Search results for ""author craig""
Nova Science Publishers Inc Fumonisins: Natural Occurrence, Management Practices & Health Concerns
Baker Publishing Group Listening to Scripture – An Introduction to Interpreting the Bible
Looking for a guide to interpreting the Bible that is accessible, up-to-date, and theologically grounded? A renowned Old Testament scholar and coauthor of the bestselling The Drama of Scripture introduces us to reading the Bible with an ear toward hearing God's address. "When we read the Bible, we need to take off our shoes, as it were, because we are on holy ground," says Bartholomew. "We take up the Bible to read it, only to find that through it God speaks to us. This is the awesome potential of Bible reading and interpretation." Bartholomew begins with a theological orientation, including topics such as the relationship between prayer, analysis, and reading Scripture; the Bible as the true story of the whole world; and reading the text in light of its literary, historical, and kerygmatic (proclamation) dimensions. He then explores the history of interpretation before discussing how we receive the Bible liturgically, ethically, and missionally. Throughout the book, exercises in lectio divina invite readers to engage both the head and the heart as they learn to interpret the Bible. Professors and students of the Bible will value this work. It will also appeal to church leaders and other serious students of the Bible.
Princeton University Press Unsolved
Watch Craig Bauer discuss the Zodiac Killer's cipher on HISTORY's miniseries The Hunt for the Zodiac KillerIn 1953, a man was found dead from cyanide poisoning near the Philadelphia airport with a picture of a Nazi aircraft in his wallet. Taped to his abdomen was an enciphered message. In 1912, a book dealer named Wilfrid Voynich came into possession of an illuminated cipher manuscript once belonging to Emperor Rudolf II, who was obsessed with alchemy and the occult. Wartime codebreakers triedand failedto unlock the book''s secrets, and it remains an enigma to this day. In this lively and entertaining book, Craig Bauer examines these and other vexing ciphers yet to be cracked. Some may reveal the identity of a spy or serial killer, provide the location of buried treasure, or expose a secret societywhile others may be elaborate hoaxes.Unsolved! begins by explaining the basics of cryptology, and then explores the history behind an array of unsolved
Princeton University Press The Hunting Apes: Meat Eating and the Origins of Human Behavior
What makes humans unique? What makes us the most successful animal species inhabiting the Earth today? Most scientists agree that the key to our success is the unusually large size of our brains. Our large brains gave us our exceptional thinking capacity and led to humans' other distinctive characteristics, including advanced communication, tool use, and walking on two legs. Or was it the other way around? Did the challenges faced by early humans push the species toward communication, tool use, and walking and, in doing so, drive the evolutionary engine toward a large brain? In this provocative new book, Craig Stanford presents an intriguing alternative to this puzzling question--an alternative grounded in recent, groundbreaking scientific observation. According to Stanford, what made humans unique was meat. Or, rather, the desire for meat, the eating of meat, the hunting of meat, and the sharing of meat. Based on new insights into the behavior of chimps and other great apes, our now extinct human ancestors, and existing hunting and gathering societies, Stanford shows the remarkable role that meat has played in these societies. Perhaps because it provides a highly concentrated source of protein--essential for the development and health of the brain--meat is craved by many primates, including humans. This craving has given meat genuine power--the power to cause males to form hunting parties and organize entire cultures around hunting. And it has given men the power to manipulate and control women in these cultures. Stanford argues that the skills developed and required for successful hunting and especially the sharing of meat spurred the explosion of human brain size over the past 200,000 years. He then turns his attention to the ways meat is shared within primate and human societies to argue that this all-important activity has had profound effects on basic social structures that are still felt today. Sure to spark a lively debate, Stanford's argument takes the form of an extended essay on human origins. The book's small format, helpful illustrations, and moderate tone will appeal to all readers interested in those fundamental questions about what makes us human.
Zondervan 1 Corinthians
The NIV Application Commentary helps you communicate and apply biblical text effectively in today's context.To bring the ancient messages of the Bible into today's world, each passage is treated in three sections: Original Meaning. Concise exegesis to help readers understand the original meaning of the biblical text in its historical, literary, and cultural context. Bridging Contexts. A bridge between the world of the Bible and the world of today, built by discerning what is timeless in the timely pages of the Bible. Contemporary Significance. This section identifies comparable situations to those faced in the Bible and explores relevant application of the biblical messages. The author alerts the readers of problems they may encounter when seeking to apply the passage and helps them think through the issues involved. This unique, award-winning commentary is the ideal resource for today's preachers, teachers, and serious students of the Bible, giving them the tools, ideas, and insights they need to communicate God's Word with the same powerful impact it had when it was first written.
