Search results for ""Kogan Page""
Kogan Page Ltd Inclusive Talent Management: How Business can Thrive in an Age of Diversity
SHORTLISTED: CMI Management Book of the Year 2017 - Practical Manager Category Organizations traditionally have had a clear distinction between their policies on diversity and inclusion and their talent management. The main driving force behind diversity and inclusion has been being seen to be a good employer, to be able to make claims in the annual report and to feel as though a positive contribution is being made to society. On the other hand, talent management activities have been driven by a real business need to ensure that the organization has the right people with the right skills in the right place to drive operational success. Inclusive Talent Management aligns talent management and diversity and inclusion, offering a fresh perspective on why the current distinction between them needs to disappear. Featuring case studies from internationally recognised brands such as Goldman Sachs, Unilever, KPMG, Hitachi, Oxfam and the NHS, Inclusive Talent Management shows that to achieve business objectives and gain the competitive advantage, it is imperative that organizations take an inclusive approach to talent management. It puts forward a compelling and innovative case, raising questions not only for the HR community but also to those in senior management positions, providing the practical steps, global examples and models for incorporating diversity and inclusion activities into talent management strategy.
Kogan Page Ltd Mindfulness in the Workplace: An Evidence-based Approach to Improving Wellbeing and Maximizing Performance
Mindfulness-based interventions in organizations offer the potential to build individual and organizational resilience, engage employees and address workplace stress. Mindfulness in the Workplace is a practical guide written for practitioners who want to learn how mindfulness can be used as a change management and organizational development strategy. Drawing from the latest research evidence from neuro- and behavioural science, Mindfulness in the Workplace offers a framework and guidance on how to start evolution- not revolution- in the organization. It ensures the greatest chance of success, showing how to identify the key stakeholders and work with them on understanding the power of a mindfulness initiative, how to identify a mindfulness champion, adapt the language of mindfulness to the context of the organization, establish metrics, and measure return on investment. Mindfulness in the Workplace proposes that HR and OD professionals are best placed to understand the complexity of implementing change in organizational systems and, therefore, the practice of mindfulness need to be brought in-house, even if they bring in external mindfulness coaches to train their leaders. Case studies including Capital One Finance and the NHS Mental Health Trust cover the reasoning behind these initiatives, how they were planned, the barriers they faced, the lessons learned, and their results. This book offers a forum for HR and OD practitioners to hear from other practitioners who have implemented organizational mindfulness-based interventions using change management principles so that they can understand how they might be applied to their own practice and their own organizations.
Kogan Page Ltd Practical Text Analytics: Interpreting Text and Unstructured Data for Business Intelligence
In an age where customer opinion and feedback can have an immediate, major effect upon the success of a business or organization, marketers must have the ability to analyze unstructured data in everything from social media and internet reviews to customer surveys and phone logs. Practical Text Analytics is an essential daily reference resource, providing real-world guidance on the effective application of text analytics. The book presents the analysis process so that it is immediately understood by the marketing professionals who must use it, so they can apply proven concepts and methods correctly and with confidence. By decoding industry terminology and demonstrating practical application of data models once reserved for experts, Practical Text Analytics shows marketers how to frame the right questions, identify key themes and find hidden meaning from unstructured data. Readers will learn to develop powerful new marketing strategies to elevate customer experience, solidify brand value and elevate reputation. Online resources include self-test questions, chapter review Q&A and an Instructor's Manual with text sources and instructions.
Kogan Page Ltd Leading Cultural Change: The Theory and Practice of Successful Organizational Transformation
With coverage of the major theories and concepts alongside diagnostic tools and a practical framework for implementation, Leading Cultural Change will help the reader analyse and diagnose their current organizational culture, become aware of the key challenges and how to overcome them and learn how to adapt their leadership style, ensuring they are fit to lead a cultural change programme. Taking in core topics such as change context, language and dialogue as a key cultural process and the change team process, it uses a longitudinal case study of Cordia, a public sector organization transitioning into an LLP, to enhance learning and understanding. Leading Cultural Change is a unique text, rooted in behavioural sciences, which explores the topic as an organizational necessity to achieving sustained competitive advantage.
Kogan Page Ltd Strategic Decision Making: A Discovery-Led Approach to Critical Choices in Turbulent Times
Making strategic decisions is a fundamental skill for leaders and managers. However, in a business environment that is in a constant state of change, making strategic decisions has never been more difficult. Strategic Decision Making addresses this challenge by providing a framework that can be used to make sound decisions in an uncertain world. Structured around the core concepts of framing, experimenting and scaling, this book will ensure that efforts are focused where the need is greatest, that interventions are tested, evaluated and revised if necessary and that successful initiatives are effectively rolled out across the business. Packed with real world examples and backed up by academic research, Strategic Decision Making will allow today's leaders and the leaders of tomorrow to make successful and defensible business choices. It shows how to: avoid decision-making bias, overcome organizational inertia, manage the difficulties of rigid organizational structures and avoid being side tracked by outdated or irrelevant experience. Essential reading for business practitioners and management students alike, this comprehensive guide provides a robust approach to achieving strategic success.
