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Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Sexuell übertragbare Erkrankungen: Ein Leitfaden für Frauenärzte
Sexuell übertragbaren Erkrankungen gehören zu den häufigsten übertragenen Infektionen, mit denen sich Gynäkologen und Geburtshelfer in ihrer Praxis konfrontiert sehen. Während die "klassischen Geschlechtskrankheiten" (Syphilis, Gonorrhoe, Ulcus molle und Lymphogranuloma venereum) aufgrund der geringen Inzidenz in unseren Breitengraden zwar eine wichtige, aber mittlerweile untergeordnete Rolle spielen, nimmt die Bedeutung von Hepatitis B, HIV-Infektion und AIDS, Herpes genitalis, Infektionen mit Chlamydia trachomatis oder HPV weiter zu. Viele dieser Infektionen bleiben primär ohne Symptome, können jedoch weiterreichende Konsequenzen wie ungewollte Kinderlosigkeit, Fehlgeburten oder sogar Krebserkrankungen haben. Die einzelnen Infektionen werden systematisch und übersichtlich in eigenen Kapiteln aufbereitet. Zu finden sind alle wichtige Fakten und Details zu Erreger, Inzidenz, Risikofaktoren, Epidemiologie, Klinik, Diagnostik, Komplikationen, Therapie sowie Prophylaxe und – wo relevant – zur Bedeutung in der Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie.Den schnellen Zugriff auf die gesuchte Information gewährleisten viele übersichtliche Algorithmen und Tabellen für Diagnostik und Therapie unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen nationalen und internationalen Leitlinien und Empfehlungen.
De Gruyter Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
Im Jahr 1846 eröffnet, gehört die Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe zum Uradel deutscher Museen. Entworfen von Heinrich Hübsch, ist das Gebäude – mit einem Fresko von Moritz von Schwind im Treppenhaus und einigen nach seinen Plänen dekorierten Sälen – eines der letzten erhaltenen Gesamtkunstwerke seiner Zeit. Die erstaunliche Sammlung umfasst Kunst aus acht Jahrhunderten, vor allem Werke deutscher, französischer und niederländischer Meister. Gezeigt werden ständig rund 800 Gemälde und Skulpturen im Hauptgebäude und in der Orangerie. Das Kupferstichkabinett ist eine der ältesten, fortlaufend weiter wachsenden Graphiksammlungen Europas. Die Orangerie beherbergt außerdem eines der ältesten Kinder- und Jugendmuseen Deutschlands, in dem wechselnd Ausstellungen für junge Besucher gezeigt werden, die an die Kunst aller Epochen heranführen. Diese Publikation ist die aktualisierte Fassung eines erstmals 2005 veröffentlichten Kurzführers zur Geschichte des Museums und seiner Sammlungen. Die nach wie vor verlässliche textliche Grundlage wurde an mehreren Stellen überarbeitet, um die Entwicklung der Sammlung der letzten 14 Jahre sichtbar zu machen.
Pan Macmillan Red Sky in the Morning
Red Sky in the Morning is an unputdownable historical story from Margaret Dickinson, richly evocative of the Lincolnshire landscape.A young girl stands alone in the cobbled marketplace of a small Lincolnshire town, bedraggled, soaked through and very afraid. Who is she? Where has she come from and from whom is she running away? No one knows or cares. Only kindly farmer Eddie Appleyard recognizes something in the girl that touches his heart. In a drunken haze and scarcely realizing what he is doing, Eddie takes her home.Eddie hides the girl in the hayloft and, later, in a tumbledown shepherd's cottage that becomes her new home. Anna's arrival will change their lives; Eddie's, his wife Bertha's and even that of their young son, Tony, torn between his warring parents and the mysterious stranger. It will take years for the secrets of Anna's former life to be revealed, but Bertha bides her time and awaits her moment, little realizing the tragedy her vengeance will unleash.
Greenhill Books Standing Together
There is something you should know, Natan's father said. Comrade Stalin was not a great leader. He killed many innocent people, and he has been telling everyone to hate the Jews. We're better off with him dead.But, he added, don't tell anyone what we really think. You must act the same as everyone else._Standing Together_ tells the remarkable, true story of Natan Sharansky, the famous Jewish Soviet dissident and Refusenik who spent nine years in Soviet prison. The book spans most of Natan's life, from his earliest memories in kindergarten, when he learned of the death of Stalin, through his discovery of his Jewish identity, to his rebellion against the repressive Soviet society in which he lived, his involvement with the Refusenik and human rights movements that led to his imprisonment, and everything that came after. This is not only a biography of Natan, however, but of his wife Avital, who spent the nine years that Natan was in prison working tirelessly to raise global awareness o
De Gruyter DETAIL kids- A green home for Sophie and Henry: A short story about energy, carbon dioxide and architecture
Exploring and understanding architecture and sustainability “DETAIL kids – A green home for Sophie and Henry” begins at a primary school age. It aims to give children an awareness of the dual issues of energy and environmental protection and how they are closely related to architecture and construction. Because even today, the construction and maintenance of buildings comprises around 40% of total energy consumption. It contributes to an optimistic vision of the future – while raising society's awareness for responsible environmental behaviour already from a young age. Using colourful and humorous drawings, children can learn about the origins of climate change and resource depletion, and how they are connected to our man-made environment: What are the links between energy efficiency and sustainability, and what is the life cycle concept of construction materials about? All by themselves, children will discover that each individual can help contain the “monster” of catastrophic climate change via simple, everyday actions. At the same time, a good example of implementation will also raise their awareness of high quality architecture. Sophie and Henry, the young heroes of the story, lead a brave journey through time across the earth while giving detailed instructions on how to complete simple, practical experiments. With scientific curiosity thus awakened, the whole family will be enthused with the latest developments in architecture and construction, for modern methods energy conservation and for renewable energies. The book is perfect not just for home use, but also in kindergartens or schools where it can be used as a practical basis for exciting project work on the topic of architecture and the environment, revealing connections between the two that are often overlooked in everyday life..."
