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Cinebook Ltd Sekhmet's Captive
Theti-Cheri asks Papyrus to accompany her to the temple of Mout-Sekhmet, where she is to conduct a ceremony to appease the goddess's wrath, kindled after the previous high priest committed crimes. Unfortunately, the day chosen by the princess is viewed as extremely inauspicious by the superstitious peasantry, and Papyrus, born among the simple people of Egypt, refuses the young woman's request, angering her. By the time he changes his mind and joins her, there are evil plans afoot ...
Behrman House Inc.,U.S. Max and Emma Cross the Red Sea
“ …fun to read and help children and their families think about biblical stories in a new light, drawing attention to connections in their own lives, which will help them become kinder and more confident as they mature.” – Michal Malen, The Jewish Book CouncilDid the Red Sea really part for the Israelites in the desert? Max and Emma are going back in time to find out!Max wants to be brave, but he doesn't know how. He can't even chant the Four Questions without stuttering, and his family's seder is just around the corner.To avoid practicing the Four Questions, Max travels back in time with his friend Emma. There they meet Moses, who rallies his people to cross the Red Sea despite his own stutter, and Nachshon, who takes a leap of faith to help the Israelites . . . and one pesky poodle! With the Egyptian army right behind them, Max learns that courage comes in many forms--and that he's much braver than he thought.Don’t miss the first Torah Time Travel adventure, Max Builds a Time Machine!
John Murray Press Promise
'A magical, magnificent novel, that amounts to a secret history of an America we think we know, but never really knew' Marlon JamesThe people of Salt Point are afraid of the world beyond their rural town. Most of them are born, live and die never having gone more than twenty or thirty miles from houses that are crammed with generations of their families. But something shifts at the end of summer 1957. Change makes its way to Salt Point. The Kindred sisters - Ezra and Cinthy - grew up with an abundance of love. Love from their parents, who let them believe that the stories they tell on stars can come true. Love from their neighbours, the Junketts, the only other Black family in town, whose home is filled with spice-rubbed ribs and ground-shaking hugs. And love for their adopted hometown of Salt Point, a beautiful New England village perched high up on coastal bluffs.But as the girls hit adolescence, their white neighbours, including Ezra's best friend, Ruby, start to see their maturing bodies and minds in a different way. And as the news from distant parts of the country fills with calls for freedom, equality, and justice for Black Americans, the white villagers of Salt Point begin to view the Kindreds and the Junketts as a threat to their way of life. Amidst escalating violence, prejudice, and fear, bold Ezra and watchful Cinthy must reach deep inside the wells of love they've built to commit great acts of heroism and grace on the path to survival.In luminous, richly descriptive writing, Promise celebrates one family's story of resistance. It's a book that will break your heart - and then rebuild it with courage, hope, and love. 'A novel so potent, one wonders if it's secretly a magic spell' Kiran Desai
Birlinn General It Takes One to Know One
Charlie Gavin was abducted as a baby. He didn’t know who he was or where he came from. His mission was to find himself. And when he did, he decided to spend his life finding other lost souls by opening the Be Kindly Missing Persons Bureau. Martha Walters, his assistant, has had her fifteen minutes of almost fame and failed. Now, dealing with her guilt and pain, she lives with her mum and dotes on her young daughter. Charlie appears to be a man who is a loser and dreamer, but, hey, his office is near her house, she can lie in of a morning, take her kid to school and the work isn’t too heart-breaking. Or is it . . . ?
Titan Books Ltd Exposure
The second solo novel from one half of the S.L. Grey writing team - for fans of Black Mirror. In a Britain akin to this one, Vincent Rice falls off a ladder, literally at Petra Orff's feet. They introduce themselves, and he offers to take her to Metamuse, an alternative theatre experience like no other that he won tickets to in a competition he doesn't remember entering. Vincent has a complex sense of home, and immigrant Petra senses a kindred spirit in him. As time goes on, inexplicable occurrences pile on top of one another, connected to Metamuse: certainly more than just a theatre experience. Unquiet dead seem to be reaching into the world to protest injustices both past and present.
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers Inc Get Ready For School First Grade Laptop Workbook: Sight Words, Beginning Reading, Handwriting, Vowels & Consonants, Word Families
These portable, tablet-size binders are the latest addition to Black Dog & Leventhal's best-selling, curriculum-based Get Ready for School series. The Laptop Workbook covers fold into a mini desktop surface, making them the perfect take-along activity books. First Grade Laptop Workbook is bursting with hundreds of challenging activities, including mazes, letter searches, dot-to-dots, and other fun activities that help your child master upper- and lowercase letters, rhyming, word families, and phonics. Also includes 140 stickers, a certificate of completion, perforated pages, and an answer key. Other titles included Kindergarten Laptop Workbook (9781579129743) First Grade Laptop Workbook (9781579129750).
Murdoch Books Vegan Style: Your plant-based guide to fashion + beauty + home + travel
'...this little gem....will be my constant companion on my continued journey to a kinder lifestyle.' - Shelly Vela, former fashion director at Cosmopolitan UK Your ultimate guide to living a luxurious, cruelty-free life. Ready to take vegan living beyond the kitchen? Vegan Style is an informative and inspiring guide to compassionate living, featuring cruelty-free beauty products, style advice from some of today's most creative and innovative vegan designers, and pointers on everything from sourcing faux leather jackets to travelling as a vegan and so much more. Filled with beautiful photography, interviews with industry leaders and inspiring home, style, travel and beauty tips, Vegan Style is a luxurious dose of lifestyle inspiration for the conscious crowd.
