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Centaurus Verlag & Media KG An-Sprüche eines DDR Jahrzehnts: Fotografien im Widerspruch zum Losungsalltag
Ein riesiges Schild mit dem Konterfei von Karl Marx mit der Aufschrift » Seine Ideen haben wir verwirklicht « Und das Ganze vor der Kulisse eines heruntergekommenen Mietshauses mit dunklen Fensterhöhlen. Deutlicher lässt sich das Auseinanderklaffen von Anspruch und Wirklichkeit kaum darstellen.Der soeben erschienene opulent ausgestattete Bildband "Ansprüche eines DDR Jahrzehnts. Fotografien im Widerspruch zum Losungsalltag" des Leipziger Fotografen Sieghart Liebe dokumentiert die Parolen des DDR-Staates und der Montagsdemonstranten. Der Bildband setzt die staatlich verordneten Losungen im öffentlichen Raum, die der Fotograf mit kritisch ironischem Gespür durch das Einbeziehen des Umfeldes hinterfragt, in Kontrast zu den spontanen Willensbekundungen der Montagsdemonstranten im Herbst 1989.» Mit Losungen sollte die DDR stabilisiert werden. Mit Transparenten wurde sie zu Grabe getragen. « so Dr. Friedrich Schorlemmer im Geleitwort."Die Bilder von Sieghard Liebe stellen einen bleibenden und lebendigen Bestandteil deutscher Fotogeschichte dar. « schreibt Prof. Dr. Bernd Lindner, Zeitgeschichtliches Forum Leipzig im Begleittext.Gefördert von der Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur wurde der Bildband jüngst aus-gezeichnet mit dem Prädikat » Deutscher Fotobuchpreis 2012" und wird zusammen mit den Siegertiteln an der Wanderausstellung "Deutscher Fotobuchpreis 2012" teilnehmen.
Pennsylvania State University Press Farewell to Visual Studies
Each of the five volumes in the Stone Art Theory Institutes series brings together a range of scholars who are not always directly familiar with one another’s work. The outcome of each of these convergences is an extensive and “unpredictable conversation” on knotty and provocative issues about art. This fifth and final volume in the series focuses on the identity, nature, and future of visual studies, discussing critical questions about its history, objects, and methods. The contributors question the canon of literature of visual studies and the place of visual studies with relation to theories of vision, visuality, epistemology, politics, and art history, giving voice to a variety of inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives. Rather than dismissing visual studies, as its provocative title might suggest, this volume aims to engage a critical discussion of the state of visual studies today, how it might move forward, and what it might leave behind to evolve in productive ways.The contributors are Emmanuel Alloa, Nell Andrew, Linda Báez Rubí, Martin A. Berger, Hans Dam Christensen, Isabelle Decobecq, Bernhard J. Dotzler, Johanna Drucker, James Elkins, Michele Emmer, Yolaine Escande, Gustav Frank, Theodore Gracyk, Asbjørn Grønstad, Stephan Günzel, Charles W. Haxthausen, Miguel Á. Hernández-Navarro, Tom Holert, Kıvanç Kılınç, Charlotte Klonk, Tirza True Latimer, Mark Linder, Sunil Manghani, Anna Notaro, Julia Orell, Mark Reinhardt, Vanessa R. Schwartz, Bernd Stiegler, Øyvind Vågnes, Sjoukje van der Meulen, Terri Weissman, Lisa Zaher, and Marta Zarzycka.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Law and Policy of Biofuels
In the last twenty years the biofuels industry has developed rapidly in many regions of the world. This timely book provides an in-depth and critical study of the law and policies in many of the key biofuels producing countries, such as Brazil, China and the US, as well as the EU, and a number of other countries where this industry is quickly developing. Drawing on a range of disciplines, the contributors examine the roles of the public and private sectors in the governance of biofuels. They discuss topics such as sustainability and biofuels, and provide a critical review of regulatory regimes for biofuels. They conclude by proposing recommendations for more effective and efficient biofuel policies.Academics working in the area of renewable energy and students in environmental law will find this book to be of interest. It will also be of use to policy makers around the world looking to learn from various existing regimes.Contributors: G. Berndes, M. Brandão, A. Cowie, A. Cowie, K.S. Dahmann, J. De Beer, O. Englund, L.B. Fowler, A. Genest, L. Guo, M.-H. Labrie, Y. Le Bouthillier, E. Le Gal, O.J. Lim Tung, W.E. Mabee, F. Maes, L.D. Malo, M. Mansoor, P. Martin, H. Mcleod-Kilmurray, M.J.F. Montefrio, B.E. Olsen, R.O. Owino, P. Pereira De Andrade, M. Powers, A. Rønne, P.M. Smith, T. Smith, S. Soimakallio, I. Stupak, V.M. Tafur, A.R. Taylor
Edition Axel Menges Schulz und Schulz, Propsteikirche St. Trinitatis Leipzig: Opus 83, 1.