OR Books The 2024 Other Almanac
A sparkling new take on an age-old publication: The Other Almanac brings together a stellar group of young writers, artists and activists to pick up themes of environmentalism, gardening, recipes, folklore, seasonal savvy, and off- the-beaten-track amusement, all presented in brilliant color and eye-popping design. Out with the Old, in with the Other!The original Almanac is the oldest continuously printed publication in the US . It comprises a popular mix of ancient wisdom, garden advice, poems, jokes, how-to's, recipes, and calendars. It is, however, still tailored to its traditional audience: largely rural, white and conservative. It eschews stances on anything overtly progressive, be it political, ecological, or social. The Other Almanac puts right these omissions. Whilst retaining the quirkiness and liveliness of the original, it aims to bridge the urban/rural divide in America, delving into issues of politics and culture that unite us all. Its pages are filled with buoyant contributions from climate organizers, indigenous activists, migrant farmworkers, historians, scientists, medicine makers, incarcerated painters, astrologers, lawyers, borderland midwives and more. Original, full color art surrounds their writing, creating an inviting, accessible yearbook that will entertain and educate a wide new readership for an age-old chronicle. Contributors: 10th Floor Studio, adrienne maree brown, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Alfredo Jaar, Amaryllis R. Flowers, Andrea Aliseda, Bill McKibben, Bread and Puppet Press, Carla J. Simmons, Chloë Boxer, Chris Lloyd, Dyani White Hawk, Dylan Smith, Daniel Barreto, Esther Elia, Food With Fam, Francesca DiMattio, Hangama Amiri, Hannah Beerman, Jennifer Givhan, Jessie Kindig, Jumana Manna, Kirk Gordon, Keegan Dakkar Lomanto, Lily Consuelo Saporta Tagiuri, Philip Poon, Sophia Giovannitti, Tania Willard, Tyrrell Tapaha, Veladya Chapman, Who Tattoo, Yaku Perez Guartambel.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Das dämliche Geschlecht: Warum es Noch Immer Kaum Frauen im Management gibt
Auch mit Angela Merkel als 1. Bundeskanzlerin gibt es immer noch sehr wenige weibliche Topmanagerinnen in Unternehmen. Die meisten Frauen glauben, die Männer sind schuld. Am Krieg, an der Kälte im Unternehmen, an der Abwesenheit von Frauen in allen wichtigen Funktionen des öffentlichen Lebens. Barbara Bierach wagt den Widerspruch. Ihre These ist: Frauen sind nicht unterprivilegiert in diesem Land, sondern Frauen verhalten sich häufig einfach saublöd. Gegen Frau muss Mann sich nicht verschwören, Frauen erledigen sich schneller und gründlicher selbst, als Männer das je könnten. Dämlich sind Frauen, weil sie sich nicht einfach die Hälfte des Himmels nehmen. Frauen sind weder intellektuell schwächer als Männer, noch körperlich unterlegen. Sanft, einfühlsam und teamorientiert lassen sich Frauen immer noch mit den Krümeln von den Tellern der Macht abspeisen. Viele Akademikerinnen erkennen mit Mitte Dreißig, dass Karriere zwar glamourös klingt, aber tatsächlich ungeheuer viel Arbeit ist. Entnervt von dem ständigen Ringkampf um Positionen und Budgets ziehen sie sich in eine Villa am Stadtrand zurück und werden Mutter. Dagegen ist auch nichts einzuwenden. Unaufrichtig wird dieses Verhalten nur dann, wenn Frauen nicht zugeben, dass sie sich bewusst gegen Macht und Verantwortung entschieden haben und sich hinter der Mär von der Glasdecke verschanzen, jenem unsichtbaren Deckel, der ihre Karriere bremst. Wer Anglistik studiert, wird nicht Vorstand, wer nicht in der Lage ist, sein Gehalt zu verhandeln, wird immer den Kürzeren ziehen, wenn es darum geht "und wer von uns beiden passt jetzt auf die Kinder auf?". Und wer erschöpft aufgibt, sollte hinterher nicht jammern, dass andere immer noch die Macht haben.
Taylor & Francis Inc Mapping the Field of Adult and Continuing Education: An International Compendium: Volume 4: Inquiry and Influences
Co-published with The field of Adult and Continuing Education (ACE) has long been influential beyond its already porous borders and continues to be a source of important ideas, inspiration, and innovative practices for those in disciplines such as educational administration, social work, nursing, and counseling. Recognizing this, the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education commissioned the editors to create this compendium, which provides an invaluable resource to readers already established in the field, those entering the field, and to myriad neighbors of the field as well.This four-volume compendium (also available as a combined e-book) brings together a host of national and international contributors to map the field of ACE in a series of brief articles addressing key theories and practices across its many domains and settings. These are arranged in four volumes, available either individually or as a set:Volume One: Adult LearnersVolume Two: Teaching and LearningVolume Three: Leadership and AdministrationVolume Four: Inquiry and InfluencesThe volume on Adult Learners will include articles addressing topics such as adult development, diversity, learning abilities, the influence of personality on learning, and the role of experience in adult learning. By far the largest segment of learners in society, and currently the largest segment of college students as well, a better understanding of the adult learner is vital for educators of all kinds.Volume two addresses Teaching and Learning topics ranging from methods and roles to programs and materials. Encompassing formal and informal learning, as well as the variety of focus and setting, from cultural to occupational, this volume explores the wide range of theory and practice in ACE.Issues of Leadership and Administration such as planning and resource allocation, organizational change and culture, and the value of a shared vision for all stakeholders are addressed in the third volume. From practical matters like staffing and volunteers, to big-picture issues such as alternative visions for the future of the field, this volume offers vital knowledge and insight.The final volume, on Inquiry and Influences, examines the context, trends, and methods of research and evaluation in the field’s many domains. Wide-ranging inquiry has always been a hallmark of ACE, and only continues to grow along with the recognition of the importance of adult learning for learners and for the society as a whole.All four volumes are available as a single e-book, to make the most of the inter-relatedness of the various topics. This version uses live links in the table of contents and combined index (as well as keywords at the start of each article) to enable readers to follow their own topical interests and thus create unique learning pathways for themselves.
Taylor & Francis Inc Mapping the Field of Adult and Continuing Education: An International Compendium: Volume 2: Teaching and Learning
Co-published with The field of Adult and Continuing Education (ACE) has long been influential beyond its already porous borders and continues to be a source of important ideas, inspiration, and innovative practices for those in disciplines such as educational administration, social work, nursing, and counseling. Recognizing this, the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education commissioned the editors to create this compendium, which provides an invaluable resource to readers already established in the field, those entering the field, and to myriad neighbors of the field as well.This four-volume compendium (also available as a combined e-book) brings together a host of national and international contributors to map the field of ACE in a series of brief articles addressing key theories and practices across its many domains and settings. These are arranged in four volumes, available either individually or as a set:Volume One: Adult LearnersVolume Two: Teaching and LearningVolume Three: Leadership and AdministrationVolume Four: Inquiry and InfluencesThe volume on Adult Learners will include articles addressing topics such as adult development, diversity, learning abilities, the influence of personality on learning, and the role of experience in adult learning. By far the largest segment of learners in society, and currently the largest segment of college students as well, a better understanding of the adult learner is vital for educators of all kinds.Volume two addresses Teaching and Learning topics ranging from methods and roles to programs and materials. Encompassing formal and informal learning, as well as the variety of focus and setting, from cultural to occupational, this volume explores the wide range of theory and practice in ACE.Issues of Leadership and Administration such as planning and resource allocation, organizational change and culture, and the value of a shared vision for all stakeholders are addressed in the third volume. From practical matters like staffing and volunteers, to big-picture issues such as alternative visions for the future of the field, this volume offers vital knowledge and insight.The final volume, on Inquiry and Influences, examines the context, trends, and methods of research and evaluation in the field’s many domains. Wide-ranging inquiry has always been a hallmark of ACE, and only continues to grow along with the recognition of the importance of adult learning for learners and for the society as a whole.All four volumes are available as a single e-book, to make the most of the inter-relatedness of the various topics. This version uses live links in the table of contents and combined index (as well as keywords at the start of each article) to enable readers to follow their own topical interests and thus create unique learning pathways for themselves.
