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De Gruyter Halsringe: Erkennen. Bestimmen. Beschreiben.
Zu den prachtvollsten Gattungen archäologischer Funde gehören die Halsringe. Sie bestehen aus Bronze, Silber oder Gold, sind aufwendig hergestellt und reich verziert. In der Vorzeit wurden sie von ausgewählten Männern, Frauen und Kindern getragen, repräsentierten Stand und Würde des Trägers und zeichneten ihn innerhalb seiner Gesellschaft aus. In Mitteleuropa gibt es Halsringe seit dem Beginn der Bronzezeit um 2200 v. Chr. Sie kommen bis in die Völkerwanderungszeit um 500 n. Chr. vor, bei den Ostseeanrainern sogar noch bis in das 10. und 11. Jahrhundert. Im vorliegenden Band 7 der Reihe Bestimmungsbuch Archäologie werden die einzelnen typischen Formen vorgestellt, beschrieben und abgebildet. Dazu kommen Angaben zur Datierung und Verbreitung der Formen sowie weiterführende Informationen.
Boom! Studios The Backstagers Vol. 1
When Jory transfers to an all-boys private high school, he’s taken in by the only ones who don’t treat him like a new kid, the lowly stage crew known as the Backstagers. Not only does he gain great, lifetime friends, Jory is also introduced to an entire magical world that lives beyond the curtain. With the unpredictable twists and turns of the underground world, the Backstagers venture into the unknown, determined to put together the best play their high school has ever seen. James Tynion IV (Detective Comics, The Woods) teams up with artist Rian Sygh (Munchkin, Stolen Forest) for an incredibly earnest story that explores what it means to find a place to fit in when you're kinda an outcast.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Serious Fun: How Guided Play Extends Children's Learning
Guided play is a powerful tool educators can use to help preschoolers and kindergartners learn essential knowledge and skills in the context of playful situations. Apply the information, strategies, and ideas in this book to: Provide content-rich, joyful learning experiences Balance child-guided and adult-guided play Set up play environments with learning goals in mind Offer suggestions and questions during play to prompt children’s reflection and deeper learning Young children’s natural curiosity and dynamic imaginations can lead to exciting and meaningful learning opportunities. Discover how to provide guided play experiences along with opportunities for unstructured play to support children’s knowledge in key areas and their lifelong enjoyment and pursuit of learning.
Harvard University Press White Teacher: With a New Preface, Third Edition
Vivian Paley presents a moving personal account of her experiences teaching kindergarten in an integrated school within a predominantly white, middle-class neighborhood. In a new preface, she reflects on the way that even simple terminology can convey unintended meanings and show a speaker's blind spots. She also vividly describes what her readers have taught her over the years about herself as a "white teacher."
DK DK Workbooks: Geography Pre-K: Learn and Explore
Ideal for ages 3 to 5, this workbook is packed with simple, fun exercises that will help your child understand basic geography concepts. It’s the perfect introduction to the fascinating world of geography. Your child will discover new hints, tips and facts with every page they turn. From humans and the natural world, to earth and the solar system. This Pre-K workbook helps boost children’s geography skills. It unpacks basic geography concepts through fun activities and exercises. Your child will explore world maps, and learn about the continents, countries, oceans, rivers, deserts and mountains of our planet. With the help of leading educational experts, the DK Workbooks: Geography series is the perfect addition to schoolwork. Level-by-level, these homeschooling books offer parents at-home practice work that your kids will enjoy! They even come with gold stars for completed activities and a certificate of accomplishment as a reward for finishing the workbook. There is also a parents' section that contains answers, tips and guidance to provide support. It’s packed with learning materials and activities that explain geography for kids in an easy-to-follow format. Through fact boxes, exercises, puzzles and mazes, your child will build knowledge, develop cognitive thinking and get ahead of the curve. Our curriculum meets Common Core standards, so your child can build some extra confidence for school. Learn And Explore Written for pre-kindergarten, this workbook includes: • Easy-to-understand explanations of key concepts • Illustrations to support understanding • Exercises and activities that make learning easy and fun Explore our other DK Workbook ranges Once your little geographer has worked through DK Workbooks: Geography Pre-K, we have Kindergarten and First Grade workbooks ready for them to continue studying. For other subjects they enjoy, look at our DK Workbooks range, which includes DK Workbooks: Science, DK Workbooks: Math and DK Workbooks: Language Arts.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Trauernde begleiten: Eine Orientierungshilfe
