Search results for ""Forum""
Publik-Forum Verlags GmbH Von Gte und Unsterblichkeit
Forum Verlag Godesberg GmbH Juvenile Justice Systems in Europe
Publik-Forum Verlags GmbH Dazugehören. Vom Glück der Gemeinschaft
Publik-Forum Verlags GmbH Die Kunst den Kapitalismus zu verändern
Materials Research Forum LLC Theory and Applications of Green Corrosion Inhibitors
Forum Verlag Godesberg GmbH Wahrscheinlich hat diese Geschichte gar nichts mit Ihnen zu tun Geschichten Metaphern Sprche und Aphorismen in der Mediation
Publik-Forum Verlags GmbH Das Ende des billigen Wohlstands
Publik-Forum Verlags GmbH Naturverbunden. Ein Blick in den großen Spiegel
European Research Forum at London Metropolitan University The Gaitskellites: Revisionism in the British Labour Party, 1951-64
Taylor & Francis Ltd Reforming International Institutions: Another World is Possible
There is now considerable unanimity that international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization (WTO), Bretton Woods Institutions and the international economic architecture need to be reformed in order to achieve greater democratic governance to tackle the myriad of challenges facing the world. Written by leading members of the international community under the auspices of the World Forum of Civil Society Networks - UBUNTU, this book provides a diverse and rich resource on all aspects of the reform of international organizations. The book introduces the reader to the main organizations of the international multilateral system, presents proposals for reform and provides an analysis of the political action required to achieve global democratic governance.
Birkhauser Form und Zeichen: Globale Kommunikation
Die rasante Weiterentwicklung technischer Möglichkeiten in der globalen Kommunikation hat zu einer fundamentalen Veränderung in der Rezeption und in der Bedeutung von Form und Zeichen geführt - und damit zu einer Situation, in der Rolle und Verantwortung von Designern und Architekten neu diskutiert und bewertet werden müssen. Das Internationale Forum für Gestaltung Ulm (IFG Ulm) hat in der Nachfolge der legendären Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm diese Diskussion weitergeführt. Auf einer Tagung im September 2002 referierten internationale Fachleute aus den Disziplinen Design und Weltraumarchitektur, Marketing, Medizin, Musik, Kommunikation, Psychologie und Philosophie. Allen dokumentierten Beiträgen und Debatten ist gemeinsam, dass sie den Begriff der Gestaltung eng mit den komplexen globalen Entwicklungen verknüpfen. Mit Beiträgen in Englisch
DruckVerlag Kettler Liu Xiaodong
The Chinese artist Liu Xiaodong is one of the most famous contemporary artists in Asia. His oeuvre depicts moments of human life with an extraordinary immediacy and exceptional empathy. A family, a refugee boat, agricultural workers, or the demi-monde - he shows a wealth of subjects, representing the unlimited diversity of people and cultures. His work is characterised throughout by the greatest possible degree of openness and tolerance toward the other.Kunsthalle and NRW-Forum Düsseldorf are staging a major double exhibition on the artist. It is the first retrospective show dedicated to him in the world. The accompanying monograph attempts to capture the tremendous complexity of Liu Xiaodong''s art. It contains a selection of works from 1983-2018, about 60 paintings, drawings, photographs, and film stills.Liu has always sympathetically portrayed minorities both in and outside China. For the very first time, this book showcases paintings from his project ''Transgender/Gay'' - a series
John Wiley & Sons Inc Dr. Math Presents More Geometry: Learning Geometry is Easy! Just Ask Dr. Math
You, too, can understand geometry — just ask Dr. Math! Are things starting to get tougher in geometry class? Don't panic. Dr. Math—the popular online math resource—is here to help you figure out even the trickiest of your geometry problems. Students just like you have been turning to Dr. Math for years asking questions about math problems, and the math doctors at The Math Forum have helped them find the answers with lots of clear explanations and helpful hints. Now, with Dr. Math Presents More Geometry, you'll learn just what it takes to succeed in this subject. You'll find the answers to dozens of real questions from students in a typical geometry class. You'll also find plenty of hints and shortcuts for using coordinate geometry, finding angle relationships, and working with circles. Pretty soon, everything from the Pythagorean theorem to logic and proofs will make more sense. Plus, you'll get plenty of tips for working with all kinds of real-life problems. You won't find a better explanation of high school geometry anywhere!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Dr. Math Introduces Geometry: Learning Geometry is Easy! Just ask Dr. Math!
