campaign.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Stigum's Money Market, 4E
The Most Widely Read Work on the Subject _ Completely Updated to Cover the Latest Developments and Advances In Today's Money Market! First published in 1978, Stigum's Money Market was hailed as a landmark work by leaders of the financial, business, and investment communities. This classic reference has now been revised, updated, and expanded to help a new generation of Wall Street money managers and institutional investors. The Fourth Edition of Stigum's Money Market delivers an all-encompassing, cohesive view of the vast and complex money market…offers careful analyses of the growth and changes the market has undergone in recent years…and presents detailed answers to the full range of money market questions. Stigum's Money Market equips readers with: A complete overview of the large and ever-expanding money market arenaQuick-access to every key aspect of the fixed-income marketA thorough updating of information on the banking systemIncisive accounts of money market fundamentals and all the key players In-depth coverage of the markets themselves, including federal funds, government securities, financial futures, Treasury bond and note futures, options, euros, interest rate swaps, CDs, commercial paper, and more Expert discussions of the Federal Reserve, the Internet and electronic trading, and the new roles of commercial banks and federal agencies This updated classic also includes hundreds of helpful new illustrations and calculations, together with an improved format that gives readers quick access to every major topic relating to the fixed-income market.
Oxford University Press Sociology
The fourth edition of Fulcher and Scott provides an authoritative and theoretically grounded approach to sociology, covering both classic and contemporary research. It provides the context for debate and discussion that enables students to develop their critical awareness skills. Contemporary issues such as child abuse are backed with recent research, whilst the student-centred approach adopted in this edition looks at popular culture and recent developments such as social networking and online identities. A system of consistent cross-referencing and signposting signals where topics are explored to allow easy navigation of the text. Clear links between the main text and learning features emphasize the relevance of these features. A wealth of features support students and teachers. Online Resources For students Case studies: each chapter has a case study that draws on recent sociological research and news from the popular media with questions MCQs: bank of self-marking multiple-choice questions for each chapter Web links: series of annotated web links organised by chapter Interactive revision activities Information and advice on careers: to provide guidance on careers available to students of sociology and links to sources of further information. This expands on the information on careers provided in chapter 1. For lecturers Further collection of case studies for group tutorial work and assignments, accompanied by critical thinking questions Bank of essay and short answer questions for each chapter. PowerPoint slides for lecturer presentations arranged by chapter. Comprehensive Instructor's Manual, includes lecturer outline and teaching activities. Guide to discussion points at the end of each chapter.
MP-FLO Uni Press of Florida Becoming Virginia Woolf Her Early Diaries and the Diaries She Read
Starting with fourteen-year-old Woolf's first palm-sized leather diary, Becoming Virginia Woolf illuminates how her private and public writing was shaped by the diaries of other writers. These key literary connections open a new and indispensable window onto the story of one of literature's most renowned modernists.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Frisians and their North Sea Neighbours: From the Fifth Century to the Viking Age
An investigation into the mysterious Frisians, drawing together evidence from linguistic, textual and archaeological sources. From as early as the first century AD, learned Romans knew of more than one group of people living in north-western Europe beyond their Empire's Gallic provinces whose names contained the element that gives us modern "Frisian". These were apparently Celtic-speaking peoples, but that population was probably completely replaced in the course of the convulsions that Europe underwent during the fourth and fifth centuries. While the importance of linguisticallyGermanic Frisians as neighbours of the Anglo-Saxons, Franks, Saxons and Danes in the centuries immediately following the fall of the Roman Empire in the West is widely recognized, these folk themselves remain enigmatic, the details of their culture and organization unfamiliar to many. The Frisian population and their lands, including all the coastal communities of the North sea region and their connections with the Baltic shores, form the focal pointof this volume, though viewed often through comparison with, or even through the eyes of, their neighbours. The essays present the most up-to-date discoveries, research and interpretation, combining and integrating linguistic, textual and archaeological evidence; they follow the story of the various Frisians through from the Roman Period to the next great period of disruption and change introduced by the Viking Scandinavians. John Hines is Professor of Archaeology at Cardiff University; Nelleke IJssennagger is Curator of Archaeological and Medieval Collections at the Museum of Friesland. Contributors: Elzbieta Adamczyk, Iris Aufderhaar, Pieterjan Deckers, Menno Dijkstra, John Hines, Nelleke Ijssennagger, Hauke Jöns, Egge Knol, Jan de Koning, Johan Nicolay, Han Nijdam, Tim Pestell, Peter Schrijver, Arjen Versloot, Gaby Waxenberger, Christiane Zimmermann.