Penguin Books Ltd Ending Up
At Tuppenny-hapenny Cottage in the English countryside, five elderly people live together in rancorous disharmony. Adela Bastable bosses the house, as her brother Bernard passes his days thinking up malicious schemes against the baby-talking Marigold and secret drinker Shorty, while kindly George lies bedridden upstairs. The mismatched quintet keep their spirits alive by bickering and waiting for grandchildren to visit at Christmas. But the festive season does not herald goodwill to all at Tuppenny-hapenny Cottage. Disaster and chaos, it seems, are just around the corner ...Told with Amis's piercing wit and humanity, Ending Up (1974) is a wickedly funny black comedy of the indignities of old age.
Insight Editions The Powerpuff Girls The Official Cookbook
Sugar, spice, and everything nice: these were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls and the perfect recipes for breakfast foods, entrees, desserts, snacks, and drinks in The Powerpuff Girls: The Official Cookbook.Inspired by the many crime-fighting heroes, villains, and food references from Townsville, this action-packed cookbook includes recipes from Beat Your Greens to Power Lunch. With The Powerpuff Girls: The Official Cookbook, fans can recreate The Mayor''s Favorite Pickle and Turkey Sandwiches, Sweets for Mojo Jojo, Professor Utoniom''s Chemical X Chili, and more!Featuring full-color photography, The Powerpuff Girls: The Official Cookbook features suggestions for alternate ingredients and tips and tricks from crime-fighting kindergarteners Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup.THE ONLY OFFICIAL POWERPUFF COOKBOOK: The first officially licensed cookbook, created in conjunction with the studio behind The Po
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Gesammelte Werke in deutscher Sprache: Band 15: Ausgangspunkte. Meine intellektuelle Entwicklung
Von markanten Positionen seiner Biographie ausgehend schildert Popper in den Ausgangspunkten die frühen Impulse, die seine geistige Entwicklung nachhaltig geprägt haben: Die behütete Kindheit im großbürgerlichen Haushalt der Eltern, die frühe Lektüre und die Gespräche mit dem Vater und mit älteren Verwandten und Freunden, die zu ersten philosophischen Fragestellungen über die Unendlichkeit und den Essentialismus führen; die Wahrnehmung der prekären Lebenssituation breiter Bevölkerungsschichten Wiens nach dem Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges; die Beteiligung am politischen Leben und die Betroffenheit durch die bürgerkriegsähnlichen Zustände; die Begegnung mit dem Marxismus, dessen kritische Analyse schließlich in die Abwendung davon mündete. Die weit gespannten Interessen, die Popper als Student an der Universität verfolgt, führen ihn zu Auseinandersetzungen mit philosophischen Problemen, die ihn zeit seines Lebens beschäftigen werden: Im Umfeld des Wiener Kreises fesseln ihn die Probleme der Induktion, der Logik, der Erkenntnistheorie und der Wahrscheinlichkeit. Er beschreibt seine musikalischen Interessen, äußert sich über die Frage des Fortschritts in der Kunst, schildert seine Auffassung von Problemen der Quantentheorie und erinnert sich seiner Begegnungen u. a. mit Ludwig Wittgenstein, Albert Einstein und Erwin Schrödinger. Die Erörterung des Darwinismus als eines metaphysischen Forschungsprogramms, die Überlegungen zum Leib-Seele-Problem und die Darstellung des Konzeptes der Welt 3 beschließen die Ausführungen. Deutlich erkennbar ist eine Lebenshaltung, die mit dem ursprünglichen englischen Titel des Buches Unended Quest treffend charakterisiert ist: der anhaltende Kampf mit und um Ideen, das Wechselspiel von Problemen und ihren Lösungen, in dem vermutet, rekonstruiert und entdeckt werden muss und das Popper immer als Glück empfunden hat. Die Ausgabe in den Gesammelten Werken enthält als deutsche Erstveröffentlichung ausgewählte Antworten Poppers auf seine Kritiker.
Getty Trust Publications Cultural Heritage and Mass Atrocities
A pathbreaking call to halt the intertwined crises of cultural heritage attacks and mass atrocities and mobilize international efforts to protect people and cultures. Intentional destruction of cultural heritage has a long history. Contemporary examples include the Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan, mosques in Xinjiang, mausoleums in Timbuktu, and Greco-Roman remains in Syria. Cultural heritage destruction invariably accompanies assaults on civilians, making heritage attacks impossible to disentangle from the mass atrocities of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing. Both seek to eliminate people and the heritage with which they identify. Cultural Heritage and Mass Atrocities assembles essays by thirty-eight experts from the heritage, social science, humanitarian, legal, and military communities. Focusing on immovable cultural heritage vulnerable to attack, the volume's guiding framework is the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), a United Nations resolution adopted unanimously in 2005 to permit international intervention against crimes of war or genocide. Based on the three pillars of prevent, react, and rebuild, R2P offers today's policymakers a set of existing laws and international norms that can and--as this book argues--must be extended to the protection of cultural heritage. Contributions consider the global value of cultural heritage and document recent attacks on people and sites in China, Guatemala, Iraq, Mali, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen. Comprehensive sections on vulnerable populations as well as the role of international law and the military offer readers critical insights and point toward research, policy, and action agendas to protect both people and cultural heritage. A concise abstract of each chapter is offered online in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish to facilitate robust, global dissemination of the strategies and tactics offered in this pathbreaking call to action. The free online edition of this publication is available at Also available are free PDF, EPUB, and Kindle/MOBI downloads of the book.