Text in English & German. Three places mark the chequered history of the provost church of St Trinitatis Leipzig. Not far from the site of the present new building was the historic church built in 1847 that was largely destroyed in World War Two. It took almost three decades for this church finally to be replaced in 1982. At the insistence of the East-German authorities, however, this building had to be erected in a suburb. Because of its inconvenient location and also because the building had structural damage from the very beginning, the congregation decided in 2008 to take a chance on a new start in the city centre. The third church of St Trinitatis, consecrated in 2015, is the largest Catholic church to be built in East Germany since the political turnover of 1989/90. The new church is located not only in the centre of town, but at a place that could not be more prominent: facing the large complex of the Neues Rathaus. In 2009 a competition held for the new church building with the adjacent parish centre was won by the Leipzig architects Ansgar and Benedikt Schulz. Their clever use of the triangular site particularly impressed the selection committee; at the same time, with the compact body of the church on the east and the tower on the west, they created two striking urban landmarks. Between the tower and the church is the spacious courtyard, which is open on two sides towards the surrounding area, emphasising the congregations programmatic 'openness'. The complex owes its homogenous appearance to the fact that all parts of the buildings are clad with local porphyry, an igneous rock that shimmers in delicate shades of red. While outwardly the church looks quite hermetic, the interior, with an inside height of 14.5 m, surprises the visitor by its vibrant luminosity. The decisive factor here is the skylight on the east side at a height of 22 m. From a source that is invisible to the worshippers, zenith light falls on the entire back wall behind the altar. In its disposition the church interior follows the decisions of the Second Vatican Council: separation between the priests space and the congregations space is abolished, the high altar is replaced by a peoples altar, and the faithful gather of the believers in communio around the liturgical centre. In addition to his main activity as an architecture publicist Wolf-gang Jean Stock was head of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für christ-liche Kunst and its gallery in Munich for nine years. Considering his rigorous artistic attitude, instinctively reminiscent of the work of Hilla and Bernd Becher, there is a certain consistency about the fact that the photographer Stefan Müller congenially creates images of the buildings of Owald Mathias Ungers, Max Dudler, Kleihues + Kleihues or Schulz und Schulz.
Kerber Verlag Ways of Seeing Abstraction: Works from the Deutsche Bank Collection
Abstract art was never dead. Since its revolutionary beginnings at the dawn of the 20th century, it has repeatedly flourished and survived all animosities, even bans. And more than that: today in particular, artists and museums are increasingly devoting themselves to this theme, in the world’s most important art metropolises and in unprecedented diversity. Aspects of contemporary abstract art, coupled with historical reminiscences, are the focus of the publication on the occasion of the third exhibition, showcasing works from the Deutsche Bank Collection at the PalaisPopulaire. The selection includes works from 1959 to 2021. Included are not only drawings and photographs but also, for the first time, significant paintings and prints. Artists: Markus Amm, Rana Begum, Otto Boll, Kerstin Brätsch, Cabrita, Ernst Caramelle, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Adriana Czernin, Helmut Federle, Günther Förg, Günter Fruhtrunk, Franziska Furter, Rupprecht Geiger, Katharina Grosse, João Maria Gusmão + Pedro Paiva, Erwin Heerich, Bernhard Härtter, Daniel Hunziker, ShŌichi Ida, Jürgen Jansen, Olav Christopher Jenssen, Jennie C. Jones, Kapwani Kiwanga, Imi Knoebel, Norbert Kricke, Tadaaki Kuwayama, Thomas Locher, Fabian Marti, Bernd Minnich, Wilhelm Müller, Nima Nabavi, Albert Oehlen, Susanne Paesler, Blinky Palermo, Jorge Pardo, Georg Karl Pfahler, Charlotte Posenenske, Lothar Quinte, Gerhard Richter, Peter Roehr, Ulrich Rückriem, Fred Sandback, Karin Sander, Kai Schiemenz, Richard Serra, Dieuwke Spaans, Ulrich Wendland, Claudia Wieser, Beat Zoderer Text in English and German.
Simon & Schuster Playing to the Gods: Sarah Bernhardt, Eleonora Duse, and the Rivalry That Changed Acting Forever
The riveting story of the rivalry between the two most renowned actresses of the nineteenth century: legendary Sarah Bernhardt, whose eccentricity on and off the stage made her the original diva, and mystical Eleonora Duse, who broke all the rules to popularize the natural style of acting we celebrate today.Audiences across Europe and the Americas clamored to see the divine Sarah Bernhardt swoon—and she gave them their money’s worth. The world’s first superstar, she traveled with a chimpanzee named Darwin and a pet alligator that drank champagne, shamelessly supplementing her income by endorsing everything from aperitifs to beef bouillon, and spreading rumors that she slept in a coffin to better understand the macabre heroines she played. Eleonora Duse shied away from the spotlight. Born to a penniless family of itinerant troubadours, she disappeared into the characters she portrayed—channeling their spirits, she claimed. Her new, empathetic style of acting revolutionized the theater—and earned her the ire of Sarah Bernhardt in what would become the most tumultuous theatrical showdown of the nineteenth century. Bernhardt and Duse seduced each other’s lovers, stole one another’s favorite playwrights, and took to the world’s stages to outperform their rival in her most iconic roles. A scandalous, enormously entertaining history full of high drama and low blows, Playing to the Gods is the perfect “book for all of us who binge-watched Feud” (Daniel de Visé, author of Andy & Don: The Making of a Friendship and a Classic American TV Show).
