Search results for ""author kind"
WW Norton & Co Black Folk Could Fly: Selected Writings by Randall Kenan
Virtuosic in his use of literary forms, nurtured and unbounded by his identities as a Black man, a gay man, an intellectual, and a Southerner, Randall Kenan was known for his groundbreaking fiction. Less visible were his extraordinary nonfiction essays, published as introductions to anthologies and in small journals, revealing countless facets of Kenan’s life and work. Flying under the radar, these writings were his most personal and autobiographical: memories of the three women who raised him—a grandmother, a schoolteacher great-aunt, and the great-aunt’s best friend; recollections of his boyhood fear of snakes and his rapturous discoveries in books; sensual evocations of the land, seasons, and crops—the labor of tobacco picking and hog killing—of the eastern North Carolina lowlands where he grew up; and the food (oh the deliriously delectable Southern foods!) that sustained him. Here too is his intellectual coming of age; his passionate appreciations of kindred spirits as far-flung as Eartha Kitt, Gordon Parks, Ingmar Bergman, and James Baldwin. This powerful collection is a testament to a great mind, a great soul, and a great writer from whom readers will always wish to have more to read.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Rekindling Life: A Common Front
As the environmental crisis accelerates, we can easily feel overwhelmed, but our feeling of powerlessness is partly due to a misunderstanding of the natural world. We tend to think of nature as a cathedral on fire, like Notre Dame engulfed in flames. But the living world is not a cathedral on fire – if it were, the battle would already be lost. The living world is itself a fire that reconstitutes itself continuously and creates countless forms of life as soon as we leave it the space and time to do so. So the problem we face today is not to stop the fire – rather, it is how to defend and rekindle the embers of life that are all around us.Drawing lessons from conservationist initiatives aimed at allowing the natural forces of forests to take over again through a process of free evolution, and from agro-ecological farming initiatives which make lands hospitable for wildlife, Baptiste Morizot shows how specific actions can release the prodigality of life, its jungle-like power to regenerate itself. Actions like these are possible because the power of the living world lies in its abundance and creativity: the biosphere is a living fire that covers the earth, and it can always start up again if we know how to defend and kindle its embers.
Harvard University Press Moralia, III: Sayings of Kings and Commanders. Sayings of Romans. Sayings of Spartans. The Ancient Customs of the Spartans. Sayings of Spartan Women. Bravery of Women
Eclectic essays on ethics, education, and much else besides.Plutarch (Plutarchus), ca. AD 45–120, was born at Chaeronea in Boeotia in central Greece, studied philosophy at Athens, and, after coming to Rome as a teacher in philosophy, was given consular rank by the emperor Trajan and a procuratorship in Greece by Hadrian. He was married and the father of one daughter and four sons. He appears as a man of kindly character and independent thought, studious and learned. Plutarch wrote on many subjects. Most popular have always been the forty-six Parallel Lives, biographies planned to be ethical examples in pairs (in each pair, one Greek figure and one similar Roman), though the last four lives are single. All are invaluable sources of our knowledge of the lives and characters of Greek and Roman statesmen, soldiers and orators. Plutarch’s many other varied extant works, about sixty in number, are known as Moralia or Moral Essays. They are of high literary value, besides being of great use to people interested in philosophy, ethics, and religion. The Loeb Classical Library edition of the Moralia is in fifteen volumes, volume XIII having two parts. Volume XVI is a comprehensive Index.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Diamond
Diamond wasn't always a star. Born to penniless parents who longed for a strong, healthy son, she was a dainty, delicate daughter - and a bitter disappointment.Discovering an extraordinary gift for acrobatics, Diamond uses her talent to earn a few pennies, but brings shame on her family. When a mysterious, cruel-eyed stranger spots her performing, Diamond is sold - and is taken to become an acrobat at Tanglefield's Travelling Circus.The crowds adore Diamond, but life behind the velvet curtains is far from glamorous. Her wicked master forces Diamond to attempt ever more daring tricks, until she is terrified to step into the ring. But there are true friends to be found, too: the gentle Mister Marvel; the kindly Madame Adeline; and the glorious Emerald Star, Tanglefield's brand-new ringmaster, and Diamond's heroine.When life at the circus becomes too dangerous to bear any longer, what will the future hold for Diamond? And will her beloved Emerald be a part of it?Enter the amazing world of Hetty Feather and follow her adventures throughout the series:1. Hetty Feather2. Sapphire Battersea3. Emerald Star4. Diamond
Amazon Publishing Ugly Young Thing
Sixteen-year-old Allie has already experienced a lifetime of horror, having lost her mother and serial killer brother to mental illness. Returning to her childhood home in Louisiana, Allie ends up in foster care and is placed with Miss Bitty, an eccentric but kindly older woman who shows her a new direction and brighter future. But Allie’s new life takes a devastating turn when young women in the area start turning up dead, and she begins to see shadowy figures outside her bedroom. As Miss Bitty grows inexplicably distant, a nagging voice makes Allie wonder if death has found her yet again…or if it never really left her at all.