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Syrup: A Yuri Anthology Vol. 2
Featuring short manga stories by a star-studded line-up, including Milk Morinaga (Girl Friends), Canno (Kiss and White Lily for My Dearest Girl by Yen Press), and Hachi Ito (Kindred Spirits on the Roof).
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Religionsunterricht und Konfessionslosigkeit: Eine fachdidaktische Grundlegung
Kann ein Mensch religiös gebildet sein, ohne an einer religiösen Praxis zu partizipieren? Was unterscheidet überhaupt einen gebildeten Menschen von einem ungebildeten, und was einen religiösen von einem nichtreligiösen? Und wäre es angesichts endlos scheinender Konflikte zwischen Konfessionen und Religionen nicht besser, wenn es überhaupt keine Konfessionen und Religionen gäbe? David Käbisch bezieht diese Fragen auf den evangelischen Religionsunterricht, den nicht nur konfessions- und religionsverschiedene, sondern auch konfessionslose Kinder und Jugendliche besuchen. Im empirischen Teil seiner Studie beschreibt er typische Kirchenaustrittsgründe und religionskritische Überzeugungen in Ost- und Westdeutschland, ferner die heterogenen Erwartungen konfessionsloser Eltern an den Religionsunterricht und die Lernvoraussetzungen ihrer Kinder. Ausgehend von der oft zu Recht beklagten Konflikthaftigkeit von Religion erarbeitet er im systematischen Teil eine altersgemäße Differenz- und Konflikthermeneutik, die eine Antwort auf die Frage gibt, warum bestimmte Differenzen im religiösen Denken zu Konflikten im Leben führen, andere hingegen nicht. Im Zentrum des didaktischen Teils stehen schließlich kompetenzorientierte Beispielaufgaben, die für das gemeinsame Lernen mit Konfessionslosen, aber auch für das ökumenische und interreligiöse Lernen geeignet sind. Das Thema der Konfessionslosigkeit ist damit auch für diese beiden Lerndimensionen einer pluralitätsfähigen Religionspädagogik aufschlussreich.
Plural Publishing Inc Clinical Approaches to Emergent Literacy Intervention
This seminal text provides a scholarly overview of current evidence-based approaches to emergent literacy intervention as a necessary component of clinical practice in speech-language pathology. Numerous books are available on the topic of emergent literacy, yet few are developed specifically for the speech-language pathologist. This book fulfills this important need. The scope of this book is comprehensive yet focused: it is tailored to identify state-of-the-art approaches on a range of topics in the area of emergent literacy, yet focuses its emphasis on children from toddlerhood to kindergarten. This period corresponds to the emergent literacy years, which precedes children's transition to beginning reading. Each chapter provides scientifically cited background information relevant to the content of the chapter before discussing the "How To" and the "Why." Figures, tables, and charts throughout the text are easily accessible to the busy practicing clinician.By providing a usable integration of theory and research, it encourages readers to think about building early foundations in literacy to promote healthy early development, and emphasizes the specific approaches speech-language pathologists need to employ when targeting literacy in childhood intervention. Designed for speech-language pathologists at both pre-professional and post-graduate levels, the book will also be of value to reading specialists, literacy coaches, special educators, preschool and kindergarten teachers, and others.
Oni Press,US Scott Pilgrim Volume 5: Scott Pilgrim vs The Universe
Scott Pilgrim just turned 24, and things couldn't possibly be better! This means things are about to get infinitely worse! Suddenly, TWO of Ramona's evil ex-boyfriends are in town, and they're playing dirty. His band is in turmoil, and his own exes aren't making things any easier. And what's up with Ramona, anyway? She's been acting kinda weird ever since they moved in together! Scott's precious little life is coming back around to bite him in the butt, and it may not be pretty!
Emerald Publishing Limited Grassroots Leadership and the Arts For Social Change
Throughout history artists have led grassroots movements of protest, resistance, and liberation. They created dangerously, sometimes becoming martyrs for the cause. Their efforts kindled a fire, aroused the imagination and rallied the troops culminating in real transformational change. Their art served as a form of dissent during times of war, social upheaval, and political unrest. Less dramatically perhaps, artists have also participated in demonstrations, benefit concerts, and have become philanthropists in support of their favorite causes. These artists have been overlooked or given too little attention in the literature on leadership, even though the consequences of their courageous crusades, quite often, resulted in censorship, “blacklisting,” imprisonment, and worse. This forthcoming book seeks to explore the intersection of grassroots leadership and the arts for social change by accentuating the many victories artists have won for humanity. Through this forthcoming book readers will vicariously experience the work of these brave figures, reflect on their commitments and achievements, and continue to dream a better world full of possibility.
