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Editorial CCS Ejercicios prácticos para estimular la memoria 2
Ejercicios prácticos para estimular la memoria 2, ofrece 180 ejercicios variados que trabajan las distintas capacidades de la cognición humana, con el objetivo de frenar el posible deterioro o, incluso, si se practican con regularidad, recuperar capacidades que se habían reducido. Las actividades están ordenadas de menor a mayor grado de dificultad y van destinadas a todas las personas que quieran estimular la memoria para mantenerla en forma. En este libro en concreto, estas actividades están diseñadas para ejercitar el lenguaje, la atención, el razonamiento, la orientación, el cálculo, la memoria y las praxias.
Edicions Bellaterra Envejecer siendo mujer dificultades oportunidades y retos
Este libro invita a reflexionar, desde un enfoque de génreo y de curso vital, sobre el envejecer de la mujeres mayores a través de un estudio etnográfico innovador en los campos de la grontología crítica feminista y de la geroantropología. La redefinic
Edaf Antillas Guardianas Nazis
Parramón Escenografa y maquillaje
Desclée De Brouwer Mindfulness concentración e introspección teoría y práctica de la meditación budista
Qué alegría leer este libro que está impregnado de toda la calidez, la sabiduría y la compasión del autor. Richard Shankman ofrece un compañero claro e intuitivo para todo aquel que quiera aprender a meditar... Un auténtico regalo.Bob Stahl, PhD, autor de Calmar los ataques de pánico.Estamos ante una magnífica guía de práctica!Las personas que no tienen fácil acceso a un maestro de meditación o a una comunidad de apoyo se beneficiarán particularmente de este libro.Sharon Salzberg, autora de Lovingkindness.Una guía práctica y accesible para lograr una potente experiencia de meditación. Tanto si es novato como si es un practicante experimentado, las instrucciones paso a paso de este libro profundizarán sus competencias y le ayudarán a integrar plenamente el mindfulness, la concentración y la meditación introspectiva en una práctica equilibrada.Este libro es como tener a un excelente maestro de meditación al lado. El autor nos enseña las bases de la meditación, perfecciona
Desclée De Brouwer Experimentar la TCC desde dentro manual de autoprácticaautorreflexión para terapeutas
Como lector, está en buenas manos. Los autores no solamente han utilizado los métodos que presentan sino que han orientado a cientos de terapeutas a lo largo del proceso. Los ejercicios, las tablas y los textos instructivos tienen la máxima fiabilidad y han sido diseñados para ayudarle a tener la mejor experiencia posible utilizando la TCC para autopráctica. Además, los ejercicios de autorreflexión que contiene le ayudarán a maximizar su aprendizaje... Y a lo largo del camino lo más probable es que sus esfuerzos le ayuden a convertirse en un mejor terapeuta y en una persona más feliz.Del prólogo de Christine A. Padesky, PhD.Los buenos maestros conocen su materia desde dentro y los terapeutas que utilizan las herramientas de la TCC para comprender sus propias vulnerabilidades y sus fortalezas -y que cambian hábitos duraderos de pensamiento y de conducta- podrán enseñar mejor esas herramientas a sus clientes. Porque los clientes sienten esa autenticidad. En este manual los autore
Desclée De Brouwer Arte y ciencia del mindfulness integrar el mindfulness en la psicología y en las profesiones de ayuda
"Imagine el rigor de la ciencia, la belleza del arte, la sabiduría de la reflexión y la efectividad de años de aplicación clínica práctica unidos en un libro accesible y de fácil lectura. Precisamente eso es lo que se encuentra entre sus manos. Escrito pensando en los facultativos, este auténtico tesoro es mucho más que una guía práctica para terapeutas. La enorme cantidad de ideas y de prácticas que se presentan en esta fascinante obra serán beneficiosas para educadores y profesionales de muchos campos, además de para el lector general que agradecerá poder descubrir una nueva forma de vida que tiene el poder de transformar nuestras vidas individuales y colectivas."Daniel J. Siegel, MD, Codirector del Centro de Investigación de Conciencia Plena (UCLA-Los Ángeles)."La importancia del Mindfulness tanto para los pacientes como para los terapeutas se ha proclamado muchas veces, pero rara vez se había presentado con tanta pasión y tanto rigor. Arte y Ciencia del Mindfulness es una ma
Guerra de nervios Spanish Edition
Verónica, tras recuperar el control de su vida será testigo directo del sufrimiento que padece Natalia, todo ello consecuencia de una enfermedad tan desconocida aún hoy en día, a pesar de vivir en el siglo XXI, la cual padecen miles y miles de personas en todo el mundo, causando la sociedad una discriminación en todos ellos de tal envergadura que lleva a que ésta deba ser escondida, y aun sufrimiento que hace al corazón de la autora encogerse de dolor e incomprensión.La vida de Jorge cambiará de la noche a la mañana, donde sumido en una frustración tan grande hará que aquellos que le rodean sufran a un grado tal que vean su existencia hundida y sin sentido alguno para seguir adelante con aquello que el futuro les tenga reservado para ellos. Será finalmente Natalia la que con su fortaleza interior dé una lección magistral de lo que es realmente importante en la vida, ayudando a Jorge en todo aquello que está a su alcance porque la sociedad no la hará estancarse.