WW Norton & Co At the Center of All Beauty: Solitude and the Creative Life
Fenton Johnson’s lyrical prose and searching sensibility explore what it means to choose solitude and to celebrate the notion that solitude is a legitimate and dignified calling. He delves into the lives and works of nearly a dozen iconic solitaries he considers his kindred spirits, from Thoreau at Walden Pond and Emily Dickenson in Amherst, to the fiercely self-protective Zora Neale Hurston. The bright wakes these figures have left behind illuminate Fenton Johnson’s journey from his childhood in rural Kentucky to his solitary travels in America, France, and India. Woven into his musings about better-known solitaries are stories of friends and family he has lost and found along the way.”
Springer Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe
I. Grundlagen der Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe.- 1. Anatomie der Brust und der weiblichen Genitalorgane.- 2. Physiologie und endokrine Regelkreise.- 3. Untersuchungsmethoden in der Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe.- 4. Gesetzliche Grundlagen und Handlungsempfehlungen in der Humangenetischen Beratung.- 5. Dokumentation und Aufklärung in der Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe.- II. Gynäkologie.- 6. Infektionen des weiblichen Genitals.- 7. Mastitis.- 8. Kontrazeption.- 9. Kinderwunsch.- 10. Peri- und Postmenopause.- 11. Notfälle in der Gynäkologie.- 12. Gutartige Veränderungen des Genitals.- 13. Vorstufen und bösartige Veränderungen am Genital.- 14. Gutartige Veränderungen der Mamma und Veränderungen biologisch unsicheren Verhaltens.- 15. Bösartige Veränderungen der Mamma.- 16. Fertilitätsprotektion bei malignen Erkrankungen.- 17. Humangenetik in der gynäkologischen Onkologie.- 18. Klinische Studien.- 19. Notfallsituationen bei Patientinnen unter gynäko-onkologischer Systemtherapie.- III. Geburtshi
De Gruyter Werner Schmalenbach und die Stiftung Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen: Eine Staatsgalerie im Aufbau
Die Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen gilt als eine der wichtigsten deutschen Sammlungen für moderne und zeitgenössische Kunst. Mit dem Gründungsjahr 1961 liegt die außergewöhnliche Entstehungsgeschichte inmitten des Wirtschaftswunders und damit im Spannungsfeld zwischen kultureller Erneuerung und Restauration, der Repräsentation eines neuen Staatsverständnisses und der Wiedereingliederung in den internationalen Staatenbund. Die Autorin untersucht Gründungsgeschichte und Sammlungsaufbau bis zur endgültigen Konsolidierung Ende der 1960er-Jahre. Sie betrachtet Leben und Wirken des Gründungsdirektors Werner Schmalenbach – seine Kindheit und Jugend in der Schweiz, seine Begegnung mit der „entarteten Kunst" sowie seine Rolle als Wegbereiter moderner Kunst in der jungen Bundesrepublik.
Quadrille Publishing Ltd Homemade Beauty
This book is a modern guide that will help you simplify your beauty regime. Discover how to create your own sustainable, natural products to use every day.Homemade Beauty will help demystify your skin type and discover how to combat bathroom plastic and minimising your routine through 13 projects including soaps, bodycare, skincare and haircare products. This is a beautiful and inspiring lifestyle guide that will encourage you to green up your bathroom with all natural, organic ingredients that are kinder to both the planet and your skin.Homemade Beauty is perfect for those who want to be less wasteful, more sustainable and take control of their beauty regime.
Pushkin Press Hotel Splendide
In this uproariously funny memoir, Ludwig Bemelmans uncovers the fabulous world of the Hotel Splendide, the luxury New York hotel where he worked as a waiter. With equal parts affection and barbed wit, he records the everyday chaos that reigns behind the smooth facades of the gilded dining room and banquet halls. In hilarious detail, Bemelmans sketches the hierarchy of hotel life and its strange and fascinating inhabitants: from the ruthlessly authoritarian maître d'hôtel Monsieur Victor to the kindly waiter Mespoulets to Frizl the homesick busboy. Illustrated with his own charming line drawings, Bemelmans' tales of a bygone era of extravagance are as charming as they are riotously entertaining.
Getty Trust Publications The Catholic Rubens – Saints and Martyrs
This is a rich exploration of the role the Baroque master played in the Counter-Reformation. The art of Rubens is rooted in an era darkened by the long shadow of devastating wars between Protestants and Catholics. In the wake of this profound schism, the Catholic Church decided to cease using force to propagate the faith. Like Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) sought to persuade his spectators to return to the true faith through the beauty of his art. While Rubens is praised for the "baroque passion" in his depictions of cruelty and sensuous abandon, nowhere did he kindle such emotional fire as in his religious subjects. Their colour, warmth, and majesty - but also their turmoil and lamentation - were calculated to arouse devout and ethical emotions. This fresh consideration of the images of saints and martyrs Rubens created for the churches of Flanders and the Holy Roman Empire offers a masterly demonstration of Rubens' achievements, liberating their message from the secular misunderstandings of the post-religious age and showing them in their intended light.