Health Communications Sleep Well Take Risks Squish the Peas
Toddlers hold the secrets to having more fun and living a fulfilling life. These are secrets we once knew and ones that a Harvard-trained physician can help us rediscover.Terrible twos, temper tantrums, and grocery store meltdowns are usually the first things that come to mind when people think of toddlers. But pediatric emergency medicine physician and researcher Dr. Hasan Merali has long thought toddlers are among the best people in our society and adults could do well to learn from them. These extraordinary youngsters can be impulsive, yes, but with this comes a remarkable ability to take risks and ask questions—two qualities that can help us enjoy life more. Toddlers act kindly toward strangers, are eager to work with others to solve problems, and demonstrate extraordinary dedication and perseverance. These are all traits that many of us aspire to have in order to improve both our personal and professional lives. To unpack this behavior, Dr. Merali inc
Cicerone Press Great Mountain Days in the Pennines: 50 classic hillwalking routes
An inspirational guidebook to 50 great walks throughout the Pennines. A wide range of routes in this larger format book have been selected to help walkers explore all aspects of this beautiful upland area. The walks are all graded, from moderate to strenuous, and are between 6 and 13 miles long, with plenty of options for both first-time and more experienced walkers. Ranging between the North Pennines, Howgills, Yorkshire Dales, South Pennines and Dark Peak, this guide offers the best of the mass of fell and moor that makes up the backbone of England. Routes include Cross Fell, Wild Boar Fell, Ingleborough, Whernside, Pen-y-Ghent, Pendle Hill, Kinder Downfall and a traverse of Ilkley Moor and many are suitable for fell running. The circular walks are all graded, making this guidebook equally suitable for first-time and more experienced walkers looking to explore new corners of the Pennines. All routes are illustrated with 1:40,000 OS mapping and plenty of colour photography.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Cole and Laila Are Just Friends
Cole and Laila have been inseparable since they could crawl. And they''ve never thought about each other that way. Except for when they have. Rarely. Once in a while, sure. But seriously . . . hardly ever.Cole Kimball and Laila Olivet have been best friends their entire lives. Cole is the only person (apart from blood relatives) who''s seen Laila in her oversized, pink, plastic, Sophia Loren glasses. Laila is always the first person to taste test any new dish Cole creates in his family''s restaurant . . . even though she has the refined palate of a kindergartener. Most importantly, Cole and Laila are always talking. About everything.When Cole discovers a betrayal from his recently deceased grandfather that shatters his world, staying in Adelaide Springs, Colorado, is suddenly unfathomable. But Laila loves her life in their small mountain town and can''t imagine ever living anywhere else. She loves serving customers who tip her with a
HarperCollins Publishers A Gift from the Comfort Food Café (The Comfort Food Café, Book 5)
Cosy up at the Comfort Food Cafe for a romance that isn’t just for Christmas… ‘You’ll devour this book in one go’ Woman’s Weekly ‘As cosy as a buttered crumpet’ Sunday Times bestseller Milly Johnson *Don’t miss out on the new Comfort Food Cafe novel and return to Budbury for a Christmas to remember* Christmas has never been Katie Seddon’s favourite time of year. Whilst everyone else shares memories of families coming together and festive number ones, the soundtrack to Katie’s childhood wasn’t quite so merry. But since she moved to the village of Budbury on the gorgeous Dorset coast, Katie and her baby son have found a new family. A family who have been brought together by life’s unexpected roads and the healing magic of a slice of cake and a cupful of kindess at the Comfort Food Café. This year, Katie’s new friends are determined to give her a Christmas to remember, and with a gorgeous newcomer in town, Katie’s Christmas wish for a happy home for her son might just come true.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Euston A history and modelling the 1875 station
Euston Station was the first intercity railway gateway for London and with the famed Doric Arch became a major landmark of that city. Initially built for the London and Birmingham Railway, it became the terminus of the LNWR Premier Line, then HQ of the London Midland and Scottish. The controversial 1960's demolition of the site stimulated the building preservation movement. Latterly we have a challenging on / off love affair with the area through the High Speed Two project. This book contains both a background history of Euston and its environs, combined with a modellers review of building a OO' gauge mid Victorian station complex. A core model of the old station was kindly donated to the Market Deeping Model Railway Club (MDMRC) following the sad act of vandalism of their model railway show in 2019. This in turn served as a stimulus to expand, detail and research during the Covid isolation and lockdown years. This book is the end result of these endeavours. We use the model to underpi
University Science Books,U.S. Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Sciences
Hailed by advance reviewers as "a kinder, gentler P. Chem. text," this book meets the needs of a full-year course in physical chemistry. It is an ideal choice for classes geared toward pre-medical and life sciences students. Or, as stated in a May 2001 review in Journal of Chemical Education, "this text meets these students where they are and opens the door to physical chemistry from a perspective they can appreciate." Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Sciences offers a wealth of applications to chemical and biological problems, numerous chapter-ending exercises, and an accompanying solutions manual. Well known for his clear writing and careful pedagogical approach, Raymond Chang has developed yet another masterpiece in chemical education. Key Features a student-oriented, highly readable text traditional and flexible organization a functional and pleasing two-color format many worked examples in text 1000 chapter-ending problems an overview of key equations in each chapter a glossary of key terms answers provided to even-numbered computational problems
