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Equinox Publishing Ltd Vernacular Knowledge: Contesting Authority, Expressing Beliefs
Vernacular knowledge is a realm of discourses and beliefs that challenge institutional authorities and official truths, defying regulation and eluding monovocal expressions of the status quo. Unlike monolithic ‘truths’, religious or secular, vernacular knowledge tends to be dynamic, fluid, ambivalent, controversial, appearing in multiple forms and open to alternatives. Ranging through culturally, religiously, geographically, politically, and socially varied contexts, Vernacular Knowledge examines heteroglot expressions of knowledge revealed in various genres: traditional tales and personal experience narratives, rumours and jokes, alternative histories and material culture, placelore and ritual. Transmitted through multiple communication strategies (face to face, social media, online forums, publications, etc.) vernacular knowledge is shared and shaped communally but individually articulated and actualised. Covering various realms of the supernatural, such as ghosts, saints, spirits, magic, energy lines, and divination, vernacular knowledge also underpins beliefs and assertions such as those expressed in conspiracy theories, challenges to politically and ideologically determined creeds, and other socially compelling ideas that undermine prevailing wisdom. Vernacular religion operates in creative tension not only in relation to institutional forms of religion but also to secularism, state sponsored atheism and scientific rationalism. Both vernacular knowledge and vernacular religion consistently (though often invisibly) challenge the homogeneity of dominant discourses and the hegemony of institutionalised authorities in myriad contexts. This volume is dedicated to Leonard Norman Primiano (1957–2021).
New York University Press The Women’s Mosque of America: Authority and Community in US Islam
Analyzes how American Muslim women assert themselves as religious actors in the US and beyond, using the Qur’an as a tool for social justice and community building The Women’s Mosque of America (WMA), a multiracial, women-only mosque in Los Angeles, is the first of its kind in the United States. Since 2015, the WMA has provided a space for Muslim women to build inclusive communities committed to gender and social justice, challenging the dominant mosque culture that has historically marginalized them through inadequate prayer spaces, exclusion from leadership, and limited access to religious learning. Tazeen M. Ali explores this congregation, focusing on how members contest established patriarchal norms while simultaneously contending with domestic and global Islamophobia that renders their communities vulnerable to violence. Drawing on textual analysis of WMA sermons and ethnographic interviews with community members, and utilizing Black feminist and womanist frameworks, Ali investigates how American Muslim women create and authorize new conceptions of Islamic authority. Whereas the established model of Islamic authority is rooted in formal religious training and Arabic language expertise, the WMA is predicated on women’s embodied experiences, commitments to social and racial justice, English interpretations of the Qur’an, and community building across Islamic sects and in an interfaith context. Situating the US at the center rather than at the margins of debates over Islamic authority and showing how American Muslim women assert themselves as meaningful religious actors in the US and beyond, Ali’s work offers new insights on Islamic authority as it relates to the intersections of gender, religious space, and national belonging.
Legal Action Group Children in Need: Local Authority Support for Children and Families
Children are in need of support not due to any fault on their part but due to their circumstances. Local authorities have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and provide services to those 'in need'. Children in Need is a comprehensive and accessible handbook that sets out the statutory obligations of local authorities to support vulnerable children and families, including children in, and leaving, custody, disabled children, migrant children and families, trafficked children and children leaving care. Taking a rights-based approach, it analyses domestic and international law and sets out the entitlements to services and support that are all too often denied. Uniquely focused on the often-neglected Part 3 of the Children Act 1989, Children in Need combines authoritative guidance on the law with practical advice from a team who routinely act for children and their families in the court. Children in Need is up to date to include: * detailed coverage of the new guidance, Working together to safeguard children (2013) and its impact * analysis of recent key cases, including R(KO) v Lambeth LBC and R(VC) v Newcastle City Council * Case-law developments in respect of duties to migrant children and their families, following the judgment in Clue * details of the new National Standards for Youth Justice Services (2013) Children in Need is essential reading for claimant lawyers, advocates, voluntary and statutory sector advisers, local authority lawyers and frontline staff, social workers and academics. It is intended to assist all those who work with and for children 'in need' and their families to understand and apply the law to the benefit of vulnerable children.
