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Springer Nature Switzerland AG Fracture Mechanics: An Introduction
This book discusses the basic principles and traditional applications of fracture mechanics, as well as the cutting-edge research in the field over the last three decades in current topics like composites, thin films, nanoindentation, and cementitious materials.Experimental methods play a major role in the study of fracture mechanics problems and are used for the determination of the major fracture mechanics quantities such as stress intensity factors, crack tip opening displacements, strain energy release rates, crack paths, crack velocities in static and dynamic problems. These methods include electrical resistance strain gauges, photoelasticity, interferometry techniques, geometric and interferometry moiré, and the optical method of caustics.Furthermore, numerical methods are often used for the determination of fracture mechanics parameters. They include finite and boundary element methods, Green’s function and weight functions, boundary collocation, alternating methods, and integral transforms continuous dislocations.This third edition of the book covers the basic principles and traditional applications, as well as the latest developments of fracture mechanics. Featuring two new chapters and 30 more example problems, it presents a comprehensive overview of fracture mechanics, and includes numerous examples and unsolved problems. This book is suitable for teaching fracture mechanics courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. A “solutions manual” is available for course instructors upon request.
Elm Publications How the Dark lord became the Dark lord
Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers Gus and Archie
Troubador Publishing The Second Life Of Penny Longhope
Logan Wight finds the courage to come out as trans after reading Penny Longhope’s autobiography written from her cell awaiting her execution. Penny Longhope escapes her gin-soaked upbringing to become a street performer. But when the love of her life runs off with their money, her life spirals out of control and into a world of murder and highway robbery.
Ebury Publishing Quick Crafts for Parents Who Think They Hate Craft
If the thought of getting crafty with your children fills you with glittery dread then this book is for you.Quick Crafts for Parents Who Think They Hate Craft is packed with 40 projects free from crazy origami to lose your cool over and PVA glue to clean out of everyone’s hair. Get creative with your children even if you’re short on time (or patience). Split into 4 sections: play with it, wear it, spruce it up and useful things, all of the crafts have been created to ensure that play can continue once the crafting is over. Go on a swashbuckling adventure complete with pirate hook and sword, whale watching in the bath or a leafy jungle safari with hairy baboons and rattling snakes.Crafting doesn’t have to leave you cranky and the floor sticky!
Johnny Magory Business Johnny Magory And The Forest Fleadh Cheoil
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Snow Globe
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Lore and Lament
Lerner Publishing Group Let's Explore the Sense of Hearing
Quercus Publishing One Kensington: Tales from the Frontline of the Most Unequal Borough in Britain
Kensington and Chelsea - one of the wealthiest spots on planet Earth - is also one of the most unequal. A short walk from Harrods, families cannot buy enough food to feed themselves. Desperate overcrowding is found in the shadow of ultraluxury property developments. A 20 minute bus ride across the borough can encompass a 30 year difference in life expectancy.Emma Dent Coad, a councillor in Kensington and Chelsea since 2006, and has spent her life fighting for those left behind in the Royal Borough. That fight became all the more urgent when, just a few days after she was unexpectedly and triumphantly elected MP for the area, the Grenfell Tower disaster occurred, illustrating to the country and the world just how neglected the most vulnerable members of our society had become.One Kensington lays bare the appalling degree of mismanagement and neglect that has made Kensington and Chelsea a grim symbol of an ever more divided country: a glimpse of a wider future of hollowed-out local government and cynical corruption. But through the depth of community connections and tireless political organising, it also suggests a potentially hopeful future for a new Britain.
Hodder & Stoughton Healing Your Thyroid Naturally: Manage Symptoms, Lose Weight and Improve Your Thyroid Health
Healing Your Thyroid Naturally is a no-nonsense guide about the impact of food and diets on healing your thyroid. Dr Emily Lipinski, a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, incorporates the latest research in thyroid health and provides easy dietary guidance to help you on your journey to thyroid balance. With chapters such as 'The Iodine Debate', 'Food Sensitivities' and 'Going Gluten Free', Healing your Thyroid Naturally highlights many topics that are integral to understanding how food impacts thyroid health.Through her own journey with Hypothyroidism, Dr Emily Lipinski learned that healing the thyroid requires much more than just medication. Combining her medical background with her love of food and passion for natural approaches she has helped herself, and countless patients, to regain control over their thyroid problems.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Sustainable Beauty: 30 Recipes to Create Your New Head to Toe Zero-Waste Beauty Routine
Sustainable Beauty is a collection of easy to follow recipes for you to create your fresh, head to toe zero waste beauty routine. Learn how to make everything from exfoliating scrubs to body butter, face wash bars to dry shampoo, Emilie's amazing natural deodorant recipe and everything in between. This book is full of simple recipes using sustainable, environmentally friendly ingredients to give you naturally beautiful skin.