Tourbillon Ultimate Spotlight: Extraordinary Animals
Interactive and engaging, Ultimate Spotlight: Extraordinary Animals gives children a look at the incredible skills of animals. Discover their abilities: Pull a tab to observe how an octopus hides in a large shell, turn a wheel to marvel at the ballet-like gathering of starlings, and lift a flap to reveal the chimpanzee’s secret trick to catching ants. - Flaps! Pull-tabs! Pop-ups! Lots of interactive and moveable parts - Detailed illustrations that beg to be pored over again and again - Educational content reviewed by an expert Fans of Ultimate Spotlight: Extraordinary Animals will also enjoy the interactive learning of other books in the Ultimate SpotlightTM series, including - Volcanoes - Polar Animals - Rain Forest Animals - Savanna Animals - Dinosaurs - Firefighter - Train - Astronauts Chock-full of information, this book is a record of all the fascinating abilities of animals. - Great family and classroom read-aloud book - Books for 5 and up - Books for kindergarten and early elementary school students
Paperblanks The Brothers Grimm Frog Prince Fairy Tale Collection Ultra Unlined Hardback Journal Elastic Band Closure
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were pioneers in the field of folklore, collecting stories through Germany’s rich oral tradition in order to preserve a history that might otherwise have been lost forever. In doing so, they popularized some of today’s most enduring fairy tales. “The Frog Prince; or, Iron Henry” was the first tale in the 1812 edition of Grimms’ Fairy Tales (Kinder- und Hausmärchen). It tells the story of a spoiled princess who reluctantly befriends a frog who, unbeknownst to her, is actually a prince under a sorcerer’s spell. In the original tale, the curse is lifted when the princess throws the frog against a brick wall in anger, but in later years the Brothers Grimm sanitized the story, turning it into the tale we know today. The Grimms’ impact was so profound that it is hard to imagine a world without these stories as they continue to be passed down through generations. We are honoured to reproduce this manuscript from the Bodmer
George F. Thompson Ireland: One Island, No Borders
Ireland is a place of mystical, enduring appeal, especially for the many millions of Americans who claim its special heritage, more than one in six according to the last U.S. Census. But Ireland has also become an international place of pilgrimage and discovery for all who venture there. This unique collaboration between Elizabeth Billups, a Santa-Fe-based photographer and activist, and Gerry Adams, the renowned leader of Sinn Fein, reveals a side of Ireland―and of Gerry Adams―not often portrayed in the guidebooks or magazines or news media. In this special book, the two kindred spirits wander the country together and share a deep love of the land and its people, with Ms. Billups taking gorgeous photographs and sharing her experiences and Mr. Adams contributing additional stories, tales, and facts about his country and his family's history. While Mr. Adams has written many acclaimed books concerning his political vision for Ireland, until now he has refrained from sharing his affection for his native land. And so, with Ms. Billups, we are able travel to his and her favorite places, the places that, to them, bespeak of Ireland as one island without borders. Looking at Ms. Billups's beautiful and captivating photographs—and reading her text and Mr. Adams's family stories, personal anecdotes, and relevant historical details, legends, and myths—we come to understand why Ireland is such a special place and why he fought so long and hard to achieve peace for the many generations to come. ** Nominated for a 2015 IPPY Award" from the Independent Publishers Association **
Blood Moon Productions, Ltd Kirk Douglas: More Is Never Enough
Of all the male stars of Golden Age Hollywood, Kirk Douglas became the final survivor, the last icon of a fabled era that the world will never see again. When he celebrated his birthday in 2016, a headline read — 'Legendary Hollywood horndog turns 100.' He was both a charismatic actor and a man of uncommon force and vigour. His restless and volcanic spirit is reflected both in his films and through his many sexual conquests. Douglas was the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants, his father a ragman. Conquering Tinseltown, he became the personification of the American dream, moving from obscurity and (literally) rags to riches and major-league fame. The Who’s Who cast of characters roaring through his life featured not only a daunting list of Hollywood goddesses, but the town’s most colossal male talents and egos, too. They included his kindred hellraiser and best buddy Burt Lancaster, John Wayne, Henry Fonda, Billy Wilder, Laurence Olivier, Rock Hudson, and a future U.S. President, Ronald Reagan. Douglas began his conquests in New York, stealing the virginity of model Betty Bacall before she moved to Hollywood, changed her name to Lauren, and married Humphrey Bogart. Later, both Marilyn Monroe and Lana Turner pursued him for boudoir duty. 'I had them all…well, almost,' he boasted. All of this is brought out, with photos, in this remarkable testimonial to the last hero of Hollywood’s cinematic and swashbuckling Golden Age, an inspiring testimonial to the values and core beliefs of an America that’s Gone with the Wind, yet lovingly remembered as a time when it, in many ways, was truly great.
Skyhorse Publishing Summer Learning Crash Course for Minecrafters: Grades K–1: Improve Core Subject Skills with Fun Activities
Age range 5 to 7Who says learning can’t be fun? Let everyone’s favourite game, Minecraft, keep your Kindergartener’s skills fresh all summer long and help them start the school year with a clear academic advantage.Thanks to colorfully illustrated pages and high-interest lessons based around familiar video game characters, young Minecrafters can practice and retain key grade-level skills with zero pressure and maximum fun.Inside you’ll find engaging content that aligns with national Common Core State Standards including lessons in: Language arts (phonics, grammar, and writing) Math (basic addition and subtraction, word problems, and shapes) Science (weather, animals, nutrition, and plant cycle) Social studies (community, map reading, and landforms) No more fighting the summer slide. With the kid-centered approach of the Summer Learning Crash Course for Minecrafters series, kids will be equipped and willing to bridge the gap between one grade and the next and start school feeling like a winner.
