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Transcript Verlag Doing Cultural History – Insights, Innovations, Impulses
"Doing Cultural History" collects papers on a variety of topics. The issues addressed span from the 12th to the 21st century and include the communication of peace in written and pictorial sources, narrative structures in legal texts, masculinity and violence, and new research into Scottish medieval history as well as a comparison of religious theme parks and the perception of sorcery and false saintliness in early modern Spain.
Georg Callwey Urban Jungle: Living and Styling with Plants
Urban Jungle: Living and Styling with Plants is a source of inspiration, ideas and a manual for all of those who want to bring more plants into their home. The book guides the reader through different "green" homes in five European countries and shows how beautiful, unique, creative and even artistic living with plants can be. More than that the reader finds endless ideas for styling from the bloggers of the "Urban Jungle Bloggers" community. To complete the topic of indoor plants the book offers easy help for taking care of the plants and DIY tips.
Editions Skira Paris Cartier: Islamic Inspiration and Modern Design
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cloud Computing For Dummies
Get your head—and your business—into the Cloud Cloud computing is no longer just a clever new toy in the world of IT infrastructure. Despite the nebulous name, it’s become a real and important part of our information architecture—and tech professionals who ignore it or try to skim their way through risk falling behind rapidly. The new edition of Cloud Computing For Dummies gets you up to speed fast, clarifying your Cloud options, showing you where can save you time and money, giving you ways to frame your decisions, and helping you avoid weeks of research. In a friendly, easy-to-follow style, Cloud Computing For Dummies, 2nd Edition demystifies the Cloud’s virtual landscape, breaking up a complex and multi-layered topic into simple explanations that will make the various benefits clear and ultimately guide you toward making the most appropriate choices for your organization. Know the business case for the Cloud Understand hybrid and multi-cloud options Develop your Cloud strategy Get tips on best practices The Cloud is everywhere, and it can deliver amazing benefits to our lives and businesses. Get a much clearer vision of exactly how with Cloud Computing For Dummies—and you’ll begin to see that the sky really is the limit!
The University of Chicago Press Performing Images: Opera in Chinese Visual Culture
Writing in the early nineteenth century, the French traveler and cleric Abbe Huc exclaimed: "There is, perhaps, not a people in the world who carry so far their taste and passion for theatrical entertainments as the Chinese." Although the spectacle of this theater is well known, with its colorful costumes, props, and face painting, the extent to which opera was favored in Chinese pictorial and decorative motifs across the full spectrum of visual media - from courtly scroll paintings, popular New Year prints, illustrated woodblock books, and painted fans to carved utensils, ceramics, textiles, and dioramas-will surprise many. As the first comprehensive publication in English on the subject, Performing Images is not only a major interdisciplinary contribution to existing scholarship - featuring eight new essays by experts in the fields of traditional and modern Chinese literature, art, material culture, and history - but also a visual spectacle in its own right. A companion volume to the exhibition of the same name at the Smart Museum of Art, Performing Images contains more than one hundred color reproductions and over eighty illustrated catalogue entries. Together, text and image offer new insight into traditional Chinese culture, visual arts, and theater, and reveal how Chinese visual and performing traditions were aesthetically, ritually, and commercially intertwined.
After 8 books Sam Pulitzer - The Premise of a Better Life
ISD International Paul and Perseverance
New Revolution Publishers Stolen Honor Stolen Innocence: How America Was Betrayed by the Lies and Sexual Crimes of a Mad "Scientist"
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Regesta Pontificum Romanorum: Tomus tertius (ab a. DCCCXLIV usque ad a. MXXIV)
Im Rahmen des Projekts »Papsturkunden des frühen und hohen Mittelalters« der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, welches im Gesamtunternehmen der Pius-Stiftung für Papsturkundenforschung eingebettet ist, entsteht die Neubearbeitung der Regesta Pontificum Romanorum unter der Ägide von Klaus Herbers. Der dritte Band knüpft an die ersten beiden Bände an und enthält die Pontifikate von Sergius II. bis zu Benedikt VIII. (von 844 bis 1024). In kurzen lateinischen Regesten werden systematisch die Papstkontakte in chronologischer Reihenfolge erschlossen. Durch die Aufarbeitung der Forschungsgeschichte seit der letzten Auflage 1885 wurde die Zahl der Einträge für die knapp 180 Jahre des dritten Bandes auf über 3500 erhöht. Neben zahlreichen Neufunden sind nun auch Schreiben an den Papst aufgenommen und erzählende Quellen stärker berücksichtigt. Die in großer Zahl überlieferten Briefe Leos IV., Nikolaus I. und vor allem Johannes VIII. stehen neben den Schreiben und Taten nahezu unbekannter Päpste und Gegenpäpste. Konzilsakten sowie Brief- und Rechtssammlungen wurden ebenso ausgewertet wie die Bischofsviten des Liber pontificalis und die wichtigste Historiographie. Einen zentralen Fortschritt erbrachte die bibliografische Aktualisierung. Die Regesten verweisen auf die heute maßgeblichen Editionen und die Diskussion zu Echtheit und Datierung der Papstschreiben. Konkordanzen und ein Initienregister erleichtern den Zugriff.
