Search results for ""author pierre"
Moonlight Publishing Ltd Fruit
Introduce young children to the flavourful, fresh fruits that will help them grow up healthy and strong. Cut open an apple, plant its pips, and watch them grow; from seeds to stalks, then blossom in the spring and ripe fruit in the autumn. They’ll learn where and how different types of fruit grow – including pears, kiwis, oranges, lemons, strawberries, bananas, peaches, plums, coconuts, and many more. This title is part of the My First Discovery paperback series – a unique collection of beautifully illustrated information books for children aged 4 to 7, with simple language to aid learning and realistic artwork to inspire young minds. There are 8 transparent overlay pages, which reveal hidden surprises and make the pages come alive. With free access to a brand new audio app, children can listen and read along at their own pace, page by page.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Applications and Metrology at Nanometer Scale 1: Smart Materials, Electromagnetic Waves and Uncertainties
To develop innovations in quantum engineering and nanosystems, designers need to adopt the expertise that has been developed in research laboratories. This requires a thorough understanding of the experimental measurement techniques and theoretical models, based on the principles of quantum mechanics. This book presents experimental methods enabling the development and characterization of materials at the nanometer scale, based on practical engineering cases, such as 5G and the interference of polarized light when applied for electromagnetic waves. Using the example of electromechanical, multi-physical coupling in piezoelectric systems, smart materials technology is discussed, with an emphasis on scale reduction and mechanical engineering applications. Statistical analysis methods are presented in terms of their usefulness in systems engineering for experimentation, characterization or design, since safety factors and the most advanced reliability calculation techniques are included from the outset. This book provides valuable support for teachers and researchers but is also intended for engineering students, working engineers and Master�s students.
The New York Review of Books, Inc The Fire Within
Temple University Press,U.S. Immigrant Crossroads: Globalization, Incorporation, and Placemaking in Queens, New York
Nearly half the 2.3 million residents of Queens, New York are foreign-born. Immigrants in Queens hail from more than 120 countries and speak more than 135 languages. As an epicenter of immigrant diversity, Queens is an urban gateway that exemplifies opportunities and challenges in shaping a multi-racial democracy. The editors and contributors to Immigrant Crossroads examine the social, spatial, economic, and political dynamics that stem from this fast-growing urbanization. The interdisciplinary chapters examine residential patterns and neighborhood identities, immigrant incorporation and mobilizations, and community building and activism.Essays combine qualitative and quantitative research methods to address globalization and the unprecedented racial and ethnic diversity as a result of international migration. Chapters on incorporation focus on immigrant participation and representation in electoral politics, and advocacy for immigrant inclusion in urban governance and service provision. A section of Immigrant Crossroads concerns placemaking, focusing on the production of neighborhood spaces and identities as well as immigrant activism and community development and control.Based on engaged and robust analysis, Immigrant Crossroads highlights the dynamics of this urban gateway.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Noninvasive Electrocardiology in Clinical Practice
Computerized ECG exams are currently flourishing, and further development of these inexpensive and noninvasive diagnostic tools is expected in upcoming years. Because there is so much clinically relevant and useful information that can be obtained using modern electrocardiology, the editors strongly believe that a book summarizing current state-of-the-art methods of noninvasive electrocardiology will assist physicians in optimizing their clinical practice. Accordingly, the contributors comprise an international "who's who" in noninvasive electrocardiography. The object of noninvasive electrophysiology is to reconcile comprehensive invasive electrophysiology with conventional surface electrocardiography, by extracting from the latter more extensive and dynamic information. Numerous facets of these new orientations are presented in this book, which is organized in two main sections. Part one describes noninvasive ECG tests, their methodology, and applications. Part two focuses on specific clinical conditions and diseases, and allows the reader to learn when it is worth using specific tests and when they are not of much benefit. Clinical cardiologists and electrophysiologists at all levels will benefit from this well-written, informative update.
