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Royal Society of Chemistry Quantum Effects in Small Molecular Systems: Faraday Discussion 212
The quantum mechanical properties of small molecules provide the basis for our quantitative understanding of chemistry and a testing ground for new theories of molecular structure and reactivity. With modern methods, small molecular systems can be investigated in extraordinary detail by high-resolution spectroscopic techniques in the frequency or the time domains, and by complementary theoretical and computational advances. This combination of cutting-edge approaches provides rigorous tests of our understanding of quantum phenomena in chemistry. The chemical properties of small molecules continue to present rich challenges at the chemistry/physics interface since these molecules exhibit properties in isolation, and interact with their environments, in ways that are not yet fully understood. The coupled electronic and nuclear motions may lead to complex structural or dynamical features that can now be observed experimentally. From a theoretical point of view, these features can only be explained if the quantum nature of the atomic nuclei is considered together with the possible couplings between nuclear and electronic degrees of freedom. New developments, from both the theoretical and experimental side, are urgently needed if the properties of small molecules are to be optimally exploited in future technological, engineering and biological applications of outstanding importance. This Faraday Discussion will address the quantum dynamical properties of small molecules, both in isolation where extraordinarily detailed and precise measurements and calculations are now emerging, and when embedded in complex media such as molecular clusters, quantum fluids and bulk liquids. The Discussion will appeal to researchers working on both isolated and confined molecular systems. This volume covers four main themes: Precise Characterisation of Isolated Molecules Quantum Dynamics of Isolated Molecules Molecules in Confinement in Liquid Solvents Molecules in Confinement in Clusters, Quantum Solvents and Matrices
University of Virginia Press The Madisons at Montpelier: Reflections on the Founding Couple
Restored to its original splendor, Montpelier is now a national shrine, but before Montpelier became a place of study and tribute, it was a home. Often kept from it by the business of the young nation, James and Dolley Madison could finally take up permanent residence when they retired from Washington in 1817. Their lifelong friend Thomas Jefferson predicted that, at Montpelier, the retiring Madison could return to his ""books and farm, to tranquility, and independence,"" that he would be released ""from incessant labors, corroding anxieties, active enemies, and interested friends.""As the celebrated historian Ralph Ketcham shows, this would turn out to be only partly true. Although the Madisons were no longer in Washington, Dolley continued to take part in its social scene from afar, dominating it just as she had during Jefferson’s and her husband’s administrations, commenting on people and events there and advising the multitude of young people who thought of her as the creator of society life in the young republic. James maintained a steady correspondence about public questions ranging from Native American affairs, slavery, and utopian reform to religion and education. He also took an active role at the Virginia Constitutional Convention of 1829-30, in the defeat of nullification, and in the establishment of the University of Virginia, of which he was the rector for eight years after Jefferson’s death. Exploring Madison’s role in these post-presidential issues reveals a man of extraordinary intellectual vitality and helps us to better understand Madison’s political thought. His friendships with figures such as Jefferson, James Monroe, and the Marquis de Lafayette-as well as his assessment of them (he outlived them all)-shed valuable light on the nature of the republic they had all helped found.In their last years, James and Dolley Madison personified the republican institutions and culture of the new nation-James as the father of the Constitution and its chief propounder for nearly half a century, and Dolley as the creator of the role of ""First Lady."" Anything but uneventful, the retirement period at Montpelier should be seen as a crucial element in our understanding of this remarkable couple.
Oxford University Press Inc Dark Skies: Space Expansionism, Planetary Geopolitics, and the Ends of Humanity
Space is again in the headlines. E-billionaires Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are planning to colonize Mars. President Trump wants a "Space Force" to achieve "space dominance" with expensive high-tech weapons. The space and nuclear arms control regimes are threadbare and disintegrating. Would-be asteroid collision diverters, space solar energy collectors, asteroid miners, and space geo-engineers insistently promote their Earth-changing mega-projects. Given our many looming planetary catastrophes (from extreme climate change to runaway artificial superintelligence), looking beyond the earth for solutions might seem like a sound strategy for humanity. And indeed, bolstered by a global network of fervent space advocates-and seemingly rendered plausible, even inevitable, by oceans of science fiction and the wizardly of modern cinema-space beckons as a fully hopeful path for human survival and flourishing, a positive future in increasingly dark times. But despite even basic questions of feasibility, will these many space ventures really have desirable effects, as their advocates insist? In the first book to critically assess the major consequences of space activities from their origins in the 1940s to the present and beyond, Daniel Deudney argues in Dark Skies that the major result of the "Space Age" has been to increase the likelihood of global nuclear war, a fact conveniently obscured by the failure of recognize that nuclear-armed ballistic missiles are inherently space weapons. The most important practical finding of Space Age science, also rarely emphasized, is the discovery that we live on Oasis Earth, tiny and fragile, and teeming with astounding life, but surrounded by an utterly desolate and inhospitable wilderness stretching at least many trillions of miles in all directions. As he stresses, our focus must be on Earth and nowhere else. Looking to the future, Deudney provides compelling reasons why space colonization will produce new threats to human survival and not alleviate the existing ones. That is why, he argues, we should fully relinquish the quest. Mind-bending and profound, Dark Skies challenges virtually all received wisdom about the final frontier.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Courage to Rise: Using Movement, Mindfulness, and Healing Foods to Triumph over Trauma
A prescriptive and transformative plan to use yoga to heal pain, anxiety, depression, and other manifestations of unresolved trauma, by an internationally acclaimed yoga teacher.Whether or not we're consciously aware of it, no one is spared from trauma. From catastrophic events to everyday experiences of traumatic stress, acclaimed yoga teacher Liz Arch is willing to bet that trauma has touched you or someone you love and may be affecting your physical, emotional, and mental health in surprising and devastating ways, causing symptoms such as anxiety, panic, depression, mood swings, fatigue, chronic pain, and digestive issues.Following her own traumatic experience with domestic violence and an ensuing struggle with anxiety and panic attacks, Liz found her own path to holistic healing and became an advocate for those who have suffered from trauma. In The Courage to Rise, Liz shows how trauma changes your brain and inhabits your body, creating a vicious cycle of physical and psychological distress. She offers an integrated approach to take control of your own healing and reclaim your wholeness through movement, mindfulness, and nutrition. This hopeful and sensible guide for healing unresolved manifestations of trauma naturally, addresses the three areas where trauma lives:1) The body. Move stuck emotions out of your muscles and tissues through twelve signature Primal Yoga movement sequences.2) The brain. A series of meditations and mindfulness practices to rewire your brain and break free from repetitive thought patterns, overwhelming feelings, and painful memories. 3) The gut. Examine foods that may be exacerbating physical and mental dis-ease like caffeine, sugar, alcohol, and gluten; discover the best whole foods to stave off depression and anxiety; learn about mood-boosting supplements for brain and gut health; plus thirty delicious and nutritious recipes.The Courage to Rise gives invaluable insight into understanding the nature of trauma and shares practical and effective tools you can immediately implement to begin regulating your nervous system, strengthening your emotional resiliency, and transforming pain into your greatest power.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Offline!: Der Kollaps der globalen digitalen Zivilisation
In der Geschichte der Menschheit entstanden und vergingen mehr als 50 Hochkulturen und Zivilisationen. Auffällig dabei: Die meisten zerfielen in nur wenigen Jahrzehnten – unmittelbar nach dem Gipfelpunkt ihrer Macht und ihres Reichtums. Kann uns das auch passieren?Heute, zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts, dominiert nur eine einzige Lebensweise: die globale digitale Zivilisation. Ohne Smartphones, Computer, GPS und Suchmaschinen geht nichts mehr. Nirgendwo. Und noch immer ist der Fortschritt rasant. Hat unsere Zivilisation vielleicht schon bald ihren Höhepunkt erreicht? Das Buch trägt beunruhigende Indizien dafür zusammen – und trifft damit den Nerv der Zeit. In Europa glaubt schon heute eine Mehrheit der Menschen, dass es ihren Kindern schlechter gehen wird als ihnen.Thomas Grüter vertritt die These, dass nicht Pandemien, Supervulkane oder Sonnenstürme die größten Risiken der Menschheit sind. Vielmehr droht das komplexe Grundgerüst unsere Zivilisation seine Stabilität zu verlieren. Selbst ohne die Belastung durch Klimawandel und Bodendegradation könnte es von innen her zerfallen. In zehn Kapiteln untersucht das Buch die Risiken der modernen Informationsgesellschaft, z.B:· Wie anfällig sind die Infrastrukturen und speziell die digitale Infrastruktur?· Wie stabil ist das gespeicherte Wissen? Können medizinische und naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse überhaupt wieder verloren gehen?· Muss eine Wirtschaft, die auf ständiges Wachstum und globalen Handel angewiesen ist, irgendwann kollabieren? · Wann gehen uns die Rohstoffe aus, und ist das überhaupt absehbar? · Wie sicher sind Zukunftsvorsagen?· Welche Gefahr geht von Cyberkriegen aus? · Wie könnte die Gesellschaft nach dem Ende des Internets und der Smartphones aussehen?· Was lernen wir aus dem Zerfall früherer Zivilisationen?· Mit welchen Maßnahmen können wir einen plötzlichen Zerfall der digitalen Lebensweise abfedern oder vermeiden? Spannend geschrieben und umfassend recherchiert, gibt das Buch schlüssige Antworten auf die entscheidende Frage: Wie vermeiden wir die Fehler, an denen bisher alle Zivilisationen gescheitert sind? Das Buch legt die Sollbruchstellen der globalen digitalen Zivilisation offen und weist Wege aus der Krise. Wenn die Menschheit alle anstehenden Probleme meistert, dann steht ihr irgendwann der Weg zu den Sternen offen.
