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HarperCollins Publishers Collins International Foundation – Collins International English Foundation Plus Reading Anthology C
Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes. The materials have been developed in consultation with expert practitioners to be easy to use in the classroom and to support children following a range of early years curricula and who are preparing for their first year of primary education in an international school, including schools following the Cambridge Assessment International Education primary framework. The course introduces young children to phonics and early literacy skills in an age-appropriate way through topic-based discovery and activity-based learning, with plenty of opportunities to explore books and reading through games and hands-on exploration. Careful progression ensures children develop the skills they need to be ready for English in their first year of primary and beyond. Each level comprises Activity Books A, B and C – one for each term – supported by Reading Anthologies A, B and C – also one per term – and a Teacher’s Guide. Schools can opt to use the course over one or two school years. The engaging and brightly illustrated Reading Anthologies provide a carefully selected collection of colourful stories and stimulus materials to support the development of phonics and early literacy skills. Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus can be used on their own, or alongside Collins International Maths Foundation and Foundation Plus and Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus to provide a comprehensive early-years programme.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins International Foundation – Collins International Science Foundation Plus Activity Book A
Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes. The materials have been developed in consultation with expert practitioners to be easy to use in the classroom and to support children following a range of early years curricula and who are preparing for their first year of primary education in an international school, including schools following the Cambridge Assessment International Education primary framework. The course introduces young children to concepts they will later study in science in an age-appropriate way through topic-based discovery and activity-based learning, with plenty of opportunities to explore science through games and hands-on exploration. Careful progression ensures children develop the skills they need to be ready for science in their first year of primary and beyond. Each level comprises Activity Books A, B and C – one for each term – supported by a carefully selected collection of colourful stimulus materials in the Reading Anthology and Teacher’s Guide. Schools can opt to use the course over one or two school years. The engaging and brightly illustrated Activity Books provide age-appropriate practice that is fun for children, that allow teachers to see and record progress, and that show parents what is being covered in class. Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus can be used on their own, or alongside Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus and Collins International Maths Foundation and Foundation Plus to provide a comprehensive early-years programme.
HarperCollins Publishers A Cornish Cottage by the Sea: A heartwarming, hilarious romance read set in Cornwall!
St Aidan: a cosy Cornish village where friendships are made for life and it’s always cocktail hour somewhere… ‘Beautifully crafted and wrapped in romance’ Sunday Times bestseller Heidi Swain Those who don’t jump will never fly… Hurtling through the sky was supposed to be Edie Browne’s flight of independence. But when she falls head over champagne bucket while celebrating her successful landing, her life is changed in an instant. But starting over has its benefits, and as Edie relearns the basics under the watchful eye of her Aunty Josie and an entire Cornish village of new friends and neighbours, she finds love and joy she never could have imagined in the unlikeliest of places… Come home to Periwinkle Cottage for a romance full of love, laughter and friends for life! Why readers love Jane Linfoot: ‘Have you ever liked a book so much that you wanted to give it a hug…chicklit GOLD’ Pretty Little Book Reviews ‘Jane Linfoot combines fabulous friendship with gorgeous true love…a fantastic captivating story with a sweet romantic ending’ With Love for Books ‘A character that you genuinely like’ Mrs Wheddon Reviews ‘The perfect holiday read…you feel as if you are part of the group of friends’ Coffee and Kindle Book Reviews ‘Where should I begin with this wonderful, delicious novel…a stunning, fabulous read’ Kat, Goodreads ‘An uplifting, warm and romantic story that was a real pleasure to read’ Rae Reads
HarperCollins Publishers Collins International Foundation – Collins International Maths Foundation Activity Book C
Collins International Maths Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes. The materials have been developed in consultation with expert practitioners to be easy to use in the classroom and to support children following a range of early years curricula and who are preparing for their first year of primary education in an international school, including schools following the Cambridge Assessment International Education primary framework. The course introduces young children to maths concepts in an age-appropriate way through topic-based discovery and activity-based learning, with plenty of opportunities to explore maths through games and hands-on exploration. Careful progression ensures children develop the skills they need to be ready for maths in their first year of primary and beyond. Each level comprises Activity Books A, B and C – one for each term – supported by a carefully selected collection of colourful stimulus materials in the Reading Anthology and Teacher’s Guide. Schools can opt to use the course over one or two school years. The engaging and brightly illustrated Activity Books provide age-appropriate practice that is fun for children, that allow teachers to see and record progress, and that show parents what is being covered in class. Collins International Maths Foundation and Foundation Plus can be used on their own, or alongside Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus and Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus to provide a comprehensive early-years programme.
Cornerstone Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves: The Druid's Call
Explore the thrilling origins of the druid Doric in this original prequel to Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.For as long as she can remember, Doric has felt alone. Abandoned by her human parents, she wandered for years before being taken in by a community of Neverwinter Woods elves. But her horns and tail proclaim a tiefling heritage, and even among the kindest of elves, her fledgling druidic abilities mark her as different from the rangers around her. And as humans begin to encroach farther and farther into the once pristine woods, Doric knows she needs to master her druidic capabilities if she is to be any help to her adopted family. With no means of helping Doric themselves, her guardians see no choice but to send her somewhere she can come into her own.Tucked among the ancient pines of the Ardeep Forest hides the Emerald Enclave, an order of warriors tasked with preserving the natural world. They fight to maintain balance between the forces of the wild and civilization, and in doing so, protect the sanctity of each.Among their order, Doric begins to find power in her differences. But not all her fellow initiates are so capable of new growth, and as her training continues, Doric is forced to confront the very beliefs that brought her into the Enclave's fold. If she's going to protect her home, she'll have to reckon with her people, her power, and the walls she's built to keep herself safe from both.
Kon Acad Wetenschappen Letteren Eeuwen van ambitie: De adel in laatmiddeleeuws Vlaanderen
Eeuwen van ambitie schetst de lotgevallen van de Vlaamse adel tijdens een kantelmoment in de Europese geschiedenis. In de late middeleeuwen werden de hooggeboren geslachten van dit graafschap voor een reeks fundamentele uitdagingen geplaatst. Op de kastelen en landgoederen die hen altijd hadden verzekerd van ongeëvenaarde macht en rijkdom, werden zij geconfronteerd met een boerenbevolking die in de nasleep van de Zwarte Dood een sterk besef van eigenwaarde had ontwikkeld. De luxueuze levensstijl van edelen werd steeds vaker geëvenaard en zelfs overtroffen door stedelingen uit Gent, Brugge of Ieper, die enorme fortuinen hadden vergaard met handel en nijverheid. Frederik Buylaert brengt als eerste een synthetisch beeld van de evolutie van de Vlaamse adel in de bewogen veertiende en vijftiende eeuw. Aan de hand van een brede waaier van bronnen en invalshoeken weerlegt hij vele gevestigde opvattingen over de adel. De late middeleeuwen waren geen periode van onherroepelijk verval, maar een fase waarin adellijke families een nieuw sociaal, economisch, cultureel en politiek profiel ontwikkelden om hun maatschappelijke prominentie te handhaven. Zij zochten en vonden antwoorden op die ingrijpende veranderingen vanuit hun omgang met eeuwenoude problemen, zoals vetes met vijandige families, erfenisconflicten in de eigen kring, het kiezen van de 'juiste' huwelijkspartner, het verlies van lijf en leden op het slagveld, kinderloosheid of het verzekeren van het levensonderhoud van een liefdeskind. Hierdoor evolueerde de Vlaamse adel van een gesloten plattelandsaristocratie tot een economisch veelzijdige elite met een groeiend internationaal en Franstalig karakter, die de hand reikte aan machtige stedelingen en ambitieuze staatsambtenaren. Toen de Vlaamse adel in de zestiende eeuw afstand deed van haar krijgshaftige levenshouding, waren de meeste grondtrekken van de moderne adel reeds gevestigd.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Not So Pure and Simple
"Hysterical. I couldn’t put it down.” (Nic Stone) "I laughed, I gasped, I church grunted through every chapter." (Tiffany D. Jackson) "Heartfelt and hilarious on every page!" (Justin A. Reynolds)4 starred reviews! * An Indie Next List Pick! * Named one of Bank Street College of Education's Best Children’s Books of the Year!Two-time Edgar Award finalist Lamar Giles spotlights the consequences of societal pressure, confronts toxic masculinity, and explores the complexity of what it means to be a “real man.”Del has had a crush on Kiera Westing since kindergarten. And now, during their junior year, she’s finally available. So when Kiera volunteers for an opportunity at their church, Del’s right behind her. Though he quickly realizes he’s inadvertently signed up for a Purity Pledge.His dad thinks his wires are crossed, and his best friend, Qwan, doesn’t believe any girl is worth the long game. But Del’s not about to lose his dream girl, and that’s where fellow pledger Jameer comes in. He can put in the good word. In exchange, Del just has to get answers to the Pledgers’ questions…about sex ed.With other boys circling Kiera like sharks, Del needs to make his move fast. But as he plots and plans, he neglects to ask the most important question: What does Kiera want? He can’t think about that too much, though, because once he gets the girl, it’ll all sort itself out. Right?"With true-to-life characters and a straightforward handling of sex, including often ignored aspects of male sexuality, Giles’s thoughtful, hilarious read offers a timely viewpoint on religion, toxic masculinity, and teen sexuality." (Publishers Weekly, "An Anti-Racist Children's and YA Reading List")