Arcadia Publishing Belleville: 1914 and Beyond
Rowman & Littlefield Social Problems across the Life Course
The human life course is filled with and subject to a wide range of personal difficulties, many of which are shared by others. Life events and processes such as birth, childhood, training for and entering an occupation, marriage, and procreation, growing older, death and dying are all subject to dilemmas, obstacles, and barriers. Social Problems across the Life Course offers accessible readings that examine the societal construction of social problems out of the personal troubles that people confront at major life stages. The essays provide an overview and illustrate the theory and principals that inform both the life course and social problems. Introductions by the editors vividly introduce the research and key theories in this unique anthology, perhaps the only one available to help students understand how life stages and personal and social problems interact.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Student-Assisted Teaching: A Guide to Faculty-Student Teamwork
This innovative handbook provides a range of models for undergraduate student-assisted teaching partnerships to help faculty, faculty developers, and administrators make learning more student-centered, more effective, and more productive. Each of the 31 models included in this volume is supported by practical details and focuses on four main aspects of a specific peer-assisted learning environment: implementation, evidence of effectiveness and learning benefits, analysis of time and cost expenditures, and suggestions for replication. Contents include discussions of working with undergraduate partners in several areas: Programs for first-year students Difficult courses Special groups Courses and programs for all students Faculty development The chapters present a range of approaches, applications, disciplines, institutions, and contexts, and demonstrate that student-faculty partnerships can be adapted to meet diverse needs in a variety of situations. Extensive appendices aid implementation by providing concrete examples of hiring documents, training syllabi, teaching materials, and evaluation methods.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Public Health Nutrition
In this second edition of the bestselling title from the acclaimed Nutrition Society Textbook series, Public Health Nutrition has been extensively revised to ensure that it reflects the latest evidence-based knowledge and research. Ground-breaking and comprehensive in both its scope and approach, Public Health Nutrition has been fully updated by an expert editorial team to cover the most recent changes in the field. It now offers a structured overview of the subject’s core concepts and considers public health nutrition tools and the application of intervention strategies. Divided into five key sections, Public Health Nutrition contains a wealth of information, including: Public health nutrition concepts and assessment tools, and their application in light of the latest evidence. Case studies to illustrate how best to apply the theory and evidence to policy and practice. An examination of nutrition throughout the lifecycle, and the relationship between diet and disease, including in relation to obesity, diabetes, cancer, as well as mental health. The impact of environmental factors on public health. Public health strategies, policies and approaches. With a clear and concise structure, Public Health Nutrition is an essential purchase for students of nutrition, dietetics and other healthcare areas, as well as an invaluable practical guide for health professionals working within public health. A supporting companion website featuring multiple-choice, short answer, and essay style questions is available at
John Wiley and Sons Ltd American Identities: An Introductory Textbook
American Identities is a dazzling array of primary documents and critical essays culled from American history, literature, memoir, and popular culture that explore major currents and trends in American history from 1945 to the present. Charts the rich multiplicity of American identities through the different lenses of race, class, and gender, and shaped by common historical social processes such as migration, families, work, and war. Includes editorial introductions for the volume and for each reading, and study questions for each selection. Enables students to engage in the history-making process while developing the skills crucial to interpreting rich and enduring cultural texts. Accompanied by an instructor's guide containing reading, viewing, and listening exercises, interview questions, bibliographies, time-lines, and sample excerpts of students' family histories for course use.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Energetic Brain: Understanding and Managing ADHD
How to get past the myths, tap into the creativity of the ADHD mind, and thrive ADHD affects millions of people-some 3 to 5% of the general population. Written by a neuroscientist who has studied ADHD, a clinician who has diagnosed and treated it for 30 years, and a special educator who sees it daily, The Energetic Brain provides the latest information from neuroscience on how the ADHD brain works and shows how to harness its potential for success. It distills the latest research findings to give readers the most up-to-date information available and provides practical strategies for managing ADHD-and thriving-at school, at work, and at home, from childhood through adulthood. Debunks popular (and destructive) myths about ADHD Covers how to manage ADHD with medication or without, what parents can do to help, and how to thrive with ADHD throughout the lifespan Offers effective academic and behavioral interventions for school, and helpful accommodations for the workplace The Energetic Brain provides a truly thorough view of ADHD, making it an invaluable guide for parents, teachers, and those living with ADHD.