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Edinburgh German Yearbook 9: Archive and Memory in German Literature and Visual Culture
Explores the changing relationship between memory and the archive in German-language literature and culture since 1945. In recent years, the discourse of memory - and of German memory culture in particular - has become increasingly concerned with questions of the archive. An archive can refer to a physical place, the material found there, or the system that orders this material; in its broadest sense, it might refer to something public (records housed in a municipal building), or something private (photographs in a family album). The material and documentary qualities of the archive confer on it an authenticating function attributed only cautiously to memory, but theories of the archive have questioned the status of material, documentary vestiges of the past. Memory and the archive are inextricablylinked, but how does this affect the mediation of the past? This volume explores the changing relationship between memory and the archive in German-language literature and culture since 1945. Contributions approach this topic froma range of perspectives (film, visual culture, urban culture, digital technology, as well as literature) and offer illuminating studies of Harun Farocki, Anselm Kiefer, Thomas Demand, Bernd and Hilla Becher, Jürgen Fuchs, StefanWolter, and Sasa Stanisic. Contributors: Priyanka Basu, Carol Anne Costabile-Heming, Regine Criser, Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann, Diana Hitzke and Charlton Payne, Caitríona Leahy, Dora Osborne, Annie Ring, Lizzie Stewart, Simon Ward. Dora Osborne is Lecturer in German at Durham University.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Entfessle deinen Unternehmergeist: Praxisnahe Strategien für den Aufbau und die Skalierung deines Traumunternehmens
Viele Entrepreneure starten in das Abenteuer Unternehmertum, ohne genügend dafür gerüstet und darauf vorbereitet zu sein. Diese Lücke schließt das Buch von Bernd Trappmaier - es gibt Unternehmern eine Strategie und einen Plan an die Hand, mit denen sie langfristig erfolgreich und auch glücklich sein können. Außerdem ist das Buch ein Aufruf zur Entfesselung des Potenzials, das im eigenen Unternehmen des Lesers schlummert. Es ist ein Manifest für alle, die den wahren Zweck ihres Unternehmertums erkennen und ihre Vision in die Realität umsetzen wollen. Der Autor liefert praktische Anleitungen und Geschichten, die die Leser inspirieren sollen, den Status quo ihres Unternehmens in Frage zu stellen und neue Wege zu beschreiten. Sie werden dabei durch die verschiedenen Phasen des Unternehmenslebenszyklus geführt, von der Entwicklung einer persönlichen Lebensvision über die Unternehmensgründung bis zur Umsetzung innovativer Geschäftsstrategien. Das Buch ist geschrieben für Gründer, Selbständige und etablierte Unternehmer, die die Leidenschaft in ihrem Leben wieder entfachen wollen. Es bietet eine Roadmap, um die eigene Unternehmerreise bewusst zu gestalten und die eigenen Träume (endlich) zu verwirklichen. Es ist somit ein idealer Wegbegleiter für diejenigen, die bereit sind, ihre persönliche und unternehmerische Komfortzone zu verlassen, sich ihren Ängsten zu stellen und ihr eigenes Schicksal zu formen.
Springer International Publishing AG Dialogues Between Physics and Mathematics: C. N. Yang at 100
This volume celebrates the 100th birthday of Professor Chen-Ning Frank Yang (Nobel 1957), one of the giants of modern science and a living legend. Starting with reminiscences of Yang's time at the research centre for theoretical physics at Stonybrook (now named C. N. Yang Institute) by his successor Peter van Nieuwenhuizen, the book is a collection of articles by world-renowned mathematicians and theoretical physicists. This emphasizes the Dialogue Between Physics and Mathematics that has been a central theme of Professor Yang’s contributions to contemporary science. Fittingly, the contributions to this volume range from experimental physics to pure mathematics, via mathematical physics. On the physics side, the contributions are from Sir Anthony Leggett (Nobel 2003), Jian-Wei Pan (Willis E. Lamb Award 2018), Alexander Polyakov (Breakthrough Prize 2013), Gerard 't Hooft (Nobel 1999), Frank Wilczek (Nobel 2004), Qikun Xue (Fritz London Prize 2020), and Zhongxian Zhao (Bernd T. Matthias Prize 2015), covering an array of topics from superconductivity to the foundations of quantum mechanics. In mathematical physics there are contributions by Sir Roger Penrose (Nobel 2022) and Edward Witten (Fields Medal 1990) on quantum twistors and quantum field theory, respectively. On the mathematics side, the contributions by Vladimir Drinfeld (Fields Medal 1990), Louis Kauffman (Wiener Gold Medal 2014), and Yuri Manin (Cantor Medal 2002) offer novel ideas from knot theory to arithmetic geometry.Inspired by the original ideas of C. N. Yang, this unique collection of papers b masters of physics and mathematics provides, at the highest level, contemporary research directions for graduate students and experts alike.