Kogan Page Ltd Turning Learning into Action: A Proven Methodology for Effective Transfer of Learning
Learning transfer is the missing link in training. Using conventional approaches to training, an average of just 10-20% of learning makes it back into the workplace and contributes to better business outcomes. With the current increased emphasis on efficiency and cost-effectiveness, such a dismal record is no longer acceptable. To improve these statistics and to make training truly valuable we must recognise that successful learning is not just about good content and well executed programmes but also about finding ways to facilitate genuine behavioural change and accountability back in the workplace. Turning Learning into Action provides the necessary tools to enable trainers, buyers of training and L&D professionals to do just this. It presents the new, proven TLA methodology, which acknowledges the important role of ADDIE in the instructional design process but takes learning a step further. TLA focuses on the fact that to generate significant behavioural change, consistent, systematic follow-up after the training event is critical.
Kogan Page Ltd Supply Chain Management and Logistics in Construction: Delivering Tomorrow's Built Environment
The construction logistics manager plays an increasingly central role in the construction process. In fact, their decisions can crucially affect the success or failure of a project. Recognition of the critical role they play has spurred evermore interest in this budding field amongst both researchers and practitioners. An accessible text on construction logistics, Supply Chain Management and Logistics in Construction provides essential guidance and expert advice for construction managers, as well as researchers and students in the field. This important new title looks at arrangements with suppliers, the use of returnable packaging and off-site manufacture and assembly, IT systems used to manage the supply chain and logistics operations, such as delivery management systems, warehouse management systems and material planning and forecasting systems. It also considers aspects of the contractual relationships between client, developer, main contractor and lower-tier contractors, all of which have an impact on how the supply chain is managed. In addition to providing a range of fresh ground-breaking case studies, the book features contributions from leading experts in the field who have been involved in projects with companies such as TFL, BAA, The Red Cross, as well as big construction programmes such as the Olympics and Cross Rail.
Kogan Page Ltd The Learning Challenge: Dealing with Technology, Innovation and Change in Learning and Development
The landscape of workplace learning is transforming. Organizations today understand that formal training is not always the best solution in the fast changing world of innovation and new technology. The rise of social and informal learning, gamification of training, dealing with big data and working with extended enterprise are just some challenges L&D professionals face in their work today. The Learning Challenge helps practitioners to make sense of the latest developments in this area and the impact they have on the learning function in their organization. With the help of case studies and interviews from a range of high profile practitioners, The Learning Challenge defines the role of the new learning leader and illuminates the practical implications for creating and implementing a learning strategy for the 21st century.
Kogan Page Ltd Influential Leadership: A Leader's Guide to Getting Things Done
This book is about action, results and leadership. Using a simple new framework, it will show you how to make the sort of progress in your work which your organization wants and needs. At the same time, this progress will give you the space to become a real leader. A leader who is strong, inspirational, and able to drive the results your company needs while keeping your people on board. One of the best ways to create the time you need to get results and get ahead is to become highly influential - that way, you don't have to do it all yourself. Influential Leadership will show you practical ways to become more influential and create the time you need to be the most effective leader you can be.
Kogan Page Ltd Practical Enterprise Risk Management: How to Optimize Business Strategies Through Managed Risk Taking
Practical Enterprise Risk Management addresses the real need for organizations to take more managed risks in order to maximize business strategies and achieve long term goals. Based on ISO 31000 and applying current best practice, it provides templates and examples that can be adapted for any industry. Breaking down the theory on enterprise risk management, it helps you see risk as both an opportunity and a threat whilst giving you guidance on how to implement it. It provides models for Risk Adjusted Return on Capital to evaluate R.O.I and measure performance, advice on emergent risks, as well as best practice and advice on risk communication, transparency and protecting the brand. Including a comprehensive overview of risk management responsibilities for boards, Practical Enterprise Risk Management lifts the lid on the whole process, helping you to embed ERM into your organization, reach your goals and take more, and more effective, managed risks.
Kogan Page Ltd Developing Resilient Organizations: How to Create an Adaptive, High-Performance and Engaged Organization
Much of the fear and uncertainty surrounding the global recession is concerned with the adverse impact it will have on organisations and society. However, recessions are nothing new. We know from past experience that when a recession is over, there always emerge organisations and individuals who have not only survived but have thrived. They often emerge stronger, fitter and better performing. Developing Resilient Organizations argues that one of the fundamental keys to survival in these circumstances is resilience or mental toughness. It can make challenge and change an opportunity rather than a threat. The book addresses a wide variety of organizational issues including motivation, performance, staff retention, behaviour, trust, attention span and teamwork. With case studies from leading organizations across the public and private sector internationally, it will show you how to develop organizational performance, well being and a positive approach to adversity and change in your organization.
Kogan Page Ltd Internal Communications: A Manual for Practitioners
Get internal communications right in your organization and the benefits are clear: motivated staff, better financial performance, a strong external reputation and delighted customers are just a few of the reasons why getting your message over to staff effectively matters. Internal Communications explores what good practice in internal communications looks like, providing a no-nonsense, step-by-step approach to devising an internal communications strategy. Written by experts with extensive experience as consultants and in-house leaders in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors, Internal Communications covers how to build an internal communications team and plan; devise messages and decide which channels to use; work with line managers and senior leaders; research and evaluate internal communications and support change within an organization. Supported by easy to follow models, example explanations of the core theory, and case studies, it provides students and internal communicators alike with the practical tools and advice they need to make a difference in an organization. The book is also supported by online resources, including slides for lecturers.