Baker Publishing Group 1 Peter – A Commentary
Leading New Testament scholar Craig Keener, one of the most trusted exegetes working today, is widely respected for his thorough research, sound judgments, and knowledge of ancient sources. His four-volume magnum opus on Acts has received high praise from all quarters. This commentary on 1 Peter features Keener's meticulous and comprehensive research and offers a wealth of fresh insights. It will benefit students, pastors, and church leaders alike.
Baker Publishing Group Paul, Women, and Wives – Marriage and Women`s Ministry in the Letters of Paul
Paul's letters stand at the center of the dispute over women, the church, and the home, with each side championing passages from the Apostle. Now, in a challenging new attempt to wrestle with these thorny texts, Craig Keener delves as deeply into the world of Paul and the apostles as anyone thus far. Acknowledging that we must take the biblical text seriously, and recognizing that Paul's letters arose in a specific time and place for a specific purpose, Keener mines the historical, lexical, cultural, and exegetical details behind Paul's words about women in the home and ministry to give us one of the most insightful expositions of the key Pauline passages in years.
Inter-Varsity Press Neither Poverty Nor Riches: Biblical Theology Of Possessions
One of the most difficult questions facing us today is that of the proper attitude toward possessions. In wealthy nations such as Britain and the USA, individuals accumulate much and yet are daily exposed to the plight of the poor, whether the homeless on their own city streets or starving children on their TV screens. What action should they take on behalf of the poor? What should they do with their own possessions? In Neither Poverty nor Riches Craig Blomberg asks what the Bible has to say to these issues. He avoids easy answers, and instead seeks a comprehensive biblical theology of possessions. Beginning with the groundwork laid by the Old Testament and the ideas developed in the intertestamental period, he draws out what the whole New Testament has to say on the subject and finally offers conclusions and applications relevant to the modern world. This is a book that all concerned with issues of poverty and wealth should read.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Penguin Readers Level 2: The Extraordinary Life of Steve Jobs (ELT Graded Reader)
Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content.The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary.The Extraordinary Life of Steve Jobs, a Level 2 Reader, is A1+ in the CEFR framework. Sentences contain a maximum of two clauses, introducing the future tenses will and going to, present continuous for future meaning, and comparatives and superlatives. It is well supported by illustrations, which appear on most pages.Steve Jobs was a brilliant inventor and businessman. His computers, tablets and iPods have changed our lives and work. Steve was sometimes very difficult to work with, but he was also special. He thought about the world in a different way, and he had many brilliant ideas.Visit the Penguin Readers websiteExclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys.
Oxford University Press Inc American Naval History: A Very Short Introduction
This fast-paced narrative traces the emergence of the United States Navy as a global power from its birth during the American Revolution through to its current superpower status. The story highlights iconic moments of great drama pivotal to the nation's fortunes: John Paul Jones' attacks on the British during the Revolution, the Barbary Wars, and the arduous conquest of Iwo Jima. The book illuminates the changes--technological, institutional, and functional--of the U.S. Navy from its days as a small frigate navy through the age of steam and steel to the modern era of electronics and missiles. Historian Craig L. Symonds captures the evolving culture of the navy and debates between policymakers about what role the institution should play in world affairs. Internal and external challenges dramatically altered the size and character of the navy, with long periods of quiet inertia alternating with rapid expansion emerging out of crises. The history of the navy reflects the history of the nation as a whole, and its many changes derive in large part from the changing role of the United States itself.
MP-FLO Uni Press of Florida The Nature of Plants
Plants play a critical role in how we experience our environment. They create calming green spaces, provide oxygen for us to breathe, and nourish our senses. In The Nature of Plants, ecologist and nursery owner Craig Huegel demystifies the complex lives of plants and provides readers with an extensive tour into their workings.
Alban Institute, Inc When God Speaks Through Worship: Stories Congregations Live By
The Institute for the Psychological Sciences Press God, Religion and Civil Governance
This volume, God, Religion, and Civil Governance, aims to confirm thatliberty and autonomy are essential to contemporary Western democraticsocieties. However, so is religion. Religious freedom actually servesas the most basic liberty that protects our other freedoms and humanrights, while serving the common good. Religious freedom, in this view,cannot be reduced to the freedom to worship the God of the universe.It also includes recognizing the moral structure of the universe and themoral principles that honor the basic dignity of each human personfrom conception to death. Although Christianity has influenced Westerncivilization's notion of God, religious freedom, its laws, and formsof governance, the effect of secularization and extreme views on theseparation of church and state have created new challenges for Westerncivilization. Claims about certain individual rights and governmentalprerogatives have been used to limit religious and other basic freedomsand rights. This volume addresses the major issues concerning God,religion, and civil governance in a way that offers guidance for a civicculture that seeks both a sure sense of its roots and a level measure forgovernance supported by just law, human dignity, and virtuous character.ABOUT THE EDITORCraig Steven Titus is Associate Professor and Director of Integrative Studiesat the Institute for the Psychological Sciences (Arlington, VA) and is the author ofResilience and the Virtue of Fortitude: Aquinas in Dialogue with the PsychosocialSciences (CUA Press, 2006) and numerous articles and book chapters. He has edited14 books.