University of Nebraska Press Arapahoe Politics, 1851-1978: Symbols in Crises of Authority
The Northern Arapahoes of the Wind River Reservation contradict many of the generalizations made about political change among native plains people. Loretta Fowler explores how, in response to the realities of domination by Americans, the Arapahoes have avoided serious factional divisions and have succeeded in legitimizing new authority through the creation and use of effective political symbols.
DOM Publishers Architectural Guide South Africa: Architectural Guide
This guide is a celebration of the works of professional architects in three South African metropolitan centres, namely Cape Town, Durban and the Johannesburg/Pretoria Axis. The content ranges from the early years of European settlement, where architects were trained by the military schools of engineering, through the period of apprenticeship either to a recognised practicing architect or in public works, to the twentieth century and beyond, where architects were regulated as professionals by legislation, as was their education. The projects selected are all secular, being either in the public domain or eye, and therefore readily accessible. This guide is structured along main themes, each historically located. Each episode or project type featured is highlighted by a representative from each metropolitan centre, each being discussed in broader detail alongside similar contemporaneous local examples. In total the guide features over a hundred-and-fifty projects with all salient information as to their dates of construction, designers and locality (by way of QR codes).
DOM Publishers Urbanity and Density: In 20th-Century Urban Design
In the writing of urban design history of the twentieth century, functionalist and avant-garde models of the dissolution of the city are dominating. In contrast this book presents projects whose goal is the ideal of a dense and urbane city. Drawing on plans, built examples and theories of dense and urban cities and city districts in the twentieth century, modern examples of urban design are analysed and highlighted, which until now have been evaluated more as fringe phenomena. These include examples characterized by functional mixture, social openness, spatially defined public spaces, urban architecture, historical reference and a cultural understanding of the city. The book's new evaluation of modern urban design history creates opportunities for current planning by offering best-practice models, which better reflect the striving for urbanity and density.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Reconfigurations of Authority, Power and Territoriality: Emerging Governance Challenges
Expansive and engaging, this book investigates the fluidity of sites of power and authority in global politics. Examining the key shifts and turns of politics in globally oriented spaces since the end of the Cold War, contributions from leading scholars explore the continually shifting parameters of global governance.The book assesses how, in this ever-evolving global space, norms and rules are constantly being challenged and new technologies are altering the scope and uses of political power. Chapters explore these reconfigurations of authority, power, and territoriality, critically analysing the implications of the rise of multiple states as powerful actors in the international system, dissecting the dominant discourse on the securitization of migration and displacement, and assessing the growing divide between legality and legitimacy in world politics. In demonstrating how expectations of legitimacy in governance structures and processes have become more pronounced, the book ultimately exposes the limitations in the transformative potential of the liberal international order.Offering interdisciplinary perspectives on critical world order challenges, this wide-ranging book is an essential resource for scholars of international relations, international law, political theory, critical security studies, and migration studies. It will also be of particular interest to practitioners working in intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations.
DOM Publishers Deutsches Architektur Jahrbuch 2024/German Architecture Annual 2024
The German Architecture Annual, edited by the German Architecture Museum (DAM), has been documenting contemporary architectural projects in Germany for the past 40 years. This year's edition of the annual presents the shortlist of 25 buildings selected by the jury for the 2024 DAM Preis for Architecture in Germany. The building reviews, written by architectural critics, along with large-format photographs, provide a deep insight into those works.
DOM Publishers Public Aquariums: Construction and Design Manual
The task of designing a large aquarium presents architects with a multiplicity of challenges: the fundamental elements of interior design – light, colour, and surfaces – must be meshed with special requirements concerning building technology. This book takes a comprehensive look at the development of architecture and display methods for artificial underwater worlds. Based on analysis of more than 50 historical and contemporary buildings, the editors formulate ten parameters to serve as guidelines in the design of future buildings. The aim of this publication is to provide architects and their clients, zoologists and operators of large aquariums, with planning parameters and quality criteria to help them in designing a sustainable aquarium. This book is the sixth volume in a series of publications by the Institute for Zoo Architecture at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Dessau.