Fordham University Press God, Justice, Love, Beauty: Four Little Dialogues
The four talks collected here transcribe lectures delivered to an audience of children between the ages of ten and fourteen, under the auspices of the “little dialogues” series at the Montreuil’s center for the dramatic arts. Modeled on Walter Benjamin’s “Aufklärung für Kinder” radio talks, this series aims to awaken its young audience to pressing philosophical concerns. Each talk in God, Justice, Love, Beauty explores what is at stake in these topics as essential moments in human experience. (Indeed, the book argues that they are constitutive of human experience.) Following each, Nancy’s audience is given a chance to engage with him in a process of philosophical questioning; the texts of these touching and probing exchanges are included in the volume. Despite the fact that these lectures were delivered to an audience of children, the intellectual level they achieve—while remaining easily comprehensible—is astounding. No attempt is made to simplify Nancy’s positions or to resolve the complexities that arise in the course of the talks or the question periods that follow. The work of opening performed here is fully in keeping with the strategy of Nancy’s philosophy as a whole. Thus, for readers unfamiliar with his work, God, Justice, Love, Beauty will function as an excellent introduction to Nancy’s larger corpus. As varied as the individual talks are, they share the motif of incalculability or the immeasurable. Broadly speaking, one could say that the various ways in which Nancy approaches this motif exemplify his deconstructive approach to think of human existence. As well, those treatments exemplify his conviction that the task of thinking is to develop original ways of communicating the incalculable. God, Justice, Love, Beauty is thus a skillful reminder that philosophy is important to all of us. The book is also a model of intellectual generosity and openness. Seamlessly moving from Schwarzenegger to Plato, from Kant, Roland Barthes, and Caravaggio to Caillou, Harry Potter, and the pages of Gala magazine, Nancy’s wide-ranging references bear witness to his commitment to think of “culture” in its broadest sense.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Einführung in die Deutschdidaktik
Wegweiser für angehende Deutschlehrer. Die Einführung präsentiert die Grundlagen der Kinder- und Jugendpsychologie sowie neuere Erkenntnisse der Lernpsychologie. Ein fundierter Überblick informiert über die einzelnen Bereiche der Deutschdidaktik. Anhand von Beispielen aus der Unterrichtspraxis werden ausführlich die Grundbegriffe und Methoden der Sprach-, Literatur- und Mediendidaktik vorgestellt. Ein eigenes Kapitel ist der Grundschuldidaktik gewidmet. Inklusive Ausblick auf bildungspolitische Debatten.
Little, Brown & Company Little Miss P
It's that time of the month, and you know what that means...a visit from Aunt Flo--scratch that--Little Miss P! This pink, anthropomorphized period's not so lean, kinda mean, and a gut-busting, butt-kicking machine! (Just ask Mr. Erection...) Follow Little Miss P as she traverses time advising, harassing, abusing, and comforting women on her (usually) monthly visits in this uniquely weird and surprisingly touching manga!
Harvard University Press The Girl with the Brown Crayon
Once again Vivian Paley takes us into the inquiring minds and the dramatic worlds of young children learning in the kindergarten classroom.As she enters her final year of teaching, Paley tells in this book a story of farewell and a story of self-discovery—through the thoughts and blossoming spirit of Reeny, a little girl with a fondness for the color brown and an astonishing sense of herself. "This brown girl dancing is me," Reeny announces, as her crayoned figures flit across the classroom walls. Soon enough we are drawn into Reeny's remarkable dance of self-revelation and celebration, and into the literary turn it takes when Reeny discovers a kindred spirit in Leo Lionni—a writer of books and a teller of tales. Led by Reeny, Paley takes us on a tour through the landscape of characters created by Lionni. These characters come to dominate a whole year of discussion and debate, as the children argue the virtues and weaknesses of Lionni's creations and his themes of self-definition and an individual's place in the community.The Girl with the Brown Crayon tells a simple personal story of a teacher and a child, interweaving the themes of race, identity, gender, and the essential human needs to create and to belong. With characteristic charm and wonder, Paley discovers how the unexplored territory unfolding before her and Reeny comes to mark the very essence of school, a common core of reference, something to ponder deeply and expand on extravagantly.
Pentagon Press Encyclopaedia of Education and Technology
Covers more than 200 entries relevant in many important educational contexts, including kindergarten, corporate and industrial training, and distance education.
Hodder Education Caribbean Primary Mathematics Book 6 6th edition
Make teaching and learning mathematics relevant and enjoyable with the best-known Primary mathematics series in the Caribbean updated and revised for the 21st Century by practising teachers, with a new focus on self-directed learning, problem-solving and raising standards. - Ensure all requirements of primary schools in all Caribbean territories from kindergarten to primary school exit examination level are covered. - Engage students and make maths more relevant with real-life situations used throughout the book, including the front cover, showing Mathematics in action.- Reinforce knowledge and encourage progression with Assessment Bank, available separately to compliment the topics covered in this series.- Encourage students to understand and build their own learning with all key skills and concepts clearly introduced in sequence, demonstrating links between mathematical strands and other curriculum subjects.
