Search results for ""author erik"
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Bourdieu and the Journalistic Field
Bourdieu and the Journalistic Field is an exciting new text which builds on and extends Pierre Bourdieu's impassioned critique of our media-saturated culture. Presenting for the first time in English the work of influential scholars who worked with or were influenced by Bourdieu, this volume is the one and only book for Anglophone scholars seeking a more detailed elaboration of field theory in relation to the mass media. In his short book 'On Television', Bourdieu provided a powerful critique of the 'journalistic field', but what exactly does he mean by this? How does the journalistic field relate to external economic and political pressures? And what kind of autonomy can, or should, journalists expect to maintain? Such questions are taken up in case studies of such diverse phenomena as media coverage of the AIDS-contaminated blood scandal in France, U.S. youth media activism, and political interview shows on both sides of the Atlantic. Chapters by both American and French scholars also demonstrate methods for measuring field autonomy and spatially mapping journalistic fields, or discuss the similarities and differences between field theory, new institutionalism, hegemony, and differentiation theory. Rejecting all forms of dogmatism, the authors in this volume demonstrate why field theory remains a "work in progress," and indeed, a research paradigm whose promise has only begun to be tapped. The book includes an important and hitherto unpublished text by Pierre Bourdieu, 'Fields of Journalism, Social Science and Politics', and contributions from Rodney Benson, Patrick Champagne, Eric Darras, Julien Duval, Daniel Hallin, Eric Klinenberg, Dominique Marchetti, Erik Neveu, and Michael Schudson.
Stanford University Press Theological Tractates
The essays in Theological Tractates were published between 1925 and 1937, during which time Erik Peterson converted from Protestantism to Roman Catholicism. They deal with a range of theological topics—from the thought of Protestant theologian Karl Barth, to liturgy, the Church in the New Testament, Christianity and Judaism, angels, martyrdom, and mysticism. Among them is Peterson's landmark essay on ancient "political theology," "Monotheism as a Political Problem," which shows how ancient writers—pagans, Jews, and Christians—justified earthly monarchy by its parallel with the monotheistic belief in one divinity in heaven. Peterson asserted that such a political theology was incompatible with Christianity, a thesis that became a reference point for modern political theology.
Living the Line LLC The Exile
2023 MoCCAArtsFest Award of Excellence Recipient! After seven years of exile, battle-hardened Hallstein Thordsson returns home to Iceland, only to find that old wounds haven't healed. His stepmother Solveig and his half-brother Ottar are besieged by wood thieves, directed by her unwelcome suitor, Einar. The Exile's presence disrupts the delicate balance and threatens to tip all of Iceland into violence. A remarkable decades-spanning epic, Erik Kriek's The Exile is equal parts action “Western” and family drama, with a surprising story of violence and consequences at its core. Told in a naturalistic modern style but with tremendous fidelity to the historical period in which it is set, The Exile depicts the Viking age in all of its conflict, turmoil, and social structure, with every detail depicted vividly on the page. Hailing from the Netherlands, Kriek is an internationally-decorated illustrator known for his work on In the Pines (2015) and Gutsman. Lushly told with gorgeous traditionally-drawn brush work, and a limited palette illustration style reminiscent of the great three-color illustrators of the 1940s and 50s, Kriek's art is alternately breezy and gritty, but always stunning, whether he's depicting a full-blown Viking battle or a wearying sea voyage. Praise for Erik Kriek's In the Pines: Murder Ballads (2018)- "...a beautiful and eerie collection, filled with betrayals, revenge, and exceptional visual storytelling." - Publishers Weekly "...Kriek’s work is so lyrical and innate in its study of violence and human nature..." - Carl Doherty, Shelf Abuse "... a stylish first outing." - Bookmunch " ...disturbing, macabre, yet beautiful and is likely to appeal to fans of shows like Twin Peaks and Hannibal which are known for blending stunning visuals with twisted storylines. [...] a gorgeous and unusual addition to your bookshelf." - GeekMom
Pennsylvania State University Press Literary Obscenities: U.S. Case Law and Naturalism after Modernism
This comparative historical study explores the broad sociocultural factors at play in the relationships among U.S. obscenity laws and literary modernism and naturalism in the early twentieth century. Putting obscenity case law’s crisis of legitimation and modernism’s crisis of representation into dialogue, Erik Bachman shows how obscenity trials and other attempts to suppress allegedly vulgar writing in the United States affected a wide-ranging debate about the power of the printed word to incite emotion and shape behavior.Far from seeking simply to transgress cultural norms or sexual boundaries, Bachman argues, proscribed authors such as Wyndham Lewis, Erskine Caldwell, Lillian Smith, and James T. Farrell refigured the capacity of writing to evoke the obscene so that readers might become aware of the social processes by which they were being turned into mass consumers, voyeurs, and racialized subjects. Through such efforts, these writers participated in debates about the libidinal efficacy of language with a range of contemporaries, from behavioral psychologists and advertising executives to book cover illustrators, magazine publishers, civil rights activists, and judges.Focusing on case law and the social circumstances informing it, Literary Obscenities provides an alternative conceptual framework for understanding obscenity’s subjugation of human bodies, desires, and identities to abstract social forces. It will appeal especially to scholars of American literature, American studies, and U.S. legal history.