University of Washington Press Radical Theatrics: Put-Ons, Politics, and the Sixties
From burning draft cards to staging nude protests, much left-wing political activism in 1960s America was distinguished by deliberate outrageousness. This theatrical activism, aimed at the mass media and practiced by Abbie Hoffman and the Yippies, the Black Panthers, and the Gay Activists Alliance, among others, is often dismissed as naive and out of touch, or criticized for tactics condemned as silly and off-putting to the general public. In Radical Theatrics, however, Craig Peariso argues that these over-the-top antics were far more than just the spontaneous actions of a self-indulgent radical impulse. Instead, he shows, they were well-considered aesthetic and political responses to a jaded cultural climate in which an unreflective “tolerance” masked an unwillingness to engage with challenging ideas. Through innovative analysis that links political protest to the art of contemporaries such as Andy Warhol, Peariso reveals how the “put-on” — the signature activist performance of the radical left — ended up becoming a valuable American political practice, one that continues to influence contemporary radical movements such as Occupy Wall Street.
Knesebeck Von Dem GmbH Die Verführung der Biene
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Diabetes Insipidus in Children: A Pocket Guide
Utilizing clinical case material of children with diabetes insipidus (DI), this concise, practical pocket guide will provide clinicians with the best real-world strategies to properly diagnose and manage the various manifestations of the disorder they may encounter. It presents a detailed cross-section of pediatric patients, with different etiologies of the disease and possible complications, to provide sensible management scenarios to physicians treating patients with DI. The cases presented include diagnostic strategies and radiological findings for familial and nephrogenic DI as well as DI resulting from hypophysitis, germ cell tumors, Rathkes Cleft Cysts, Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, craniopharyngiomas, genetic causes, and congenital malformations. Each case focuses on a specific learning objective with clinical pearls, and together these cases represent a comprehensive understanding of children with DI from many aspects.Managing pediatric patients with DI is a threefold challenge of determining the diagnosis, etiology and treatment. Pragmatic and reader-friendly, Diabetes Insipidus in Children is an excellent resource to assist endocrinologists and other clinicians caring for patients with this disease.
Faithlife Corporation When You Want to Yell at God
Think you know Job? Think again. Craig Bartholomew wants to help you read the book of Job from a different perspective. Let go of the Job you think you know--and discover the real man.Is it true that what goes around comes around? Does right behavior ensure blessing? Is suffering always brought on by wrongdoing? Job's story refutes these notions, but it proclaims a much greater truth--God is always faithful.Join Bartholomew in When You Want to Yell at God, and experience the beauty of one man's struggle with God.
University of Minnesota Press Grocery Activism: The Radical History of Food Cooperatives in Minnesota
A key period in the history of food cooperatives that continues to influence how we purchase organic food today Our notions of food co-ops generally don’t include images of baseball bat–wielding activists in the aisles. But in May 1975, this was the scene as a Marxist group known as the Co-op Organization took over the People’s Warehouse, a distribution center for more than a dozen small cooperative grocery stores in the Minneapolis area. The activist group’s goal: to curtail the sale of organic food. The People’s Warehouse quickly became one of the principal fronts in the political and social battle that Craig Upright explores in Grocery Activism. The story of the fraught relationship of new-wave cooperative grocery stores to the organic food industry, this book is an instructive case study in the history of activists intervening in capitalist markets to promote social change.Focusing on Minnesota, a state with both a long history of cooperative enterprise and the largest number of surviving independent cooperative stores, Grocery Activism looks back to the 1970s, when the mission of these organizations shifted from political activism to the promotion of natural and organic foods. Why, Upright asks, did two movements—promoting cooperative enterprise and sustainable agriculture—come together at this juncture? He analyzes the nexus of social movements and economic sociology, examining how new-wave cooperatives have pursued social change by imbuing products they sell with social values. Rather than trying to explain the success or failure of any individual cooperative, his work shows how members of this fraternity of organizations supported one another in their mutual quest to maintain fiscal solvency, promote better food-purchasing habits, support sustainable agricultural practices, and extol the virtues of cooperative organizing. A foundational chapter in the history of organic food, Grocery Activism clarifies the critical importance of this period in transforming the politics and economics of the grocery store in America.