Duke University Press Rebels: Youth and the Cold War Origins of Identity
Holden Caulfield, the beat writers, Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, and James Dean—these and other avatars of youthful rebellion were much more than entertainment. As Leerom Medovoi shows, they were often embraced and hotly debated at the dawn of the Cold War era because they stood for dissent and defiance at a time when the ideological production of the United States as leader of the “free world” required emancipatory figures who could represent America’s geopolitical claims. Medovoi argues that the “bad boy” became a guarantor of the country’s anti-authoritarian, democratic self-image: a kindred spirit to the freedom-seeking nations of the rapidly decolonizing third world and a counterpoint to the repressive conformity attributed to both the Soviet Union abroad and America’s burgeoning suburbs at home.Alongside the young rebel, the contemporary concept of identity emerged in the 1950s. It was in that decade that “identity” was first used to define collective selves in the politicized manner that is recognizable today: in terms such as “national identity” and “racial identity.” Medovoi traces the rapid absorption of identity themes across many facets of postwar American culture, including beat literature, the young adult novel, the Hollywood teen film, early rock ‘n’ roll, black drama, and “bad girl” narratives. He demonstrates that youth culture especially began to exhibit telltale motifs of teen, racial, sexual, gender, and generational revolt that would burst into political prominence during the ensuing decades, bequeathing to the progressive wing of contemporary American political culture a potent but ambiguous legacy of identity politics.
Princeton University Press The Mythic Image
A paperback edition of Campbell's major study of the mythology of the world's high civilizations over five millennia. It includes nearly 450 illustrations. The text is the same as that of the 1974 edition. Mythologist Joseph Campbell was a masterful storyteller, able to weave tales from every corner of the world into compelling, even spellbinding, narratives. His interest in comparative mythology began in childhood, when the young Joe Campbell was taken to see Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show at Madison Square Garden. He started writing articles on Native American mythology in high school, and the parallels between age-old myths and the mythic themes in literature and dreams became a lifelong preoccupation. Campbell's best-known work is The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949), which became a New York Times paperback best-seller for Princeton in 1988 after Campbell's star turn on the Bill Moyers television program The Power of Myth. During his early years as a professor of comparative religion at Sarah Lawrence College, Campbell made the acquaintance of Indologist Heinrich Zimmer, a kindred spirit who introduced him to Paul and Mary Mellon, the founders of Bollingen Series. They chose Campbell's The Mythic Image as the culmination of the series, giving it the closing position--number one hundred. A lavishly illustrated and beautifully produced study of the mythology of the world's high civilizations, The Mythic Image received a front-cover review in the New York Times Book Review upon publication. Through the medium of visual art, the book explores the relation of dreams to myth and demonstrates the important differences between oriental and occidental interpretations of dreams and life.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins International Foundation – Collins International English Foundation Activity Book A
Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes. The materials have been developed in consultation with expert practitioners to be easy to use in the classroom and to support children following a range of early years curricula and who are preparing for their first year of primary education in an international school, including schools following the Cambridge Assessment International Education primary framework. The course introduces young children to phonics and early literacy skills in an age-appropriate way through topic-based discovery and activity-based learning, with plenty of opportunities to explore books and reading through games and hands-on exploration. Careful progression ensures children develop the skills they need to be ready for English in their first year of primary and beyond. Each level comprises Activity Books A, B and C – one for each term – supported by Reading Anthologies A, B and C – also one per term – that provide a carefully selected collection of colourful stories and stimulus materials, and a Teacher’s Guide. Schools can opt to use the course over one or two school years. The engaging and brightly illustrated Activity Books provide age-appropriate practice that is fun for children, that allow teachers to see and record progress, and that show parents what is being covered in class. Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus can be used on their own, or alongside Collins International Maths Foundation and Foundation Plus and Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus to provide a comprehensive early-years programme.
Workman Publishing It's Not You, It's Capitalism: Why It's Time to Break Up and How to Move On
Renowned journalist Malaika Jabali debunks myths, centres forgotten socialists of colour who have shaped our world, and shows us socialism is not all Marx and Bernie Bros-it can be pretty sexy.We've all dated someone who took control of the relationship-you know, someone who makes you feel like you're unhappy because you're just not putting in the work, or it's all in your head. But when you think about trying to meet new people, it feels terrifying. Like, have you looked at Tinder recently? It's rough out there! Your tough-love new best friend, award-winning journalist, policy attorney, and life-long socialist Malaika Jabali is here to say: we are all in a generations-long toxic relationship with Capitalism, and it is time to get the h*ll out of there and move ALONG. She gives you everything you need to know about what a healthy relationship could actually look like, issue by issue-from healthcare and housing to the whole concept of American democracy-with our new boo: Socialism. And no, Socialism isn't the boring, grey, authoritarian, Cold-War-era monster that you've heard about. With accessible explanations and illustrations, often surprising graphs and stats, and some Drake memes, this book will show you that we NEED to build a world that's safer, kinder, cleaner, healthier, and more equal. And that this isn't a utopian dream - it's within our grasp, if we collectively decide to call out Capitalism for what it really is and wake up to a better future. Fun, smart, and inspiring, It's Not You It's Capitalism is the hottest new relationship in your life!
Headline Publishing Group The Spider's Web (Sister Fidelma Mysteries Book 5): A heart-stopping mystery set in Medieval Ireland
Irish super-sleuth Sister Fidelma is faced with a challenging and disturbing case to investigate in THE SPIDER'S WEB, Peter Tremayne's fifth unputdownable Celtic mystery. PRAISE FOR THE SISTER FIDELMA SERIES: 'The background detail is brilliantly defined . . . wonderfully evocative' The Times, 'A brilliant and beguiling heroine. Immensely appealing' Publishers Weekly Ebert is not a man to make enemies. He is a chieftain with a reputation for kindliness and generosity. Yet, one night, his household is aroused by a scream from his chamber. The servants burst in to find Móen, a young man to whom Eber had extended his protection, crouched over the bloody body of the chieftain. Móen's clothes are drenched in Eber's blood and he is clutching a bloodstained knife in his hand.There seems no doubt of culpability, but why did Móen kill the gentle and courteous Eber? The problem is exacerbated by the fact that Móen himself cannot tell them - for he is deaf, dumb and blind...Sister Fidelma, advocate of the ancient Irish law courts, is compelled to begin an investigation of the killing in order to present an argument on Móen's behalf before he is condemned. Assisted by Brother Eadulf, Fidelma finds that the path to truth twists and turns with the sinister forces of primitive passions and subtle ambitions - and leads inexorably to a final, stunning denouement.What readers are saying about THE SPIDER'S WEB:'Another great read, full of interesting insight into the times, the prejudices and superstitions, whilst playing out the complex details of the plot''Peter Tremayne has woven a very clever story with as many paths as the web of a spider. Beautiful''The Sister Fidelma mysteries are absolutely the best'
Vintage Publishing The Correspondence
'What a nutjob!' - Geoff Dyer'Questions that occurred to me as I read this brilliant, baffling book: What the hell is this? Who the hell is this? Is this poetry?' - Tom BissellCan civilization save us from ourselves? That is the question J. D. Daniels asks in his first book, a series of six letters written during dark nights of the soul. Working from his own highly varied experience – as a janitor, night watchman, adjunct professor, drunk, exterminator, dutiful son –he considers how far books and learning and psychoanalysis can get us, and how much we’re stuck in the mud.In prose wound as tight as a copper spring, Daniels takes us from the highways of his native Kentucky to the Balearic Islands and from the Pampas of Brazil to the rarefied precincts of Cambridge, Massachusetts. His travelling companions include psychotic kindergarten teachers, Israeli sailors, and Southern Baptists on fire for Christ. In each dispatch, Daniels takes risks – not just literary (voice, tone, form) but also more immediate, such as spending two years on a Brazilian jiu-jitsu team (he gets beaten to a pulp, repeatedly) or participating in group psychoanalysis (where he goes temporarily insane). Daniels is that rare thing, a writer completely in earnest whose wit never deserts him, even in extremis. Inventive, intimate, restless, streetwise and erudite, The Correspondence introduces a brave and original observer of the inner life under pressure.