Stanford University Press The Size of Others' Burdens: Barack Obama, Jane Addams, and the Politics of Helping Others
Americans have a fierce spirit of individualism. We pride ourselves on self-reliance, on bootstrapping our way to success. Yet, we also believe in helping those in need, and we turn to our neighbors in times of crisis. The tension between these competing values is evident, and how we balance between these competing values holds real consequences for community health and well-being. In his new book, The Size of Others' Burdens, Erik Schneiderhan asks how people can act in the face of competing pressures, and explores the stories of two famous Americans to develop present-day lessons for improving our communities. Although Jane Addams and Barack Obama are separated by roughly one hundred years, the parallels between their lives are remarkable: Chicago activists-turned-politicians, University of Chicago lecturers, gifted orators, crusaders against discrimination, winners of the Nobel Peace Prize. Addams was the founder of Hull-House, the celebrated American "settlement house" that became the foundation of modern social work. Obama's remarkable rise to the presidency is well known. Through the stories of Addams's and Obama's early community work, Erik Schneiderhan challenges readers to think about how many of our own struggles are not simply personal challenges, but also social challenges. How do we help others when so much of our day-to-day life is geared toward looking out for ourselves, whether at work or at home? Not everyone can run for president or win a Nobel Prize, but we can help others without sacrificing their dignity or our principles. Great thinkers of the past and present can give us the motivation; Addams and Obama show us how. Schneiderhan highlights the value of combining today's state resources with the innovation and flexibility of Addams's time to encourage community building. Offering a call to action, this book inspires readers to address their own American dilemma and connect to community, starting within our own neighborhoods.
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree inFact: Oxford Level 5: Mixed Pack of 6
Oxford Reading Tree inFact is a compelling non-fiction series that aims to engage children in reading for pleasure as powerfully as fiction does. The series includes 36 titles which are all phonically decodable, with some high-interest topic words to develop vocabulary and impart knowledge. The imaginative approach and variety of intriguing topics mean there are books to interest every child. The books are carefully levelled, making it easy to match every reader to the right book. This pack contains six books, one of each of the following titles: Robot Zoo, Bird Sounds, Erik's Viking Adventure, Can Fish Fly?, One Potato, Two Potatoes and Ants.
Hachette Children's Group All That's Left in the World: A queer, dystopian romance about courage, hope and humanity
Jamie and Andrew are strangers, but they're two of the last people left alive. They don't know what they'll find on their dangerous journey ... but they may just find each other. A queer romance about courage, hope and humanity for fans of They Both Die at the End, The Hunger Games and Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda.When the Superflu wipes out most of the population, Jamie finds himself completely alone in a cabin in the woods - until an injured stranger crosses his path.Life is dangerous now and, armed with a gun, Jamie goes to pull the trigger. But there's something about Andrew ... something that stops Jamie in his tracks. Jamie takes him in, and as Andrew heals and they eventually step out into the strange new world, their relationship starts to feel like more than just friendship ...But trouble isn't far behind. As the boys make a perilous journey south, they'll come face to face with a world torn apart and society in ruins. And who, or what, will they find waiting for them at the end of it all?"Tense, exciting, sometimes heartbreaking and always romantic, All That's Left in the World explores what it means to hold onto hope and humanity when the worst case scenario becomes reality. With characters you'll adore, and a fast-paced, mysterious plot that keeps you turning the pages as fast as you can devour them, this book is not to be missed." - Sophie Gonzales, author of ONLY MOSTLY DEVASTATED"Brown has somehow achieved a book that is romantic, hilarious, warm-hearted, hopeful, and page-turningly thrilling all at once. I was hooked from beginning to end." - Dahlia Adler, author of COOL FOR THE SUMMER"A timeless love story that could not be more appropriate for this moment, All That's Left in the World is a thrilling, heartfelt, and beautifully written debut." - Tom Ryan, author of I HOPE YOU'RE LISTENING"Survival is core to the queer experience, and in All That's Left In the World, Brown takes that to apocalyptic extremes with the story of Andrew and Jamie. This is quintessentially brave, dangerous-in-the-best-way queer storytelling!" - Adam Sass, author of SURRENDER YOUR SONS"All That's Left in the World is unfailingly riveting and hopeful. A timely exploration of survival, trauma, and love stitched together with sharp wit and bone-deep emotion. Erik J. Brown is an invigorating voice to watch out for." - Julian Winters, award-winning author of RUNNING WITH LIONS
Image Comics Savage Dragon Archives Volume 9
Collects SAVAGE DRAGON #201-225 SAVAGE DRAGON #201-225 collected in stunning black and white! The notorious threesome! Mr. Glum’s story! Into Dimension-X! Malcolm graduates high school! The showdown with Dart! Malcolm and Maxine tie the knot! Ant! Spawn! Malcolm joins the Chicago Police Dept.! Malcolm and Maxine become proud parents! The Merging of Multiple Earths! Death! Birth! Everything you loved and more in the generation-spanning saga from Inkwell Award winning creator Erik Larsen! Featuring the awe-inspiring the epic 225th issue! All collected in this stunning volume! This one has it all! Savage Dragon Archives comes with our highest-possible recommendation!
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Barbarians in the Greek and Roman World
What did the ancient Greeks and Romans think of the peoples they referred to as barbari? Did they share the modern Western conception—popularized in modern fantasy literature and role-playing games—of "barbarians" as brutish, unwashed enemies of civilization? Or our related notion of "the noble savage?" Was the category fixed or fluid? How did it contrast with the Greeks and Romans' conception of their own cultural identity? Was it based on race? In accessible, jargon-free prose, Erik Jensen addresses these and other questions through a copiously illustrated introduction to the varied and evolving ways in which the ancient Greeks and Romans engaged with, and thought about, foreign peoples—and to the recent historical and archaeological scholarship that has overturned received understandings of the relationship of Classical civilization to its "others."
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Healing Wounds
Are we healed through our wounds or do our wounds themselves get healed by some other source? In this 2025 Lent Book, Erik Varden starts by examining the New Testament where it spells out why Christ's wounds were efficacious for the healing of humankind. Indeed, why they were necessary for the purpose. This austere way of thinking is indispensable but they have never really satisfied the effective needs of believers or the intuitions of the heart.Bob Dylan once said, tongue in cheek, Pain sure does bring out the best in people.' The philosopher Donald MacKinnon said, Suffering never ennobled anyone.' These are questions people wrestle with today in many fields of life with counsellors, therapists, philosophers, and spiritual directors. But the conundrum remains and in this book Varden sets out to resolve it.
