Search results for ""TEA""
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc The Art and Craft of Tea: An Enthusiast's Guide to Selecting, Brewing, and Serving Exquisite Tea
Let Joseph Wesley Uhl be your guide to the entire world of tea; from peeks into tea production around the world to brewing your own blends at home. “Water is the mother of tea, a teapot its father, and fire the teacher.” —Chinese Proverb As one of the most consumed beverages in the world, a cup of tea is a common shared experience across cultures and traditions. Companies and consumers alike are reawakening to the benefits of high-quality, unprocessed, natural beverages, and tea is a perfect obsession for anyone interested in artisan food and healthy eating. In The Art and Craft of Tea, entrepreneur and enthusiast Joseph Wesley Uhl brings to the story of tea its due reverence, making its history, traditions, and possibilities accessible to all. If you want to go beyond reading and enter your kitchen, Joseph offers “recipes” for creating your own tea blends using natural ingredients. Inside you’ll find: A detailed overview of tea’s history and origins Thoughtful descriptions of global brewing methods Innovative ideas for iced tea, tea cocktails, and DIY blends
White Pine Press An Homage to Green Tea
An illustrated work of lyric poetry and prose on drinking green tea as a meditation.An Homage to Green Tea is an illustrated collection of poetry and prose on the beneficence of green tea, and ways to experience that beneficence. It collects two works of classical Korean literature into a single volume.“A Poem for Green Tea” is a long poem that includes short-short stories, legends, anecdotes, other related poems, excerpts from reference books about green tea, religious and spiritual (Buddhist/Taoist) writing, and Ch’oŭi’s notes to the poem. Taken as a whole, the poem seeks to authenticate the value of Korean green tea relative to Chinese green tea in a pleasing, aesthetic manner. “A Poem for Green Tea” ends with an epilogue poem in praise of Ch’oŭi’s unparalleled green tea.“The Divine Life of
HarperCollins Publishers Fortnum & Mason: Time for Tea
Time for Tea is a celebration of Fortnum's passion for tea in its every form. Drawing on over 300 years of experience, you will find the history, geography, seasonality of tea – everything from leaf to cup – as well as 50 delicious recipes. Fortnum & Mason has nearly as much experience of selling tea as Britain has of drinking it – some three centuries’ worth, in fact, since the early eighteenth century. This fun and deeply authoritative guide whisks you through all the information you need to get the most out of your cuppa. It instructs on how to make the perfect brew or infusion and helps identify a wide range of teas to try that will suit different tastes whether for a single estate Darjeeling, a smoky or a delicate tea from China or a regular builder’s. It also explores which teas are best to kickstart the day, revive the spirits or soothe at evening’s end. And now, enough of the talk, it’s Time for Tea.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Chester Town Tea Party
Amanda Wetherby was nine years old in May of 1774, when the people of Chester Town, Maryland, as a sign of their support of the people of Boston, voted not to buy, sell, or use tea. At the supper table one evening, talk turned to the unfair tax Britain had levied on the colonists and what that had to do with the shipload of tea aboard the Geddes in the harbor. Amanda was very unhappy not to have tea to drink with meals. The next day, her brother, George, swaggered off to a “tea party just for men.” Hot, thirsty, and tired of pulling weeds in the garden, Amanda decided she would go too, and get some of that tea to wash down the dust. And if the party is for men only—why, she would dress as a boy! So Amanda becomes part of an event that is still celebrated each May in modern Chestertown. Early reader–ages 5-8.