Trauernden Menschen gegenÃ"berzutreten, ist nicht leicht. Wie kann man Trauernde begleiten, wie sie unterstÃ"tzen? Zum Beispiel, als Freund, als Nachbar, als beruflich Betroffener? Das sind zentrale Anliegen in diesem Buch von Stephanie Witt-Loers. Die Fachbuchautorin verknÃ"pft Theorie und Praxis eng miteinander und klärt anschaulich wesentliche Fragen zum Thema Trauer. Trauernde laufen Gefahr, außer dem Verstorbenen auch noch ihre sozialen Bindungen und den Kontakt zu ihrer Umgebung zu verlieren. Damit das nicht geschieht, ermutigt die Autorin auf den Trauernden zuzugehen und sich der Begegnung mit Trauernden zu stellen. Hier möchte Stephanie Witt-Loers unterstÃ"tzen, Orientierung geben und begleiten. Anregen möchte sie auch, sich mit eigenen Trauererfahrungen und Gedanken zum Themenbereich Tod und Trauer auseinanderzusetzen. Denn jeder von uns kann selbst trauernd sein oder zum Trauernden werden. Das Buch ist ein wertvolles Nachschlagewerk in der Begegnung mit betroffenen Menschen und wird fÃ"r Familien, Freunde, Nachbarn, Kollegen aber auch in Institutionen, in Hospizen, in Krankenhäusern, Arzt- und Hebammenpraxen, in Gemeinden, in Vereinen, in Firmen und in Schulen UnterstÃ"tzung und Begleitung sein.Die AutorinStephanie Witt-Loers ist Kinder- und Familientrauerbegleiterin und Trauerbegleiterin in eigener Praxis. Sie ist Fachbuchautorin und arbeitet unter anderem auch am Kindertrauerzentrum Thalita des Kinder- und Jugendhospizes Balthasar in Olpe. Als Fortbildungsreferentin ist sie fÃ"r Lehrer, Erzieher, Hebammen, Pflegepersonal, Sozialpädagogen, Seelsorger, Ãrzte, Trauerbegleiter sowie im Hospiz Arbeitende tätig und hält Vorträge zum Themenbereich. Die Autorin ist Mutter von drei Kindern und lebt mit ihrer Familie in Bergisch Gladbach.
Simon & Schuster The Vampire Dare!
Why is everyone so crazy for Vampires, Daphne wonders. Well, Vampires can’t die or get wrinkly that’s what makes them so magical. And it’s kinda cool to be bitten by a vampire because you’ll live forever. So, when the teachers announce a costume day next Friday, (even though Halloween is long past), Daphne wants to be the best vampire ever! But what is cool and what is nerdy in Vampire Land? Daphne’s about to find out!
Little, Brown & Company Kaiju Girl Caramelise, Vol. 7
He knows. After that whole crazy battle over Tokyo with the other kaiju, Minami-kun knows that Kuroe is actually also Harugon-and she’s terrified to find out how he really feels. Fleeing instead of facing him head-on, she ends up back on the island of her birth. But there’s some strange people with masks over there, and it’s kinda hard to tell whether they’re friend or foe...
American Psychological Association Healthy Development in Young Children: Evidence-Based Interventions for Early Education
This book shows experienced educators and mental health practitioners who work with young children (2‑5 years of age) how to implement programs and interventions based on the latest scientific research in day care centers, preschools, special education settings, and kindergartens. Every year brings new research studies that aim to describe early childhood development. Despite this boom in research, there has been little useful translation of these studies into clear recommendations for educators and mental health practitioners.Chapters in this volume offer guidelines on child assessment across five key areas of development—cognitive, language, behavioral and social-emotional functioning, adaptive behavior, and motor skills. Contributors describe interventions to help children meet age‑appropriate expectations regarding cognitive and emotional maturity, and other key developmental tasks including numerical understanding, early literacy programs; and play. Other chapters discuss broad policies and legal issues impacting early education. Special attention is given to interventions for preschoolers with developmental disabilities, and the unique needs of children who are culturally and linguistically diverse. Psychologists, speech‑language pathologists, social workers, and teachers will find a wealth of information in this comprehensive, practical volume.
Rocky Nook How Do I Do That In InDesign
Adobe InDesign is the clear software of choice for designers in desktop publishing and typesetting. With it, designers create professional, eye-catching posters, flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers, presentations, books, and ebooks. But because it has so much power and depth, sometimes the things you need are...well...kinda hidden or not reall
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Sozialraumorientierte Schulsozialarbeit: Prozess- und Wirkungsevaluation des Modellprojekts ‚Stadtteil in der Schule‘
Der Band dokumentiert die Ergebnisse des Braunschweiger Projekts ‚Stadtteil in der Schule‘. Ziel des Projektes ist es, Teilhabechancen für Kinder in sozialen Brennpunkten zu erhöhen, indem GrundschülerInnen und deren Familien der Zugang zu vorhandenen sozialen und kulturellen Angeboten im Stadtteil bedarfsgerecht ermöglicht wird. Anders als klassische Ansätze der Schulsozialarbeit orientiert es sich nicht an individuellen Problemen. Es ist nicht Einzelfall-, sondern Sozialraumorientiert und hat das Gesamtsystem im Blick, also Schülerinnen und Schüler, Eltern, die schulischen Mitarbeiter, aber auch die Akteure des Gemeinwesens. “Stadtteil in der Schule” versucht Ressourcen der Schule und der Zivilgesellschaft für Kinder zu nutzen und nutzt Techniken der Netzwerkarbeit.
mineditionUS School Is Coming
A touching, helpful story that tackles the school anxieties that so many young children face when starting kindergarten.School is right around the corner, but Martin isn't feeling very excited to begin kindergarten. His little sister, on the other hand, wishes she had a chance to pack a backpack, play ball with all her friends, and have teachers read stories to her. "He's so lucky!" she exclaims. Gently, Martin's mother helps him overcome his anxieties as she prepares him for what school will be like. By the time summer is over, Martin is feeling more confident than ever that school is the right place for a big kid like him.