Peeters Publishers La Laine Et Le Parfum: Epinetra Et Alabastres. Forme, Iconographie Et Fonction. Recherche De Ceramique Attique Feminine
Le travail de la laine et les soins de beaute constituaient deux aspects majeurs dans la vie de la femme athenienne des epoques archaique et classique. L'iconographie des vases grecs et les textes anciens nous fournissent de nombreuses informations aussi importantes que complexes, parfois meme contradictoires. La presente etude propose une nouvelle approche des problemes en analysant de facon systemique les representations decorant les epinetra , objets utilises pour le travail de la laine et les alabastres, vases a parfum destines aux femmes. La recherche part de trois questions essentielles: la forme et la fonction de l'epinetron et de l'alabastre, le statut des femmes utilisant ces objets et la relation entre la fonction de ces objets et de leur iconographie. Les resultats de l'enquete mettent en evidence les relations surprenantes entre la laine et le parfum; l'image de l'epouse legitime et celle de l'hetaire se croisent, s'opposent et s'attirent; enfin toutes les tensions qui agitent la societe athenienne, entre jeunes filles, femmes, ephebes et hommes murs, sont mises en evidence par les structures specifiques de cette imagerie.
Paizo Publishing, LLC Pathfinder RPG Player Core 2 Special Edition P2
Survival in a world beset by magic and evil takes more than a lucky roll of the dice. Pathfinder Player Core 2 significantly expands options available to Pathfinder players, giving them the edge to take on any adventure. This 320-page hardcover rulebook remasters 8 classes from Pathfinder Second Edition, providing everything you need to create a wide array of new characters, ready to take on the world. It also includes more than 40 archetypes, expanded ancestries, and tons of feats, spells, and alchemical items to provide a near-endless array of exciting options for every Pathfinder character! Pathfinder Player Core 2 is the fourth core rulebook for the fully remastered Pathfinder Second Edition RPG! These rules are compatible with previous Pathfinder Second Edition rulebooks, incorporating comprehensive errata and rules updates and some of the best additions from later books into new, easier-to-access volumes with new presentations inspired by years of player feedback. Along w
Redleaf Press Toddlers Moving and Learning: A Physical Education Curriculum
Physical education is a critical part of every early childhood curriculum. Children need to move to channel their energies in creative, beneficial ways and to learn habits for lifelong health and fitness. Toddlers Moving & Learning provides more than 50 developmentally appropriate activities that contribute to a well-rounded curriculum in any classroom or program.The book contains An updated introduction reflecting new research and trends in early childhood health and fitness and information on how movement benefits children's learning and development Fourteen lesson plans, each with one body parts activity, one nonlocomotor activity, one locomotor skill experience, and one activity exploring an element of movement, for a total of 56 activities Extension ideas and adaptations to use with children who have special needs Curriculum connections for each activity and explanations about how activities are aligned with and meet early learning standards from NAEYC and NASPE A CD with original music to add joy and energy to the activities
Skyhorse Publishing Israel Warrior: Fighting Back for the Jewish State from Campus to Street Corner
In light of the October 7th massacre of fourteen hundred Israeli and American Jews at the hands of the savage terrorists of Hamas, and the brazen tsunami of antisemitism that has been overtaking the media and college campuses, it’s now time to fight back. It’s time for the rise of the Israel Warrior. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach provides the information that will win the war for Israel in the marketplace of ideas and publicize the justice of Israel’s cause. The Israel Warrior is an electrifying journey through the murky waters of Middle East muddle that allows the reader to finally understand the truth about Israel and the genocidal enemies who will stop at nothing to destroy it. The Israel Warrior is for those brave souls prepared to take up the cudgel in defense of the only democracy and human-rights-protecting republic of the Middle East and the first Jewish state in two thousand years.