Autonomedia Archeology of Violence
Aarhus University Press Emotions in Research & Practice
Motilal Banarsidass, Pandit N.R.Bhatt Felicitation Volume
Theologischer Verlag Bildhaftes Erleben in Todesnahe: Hermeneutische Erkundungen Einer Heutigen Ars Moriendi
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Analyses Et Interpretations de la Musique: La Melodie Du Berger Dans Le Tristan Et Isolde de Richard Wagner
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin L'Essor Du Romantisme: La Fantaisie Pour Clavier: de Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach a Franz Liszt
Classiques Garnier Cahiers Jean Giraudoux 2023, 51: Le Paris de Jean Giraudoux
Classiques Garnier Le Theatre Sacre: Dina Ou Le Ravissement, Josue Ou Le Sac de Jericho, Debora Ou La Delivrance
Klincksieck Les Arpeges Composes: Musique Et Litterature
Les Belles Lettres Vie de Charles IV de Luxembourg
Les Belles Lettres Festus, Abrege Des Hauts Faits Du Peuple Romain
Les Belles Lettres Hymnes Orphiques
Les Belles Lettres Nonnos de Panopolis, Les Dionysiaques: Tome II: Chants III-V
Marble Press My Big Embarrassing Elephant
Magnificat Jesus in Art and Literature
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Le Cid
Edited and translated by John C. Lapp, this edition of Le Cid for performance and study includes an introduction, which interprets the contemporary political, social, and romantic themes that give this tragedy its complex, interwoven structure. Also included are a selected bibliography and a list of the principal dates in the life of Corneille.
University Press of America Faith Views the Universe: A Thomistic Perspective
This book addresses the relationship between religion and science, presenting a religious outlook that both explains and encompasses science based on insights from Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas. These insights are not confrontational, nor stated as running on parallel lines with modern science, but are suggested as penetrating to the very roots of modern science in its dialectical nature. As a result, the Christian religion need not fear the contradiction of modern science, and an even deeper understanding of this science itself is suggested. Contents: Science as Dialectical: Faith Views the Universe; Introduction to Basic Science; Science's Rectilinear Universe; Science is Dialectical; Science as Demonstrative: Modern Science and Motion; Aristotle and Causality; The Moving and Measured Universe; Existence of First Mover; Transition to Modern Science; The Theory of Everything; Bibliography; Index.
Serindia Publications, Inc Truffles
Manohar Publishers and Distributors Akbar and the Jesuits: An Account of the Jesuit Missions to the Court of Akbar
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Spectroscopie infrarouge de toupies symétriques et sphériques pour l'observation spatiale 1
Editions Chouette Caillou: I Can Brush my Teeth: Healthy Toddler
Caillou isn't a baby anymore. He wants to brush his teeth by himself. After breakfast and before going to bed, Caillou brushes little circles all over his teeth, just like Daddy! The ones in the back are harder to reach, but Caillou tries his best. Either Mommy or Daddy is always by his side to give him a guiding hand or some pointers for next time. Caillou even takes care to brush his dinosaurs' big teeth! Developed with the help of a pediatric dentist and a child psychologist, Caillou: I Can brush My Teeth illustrates how Caillou's mastery of fine motor-skills allows him to gain more independence in small but important ways.
Atlantic Books The Aquariums of Pyongyang
'I beseech you to read this account' - Christopher HitchensA magnificent, harrowing testimony to the voiceless victims of North Korea.Kang Chol-Hwan is the first survivor of a North Korean concentration camp to escape the 'hermit kingdom' and tell his story to the world. This memoir reveals the human suffering in his camp, with its forced labour, frequent public executions and near-starvation rations. Kang eventually escaped to South Korea via China to give testimony to the hardships and atrocities that constitute the lives of the thousands of people still detained in the gulags today. Part horror story, part historical document, part memoir, part political tract, this story of one young man's personal suffering finally gives eye-witness proof to this neglected chapter of modern history.
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Beautiful Flowers Colouring Book
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Organic Chemistry: Theory, Reactivity and Mechanisms in Modern Synthesis
Provides the background, tools, and models required to understand organic synthesis and plan chemical reactions more efficiently Knowledge of physical chemistry is essential for achieving successful chemical reactions in organic chemistry. Chemists must be competent in a range of areas to understand organic synthesis. Organic Chemistry provides the methods, models, and tools necessary to fully comprehend organic reactions. Written by two internationally recognized experts in the field, this much-needed textbook fills a gap in current literature on physical organic chemistry. Rigorous yet straightforward chapters first examine chemical equilibria, thermodynamics, reaction rates and mechanisms, and molecular orbital theory, providing readers with a strong foundation in physical organic chemistry. Subsequent chapters demonstrate various reactions involving organic, organometallic, and biochemical reactants and catalysts. Throughout the text, numerous questions and exercises, over 800 in total, help readers strengthen their comprehension of the subject and highlight key points of learning. The companion Organic Chemistry Workbook contains complete references and answers to every question in this text. A much-needed resource for students and working chemists alike, this text: -Presents models that establish if a reaction is possible, estimate how long it will take, and determine its properties -Describes reactions with broad practical value in synthesis and biology, such as C-C-coupling reactions, pericyclic reactions, and catalytic reactions -Enables readers to plan chemical reactions more efficiently -Features clear illustrations, figures, and tables -With a Foreword by Nobel Prize Laureate Robert H. Grubbs Organic Chemistry: Theory, Reactivity, and Mechanisms in Modern Synthesis is an ideal textbook for students and instructors of chemistry, and a valuable work of reference for organic chemists, physical chemists, and chemical engineers.