You, Too, Can Understand Geometry - Just Ask Dr. Math! Have you started studying geometry in math class? Do you get totally lost trying to find the perimeter of a rectangle or the circumference of a circle? Don't worry. Grasping the basics of geometry doesn't have to be as scary as it sounds. Dr. Math-the popular online math resource-is here to help! Students just like you have been turning to Dr. Math for years asking questions about math problems, and the math doctors at The Math Forum have helped them find the answers with lots of clear explanations and helpful hints. Now, with Dr. Math Introduces Geometry, you'll learn just what it takes to succeed in this subject. You'll find the answers to dozens of real questions from students who needed help understanding the basic concepts of geometry, from lines, rays, and angles to measuring three-dimensional objects and applying geometry in the real world. Pretty soon, everything from recognizing types of quadrilaterals to finding surface area to counting lines of symmetry will make sense. Plus, you'll get plenty of tips for working with tricky problems submitted by other kids who are just as confused as you are. You won't find a better introduction to the world and language of geometry anywhere!
DruckVerlag Kettler Pizza is God
Whether pizza is served as high-end cuisine or a poor man's food, this global product transcends the boundaries of culture and social class. The circular piece of dough has long become an established superfood. It is so much more than just something we eat. Aside from culinary considerations, the preparation, consumption and ubiquity of pizza involves at least as many social aspects. These must be taken into account in order to understand the entirety of this phenomenon. For instance, in sociology the "pizza effect" refers to reciprocal processes of reception and exchange and thus to the constant transformation of cultures. Only recently did the UNESCO in Paris allow Italy to formally register the preparation of pizza as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity. That's iconic! The collection "Pizza is God" accompanies the eponymous international group exhibition. Situating a cultural phenomenon in the world of contemporary art, the exhibition will be staged by NRW-Forum Dusseldorf in 2018. This feast for the eyes, which combines painting, photography, net art, as well as video and performance, is complemented in the book by texts and essays written by renowned experts from the fields of food history, culture and science. Text in English and German.
National Academies Press Transitioning to Sustainability Through Research and Development on Ecosystem Services and Biofuels: Workshop Summary
The National Research Council's Roundtable on Science and Technology for Sustainability hosted "Transitioning to Sustainability through Research and Development on Ecosystem Services and Biofuels: The National Academies' First Federal Sustainability Research and Development Forum" on October 17- 18, 2007. The forum discussed sustainability research and development activities related to ecosystem services and biofuels. The objective of the forum was to identify research gaps and opportunities for collaboration among federal agencies to meet the challenges to sustainability posed by the need to maintain critical ecosystem services, to support the development of alternatives to conventional fossil fuels, and to manage oceans and coastal areas. The forum focused primarily on federal activities, but included the participation of representatives from the private sector, universities, and nongovernmental organizations. This book is a summary the discussions from the forum. Table of Contents Front Matter 1 Introduction and Overview 2 Ecosystem Services R&D 3 Biofuels R&D 4 Common Themes Appendix A: Workshop Agenda Appendix B: List of Organizers and Panelists Appendix C: Descriptions of Agency Activities Presented at the Forum on Ecosystem Services and Sustainability Appendix D: Descriptions of Agency Activities Presented at the Forum on Biofuels and Sustainability Appendix E: Biographical Information: Roundtable on Science and Technologyfor Sustainability Appendix F: Federal Sustainability R&D Forum Workshop Participants Appendix G: Biographical Information: Federal Sustainability R&D Forum Speakers and Panelists
Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd India and the pandemic: The First Year
Directory of Social Change Staff Forums
Staff forums are a fantastic way to give your people a dynamic voice in your organisation. Run by staff for staff, they are an opportunity to discuss matters that affect the workplace as well as being a positive space to have informal conversations that might not be possible or practical in everyday meetings. If you have ever considered setting up a staff forum or are curious about the concept, this guide shows you how it works. It considers the benefits of staff forums, practicalities of setting up and running meetings, how to feedback to a senior leader and how to ensure continuity of the forum. What does it cover? * Why have a staff forum * Constituting the forum * Before the meeting * On the day * After the meeting * Troubleshooting Who should buy this book? Senior management who wish to encourage a forum in their organisation or any staff members who feel a forum will benefit their workplace.