Penguin Publishing Group Murder in the Tea Leaves
It’s Lights, Action, Murder as tea maven Theodosia Browning scrambles for clues in this latest installment of the New York Times bestselling series.When Theodosia Browning reads the tea leaves on the set of the movie, Dark Fortunes, things go from spooky to worse. Lights are dimmed, the camera rolls, and red hot sparks fly as the film’s director is murdered in a tricky electrical accident.Or was it an accident? Though the cast and crew are stunned beyond belief, nobody admits to seeing a thing. And when Theodosia’s friend, Delaine, becomes the prime suspect, Theodosia begins her own shadow investigation. But who among this Hollywood cast and crew had murder on their mind? The screenwriter is a self-centered pot head, the leading actress is trying to wiggle out of her contract, the brand new director seems indifferent, and nobody trusts the slippery-when-dry Hollywood agent.Between hosting a Breakfast at Tiffany’s Tea,
Marshall Cavendish International (Asia) Pte Ltd Tea In Pajamas: Beyond Belzerac
Classmates Belle, Tess and Julien discover that a quirky teatime ritual on Wednesday afternoons is the secret gateway into Belzerac, a strange new world of talking animals and a glittering blue forest. But while Belzerac is easy to access, it's a little trickier to return from. After multiple visits, the children realize there are no tried-and-true ways to get home, and they might be stranded if they never find Belzerac's secret exit. Meanwhile, musician Orpheus is grief-stricken when a snake bite claims his bride Eurydice's life on their wedding night. In a do-or-die mission, he departs the living realm and descends into the Underworld in search of her. Heading straight for the royal court of Hades and Persephone, Orpheus hopes to petition the King and Queen for Eurydice's release. To his dismay, however, it seems the royal couple may not be the ones holding the keys to his wife's freedom. In this sequel to the fantasy adventure novel, Tea in Pajamas, Belle and friends--as well as Orpheus and Eurydice--all want the same thing: to be authors of their own fate. But they'll have to learn that salvation isn't about a destination, and has to come from within.
Kensington Publishing Murder at the Lemonberry Tea
Sourcebooks, Inc No Good Tea Goes Unpunished
Citadel Press Inc.,U.S. The Healing Powers Of Tea
Hearing Eye All the Tea in China
Turnpike Books Tea at Four 0'Clock
Random House USA Inc Sun and Moon Tea Party
Pan Macmillan Cant Spell Treason Without Tea
Rebecca Thorne is an author of all things fantasy, sci-fi and sapphic romance. She thrives on deadlines, averages 2,700 words a day and tries to write at least two books a year. (She also might be a little hyperfocus ADHD.) When she's not writing (or avoiding writing), Rebecca can be found travelling the country as a flight attendant, or doing her best impression of a granola-girl hermit with her partner and their three dogs.
Lerner Publishing Group How Did Tea and Taxes Spark a Revolution?: And Other Questions About The Boston Tea Party
De Gruyter Tea Cultures of Europe Heritage and Hospitality
No matter where you are in the world, you are at home when tea is served. -- Earlene Grey Tea has its very own significance in every consumer's life. However, above all, tea represents enjoyment, the ritual of preparation and the appreciation of the moment. In this sense, tea creates hospitality and peace, tea brings people together to talk and to make time for each other. Tea needs time, tea spends time. In this pioneering book featuring hospitality embraced by tea culture, you will read of fascinating tea ceremonies, impressive tea china and comfortable tea houses as well as different national and regional tea-related habits in European countries. Nearly 50 contributions provide unique insights -- Samowars in the East, Dresmer blue porcelain in Germany, tulip glasses in Turkey and around, silver tea pots in Great Britain and, many more. The first tea plantations in Portugal or Georgia are discussed, as well as tea in arts, tea events, tea flavoured signature products, tea pairing
Cornell University Press Tea: Consumption, Politics, and Revolution, 1773–1776
In Tea, James R. Fichter reveals that despite the so-called Boston Tea Party in 1773, two large shipments of tea from the East India Company survived and were ultimately drunk in North America. Their survival shaped the politics of the years ahead, impeded efforts to reimburse the company for the tea lost in Boston Harbor, and hinted at the enduring potency of consumerism in revolutionary politics. Tea protests were widespread in 1774, but so were tea advertisements and tea sales, Fichter argues. The protests were noisy and sometimes misleading performances, not clear signs that tea consumption was unpopular. Revolutionaries vilified tea in their propaganda and prohibited the importation and consumption of tea and British goods. Yet merchant ledgers reveal these goods were still widely sold and consumed in 1775. Colonists supported Patriots more than they abided by non-consumption. When Congress ended its prohibition against tea in 1776, it reasoned that the ban was too widely violated to enforce. War was a more effective means than boycott for resisting Parliament, after all, and as rebel arms advanced, Patriots seized tea and other goods Britons left behind. By 1776, protesters sought tea and, objecting to its high price, redistributed rather than destroyed it. Yet as Fichter demonstrates in Tea, by then the commodity was not a symbol of the British state, but of American consumerism.
