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Harvard University Press The Girl with the Brown Crayon
Once again Vivian Paley takes us into the inquiring minds and the dramatic worlds of young children learning in the kindergarten classroom.As she enters her final year of teaching, Paley tells in this book a story of farewell and a story of self-discovery—through the thoughts and blossoming spirit of Reeny, a little girl with a fondness for the color brown and an astonishing sense of herself. "This brown girl dancing is me," Reeny announces, as her crayoned figures flit across the classroom walls. Soon enough we are drawn into Reeny's remarkable dance of self-revelation and celebration, and into the literary turn it takes when Reeny discovers a kindred spirit in Leo Lionni—a writer of books and a teller of tales. Led by Reeny, Paley takes us on a tour through the landscape of characters created by Lionni. These characters come to dominate a whole year of discussion and debate, as the children argue the virtues and weaknesses of Lionni's creations and his themes of self-definition and an individual's place in the community.The Girl with the Brown Crayon tells a simple personal story of a teacher and a child, interweaving the themes of race, identity, gender, and the essential human needs to create and to belong. With characteristic charm and wonder, Paley discovers how the unexplored territory unfolding before her and Reeny comes to mark the very essence of school, a common core of reference, something to ponder deeply and expand on extravagantly.
Hauser & Wirth Gustav Metzger
The artist's biography as told by Metzger himself, a leader of the Auto-Destructive Art and Art Strike movements. A visionary artist and radical thinker, Gustav Metzger asked provocative questions about the role of the artist and of conventional forms of artmaking and display. In this richly illustrated book, Metzger tells the story of his life and work in a series of interviews with the curator Hans Ulrich Obrist. He recounts his Orthodox Jewish childhood in 1930s Nuremberg and his arrival in England as part of the Kindertransport before shedding light on his development as an artist, including his early contributions to computer art, his leading role in the Destruction in Art Symposium of 1966, and his call for an art strike' from 197780. An artist for our times, Metzger's uncompromising commitment to combating environmental destruction was fundamental to his understanding of art as a vehicle for change. This publication speaks emphatically to the undimmed urgency of Metzger's ar
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Familientherapie fur Dummies
Kreative Lösungen für Eltern,Paare und Kinder Nichts prägt uns so sehr wie die Familie, in der wir aufwachsen. Sie kann uns stärken und uns wappnen, um auch mit schwierigen Situationen im Leben angemessen umzugehen. Sie kann aber auch klein machen und Wunden hinterlassen, die ein Leben lang schmerzen. Der erfahrene Therapeut Paul Gamber erklärt, wann eine Familientherapie hilfreich ist, welche Richtung – tiefen - psychologisch, verhaltensorientiert oder systemisch – wann sinnvoll ist und wie eine solche Therapie abläuft. Sie lernen die Werkzeuge kennen, mit denen Sie auch Tabuthemen der Familie angehen und die eigene Hilf - losigkeit und Verzweiflung überwinden. Sie erfahren auch, wie Sie eine Familienaufstellung zur Neuorientierung nutzen und wie Sie unter den vielen Anbietern denjenigen finden, der Sie und Ihre Familie qualifiziert und verantwortungsbewusst begleitet.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Talking Teenagers: Information and Inspiration for Parents of Teenagers with Autism or Asperger's Syndrome
Ann Boushéy's teenage son Jon was diagnosed with high-functioning autism in kindergarten. Having mastered the day-to-day challenges that parenting a young child with autism or Asperger's Syndrome pose, Talking Teenagers considers questions surrounding parenting across the spectrum during the teenage years.Written out of her own experience, this inspirational book provides the information that will encourage other parents with teens on the autism spectrum. Covering everyday topics, from what to take on vacation and dealing with anger, to sex education and planning for the parents' own demise, Ann ends each chapter with thoughtful vignettes: "Chicken Nuggets for the Soul".After reading this book, parents will come away with a sense of empowerment and feeling that they are not alone, while professionals will gain a valuable and compassionate insight into the world of parenting a teenager on the autism spectrum.
Random House USA Inc Tacky
An irreverent and charming collection of deeply personal essays about the joys of low pop culture and bad taste, exploring coming of age in the 2000s in the age of Hot Topic, Creed, and frosted lip gloss—from the James Beard Award-nominated writer of the Catapult column Store-Bought Is Fine”Tacky is about the power of pop culture—like any art—to imprint itself on our lives and shape our experiences, no matter one''s commitment to good taste. These fourteen essays are a nostalgia-soaked antidote to the millennial generation''s obsession with irony, putting the aesthetics we hate to love—snakeskin pants, Sex and the City, Cheesecake Factory''s gargantuan menu—into kinder and sharper perspective. Each essay revolves around a different maligned (and yet, Rax would argue, vital) cultural artifact, providing thoughtful, even romantic meditations on desire, love, and the power of nostalgia.