Atlantic Books The Nothing Man
· · THE IRISH TIMES AND KINDLE No. 1 BESTSELLER · ·Shortlisted for the CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger_______________________________I was the girl who survived the Nothing Man. Now I am the woman who is going to catch him...You've just read the opening pages of The Nothing Man, the true crime memoir Eve Black has written about her obsessive search for the man who killed her family nearly two decades ago. Supermarket security guard Jim Doyle is reading it too, and with each turn of the page his rage grows. Because Jim was - is - the Nothing Man. The more Jim reads, the more he realises how dangerously close Eve is getting to the truth. He knows she won't give up until she finds him. He has no choice but to stop her first...'The queen of high-concept crime fiction... I was utterly wowed' - Jane Casey'Whipsmart, thrilling and utterly compelling' - Liz Nugent
Little, Brown Book Group Goddess Of Spring
Lina''s trendy bakery in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is proving to be less than lucrative and she must come up with a plan to save it. When she stumbles upon an Italian Goddess cookbook, she can''t help but think she''s found the answer to her problem - even if it means invoking a goddess to save her business. Soon enough, Lina finds herself face-to-face with Demeter, who has a plan of her own. She proposes that Lina exchange souls with Persephone, the Goddess of Spring, who will breathe new life into the bakery. In return, Lina must set order to the Underworld.Before all this, Lina''s problems mostly involved dough and second dates. Now that she embodies the enchantingly beautiful Persephone, Lina has weightier things on her mind - like the formidable task of bringing Spring to a world of spirits. But when the handsome, brooding Hades kindles a spark in her heart, Lina wonders if this Lord of the Underworld might be the man of her dreams...
The School of Life Press On Self-hatred: learning to like oneself
A guide to emotional healing and living a more self-accepting life by learning to love oneself. Behind many of our problems lies an often ignored factor: we don’t like ourselves very much. We are sufferers of self-hatred. We tell ourselves the meanest things. It’s because of self-hatred that we tend to neglect our potential at work and get entangled in unfulfilling relationships, that we lack confidence in our social lives and suffer from anxiety and despair. This is a book that, with immense compassion and fellow feeling, investigates the phenomenon of self-hatred while giving pragmatic advice on how to overcome it. It asks where the feeling comes from, what it makes us do and how we might become kinder and more compassionate towards ourselves. We have probably spent far too much of our lives disliking ourselves and attacking everything we say, do or feel, while not even realising what we’re up to. It’s time to overcome our masochism and move towards a more self-forgiving and accepting stance. On Self-Hatred is a guide to the more compassionate and gentle relationship we should have had with ourselves from the start, and can all achieve now.
The School of Life Press Varieties of Melancholy: a hopeful guide to our sombre moods
This is a book that celebrates the most neglected but valuable emotion we can feel: melancholy. Melancholy isn’t depression or anger or bitterness, it’s a serene, accepting, gentle, wise and kindly response to the difficulties and occasional misery of being alive. It steers an ideal mid-way course between despair on the one hand and naïve optimism on the other. But melancholy is a well-kept secret. Those who feel the pull of melancholy moods tend to stay quiet about their tastes. We don’t often hear melancholy being celebrated or accorded the respect that it deserves. Melancholy languishes unexplored in a hyper-competitive, noisy, frantic age. And yet the emotion heartily deserves exploration, it is one that leads to reflection and thoughtfulness. This book carefully collects and interprets a selection of the most universally recognisable melancholy states of mind, and thereby renders us less confused by our precious yet elusive feelings. We hear, among other things, about the melancholy of Sunday evenings and the melancholy of adolescence, the melancholy of high summer and the melancholy of crushes. This book offers a varied portrait of melancholy and it’s range of emotions, leading the reader to both insight and self compassion.
Rock Point Adorable Hedgehogs 2022
Ready to have your heartstrings tugged? Look no further than Adorable Hedgehogs 2022, featuring 13 images of the sweetest little hedgehogs around! While these little guys might look prickly, hedgehogs are actually kindhearted sweeties who just want to be loved. Enjoy their photogenic adventures through their small world for the whole year! With a handy page that shows the months of September, October, November, and December 2021, followed by individual pages for the months of 2022, this 12' × 12' wall calendar features full-color photos of these 'quill kids' as they party, pig out, poke around, and have the time of their hedgie little lives! The perfect gift for the animal lover in your life, Adorable Hedgehogs 2022 will have you smiling all year long.
The School of Life Press What They Forgot to Teach You at School: Essential emotional lessons needed to thrive
We probably went to school for what felt like a very long time. We probably took care with our homework. Along the way we surely learnt intriguing things about equations, the erosion of glaciers, the history of the Middle Ages, and the tenses of foreign languages. But why, despite all the lessons we sat through, were we never taught the really important things that dominate and trouble our lives: who to start a relationship with, how to trust people, how to understand one’s psyche, how to move on from sorrow or betrayal, and how to cope with anxiety and shame? The School of Life is an organisation dedicated to teaching a range of emotional lessons that we need in order to lead fulfilled and happy lives – and that schools routinely forget to teach us. This book is a collection of our most essential lessons, delivered with directness and humanity, covering topics from love to career, childhood trauma to loneliness. To read the book is to be invited to lead kinder, richer and more authentic lives – and to complete an education we began but still badly need to finish. This is homework to help us make the most of the rest of our lives.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Imagine John Yoko
Personally compiled and curated by Yoko Ono, Imagine John Yoko is the definitive inside story – told in revelatory detail – of the making of the legendary album and all that surrounded it: the locations, the creative team, the artworks and the films, in the words of John & Yoko and the people who were there. Features 80% exclusive, hitherto-unpublished archive photos and footage sequences of all the key players in situ, together with lyric sheets, Yoko’s art installations, and exclusive new insights and personal testimonies from Yoko and over forty of the musicians, engineers, staff, celebrities, artists and photographers who were there – including Julian Lennon, Klaus Voormann, Alan White, Jim Keltner, David Bailey, Dick Cavett and Sir Michael Parkinson. ‘A lot has been written about the creation of the song, the album and the film of Imagine, mainly by people who weren’t there, so I’m very pleased and grateful that now, for the first time, so many of the participants have kindly given their time to “gimme some truth” in their own words and pictures’ Yoko Ono Lennon, 2018 In 1971, John Lennon & Yoko Ono conceived and recorded the critically acclaimed album Imagine at their Georgian country home, Tittenhurst Park, in Berkshire, England, in the state-of-the-art studio they built in the grounds, and at the Record Plant in New York. The lyrics of the title track were inspired by Yoko Ono’s ‘event scores’ in her 1964 book Grapefruit, and she was officially co-credited as writer in June 2017. Imagine John Yoko tells the story of John & Yoko’s life, work and relationship during this intensely creative period. It transports readers to home and working environments showcasing Yoko’s closely guarded archive of photos and artefacts, using artfully compiled narrative film stills, and featuring digitally rendered maps, floorplans and panoramas that recreate the interiors in evocative detail. John & Yoko introduce each chapter and song; Yoko also provides invaluable additional commentary and a preface. All the minutiae is examined: the locations, the key players, the music and lyrics, the production techniques and the artworks – including the creative process behind the double exposure polaroids used on the album cover. With a message as universal and pertinent today as it was when the album was created, this landmark publication is a fitting tribute to John & Yoko and their place in cultural history.