Duke University Press Rebels: Youth and the Cold War Origins of Identity
Holden Caulfield, the beat writers, Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, and James Dean—these and other avatars of youthful rebellion were much more than entertainment. As Leerom Medovoi shows, they were often embraced and hotly debated at the dawn of the Cold War era because they stood for dissent and defiance at a time when the ideological production of the United States as leader of the “free world” required emancipatory figures who could represent America’s geopolitical claims. Medovoi argues that the “bad boy” became a guarantor of the country’s anti-authoritarian, democratic self-image: a kindred spirit to the freedom-seeking nations of the rapidly decolonizing third world and a counterpoint to the repressive conformity attributed to both the Soviet Union abroad and America’s burgeoning suburbs at home.Alongside the young rebel, the contemporary concept of identity emerged in the 1950s. It was in that decade that “identity” was first used to define collective selves in the politicized manner that is recognizable today: in terms such as “national identity” and “racial identity.” Medovoi traces the rapid absorption of identity themes across many facets of postwar American culture, including beat literature, the young adult novel, the Hollywood teen film, early rock ‘n’ roll, black drama, and “bad girl” narratives. He demonstrates that youth culture especially began to exhibit telltale motifs of teen, racial, sexual, gender, and generational revolt that would burst into political prominence during the ensuing decades, bequeathing to the progressive wing of contemporary American political culture a potent but ambiguous legacy of identity politics.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins International Foundation – Collins International English Foundation Activity Book C
Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes. The materials have been developed in consultation with expert practitioners to be easy to use in the classroom and to support children following a range of early years curricula and who are preparing for their first year of primary education in an international school, including schools following the Cambridge Assessment International Education primary framework. The course introduces young children to phonics and early literacy skills in an age-appropriate way through topic-based discovery and activity-based learning, with plenty of opportunities to explore books and reading through games and hands-on exploration. Careful progression ensures children develop the skills they need to be ready for English in their first year of primary and beyond. Each level comprises Activity Books A, B and C – one for each term – supported by Reading Anthologies A, B and C – also one per term – that provide a carefully selected collection of colourful stories and stimulus materials, and a Teacher’s Guide. Schools can opt to use the course over one or two school years. The engaging and brightly illustrated Activity Books provide age-appropriate practice that is fun for children, that allow teachers to see and record progress, and that show parents what is being covered in class. Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus can be used on their own, or alongside Collins International Maths Foundation and Foundation Plus and Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus to provide a comprehensive early-years programme.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins International Foundation – Collins International English Foundation Activity Book B
Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes. The materials have been developed in consultation with expert practitioners to be easy to use in the classroom and to support children following a range of early years curricula and who are preparing for their first year of primary education in an international school, including schools following the Cambridge Assessment International Education primary framework. The course introduces young children to phonics and early literacy skills in an age-appropriate way through topic-based discovery and activity-based learning, with plenty of opportunities to explore books and reading through games and hands-on exploration. Careful progression ensures children develop the skills they need to be ready for English in their first year of primary and beyond. Each level comprises Activity Books A, B and C – one for each term – supported by Reading Anthologies A, B and C – also one per term – that provide a carefully selected collection of colourful stories and stimulus materials, and a Teacher’s Guide. Schools can opt to use the course over one or two school years. The engaging and brightly illustrated Activity Books provide age-appropriate practice that is fun for children, that allow teachers to see and record progress, and that show parents what is being covered in class. Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus can be used on their own, or alongside Collins International Maths Foundation and Foundation Plus and Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus to provide a comprehensive early-years programme.
Vintage Publishing Ways of Life: Jim Ede and the Kettle's Yard Artists
This first biography of the Kettle's Yard artists reveals the life of a visionary who helped shape twentieth-century British art and explores a thrilling moment in the history of modernism'The beautiful, revelatory biography we have been waiting for. I loved it'EDMUND DE WAAL'This book is the legacy Jim Ede might have wished for'OBSERVERThe lives of Jim Ede and the Kettle's Yard artists represent a thrilling tipping point in twentieth-century modernism: a new guard, a new way of making and seeing, and a new way of living with art. The artists Ben and Winifred Nicholson, Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth, Alfred Wallis and Henri Gaudier-Brzeska were not a set like the Bloomsbury Set or Ravilious and his friends. But Jim Ede recognised in each of the artists he championed something common and kindred, some quality of light and life and line.Jim Ede is the figure who unites them. His vision continues to influence the way we understand art and modern living. He was a man of extraordinary energies: a collector, dealer, fixer, critic and, above all, friend to artists. For Ede, works of art were friends and art could be found wherever you looked - in a pebble, feather or seedhead. Art lived and a life without art, beauty, friendship and creativity was a life not worth living. Art was not for galleries alone and it certainly wasn't only for the rich. At Kettle's Yard in Cambridge, he opened his home and his collection to all comers. He showed generations of visitors that learning to look could be a whole new way of life.
Headline Publishing Group A Season for Murder (Mitchell & Markby 2): A witty English village whodunit of mystery and intrigue
The Boxing Day Hunt leads to a hunt for a killer... A Season for Murder is the second cosy and colourful English village mystery in Ann Granger's Mitchell & Markby series. This thrilling whodunit will enthral fans of Colin Dexter, Agatha Christie and ITV's Midsomer Murders.'A good feel for understated humour, a nice ear for dialogue' The Times It is with some trepidation that Meredith Mitchell returns to the Cotswolds: the Bamford district holds memories that, to put it generously, are bittersweet, and Christmas is a difficult time to find oneself a stranger in a new area. Yet she receives a kindly welcome, in particular from her old acquaintance Chief Inspector Markby and from her new neighbour Harriet Needham, a striking redhead with whom Meredith immediately feels a certain kinship. But Meredith has barely got to know her neighbour when Harriet is involved in a shocking - and fatal - accident at the Boxing Day Hunt. Witnesses to the death are plentiful, for the incident occurred in Bamford's crowded market square, and many are adamant it's a case of murder. Chief Inspector Markby is inclined to agree, although he suspects the guilty party is not the most obvious one. Before long Meredith Mitchell begins, reluctantly, to think he might be right ...What readers are saying about A Season for Murder:'The writing is witty and engaging, the characters are well rounded and the reader is left wanting to know more about what might happen in the future to them''The interplay between Mitchell and Markby and the clashes and stresses of their own lives nicely balances the intelligent plots''Really addictive. Very cleverly woven'
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Die unerklärliche Müdigkeit: Was uns in große Erschöpfung treiben kann und wie wir wieder zu Kräften kommen können
Dauernd müde und erschöpft ohne ersichtlichen Grund? Wir fragen uns was dahinter stecken könnte. Fehlt dem Körper das Eisen oder sind die Hormone schuld? Sind wir erschöpft, weil wir zu viel "am Hals haben" und wissen nicht wie uns entlasten? Oder steckt doch eine unheimliche Krankheit dahinter? Solche Fragen gehen einem durch den Kopf, wenn Körper und der Geist nicht mehr wollen. Der Gang zum Arzt bringt vielleicht nicht die gewünschte Antwort, sondern verunsichert noch mehr. Vermeintliche Lösungen entpuppen sich als Strohfeuer. Rasch fühlt man sich auf die psychosomatische Schiene geschoben, doch auch dies beunruhigt. Hat man gründlich genug nach einer körperlichen Ursache gesucht? Was kommt denn alles in Frage? Kann ich dem Arzt vertrauen? Ist es denn Burnout und ist das eine richtige Krankheit? Kann ich mir selber helfen oder muss sich zum Psychotherapeuten? Was kann und darf ich dort erwarten und welche Möglichkeiten gibt es? Gibt es überzeugende psychologische Erklärungsmodelle für anhaltende Müdigkeit und Erschöpfung? Auf all diese Fragen geht der erfahrene Psychiater und Psychotherapeut Peter Keel, der sich seit Jahren mit stressbedingten Krankheiten wie Fibromyalgie und Müdigkeitssyndrom, aber auch Schlafstörungen befasst, anschaulich und leicht verständlich, aber auch wissenschaftlich begründet ein. Er gibt nicht nur Erklärungen, sondern auch einen Leitfaden für den Umgang mit Stress und Erschöpfung . Er spannt den Bogen weiter zu den Hintergründen von erschöpfendem Verhalten in der Kindheit und erklärt, weshalb es so schwierig sein kann, sich damit auseinander zu setzen. Zudem zeigt er auch, dass die Zunahme stressbedingter Krankheiten eine Erscheinung unserer schnelllebigen Zeit ist, in welcher immer mehr in immer weniger Zeit mit weniger Mitteln erreicht werden sollte.