Canongate Books A Tall History of Sugar
'Captivating from the very first page' Jennifer EganShortlisted for the Fiction category in the OCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean LiteratureDiscovered amidst a tangle of sea grape trees by the childless Rachel Fisher, baby Moshe's provenance is a thing of myth and mystery; his unusual appearance, with blueish, translucent skin and duo-toned hair, only serves to compound his mystique.Equally feared and ridiculed by peers as he grows up, he finds a surprising kindred soul in the striking and bold Arrienne Christie, but their complex relationship is fraught with obstacles that tear them apart as powerfully as they are drawn together.Beginning in the late 1950s, four years before Jamaica's independence from colonial rule, A Tall History of Sugar's epic love story sweeps between a rural Jamaica, scarred by the legacies of colonialism, and an England increasingly riven by race riots and class division.
Quercus Publishing Bay of Secrets
The #1 Kindle Bestseller returns with a gorgeous summer read about romance, family and the secrets we keep from those we love.''The perfect holiday companion'' - Heat''The ultimate feel-good read'' - Candis''Sun-soaked escapism'' - Best**********Spain, 1939 Following the wishes of her parents to keep her safe during the war, a young girl, Julia, enters a convent in Barcelona. Looking for a way to maintain her links to the outside world, she volunteers to help in a maternity clinic. But worrying adoption practices in the clinic force Sister Julia to decide how far she will go to help those placed in her care. England, 2012Six months after her parents'' shocking death, 34-year-old journalist and jazz enthusiast Ruby Rae has finally found the strength to pack away their possessions and sell the family home. But as she does so, she un
Amberley Publishing The Fifteen Guinea Special
The Fifteen Guinea Special was the last steam-hauled British Rail passenger service on 11 August 1968. A day later, the once living and breathing steam locomotives fell silent, some never to run again. Ian Hardman begins with an in-depth look into the Fifteen Guinea Special with first-hand accounts and explores how the train has developed to become a cornerstone of British history. Barry Scrapyard, Dai Woodham and the world-famous Flying Scotsman then played a huge part in inspiring the resurrection of steam and the saving of hundreds of locomotives from certain demise. Fifty years on, steam is alive and well and has re-kindled a flame in the hearts of the British public. This book takes a step-by-step journey into the twenty-first century following the highs and lows of the business of steam-hauled mainline charters, bringing the story fully up to date.
Little, Brown Book Group The Surgeon
Trusted surgeon. Loving wife. Murderer?Before my world came crashing down, I had it all. The successful career I dreamed of. The beautiful red-brick home where I could relax in front of the fire. The handsome, devoted husband whose blue eyes and charming smile always made me feel safe.As I call time of death, my voice is steady. My colleagues stand hushed around me, their eyes on me, confused, concerned.I have never lost a patient until today.My hands tremble inside their gloves. I slide down the cold tiled walls, my heart racing in my chest.I have never hated a patient until today.But what choice did I have, once I recognized him?And what will I do to protect myself, if someone learns the truth?A Kindle no.1 bestseller, The Surgeon is a totally gripping psychological thriller that will have you racing through the pages, gasping for breath until the final jaw-dropping twist. If you
Little, Brown Book Group A Game of Lies
IF YOU WERE HOOKED ON THE TRAITORS, YOU WON''T WANT TO MISS A GAME OF LIES... THE TWISTY SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING THRILLER AND NO.1 KINDLE BESTSELLERThey say the camera never lies.But on this show, you can''t trust anything you see.Seven reality show contestants arrive in the Welsh mountains to compete for a life-changing prize, not realising what they''re truly signing up for.Each stranger has a secret - and the show will force them to expose one another live on air.It''s not long before things take an even darker turn, and Detective Ffion Morgan is summoned to untangle the truth behind the scenes.And when a murderer strikes, every one of Ffion''s suspects has an alibi . . . and a secret worth killing for.''Twisty and clever'' Karin Slaughter''Clever plot and smart, sharp writing'' Shari Lapena''Packed with suspects, twists and turns'' Alex Michaelides
The Book Guild Ltd Bertrand and Wally Tackle the Clovehitch Virus Crisis: A Story of a Struggle for Survival of an Insect Civilisation
“William Hiccup,” said Bertrand, “you are evidently suffering from THE CLOVE-HITCH VIRUS!” “Well, I’ll be a popped-lipped wrong-hipped wobbity-wiggled-wobbled wonky-legged son-of-a-peg-legged clove-hitching post!” When Bertrand the beetle and Wally, a woodland wasp with a waspy mind, set off on a journey through the wood of Lower Tinklewigglebottom to Bertrand’s good friend Professor Clapperstein’s Research Institute, their voyage is abound with incidents and meetings of other insect acquaintances. A notable earwig scientist, inventor and discoverer, Professor Clapperstein has made a discovery from a human landfill site that will take the group on an adventure through time and space… But will the threat of the Clove-Hitch Virus Crisis follow them to this new world of aliens and medieval knights? As Bertrand the Beetle himself would say: “A Book as Bouncy, Bountiful and Brilliant as a King-Cut Kindled Candle.”