Baker Publishing Group The Next Right Thing – A Simple, Soulful Practice for Making Life Decisions
Nothing gets our attention like an unmade decision: Should I accept the new position? Which schooling choice is best for my kids? How can I support my aging parents? When we have a decision to make and the answer isn't clear, what we want more than anything is peace, clarity, and a nudge in the right direction. If you have trouble making decisions, because of either chronic hesitation you've always lived with or a more recent onset of decision fatigue, Emily P. Freeman offers a fresh way of practicing familiar but often forgotten advice: simply do the next right thing. With this simple, soulful practice, it is possible to clear the decision-making chaos, quiet the fear of choosing wrong, and find the courage to finally decide without regret or second-guessing. Whether you're in the midst of a major life transition or are weary of the low-grade anxiety that daily life can bring, Emily helps create space for your soul to breathe so you can live life with God at a gentle pace and discern your next right thing in love.
Little, Brown Book Group Living Druidry: Magical spirituality for the wild soul
Grounded in everyday life and experience this book guides the reader to find their own vision, and their own deep, personal, ecstatic relationship with nature. You will learn about: The fundamental principles underlying Druidry; The relevance of Druidry and nature spirituality today; The powers of nature that resonate within the individual; Understanding and accepting yourself; How to bring a profound spiritual experience into your everyday life; Simple ways to acknowledge and embrace the wild side of your nature
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Mysteries Uncovered: True Stories of the Paranormal and Unexplained
The mysterious is all around us...UFOs, extraterrestrial encounters, baffling disappearances-Mysteries Uncovered investigates, without prejudice, some of the most notorious, disturbing and enduring mysteries ever recorded.- UFO activity: the Roswell Incident, the Phoenix Lights, the Rendlesham Incident...- Alien abduction: the Barney and Betty Hill case...- Uncanny events: the missing crew of the Marie Celeste, the lost colony of Roanoke, the fate of Amelia Earhart...- Notorious disappearances: the cases of Lord Lucan and "D.B. Cooper"... For every instance rationalized away, there is another that defies explanation...
Penguin Books Ltd The Optician of Lampedusa
'Poetically written, absorbing, harrowing' The Times'The raw and emotional account of an optician whose family fishing trip suddenly placed him amid the human tragedy of hundreds of drowning migrants is a story that needed to be told' Fiona Wilson, The Times'An important book ... I cried all the way through' Tracy ChevalierFrom an award-winning BBC journalist, this moving book turns the testimony of an accidental hero into a timeless story about human fellowship and the awakening of courage and conscience.'I can hardly begin to describe to you what I saw as our boat approached the source of that terrible noise. I hardly want to. You won't understand because you weren't there. You can't understand. You see, I thought I'd heard seagulls screeching. Seagulls fighting over a lucky catch. Birds. Just birds.'Emma-Jane Kirby has reported extensively on the reality of mass migration today. In The Optician of Lampedusa she brings to life the moving testimony of an ordinary man whose late summer boat trip off a Sicilian island unexpectedly turns into a tragic rescue mission.
Gregorian & Biblical Press Un Fuego Que Enciende Otros Fuegos: Formador, Especializate En Jesucristo
Universidad del País Vasco. Servicio Editorial=Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Argitarapen Zerbitzua Fernández de Pinedo E Censo de la sal 1631 hacienda y c
Linkgua Historia del Año 1883
Prames S.A. Yo Henry Russell autobiografía imaginaria del más célebre pirineísta
En 1861, los Pirineos resultaban tan desconocidos como la cara oculta de la luna. Un aristócrata de origen irlandés, tras viajar por medio mundo protagonizando aventuras que inspiraron al mismo Julio Verne, se propondría explorarlos en toda su extensión. Conquistó la mayor parte de sus cimas vírgenes, inventó el saco de dormir y las ascensiones invernales, fundó uno de los primeros clubs de montaña europeos, obtuvo una concesión sobre el Vignemale y todavía sacó tiempo para escribir 83 libros. Su nombre: Henry Russell.