Image Comics Megaton Archives
The black and white anthology MEGATON was at the forefront of the independent comics revolution, and from 1981 to 1987 publisher and writer GARY CARLSON helped rewrite comics history! ERIK LARSEN’s SAVAGE DRAGON and ROB LIEFELD’s YOUNGBLOOD both debuted in MEGATON, prompting LIEFELD to later dub CARLSON “the Grandfather of Image Comics,” and the series was notable for launching the career of a veritable who’s who of artists. Now, celebrating MEGATON’s 40th anniversary, the original eight issues are collected for the first time ever – in their entirety, in chronological order, and in glorious black and white, scanned from the original art and film negatives used to publish the original comics! Collects MEGATON #1-8 plus early ads for the series, unpublished art, preliminary character designs, commentary by CARLSON and more!
Editorial Hidra Heraldos de la oscuridad
La profecía del Metatrón, el ángel supremo, está próxima a cumplirse: provocando el fin de la humanidad, tendrá almas suficientes para vencer en su batalla final contra las fuerzas oscuras. Tanya, Mauro y Erik, los tres elegidos, serán el último destello de esperanza para evitar el desastre que se cierne a la vez sobre la Tierra y el Más Allá. Pero la cuenta atrás ha comenzado, y los furiosos ejércitos del Abismo están a punto de atravesar las puertas del cielo.
Indiana University Press The Katangese Gendarmes and War in Central Africa: Fighting Their Way Home
Erik Kennes and Miles Larmer provide a history of the Katangese gendarmes and their largely undocumented role in many of the most important political and military conflicts in Central Africa. Katanga, located in today's Democratic Republic of Congo, seceded in 1960 as Congo achieved independence and the gendarmes fought as the unrecognized state's army during the Congo crisis. Kennes and Larmer explain how the ex-gendarmes, then exiled in Angola, struggled to maintain their national identity and return "home." They take readers through the complex history of the Katangese and their engagement in regional conflicts and Africa's Cold War. Kennes and Larmer show how the paths not taken at Africa's independence persist in contemporary political and military movements and bring new understandings to the challenges that personal and collective identities pose to the relationship between African nation-states and their citizens and subjects.
Tuttle Publishing Folding Paper: The Infinite Possibilities of Origami: Featuring Origami Art from Some of the Worlds Best Contemporary Papercraft Artists
This beautiful origami art book is a collection of the best contemporary pieces from some of the worlds most renowned papercraft artists.Thanks to pioneering masters such as Dr. Robert J. Lang, origami has transcended its humble roots as a traditional Japanese papercraft to take its place among the global fine arts. In Folding Paper: The Infinite Possibilities of Origami, Dr. Lang and Asian art curator Meher McArthur chronicle origami's remarkable evolution and showcases the widespread applications of paper folding solutions in the fields of contemporary mathematics, engineering, design, and the international peace movement.Based around a groundbreaking museum show by the same name, Folding Paper features the work of more than forty leading origami artists from around the world. It traces the development of paper folding in both the East and the West, recognizing the global influences on this international art form. Now in the early twenty-first century, origami is a sophisticated fine art form consisting of many different styles, from representational to geometric, abstract, and even conceptual. It has become a symbol of peace, an inspiration for engineers, and a conduit for scientific advancement.Featured origami artists include: Brian Chan Erik Joisel Erik and Martin Demaine Tomoko Fuse Daniel Kwan Michael LaFosse Jeannine Moseley Akira Yoshizawa Combining Dr. Lang's and McArthur's illuminating narrative history with lavish color photographs of more than sixty breathtaking works—from Joel Cooper's haunting Cyrus mask to Linda Tomoko Mihara's delicate Crane Cube to Eric Joisel's lifelike Pangolin model—Folding Paper is an enthralling introduction to the contemporary art of paper folding.
Headline Publishing Group Beware the Dragon: China - 1000 Years of Bloodshed
"Beware the Dragon" is all about "them and us" - a fast-moving tale of historic events, the reasons behind them, the decisive battles, and the bloodshed and horror they caused. Erik Durschmied's vivid survey of the fateful centuries presents a dramatic picture of how new political entities were born out of the ruins of bankrupt empires, and the borders of the world redrawn.On the morning of 9 April 1241, a rider horde came thundering from the East, and shattered the steely might of Europe's proud knights. In the early hours of 24 November 1950, another horde of Chinese soldiers smashed into the army of the United Nations in Korea. Between these two conflicts were seven centuries of near-uninterrupted bloodshed.Following World War II came the ill-fated Marshall Mission, a failed invasion of Taiwan, the rape of Tibet and the perilous Ussuri Gamble. And then, after Zhou Enlai's and Kissinger's ping-pong diplomacy, just when things seemed again to have been put right, two warplanes collided over the China Sea.Collisions between China and the rest of the world are among the most vexing challenges of history - a succession of massive, brutal confrontations, involving millions. The story is a saga of mayhem and confusion, blunders and mistakes that brought the belligerents no credit; in telling it the author paints a fascinating and coherent picture of China's rise from isolation to its emerging superpower position.The world has accepted the fact of uncertainly, fearing China's capabilities but not, apparently, its intentions. Yet modern China faces daunting challenges - mounting internal social protest, and foreign trade wars - that could derail its phenomenal rise and deliver a crippling shock to global economy. Trade wars can easily lead, and often have, to shooting wars. The writing is on the wall.
University of Nebraska Press The Begging Question: Sweden's Social Responses to the Roma Destitute
Begging, thought to be an inherently un-Swedish phenomenon, became a national fixture in the 2010s as homeless Romanian and Bulgarian Roma EU citizens arrived in Sweden seeking economic opportunity. People without shelter were forced to use public spaces as their private space, disturbing aesthetic and normative orders, creating anxiety among Swedish subjects and resulting in hate crimes and everyday racism. Parallel with Europe’s refugee crisis in the 2010s, the “begging question” peaked. The presence of the media’s so-called EU migrants caused a crisis in Swedish society along political, juridical, moral, and social lines due to the contradiction embodied in the Swedish authorities’ denial of social support to them while simultaneously seeking to maintain the nation’s image as promoting welfare, equality, and antiracism. In The Begging Question Erik Hansson argues that the material configurations of capitalism and class society are not only racialized but also unconsciously invested with collective anxieties and desires. By focusing on Swedish society’s response to the begging question, Hansson provides insight into the dialectics of racism. He shrewdly deploys Marxian economics and Lacanian psychoanalysis to explain how it became possible to do what once was thought impossible: criminalize begging and make fascism politically mainstream, in Sweden. What Hansson reveals is not just an insight into one of the most captivating countries on earth but also a timely glimpse into what it means to be human.