Amazon Publishing Bitter Moon
FBI agent Matthew Roarke has been on leave, and in seclusion, since the capture of mass killer Cara Lindstrom—the victim turned avenger who preys on predators. Torn between devotion to the law and a powerful attraction to Cara and her lethal brand of justice, Roarke has retreated from both to search his soul. But Cara’s escape from custody and a police detective’s cryptic challenge soon draw him out of exile—into the California desert and deep into Cara’s past—to probe an unsolved murder that could be the key to her long and deadly career. Following young Cara’s trail, Roarke uncovers a horrifying attack on a schoolgirl, the shocking suicide of another, and a human monster stalking Cara’s old high school. Separated by sixteen years, crossing paths in the present and past, Roarke and fourteen-year-old Cara must race to find and stop the sadistic sexual predator before more young women are brutalized.
Dutton Books for Young Readers Superfudge: Anniversary Edition
He knows a lot of big words, but he doesn’t know where babies come from. He’s never heard of a stork, but he plans to be a bird when he grows up. He’s Superfudge, otherwise known as Farley Drexel Hatcher. And, according to his older brother Peter, the biggest pain ever invented. Among other things.As fans of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing already know, nothing is simple for Peter Hatcher. He is far from overjoyed at the turn the family fortunes are taking. It looks as if Peter will be spending the sixth grade far from Central Park, Sheila Tubman, Jimmy Fargo, and Henry the doorman. (He won’t miss Sheila). And it also looks as if Fudge will no longer be the baby of the family. How will Peter ever survive if his new sibling is a carbon copy of Fudge?But as Fudge fans also know, bad news for Peter generally means good news for Judy Blume’s readers—in the form of a very funny story.They won’t be disappointed!
Oxford University Press OffStage Groups in Athenian Drama
Despite the crucial roles they often play, no study yet compares the off-stage assemblies, armies, and populations found in surviving Athenian dramatic works. Covering fifth- and early fourth-century tragedy and comedy, Off-Stage Groups in Athenian Drama analyses how off-stage groups influence and respond to events on stage, and how characters interact with these groups. Drama exploits these groups'' off-stage nature by depicting them through different characters'' viewpoints: characters often struggle to define, predict, or control off-stage groups, which obscures and challenges the audience''s ability to interpret them. The interaction between multivalent and sometimes contradictory narratives of off-stage groups demands a new interpretive framework. Off-Stage Groups in Athenian Drama provides this framework, offering new readings of several prominent comedies and tragedies. However, the importance of this framework extends beyond drama. The first chapter surveys depictions of group
Blue Box Press In the Air Tonight
I was there. I saw what you did.Blaise I wasn’t supposed to be there that night, but my friend Sienna talked me into going to the party in Land’s End so she could spy on her boyfriend. While hiding out in the woods, we witnessed an unspeakable crime. And we did everything wrong afterward. Connections run deep in our small town. I was pressured into keeping my mouth shut, even though every part of me objected. I assumed I’d always do the right thing in any situation. I was wrong about that and a lot of other things. I was wrecked by what I saw and how the victim was treated by kids I’d known all my life. I’ve been sick over it ever since, even as I moved on, far away from the town where I was raised. Fourteen years later, I learn that the guy who committed that unspeakable crime is running for Congress, and something in me snaps. I can’t bear the weight of that knowledge
Andersen Press Ltd Cane Warriors
Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal and the UKLA Book Award Winner of the Young Quills Historical Fiction Award Shortlisted for the YA Book Prize, Diverse Book Award and Iris Award Longlisted for the YA Jhalak Prize Nobody free till everybody free. Moa is fourteen. The only life he has ever known is toiling on the Frontier sugar cane plantation for endless hot days, fearing the vicious whips of the overseers. Then one night he learns of an uprising, led by the charismatic Tacky. Moa is to be a cane warrior, and fight for the freedom of all the enslaved people in the nearby plantations. But before they can escape, Moa and his friend Keverton must face their first great task: to kill their overseer, Misser Donaldson. Time is ticking, and the day of the uprising approaches . . . Irresistible, gripping and unforgettable, Cane Warriors follows the true story of Tacky’s War in Jamaica, 1760.