Western Michigan University, New Issues Press Strike
“The poems of Rebecca Dunham’s Strike invoke the terse, noiseless monstrousness of the toxic-domestic, the ‘once-us,’ in which ‘to fall numb is not to fall/out of pain.’ This collection is Plathian in its riven depiction of anger, which both ‘presses/down and in,’ where denial ‘is beaten to silver foil, to silver leaf,’ and in which ‘[o]ver the butcher/paper’s sheets’ her ‘red story sprawls.’ In poems whose edges are honed on a whetstone of impeccable craft, and which delve into history, archetype, and ekphrasis, Dunham exposes the face that ‘ripples beneath her mask’ and builds a ravishing myth of the unveiled lyric interior.” —Diane Seuss “In Rebecca Dunham’s gorgeous new book there are secrets, shames, and a fury that bites like frost. Strike reminds me that ‘fidelity / demands not only virtue’s deep mortal stab, / but the love of it’; that anger burns clean; that forgiveness can burden the one who was hurt, asking them to console the one who made them suffer. Dunham brings to light a rage that has felt unutterable to me for so long, as well as the lineage of women who know betrayal’s slow burning. When you read this stunning book, you can’t fail to feel these poems strike you as well, how even after you set it down, you can still feel the scorch of it.” —Traci Brimhall “D.T. Suzuki describes the start of a bad poem as one that ‘does not fly straight to the target, nor does the target stand where it is…’ Rebecca Dunham’s Strike is a campaign of targets all hit, dead-center, by furiously composed poems—arrows that cannot miss. Whether real life fortifies her aim, or pure imagination, or the progeny of both, the reader need not know. What matters is that this writer is on fire—and for sharing her archery, her heartache, and her hunger for catharsis, we thank her, as this is poetry that confirms the weirdly compatible damnation and grace of language used to expunge and expose and exalt. ‘Heap of tortured hairpins/at my feet…,’ Strike hurts, and thereby saves.” —Larissa Szporluk
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency in Iraq
More than two years after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, a loosely organized insurgency continues to target American and Coalition soldiers, as well as Iraqi security forces and civilians, with devastating results. In this sobering account of the ongoing violence, Ahmed Hashim, a specialiston Middle Eastern strategic issues and on irregular warfare, reveals the insurgents behind the widespread revolt, their motives, and their tactics. The insurgency, he shows, is not a united movement directed by a leadership with a single ideological vision. Instead, it involves former regime loyalists, Iraqis resentful of foreign occupation, foreign and domestic Islamist extremists, and elements of organized crime. These groups have cooperated with one anotherin the past and coordinated their attacks; but the alliance between nationalist Iraqi insurgentson the one hand and religious extremists has frayed considerably.The U.S. led offensive to retake Fallujah in November 2004 and the success of the elections for the Iraqi National Assembly in January 2005 have led more 'mainstream' insurgent groups to begin thinking of reinforcing the political arm of their opposition movement and to seek political guarantees for the Sunni Arab community in the new Iraq. Hashim begins by placing the Iraqi revolt in its historical context. He next profiles the various insurgent groups, detailing their origins, aims, and operational and tactical modi operandi. He concludes with an unusually candid assessment of the successes and failures of the Coalition's counter-insurgency campaign. Looking ahead, Hashim warns that ethnic and sectarian groups may soon be pitted against one another in what will be a fiercely contested fight over who gets what in the new Iraq.Evidence that such a conflict is already developing does not augur well for Iraq's future stability. Both Iraq and the United States must work hard to ensure that slow but steady success over the insurgency is not overshadowed by growing ethno-sectarian animositiesas various groups fight one another for the biggest slice of the political and economic pie. In place of sensational headlines, official triumphalism, and hand-wringing, "Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency in Iraq" offers a clear-eyed analysis of the increasingly complex violence that threatens the very future of Iraq.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Knowledge, Desire and Power in Global Politics: Western Representations of China’s Rise
'China threat or China opportunity, like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder. Western imaginations of China come under close scrutiny in this book, in a new, philosophical depth seldom attempted before. Dr Pan displays in full force his analytical skills and his mastery of knowledge, both East and West. Contrary to conventional approaches, he takes a step back to exercise a powerful reflective process to watch the China watchers, with illuminating results. Dr Pan's book deserves wide and careful reading.'- Professor Gerald Chan, University of Auckland, New Zealand'The rise of China is largely seen as either a threat or an opportunity. Chengxin Pan exposes both of these representations as expressions of Western fears and desires for certainty and predictability. His call for a more reflective and culturally sensitive understanding of China offers an important contribution to one of the big political debates of our time.'- Professor Roland Bleiker, University of Queensland, AustraliaHow is the rise of China perceived in the West? Why is it often labelled as 'threat' and/or 'opportunity'? What are the implications of these China imageries for global politics?Taking up these important questions, this groundbreaking book argues that the dominant Western perceptions of China's rise tell us less about China and more about Western self-imagination and its desire for certainty. Chengxin Pan expertly illustrates how this desire, masked as China 'knowledge', is bound up with the political economy of fears and fantasies, thereby both informing and complicating foreign policy practice in Sino-Western relations. Insofar as this vital relationship is shaped not only by China's rise, but also by the way we conceptualize its rise, this book makes a compelling case for critical reflection on China watching.Knowledge, Desire and Power in Global Politics is the first systematic and deconstructive analysis of contemporary Western representation of China's rise. Setting itself apart from the mainstream empiricist literature, its critical interpretative approach and unconventional and innovative perspective will not only strongly appeal to academics, students and the broader reading public, but also likely spark debate in the field of Chinese international relations.
Workman Publishing Off the Edge: Flat Earthers, Conspiracy Culture, and Why People Will Believe Anything
“A deep dive into the world of Flat Earth conspiracy theorists . . . that brilliantly reveals how people fall into illogical beliefs, reject reason, destroy relationships, and connect with a broad range of conspiracy theories in the social media age. Beautiful, probing, and often empathetic . . . An insightful, human look at what fuels conspiracy theories.” —Science Since 2015, there has been a spectacular boom in a centuries-old delusion: that the earth is flat. More and more people believe that we all live on a pancake-shaped planet, capped by a solid dome and ringed by an impossible wall of ice. How? Why? In Off the Edge, journalist Kelly Weill draws a direct line from today’s conspiratorial moment, brimming not just with Flat Earthers but also anti-vaxxers and QAnon followers, back to the early days of Flat Earth theory in the 1830s. We learn the natural impulses behind these beliefs: when faced with a complicated world out of our control, humans have always sought patterns to explain the inexplicable. This psychology doesn’t change. But with the dawn of the twenty-first century, something else has shifted. Powered by Facebook and YouTube algorithms, the Flat Earth movement is growing. At once a definitive history of the movement and an essential look at its unbelievable present, Off the Edge introduces us to a cast of larger-than-life characters. We meet historical figures like the nineteenth-century grifter who first popularized the theory, as well as the many modern-day Flat Earthers Weill herself gets to know, from moms on vacation to determined creationists to neo-Nazi rappers. We discover what, and who, converts people to Flat Earth belief, and what happens inside the rabbit hole. And we even meet a man determined to fly into space in a homemade rocket-powered balloon—whose tragic death is as senseless and absurd as the theory he sets out to prove. In this incisive and powerful story about belief, Kelly Weill explores how we arrived at this moment of polarized realities and explains what needs to happen so that we might all return to the same spinning globe.
Avalon Travel Publishing Moon Washington DC (Second Edition): Neighborhood Walks, Historic Highlights, Beloved Local Spots
From strolling the National Mall to hobnobbing at happy hour, get to know the nation's capital with Moon Washington DC. *Navigate the Neighbourhoods: Follow one of our guided neighbourhood walks through the National Mall, Dupont Circle, U Street, and more*Explore the City: Snap the perfect photo of the Washington Monument, stand where MLK delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech, and visit the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. Walk the halls of Frederick Douglass's home, journey through the incredible Smithsonian museums, or tour the U.S. Capitol from dome to crypt. Paddleboat along the Potomac during cherry blossom season and shop the boutiques in Georgetown*Get a Taste of DC: Chow down on a late-night half-smoke at Ben's Chili Bowl or grab brunch and a new book from Busboys and Poets. Dig into diverse, authentic fare from Ethiopia, Afghanistan, the Philippines, and more, savour Michelin-starred seafood at a waterfront restaurant, or order up a Chesapeake crab cake at a neighbourhood joint*Bars and Nightlife: Watch a groundbreaking performance at the Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, catch a live band at the 9:30 Club, or dance to a DJ set at the Black Cat. Sip scotch where former presidents once did, try a five-course cocktail tasting menu, or kick back with a beer and chips at a quintessential DC dive bar* Local Advice: DC journalist Samantha Sault shares her love of the nation's capital*Strategic, Flexible Itineraries including the three-day best of DC, four days with kids, and day trips to Alexandria, Annapolis and Easton, and Shenandoah National Park*Tips for Travelers including where to stay and how to navigate the Metro, plus advice for international visitors, LGBTQ+ travellers, seniors, travellers with disabilities, and families *Maps and Tools like background information on the history and culture of DC, full-colour photos, colour-coded neighbourhood maps, and an easy-to-read foldout map to use on the goWith Moon Washington DC's practical tips and local insight, you can experience the best of the city. Expanding your trip? Check out Moon Virginia & Maryland. Visiting more of America's cities? Try Moon Boston or Moon New York City.
Temple University Press,U.S. Orientals
Sooner or later every Asian American must deal with the question \u0022Where do you come from?\u0022 It is probably the most familiar if least aggressive form of racism. It is a tip-off to the persistent notion that people of Asian ancestry are not real Americans, that \u0022Orientals\u0022 never really stop being loyal to their foreign homeland, no matter how long they or their families have been in this country. Confronting the cultural stereotypes that have been attached to Asian Americans over the last 150 years, Robert G. Lee seizes the label \u0022Oriental\u0022 and asks where it came from. The idea of Asians as mysterious strangers who could not be assimilated into the cultural mainstream was percolating to the surface of American popular culture in the mid-nineteenth century, when Chinese immigrant laborers began to arrive in this country in large numbers. Lee shows how the bewildering array of racialized images first proffered by music hall songsters and social commentators have evolved and become generalized to all Asian Americans, coalescing in particular stereotypes. Whether represented as Pollutant, Coolie, Deviant, Yellow Peril, Model Minority, or Gook, the Oriental is portrayed as alien and a threat to the American family -- the nation writ small. Refusing to balance positive and negative stereotypes, Lee connects these stereotypes to particular historical moments, each marked by shifting class relations and cultural crises. Seen as products of history and racial politics, the images that have prevailed in songs, fiction, films, and nonfiction polemics are contradictory and complex. Lee probes into clashing images of Asians as (for instance) seductively exotic or devious despoilers of (white) racial purity, admirably industrious or an insidious threat to native laborers. When Lee dissects the ridiculous, villainous, or pathetic characters that amused or alarmed the American public, he finds nothing generated by the real Asian American experience; whether they come from the Gold Rush camps or Hollywood films or the cover of Newsweek, these inhuman images are manufactured to play out America's racial myths. Orientals comes to grips with the ways that racial stereotypes come into being and serve the purposes of the dominant culture.
Fordham University Press The Work of Repair: Capacity after Colonialism in the Timber Plantations of South Africa
In the timber plantations in northeastern South Africa, laborers work long hours among tall, swaying lines of eucalypts, on land once theirs. In 2008, at the height of the HIV/AIDS crisis, timber corporations distributed hot cooked meals as a nutrition intervention to bolster falling productivity and profits. But life and sustenance are about much more than calories and machinic bodies. What is at stake is the nurturing of capacity across all domains of life—physical, relational, cosmological—in the form of amandla. An Nguni word meaning power, strength or capacity, amandla organizes ordinary concerns with one’s abilities to earn a wage, to strengthen one’s body, and to take care of others; it describes the potency of medicines and sexual vitality; and it captures a history of anti-colonial and anti-apartheid struggle for freedom. The ordinary actions coordinated by and directed at amandla do not obscure the wounding effects of plantation labor or the long history of racial oppression, but rather form the basis of what the Algerian artist Kader Attia calls repair. In this captivating ethnography, Cousins examines how amandla, as the primary material of the work of repair, anchors ordinary scenes of living and working in and around the plantations. As a space of exploitation that enables the global paper and packaging industry to extract labor power, the plantation depends on the availability of creative action in ordinary life to capitalize on bodily capacity. The Work of Repair is a fine-grained exploration of the relationships between laborers in the timber plantations of KwaZulu-Natal, and the historical decompositions and reinventions of the milieu of those livelihoods and lives. Offering a fresh approach to the existential, ethical and political stakes of ethnography from and of late liberal South Africa, the book attends to urgent questions of postapartheid life: the fate of employment; the role of the state in providing welfare and access to treatment; the regulation of popular curatives; the queering of kinship; and the future of custom and its territories. Through detailed descriptions, Cousins explicates the important and fragile techniques that constitute the work of repair: the effort to augment one’s capacity in a way that draws on, acknowledges, and reimagines the wounds of history, keeping open the possibility of a future through and with others.
