Search results for ""author derib"
Societe d'Etudes Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France (SELAF) La Langue Lua ("Niellim") (Groupe Boua-Moyen-Chari, Tchad): Phonologie, Morphologie, Derivation Verbale
Nova Science Publishers Inc Derivation of Q-Analogs for the Radial Schrodinger-Equation in N Space-Dimensions
John Wiley & Sons Inc Trading VIX Derivatives: Trading and Hedging Strategies Using VIX Futures, Options, and Exchange-Traded Notes
A guide to using the VIX to forecast and trade markets Known as the fear index, the VIX provides a snapshot of expectations about future stock market volatility and generally moves inversely to the overall stock market. Trading VIX Derivatives will show you how to use the Chicago Board Options Exchange's S&P 500 volatility index to gauge fear and greed in the market, use market volatility to your advantage, and hedge stock portfolios. Engaging and informative, this book skillfully explains the mechanics and strategies associated with trading VIX options, futures, exchange traded notes, and options on exchange traded notes. Many market participants look at the VIX to help understand market sentiment and predict turning points. With a slew of VIX index trading products now available, traders can use a variety of strategies to speculate outright on the direction of market volatility, but they can also utilize these products in conjunction with other instruments to create spread trades or hedge their overall risk. Reviews how to use the VIX to forecast market turning points, as well as reveals what it takes to implement trading strategies using VIX options, futures, and ETNs Accessible to active individual traders, but sufficiently sophisticated for professional traders Offers insights on how volatility-based strategies can be used to provide diversification and enhance returns Written by Russell Rhoads, a top instructor at the CBOE's Options Institute, this book reflects on the wide range of uses associated with the VIX and will interest anyone looking for profitable new forecasting and trading techniques.
APress Options and Derivatives Programming in C++23: Algorithms and Programming Techniques for the Financial Industry
This book is a hands-on guide for programmers who want to learn how C++ is used to develop solutions for options and derivatives trading in the financial industry. It explores the main algorithms and programming techniques used in implementing systems and solutions for trading options and derivatives. This updated edition will bring forward new advances in C++ software language and libraries, with a particular focus on the new C++23 standard. The book starts by covering C++ language features that are frequently used to write financial software for options and derivatives. These features include the STL (standard template library), generic templates, functional programming, and support for numerical code. Examples include additional support for lambda functions with simplified syntax, improvements in automatic type detection for templates, custom literals, modules, constant expressions, and improved initialization strategies for C++ objects. This book also provides how-to examples that cover all the major tools and concepts used to build working solutions for quantitative finance. It discusses how to create bug-free and efficient applications, leveraging the knowledge of object-oriented and template-based programming. It has two new chapters covering backtesting option strategies and processing financial data.. It introduces the topics covered in the book in a logical and structured way, with lots of examples that will bring them to life. Options and Derivatives Programming in C++23 has been written with the goal of reaching readers who are looking for a concise, algorithms-based book that provides basic information through well-targeted examples and ready to use solutions. What You Will Learn Gain insight into the fundamental challenges of the options and derivatives market Master the features of the C++ language used in quantitative financial programming Understand quantitative finance algorithms for options and derivatives Build pricing algorithms around the Black-Scholes model, and use binomial and differential equations methods Who This Book Is For Professional developers who have some experience with the C++ language and would like to leverage that knowledge into financial software development.