Hodder Education Caribbean Primary Mathematics Book 2 6th edition
Make teaching and learning mathematics relevant and enjoyable with the best-known Primary mathematics series in the Caribbean updated and revised for the 21st Century by practising teachers, with a new focus on self-directed learning, problem -solving and raising standards. - Ensure all requirements of primary schools in all Caribbean territories from kindergarten to primary school exit examination level are covered. - Engage students and make maths more relevant with real-life situations used throughout the book, including the front cover, showing Mathematics in action.- Reinforce knowledge and encourage progression with Assessment Bank, available separately to compliment the topics covered in this series.- Encourage students to understand and build their own learning with all key skills and concepts clearly introduced in sequence, demonstrating links between mathematical strands and other curriculum subjects.
Bristol University Press From Greed to Wellbeing: A Buddhist Approach to Resolving Our Economic and Financial Crises
Despite our fitful attempts over decades at reform, the global financial system seems caught in cycles of boom and bust, instability, and scandal. In this timely new book, Joel Magnuson builds on the classic works of E. F. Schumacher and other kindred spirits to provide a Buddhist economics perspective on this recurring pattern, and offers new possibilities for real change. The book centers on the belief that greed, aggression, and delusion (Buddhism’s “three poisons”) are embedded within our financial institutions and that they perpetuate the continued widespread attachment to endless economic growth and financial accumulation that are responsible for social and ecological malaise. Arguing that mainstream economics fails to adequately address this cycle, Magnuson presents a new framework of Buddhist economics, helping readers gain a deeper understanding of current economic problems and offering a course toward genuine wellbeing.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Sweet Blue Flowers Vol. 2
A genre-defining saga of love and friendship between girls.Akira Okudaira is starting high school and is ready for exciting new experiences. And on the first day of school, she runs into her best friend from kindergarten at the train station! Now Akira and Fumi have the chance to rekindle their friendship, but life has gotten a lot more complicated since they were kids…Kyoko’s fiancé invites a group of her friends to join them at his family’s summer home. But the trip ends up including more than just ghost stories and horseback riding—Fumi can now confirm that she has feelings for Akira. And Akira learns more than she wants to about Kyoko’s private life with some accidental eavesdropping. After this, how can the girls just go back to school like nothing happened?
The History Press Ltd Suffolk Folk Tales
With its wild eroding sea, its gentle rolling fields and tall churches, Suffolk is a county of contrasts. It may seem a kindly and civilised place, but in that sea, in the reed beds, the woods and even down dark town streets lurk strange beasts, ghosts and tricksters. These thirty traditional tales retold by storyteller Kirsty Hartsiotis take you into a hidden world of green children and wildmen, of lovers from beyond the grave and tricksy fairy folk. Shaped by generations of Suffolk mardle and wit, in these stories you’ll discover the county’s last dragon, the secret behind Black Shuck, saintly King Edmund and heroic King Raedwald, haunted airfields, broken-hearted mermaids and the exploits of the county’s cunning folk. Embark on this journey around Suffolk and you’ll find you’re never far from a story.
Random House Children's Books Dr. Seuss Handwriting Workbook
LEARN TO WRITE WITH ALL YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS FROM DR. SEUSS! With 80+ pages of fun activities, games, and exercises, this friendly workbook gives kids aged 4-6 plenty of practice tracing the letters of the alphabet and numbers 0-9 alongside beloved friends like The Cat in The Hat, Horton, and The Lorax.Developed by education experts, this brand new Dr. Seuss Workbook offers a progressive, step-by-step approach to print handwriting. Young learners first learn how to correctly hold a pencil and form lines and shapes, then progress to lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and numbers.Reinforced with plenty of practice and repetition, it also includes puzzles and activities for added fun!Also available from the Dr. Seuss Workbooks line:Dr. Seuss Cursive Workbook (9780593712450)Dr. Seuss Workbook: Preschool (9780525572190)Dr. Seuss Workbook: Kindergarten (9780525572206)Dr. Seuss Wipe-Clean Workbook: Lette
Pearson Education Limited Longman Student Atlas
Produced in collaboration with The Geographical Association, providing stimulating Geography resources you can trust. Ideal for use at GCSE with all levels & specifications. Develops a better understanding of how to use atlases with a unique ‘background to maps' section provided in the introduction. Encourages information gathering through a questioning approach that reinforces the benefits of map reading skills and data collation in the study of Geography. Contains 14 focus areas, with linking themes supported by comprehensive imagery and detailed statistics. Features new up-to-date reference maps for thorough information gathering. Encourages development with suggested future projections for geographical changes. Stunning high quality, up-to-date visuals from Dorling Kindersley. Addresses key themes across the curriculum and age ranges including citizenship, conflict, human rights, sustainability, environment, globalisation and physical geography.
The Book Guild Ltd Friends in Funchal
It is 1811 and Dr Robert Willan, a Quaker, leaves his practice in London, where he has dedicated his life to treating the poor, for Funchal, Madeira. There, he hopes that the year-round warm climate will help improve his health and enable him to return to his work and the service of God. During his harrowing course of treatment, he meets a group of unforgettable characters whose warmth, eccentricity and kindly humour provide medicine for the soul. Now known as ‘the father of dermatology’, Willan’s life is recounted in KG Fleury’s witty, often humorous style while vividly describing an island occupied by military forces, the ravages of consumption and the traumatic remedies that Willan must endure. At heart this is not a story of illness and suffering; rather it is a gentle, heart-warming tale of the power of true friendship and love.