Kogan Page Ltd Business Analysis and Leadership: Influencing Change
21st century organizations, across all sectors and of all types, have to cope with an international marketplace where change is frequent and customer expectations continue to rise. The work of business analysis professionals is crucial if organizations are to succeed and grow. If change programmes are to be successful, stakeholder engagement and situation analysis are vital, and to achieve this, senior business people need to display competence in a range of areas, not least of which include the ability to challenge, lead and influence. Business Analysis and Leadership is for anyone involved in business analysis working in any organization worldwide, from financial services to charities, government to manufacturing. It takes the reader beyond standard textbooks full of techniques and tools, advising on how to lead and gain credibility throughout the organization. It will help you with the tricky role of working with people from the shop floor to board directors and give readers the confidence to challenge the easy way forward and point out what will really work in practice. This inspirational book consists of contributions from leading thinkers and practitioners in business analysis from around the world. Their case studies, practical advice and downloadable appendices will help the reader to develop leadership skills and become an outstanding catalyst for change.
Kogan Page Ltd The Winning Bid: A Practical Guide to Successful Bid Management
The Winning Bid is an easy-to-read practical guide which will teach the reader how to think like a professional bid manager. It gives essential advice on, amongst other things: PQQs and bid readiness, GIVE analysis, competitor analysis, grantwriting and funding bids best practice, freedom of Information as a research and continual improvement tool, a view from the buyer's side - featuring feedback from buyers on their experiences of being on the receiving end of bids, measuring bid performance over time, virtual team management, sharing bid best practice with other Bid Managers through APMP membership and accreditation, LinkedIn groups, the new Cabinet Office feedback channel. It will appeal to anyone engaged in bidding activity, from the bid novice to professional bid managers.
Kogan Page Ltd Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transformation: How to Help Individuals and Organizations Flourish
Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transformation takes an in-depth look at crisis and change in the world we live in today and discusses its impact on both individuals and organizations. Covering not just coaching in the current crisis but any time of crisis and change, it offers a complete, practical resource for managers and coaches to tackle the challenges effectively. This book can help turn a crisis, whether personal or systemic into an opportunity for transformation. Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transformation covers definitions of crisis from both the individual and organizational perspective, including insights on: adapting to change and finding opportunities in crisis, what neuroscience tells us about our reactions to change, transformative coaching, change models, supporting organizations in crisis and how coaching and mentoring can act as preventative measures against crises.
Kogan Page Ltd Confidence at Work: Get It, Feel It, Keep It
Confidence is the foundation of success. It empowers you to do more and do it better. While many of us have learnt to fake it to limited affect, how many of us can say that we have cultivated self-belief from within? By navigating the fascinating psychological theories and latest thinking, Confidence at Work takes you on a journey of self discovery to help you become bold, charismatic and influential at work. Beginning with an in-depth questionnaire to understand your 'confidence quotient,' it encompasses leading theories and insights including those of Daniel Goleman and Tony Buzan. Including twenty case studies of successful people from all walks of life, Confidence at Work will help you understand the reasons behind lack of confidence and overcome any hindrances, ensuring that you can handle difficult people with elegance, create your own personal brand and excel in your career.
Kogan Page Ltd Employee Engagement and Communication Research: Measurement, Strategy and Action
There's a well-known saying: what doesn't get measured doesn't get done. So it is no surprise that communicators, human resource and change managers and other professionals recognise the need to measure and evaluate their work, particularly its worth to their organization and seek the most effective ways to achieve this. Whether you're already involved in research, planning your first project or commissioning an external research company, Employee Engagement and Communication Research covers everything you need to know in order to conduct robust, reliable research. Whether it's a full-scale employee survey or research focusing on a particular subject area such as communication, engagement, change or corporate social responsibility, Employee Engagement and Communication Research is your essential guide covering all the tools, strategy and actions to make your project a success.
Kogan Page Ltd Psychometrics in Coaching: Using Psychological and Psychometric Tools for Development
With a growing demand for psychometric testing in the coaching profession, coaches and practitioners alike need to understand the psychology underpinning the tests as well as how to select and apply them effectively. Published with the Association for Coaching and written by an international team of global coaching practitioners and psychometricians, Psychometrics in Coaching provides an overview of using psychometrics and providing feedback and offers clear explanations of the key models and tools used in coaching today. Whether you are new to using psychometric tests or an experienced practitioner, this book provides you with a deep understanding of the models, the theory and research behind them, their reliability and validity, and how to implement them as part of a wider coaching and development programme. Psychometrics in Coaching is an essential resource for those seeking expert guidance from the leading writers in the field, as well as students on psychology, psychometrics, business and human resources programmes.