Thames & Hudson Ltd The Mysteries of Cinema: Movies and Imagination
People who saw the first moving pictures at the end of the nineteenth century were delighted by a new art that communicated without words – yet they were also alarmed to be witnessing events in a strange, mute, spectral realm, where the laws of time and space were suspended and magical transformations could occur. Some early commentators hailed cinema as a blessing and praised it for resurrecting the dead; others likened it to a hypnotic trance or a hallucinogenic drug. The medium has always been excited by speed, and it enjoys sending the body on furious kinetic chases; at the same time, it stealthily probes our minds, invading our dreams and titillating our desires. Although this is an art kindled by light and inflamed by colour, it is nurtured by darkness and can reduce life to an insubstantial shadow play. Either way, as Peter Conrad argues in this brilliant book, the movie camera has given us new eyes and changed forever our view of reality. The Mysteries of Cinema sets out to map this ambiguous territory by taking readers on a thematic roller-coaster ride through movie history. Directors and critics speculate about the nature of cinematic vision, and there are contributions to the debate from writers like Kafka, Virginia Woolf and Joan Didion, artists including Salvador Dalí, George Grosz and Fernand Léger, and the composers Arnold Schoenberg and Dmitri Shostakovich. The book begins from the audacious innovations of silent film, and examines the influence of French surrealism and German expressionism; it accounts for the appeal of Hollywood genres like the Western, the horror film and the musical, and ends by considering the fate of the moving image in our visually glutted society. Combining contagious enthusiasm with an eye for the subjective quirks of filmmakers and the allure of favourite performers, Conrad delivers an astonishing addition to the literature on the seventh art. With 61 illustrations
Canelo The One After the One: A gorgeously heartwarming and funny romance
How do you know if they’re The One (after The One)?Charley’s in a new relationship with perfect boyfriend, Ricky, slowly moving on from the death of her husband. But having only ever been in love once before, how can she know when it’s the real deal? Ricky is perfect, but she’s not convinced he’s perfect for her… Taking the bull by the horns after separating from her cheating husband, Pam has signed up for online dating. And it’s exhausting. She’s determined to find new love, yet she can’t help feeling that she’s repeating old patterns.Are Pam and Charley settling down, or just settling? They need to figure it out, fast. Otherwise, they might just lose The One – or even worse, lose themselves.A beautifully uplifting story of second chances and taking risks for fans of Libby Page, Marian Keyes and Ruth Hogan.Praise for The One After the One ‘A gentle tale of love, loss, perseverance and friendship. I read it in one sitting.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘It had me hooked from the first chapter, and kept me on my toes the entire time! I fell in love with the characters and the romance.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘A touching read about friends, grief, moving forward, discovering an unbreakable bond, and finding true happiness again. Very written well, Lester held my attention and had me glued to my Kindle.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘The One After the One is a fast paced story of friendship, love, and second chances. It's a beautifully written book with characters you can't not warm to and care about.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘A quick, easy and cute read that was both heart-warming and heart-wrenching in equal measure. Well written with a compelling storyline and well developed characters.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review
Sourcebooks, Inc Anne of Green Gables
"The books I read most as a child were Lucy Maud Montgomery." —Madeleine L'EngleA classic for all ages, this official, unabridged edition of Anne of Green Gables features the unforgettable character of Anne Shirley and special memories, exclusively from L.M. Montgomery's granddaughter.Redheaded orphan Anne Shirley longs for a real home, somewhere she can truly belong. When she first arrives at the Green Gables house on Prince Edward Island, it's everything she ever imagined. But to stay, she'll first have to convince Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert to adopt her. And that means controlling her temper (even when Gilbert Blythe calls her "Carrots"), staying out of trouble (and away from hair dye), and not getting too carried away with her daydreams (though she would make the perfect Lady of Shallot floating down the river). Anne might not always get it quite right, but she does keep things interesting...Through Anne's eyes, the ordinary world becomes magical and every day is an adventure. She inspires the dreamer in all of us, never hesitates to say the things we wish we could get away with, and makes us cherish every kindred spirit we meet. It's no surprise Anne is loved around the world by generations of readers.
Rowman & Littlefield Martha Jefferson: An Intimate Life with Thomas Jefferson
Martha Jefferson is the first and only biography of Thomas Jefferson’s greatest love and true kindred spirit, who died an untimely death at the young age of thirty-three in 1782. Drawing on a wealth of newly probed sources—including family letters, documents, and the handwritten notes left by Jefferson’s famed biographer, Dumas Malone—William G. Hyland Jr. captures the charm, sophistication, and grace, as well as a profound sense of history, of this little known and elusive figure who, until now, has been a mere footnote to the story of America’s founding. Hyland brings us a conflicted and honest Martha Jefferson, who endured the Revolution as valiantly as some men—defending her very doorstep from raiding British troops—and presided over the domestic life of the Jeffersons’ “little mountain,” Monticello, during her husband’s long absences and historic rise to power. A revealing and insightful look at an often overlooked American woman, this book provides a unique and previously unexplored understanding of America’s Revolutionary Era, and the men and women upon whose bravery, talent, and resolve our nation was founded.
WW Norton & Co Free: A Child and a Country at the End of History
Family and nation formed a reliable bedrock of security for precocious 11-year-old Lea Ypi. She was a Young Pioneer, helping to lead her country toward the future of perfect freedom promised by the leaders of her country, the People’s Socialist Republic of Albania. Then, almost overnight, the Berlin Wall fell and the pillars of her society toppled. The local statue of Stalin, whom she had believed to be a kindly leader who loved children, was beheaded by student protestors. Uncomfortable truths about her family’s background emerged. Lea learned that when her parents and neighbors had spoken in whispers of friends going to “university” or relatives “dropping out,” they meant something much more sinister. As she learned the truth about her family’s past, her best friend fled the country. Together with neighboring post-Communist states, Albania began a messy transition to join the “free markets” of the Western world: a dystopia of pyramid schemes, organized crime, and sex trafficking. Her father, despite his radical left-wing convictions, was forced to fire workers; her mother became a conservative politician on the model of Margaret Thatcher. Lea’s typical teen concerns about relationships and the future were shot through with the existential: the nation was engulfed in civil war. Ypi’s outstanding literary gifts enable her to weave together this colorful, tumultuous coming-of-age story in a time of social upheaval with thoughtful, fresh, and invigorating perspective on the relation between the personal and the political, and on deep questions about freedom: What does freedom consist of, and for whom? What conditions foster it? Who among us is truly free?