SPCK Publishing The Silver Moth: Sequel to The Little White Horse
Maria Merryweather returns to Moonacre Manor with her granddaughter Rose to escape the horrors of the first world war bombings in London. The magical qualities of Moonacre Valley are rediscovered as Rose meets Wrolf, who is more lion than dog, and sees the little white horse, an entrancing unicorn. Rose soon discovers that the Merryweathers’ old foes, the de Noir clan, are once more spreading darkness and fear through the Valley under the influence of Hugo de Noir. With the help of her new friend, Devin, and a variety of animal companions can Rose uncover the mystery of the Silver Moth aeroplane, rescue a young woman and her baby, and help an unexpected kindred spirit, William de Noir? Beautiful, thrilling, and magical, The Silver Moth, returns to the fantasy world of the bestselling timeless classic The Little White Horse.
Page Street Publishing Co. The Succulent Bite: 60+ Easy Recipes for Over-the-Top Desserts
Elevate your go-to desserts from plain to outrageously gooey, creamy and chocolatey with Nico Norena, sweet treats connoisseur and creator of the hit blog The Succulent Bite. Dozens of delicious, drool-worthy recipes await you, each super-easy to make with only a few ingredients - perfect for satisfying any late-night craving. Take classic treats like Oreos®, Nutter Butters® and Snickers® and transform them into even more decadent desserts, including: • Nesquik® Ice Cream • Nutella® Oreo® Cheesecake • Marshmallow Fluff Mug Cake • Chips Ahoy!® Crêpe • Biscoff® Cookies Basque-Style Cheesecake • Banana S’mores Pop-Tarts® • Date Night Boozy Brownies • Kinder® Chocolate Latte Whether you’re looking to impress your friends or sate your own chocolate craze, this essential guide to extravagant sweets is guaranteed to revolutionise your dessert game.
Amazon Publishing Walk a Crooked Line
In the follow-up to the #1 Kindle bestseller Walk into Silence, a young girl takes her own life. But what—or who—drove her to it? When a teenager’s body is found at the base of the old water tower, Detective Jo Larsen is one of the first on the scene. Tragically, it appears to be a clear case of suicide. But the more Jo learns about Kelly Amster, the more she finds herself needing to understand why the high school sophomore would take that fatal plunge. As they interview family and friends, Jo and her partner, Hank Phelps, begin to fit together the pieces of a dark puzzle. Something happened to Kelly in their small town of Plainfield, Texas—and it sent the young girl straight over the edge. Haunted by the memories of her own childhood, Jo digs deep into the shadowy corners of a seemingly tight-knit community—to uncover a devastating secret…
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Theatre and Tourism
How does tourism impact theatre? How do theatrical ways of seeing, knowing, and acting shape tourism? How do economic and political processes like colonization or neoliberalization influence them both? And what is the future of these twinned global leisure industries? Theatre and tourism are kindred practices. Both engage their patrons in experiences of temporary escape to distant places, times, or different lives. Both stage expressive, communicative, embodied encounters in real time and space. Tourism and theatre are both sites of public pedagogy, cultural diplomacy, and cosmopolitan consciousness, promising pleasure and knowledge from the spectacle of others and elsewheres. This concise study explores the historical and contemporary entanglement of theatre and tourism, and speculates about the future as emerging technologies reshape both industries, offering new experiences of presence, embodiment, and mobility.
Headline Publishing Group The Chalk Girl
The little girl appeared in Central Park: red-haired, blue-eyed, smiling, perfect - except for the blood on her shoulder. It fell from the sky, she said, while she was looking for her uncle, who turned into a tree. Poor child, people thought. And then they found the body in the tree.For NYPD detective, Kathy Mallory, there is something about the girl that she understands. Mallory is damaged, they say, but she can tell a kindred spirit. And this one will lead her to a story of extraordinary crimes; murders stretching back fifteen years, blackmail and complicity and a particular cruelty that only someone with Mallory's history could fully recognise. In the next few weeks, Kathy Mallory will deal with them all ... in her own way.
