Search results for ""author em"
St Martin's Press Wicked Saints: A Novel
When Nadya prays to the gods, they listen, and magic flows through her veins. For nearly a century the Kalyazi have been locked in a deadly holy war with Tranavian heretics, and her power is the only thing that is a match for the enemy's blood magic. But when the Travanian High Prince, and his army invade the monastery she is hiding in, instead of saving her people, Nadya is forced to flee the only home she's ever known, leaving it in flames behind her, and vengeance in her heart. As night falls, she chooses to defy her gods and forge a dangerous alliance with a pair of refugees and their Tranavian blood mage leader, a beautiful, broken boy who deserted his homeland after witnessing his blood cult commit unthinkable monstrosities. The plan? Assassinate the king and stop the war. But when they discover a nefarious conspiracy that goes beyond their two countries, everything Nadya believes is thrown into question, including her budding feelings for her new partner. Someone has been harvesting blood mages for a dark purpose, experimenting with combining Tranavian blood magic with the Kalyazi's divine one. In order to save her people, Nadya must now decide whether to trust the High Prince - her country's enemy - or the beautiful boy with powers that may ignite something far worse than the war they're trying to end.
Children of Medjugorje Inc The Hidden Child of Medjugorje
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Negotiating Ethnicity: The Impact of Anthropological Theory and Practice
NAPA Bulletin is a peer reviewed occasional publication of the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology, dedicated to the practical problem-solving and policy applications of anthropological knowledge and methods. peer reviewed publication of the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology dedicated to the practical problem-solving and policy applications of anthropological knowledge and methods most editions available for course adoption
Tan Books & Publishers Inc. Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Holiday House Inc Taking Off: Airborne with Mary Wilkins Ellis
Holiday House Inc Little Ducks Go
The Catholic University of America Press Shaping American Catholicism: Maryland and New York, 1805-1915
Distinguished historian Robert Emmett Curran presents an informed and balanced study of the American Catholic Church’s experience in its two most important regions in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Spanning the years 1805 to 1915, Curran highlights the rivalry and tension between the Northeast and Southeast, specifically New York and Maryland, in assuming leadership of the church in America and the Society of Jesus. Slavery, polity, religious culture, education, the intellectual life, and social justice—all were integral to the American Church’s formation and development, and each is explored in this book. The essays provide a unique vantage point to the American Catholic experience by their focus on two communities that played such an incomparable role in shaping the character of the church in America. Though Baltimore was half the size of New York in population, until the 1900s it held a significant edge in the number of churches, priests, and religious orders serving the needs of its own immigrant community. By 1900 the place that Maryland had occupied as the premier see of the Church in America was won by New York in actuality if not in title. Based on exemplary archival research and scholarship, the book offers an engaging history of the northward shift in power and influence in the nineteenth century.
Penguin Putnam Inc Drop: An Adventure through the Water Cycle
Meet Drop. She’s water! And she’s seen a thing or two. Yep, even dinosaurs; she’s four and a half billion years old, after all. Everywhere Drop flows - and she flows everywhere - she keeps things moving, making life on earth possible, and having a great time doing it. (Have you ever plummeted from a rain cloud? Or took a thousand-year nap in a glacier? Drop knows how to live right.) With delightful panache and a steady stream of funny one-liners, Drop takes readers on an adventure through the water cycle and beyond. Filled with irresistible artwork, funny asides, and a steady sprinkle of kid-enticing facts, Drop is the story about water you never knew you were thirsting for.
Fleming H. Revell Company Simply Tuesday – Small–Moment Living in a Fast–Moving World
Compass Point Books TV Captures Terrorism on September 11: 4D an Augmented Reading Experience
Compass Point Books Face of Freedom: How the Photos of Frederick Douglass Celebrated Racial Equality
Compass Point Books The Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt: Leading from the Bully Pulpit
Penguin Putnam Inc Hotel Magnifique
Random House USA Inc The Power of Meaning: Finding Fulfillment in a World Obsessed with Happiness
Random House USA Inc Sanctuary: A Memoir
Dover Publications Inc. The Psychology of Music
Little, Brown & Company Astray
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Picnic
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Talented Miss Farwell [Large Print]
HarperCollins Publishers It Was You, Blue Kangaroo (Blue Kangaroo)
Lily and Blue Kangaroo – a friendship forever! Another heart warming story featuring Lily and her much-loved toy, Blue Kangaroo, from award-winning, renowned illustrator, Emma Chichester Clark. Lily and Blue Kangaroo are inseparable. Wherever Lily goes, Blue Kangaroo goes too. But Lily is not always fair and blames Blue Kangaroo when she is naughty. One day Lily is very bad indeed and Blue Kangaroo is taken away until he learns how to behave… but will he?