University of Nebraska Press Little Poison: Paul Runyan, Sam Snead, and a Long-Shot Upset at the 1938 PGA Championship
Paul Runyan—the Arkansas farm boy who stood five feet, six inches and weighed 130 pounds—shocked the golf world by defeating long and lean, sweet-swinging Sam Snead in the finals of the 1938 PGA Championship, thus earning the nickname “Little Poison.” Runyan did more than beat Snead: he shellacked him as decisively as David toppled mighty Goliath. His resounding victory was so convincing, so dominant, that even Snead had to shake his head when it was finished and wonder how the porkpie-wearing, pint-sized golf pro had gotten the better of him in the thirty-six-hole final. One bookmaker made Snead a 10-to-1 favorite before the match. Despite Snead’s physical gifts—he routinely outdrove Runyan by fifty yards or more—Snead was no match for Runyan, the underdog victor in one of golf’s four major championships.Little Poison is the story of a man who made a career out of punching above his weight on the golf course. Runyan won twenty-nine PGA tournaments between 1930 and 1941, as well as another major championship in 1934. Runyan served in the navy during World War II, joining Snead and other prominent professionals who played exhibition matches to entertain troops and help raise money. After the war he played sparingly—but successfully—and focused on his career as an instructor, teaching his revolutionary short-game techniques. Little Poison follows Runyan throughout these stages of his life, from anonymity to stardom and into golf mythology. At the heart of Runyan’s story is his Depression-era grit. He believed passionately that proper technique and relentless hard work would outlast talent and brawn. Americans who emerged from the Great Depression likely had a little Runyan in them, too, making him the perfect sports hero for the era. His story began not on the immaculate fairways of a country club but on a farm in Hot Springs, Arkansas, near a golf course with oiled sand greens. A disadvantage, some would say—but not Runyan. On those sand surfaces he developed a sustainable technique that became the bedrock of his hall of fame career.
Simon & Schuster Ltd The Century Girls: The Final Word from the Women Who've Lived the Past Hundred Years of British History
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'Tessa Dunlop...succeeds in weaving a rich tapestry of experiences.' Independent‘A warm-hearted and engaging read, The Century Girls is replete with wonderful characters.’ Sunday Express'A delightful book... all about women and women's lives.' Jane Garvey, Radio 4 Woman's Hour 'It’s a brilliant book… It’s fantastic!' Chris Evans, Radio 2 Breakfast ShowA celebration of the one-hundred years since British women got the vote, told, in their own voices, by six centenarians: Helena, Olive, Edna, Joyce, Ann and Phyllis – The Century GirlsIn 2018, Britain celebrated the centenary of some women getting the vote. The intervening ten decades have witnessed staggering change, and The Century Girls features six women born in 1918 or before who haven’t just witnessed that change, they’ve lived it. Empire shrank, war came and went, and modern society demanded continual readjustment.... the Century Girls lasted the course, and this book weaves together their lifetime’s adventures – what they were taught, how they were treated, who they loved, what they did and where they are now. With stories that are intimately knitted into the history of the British Isles, this is a time-travel epic featuring our oldest, most precious national treasures. Edna, 102, was a domestic servant born in Lincolnshire. Helena is 101 years old and the eldest of eight born into a Welsh farming family. Olive, 102, began life as a child of empire in British Guiana and was one of the first women to migrate to London after the war. There’s Ann, a 103-year-London bohemian; 100-year-old Phyllis, daughter of the British Raj, who has called Edinburgh home for nearly eighty years; and finally ‘young’ Joyce – a 99-year-old Cambridge classicist who’s still at work.It is through the prism of these women’s very long lives that The Century Girls provides a deeply personal account of British history over the past one hundred years. Their story is our story too.
New York University Press Laying Down the Law: Mysticism, Fetishism, and the American Legal Mind
In the collected essays here, Schlag established himself as one of the most creative thinkers in the contemporary legal academy. To read them one after another is exhilarating; Schlag's sophistication shines through. In chapter after chapter he tackles the most vexing problems of law and legal thinking, but at the heart of his concern is the questions of normativity and the normative claims made by legal scholars. He revisits legal realism, eenergizes it, and brings readers face-to-face with the central issues confronting law at the end of the 20th century. --Choice, May 1997 Pierre Schlag is the great iconoclast of the American legal academy. Few law professors today are so consistently original, funny, and provocative. But behind his playful manner is a serious goal: bringing the study of law into the late modern/ postmodern age. Reading these essays is like watching a one-man truth squad taking on all of the trends and movements of contemporary jurisprudence. All one can say to the latter is, better take cover. --J. M. Balkin, Lafayette S. Foster Professor, Yale Law School At a time when complaints are heard everywhere about the excesses of lawyers, judges, and law itself, Pierre Schlag focuses attention on the American legal mind and its urge to lay down the law. For Schlag, legalism is a way of thinking that extends far beyond the customary official precincts of the law. His work prompts us to move beyond the facile self- congratulatory self-representations of the law so that we might think critically about its identity, effects, and limitations. In this way, Schlag leads us to rethink the identities and character of moral and political values in contemporary discourse. The book brings into question the dominant normative orientation that shapes so much academic thought in law and in the humanities and social sciences. By pulling the curtain on the rhetorical techniques by which the law represents itself as coherent, rational, and stable, Laying Down the Law discloses the grandiose (and largely futile) attempts of American academics to control social and political meaning by means of scholarly missives.
New York University Press Race War!: White Supremacy and the Japanese Attack on the British Empire
Japan’s lightning march across Asia during World War II was swift and brutal. Nation after nation fell to Japanese soldiers. How were the Japanese able to justify their occupation of so many Asian nations? And how did they find supporters in countries they subdued and exploited? Race War! delves into submerged and forgotten history to reveal how European racism and colonialism were deftly exploited by the Japanese to create allies among formerly colonized people of color. Through interviews and original archival research on five continents, Gerald Horne shows how race played a key—and hitherto ignored—;role in each phase of the war. During the conflict, the Japanese turned white racism on its head portraying the war as a defense against white domination in the Pacific. We learn about the reverse racial hierarchy practiced by the Japanese internment camps, in which whites were placed at the bottom of the totem pole, under the supervision of Chinese, Korean, and Indian guards—an embarrassing example of racial payback that was downplayed by the defeated Japanese and the humiliated Europeans and Euro-Americans. Focusing on the microcosmic example of Hong Kong but ranging from colonial India to New Zealand and the shores of the U.S., Gerald Horne radically retells the story of the war. From racist U.S. propaganda to Black Nationalist open support of Imperial Japan, information about the effect of race on U.S. and British policy is revealed for the first time. This revisionist account of the war draws connections between General Tojo, Malaysian freedom fighters, and Elijah Muhammed of the Nation of Islam and shows how white racism encouraged and enabled Japanese imperialism. In sum, Horne demonstrates that the retreat of white supremacy was not only driven by the impact of the Cold War and the energized militancy of Africans and African-Americans but by the impact of the Pacific War as well, as a chastened U.S. and U.K. moved vigorously after this conflict to remove the conditions that made Japan's success possible.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Finding Lost Space: Theories of Urban Design
The problem of "lost space," or the inadequate use of space, afflicts most urban centers today. The automobile, the effects of the Modern Movement in architectural design, urban-renewal and zoning policies, the dominance of private over public interests, as well as changes in land use in the inner city have resulted in the loss of values and meanings that were traditionally associated with urban open space. This text offers a comprehensive and systematic examination of the crisis of the contemporary city and the means by which this crisis can be addressed. Finding Lost Space traces leading urban spatial design theories that have emerged over the past eighty years: the principles of Sitte and Howard; the impact of and reactions to the Functionalist movement; and designs developed by Team 10, Robert Venturi, the Krier brothers, and Fumihiko Maki, to name a few. In addition to discussions of historic precedents, contemporary approaches to urban spatial design are explored. Detailed case studies of Boston, Massachusetts; Washington, D.C.; Goteborg, Sweden; and the Byker area of Newcastle, England demonstrate the need for an integrated design approach--one that considers figure-ground, linkage, and place theories of urban spatial design. These theories and their individual strengths and weaknesses are defined and applied in the case studies, demonstrating how well they operate in different contexts. This text will prove invaluable for students and professionals in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, and city planning. Finding Lost Space is going to be a primary text for the urban designers of the next generation. It is the first book in the field to absorb the lessons of the postmodern reaction, including the work of the Krier brothers and many others, and to integrate these into a coherent theory and set of design guidelines. Without polemics, Roger Trancik addresses the biggest issue in architecture and urbanism today: how can we regain in our shattered cities a public realm that is made of firmly shaped, coherently linked, humanly meaningful urban spaces? Robert Campbell, AIA Architect and architecture critic Boston Globe
Basic Books Winter War: Hoover, Roosevelt, and the First Clash Over the New Deal
The period between a presidential election and inauguration has no constitutional name or purpose, but in these months, political legacies can be made or broken. In Winter War, Eric Rauchway shows how the transition from Herbert Hoover to FDR in the winter of 1932-33 was the most acrimonious in American history. The two men represented not only different political parties, but entirely different approaches to the question of the day: how to recover from the economic collapse and the Great Depression. And in their responses to that question, they help launch, in the space of a few months, the political ideologies that would dominate the rest of the twentieth century.As Rauchway shows, the period between the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt on November 8, 1932, and his inauguration on March 4, 1933, was one of tremendous political ferment. FDR took his first steps to launch the New Deal, while the outgoing Herbert Hoover laid the foundation for an anti-New Deal conservative movement. Rauchway reveals that, far from the haphazard expertimenter he is often thought to be, FDR had a coherent plan for saving the country from the Great Depression even before he arrived in office. He laid the foundations for that plan, giving speeches about a national bank holiday and raising farm prices, while also meeting with experts up and down the Eastern seaboard in order to staff his cabinet with the most innovative economic minds around. Hoover, for his part, began to plot his revenge and his return to the presidency (he had only served one term). He blocked FDR's moves wherever he could, spoke bluntly about the supposed danger the New Deal posed to democracy, and attempted to convince anyone who would listen that FDR was not up to the task of the presidency, whether intellectually or physically. The embittered and increasingly conservative Hoover launched the opposition to the New Deal - and thereby the modern conservative movement - before any New Deal legislation even reached the floor in Congress. Drawing from previously unexploited sources to paint an intimate portrait of political infighting at the highest levels, Eric Rauchway offers a new account of the making of twentieth century liberalism, and its backlash.