WW Norton & Co A Scheme of Heaven: The History of Astrology and the Search for our Destiny in Data
Humans are pattern-matching creatures, and astrology is the universe’s grandest pattern-matching game. In this refreshing work of history and analysis, data scientist Alexander Boxer examines classical texts on astrology to expose its underlying scientific and mathematical framework. Astrology, he argues, was the ancient world’s most ambitious applied mathematics problem, a monumental data-analysis enterprise sustained by some of history’s most brilliant minds, from Ptolemy to al-Kindi to Kepler. Thousands of years ago, astrologers became the first to stumble upon the powerful storytelling possibilities inherent in numerical data. To correlate the configurations of the cosmos with our day-to-day lives, astrologers relied upon a “scheme of heaven,” or horoscope, showing the precise configuration of the planets at a particular instant in time as viewed from a particular place on Earth. Although recognized as pseudoscience today, horoscopes were once considered a cutting-edge scientific tool. Boxer teaches us how to read these esoteric charts—and appreciate the complex astronomical calculations needed to generate them—by diagramming how the heavens appeared at important moments in astrology’s history, from the assassination of Julius Caesar as viewed from Rome to the Apollo 11 lunar landing as seen from the surface of the Moon. He then puts these horoscopes to the test using modern data sets and statistical science, arguing that today’s data scientists do work similar to astrologers of yore. By looking back at the algorithms of ancient astrology, he suggests, we can better recognize the patterns that are timeless characteristics of our own pattern-matching tendencies. At once critical, rigorous, and far ranging, A Scheme of Heaven recontextualizes astrology as a vast, technological project—spanning continents and centuries—that foreshadowed our data-driven world today.
Gabler Berufs — Lexikon: Welchen Beruf soll ich ergreifen? 600 Berufsbilder mit Angaben über Ausbildung, Fortbildung und Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten
Die Berufswahl ist die bedeutsamste Entscheidung für einen Menschen; denn sie ist ausschlaggebend für den Verlauf des größten Teils seines Lebens. Wie oft aber wird dieseWahlnach augenblicklichen Gegebenheiten getroffen, die später keine Gültig keit mehr haben! Wie oft auch macht sich der Junge ein ganz falsches Bild von "seinem" Beruf! Sinn und Zweck dieses Buches ist es deshalb in erster Linie, den vor der Berufswahl stehenden Jugendlichen sowie ihren Eltern und Erziehern einen umfassenden Ein blick in das gesamte Berufsleben zu ermöglichen und damit Anregungen für die Berufswahl zu geben; denn nur wer die vielen Berufe kennt, die einem jungen Menschen offenstehen, wer über die Fähigkeiten, die sie voraussetzen, über die An forderungen, die sie stellen, und über die Arbeits-und Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten Be scheid weiß, kann seine Wahl richtig treffen, kann seinen Beruf finden und sich damit viele Enttäuschungen, ja vielleicht sogar ein verpfuschtes Leben ersparen. Das Buch bringt keine wissenschaftliche und psychologische Berufskunde. Es zeigt den berufstätigen Menschen an seinem Arbeitsplatz, schildert seine Ausbildung, was er zu leisten hat, wie er vorwärtskommen kann. Von dem Grundsatz ausgehend, daß Anschauung die beste Lehrmeisterin ist, wird der in leichtverständlicher Sprache gehaltene Text durch reiche Bebilderung erläutert. Der Jugendliche, der das Buch gelesen hat, wird sich eine richtige Vorstellung von den verschiedenen Berufen machen können. Damit sind viele Fehlentscheidungen bei seiner Wahl von vornherein ausgeschlossen. Den Eltern erleichtert das Buch die Beratung, mit der sie ihren Kindern, die ins Berufsleben eintreten, zur Seite stehen.
University of California Press Deadly Quarrels: Lewis F. Richardson and the Statistical Study of War
Lewis Fry Richardson was one of the first to develop the systematic study of the causes of war; yet his great war data archive, Statistics of Deadly Quarrels, posthumously published, has yet to be fully systematized and assimilated by war-causation scholars. David Wilkinson has reanalyzed Richardson's data and drawn together the results of kindred quantitative work on the causes of war, from other as well as from Richardson. He has translated this classic of international relations literature into contemporary idiom, fully and accurately presenting the substance of Richardson's idea and at the same time bringing it up to date with judicious comment, updating the references to the critical and successor literature, and dealing in some detail with Richardson himself. Professor Wilkinson lists among the findings: 1. the death toll of war is largely the product of a very few immense wars; 2. most wars do not escalate out of control, they are vey likely to be small, brief, and exclusive; 3. great powers have done most of the world's fighting, inflicting and suffering most of the casualties; 4. the propensity of any two groups to fight increases as the ethnocultural differences between them increase. Contemporary peace strategy would therefore seem to be to avoid World War III by promoting superpower detente, and reanimating, accelerating, and civilizing the process of world economic development. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1980.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins International Foundation – Collins International English Foundation Plus Activity Book C
Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes. The materials have been developed in consultation with expert practitioners to be easy to use in the classroom and to support children following a range of early years curricula and who are preparing for their first year of primary education in an international school, including schools following the Cambridge Assessment International Education primary framework. The course introduces young children to phonics and early literacy skills in an age-appropriate way through topic-based discovery and activity-based learning, with plenty of opportunities to explore books and reading through games and hands-on exploration. Careful progression ensures children develop the skills they need to be ready for English in their first year of primary and beyond. Each level comprises Activity Books A, B and C – one for each term – supported by Reading Anthologies A, B and C – also one per term – that provide a carefully selected collection of colourful stories and stimulus materials, and a Teacher’s Guide. Schools can opt to use the course over one or two school years. The engaging and brightly illustrated Activity Books provide age-appropriate practice that is fun for children, that allow teachers to see and record progress, and that show parents what is being covered in class. Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus can be used on their own, or alongside Collins International Maths Foundation and Foundation Plus and Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus to provide a comprehensive early-years programme.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins International Foundation – Collins International English Foundation Plus Activity Book A
Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes. The materials have been developed in consultation with expert practitioners to be easy to use in the classroom and to support children following a range of early years curricula and who are preparing for their first year of primary education in an international school, including schools following the Cambridge Assessment International Education primary framework. The course introduces young children to phonics and early literacy skills in an age-appropriate way through topic-based discovery and activity-based learning, with plenty of opportunities to explore books and reading through games and hands-on exploration. Careful progression ensures children develop the skills they need to be ready for English in their first year of primary and beyond. Each level comprises Activity Books A, B and C – one for each term – supported by Reading Anthologies A, B and C – also one per term – that provide a carefully selected collection of colourful stories and stimulus materials, and a Teacher’s Guide. Schools can opt to use the course over one or two school years. The engaging and brightly illustrated Activity Books provide age-appropriate practice that is fun for children, that allow teachers to see and record progress, and that show parents what is being covered in class. Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus can be used on their own, or alongside Collins International Maths Foundation and Foundation Plus and Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus to provide a comprehensive early-years programme.
Vintage Publishing The Correspondence
'What a nutjob!' - Geoff Dyer'Questions that occurred to me as I read this brilliant, baffling book: What the hell is this? Who the hell is this? Is this poetry?' - Tom BissellCan civilization save us from ourselves? That is the question J. D. Daniels asks in his first book, a series of six letters written during dark nights of the soul. Working from his own highly varied experience – as a janitor, night watchman, adjunct professor, drunk, exterminator, dutiful son –he considers how far books and learning and psychoanalysis can get us, and how much we’re stuck in the mud.In prose wound as tight as a copper spring, Daniels takes us from the highways of his native Kentucky to the Balearic Islands and from the Pampas of Brazil to the rarefied precincts of Cambridge, Massachusetts. His travelling companions include psychotic kindergarten teachers, Israeli sailors, and Southern Baptists on fire for Christ. In each dispatch, Daniels takes risks – not just literary (voice, tone, form) but also more immediate, such as spending two years on a Brazilian jiu-jitsu team (he gets beaten to a pulp, repeatedly) or participating in group psychoanalysis (where he goes temporarily insane). Daniels is that rare thing, a writer completely in earnest whose wit never deserts him, even in extremis. Inventive, intimate, restless, streetwise and erudite, The Correspondence introduces a brave and original observer of the inner life under pressure.