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Monster: The Perfect Edition, Vol. 5
Johan is a cold and calculating killer with a mysterious past, and brilliant Dr. Kenzo Tenma is the only one who can stop him! Conspiracy and serial murder open the door to a compelling, intricately woven plot in this masterwork of suspense. Once upon a time, there lived a monster without a name. He wanted a name very badly. So one day he made up his mind to set out on a journey to find a name. How could this strange Czech children's story have upset Johan so much? Does the book hold any clues to the mystery of Johan's birth? One mystery leads to another as events unfold. The border police spot Tenma when he tries to smuggle himself into the Czech Republic to look for Johan's mother. With the help of Grimmer, a freelance journalist, Tenma manages a narrow escape. Though the two men part without discussing what brought them together, Grimmer is also deeply interested in the same thing Tenma is looking for-511 Kinderheim, which once existed in East Germany. The story moves to the streets of Prague…
Oldcastle Books Ltd The Distant Dead
A body burns in the desert... Does the boy who found it know more than it seems? Sal Prentiss, orphaned and burdened with a terrible secret, just wants a place to belong. Sal lives with his uncles on a desolate ranch in the hills, and finds himself at the centre of a brutal murder mystery when he discovers the body of his maths teacher, charred almost beyond recognition, half a mile from his uncles' compound. In the seven months he worked at Lovelock's middle school, the quiet and seemingly unremarkable Adam Merkel had formed a bond with Sal and was one of the few people to look out for the boy. Nora Wheaton, the school's social studies teacher, sensed a kindred spirit in Adam - another soul bound to Lovelock by guilt and duty. After his death, she delves into his past for clues to who killed him. For Sal's grief seems shaded with fear, and Nora suspects he knows more than he's telling about his teacher's death.
Little, Brown Book Group Forty Days Without Shadow: An Arctic Thriller
Winter is savage and cold in Lapland. When a priceless local relic is stolen from Kautokeino, a village in the middle of the isolated snowy tundra, detectives Klemet Nango - a familiar face in the rural community - and Nina Nansen, fresh out of the local police academy, are called to investigate. There are just a few days until the locals will host a UN conference on indigenous peoples, and Klemet and Nina are under pressure to retrieve the artefact. When a local reindeer herder is found brutally murdered soon afterwards, Klemet and Nina immediately suspect that the two events are linked. But the villagers don't take too kindly to having their secret histories stirred up and the duo is forced to cross the icy landscapes alone in search of the answers that will lead them to a killer.Set in an alternately savage and dreamlike Lapland, this compelling, award-winning thriller tells the story of a native people fighting to keep their culture alive in a modern world of ruthless destruction.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Percy Jackson and the Olympians The Chalice of the Gods
THE INSTANT NUMBER ONE BESTSELLERThe original hero. A brand-new adventure.Percy Jackson has saved the world multiple times - battling monsters, Titans, even giants - but these days the modern-day son of Poseidon is hoping for a regular final year at school.Too bad the Greek gods have other plans, and three new quests for Percy to complete.First up: the cupbearer of the gods, Ganymede, is missing his golden chalice. Not only is this embarrassing (why do the gods keep losing their magical items?), it''s also potentially disastrous. One sip from the cup will turn any mortal into a powerful god. And the old gods do not take kindly to newbies.Can Percy and his friends Annabeth and Grover find the chalice before it falls into the wrong hands? And even if they do, will they be able to resist its awesome power. . .?Readers new to the Percy Jackson universe and long-time fans will love this epic adventure - full of legendary he
Behrman House Inc.,U.S. Dreaming Bigger: Jewish Leadership for Teens
A thought book and actionable guide for Jewish teens who want to make a difference in the world.Teens are changing the world.Teen leaders are dreaming, planning, and raising the social consciousness of those around them. They are questioning the status quo, using technology to do good, and pushing others to do so as well. they know that they don't have to wait for adults to make the world a kinder, better place. Do you look at problems others ignore? Do you find joy in helping others? Do you want to do something big in the world? There are many ways to be a leader, and we each have unique strengths. Jewish values such as tzedakah (charity, or justice), and tikun olam (healing the world) can help show us the way. And Jewish heroes throughout history and in the present offer us leadership lessons and personal examples.While we may never finish the work, we can't wait another minute to begin. Now's the time to find your voice and your cause, to think about your influence, mission, courage, and purpose, and to bring others along with you to do good in the world.You are leading. You are dreaming bigger.Dreaming Bigger is a call to action.It's workbook, an inspiration, a guide for teens who want to make a difference in the world, supported by their Jewish heritage. It can be read alone or with a friend, in a group, or in a class.Topics include managing stress, making better decisions, deepening empathy, using technology, speaking in public, ending bullying, fighting antisemitism, advocating for racial justice, and more.Packed with leadership advice for teens from teens and from experts around the world, insights from Jewish texts, thought exercises, and discussion prompts, it invites readers to grapple with the classis call to action from the sage Hillel: If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?