Little, Brown & Company The Big Three: Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen, and the Rebirth of the Boston Celtics
The first of "The Big Three" was Paul Pierce. As Boston Celtics fans watched the team retire Pierce's jersey in a ceremony on February 11, 2018, they remembered again the incredible performances Pierce put on in the city for fifteen years, helping the Celtics escape the bottom of their conference to become champions and perennial championship contenders. But Pierce's time in the city wasn't always so smooth. In 2000, he was stabbed in a downtown nightclub eleven times in a seemingly random attack. Six years later, remaining the sole star on a struggling team, he asked to be traded and briefly became a lightning rod among fans.Then, in 2007, the Boston Celtics General Manager made two monumental trades, bringing Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett to Boston. A press conference on July 31, 2007 was a sight to behold: Pierce, KG, and Ray Allen holding up Celtics jerseys for the flood of media. Coach Doc Rivers made sure the team bonded over the thought of winning a title and living by a Bantu term called Ubuntu, which translates as "I am because we are." Rivers wanted to make it clear that togetherness and brotherhood would help them maximize their talent and win. What came next-the synthesis of the Celtics' "Big Three" and their dominant championship run-cemented their standing as one of great teams in NBA history, a rival to Kobe Bryant's Lakers and LeBron James's Cavaliers.This is the team that brought excitement back to the Garden, and therefore to one of the most storied franchises in all of sports. They met their historic rivals, the Lakers, in the 2008 NBA Finals, winning the series in Game 6, in a rout on their home court with a raucous, concert like atmosphere. Along the victory parade route, Paul Pierce smoked a cigar-as a tribute to legendary former Celtics Coach Red Auerbach. In a city now defined by a wealth of championships, "The Big Three" joined the club. Michael Holley, the premier chronicler of Boston sports, brings their story to life with countless untold stories and behind-the-scenes details in another bestselling tome for New England and sports fans across the country.
University of Washington Press Empire, Architecture, and the City: French-Ottoman Encounters, 1830-1914
Winner of the 2010 Spiro Kostof Award (sponsored by the Society of Architectural Historians) Empire building and modernity dominate the history of the nineteenth century. The French and Ottoman empires capitalized on modern infrastructure and city building to control diverse social, cultural, and political landscapes. Zeynep Celik examines the cities of Algeria and Tunisia under French colonial rule and those of the Ottoman Arab provinces. By shifting the emphasis from the “centers” of Paris and Istanbul to the “peripheries,” she presents a more nuanced look at cross-cultural exchanges. The different political agendas of the French and Ottoman empires reveal the myriad meanings behind remarkably similar urban forms and buildings. This lavishly illustrated volume makes numerous archival plans, photographs, and postcards available for the first time, along with reproductions from periodicals and official yearbooks. Roads, railroads, ports, and waterways served many imperial agendas, ranging from military to commercial and even ideological. Interventions changed the urban fabrics in unprecedented ways: straight arteries were cut through cities, European-style quarters were appended to historic cores, and new industrial and mining towns, military posts, and administrative centers were built according to the latest trends. These major feats of engineering were carefully planned to construct a modern image while addressing practical concerns of growth and communication. Celik discusses public squares as privileged sites of imperial expression, as evidenced by the buildings that defined them and the iconographically charged monuments that adorned them. She examines the architecture of public buildings. Theaters, schools, and hospitals and the offices that housed the imperial administrative apparatus (city halls, government palaces, post offices, police stations, and military structures) were new secular monuments, designed according to European models but in a range of architectural expressions. Public ceremonies, set against modern urban spaces, played key roles in conveying political messages. Celik maps out their orchestrated occupation of streets and squares. She concludes with questions on how the various attitudes of both empires engaged cultural differences, race, and civilizing missions.
Columbia University Press The Limits of Westernization: A Cultural History of America in Turkey
In a 2001 poll, Turks ranked the United States highest when asked: "Which country is Turkey's best friend in international relations?" When the pollsters reversed the question—"Which country is Turkey's number one enemy in international relations?"—the United States came in second. How did Turkey's citizens come to hold such opposing views simultaneously? In The Limits of Westernization, Perin E. Gürel explains this unique split and its echoes in contemporary U.S.-Turkey relations. Using Turkish and English sources, Gürel maps the reaction of Turks to the rise of the United States as a world-ordering power in the twentieth century. As Turkey transitioned from an empire to a nation-state, the country's ruling elite projected "westernization" as a necessary and desirable force but also feared its cultural damage. Turkish stock figures and figures of speech represented America both as a good model for selective westernization and as a dangerous source of degeneration. At the same time, U.S. policy makers imagined Turkey from within their own civilization templates, first as the main figure of Oriental barbarism (i.e., "the terrible Turk"), then, during the Cold War, as good pupils of modernization theory. As the Cold War transitioned to the War on Terror, Turks rebelled against the new U.S.-made trope of the "moderate Muslim." Local artifacts of westernization—folk culture crossed with American cultural exports—and alternate projections of modernity became tinder for both Turkish anti-Americanism and resistance to state-led modernization projects. The Limits of Westernization analyzes the complex local uses of "the West" to explain how the United States could become both the best and the worst in the Turkish political imagination. Gürel traces how ideas about westernization and America have influenced national history writing and policy making, as well as everyday affects and identities. Foregrounding shifting tropes about and from Turkey—a regional power that continues to dominate American visions for the "modernization" of the Middle East—Gürel also illuminates the transnational development of powerful political tropes, from "the Terrible Turk" to "the Islamic Terrorist."
HarperCollins Publishers Lifesaving for Beginners
‘Heart-warming and life-affirming, full of humour and compassion’ ADELE PARKS, PLATINUM ‘A beautifully warm-hearted tale of friendship and hope’ MY WEEKLY ‘I loved this incredibly touching book…[it’s] a life-belt that will help any reader through a tough patch’ VERONICA HENRY *** In life’s stormy waters, it’s your friends who keep you afloat… Maddy Wolfe’s life has just capsized. After her twenty-year marriage suddenly implodes, she heads to Brighton to search for her estranged son, Jamie. But he’s nowhere to be found and for the first time, she’s totally alone. That is, until she meets the Salty Sea-Gals, a group of feisty sea-swimmers. Seventy-two-year old Helga is determined not to slow down, while thirty-something Tor is still figuring out who she is. Bereaved Dominica is trying to find a reason to carry on, and busy mum Claire is learning to put herself first for a change. As their regular cold-water plunges become a lifeline for them all, Maddy starts to realise that these brave women might just help her find both Jamie and herself. Together, will they turn the tide? 'Inspiring, heart-warming, utter joy' TAMMY COHEN ‘A beautiful read. You’ll love this one’ LOUISE BEECH ‘An absolute delight of a book!’ CELIA ANDERSON ‘Oh, this is such a wonderful read’ BISHOP’S STORTFORD INDEPENDENT *** Readers LOVE Josie Lloyd’s heart-warming novels: 'Inspiring and warm, heartfelt and real. I really loved this story' 'I rarely cry when reading but I was so emotionally impacted by this read I had a few cries in the bath reading it… a heart-warming portrayal of true friendship' 'Expect tears, laughter and a lot of fist pump in the air moments!’ 'A bloody brilliant, inspirational book of friendship and hope' 'Heartfelt and empowering' 'Affirming and inspiring… this book will give you all the feels!' 'I loved this book from the very beginning to the very end; it is a story that will resonate with every woman' 'Full of humour and compassion… I laughed and I cried' 'I absolutely loved this book. A testament to the power of friendship'
Lexington Books Political Satire, Postmodern Reality, and the Trump Presidency: Who Are We Laughing At?
This book attempts to grasp the recent paradigm shift in American politics through the lens of satire. It connects changes in the political and cultural landscape to corresponding shifts in the structure and organization of the media, in order to shed light on the evolution of political satire on late-night television. Satire is situated in its historical background to comprehend its movement away from the fringes of discourse to the very center of politics and the media. Beginning in the 1990s, certain trends such as technological advances, media consolidation, and the globalization of communications reinforced each other, paving the way for satire to claim a prized spot in the visual media—a tendency that only gained strength after September 11. While the Bush presidency presented itself as an apposite target for satirists, their stronghold on American television was made possible by a number of transitions in broader culture, which are encapsulated in the shrinking space available for political engagement under neoliberalism. This largely underestimated development can be understood through the framework of postmodernism, which focuses on the relationship between language, power, and the presentation of reality. These trends and transitions reached a climax in the 2016 election where President Trump was elected, embodying what can only be considered a significant turning point in American politics. The bigger narrative contains various subplots represented in the rise of the neoliberal economy, the acceptance of postmodernism as the dominant cultural code, and the role of the voyeur superseding that of the engaged citizen. It is only through understanding each of these pieces and connecting them that we can comprehend the current political transformation. The present moment may feel like a golden age of satire, and it may well be, but this book addresses the hardest questions about the realities behind such a claim: what can we conclude about when and how satire is effective, judging by the history of this genre in its various incarnations, and how can the “apolitical” postmodern media landscape be reconciled with what the best of this genre has had to offer during times of political duress?
Anness Publishing Regional Cooking of England: A culinary tour with more than 280 traditional recipes
Sussex pond pudding, fruit crumbles, trifle, steak and oyster pie, raised pork pies, scones, stotties, Bosworth jumbles, the full English... In this book you'll find everything from old-fashioned favourites and current classics to less well known, almost forgotten historical dishes (a few of which might raise an eyebrow), along with many wonderful local recipes. The collection offers a glorious illustration of England's splendid culinary diversity. The recipes are easy to follow, with accessible ingredients, and achievable in today's modern kitchens. Introductory chapters detail the history of cooking and eating in England, the feasts and festivals, high days and holidays, eating habits and ingredients. This glorious cookbook offers the true taste of England, and a fascinating glimpse of the past. The food of England has been shaped partly by the temperate climate and geography of the British Isles, but also by the nation's history of invasion, settlement and immigration. The English have had a stream of foreign influences to enrich their culinary development, initially from the European mainland, but also from the Americas, Asia and the Far East. Local specialities and traditional recipes play a role in creating the distinctive food identity of each region. This comprehensive and sumptuous book is both a history and an inspiration, and a journey down memory lane. There are childhood classics and comfort favourites in here - shepherd's pie and jammy tarts - as well as elaborate celebration centrepieces that might be more admired than attempted, but seeing these raised game pies and wobbling domed blancmange could tempt you to try. Learn how to make a proper Spotted Dick, or Plum Pudding, or Cabinet Pudding - a Beef Wellington, a Hindle Wake (whole cold chicken in sauce). It's not all fancy, there are boiled eggs with soldiers, sausage and mash, and Toad in the Hole. There are Bath buns, Sally Lunn buns, Devonshire Splits... Simnel Cake, Roly Poly, Lemon Meringue Pie and Lemon Drizzle. Gorgeous photographs and tried-and-tested recipes make everything easy to follow. This collection is guaranteed to have something that will nudge a memory, surprise you, make you smile, and take you to the kitchen.