Peeters Publishers Grammaire Fondamentale Du Latin. Tome IX: Creation Lexicale: La Formation Des Noms Par Derivation Suffixale
Ce volume de la "Grammaire Fondamentale du Latin" livre l'etat actuel de la connaissance en matiere de creation lexicale des noms, substantifs et adjectifs, par derivation suffixale en latin.Attendu par les specialistes de linguistique latine, cet ouvrage de 406 pages est destine prioritairement aux etudiants et aux enseignants de lettres classiques, de lettres modernes et de langues romanes mais il s'adresse aussi a un public plus large.Qu'il soit latiniste ou non, le lecteur trouvera dans plusieurs chapitres de ce livre relatif aux donnees latines une analyse du lexique conduite dans une optique cognitive. Il constatera que la creation lexicale est une illustration privilegiee du fonctionnement du cerveau humain et que l'examen des lexemes suffixes permet d'aborder plus aisement la complexite des processus eminemment complexes mis en oeuvre dans l'activite langagiere.Les auteurs se rattachent, de par leur formation, au structuralisme de F. de Saussure, d'E. Benveniste ou a la semantique structurale d'E. Coseriu. Neanmoins le structuralisme qu'ils pratiquent se caraterise par la reconnaissance d'un continuum entre les diverses classes de mots construits et la notion de loi fait place a la mise en evidence de modeles complexes dont les potentialites sont susceptibles de s'actualiser ou non et de s'agencer selon des schemas qui ont plus une capacite d'explication que de prediction.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Commodities and Commodity Derivatives: Modeling and Pricing for Agriculturals, Metals and Energy
The last few years have been a watershed for the commodities, cash and derivatives industry. New regulations and products have led to an explosion in the commodities markets, creating a new asset for investors that includes hedge funds as well as University endowments, and has resulted in a spectacular growth in spot and derivative trading. This book covers hard and soft commodities (energy, agriculture and metals) and analyses: Economic and geopolitical issues in commodities markets Commodity price and volume risk Stochastic modelling of commodity spot prices and forward curves Real options valuation and hedging of physical assets in the energy industry It is required reading for energy companies and utilities practitioners, commodity cash and derivatives traders in investment banks, the Agrifood business, Commodity Trading Advisors (CTAs) and Hedge Funds. In Commodities and Commodity Derivatives, Hélyette Geman shows her powerful command of the subject by combining a rigorous development of its mathematical modelling with a compact institutional presentation of the arcane characteristics of commodities that makes the complex analysis of commodities derivative securities accessible to both the academic and practitioner who wants a deep foundation and a breadth of different market applications. It is destined to be a "must have" on the subject.” —Robert Merton, Professor, Harvard Business School "A marvelously comprehensive book of interest to academics and practitioners alike, by one of the world's foremost experts in the field." —Oldrich Vasicek, founder, KMV
Ediciones Cátedra Ciudades a la deriva Drifting Cities Trilogia Trilogy Letras Universales Universal Writings
Escritor de la diáspora, Stratís Tsircas nació en El Cairo en 1911. Tras el dramático declive de la colonia griega, se trasladó a Atenas en 1963, donde vivió hasta su muerte en 1980. Su obra más ambiciosa, la trilogía Ciudades a la deriva, hito de la narrativa griega contemporánea, lleva el sello de un escritor que quiso conjugar la perspectiva histórica, el compromiso político y la independencia crítica con las enseñanzas de la modernidad literaria y el legado de C. P. Cavafis. Segunda Guerra Mundial. Tras la ocupación de Grecia por la Alemania nazi, las brigadas griegas en el exilio contribuyen al esfuerzo bélico aliado en Oriente Medio. Tres ciudades, Jerusalén, El Cairo y Alejandría, son el escenario en el que se entremezclan ?en una compleja red de relaciones de poder? militares y civiles, nativos y refugiados, políticos y espías, comunistas, liberales y fascistas, europeos, árabes y judíos, idealistas y cínicos, víctimas y verdugos. Espacio de encuentro entre historia y ficción,
John Wiley & Sons Inc International Corporate Finance: Value Creation with Currency Derivatives in Global Capital Markets
As globalization is redefining the field of corporate finance, international finance is now part and parcel of the basic literacy of any financial executive. This is why International Corporate Finance is a “must” text for upper-undergraduates, MBAs aspiring to careers in global financial services and budding finance professionals. International Corporate Finance offers thorough coverage of the international monetary system, international financing, foreign exchange risk management and cross-border valuation. Additionally, the book offers keen insight on how disintermediation, deregulation and securitization are re-shaping global capital markets. What is different about International Corporate Finance? Each chapter opens with a real-life mini-case to anchor theoretical concepts to managerial situations. Provides simple decision rules and “how to do” answers to key managerial issues. Cross-border Mergers & Acquisitions, Project Finance, Islamic Finance, Asian Banking & Finance are completely new chapters that no other textbooks currently cover. Accompanied with a comprehensive instructor support package which includes case studies, an Instructor’s Manual, PowerPoint slides, Multiple Choice Questions and more.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF): Therapeutic Approaches, Role in Neuronal Development & Effects on Cognitive Health