Kogan Page Ltd The New CFOs: How Financial Teams and their Leaders Can Revolutionize Modern Business
In the aftermath of the financial crisis, the spotlight is even more on the role and activities of the CFO. Specifically, CFOs need to accelerate three aspects of their role: develop dynamic and distinctive risk management capabilities, motivate and align increasingly diverse work providers, and design and operate effective financial processes for internal and external customers. The winning CFOs in the next decade will be the ones who get the basics right, who prioritise their efforts, and who invest in the leadership development that creates the institutional capacity to achieve and sustain leading industry performance. CFOs need to embrace the new challenges and opportunities created by the financial crisis. The New CFOs provides the fundamental road map to success in this new environment for finance officers, their teams, and the organizations who employ them.
Kogan Page Ltd Facilitating Reflective Learning: Coaching, Mentoring and Supervision
Facilitating Reflective Learning: Coaching, Mentoring and Supervision is written by two leading experts in the field. The text explains how coaching and mentoring works in different situations. The authors guide the reader through key learning theories; describe the different models available for coaching and mentoring; and demonstrate how they can be applied in practice. In this completely revised new edition, robust theory is backed up by practical advice and numerous case studies. The coaching and mentoring skills used in different situations are clearly described. Ready to use resources include templates for contracting, reviewing and evaluating, as well as guidance on group dynamics for team coaching and group supervision. Advice is also included on sensitive areas such as the boundary between mentoring or coaching and therapy, and the desirability of supervision.
Kogan Page Ltd Financial Management for Non-Financial Managers
Financial Management for Non-Financial Managers is an accessible, practical and easy to understand guide that will allow any manager to gain confidence in understanding financial matters, managing a budget and dealing with bankers, accountants and finance professionals. A source of invaluable expert advice on all the essential aspects of financial management within the context of running a business, it covers: business structures, accounting and financial statements, analysis and ratios, planning, budgeting, product and service costing, setting selling prices, investment appraisal, finance and working capital, taxation and international transactions. This book explains financial literacy in the context of management, showing how improved awareness of finances can lead to increased value creation and protection for your business. Aimed at the practicing business manager, Financial Management for Non-Financial Managers includes case studies, spreadsheets and worked examples to accompany key skills and practices explained in the book. Online supporting resources for this book online template spreadsheets for planning, budgeting and variance analysis.
Kogan Page Ltd How to Get Into Oxbridge: A Comprehensive Guide to Succeeding in Your Application Process
With competition to get into Oxbridge now so fierce, this book goes beyond standard application technique to focus on long-term development of intellectual potential including insight into the power of positive decision-making; how to practise independent and critical thinking skills; and how you can develop extra-curricular knowledge in genuine and impressive ways to stand out from the crowd. The book includes practical and insider knowledge that can't be found elsewhere - like how to strategically choose your college to boost your chances of admission, and how to interpret and respond to interview questions in a way that demonstrates your intellectual curiosity and academic potential. You'll find sample personal statements; examples of interview questions for all subjects; practical advice on fees and funding; and how to manage parents and peers. There is also a chapter dedicated to International Students. Online supporting resources for this book include a table including collect selectors for Oxford and Cambridge.
Kogan Page Ltd Test Your Emotional Intelligence: Improve Your EQ and Learn How to Impress Potential Employers
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to be aware of one's own emotions and those of other people. In today's workplace more and more companies are using emotional intelligence tests to vet job applicants and assess staff as they recognise that positive behaviours are just as important as technical expertise. Test Your Emotional Intelligence will help you to think about various aspects of your personality and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Each test is followed by analysis and assessment that will help you to develop your potential, build on your strengths and improve on areas of weakness. It will help you to think about your social intelligence, self-confidence, your level of assertiveness as well as your ability to cope under pressure. There are no right or wrong answers, but practising the types of questions you may face will calm nerves and equip you with self knowledge you need to always be one step ahead.
Kogan Page Ltd The Branded Mind: What Neuroscience Really Tells Us About the Puzzle of the Brain and the Brand
The Branded Mind is about how people think, and particularly how people think about brands. It explores what we know about the structure of the brain, how the different parts of the brain interact, and then demonstrates how this relates to current marketing theories on consumer behaviour. Investigating developments in neuroscience and neuromarketing, and how brain science can contribute to marketing and brand building strategies, The Branded Mind is based on exclusive research by Millward Brown, one of the World's top market research companies. This unique and insightful book covers everything from the nature of feelings, emotions and moods, to consumer behaviour, decision making and market segmentation, and how to use these insights to the benefit of your brand.
Kogan Page Ltd How I Made It: 40 Successful Entrepreneurs Reveal How They Made Millions
Every year thousands of hopeful entrepreneurs decide to take the plunge. Many fail, but many go on to achieve great success and huge profits. In How I Made It 40 successful entrepreneurs explain how they managed to defy the odds and turn their dreams into reality. Find out how they decided what to do, how they got started and how they found the money they needed. But they also reveal how they had doubts, made stupid mistakes, and encountered overwhelming frustrations along the way. This second edition updates their stories to reveal what happened next and how, in most cases, they finally sold their businesses and made millions. Gutsy, inspiring, and life affirming - if you have ever dreamt of starting up your own business How I Made It is for you.
