Search results for ""author jim""
Edinburgh University Press Coalfield Justice
Oral histories helped secure justice for Scottish miners victimised during the 1984-85 strike
LID Publishing Inc. Interview Strategy: The Next Move is Yours
The premise behind Interview Strategy is that we are all CEOs of our own personal companies. Offering direct advice on how to face stressful interviews the book will unveil techniques of preparation that will give anyone who reads it a real reason to be confident. Using questions and answer exercises, Finucan prepares the interviewer for the verbal exam they will face while also offering insight into career direction. The book goes beyond interview preparation: the material encourages a transformational philosophy in career promotion and explores our responsibilities in the search for our potential. This work will challenge previously held beliefs about acceptable interview ideas that limit transferability into new industries.
Duke University Press Bring on the Books for Everybody: How Literary Culture Became Popular Culture
Bring on the Books for Everybody is an engaging assessment of the robust popular literary culture that has developed in the United States during the past two decades. Jim Collins describes how a once solitary and print-based experience has become an exuberantly social activity, enjoyed as much on the screen as on the page. Fueled by Oprah’s Book Club, Miramax film adaptations, superstore bookshops, and new technologies such as the Kindle digital reader, literary fiction has been transformed into best-selling, high-concept entertainment. Collins highlights the infrastructural and cultural changes that have given rise to a flourishing reading public at a time when the future of the book has been called into question. Book reading, he claims, has not become obsolete; it has become integrated into popular visual media. Collins explores how digital technologies and the convergence of literary, visual, and consumer cultures have changed what counts as a “literary experience” in phenomena ranging from lush film adaptations such as The English Patient and Shakespeare in Love to the customer communities at Amazon. Central to Collins’s analysis and, he argues, to contemporary literary culture, is the notion that refined taste is now easily acquired; it is just a matter of knowing where to access it and whose advice to trust. Using recent novels, he shows that the redefined literary landscape has affected not just how books are being read, but also what sort of novels are being written for these passionate readers. Collins connects literary bestsellers from The Jane Austen Book Club and Literacy and Longing in L.A. to Saturday and The Line of Beauty, highlighting their depictions of fictional worlds filled with avid readers and their equations of reading with cultivated consumer taste.
Duke University Press Fixin to Git: One Fan's Love Affair with NASCAR's Winston Cup
In the past twenty years, big-time stock-car racing has become America’s fastest growing spectator sport. Winston Cup races draw larger audiences—at the tracks and on television—than any other sport, and drivers like Dale Jarrett, Jeff Gordon, and Mark Martin have become cultural icons whose endorsements command millions. What accounts for NASCAR’s surging popularity? For years a “closeted” NASCAR fan, Professor Jim Wright took advantage of a sabbatical in 1999 to attend stock-car races at seven of the Winston Cup’s legendary venues: Daytona, Indianapolis, Darlington, Charlotte, Richmond, Atlanta, and Talladega. The “Fixin’ to Git Road Tour” resulted in this book—not just a travelogue of Wright’s year at the races, but a fan’s valentine to the spectacle, the pageantry, and the subculture of Winston Cup racing.Wright busts the myth that NASCAR is a Southern sport and takes on critics who claim that there’s nothing to racing but “drive fast, turn left,” revealing the skill, mental acuity, and physical stamina required by drivers and their crews. Mostly, though, he captures the experience of loyal NASCAR fans like himself, describing the drama in the grandstands—and in the bars, restaurants, parking lots, juke joints, motels, and campgrounds where race fans congregate. He conveys the rich, erotic sensory overload—the sights, the sounds, the smells, the feel—of weekends at the Winston Cup race tracks.