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Words Derived from Old Norse in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: An Etymological Survey
The most rigorous description ever undertaken of the Scandinavian influence on the vocabulary of a major Middle English text, and a new model for the collection and analysis of Norse loans in any English source. A new survey of the etymological evidence for nearly 500 words in one of the most famous and important Middle English poems Conducted in accordance with a groundbreaking new system of etymological classification, and with references to all relevant previous scholarship going back to the nineteenth century Contains new insights into the etymologies, forms, meanings and textual interpretation of hundreds of Middle English words Includes a new introduction to the scholarly study of the Old Norse influence on English vocabulary, including a detailed discussion of methodologies
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematics of the Financial Markets: Financial Instruments and Derivatives Modelling, Valuation and Risk Issues
Mathematics of the Financial Markets Financial Instruments and Derivatives Modeling, Valuation and Risk Issues "Alain Ruttiens has the ability to turn extremely complex concepts and theories into very easy to understand notions. I wish I had read his book when I started my career!" Marco Dion, Global Head of Equity Quant Strategy, J.P. Morgan "The financial industry is built on a vast collection of financial securities that can be valued and risk profiled using a set of miscellaneous mathematical models. The comprehension of these models is fundamental to the modern portfolio and risk manager in order to achieve a deep understanding of the capabilities and limitations of these methods in the approximation of the market. In his book, Alain Ruttiens exposes these models for a wide range of financial instruments by using a detailed and user friendly approach backed up with real-life data examples. The result is an excellent entry-level and reference book that will help any student and current practitioner up their mathematical modeling skills in the increasingly demanding domain of asset and risk management." Virgile Rostand, Consultant, Toronto ON "Alain Ruttiens not only presents the reader with a synthesis between mathematics and practical market dealing, but, more importantly a synthesis of his thinking and of his life." René Chopard, CEO, Centro di Studi Bancari Lugano, Vezia / Professor, Università dell'Insubria, Varese "Alain Ruttiens has written a book on quantitative finance that covers a wide range of financial instruments, examples and models. Starting from first principles, the book should be accessible to anyone who is comfortable with trading strategies, numbers and formulas." Dr Yuh-Dauh Lyuu, Professor of Finance & Professor of Computer Science & Information Engineering, National Taiwan University
Dr Ludwig Reichert Amphikinese Und Amphigenese: Morphologische Und Phonologische Untersuchungen Zur Genese Amphikinetischer Sekundarbildungen Und Zur Internen Derivation Im Indogermanischen
Nova Science Publishers Inc Division, Derision, Decisions: How Brexit and the Trump Presidency Influenced Populist Empowerment and the Intersection of Rights
In 2016, both the United Kingdom and the United States found themselves embroiled in bitter battles, battles in which the citizens themselves became their own worst enemies. The Brexit campaign and campaign for the 45th presidency precipitated a rebirth of populism and nationalism, invigorating entire populations and inducing even the most casual observer into political action and discourse. Yet, in both cases, what began as an endeavour to serve the needs of the citizenry morphed into a battlefield of derision and division. Racism and xenophobia are no longer isolated issues affecting only small segments of society. Hate crimes, hate speech, and overt racial discrimination are on the rise worldwide stemming from populist empowerment. Domestic terrorism has surged across the West, particularly in the US. An atmosphere of hostility has emerged, pitting neighbour against neighbour, as it insidiously sweeps through society, permanently altering our understanding of right and wrong and law and order. These issues are now at the forefront of debate and have assumed a position on the frontline of political warfare worldwide. The parallels between the societal changes in the UK and US are not merely provocative, they are disarming, particularly in light of the ensuing rise in far-right and far-left terrorism across the West. In the US, this societal transformation and rise in domestic threat demonstrates a charged and changed political atmosphere, as well as heralding the decline of American democracy.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Pivots, Patterns, and Intraday Swing Trades, + Website: Derivatives Analysis with the E-mini and Russell Futures Contracts