Kogan Page Ltd Armstrong's Essential Human Resource Management Practice: A Guide to People Management
Armstrong's Essential Human Resource Management Practice provides a complete overview of the practices and processes fundamental to managing people. The text provides a thorough introduction to the core areas of HR including: people resourcing, performance management, learning and development and rewarding people. It also examines the contribution of HR to organizational aims and objectives and how it is integrated within the business. The book is accompanied by online resources for both lecturers and students and adopts an increased focus on employee engagement, a concept which is becoming increasingly prominent in people management, but which is often presented as a mantra without being properly understood; this is examined in detail with reference to recent research. Michael Armstrong's original Handbook of Human Resource Management is the classic text for all those studying HR or who are entering the profession for the first time. In this new title Michael Armstrong provides a condensed text which has been rewritten with the non-HR student or professional in mind, describing and evaluating key HRM concepts such as: HRM itself; strategic HRM; the resource-based view; the choice between best practice and best fit; human capital measurement; motivation theory; emotional intelligence; the flexible firm; the learning organization; and financial rewards. Online supporting resources for this book include lecture slides, an instructor's manual, case examples and a literature review.
Kogan Page Ltd The Value of Talent: Promoting Talent Management Across the Organization
In today's business environment extraordinary rates of change are driving the evolution of talent management from being a strategy that deals with skills shortages to a more comprehensive one that represents a radically different way of managing people and organizations. In The Value of Talent Janice Caplan proposes a brand new inclusive approach to talent management which recognizes that to survive and prosper in this world, organizations require strategies that develop strengths, value diversity and encourage creativity across all levels of the organization. By applying the principles set out by the author, organizations will be able to help individuals achieve their aspirations whilst also addressing the gap between what the organization's capabilities are now and what will be required in the foreseeable future. The author emphasizes the importance of spotting changes on the horizon, formulating appropriate business strategies and indentifying the capabilities required to achieve them. She examines methods for developing organizational capabilities, individual development, performance enhancement, leadership development, and succession planning. The approach links all parts of the HR agenda, especially recruitment, development, reward and employee engagement - integrating these with business strategy to create consistency and clarity. The book offers sound, practical advice and innovative solutions supported by examples and case studies from a broad range of international organizations leading the development of talent, including Standard Chartered, Guardian Media Group, BBC, KPMG, and Burson Marsteller.
Kogan Page Ltd The Training Design Manual: The Complete Practical Guide to Creating Effective and Successful Training Programmes
This workbook and the accompanying online resources provide a one-stop reference manual to designing and delivering a successful training course. Written in a practical and user-friendly style, The Training Design Manual provides both theory and practical exercises; guiding the reader through the total design process from start to finish. Theory and concepts are followed by practical application and a blend of text and graphics appeals to a wide range of learning styles. Accompanying online material includes design templates which the reader can use to record ideas as they progress through the book so that by the end, they will have a complete course design. Online supporting resources include dozens of activities, examples and templates.
Kogan Page Ltd The International Art Markets: The Essential Guide for Collectors and Investors
Art continues to prove itself a sound, not to mention exhilarating and satisfying investment, and The International Art Markets shows the huge scope for diversification within that market. Despite the financial crisis of 2007/8 and its after effects, international trade in art and collectibles has grown over 55% from $29bn in 2009 to $45bn in 2013. That now includes major art trading countries from the recently developed and developing world. In 43 chapters, written by 58 mostly locally-based experts from the art trade, it covers 21 countries from Europe, 12 from Asia and Australasia, five from South America, four from the Middle East and Africa, and two from North America. Each chapter provides the following essential information you need to understand the market in each country: art market history including taste, fashion, value, artists, art types, subjects, sales, prices and records; market structure and performance, including auctioneers, dealers, trade associations, museums, exhibitions, fairs, training and education; and tax and regulation. Comprehensive, informed and packed with valuable information, The International Art Markets will be the first point of reference for art collectors and investors and anyone who wants to understand the enormous breadth and complexity of the world's art markets. To complement this book, some of the individual countries featured in the text are accompanied by additional online material on the historical background of their particular market.
Kogan Page Ltd Leadership for Innovation: How to Organize Team Creativity and Harvest Ideas
New ideas and new ways of doing things are one of the main ingredients in sustained business success, but how do you create the right conditions for innovation? Leadership for Innovation will help you to create an innovative climate that encourages the development of new products and services. Drawing upon real-life examples including Google, Honda and 3M, John Adair sets out practical ways for bringing about change in organizations. As well as identifying the characteristics of an innovative organization, he discusses key topics such as organizing for team creativity; motivating creative people, how to build on ideas and how to be a creative leader and team member. Leadership for Innovation will help you to inspire your team to go that one step further and generate the kind of ideas that are the foundations of future success.
Kogan Page Ltd NLP Coaching: An Evidence-Based Approach for Coaches, Leaders and Individuals
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is believed by many to be a powerful set of tools for facilitating change and enhancing performance. Yet, despite the success stories and proliferation of courses, there is still much skepticism about the validity and effectiveness of NLP. In NLP Coaching Susie Linder-Pelz brings, for the first time, an evidence-based perspective to this coaching methodology. She explains how and where NLP coaching is used, examines its links to established principles and practices, and questions aspects of NLP where the empirical evidence is missing. She reviews recent developments in NLP-based coaching practice and proposes a specific research agenda that will move NLP coaching towards an evidence-based approach. NLP Coaching provides numerous case studies and real-life examples which show how NLP assists personal, professional, team, leadership and organizational development. The book includes contributions from leaders in the field: Andrew Bryant, Michelle Duval, Joseph O'Connor, Paul Tosey and Lisa Wake.