DOM Publishers Urban Activism in Eastern Europe and Eurasia: Strategies and Practices
With the rise of grassroots initiatives in urban spaces across Eastern Europe and Eurasia in recent decades, Urban Activism in Eurasia addresses three central questions: What are distinctive features and the dynamic of urban activism in contemporary post-Soviet cities? How urban civic engagement does evolve on a micro level and in larger-scale processes? How a variety of group and individuals who claim to the city space and its development find their own ways to initiate local urban change. The volume challenges the prevailing simplistic view of weak, passive and scared citizens in Eastern European and Eurasian cities, which are often seen to be predominantly shaped by neo-liberal and authoritarian structures. Instead, we argue for the vibrant diversity and dynamism in the contemporary urban civic activism in Eurasia. Employing diverse sources such as intriguing photographs, interviews with local activists and scholarly reports from the field of anthropology, urban planning, architecture, political sciences and sociology, the edited volume explores the creativity and novelty of Eurasian urban grass roots activism. Drawing on these multi-disciplinary perspectives, the volume hopes to overcome distances and trigger dialogues in several respects and realms: among the interested public, activists, ‘urban decision makers’ and scholars in East and West, North and South alike. With contributions by Andrei Semenov, Levon Abrahamian, Gayane Shagoyan, Nadia Douglas, Oleg Pachenkov, Lila Voronkova, Christian Frohlich, Lela Rekviashvili, Esma Berikishvili, David Sichinava, Alexander Formosov, Nazaket Azimli, Otto Habeck, Jonas Büchel, Carola S. Neugebauer, Olena Denysenko and Tsypylma Darieva.
DOM Publishers Imprint of the Future: Destiny of Piranesi's City
Russian architect and draughtsman Sergei Tchoban has always striven to understand the laws which govern the development of cities such as his native St Petersburg and the great prototypes in whose image it was created. But is it possible to preserve such cities’ outstanding quality today? Can we pursue this quality now, at the current stage of development of architecture? This catalogue poses these central questions. It accompanies an exhibition of Tchoban’s work at the Istituto Centrale per la Grafica in Rome, scheduled to take place from October 2020 to January 2021. It also marks the 300th anniversary of the birth of Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Tschoban inserts emphatically futuristic structures into the Italian artist’s eighteenth-century Roman street scenes. Do such works constitute ruined masterpieces or imprints of the future? Is harmony being destroyed or is a fundamentally new type of harmony being created? Tchoban believes that a similar transformation of the European city has been happening for at least a century and that society must finally work out how to relate to this process. Essentially, Piranesi’s true legacy is a call to an honest conversation regarding the layers and parts that constitute the European city as both a highly important piece of our heritage and a space for future development.
DOM Publishers Phnom Penh: Architectural Guide
Founded in the fifteenth century, planned and rebuilt by the French, and then modernised and expanded in the era after independence, the city of Phnom Penh displays a diverse mix of styles. Here, early religious and vernacular buildings, the glittering structures of the Royal Palace, and colonial buildings of the French Protectorate (1863–1953) coexist with the gems of the ‘New Khmer Architecture’ of the 1960s. After the destructive period under the Khmer Rouge, the city went through a rebirth. It has seen rapid modernisation and economic development in recent years, and its urban landscape is transforming at a breathtaking pace. This guide offers a comprehensive overview of Phnom Penh’s built heritage, highlighting its history and architectural layers. In addition to covering better-known masterpieces, it also takes readers through the city’s ‘everyday architecture’, revealing places off the beaten track. Illustrated with contemporary photographs and historical images, the book presents more than 140 works that illuminate the four major phases of development in the city’s ever-changing urban history. It thus makes an important contribution to current debates on heritage preservation in the booming metropolis. Interviews with local experts present their individual perspectives on the city and place the buildings in a broader context.