University of Minnesota Press Grocery Activism: The Radical History of Food Cooperatives in Minnesota
A key period in the history of food cooperatives that continues to influence how we purchase organic food today Our notions of food co-ops generally don’t include images of baseball bat–wielding activists in the aisles. But in May 1975, this was the scene as a Marxist group known as the Co-op Organization took over the People’s Warehouse, a distribution center for more than a dozen small cooperative grocery stores in the Minneapolis area. The activist group’s goal: to curtail the sale of organic food. The People’s Warehouse quickly became one of the principal fronts in the political and social battle that Craig Upright explores in Grocery Activism. The story of the fraught relationship of new-wave cooperative grocery stores to the organic food industry, this book is an instructive case study in the history of activists intervening in capitalist markets to promote social change.Focusing on Minnesota, a state with both a long history of cooperative enterprise and the largest number of surviving independent cooperative stores, Grocery Activism looks back to the 1970s, when the mission of these organizations shifted from political activism to the promotion of natural and organic foods. Why, Upright asks, did two movements—promoting cooperative enterprise and sustainable agriculture—come together at this juncture? He analyzes the nexus of social movements and economic sociology, examining how new-wave cooperatives have pursued social change by imbuing products they sell with social values. Rather than trying to explain the success or failure of any individual cooperative, his work shows how members of this fraternity of organizations supported one another in their mutual quest to maintain fiscal solvency, promote better food-purchasing habits, support sustainable agricultural practices, and extol the virtues of cooperative organizing. A foundational chapter in the history of organic food, Grocery Activism clarifies the critical importance of this period in transforming the politics and economics of the grocery store in America.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Action Research in Education
Comprehensive overview of the theoretical, conceptual, and applied/practical presentations of action research as it is found and conducted solely in educational settings The Wiley Handbook of Action Research in Education is the first book to offer theoretical, conceptual, and applied/practical presentations of action research as it is found and conducted solely in educational settings. Covering primarily PK-12 educational settings, the book utilizes a cross-section of international authors and presentations to provide global perspectives on action research in education. Part I of The Wiley Handbook of Action Research in Education focuses on various foundational aspects and issues related to action research. Part II is centered on chapters that present theories and principles that help to guide the use of action research in educational contexts. Part III focuses on specific applications of educational action research in practice. Part IV provides an outlet for seven educational practitioners to share their experiences in conducting action research. Each of these authors also discusses the importance and value that action research has had on him or her, both professionally and personally. Discuss action research in PK-12, as well as in higher education settings The first book to focus on the importance and application of action research exclusively in educational settings Offers world perspectives on action research in education Written by a team of international scholars The Wiley Handbook of Action Research in Education is an excellent book for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and scholars studying and/or researching educational action research.
Cornell University Press The Green Hornet Street Car Disaster
As rush hour came to a close on the evening of May 25, 1950, one of Chicago's new fast, colorful, streamlined streetcars—known as a Green Hornet—slammed into a gas truck at State Street and 62nd Place. The Hornet's motorman allegedly failed to heed the warnings of a flagger attempting to route it around a flooded underpass, and the trolley, packed with commuters on their way home, barreled into eight thousand gallons of gasoline. The gas erupted into flames, poured onto State Street, and quickly engulfed the Hornet, shooting flames two hundred and fifty feet into the air. More than half of the passengers escaped the inferno through the rear window, but thirty-three others perished, trapped in front of the streetcar's back door, which failed to stay open in the ensuing panic. It was Chicago's worst traffic accident ever—and the worst two-vehicle traffic accident in US history. Unearthing a forgotten chapter in Chicago lore, The Green Hornet Streetcar Disaster tells the riveting tale of this calamity. Combing through newspaper accounts as well as the Chicago Transit Authority's official archives, Craig Cleve vividly brings to life this horrific catastrophe. Going beyond the historical record, he tracks down individuals who were present on that fateful day on State and 62nd: eyewitnesses, journalists, even survivors whose lives were forever changed by the accident. Weaving these sources together, Cleve reveals the remarkable combination of natural events, human error, and mechanical failure that led to the disaster, and this moving history recounts them—as well as the conflagration's human drama—in gripping detail.