Rutgers University Press The Films of Denys Arcand
Denys Arcand is best known outside Canada for three films that were nominated for Academy Awards for Best Foreign-Language Film: The Decline of the American Empire (1986), Jesus of Montreal (1989), and The Barbarian Invasions (2003), the last of which won the Award. Yet Arcand has been making films since the early 1960s. When he started making films, Quebec was rapidly transforming from a relatively homogeneous community, united by its Catholic faith and French language and culture, into a more fragmented modern society. The Films of Denys Arcand sheds light on how Arcand addressed the impact of these changes from the 1960s, when the long-drawn-out debate on Quebec's possible separation from the rest of Canada began, to the present, in which the traditional cultural heritage has been further fragmented by the increasing presence of diasporic communities. His career and films offer an ideal case study for exploring the contradictions and tensions that have shaped Quebec cinema and culture in a period of increasing globalization and technological change.
Rutgers University Press The Writer's Quotebook: 500 Authors on Creativity, Craft, and the Writing Life
If you have ever stared a page that remains stubbornly blank; if you have ever wondered why writers write, or whether good writers are born or made; if you are a novelist, playwright, poet, or journalist, or simply delight in the written word, The Writer’s Quotebook is for you. Whether you keep it in your office, on your coffee table, next to your keyboard or your bed, this rich compendium of over one thousand quotations will inspire, invigorate, and illuminate the often challenging, sometimes humorous, but always fascinating task of those who bring words to life.From William Faulkner and Ernest Hemingway to Doris Lessing and Joyce Carol Oates, more than five hundred published writers put pen to paper on what the literary life is all about. Selections come from seasoned professionals as well as those just establishing their voice, and they represent a variety of nationalities and genres. The book is divided into three sections. The first part is devoted to the creative process, including thoughts on where writers get their ideas, the role of inspiration, what kind of people write, and where talent comes from. In part two, the subject shifts to writing as a craft. Here, authors ponder the creation of protagonists and points of view, the writing of dialogue, setting and description, creating plots, and the anatomy of style. The final third of the book deals with the challenges and rewards that come with the writing life. Subjects in this section include the economic realities of writing, classes, conferences, and workshops, dealing with rejection and bad reviews, writing habits and rituals, despair, alcohol, suicide, and fame.Articulated with elegant metaphor, in straightforward prose, or with wry wit, the carefully selected and thoughtfully organized quotations come together to form a narrative that entertains, informs, and in the case of aspiring writers, shows the way to better writing.
Beacon Press Cancer FactoryThe
University of Toronto Press Sexuality and Citizenship: Metamorphosis in Elizabethan Erotic Verse
Based for the most part on Ovid's Metamorphoses, epyllia retell stories of the dalliances of gods and mortals, most often concerning the transformation of beautiful youths. This short-lived genre flourished and died in England in the 1590s. It was produced mainly by and for the young men of the Inns of Court, where the ambitious came to study law and to sample the pleasures London had to offer. Jim Ellis provides detailed readings of fifteen examples of the epyllion, considering the poems in their cultural milieu and arguing that these myths of the transformations of young men are at the same time stories of sexual, social, and political metamorphoses. Examining both the most famous (Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis and Marlowe's Hero and Leander) and some of the more obscure examples of the genre (Hiren, the Fair Greek and The Metamorphosis of Tabacco), Ellis moves from considering fantasies of selfhood, through erotic relations with others, to literary affiliation, political relations, and finally to international issues such as exploration, settlement, and trade. Offering a revisionist account of the genre of the epyllion, Ellis transforms theories of sexuality, literature, and politics of the Elizabethan age, making an erudite and intriguing contribution to the field.
University of British Columbia Press Aboriginal Peoples and the Law: A Critical Introduction
Can Canada claim to be a just society for Indigenous peoples? To answer this question, and as part of the process of reconciliation, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission urged a better understanding of Aboriginal law for all Canadians. Aboriginal Peoples and the Law responds to that call, introducing readers with or without a legal background to modern Aboriginal law and outlining significant cases and decisions in straightforward, non-technical language. Jim Reynolds provides the historical context needed to understand relations between Indigenous peoples and settlers and explains key topics such as sovereignty, fiduciary duties, the honour of the Crown, Aboriginal rights and title, treaties, the duty to consult, Indigenous laws, and international law. This critical analysis of the current state of the law makes the case that rather than leaving the judiciary to sort out what are essentially political issues, Canadian politicians need to take responsibility for this crucial aspect of building a just society.