Paperblanks The Brothers Grimm Frog Prince Fairy Tale Collection Midi Lined Hardback Journal Elastic Band Closure
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were pioneers in the field of folklore, collecting stories through Germany’s rich oral tradition in order to preserve a history that might otherwise have been lost forever. In doing so, they popularized some of today’s most enduring fairy tales. “The Frog Prince; or, Iron Henry” was the first tale in the 1812 edition of Grimms’ Fairy Tales (Kinder- und Hausmärchen). It tells the story of a spoiled princess who reluctantly befriends a frog who, unbeknownst to her, is actually a prince under a sorcerer’s spell. In the original tale, the curse is lifted when the princess throws the frog against a brick wall in anger, but in later years the Brothers Grimm sanitized the story, turning it into the tale we know today. The Grimms’ impact was so profound that it is hard to imagine a world without these stories as they continue to be passed down through generations. We are honoured to reproduce this manuscript from the Bodmer
Nine Arches Press Cyclone
Robert Peake’s second full collection of poems is about weathering storms—personal, political, psychological—in our present-day climate of chaos. These are matters of life or death, and Cyclone urges us to consider what the ill wind may bring, and how we will survive it.Peake’s acutely tuned poems bring eloquence and urgency to matters of profound devastation. With shattering delicacy, he writes of personal loss, of grief and the long aftermath; “whenever the wind sprays into my face, I taste salt of your absence”. These poems also hazard an eye at the global weather and find a world in turmoil, wild with unreliable news and terrible forecasts. Manifesting between the storms is the man with the kindest face. Is he here to save us or warn us? A guide or a harbinger? As these brilliantly-visioned poems suggest, nothing is certain in the eye of the storm. Nevertheless, there is some form of consolation and rescue: “He seems at home in this tempest. He seems happy”.
HarperCollins Publishers The Friend
The Kindle Best seller returns with the first in a gripping new crime series. A Stranger. A promise. A deadly game. Danny and Sharon Evans are desperate for answers. Why did their seemingly happy daughter try to take her own life? When a stranger approaches Danny, saying he knows who’s to blame, Danny is tempted, despite Sharon’s reservations. And when his new friend offers them revenge, how can he walk away? But little does Danny know he is being invited to play a terrible game. A game that won't just change lives – it will end them. DI Joel Norris knows this is no ordinary case when two seemingly unconnected murders hit his desk within a matter of days. But how far is he willing to go to solve the puzzle? Dark, gripping and unforgettable, The Friend will keep fans of Harlan Coben and Mark Billingham on the edge of their seats.
Forefront Books No Address
Based on the critically acclaimed dramatic film and inspired by true events, No Address shows how homelessness could happen to anyone.No Address is a gripping tale about a group of individuals who find themselves homeless due to unfortunate circumstances. It provides a realistic portrayal of their fight for survival against the gangs, vigilantes, and an uncompassionate community. The first character we meet is Lauren, a recent high school graduate who returns to her foster home only to find herself locked out. Having been in foster care since her mother passed away unexpectedly when she was eight, Lauren has no family or true friends to rely on. With no place to stay, she finds herself on the street and vulnerable. We also meet Jimmy, who left home at the young age of sixteen to escape his father’s abuse only to find himself now spiraling down into a world of homelessness. A kindhearted homeless veteran finds him sleeping on a bench an
Headline Publishing Group A Lesson in Cruelty
THREE WOMEN. ONE BODY. WILL THEY EVER LEARN?**The jaw-dropping new thriller from Sunday Times and Kindle #1 bestseller Harriet Tyce**''The shocks kept coming right up to the final pages.'' Lisa Jewell''Harriet''s best so far.'' Sophie Hannah''Nothing short of unputdownable. One of the best openings I''ve read in forever.'' Alex Michaelides''A shocking, provocative, standout thriller.''Chris Whitaker''Left me breathless.'' Lucy ClarkeAnna wants a fresh start. She doesn''t believe she deserves it, but after three years behind bars she has finally paid her dues. Most of them, anyway.Lucy craves the attention of the only man she can''t have, her alluring Oxford professor. He''s married - not for the first time. Maybe she should be next in line?Marie the recluse has been locked up for too long. She''s not ready to be free, but some rules are meant to be broken.
Orion The Painters Daughters
THE NUMBER ONE KINDLE BESTSELLER SELECTED FOR THE BBC RADIO 2 BOOK CLUBWINNER OF THE MSLEXIA NOVEL COMPETITION''Beautifully written . . . I raced through it'' HILARY MANTEL''As exquisitely and tenderly rendered as a Gainsborough painting'' TRACY CHEVALIER''A wonderfully powerful and haunting novel with a hugely gripping plot'' DEBORAH MOGGACH''A rich evocation of secrets, art, sisterhood and class'' i PAPER1759, Ipswich. Sisters Peggy and Molly Gainsborough are the best of friends and do everything together. They spy on their father as he paints, they rankle their mother as she manages the books, they tear barefoot through the muddy fields that surround their home. But there is another reason they are inseparable: from a young age, Molly has had a tendency to forget who she is, to fall into confusion, and Peggy knows instinctively that no one must find out.When the family
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Vol. 19
Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.The Demon Slayers fight hard to get their blades closer to Muzan’s neck! To avenge her family, Kanao must continue to battle Doma head-on while Iguro and Kanroji find themselves slashing through the shifting rooms of Infinity Castle. Elsewhere, Tokito, Sanemi and Genya come face-to-face with a villain who recognizes Tokito, but Tokito doesn’t know him. Who is this powerful adversary?