Little, Brown Book Group A Game of Lies: The twisty Sunday Times top 10 bestselling thriller
IF YOU'RE HOOKED ON THE TRAITORS, YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS A GAME OF LIES... THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING THRILLER AND NO.1 KINDLE BESTSELLERThey say the camera never lies.But on this show, you can't trust anything you see.Stranded in the Welsh mountains, seven reality show contestants have no idea what they've signed up for. Each of these strangers has a secret. If another player can guess the truth, they won't just be eliminated - they'll be exposed live on air. The stakes are higher than they'd ever imagined, and they're trapped.The disappearance of a contestant wasn't supposed to be part of the drama. Detective Ffion Morgan has to put aside what she's watched on screen, and find out who these people really are - knowing she can't trust any of them.And when a murderer strikes, Ffion knows every one of her suspects has an alibi . . . and a secret worth killing for.'Twisty and clever. Another deeply enjoyable mystery from a talented storyteller' KARIN SLAUGHTER'Great fun - clever plot, engaging characters and smart, sharp writing' SHARI LAPENA'A brilliantly plotted whodunnit' SARAH PEARSE'Fearless, fiery and funny DC Ffion Morgan is fast becoming my new favourite cop' T.M. LOGAN'Dark, devilish, witty and wonderful. Filled with humour and heart' CHRIS WHITAKER'Packed with suspects, twists and turns, A Game of Lies is Clare Mackintosh at her best' ALEX MICHAELIDES'Wickedly fun and smartly plotted - a joy from beginning to end' LUCY CLARKE'A clever plot, a glorious setting, engaging characters and buckets of tension' BA PARIS'A taut whodunnit that will keep you guessing' JANE FALLON'Superbly plotted and written, but the characters set this above most crime series' JO CALLAGHAN'Ffion is the sparky bilingual cop you didn't know you needed . . . Another hit!' LIZ NUGENTIf you love A Game of Lies, don't miss Ffion Morgan in The Last Party - available now!A Game of Lies was a Top 10 Sunday Times bestseller on 30.07.2023 and Kindle No.1 bestseller on 16.09.23
Harvey Map Services Ltd Dark Peak
Tough, durable & 100% waterproof these virtually indestructible maps cover Dark Peak's moorland fells & edges on a single map. Colour shading for easy identification of hill's and valleys makes this the only map you will need to walk in the Peak District. There is also a detailed enlargement of the Kinder plateau on the reverse of the map as well as a geological map. Useful tips, phone numbers etc are also included.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Unternehmenshaftung für Menschenrechtsverletzungen
Welche Voraussetzungen bedingen eine mögliche Haftung deutscher Muttergesellschaften für Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch ausländische Tochtergesellschaften oder Zulieferer? Menschenrechtsverletzungen zeigen sich in verschiedenen Zusammenhängen, z.B. in unwürdigen Arbeitsbedingungen oder Kinder- und Sklavenarbeit. Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Analyse steht das geltende deutsche Privatrecht, d.h. das Internationale Zivilverfahrens- und Privatrecht sowie das autonome Haftungsrecht. Da die Problematik kein exklusives Phänomen der deutschen Rechtsordnung darstellt, berücksichtigt Leonhard Hübner die Lösungen ausländischer Rechtsordnungen und macht sie für die Beurteilung des deutschen Rechtszustands fruchtbar. Unter erneuter Zuhilfenahme der Rechtsvergleichung unterbreitet er Regelungsvorschläge de lege ferenda .
Nick Hern Books The Here and This and Now
'I just don't know if I'm ever happy. Like, really truly happy. Even if you sent me up to space, by day four I'd be worrying if I had enough stuff on my Kindle...' What makes us truly happy? Health? Family? Professional success? Blasting it in the gym? Romance? Pills? Or are we ignoring the bigger stuff? Real life-changing stuff that can devastate the world if we just keep ignoring it. Glenn Waldron's darkly surprising comedy The Here and This and Now takes a look at the pharmaceuticals business, the salaryman and woman, and the quest for happiness. It premiered at Theatre Royal Plymouth in March 2017.
Workman Publishing Spencer Goes to School
It’s time for school, Spencer! Spencer the cat is back in a board book shaped just like him. Here Spencer goes to his first day of school, where he meets new friends and a nice teacher, sings the ABC’s, and paints a picture in art class: so much fun! Join your new friend Spencer and learn what it’s like to go to school. Bright, appealing illustrations by Michelle Romo and simple vocabulary words highlighted on every page make this a warm and welcome introduction to the idea of school for the youngest readers, ages 0-4. It’s perfect for children entering preschool or kindergarten.
