Search results for ""Author Peng"
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Come sano come vegano: La guía imprescindible para iniciarse en el veganismo / The Vegan Starter Kit : Everything You Need to Know About Plant-based Eating
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Convivir y compartir / Living and Sharing
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Lo que sé de los hombrecillos / What I Know of the Little Men
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La Babilonia, 1580 / Babylon, 1580
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Dime qué escondes / Nothing More to Tell
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial The Night / The Night
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La mansión Starling Starling House
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Cita con Rama (Edición ilustrada) / Rendezvous with Rama. Illustrated Edition
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Vivir más libre / To Live More Freely
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Tus lunas negras y blancas / Your Black and White Moons
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Tú serás mi muerte / You'll Be the Death of Me
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Las diez mil puertas de enero / The Ten Thousand Doors of January
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Harry Potter y el cáliz de fuego (20 Aniv. Hufflepuff) / Harry Potter and the Go blet of Fire (Hufflepuff)
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Harry Potter y la Orden del Fénix (20 Aniv. Gryffindor) / Harry Potter and the O rder of the Phoenix (Gryffindor)
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Harry Potter y la Orden del Fénix (20 Aniv. Slytherin) / Harry Potter and the Or der of the Phoenix (Slytherin)
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Harry Potter y el cáliz de fuego (20 Aniv. Slytherin) / Harry Potter and the Gob let of Fire (Slytherin)
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La biblioteca de París / The Paris Library
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Libro de Filipo / Book of Philippus
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El cielo de piedra / The Stone Sky
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Historia visual de la inteligencia / A Visual History of Intelligence: From the Beginnings of Humanity to Artificial Intelligence
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La arquitectura del mal / The Architecture of Evil
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Tu calma empieza aquí: Un diario para acallar la ansiedad / Create Your Own Calm : A Journal for Quieting Anxiety
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Egoísmo del bueno / Selfishness, of the Good Kind
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Hija única / The Only Child
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Todos somos estrellas / Made Out of Stars: A Journal for Self-Realization
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El libro del duelo / The Book of Grief
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El último show del Elegante Joan Elegant Joans Final Show
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La odisea rusa / The Russian Odyssey
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La panza del Tepozteco (Edición 30 Aniversario) / The Belly of Tepozteco
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Las operaciones secretas de la policía federal / The Secret Operations of the Fe deral Police
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El expediente Anna Ajmátova / The Anna Akhmatova File
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Y al polvo regresaremos / And to Dust We Will Return
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Las gemelas de Auschwitz / The Twins of Auschwitz. The inspiring true story of a young girl surviving Mengele’s hell
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El negociador: Consejos para triunfar en la vida y en los negocios / The Negotia tor: Tips for Success in Life and in Business
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Cuando México perdió la esperanza / When Mexico Lost Hope
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Metabolismo Radical / Radical metabolism
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Autobiografía del algodón / The Autobiography of Cotton
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Entre los rotos / Among the Broken (Premio Mauricio Achar 2019)
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El problema final / The Final Problem
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Línea de fuego / Line of Fire
Penguin Random House South Africa The Complete South African Cookbook
Simply written and presented, The Complete South African Cookbook is a compact yet comprehensive guide to cooking in South Africa. Indispensable for the beginner, it caters for the more experienced cook too and offers over 650 numbered recipes along with many variations – from the most basic to the exotic – all compiled for South African conditions. The directions for each dish are presented in a clear format and each recipe is accompanied by such useful facts as the number of portions, preparation and cooking time, kilojoule count per portion and whether or not the dish is suitable for freezing. Crammed with handy hints, The Complete South African Cookbook is an invaluable reference for anyone who enjoys cooking. Now with a new cover, this classic best seller has been in print for almost 40 years.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Well
Another powerful story in the Logan Family Saga and companion to Mildred D. Taylor's Newbery Award-winning Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.For David Logan, a time of distress means taking the higher road. During a drought, the Logan family shares their well water with their neighbors, black and white alike. But David’s brother Hammer finds it hard to share with Charlie Simms, who torments them because they are black. Hammer’s pride and Charlie’s meanness are a dangerous combination, and tensions between the boys build and build—until they explode. * “A compelling novel about prejudice and the saving power of human dignity."—School Library Journal, starred review
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El idiota. Edición conmemorativa / Idiot. Commemorative Edition
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Medio siglo con Borges / Half a Century with Borges
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Girls' Book of Flower Fairies
This beautifully styled book for girls is full of everything you will ever want to know about Flower Fairies. Featuring stories, poems, recipes, craft ideas, fairy facts, and tips for how to spot fairies in your own garden, this stunning gift book brings the glorious world of the Flower Fairies to life.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde the Suicide Club
Puffin Classics: the definitive collection of timeless stories, for every childRediscover the Puffin Classics collection and bring the best-loved classics to a new generation - including this thrilling edition of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde & the Suicide Club. Dr Jekyll faces awful consequences when he lets his dark side run wild with a potion that changes him into the disgustingly evil Mr Hyde.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Pollyanna
Puffin Classics: the definitive collection of timeless stories, for every childRediscover the Puffin Classics collection and bring the best-loved classics to a new generation - including this charming edition of Pollyanna. As soon as Pollyanna arrives in Beldingsville to live with her strict and dutiful maiden aunt, she begins to brighten up everybody's life. The 'glad game' she plays, of finding a silver lining in every cloud, transforms the sick, the lonely and the plain miserable - until one day something so terrible happens that even Pollyanna doesn't know how to feel glad about it.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Myths of the Norsemen
Puffin Classics: the definitive collection of timeless stories, for every child Rediscover the Puffin Classics collection and bring the best-loved classics to a new generation - including this epic edition of Myths of the Norsemen. The great Norse sagas are full of magic and heroic deeds. Odin's wanderings, Thor's hammer, the death of Bakkur, the vision of Ragnarok - tales which have been told since time immemorial - are given a fresh life in this version, written as one continuous exciting adventure story.