An original approach to trend discovery and trade entry Initial forays into day trading stock index futures reveal a starkly different decision environment. There is no time to dwell on technical conditions. Intraday volatility in the stock indices is far more exaggerated than the daily bar charts of other markets, partly due to the extreme leverage, partly due to the intense attention. And positioning techniques that prove reliable in the action of the long-term trends in other instruments tend to fail in the countertrend reactions of the highly leveraged S&P futures contract within the short-term. For the informed trader, tremendous opportunities in these intraday trend swings can be captured. This book will show you how. Filled with detailed technical models, this reliable resource skillfully utilizes innovative methodologies for trend discovery and trade entry in mini-stock index futures markets. It offers a fresh approach to understanding and capitalizing on market volatility, allowing you to sort out the apparent chaos of the day trading environment through codified and recognizable trade entry setups. Highlights trading techniques that are anything but mechanical scalping Explores conceptual event models and their accompanying rules Contains tools by which major intraday swing trends can be identified quickly and often at the very turning points where they begin Explains the underlying order and structure to the markets based on the repetitive nature of human behavior Engaging and informative, this reliable resource will put you in a better position to excel in today's dynamic markets.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fixed-Income Analysis for the Global Financial Market: Money Market, Foreign Exchange, Securities, and Derivatives
This comprehensive new book explains and clarifies the essential building blocks underlying the pricing and risk analysis of fixed-income securities and derivatives - using mathematics lightly, to make things easier, not harder. The emphasis throughout is on how-to-do, on building operational knowledge from the ground up. There are more than 300 examples and exhibits based on current market data. You will find essential information on: * The global money market * Foreign exchange transaction and foreign exchange derivatives * Bonds and zero coupon bonds - including a risk management-driven discussion of duration and convexity * Interest rate swaps, currency swaps, and exchange-traded futures * Stochastic models and option pricing * Stochastic models of the yield curve
University of California Press A Scotch Paisano in Old Los Angeles: Hugo Reid's Life in California, 1832-1852 Derived from His Correspondence
This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1939.
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Méthodes numériques avancées sous Matlab(R) 2: Résolution des équations non linéaires, différentielles et aux dérivées partielles
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds, Volume 4: Ter- and Quinque-Valent Phosphorus Acids and Their Derivatives
There are four volumes in this series on organophosphorus chemistry, a sub-series of Saul Patai's Chemistry of Functional Groups series. Together the volumes provide comprehensive coverage of the entire organophosphorus area, which is critical to main-line organic chemistry in both academic and industrial circles. The general format of the material on organophosphorus chemistry follows that of the volumes in the Patai series, with commissioned chapters on the theoretical/structural aspects, stereochemistry, synthesis, photochemistry, spectroscopy and biochemistry.
Collective Ink Healing Plants of Greek Myth: The origins of Western medicine and its original plant remedies derive from Greek myth
Greek myth is part of our background, the names of many of the gods and goddesses known to us all. Within the myths are numerous references to plants used by goddesses and gods to heal or enchant, and the names of many of these plants have been incorporated into the Latin binomials that are used to identify them. By half a millennium BCE the physician god Asclepius entered into the mythology and temples were built to him called Asclepiaea, where the sick came to worship him and sleep with serpents in dormitories, hoping to experience miracle cures. At around the same time the first actual physicians began to practice within the Asclepiaea, using herbs, surgery and dietary advice. From these remote beginnings Greek medicine and botany evolved and were recorded, first in the Hypocratic Corpus, then by many other famous Greek physicians including Theophrastus, Dioscorides and Galen, who recorded the medicinal plants they used. This book traces the evolution of Greek medicine, the source of Western medicine, and looks at a selection of plants with healing properties, including a large number of trees which were both sacred and medicinal.