Chronicle Books Spark Romance: 50 Ways to Deepen Your Connection
Romance in a box: the gift of simple, meaningful strategies to kindle a spark and break up the routine in a pick-me-up package. Filled with conversation starters, fun date ideas, and ways to express love that will deepen a connection and spark intimacy. Sweet and not overtly sexy, these prompts will shake up the routine for couples at any stage in their relationship. Includes 50 faux matchsticks with printed prompts.Fans of After Amusements: Truth or Dare for Couples or Sexy Truth or Dare will love this gift. This gift is ideal for:• New couples• Newlyweds• Anyone seeking romance
Peepal Tree Press Ltd Patricia the Baby Manatee and other stories
A talking frog, a haughty green cat, an animal fashion show: these are some of the characters and scenes which will delight the many children who enjoyed When Grandpa Cheddi was a Boy.Set mainly in Guyana, these stories of brave, ingenious, kindly and sometimes mischievous animals and children use humour and mystery to provide a strong framework of positive human values which children will instinctively appreciate and digest.Janet Jagan has served Guyana for over fifty years as a politician and as editor of the Mirror newspaper. She was the first woman President of Guyana.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Mit Kita-Eltern kooperieren: Konstruktivistische, systemische und differenzsensible Perspektiven
Die Zusammenarbeit mit Eltern in der Kindertagesstätte wird oft als sehr herausfordernd erlebt. Veronika Verbeek zeigt auf, welche Wege sich auftun, wenn die pädagogische Fachkraft die Kooperation zwischen Kita und Familie mit einem systemisch-konstruktivistischen Blick betrachtet und mit den vielfältigen Ausgestaltungen von Familie und Erziehung kompetent umgeht. Systemisch-konstruktivistische Ideen und Grundhaltungen, Grundwissen zu Diversitätskompetenz in Bezug auf Milieu, Gender und Inklusion werden mittels zahlreicher Fallbeispiele verdeutlicht. Ausgewählte Methoden fÃ"r die Kita-Eltern-Kooperation können bei der praktischen Umsetzung helfen.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd 2,000 Years of Christ’s Power Vol. 2: The Middle Ages
The Middle Ages were dubbed the ‘Dark Ages’ almost before they had begun to draw to a close. Ever since then, they have continued to be seen as a time of hardship and oppression, full of popes and crusades. In the second volume of 2,000 Years of Christ’s Power, another side of the Middle Ages shines through though: The continual workings of Christ as He built His kingdom through figures such as Thomas a Kempis and John Wycliffe, who lived and struggled during these centuries. This was far from a period of stagnation; rather it was the fire from which the Reformation was kindled.
DK Sesame Street Elmo Asks Why?: A First Encyclopedia for Growing Minds
Discover fascinating facts about our incredible world with Elmo and friends!Elmo and his friends have lots of questions, and maybe you do, too. Why do bees sting?Why should I brush my teeth?Why do we need microscopes?Join Elmo and friends to find out the answers to these questions and many more. This first encyclopedia is bursting with exciting information and fascinating photographs about our wonderful world to help little learners grow smarter, stronger, and kinder.© 2023 Sesame Workshop®
Arts and Crafts for Kids Ltd Scherenpraxis fur Kleinkinder
Die Bucher wurden entwickelt, um die Koordination zwischen Hand und Auge zu verbessern, die Fein- und Grobmotorik zu entwickeln, visuell-raumliche Fahigkeiten zu entwickeln und Kindern zu helfen, die Aufmerksamkeit zu erhalten
University of Toronto Press Perspectives on Transitions in Schooling and Instructional Practice
Perspectives on Transitions in Schooling and Instructional Practice examines student transitions between major levels of schooling, teacher transitions in instructional practice, and the intersection of these two significant themes in education research. Twenty-six leading international experts offer meaningful insights on current pedagogical practices, obstacles to effective transitions, and proven strategies for stakeholders involved in supporting students in transition. The book is divided into four sections, representing the four main transitions in formal schooling: Early Years (Home, Pre-school, and Kindergarten) to Early Elementary (Grades 1-3); Early Elementary to Late Elementary (Grades 4-8); Late Elementary to Secondary (Grades 9-12); and Secondary to Post-Secondary (College and University). A coda draws together over-arching themes from throughout the text to provide recommendations and a visual model that captures their interactions. Combining theoretical approaches with practical examples of school-based initiatives, this book will appeal to those involved in supporting either the student experience (both academically and emotionally) or teacher professional learning and growth.
University of Toronto Press Perspectives on Transitions in Schooling and Instructional Practice
Perspectives on Transitions in Schooling and Instructional Practice examines student transitions between major levels of schooling, teacher transitions in instructional practice, and the intersection of these two significant themes in education research. Twenty-six leading international experts offer meaningful insights on current pedagogical practices, obstacles to effective transitions, and proven strategies for stakeholders involved in supporting students in transition. The book is divided into four sections, representing the four main transitions in formal schooling: Early Years (Home, Pre-school, and Kindergarten) to Early Elementary (Grades 1-3); Early Elementary to Late Elementary (Grades 4-8); Late Elementary to Secondary (Grades 9-12); and Secondary to Post-Secondary (College and University). A coda draws together over-arching themes from throughout the text to provide recommendations and a visual model that captures their interactions. Combining theoretical approaches with practical examples of school-based initiatives, this book will appeal to those involved in supporting either the student experience (both academically and emotionally) or teacher professional learning and growth.