Leonard Bernstein Music Publishing Co. Bernstein Theatre Songs MediumLow Voice 47 Songs
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) 100 Jahre Rechtswissenschaft an der Universität Hamburg
Der 100. Jahrestag der Gründung der Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft der Universität Hamburg bietet eine willkommene Gelegenheit zu einer Standortbestimmung mit historischer Perspektive. Mit ihren mehr als 40 Beiträgen eröffnet die Festschrift ein bisher unerreichtes Panorama der Rechtswissenschaft in Hamburg. Biographische Einzelstudien und institutionelle Überblicke verschaffen dem Leser eine lebendige Anschauung von einer Fakultät, die sich als Neuling im Kreis der juristischen Fakultäten sehr rasch einen Namen als Einrichtung gemacht hat, die ihre Schwerpunkte stets in den Grundlagenfächern und den internationalen Fragen des Rechts gesehen hat. Ebenso bemerkenswert ist die kontinuierliche Offenheit der Hamburger Fakultät für Innovationen in der Lehre. Wiederholt war die Fakultät hierbei auch Vorreiterin in der Bundesrepublik. Mit Beiträgen von:Ivo Appel, Klaus Bartels, Jürgen Basedow, Alexander Baur, Jörg Berkemann, Wolfgang Berlit, Reinhard Bork, Hans Peter Bull, Jochen Bung, Wilhelm Degener, Dagmar Felix, Gerrit Frotscher, Julia Geneuss, Armin Hatje, Rolf Herber, Heribert Hirte, Wolfgang Hoffmann-Riem, Florian Jeßberger, Hinrich Julius, Rainer Keller, Robert Koch, Markus Kotzur, Maximiliane Kriechbaum, Milan Kuhli, Otto Luchterhandt, Ulrich Magnus, Peter Mankowski, Jean Mohamed, Stefan Oeter, Marian Paschke, Arne Pilniok, Tilman Repgen, Wolf-Georg Ringe, Bernd-Rüdeger Sonnen, Mareike Schmidt, Hans-Heinrich Trute, Stefan Voigt, Moritz Vormbaum, Albrecht Zeuner
Karnac Books Autistic Phenomena and Unrepresented States: Explorations in the Emergence of Self
With contributions from Anne Alvarez, Joshua Durban, Jeffrey L. Eaton, Bernard Golse, Didier Houzel, Howard B. Levine, Suzanne Maiello, Sylvain Missonnier, Bernd Nissen, Marganit Ofer, and Jani Santamaría. The capacity to create psychic representations is now understood to be a developmental achievement. Without it, meaning cannot be ascertained and this can lead to “psychic voids” and “unrepresented states”, which can contribute to the development of autism and autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). Unrepresented states are also implicated and encountered in other, non-autistic, non-neurotic conditions, such as psychosomatic disorders, addictions, perversions, and primitive character disorders. The affects that unrepresented states produce or are associated with are often those of terror, emptiness, annihilation and despair. The organisation of the psyche consists of psychotic – i.e. unstructured – as well as neurotic parts of the mind; unintegrated as well as integrated areas; and unrepresented areas with little meaning as well as represented states consisting of specific ideas imbued with affect. Given this organisation, we should expect to find both an unstructured and a dynamic unconscious in all patients. This implies that, to some degree, unrepresented and unintegrated states are universal and will exist and be encountered in all of us. Consequently, the opportunities and challenges presented by the understanding and treatment of autism and ASD, where the unrepresented and its consequences (e.g. defensive organisations employed to protect against annihilation anxiety and catastrophic dread) can be encountered may offer us metaphors and clues relevant to aspects of the treatment of all patients, no matter what their dominant diagnoses may be. Packed with theory and helpful case studies, this carefully edited collection from an international array of experts in the field is essential reading for all practising clinicians.
Bergverlag Rother Berner Oberland West
Walter de Gruyter Die Berner Rätsel / Aenigmata Bernensia: Lateinisch - Deutsch
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Violent Women in Print: Representations in the West German Print Media of the 1960s and 1970s
First book to explore print-media representations of 1970s German terrorism from an explicitly gendered perspective, while also examining media coverage of other violent women. As the controversy surrounding the release of Uli Edel and Bernd Eichinger's 2008 feature film The Baader Meinhof Complex demonstrates, West Germany's terrorist period, which reached its height in the "German autumn" of 1977, is still a fascinating -- and troubling -- subject. One of the most provocative aspects, still today, is the high proportion of women involved in terrorism, most notoriously Ulrike Meinhof. That the film concentrates on the trajectory of Meinhof's life and mobilizes established and hence reassuring paradigms of femininity in its representation of her (as "mother" and "hysterical woman") suggests that the combination of women and violence is still threatening and that there is still mileage to be had from feminizing the discourse. The present study returns to the West German print media of the 1960s and 1970s and raises questions about the continuing preoccupation with this period. Looking at publications from the right-wing Bild to the liberal Der Spiegel, it explores how violent women -- not only terrorists but also others such as the convicted murderer and media femme fatale Vera Brühne -- were represented in text and image. This is the first book to explore print-media representations of German terrorism from an explicitly gendered perspective, and one of very few books in English to address the period in Germanyat all, despite steadily increasing interest in the UK and the US. Clare Bielby is Lecturer in German Studies at the University of Hull.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Systemische Methoden in Familienberatung und -therapie: Was passt in unterschiedlichen Lebensphasen und Kontexten?