Running Press Game of Thrones Catspaw Collectible Dagger
Relive the Long Night with this official collectible set. Deluxe Collectible: Finely detailed, 3-1/2 inch metal replica of the Catspaw dagger wielded by Arya Stark in her fateful confrontation with the Night King Display Stand Included: Proudly display the dagger with the accompanying polyresin stand Book Included: Also includes a 48-page book featuring full-color photos that charts Arya Stark’s journey through Westeros and how she came to possess the dagger A Unique Gift for Westeros Fans: Featured in both Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon, this dagger is perfect for fans of both shows Officially Licensed: An authentic Game of Thrones collectible
The History Press Ltd Wickford Memories
Illustrated with over 100 old photographs, this book brings together the personal memories of people who have lived and worked in Wickford, vividly recalling childhood and schooldays, shops and businesses, and the war years.
Pluto Press Online Journalism: A Critical Primer
Online journalism is revolutionising the way news is reported and read. The rise of the internet has forever changed the way audiences interact with the news – stories are posted the moment they break and readers routinely expect to be able to access both the news sources and local perspectives. Online news and the pattern of media ownership raise a number of urgent questions about accuracy, press autonomy, freedom of speech and economic exclusion. Jim Hall provides a comprehensive guide to the emerging field of cyberjournalism and examines the issues it raises. Looking at how interactive texts are both written and read, the book surveys the new technologies and conventions that online journalism has ushered in. The author uses case studies such as Monicagate and the war in Kosovo to illustrate both the opportunities and the limitations of cyberjournalism. It is designed as a text to introduce how cyberjournalism works and how it can be used in innovative ways.
Simon & Schuster The Lords and the New Creatures
O'Reilly Media iWork '05
Introduced by Apple in January 2005, iWork '05 is an innovative new suite of document and presentation software that's the same caliber as Apple's groundbreaking digital media applications and that's wholly dedicated to what Mac users like you care about most: artistry and creativity. iWork '05 isn't about "office productivity" - it's about creating slick and stylish documents and cinema-quality digital presentations that say precisely what you want them to say. While iWork '05 helps you create stunning documents and presentations, the suite doesn't come with any in-depth documentation of its own. That's where "iWork '05: The Missing Manual" comes in. The book that should have been in the box, it gives you everything you need to master iWork '05. Seamlessly integrated with the wildly popular iLife '05 and designed to take advantage of the advanced typography and graphics engine of Mac OS X, iWork is actually two separate programs: Pages and Keynote 2. Pages is a brand-new, streamlined word processor and page layout program that allows non-professionals to quickly and painlessly produce gorgeous brochures, newsletters, letters, invitations, product data sheets, and more. You can start documents from scratch or use one of the 40 professionally designed templates as a starting point. Keynote 2 is a significant upgrade to Keynote, Apple's PowerPoint-like presentation software that allows you to build unique presentations, demonstrations, storyboard animations, interactive slideshows, and more. Like every Missing Manual, this one is refreshingly entertaining and scrupulously detailed. "iWork '05: The Missing Manual" gives you all the essentials of Pages and Keynote 2, including an objective look at each program's capabilities, its advantages over similar programs, and its limitations. The book delivers countless goodies that you won't find anywhere else: undocumented tips, tricks, and secrets for getting the very best results from both exciting new applications. With the iWork '05 suite and "iWork '05: The Missing Manual", you are totally equipped to give your work the style it deserves.