Orion Publishing Co Tea Cup Reading, Orion Plain and Simple
A practical guide on the revealing art of tea cup reading.The art of reading tea leaves has been practised for centuries by everyone from Buddhist monks to Bedouins to Gypsies. Once very popular in Britain and Ireland and all the countries they settled, the practice has all but faded away. Now, this concise book provides quick, easy, and fun instructions for practising tasseography today. The book includes everything needed to become an accomplished practitioner:* a brief history of tea and coffee* advice on brewing and serving* basic rules of tea leaf and cup reading* handy tips for instant readings* an illustrated dictionary of 361 symbols with precise definitionsTea Cup Reading is an essential reference for this fascinating interpretive art.
Fowler Museum of Cultural History,U.S. Steeped in History: The Art of Tea
After water, tea is the most frequently consumed beverage on the face of the earth. In ancient China tea was regarded as one of the seven daily necessities of life; for many Japanese it has served as a ritual element in the quest for enlightenment. In England afternoon tea holds an immutable place in the popular imagination, while in the United States it is often associated with the American Revolution. While various teas have been prepared in an assortment of ways and have played parts in countless culinary practices, it is also important to note that tea is and nearly always been a highly important commodity. As such, it has played a variety of striking and often paradoxical roles on the world stage--an ancient health remedy, an element of cultural practice, a source of profound spiritual insights, but also a catalyst for brutal international conflict, drug trafficking, crushing taxes, and horrific labor conditions. In the course of Steeped in History, editor Beatrice Hohenegger and eleven distinguished historians and art historians trace the impact of tea from its discovery in ancient China to the present-day tea plantations of Assam, crossing oceans and continents in the process. In so doing, they examine the multitude of ways in which tea has figured in the visual and literary arts. These include not only the myriad vessels fashioned for the preparation, presentation, and consumption of tea but also tea-related scenes embellishing ceramics and textiles and forming the subject of paintings, drawings, caricature, songs, and poetry.
University of Washington Press Puer Tea: Ancient Caravans and Urban Chic
Puer tea has been grown for centuries in the “Six Great Tea Mountains” of Yunnan Province, and in imperial China it was a prized commodity, traded to Tibet by horse or mule caravan via the so-called Tea Horse Road and presented as tribute to the emperor in Beijing. In the 1990s, as the tea’s noble lineage and unique process of aging and fermentation were rediscovered, it achieved cult status both in China and internationally. The tea became a favorite among urban connoisseurs who analyzed it in language comparable to that used in wine appreciation and paid skyrocketing prices. In 2007, however, local events and the international economic crisis caused the Puer market to collapse. Puer Tea traces the rise, climax, and crash of this phenomenon. With ethnographic attention to the spaces in which Puer tea is harvested, processed, traded, and consumed, anthropologist Jinghong Zhang constructs a vivid account of the transformation of a cottage handicraft into a major industry—with predictable risks and unexpected consequences. Watch the associated videos at
SASS & BELLE Sass Belle Rainbow Positivitea Tea For One
Rainbow Positivitea Tea For One.