Kogan Page Ltd Running Your Own Boarding Kennels: The Complete Guide to Kennel and Cattery Management
With an increasing demand for quality kennel accommodation for dogs and cats, a good boarding kennel is a sound investment and can provide a healthy income if run efficiently. Running your own Boarding Kennels, the only guide of its kind available, is essential reading for anyone who is considering starting out in the business. This new edition by animal care expert David Cavill provides advice on every aspect of running a boarding kennel. With an exhaustive breadth of detail it covers every related topic, including: boarding fees, raising finance, insurance, kennel cleaning, dangerous dogs, types of food, exercise, grooming, beds and towels, staff training, accommodation, advertising, puppy and kitten rearing, and product sales. Comprehensive and unique, Running your own Boarding Kennels also includes information on ancillary services such as dog-walking, pet sitting and home boarding.
Kogan Page Ltd The Essential Guide to Workplace Mediation and Conflict Resolution: Rebuilding Working Relationships
The Essential Guide to Workplace Mediation and Conflict Resolution examines the nature, process, uses and skills for employing and using mediation. The authors examine what mediation is and how it can be successfully applied to resolve issues, by presenting a range of techniques and case studies. Applicable to not only one-on-one conflict, but also at team and board room level, this is the book for you whether you are in the front line and have to anticipate, pre-empt or defuse conflicts in support of productive working relationships, are already a mediator or are training to become one.
Kogan Page Ltd The Innovative Leader: How to Inspire your Team and Drive Creativity
"Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion." Jack Welch, former CEO, GE The Innovative Leader stresses the importance of innovation and creativity in modern business to help organizations secure competitive advantage over rivals. It shows how to apply the methods described to the individual, to others and to the organization. Author Paul Sloane demonstrates the importance of setting out your vision clearly and emphasizes the need for continual evaluation of the process. Numerous international examples illustrate how organizations such as Virgin, Body Shop, WPP and 3M have benefited from this approach, encouraging excellence and entrepreneurship through setting challenging goals to keep employees motivated and engaged.
Kogan Page Ltd The Essential Guide to Employee Engagement: Better Business Performance through Staff Satisfaction
The Essential Guide to Employee Engagement explores the concept and practice behind creating an engaged workforce and how this can contribute to organizational success. Recognizing that engaged employees are more productive, engender greater customer satisfaction and loyalty, and can help to promote your company's brand, the book gives you the necessary tools to make this happen. The author draws on a wide range of international case studies and examples, which demonstrate how an actively-engaged workforce can help your organization to flourish. You are shown how to measure the level of your employees' engagement and provided with a strategy to apply to help increase active staff participation.
Kogan Page Ltd Creating Passion Brands: How to Build Emotional Brand Connection with Customers
At the core of this book is an inspiring ideal: that for both commercial and social reasons, brands need the courage to stand for something, rather than responding to the latest consumer whim. Faced with crowded markets, flat growth and growing consumer cynicism, brand marketers are looking for ways to deepen the emotional connection between brands and consumers. Through interviews and case studies, Creating Passion Brands demonstrates how belief-led brands like Google, Innocent, Zara and Camper have outstripped the growth of their peers by igniting passion among employees and consumers alike. They are passion brands and show the way forward for marketing in the 21st century. Drawing on the very latest academic research and Millward Brown's unique global research into brand value, this book reveals a systematic approach to the business of creating a passion brand from an existing brand. Always vivid and often contentious, Creating Passion Brands explores what really counts at the heart of branding today.
Kogan Page Ltd Understanding Facilitation: Theory and Principles
Facilitation is emerging as an exciting profession. It is being used in a wide range of situations and occupations, including workplaces, leisure and health activities, organizational planning and community development. This book provides a readable introduction for newcomers to the topic as well as a critical analysis of established and current theory for existing practitioners. It will be useful for managers, staff developers, innovators, and social and community workers.
Kogan Page Ltd From Start-Up to Grown-Up: Grow Your Leadership to Grow Your Business
WINNER: Independent Press Award 2022 - Business: Entrepreneurship & Small Business WINNER: International Book Awards 2023 - Business: Entrepreneurship & Small Business WINNER: American Book Fest Best Book Awards 2023 - Business: Entrepreneurship & Small Business Every start-up founder feels overwhelmed and uncertain at various times. The key to managing the relentless turmoil of a start-up is learning to manage yourself. From Start-Up to Grown-Up gives you, the founder and CEO of a great start-up, the knowledge and experience that executive coach Alisa Cohn has gained from helping companies such as Etsy, Foursquare, InVision and The Wirecutter become headline names. Growth of your company begins with growth within you. The book provides you with effective and practical ways of maximizing your strengths, defusing your triggers, controlling your self-doubt and building on your motivators. With these self-management tools, you can then turn your attention to managing your team by ensuring the flow of communication and finding the joy of delegation and the soul in meetings. Finally, you gain practical tools for managing the company and ensuring overall effectiveness of your team and strategy, using specific scripts you need to have delicate or difficult conversations. Filled with stories drawn from the author's experience, From Start-Up to Grown-Up helps you build a company with a set of core values that everybody lives by and where everyone shares a vision of where the company is going and how to get there.