Random House USA Inc Garfield Livin' the Sweet Life: His 72nd Book
John Wiley & Sons Inc Roller Coaster Science: 50 Wet, Wacky, Wild, Dizzy Experiments about Things Kids Like Best
Experience all the fun of science and explore the science of funNow you can discover. * Why you don't fly out of your seat when amusement park rides turnupside down * Why a Frisbee flies * What makes popcorn pop and hot dogs plump With dozens of fun, safe, and inexpensive experiments, Jim Wiesereveals the secrets behind these and lots of other awesomemysteries. Did you ever wonder what makes a curveball curve, howcotton candy is made, and why fun house mirrors make you look soweird? Here's a wild way to learn the real reasons. Packed withamusing illustrations and easy-to-follow explanations, RollerCoaster Science is a great way to get into physics, chemistry,biology, and more.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Community Psychology: Challenges, Controversies and Emerging Consensus
This book is both a sequel to and expansion of Community Psychology, published in 1992. It serves as a textbook for courses on community psychology but now also includes material on inequality and health, since both are concerned with the way an individual's social setting and the systems with which they interact affect their problems and the solutions they devise. Part 1 sets the scene by locating community psychology in its historical and contemporary context. In Part 2, disempowered groups and their physical and mental health are considered. Finally in Part 3 the application of community psychology is discussed, and the ways in which marginalised people can be helped by strengthening their communities highlighted.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Statistics for Engineers: An Introduction
This practical text is an essential source of information for those wanting to know how to deal with the variability that exists in every engineering situation. Using typical engineering data, it presents the basic statistical methods that are relevant, in simple numerical terms. In addition, statistical terminology is translated into basic English. In the past, a lack of communication between engineers and statisticians, coupled with poor practical skills in quality management and statistical engineering, was damaging to products and to the economy. The disastrous consequence of setting tight tolerances without regard to the statistical aspect of process data is demonstrated. This book offers a solution, bridging the gap between statistical science and engineering technology to ensure that the engineers of today are better equipped to serve the manufacturing industry. Inside, you will find coverage on: the nature of variability, describing the use of formulae to pin down sources of variation; engineering design, research and development, demonstrating the methods that help prevent costly mistakes in the early stages of a new product; production, discussing the use of control charts, and; management and training, including directing and controlling the quality function. The Engineering section of the index identifies the role of engineering technology in the service of industrial quality management. The Statistics section identifies points in the text where statistical terminology is used in an explanatory context. Engineers working on the design and manufacturing of new products find this book invaluable as it develops a statistical method by which they can anticipate and resolve quality problems before launching into production. This book appeals to students in all areas of engineering and also managers concerned with the quality of manufactured products. Academic engineers can use this text to teach their students basic practical skills in quality management and statistical engineering, without getting involved in the complex mathematical theory of probability on which statistical science is dependent.
Penguin Putnam Inc Skin Game
Pan Macmillan Arcadia
Victor, an eighty-year-old multimillionaire, surveys his empire from the remoteness of his cloud-capped penthouse. Expensively insulated from the outside world, he nonetheless finds that memories of his impoverished childhood will not be kept so easily at bay. Focusing on the one area of vitality and chaos that remains in the streets below him, he formulates a plan to leave a mark on the city – one as indelible and disruptive as the mark the city left on him.Victor, an eighty-year-old multimillionaire, surveys his empire from the remoteness of his cloud-capped penthouse. Expensively insulated from the outside world, he nonetheless finds that memories of his impoverished childhood will not be kept so easily at bay. Focusing on the one area of vitality and chaos that remains in the streets below him, he formulates a plan to leave a mark on the city – one as indelible and disruptive as the mark the city left on him.
St Martin's Press City of Gold: Dubai and the Dream of Capitalism
Random House USA Inc Black Hearts: One Platoon's Descent into Madness in Iraq's Triangle of Death
University of Illinois Press In It for the Long Run: A Musical Odyssey
Inspired by the Hank Williams and Leadbelly recordings he heard as a teenager growing up outside of Boston, Jim Rooney began a musical journey that intersected with some of the biggest names in American music including Bob Dylan, James Taylor, Bill Monroe, Muddy Waters, and Alison Krauss. In It for the Long Run: A Musical Odyssey is Rooney's kaleidoscopic first-hand account of more than five decades of success as a performer, concert promoter, songwriter, music publisher, engineer, and record producer.As witness to and participant in over a half century of music history, Rooney provides a sophisticated window into American vernacular music. Following his stint as a "Hayloft Jamboree" hillbilly singer in the mid-1950s, Rooney managed Cambridge's Club 47, a catalyst of the ‘60’s folk music boom. He soon moved to the Newport Folk Festival as talent coordinator and director where he had a front row seat to Dylan "going electric."In the 1970s Rooney's odyssey continued in Nashville where he began engineering and producing records. His work helped alternative country music gain a foothold in Music City and culminated in Grammy nominations for singer-songwriters John Prine, Iris Dement, and Nanci Griffith. Later in his career he was a key link connecting Nashville to Ireland's folk music scene.Writing songs or writing his memoir, Jim Rooney is the consummate storyteller. In It for the Long Run: A Musical Odyssey is his singular chronicle from the heart of Americana.