DOM Publishers The Power of Past Greatness: Urban Renewal of Historic Centres in European Dictatorships
The redevelopment of historical centers became an important policy field in the era of European dictatorships following the First World War. At that time historical centers were regarded as shabby and as tarnishing the desired image of a magnificent new city, of a showcase of the dictatorship. This led to the widespread demolition of older buildings. Historical streets and squares disappeared and were replaced by new apartments and workplaces for the loyal middle classes, by car-friendly roads and ostentatious new buildings. Nevertheless, the redevelopment of historical centers did not exclusively mean the eradication of the ‘old town’. The aim of the dictatorship in many cases was also the preservation, and often the cultic display, of historical testimonials to past greatness. The book presents examples of the redevelopment of historical centers in Mussolini’s Italy, in Stalin’s Soviet Union, in Hitler’s Germany, in Salazar’s Portugal and in Franco’s Spain.
DOM Publishers Alexandria: Architectural Guide
Founded by Alexander the Great in 332 BC, Alexandria was for a long time the largest city in the ancient world. Flattened by a tsunami in 365 AD, it was little more than a fishing village when captured by Napoleon in 1798. The 19th century saw it become the centre of the Egyptian cotton trade, bringing prosperity and an influx of European merchants. Then came the bombardment by the English in 1882, which almost flattened the city a second time, and the revolution of 1952, which in effect condemned many of its residential buildings to slow but picturesque decay. The ebbs and flows of history and different cultures (especially Arabic, Muslim, Greek, Italian, English, and, not least, Jewish) have all left their marks on Alexandria’s architecture. There are classical ruins; Ottoman fortifications; Egyptian okelles (medieval merchants’ buildings); a colourful fishing port; mosques, shrines, churches, and synagogues; mansions and apartment buildings in the neo-Renaissance, art deco, and international styles; brutalist post-revolutionary institutions. And then are oddities such as the Cotton Palace Tower, a skyscraper intended for use as the headquarters of the country’s cotton industry but inexplicably abandoned before completion. This book, the first systematic guide to the architecture of Alexandria, is the work of many enthusiastic hands. The texts and photographs were produced by students and staff at the Architecture Faculty of Alexandria University.
DOM Publishers Architectural Map Delhi
DOM Publishers Territorien am Rande des Nervenzusammenbruchs
DOM Publishers Luxemburg. Architekturführer
DOM Publishers Architekturfhrer Kopenhagen
DOM Publishers München. Architekturführer
DOM Publishers Architekturführer Mond
DOM Publishers Izmir. Architekturführer
DOM Publishers Public Humanities in Architecture: Reflections on Heritage, Culture, and History
Anyone concerned with the history, tradition, and culture of our built environment will sooner or later come across the term ‘Public Humanities’. At the interface between an academic discipline and the media-oriented culture industry, Public Humanities is established as a field of inquiry in the US and is increasingly becoming so in Europe too. Whether this field of research remains a product of Western culture will only become apparent in the coming years. However, linking architectural debate with the humanities is an important concern of the papers collected here. These essays on architectural theory provide academic food for thought while encouraging reflection on the discipline of architecture and stimulating urban design in the twenty-first century. The lectures collected here are from a class on Public Humanities at Brown University.
DOM Publishers Architekturfhrer Metropolregion Frankfurt RheinMain Frankfurt am Main Offenbach am Main Mainz Wiesbaden Darmstadt
DOM Publishers Architekturfhrer Sdtirol
DOM Publishers Düsseldorf. Architekturführer
DOM Publishers Innenarchitektur Entwurfshilfe und Projektsammlung
From office planning and museum concepts to medical practices: this handbook shows 50 examples from the creative oeuvre of architect Carsten Wiewiorra. The project collection from his many years of practice also provides the basis for his teaching as a professor at the Detmold School of Architecture and Interior Design. The practical part is supplemented by a richly illustrated introduction with seven theses on interior design, which deal equally with the emotional spatial effect, technical implementation and financial aspects. In addition, the didactic design aid contains execution plans true to scale, as they have proven themselves in planning and construction site practice.