Princeton University Press Wisdom's Workshop: The Rise of the Modern University
When universities began in the Middle Ages, Pope Gregory IX described them as "wisdom's special workshop." He could not have foreseen how far these institutions would travel and develop. Tracing the eight-hundred-year evolution of the elite research university from its roots in medieval Europe to its remarkable incarnation today, Wisdom's Workshop places this durable institution in sweeping historical perspective. In particular, James Axtell focuses on the ways that the best American universities took on Continental influences, developing into the finest expressions of the modern university and enviable models for kindred institutions worldwide. Despite hand-wringing reports to the contrary, the venerable university continues to renew itself, becoming ever more indispensable to society in the United States and beyond. Born in Europe, the university did not mature in America until the late nineteenth century. Once its heirs proliferated from coast to coast, their national role expanded greatly during World War II and the Cold War. Axtell links the legacies of European universities and Tudor-Stuart Oxbridge to nine colonial and hundreds of pre-Civil War colleges, and delves into how U.S. universities were shaped by Americans who studied in German universities and adapted their discoveries to domestic conditions and goals. The graduate school, the PhD, and the research imperative became and remain the hallmarks of the American university system and higher education institutions around the globe. A rich exploration of the historical lineage of today's research universities, Wisdom's Workshop explains the reasons for their ascendancy in America and their continued international preeminence.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins International Foundation – Collins International English Foundation Plus Activity Book B
Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes. The materials have been developed in consultation with expert practitioners to be easy to use in the classroom and to support children following a range of early years curricula and who are preparing for their first year of primary education in an international school, including schools following the Cambridge Assessment International Education primary framework. The course introduces young children to phonics and early literacy skills in an age-appropriate way through topic-based discovery and activity-based learning, with plenty of opportunities to explore books and reading through games and hands-on exploration. Careful progression ensures children develop the skills they need to be ready for English in their first year of primary and beyond. Each level comprises Activity Books A, B and C – one for each term – supported by Reading Anthologies A, B and C – also one per term – that provide a carefully selected collection of colourful stories and stimulus materials, and a Teacher’s Guide. Schools can opt to use the course over one or two school years. The engaging and brightly illustrated Activity Books provide age-appropriate practice that is fun for children, that allow teachers to see and record progress, and that show parents what is being covered in class. Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus can be used on their own, or alongside Collins International Maths Foundation and Foundation Plus and Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus to provide a comprehensive early-years programme.
Rudolf Steiner Press Well I Wonder: Childhood in the Modern World, a Handbook for Parents, Teachers and Carers
'Have we come to misunderstand children? Have we forgotten that children's consciousness, their minds, are intrinsically different from ours? And is that why we are trying to train them to become 'adult', rather than realizing we need to relearn our way of thinking in order to understand children?' Given the fast pace of modern life, traditional qualities associated with childhood - imagination, play,! - are in danger of being left behind. Surrounded by technology and pressured into early learning, the modern child is often bounced between the 'entertainment' of television and computer games and the premature intellectualization of early reading and school tests. Sally Schweizer calls for a new evaluation of childhood and an awakening to the real needs of children. As a mother of four, and having spent more than three decades working in education (as a kindergarten teacher, teacher-trainer and advisor), she is well qualified to ask questions and offer solutions. "Well, I Wonder" is packed with practical advice, anecdotes, humour and delightful quotes from the children Schweizer has taught. Her approach is based on the study and practice of Rudolf Steiner's educational philosophy, but she writes from personal, first-hand knowledge gained from her long experience. Schweizer guides the reader through the stages of childhood development and explains children's need of daily rhythm, movement and play. She emphasizes the importance of guarding the quality of imagination, and indicates the significance of festivals and celebrations. She offers helpful tips and wise advice throughout this well-illustrated book, which also features an 8-page colour section on the evolution of children's drawings.
Orion Publishing Co Invisible Walls: A Journalist in Search of Her Life
'Memoirs of such richness are rare . . . a joy' JAMES NAUGHTIE'A remarkable personal journey, by one of the great political correspondents of our world - eloquent, enlightening, exhilarating' PHILIPPE SANDSA trailblazer for women in journalism, Hella Pick arrived in Britain in 1939 as a child refugee from Austria. Over nearly four decades she covered the volatile global scene, first in West Africa, followed by America and long periods in Europe. In her thirty-five years with the Guardian she reported on the end of Empire in West Africa, the assassination of President Kennedy, Martin Luther King's march from Selma to Montgomery, the Vietnam peace negotiation in Paris, the 1968 student revolt in France, the birth of the Solidarity movement in Poland, and the closing stages of the Cold War. A request for coffee on board a Soviet ship anchored in Malta led to a chat with Mikhail Gorbachev. A request for an interview with Willy Brandt led to a personal friendship that enabled her to come to terms with Germany's Nazi past.Her book is also a clarion call for preserving professionalism in journalism at a time when social media muddy the waters between fact and fiction, and between reporting and commentary.INVISIBLE WALLS tells the dramatic story of how a Kindertransport survivor won the trust and sometimes the friendship of world leaders, and with them a wide range of remarkable men and women. It speaks frankly of personal heartache and of a struggle over her Jewish identity. It is also the intensely touching story of how, despite a gift for friendship and international recognised achievements as a woman journalist, a continuing sense of personal insecurity has confronted her with a series of invisible walls.
Dialogue The Secret Diaries of Charles Ignatius Sancho: “An absolutely thrilling, throat-catching wonder of a historical novel” STEPHEN FRY
'A great storyteller and a fabulous actor. Well done, sir!' DAVID HAREWOOD'Phenomenal! Highly recommended.' MALORIE BLACKMAN'An absolutely thrilling, throat-catching wonder of a historical novel. Hugely recommended.' STEPHEN FRYFor fans of The Miniaturist and The Confessions of Frannie Langton comes this award-winning novel of illuminating historical fiction.Meet Charles Ignatius Sancho: his extraordinary story, hidden for three hundred years, is about to be told.I had little right to live, born on a slave ship where my parents both died. But I survived, and indeed, you might say I did more...It's 1746 and Georgian London is not a safe place for a young Black man, especially one who has escaped slavery. After the twinkling lights in the Fleet Street coffee shops are blown out and the great houses have closed their doors for the night, Sancho must dodge slave catchers and worse. The man he hoped would help - a kindly duke who taught him to write - is dying. Sancho is desperate and utterly alone.So how does Charles Ignatius Sancho meet the King, write and play highly acclaimed music, become the first Black person to vote in Britain and lead the fight to end slavery?It's time for him to tell his story, one that begins on a tempestuous Atlantic Ocean, and ends at the very centre of London life. And through it all, he must ask: born amongst death, how much can you achieve in one short life?"Utterly infectious." - The TimesThe Times and Sunday Times HISTORICAL BOOK OF THE MONTH
De Gruyter DETAIL kids- A green home for Sophie and Henry: A short story about energy, carbon dioxide and architecture
Exploring and understanding architecture and sustainability “DETAIL kids – A green home for Sophie and Henry” begins at a primary school age. It aims to give children an awareness of the dual issues of energy and environmental protection and how they are closely related to architecture and construction. Because even today, the construction and maintenance of buildings comprises around 40% of total energy consumption. It contributes to an optimistic vision of the future – while raising society's awareness for responsible environmental behaviour already from a young age. Using colourful and humorous drawings, children can learn about the origins of climate change and resource depletion, and how they are connected to our man-made environment: What are the links between energy efficiency and sustainability, and what is the life cycle concept of construction materials about? All by themselves, children will discover that each individual can help contain the “monster” of catastrophic climate change via simple, everyday actions. At the same time, a good example of implementation will also raise their awareness of high quality architecture. Sophie and Henry, the young heroes of the story, lead a brave journey through time across the earth while giving detailed instructions on how to complete simple, practical experiments. With scientific curiosity thus awakened, the whole family will be enthused with the latest developments in architecture and construction, for modern methods energy conservation and for renewable energies. The book is perfect not just for home use, but also in kindergartens or schools where it can be used as a practical basis for exciting project work on the topic of architecture and the environment, revealing connections between the two that are often overlooked in everyday life..."