Red Wheel/Weiser Fact, Fiction, and Flying Saucers: The Truth Behind the Misinformation, Distortion, and Derision by Debunkers, Government Agencies, and Conspiracy Conmen
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Effective Theories for Brittle Materials: A Derivation of Cleavage Laws and Linearized Griffith Energies from Atomistic and Continuum Nonlinear Models
La doctrina derivada del recurso de casacin contenciosoadministrativo en materia de funcin pblica Anlisis de la jurisprudencia casacional 20162020 Spanish Edition
Análisis sistemático de las sentencias dictadas hasta el 31 Dic. de 2020 en base al nuevo modelo casacional por la Secc. 4 de la Sala de lo Contencioso del Tribunal Supremo sobre función pública, así como de los Autos admitiendo recursos de casación.
Editorial Planeta Mexicana S.A. de C.V. La Dictadura de la Minora Cmo Revertir La Deriva Autoritaria Y Forjar Una Democracia Para Todos Tyranny of the Minority
A A Balkema Publishers Solar Radiation Atlas of Africa: Global and diffuse radiation fluxes at ground level derived from imaging data of the geostationary satellite METEOSAT 2
Observations cover the continents Africa and Europe, the Middle East and wide regions of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Results for the time period (1985-1986) are presented as coloured images and in the form of tables. To ensure the accuracy of these retrieved solar radiation fields at ground level, a comparison with all available ground based pyranometer measurements was made.
Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki La 'Tempesta' Di Giorgione E Il Suo Programma Iconologico Derivato Dalla Teogonia Di Esiodo: Il Poeta, Amalthea, Zeus Bambino E Le Muse
Universitatsverlag Winter A Systematic Research of the Platonic Perception-Theory: Plato's Analysis of Human Beings' Perception Ability Derived from the Conditions of the World's Perceptibility
Mango Media The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains: An Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and the Technology that Powers Them (Cryptography, Derivatives Investments, Futures Trading, Digital Assets, NFT)
Understand Bitcoin, Blockchains, and Cryptocurrency“Antony helps us all clearly understand the mechanics of bitcoin and blockchain.” ―Rob Findlay, Founder, Next Money#1 Best Seller in Investing Derivatives and Natural Resource Extraction Industry, Futures Trading, Banks & Banking, Energy & Mining, Monetary Policy, and Computers & TechnologyThere’s a lot written on cryptocurrency and blockchains. But, for the uninitiated, most of this information can be indecipherable. The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains provides a clear guide to this new currency and the revolutionary technology that powers it.Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies. Gain an understanding of a broad spectrum of Bitcoin topics including the history of Bitcoin, the Bitcoin blockchain, and Bitcoin buying, selling, and mining. Learn how payments are made, and how to put a value on cryptocurrencies and digital tokens.Blockchain technology. What exactly is a blockchain, how does it work, and why is it important? The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains answers these questions and more. Learn about notable blockchain platforms, smart contracts, and other important facets of blockchains and their function in the changing cyber-economy.Things to know before buying cryptocurrencies. Find trustworthy and balanced insights into Bitcoin investing and investing in other cryptocurrency. Discover the risks and mitigations, learn how to identify scams, and understand cryptocurrency exchanges, digital wallets, and regulations.Learn about: Blockchain technology and how it works Workings of the cryptocurrency market Evolution and potential impacts of Bitcoin and blockchains on global businesses You’ve read books such as Blockchain Bubble or Revolution, Cryptoassets, Blockchain Technology Explained, Blockchain Revolution, The Bitcoin Standard, Mastering Bitcoin, or Bitcoin For Dummies, but to really understand the technology read The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains.
Peter Lang AG Non-Traditional Aspects of the Mexican Financial Crisis of 1994/95: Structural Weaknesses in the Real Sector and the Role of Domestic Investors, OTC Derivatives & Synthetic Capital Flows
The Mexican Crisis of 1994/5 was the first financial crisis that spilled over into the real sector. This thesis explores three unconventional research strands. The first is the assessment of the Mexican trade structure to evaluate possible impulses from the real to the monetary sector, which can be discarded. However, a structural weakness, an export structure based largely on pre-imported inputs (and oil) contributes significantly to current account deficits. The second is the triggering role of domestic investors, and not foreign capitals, in the financial stampede that elicited the crisis. The last strand highlights the role of OTC financial derivatives and the thereof resulting «synthetic capital flows», which reached in Mexico 4.9% of GDP in 1994. These transactions were crucial to underpin currency appreciation, to the development of a credit boom and external imbalances and finally determined the emergence of the crisis.