Nau Llibres (Edicions Culturals Valencianes, S.A.) Investigacin y prctica en la educacin de personas adultas
Durante los últimos años se ha recuperado la necesidad de la educación de personas adultas dentro del proceso de convergencia europea. Con la recuperación de la noción de aprendizaje a lo largo de toda la vida, se ha puesto especial énfasis en el hecho de que las personas aprenden a lo largo de su vida. En todo caso, sería necesario discutir si esta noción de aprendizaje frente a educación no ha roto determinadas dinámicas que daban a la educación de personas adultas un cierto sentido cultural. Por este motivo, la expresión aprendizaje nos parece restrictiva frente a la de educación concebida como desarrollo de las personas y las comunidades.Los autores del libro son, en su inmensa mayoría, profesores universitarios con una amplia experiencia en el campo de la investigación en educación de personas adultas. Además, el libro aporta un importante proceso de colaboración transfronteriza, al participar en él profesores universitarios tanto españoles como portugueses, lo que enriquece la
Arco Libros - La Muralla, S.L. Los Balcanes Ante El Siglo XXI
Los Balcanes, se han convertido a lo largo de la última década del siglo XX en sinónimo de violencia. No era, sin embargo, la primera vez que zona del sudeste de Europa concentraba la atención mundial por ser escenario de crueles conflictos; también durante gran parte del siglo XIX la historia balcánica se vio sacudida por una serie de guerras en las que se mezclaban los sentimientos nacionalistas, de los pueblos de la región, con los intereses de las grandes potencias. En los comienzos del siglo XXI, el horizonte de la paz sigue sin perfilarse claramente. Demasiados errores y ambiciones de muchos '''irresponsables'' políticos han ido jalonando las etapas de una barbarie en apariencia incomprensible; de Eslovenia a Macedonia, en un itinerario de sentido opuesto a las manecillas del reloj, a contratiempo de la democracia y de la libertad, la mentira nacionalista y la manipulación de la opinión publica mundial alimentan el odio de los actores y la complicidad de los espectadores de un dr
Visor libros, S.L. El Conde de Villamediana estudio biográfico crítico
Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas De nuevo sobre la sociedad reflexiva escritos de teoría y estructura sociales
Llevamos el mundo en el bolsillo. Cada vez que usamos el teléfono o le damos a la llave de contacto de nuestro automóvil, estamos movilizando el mundo entero. Pero tras la globalización de capitales y mercancías, ha llegado la de las personas y las culturas. Se mezclan productos, por supuesto, pero también ideas, lenguas, literaturas, gastronomías, religiones. Ajustar nuestra conciencia a esa realidad global es el nuevo reto de la sociología. La sociología debe abandonar la fascinación estatalista que, como un velo mistificador, nos hace filtrar todo en función de esos mapas coloreados donde cada país tiene su sitio, como si viviéramos en mónadas leibnitzianas, aisladas unas de otras. Se ha dicho, con razón, que hay un hegelianismo oculto en la tradición sociológica que hace del Estado-nación el referente empírico de la palabra sociedad. Cierto, seguimos pensando el mundo a través del filtro cognitivo de una colección de 193 unidades estatales supuestamente capaces de ser entendidas y
Tinta Blanca Editor La voz de la Alhambra guía para escuchar los poemas alhambreños
Sinopsis: La voz de la Alhambra es un libro de referencia para entender y amar los poemas escritos en las paredes de uno de los conjuntos palatinos más bellos del mundo. El arabista Emilio de Santiago los ha vuelto a traducir, guiado por su profundo conocimiento de la poesía árabe y de cuanto encierra la Alhambra.El resultado es un libro fundamental para todo aquel que desee adentrarse en este lugar único, donde los versos cobran vida entre las piedras labradas por el refinado arte nazarí. Emilio de Santiago nos invita a "escuchar" la poesía de un tiempo que aún sigue presente entre nosotros. El libro está prologado por el escritor Antonio Muñoz Molina e ilustrado por los delicados trazos del pintor Juan Vida.
Mandalas Flores Spanish Edition
Más de 60 motivos muy floreados para colorear a tu gusto. Rotuladores, pinturas, pasteles... sorpréndete con diferentes técnicas y deja volar la imaginación y la creatividad. Con el paso de las páginas, tu Art Book para colorear se transforma en un original libro de arte! Escoge tus más bellas creaciones y conviértelas en decorativos cuadros para colgar o regalar.