Ohio University Press A Necessary Luxury: Tea in Victorian England
Tea drinking in Victorian England was a pervasive activity that, when seen through the lens of a century’s perspective, presents a unique overview of Victorian culture. Tea was a necessity and a luxury; it was seen as masculine as well as feminine; it symbolized the exotic and the domestic; and it represented both moderation and excess. Tea was flexible enough to accommodate and to mark subtle differences in social status, to mediate these differences between individuals, and to serve as a shared cultural symbol within England. In A Necessary Luxury: Tea in Victorian England, Julie E. Fromer analyzes tea histories, advertisements, and nine Victorian novels, including Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Wuthering Heights, and Portrait of a Lady. Fromer demonstrates how tea functions within the literature as an arbiter of taste and middle-class respectability, aiding in the determination of class status and moral position. She reveals the way in which social identity and character are inextricably connected in Victorian ideology as seen through the ritual of tea. Drawing from the fields of literary studies, cultural studies, history, and anthropology, A Necessary Luxury offers in-depth analysis of both visual and textual representations of the commodity and the ritual that was tea in nineteenth-century England.
Search Press Ltd 20 to Knit: Easy Knitted Tea Cosies
Twenty to Knit: Easy Knitted Tea Cosies contains twenty fun, colourful and easy-to-knit tea cosies. This book contains a wide range of designs, from funky fruit and friendly owls to contemporary stripes, along with Autumn, Christmas and Valentine’s Day designs. These cute and quirky tea cosies are quick to make and great for brightening up your home or giving as gifts.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Antique Boxes, Tea Caddies, & Society: 1700–1880
The charm of this remarkable book is overwhelming, in which antique boxes and tea caddies—along with the people who inspired, made, and used them—dance gracefully through the pages. The reader is guided through the aesthetic, cultural, and social influences of the years covered, accumulating a deep understanding of the form, decoration, and purpose of 18th- and 19th-century boxes. The extensive text covers wooden, tortoiseshell, ivory, papier-mâché, and lacquer boxes. There are chapters on Anglo-Indian, Scottish, Irish, Penwork, Straw work, and Tunbridge ware boxes, as well as on boxes made for special purposes. Captions include complete descriptions, values, and circa dates for all boxes shown. The 1,000 plus images include original drawings, magnificent photographs of complete pieces, and close-ups illustrating the structure and decoration of boxes. This is an indispensable companion for box collectors and reflects fascinating information about cultural forces that shaped the 18th and 19th centuries.
Quarto Publishing PLC The Official Downton Abbey Afternoon Tea Cookbook
This comprehensive guide in official partnership with the hit TV series Downton Abbey is a lavish celebration of the elegant institution of afternoon tea, filled with recipes, historical facts and etiquette guides. With over 150 stunning photographs featuring stills from across the series and right up to the latest film release, this collection of 70 delicious recipes will give you everything you need to take afternoon tea just like the Granthams do in the much-beloved series. With a foreword by Gareth Neame, executive producer of Downton Abbey, this book investigates the history of tea, covering its origins and varieties, the etiquette surrounding its consumption in English aristocratic life, and its presence in the series, both upstairs and downstairs. The book then turns to 70 recipes for delicious bakes, bites and assorted sweet and savoury delights to accompany a delightful afternoon tea, with sections on: Pastries, buns and biscuits - Whip up classics like the cream scone or chelsea buns, as well as enticing delicacies such as raspberry eclairs and chocolate florentines. Cakes, tarts and puddings - From colourful Battenburg cakes and lemon tarts to warming spicy dark gingerbread or steamed toffee pudding, these irresistable bakes will have something to suit every taste. Tea sandwiches and savoury bites - Enjoy mini pork pies and cornish pasties, or make carefully trimmed tea sandwiches to complete any spread. Preserves and spreads - Make aromatic strawberry-rhubarb jam, currant jelly or lemon curd from scratch to accompany your bakes. This carefully curated selection of recipes spans the world of Downton, from intimate afternoon tea taken in the drawing-room to glamorous tea parties in the garden. Full of photographs and quotes from Downton characters, with this book you can recreate the rich traditions and flavours of Downton Abbey Afternoon Tea time and time again.