DOM Publishers Architekturfhrer Stockholm
DOM Publishers Mies van der Rohe Das kunstlose Wort Gedanken zur Baukunst
DOM Publishers Fundamentals of Competition Management
DOM Publishers Stalin's Architect: The Rise and Fall of Boris Iofan
Boris Iofan (1891 – 1976) was considered Josef Stalin’s ‘court architect’ due to his closeness to the dictator, whose design ideas he translated into reality. His name is associated with projects such as the House on the Embankment, the Soviet pavilion at the 1937 Paris World’s Fair and the Palace of the Soviets, which was never realised. In the period from 1932 to 1947, he was one of the most important, if not the most important architect of the Soviet Union. This biography, a detailed study of Iofan’s creative development, is based on previously unpublished documents. It also contains never-before-published visual material, including original drawings and sketches by the architect and his collaborators: most of this comes from Iofan’s archive, which is now in the collection of the Museum für Architekturzeichnung in Berlin.
DOM Publishers Treehouses: And Other Modern Hideaways
The fourth, expanded edition of this successful title presents over 50 contemporary treehouses and various conceptions designed by architect Andreas Wenning. The spectrum ranges from private refuges to adventure spaces in nature and treehouse hotels. This volume is completed by substantial essays on questions relating to statics and construction.
DOM Publishers Aarhus: Architectural Guide
Aarhus, Denmark’s second largest town will be the European Capital of Culture in 2017 for a good reason: for decades “the world’s smallest big city” has hosted one of the largest cultural events in Scandinavia, the festival week at the end of each summer. Aarhus attracts a growing population with its combination of urbanity, proximity to nature and educational institutions, which are amongst the country’s fi nest, including an architectural school that has produced many of the talents nowadays, promoting Danish architecture worldwide. 6 essays on the city’s history and development 120 contemporary buildings and architectural highlights, starting from the early twentieth century Major projects in the planning Grouping by location, including maps
DOM Publishers Australia: Architectural Guide
The Architectural Guide Australia presents over 200 projects in the vast island continent that is home to natural wonders, coastal settlements, and tropical climates up north. Each chapter, dedicated to one of the nation’s eight state capitals, presents buildings that represent the major moments in the country’s architectural history, from its colonial origins to the contemporary era. The book includes a short introduction to Australia’s most influential architects as well as essays by Harry Seidler, John Gollings, and David Bridgman. Seidler’s essay argues for the incorporation of sunlight and shadow, phenomena so distinctly characteristic of the country’s climate, into architectural design both from an aesthetic and practical standpoint. Gollings offers a historical sweep of Australian architecture before identifying the three major architectural strands of contemporary Australia. Bridgman explores the challenges of designing in the hot-humid tropics in particular, outlining the climatic considerations that must be accounted for when building in those regions. Each chapter also includes an interview with a prominent architectural practice active in the respective city. The architects offer their views on the characteristics of Australian architecture and comment on their own practice within this context. With its comprehensive map, aerial photographs, and array of images, this book is the ideal companion for those exploring Australia.
DOM Publishers Alexey Shchusev: Architect of Stalin’s Empire Style
Alexey Shchusev (1873–1949) was one of the most celebrated architects of the Soviet Union, famous for Lenin’s Mausoleum in Moscow. Not only a gifted designer of many prominent buildings, his career was quite unique and closely intertwined with the turbulent course of Russian and Soviet history. He was one of the very few architects who managed to rise to the top of the architectural hierarchy under the tsars and then to repeat this success under Soviet rule. Already before the Revolution of 1917, Shchusev was an acclaimed Revivalist architect, wellknown for his church designs and Moscow’s Kazan Station. In the 1920s, he became a renowned Constructivist. Following the official renunciation of Avant-Garde architecture ordered by Stalin, Shchusev swiftly became an advocate of Socialist Classicism, designing many projects in the dictator’s favoured Empire Style in order to satisfy the Stalinist state’s needs for monumental representation. Combining a scholarly study of Shchusev’s career with stunning photographs this book traces the development of this artistically and politically gifted architect through the architectural and historical changes in the first half of the twentieth century.