Penguin Books Ltd The Book of Magic: From Antiquity to the Enlightenment
'. . . as when iron is drawn to a magnet, camphor is sucked into hot air, crystal lights up in the Sun, sulfur and a volatile liquid are kindled by flame, an empty eggshell filled with dew is raised towards the Sun . . .'This rich, fascinating anthology of the western magical tradition stretches from its roots in the wizardry of the Old Testament and the rituals of the ancient world, through writers such as Thomas Aquinas, John Milton, John Dee and Matthew Hopkins, and up to the tangled, arcane beginnings of the scientific revolution. Arranged historically, with commentary, this book includes incantations, charms, curses, Golems, demons and witches, as well as astrology, divination and alchemy, with some ancient and medieval works which were once viewed as too dangerous even to open. Selected and translated with an introduction and notes by Brian Copenhaver
Hauser & Wirth Gustav Metzger
The artist's biography as told by Metzger himself, a leader of the Auto-Destructive Art and Art Strike movements. A visionary artist and radical thinker, Gustav Metzger asked provocative questions about the role of the artist and of conventional forms of artmaking and display. In this richly illustrated book, Metzger tells the story of his life and work in a series of interviews with the curator Hans Ulrich Obrist. He recounts his Orthodox Jewish childhood in 1930s Nuremberg and his arrival in England as part of the Kindertransport before shedding light on his development as an artist, including his early contributions to computer art, his leading role in the Destruction in Art Symposium of 1966, and his call for an art strike' from 197780. An artist for our times, Metzger's uncompromising commitment to combating environmental destruction was fundamental to his understanding of art as a vehicle for change. This publication speaks emphatically to the undimmed urgency of Metzger's ar
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Familientherapie fur Dummies
Kreative Lösungen für Eltern,Paare und Kinder Nichts prägt uns so sehr wie die Familie, in der wir aufwachsen. Sie kann uns stärken und uns wappnen, um auch mit schwierigen Situationen im Leben angemessen umzugehen. Sie kann aber auch klein machen und Wunden hinterlassen, die ein Leben lang schmerzen. Der erfahrene Therapeut Paul Gamber erklärt, wann eine Familientherapie hilfreich ist, welche Richtung – tiefen - psychologisch, verhaltensorientiert oder systemisch – wann sinnvoll ist und wie eine solche Therapie abläuft. Sie lernen die Werkzeuge kennen, mit denen Sie auch Tabuthemen der Familie angehen und die eigene Hilf - losigkeit und Verzweiflung überwinden. Sie erfahren auch, wie Sie eine Familienaufstellung zur Neuorientierung nutzen und wie Sie unter den vielen Anbietern denjenigen finden, der Sie und Ihre Familie qualifiziert und verantwortungsbewusst begleitet.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Talking Teenagers: Information and Inspiration for Parents of Teenagers with Autism or Asperger's Syndrome
Ann Boushéy's teenage son Jon was diagnosed with high-functioning autism in kindergarten. Having mastered the day-to-day challenges that parenting a young child with autism or Asperger's Syndrome pose, Talking Teenagers considers questions surrounding parenting across the spectrum during the teenage years.Written out of her own experience, this inspirational book provides the information that will encourage other parents with teens on the autism spectrum. Covering everyday topics, from what to take on vacation and dealing with anger, to sex education and planning for the parents' own demise, Ann ends each chapter with thoughtful vignettes: "Chicken Nuggets for the Soul".After reading this book, parents will come away with a sense of empowerment and feeling that they are not alone, while professionals will gain a valuable and compassionate insight into the world of parenting a teenager on the autism spectrum.
Random House USA Inc Tacky
An irreverent and charming collection of deeply personal essays about the joys of low pop culture and bad taste, exploring coming of age in the 2000s in the age of Hot Topic, Creed, and frosted lip gloss—from the James Beard Award-nominated writer of the Catapult column Store-Bought Is Fine”Tacky is about the power of pop culture—like any art—to imprint itself on our lives and shape our experiences, no matter one''s commitment to good taste. These fourteen essays are a nostalgia-soaked antidote to the millennial generation''s obsession with irony, putting the aesthetics we hate to love—snakeskin pants, Sex and the City, Cheesecake Factory''s gargantuan menu—into kinder and sharper perspective. Each essay revolves around a different maligned (and yet, Rax would argue, vital) cultural artifact, providing thoughtful, even romantic meditations on desire, love, and the power of nostalgia.
Canongate Books A Tall History of Sugar
'Captivating from the very first page' Jennifer EganShortlisted for the Fiction category in the OCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean LiteratureDiscovered amidst a tangle of sea grape trees by the childless Rachel Fisher, baby Moshe's provenance is a thing of myth and mystery; his unusual appearance, with blueish, translucent skin and duo-toned hair, only serves to compound his mystique.Equally feared and ridiculed by peers as he grows up, he finds a surprising kindred soul in the striking and bold Arrienne Christie, but their complex relationship is fraught with obstacles that tear them apart as powerfully as they are drawn together.Beginning in the late 1950s, four years before Jamaica's independence from colonial rule, A Tall History of Sugar's epic love story sweeps between a rural Jamaica, scarred by the legacies of colonialism, and an England increasingly riven by race riots and class division.
Quercus Publishing Bay of Secrets
The #1 Kindle Bestseller returns with a gorgeous summer read about romance, family and the secrets we keep from those we love.''The perfect holiday companion'' - Heat''The ultimate feel-good read'' - Candis''Sun-soaked escapism'' - Best**********Spain, 1939 Following the wishes of her parents to keep her safe during the war, a young girl, Julia, enters a convent in Barcelona. Looking for a way to maintain her links to the outside world, she volunteers to help in a maternity clinic. But worrying adoption practices in the clinic force Sister Julia to decide how far she will go to help those placed in her care. England, 2012Six months after her parents'' shocking death, 34-year-old journalist and jazz enthusiast Ruby Rae has finally found the strength to pack away their possessions and sell the family home. But as she does so, she un
Amberley Publishing The Fifteen Guinea Special
The Fifteen Guinea Special was the last steam-hauled British Rail passenger service on 11 August 1968. A day later, the once living and breathing steam locomotives fell silent, some never to run again. Ian Hardman begins with an in-depth look into the Fifteen Guinea Special with first-hand accounts and explores how the train has developed to become a cornerstone of British history. Barry Scrapyard, Dai Woodham and the world-famous Flying Scotsman then played a huge part in inspiring the resurrection of steam and the saving of hundreds of locomotives from certain demise. Fifty years on, steam is alive and well and has re-kindled a flame in the hearts of the British public. This book takes a step-by-step journey into the twenty-first century following the highs and lows of the business of steam-hauled mainline charters, bringing the story fully up to date.