Editorial Alma Arsène Lupin, Caballero Ladrón
Atico de Los Libros El Hotel de Cristal
Servicio de Publicaciones - Universidad de Huelva Las civilizaciones orientales una introducción histórica
El siguiente volumen trata de examinar el origen de las civilizaciones india y china, y la evolución medieval de ambas hasta la llegada de los europeos a fines del siglo XV. en el se analizan las estructuras económicas, sociales y el desarrollo político, además de un panorama de los aspectos culturales y artísticos.Las Civilizaciones Orientales pretende ofrecer las claves interpretativas de cada cultura oriental, se ha partido del nacimiento de la civilización, ensayándose, en el caso de las mayores, distinguir de la fase antigua un periodo "medieval", del que sólo China sale con anterioridad a la llegada de los mercaderes y misioneros europeos en el siglo XVI.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Etre Et Chair II: L'Epreuve Perceptive de l'Etre: Avancees Ultimes de la Phenomenologie de Merleau-Ponty
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Etre Et Chair: Du Corps Au Desir l'Habilitation Ontologique de la Chair
Catholic Book Publishing The Saints Coloring Book
Catholic Book Publishing Coloring Book about Jesus
Alfred Music Trio in BFlat for Two Violins Kalmus Edition
Random House USA Inc For All who Hunger: Searching for Communion in a Shattered World
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers An Arrow to the Moon
Literaricon Verlag Versuch ber die wahre Art das Klavier zu spielen
Lüchow Verlag Antlitzdiagnostik nach Dr. Schüssler
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Marriage of Convenience: Rockefeller International Health and Revolutionary Mexico
Offers a nuanced analysis of the interaction between the Rockefeller Foundation's International Health Division and Mexico's Departamento de Salubridad Pública as they jointly promoted public health through campaigns against yellow fever and hookworm disease, organized cooperative rural health units, and educated public health professionals in North American universities and Mexican training stations.
Cornell University Press Marine Fishes and Fisheries of New York
Marine Fishes and Fisheries of New York documents the extraordinary diversity of fishes found within the state''s inland marine waters and twelve nautical miles off the coastline. In this definitive resource for the region, Howard M. Reisman and Emerson C. Hasbrouck Jr. highlight 244 species alongside the fisheries and food chains to which they are vital. Species profiles describe distribution and annual movements, anatomical, physiological and behavioral distinctions, ecological roles, and more. This up-to-date volume also features: Fishery management and sustainability practices More than 150 drawings and a color gallery QR codes linking to fish videos Marine Fishes and Fisheries of New York is essential for professionals and enthusiasts looking to discover the region''s abundance of unique and important fish species.
Alfred A. Knopf Station Eleven: A novel
Institution of Engineering & Technology Code of Practice for Electromagnetic Resilience
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd From Suffragette to Homesteader: Exploring British and Canadian Colonial Histories and Women's Politics through Memoir
From Suffragette to Homesteader opens a unique window into the past. Central to this book is a powerful memoir written in 1952 by Ethel Marie Sentance as an anniversary present for her husband, Clarence. The memoir begins in 1883 and details Ethel's early life in a small English village. Frustrated with women's social and political inequality, Ethel became a suffragette in her early twenties. She participated in meetings and rallies, sold suffrage newspapers, and was eventually jailed for breaking a window at a protest. In 1912, her life changed considerably when she married and relocated to the Saskatchewan prairies to become a homesteader and settler.Surrounding Ethel's memoir are chapters by leading historians and life-writing scholars that provide further analysis and context, exploring topics within and beyond those written about by Ethel. Together, the chapters in this book tell a compelling story of early and mid twentieth century social justice advocacy, women's and feminist histories, struggles for gender equality, and the farmworker and homesteader experience. At the same time, the book is also a story of imperialism and the British Empire, race and class, and settler colonialism.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Hundred Years War: 1337–1453
An illustrated overview of the Hundred Years War, the longest-running and the most significant conflict in western Europe in the later Middle Ages. There can be no doubt that military conflict between France and England dominated European history in the 14th and 15th centuries. The Hundred Years War is of considerable interest both because of its duration and the number of theatres in which it was fought. Drawing on the latest research for this new edition, Hundred Years War expert Professor Anne Curry examines how the war can reveal much about the changing nature of warfare: the rise of infantry and the demise of the knight; the impact of increased use of gunpowder and the effect of the war on generations of people. Updated and revised for the new edition, with full-colour maps and 50 new images, this illustrated introduction provides an important reference resource for the academic or student reader as well as those with a general interest in late medieval warfare.
Alfred A. Knopf Sea of Tranquility: A novel