University of Minnesota Press All about Almodóvar: A Passion for Cinema
One of world cinema’s most exciting filmmakers, Pedro Almodóvar has been delighting, provoking, arousing, shocking, and—above all—entertaining audiences around the globe since he first burst onto the international film scene in the early 1980s. All about Almodóvar offers new perspectives on the filmmaker’s artistic vision and cinematic preoccupations, influences, and techniques. Through overviews of the filmmaker’s oeuvre and in-depth analyses of specific films, the essays here explore a diverse range of subjects: Almodóvar’s nuanced use of television and music in his films; his reworkings of traditional film genres such as comedy, horror, and film noir; his penchant for melodrama and its relationship to melancholy, violence, and coincidence; his intricate questioning of sexual and national identities; and his increasingly sophisticated inquiries into visuality and its limits. Closing with Almodóvar’s own diary account of the making of Volver and featuring never-before-seen photographs from El Deseo studio, All about Almodóvar both reflects and illuminates its subject’s dazzling eclecticism.Contributors: Mark Allinson, U of Leicester; Pedro Almodóvar; Isolina Ballesteros, Baruch College; Leo Bersani, UC Berkeley; Marvin D’Lugo, Clark U; Ulysse Dutoit, UC Berkeley; Peter William Evans, Queen Mary U of London; Víctor Fuentes, UC Santa Barbara; Marsha Kinder, USC; Steven Marsh, U of Illinois, Chicago; Andy Medhurst, U of Sussex; Ignacio Olivia, Universidad Castilla–La Mancha, Cuenca; Paul Julian Smith, U of Cambridge; Kathleen M. Vernon, SUNY Stony Brook; Linda Williams, UC Berkeley; Francisco A. Zurián, U Carlos III, Madrid.
Quirk Books Kid Athletes: True Tales of Childhood from Sports Legends
With all the best elements of Kid Presidents--colourful illustrations, kid-relatable subjects, true tales of overcoming adversity. -Kid Athletes tells true tales from the childhoods of a wide range of athletes. Did you know...Babe Ruth was so incorrigible he was sent to reform school at the age of seven. Historians now think the Babe may have suffered from attention deficit disorder, which contributed to his wild, hyperactive nature--and may have helped him develop his almost supernatural ability to hit a baseball. Mia Hamm was born with a club foot. She underwent multiple surgeries, had to wear special casts and corrective shoes until she was a toddler. She overcame her disability to become the most prolific goal scorer in the history of soccer. Muhammad Ali (aka Cassius Clay) learned how to fight after a thief stole his bicycle when he was twelve. When little Cassius vowed to whup the kid who'd swiped his wheels, a kindly police officer offered to give him boxing lessons. And a heavyweight legend was born. The lineup of potential subjects is exciting and diverse: female athletes like the Williams sisters, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, and Babe Didrikson Zaharias; African-American legends like Jackie Robinson and Michael Jordan; international stars like Yao Ming and Cristiano Ronaldo; and Native American icons like Jim Thorpe. With Doogie Horner's whimsical illustrations bringing every goal, touchdown, and championship to life, this book is a slam dunk for young readers.
Transworld Publishers Ltd Dragon's Time
Although Lorana cured the dragons' sickness so many died from the disease that there are no longer enough dragons to fight the deadly Thread, and more dragons and their riders die each Threadfall. With their numbers dwindling, Lorana made the decision to fly forward in time in a desperate bid to bring dragons from the future to fight Thread. She knew that jumping so far in time would result in her losing her baby, but without her jump all life on Pern is doomed. Back at Telgar Weyr Fiona, Kindan and T'mar realise what Lorana has done. They are desperately sad, but two things give them hope. The first is that Fiona is expecting twins, and the second the fact that all the dragonriders are exhausted, a sign that they are Timing it - existing elsewhere in space and time - which gives them hope that Lorana has found a way through time to help them.Sure enough, led by messages left for them by Lorana, they fly through space to the Dawn Sisters, the ships hanging in space that brought their ancestors to Pern. From there they look down at the beautiful planet and see a previously undiscovered continent - this is where they are Timing it and where they are reunited with Lorana. Now they can increase the number and strength of the dragons before going back to their own time to fight Thread. Although Lorana found she couldn't break time, she has found a way to cheat it.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Alfred Adler Studienausgabe.