University of Texas Press La ütz awäch?: Introduction to Kaqchikel Maya Language
Kaqchikel is one of approximately thirty Mayan languages spoken in Belize, Guatemala, Mexico, and, increasingly, the United States. Of the twenty-two Mayan languages spoken in Guatemala, Kaqchikel is one of the four "mayoritarios," those with the largest number of speakers. About half a million people living in the central highlands between Guatemala City and Lake Atitlán speak Kaqchikel. And because native Kaqchikel speakers are prominent in the field of Mayan linguistics, as well as in Mayan cultural activism generally, Kaqchikel has been adopted as a Mayan lingua franca in some circles.This innovative language-learning guide is designed to help students, scholars, and professionals in many fields who work with Kaqchikel speakers, in both Guatemala and the United States, quickly develop basic communication skills. The book will familiarize learners with the words, phrases, and structures used in daily communications, presented in as natural a way as possible, and in a logical sequence. Six chapters introduce the language in context (greetings, the classroom, people, the family, food, and life) followed by exercises and short essays on aspects of Kaqchikel life. A grammar summary provides in-depth linguistic analysis of Kaqchikel, and a glossary supports vocabulary learning from both Kaqchikel to English and English to Kaqchikel. These resources, along with sound files and other media on the Internet at, will allow learners to develop proficiency in all five major language skills—listening comprehension, speaking, reading, writing, and sociocultural understanding.
McGraw-Hill Education 1t Connect Access Card for Vis-À-VIS (180 Days)
John Wiley & Sons Inc Explorations in College Algebra
Explorations in College Algebra's overarching goal is to reshape the College Algebra course to make it more relevant and accessible to all students. This is achieved by shifting the focus from learning a set of discrete mechanical rules to exploring how algebra is used in social and physical sciences and the world around you. By connecting mathematics to real-life situations, students come to appreciate its power and beauty.
Lexington Books Gandhi, Freedom, and Self-Rule
This volume presents an original account of Mahatma Gandhi's four meanings of freedom: as sovereign national independence, as the political freedom of the individual, as freedom from poverty, and as the capacity for self-rule or spiritual freedom. Gandhi taught that human well-being, both for the individual and for the collective, requires the simultaneous enjoyment of all four of these aspects. Gandhi drew his ideas on the subject from both Eastern and Western sources. Thus they make an important contribution to the ongoing debate in both the East and the West on the scope and nature of freedom. They provide a vantage point from which to assess the adequacy of the reigning theories of liberalism in the West—such as the Western divisions of rights from duties and individual political freedom from spiritual freedom. Likewise, they throw useful light on the dangers inherent in the ascendant Indian ideology of hindutva (Hindu-ness), which concentrates on national independence and economic freedom and subordinates the freedom of the individual. In this volume, seven leading Gandhi scholars write on the four meanings of Gandhian freedom, engaging the reader in the ongoing debates in the East and the West and contributing to a new comparative political theory.
SteinerBooks, Inc Reimagining Academic Studies: Science, Philosophy, Education, Social Science, Theology, Theory of Language (Cw 81)
Guilford Publications The Complexity of Connection: Writings from the Stone Center's Jean Baker Miller Training Institute
In this important third volume from the Stone Center at Wellesley College, founding scholars and new voices expand and deepen the Center's widely embraced psychological theory of connection as the core of human growth and development. The volume presents an absorbing and practical examination of connection and disconnection at both individual and societal levels. Chapters explore how experiences of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, class, and gender influence relationships, and how people can connect across difference and disagreement. Also discussed are practical implications of the theory for psychotherapy, for the raising of sons, and for workplace and organizational issues.