Duke University Press Rebels: Youth and the Cold War Origins of Identity
Holden Caulfield, the beat writers, Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, and James Dean—these and other avatars of youthful rebellion were much more than entertainment. As Leerom Medovoi shows, they were often embraced and hotly debated at the dawn of the Cold War era because they stood for dissent and defiance at a time when the ideological production of the United States as leader of the “free world” required emancipatory figures who could represent America’s geopolitical claims. Medovoi argues that the “bad boy” became a guarantor of the country’s anti-authoritarian, democratic self-image: a kindred spirit to the freedom-seeking nations of the rapidly decolonizing third world and a counterpoint to the repressive conformity attributed to both the Soviet Union abroad and America’s burgeoning suburbs at home.Alongside the young rebel, the contemporary concept of identity emerged in the 1950s. It was in that decade that “identity” was first used to define collective selves in the politicized manner that is recognizable today: in terms such as “national identity” and “racial identity.” Medovoi traces the rapid absorption of identity themes across many facets of postwar American culture, including beat literature, the young adult novel, the Hollywood teen film, early rock ‘n’ roll, black drama, and “bad girl” narratives. He demonstrates that youth culture especially began to exhibit telltale motifs of teen, racial, sexual, gender, and generational revolt that would burst into political prominence during the ensuing decades, bequeathing to the progressive wing of contemporary American political culture a potent but ambiguous legacy of identity politics.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins International Foundation – Collins International English Foundation Activity Book C
Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes. The materials have been developed in consultation with expert practitioners to be easy to use in the classroom and to support children following a range of early years curricula and who are preparing for their first year of primary education in an international school, including schools following the Cambridge Assessment International Education primary framework. The course introduces young children to phonics and early literacy skills in an age-appropriate way through topic-based discovery and activity-based learning, with plenty of opportunities to explore books and reading through games and hands-on exploration. Careful progression ensures children develop the skills they need to be ready for English in their first year of primary and beyond. Each level comprises Activity Books A, B and C – one for each term – supported by Reading Anthologies A, B and C – also one per term – that provide a carefully selected collection of colourful stories and stimulus materials, and a Teacher’s Guide. Schools can opt to use the course over one or two school years. The engaging and brightly illustrated Activity Books provide age-appropriate practice that is fun for children, that allow teachers to see and record progress, and that show parents what is being covered in class. Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus can be used on their own, or alongside Collins International Maths Foundation and Foundation Plus and Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus to provide a comprehensive early-years programme.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins International Foundation – Collins International English Foundation Activity Book B
Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes. The materials have been developed in consultation with expert practitioners to be easy to use in the classroom and to support children following a range of early years curricula and who are preparing for their first year of primary education in an international school, including schools following the Cambridge Assessment International Education primary framework. The course introduces young children to phonics and early literacy skills in an age-appropriate way through topic-based discovery and activity-based learning, with plenty of opportunities to explore books and reading through games and hands-on exploration. Careful progression ensures children develop the skills they need to be ready for English in their first year of primary and beyond. Each level comprises Activity Books A, B and C – one for each term – supported by Reading Anthologies A, B and C – also one per term – that provide a carefully selected collection of colourful stories and stimulus materials, and a Teacher’s Guide. Schools can opt to use the course over one or two school years. The engaging and brightly illustrated Activity Books provide age-appropriate practice that is fun for children, that allow teachers to see and record progress, and that show parents what is being covered in class. Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus can be used on their own, or alongside Collins International Maths Foundation and Foundation Plus and Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus to provide a comprehensive early-years programme.
Vintage Publishing Ways of Life: Jim Ede and the Kettle's Yard Artists
This first biography of the Kettle's Yard artists reveals the life of a visionary who helped shape twentieth-century British art and explores a thrilling moment in the history of modernism'The beautiful, revelatory biography we have been waiting for. I loved it'EDMUND DE WAAL'This book is the legacy Jim Ede might have wished for'OBSERVERThe lives of Jim Ede and the Kettle's Yard artists represent a thrilling tipping point in twentieth-century modernism: a new guard, a new way of making and seeing, and a new way of living with art. The artists Ben and Winifred Nicholson, Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth, Alfred Wallis and Henri Gaudier-Brzeska were not a set like the Bloomsbury Set or Ravilious and his friends. But Jim Ede recognised in each of the artists he championed something common and kindred, some quality of light and life and line.Jim Ede is the figure who unites them. His vision continues to influence the way we understand art and modern living. He was a man of extraordinary energies: a collector, dealer, fixer, critic and, above all, friend to artists. For Ede, works of art were friends and art could be found wherever you looked - in a pebble, feather or seedhead. Art lived and a life without art, beauty, friendship and creativity was a life not worth living. Art was not for galleries alone and it certainly wasn't only for the rich. At Kettle's Yard in Cambridge, he opened his home and his collection to all comers. He showed generations of visitors that learning to look could be a whole new way of life.
Headline Publishing Group A Season for Murder (Mitchell & Markby 2): A witty English village whodunit of mystery and intrigue
The Boxing Day Hunt leads to a hunt for a killer... A Season for Murder is the second cosy and colourful English village mystery in Ann Granger's Mitchell & Markby series. This thrilling whodunit will enthral fans of Colin Dexter, Agatha Christie and ITV's Midsomer Murders.'A good feel for understated humour, a nice ear for dialogue' The Times It is with some trepidation that Meredith Mitchell returns to the Cotswolds: the Bamford district holds memories that, to put it generously, are bittersweet, and Christmas is a difficult time to find oneself a stranger in a new area. Yet she receives a kindly welcome, in particular from her old acquaintance Chief Inspector Markby and from her new neighbour Harriet Needham, a striking redhead with whom Meredith immediately feels a certain kinship. But Meredith has barely got to know her neighbour when Harriet is involved in a shocking - and fatal - accident at the Boxing Day Hunt. Witnesses to the death are plentiful, for the incident occurred in Bamford's crowded market square, and many are adamant it's a case of murder. Chief Inspector Markby is inclined to agree, although he suspects the guilty party is not the most obvious one. Before long Meredith Mitchell begins, reluctantly, to think he might be right ...What readers are saying about A Season for Murder:'The writing is witty and engaging, the characters are well rounded and the reader is left wanting to know more about what might happen in the future to them''The interplay between Mitchell and Markby and the clashes and stresses of their own lives nicely balances the intelligent plots''Really addictive. Very cleverly woven'
Cornell University Press Nationalism, Liberalism, and Progress: The Rise and Decline of Nationalism
Has global liberalism made the nation-state obsolete? Or, on the contrary, are primordial nationalist hatreds overwhelming cosmopolitanism? To assert either theme without serious qualification, according to Ernst B. Haas, is historically simplistic and morally misleading. Haas describes nationalism as a key component of modernity and a crucial instrument for making sense of impersonal, rapidly changing, and heterogeneous societies. He characterizes nationalism as a feeling of collective identity, a mutual understanding experienced among people who may never meet but who are persuaded that they belong to a community of kindred spirits. Without nationalism, there could be no large integrated state. Nationalism comes in many varieties, some revolutionary in rejecting the past and some syncretist in seeking to retain religious traditions. Haas asks whether liberal nationalism is particularly successful as a rationalizing agent, noting that liberalism is usually associated with collective learning and that liberal-secular nationalism delivers substantial material benefits to mass populations. He also asks whether liberal nationalism can lead to its own transcendence. He explores nationalism in five societies that had achieved the status of nation-states by about 1880: the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and Japan. Several of these nation-states became exemplars for later nationalists. A second, forthcoming volume will consider ten societies that modernized more recently, many of them aroused to nationalism by the imperialism of these "old" nation-states.