Adler untersuchte bereits in seinen frÃ"hen Schriften die große Bedeutung von sozialen EinflÃ"ssen auf die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung von Menschen. Dies veranlasste ihn, auch nach seiner Trennung von Freud zahlreiche Erziehungsfragen zu thematisieren und in seinen Veröffentlichungen zu behandeln. Der Band 4 der Alfred Adler Studienausgabe enthält die bedeutendsten dieser Schriften.Die kommentierten und mit editorischen Vorbemerkungen versehenen Texte Adlers behandeln unter anderem: die pädagogische Bedeutung der Beziehungserfahrungen von Kinder in den ersten Lebensjahren; pädagogische EinflÃ"sse auf die Entwicklung von SelbstwertgefÃ"hl und Selbstwertregulation; die Bedeutung emotionaler Faktoren fÃ"r die Ausbildung von kognitiven Fähigkeiten und das Zustandekommen schulischer Leistungen; die Entfaltung von GemeinschaftsgefÃ"hl als Gegenbewegung zum Streben nach Macht und Ãberlegenheit; Möglichkeiten der Prophylaxe von Entwicklungs- und Erziehungsschwierigkeiten und deren Bearbeitung in Prozessen der Erziehungsberatung. Adler war Ã"berzeugt, dass die nachhaltige Verbesserung erzieherischer Gegebenheiten an den Erfolg von weitreichenden ReformbemÃ"hungen gebunden ist, die der Dynamik unbewusster Prozesse Rechnung tragen. Deshalb verdeutlichen die vorliegenden Schriften auch Adlers Bedeutung fÃ"r die Entstehung tiefenpsychologischer Ansätze in der Pädagogik sowie die Schwerpunkte seines Einflusses auf die Reformpädagogik des frÃ"hen 20. Jahrhunderts. Diese beziehen sich vor allem auf die Bereiche der Familienerziehung, der Schulpädagogik, der Ausbildung von Pädagogen und der Konzeptualisierung sowie Institutionalisierung von Erziehungsberatung und sind bis heute von Relevanz. Zahlreiche Fallbeispiele lassen Adlers Theorie und seine Art des Arbeitens lebendig werden.
Southern Illinois University Press Chicago Death Trap: The Iroquois Theatre Fire of 1903
On the afternoon of December 30, 1903, during a sold out matinee performance, a fire broke out in Chicago's Iroquois Theatre. In the short span of twenty minutes, more than six hundred people were asphyxiated, burned, or trampled to death in a panicked mob's failed attempt to escape. In ""Chicago Death Trap: The Iroquois Theatre Fire of 1903"", Nat Brandt provides a detailed chronicle of this horrific event to assess not only the titanic tragedy of the fire itself but also the municipal corruption and greed that kindled the flames beforehand and the political cover-ups hidden in the smoke and ash afterwards. Advertised as ""absolutely fireproof,"" the Iroquois was Chicago's most modern playhouse when it opened in the fall of 1903. With the approval of the city's building department, theater developers Harry J. Powers and William J. Davis opened the theater prematurely to take full advantage of the holiday crowds, ignoring flagrant safety violations in the process. The aftermath of the fire proved to be a study in the miscarriage of justice. Despite overwhelming evidence that the building was not complete, that fire safety laws were ignored, and that management had deliberately sealed off exits during the performance, no one was ever convicted or otherwise held accountable for the enormous loss of life. Lavishly illustrated and featuring an introduction by Chicago historians Perry R. Duis and Cathlyn Schallhorn, ""Chicago Death Trap: The Iroquois Theatre Fire of 1903"" is rich with vivid details about this horrific disaster, captivatingly presented in human terms without losing sight of the broader historical context.
DK LEGO CITY: Busy Word Book
More than 500 words about vehicles, buildings, jobs, and people label colorful LEGO® scenes and minifigures to help kids learn the building blocks of language.LEGO® City is the perfect place for early readers to encounter lots of exciting words for the first time. There's always something happening, whether it's police officers catching crooks, firefighters training at the fire station, or hotdog vendors cooking up tasty snacks! Interactive activities such as spotting recurring characters and finding hidden objects keep children engaged and encourage repeat reading. Returning time and again to each page, children learn useful and fun words that they can use in daily life.LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Minifigure and the Brick and Knob configurations are trademarks and/or copyrights of the LEGO Group. All rights reserved. ©2017 The LEGO Group. Manufactured by Dorling Kindersley, 345 Hudson St., New York, NY 10014, US under license from the LEGO Group.
Faber & Faber Evening at The Talk House
At Ted's instigation, the old gang gather once more at the almost legendary club The Talk House. Ten years on and presided over still by the kindly Nellie, there's the same genteel atmosphere, familiar drinks, unchanging special snacks. But the era of Walter Barclay is long gone.A playwright, a composer, an actress.The possibility of a pleasant night.Evening at The Talk House by Wallace Shawn premiered at the National Theatre, London, in November 2015.
Little, Brown & Company Kaiju Girl Caramelise, Vol. 6
Is it really over? After Kuroe and Minami had a massive argument where shekinda-sorta broke up with him, she’s been a total emotional wreck. However, when anUnidentified Flying Object, traveling at high speeds appears in front of Kuroe, it’s up toher to save Tokyo! But distracted as she is, she soon finds herself at the mercy of theother kaiju. Will Minami step up to save the day-or turn his back on the girl he onceloved...?