Ebury Publishing You Are Incredible Just As You Are: How to Embrace Your Perfectly Imperfect Self
Find happiness by embracing your perfectly imperfect self.This inspiring journal is designed to help you find your way in a world where comparison and judgement can make it hard to stay true to yourself. Using a mixture of prompts, tick boxes and space to write down thoughts, as well as uplifting quotes and thought-provoking words, this beautifully designed book by the creator of The Happy News will help you feel more confident in yourself and less anxious about what other people think. With advice on using social media in a positive way, embracing failure, celebrating your differences and finding people who make you feel happy, this book is designed to help you be kinder to yourself. Because when you embrace your insecurities, differences, and everything that makes you unique, you’ll realise that the only person you need to be is your strong, special, perfectly imperfect self.
Skyhorse Publishing Summer Learning Crash Course for Minecrafters: Grades K–1: Improve Core Subject Skills with Fun Activities
Age range 5 to 7Who says learning can’t be fun? Let everyone’s favourite game, Minecraft, keep your Kindergartener’s skills fresh all summer long and help them start the school year with a clear academic advantage.Thanks to colorfully illustrated pages and high-interest lessons based around familiar video game characters, young Minecrafters can practice and retain key grade-level skills with zero pressure and maximum fun.Inside you’ll find engaging content that aligns with national Common Core State Standards including lessons in: Language arts (phonics, grammar, and writing) Math (basic addition and subtraction, word problems, and shapes) Science (weather, animals, nutrition, and plant cycle) Social studies (community, map reading, and landforms) No more fighting the summer slide. With the kid-centered approach of the Summer Learning Crash Course for Minecrafters series, kids will be equipped and willing to bridge the gap between one grade and the next and start school feeling like a winner.
Pentagon Press Encyclopaedia of Education and Technology
Covers more than 200 entries relevant in many important educational contexts, including kindergarten, corporate and industrial training, and distance education.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Gruppenleitung in der Kita: Haltung -- Rolle -- Aufgaben
Welche Aufgaben hat eine Gruppenleitung? Wie gelingt der Einstieg als Gruppenleitung nach einer Beförderung in der eigenen Kita oder als Berufsneuling in einem erfahrenen Team?Mit der Rollenëbernahme als Gruppenleitung gehen Anforderungen einher, die erst in der praktischen Arbeit erlebt werden und die mit den wachsenden - nicht allein auf die pädagogische Arbeit mit Kindern und Eltern begrenzten - Aufgaben entstehen. Die Gruppenleitung ëbernimmt im Kleinteam eine besondere Rolle und ist auch verantwortlich fër die Teamarbeit und -entwicklung. Anja Cantzler vermittelt praxisnah die vielfältigen Aufgaben einer Gruppenleitung, gibt Hilfestellung bei der Entwicklung der eigenen Rollenklarheit und stellt verschiedene Methoden und Werkzeuge fër die Teamarbeit dar.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Backen für Dummies
Wollten Sie nicht schon immer mal Ihrem Liebsten einen Geburtstagskuchen backen oder ein paar Freunde zu einem richtig netten Kaffeeklatsch einladen? Backen ist kinderleicht und macht Spaß! Emily Nolan weiht Sie in die Geheimnisse des Backens ein. Zunächst zeigt sie, wie Sie Ihre Küche so organisieren, dass Sie alle Zutaten und Gerätschaften beim Backen zur Hand haben, welches Backzubehör Sie unbedingt brauchen, welche Backzutaten sich in Ihrem Vorratsschrank befinden sollten und wie Sie die Zutaten richtig abmessen. Dann geht's auch schon mit dem Backen los. Über 100 Rezepte, von Plätzchen über einfache Kuchen bis zu raffinierten Torten, laden zum Nachbacken ein.
Waldorf Early Childhood Association North America Nokken: A Garden for Children: A Danish Approach to Waldorf-based Child Care
Helle Heckmann describes a delightful Danish Waldorf childcare facility for children ages 1-7.Nøkken is a wonderful example of a healthy child-care facility which accepts children from the age of one. This extended case study explores what places like Nøkken can offer for children and their families.It is very practical, covering issues of staff relations, number of children, the rhythm of the day, parent relations, seasonal celebrations and birthdays, and financing the centre. Throughout, the Steiner-Waldorf principles underpinning the kindergarten shine through.This edition has been fully updated and expanded, including a new Foreword by Patricia Lambert and selections from Heckmann's other book about Nøkken, A Garden for Kids.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. DEN Volume 3 Children of Fire
This special edition collects the third volume of the long out-of-print Den, and also features bonus material, art pages restored by long-time Corben collaborator Jose Villarrubia, re-lettered by Nate Piekos of Blambot, and an introduction by Matt Kindt, all presented in a gorgeous hardcover with a dust jacket. Aliens flee their planet after a monster attack and crash-land near a sorcerer''s castle in Neverwhere. They must fight for survival and protect their egg and future kin at all costs from the many beasts, pirates, and other threats to their safety. Den: Children of Fire is the next book in a series of deluxe graphic novels from renowned creator Richard Corben''s library to be published by Dark Horse Comics.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Demon Slayer Complete Box Set: Includes volumes 1-23 with premium
Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.The complete saga of Demon Slayer, all in one epic box set! This box set contains all 23 volumes of the global hit Demon Slayer as well as an exclusive booklet and a double-sided poster.