Little, Brown Book Group The Surgeon
Trusted surgeon. Loving wife. Murderer?Before my world came crashing down, I had it all. The successful career I dreamed of. The beautiful red-brick home where I could relax in front of the fire. The handsome, devoted husband whose blue eyes and charming smile always made me feel safe.As I call time of death, my voice is steady. My colleagues stand hushed around me, their eyes on me, confused, concerned.I have never lost a patient until today.My hands tremble inside their gloves. I slide down the cold tiled walls, my heart racing in my chest.I have never hated a patient until today.But what choice did I have, once I recognized him?And what will I do to protect myself, if someone learns the truth?A Kindle no.1 bestseller, The Surgeon is a totally gripping psychological thriller that will have you racing through the pages, gasping for breath until the final jaw-dropping twist. If you
Little, Brown Book Group A Game of Lies
IF YOU WERE HOOKED ON THE TRAITORS, YOU WON''T WANT TO MISS A GAME OF LIES... THE TWISTY SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING THRILLER AND NO.1 KINDLE BESTSELLERThey say the camera never lies.But on this show, you can''t trust anything you see.Seven reality show contestants arrive in the Welsh mountains to compete for a life-changing prize, not realising what they''re truly signing up for.Each stranger has a secret - and the show will force them to expose one another live on air.It''s not long before things take an even darker turn, and Detective Ffion Morgan is summoned to untangle the truth behind the scenes.And when a murderer strikes, every one of Ffion''s suspects has an alibi . . . and a secret worth killing for.''Twisty and clever'' Karin Slaughter''Clever plot and smart, sharp writing'' Shari Lapena''Packed with suspects, twists and turns'' Alex Michaelides
The Book Guild Ltd Bertrand and Wally Tackle the Clovehitch Virus Crisis: A Story of a Struggle for Survival of an Insect Civilisation
“William Hiccup,” said Bertrand, “you are evidently suffering from THE CLOVE-HITCH VIRUS!” “Well, I’ll be a popped-lipped wrong-hipped wobbity-wiggled-wobbled wonky-legged son-of-a-peg-legged clove-hitching post!” When Bertrand the beetle and Wally, a woodland wasp with a waspy mind, set off on a journey through the wood of Lower Tinklewigglebottom to Bertrand’s good friend Professor Clapperstein’s Research Institute, their voyage is abound with incidents and meetings of other insect acquaintances. A notable earwig scientist, inventor and discoverer, Professor Clapperstein has made a discovery from a human landfill site that will take the group on an adventure through time and space… But will the threat of the Clove-Hitch Virus Crisis follow them to this new world of aliens and medieval knights? As Bertrand the Beetle himself would say: “A Book as Bouncy, Bountiful and Brilliant as a King-Cut Kindled Candle.”
Ebury Publishing You Are Incredible Just As You Are: How to Embrace Your Perfectly Imperfect Self
Find happiness by embracing your perfectly imperfect self.This inspiring journal is designed to help you find your way in a world where comparison and judgement can make it hard to stay true to yourself. Using a mixture of prompts, tick boxes and space to write down thoughts, as well as uplifting quotes and thought-provoking words, this beautifully designed book by the creator of The Happy News will help you feel more confident in yourself and less anxious about what other people think. With advice on using social media in a positive way, embracing failure, celebrating your differences and finding people who make you feel happy, this book is designed to help you be kinder to yourself. Because when you embrace your insecurities, differences, and everything that makes you unique, you’ll realise that the only person you need to be is your strong, special, perfectly imperfect self.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins International English Foundation Teachers Guide
Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Gruppenleitung in der Kita: Haltung -- Rolle -- Aufgaben
Welche Aufgaben hat eine Gruppenleitung? Wie gelingt der Einstieg als Gruppenleitung nach einer Beförderung in der eigenen Kita oder als Berufsneuling in einem erfahrenen Team?Mit der Rollenëbernahme als Gruppenleitung gehen Anforderungen einher, die erst in der praktischen Arbeit erlebt werden und die mit den wachsenden - nicht allein auf die pädagogische Arbeit mit Kindern und Eltern begrenzten - Aufgaben entstehen. Die Gruppenleitung ëbernimmt im Kleinteam eine besondere Rolle und ist auch verantwortlich fër die Teamarbeit und -entwicklung. Anja Cantzler vermittelt praxisnah die vielfältigen Aufgaben einer Gruppenleitung, gibt Hilfestellung bei der Entwicklung der eigenen Rollenklarheit und stellt verschiedene Methoden und Werkzeuge fër die Teamarbeit dar.