Der systemische Ansatz ist in der Arbeit mit Familien weit verbreitet. Andreas Eickhorst und Ansgar Röhrbein versammeln in einem Band die in diesem Arbeitsfeld erprobten Methoden. Das Buch bietet einen breiten und umfangreichen Ãberblick Ã"ber 24 systemische Methoden in Familienberatung und -therapie. Unterschiedliche institutionelle Kontexte (Erziehungs- und Familienberatungsstellen, Schule, Suchtberatung, Sozialpädagogische Familienhilfe, Kinderschutz, Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie etc.) werden genauso berÃ"cksichtigt wie verschiedene Altersbereiche (z. B. Säuglingszeit, frÃ"he Kindheit, Kindergarten, Schule, Pubertät, erwachsene Kinder). Die Kapitel sind in einer anwendungsorientierten Strukturierung aufgebaut und an Fallbeispielen exemplifiziert. Den Methoden sind einleitende Kapitel vorangestellt, die eine entwicklungspsychologische Einordnung geben und die besonderen Anforderungen an Familien benennen.Mit Beiträgen von Anne Baumann, Madeleine Bernard, Heike Bösche, Jörn Borke, Monique Breithaupt-Peters, Filip Caby, Martin Diem, Diana Drexler, Andreas Eickhorst, Birgit Fischer, Martina Furlan, Julian Geigges, Michael Grabbe, Bettina Hattenbach, Thomas Hegemann, Heike Hör, Christina Hunger, Anke Kasner, Lea Linke, Beate Meißner, Thomas Meyer-Deharde, Elisabeth Nicolai, Anja Novoszel, Christian Pröls, Bernd Reiners, Tim Reuter, Ansgar Röhrbein, Christina Rosemann, Erzsébet Roth, Annette Rupp, Felicia Schröck, Jochen Schweitzer, Katja Seidel, Kathrin Stoltze und Mélanie Tripod.
Bergli Books Ltd Bern's Hidden Stories: A Child's Active Guide to Bern's Old Town
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Rechtsgeschichte der Wirtschaft: Seit dem 19. Jahrhundert
Das Werk vermittelt Studierenden der Rechts-, Geschichts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften einen chronologischen Überblick über die Entwicklung des rechtlichen Rahmens der deutschen Wirtschaft von ca. 1800 an bis heute. Dafür stellt es in verschiedenen Blöcken insbesondere die Entwicklung des Handelsrechts, des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes, des Gesellschaftsrechts, des Kartellrechts und des Arbeitsrechts dar.In der Neuauflage sind die entsprechenden Lehrsätze am Ende der Kapitel hinzugekommen. Außerdem werden verschiedene Materien wie Banken und, Versicherungen in einem neuen Kapitel zum Regulierungsrecht behandelt."Mathias Schmoeckel ist ein vorzüglich konzipiertes und dokumentiertes Werk zu verdanken, das nicht nur den Studierenden, sondern auch der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit den Zugang zur Entwicklung der Regelung der wirtschaftlichen Abläufe und das Verständnis ihrer komplexen Zusammenhänge wesentlich zu erleichtern vermag." Friedrich Kübler Rechtsgeschichte 2009, 215-217"Hier werden erstmals gut verständlich die Entwicklungen rechtlicher und wirtschaftlicher Schnittpunkte rechtshistorisch gut verständlich dargelegt und somit das Verständnis interdisziplinärer Zusammenhänge gefördert. Allein angesichts der Bewältigung der Aufgabe, ein neues rechtshistorisches Fach zu etablieren und so gut zu strukturieren, muss vor dem Autor der Hut gezogen werden. […] Es kann daher allen Interessierten uneingeschränkt empfohlen werden." Christiane Warmbein (18.05.2009)"Dem Werk ist eine breite Leserschaft zu wünschen, weit über den primär zugrunde gelegten Zweck einer Grundlagenausbildung für den wirtschaftsrechtlichen Schwerpunktbereich hinaus." Bernd Mertens Zeitschr.f.Neuere Rechtsgeschichte 2010, 320-321
PRH Grupo Editorial GarcÃa Lorca La casa de Bernarda Alba The House of Bernarda Alba
Fruto capital del universo lorquiano, esta obra sin parangón recoge la historia de Bernarda Alba, enviudada por segunda vez a los sesenta años, y de sus hijas, obligadas a sumirse en un luto que desencadenará la tragedia. Considerada la obra más madura de Lorca, La casa de Bernarda Alba cierra la llamada trilogía de la tragedia -formada también por Bodas de sangre y Yerma-. Su carácter realista y la opresión en el pecho que se siente ante la represión de unas mujeres atrapadas en un frío infierno de luto, celos, silencio y sueños truncados se ha interpretado como un presagio de los oscuros tiempos que se avecinaban y en los que el propio Lorca se convertiría en una víctima prematura. No obstante, la presente edición contrapone este texto tan magnífico como terrible a Los sueños de mi prima Aurelia, una comedia inacabada inspi
Spektrum Academic Publishers Malta und Gozo: Auf Tour
Der kleine Inselstaat Malta ist ein vor allem bei Sprachschülern beliebtes Urlaubsziel. Wo sonst kann man schon Englisch unter „native speakers“ lernen und sich nach Unterrichtsschluss sonnen oder im Mittelmeer baden? Doch Malta ist mehr als die Urlaubsnation für Sonnenhungrige.Die Maltesischen Inseln blicken auf mehr als 7000 Jahre Besiedlungsgeschichte zurück, und die steinzeitlichen Tempel des Archipels zählen zu den ältesten freistehenden Bauwerken der Menschheitsgeschichte.Zur Zeit des Johanniterordens war Malta als Bollwerk gegen türkische Eroberer der Schutzschild Europas, und als britische Kronkolonie war seine Rolle im Zweiten Weltkrieg von entscheidender Bedeutung. Als sich der Staat nach seiner Unabhängigkeit politisch dem „Ostblock“ zuwandte, war ganz Europa um die Stabilität im Mittelmeerraum besorgt.Der Kleinstaat, der immer wieder die Gemüter eines ganzen Kontinents erregte, ist seit 2004 Mitglied der Europäischen Union und hat die Finanzkrise seit 2008 bislang mit Bravour bestanden. Die Geographen Rainer Aschemeier und Bernd Cyffka beleuchten schlaglichtartig viele interessante Aspekte dieses Inselstaats, von der Geologie bis zum EU-Beitritt, von der Steinzeit bis ins 21. Jahrhundert.Der Leser bekommt dabei oft andere Aspekte des Landes geschildert, als diejenigen, die üblicherweise zu lesen sind. Dargelegt an ausgewählten Beispielen und einmaligen Fotos wird ein Land beschrieben, welches räumlich so nahe liegt, aber doch deutlich anders ist, als allgemein angenommen. Vielleicht weckt die Lektüre die Lust, nach Malta zu reisen – zum ersten oder sogar zum wiederholten Mal.