Edhasa Última llamada: Vuelo CW0764
The remains have not been found, but the entire passage of flight CW0764 has been presumed dead in an accident in the Amazon. Six months later, the voice of little Melanie, a victim of the catastrophe, breaks out with a distress message on the radio program in which her father Javier works. At the same time, Erik, a commercial airline pilot, learns of certain confidential information about the plane in which his girlfriend, Natalie, had lost her life. In a desperate attempt to find out the truth, both of them immediately travel to Peru, where their destinations will cross once more. The countdown begins. There is something hidden, something that no one, in any way, wants to be revealed.
Triumph Books 100 Things Senators Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die
Most Ottawa Senators fans have attended a game at the Canadian Tire Centre, seen highlights of a young Daniel Alfredsson, and remember exactly where they were when the team reached the Stanley Cup Final in 2007. But only real fans know all the components of the trade which landed Jason Spezza or how to get a seat at Sens Mile. 100 Things Senators Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die is the ultimate resource guide for true fans of Ottawa hockey. Whether you're a longtime member of the Sens Army or a new supporter of Erik Karlsson, this book contains everything Senators fans should know, see, and do in their lifetime.
Baker Publishing Group Drawn by the Current
2022 Christy Award Winner Lives depend on the truth she uncovers. She can't give up her search. A birthday excursion turns deadly when the SS Eastland capsizes with Olive Pierce and her best friend on board. Hundreds perish during the accident, and it's only when Olive herself barely escapes that she discovers her friend is among the victims. In the aftermath of the tragedy, Olive returns to her work at a Chicago insurance agency and is immersed in the countless investigations related to the accident. But with so many missing, there are few open-and-shut cases, and she tries to balance her grief with the hard work of finding the truth. While someone sabotages her progress, Olive accepts the help of newspaper photographer Erik Magnussen. As they unravel secrets, the truths they discover impact those closest to Olive. How long will the disaster haunt her--and how can she help the others find the peace they deserve? "An incredible story of sacrifice, protection, and redemption, Drawn by the Current is another breath-taking, page-turning winner by one of my all-time favorite authors!"--KIMBERLEY WOODHOUSE, bestselling and award-winning author of A Deep Divide and Forever Hidden "Captivating! Drawn by the Current explores the human depths of tragedy, loss, and what it means to survive. . . . Jocelyn Green's latest novel in her Windy City Saga triumphs!"--KATE BRESLIN, bestselling author of As Dawn Breaks "Once again, Jocelyn Green takes us on a historical adventure worth neglecting dinner and sleep for. Readers will sink into this story and drown in the pages of Jocelyn Green's epic story-telling talent!"--JAIME JO WRIGHT, multiple award-winning author of The House on Foster Hill and On the Cliffs of Foxglove Manor "Drawn by the Current leads readers on an engaging journey of intrigue and romance, perfectly blended with a splash of Chicago history from the early 1900s."--TED WACHHOLZ, Executive Director and Chief Historian, Eastland Disaster Historical Society
Taylor & Francis Ltd Well Spoken
Teachers at all grade levels in all subjects have speaking assignments for students, but many teachers believe they don''t know how to teach speaking, and many even fear speaking to groups themselves.In Well Spoken veteran teacher and education consultant Erik Palmer shares the art of teaching speaking in any classroom. Teachers will find thoughtful and engaging strategies, lessons, and tips for integrating speaking skills throughout the curriculum. Palmer stresses the essential elements of all effective oral communication used in one-to-one, small group, large group, formal, informal, in-person, and digital situations including:? Building a Speech: Audience, Content, Organization, Visual Aids, and Appearance? Performing a Speech: Poise, Voice, Life, Eye Contact, Gestures, and Speed? Evaluating a Speech: Creating Effective Rubrics, Guiding Students to ExcellenceIn this updated second edition, Palmer
University of California Press Luxury and Rubble: Civility and Dispossession in the New Saigon
A free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press' Open Access publishing program for monographs. Luxury and Rubble is the tale of two cities in Ho Chi Minh City. It is the story of two planned, mixed-use residential and commercial developments that are changing the face of Vietnam's largest city. Since the early 1990s, such developments have been steadily reorganizing urban landscapes across the country. For many Vietnamese, they are a symbol of the country's emergence into global modernity and of post-socialist economic reforms. However, they are also sites of great contestation, sparking land disputes and controversies over how to compensate evicted residents. In this penetrating ethnography, Erik Harms vividly portrays the human costs of urban reorganization as he explores the complex and sometimes contradictory experiences of individuals grappling with the forces of privatization in a socialist country.
Amazon Publishing The Man in the Lighthouse
All his life, Viggo Larssen has been haunted by the same troubling dream, which he calls the Omen—a vision of a woman beckoning to him from the surface of a churning sea. Now, as he broods over his shipwrecked existence in a remote lighthouse off the outermost coast of Denmark, he is about to be borne backward by the current to a past he thought he had escaped forever. On the Danish mainland, the widowed mother of the nation's prime minister mysteriously vanishes from her prestigious nursing home. As the police search for clues, evidence mounts that her disappearance is tied to an unsolved crime from Viggo's childhood. Told through the eyes of multiple characters from Viggo's old neighborhood, Erik Valeur's dark, serpentine mystery is a profound meditation on the persistence of memory, the power of dreams, and the secrets we hide from one another—and ourselves.