El microrrelato en el aula de intercompresin en cuatro lenguas romances portugus italiano francs y espaol
La intercompresión, entendida como una estrategia que prevé la adquisición de competencias parciales en diferentes lenguas es una interesante alternativa para llevar a la práctica las aspiraciones europeas respecto a una educación plurilingüe capaz de preservar la diversidad cultural del territorio. El microrrelato en el aula de intercomprensión en cuatro lenguas romances: portugués, italiano, francés y español se propone reflexionar tanto desde el punto de vista teórico como desde su concreción en una propuesta didáctica, aspectos relacionados con la adquisición de competencias pasivas o receptivas orientadas a la comunicación intercultural. En un línea de reflexión que busca establecer conexiones entre el desarrollo de la destreza lectora y una adecuada competencia intercultural, se abordará el proceso de adquisición del significado en los aprendientes de una lengua extranjera y las implicaciones que en dicho proceso tiene la evolución de la competencia literaria, por su parte la pro
Editorial Universidad de Almería El poder municipal en Almería durante la transición a la democracia
Dos en una sola carne matrimonio amor y sexualidad en la España franquista 19391975
Este libro analiza la evolución de los ideales y experiencias del amor romántico y la sexualidad en el franquismo, desde la instauración de una sexología nacionalcatólica hasta las rupturas que implicó el inicio de la llamada revolución sexual, con la reivindicación del divorcio o del placer erótico con independencia de la procreación. La investigación adopta una perspectiva diacrónica que, aunque presta especial atención a los años sesenta y setenta, parte de la posguerra y, en ocasiones, se remonta al primer tercio del siglo con el fin de apreciar mejor la evolución que se produjo en el largo plazo, enfoque que permite formular hipótesis sobre los tortuosos y a veces inesperados mecanismos a través de los cuales se producen cambios históricos. De ese modo, el trabajo trasciende explicaciones reduccionistas y estereotipadas sobre la norma sexual durante el franquismo, que no fue tan estática o transparente como en ocasiones se presenta. El trabajo se sirve de una variedad de fuentes b
Alice James Books Divida
Penguin Putnam Inc Cities: The First 6,000 Years
Simon & Schuster Never Good Enough: How to use Perfectionism to Your Advantage Without Letting it Ruin Your Life
* Do you feel that no matter how hard you try it is never good enough? * Do you spend too much time trying to get things exactly right in order to avoid criticism? * Does it seem that at any minute people will find out that you are not really what you seem to be? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be struggling with perfectionistic tendencies. They can serve a positive purpose in your life. But having extremely high standards for yourself and others can leave you feeling let down -- over and over again -- when these expectations aren't met. As psychologist and researcher Monica Ramirez Basco explains, uncontrolled perfectionism can lead to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, fear of failure, and broken marriages and friendships. In Never Good Enough Dr. Basco helps you understand why you feel driven to get things "just right" and shows you how to make the best of your perfectionism. Filled with practical advice, encouragement, and strategies for self-discovery, this invaluable guide includes Dr. Basco's own thirty-question self-test that will help you recognize and manage the negative side of your perfectionism. You will learn how to stop the struggle with yourself and others, how to evaluate your worth and performance in life, and how to replace the pursuit of perfection with peace of mind.
ZS Verlag Jetzt bin ich dran
Rhein-Mosel-Verlag Der Weg heimwärts
SPCK Publishing Crinkles: Bible Stories
Have interactive fun with baby and very young children introducing three popular Bible stories with its rustling and sounds to make. This simple and colourful tactile cloth book is perfect for sharing during storytime to encourage chatting about David and Goliath, Jonah and Daniel in the lion’s den. An exciting book for story time for little hands to spot things and explore. The Crinkles series of cloth books have an irresistible crinkling sound to stimulate active senses in the developmental steps from birth.