Pindar Press An Obscure Portrait: Imaging Women's Reality in Byzantine Art
Recent discussions on Byzantine art have been dominated by the question of representing realia. Among these, however, the way works of art reflect the daily life of women have not received much space or attention. The present book studies various images representing women's status and her performative tasks, and their significance from the fourth century to the fall of the Empire, through analysis of archaeological evidence and works of art. It addresses a wide range of questions, some pertaining both to pictorial traditions and to their late antique antecedents, others peculiar to changing and evolving Byzantine culture and mentality. The first chapter deals with the imagery of childbearing, starting with conception and concluding with the care given to the new born and the mother. The second chapter investigates motherhood imagery (breastfeeding, child care, and child-mother intimacy) and the portrayal of women as caretakers and managers of the household (preparing food, bringing water, carding and weaving, or working side by side with their husbands). The third chapter is dedicated to representations of women holding positions outside the house: midwives, maidservants, wet nurses, and mourners. Images of women engaged in disreputable occupations-dancers, musicians, prostitutes and courtesans - complete this chapter. The fourth chapter discusses images of women portrayed in the metaphorical margins - looking out from the gynaikon (the women's apartments), or at their private toilette; it also deals with representations of women who stray from the societal mainstream - concubines; adulteresses, women consenting to sexual acts or being coerced into them - considered symbolically as belonging to the margins of society. The book concludes with a discussion of the degree to which the visual material reliably reflects reality and changing attitudes toward women between Late Antiquity and late Byzantium; and further, to what extent it reveals embedded perceptions and conceptions of women, constructed by canonic regulations and imperial law, popular beliefs and accepted customs. The book aims to lift a veil from known and less known works of art and to present the rarely described picture of the daily life of women in Byzantine art over a very wide chronological span of time, in an effort to expand our knowledge of women in Byzantium and their realia.
Welsh Academic Press IndyRef to ScotRef: Campaigning for Yes
The Scottish independence referendum of 2014 was the most colourful, dynamic and longest political campaign Scotland has ever seen and which, in IndyRef to ScotRef , is lovingly recounted through the experiences of a university lecturer turned Yes for Scotland activist who was inspired to roll up his sleeves and get involved in his native city of Edinburgh. Sharing a personal journey that will resonate with tens of thousands of Scots, from all backgrounds and walks of life, who found themselves drawn to Campaigning for Yes, Peter Lynch describes his transition from an academic observer of the referendum to an active participant. Through his early involvement with local Yes groups to a deeper immersion in the grassroots campaign with leafleting, street stalls, door-to-door canvassing, public meetings, electoral registration and the many political carnivals held across Edinburgh in pursuit of a Yes vote, Lynch also rediscovered the city he grew up in and describes how it had been effected by decades of economic, political and social change. When Yes Scotland was launched in May 2012, support for independence stood at 23% but, as the IndyRef campaign galvanised and inspired the nation to debate its future in a way that caught the imagination of hundreds of thousands of previously non-politically active Scots, support for independence grew steadily reaching 44.7% - 1,617,989 votes - on 18th September 2014; referendum day. Of interest to supporters of independence and neutral observers alike, IndyRef to ScotRef explains how, despite losing the vote, many Yes activists soon concluded that the referendum campaign had fundamentally changed their lives as well as the political landscape of Scotland and committed themselves to `get it right next time’: it was the beginning, not the end. In the final chapters of IndyRef to ScotRef, Peter Lynch analyses the huge political events that have occurred in Scotland and the rest of the UK since September 2014, which have seen the SNP’s domination of Scottish politics and Britain voting for Brexit despite Scotland voting to Remain, resulting in the decision of the Scottish Parliament in March 2017 to call for a further independence referendum. With an eye on ScotRef, whenever it comes, Lynch warns `Yessers’ to be realistic and prepared, outlining what must be done to secure a `Yes’ for Scotland.
Sydney University Press Celts in Legend and Reality: Papers from the Sixth Australian Conference of Celtic Studies
CONTENTS:Preface by Pamela O'NeillCelts in the Material Record??The image of a Celtic society: medieval West Highland sculpture by David H Caldwell, Fiona M McGibbon, Suzanne Miller and Nigel A RuckleyJust what did a nemeton look like anyway? By Kristen ErskineCelts, Romans and Germans in the Rhineland by Michael NelsonThe ancient Celts: classical perceptions and modern definitions by David Sheehan'Celts in the Gobi desert': a linguistico-archaeological mess by Aedeen CreminCelts in History??Gendering the foundation myths of Scotland in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries by Michelle SmithEdmund Burke and Mary Wollstonecraft's Irish education by Mary SpongbergEamhain Mhacha in this world and in the otherworld by Penny PollardMyth and legend in the landscape of the Rhondda Valley, south Wales, as a source of cultural identity by Graham Aubrey'And anyway she was always going about with the Mother of God': the Brigid and Mary stories in Gaelic culture by Mary O'ConnellCelts in Law??The idea of continuation and extinguishment of 'Welsh' customary land law in the face of Norman-English conquest and legal regime change by Michael StuckeyThe Welsh laws of women by Gwenyth RichardsThe Scottish Highlands and the conscience of the nation, 1886 to 2003 by Ewen A CameronCelts in Literature??Irish myths: fantastic nonsense or a real record of astronomical catastrophes? by Patrick McCaffertyImperial Roman elements in the architecture of the city in Saltair na Rann by Tessa MorrisonFiction, feminism and the 'Celtic Church': the Sister Fidelma novels of Peter Tremayne by Carole CusackMorgan le Fay: Celtic origins and literary images by Dominique Beth WilsonWicca in Eileanan and the problems of history by Lauren BernauerCelts in the Diaspora??Irish and Scottish child migrants at Pinjarra: maintaining a Celtic identity by Paula-Lee M MageeThe Irish language in Australia: survey of a community language by Dymphna Lonergan'A class equal to any for making prosperous colonists...': Ulster Protestant migrants in the Antipodes by Brad Patterson'Migrant fairies': an anthropological investigation of contemporary Celtic identity in the Australian setting as endorsed by mythical symbolism by Jeffrey ParkerCompeting Celticities: Cornish and Irish constructions of Australia by Philip Payton
Bucknell University Press The Family, Marriage, and Radicalism in British Women's Novels of the 1790s: Public Affection and Private Affliction
This book explores the ways in which five female radical novelists of the 1790s—Elizabeth Inchbald, Eliza Fenwick, Mary Hays, Charlotte Smith, and Mary Wollstonecraft—attempted to use the components of private life to work toward widespread social reform. These writers depict the conjugal family as the site for a potential reformation of the prejudices and flaws of the biological family. The biological family in the radical novels of female writers is fraught with problems: greed and selfishness pervert the relationships between siblings, and neglect and ignorance characterize the parenting received by the heroines. Additionally, the radical novelists, responding to representations of biological families as inherently restrictive for unmarried women, develop the notion of marriage to a certain type of man as a social duty. Marriage between two properly sensible people who have both cultivated their reason and understanding and who can live together as equals, sharing domestic responsibilities, is shown to be an ideal with the power to create social change. Positioning their depictions of marriage in opposition to earlier feminist depictions of female utopian societies, the female radical novelists of the 1790s strive to depict relationships between men and women that are characterized by cooperation, individual autonomy, and equality. What is most important about these depictions is their ultimate failure. Most of the female radical novelists find such marriages nearly impossible to conceptualize. Marriage, for many of the female radical novelists, was an institution they perceived as inextricably related to (male) concerns about property and inescapably patriarchal under the marriage laws of late eighteenth-century British society. Unions between two worthy individuals outside the boundaries of marriage are shown in the female radical novels to be equally problematic: sex inevitably is the basis for such unions, yet sex leaves women vulnerable to exploitation by men. Rather than the triumph, therefore, of what comes to be in these novels the male-associated values of property and power through marriage, the female radical novels end by suggesting an alternative community, one that will shelter those members of society who are most frequently exploited in male attempts to accumulate this property and power: women, servants, and children.
APress Fundamentals of Trace and Log Analysis: A Pattern-Oriented Approach to Monitoring, Diagnostics, and Debugging
This book will help you analyze traces and logs from different software environments and communicate analysis results using a pattern language that covers everything from a small debugging log to a distributed trace with billions of messages from hundreds of computers, thousands of software components, threads, and processes. The book begins with the basic terminology of operating systems and programming, the foundation for understanding trace and log analysis. It then talks about patterns that help describe problems from a user’s view and patterns for errors and failures. Then, the book covers a range of trace patterns that group messages, and explores how logs depict software activities. It even examines specific message patterns and how they connect in a single trace. Moving forward, you’ll review patterns for multiple traces and logs and how to evaluate them. In this way, you can use similar methods to find problems across a wide variety of software. The book also provides guidance for analyzing issues on systems such as Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, and other types of computers, including those in networks and the Internet of Things, regardless of their system differences. Upon completing this book, you will be able to navigate the complexities of trace and log analysis and apply uniform diagnostics and anomaly detection pattern language across diverse software environments to help you troubleshoot, debug, and fix issues. What You Will Learn Understand pattern language for trace and log analysis Gain a pattern-oriented methodology for trace and log analysis applicable to various domains, including cybersecurity Master the fundamentals of operating systems and programming related to trace and log analysis Understand observed behavior in traces and logs, which aids incident response, diagnostics, root cause analysis, troubleshooting, and debugging Who This Book Is For Software technical support engineers, system and network administrators, software developers, testers, DevOps and DevSecOps, digital forensics and malware analysts, security incident response engineers, data analysts, and data mining practitioners.
Giles de la Mare Publishers Romanesque Churches of Spain: A Traveller's Guide
The widespead and numerous Romanesque churches in the northern half of Spain rival those of France for their distinctiveness and originality and for their remarkable sculpture. They were mainly built between about 1000 and 1200 and mirror the progressive rolling back of Islamic power in the long reconquista, first of all along the north coast and in Catalonia, which was only occupied by the Muslims for about a hundred years, and then in Leon and Castile. Their architectural styles vary greatly from region to region, and some of them contain fine frescoes as well. Romanesque style introduced the first revival of the art of sculpture since Roman times, and in Spain there good examples of decorative carving as far back as the seventh century. It was the age of pilgrimages and many of the churches were founded along the pilgrim routes from the Pyrenees to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, which are popular destinations for travellers in Spain today. Romanesque Churches of Spain, which covers a hundred and twenty churches in Catalonia, Aragon, Navarre and the Basque Country, Cantabria, Castile, Leon, Asturias and Galicia, and includes no less than twenty pre-Romanesque churches in the Visigothic, Asturian and Mozarabic styles of 600-1000, many with exotic features such as the horseshoe arch, is the first comprehensive book to be published on the subject. It is a perfect companion for travellers, with its ten maps and its regional arrangement, and will be a stimulus for the exploration of wild and remote areas that are unfamiliar to many people, especially across the Pyrenees and in the mountainous areas of Aragon, Cantabria and Asturias. It will also be invaluable as a reference book, with its 262 illustrations, for all those with a general interest in the history of Spanish architecture and sculpture, many of the churches possessing outstanding examples such as Santiago de Compostela, Jaca, Soria, Agramunt, Ripoll, Armentia, Estibaliz, Sanguesa, Santo Domingo de Silos and San Pedro de la Nave. Peter Strafford is a distinguished journalist who worked on the Times for more than three decades, including in Paris and Brussels, and was, among other things, the Times correspondent in New York for five years. His acclaimed Romanesque Churches of France has recently been reprinted.