De Gruyter Naga Land: Stimmen aus Nordostindien
The Naga form a minority in Northeast India and the northwest of Myanmar — and consist at the same time of thirty different ethnicities: three to four million people, with numerous languages, but no central government structures. How do they manage to preserve their traditional history and integrate into altered ways of life? How do their former practice of headhunting fit together with modern tattoos, fashion, and social media? What role does Christianity play? Authors among others from Naga Land describe various facets of their contemporary and current culture and make the Naga collection of the Ethnological Museum in Berlin appear in a new light, supplemented with contemporary objects. The artist Zubeni Lotha shows the life of the Naga today in impressive photographs.
Budrich Unipress Building on Progress: Expanding the Research Infrastructure for the Social, Economic, and Behavioral Sciences
Seemann Henschel GmbH Blown away The Palace of the Republic
De Gruyter Naga Land: Voices from Northeast India
The Naga form a minority in Northeast India and the northwest of Myanmar — and consist at the same time of thirty different ethnicities: three to four million people, with numerous languages. How do they manage to preserve their traditional history and integrate into altered ways of life? How do fit that together with modern tattoos, fashion, and social media? What role does Christianity play? Authors among others from Naga Land describe various facets of their contemporary and current culture and make the Naga collection of the Ethnological Museum in Berlin appear in a new light, supplemented with contemporary objects. The artist Zubeni Lotha shows the life of the Naga today in impressive photographs.
Ca Ira Verlag Ein Lichtlein für die Toten
Hirmer Verlag GmbH Schrecklich schn Elefant Mensch Elfenbein
De Gruyter Ancestors, Goddesses, and Heroes: Sculptures from Asia, Africa, and Europe
Protecting, healing, or punishing—people of various eras and origins have attributed such powers to the sculptures that are being presented together here for the first time: be it the sculpture of the Mangaaka from what is today the Republic of Congo, the protective goddess Mahamayuri from China, or the Maria on the globe from Southern Germany. Forty-five objects created between the fourth and the nineteenth century from two museums in Berlin provide a vivid testimony to the ever-present need for protection and orientation when dealing with individual or social crises. They represent the existence of an invisible world of gods, spirits, or ancestors, and create a connection between this world and a "different reality." As a result of how they are presented in museums, their context of use is, however, often lost—a situation that is reflected on by the authors of this book.
De Gruyter Against the Current: The Omaha. Francis La Flesche and His Collection
Francis La Flesche (1857–1932) lived between two worlds: as an Umoⁿhoⁿ (Omaha), he fought for their rights, and as a scholar he researched his own culture. He is regarded as the first indigenous ethnologist of North America and stands representatively for the many indigenous protagonists without whom ethnological collections would never have come into being. We are no longer familiar with most of these individuals, since the focus until today has been on European and North American collectors. Francis La Flesche is an exception: his work provides insights into indigenous agency and their resistance to racism and colonialism as well as their active participation in the trade with objects. The book presents La Flesche’s records of the objects, the collection of which he contributed to what is today the Ethnological Museum in Berlin in 1894—an impressive testimony to his successful efforts to preserve the culture of the Omaha for future generations.
Desde la Penumbra. Eclipse en Comics Forum 1989-1992. Cómics Forum nos remite a unos cómics y un tiempo que ya son míticos para toda una Generación de lectores españoles.La historia comienza en 1982, cuando Antonio Martín asume la edición de cómic-books de superhéroes y les da carta de normalidad al realizar las primeras ediciones cuidadas y de calidad de los Marvel Comics.De aquellos años se recuerdan especialmente los superhéroes de Marvel, pero también se publicaron numerosas series de otras editoriales, como fueron las de Eclipse Comics: Miracleman, Scout, Liberty Project, Lost Planet, Total Eclipse, Valkiria, Airboy, Alien Dossiers y Zot!. Desde la Penumbra. Eclipse en Cómics Forum, 1989-1992 cuenta la historia de los años que van desde la creación de Forum hasta la cancelación de la Línea Eclipse.El propio Antonio Martin nos cuenta el proceso de formación de Forum, en el Grupo Planeta, los profesionales que integraron el equipo editorial, las primeras series publicadas,
John Wiley & Sons Inc Dithiolene Chemistry: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications, Volume 52
The Progress in Inorganic Chemistry series provides inorganic chemistry with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Volume 52, Dithiolene Chemistry: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications continues this forum with a focus on dithiolene chemistry and a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers. Dithiolene complexes have a remarkable set of properties, a fact which has made them the object of intense study for new materials and sensors.