New Society Publishers The School Garden Curriculum: An Integrated K-8 Guide for Discovering Science, Ecology, and Whole-Systems Thinking
Sow the seeds of science and wonder and inspire the next generation of Earth stewards The School Garden Curriculum offers a unique and comprehensive framework, enabling students to grow their knowledge throughout the school year and build on it from kindergarten to eighth grade. From seasonal garden activities to inquiry projects and science-skill building, children will develop organic gardening solutions, a positive land ethic, systems thinking, and instincts for ecological stewardship. The world needs young people to grow into strong, scientifically literate environmental stewards. Learning gardens are great places to build this knowledge, yet until now there has been a lack of a multi-grade curriculum for school-wide teaching aimed at fostering a connection with the Earth. The book offers: A complete K-8 school-wide framework Over 200 engaging, weekly lesson plans – ready to share Place-based activities, immersive learning, and hands-on activities Integration of science, critical thinking, permaculture, and life skills Links to Next Generation Science Standards Further resources and information sources. A model and guide for all educators, The School Garden Curriculum is the complete package for any school wishing to use ecosystem perspectives, science, and permaculture to connect children to positive land ethics, personal responsibility, and wonder, while building vital lifelong skills. AWARDS FINALIST | 2019 Foreword INDIES: Education
Simon & Schuster Rosie and Rasmus
Two kindred spirits—a lonely young girl and a solitary young dragon—find each other and discover the power and magic of friendship in this sweetly simple picture book. Every day, Rosie waits and watches as children play together, laugh and share stories, hoping she can join in the fun and make a new friend. But every day her wish never comes true. Every day, Rasmus sits in his tree and waits and watches as birds dance in the sky, wishing he could fly just like them. But every day his wish never comes true. Then one day, Rosie and Rasmus meet and girl and dragon are lonely no more. They become the best of friends, playing together, laughing, sharing stories…and Rosie even helps Rasmus learn to fly! But when Rasmus finds his wings, he knows he must also find his fate. Two best friends say goodbye, as Rasmus flies away. But then…a lonely girl watches and waits as children play together, laugh and share stories, hoping she ca
Little, Brown Book Group Almost a Hero
Billie Challinor's mother dies during an air raid, but the child grows up confident that in her jazz musician father Chas she has the best dad in the world. Seeking refuge from the London Blitz by moving to Leeds, kindly landlady Liz Morris befriends them: the scarred, wisecracking man, who isn't afraid to overstep the mark if the cause is a good one, and his clever and resilient little girl. Billie needs every ounce of courage she possesses when her father joins the Army just before the D-Day landings and fails to return.Though Liz is happy to raise the child as her own, Billie is claimed by her Uncle Cedric, an outwardly respectable and prosperous solicitor. But he is also a ruthless criminal mastermind who will stop at nothing to secure the fortune to which Billie is sole heiress. Confident of his superior strength and cunning, he foolishly overlooks the fact that she is her father's daughter: resourceful, quick-witted, and ready to seize any chance she can to escape his deadly clutches and return to her beloved Aunt Liz.
Andrews McMeel Publishing Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior: From Seeds to Swords: An Unofficial Minecraft Adventure
Minecraft meets Diary of a Wimpy Kid in book 2 of the very popular 8-Bit Warrior series of the journal of a young Minecraft villager who dares to dream of becoming a Minecraft warrior! THESE ARE THE REAL BOOKS BY CUBE KID! DIARY OF AN 8-BIT WARRIOR: FROM SEEDS TO SWORDS WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED AS WIMPY VILLAGER KINDLES 5-8. Pet slimes. A potion brew-off. A creepy forest that no one will explain. What’s a twelve-year-old warrior-in-training to do? As Runt and his friends continue their battle preparation, they face their biggest challenges yet—and it’s not just those zombies decked out in body armor (which is really weird, by the way). Runt’s got a brand new nemesis who will stop at nothing to claim the top spot in the warrior competition at school. And, to make matters worse, there’s a strange girl following him around wherever he goes. But old enemies will become new allies as the town rallies to save the school from a series of mysterious mob attacks. Can Runt and his friends take down the biggest, baddest boss mob yet?
Hodder & Stoughton The Trivia Night: the shocking must-read novel for fans of Liane Moriarty
'Unputdownable . . . spookily familiar, funny, and darkly captivating. I loved it'Sally Hepworth Question: How long does it take to tear someone's life apart?Answer: Sometimes just one night.From the outside the parents of the kindergarten class at Darley Heights primary school seem to have it all. Living in the wealthy Sydney suburbs, it's a community where everyone knows each other - and secrets don't stay secret for long.The big date in the calendar is the school's annual fundraising trivia night, but when the evening gets raucously out of hand, talk turns to partner-swapping. Initially scandalised, it's not long before a group of parents make a reckless one-night-only pact.But in the harsh light of day, those involved must face the fallout of their behaviour. As they begin to navigate the shady aftermath of their wild night, the truth threatens to rip their perfect lives apart - and revenge turns fatal.THE TRIVIA NIGHT is a gripping, domestic page-turner full of shocking reveals, perfect for fans of Liane Moriarty and Sally Hepworth.
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Gorse
Cornwall, 1786. For years, the villagers of Mirecoombe have turned to their Keeper, the old and battle-scarred Lord Pelagius Hunt, mediator between the worlds of men and fey, for help. But this is a time of change. Belief in the old ways, in the piskies and spriggans, has dimmed, kindled instead in the Reverend Cleaver’s fiery pulpit. His church stands proud above the mire; God’s name is whispered, hushed, loved. And now, death stalks Mirecoombe on the moor. There are corpses in the heather. There is blood in the gorse. Nancy Bligh is determined to do what Pel will not: maintain the balance between the fey and the human world, be the Keeper that he refuses to be. Blessed with natural sight, friend to spriggans, piskies and human locals of Mirecoombe, Nancy has power that Pel never had and never lets her use. But as Mirecoombe falls into darkness, perhaps her time has come. A poignant and lyrical examination of faith, love and grief, Gorse asks
Profile Books Ltd Seva: Sikh wisdom for living well by doing good
'Demystifies the Sikh way of living a good life in seven simple steps' Vogue India Think of any scene of disaster and you'll find Sikh volunteers rallying to the site to perform seva - pronounced 'say-va', meaning selfless service - feeding migrant workers, helping riot victims, and cleaning up after earthquakes and floods. Why has this 30 million strong community become the world's Good Samaritan? What is it about their values that makes so many of them do so much good? And how is it that they're also able to channel so much joy and laughter while serving others? Through science-based studies, interviews with Sikhs and a look at history and fables, Seva unlocks seven Sikh-inspired rules to help anyone become kinder, happier and lead a more meaningful life. A secular handbook for the modern world, Seva is a beautiful, inspiring and moving book that will change you from the inside out.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Early Years Education
The education and care of children under the age of eight has become one of the major focuses of attention in recent education research and policy-making around the world, and it is now widely recognised that investment in provision at this stage can be both cost effective and beneficial to the social fabric of communities. Approaches to education in nurseries, kindergartens and preschools have traditionally been significantly different from those that inform the teaching of older children but, until recently, these approaches have had little impact on education beyond early years settings.This wide-ranging collection of papers provides a valuable resource for scholars who need to ground their own study in wider historical and global discourses concerning the education of children under eight. Including both important historical sources and contemporary analysis of current issues, this fascinating set represents a broad variety of countries, cultures and traditions.