Springer International Publishing AG Biomechanics of Training and Testing: Innovative Concepts and Simple Field Methods
This book presents an account of innovative methods and, for most of them, gives direct and practical insights into how practitioners can benefit from their use in their everyday practice. It also explains how to interpret the data measured, and the underlying neuromechanical and biomechanical factors related to sports performance. Written and edited by the same researchers who proposed and validated these methods, this book not only presents innovative methods for an efficient training and testing process (most of which are based on very simple technology and data processing methods), but also discusses the associated background information. Although it is a young scientific discipline, sport biomechanics has taken on an important role in routine sports training, medicine and rehabilitation. It allows both a better understanding of human locomotion and performance and better design of training and injury prevention. In those processes, the testing of athletes is crucial, and the quality and quantity of the variables analysed directly influences the efficiency of physicians’, coaches’, physiotherapists’ and other practitioners’ interventions.
North Atlantic Books,U.S. From Manual Evaluation to General Diagnosis: Assessing Patient Information before Hands-On Treatment
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres Completes: Extraits Et Notes de Lectures, II
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Le Livre Du Neant
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Philosophie Autrichienne de Bolzano a Musil: Histoire Et Actualite
Classiques Garnier Les Jeus Poetiques: (1610)
Classiques Garnier Andre Gide Ou l'Art de la Fugue: Musique Et Litterature
Editions Xavier Barral The Comet: The Journey of Rosetta
Klincksieck Le Neo-Classicisme
Les Belles Lettres Isidore de Seville, Etymologies VII: Dieu, Les Anges, Les Saints/ de Deo, Angelis Et Sanctis
Les Belles Lettres Juvenal, Satires
SelfMadeHero Best of Enemies: A History of US and Middle East Relations: Part One: 1783-1953
Filiu and David B. draw striking parallels between ancient and contemporary political history in this look at the US-Middle East conflict. The reader is transported to the pirate-choked Mediterranean sea, where Christians and Muslims continue the crusades, only this time on water. As the centuries pass, the traditional victims of the Muslim pirates--the British, French, and Spanish--all become empire-building powers whose sights lie beyond the Mediterranean.
Black Widow Press Rhymamusings
Gabler Das emotionale Unternehmen: Mental starke Organisationen entwickeln - Emotionale Viren aufspüren und behandeln
Veränderungsprozesse belasten in vielen Unternehmen Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter. Ähnlich wie im Leistungssport ist auch in der Wirtschaft, neben Wissen und Training, die mentale Stärke der Organisation für den Erfolg entscheidend. Interessenkonflikte um Macht und Geld, kulturelle Unterschiede, persönliche Hoffnungen und Ängste der Schlüsselpersonen rufen „emotionale Viren“ hervor, die eine „mentale Verschmutzung“ des Unternehmens nach sich ziehen.Die beiden erfahrenen Berater zeigen anschaulich, wie ein Unternehmen zur mentalen Stärke geführt werden kann. Das Prinzip der „emotionalen Viren“ dient dabei als Grundlage, um die Selbstheilungskräfte der Organisation zu aktivieren. Ein innovativer und international bewährter Ansatz, anschaulich und kurzweilig dargestellt - eine originelle und nützliche Lektüre.
Cinebook Ltd The Future Is Waiting
Several new chapters of Valerian and Laureline's adventures - but are they flashbacks, or ... ? After the events of The Time Opener, Valerian and Laureline reverted to childhood, and are now living with Mr Albert on 21st century Earth. But in a universe where time travel is a reality, words like 'after' or even 'now' can be somewhat ... hazy, and elsewhere, in other times, our young but nonetheless adult agents are still working tirelessly to maintain a galactic peace threatened as always by greed and the thirst for power.
Cinebook Ltd Valerian Vol. 21 - The Time Opener: 21
The evil hordes of the Wolochs are rampaging through space, and everywhere death and destruction follow. But despite the despair of some and the betrayal of others, Valerian, Laureline and a few other brave souls are resisting. They’re hoping to use a mysterious artefact, the Time Opener, to banish the stones and bring back Earth. But what price must they pay to do so? And what sort of Earth will they get back if they succeed?