The University of Chicago Press Imperial Nature: Joseph Hooker and the Practices of Victorian Science
Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817-1911) was an internationally renowned botanist, a close friend and early supporter of Charles Darwin, and one of the first - and most successful - British men of science to become a full-time professional. He was also, Jim Endersby argues, the perfect embodiment of Victorian science. A vivid picture of the complex interrelationships of scientific work and scientific ideas, "Imperial Nature" gracefully uses one individual's career to illustrate the changing world of science in the Victorian era. By focusing on science's material practices and one of its foremost practitioners, Endersby ably links concerns about empire, professionalism, and philosophical practices to the forging of a nineteenth-century scientific identity.
Roaring Brook Press Einstein
E = mc(2) . A world-changing equation and a wild head of hair are all most of us know about one of history's greatest minds, despite his being a household name in his lifetime and an icon in ours. But while the broad outlines of what Einstein did are well known, who he was remained hidden from view to most...even his closest friends. This is the story of a scientist who made many mistakes, and even when he wanted to be proven wrong, was often right in the end. It's a story of a humanist who struggled to connect with people. And it's a story of a reluctant revolutionary who paid a high price for living with a single dream. In Einstein, Jim Ottaviani and Jerel Dye take us behind the veneer of celebrity, painting a complex and intimate portrait of the scientist whose name has become another word for genius.
Open Road Media Evidence of Love
The “fascinating” true story behind the HBO Max and Hulu series about Texas housewife Candy Montgomery and the bizarre murder that shocked a community (Los Angeles Times Book Review). Candy Montgomery and Betty Gore had a lot in common: They sang together in the Methodist church choir, their daughters were best friends, and their husbands had good jobs working for technology companies in the north Dallas suburbs known as Silicon Prairie. But beneath the placid surface of their seemingly perfect lives, both women simmered with unspoken frustrations and unanswered desires. On a hot summer day in 1980, the secret passions and jealousies that linked Candy and Betty exploded into murderous rage. What happened next is usually the stuff of fiction. But the bizarre and terrible act of violence that occurred in Betty’s utility room that morning was all too real. Based on exclusive interviews with the Gore and Montgomery fa
Oxford University Press The Quantum Story: A history in 40 moments
The twentieth century was defined by physics. From the minds of the world's leading physicists there flowed a river of ideas that would transport mankind to the pinnacle of wonderment and to the very depths of human despair. This was a century that began with the certainties of absolute knowledge and ended with the knowledge of absolute uncertainty. It was a century in which physicists developed weapons with the capacity to destroy our reality, whilst at the same time denying us the possibility that we can ever properly comprehend it. Almost everything we think we know about the nature of our world comes from one theory of physics. This theory was discovered and refined in the first thirty years of the twentieth century and went on to become quite simply the most successful theory of physics ever devised. Its concepts underpin much of the twenty-first century technology that we have learned to take for granted. But its success has come at a price, for it has at the same time completely undermined our ability to make sense of the world at the level of its most fundamental constituents. Rejecting the fundamental elements of uncertainty and chance implied by quantum theory, Albert Einstein once famously declared that 'God does not play dice'. Niels Bohr claimed that anybody who is not shocked by the theory has not understood it. The charismatic American physicist Richard Feynman went further: he claimed that nobody understands it. This is quantum theory, and this book tells its story. Jim Baggott presents a celebration of this wonderful yet wholly disconcerting theory, with a history told in forty episodes -- significant moments of truth or turning points in the theory's development. From its birth in the porcelain furnaces used to study black body radiation in 1900, to the promise of stimulating new quantum phenomena to be revealed by CERN's Large Hadron Collider over a hundred years later, this is the extraordinary story of the quantum world.