Guilford Publications Treating Trauma and Traumatic Grief in Children and Adolescents
This authoritative guide has introduced many tens of thousands of clinicians to Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), a leading evidence-based treatment for traumatized children and their parents or caregivers. Preeminent clinical researchers provide a comprehensive framework for assessing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), other trauma-related symptoms, and traumatic grief in 3- to 18-year-olds; building core coping skills; and directly addressing and making meaning of children's trauma experiences. Implementation is facilitated by sample scripts, case examples, troubleshooting tips, and reproducible client handouts. Purchasers get access to a webpage where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. TF-CBT is listed in SAMHSA's National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices. New to This Edition *Incorporates a decade's worth of advances in TF-CBT research and clinical practice. *Updated for DSM-5. *Chapter on the model's growing evidence base. *Chapter on group applications. *Expanded coverage of complex trauma, including ways to adapt TF-CBT for children with severe behavioral or affective dysregulation. See also the edited volume Trauma-Focused CBT for Children and Adolescents: Treatment Applications for more information on tailoring TF-CBT to children's varying developmental levels and cultural backgrounds.
Guilford Publications Trauma-Focused CBT for Children and Adolescents: Treatment Applications
Featuring a wealth of clinical examples, this book facilitates implementation of Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) in a range of contexts. It demonstrates how assessment strategies and treatment components can be tailored to optimally serve clients' needs while maintaining overall fidelity to the TF-CBT model. Coverage includes ways to overcome barriers to implementation in residential settings, foster placements, and low-resource countries. Contributors also describe how to use play to creatively engage kids of different ages, and present TF-CBT applications for adolescents with complex trauma, children with developmental challenges, military families struggling with the stresses of deployment, and Latino and Native American children.See also Cohen et al.'s authoritative TF-CBT manual, Treating Trauma and Traumatic Grief in Children and Adolescents, Second Edition.
American Psychological Association Putting on the Brakes Activity Book for Kids With ADD or ADHD
This updated edition of the bestselling classic is packed with fun exercises for kids with attention difficulties. This book will challenge kids and empower them to be the best they can be! What's Inside: All about AD/HD All about You Help Managing your AD/HD Friendships Getting Organized Sharpening Your Skills Succeeding in School The activities are comprehensive and cover practically every area in a kid’s life that AD/HD can affect: school; home; behavior and emotion control/regulation; health and nutrition; and self-awareness/self-esteem. It also provides more general information on AD/HD. All of the information is presented to kids in fun, engaging activities that challenge their skills and empower them to strive to be their best. Includes an Introduction for Parents and Professionals.
Lexington Books Gandhi's Experiments with Truth: Essential Writings by and about Mahatma Gandhi
This comprehensive Gandhi reader provides an essential new reference for scholars and students of his life and thought. It is the only text available that presents Gandhi's own writings, including excerpts from three of his books—An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth, Satyagraha in South Africa, Hind Swaraj (Indian Home Rule)-a major pamphlet, Constructive Programme: Its Meaning and Place, and many journal articles and letters along with a biographical sketch of his life in historical context and recent essays by highly regarded scholars. The writers of these essays—hailing from the United States, Canada, Great Britain and India, with academic credentials in several different disciplines—examine his nonviolent campaigns, his development of programs to unify India, and his impact on the world in the second half of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first. Gandhi's Experiments with Truth provides an unparalleled range of scholarly material and perspectives on this enduring philosopher, peace activist, and spiritual guide.
Harrassowitz History and Historiography of Post-Mongol Central Asia and the Middle East: Studies in Honour of John E. Woods
Ovid Technologies Psiquiatría de bolsillo
Psiquiatría de bolsillo es una referencia desarrollada por residentes de psiquiatría y dirigida a médicos residentes de otras especialidades, a estudiantes de medicina y a profesionales de la salud que busquen profundizar sus conocimientos sobre el diagnóstico y el abordaje terapéutico de los trastornos y enfermedades mentales más comunes. Su contenido hace énfasis en la atención psiquiátrica basada en evidencia, desde el encuentro inicial con el paciente y su entrevista, hasta su diagnóstico y plan de tratamiento.Esta primera edición basa su contenido en la evidencia más reciente sobre farmacología, psicoterapias y terapias somáticas para los trastornos más comunes que enfrenta el médico psiquiatra. Incluye aspectos de atención del paciente que a menudo son específicos para el psiquiatra, sin olvidar las situaciones en las que interactúa directamente con el ámbito del sistema legal, como las evaluaciones de imputabilidad y aptitud.
