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Thomas Nelson Publishers The NKJV, MacArthur Daily Bible, 2nd Edition, Hardcover, Comfort Print: A Journey Through God's Word in One Year
Explore the Bible alongside daily insights from pastor-teacher Dr. John MacArthurFor more than 50 years, Dr. John MacArthur has helped Christians gain greater clarity and insight into Scripture. Now you can read through the Bible in a year while learning from wisdom gleaned from a lifetime of study with The MacArthur Daily Bible. This Bible offers an achievable approach to reading the entire Bible with readings from the Old and New Testaments, Psalms, and Proverbs for each day of the year. Combined with insights drawn from The MacArthur Study Bible, you will gain greater clarity and understanding as you read.Features include: The complete New King James Version of the Bible presented with daily readings from the Old and New Testaments, Psalms, and Proverbs Daily notes from Dr. John MacArthur drawn from the MacArthur Study Bible, Second Edition, to help you better understand key truths in Scripture 52 key passages of the Bible for study and memorization Daily use Bible with devotional questions to improve your reading God’s Word Clear and readable 8.5-point text size
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, MacArthur Study Bible, 2nd Edition, Cloth over Board, Blue, Comfort Print: Unleashing God's Truth One Verse at a Time
John MacArthur's exhaustive study notes provide access to over 50 years of ministry to aid in a better understanding of God's word.Over 4 million readers around the world have had their spiritual lives enriched and their understanding of God’s Word expanded by The MacArthur Study Bible. Drawing on more than fifty years of dedicated pastoral and scholarly work, Dr. John MacArthur’s verse-by-verse study notes, book introductions, and articles display an unparalleled commitment to interpretive precision—with the goal of making God known through His Word.Trusted by readers worldwide, the MacArthur Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 4 million copies across translations.Features include: Fully redesigned second edition with updated study notes and expanded selection of maps and charts Bible book introductions provide an overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read Nearly 25,000 verse-by-verse study notes for a better understanding of Scripture 190 in-text maps, charts, and diagrams provide a visual representation of meanings, themes, teachings, people, and places of Scripture Outline of Systematic Theology to guide you to study biblical doctrine in a logical order Over 72,000 references allow you to find related passages quickly and easily Concordance for looking up a word’s occurrences throughout the Bible Bible reading plans to guide you through reading God’s Word daily Chronology of Old Testament Patriarchs and Judges Chronology of Old Testament Kings and Prophets Chronology of the New Testament Overviews of Christ’s Life, Ministry, and Passion Week Harmony of the Gospels Introductions to each major section of Scripture Index to Key Bible Doctrines Easy-to-read 9-point NKJV Comfort Print The MacArthur Study Bible is available in the New King James Version (NKJV). Trusted by millions of believers around the world, the NKJV remains the bestselling modern “word-for-word” translation. It balances the literary beauty and familiarity of the King James tradition with an extraordinary commitment to preserving the grammar and structure of the underlying biblical languages. And while the translator’s relied on the traditional Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic text used by the translators of the 1611 KJV, the comprehensive translator notes offer important insights about the latest developments in biblical manuscript studies. The result is a Bible translation that is both beautiful and uncompromising--perfect for serious study, devotional use, and reading aloud.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, Spirit-Filled Life Bible, Third Edition, Leathersoft, Brown, Red Letter, Comfort Print: Kingdom Equipping Through the Power of the Word
Encounter the power of God in His Word alongside spirit-led commentary.Encounter the power of the Word. Walk in the freedom God intends. Experience the Holy Spirit. The NKJV Spirit-Filled Life Bible, provides a compelling look at Scripture and the work of the Holy Spirit – now in full-color with updated features. This best-selling NKJV Bible draws on the expertise of an expanded team of respected, spirit-led scholars, led by Pastor Jack Hayford, founding pastor of The Church on the Way and chancellor of The King’s University.Equipping God’s people to encounter the power of God in His Word, the Spirit-Filled Life Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 2 million copies across translations.Features include: Full-color design with updated maps and charts, a detailed NKJV concordance, and in-depth articles about Spirit-filled life “Word Wealth” are more than 650-word studies that shed light on key terms and important meaning from the original Greek and Hebrew “Kingdom Dynamics” provide a better understanding of biblical themes from Spirit-filled preachers, teachers, and writers “Truth-In-Action” provide practical application from every book of the Bible using handy, helpful thematic charts “Praying the Word” are designed to strengthen your prayer life with 192 guided prayers based on significant passages throughout Scripture Detailed book introductions and outlines help you to learn each book’s historical background and appreciate its teachings Verse-by-verse study notes explain each passage and illuminate your understanding Words of Christ in red quickly identifies the words spoken by Jesus in red Concordance for looking up a word’s occurrences throughout the Bible Full-color maps show the layout of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Ribbon markers allows you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading Clear and readable 9-point NKJV Comfort Print
Thomas Nelson Publishers Love and Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs
Thomas Dunne Books The Girl in the Photograph: The True Story of a Native American Child, Lost and Found in America