Liverpool University Press Arms Control in the Middle East: Cooperative Security Dialogue, and Regional Constraints
This is the story of a regional process in the making: from the very concept of arms control as applied to the region, through the innovative regional forum and format for discussion that was devised for the talks, to the dynamics of the talks and the question of Egypt's position within this novel regional setting. The result was that what seemed at the outset to be a most likely unpromising forum became the setting of unprecedented regional dynamics.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 139
This series provides the chemical physics field with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline.
Transcript Verlag Vokabular des Virtuellen
Transcript Verlag Ethnicity as a Political Resource: Conceptualizations across Disciplines, Regions, and Periods
How is ethnicity viewed by scholars of different academic disciplines? Can its emergences be compared in various regions of the world? How can it be conceptualized with specific reference to distinct historical periods? This book shows in a uniquely and innovative way the broad range of approaches to the political uses of ethnicity, both in contemporary settings and from a historical perspective. Its scope is multidisciplinary and spans across the globe. It is a suitable resource for teaching material. With its short contributions, it conveys central points of how to understand and analyze ethnicity as a political resource.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Twitch
Twitch is the leading live streaming platform in most of the world and an integral part of contemporary digital gaming culture. Millions of people broadcast their game play (as well as other activities) to over a hundred million people who regularly visit the site. In this accessible book, Mark R. Johnson offers both a synthesis of existing Twitch research and a new way to understand Twitch as a public forum for gaming. Drawing on ideas of the ancient Greekagoraor public forum, Johnson demonstrates how Twitch has become the key location for game players looking to understand what is contemporary, relevant, and important in modern gaming culture. He argues that Twitch has constructed a particular kind of public forum for gaming, an understanding which emerges from analysing the platform through its technological infrastructure, its streamers and viewers, its broadcast content, and its tightly knit communities. While this forum helps shape gaming culture, it also exhibits many of gami
De Gruyter Ahnen, Göttinnen und Helden: Skulpturen aus Asien, Afrika und Europa
Beschützen, heilen oder bestrafen – diese Kräfte schrieben Menschen verschiedener Zeiten und Herkünfte den Bildwerken zu, die hier zum ersten Mal gemeinsam vorgestellt werden: sei es die Skulptur des Mangaaka aus der heutigen Republik Kongo, die Schutzgöttin Mahamayuri aus China oder die Maria auf der Weltkugel aus Süddeutschland. 45 Objekte aus zwei Berliner Museen, entstanden zwischen dem 4. und 19. Jahrhundert, vermitteln ein lebendiges Zeugnis der allgegenwärtigen Bedürfnisse nach Schutz und Orientierung bei der Bewältigung individueller oder gesellschaftlicher Krisen. Sie stehen für die Existenz einer nicht-sichtbaren Welt von Göttern, Geistern oder Ahnen und schufen eine Verbindung zwischen dem Diesseits und einer „anderen Wirklichkeit". Durch ihre museale Präsentation ist ihr Gebrauchszusammenhang oftmals verlorengegangen – ein Umstand, der von den Autor/-innen dieses Buches kritisch reflektiert wird.