Pragmatic Bookshelf Effective Haskell: Solving Real-World Problems with Strongly Typed Functional Programming
Put the power of Haskell to work in your programs, learning from an engineer who uses Haskell daily to get practical work done efficiently. Leverage powerful features like Monad Transformers and Type Families to build useful applications. Realize the benefits of a pure functional language, like protecting your code from side effects. Manage concurrent processes fearlessly. Apply functional techniques to working with databases and building RESTful services. Don't get bogged down in theory, but learn to employ advanced programming concepts to solve real-world problems. Don't just learn the syntax, but dive deeply into Haskell as you build efficient, well-tested programs. Haskell is a pure functional programming language with a rich ecosystem of tools and libraries. Designed to push the boundaries of programming, it offers unparalleled power for building reliable and maintainable systems. But to unleash that power, you need a guide. Effective Haskell is that guide. Written by an engineer who understands how to apply Haskell to the real world and uses it daily to get practical work done, it is your ticket to Haskell mastery. Gain deep understanding of how Haskell deals with IO and the outside world by writing a complete Haskell application that does several different kinds of IO. Reinforce your learnings with practice exercises in every chapter. Write stable and performant code using Haskell's type system, code that is easier to grow and refactor. Leverage the power of pure functional programming to improve collaboration, make concurrency safe and easy, and make large code bases manageable. Implement type-safe web services, write generative tests, design strongly typed embedded domain-specific languages, and build applications that exploit parallelism and concurrency without fear of deadlocks and race conditions. Create and deploy cloud-native Haskell applications. Master the performance characteristics of functional applications to make them run faster and use less memory. Write Haskell programs that solve real-world business problems. What You Need: Intel based Mac, M1 Macs, Linux PC, or Windows with WSL2 ghcup (http://www. An active internet connection will be required for some projects.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC John le Carré: The Biography
The definitive biography of the undisputed giant of English literature, a man whose own true history has long been hidden behind the fictional world of his books 'Compendious and compelling ... it is impossible to imagine this Life being bettered' WILLIAM BOYD, NEW STATESMAN 'Smiley himself could not have done a better job' SUNDAY TIMES Long after The Spy Who came in from the Cold made John le Carré a worldwide, bestselling sensation, David Cornwell, the man behind the pseudonym, remained an enigma. In this definitive biography, written with unprecedented access to the man himself, Adam Sisman offers an illuminating portrait of a fascinating and enigmatic writer. In Cornwell's lonely childhood, Adam Sisman uncovers the origins of the themes of love and abandonment which dominated le Carré's fiction: the departure of his mother when he was five, followed by 'sixteen hugless years' in the dubious care of his father, a man of energy and charm, a serial seducer and conman who hid the Bentleys in the trees when the bailiffs came calling - a 'totally incomprehensible father' who could 'put a hand on your shoulder and the other in your pocket, both gestures equally sincere'. And in Cornwell's adult life - from recruitment by both MI5 and MI6, through marriage and family life, to his emergence as the master of the spy novel - Sisman explores the idea of espionage and its significance in human terms; the extent to which betrayal is acceptable in exchange for love; and the endless need for forgiveness, especially from oneself. Written with exclusive access to David Cornwell, to his private archive and to the most important people in his life - family, friends, enemies, intelligence ex-colleagues and ex-lovers - and featuring a wealth of previously unseen photographic material, Adam Sisman's extraordinarily insightful and constantly revealing biography brings in from the cold a man whose own life was as complex and confounding and filled with treachery as any of his novels. 'I'm a liar,' Cornwell once wrote. 'Born to lying, bred to it, trained to it by an industry that lies for a living, practised in it as a novelist.' This is the definitive biography of a major writer, described by Richard Osman as 'just the finest, wisest storyteller we had.'
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press The Comedians: Drunks, Thieves, Scoundrels and the History of American Comedy
Jokes change from generation to generation, but the experience of the comedian transcends the ages: the drive, jealousy, heartbreak, and triumph. From the Marx Brothers to Milton Berle to George Carlin to Eddie Murphy to Louis CK--comedy historian Kliph Nesteroff brings to life a century's worth of rebels and groundbreakers, mainstream heroes and counterculture iconoclasts, forgotten stars and workaday plodders in this essential history of American comedy. Beginning with the nationwide vaudeville circuits that dominated at turn of the twentieth century, Nesteroff describes the rise of the first true stand-up comedian--a variety show emcee who abandoned physical shtick for straight jokes. The end of Prohibition ushered in a surprising golden age of comedy, as funnymen were made into radio stars and the combination of the "Borscht Belt," the "Chitlin Circuit," and Mafia-run supperclubs furnished more jobs and money than ever before. Those were the days of the Copacabana, tuxedos, and smoking cigars onstage, when insulting the boss could result in a hit man at your door and obscenity charges could land you in jail. In the 1950s, late-night television cemented the status of the comedy establishment while young comics rebelled, arriving on the beatnik coffeehouse scene with cerebral jokes and social angst. They soon found their own way to fame through comedy records that vied with top musicians for Billboard spots. Then came the comedy clubs of the coke-fueled 1970s and 80s, Saturday Night Live and cable TV, and with the internet, a whole new generation of YouTube stars, podcast personalities, and Twitterati. Through the decades, Nesteroff reveals the contradictions between comedians' public and private personas and illuminates the often-seedy underbelly of an industry built on laughs. Based on over two hundred original interviews and extensive archival research, The Comedians is a sharply written and highly entertaining look at one hundred years of comedy, and a valuable exploration of the way comedians have reflected, shaped, and changed American culture along the way.
HarperCollins Publishers Beetles (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 136)
‘A truly excellent account’ British Wildlife Beetles are arguably the most diverse organisms in the world, with nearly half a million beetle species described and catalogued in our museums, more than any other type of living thing. This astonishing species diversity is matched by a similar diversity in shape, form, size, life history, ecology, physiology and behaviour. Beetles occur everywhere, and do everything. And yet they form a clearly discrete insect group, typically characterised by their attractively compact form, with flight wings folded neatly under smooth hard wing-cases. Almost anyone could recognise a beetle, indeed many are intimately associated with human society. Groups like ladybirds are familiar to us from a very young age. Large stag beetles and handsome chafers are celebrated for their imposing size and bright colours. The sacred scarabs of the ancient Egyptians were given iconic, if not god-like, status and even though the exact religious meanings may be fading after three millennia, their bewitching jewellery and monumental statuary inspire us still. Despite this ancient and easy familiarity with beetles, the Coleoptera remains tainted by the notion that it is a ‘difficult’ group of insects. The traditional routes into studying British natural history, through birdwatching, butterfly-collecting and pressing wild flowers, now extend to studying dragonflies, bumblebees, grasshoppers, moths, hoverflies and even shieldbugs. These are on the verge of becoming popular groups, but beetles remain the preserve of the expert, or so it seems. So many British beetles are easy to find and easy to identify by the non-expert, but that bewildering background diversity, and the daunting numbers of species in the Coleoptera as a whole, have been enough to dissuade many a potential coleopterist from grasping the nettle and getting stuck in. Richard Jones’ groundbreaking New Naturalist volume on beetles encourages those enthusiasts who would otherwise be put off by the, to date, rather technical literature that has dominated the field, providing a comprehensive natural history of this fascinating and beautiful group of insects.
Little, Brown Book Group Empire: A sweeping epic saga of Ancient Rome
In the international bestseller Roma, Steven Saylor told the story of the first thousand years of Rome by following the descendants of a single bloodline. Now, in Empire, Saylor charts the destinies of five more generations of the Pinarius family, from the reign of the first emperor, Augustus, to the glorious height of Rome's empire under Hadrian. Through the eyes of the Pinarii, we witness the machinations of Tiberius, the madness of Caligula, the cruel escapades of Nero, and the chaos of the Year of Four Emperors in 69 A.D. The deadly paranoia of Domitian is followed by the Golden Age of Trajan and Hadrian-but even the most enlightened emperors wield the power to inflict death and destruction on a whim. Empire is strewn with spectacular scenes, including the Great Fire of 64 A.D. that ravaged the city, Nero's terrifying persecution of the Christians, and the mind-blowing opening games of the Colosseum. But at the novel's heart are the wrenching choices and seductive temptations faced by each new generation of the Pinarii. One unwittingly becomes the sexual plaything of the notorious Messalina. One enters into a clandestine affair with a Vestal virgin. One falls under the charismatic spell of Nero, while another is drawn into the strange new cult of those who deny the gods and call themselves Christians. However diverse their destinies and desires, all the Pinarii are united by one thing: the mysterious golden talisman called the fascinum handed down from a time before Rome existed. As it passes from generation to generation, the fascinum seems to exercise a power not only over those who wear it, but over the very fate of the empire. Praise for Steven Saylor: 'Saylor expertly weaves the true history of Rome with the lives and loves of its fictional citizens.' Daily Express 'Saylor's scholarship is breathtaking and his writing enthrals' Ruth Rendell 'With the scalpel-like deftness of a Hollywood director, Saylor puts his finger on the very essence of Roman history.' Times Literary Supplement 'Readers will find his work wonderfully (and gracefully) researched...this is entertainment of the first order.' Washington Post
Little, Brown Book Group Mammoth Book of New Tattoo Art
A fantastic, all-new, third volume of tattoo art – both tattoos and original artworks – showcasing the best recent work of the world’s most outstanding tattoo artists. The format is compact, but contains over 600 full-colour photographs of the work of international tattoo art stars, including Frank Carter, Camila Rocha, Dan Smith and Horikazu (see full list of contributing artists below), representing outstanding value-for-money. Over the past 20 years, tattoos have emphatically entered the mainstream, perhaps most notably on the person of UK prime minister David Cameron’s wife Samantha. Whether celebratory tattoos, local landmarks, weddings, gravestones, timepieces, song lyrics, club colours, the Olympic rings, something World Cup-related or even a flight of plaster ducks, more and more people are sporting tattoos. There are also ever more artists who have turned their hands to tattooing, and vice versa. Tattoo styles are changing, too, under the influence of other art forms as traditional methods of designing tattoos – using pencil, marker, ink and pain – are joined by computer-generated art and Photoshop creations. Practically unheard of a few decades ago, women with tattoos are on the rise, and there is also an ever-increasing number of female tattoo artists, a number of whose work is showcased in this book. Full list of contributing artists: Adam Machin, Amy Savage, Anthony Flemming, Camila Rocha, Chris Jones, Davee Blows, Eddie Stacey, Greg Orie, Ian Parkin, Jemma Jones, Kate Shaw, Leigh Oldcorn, Mauro Tampieri, MxM, Oddboy, PriZeMaN, Roxx, Yohann Bonvoisin, Adam Sargent, Andrea Furci, BJ Betts, Chase Tafoya, Claire Reid, David Corden, Emily Wood, Guen Douglas, Ian Saunders, John Anderton, Ken Patten, Luca Ortis, Michael Rose, Nick Skunx, Paul Johnson, Ren Shorney, Stefano C, Aimee Cornwell, Andrew McNally, Bong, Chelsea Shoneck, Crispy Lennox, Dean Taylor, Frank Carter, Hannah Wolf, Johnny Domus, KJT, Mat Lapping, Niki Norberg, Pete Oz, Richard Barclay, Steve Richardson, Akuma Shugi, Andy Engel, Cally Jo, Chris Crooks, Dan Smith, Dris Donnelly, Gari Henderson, Horikazu, Jammes, Jorge Becerra, Lauren Winzer, Matt Adamson, Miss Arianna, Pete the Thief, Rory Pickersgill, Tom Flanagan.