McGraw-Hill Education Looseleaf for Vis-À-VIS
Lexington Books Gandhi, Freedom, and Self-Rule
This volume presents an original account of Mahatma Gandhi's four meanings of freedom: as sovereign national independence, as the political freedom of the individual, as freedom from poverty, and as the capacity for self-rule or spiritual freedom. Gandhi taught that human well-being, both for the individual and for the collective, requires the simultaneous enjoyment of all four of these aspects. Gandhi drew his ideas on the subject from both Eastern and Western sources. Thus they make an important contribution to the ongoing debate in both the East and the West on the scope and nature of freedom. They provide a vantage point from which to assess the adequacy of the reigning theories of liberalism in the West—such as the Western divisions of rights from duties and individual political freedom from spiritual freedom. Likewise, they throw useful light on the dangers inherent in the ascendant Indian ideology of hindutva (Hindu-ness), which concentrates on national independence and economic freedom and subordinates the freedom of the individual. In this volume, seven leading Gandhi scholars write on the four meanings of Gandhian freedom, engaging the reader in the ongoing debates in the East and the West and contributing to a new comparative political theory.
WW Norton & Co Piers Plowman: An Alliterative Verse Translation
The translator of this work was a founding editor of The Norton Anthology of English Literature.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Math Teacher's Survival Guide: Practical Strategies, Management Techniques, and Reproducibles for New and Experienced Teachers, Grades 5-12
Classroom-tested strategies to help new and experienced math teachers thrive Math teachers must not only instruct their students in basic mathematical skills and concepts, they must also prepare them for standardized tests, provide instruction in the use of technology, and teach problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. At the same time, they must also manage their other responsibilities – taking attendance, planning, grading, record-keeping, disciplining, and communicating with parents and administrators. This book provides efficient and practical information on the management skills necessary to succeed in this most challenging profession. Offers realistic suggestions and strategies for planning and delivering effective math instruction Helps math teachers achieve excellence and continue to be enthusiastic and successful in their teaching careers Includes reproducible forms to help math teachers stay on top of everything they need to do The Math Teacher's Survival Guide contains a wealth of useful tools and strategies that can help any math teacher succeed in the classroom.
Brookes Publishing Co Facing Your Fears: Group Therapy for Managing Anxiety in Children with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders: Facilitator's Set
Anxiety is one of the biggest challenges faced by children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders and Asperger syndrome. Help them conquer their fears - and participate more fully in home, school, and community life - with this innovative group therapy program for children 8–14 years old and their parents. Facing Your Fears includes everything professionals need to run a successful program. With the Facilitator's Manual, group leaders will get complete guidance on conducting each session: clear step-by-step instructions, materials lists, goals, sample schedules, and helpful hints for running sessions smoothly. The Parent Workbooks and Child Workbooks (sold separately in packs of 4) give children and families a wide variety of creative activities to help them fight fears and worries head-on, both inside and outside the group setting. And the included DVD inspires and motivates kids with sample movies of real children facing their fears. Essential for every mental health professional working with children with ASD, this innovative program will help families struggling with the burdens of anxiety and increase children s odds for lifelong academic and social success.
McGraw-Hill Education Vis-A-Vis ISE
Vis-à-vis engages students with its unique integration of contemporary culture and communicative building blocks, providing tools to build a solid foundation in introductory French. The hallmarks of Vis-à-vis include a clear chapter structure with four lessons in which vocabulary, grammar, and culture work together as integrated units; an abundance of practice activities that range from form-focused to communicative; a balanced approach to the four skills; and rich and diverse coverage of the Francophone world. The easy-to-use Connect platform provides ample opportunity for practicing receptive listening and reading skills, acquiring vocabulary and grammar, and producing open-ended writing and speaking responses (alone or in groups). The rich video program helps to build cultural as well as linguistic competence. These features of Vis-à-vis support the core goals of the Introductory French course—communicative and cultural competence—and lay the groundwork for student success.