Wilderness Press MAP San Bernardino Mountains: San Bernardino National Forest and San Gorgonio/San Jacinto Wild Areas
This completely updated, full-color recreation map covers the San Bernardino, Santa Rosa, and San Jacinto mountains, including Lake Arrowhead, Big Bear Lake, San Gorgonio Wilderness, and San Jacinto State Park.
University of Texas Press Coevolution of Animals and Plants: Symposium V, First International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology, 1973
It has long been recognized that plants and animals profoundly affect one another’s characteristics during the course of evolution. However, the importance of coevolution as a dynamic process involving such diverse factors as chemical communication, population structure and dynamics, energetics, and the evolution, structure, and functioning of ecosystems has been widely recognized for a comparatively short time. Coevolution represents a point of view about the structure of nature that only began to be fully explored in the late twentieth century. The papers presented here herald its emergence as an important and promising field of biological research.Coevolution of Animals and Plants is the first book to focus on the dynamic aspects of animal-plant coevolution. It covers, as broadly as possible, all the ways in which plants interact with animals. Thus, it includes discussions of leaf-feeding animals and their impact on plant evolution as well as of predator-prey relationships involving the seeds of angiosperms. Several papers deal with the most familiar aspect of mutualistic plant-animal interactions—pollination relationships. The interactions of orchids and bees, ants and plants, and butterflies and plants are discussed. One article provides a fascinating example of more indirect relationships centered around the role of carotenoids, which are produced by plants but play a fundamental part in the visual systems of both plants and animals.Coevolution of Animals and Plants provides a general conceptual framework for studies on animal-plant interaction. The papers are written from a theoretical, rather than a speculative, standpoint, stressing patterns that can be applied in a broader sense to relationships within ecosystems.Contributors to the volume include Paul Feeny, Miriam Rothschild, Christopher Smith, Brian Hocking, Lawrence Gilbert, Calaway Dodson, Herbert Baker, Bernd Heinrich, Doyle McKey, and Gordon Frankie.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Who Is This Schiller Now?: Essays on His Reception and Significance
New essays by top international Schiller scholars on the reception of the great German writer and dramatist, emphasizing his realist aspects. The works of Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) -- an innovative and resonant tragedian and an important poet, essayist, historian, and aesthetic theorist -- are among the best known of German and world literature. Schiller's explosive original artistry and feel for timely and enduring personal tragedy embedded in timeless sociohistorical conflicts remain the topic of lively academic debate. The essays in this volume address the many flashpoints and canonicalshifts in the cyclically polarized reception of Schiller and his works, in pursuit of historical and contemporary answers to Samuel Taylor Coleridge's expression of frightened admiration in 1794: "Who is this Schiller?" The responses demonstrate pronounced shifts from widespread twentieth-century understandings of Schiller: the overwhelming emphasis here is on Schiller the cosmopolitan realist, and little or no trace is left of the ultimately untenable view of Schiller as an abstract idealist who turned his back on politics. Contributors: Ehrhard Bahr, Matthew Bell, Frederick Burwick, Jennifer Driscoll Colosimo, Bernd Fischer, Gail K. Hart, Fritz Heuer, Hans H. Hiebel, Jeffrey L. High, Walter Hinderer, Paul E. Kerry, Erik B. Knoedler, Elisabeth Krimmer, Maria del Rosario Acosta López, Laura Anna Macor, Dennis F. Mahoney, Nicholas Martin, John A. McCarthy, Yvonne Nilges, Norbert Oellers, Peter Pabisch, David Pugh, T. J. Reed, Wolfgang Riedel, Jörg Robert, Ritchie Robertson, Jeffrey L. Sammons, Henrik Sponsel. Jeffrey L. High is Associate Professor of German Studies at California State University Long Beach, Nicholas Martin is Reader in European Intellectual History at the University of Birmingham, and Norbert Oellers is Professor Emeritus of German Literature at the University of Bonn.