Penguin Books Ltd Aquanaut: A Life Beneath The Surface – The Inside Story of the Thai Cave Rescue
THE ENTHRALLING INSIDE STORY OF THE THAI CAVE RESCUE FROM THE MAN AT THE HEART OF THE MISSION, AS SEEN IN THE SUNDAY TIMES'The British divers are all heroes' Clive Cussler'A case study in courage' Ron Howard, Oscar-winning director of Apollo 13________Thailand, July 2018. Twelve boys and their football coach vanish into Tham Luang caves just as the monsoon rains hit. A mile from the surface they are trapped by rising flood waters. All attempts to reach them fail. As hope for their survival fades a retired British firefighter tinkering with homemade cave-diving kit gets a call. Rick Stanton and his dive partner race to the other side of the world. The boys have been missing for days. Each hour, their chance of escape shrinks. Rick must swim, crawl and squeeze through treacherously tight submerged tunnels hunting for them. But that is not the impossible part. Because if by some miracle they're alive then somehow he must bring the boys back out again . . . He doesn't know it yet but all his life he's been training for this very moment . . .________ 'The riveting, behind-the-scenes story. Captivating' SUNDAY POST 'A definitive view of the rescue. You probably won't read a better-written book about diving this year. I just had to get to the end' DIVER MAGAZINE'Diver Rick Stanton relives the rescue of the century' SUNDAY TIMES'Remarkable . . . the chronicle of a man from a humble background who worked devilishly hard . . . and was willing to go anywhere to help people in the most dire cave disasters' WALL STREET JOURNALTHE RESCUE WATCHED BY THE WORLD'The Thai cave rescue was phenomenally dangerous, and the work of true heroes' iNews'[The rescue] was fantastic, it really was . . .' HRH Prince William'If it was me stuck anywhere, the one person I would want to come and rescue me is Rick Stanton' Alex Daw, Watch Commander, West Midlands Fire Service'One of the great stories of our time' Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Oscar-winning co-director of Free Solo'Rick Stanton is not the most domesticated of men' Sunday Telegraph
Transworld Publishers Ltd Creativity, Inc.: an inspiring look at how creativity can - and should - be harnessed for business success by the founder of Pixar
THE EXPANDED EDITION'Just might be the best business book ever written' Forbes Magazine'This book should be required reading for any manager' Charles Duhigg'Full of detail about an interesting, intricate business' The Wall Street Journal______________________________________________The co-founder and longtime president of Pixar updates and expands upon his 2014 New York Times bestseller on creative leadership, reflecting on the management principles used to build Pixar's singularly successful culture, including all he learned in the past nine years that allowed Pixar to retain its creative culture while continuing to evolve.For nearly twenty years, Pixar has dominated the world of animation, producing such beloved films as the Toy Story quartet, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Up, and WALL-E, which have gone on to set box-office records and garner thirty Academy Awards. The joyous storytelling, the inventive plots, the emotional authenticity: In some ways, Pixar movies are an object lesson in what creativity really is.As a young man, Ed Catmull had a dream: to make the first computer-animated movie. He nurtured that dream as a Ph. D. student, and then forged a partnership with George Lucas that led, indirectly, to his founding Pixar with Steve Jobs and John Lasseter. A mere nine years later, Toy Story was released, changing animation forever. The essential ingredient in that movie's success-and in the movies that followed-was the unique environment that Catmull and his colleagues built at Pixar.Creativity, Inc. has been expanded to illuminate the continuing development of the unique culture at Pixar. Featuring a new introduction, two entirely new chapters, four new chapter postscripts, and new reflections at the end, this updated edition details how Catmull built a culture that doesn't just pay lip service to the importance of things like honesty, communication, and originality, but commits to them. Pursuing excellence isn't a one-off assignment, but an ongoing, day-in, day-out, full-time job. And Creativity, Inc. explores how it is done._________________________________________Readers love Creativity, Inc.'Incredibly inspirational''Great book. Wish I could give it more than 5 stars''Honestly, one of the best books I've read in a long time''Read it and read it again, then read it again and then again''Great book!! Fantastic read'
Penguin Books Ltd Dirty Laundry
SECRETS, DESIRE, BLOOD... It all comes out in the wash'Intelligent, perfectly observed, more-ish - I devoured it in two days' Poorna Bell, In Case of Emergency'I was glued to this entertaining story of motherhood, marriage and friendship' Daily Mail-------------Keep your friends close and your neighbours closer...Ciara has it all - a loving husband, well-behaved children and an immaculate home. But behind the filters, her reality is far from what it seems.Mishti is stuck in a loveless marriage, raising her daughter in a country that is too cold, among children who look nothing like her.Lauren is mostly happy, despite being judged for letting her kids run naked, wild and free.Then Ciara is found murdered in her pristine home and suddenly everyone is a suspect.Hushed whispers, secret rendezvous and bloody betrayals . . .Everyone has their dirty laundry, but this goes beyond gossip.This is all-out war.A deliciously scandalous page-turner about the dark side of suburbia that peels back the layers of Ciara's insta-perfect life to reveal friendships gone rotten, manipulation masquerading as love and families riddled with lies . . .-------------'Bose masterfully creates deeply drawn and utterly human characters in this powerful suspense debut' Liv Constantine, The Last Mrs Parrish'A delicious take on people behaving badly' Darby Kane, Pretty Little Wife'With deep dark secrets and twisted webs of lies, Dirty Laundry is everything I want in a book - Desperate Housewives in a small-town setting, each turn in the story even better than the last' Andrea Mara, All Her Fault'A riveting debut, and Bose is a writer to watch' Joshilyn Jackson, Mother May I'Extraordinary! Absolutely compelling, original and intriguing. Domestic noir at its very finest' Liz Nugent, Unraveling Oliver'A thought provoking, pacy thriller' Red'Delicious and devious. Bose takes a scalpel to suburban family life, expertly drilling down through the Insta-perfect surface to its dark, messy core. I loved it' Tammy Cohen, The Wedding Party'Real Housewives fans will devour this debut that simmers with discontent and deceit' Liz Alterman, The Perfect Neighborhood
Oxford University Press Inc Dark Skies: Space Expansionism, Planetary Geopolitics, and the Ends of Humanity
Space is again in the headlines. E-billionaires Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are planning to colonize Mars. President Trump wanted a "Space Force" to achieve "space dominance" with expensive high-tech weapons. The space and nuclear arms control regimes are threadbare and disintegrating. Would-be asteroid collision diverters, space solar energy collectors, asteroid miners, and space geo-engineers insistently promote their Earth-changing mega-projects. Given our many looming planetary catastrophes (from extreme climate change to runaway artificial superintelligence), looking beyond the earth for solutions might seem like a sound strategy for humanity. And indeed, bolstered by a global network of fervent space advocates-and seemingly rendered plausible, even inevitable, by oceans of science fiction and the wizardly of modern cinema-space beckons as a fully hopeful path for human survival and flourishing, a positive future in increasingly dark times. But despite even basic questions of feasibility, will these many space ventures really have desirable effects, as their advocates insist? In the first book to critically assess the major consequences of space activities from their origins in the 1940s to the present and beyond, Daniel Deudney argues in Dark Skies that the major result of the "Space Age" has been to increase the likelihood of global nuclear war, a fact conveniently obscured by the failure of recognize that nuclear-armed ballistic missiles are inherently space weapons. The most important practical finding of Space Age science, also rarely emphasized, is the discovery that we live on Oasis Earth, tiny and fragile, and teeming with astounding life, but surrounded by an utterly desolate and inhospitable wilderness stretching at least many trillions of miles in all directions. As he stresses, our focus must be on Earth and nowhere else. Looking to the future, Deudney provides compelling reasons why space colonization will produce new threats to human survival and not alleviate the existing ones. That is why, he argues, we should fully relinquish the quest. Mind-bending and profound, Dark Skies challenges virtually all received wisdom about the final frontier.