Springer Spektrum Inklusives Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik
Merging Horizons History of Mathematics and Cultural Diversity.- Cultural and linguistic heterogeneity as a type of learning in an environment of disadvantages.- Jahrgangsmischung im Mathematikunterricht Heterogenität als Chance nutzen.- Mehr als inhalts- und prozessbezogene Kompetenzen Was sollen Kinder im Mathematikunterricht lernen können?.- Finde Aufgaben mit der Zahl 4 Zur Vielfalt bei der kreativen Bearbeitung offener Aufgaben.- Inclusive Learning Environments for Mathematics Education from a student perspective.- Produktives Fördern im inklusiven Mathematikunterricht.- Problemhaltige Sachaufgaben inklusive.- Realisierung eines inklusiven Mathematikunterrichts in der Grundschule.- Platonische Körper entdecken Vielfältig Lernen im Lehr-Lern-Labor Mathe-Spürnasen.- Von 2 bis 100 eine substanzielle Lernumgebung zur Dezimaldarstellung von Stammbrüchen.- Konstruktion digital unterstützter Lernumgebungen zur kombinatorischen Anzahlbestimmung.- Eine inklusive Lehr-Lernumgebung für
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Schulsozialarbeit in der Bildungslandschaft: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Reformpotenzials
Angesichts politisch getragener Forderungen nach Schulsozialarbeit zur Entschärfung der Bildungsbenachteiligungen von Armut betroffener Kinder stellt sich die Frage, wie weit diese Forderungen tatsächlich ihre fachlich-pädagogische Berechtigung haben? Oder ob hier möglicherweise auch ein Hoffnungsträger ins (pädagogische) Feld geführt wird, der den Blick von den bildungspolitisch zu verantwortenden Veränderungsbedarfen ablenkt und für etwas geradestehen muss, das keinesfalls mit den zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen und Rahmenbedingungen im Handlungsfeld geleistet werden kann? Die Beiträge des Bandes basieren auf Daten und Befunden aus jüngeren qualitativen und quantitativen Erhebungen sowie den aktuellen Diskursen zu den Schwerpunkten Care, Biografie, Effekte, Schulformate, interdisziplinäre Kooperationen und leuchten bislang ungeklärte Aspekte des Handlungsfeldes aus.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Selbstverteidigung für Dummies
»Jeder vermiedene Kampf ist ein gewonnener Kampf!« Getreu diesem Motto können Sie mit »Selbstverteidigung für Dummies« Strategien zur Deeskalation und Vermeidung kritischer Situationen lernen. Anhand praktischer Beispiele zeigt der Autor, wie Sie verschiedene Situationen meistern können. Doch was, wenn ein Kampf sich nicht vermeiden lässt? Carsten Bönnen erklärt Ihnen, wie Sie sich gegen Grabscher, Schläger, Antänzer und bewaffnete Gegner im Stand und am Boden verteidigen können. Außerdem lernen Sie alles, was noch für die Selbstverteidigung wichtig ist. Sie erfahren, woran Sie einen guten Selbstverteidigungskurs für sich und Ihre Kinder erkennen, welche Kampfkunst am besten zu Ihnen passt und ob Sie fit sein müssen, um sich verteidigen zu können.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers The Ultimate Self-Esteem Toolkit: 25 Tools to Boost Confidence, Achieve Goals, and Find Happiness
Do you ever struggle with self-confidence? Or find it difficult to speak about yourself kindly? Finding the self-esteem to navigate high-stress situations and achieve your goals can often feel like an impossible feat, but The Ultimate Self-Esteem Toolkit is the perfect aid to change that.Written by a therapist with many years' experience supporting people to build their confidence, this book provides re-affirming, practical tools and creative exercises to encourage you in developing a healthy sense of self-esteem. With 25 different techniques based on CBT, positive psychology, mindfulness, and narrative therapy, find out which strategies work best for you in developing your resiliency and confidence and transform the way you view yourself.
Titan Books Ltd The Girl With the Deep Blue Eyes
In the depths of her blue eyes, he glimpsed...murder.Cashed out from the NYPD after 24 years, Doak Miller operates as a private eye in steamy small-town Florida, doing jobs for the local police. Like posing as a hit man and wearing a wire to incriminate a local wife who's looking to get rid of her husband. But when he sees the wife, when he looks into her deep blue eyes...He falls - and falls hard. Soon he's working with her, against his employer, plotting a devious plan that could get her free from her husband and put millions in her bank account. But can they do it without landing in jail? And once he's kindled his taste for killing...will he be able to stop at one?