Historic New Orleans Collection,U.S. John Clemmer: A Legacy in Art
MP-FAD F.A. Davis Procedure Checklists for Fundamentals of Nursing
Presents checklists for over 165 common nursing procedures that follow the procedures presented in Fundamentals of Nursing, 4th Edition and Basic Nursing, 2nd Edition. Put your knowledge to work and use these checklists to practice your skills or to participate in peer check-offs.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Regesta Pontificum Romanorum: Tomus quartus (ab a. MXXIV usque ad a. MLXXIII)
Im Rahmen des Projekts ›Papsturkunden des frühen und hohen Mittelalters‹ der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, welches im Gesamtunternehmen der Pius-Stiftung für Papsturkundenforschung eingebettet ist, entsteht die Neubearbeitung der Regesta Pontificum Romanorum unter der Ägide von Klaus Herbers. Der vierte Band knüpft an die ersten drei Bände an und enthält die Pontifikate von Johannes XIX. bis zu Alexander II. (von 1024 bis 1073). In kurzen lateinischen Regesten werden systematisch die Papstkontakte in chronologischer Reihenfolge erschlossen. Durch die Aufarbeitung der Forschungsgeschichte seit der letzten Auflage 1885 wurde die Zahl der Einträge für die knapp 50 Jahre des vierten Bandes auf über 2500 erhöht. Neben zahlreichen Neufunden sind nun auch Schreiben an den Papst aufgenommen und erzählende Quellen stärker berücksichtigt. Neben den stadtrömischen Päpsten und der Synode von Sutri 1046 werden die sogenannten deutschen Päpste Clemens II., Damasus II., Leo IX., Viktor II. und Stephan IX. und das beginnende Reformpapsttum behandelt. Konzilsakten sowie Brief- und Rechtssammlungen wurden ebenso ausgewertet wie die wichtigste Historiographie. Einen zentralen Fortschritt erbrachte die bibliografische Aktualisierung. Die Regesten verweisen auf die heute maßgeblichen Editionen und die Diskussion zu Echtheit und Datierung der Papstschreiben. Konkordanzen und ein Initienregister erleichtern den Zugriff.
Rowman & Littlefield Global Development of Community Colleges, Technical Colleges, and Further Education Programs
We live and thrive in a global society and economy where education and training is essential to a nation’s competitiveness and to the standard of living of its people. Opening the doors of higher or further education beyond the enrollments in elite or select universities has become a greater necessity. This has spawned a movement to develop or expand institutions that are more affordable, accessible, flexible, and tied to business and industry. Take a look at the systems that have been developed in 20 countries worldwide that were designed to meet these needs. Historical development of each system, as well as the strategies for addressing national mandates for preparing a workforce for the global economy, are described throughout each chapter.
New Harbinger Publications The Insomnia Workbook for Teens: Skills to Help You Stop Stressing and Start Sleeping Better
Sleep is food for the brain-especially for teens. Based on the most current sleep science and evidence-based cognitive and behavioral interventions to improve sleep, The Insomnia Workbook for Teens helps teens change their sleep habits so that they can feel more alert and ready to face life's challenges.If you're like many other teens, you probably aren't getting enough sleep. And is it any wonder? Between early school start times, social media, electronic devices, extracurricular activities, and late-night homework-teens are at the highest risk of any age group for sleep deprivation. And in the long run, insomnia can lead to a host of health and mental health issues-including diabetes and depression. So, how can you cultivate a healthy sleep routine, so you can be your best?The Insomnia Workbook for Teens offers proven-effective tips and strategies to help you get to sleep and stay asleep. You'll learn about the different reasons you may experience insomnia, target your own "sleep disrupters" like caffeine and sugar, and discover skills for managing these disrupters so you can stop feeling drowsy and grumpy every day.It's hard being a teen in today's fast-paced world. And it's even harder to reach your goals when you're feeling tired and run-down. Based on up-to-the-minute science, this workbook will give you real solutions for overcoming insomnia and getting those much-needed zzzs.
The University of Chicago Press Sisters and Workers in the Middle Ages
Focusing on medieval women with a wide range of occupations and life-styles, the interdisciplinary essays in this collection examine women's activities within the patriarchal structures of the time. Individual essays explore women's challenges to a sexual ideology that confined them strictly to the roles of wives, mothers, and servants. Also included are sections on women and work, cultural production and literacy, and religious life. These essays provide a greater understanding of the ways in which gender has played a part in determining relations of power in Western cultures. This volume makes a vital contribution to the current scholarship about women in the Middle Ages.