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Vol. 18
Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.The battle between Tanjiro, Giyu and Akaza continues. To beat Akaza, Tanjiro must use an advanced technique his father taught him—the Transparent World—which will push him beyond his limitations. Elsewhere in the Infinity Castle, Shinobu, burning with hatred, confronts Doma, the demon who killed her family. Can she take on the powerful demon by herself?
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Vol. 17
Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.The Demon Slayer Corps plunges into Infinity Castle to confront Muzan. Shinobu engages in a fierce fight against Doma, the Upper Rank 2 demon. Poison doesn’t work on him, so she finds herself in an intense struggle. Will she be able to defeat the demon who killed her older sister?! Then another demon appears before Zenitsu and blocks his way…
Penguin Random House Children's UK Blood Family
Edward is four years old when he is locked away with his mother by her abusive, alcoholic partner, Harris. By the time an elderly neighbour spots his pale face peering through a crack in the boarded-up window and raises the alarm, he is seven. Rescue comes, but lasting damage has been done. Sent to live with a kindly foster family, and then adopted, Edward struggles to adapt to normal life. Even as a teenager it’s still clear to his new family and schoolmates there’s something odd about him. Then one fateful day, Edward catches a glimpse of himself in a photograph. What he sees shocks him to the core – a vision of Harris. Was this monster his father all along? And does that mean that, deep down, another Harris is waiting to break out? Every step of progress Edward has made swiftly begins to unravel, and he has to decide whether his blood will determine his future.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Mitochondrienersatztherapie: Eine rechtliche und rechtspolitische Analyse zwischen PID, Eizellspende und Keimbahntherapie
Man entnehme der Eizelle einer Kinderwunschpatientin in vitro den Zellkern, transferiere ihn in die ebenfalls zuvor entkernte Eizellhülle einer fremden Frau und verwende die modifizierte Eizelle im Anschluss zur Befruchtung - so der Ansatz der Mitochondrienersatztherapie. Verhindert werden soll auf diese Weise eine über das mütterliche Eizellzytoplasma erfolgende Vererbung defekter Mitochondrien, die andernfalls eine u.U. schwere Erkrankung des Abkömmlings zur Folge haben könnte.Das 1991 als Strafgesetz in Kraft getretene Embryonenschutzgesetz verbietet den Austausch dieser Zellbestandteile dennoch - wenn auch nicht lückenlos. Maja Caroline Lehmann analysiert die bestehenden Strafbarkeitsrisiken und erarbeitet einen Reformvorschlag, der die aufgedeckte Inkonsistenz des geltenden Rechts beseitigt und eine einzelfallbezogene begrenzte Zulassung der Methode ermöglicht. Abschließend überprüft sie die sich dabei ergebenden grundrechtlichen Beschränkungen auf ihre verfassungsrechtliche Legitimation.
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers Inc Get Ready For School: Shapes And Colors
Help your child prepare for kindergarten, develop confidence with age-appropriate activities, and acquire basic skills. The Get Ready for School books include entertaining and rewarding activities such as completing patterns, matching pairs, identifying sets, matching words or numbers to pictures, connecting the dots, completing mazes, and much more. Ninety-six write-on, wipe off pages allow children to practice skills over and over again. Sixty-four additional activity pages as well as memory game cards and congratulatory stickers reinforce the exercises and add to the learning and fun!Letters teaches basic pre-reading skills such as: ?Learning to write upper case and lower case letters ?Identifying beginning and ending sounds ?Rhyming ?Completing words ?Practicing alphabet order ?Distinguishing letters ?Matching upper case and lower case letters ?Completing letter patterns
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Fang SiChis First Love Paradise
The most influential book of Taiwan’s #MeToo movement—a heartbreaking account of sexual violence and a remarkable reinvention of the trauma plot, turning the traditional Lolita narrative upside down as it explores women’s vulnerability, victimization, and the lengths they will go to survive.Thirteen-year-old Fang Si-Chi lives with her family in an upscale apartment complex in Taiwan, a tightknit community of strict yet doting parents and privileged children raised to be ambitious, dutiful, and virtuous. She and her neighbor Liu Yi-Ting bond over their love of learning and books, devouring classic works—Proust, Gabriel García Márquez, the very best Chinese writers. Yet, it is their lack of real-world education that makes them true kindred spirits.Si-Chi’s innocence is irresistible to Lee Guo-hua, a revered cram literature teacher and serial predator who lives in her building. When he offers to tutor the a
Vintage Publishing Sisters: Vintage Minis
Your sister might be the kindred soul who knows you best, or the most alien being in your household; she might enrage you or inspire you; she might be your fiercest competitor or closest co-conspirator, but she'll always share with you a totally unique bond. Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy are four of the most famous sisters in literature, and these stories of the joys and heartaches they share are a touching celebration of the special ties of sisterhood.Selected from the books Little Women and Good Wives by Louisa May AlcottVINTAGE MINIS: GREAT MINDS. BIG IDEAS. LITTLE BOOKS.A series of short books by the world’s greatest writers on the experiences that make us humanAlso in the Vintage Minis series:Fatherhood by Karl Ove KnausgaardMotherhood by Helen SimpsonBabies by Anne EnrightLove by Jeanette Winterson
Sourcebooks, Inc I Promise You
For the fans of Be Brave Little One, If I Could Keep You Little, and I Love You So comes an encouraging message to kids of all ages, a heartfelt reassurance of all the things we can promise our little ones: belonging, acceptance, listening, and love ... and a forever home in our heart. Perfect for Valentine's Day gifts, your family library, and a sweet read-aloud for every day of the week.When you first came to meso little and so newI held you close and rocked you slowand made a promise to youI promise you lovefor your lifetime through.Steady, endless and sure,this I promise you.Perfect for anyone looking for books:to give for a Kindergarten graduation giftfor kids at Valentine's Dayto show love to the kids in their life
Free Spirit Publishing Inc.,U.S. ABC Ready for School: An Alphabet of Social Skills
Help young children learn social skills and get ready for a successful start to school with this award-winning alphabet book.C is for cooperate. G is for grow. P is for play! This friendly and reassuring alphabet book helps young children (and those who care for them) consider, explore, and discuss a wide range of skills related to school readiness. Kids preparing for kindergarten or preK will learn social skills from A to Z, building or reinforcing their knowledge of the alphabet at the same time. Charming art brings the skills to life with encouraging scenes of fun and learning in the classroom, on the playground, and more. A special section for adults presents ideas for helping children get ready for this big change and have a successful start to school.