OR Books The 2024 Other Almanac
A sparkling new take on an age-old publication: The Other Almanac brings together a stellar group of young writers, artists and activists to pick up themes of environmentalism, gardening, recipes, folklore, seasonal savvy, and off- the-beaten-track amusement, all presented in brilliant color and eye-popping design. Out with the Old, in with the Other!The original Almanac is the oldest continuously printed publication in the US . It comprises a popular mix of ancient wisdom, garden advice, poems, jokes, how-to's, recipes, and calendars. It is, however, still tailored to its traditional audience: largely rural, white and conservative. It eschews stances on anything overtly progressive, be it political, ecological, or social. The Other Almanac puts right these omissions. Whilst retaining the quirkiness and liveliness of the original, it aims to bridge the urban/rural divide in America, delving into issues of politics and culture that unite us all. Its pages are filled with buoyant contributions from climate organizers, indigenous activists, migrant farmworkers, historians, scientists, medicine makers, incarcerated painters, astrologers, lawyers, borderland midwives and more. Original, full color art surrounds their writing, creating an inviting, accessible yearbook that will entertain and educate a wide new readership for an age-old chronicle. Contributors: 10th Floor Studio, adrienne maree brown, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Alfredo Jaar, Amaryllis R. Flowers, Andrea Aliseda, Bill McKibben, Bread and Puppet Press, Carla J. Simmons, Chloë Boxer, Chris Lloyd, Dyani White Hawk, Dylan Smith, Daniel Barreto, Esther Elia, Food With Fam, Francesca DiMattio, Hangama Amiri, Hannah Beerman, Jennifer Givhan, Jessie Kindig, Jumana Manna, Kirk Gordon, Keegan Dakkar Lomanto, Lily Consuelo Saporta Tagiuri, Philip Poon, Sophia Giovannitti, Tania Willard, Tyrrell Tapaha, Veladya Chapman, Who Tattoo, Yaku Perez Guartambel.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Das dämliche Geschlecht: Warum es Noch Immer Kaum Frauen im Management gibt
Auch mit Angela Merkel als 1. Bundeskanzlerin gibt es immer noch sehr wenige weibliche Topmanagerinnen in Unternehmen. Die meisten Frauen glauben, die Männer sind schuld. Am Krieg, an der Kälte im Unternehmen, an der Abwesenheit von Frauen in allen wichtigen Funktionen des öffentlichen Lebens. Barbara Bierach wagt den Widerspruch. Ihre These ist: Frauen sind nicht unterprivilegiert in diesem Land, sondern Frauen verhalten sich häufig einfach saublöd. Gegen Frau muss Mann sich nicht verschwören, Frauen erledigen sich schneller und gründlicher selbst, als Männer das je könnten. Dämlich sind Frauen, weil sie sich nicht einfach die Hälfte des Himmels nehmen. Frauen sind weder intellektuell schwächer als Männer, noch körperlich unterlegen. Sanft, einfühlsam und teamorientiert lassen sich Frauen immer noch mit den Krümeln von den Tellern der Macht abspeisen. Viele Akademikerinnen erkennen mit Mitte Dreißig, dass Karriere zwar glamourös klingt, aber tatsächlich ungeheuer viel Arbeit ist. Entnervt von dem ständigen Ringkampf um Positionen und Budgets ziehen sie sich in eine Villa am Stadtrand zurück und werden Mutter. Dagegen ist auch nichts einzuwenden. Unaufrichtig wird dieses Verhalten nur dann, wenn Frauen nicht zugeben, dass sie sich bewusst gegen Macht und Verantwortung entschieden haben und sich hinter der Mär von der Glasdecke verschanzen, jenem unsichtbaren Deckel, der ihre Karriere bremst. Wer Anglistik studiert, wird nicht Vorstand, wer nicht in der Lage ist, sein Gehalt zu verhandeln, wird immer den Kürzeren ziehen, wenn es darum geht "und wer von uns beiden passt jetzt auf die Kinder auf?". Und wer erschöpft aufgibt, sollte hinterher nicht jammern, dass andere immer noch die Macht haben.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Winter Fires at Mill Grange: The perfect cosy heartwarming read this Christmas!
Mill Grange is putting on a show this holiday season! When young Dylan Harris's former babysitter (and soon to be step-sister), Harriet, needs a last-minute venue for her acting troupe's outdoor production of Shakespeare's A Winter's Tale, the staff at Mill Grange throw open its doors, keen to fill their halls with guests over the holiday season... but they may get more drama than they'd bargained for! With pageants and plays to arrange, a much-anticipated book launch, an unexpected arrival, a heart-warming offer, and a little bit of the manor's magic, this Christmas is one that Thea, Tina, Sam, Shaun, Helen and Tom – along with retirees Bert and Mabel Hastings – won't soon forget... Readers love Jenny Kane! 'Absolutely loved this story... Compulsive. I highly recommended this start to a new series from Jenny Kane... Flawless' Carol McGrath, 5* Review 'I loved this charming story and found it hard to put down. It was full of brilliant characters and really interesting plot lines and kept my attention throughout' Goodreads 5* Review 'Like coming home to old friends' NetGalley 5* Review 'My Kindle wasn't exactly glued to my hand but it might as well have been because it travelled everywhere with me... Couldn't stop reading... A very well deserved 5* out of 5*' Ginger Book Geek, 5* Review 'Heart-warming, emotional and wonderfully uplifting, it's impossible not to fall under Jenny Kane's spell with her cosy and addictive new novel' Goodreads 5* Review
Hachette Australia The Loudness of Unsaid Things
'My heart grew, then broke, then mended itself. A wise, funny, brave novel and a story that you will never want to forget.' Favel ParrettAn unforgettable story of loneliness, isolation and finding your way. Heart-wrenching, wise and wryly funny, this novel will make you kinder to those who are lost.Miss Kaye works at The Institute. A place for the damaged, the outliers, the not-quite rights. Everyone has different strategies to deal with the residents. Some bark orders. Some negotiate tirelessly. Miss Kaye found that simply being herself was mostly the right thing to do. Susie was seven when she realised she'd had her fill of character building. She'd lie between her Holly Hobbie sheets thinking how slowly birthdays come around, but how quickly change happened. One minute her Dad was saying that the family needed to move back to the city and then, SHAZAM, they were there. Her mum didn't move to the new house with them. And Susie hated going to see her mum at the mind hospital. She never knew who her mum would be. Or who would be there. As the years passed, there were so many things Susie wanted to say but never could.Miss Kaye will teach Susie that the loudness of unsaid things can be music - and together they will learn that living can be more than surviving.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins International Foundation – Collins International English Foundation Reading Anthology A
Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes. The materials have been developed in consultation with expert practitioners to be easy to use in the classroom and to support children following a range of early years curricula and who are preparing for their first year of primary education in an international school, including schools following the Cambridge Assessment International Education primary framework. The course introduces young children to phonics and early literacy skills in an age-appropriate way through topic-based discovery and activity-based learning, with plenty of opportunities to explore books and reading through games and hands-on exploration. Careful progression ensures children develop the skills they need to be ready for English in their first year of primary and beyond. Each level comprises Activity Books A, B and C – one for each term – supported by Reading Anthologies A, B and C – also one per term – and a Teacher’s Guide. Schools can opt to use the course over one or two school years. The engaging and brightly illustrated Reading Anthologies provide a carefully selected collection of colourful stories and stimulus materials to support the development of phonics and early literacy skills. Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus can be used on their own, or alongside Collins International Maths Foundation and Foundation Plus and Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus to provide a comprehensive early-years programme.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins International Foundation – Collins International English Foundation Reading Anthology C
Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes. The materials have been developed in consultation with expert practitioners to be easy to use in the classroom and to support children following a range of early years curricula and who are preparing for their first year of primary education in an international school, including schools following the Cambridge Assessment International Education primary framework. The course introduces young children to phonics and early literacy skills in an age-appropriate way through topic-based discovery and activity-based learning, with plenty of opportunities to explore books and reading through games and hands-on exploration. Careful progression ensures children develop the skills they need to be ready for English in their first year of primary and beyond. Each level comprises Activity Books A, B and C – one for each term – supported by Reading Anthologies A, B and C – also one per term – and a Teacher’s Guide. Schools can opt to use the course over one or two school years. The engaging and brightly illustrated Reading Anthologies provide a carefully selected collection of colourful stories and stimulus materials to support the development of phonics and early literacy skills. Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus can be used on their own, or alongside Collins International Maths Foundation and Foundation Plus and Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus to provide a comprehensive early-years programme.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins International Foundation – Collins International Maths Foundation Plus Activity Book B