Kogan Page Ltd Embedding Sustainability
Embedding Sustainability is a practical, solutions-focused guide for sustainability managers and leaders to embed sustainability in organizations and drive improved performance.For organizations to truly embody sustainability, it must infuse all operations. Sustainability change agents need to be the conductors of the orchestra, making sure everyone has the same objective, is working with the same goals and is moving at the same pace. Embedding Sustainability charts the journey from purpose, scope and assessment to strategy, implementation and integration. It outlines the steps required to engage and commit employees to deliver to the same goals, creating a workplace where success is achieved through collective effort.Drawing on impressive experience, the authors share valuable tools and tips, lessons and coaching, factoring in different organizational maturity levels, international contexts and cultural differences and stake
Kogan Page Ltd Gamification for Business: Why Innovators and Changemakers use Games to break down Silos, Drive Engagement and Build Trust
Gamification for Business shows how games and game-based design can be used to effectively tackle business challenges and improve organizational performance. From siloed working and information overload to the clash between ongoing operations and innovation, this book shows how to identify what type of game is best suited to each business issue. With guidance on online games, simulations, event-based games and gamified training, this book ensures that business leaders and senior decision makers feel confident in their ability to assess the opportunities of each type of gamification for their business. Including case studies from more than 20 organizations who have implemented a game-based solution, this book outlines the business issue in each company and the aim of the game, the impact the game had and key learning points to help readers implement a similar type of game in their own business. Based on extensive research into the effectiveness of games and real-world examples from companies who have experienced the benefits of serious games and design thinking, Gamification for Business is essential reading for all business professionals looking to improve employee motivation, boost engagement, create a cohesive team environment and facilitate innovation in their company for improved business performance.
Kogan Page Ltd Public Relations Strategy
This challenging book reflects the intense discussion that is taking place on the nature of public relations and how it develops and supports management strategy. It links models and theories of strategic management to the PR function and discusses how globalization and the Internet are changing organizational PR strategy. This new and updated version of Public Relations Strategy explains how PR lies at the heart of sound, ethical corporate communication as a core strategic management function. The new edition explores the following topics: - PR as strategic and issues management - the governance role of PR within organizations - attaining and maintaining reputation - internal communication as PR strategy - online/offline media relations - research matters: exploration and evidence - managing ethics and evaluation in PR programming Including many new international case studies, this fully updated, third edition of Public Relations Strategy is a useful addition to the thinking practitioner's library, and an invaluable learning tool for students undertaking examinations in PR and related disciplines.
Kogan Page Ltd Understanding Social Media: How to Create a Plan for Your Business that Works
Understanding Social Media is the essential guide to social media for students and professionals alike. Drawing on the experience, advice and tips from dozens of digital marketers and social media superstars, it is an extensive crowd-sourced guide to social media platforms. Illustrated throughout with case studies from both successful and failed campaigns, Understanding Social Media democratizes knowledge of social media and promotes best practice, answering questions such as 'How do you create a compelling social media campaign?', 'How do you build and engage with an audience?' and 'Where is the line between online PR and social media drawn?' It is the most comprehensive and practical reference guide to social media available.
Kogan Page Ltd Uncommon Leadership: How to Build Competitive Advantage by Thinking Differently
Leaders are expected to show the way forward, especially in unpredictable circumstances or when resources are constrained. Yet frustratingly, what is common to good leadership is not often widely practised. Uncommon Leadership will help you explore the uncommon insights that can make a significant difference to your leadership. It will lead you to fresh strategic thinking by challenging conventional wisdom and asking you to reflect on some thought-provoking questions. Using their wealth of experience as managers, educators and consultants, Phil Higson and Anthony Sturgess will help you to think differently about leadership. In this highly readable book, they stimulate fresh thinking on leadership and give you the practical platforms you need to deliver uncommon success in your organization. They bring uncommon leadership to life, combining insights from some remarkable leaders and their surprising stories, with their own individual take on leadership. Uncommon Leadership is supported by a companion website:, providing updates, tools and resources to help you do the common things uncommonly well.
Kogan Page Ltd Leadership Team Coaching: Developing Collective Transformational Leadership
FINALIST: Goody Business Book Awards: Leadership: Team Building Organizations are most effective when the teams responsible for their success work together collectively and in a dynamic relationship with the rest of the company. For those involved in developing leadership teams, understanding coaching practices and techniques is essential for enabling the best performance. Leadership Team Coaching provides a comprehensive roadmap for team coaching, explaining all the key elements alongside practical tools and techniques for developing international and virtual teams, executive and non-executive boards and project and account teams in all types of organizations. Featuring case studies and insights from organizations including Deloitte and General Electric (GE), it also contains guidance on choosing the best team coach, creating a team-based culture and common pitfalls to avoid. This fully updated fourth edition of Leadership Team Coaching contains new material on agile teaming, using digital team coaching apps and AI, and training team leaders to coach their own team. It remains an indispensable resource for coaches and senior leaders as well as for those studying coaching as part of a degree or coaching qualification.