The Book Guild Ltd Any Lengths to Please
Any Lengths to Please is a uniquely entertaining compendium by BAFTA-nominated screenwriter and acclaimed novelist Paul A. Mendelson. A short story, a novella, a medium-sized novel and a brief literary confection', designed to whet any appetite.The shortest, Einstein, is a quirky love story, set in New York State, about a young woman finding her Mr Wrong.I Can't be Ill, I'm a Hypochondriac is a semi-autobiographical and wryly poignant tale about the effect on a family when a member is diagnosed with a serious cancer. It tells how life and work don't stop they just become infinitely more fraught.Lost Souls, the novel, is a laugh-out-loud, larger-than-life fable. It tells of how the scuzziest guy in LA, a soulless, dissolute porn'-broker, has to find love in five days with the kindest, least-worldly soul around, a scruffy Lake District shepherdess, or go straight to Hell!A Perfect Murder Story, a brief confectio
Tuttle Publishing Voodoo Maggie's Adorable Amigurumi: Cute and Quirky Crocheted Critters
Crochet cute Amigurumi animals with this fun Japanese crafting book!Knot your mother's crochet! Weave your way into the yarn filled world of Japanese Amigurumi or "crocheted stuffed toys" with adorable creatures and cuddly new characters! Whether you're honing a new craft or in search of creative needlework inspiration let Voodoo Maggie show you the way. There are adorable Koala Bears, Darling Dachsunds, Nuggly Bats, and the not-very fearsome but actually-kinda-cute yeti. Altogether there are 18 creatures that Voodoo Maggie is willing to unleash on a world yearning for some serious cuteness. Full of colorful photos to help guide you through the patterns, this book has projects even crochet beginners can complete in a weekend or less. Voodoo Maggie's Adorable Amigurumi walks you step-by-step through the distinct art of Japanese crochet. Artful designs, easy-to-follow knitting instructions and detailed illustrations allow you to create the most delightful crocheted Japanese miniatures easily.Amigurumi animals include: Luna the Baby Dragon Lucy the Giraffe Schnitzel the Dachshund Dust Bunny Basil T. Koala Marcel Monkey Olive Octopus Bella la Batty All of the crochet patterns are simple enough for crochet enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels. Some projects are so simple they can be completed in a day!
Skyhorse Publishing Topgun Days: Dogfighting, Cheating Death, and Hollywood Glory as One of America's Best Fighter Jocks
Dave Baranek (callsign "Bio") was one of 451 young men to receive his Wings of Gold in 1980 as a naval flight officer. Four years later, seasoned by intense training and deployments in the tense confrontations of the cold war, he became the only one of that initial group to rise to become an instructor at the navy's elite Fighter Weapons School. As a Topgun instructor, Bio was responsible for teaching the best fighter pilots of the Navy and Marine Corps how to be even better. He schooled them in the classroom and then went head-to-head with them in the skies.Then, in August 1985, Bio was assigned to combine his day-to-day flight duties with participation in a Pentagon-blessed project to film action footage for a major Hollywood movie focusing on the lives, loves, heartbreaks, and triumphs of young fighter pilots: Top Gun.Bio soon found himself riding in limousines to attend gala premieres, and being singled out by giggling teenagers and awed schoolboys who recognized the name "Topgun" on his T-shirts. The book ends with his reflections on his career as a skilled naval aviator and his enduring love of flight. The paperback and Kindle editions include more than fifty rare full color photographs of fighter jets in action.
Editon Synapse The Art at Home (ES 4-vol. set)
‘In these decorative days the volumes bring calm counsel and kindly suggestions, with information for the ignorant and aid for the advancing, that ought to help many a feeble, if well-meaning pilgrim along the weary road, at the end whereof, far off, lies the House Beautiful …’—Examiner, 1876. Launched by a successful editor and publisher W. J. Loftie in 1876, Art at Home was a series of small guidebooks or manuals for women in the upper-middle class striving for a more aesthetic and cultured life. The series gained great popularity among housewives in Victorian England and its influence expanded to the east coast of America as well with the publication of the American editions which were used there as introductory guides to the life of high society in England. Subjects covered include interior design, furniture, fashion, art education, art collection, music, theatre, leisure, and all aspects of cultural life at home. Reproduced here are the all twelve titles with many illustrations, some reproduced in colour. Despite its importance, the original books are rare and hard to obtain and very few libraries in the world hold the complete series. This reprint is an indispensable source for all scholars in Victorian Studies and the History of Aesthetics.
Rutgers University Press Open Your Hand: Teaching as a Jew, Teaching as an American
Fifteen years into a successful career as a college professor, Ilana Blumberg encounters a crisis in the classroom that sends her back to the most basic questions about education and prompts a life-changing journey that ultimately takes her from East Lansing to Tel Aviv. As she explores how civic and religious commitments shape the culture of her humanities classrooms, Blumberg argues that there is no education without ethics. When we know what sort of society we seek to build, our teaching practices follow. In vivid classroom scenes from kindergarten through middle school to the university level, Blumberg conveys the drama of intellectual discovery as she offers novice and experienced teachers a pedagogy of writing, speaking, reading, and thinking that she links clearly to the moral and personal development of her students. Writing as an observant Jew and as an American, Blumberg does not shy away from the difficult challenge of balancing identities in the twenty-first century: how to remain true to a community of origin while being a national and global citizen. As she negotiates questions of faith and citizenship in the wide range of classrooms she traverses, Blumberg reminds us that teaching - and learning - are nothing short of a moral art, and that the future of our society depends on it.
Little, Brown & Company The Scandalous Secret of Abigail Macgregor
Abigail MacGregor has a little secret--she's a princess and an heir to the English throne. Her birthright has never been of any consequence to the few people who know the truth in Camlochlin...until Queen Anne demands she appear in London immediately and act as her handmaiden. Abby isn't afraid to meet her aunt, the Queen, or to travel to London. What could be better than an adventure? And then she meets General Daniel Marlow, her escort. She's never met a more insufferable, arrogant, stubborn man in all her life...The last thing General Daniel Marlow wants to do is babysit a spoiled Scottish lass. But an order from the queen is an order. He doesn't think kindly of the savage Highlanders, especially Abby's proscribed clan, and he isn't shy about telling her so. But as time passes, he's drawn to Abby's beauty, her sharp wit, and her spirit. She's hiding a secret--that much is clear--and he can't allow her to navigate the backstabbing and rather vicious waters of Queen Anne's court alone. He just never expected the queen to be threatened by his affection for Abby, and turn on them both. Forced to betray the queen and country he's sworn to protect to save the woman who has stolen his heart, Daniel will find himself in the battle for his very life.