Hodder & Stoughton Like No Other
Rachel Smedling is not like the other women in her isolated Pennine village: she is taller, stronger and weaves cloth like a man. Without her, the household would fall apart, for her mother is ailing and her vicious drunkard father seems to hate her so much, he would happily offer money to any man who would wed her. When her mother dies, Rachel is at the mercy of her increasingly violent father. Her only escape is by marrying a kindly man with whom she finds happiness, if not passion, and her life begins to seem complete. Rachel's growing prosperity infuriates her father and his cronies, however, and they will stop at nothing to see her destroyed.
Orion Publishing Co Furoshiki: And the Japanese Art of Gift Wrapping
Perfect the gift of giving. The only modern, practical guide to the ancient art of Japanese gift wrapping. Discover how to use Furoshiki - beautiful, reusable wrapping cloth, to make gift-giving extra special and joyful, and kinder to the planet too.In Japan, gift-giving is an important cultural ritual, and the presentation is just as important as the gift itself. Learn 30 exquisite yet easy wrapping styles, involving knotted or intricately folded Furoshiki cloth, to wrap bottles, bouquets of flowers and other presents. You can also use Furoshiki to wrap and carry all sorts of everyday items.With no cutting, sticking or waste, give thoughtful, beautiful gifts and say goodbye to single-use wrapping paper, bags and packaging for good.
Knock Knock Knock Knock 52 Farts Playing Cards Deck
A deck of playing cards that also defines 50 types of farts? That's right. This deck is beautifully designed, meticulously researched, and laugh-out-loud funny (and a totally legit card deck!). In other words, it's the perfect gag gift for men or weird gift for your favorite weirdos. Kinda gives new meaning to the term "royal flush," no? • Know when to hold 'em&emdash;and when to let 'em rip! • Because cards are fun and farts are funny. (Duh.) • 2.5 x 3.5 inches; 52 playing cards Knock Knock is an independent maker of clever gifts, books, and whatever else they can think up. Their mission is to bring humor, creativity, and smarts to everyday life. Put the fun in functional with #knockknockstuff.
Parthian Books Working Out
He comes each week to loosen his limbs, lose some weight, make the heart beat stronger, longer. This is a skilful collection by a poet well acquainted with relative place: wherever a poem lives, it always remembers its place in the world. Indeed, juxtapositions and connections – with place, culture, and among humans – are where the poet flexes his muscle – ‘works out’ his ideas. The poet gazes outward and inward with the same critical eye: he kindly refuses to judge the humans in his poems, instead offering them up as precise portraits, and even in dialect, never caricatures. The poet is never far from the frame, sharing in our delight, disappointment, upset, and wonder.
Little, Brown Book Group Blackpool Lass
The perfect read for fans of Mary Wood, Kitty Neale, Val Wood and Nadine DorriesOrphaned and destitute, will Grace find her own way in the world?When Grace's Ma passes away and her Da's ship sinks with all hands, Grace is utterly alone in the world. She's sent to an orphanage in Blackpool, but the master has an eye for a pretty young lass. Grace won't be his victim, so she runs, destitute, into the night. In Blackpool, she finds a home with the kindly Sheila and Peggy - and meets a dashing airman. But it's 1938, and war is on the horizon. Will Grace ever find the happiness and home she deserves?
Cinebook Ltd Barracuda 4 - Revolts
It's chaos in Puerto Blanco. Raffy, caught red-handed with Ferrango's wife Maria, is about to be thrown into a shark tank; the governor is toppled by a coup ...and the Spanish occupy the city after bombarding it. Amidst the blood and fire, alliances are formed and broken, betrayal follows betrayal, and the flame of resistance is kindled. Will love and friendship prove stronger than fanaticism and the thirst for power?
Oldcastle Books Ltd Death at Whitechapel: A Victorian Mystery (6)
Kathryn Ardleigh is becoming accustomed to the high-society circles of her husband, Lord Charles Sheridan. She has found a kindred spirit in Jennie Jerome Churchill, an American who married the second son of the Duke of Marlborough. But Jennie faces a serious scandal that threatens the political future of her 23-year-old son Winston. She is being blackmailed by someone who claims to have proof that Winston's father was the notorious Jack the Ripper...
Oxford University Press Oxford Children's Classics: Black Beauty
This Oxford Children's Classic features the complete unabridged text, an introduction by Hannah Gold, and other bonus material including insights for readers, facts, activities, and more . . . As a young horse, Black Beauty is kindly treated and well cared for, but after he is scarred in an accident his fortunes start to change. From high-stepping thoroughbred to downtrodden cab horse, Black Beauty's story remains one of the most moving novels ever written about an animal's life.