Edinburgh University Press Islamic Modernism and the Re-Enchantment of the Sacred in the Age of History
Asks why Islamic Modernism took the shape it did and why it emerged when it didThis book studies the complex relationship of religion to modernity. Monica M. Ringer argues that modernity should be understood as the consequence, not the cause, of the new intellectual landscape of the 19th century. Using the lens of Islamic Modernism, she uncovers the underlying epistemology and methodology of historicism that penetrated the Middle East and South Asia in this period, both forcing and enabling a recalibration of the definition, nature, function and place of religion. And she shows that Muslim Modernists, like their counterparts in other religious traditions, engaged in a sophisticated project of theological reform designed to marry their twin commitments to religion and to modernity they were in conversation not only with European scholarship and Catholic Modernism but, more importantly, with their own complex Islamic traditions.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Rome, Season One: History Makes Television
Rome, Season One: History Makes Television examines the first season of the HBO-BBC collaboration, Rome, in a collection of thought-provoking essays by some of the world’s most influential scholars in the fields of classical antiquity and popular culture. Examines the first season of the HBO-BBC collaboration, Rome, in a collection of 17 thought-provoking essays by some of the world’s most influential scholars in the fields of classical antiquity and popular culture Focuses on the award-winning first season’s historical framework, visual and narrative style, contemporary thematic overtones, and influence on popular culture Addresses the artistic values, and roles of the script, sets, and actors Reveals how the series Rome ‘makes history’ in terms of representing the past on screen and producing innovative and influential television.
Liverpool University Press Lucretius: De Rerum Natura V
For a work written more than two thousand years ago, in a society in many ways quite alien to our own, Lucretius' De Rerum Natura contains much of striking, even startling, contemporary relevance. This is true, above all, of the fifth book, which begins by putting a strong case against what it has recently become fashionable to call 'intelligent design', and ends with an account of human evolution and the development of society in which the limitations of technological progress form a strong and occasionally explicit subtext. Along the way, the poet touches on many themes which may strike a chord with the twenty-first century reader: the fragility of our ecosystem, the corruption of political life, the futility of consumerism and the desirability of limiting our acquisitive instincts are all highly topical issues for us, as for the poem's original audience. Book V also offers a fascinating introduction to the world-view of the upper-class Roman of the first century BC. This edition (which complements existing Aris and Phillips commentaries on books 3, 4 and 6) will help to make Lucretius' urgent and impassioned argument, and something of his remarkable poetic style, accessible to a wider audience, including those with little or no knowledge of Latin. Both the translation and commentary aim to explain the scientific argument of the book as clearly as possible; and to convey at least some impression of the poetic texture of Lucretius' Latin.
Rutgers University Press Shaping the Future of African American Film: Color-Coded Economics and the Story Behind the Numbers
Received the Distinction Honor for the 2016 C. Calvin Smith Book Award from the Southern Conference on African American Studies, Inc. In Hollywood, we hear, it’s all about the money. It’s a ready explanation for why so few black films get made—no crossover appeal, no promise of a big payoff. But what if the money itself is color-coded? What if the economics that governs film production is so skewed that no film by, about, or for people of color will ever look like a worthy investment unless it follows specific racial or gender patterns? This, Monica Ndounou shows us, is precisely the case. In a work as revealing about the culture of filmmaking as it is about the distorted economics of African American film, Ndounou clearly traces the insidious connections between history, content, and cash in black films. How does history come into it? Hollywood’s reliance on past performance as a measure of potential success virtually guarantees that historically underrepresented, underfunded, and undersold African American films devalue the future prospects of black films. So the cycle continues as it has for nearly a century. Behind the scenes, the numbers are far from neutral. Analyzing the onscreen narratives and off-screen circumstances behind nearly two thousand films featuring African Americans in leading and supporting roles, including such recent productions as Bamboozled, Beloved, and Tyler Perry’s Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Ndounou exposes the cultural and racial constraints that limit not just the production but also the expression and creative freedom of black films. Her wide-ranging analysis reaches into questions of literature, language, speech and dialect, film images and narrative, acting, theater and film business practices, production history and financing, and organizational history. By uncovering the ideology behind profit-driven industry practices that reshape narratives by, about, and for people of color, this provocative work brings to light existing limitations—and possibilities for reworking stories and business practices in theater, literature, and film.