Kogan Page Ltd Human Resource Management at Work: The Definitive Guide
A leading textbook in its field, Human Resource Management at Work is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of HRM. Aligned to the CIPD Level 7 qualification yet also relevant on non-CIPD accredited HR masters courses, this book covers everything students need to excel in their academic studies and will ensure that they can hit the ground running in a practitioner role after university. Divided into four key parts, the first part of the book covers HRM strategy and the global context, the forces shaping HRM at work and international and comparative HRM. Part Two discusses the role of HR professionals and line managers in the workplace, and how the responsibilities for delivering effective HR vary in a changing world of work, Part Three has expert coverage of the key areas of HR including resourcing and talent management, learning and development (L&D), reward and employment relations. The final part examines the impact that HRM can have on business performance and also outlines the key knowledge and skills required to carry out a business research project. Fully updated through, this seventh edition now has new coverage of diversity and inclusion (D&I), workplace analytics, ethics, wellbeing and precarious work as well as additional coverage of the alignment of HRM with organisational strategy and the integration of different components of HRM. Human Resource Management at Work includes new global case studies, reflective practice activities to encourage critical thinking, exercises to help the consolidation of learning and 'explore further' boxes to encourage wider reading. Online supporting resources include an instructor's manual and lecture slides.
Kogan Page Ltd How to Future: Leading and Sense-making in an Age of Hyperchange
Approach the future as a conversation, not a declaration. How can you be prepared for what's next when emerging trends constantly threaten to turn your strategic plan on its head? The world of business is experiencing a state of hyperchange influenced by global movements, disruptive technologies, political uprisings and new consumer expectations. If your world is turned upside down, will you know how to pivot and thrive, or will you be roadkill in the 'adapt or die' business race? Futuring is the art of anticipating and testing the trade-offs of different futures by making sense of key trends, signals and emerging patterns. How to Future is the only book that will teach you how to become a strategy wayfinder, allowing you to evaluate, plan and prepare for better futures for you and your business. How to Future is a guidebook to futuring and arms you with tools, strategies and practices that illuminate new strategic pathways. Renowned futurists Scott Smith and Madeline Ashby teach you how to manage the daily flood of information and signals, and discern emergent patterns that have a direct impact on the direction of your business. How to Future isn't about the "one future" you expect. Instead, this book equips you with valuable tools and concepts, builds a future-focused mindset and enables you to envision, stress-test and prototype adaptable, informed and agile strategic visioning. These tools will empower you, your team and your organization to anticipate whatever futures emerge.
Kogan Page Ltd Artificial Intelligence for Learning: How to use AI to Support Employee Development
Artificial intelligence is creating huge opportunities for workplace learning and employee development. However, it can be difficult for L&D professionals to assess what difference AI can make in their organization and where it is best implemented. Artificial Intelligence for Learning is the practical guide L&D practitioners need to understand what AI is and how to use it to improve all aspects of learning in the workplace. It includes specific guidance on how AI can provide content curation and personalization to improve learner engagement, how it can be implemented to improve the efficiency of evaluation, assessment and reporting and how chatbots can provide learner support to a global workforce. Artificial Intelligence for Learning debunks the myths and cuts through the hype around AI allowing L&D practitioners to feel confident in their ability to critically assess where artificial intelligence can make a measurable difference and where it is worth investing in. There is also critical discussion of how AI is an aid to learning and development, not a replacement as well as how it can be used to boost the effectiveness of workplace learning, reduce drop off rates in online learning and improve ROI. With real-world examples from companies who have effectively implemented AI and seen the benefits as well as case studies from organizations including Netflix, British Airways and the NHS, this book is essential reading for all L&D practitioners needing to understand AI and what it means in practice.
Kogan Page Ltd Omnichannel Retail: How to Build Winning Stores in a Digital World
The retail industry is under significant pressure. Not only are retailers grappling with rising costs, but they are trying to keep up with rapidly changing consumer behaviours, technological advancements and ever-increasing competition. To win, retailers today have to learn how to serve customers equally well both on and offline. This means integrating the physical seamlessly with the digital and creating something that is flawlessly omnichannel as, more than ever, customers are seeking convenient, personalized and unified shopping experiences, regardless of when or where they choose to engage. An omnichannel approach to retail delivers the potential to boost footfall, enhance customer insight, improve service, grow loyalty and ultimately drive sales. Omnichannel Retail serves as a practical guide for businesses on how they can better serve customers to fuel their growth by harnessing the opportunity that being digitally enabled and data-driven brings. This fully updated new edition explains how to build engaging loyalty schemes, deliver personalized marketing and how to maximize the power of customer data. Featuring case studies from omnichannel leaders worldwide such as Asda, Woolworths Australia, Target and Pret A Manger, this book provides tangible and proven examples of how retailers can capitalize on the opportunity that our hyper-connected and always-on world presents.