De Gruyter Gegen den Strom: Die Omaha. Francis La Flesche und seine Sammlung
Francis La Flesche (1857–1932) lebte zwischen zwei Welten: Als Umoⁿhoⁿ (Omaha) kämpfte er für deren Rechte, als Wissenschaftler erforschte er seine eigene Kultur. Er gilt als erster indigener Ethnologe Nordamerikas und steht stellvertretend für die vielen indigenen Akteur/-innen, ohne die ethnologische Sammlungen niemals entstanden wären. Die meisten dieser Personen sind uns nicht mehr bekannt, denn im Zentrum stehen bis heute die europäischen und nordamerikanischen Sammler. Francis La Flesche bildet eine Ausnahme: Seine Arbeit gibt einen Einblick in indigene Handlungsmacht und deren Widerstand gegen Rassismus und Kolonialismus sowie die aktive Teilhabe am Handel mit Objekten. Das Buch präsentiert zum ersten Mal La Flesches Aufzeichnungen über die Gegenstände, die er der 1894 ins heutige Ethnologische Museum nach Berlin gesandten Sammlung beigab – ein beeindruckendes Zeugnis seiner erfolgreichen Bemühungen, die Kultur der Omaha für künftige Generationen zu bewahren.
Little, Brown & Company Letters to Penthouse XXI
A twenty-first compendium of letters written to Penthouse magazine's famous "Forum" of erotic true confessions features sensuous stories of sexual conquest and seduction, uncensored and unfettered. Original.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 140
This series, Advances in Chemical Physics, provides the chemical physics field with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline.
Michigan State University Press Papers of the FiftyThird Algonquian Conference Actes du cinquantetroisieme Congres des Algonquinistes
Papers of the Algonquian Conference is a collection of peer-reviewed scholarship from an annual international forum that focuses on topics related to the languages and cultures of Algonquian peoples.
Emerald Publishing Limited Coasts Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2023
The ICE Coasts, Maritime Structures and Breakwaters conference series is the leading international forum for the presentation of the latest developments in coastal and maritime engineering. This book is provided as 2 individual volumes.
American Bar Association Bid Protests: A Guide to Challenging Federal Procurements
Starting with a historical overview of how bid protests arose in the first place and the jurisdictional authority behind each of the various protest forums, the book discusses the various considerations involved in deciding whether and in which forum to protest. The book delves into the various procedural requirements associated with each forum, the differences between pre-award and post-award protests, and examine the types of protest grounds that succeed and those that do not. The History of Protest Jurisdiction Comparing Protest Forums Who May Protest, and When, and Whether to Do So Stays, Overrides, and Injunctions Protective Orders Grounds of Protest What Lies Ahead
Little, Brown & Company Letters to Penthouse XXXXIII Go Sex Yourself 43
With more than two million copies in print, the Letters to Penthouse series is a bestselling staple of the Grand Central backlist. Here's the latest sizzling volume of letters from the popular Forum section in Penthouse magazine.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Characterization and Modeling to Control Sintered Ceramic Microstructures and Properties: Proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA 2004
These proceedings are designed to provide a forum that integrates research in characterization and modeling to advance the science of ceramic/composite sintering. Densification, shape deformation, and microstructure evolution during sintering is addressed.
Muswell Press Private Lessons: A DI Garibaldi Novel
An Autumnal Sunday morning, a hungover jogger stumbles across a dead body, covered in blood, in Barnes Old Common Cemetery, a long-abandoned Gothic graveyard frequented by druggies and drunkards.The victim has spent the summer working in Italy for the wealthy Rivetti family, who appear have something to hide, as do his bosses at the high-end Forum Tutorial Agency. And, why are his old friends, who he'd been partying with the night before, quite so reticent when questioned? Enter D I Garibaldi, the Met's only non-driving, country music loving detective. His first step, to unravel the complex workings of the private tuition company, the Forum Agency.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Speaking Being: Werner Erhard, Martin Heidegger, and a New Possibility of Being Human