DOM Publishers The Morphology of the Times: European Cities and their Historical Growth
This book highlights radical urban transformation in eight cities spread across continental Europe. The point of departure, and the foundation of European urbanisation, is the Roman colonial town. In every case social dynamics guided the urban transitions in a traceable way, such that it has been possible to deduce the intellectual underpinnings of the contemporary built environments, as featured in these pages. Differing contexts of time and place show the overarching march of European history and related themes at the urban level. Fundamental changes are brought to light. Each story demonstrates a separate and fundamental transition, ranging from earlier collective configurations to the more institutionalised structures of later periods.
DOM Publishers Rome: Architectural Guide
Rome has had an enormous influence on European art and art history for over 2,000 years. Indeed, the city was the birthplace of the foundations of western architecture. This architectural guide en-courages visitors to go beyond the most frequently visited historical landmarks to explore the hidden architectural pearls of Rome. The focus is on unusual – yet less-known – buildings that were built from the second half of the 20th century onwards. From cultural and educational institutes, sport facilities, and residen-tial buildings to sacred and mixed-use buildings through to transport infra-structure: this book presents 140 pro-jects that cover a wide range of architec-tural styles and typologies.
DOM Publishers Mass Housing in the Socialist City: Heritage, Values, and Perspectives
Mass housing in Germany, Russia, and Ukraine represents an enormous volume of housing today and therefore a huge resource for the future development of cities. But transformation of these districts is needed due to the functional, societal, and technical problems and challenges they face. How can sustainable, socially compatible, ecological responsible, and economically efficient development be achieved? The book summarises the results of a three-year research project. Based on the selected case studies, it points out the qualities and values as well as the problems and potentials involved in spatially transforming prefabricated housing estates from the 1960s and 1970s. The specific features and characteristics of the socialist city are evaluated with respect to their potentials and difficulties, and with regard to the requirements placed on future district planning and development. Hence this book contributes to the on-going discussion and serves as a valuable basis for developing planning strategies.
DOM Publishers Architekturfhrer SchleswigHolstein
DOM Publishers Le Corbusier
DOM Publishers Architekturfhrer Warschau
DOM Publishers Rural Utopia and Water Urbanism: The Modern Village in Franco’s Spain
Post-Civil War Spain used the countryside as locus and symbol for the reconstruction and modernisation of the state. The Modern Village in Franco’s Spain studies the reconstruction of the towns devastated between 1936 and 1939. It analyses the ideological, political, and urbanistic principles of Franco’s hydro-social programme of modernisation of the countryside through the creation of man-made landscapes (Kulturlandschaften) of dams, irrigation canals, electric power plants, and new settlements – a genuine experiment in water urbanism. The consequent strategy of interior colonisation entailed the construction of 300 new villages or pueblos, each designed as a ‘rural utopia’ centred on a plaza mayor, which embodied, between tradition and modernity, the political ideal of civil life under the national-catholic regime. In the 1950s – 1960s, a new generation of architects, including José Luis Fernández del Amo, Alejandro de la Sota, and Antonio Fernández Alba, reimagined the pueblos as platforms of urban and architectonic experimentation in their search for an abstracted rural vernacular and an organic urban form merging with the landscape.
DOM Publishers Shrinking Cities in Romania: Research and Interventions
Gathering a large group of academics, re-searchers, artists, architects, and urban planners, the publication Shrinking Cities in Romania is a pioneering initiative to raise awareness of an acute and pervasive yet too little discussed matter: the socio-cultural, physical, economic, and demo-graphic decline of Romanian cities, as a widespread phenomenon. Following the exhibition that took place at the National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC) in 2016, the book illustrates the various fac-ets of the urban transformation that is taking place in many Romanian cities, thus linking the case to the global context of this urban phenomenon. The research re-ceived the AD Astra prize in 2014 as well as the Architecture Annual prize for Visions and Research in 2017.