Collins International Maths Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes. The materials have been developed in consultation with expert practitioners to be easy to use in the classroom and to support children following a range of early years curricula and who are preparing for their first year of primary education in an international school, including schools following the Cambridge Assessment International Education primary framework. The course introduces young children to maths concepts in an age-appropriate way through topic-based discovery and activity-based learning, with plenty of opportunities to explore maths through games and hands-on exploration. Careful progression ensures children develop the skills they need to be ready for maths in their first year of primary and beyond. Each level comprises Activity Books A, B and C – one for each term – supported by a carefully selected collection of colourful stimulus materials in the Reading Anthology and Teacher’s Guide. Schools can opt to use the course over one or two school years. The engaging and brightly illustrated Activity Books provide age-appropriate practice that is fun for children, that allow teachers to see and record progress, and that show parents what is being covered in class. Collins International Maths Foundation and Foundation Plus can be used on their own, or alongside Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus and Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus to provide a comprehensive early-years programme.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins International Foundation – Collins International Science Foundation Activity Book A
Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes. The materials have been developed in consultation with expert practitioners to be easy to use in the classroom and to support children following a range of early years curricula and who are preparing for their first year of primary education in an international school, including schools following the Cambridge Assessment International Education primary framework. The course introduces young children to concepts they will later study in science in an age-appropriate way through topic-based discovery and activity-based learning, with plenty of opportunities to explore science through games and hands-on exploration. Careful progression ensures children develop the skills they need to be ready for science in their first year of primary and beyond. Each level comprises Activity Books A, B and C – one for each term – supported by a carefully selected collection of colourful stimulus materials in the Reading Anthology and Teacher’s Guide. Schools can opt to use the course over one or two school years. The engaging and brightly illustrated Activity Books provide age-appropriate practice that is fun for children, that allow teachers to see and record progress, and that show parents what is being covered in class. Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus can be used on their own, or alongside Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus and Collins International Maths Foundation and Foundation Plus to provide a comprehensive early-years programme.
Little, Brown Book Group Agatha Raisin: There Goes The Bride
Agatha's former husband James is engaged to be married to a beautiful, young woman and Agatha has been kindly invited to the wedding. To take her mind off this, Agatha decides she has fallen for Sylvan, a Frenchman she met at James' engagement party. To distract her still further she decides upon a holiday and flies to Istanbul, where unfortunately she bumps into James and his fiancee not once but twice - convincing him she is stalking them. So when the bride is murdered on her wedding day, naturally Agatha is Suspect Number One - but then matters are turned on their head when the dead bride's mother engages Agatha to take on the case of her murdered daughter! And very soon Agatha's own life is in danger while she tries to solve the mystery of the corpse bride while fighting off (halfheartedly) the advances of a very attractive and determined Frenchman! Praise for the Agatha Raisin series: 'M. C. Beaton's imperfect heroine is an absolute gem' Publishers Weekly 'The detective novels of M. C. Beaton, a master of outrageous black comedy, have reached cult status' The Times 'Agatha Raisin is sharp, witty, hugely intelligent, unfailingly entertaining, delightfully intolerant and oh so magnificently non PC. M. C. Beaton has created a new national treasure...the stories zing along and are irresistible, unputdownable, a joy. If you buy one book a year, let it be this. Agatha Raisin is The Strongest Link' Anne Robinson 'Being a cranky, middle-aged female myself, I found Agatha charming!' Amazon customer review
HarperCollins Publishers Collins International Foundation – Collins International Science Foundation Activity Book B
Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes. The materials have been developed in consultation with expert practitioners to be easy to use in the classroom and to support children following a range of early years curricula and who are preparing for their first year of primary education in an international school, including schools following the Cambridge Assessment International Education primary framework. The course introduces young children to concepts they will later study in science in an age-appropriate way through topic-based discovery and activity-based learning, with plenty of opportunities to explore science through games and hands-on exploration. Careful progression ensures children develop the skills they need to be ready for science in their first year of primary and beyond. Each level comprises Activity Books A, B and C – one for each term – supported by a carefully selected collection of colourful stimulus materials in the Reading Anthology and Teacher’s Guide. Schools can opt to use the course over one or two school years. The engaging and brightly illustrated Activity Books provide age-appropriate practice that is fun for children, that allow teachers to see and record progress, and that show parents what is being covered in class. Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus can be used on their own, or alongside Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus and Collins International Maths Foundation and Foundation Plus to provide a comprehensive early-years programme.
Zondervan Breaking New Ground
Korey Bontrager and Savannah Zook are just pretending to date—but could their feelings turn into something more?Korey Bontrager knows he’s been an immature dummkopp. When his widowed dad remarried, Korey was unwelcoming to his kindhearted stepmother. Then he became estranged from his older brother. But after fourteen months in Ohio, God called Korey back to Pennsylvania.Easier said than done. Back home, Korey feels left behind by his family and friends, who want to see him happily married. Instead of looking for a new relationship, he finds himself spending time with Savannah Zook: the most outspoken maedel he’s ever met. She’s also confident and brave, having raised her younger brother from a young age. And she’s a natural beauty. But, hard as her friends try to convince her otherwise, she has no interest in dating. Her priority is looking out for her bullied brother.So when Savannah suggests they pretend to date as a way to get her friends—and his family—off their backs, Korey readily agrees. Soon, he can’t imagine life without her. But could Savannah ever truly be part of his future?Set in the faithful Amish community of Lancaster County, Breaking New Ground gives the most stubborn Bontrager a chance to redeem his story. Sweet, inspirational Amish romance Full-length novel (85,000 words) Second book in Amy Clipston’s Amish Legacy series Book 1: Foundation of Love Book 2: Building a Future Book 3: Breaking New Ground Book 4: The Heart’s Shelter (coming winter 2024)
Pan Macmillan Wellness
'American storytelling at its era-spanning best . . . An immersive, multi-layered portrait of a marriage, Nathan Hill’s follow-up to The Nix is a work of quiet genius.' – The Observer'The incredible scope of this dazzlingly detailed state-of-the-nation satire almost defies description . . . Brilliant doesn’t begin to describe it, but I’ll say it anyway.' – Daily Mail'I doubt I'll enjoy many books this year as much as Wellness.' – The TimesAn Oprah's Book Club Pick.A powerfully affecting novel about how we change, grow and age, Wellness is a story of marriage, middle age, our tech-obsessed health culture, and the bonds that keep people together.When Jack and Elizabeth meet as college students in the 90s, the two quickly join forces and hold on tight, each eager to claim a place in Chicago’s thriving underground art scene with an appreciative kindred spirit. Fast-forward twenty years to married life, and the no-longer-youthful dreamers are forced to face their demons, from unfulfilled career ambitions to painful childhood memories of their own dysfunctional families. In the process, Jack and Elizabeth must undertake separate, personal excavations, or risk losing the best thing in their lives: each other.Moving from the gritty 90s Chicago art scene to a suburbia of detox diets and home renovation hysteria, Wellness mines the absurdities of modern technology and modern love to reveal profound, startling truths about intimacy and connection. In this follow-up to Nathan Hill’s electric debut The Nix, Wellness reimagines the love story with healthy doses of insight, irony and heart.