Edition Axel Menges Karl Freidrich Schinkel: Das Architektonische Work Heute/The Architectural Work Today
Text in German. There is a copious and wide-ranging body of literature on Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Germany's most important 19th-century architect. But there is not a single work that records and assembles material on buildings by Schinkel that are still standing today, one hundred and sixty years after his death, after two world wars and major political upheavals. This volume is intended to fill the gap by providing the fullest possible compilation. It is surprising how many buildings by Schinkel still exist. There are over 170 of them in 112 different places, 62 in Germany and 49 in Poland and Russia, with Berlin and Potsdam each counting as a single location. The picture is very varied as far as the individual buildings are concerned. The churches make up the greatest number: about 86 of them are still standing. Then come 34 museums, theatres, guardhouses, schools and similar buildings, 18 palaces, castles and manor houses, 12 memorials, 12 tombs, 6 interiors and 4 fonts. A glance at a map of the former state of Prussia shows clearly that the buildings are not distributed evenly. In the west, the Rhineland and Westphalia, there were and are relatively few buildings by Schinkel. There is a decided cluster, the first regional concentration, in the present Saxony-Anhalt, between Magdeburg and Weimar. Further to the east come major accumulations in Berlin and Potsdam, and then the Oderbruch in the east of Brandenburg as another cluster. There are also concentrations of buildings by Schinkel in the Posen area as well as in West and East Prussia. Pomerania and Silesia have far fewer. Heinz Schonemann provides an introductory essay about Schinkel in his day, Helmut Borsch-Supan has contributed accounts of the way in which Schinkel's legacy is being handled today. The catalogue texts are by Martina Abri, Elke Blauert, Eva Borsch-Supan, Bernd Evers, Hillert Ibbeken and Heinz Schonemann.
Hybrid Verlag Bernsteinfalter
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Bernsteintrnen
Seven Stories Press,U.S. Bernie
Sunflower Books Bernese Oberland and Valais Sunflower Guide: 75 long and short walks with detailed maps and GPS; 6 car tours with pull-out map and 3 train tours
The go-to Bernese Oberland travel guide for discovering the best walks and car tours. Strap on your boots and discover Bernese Oberland on foot with the Sunflower Bernese Oberland travel guide. And on the days when your feet may have had enough, enjoy some spectacular scenery on one of our legendary car tours or train tours. The Sunflower Bernese Oberland guide is indispensable for hiking in Bernese Oberland or seeing Bernese Oberland by car. Although a car is the best way to explore much of the Oberland and Valais, Switzerland boasts the world’s best public transport system. You can see a vast majority of its mountain landscapes by public transport. There are many suggested train tours in the guide. But where trains don’t go, buses will – even to remote valleys and hamlets. Switzerland is a hiker’s paradise (you would expect nothing less of a country which has an article in its constitution regulating the responsibilities of those who maintain the thousands of kilometres of hiking paths!). Mountain huts and comfortable hotels sit atop summits reached by spectacular train or cable car rides, but there is still plenty of space where you will hardly meet a soul. The author, who lives in the area and has written several guides for walkers, caters for all abilities – from gentle strolls through the wine villages of the Valais to more strenuous hikes beside the north face of the Eiger or alongside the largest glacier in the Alps. Information ‘boxes’ add interest to the book – whether describing grape varieties and harvesting methods or the engineering feats of the country’s dams and irrigation channels. There are three main car tours, with dozens of side excursions. A map accompanies each car tour, but there are also two pull-out touring maps covering the whole of western Switzerland.) Of course, there are many suggestions for train, funicular and cable car rides, as well as 75 long and short walks (some of which are specially tailored to motorists). All the main walks are illustrated with 1:50,000 topo maps and free GPS tracks are available from this website. Whatever your age or ability we’ve got some glorious walks and car tours to ensure you have a memorable holiday in this beautiful corner of Switzerland. Inside the Sunflower Bernese Oberland guide book you’ll find: 75 long and short walks for all ages and abilities – each walk is graded so you can easily match your ability to the level of walk Topographical walking maps – give you a clear sense of the surrounding terrain Free downloadable gps tracks – for the techies Satnav guidance to walk starts for motorists 6 car tours and fold-out touring map – for easy reference on your tour Strolls to idyllic picnic spots – enjoy our recommendations for where to picnic along the way Timetables for public transport – ideal if you want to link two walks or avoid hiring a car on your holiday Online update service for the latest information Whether you tour the region by car, train or explore on foot, we look forward to showing you around.
Ediciones Akal Bernini
Penguin Books Ltd Bernini
Sculptor and architect Bernini was the virtual creator and greatest exponent of Baroque in 17th century Italy. He has left his greatest mark on Rome where Papal patronage provided him with enormous architectural commissions.