American Society of Overseas Research The Nabataean Temple at Khirbet et-Tannur, Jordan, Volume 2: Cultic Offerings, Vessels, and other Specialist Reports. Final Report on Nelson Glueck’s 1937 Excavation, AASOR 68
Khirbet et-Tannur is a Nabataean site dating from the second century B.C. to the fourth to sixth centuries A.D. located on a hilltop above the Wadi el-Hasa near Khirbet edh-Dharih, 70 km north of Petra along the King’s Highway. In 1937, Nelson Glueck excavated Khirbet et-Tannur on behalf of the American Schools of Oriental Research and the Department of Antiquities of Transjordan, but died before completing a final report. Now, in two extensively illustrated volumes, the results of Glueck’s excavations are finally published, based on previously unstudied excavation records and archaeological materials in the ASOR Nelson Glueck Archive at the Semitic Museum, Harvard University. Volume 2 offers a systematic reorganization of Glueck’s original excavation records and presents detailed specialist analyses of the Khirbet et-Tannur faunal and botanical remains, metal, glass, lamps and pottery collected by Glueck in 1937 and now preserved in Semitic Museum’s ASOR Nelson Glueck Archive, along with fresh examinations of the Nabataean inscriptions and altars from the site. Annual of ASOR 68
Baker Publishing Group The Family – A Christian Perspective on the Contemporary Home
This proven, comprehensive resource covers every issue that affects Christian family life. It has been in print for over thirty years and has sold nearly 100,000 copies. This new edition is updated throughout with discussions of recent family-related issues. It includes a new chapter on work and family balance and a new section on the increasing role grandparents take in parental responsibilities.
Red Wheel/Weiser How to be: A Monk and a Journalist Reflect on Living & Dying, Purpose & Prayer, Forgiveness & Friendship
Satya House Publications Inc I See the Sun in Nepal
I See the Sun in Nepal , one of the I See the Sun series, takes place in a rural village in Nepal. The young girl in the story lives a traditional life with a familiar daily routine: chores, going to school, playing with friends, and spending time with her family. Readers will recognize the similarities as well as the differences between their own daily life and the culture of Nepal. The ordinary activities of life, to which we all relate, are described in simple prose and vivid collages of colorful paper, drawings and photography of Nepal. Bilingual in English and Nepalese (Devanagari). Includes country overview and glossary of unfamiliar terms. A portion of sales are donated to The Learning Centers in Bandipur, Nepal. For ages 5 and up.
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Red Lace, Yellow Lace
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Stichwortkommentar Behindertenrecht: Arbeits- Und Sozialrecht / Offentliches Recht / Zivilrecht
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Psychodynamic Perspectives on Abuse: The Cost of Fear
Psychodynamic Perspectives on Abuse brings together psychoanalytic psychotherapists, political theorists, organisational consultants, social workers and social policy academics to explore the nature and ramifications of abuse in a new light.Abuse is defined broadly and considered as a widespread phenomenon with a variety of manifestations. Its consequences and their implications for intervention are discussed in detail with reference to three areas. In the clinical context, the focus is on overcoming the impacts of abuse on an individual's development, relationships and ability to participate in society. In the workplace, addressing the effects of abuse on working relationships can maintain or restore competence and effectiveness and reduce costs to both individuals and organisations. At the level of policy, understanding the dynamics of abuse can enhance the ways policies relevant to abuse are developed and practitioners who implement them are supported. Psychodynamic Perspectives on Abuse is unique in its range and focus.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Making Spaces: Putting Psychoanalytic Thinking to Work
This book argues for the value and application of psychoanalytic thinking beyond, as well as within, the consulting room. Inspired by a Scottish psychoanalytic tradition that owes much to W.R.D. Fairbairn and J.D. Sutherland, the Scottish Institute of Human Relations has provided a valuable reference point for the work described in the book. It illustrates how the coming together of human beings into a shared space fosters opportunities to create loving, collaborative relationships in which to work and from which to grow. The book's first section explores how psychoanalytic thinking developed in Scotland, while section two focuses on work with children, families and couples, showing how psychoanalytic perspectives can be used to strengthen capacities for loving relationships. The chapters in section three show how psychoanalysis can be applied in such varied settings as psycho-social research, education, institutional development and organisational consultancy. The fourth section pursues this theme further, considering the potential of psychoanalytic concepts to enhance work in religious ministry, in medical and psychiatric services, and in understanding the processes of ageing. The book shows how psychoanalytic thinking can be put to work in a variety of professional contexts to create spaces in which we learn to love, work and grow.