Lexington Books Political Animals: Public Art in American Zoos and Aquariums
Political Animals offers a unique study and perspective on the relationship between politics and the art found in American zoos and aquariums. Jesse Donahue and Erik Trump examine the ways that zoos and aquariums have successfully served as sculptural gardens for the masses and have incorporated art and architecture that convey political messages about both the patrons and the animals. This book demonstrates how art has been used for a range of economic and political purposes including providing jobs, a medium to reach out to minority interest groups, a fundraising tool, and a surrogate for the animals themselves. Donahue and Trump skillfully analyze and compare zoos to other areas of public art to highlight the calculated strategies on the part of the zoos that have incorporated a range of artistic styles for different audiences. Incorporating photographs of zoo and aquarium art from around the country, Political Animals is an exciting and captivating text for the mind and eye.
St Martin's Press The Wright Brothers: Nose-Diving into History (Epic Fails #1)
Although the Wright Brothers are now celebrated as heroes for their groundbreaking contributions to science and engineering as the first men to successfully manage powered, piloted flight, their eventual success was built on the back of a lot of nosedives. It took the self-taught engineers years of work and countless crashes before they managed to remain airborne for a mere twelve seconds! In this hilarious first installment of the Epic Fails series, Ben Thompson and Erik Slader take readers through the the Wright Brothers' many failed attempts at flight before achieving their groundbreaking success, laying the foundation for aviation as we know it today. The Epic Fails series explores the humorous backstories behind a variety of historical discoveries, voyages, experiments, and innovations that didn't go as expected but succeeded nonetheless, showing that many of mankind's biggest success stories are the result of some pretty epic failures indeed.
Penguin Books Ltd Egil's Saga
Egil's Saga tells the story of the long and brutal life of tenth-century warrior-poet and farmer Egil Skallagrimsson: a morally ambiguous character who was at once the composer of intricately beautiful poetry, and a physical grotesque capable of staggering brutality. The saga recounts Egil's progression from youthful savagery to mature wisdom as he struggles to avenge his father's exile from Norway, defend his honour against the Norwegian King Erik Bloodaxe, and fight for the English King Athelstan in his battles against Scotland. Exploring issues as diverse as the question of loyalty, the power of poetry, and the relationship between two brothers who love the same woman, Egil's Saga is a fascinating depiction of a deeply human character.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Grundloses Vertrauen: Eine theologische Studie zum Verhältnis von Grund- und Gottvertrauen
In welchem Verhältnis stehen Vertrauen und Glaube? Diese Frage beschäftigt die Theologie seit Menschengedenken. Unter Berücksichtigung von Erik Eriksons Entwicklungspsychologie hat Wolfhart Pannenberg einen neuen Akzent gesetzt und die These formuliert, dass religiöser Glaube in frühkindlichem Grundvertrauen ( Basic Trust) begründet sei.Mit diesem Gedanken setzt sich Andrea Lassak in ihrer Studie kritisch auseinander. Sie lotet die Tragweite dieser Verhältnisbestimmung aus und gibt eine alternative Antwort in der Tradition hermeneutischer Theologie. Dabei sondiert sie das schillernde Konzept des Grundvertrauens ebenso wie sie die Bedeutungsspektren christlichen Gottvertrauens aufzeigt.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The JCMS Annual Review of the European Union in 2011
The Annual Review, produced in association with JCMS, The Journal of Common Market Studies, covers the key developments in the European Union, its member states, and acceding and/or applicant countries in 2011. Includes specially commissioned articles by Douglas Hurd, Willem Buiter, Daniel Gros and Erik Jones. Contains analytical articles and keynote contributions written by leading experts in their respective fields covering political, economic and legal issues The most up-to-date and authoritative source of information for those engaged in teaching and research or who are simply interested in the European Union Includes an invaluable guide to EU documents and publications - and the various websites of the EU - together with a chronology of key events
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC I Abandoned My Engagement Because My Sister is a Tragic Heroine but Somehow I Became Entangled with a Righteous Prince Manga Vol. 1
A saint wrongly accused of mistreating her sister meets a prince dedicated to justice in this romance mangainspired by the light novel, also published by Seven Seas!Leia, a saint of the Kingdom of Elshaid, has her happily-ever-after shattered when her tragic heroine of a younger sister accuses her of abuse. Believing the lies, Leia's fiancé breaks off their engagement, leaving her despondent. But a surprise encounter with the crown prince changes everything. Charming and righteous, Prince Erik is determined to discover the truth about Leia's character by having her come live with him in the royal palace?!
Collective Ink What Is Post-Modern Conservatism: Essays On Our Hugely Tremendous Times
What is post-modern conservatism? How it has come to dominate the political landscape in many developed countries? Edited by Matt McManus, Professor of Politics and International Relations at the University of Tec de Monterrey, What Is Post-Modern Conservatism touches on how technological, economic, and social transformations of the post-modern epoch have brought about a political landscape where the irrational and traditionalist aspects of conservative thought have mutated into the hugely tremendous forms we see today. With contributory essays from Dylan De Jong, Erik Tate, Borna Radnik, David Hollands and Conrad Hamilton.
Hachette Children's Group EDGE Tommy Donbavands Funny Shorts Viking Kong
What do you get when you cross a monster Viking baby who won''t stop growing, two kids, a Viking clan and a very big stinky nappy? This book of course! Hold on to your nose as Erik and Freya battle to keep Olf under control, feed him and stop him crying (because he floods the village). Tommy Donbavand''s Funny Shorts is a series of full-colour, rip-roaring reads for kids that will have them bawling with laughter. This title is published by Franklin Watts EDGE, which produces a range of books to get kids reading with confidence. EDGE - for books kids can''t put down.
Cranachan Publishing Limited The Revenge of Tirpitz
TWO BOYS. TWO COUNTRIES. ONE MISSION. Norway 1944 When Erik strikes up an unlikely friendship with German Radar operator, Hans, the pair soon become involved in a race against time to help destroy the Nazi warship, Tirpitz. Will their secret mission succeed? Shetland 2014 Finn’s great-grandfather receives a letter threatening the “revenge of Tirpitz”. They escape on a fishing boat, making the perilous journey to Norway, where they realise that facing up to the past puts their future in danger… We know what you did. We know where you are. Tirpitz will have her revenge The thrilling WW2 story of a boy's role in the sinking of the warship Tirpitz.