Seven Stories Press,U.S. Bernie
FISCHER Taschenbuch Bernsteintage Erzhlungen
Lübbe Die Bernsteintochter
Reclam Philipp Jun. Professor Bernhardi
Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd Bernard Frize
This is the first full-length monograph on the paintings of Bernard Frize (b.1949), an artist whose work straddles movements and styles from Colour Field to Minimalism, Fluxus, and Conceptual Art. Frize's works utilise a carefully constructed range of tools, processes, choreography and collaboration to catalogue, in complex and unexpected abstract form and colour, the possibilities of his chosen materials. Emerging from the politicised 1970s onwards, Frize swam against the tide of opinion regarding painting’s apparent obsolescence to develop a painting practice that could express political commitment and social concerns, while avoiding both overt statement and pure decoration. David Rhodes’ text provides a detailed consideration of Frize’s development, from the earliest works onwards. Placing his paintings in a broader art-historical and philosophical context, a wider conversation about painting itself is presented alongside Frize's significant place within the medium's history.
Alpine Club Bernese Oberland
Yale University Press Bernini's Michelangelo
A novel exploration of the threads of continuity, rivalry, and self-conscious borrowing that connect the Baroque innovator with his Renaissance paragon Gianlorenzo Bernini (1598–1680), like all ambitious artists, imitated eminent predecessors. What set him apart was his lifelong and multifaceted focus on Michelangelo Buonarroti—the master of the previous age. Bernini’s Michelangelo is the first comprehensive examination of Bernini’s persistent and wide-ranging imitation of Michelangelo’s canon (his art and its rules). Prevailing accounts submit that Michelangelo’s pervasive, yet controversial, example was overcome during Bernini’s time, when it was rejected as an advantageous model for enterprising artists. Carolina Mangone reconsiders this view, demonstrating how the Baroque innovator formulated his work by emulating his divisive Renaissance forebear’s oeuvre. Such imitation earned him the moniker “Michelangelo of his age.” Investigating Bernini’s “imitatio Buonarroti” in its extraordinary scope and variety, this book identifies principles that pervade his production over seven decades in papal Rome. Close analysis of religious sculptures, tomb monuments, architectural ornament, and the design of New Saint Peter’s reveals how Bernini approached Michelangelo’s art as a surprisingly flexible repertory of precepts and forms that he reconciled—here with daring license, there with creative restraint—to the aesthetic, sacred, and theoretical imperatives of his own era. Situating Bernini’s imitation in dialogue with that by other artists as well as with contemporaneous writings on Michelangelo’s art, Mangone repositions the Renaissance master in the artistic concerns of the Baroque from peripheral to pivotal. Without Michelangelo, there was no Bernini.
HarperCollins Bernsteinsommer
C.H. Beck Bernini
Alianza Editorial Le gusta ser malvado conversacin nocturna entre Thomas Bernhard y Peter Hamm en la casa de Bernhard en Ohlsdorf 1977
?Nadie es tan crítico con mis cosas como yo. Podría actuar contra mí mismo como actúo contra mis personajes.??Le gusta ser malvado?? es una larga conversación nocturna, inédita hasta ahora, que tuvo lugar, en 1977, en la casa de Thomas Bernhard, en Ohlsdorf, entre el controvertido escritor austriaco y el crítico literario y escritor alemán Peter Hamm. La importancia de esta entrevista es que a través de la misma podremos conocer por qué escribía Thomas Bernhard, cómo lo hacía, el porqué de sus provocadoras actitudes, de su manera de pensar y de ser, por qué parecía a los demás un misántropo, cómo y por qué Thomas Bernhard vivía como vivía. En el fondo, un valioso documento para conocer mejor a Bernhard y comprender la obra literaria de uno de lo autores más importantes que han dado las letras alemanas.?Nadie es tan crítico con mis cosas como yo. Podría actuar contra mí mismo como actúo contra mis personajes.?
Schnell & Steiner Transfer Bernwardsaule
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Bernard Pepperlin
Hal Leonard Corporation Working with Bernstein
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Beauty and Bernice
Twelve-year-old Bernice Baransky likes the grunge look she’s come by honestly as the only girl at Porchtown Skate Park who can pop an ollie, ride the rails, and grind the slabs. She’d love to impress Wyatt Anderson, a skater who calls her Dude, but Bernice can’t seem to do more than mumble when he’s around. Should she accept help from a new neighbor, the proper and princessy Odelia, who is desperate to befriend her? Odelia keeps a fancy notebook called Odelia's Guide to the Social Graces and spouts off hilarious lessons on poise, posture, manners, and what to do about embarrassing “oopsies” like unexpected burps and spilled soda. This exciting story takes readers on a thrill ride from the skate park’s half-pipe to Smile Academy, a summer camp for Down syndrome children. A novel full of adventure and heart, it asks the question: can two very different people ever be friends?
Phaidon Press Ltd Bernar Venet
The first true monograph on the work of celebrated French conceptual artist and sculptor Bernar Venet Bernar Venet is one of France's most celebrated living artists. Having emerged from the late 1960s avant-garde scene in New York, Venet developed a personal aesthetic based on an innovative use of mathematics and science, where control, chance, and chaos converge to form a fine equilibrium while investigating their relationship with the environment. Conversant in many media, Venet is mostly known for his monumental outdoor sculptures in major cities worldwide and, in fall 19, his Arc Majeur is due for completion at a site in Belgium - at almost 200 feet in height (60 metres), Venet's sculpture will be taller than New York's Statue of Liberty.