Vitasta Publishing Pvt.Ltd Narayani: True Story Of A Sati
Nova Science Publishers Inc Children's Health Insurance: Comparisons of CHIP Coverage
Nova Science Publishers Inc Political Refugees: Social Conditions, Health & Psychological Characteristics
Ben Uri Gallery and Museum London Senses and Experiences
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Freestyle
A thriller for young readers. Join Mitchell Burke, a 13-year-old boy from Maryland who stumbles into a dream portal that transports him to the 1820s, where he faces Patty Cannon, the legendary and ruthless slave kidnapper. Mitch tries to lead a normal life, but his nights are interrupted by dangerous adventures in his dreams and mysterious connections between Patty Cannon and his family. Learn how Mitch builds a stronger bond with this father, a reservist on active duty in the Middle East; resolves conflict; and experiences the truth about slaves crossing to freedom in Pennsylvania before the Civil War. Middle grades–ages 10-13.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd An Unauthorized Guide to Fire-King® Glasswares
During the 1940s, the Anchor Hocking Glass Company, of Lancaster, Ohio, introduced a colorful kitchenware line known as Fire-King. This pocket-size guide offers a brief history, with over 200 full color photographs, updated market values, and index. Colorful examples of dinnerware, mugs, a myriad of mixing bowls from splash proof to Swedish Modern styles are featured along with a large selection of kitchenware and ovenware. Copper lustre, jade-ite, sapphire blue, and turquoise blue glasswares are all well represented.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Popular Souvenir Plates
Souvenir plates have long been representatives of America's history, whether commemorating special events or depicting places. Souvenir plates make attractive collectibles for several reasons, including their affordability and the fact that they come in a variety of designs and shapes. Popular Souvenir Plates has captured the versatility of the souvenir plate with examples that date from the 1880s through the present. More than 530 color photographs document plates depicting all fifty states and Canada, along with a sampling of European designs, each with its current market value. The work of American firms represented are Harker Pottery, Homer Laughlin, Kettlesprings Kilns, Edwin M. Knowles China Co., Sabin Industries, Salem China Co., Syracuse China Co., Vernon Kilns, and many others. The work of noted English potters such as Staffordshire, Adams, Jonroth, and Rowland and Marsellus are present. A chapter on foreign plates shows a variety of foreign-made souvenir ware including the beauty of "Made in Bavaria" and "Made in Germany" souvenir plates. This book and price guide is a valuable reference for anyone with an interest in souvenir plates.
Edelsa Grupo Didascalia, S.A. Preparacion DELE
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Clean Paleo Real Life
Make your Paleo lifestyle complication-proof with easy meals, one-pot suppers, wraps, mains, apps, desserts, and more made with whole, clean foods. Love your whole food Paleo elimination diet but don’t want to spend your life in the kitchen? Forget hours of planning, prepping, shopping, and cooking—while that may be sustainable for 30 days, it isn’t for real life. Written by beloved The Movement Menu creator, Monica Stevens Le, Clean Paleo Real Life shows you how to put together a tasty Clean Paleo meal fast. No pressure. No anxiety. Just delicious whole-food meals sans gluten, grains, dairy, and refined sugar. A limited number of recipes in the book do include dairy, grains, or other ingredients that shouldn’t be eaten if you are in the strict Clean Paleo elimination phase of your diet. After your Clean Paleo reset is complete, these recipes are perfect for reintroducing some of those restricted foo
SPCK Publishing Bubbles: The Birth of Jesus
While bathing baby and very young children, enjoy the story of Jesus’ birth with its splashes and sounds to make. This simple and colourful bath book is perfect for sharing during bath time to encourage chatting about the Christmas story with Mary and Joseph, the birth of Jesus in a humble stable, the angels visit to the shepherds and the visit of the wise men. An exciting book for bath time at Christmas for little hands to spot things and explore. The Bubbles series of bath books are water-proof, non-toxic, completely baby safe and they float.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Make Your Own Silver Jewellery
This book will show you how to create silver jewellery using everyday tools, easy to obtain materials and following simple step-by-step instructions. You will explore the amazing possibilities that the combination of silver metal clay and traditional silversmithing techniques has to offer, and will learn basic aspects of design in order to develop your own unique style. You will be able to create silver pieces which capture and celebrate nature by the inclusion of botanical details, or create graceful pieces with echoes from history; you can create contemporary pieces or add a touch of whimsy to your designs. Whether you favour traditional or modern designs, when you make your own silver jewellery, the possibilities are endless. The book is full of easy to follow projects, with photographs, detailed instructions and inspiring examples. Working with silver has never been so easy!