Titan Books Ltd Michael Moorcock's Elric Vol. 4: The Dreaming City
A stunning comic adaptation of the classic Elric of Melnibone novels by Michael Moorcock! The albino emperor, Elric of Melnibone, is exiled from his home and cursed to walk the land under the influence of the god of chaos, Arioch. With his sword Stormbringer, Elric must find his way through the unknown, unaware he is being sought by his long-lost love. But is she looking to re-kindle their love, or something far more sinister?
Springer Antibiotika am Krankenbett 2019 2020
Einteilung der Antibiotika.- Generika - Handelsnamen.- Handelsnamen. - Generika.- Leitsätze der Antibiotika.- Häufigste Fehler bei der Antibiotikatherapie.- Wichtige Infektionen - wichtige mikrobiologische Diagnostik.- Zusammenarbeit mit Mikrobiologen.- Resistenz klinisch wichtiger Erreger.- Häufigste Erreger - Antibiotikaauswahl.- Antibiotika, Antimykotika: Spektrum Dosierung Nebenwirkungen Kosten.- Antibiotikatherapie der wichtigsten Infektionen bei Kindern und Erwachsenen.- Therapie der häufigsten bakteriellen Endokarditiden.- Mindestbehandlungsdauer von bakteriellen Infektionen.- Versagen der Antibiotikatherapie.- Differentialdiagnose, Fieber unklarer Genese.- Dosierung von Antibiotika bei eingeschränkter Nierenfunktion.- Antibiotikatherapie bei Hämodialyse, Peritonealdialyse und kontinuierlicher Hämofiltration.- Antibiotikatherapie in der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit.- Antibiotika bei Lebererkrankungen.- Diffusion von Antibioti
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Understanding Your Three-Year-Old
What changes when a young child begins to leave toddlerhood behind? How do you keep track of your child's good and bad experiences at nursery and kindergarten and support her through them? What is the best way to cope with temper tantrums, and why do they happen?Louise Emanuel presents practical tips and a great deal of emotional reassurance for both the first-time and the experienced parent. She offers helpful guidance on a range of topics, from managing sibling rivalry and ensuring everyone in the family gets a good night's sleep, to encouraging conversation and imaginative solitary and social play.
Hodder & Stoughton The Saint Meets His Match
Simon Templar is the Saint - daring, dazzling, and just a little disreputable. On the side of the law, but standing outside it, he dispenses his own brand of justice one criminal at a time.Simon Templar finds himself on the side of the righteous for once when he agrees to work with the police. They're after the gang known as the Angels of Doom, who specialise in abetting convicted criminals escape. But Templar finds a kindred spirit in Jill Trelawney, the mastermind behind the gang, and Scotland Yard soon learn that you can't hire a Saint and hope to have things all your own way...
Prometheus Books Erewhon
Written in the tradition of Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels", English novelist, essayist, and iconoclast Samuel Butler (1835-1902) describes an imaginary visit to a topsy-turvy country called Erewhon (an anagram of "nowhere"), where it is a punishable offence to be physically ill, but where criminality and immorality are looked kindly upon as treatable diseases. The English church is pilloried in the system of "Musical Banks," whose currency nobody believes in but everyone pretends to value. Universities teach courses on how to say nothing at great length, and all machines have been banned for fear that they will develop through evolution and enslave the citizens.
WS Publishing I Like to Learn Opposites: Amazing Bugs
The US Census Bureau estimates that over 8 million children enroll in nursery school or kindergarten every year. The educational success of these children depends largely on their knowledge of the alphabet, numbers, colors, and opposites. The I Like to Learn Opposites: Amazing Bugs teaches children these fundamental skills in a fun, playful, yet very effective way. The whimsically illustrated board book will help children learn their opposites with rich and colorful depictions of bugs. With beautiful hand-drawn illustrations, it’s a fun and exciting way of learning opposites that kids will never tire of.
Fordham University Press William James on the Courage to Believe
William James’ celebrated lecture on “The Will to Believe” has kindled spirited controversy since the day it was delivered. In this lively reappraisal of that controversy, Father O’Connell contributes some fresh contentions: that James’ argument should be viewed against his indebtedness to Pascal and Renouvier; that it works primarily to validate our “over-beliefs” ; and most surprising perhaps, that James envisages our “passional nature” as intervening, not after, but before and throughout, our intellectual weighing of the evidence for belief. William James on the Courage to Believe is available from the publisher on an open-access basis.
Willow Creek Press Dadisms
'They don't make 'em like they used to.' Witty, wise, and always humorous, this collection of classic “dadisms” is sure to kindle fond flashbacks (and a few eye twitches) for “those darn kids” of all ages.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Yoga für Dummies
Sie suchen körperliche Entspannung und geistige Ruhe im hektischen Alltag? Sie wollen gleichzeitig Ihre allgemeine Fitness, Beweglichkeit und Kraft verbessern? Dann ist dieses Buch genau das Richtige für Sie. Georg Feuerstein und Larry Payne erläutern Ihnen die Kraft des Yoga als Weg zu mehr geistiger und körperlicher Gesundheit. Als Anfänger erlernen Sie in illustrierten Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen die Grundübungen und erfahren, wie Sie aus den vielen verschiedenen Yoga-Richtungen die passende für sich finden. Fortgeschrittene erfahren, wie sie ihr persönliches Yoga-Programm zusammenstellen und perfekt in ihren Alltag integrieren. Kindern, Schwangeren und Senioren ist jeweils ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet. So findet jeder seinen Weg zu mehr Ausgeglichenheit, Gesundheit und innerer Ruhe.