Graphis US Inc Graphis Nudes 5
Graphis Nude 5The fifth volume in this series,Nudes 5 continues to present some of the most refined and creative nudes photography. Just as this genre helped elevate photography into a realm of fine art, one will find that many of the images on these pages deserve to be presented in museums.Award-winning Photographers include Erik Almas, Rosanne Olson, Klaus Kampert, Howard Schatz, Phil Marco, Joel-Peter Witkin, Chris Budgeon, among others. Stunning photography is supplemented by the History of Nudes Photography, quotes from the photographers themselves, and poem, "Ode to a Naked Beauty" by Pablo Neruda, among full size images.Nudes 5 is inspirational for photographers and art enthusiasts alike.
Manning Publications Let's Talk Python
Learn Python the fun and easy way with your new friends Erik and Simon! A Pythonic Adventure, is a unique Python beginners guide, written especially for young people. This colorful book uses engaging questions and lively conversations to introduce computer programming to young readers one step at a time. There are no boring lessons or dull exercises; instead, you will team up with two brothers, Erik and Simon, who are busy talking about Python programming and asking the same questions you are! As you follow along, you will learn from the brothers' mistakes, discover how to write programs with a team, and get a chance to create applications you can use in your daily life. All code in this book runs on Mac, Windows, Linux, and Raspberry Pi. The engaging questions and lively conversations in the book will help you learn useful Python skills like: Installing Python Working with files Creating text-based dialog boxes and menus Using if/then, loops, list, dictionaries, and input/output Building web applications Making your web apps look super professional It's fun to learn with friends! Join them as they chat about the language, learn the basics, and build some cool programs. It's the perfect way for young programmers (and their parents!) to get started. About the technology Python is one of the best languages for new programmers! Its creators designed it to be easy to learn and easy to use. But Python isn't just a language for beginners — it is used for all sorts of things, from web apps to artificial intelligence! Open up this fun, friendly guide and you will see just how easy it is to get started with Python.
The New Press A History Of America In Ten Strikes
Recommended by The Nation, the New Republic, Current Affairs, Bustle, In These TimesAn “entertaining, tough-minded, and strenuously argued” (The Nation) account of ten moments when workers fought to change the balance of power in America“A brilliantly recounted American history through the prism of major labor struggles, with critically important lessons for those who seek a better future for working people and the world.” —Noam Chomsky Powerful and accessible, A History of America in Ten Strikes challenges all of our contemporary assumptions around labor, unions, and American workers. In this brilliant book, labor historian Erik Loomis recounts ten critical workers'' strikes in American labor history that everyone needs to know about (and then provides an annotated list of the 150 most important moments in American labor history in the appendi
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Entering the Twofold Mystery: On Christian Conversion
A book about the insight, comfort, and direction our troubled age can find in monastic wisdom. Erik Varden published The Shattering of Loneliness in 2018. Now, with the world in the throes of uncertainty and turbulence, he helps us interpret the signs of the times, convinced that the perennial experience of monks and nuns has much to teach us. The principles of monasticism have become attractive to many, awakened as we are to the importance of integrity, the pursuit of peace, asceticism as a path to freedom, hospitality and contemplative seeing. After a deeply personal introduction, Varden invites us to consider what makes a monk. He then takes us on a pilgrimage through the Church’s year, drawing on Scripture, tradition and literary and religious figures of our time. Varden lets the reader discover the generous breadth and depth of a monk’s outlook on life. In so doing he provides inspiration, enjoyment and enlightenment in equal measure.
Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development Now That's a Good Question!: Now That's a Good Question! How to Promote Cognitive Rigor Through Classroom Questioning
In this book, Erik M. Francis explores how one of the most fundamental instructional strategies—questioning—can provide the proper scaffolding to deepen student thinking, understanding, and application of knowledge. You'll learn: Techniques for using questioning to extend and evaluate student learning experiences. Eight different kinds of questions that challenge students to demonstrate higher-order thinking and communicate depth of knowledge. How to rephrase the performance objectives of college and career readiness standards into questions that engage and challenge students. Francis offers myriad examples of good questions across content areas and grade levels, as well as structures to help teachers create and use the different kinds of questions. By using this book to fine-tune your approach to questioning, you can awaken the spirit of inquiry in your classroom and help students deepen their knowledge, understanding, and ability to communicate what they think and know.
LID Publishing Teal Dots in an Orange World: How to organize the workplace of the future
In the last century, changes in technology have driven massive developments in the social economy. The Fourth Industrial Revolution demands new approaches to organizational structures and teams. A paradigm shift is emerging, putting engagement, relations, inclusion and freedom at the centre. We need small self-managed teams, in a team-of-teams structure to be relevant to employees and customers, and in order to adapt to a changing world. In his second book, Erik Korsvik Ostergaard draws on the workings of Frederic Laloux, and his 2014 title Reiventing Organisations. Laloux discusses the five organizational stages to the modern workforce; the Red, Amber, Orange, Green and Teal stages. And with these writings, Ostergaard presents arguments towards how the classical corporate structure at the Orange stage, has experienced a rise in teal dots, or rather, neo-modernist forms of team-oriented organisms, which express a reorganisation for the future workforce.