Schirner Verlag Hooponopono Das hawaiianische Vergebungsritual
Droste Verlag Glücksorte in Stuttgart
Dark Castle Press Ein Liebesratgeber Alles Wissenswerte für die Lady
Christiana Verlag Das Leben der heiligen Jungfrau Maria
Atlantis Alle in den Garten
GRIN Verlag Benachteiligung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund im deutschen Schulsystem
Bertelsmann Verlag Madame Pylinska und das Geheimnis von Chopin
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Ein von Schatten begrenzter Raum
Insel Verlag GmbH Ein Geheimnis aus Magie und Eis
Goldmann TB Entdecke deine Aura
Goldmann TB Die Heilkraft der Kristalle Die richtigen Steine fr Balance innere Strke und Selbstliebe
Duncker & Humblot GmbH Die Ausnahmen Vom Geschaftsgeheimnisschutz
Reclam Philipp Jun. Flix et la source invisible Franzsischer Text mit deutschen Worterklrungen Niveau B2 GER
Reclam Philipp Jun. Odette Toulemonde et autres histoires
Reclam Philipp Jun. Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran Lektreschlsssel fr Schler
Reclam Philipp Jun. Lenfant de No
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Experimental Mechanics: An Introduction
The book presents in a clear, simple, straightforward, novel and unified manner the most used methods of experimental mechanics of solids for the determination of displacements, strains and stresses. Emphasis is given on the principles of operation of the various methods, not in their applications to engineering problems. The book is divided into sixteen chapters which include strain gages, basic optics, geometric and interferometric moiré, optical methods (photoelasticity, interferometry, holography, caustics, speckle methods, digital image correlation), thermoelastic stress analysis, indentation, optical fibers, nondestructive testing, and residual stresses. The book will be used not only as a learning tool, but as a basis on which the researcher, the engineer, the experimentalist, the student can develop their new own ideas to promote research in experimental mechanics of solids.
Le Livre de poche Milarepa
Le Livre de poche Felix et la source invisible
Librairie generale francaise Le poison d'amour
Verve Poetry Press the dew point
Liverpool University Press Arms Control in the Middle East: Cooperative Security Dialogue, and Regional Constraints
This is the story of a regional process in the making: from the very concept of arms control as applied to the region, through the innovative regional forum and format for discussion that was devised for the talks, to the dynamics of the talks and the question of Egypt's position within this novel regional setting. The result was that what seemed at the outset to be a most likely unpromising forum became the setting of unprecedented regional dynamics.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers In Living Color: An Intercultural Approach to Pastoral Care and Counseling
The meaning of pastoral care in modern multicultural societies is challenged and re-examined from a pluralistic, global perspective in this book. Emmanuel Lartey stresses the importance of recognizing different cultural influences on individuals in order to effectively counsel, guide and empower them. He provides a clear and concise history of pastoral care and considers its relationship to different models of counseling and spirituality.This new edition has been updated to reflect postmodern and postcolonial studies and provides illustrations of how an intercultural approach can work in practice. Theological teachers and students will welcome its return as an indispensable introduction to the field of pastoral care. In Living Color is an essential source of inspiration to leaders from any religious stream who wish to provide pastoral care in a way that reflects their community's cultural diversity. This book is also a useful resource for practitioners in a wider range of caring contexts who work in multicultural environments.
Pushkin Children's Books That Day
Liverpool University Press Commemorating the Irish Famine: Memory and the Monument
Commemorating the Irish Famine: Memory and the Monument presents for the first time a visual cultural history of the 1840s Irish Famine, tracing its representation and commemoration from the 19th century up to its 150th anniversary in the 1990s and beyond. As the watershed event of 19th century Ireland, the Famine’s political and social impacts profoundly shaped modern Ireland and the nations of its diaspora. Yet up until the 1990s, the memory of the Famine remained relatively muted and neglected, attracting little public attention. Thus the Famine commemorative boom of the mid-1990s was unprecedented in scale and output, with close to one hundred monuments newly constructed across Ireland, Britain, the United States, Canada and Australia. Drawing on an extensive global survey of recent community and national responses to the Famine’s anniversary, and by outlining why these memories matter and to whom, this book argues how the phenomenon of Famine commemoration may be understood in the context of a growing memorial culture worldwide. It offers an innovative look at a well-known migration history whilst exploring how a now-global ethnic community redefines itself through acts of public memory and representation.