New York University Press Religion and the Creation of Race and Ethnicity: An Introduction
The first collection to distinguish religion's role in the creation of race and ethnic categories Religion and the Creation of Race and Ethnicity is the first collection devoted to demonstrating the role that religion and myth have played in the creation of the categories of “race” and “ethnicity.” When scholars approach religion and race, they tend to focus on such issues as how African Americans have expressed Christianity, or how Japanese or Mexicans have lived “religiously.” This volume, meant specifically for those new to the field, brings together an ensemble of prominent scholars and illuminates instead the role religious myths have played in shaping those very social boundaries that we call “races” and “ethnicities.” It asks, what part did Christianity play in creating “Blackness”? To what extent was Japanese or Mexican identity itself the product of religious life? The text, comprised of all original material, introduces readers to the social construction of race and ethnicity and the ways in which these concepts are shaped by religious narratives. It offers examples from both the U.S. and around the world, exploring these themes in the context of places as diverse as Bosnia, India, Japan, Mexico, Zimbabwe, and the Middle East. The volume helps make the case that any account of the social construction of race and ethnicity will be incomplete if it fails to consider the influence of religious traditions and myths. Contributors include: Eddie S. Glaude, Jr., Joel Martin, Jacob Neusner, Roberto S. Goizueta, Laurie Patton, and Michael A. Sells.
New York University Press Staging Faith: Religion and African American Theater from the Harlem Renaissance to World War II
In the years between the Harlem Renaissance and World War II, African American playwrights gave birth to a vital black theater movement in the U.S. It was a movement overwhelmingly concerned with the role of religion in black identity. In a time of profound social transformation fueled by a massive migration from the rural south to the urban‑industrial centers of the north, scripts penned by dozens of black playwrights reflected cultural tensions, often rooted in class, that revealed competing conceptions of religion's role in the formation of racial identity. Black playwrights pointed in quite different ways toward approaches to church, scripture, belief, and ritual that they deemed beneficial to the advancement of the race. Their plays were important not only in mirroring theological reflection of the time, but in helping to shape African American thought about religion in black communities. The religious themes of these plays were in effect arguments about the place of religion in African American lives. In Staging Faith, Craig R. Prentiss illuminates the creative strategies playwrights used to grapple with religion. With a lively and engaging style, the volume brings long forgotten plays to life as it chronicles the cultural and religious fissures that marked early twentieth century African American society. Craig R. Prentiss is Professor of Religious Studies at Rockhurst University in Kansas City, Missouri. He is the editor of Religion and the Creation of Race and Ethnicity: An Introduction (New York University Press, 2003).
Princeton University Press Unsolved!: The History and Mystery of the World's Greatest Ciphers from Ancient Egypt to Online Secret Societies
A mathematical tour of some of the greatest unsolved ciphers of all timeIn 1953, a man was found dead from cyanide poisoning near the Philadelphia airport with a picture of a Nazi aircraft in his wallet and an enciphered message taped to his abdomen. In 1912, a book dealer named Wilfrid Voynich came into possession of an illuminated cipher manuscript once belonging to Emperor Rudolf II, who was obsessed with alchemy and the occult. Wartime codebreakers tried—and failed—to unlock the book’s secrets, and it remains an enigma to this day. In this lively and entertaining book, Craig Bauer examines these and other vexing ciphers yet to be cracked. Some may reveal the identity of a spy or serial killer, provide the location of buried treasure, or expose a secret society—while others may be elaborate hoaxes. He lays out the evidence surrounding each cipher, describes the efforts to decipher it, and invites readers to try their hand at puzzles that have stymied so many others.
Harvard University Press Chinese Asianism, 1894–1945
Chinese Asianism examines Chinese intellectual discussions of East Asian solidarity, analyzing them in connection with Chinese nationalism and Sino–Japanese relations. Beginning with texts written after the first Sino–Japanese War of 1894 and concluding with Wang Jingwei’s failed government in World War II, Craig Smith engages with a period in which the Chinese empire had crumbled and intellectuals were struggling to adapt to imperialism, new and hegemonic forms of government, and radically different epistemes. He considers a wide range of writings that show the depth of the pre-war discourse on Asianism and the influence it had on the rise of nationalism in China.Asianism was a “call” for Asian unity, Smith finds, but advocates of a united and connected Asia based on racial or civilizational commonalities also utilized the packaging of Asia for their own agendas, to the extent that efforts towards international regionalism spurred the construction of Chinese nationalism. Asianism shaped Chinese ideas of nation and region, often by translating and interpreting Japanese perspectives, and leaving behind a legacy in the concepts and terms that persist in the twenty-first century. As China plays a central role in regional East Asian development, Asianism is once again of great importance today.
University of Washington Press Seditious Histories: Contesting Thai and Southeast Asian Pasts
This collection of eleven essays by senior Asianist Craig Reynolds features debates about meaning in Southeast Asian and Thai history. He explores themes that have hitherto been treated superficially in Thai historical writing, including Siam’s semicolonialism in the late nineteenth century, the concepts of militarism and masculinity, collective memory and dynastic succession, the relationship of manual knowledge to ethnoscience, and the dialectics of globalization. Other more familiar topics under Reynolds’s microscope, treated with new material and approaches, include cultural nationalism and religious history.