John Murray Press Promise
'A magical, magnificent novel, that amounts to a secret history of an America we think we know, but never really knew' Marlon JamesThe people of Salt Point are afraid of the world beyond their rural town. Most of them are born, live and die never having gone more than twenty or thirty miles from houses that are crammed with generations of their families. But something shifts at the end of summer 1957. Change makes its way to Salt Point. The Kindred sisters - Ezra and Cinthy - grew up with an abundance of love. Love from their parents, who let them believe that the stories they tell on stars can come true. Love from their neighbours, the Junketts, the only other Black family in town, whose home is filled with spice-rubbed ribs and ground-shaking hugs. And love for their adopted hometown of Salt Point, a beautiful New England village perched high up on coastal bluffs.But as the girls hit adolescence, their white neighbours, including Ezra's best friend, Ruby, start to see their maturing bodies and minds in a different way. And as the news from distant parts of the country fills with calls for freedom, equality, and justice for Black Americans, the white villagers of Salt Point begin to view the Kindreds and the Junketts as a threat to their way of life. Amidst escalating violence, prejudice, and fear, bold Ezra and watchful Cinthy must reach deep inside the wells of love they've built to commit great acts of heroism and grace on the path to survival.In luminous, richly descriptive writing, Promise celebrates one family's story of resistance. It's a book that will break your heart - and then rebuild it with courage, hope, and love. 'A novel so potent, one wonders if it's secretly a magic spell' Kiran Desai
Simon & Schuster Did I Say You Could Go
A suspenseful, gripping novel about families and friendships torn apart at the seams by obsession, secrets, and betrayal with relentless twists and turns that hurtle forward to a shocking confrontation.When Ruth, a wealthy divorcée, offers to host the Hillside Academy kindergarten meet-and-greet, she hopes this will be a fresh start for her and her introverted daughter, Marley. Finally, they’ll be accepted into a tribe. Marley will make friends and Ruth will be welcomed by the mothers. Instead, the parents are turned off by Ruth’s ostentatious wealth and before kindergarten even begins, Ruth and Marley are outcasts. The last guest to arrive at the meet-and-greet is Gemma, a widow and a single mother to her daughter, Bee. Ruth sets her sights on the mother-daughter duo, and soon the two families are inseparable. Ruth takes Gemma and Bee on Aspen vacations, offers VIP passes to Cirque du Soleil, and pays for dinners at Michelin-starred restaurants. For Gemma, who lives paycheck to paycheck, Ruth’s largesse is seductive, but as the years go by, she can’t shake the feeling that she’s accruing an increasingly unpayable debt. When Ruth’s affair with a married Hillside dad is exposed, and she’s publicly shunned, Gemma uses it to sever ties with Ruth. Six years later, when Gemma finds herself embroiled in a scandal of her own—Ruth comes to her defense. Their renewed friendship rehabilitates their reputations, but once again, Gemma starts to feel trapped as Ruth grows more and more obsessed with their relationship. A relentless page-turner, Did I Say You Could Go is the story of friendships steeped in lies and duplicity. It’s about two families who, when pushed to extremes, cross the line with devastating results.
Insight Editions The Powerpuff Girls The Official Cookbook
Sugar, spice, and everything nice: these were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls and the perfect recipes for breakfast foods, entrees, desserts, snacks, and drinks in The Powerpuff Girls: The Official Cookbook.Inspired by the many crime-fighting heroes, villains, and food references from Townsville, this action-packed cookbook includes recipes from Beat Your Greens to Power Lunch. With The Powerpuff Girls: The Official Cookbook, fans can recreate The Mayor''s Favorite Pickle and Turkey Sandwiches, Sweets for Mojo Jojo, Professor Utoniom''s Chemical X Chili, and more!Featuring full-color photography, The Powerpuff Girls: The Official Cookbook features suggestions for alternate ingredients and tips and tricks from crime-fighting kindergarteners Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup.THE ONLY OFFICIAL POWERPUFF COOKBOOK: The first officially licensed cookbook, created in conjunction with the studio behind The Po
HarperCollins Publishers Collins International English Foundation Teachers Guide
Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes.
Peeters Publishers Man En Vrouw Schiep Hij Hen ...: Derde Herwerkte Editie
Misschien was de opdracht om heel gezond te leven voor de mens nooit zo pregnant als in de negentiger jaren, op weg naar het jaar 2000. Die moderne mens moet immers niet alleen de klassieke "fin de siecle"-aandoeningen ontwijken. De moderne mens, het moderne paar, het moderne gezin, moet zijn levensloop voltrekken in een technocratische cultuur. Deze technocratische cultuur draagt een inherent risico tot on-cultuur, tot ontvreemden van de lichamelijkheid, tot vervreemden van de menselijkheid. Dit risico dreigt zowel in de samenleving als in de hulpverlening. Mens en samenleving worden in de negentiger jaren ook sterker geconfronteerd met de AIDS-problematiek, die rechtstreeks met de seksuele omgang samenhangt. Ook het seksuele misbruik van kinderen en de (kinder)pornografie hebben dramatische afmetingen bereikt. Na de seksuele revolutie, met "nieuwe normen" voor huwelijk, gezin en seksualiteit, kwamen ook de moderne fertiliteitstechnologieen (van de pil tot de proefbuisbaby). Ook in de psychotherapie ontwikkelden zich een 250-tal onderscheiden disciplines en technieken...Mensen met psychosomatische klachten en/of seksuele problemen zijn niet (meer) bekwaam van hun lichaam als lust-en relatie-lichaam te genieten. Een integrale behandeling reikt zover dat deze mensen (terug) de lust tot relatie ontplooien, geestdriftig, met levenszin, en met eerbied en verdraagzaamheid tegenover elkaar.