Cinebook Ltd Yakari Vol. 18: The Wall Of Fire
In the middle of the night, a daring thief from another tribe makes off with the horses of Yakari's people. Only Little Thunder managed to escape him by fleeing into the forest. While the warriors hurry after their precious mounts, Yakari goes in search of his friend... who is himself trailing the thief! Once the two groups converge near a huge camp, Yakari will have to display extraordinary cleverness to help his folk...
Cinebook Ltd Yakari 6 - Yakari in the Land of the Wolves
Tormented Wolf, a warrior from Yakari's tribe, has an obsession: to take his revenge on the wolf who attacked and injured him three winters before. This wolf limps - Yakari has crossed the path of Three Legs. He is afraid, but a dream and the intervention of Great Eagle, his totem, encourage him to join the wolves. He will earn the trust of the pack's leader.
Cinebook Ltd Yakari 10 - The River of Forgetfulness
While trying to save a bear cub from drowning, Yakari falls into the river and hits his head on a rock. By the time he washes ashore and is found by a distraught bear mother, he has forgotten who he is. The she-bear is convinced that he is her son, turned into a human by the Bear Spirit, and begins to train him for his new life. Can Yakari's friends find him before he disappears into his new world for good?
Cinebook Ltd Yakari Vol. 16: The Lake Monster
The Beavers are very worried: Linden Tree, Yakari's young and mischievous friend, has lost his appetite for... well, everything. And his people have no time to devote to him, as they must repair their precious dam, damaged by heavy rains. While the young Sioux attempts to dispel his friend's melancholy, Thousand-mouths suddenly realises he is several labourers short of a full work gang. Is something in the lake going after the hard-working beavers?
Cinebook Ltd Yakari Vol. 20: The Cloud Maker
After a long rainy spell, large stretches of the prairie are flooded, much to the displeasure of most of its inhabitants. Yakari visits his friends to make sure everyone is alright, then falls asleep that night and dreams of clouds mysteriously coming out of the water. The young Sioux's dreams are not always completely random, though, and the next day he rides out in search of signs. What he finds will soon unite all his friends in a desperate rescue mission ...
Norma Editorial, S.A. Yakari 7
APRENDE A RESPETAR LA NATURALEZA Y LA AMISTAD CON YAKARI, EN UNA OBRA DE AVENTURAS TRADUCIDA A MÁS DE 10 IDIOMAS En cada nueva aventura, Yakari se alía con un animal salvaje diferente con el que se comunica para hacer comprender a los más pequeños la importancia de respetar la naturaleza. En estas dos nuevas aventuras, Yakari conocerá mejor a los bisontes y... ayudará a dar a luz a uno de ellos! Además, Poco Arranque, el más débil de los guerreros sioux, se aventura en el territorio de los grandes cuervos para convertirse en el primer hombre en el espacio!
Cinebook Ltd Yakari Vol. 19: The Devil Of The Woods
The enchanted and enchanting adventures of a young Sioux who speaks the language of animals. The 19th volume of a magical series for kids. In the middle of winter, while Yakari and his friends play in the snow, the tribe's hunters kill a terrified wapiti. A welcome catch, for the stocks of food are running low. But the next day, all the meat that had been left to dry has disappeared! The hunters set out after the thief, and soon begin to suspect a bear. Yakari then decides to visit his furry friends to identify the culprit... Ages 6-10
Cinebook Ltd Yakari Vol. 21: Fury From The Skies
It's summer on the prairie, a hot, oppressive summer that has everyone's temper flaring. While Yakari's family, eager to find the buffalo they are tracking, has moved some distance from the other Sioux, nature suddenly unleashes its rage, and a tornado tears through the main camp. Tipis torn, supplies scattered, the tribe must now rebuild... but there are also several people missing, blown away by the twister and perhaps injured or trapped. Yakari sets out to look for them...