City Books Touring the Lake District
Touring the Lake District is a unique illustrated guide to exploring the area by car. Eight carefully planned tours take in the popular tourist centres plus a wealth of hidden gems many consider to be the 'Real Lakeland'.
Museum of New Mexico Press (Red Crane Books) El Norte: The Cuisine of Northern Northern Mexico: Revised Edition
Museum of New Mexico Press (Red Crane Books) Where the Cinnamon Wind Blows: Donde soplan los vientos de canela
Mereo Books Countryman: Tales from Field, Marsh and Woodland
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Yoga for Sports Performance: A Guide for Yoga Therapists, Yoga Teachers and Bodyworkers
Many sports people are interested in trying yoga techniques in the hope of improved flexibility, strength, breathing and concentration, but many can be prevented from optimal results due to a lack of understanding on the part of yoga teachers of the specific physical requirements of their sport. This is a manual for professionals who work with athletes of all disciplines and shows them how to adapt yoga practice for swimmers, cyclists, runners, tennis players and more. This bridge between evidence-based modern sports medicine and the ancient practices of yoga, provides solid training guidance as well as offers psychological wisdom to help control and refine the actions of the mind. Essential reading for yoga therapists and teachers, athletic coaches and bodywork professionals who work with athletes.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Competitive Intelligence: Strategy 03.09
Fast track route to mastering the art of competitor intelligence Covers the fundamentals of competitor intelligence, from securing CEO buy-in and making sure the right people are in place to creating an internal intelligence system and setting up a war room Examples and lessons from some of the world's most intelligent businesses, including Motorola and Apple, and ideas from the smartest thinkers including Jan Herring, Ben Gilad and Leonard Fuld Includes a glossary of key concepts and a comprehensive resources guide ExpressExec is a unique business resource of one hundred books. These books present the best current thinking and span the entire range of contemporary business practice. Each book gives you the key concepts behind the subject and the techniques to implement the ideas effectively, together with lessons from benchmark companies and ideas from the world's smartest thinkers. ExpressExec is organised into ten core subject areas making it easy to find the information you need: 01 Innovation 02 Enterprise 03 Strategy 04 Marketing 05 Finance 06 Operations and Technology 07 Organizations 08 Leading 09 People 10 Life and Work ExpressExec is a perfect learning solution for people who need to master the latest business thinking and practice quickly.
Kaleidoscope Publishing, Inc The Story of the San Francisco 49ers
Forefront Books The Coming Tsunami: Why Christians Are Labeled Intolerant, Irrelevant, Oppressive, and Dangerous--And How We Can Turn the Tide
Little, Brown Book Group Deadline Day
WITH AN EXCLUSIVE Q&A BETWEEN JIM AND KAVEH FOR THE AUDIOBOOK''The best football book of the year. A must-read for anyone who loves football'' Harry RedknappFootball used to be a sport. Then it became a business. Now it''s a whole industry.For three months every year football clubs buy and sell human beings. People who are so good at their job that others are willing to pay millions and millions of pounds to work with them, and for good reason; the right deal can help you win football''s top prizes while the wrong deal can cost you your job and bankrupt your club. It''s a fast-paced, at times murky and cutthroat world worth billions - and Jim White and Kaveh Solhekol have been at the heart of it for decades.In Deadline Day, Jim and Kaveh, two leading transfer market experts, take us behind the scenes of this uniquely tense and secretive world where the winner takes it all. They uncover what really happens in this game withi
Austin Macauley Publishers The Tales of Hidden Truth II
MPress (Media) Ltd The Rising Antenna
Float fishing with a waggler has fascinated Jim Baxter for over 40 years and is the central theme of this book. Jim and his contributors from the world of match angling explain how to get the best out of the method on river or lake.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The UnNoticed Entrepreneur, Book 1: Step Into the Spotlight