Hay House Inc Exile & Ecstasy: Growing Up with Ram Dass and Coming of Age in the Jewish Psychedelic Underground
Through the perspective of having grown up among "HinJews" in the Ram Dass community and cannabis legalization movement, journalist Madison Margolin takes the reader on a journey inside New York's Jewish counterculture and the Hasidic underground, reconciling her roots, tackling ancestral Jewish trauma, and finding intersectionality between the Jewish and psychedelic experience.Exile and Ecstasy sets out to explore the psychedelic path that occupies the crossroads between the Ram Dass movement and Hasidism. It's a path of seeking and escape, rebellion and return, medicine and magic.Bridging the polar ends of the Jewish and psychedelic worlds, while buttressing the experience with expert reportage, Madison Margolin prods at Be Here Now to find its relevance and utility in a new generation, facing different issues than those Ram Dass faced as a generally well-to-do boomer. In doing so, she looks at solutions to our lack of presence and offers practices that help us integrate our psychedelic experiences in mundane life, as well as in the context of our roots and religious identities.This book is for anyone looking to feel spiritually kindled, to make peace with where they come from, and to reconcile seemingly disparate experiences of spirituality and psychedelics, with traditional religion.
HarperCollins Publishers Love at the Little Wedding Shop by the Sea (The Little Wedding Shop by the Sea, Book 5)
St Aidan: a cosy Cornish village where friendships are made for life and it’s always cocktail hour somewhere… ‘A pure delight’ Debbie Johnson Return to your favourite little wedding shop by the sea for love, laughter and a romance to sweep you off your feet! It’s the most romantic day of the year but the girls aren’t just gearing up for Valentine’s Day and a busy wedding season ahead, it’s also the 10 year anniversary of their beloved shop! Jess is planning the party of the decade and with the champagne and cocktails flowing, sparks are going to fly…and not just from the fireworks display! Readers adore Jane Linfoot’s books! ‘Have you ever liked a book so much that you wanted to give it a hug…chicklit GOLD’ Pretty Little Book Reviews ‘Jane Linfoot combines fabulous friendship with gorgeous true love…a fantastic captivating story with a sweet romantic ending’ With Love for Books ‘A character that you genuinely like’ Mrs Wheddon Reviews ‘The perfect holiday read…you feel as if you are part of the group of friends’ Coffee and Kindle Book Reviews ‘Where should I begin with this wonderful, delicious novel…a stunning, fabulous read’ Kat, Goodreads ‘An uplifting, warm and romantic story that was a real pleasure to read’ Rae Reads
John Donald Publishers Ltd The Kings of Alba: c.1000 - c.1130
The events of 1000-1130 were crucial to the successful emergence of the medieval kingdom of the Scots. Yet this is one of the least researched periods of Scottish history. We probably now know more about the Picts than the post-1000 events that underpinned the spectacular expansion of the small kingdom which came to dominate north Britain by the 1130s. This expansion included the defeat and absorption of other significant cultural and political groups to the north and south of the core kingdom, and was accompanied by the introduction of reformed monasticism. But perhaps the most momentous process amongst all these political and cultural changes was the move towards the domination of the kingship by just one segment of the royal kindred, the sons of King Mael Coluim mac Donnchada's second marriage to Queen Margaret. The story of how these sons managed to achieve political supremacy through machination, murder and mutilation runs like an unsavoury thread throughout this book. The book also investigates the building blocks from which the kingdom was constructed and the various processes which eventually allowed the kings of the different peoples of north Britain to describe themselves as Rex scottorum. It is a hugely rewarding voyage of discovery for anyone interested in the formation of the kingdom of the Scots.
Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd The All-Year-Round Christmas Handbook: Plan, Make, Cook, and Create Your Own Unique Celebration
With a few straightforward strategies and a perfectly practical planner, Tiffany Wood shows you how to jingle your way through the preparations for Christmas, from January to December. The All-Year-Round Christmas Handbook lends a helping hand to everyone who would like to create a kinder, more mindful and homespun Christmas celebration. Juggling all manner of jobs at a time when expectations of festive fun are sky high means that effective planning and time management are vital. Organisational and creative tasks are divided into months, then weeks and days as you get nearer to Christmas. In the month before Christmas, each week has its own 'dashboard' for different activities – creating, cooking, eating, shopping, entertaining – plus planning pages you can fill in yourself. For future years, you can also download extra planner pages to fill in and keep using the link in the book. To save you time, there are recipes for handy cook-ahead dishes, simple meals and store-bought shortcuts. Tiffany shows you how to wrap your gifts with style and make crafty things with the leftover paper. There are also tips from Mrs and Mr Christmases around the world, with some different traditions you might like to try.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Abolition of Britain: From Winston Churchill to Theresa May
How do you tell that a country has died? In this devastating, pessimistic, though critically-timed revised edition of his classic book, Peter Hitchens describes and regrets the abolition of Britain. In the years since Peter Hitchens first wrote The Abolition of Britain, he argues, there has been an acceleration in the decay of society and culture. Fewer people read; universities have become less and less free; more churches are closing; language has become more homogenised; the city skyline is emblematic of the triumph of Mammon; the monarchy is merely hanging on and immigration is at an unprecedented and unsustainable level, a fact accepted even by those who first welcomed its growth. Hitchens, a former revolutionary Marxist, is amazed and amused by the way in which the nominal Conservative Party has now embraced culturally and socially revolutionary ideas, especially about the family, sexual politics and education, which he would have thought ambitious in his days as a 1960s Trotskyist. As he writes, ‘my only concern now is to ensure that others, in some unimaginable future, will be able to find at least one voice which will explain to them how one of the fairest, kindest civilisations ever to have existed on earth … should in so short a time have wasted its birthright and thrown away its gifts’.
Quercus Publishing The Other Child
'Taut, tense, and beautifully written' Clare Mackintosh'Addictive' Sunday TimesSometimes a lie feels kinder than the truth . . . but what happens when that lie becomes an avalanche of deceit?When Tess is sent to photograph Greg, a high-profile paediatric surgeon, she sees something complex in him that she instantly connects with. Their relationship quickly deepens, but then Tess - already a single mother to nine-year-old Joe - finds out she's pregnant.Greg, who never wanted to be a father, is then offered the job of a lifetime back in his hometown of Boston, USA. Within just a few months, they have married and moved to the States. But life in an affluent Boston suburb is not as straightforward as Tess had hoped. Strange things keep happening in their rented home - Joe is unsettled, the next-door neighbours are clearly troubled, and Greg's work is all-consuming. As a fierce Boston winter closes in, and her baby's birth looms, Tess remains determined to make this new life work. Then she makes a jaw-dropping discovery . . .PRAISE FOR LUCY ATKINS'Wonderfully skilled' Sarah Perry'Sly, witty and gripping' Naomi Alderman'Wholly beguiling' Mick Herron'Highly intelligent' Sarah Vaughan'Beguiling, brilliantly creepy' Claire Fuller