Indiana University Press Kentucke's Frontiers
American culture has long celebrated the heroism framed by Kentucky's frontier wars. Spanning the period from the 1720s when Ohio River valley Indians returned to their homeland to the American defeat of the British and their Indian allies in the War of 1812, Kentucke's Frontiers examines the political, military, religious, and public memory narratives of early Kentucky. Craig Thompson Friend explains how frontier terror framed that heroism, undermining the egalitarian promise of Kentucke and transforming a trans-Appalachian region into an Old South state. From county courts and the state legislature to church tribunals and village stores, patriarchy triumphed over racial and gendered equality, creating political and economic opportunity for white men by denying it for all others. Even in remembering their frontier past, Kentuckians abandoned the egalitarianism of frontier life and elevated white males to privileged places in Kentucky history and memory.
The University of Chicago Press Nuns Behaving Badly: Tales of Music, Magic, Art, and Arson in the Convents of Italy
Witchcraft. Arson. Going AWOL. Some nuns in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Italy strayed far from the paradigms of monastic life. Cloistered in convents, subjected to stifling hierarchy, repressed, and occasionally persecuted by their male superiors, these women circumvented authority in sometimes extraordinary ways. But tales of their transgressions have long been buried in the Vatican Secret Archive. That is, until now. In "Nuns Behaving Badly", Craig A. Monson resurrects forgotten tales and restores to life the long-silent voices of these cloistered heroines. Here we meet nuns who dared to speak out about physical assault and sexual impropriety (some real, some imagined). Others were guilty only of misjudgment or of defacing valuable artwork that offended their sensibilities. But what unites the women and their stories is the challenge they faced: these were women trying to find their way within the Catholicism of their day and through the strict limits it imposed on them. In resurrecting these long-forgotten tales and trials, Monson also draws attention to the predicament of modern religious women, whose "misbehavior" - seeking ordination as priests or refusing to give up their endowments to pay for priestly wrongdoing in their own archdioceses - continues even today. The nuns of early modern Italy, Monson shows, set the standard for religious transgression in their own age - and beyond.
Craig J Pearson Australia's Agricultural Transformation
BOA Editions, Limited The Trembling Answers
At once an extension of and a departure from his previous explorations of family and art, Craig Morgan Teicher's The Trembling Answers delves boldly into the tangled realms of fatherhood, marriage, and poetry. Dealing with the day-to-day of family life--including the alert anxiety and remarkable beauty of caring for a child with severe cerebral palsy--these personal narratives brightly illuminate the relationship that exists between poetry and a life fiercely lived. Video Baby Monitor A watched pot never boils, so perhaps a son on a screen never dies. Like the eyes of a painting this image follows wherever we move. Surveillance is love, love is every moment the last. Barely moving picture, memory of now, sleep, be still, be safe. Night is long, life short. I cover you with my eyes. Craig Morgan Teicher: is the author of four books of poetry and fiction and the editor of Once and For All: The Best of Delmore Schwartz (2016). A prolific critic and reviewer of poetry, he has worked at Publishers Weekly for 10 years, where he is currently Director of Digital Operations. He teaches at New York University and Princeton University.