Amazon Publishing Artful: A Novel
Oliver Twist is one of the most well-known stories ever told, about a young orphan who has to survive the mean streets of London before ultimately being rescued by a kindly benefactor. But it is his friend, the Artful Dodger, who has the far more intriguing tale, filled with more adventure and excitement than anything boring Oliver could possibly get up to. Throw in some vampires and a plot to overthrow the British monarchy, and what you have is the thrilling account that Charles Dickens was too scared to share with the world. From the brilliant mind of novelist and comic book veteran Peter David, Artful is the dark, funny, and action-packed story of one of the most fascinating characters in literary history. With vampires.
Waldorf Publications The History of Waldorf Education Worldwide: Volume 1: 1919-1945
In 1919 the original Steiner-Waldorf school opened its doors, becoming the first of over 1000 Waldorf schools and kindergartens which now exist around the world.This comprehensive first volume from Nana Göbel, founder of Friends of Waldorf Education, explores the history of Waldorf education from its roots to the end of the Second World War.Göbel captures the mood of the early days of Waldorf education, sharing the vision and dedication of those who established the schools in the first half of the twentieth century. She details the remarkable and rapid appearance of Waldorf schools throughout Britain, Europe, and North America.Featuring over 150 photographs, this is a rich and inspiring account of the early days of this landmark new approach to education.
Michael O'Mara Books Ltd The Manifestation Colouring Book: Bring Your Goals to Life with Creative Imagination
The first step of your manifesting journey starts today. Pick up your pens, crayons or paints, and get ready to see your dreams unfold. As you fill in these colouring pages, you will begin to notice signs, messages and positive coincidence appearing in your life exactly when you need them. Watch them unfold . . . When you manifest, you create a specific vision that you want to bring into your physical reality. By intentionally shifting your mindset to match your soul’s true journey, you’ll begin to call in the law of attraction. You can manifest in any area of your life. Purpose, health, love, relationships, being kinder, wealth, making a difference in the world, healing yourself or healing the planet. The choice is yours. Also available: How to Manifest (9781789294453)The Manifestation Journal (9781789294651)
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Felt, Fiber, and Stone: Creative Jewelry Designs & Techniques
Learn to make beaded and fiber jewelry with unique designs and techniques that will kindle the creative spirit. Beginning with materials and techniques used in crocheting, making felt flowers, and beading, go on to make chunky brooches, earrings, necklaces and funky cuff bracelets. Twelve projects are described in detail, with step-by-step, illustrated directions. 23 additional finished projects are shown in the gallery. Using the same techniques, they will provide a wealth of ideas. The techniques are simple and the projects can be completed with a relaxing afternoon’s work. Helpful color charts, a resource guide, and pages of inspiring photos, make this useful and exciting for the aspiring jewelry maker. The finished projects will enhance the wardrobe and be favorite gifts for friends.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Creative Alcohol Inks: A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Amazing Effects--Explore Painting, Pouring, Blending, Textures, and More!: Volume 2
Pour and paint your way to stunning fluid effects. In Creative Alcohol Inks, artist and Instagrammer Ashley Mahlberg of @inkreel shares step-by-step techniques for creating spontaneous, organic effects with this vibrant transparent medium. Get an overview of essential materials, substrates, and finishes. Explore techniques for applying alcohol inks, such as pouring, creating texture, lifting, masking, adding embellishments, and more. Learn helpful troubleshooting tips and tricks. Use what you’ve learned to create one-of-a-kindartworks and stylish projects. Find your creative flow with Creative Alcohol Inks! Perfect for creative beginners, the books in the Art for Modern Makers series take a fun, practical approach to learning about and working with paints and other art mediums to create beautiful DIY projects and crafts.