Speaking Being: Werner Erhard, Martin Heidegger, and a New Possibility of Being Human is an unprecedented study of the ideas and methods developed by the thinker Werner Erhard. In this book, those ideas and methods are revealed by presenting in full an innovative program he developed in the 1980s called The Forum—available in this book as a transcript of an actual course led by Erhard in San Francisco in December of 1989. Since its inception, Erhard’s work has impacted the lives of millions of people throughout the world. Central to this study is a comparative analysis of Erhard’s rhetorical project, The Forum, and the philosophical project of Martin Heidegger. Through this comparative analysis, the authors demonstrate how each thinker’s work sometimes parallels and often illuminates the other. The dialogue at work in The Forum functions to generate a language which speaks being. That is, The Forum is an instance of what the authors call ontological rhetoric: a technology of communicating what cannot be said in language. Nevertheless, what does get said allows those participating in the dialogue to discover previously unseen aspects of what it currently means to be human. As a primary outcome of such discovery, access to creating a new possibility of what it is to be human is made available. The purpose of this book is to show how communication of the unspoken realm of language—speaking being—is actually accomplished in The Forum, and to demonstrate how Erhard did it in 1989. Through placing Erhard’s language use next to Heidegger’s thinking—presented in a series of “Sidebars” and “Intervals” alongside The Forum transcript—the authors have made two contributions. They have illuminated the work of two thinkers, who independently developed similar forms of ontological rhetoric while working from very different times and places. Hyde and Kopp have also for the first time made Erhard’s extraordinary form of ontological rhetoric available for a wide range of audiences, from scholars at work within a variety of academic disciplines to anyone interested in exploring the possibility of being for human beings. From the Afterword: I regard Speaking Being as an enormously important contribution to understanding Heidegger and Erhard. The latter has received far too little serious academic attention, and this book begins to make up for that lack. Moreover, the book’s analysis of Heidegger’s thought is among the best that I have ever read. I commend this book to all readers without reservation. Michael E. Zimmerman, Professor Emeritus, University of Colorado, Boulder
American Society for Training & Development Leading the Learning Function: Tools and Techniques for Organizational Impact
Leaders as Learners, Learners as Leaders. Drawing upon firsthand experiences and insights from senior practitioners, Leading the Learning Function: Tools and Techniques for Organizational Impact offers best practices, tools, techniques, and processes that successful business leaders use to develop, build, and implement their personal leadership skill sets.The ATD Forum—a consortium for senior talent and learning practitioners to connect, collaborate, and share knowledge, best practices, and company experiences—sought to extend those accruing benefits more broadly in the profession to current and aspiring learning leaders and talent practitioners. In this book, Forum managers and book editors MJ Hall and Laleh Patel and Forum members set out to document the work learning leaders do to help themselves and others build organizational capabilities and successful results. In 26 chapters, Forum contributors—leaders in their respective organizations—offer insights and lessons about setting direction, managing processes, leading and developing people, making an impact, collaborating with stakeholders, using technology for learning, and innovating. Growing leadership skills is a lifelong journey; gaining a portfolio of techniques others have used successfully to solve similar business challenges can provide an edge in your role as a business advisor. Leading the Learning Function is just that portfolio.
Hirmer Verlag The Reconstruction of Berlin Palace: Façade, Architecture and Sculpture
The reconstructed Berliner Schloss in the heart of the German capital is both a monument of Baroque architecture and a vital new cultural building in the city. The art history, architecture and sculpture of the palace’s masterful façades by Andreas Schlüter are brought to life here in words and pictures. The Berliner Schloss marks the reinstatement of the point of reference for the urban plan of the historical centre of the capital: through the Baroque masterpiece by Andreas Schlüter the boulevard Unter den Linden and the historic buildings of the Lustgarten acquire once more a meaningful interconnection. Most of the authors are involved in this major project. They explain with the help of the impressive photographs by Leo Seidel the fascinating construction process, the imagery of the Baroque sandstone façade, the technology and the craftsmanship behind its reconstruction as well as the architectural concept of the building.
Transcript Verlag andererseits Vol. 9/10 (2020/21): Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies
andererseits provides a forum for research, commentary, and creative work on topics related to the German-speaking world and the field of German Studies. Works presented in the publication come from a wide variety of genres including book reviews, poetry, essays, editorials, forum discussions, academic notes, lectures, and traditional peer-reviewed academic articles. In addition, we welcome contributions by journalists, librarians, archivists, and other commentators interested in German Studies broadly conceived. By publishing such a diverse array of material, we hope to demonstrate the extraordinary value of the humanities in general, and German Studies in particular, on a variety of intellectual and cultural levels. This issue features contributions by Leo A. Lensing, Norman M. Klein, Jens M. Gurr, and Julia Faisst.