Michael O'Mara Books Ltd In Strictest Confidence
The third instalment in Craig Revel Horwood’s frank and funny autobiography takes the reader through the highs and lows of the Strictly Come Dancing star’s ‘fab-u-lous’ life. Join Craig and a host of Strictly stars - including Ore Oduba, Judy Murray and the unforgettable Ed Balls - on the show and live tours and get the real stories from behind the scenes.The Aussie-born judge shares his famously forthright views on the changes in the show’s line up, from Bruce Forsyth and Len Goodman’s departures to the arrival of Claudia Winkleman and Shirley Ballas, as well as the dancers and stars.Away from Strictly, Craig reveals fresh heartache over failed romances, his pain at losing his dad and how his work kept him from flying to Australia for the funeral. He marks the milestones in his life, including turning fifty and moving from London to live in a ‘gorgeousR
Eye Books The Rebel of Time
Doran West can travel through the ages. But so can his enemies... Welcome to the one-street village of Linntean in the Scottish Highlands. It's great for tourists, less so for local teenager Doran West. He and his best friend Zander crave a change of scenery, some excitement. What they have in mind is a weekend away to the nearest city. Fate has a little more in store. An accident while fleeing school bullies leads Doran to an extraordinary discovery: he can travel in time. What's more, he isn't alone. There are others who share his gifts, hiding in plain sight and tied to a shadowy organisation called the Eternalisium. With Zander in tow, he embarks on a terrifying odyssey through the ages, risking death on the gallows and battlefield, contending with ruthless enemies from the future and learning more than he'd like about his own adult self. Mind-bending, thrilling and funny, The Rebel of Time bounces from Robert the Bruce's Bannockburn to Leonardo Da Vinci's Tuscany, with stops in Hollywood and the First World War trenches, in a spellbinding adventure from a masterful new storyteller.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Toyota Automobiles & Unintended Acceleration
Nova Science Publishers Inc How to Market Your Book & Get It Published: Just the Nuts & Bolts
Michael O'Mara Books Ltd Dances and Dreams on Diamond Street
The debut novel from Strictly’s very own Craig Revel Horwood, this book will make you laugh, make you cry, and everything in between.‘Heartwarming, funny and FAB-U-LOUS!’ Woman magazine_________________________‘A story that sparkles on the page – I absolutely loved it.’ Milly Johnson_________________________Set against the colourful boho backdrop of London’s Camden in the 1990s, Dances and Dreams on Diamond Street, tells the story of an unlikely family of friends who each rent a room in a ramshackle six-bedroom, four-storey townhouse. Like any family, the residents of Diamond Street sometimes fight and often act up but when the chips are down, they’re there for each other in an instant – usually brandishing a cheap bottle of booze and the offer of an impromptu kitchen disco.Presided over by the wise-cracking but warm-hearted patriarch of the family, Danny Hall, a professional dancer turned choreographer, the novel follows a year in the life of the inhabitants of Diamond Street, rough diamonds one and all, as they try to achieve their dreams – with unexpected, heart-warming and sometimes hilarious results.
SAGE Publications Inc Organizational Ethics: A Practical Approach
Schiffer Publishing Ltd A Cruise Ship Primer: History & Operations
Cruise ships, the largest moving man-made objects, can be almost a quarter-mile long, as tall as a twenty-five-story building, and largely self-contained cities of 8,000 people. With 172 photographs and illustrations, the cruise ship is examined: its planning, construction, behind-the-scenes operation, and ultimate fate. More than 240 ships are highlighted as the cruise ship’s history is traced from its origins to its future projections. This book is a great resource for designers, architects, shipbuilders, and cruise ship passengers. Read it before you board and take it along when you sail.
Yale University Press Revelation: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
In this landmark commentary, Craig R. Koester offers a comprehensive look at a powerful and controversial early Christian text, the book of Revelation. Originally written for Christian communities in Asia Minor, Revelation depicts scenes of cosmic conflict in which God, the creator of the world, overcomes the forces of destruction and makes all things new. This often misunderstood portion of the New Testament repeatedly surprises readers by warning that judgment is imminent, only to interrupt the visions of terror with messages of hope and redemption. Koester provides richly textured descriptions of the book’s setting and language, making extensive use of Greek and Latin inscriptions, classical texts, and ancient Jewish writings, including the Dead Sea Scrolls. While Revelation has often been viewed as world-negating, this commentary focuses on its deep engagement with social, religious, and economic issues. It also addresses the book’s volatile history of interpretation and its cultural impact over the centuries. The result is a groundbreaking study that provides powerful insights and sets new directions for the continued appreciation of this visionary religious text.
Baker Publishing Group Can We Still Believe the Bible? – An Evangelical Engagement with Contemporary Questions
Christianity Today Book Award Winner Challenges to the reliability of Scripture are perennial and have frequently been addressed. However, some of these challenges are noticeably more common today, and the topic is currently of particular interest among evangelicals. In this volume, highly regarded biblical scholar Craig Blomberg offers an accessible and nuanced argument for the Bible's reliability in response to the extreme views about Scripture and its authority articulated by both sides of the debate. He believes that a careful analysis of the relevant evidence shows we have reason to be more confident in the Bible than ever before. As he traces his own academic and spiritual journey, Blomberg sketches out the case for confidence in the Bible in spite of various challenges to the trustworthiness of Scripture, offering a positive, informed, and defensible approach.
Baker Publishing Group Galatians – A Commentary
Leading New Testament scholar Craig Keener is widely respected for his thorough research, sound judgments, and knowledge of ancient sources. His four-volume magnum opus on Acts has received high praise from all quarters. This commentary on Paul's Letter to the Galatians features Keener's meticulous and comprehensive research and offers a wealth of fresh insights. It will benefit students, pastors, and church leaders alike.