Cinebook Ltd Yakari 4 - Yakari and the Grizzly
Something very serious is happening in the High Hills. Several animals have disappeared. A terrible grizzly has captured them and treats them as slaves, forcing them to find food for him. Arming himself with courage, Yakari bravely decides to face the vile tyrant. But how can a child stand before the wild animal? Great Eagle advises Yakari to wait for winter, when the bear, satiated, will sleep...
Cinebook Ltd Yakari 14 - Lords of the Plains
After a hunt that brought the tribe much needed supplies, Yakari is visited in his dreams by the buffalo, killed the day of his birth, whose pelt still serves as his blanket. Intrigued, the young Sioux and Little Thunder go see the great herd. From encounter to encounter, and by helping a young mother and her newborn calf against a particularly nasty wolf, Yakari learns to know those majestic animals so important to his own people's survival...
Cinebook Ltd Yakari 12 - Little Thunder's Secret
Little Thunder answers a mysterious call and sets off on a quest-alone. Little Thunder is quite an astounding pony, and he and Yakari truly are the best of friends. So when upon waking up one morning, he discovers that his mount has left the village, the young Sioux boy is devastated. He tries to find his friend, but is forced to give up as the trail grows cold: whatever it is that drives Little Thunder, he's heading due south as fast as he can. What is it that calls out to him?
Cinebook Ltd Yakari 5 - Yakari and the Stranger
Another exciting addition to the cult Yakari series! In Yakari and the Stranger, there's panic amongst the beavers. A pelican, fiendishly sick with a cold, makes an emergency landing amongst them. Not only does he keep them all awake with his sneezes, but he's dying of hunger. Yakari and Little thunder bring him to the otters, who cram him with fish. The pelican puts on weight quickly, but his thundering cold persists!
Cinebook Ltd Yakari 3 - Yakari and the Beavers
Yakari discovers a colony of beavers busy building their dam. There we find Thousand-mouths, the short-tempered building site boss; Dam-of-Wood, the smiling old wise man; Wooden-Bed, the sleepyhead; Double-Tooth, the eternally inspired sculptor...and last but not least Little Lime Tree, a lively kid. While they are bathing, this infernal little beaver disappears. Yakari will find him.
Cinebook Ltd Yakari Vol. 17: The Snow Bird
One day when heavy rains force them to play inside, Yakari and Rainbow are startled by a strange sound. To their amazement, it's followed by their whole tipi suddenly taking off and flying straight north, with them inside! After several hours of a not entirely pleasant journey, they're greeted on landing by Rainbow's spirit guide Nanabozho, the Great Rabbit, who wants them to meet the inhabitants of the great north. Among those is a mysterious white bird...
Cinebook Ltd Yakari vol. 15 - The First Gallop: 15
Yakari learns from the tribe’s elder that the Sioux haven’t always been the magnificent riders they are now – indeed, that there was a time they didn’t even know what a horse was. Shaken, he speaks a little too demandingly to Little Thunder, wounding his four-legged friend who immediately runs away. Devastated, the young boy will have to track down his companion and find a way to earn his forgiveness if he ever wants to share a gallop with him again...
Cinebook Ltd Yakari 1 - Yakari and Great Eagle
Yakari is a little Indian, courageous and generous, whose happy life all children would like to share. Astride Little Thunder, his faithful mustang, Yakari gallops across the Great Prairie, where people and animals live in harmony and migrate according to the seasons. Endowed with the wonderful ability to talk with all the animals, Yakari comes to know their way of life and their environment.
Cinebook Ltd Yakari 13 - The Great Burrow
Yakari discovers the joys and the dangers of living underground. Yakari wakes up one morning to find a series of arrows forming a trail. Following it, he soon finds himself the exasperated victim of pranks, mockeries and other vexing tomfoolery by an unknown bear cub. The young joker s hideout is a massive burrow, with multiple galleries and entrances. It s all very innocent and tame, but even the most harmless of pranks can turn dangerous when bad luck strikes...