Hachette Children's Group Rainbow Magic: Kimi the Bubble Tea Fairy
Join Rachel, Kirsty, Gracie and Khadijah on a bubbletastic adventure as they meet Kimi the Bubble Tea Fairy! Kimi the Bubble Tea Fairy helps to keep everyone cool in hot weather with her refreshing bubble teas. She has teas in every flavour, tapioca bubbles in every colour and all sorts of tasty toppings! But when jealous Jack Frost steals her magical bubble tea, people everywhere are struggling in the heat! Kimi needs the help of her fairy friends Rachel, Kirsty, Gracie and Khadijah to cool everyone down!'These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!' ReadingZone.comIf you like Rainbow Magic, check out Daisy Meadows' other series: Magic Animal Friends and Unicorn Magic!
Oregon State University Spinning Tea Cups: A Mythical American Memoir
In Spinning Tea Cups: A Mythical American Memoir, Alexandra Teague explores cycles of family trauma and both the dangerous and recuperative powers of fantasy. Teague attempts to understand and contextualize her “feral Victorian” family in terms of trauma and mental health, but also with deep love and humor. How did people who prided themselves on making everything from scratch take annual trips to Disney World? What did it mean that Teague’s mother claimed to have psychic abilities? How did her sensitive youngest nephew end up talking in a voice that wasn’t his own? Why did Teague, the daughter of educated non-conformist parents, marry as a teenager (with her parents’ blessing) and spend seven years in an abusive relationship? How do family legacies of grief and dysfunction and creativity intersect? How do any of us make meaning or escape our circumstances without replicating the fantasies or escapism with which we’ve been raised? Teague is carefully attuned to the vagaries of geographical cultures, and she weaves her family’s history and weighty explorations of trauma and psychology not just with pop culture but with the specific cultures of the places she and her family pass through: the Bay Area, a tiny college town in the Inland Northwest, a Southwest ghost town, a Texas city, an Arkansas hippie bubble, and Central Florida suburb. Spinning Tea Cups will appeal to readers interested in American cultural studies, those concerned with the ongoing crisis of mental illness in this country, and those who simply love strange, quirky, richly told stories.
Baker Publishing Group - Baker Books Tea with Elephants A Suitcase Sisters Novel
Hoffman Media Taking Tea: Favorite Recipes from Notable Tearooms
Random House USA Inc Sun and Moon Have a Tea Party
Penguin Putnam Inc Haunted Hibiscus: A Tea Shop Mystery #22
Comma Press Tea at the Midland: and Other Stories
The characters in David Constantine’s fourth collection are delicately caught in moments of defiance. These bewitching, finely-wrought stories give us permission to escape, side-step the inexorable traffic of our lives, and take possession of the moment by marking out a space for resistance.
Austin Macauley Publishers T Rex Wrecks the Dinosaurs Tea Party
Jessica Kingsley Publishers The Tiger Mum Who Came to Tea
"It was lovely seeing you and your family, Jenny. Let's catch up again soon. And remember, 'All work and no play makes Jack ... an International Human Rights Lawyer!"Jenny is a busy mum, who gets a visit from her friend, the Tiger Mum, which makes Jenny feel she's not doing enough for her own children. If they haven't mastered at least two instruments, three languages or read all of the classics before university, how will they ever succeed in life?!With some help from her family, Jenny realises how easy it is to get caught up in the anxiety of parenting and the important thing is that her children are growing up in a warm, loving environment.A humorous look at overanxious parenting that helps put everyday stresses about children's achievements into perspective.
83 Press The Art of Tea: Recipes and Rituals
Alfred Music The Mad Hatter's Tea Party: Score & Parts
Abrams Books In Search of Tea Discovery and Knowledge
Outlook Verlag The Book of Tea: in large print
Penguin Random House Group Murder She Wrote Coffee Tea or Murder
Tuttle Publishing Tea: The Drink that Changed the World
This book is a fascinating history of tea and the spreading of tea throughout the world.Camellia sinensis, commonly known as tea, is grown in tea gardens and estates around the world. A simple beverage served either hot or iced, tea has fascinated and driven us, calmed and awoken us, for well over two thousand years. The most extensive and well-presented tea history available, Tea: The Drink that Changed the World tells of the rich legends and history surrounding the spread of tea throughout Asia and the West, as well as its rise to the status of necessity in kitchens around the world. From the tea houses of China's Tang Dynasty (618-907,) to fourteenth-century tea ceremonies in Korea's Buddhist temples' to the tea plantations in Sri Lanka today, this book explores and illuminates tea and its intricate, compelling history. Topics in Tea: The Drink that Changed the World include: From Shrub to Cup: and Overview. History and Legend of tea. Tea in Ancient China and Korea. Tea in Ancient Japan. The Japanese Tea Ceremony. Tea in the Ming Dynasty. Tea Spreads Throughout the World. The British in India, China and Ceylon. Tea in England and the United States. Tea Today and Tomorrow. Whether you prefer green tea, black tea, white tea, oolong tea, chai, Japanese tea, Chinese tea, Sri Lankan tea, American tea or British tea, you will certainly enjoy reading this history of tea and expanding your knowledge of the world's most celebrated beverage.