Headline Publishing Group The Best Things: The Sunday Times bestseller to make your heart sing
THE HILARIOUS SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERA big-hearted story of a family on the brink from the marvellous, much-loved Mel Giedroyc.'Properly funny with a brilliant cast of characters' GRAHAM NORTON'A real treat. I enjoyed it HUGELY' MARIAN KEYES'Funny and fresh. No soggy bottoms here' CLARE MACKINTOSH__________Sally Parker is searching for the hero inside herself. But TBH she just wants to lie down.Her husband Frank has lost his business, their home and their savings in one go. Her bank cards have been stopped. The kids are running wild. And now the bailiffs are at the door.What does a woman do when the bottom suddenly falls out?Will Sally Parker surprise everybody....most of all herself?__________'This book is a riot! Delicious in its detail' SOPHIE KINSELLA'A stonking good read. Exactly like Mel herself: engaging, uproarious and gleeful' JO BRAND'A warm, honest and humorous look at a family and what really matters in life. Brimming with hilarious scenes, it is also a redemptive book, and one of hope' WOMAN & HOME'A warm contemporary fable bursting with colourful characters and comic energy' DAILY MAILSHORTLISTED FOR THE COMEDY WOMEN IN PRINT PRIZE 2021REAL READERS ADORE THE BEST THINGS...'A well written, warm hug of a read. Something much needed in these days of doom and gloom''This book is everything I would have expected from the wonderful Mel Giedroyc. Funny and touching*****''I could hear Mel reading this book! Terrific characters. Very entertaining *****''A lovely, warm cuddle of a book''One of the best things I've read this year. Please read it *****''I felt like Mel was reading this into my ear. I was left with the warm fuzzys at the end****''Would make a brilliant film or sitcom. The Parker family are a chaotic, loveable bunch''I zipped through it with many an accompanying titter, the occasional chortle and the odd unladylike snort. A nice piece of escapism, so needed at this time ****''Warm, interesting, clever and funny, as well as poignant at times. A brave heroine, a cast of strong characters and a page-turner of a story *****''Glorious storytelling, this is a rich comedic feast of domesticity. Excellent characters. Kept me gripped throughout. *****'
New York University Press Muslim American Politics and the Future of US Democracy
Reveals the important role of Muslim Americans in American politics Since the 1950s, and especially in the post-9/11 era, Muslim Americans have played outsized roles in US politics, sometimes as political dissidents and sometimes as political insiders. However, more than at any other moment in history, Muslim Americans now stand at the symbolic center of US politics and public life. This volume argues that the future of American democracy depends on whether Muslim Americans are able to exercise their political rights as citizens and whether they can find acceptance as social equals. Many believe that, over time, Muslim Americans will be accepted just as other religious minorities have been. Yet Curtis contends that this belief overlooks the real barrier to their full citizenship, which is political rather than cultural. The dominant form of American liberalism has prevented the political assimilation of American Muslims, even while leaders from Eisenhower to Obama have offered rhetorical support for their acceptance. Drawing on examples ranging from the political rhetoric of the Nation of Islam in the 1950s and 1960s to the symbolic use of fallen Muslim American service members in the 2016 election cycle, Curtis shows that the efforts of Muslim Americans to be regarded as full Americans have been going on for decades, yet never with full success. Curtis argues that policies, laws, and political rhetoric concerning Muslim Americans are quintessential American political questions. Debates about freedom of speech and religion, equal justice under law, and the war on terrorism have placed Muslim Americans at the center of public discourse. How Americans decide to view and make policy regarding Muslim Americans will play a large role in what kind of country the United States will become, and whether it will be a country that chooses freedom over fear and justice over prejudice.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Technology Roadmapping and Development: A Quantitative Approach to the Management of Technology
This textbook explains Technology Roadmapping, in both its development and practice, and illustrates the underlying theory of, and empirical evidence for, technologic evolution over time afforded by this strategy. The book contains a rich set of examples and practical exercises from a wide array of domains in applied science and engineering such as transportation, energy, communications, and medicine. Professor de Weck gives a complete review of the principles, methods, and tools of technology management for organizations and technologically-enabled systems, including technology scouting, roadmapping, strategic planning, R&D project execution, intellectual property management, knowledge management, partnering and acquisition, technology transfer, innovation management, and financial technology valuation. Special topics also covered include Moore’s law, S-curves, the singularity and fundamental limits to technology. Ideal for university courses in engineering, management, and business programs, as well as self-study or online learning for professionals in a range of industries, readers of this book will learn how to develop and deploy comprehensive technology roadmaps and R&D portfolios on diverse topics of their choice. Introduces a unique framework, Advanced Technology Roadmap Architecture (ATRA), for developing quantitative technology roadmaps and competitive R&D portfolios through a lucid and rigorous step-by-step approach; Elucidates the ATRA framework through analysis which was validated on an actual $1 billion R&D portfolio at Airbus, leveraging a pedagogy significantly beyond typical university textbooks and problem sets; Reinforces concepts with in-depth case studies, practical exercises, examples, and thought experiments interwoven throughout the text; Maximizes reader competence on how to explicitly link strategy, finance, and technology. The book follows and supports the MIT Professional Education Courses “Management of Technology: Roadmapping & Development,” and “Management of Technology: Strategy & Portfolio Analysis”
New York University Press Muslim American Politics and the Future of US Democracy
Reveals the important role of Muslim Americans in American politics Since the 1950s, and especially in the post-9/11 era, Muslim Americans have played outsized roles in US politics, sometimes as political dissidents and sometimes as political insiders. However, more than at any other moment in history, Muslim Americans now stand at the symbolic center of US politics and public life. This volume argues that the future of American democracy depends on whether Muslim Americans are able to exercise their political rights as citizens and whether they can find acceptance as social equals. Many believe that, over time, Muslim Americans will be accepted just as other religious minorities have been. Yet Curtis contends that this belief overlooks the real barrier to their full citizenship, which is political rather than cultural. The dominant form of American liberalism has prevented the political assimilation of American Muslims, even while leaders from Eisenhower to Obama have offered rhetorical support for their acceptance. Drawing on examples ranging from the political rhetoric of the Nation of Islam in the 1950s and 1960s to the symbolic use of fallen Muslim American service members in the 2016 election cycle, Curtis shows that the efforts of Muslim Americans to be regarded as full Americans have been going on for decades, yet never with full success. Curtis argues that policies, laws, and political rhetoric concerning Muslim Americans are quintessential American political questions. Debates about freedom of speech and religion, equal justice under law, and the war on terrorism have placed Muslim Americans at the center of public discourse. How Americans decide to view and make policy regarding Muslim Americans will play a large role in what kind of country the United States will become, and whether it will be a country that chooses freedom over fear and justice over prejudice.
Wolters Kluwer Health ACSM's Resources for the Group Exercise Instructor
ACSM’s Resources for the Group Exercise Instructor, 2nd Edition, equips fitness professionals with the knowledge and the skills needed to effectively lead group exercise in gyms, studios, recreation facilities, clubs, and virtual group exercise classes. An essential resource for undergraduate exercise science programs, students in pre-professional programs, and those independently prepping for the ACSM-GEI certification, this engaging, accessible text reflects the authoritative expertise of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and is aligned with the latest edition of ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. The extensively revised and reorganized 2nd Edition streamlines learning and aligns content to the domains of the ACSM Certified Group Exercise Instructor Exam, boosting exam confidence and delivering step-by-step guidance to ensure success in professional practice. New enhanced organization aligns with the ACSM Certified Group Exercise Instructor Exam to strengthen your certification exam preparation. Take Caution! boxes alert you to important safety or legal considerations. Ask the Pro boxes provide expert tips for effective practice. Objectives and Chapter Summaries help you make the most of your study time by reinforcing key concepts at a glance.
Peeters Publishers Regionalism and Globalism in Antiquity: Exploring Their Limits
How we concieve of the movement of ancient phenomena through time and space has been undergoing reassessment over the last two decades, causing the grip to be loosened on the well-entrenched interpretative models that had dominated research up to that point. The 'Regionalism and Globalism in Antiquity' conference, held in Vancouver on March 16-17, 2007, aimed to take stock of this situation and in particular to investigate in fresh ways how regional and global phenomena in the ancient Mediterranean, Near East and Eurasia shaped local life. Still today two models tend to guide explanations of intercultural and interregional contact and interaction: diffusionism from cores (or centres) to peripheries, involving 'superior' civilisations influencing other 'inferior' ones, and Mediterraneanism, the set of distinctive environmental, cultural and historical images that create a unified and unchanging view of the Mediterranean. These two models have come under increasing scrunity since the 1980s, as we have been living in a world of shifting perceptions of time and space and of greater interconnectedness that affects our everyday lives in numerous ways. The source of these shifts has been credited to globalisation, and with it has also come a greater historical appreciation of the phenomenon, including the recognition that the world has witnessed periods of globalisation since the end of the Ice Age. This volume contains 14 reworked and peer-reviewed essays from the original conference proceedings and provides a fair overview of the various chronological periods, methods and data, and perspectives encountered at the conference. The essays consist of case studies whose subjects range in date from the 10th millennium BC to the 4th century AD and draw in all the major regions of the ancient world. These essays and the original conference from which they derive have by no means exhausted all the potential topics raised by the framework within which they work. Much work remains to be done for antiquity and, given the framework's wide applicability, later periods of history.
WW Norton & Co Revolution on the Hudson: New York City and the Hudson River Valley in the American War of Independence
No part of the country was more contested during the American Revolution than New York City, the Hudson River, and the surrounding counties. Political and military leaders on both sides viewed the Hudson River Valley as the American jugular, which, if cut, would quickly bleed the rebellion to death. So in 1776, King George III sent the largest amphibious force ever assembled to seize Manhattan and use it as a base from which to push up the Hudson River Valley for a grand rendezvous at Albany with an impressive army driving down from Canada. George Washington and every other patriot leader shared the king’s fixation with the Hudson. Generations of American and British historians have held the same view. In fact, one of the few things that scholars have agreed upon is that the British strategy, though disastrously executed, should have been swift and effective. Until now, no one has argued that this plan of action was lunacy from the beginning. Revolution on the Hudson makes the bold new argument that Britain’s attempt to cut off New England never would have worked, and that doggedly pursuing dominance of the Hudson ultimately cost the crown her colonies. It unpacks intricate military maneuvers on land and sea, introduces the personalities presiding over each side’s strategy, and reinterprets the vagaries of colonial politics to offer a thrilling response to one of our most vexing historical questions: How could a fledgling nation have defeated the most powerful war machine of the era? George C. Daughan—winner of the prestigious Samuel Eliot Morrison Award for Naval Literature—integrates the war’s naval elements with its political, military, economic, and social dimensions to create a major new study of the American Revolution. Revolution on the Hudson offers a much clearer understanding of our founding conflict, and how it transformed a rebellion that Britain should have crushed into a war they could never win.
University of Minnesota Press Why We Lost the Sex Wars: Sexual Freedom in the #MeToo Era
Reexamining feminist sexual politics since the 1970s—the rivalries and the remarkable alliances Since the historic #MeToo movement materialized in 2017, innumerable survivors of sexual assault and misconduct have broken their silence and called out their abusers publicly—from well-known celebrities to politicians and high-profile business leaders. Not surprisingly, conservatives quickly opposed this new movement, but the fact that “sex positive” progressives joined in the opposition was unexpected and seldom discussed. Why We Lost the Sex Wars explores how a narrow set of political prospects for resisting the use of sex as a tool of domination came to be embraced across this broad swath of the political spectrum in the contemporary United States.To better understand today’s multilayered sexual politics, Lorna N. Bracewell offers a revisionist history of the “sex wars” of the 1970s, ’80s, and ’90s. Rather than focusing on what divided antipornography and sex-radical feminists, Bracewell highlights significant points of contact and overlap between these rivals, particularly the trenchant challenges they offered to the narrow and ambivalent sexual politics of postwar liberalism. Bracewell leverages this recovered history to illuminate in fresh and provocative ways a range of current phenomena, including recent controversies over trigger warnings, the unimaginative politics of “sex-positive” feminism, and the rise of carceral feminism. By foregrounding the role played by liberal concepts such as expressive freedom and the public/private divide as well as the long-neglected contributions of Black and “Third World” feminists, Bracewell upends much of what we think we know about the sex wars and makes a strong case for the continued relevance of these debates today. Why We Lost the Sex Wars provides a history of feminist thinking on topics such as pornography, commercial sex work, LGBTQ+ identities, and BDSM, as well as discussions of such notable figures as Patrick Califia, Alan Dershowitz, Andrea Dworkin, Elena Kagan, Audre Lorde, Catharine MacKinnon, Cherríe Moraga, Robin Morgan, Gayle Rubin, Nadine Strossen, Cass Sunstein, and Alice Walker.