John Murray Press Craig Revel Horwood's Ballroom Dancing: A Strictly Fantastic Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering All Your Favourite Dance Moves
Whether you're an absolute beginner or a Strictly Come Dancing wannabe, it's time to get up and dance Craig Revel Horwood's Ballroom Dancing gives you the confidence you need to take your first steps on the dancefloor. It even includes style tips from the style guru, Len Goodman, to give you that professional look. Discover the history, foot positions, turns, and more, to all your favourite Strictly dances: · Waltz · Social foxtrot · Quickstep · Tango · Rumba · Samba · Cha cha cha · JiveBallroom dancing is totally cool, funky, and fantastically rewarding. What better way to get fit than tangoing your tension away, and foxtrotting the fat off your thighs? Happy dancing.
Baker Publishing Group Interpreting Scripture with the Great Tradition – Recovering the Genius of Premodern Exegesis
The rise of modernity, especially the European Enlightenment and its aftermath, has negatively impacted the way we understand the nature and interpretation of Christian Scripture. In this introduction to biblical interpretation, Craig Carter evaluates the problems of post-Enlightenment hermeneutics and offers an alternative approach: exegesis in harmony with the Great Tradition. Carter argues for the validity of patristic christological exegesis, showing that we must recover the Nicene theological tradition as the context for contemporary exegesis, and seeks to root both the nature and interpretation of Scripture firmly in trinitarian orthodoxy.
Baker Publishing Group Acts: An Exegetical Commentary – Introduction and 1:1–2:47
Highly respected New Testament scholar Craig Keener is known for his meticulous and comprehensive research. This commentary on Acts, his magnum opus, may be the largest and most thoroughly documented Acts commentary available. Useful not only for the study of Acts but also early Christianity, this work sets Acts in its first-century context. In this volume, the first of four, Keener introduces the book of Acts, particularly historical questions related to it, and provides detailed exegesis of its opening chapters. He utilizes an unparalleled range of ancient sources and offers a wealth of fresh insights. This magisterial commentary will be a valuable resource for New Testament professors and students, pastors, Acts scholars, and libraries.
Oxford University Press Inc Nimitz at War: Command Leadership from Pearl Harbor to Tokyo Bay
From America's preeminent naval historian, the first full-length portrait in over fifty years of the man who won the war in the Pacific in World War Two—"destined," says Andrew Roberts, "to be the defining life of Chester Nimitz for a long time to come." Only days after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt tapped Chester W. Nimitz to assume command of the Pacific Fleet. Nimitz was not the most senior candidate available, and some, including his new boss, U.S. Navy Admiral Ernest J. King, considered him a "desk admiral," more suited to running a bureaucracy than a theater of war. Yet FDR's selection proved nothing less than inspired. From the precarious early months of the war after December 7th 1941 to the surrender ceremony in Tokyo Bay nearly four years later, Nimitz transformed the devastated and dispirited Pacific fleet into the most powerful and commanding naval force in history. From the start, the pressures on Nimitz were crushing. Facing demands from Washington to mount an early offensive, he had first to revive the depressed morale of the thousands of sailors, soldiers, and Marines who served under him. He had to corral independent-minded subordinates—including Admiral Bill "Bull" Halsey and General Holland "Howlin' Mad" Smith—and keep them focused on shared objectives. He had to maintain a sometimes-fraught relationship with his Army counterpart Douglas MacArthur, and cope with his superiors, including the formidably prickly King and the inscrutable FDR. He had to navigate the expectations of a nation impatient for revenge and eventual victory. And of course, he also confronted a formidable and implacable enemy in the Imperial Japanese Navy, which, until the Battle of Midway, had the run of the Pacific. Craig Symonds' Nimitz at War reveals how the quiet man from the Hill Country of Texas eventually surmounted all of these challenges. Using Nimitz's headquarters—the eye of the hurricane—as his vantage point, Symonds covers all the major campaigns in the Pacific from Guadalcanal to Okinawa. He captures Nimitz's composure, discipline, homespun wisdom, and most of all his uncanny sense of when to assert authority and when to pull back. In retrospect it is difficult to imagine anyone else accomplishing what Nimitz did. As Symonds' absorbing, dynamic, and authoritative portrait reveals, it required qualities of leadership exhibited by few other commanders in history, qualities that are enduringly and even poignantly relevant to our own moment.
Post Hill Press Random Acts of Automation
Feeling uneasy about AI? Worried it'll make your job obsolete and your once-solid training outdated? You're not alone.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Beyond Dialogue
Dundurn Group Ltd One Night in Mississippi
After fifty years of guilt over his brother's brutal murder in Civil Rights-era Mississippi, Warren Williams decides to renew his fight to bring the men responsible to justice. His efforts put him face-to-face with one of the murderers, Earl Olsen, in a remote Ontario town where a contest of wits will end in death.
Gallery Books Pillow Talk