DOM Publishers Exhibition Halls: Construction and Design Manual
An exhibition centre is a central focus of a city's economic life, and in many cases a unique expression of its image. For this reason, as well as offering adequate space and infrastructure, it must make a strong, clearly recognizable architectural statement. Over the past couple of decades, new technology and globalization have transformed trade fairs: today they are not so much markets as forums for the exchange of information and contacts. This new volume in the Construction and Design Manual series spotlights twenty-two exemplary European buildings that have overcome the resulting architectural challenges. It also includes an overview of the cultural history of European trade fairs, and an interview on successful exhibitioncentre design with Volkwin Marg of gmp Architekten, one of the world's leading specialists in this area of architecture.
DOM Publishers Eugenio Miozzi: Modern Venice between Innovation and Tradition 1931–1969
Despite the fact that he shaped Venice and its contemporary form, Eugenio Miozzi remains a little-known figure. Yet both locals and visitors experience his legacy every day, in particular when they cross his bridges: from the Ponte della Libertà, the Ponte dell’Accademia, the various bridges over the Rio Nuovo, to the exemplary Ponte degli Scalzi. Miozzi, chief engineer of the Commune of Venice from 1931 to 1954, carried out a large number of works and projects, including a vast modernist parking garage and the Casino on the Lido. The prolific engineer-architect played a role in the development of the Fenice, made plans for the restoration of the city and the extension of the Tronchetto, and designed a trans-lagoon road and a motorway from Venice to Monaco. These projects and the others presented in this illustrated volume represent Miozzi’s efforts to combine the centuries-old traditions of Venice with a spirit of innovation as a guarantee for the city’s survival.
DOM Publishers Spying on Moscow: A Winged Guide To Architecture
This collector’s album presents Moscow’s architectural icons. With photographic precision, Denis Esakov captures the fifth façade of the largest European metropolis: roofs, domes, and cube-like buildings stacked on top of each other. By gazing through the drone’s eye, the artist fosters a novel visual aesthetic that opens up new vistas, even for Moscow connoisseurs.
DOM Publishers Chisinau: Architectural Guide
Chisinau, today the capital and largest city of the Republic of Moldova, has undergone tumultuous changes under the successive political regimes that marked the twentieth century. Once part of the territory seized by the Russian Empire, it was integrated into the Romanian Kingdom during the interwar period, before being annexed by the USSR, like all of Bessarabia, and radically transformed into a socialist city. This guide focuses on the latter period. The distinct urbanistic and architectural tendencies after the Second World War are reflected in the five segments of the book: the Stalinist Empire, Soviet Modernism, Postmodernism, Soviet Brutalism, and the Industrial City. Each reflects the essential Soviet mandate to build not only a new city, but also a new society. In addition to photographic documentation and critical analysis of socialist architecture, the guide also includes essays on Chisinau’s development between 1945 and 1989, devoted among other things to the city’s cinemas and life in ‘microraions’.
DOM Publishers Astana: Architectural Guide
Amid the endless plains of Kazakhstan, an extraordinary architectural experiment has arisen: Astana. Formerly an outpost of the Tsarist Empire in the barren steppe, the location had developed into a typical Soviet provincial town. However, both internationally renowned and local architects are now designing spectacular and unique buildings in this dynamic city. Furthermore, Astana will host the Expo 2017 which will take place only twenty years after the city was built in the steppe alongside the old centre. The Astana Architectural Guide documents eighty diverse buildings and projects in the Kazakh metropolis, which was masterplanned by Kisho Kurokawa, and examines the contradictory nature at play within oriental traditions, western models and Soviet influences. Therefore, this publication represents a critical analysis of architecture and capital city planning in the centre of Eurasia.