Editorial Flamboyant, S.L. Sóc la Conifanta
La mare de la Conifanta és una girafa, però ella no és una girafa?Ni s?assembla a les zebres?Però llavors, quin animal és una Conifanta?Vols acompanyar-la de viatge, per descobrir-ho?
Editorial Molino El boli mágico The Magic Pen
Los nios del muelle Alandar Band 166
Destino significa lugar de llegada. Pero también encadenamiento fatal de sucesos. Algunos piensan que nuestras acciones pueden modificar ese destino. Quién sabe. Desde luego Rodrigo, el hijo único de la familia Morales, no lo sabía ni le interesaba lo más mínimo. Quizá, si lo hubiese pensado, no hubiera sido expulsado de su tiempo, perdiéndolo todo. Un Santander de principios del siglo xix y una vieja tuerta e inquietante le recibirán con toda su dureza.
Nube de Tinta Se fueron a la izquierda / They Went Left
Ediciones Larousse (MX) Cómo Cuidar a Tu Dragón
Arisverlag MEIN SEX
Bohlau Verlag Sophie von Erlach: Eine Schweizerin und Preußin
Brepols Publishers The Rise of an Academic Elite: Deans, Masters, and Scribes at the University of Vienna Before 1400
Simon & Schuster Revival Season
Santa Fe Writer's Project Roadmap
In this radical twenty-first century choreopoem, Dorian, a young American Black man, is tasked by an ancestral spirit to thwart his inevitable murder. He traces his family tree, from his grandmother to his offspring, uncovering secrets of sex work, self-harm, and assault alongside snapshots of #BlackBoyJoy. Guided by The Novelist, an omniscient muse, and her troupe of dancers, Dorian must interrogate his legacy, forgive his past, and reckon with being Black in modern America. He tries on different selves and possible futures in his increasing desperation to experience the luxury of growing old and finding solace despite institutional racism declaring him a threat. Through the poetry, dance, and song of Roadmap, will Dorian overcome the odds or become another hashtag?
Robert D. Reed Publishers 30 Days to a New You: Get What You Want Through Authentic Change
30 Days to a New You, both a manual and a workbook, provides practical techniques and support so you can effectively redefine yourself into a person who can get what you want and live a full life with intention. Using a simple, systematic method, this book shows you how to use your infinite, individual power to connect with your real self and your powerful individual vision. Then it leads you through the steps to put your new knowledge and skills into practice. In only one month, 30 Days to a New You enables you to:.Become aware of the real person inside. .Conduct self- assessment without fear..Know the truth about the power you own..Understand yourself and your capacities at a deeper level. .Accept all that you are: your strengths and limitations. .Transform who you are..Embrace who you can be during the process of reaching your goals. .Trust yourself to accomplish anything..Delight in living your life intentionally.
Murphy & Moore Publishing Childhood Obesity: Contemporary Issues and Challenges
American Medical Publishers Handbook of Local Anesthesia
Simon & Schuster The Heroes Return
Jasper and Mira must escape the rift and deliver the Youli’s message to Earth Force before it’s too late in this action-packed fourth novel in what Shannon Messenger calls the “richly detailed, highly imaginative” Bounders series!After escaping the Youli’s attack on Alkalinia, Jasper and Mira find themselves trapped with the lost aeronauts in the rift, a rip in space where time moves differently. For every minute they spend in the rift, they are losing days back home. Just when Jasper fears they’ll be stuck in limbo forever, the most unlikely ally shows up: the Youli. The Youli promise to rescue everyone in the rift, but their help comes at a price. First, Jasper must tell Earth Force that the Youli want peace. And second, Mira can’t return with Jasper. She has to leave with the Youli. Back home, almost a year has passed. The Youli war is public, Bounders are in space full-time, and Jasper’s pod is divided. Cole and Lucy have been promoted. Marco and Addy are missing. Jasper delivers the Youli’s message, but the admiral isn’t interested in peace talks. Instead, she sends Jasper and the aeronauts on a publicity tour of Earth to build support for the war. At first, Jasper revels in the spotlight. But it soon becomes clear that if Jasper doesn’t convince Earth Force to stop fighting—and soon—there won’t be an Earth left to fight for, and he may never see Mira again.