Princeton University Press The Ecology and Evolution of Inducible Defenses
Inducible defenses--those often dramatic phenotypic shifts in prey activated by biological agents ranging from predators to pathogens--are widespread in the natural world. Yet research on the inducible defenses used by vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants in terrestrial, marine, and freshwater habitats has largely developed along independent lines. Ralph Tollrian and Drew Harvell seek to change that here. By bringing together leading researchers from all fields to review common themes and explore emerging ideas, this book represents the most current and comprehensive survey of knowledge about the ecology and evolution of inducible defenses. Contributors examine organisms as different as unicellular algae and higher vertebrates, and consider defenses ranging from immune systems to protective changes in morphology, behavior, chemistry, and life history. The authors of the review chapters, case studies, and theoretical studies pinpoint unifying factors favoring the evolution of inducible defenses. Throughout, the volume emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach, integrating applied and theoretical ecology, evolution, genetics, and chemistry. In addition, Harvell and Tollrian provide an introduction and a conclusion that review the current state of knowledge in the field and identify areas for future research. The contributors, in addition to the editors, are May Berenbaum, Arthur Zangerl, Johannes Jaremo, Juha Tuomi, Patric Nilsson, Anurag Agrawal, Richard Karban, Marcel Dicke, Ellen Van Donk, Miquel Lurling, Winfried Lampert, Simon Frost, John Gilbert, Hans-Werner Kuhlmann, Jurgen Kusch, Klaus Heckmann, Luc De Meester, Piotr Dawidowicz, Erik van Gool, Carsten Loose, Stanley Dodson, Christer Bronmark, Lars Pettersson, Anders Nilsson, Bradley Anholt, Earl Werner, Curtis Lively, Frederick Adler, Daniel Grunbaum, and Wilfried Gabriel.
Peirene Press Ltd The Brothers
Finland, 1809. Henrik and Erik are brothers who fought on opposite sides in the war between Sweden and Russia. With peace declared, they both return to their snowed-in farm. But who is the master? Sexual tensions, old grudges, family secrets: all come to a head in this dark and gripping saga. ------- Why Peirene chose to publish this book: 'This is a historical novel in miniature form. It deals in dark passions and delivers as many twists as a 500-page epic. And if that were not enough, each character speaks in a distinct voice and expresses a unique take on reality. I'm thrilled to be publishing a book that is as Finnish as a forest in winter - but that resembles a work from the American South: William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying.' Meike Ziervogel, Publisher
HarperCollins Publishers The Biggest Bluff: How I Learned to Pay Attention, Master Myself, and Win
How a New York Times bestselling author and New Yorker contributor parlayed a strong grasp of the science of human decision-making and a woeful ignorance of cards into a life-changing run as a professional poker player, under the wing of a legend of the game Maria Konnikova had never actually played poker before and didn’t even know the rules when she approached Erik Seidel – Poker Hall of Fame inductee, winner of tens of millions of dollars in earnings – and asked him to be her mentor. She had faced a stretch of personal bad luck, and her reflections on the role of chance in her life had pointed her to poker as the ultimate master class in learning to distinguish what can be controlled and what can’t. Seidel was in, and soon Konnikova was down the rabbit hole with him, a journey that would lead her to the following year’s World Series of Poker. Then something extraordinary happened. Under Seidel’s guidance, Konnikova began to have many epiphanies about life that derived from her new pursuit, including how to better read not just her opponents but far more importantly herself. She found her way to making better decisions and to a place where she could accept luck for what it is, and what it isn’t. But she also began to win. She even learned to like Las Vegas. In the end, Konnikova is a student of human behaviour, and ultimately the point of her incredible adventure was to render it into a container for its invaluable lessons. The biggest bluff of all, she learned is that skill is enough. This is a book that will focus your mind and strengthen your hand.
Johns Hopkins University Press Sublime Noise: Musical Culture and the Modernist Writer
When Stravinsky's Rite of Spring premiered in Paris in 1913, the crowd rioted in response to the harsh dissonance and jarring rhythms of its score. This was noise, not music. In Sublime Noise, Josh Epstein examines the significance of noise in modernist music and literature. How - and why - did composers and writers incorporate the noises of modern industry, warfare, and big-city life into their work? Epstein argues that, as the creative class engaged with the racket of cityscapes and new media, they reconsidered not just the aesthetic of music but also its cultural effects. Noise, after all, is more than a sonic category: it is a cultural value judgment - a way of abating and categorizing the sounds of a social space or of new music. Pulled into dialogue with modern music's innovative rhythms, noise signaled the breakdown of art's autonomy from social life-even the "old favorites" of Beethoven and Wagner took on new cultural meanings when circulated in noisy modern contexts. The use of noise also opened up the closed space of art to the pressures of publicity and technological mediation. Building both on literary cultural studies and work in the "new musicology," Sublime Noise examines the rich material relationship that exists between music and literature. Through close readings of modernist authors, including James Joyce, T. S. Eliot, Edith Sitwell, E. M. Forster, and Ezra Pound, and composers, including George Antheil, William Walton, Erik Satie, and Benjamin Britten, Epstein offers a radically contemporary account of musical-literary interactions that goes well beyond pure formalism. This book will be of interest to scholars of Anglophone literary modernism and to musicologists interested in how music was given new literary and cultural meaning during that complex interdisciplinary period.
Profile Books Ltd Ocean of Sound: Ambient sound and radical listening in the age of communication
David Toop's extraordinary work of sonic history travels from the rainforests of Amazonas to the megalopolis of Tokyo via the work of artists as diverse as Brian Eno, Sun Ra, Erik Satie, Kate Bush, Kraftwerk and Brian Wilson. Beginning in 1889 at the Paris exposition when Debussy first heard Javanese music performed, Ocean of Sound channels the competing instincts of 20th century music into an exhilarating, path-breaking account of ambient sound. 'A meditation on the development of modern music, there's no single term that is adequate to describe what Toop has accomplished here ... mixing interviews, criticism, history, and memory, Toop moves seamlessly between sounds, styles, genres, and eras' Pitchfork's '60 Favourite Music Books'
John Wiley & Sons Inc Socialnomics: How Social Media Transforms the Way We Live and Do Business
The benchmark book on to the effects and implications of social media on our daily lives, and how businesses can harness its power Socialnomics is an essential book for anyone who wants to understand the implications of social media on our daily lives and how businesses can tap the power of social media to increase their sales, cut their marketing costs, and reach consumers directly. In this revised and updated second edition, author Erik Qualman presents new material based on meeting with 75 Fortune 1000 companies, 50 colleges and universities, and over 100 small businesses & non-profits since the first edition. Qualman's materials have been used from IBM to NASA to Harvard to local businesses. Lists the top ten easy opportunities that companies and organization miss when it comes to social media Describes where social media should reside in an organization and the necessary building blocks for success Explains why over 50 percent of companies still block social media to their employees and why this is a detriment to success Shares proper training methods for your ENTIRE organization on social media; not just the chosen few Reviews the top companies, organizations and individuals using social media, explaining what separates them from other companies and how to replicate their success Social media can transform your business and your relationship with consumers. Discover what social media can do for you, and what you can do for others while using social media.