Hodder & Stoughton Gifts For Our Time: Book Four in the the gripping, uplifting Rivenshaw Saga set at the close of World War Two
Germany 1939, and Christa Sommer boards the Kindertransport, unsure that she'll ever see her beloved mother and father again.Once in England she is taken in by elderly Mrs Pelling, who grows to love Christa as the daughter she never had. But in 1945 Mrs Pelling dies. While her will cannot be found, her money-grabbing niece appears out of the blue to claim her inheritance and turfs Christa out, with only a suitcase to her name. The prejudice against Germans still runs high in England, and Christa is unable to secure a job or a place to stay...Luck comes her way when a lady she saves from being mugged turns out to be Mayne Esher's friend Daniel's mother. Taking pity on Christa, they take her to Rivenshaw where they plan to start a new life as part of the Esher building firm.There Christa is welcomed with open arms and she soon develops a love for the place, the people and, Daniel... But Esherwood is not the trouble-free sanctuary she first thinks. Determined to do their bit for soldiers returning from the war they have agreed to allow the council to build prefabs on some of Esherwood's garden. But an empire-building town planner seems set on taking all of Mayne's land for the war effort... Mayne has also discovered a secret door at the back of the old Nissen hut, with a complicated locking mechanism that has local locksmiths dumbfounded.Just what is hidden behind the door to warrant such high security?
Little, Brown Book Group Friends Like Us
Sun, sand and starting over . . . this summer, they're following their heartsBree Rhodes and Jill Kelly have been best friends since kindergarten. When Bree survives a cancer scare, the knitting shop assistant takes it as a sign to step out of her comfort zone . . . or at least take a few tentative tiptoes. But in no time she's in over her head with a hot architect, a new puppy and a shot at buying her dream inn. And the harder she tries to stay afloat in her new normal, the harder it is to hold onto her friendship with Jill who seems to be ebbing away.While her best friend is living her best life, art boutique owner, Jill, is simply trying to live. Still struggling after a freak motorcycle accident took the life of her husband, Jill doesn't know how to start over -- or if she even wants to. Life isn't easy as a young widow, especially when she's hiding a painful secret. But when she learns that the fairytale Maine cottage she'd once dreamed of buying with her husband is on the market, she has to decide whether she's ready to let go of the past and to write a new chapter. But the only way to really heal is by revealing to Bree a truth that will either destroy their friendship forever or bring them closer together.Fans of Jill Shalvis, Susan Mallery and Robyn Carr will love this charming, relatable, laugh-out-loud women's fiction read about letting go of the past, taking a chance on love and embracing life under the summer sun.
O'Reilly Media Book: a Futurist's Manifesto
The ground beneath the book publishing industry dramatically shifted in 2007, the year the Kindle and the iPhone debuted. Widespread consumer demand for these and other devices has brought the pace of digital change in book publishing from "it might happen sometime" to "it's happening right now" - and it is happening faster than anyone predicted. Yet this is only a transitional phase. Book: A Futurist's Manifesto is your guide to what comes next, when all books are truly digital, connected, and ubiquitous. Through this collection of essays from thought leaders and practitioners, you'll become familiar with a wide range of developments occurring in the wake of this digital book shakeup: * Discover new tools that are rapidly transforming how content is created, managed, and distributed * Understand the increasingly critical role that metadata plays in making book content discoverable in an era of abundance * Look inside some of the publishing projects that are at the bleeding edge of this digital revolution * Learn how some digital books can evolve moment to moment, based on reader feedback With Book: A Futurist's Manifesto, we at O'Reilly Media are actively practicing what we preach. Written and edited on, a new open source, web-based book-production system, this book also invites reader feedback throughout its development. Read the initial chapters and tell us where you'd like to go next. Are there topics you would like us to explore? Are there areas you want to go more in-depth? Let us know! The first release of this ebook is priced at $7.99; subsequent releases will be priced higher. Buy the initial ebook release now and you'll receive all updates at no additional cost. Naturally, it will be available in multiple formats, including a print edition when the book is complete.
Fordham University Press A Scholar's Tale: Intellectual Journey of a Displaced Child of Europe
For more than fifty years, Geoffrey Hartman has been a pivotal figure in the humanities. In his first book, in 1954, he helped establish the study of Romanticism as key to the problems of modernity. Later, his writings were crucial to the explosive developments in literary theory in the late seventies, and he was a pioneer in Jewish studies, trauma studies, and studies of the Holocaust. At Yale, he was a founder of its Judaic Studies program, as well as of the first major video archive for Holocaust testimonies. Generations of students have benefited from Hartman’s generosity, his penetrating and incisive questioning, the wizardry of his close reading, and his sense that the work of a literary scholar, no less than that of an artist, is a creative act. All these qualities shine forth in this intellectual memoir, which will stand as his autobiography. Hartman describes his early education, uncanny sense of vocation, and development as a literary scholar and cultural critic. He looks back at how his career was influenced by his experience, at the age of nine, of being a refugee from Nazi Germany in the Kindertransport. He spent the next six years at school in England, where he developed his love of English literature and the English countryside, before leaving to join his mother in America. Hartman treats us to a “biobibliography” of his engagements with the major trends in literary criticism. He covers the exciting period at Yale handled so controversially by the media and gives us vivid portraits, in particular, of Harold Bloom, Paul de Man, and Jacques Derrida. All this is set in the context of his gradual self-awareness of what scholarship implies and how his personal displacements strengthened his calling to mediate between European and American literary cultures. Anyone looking for a rich, intelligible account of the last half-century of combative literary studies will want to read Geoffrey Hartman’s unapologetic scholar’s tale.
Duke University Press Bring on the Books for Everybody: How Literary Culture Became Popular Culture
Bring on the Books for Everybody is an engaging assessment of the robust popular literary culture that has developed in the United States during the past two decades. Jim Collins describes how a once solitary and print-based experience has become an exuberantly social activity, enjoyed as much on the screen as on the page. Fueled by Oprah’s Book Club, Miramax film adaptations, superstore bookshops, and new technologies such as the Kindle digital reader, literary fiction has been transformed into best-selling, high-concept entertainment. Collins highlights the infrastructural and cultural changes that have given rise to a flourishing reading public at a time when the future of the book has been called into question. Book reading, he claims, has not become obsolete; it has become integrated into popular visual media. Collins explores how digital technologies and the convergence of literary, visual, and consumer cultures have changed what counts as a “literary experience” in phenomena ranging from lush film adaptations such as The English Patient and Shakespeare in Love to the customer communities at Amazon. Central to Collins’s analysis and, he argues, to contemporary literary culture, is the notion that refined taste is now easily acquired; it is just a matter of knowing where to access it and whose advice to trust. Using recent novels, he shows that the redefined literary landscape has affected not just how books are being read, but also what sort of novels are being written for these passionate readers. Collins connects literary bestsellers from The Jane Austen Book Club and Literacy and Longing in L.A. to Saturday and The Line of Beauty, highlighting their depictions of fictional worlds filled with avid readers and their equations of reading with cultivated consumer taste.
Harvard University Press Open: The Progressive Case for Free Trade, Immigration, and Global Capital
A Financial Times Best Economics Book of the YearA Foreign Affairs Best Book of the YearA Fareed Zakaria GPS Book of the Week“A highly intelligent, fact-based defense of the virtues of an open, competitive economy and society.”—Fareed Zakaria“A vitally important corrective to the current populist moment…Open points the way to a kinder, gentler version of globalization that ensures that the gains are shared by all.”—Justin Wolfers“Clausing’s important book lays out the economics of globalization and, more important, shows how globalization can be made to work for the vast majority of Americans. I hope the next President of the United States takes its lessons on board.”—Lawrence H. Summers, former Secretary of the Treasury“Makes a strong case in favor of foreign trade in goods and services, the cross-border movement of capital, and immigration. This valuable book amounts to a primer on globalization.”—Richard N. Cooper, Foreign AffairsCritics on the Left have long attacked open markets and free trade agreements for exploiting the poor and undermining labor, while those on the Right complain that they unjustly penalize workers back home. Kimberly Clausing takes on old and new skeptics in her compelling case that open economies are actually a force for good. Turning to the data to separate substance from spin, she shows how international trade makes countries richer, raises living standards, benefits consumers, and brings nations together. At a time when borders are closing and the safety of global supply chains is being thrown into question, she outlines a clear agenda to manage globalization more effectively, presenting strategies to equip workers for a modern economy and establish a better partnership between labor and the business community.