Walker Books Ltd Little Beaver and the Echo
An award-winning picture book favourite about a lonely little beaver in need of a friend.Shortlisted for the Children's Book Award, this is the much-loved story of Little Beaver, who lives all alone by the edge of a pond. He doesn't have a friend in the world. One day, when he starts to cry, he hears someone else crying too. So Little Beaver sets off to find this kindred spirit. Along the way, he's joined by a duck, an otter and a turtle, who each claim, "I do need a friend, but it wasn't me who was crying." Will Little Beaver ever find the creature who was crying, and make a friend at last? A story time favourite, this sweet, sensitive story of new friendship is brought beautifully to life by Sarah Fox-Davies's softly glowing landscapes and adorably furry characters.
Stackpole Books Christmas in Pennsylvania
The return of a bestselling classic with new material Full-color vintage images for the first time A new selection of recipes from Pennsylvania's Christmas past Originally published in 1959 and written by one of the seminal figures in American folklife studies, this classic work examines the folk origins of Christmas in the Keystone State. Composed of interviews and contemporary newspaper reports, it records holiday traditions from the eighteenth century through the early twentieth century, including mummers, Christ-Kindel and Kriss Kringle, Christmas trees and trimming, Belsnickels, the Philadelphia carnival of horns, Moravian pyramids and putzes, Pittsburgh firecracker celebrations, and holiday treats. Now with full-color images, this edition includes Don Yoder's new expanded afterword on recent research of Christmas customs and a selection of traditional recipes.
Little, Brown Book Group Penelope
Meet Penelope O'Shaughnessy, Harvard freshman.Armed with her Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights poster and party conversation modelled on the repartee of Noel Coward, Penelope is ready to take her place on campus. But where are the kindred spirits who will share her passion for Morse code and Tetris? Penelope's roommates, over-achieving Emma and the sullen Lan, seem to have already got to grips with university life, and she is finding it hard to work out if the dashing but elusive Gustav matches up to her hero, Hercule Poirot.Penelope follows our heroine's progress through her first year among America's elite, as she navigates the mysteries of life, love, inappropriate tutors, marionette operation and how to kiss on both cheeks and avoid disaster.
Quercus Publishing Stuff
A successful day for Emily - interior designer and total bitch - is throttling her husband Kevin and tormenting his best friend Raymond to their mutual satisfaction. A good day for Raymond is venting his frustrations on Emily's fine form and getting a glimpse of her even finer daughter Shelley. A tolerable day for Kevin is just avoiding Emily - until he meets a surprising young woman who sees through his dim wits to the kindly man beneath...Emily's a maelstrom of malice, but there's only so far she can push Kevin and Raymond before the storm finally breaks. Stripping the veneer of pretension and civility, Connolly's thrillingly repulsive characters are unveiled through breathless interior monologue to reveal the genuine and grotesque urges that drive them all into a violent climax.
Profile Books Ltd A Scheme of Heaven: Astrology and the Birth of Science
Despite a resurgence in popularity, horoscopes are generally considered to be pseudoscience today - but they were once a cutting-edge scientific tool. In this ingenious work of history, data scientist Alexander Boxer examines a treasure trove of esoteric classical sources to expose the deep imaginative framework by which - for millennia - we made sense of our fates. Astrology, he argues, was the ancient world's most ambitious applied mathematics problem, a grand data-analysis enterprise sustained by some of history's most brilliant minds, from Ptolemy to al-Kindi to Kepler. A Scheme of Heaven explores the wonderful subtleties of astrological ideas. Telling the stories of their inventors and most influential exponents, Boxer puts them through their paces using modern data sets - finding that the methods of today's scientists are often uncomfortably close to those of astrology's ancient sages.
Headline Publishing Group Far to Go
For readers of THE TATTOOIST OF AUSCHWITZ and SCHINDLER'S LIST, FAR TO GO is a powerful, mesmerising novel centring on one family's heartbreaking decision to save their son - by saying goodbye to him for ever.Longlisted for the 2011 MAN BOOKER PRIZE for Fiction'Extraordinary' Daily Mail 'A potential classic in the making' Financial TimesPepik is only six when the German forces invade Czechoslovakia. Desperate to find freedom, his affluent Jewish parents try to escape with him to Paris, but are betrayed by Marta, the family's beloved nanny. Yet it is Marta who then secures a place for the Pepik on a Kindertransport, an act of determination that saves his life. But the child is never to see his parents or Marta again.'Somewhere between a book and a miracle' Catherine Ryan Hyde