Pan Macmillan Vegan (ish): 100 simple, budget recipes that don't cost the earth
Discover delicious, creative and affordable meals in Vegan (ish), a collection of plant-based recipes from bestselling writer and campaigner Jack Monroe.'My theory is, if all of us adopted a few more plant-based meals into our diets on a weekly basis, not only would our food bills go down, but so would our environmental impact'This full-colour collection of one hundred simple, low-cost recipes is perfect for committed vegans or anyone who wants to give vegan cooking a try. From Breakfast Muckmuffins to Beet Wellington, and Kinda-Carbonara to Bakewell Tart, Jack's easy, vibrant home cooking is tasty, tempting and surprisingly uncomplicated.Packed with inventive, easy and 100% vegan dishes, this gorgeous book is sure to appeal – whether you are looking to take the leap, want to be a little kinder to the planet, need ideas to cook for a vegan friend, or simply want to put some more plant power in your everyday cooking.'Jack Monroe is both cookery writer and tenacious campaigner . . . she understands first hand what it's like to be skint and have the desire to put something delicious on the table' – Nigel Slater
Behrman House Inc.,U.S. Dreaming Bigger: Jewish Leadership for Teens
A thought book and actionable guide for Jewish teens who want to make a difference in the world.Teens are changing the world.Teen leaders are dreaming, planning, and raising the social consciousness of those around them. They are questioning the status quo, using technology to do good, and pushing others to do so as well. they know that they don't have to wait for adults to make the world a kinder, better place. Do you look at problems others ignore? Do you find joy in helping others? Do you want to do something big in the world? There are many ways to be a leader, and we each have unique strengths. Jewish values such as tzedakah (charity, or justice), and tikun olam (healing the world) can help show us the way. And Jewish heroes throughout history and in the present offer us leadership lessons and personal examples.While we may never finish the work, we can't wait another minute to begin. Now's the time to find your voice and your cause, to think about your influence, mission, courage, and purpose, and to bring others along with you to do good in the world.You are leading. You are dreaming bigger.Dreaming Bigger is a call to action.It's workbook, an inspiration, a guide for teens who want to make a difference in the world, supported by their Jewish heritage. It can be read alone or with a friend, in a group, or in a class.Topics include managing stress, making better decisions, deepening empathy, using technology, speaking in public, ending bullying, fighting antisemitism, advocating for racial justice, and more.Packed with leadership advice for teens from teens and from experts around the world, insights from Jewish texts, thought exercises, and discussion prompts, it invites readers to grapple with the classis call to action from the sage Hillel: If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?
Knock Knock Your Sober Pal: 50 Affirmation Cards Deck To Help You Along the Recovery Path
Want/need a sober pal who’s been there and totally gets it? With 50 funny + real-talkin’, motivational cards, this recovery affirmation deck has got your back! Whether you’re already in recovery, wanna go easy for a bit, or just kinda sober curious… Your Sober Pal is here to uplift and comfort you along the way. Get daily sobriety affirmations & an inspirational pocket hug 24/7! File under: self-care, self-esteem, self-help, proud of you sobriety gifts! 3.75 x 5 inches; 50 cards, plus instruction card; written by Laura Van Antwerp
Comme des geants inc. Giant Giant
A humorous story full of plot twists that shows the negative side of bullying and the importance of being kindEvery day, a giant spreads terror among the villagers of a peaceful town. He commands them to wash his underwear and to cook large feasts for him, or else he will stomp on the entire village! This overbearing giant does not seem to have a worry in the world! But his misfortune is about to strike, as a giant even more gigantic than him is about to take over.