Classic and outside-the-box tactics for taking your company to the next level The UnNoticed Entrepreneur: Step Into the Spotlight gives you practical advice for drawing customers into your vision and rising above the rabble. Specifically, this book shows you how you can share the vision for your company, the why behind your product or service. If you can do that, customers will come. The secret? You already have everything you need to become famous in your market. You don’t need expensive ad agencies and faddish strategies. After all, you started your business, so you have the best understanding of what you're doing. This book shows you how to communicate your purpose creatively, simply, and authentically through telling your story, personalising your marketing, engaging with customers and prospects, and getting the attention of the right people in the right channels. If you’re passionate about creating value, making a difference, and benefitting others, this is the book for you. This collection of essays will give you ideas, help you make connections, and motivate you to put in the work you need to get noticed for all the good that you do. You’ll learn how to: Construct a unique story around your business and communicate that story through effective branding Stand out from the competition by creating more compelling marketing materials and reaching out in a more targeted way Generate buzz around your business with creative offerings like podcasts, media interviews, surveys, AI content, and more Rise to the top of your market by using marketing technology, leveraging digital platforms, and understanding today's marketing work This is the perfect book for business owners and budding entrepreneurs looking for no-nonsense advice on how to really get ahead. You've got the ambition, and The UnNoticed Entrepreneur can help you realize it.
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press Farmer
The New York Times bestselling author of thirty-nine books of fiction, non-fiction, and poetryincluding Legends of the Fall, Dalva, and Returning to EarthJim Harrison was one of our most beloved and acclaimed writers, adored by both readers and critics. In Farmer, he tells the story of Joseph, a forty-three-year-old farmer-schoolteacher who suddenly finds himself at a crossroads. Forced to choose between two loversone a younger woman, the other his beautiful childhood friendhe must also decide whether or not to stay on the farm or finally seek the wider, more broader horizons he has avoided all his life. Returning Harrison fans will be ecstatic to find this in print once again, and for new readers, this work serves as the perfect introduction to Harrison’s remarkable insight, storytelling, and evocation of the natural world.
Harvard University Press Maladies of Empire: How Colonialism, Slavery, and War Transformed Medicine
A sweeping global history that looks beyond European urban centers to show how slavery, colonialism, and war propelled the development of modern medicine.Most stories of medical progress come with ready-made heroes. John Snow traced the origins of London’s 1854 cholera outbreak to a water pump, leading to the birth of epidemiology. Florence Nightingale’s contributions to the care of soldiers in the Crimean War revolutionized medical hygiene, transforming hospitals from crucibles of infection to sanctuaries of recuperation. Yet histories of individual innovators ignore many key sources of medical knowledge, especially when it comes to the science of infectious disease.Reexamining the foundations of modern medicine, Jim Downs shows that the study of infectious disease depended crucially on the unrecognized contributions of nonconsenting subjects—conscripted soldiers, enslaved people, and subjects of empire. Plantations, slave ships, and battlefields were the laboratories in which physicians came to understand the spread of disease. Military doctors learned about the importance of air quality by monitoring Africans confined to the bottom of slave ships. Statisticians charted cholera outbreaks by surveilling Muslims in British-dominated territories returning from their annual pilgrimage. The field hospitals of the Crimean War and the US Civil War were carefully observed experiments in disease transmission.The scientific knowledge derived from discarding and exploiting human life is now the basis of our ability to protect humanity from epidemics. Boldly argued and eye-opening, Maladies of Empire gives a full account of the true price of medical progress.
Lotus Press Self Help to English Conversation
Tightrope Books I Thought I Would Be Happy
Lawrence & Wishart Ltd Looking Back at the Spanish Civil War
This book brings together leading British and Spanish historians in an examination of key aspects and themes of the Spanish Civil War. Contributors discuss the politics of memory; recent revisionist historiography; biographies of international volunteers; the experience of nursing in Catalonia; the baptism of fire of Jarama; Britain's blocking of aid to the Republic; Soviet intervention in the conflict; and the crimes of Franco, both during and after the war.