Regnery Publishing Inc Fierce Valor
Fans of Stephen E. Ambrose’s Band of Brothers will be drawn to this complex portrait of the controversial Ronald Speirs, an iconic commander of Easy Company during World War II, whose ferocious courage in three foreign conflicts was matched by his devotion to duty and the bittersweet passions of wartime romance. Fight Like You Mean to Win His comrades called him “Killer.” Of the elite paratroopers who served in the venerated “Band of Brothers” during the Second World War, none were more enigmatic than Ronald Speirs. Rumored to have gunned down enemy prisoners and even one of his own disobedient sergeants, Speirs became a foxhole legend among his troops. But who was the real Lieutenant Speirs? In Fierce Valor, historians Jared Frederick and Erik Dorr unveil the fuller story of Easy Company’s longest-serving commander. Tested by trials of extreme training, milita
Edinburgh University Press Beyond Eastern Noir: Reimagining Russia and Eastern Europe in Nordic Cinemas
The first comprehensive conceptualisation of Russia and neighbouring Eastern Europe in post-1989 Nordic filmAddressing representations of Russia and neighbouring Eastern Europe in post-1989 Nordic cinemas, this ground-breaking book investigates their hitherto overlooked transnational dimension. Departing from the dark stereotypes that characterise much of 'Eastern noir', the book presents Russia and Eastern Europe as imagined spaces depicted with a surprisingly rich, but previously neglected cinematic diversity. Cross-disciplinary in its approach, and utilising in-depth case studies of feature films, documentaries and television dramas, such as 'Lilya 4-ever', 'A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence' and 'Occupied', the book presents a variety of perspectives on Russia and Eastern Europe found in the Nordic audiovisual imagination and considers how increasingly transnational affinities have led to a reimagining of Norden's eastern neighbours in contemporary Nordic films.Case studies include:Born American (Renny Harlin, Finland, 1986)Orion's Belt (Ola Solum, Norway, 1985)Maximum Penalty (Tomas Gislason, Denmark, 2000)Occupied (TV series, Norway 2015-)Interrogation (Jorn Donner, Finland, 2009)Burnt by Frost (Knut Erik Jensen, Norway, 1997)Ice Kiss (Knut Erik Jensen, Norway, 2008)Screwed in Tallinn (Tomas Alfredson, Sweden, 1999)Take Care of Your Scarf, Tatjana (Aki Kaurismaki, Finland, 1994)Lilya 4-ever (Lukas Moodysson, Sweden, 2002)Buy Bye Beauty (Pal Hollender, Sweden, 2001)The 3 Rooms of Melancholia (Pirjo Honkasalo, Finland 2004)A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence (Roy Andersson, Sweden, 2014)The Cuckoo (Alexandr Rogozkhin, Russia, 2002)Popular Music (Reza Bagher, Sweden, 2004)Upperdog (Sara Johnsen, Norway, 2009)Fight for Existence (TV series, Norway, 2014 15)
Stanford University Press The Institutional Imperative: The Politics of Equitable Development in Southeast Asia
Why do some countries in the developing world achieve growth with equity, while others do not? If democracy is the supposed panacea for the developing world, why have Southeast Asian democracies had such uneven results? In exploring these questions, political scientist Erik Martinez Kuhonta argues that the realization of equitable development hinges heavily on strong institutions, particularly institutionalized political parties and cohesive interventionist states, and on moderate policy and ideology. The Institutional Imperative is framed as a structured and focused comparative-historical analysis of the politics of inequality in Malaysia and Thailand, but also includes comparisons with the Philippines and Vietnam. It shows how Malaysia and Vietnam have had the requisite institutional capacity and power to advance equitable development, while Thailand and the Philippines, because of weaker institutions, have not achieved the same levels of success. At its core, the book makes a forceful claim for the need for institutional power and institutional capacity to alleviate structural inequalities.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Chastity: Reconciliation of the Senses
The word ‘chastity’, at first sight, may seem intimidating, something to be dismissed out of hand. It is, however, something very different to celibacy. At a time when religion is in decline in the Western world and when it often seems that the senses have run riot, Erik Varden shows that chastity, the single minded direction of the senses, is a loveable quality and one that affects and beautifies humankind. The terms sexuality and wholeness indicate that to be sexual is to exist in a state of incompleteness longing to be restored. Wholeness points to a healing embrace that we desire so greatly. In Biblical language, chastity is a function of simplicity of sight. We are no longer torn apart by our passions and our desires, indeed they may reach their fulfilment. Body and spirit, male and female, order and disorder, passion and death can move from creative tension to a new kind of wholeness. Varden’s text is enriched by a wide range of references to scripture, literature, music, painting and sculpture.
HarperCollins Publishers Hammer Nail
Inspired by radical Italian designer Enzo Mari, this practical book with step-by-step DIY projects forhand built, beautiful furniture is a tribute to his simple ideas that challenged the consumerism of the furniture industry.Many interpreted Enzo Mari's book Autoprogettazione? as a manifesto of nostalgic longing for a pre-capitalist society where people built what they needed themselves, but Mari's goal wasn't to make people cease consuming. Mari wanted people to consider the more basic aspects of the objects we surround ourselves with and what it is that makes a piece of furniture, beautiful, comfortable and functional.Taking Enzo Mari and his book as his influence, Erik Eje Almqvist unpacks the practical aspects of the Autoprogettazione? theory, offering simple designs for handbuilt, beautiful furniture. Using just a hammer, nails and boards cut to standard dimensions, Hammer & Nail explores only a few techniques but arms the reader with skills and inspiration for life. With easy-to-