Abrams Harney Sons How to Read Tea Leaves
Find love, fortune, and change with this 66-card deck and illustrated guidebook from global tea brand Harney & Sons Fine Teas that teaches beginners how to read and interpret tea leaves This card deck and guidebook set by the beloved tea brand is perfect for guiding readers through the mystical art of tea leaf reading. John Harney himself, founder of Harney & Sons, loved this form of divination, and his grandchildren will attest that he was always happy to read for friends and strangers alike.Harney & Sons How to Read Tea teaches the basics of tea leaf reading, the history behind the ancient practice, how to interpret and apply the symbols in your cup, and methods of conducting readings for yourself, friends, or family. This book’s dictionary of symbols is divided into six categories, each with a specific tea pairing, for readings of Love, Clarity, Success, Change, Omens, and Inspiration, to help you reveal hidden truths and gain spiritu
SASS & BELLE Sass Belle Red Mushroom Tea For One
Red Mushroom Tea For One.
Enchanted Lion Books Sato the Rabbit, A Sea of Tea
The winsome Sato continues his magical adventures, traversing snowy landscapes and crossing a sea made of tea. Yet, no matter where he ventures, his participation in the natural world, and the magic that he finds within the ordinary, infuse each new day with possibility.Selected for the Society of Illustrators 2022 Original Art ShowIn this third installment of the whimsical series originally published in Japan, the titular Sato continues his adventures, exploring both expansive landscapes—snowy fields, forests, oceans made of tea—and tiny microcosms of worlds, found in unlikely places—like within a freshly-baked pie! In Sato's reality, which is in many ways similar to our own, seemingly commonplace occurrences are portals to new and fantastical experiences, and every object possesses an intrinsic magic and aliveness. Like all of the installments in the trilogy, this collection of vignettes reminds us to look closely at what is small and often overlooked, and to open ourselves to wonder.
Penguin Young Readers Group Three Cups of Tea Young Readers Edition
This young readers edition of the worldwide bestseller Three Cups of Tea has been specially adapted for younger readers and updated by Greg Mortenson to bring his remarkable story of humanitarianism up to date for the present. Includes new photos and illustrations, as well as a special interview by Greg’s twelve-year-old daughter, Amira, who has traveled with her father as an advocate for the Pennies for Peace program for children.
LA BET Y EL TEA Spanish Edition
Bet es una niña cariñosa, divertida, revoltosa y con autismo. En este cuento nos cuenta cuáles son las peculiaridades que lo convierten en una niña diferente y única, y cómo podemos ayudarla en su día a día. Os enamorará!
Bell Asteri Publishing & Enterprises, LLC Princess Marygold and the Royal Tea Party
Smith Street Books Adventures in Wonderland: Alice's Tea Party + Cocktails
“We’re all mad here!” Want to throw your own Wonderland-themed garden party? This beautiful deck is packed full of cocktails, and sweet and savoury finger-food, as well as guides to invitations, venue ideas, what to wear, decorations, conversation starters, party games and riddles to know and tell. Whether you’re going full Mad Hatter or just want to enjoy a quirky cocktail in a china teapot with friends, you’ll find everything you need down this rabbit hole.
Penguin Putnam Inc The Teaberry Strangler: A Tea Shop Mystery