Knock Knock Knock Knock The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me Today Gratitude Journal
Gratitude is magic, but gratitude journals can be kinda cheesy (and feel like work). This not-really-a- journal is un-cheesy and super easy: Just think of one thing you're thankful for each day-or whenever! A whole year of inspo for practicing gratitude This daily gratitude journal is the best thing ever for lazy people, busy people, grumpy people, and happy-ish people! Paperback, 128 pages; 5 X 7 inches; foil stamping, lay-flat binding, ribbon page marker
Amazon Publishing Enchanted Isle
In the spring of 1958, Jenny Winter embarks on a two-month adventure to one of the most enchanting places on earth, a quaint village in England’s magical Lake District. With a new camera and an eye for capturing the beauty others miss, she can’t wait to explore the heathery fells and mystical waters. Adrian Kemp, a handsome and enigmatic local, makes the sightseeing even more beguiling—and he’s about to invite Jenny into one of the area’s most enduring legends. When Adrian shows Jenny his late father’s abandoned dream, a deserted island amusement park, she glimpses a kindred spirit in this reckless, haunted young man. Yet as she opens her heart to Adrian, the two stumble into a labyrinth of mystery leading back a generation to an unforgettable romance and an unsolved murder that still casts a shadow over the lakes. As long-held secrets come to light, it’s left to Jenny and Adrian to put the past to rest and restore a lost dream.
Random House Children's Books Kira and the Maybe Space Princess
Fashionable fights, flashy attacks, and friends that are out of this world! This wacky and funny graphic novel series is a love letter to manga fans. With a tongue in cheek humor and delightfully fun action scenes, this series is perfect for fans of Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, and Katie the Catsitter.There's nothing cooler than Magical Girls - pretty superheroes fighting villains with the power of friendship and glitter? What could be better than that! This year in middle school, Kira is going to be cool and popular and have SO many friends because she’s going to be a MAGICAL GIRL! ...Or not.Frustrated beyond belief, Kira makes a wish on a shooting star that her life will change – and when Catacorn, a cat-unicorn-space-princess, crashes into Kira's backyard, it seems her wish has come true…kinda…maybe… Oh no. Is Kira's dream of being a Magical Girl really possible...or is Catacorn not really what she promi
HarperCollins Publishers The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles
The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles was the second children’s novel ever written by Julie Andrews, the beloved star of Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music. Perfect for young readers who love whimsical stories about magic! The Whangdoodle was once the wisest, the kindest, and the most extraordinary creature in the world. Then he disappeared and created a wonderful land for himself and all the other remarkable animals—the ten-legged Sidewinders, the little furry Flukes, the friendly Whiffle Bird, and the treacherous, oily Prock. It was an almost perfect place where the last of the really great Whangdoodles could rule his kingdom with peace, love and a sense of fun—apart from and forgotten by people. But not completely forgotten. Professor Savant believed in the Whangdoodle. And when he told the three Potter children of his search for the spectacular creature,
Batsford Ltd A Butler's Guide to Entertaining
The rise of the celebrity chef and the downturn in the economy has re-kindled an interest in all things culinary and encouraged the great British public back indoors to cook and entertain for themselves. Who better to steer you through the minefield of entertaining etiquette than a quintessentially English butler? This is the ultimate guide to entertaining in style from the man who knows how it's done, whether you are hosting cocktails for colleagues, afternoon tea with the family, or a full-blown feast for a legion of friends. Invitation etiquette and how to greet you guests is covered, alongside information on seating plans, place settings and organizing the table service. Plenty of information on estimating quantities, preparation and serving the food and drink is included, and there is even advice on steering away guests who have outstayed their welcome. Containing everything you need to know about entertaining, this is a must-have guide for any host with the most.
Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd Dinner with Mr Darcy
Enter Jane Austen''s world through the kitchens and dining rooms of her characters, and her own family.It''s a great idea - a book that you can read as well as cook from, and one that, uniquely, sends you straight back to the novels themselves—Telegraph Online In this charming bit of historical reconstruction, Pen Vogler takes authentic recipes from Austen''s time and updates them for today. You''ll find everything you need to recreate Netherfield Ball in your front room.—Kathryn Hughes, The best books on food, The Guardian Food is an important theme in Austen''s novels, used as a commodity for showing off, as a way of showing kindliness among neighbours, as part of the dynamics of family life, and for comic effect. Dinner with Mr Darcy takes authentic recipes from the period, inspired by the food that features in Austen''s novels and letters, and adapts them for contemporary cooks. The text is interwoven throughout
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Wind Knows My Name
THE POWERFUL AND MOVING NEW NOVEL FROM LITERARY LEGEND ISABEL ALLENDE - A RICHARD AND JUDY BOOK CLUB PICK FOR JULY 2024A testament to love, survival and sacrifice' HARPER'S BAZAAR No, we''re not lost. The wind knows my name. And yours too.Vienna, 1938. Five-year-old Samuel Adler boards the last Kindertransport train out of Nazi-occupied Austria, escaping to England with just a change of clothes and his beloved violin. Eight decades later, Anita Diaz and her mother flee El Salvador for refuge in the United States, where the new family separation policy lands seven-year-old Anita alone at a camp in Nogales. Intertwining past and present, this is an unforgettable story of the search for family and home, the extraordinary sacrifices made by parents, and the courage of children to never stop dreaming. Allende blends fact and fiction, love and war . . . As you read her escapist tale you develop a richer understanding of the wo