On a winter morning in 1990, Senator Byron Dorgan of North Dakota picked up the Bismarck Tribune. On the front page, a small girl gazed into the distance, shedding a tear. The headline: 'Foster home children beaten - and nobody's helping'. Dorgan, who had been working with American Indian tribes to secure resources, was distressed. He flew to the Standing Rock Indian Reservation to meet with five-year-old Tamara and her grandfather. They became friends. Then she disappeared. And he would search for her for decades until they finally found each other again. This book is her story, from childhood to the present, but it's also the story of a people and a nation. More than one in three American Indian/Alaskan Native children live in poverty. AI/AN children are disproportionately in foster care and awaiting adoption. Suicide among AI/AN youth ages 15 to 24 is 2.5 times the national rate. How have we allowed this to happen? As distressing a situation as it is, this is also a story of hope and resilience. Dorgan, who founded the Center for Native American Youth at the Aspen Institute, has worked tirelessly to bring Native youth voices to the forefront of policy discussions, engage Native youth in leadership and advocacy, and secure and share resources for Native youth. Readers will fall in love with this heartbreaking story, but end the book knowing what can be done and what they can do.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Mother and Son: The Respect Effect
Thomas Nelson Publishers Finding the Good: Two Men – One Old, One Young – Forever Changed by the Transforming Power of Forgiveness and Love
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Gathering Storm: Secularism, Culture, and the Church
The president of Southern Seminary reveals how secularism has infiltrated every aspect of society and how Christians, equipped with the gospel of Jesus Christ, can meet it head on with hope, confidence, and steadfast conviction.A Storm Is ComingWestern civilization and the Christian church stand at a moment of great danger. Facing them both is a hurricane-force battle of ideas that will determine the future of Western civilization and the soul of the Christian church. The forces arrayed against the West and the church are destructive ideologies, policies, and worldviews deeply established among intellectual elites, the political class, and our schools. More menacingly, these forces have also invaded the Christian church.The perils faced by the West and the church are unprecedented: threats to religious liberty redefinitions of marriage and family attacks on the sacredness and dignity of human life How should Christians respond to this multifaceted challenge?Addressing each dimension of this challenge, The Gathering Storm provides answers and equips Christians both to give an answer for the hope that is within them and to contend for the faith that was once and for all delivered to the saints.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NET, Abide Bible, Cloth over Board, Blue, Comfort Print: Holy Bible
Transform your personal Bible devotions into intimate, ongoing conversations with God with various Scripture engagement approaches that keep Bible reading fresh and new.“Abide in Me.” John 15:4Do you yearn for life-giving, intimate communion with God? The Abide Bible is designed to help you experience the peace, hope, and growth that comes from encountering the voice and presence of God in Scripture. Every feature in Abide is designed to teach and develop Scripture-engagement habits that help you know the power and spiritual nourishment of abiding in Christ.Created in partnership with Bible Gateway and the Taylor University Center for Scripture Engagement, The Abide Bible’s features include articles, book introductions, and practical Scripture engagement prompts based on five ways of engaging deeply with the Bible: Praying Scripture: Pattern your prayers after biblical texts, personalizing the prayer and gaining language for the thoughts and emotions you want to express. Picture It: Place yourself in a biblical narrative as a bystander or participant in important events. Journaling: Focus and reflect on Scripture and its meaning for your life, opening yourself to God’s voice as you ponder. Engage Through Art: Consider a classic piece of art—photograph, sculpture, painting—and let it deepen your meditations on scriptural truths. Contemplate: Follow the church’s longstanding practice of reading, meditating on, praying, and contemplating a passage of Scripture in order to experience God’s presence through the words of the Bible. Features include: Bible book introductions provide a concise overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read 365 Day Bible Reading Plan guiding you through the entire Bible in a year Line-matched, single-column Scripture text for improved readability Smyth-sewn binding lays flat in your hand or on your desk Two satin ribbon markers allows you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading Easy-to-read 9-point NET Comfort Print
Thomas Nelson Publishers Jesús escucha: Oraciones devocionales diarias de paz, gozo y esperanza
Muchos de nosotros queremos orar más, pero no estamos seguros de qué decir. En este inspirador libro de oraciones devocionales de 365 días, Jesús escucha, Sarah Young, autora del best seller del New York Times, Jesús te llama, te ayuda a acercarte a Dios en todas las circunstancias a través de un año de oraciones diarias basadas en las Escrituras. Al orar las Escrituras a través de este libro de oraciones devocionales diarias, experimentarás cómo la oración intencional te conecta con Dios, cambia tu corazón e incluso mueve montañas. En este libro de oraciones diarias, Sarah Young ofrece oraciones honestas para los lectores que: han estado orando durante años pero anhelan renovar la comprensión bíblica quieren orar las promesas de Dios directamente de las Escrituras están pasando por tiempos difíciles, son nuevos en la fe y no están seguros de cómo comenzar a orar han encontrado descanso espiritual en Jesús te llama y Jesús siempre están ansiosos por comenzar una nueva disciplina espiritual significativa La base bíblica de cada oración en Jesús escucha se da al final de cada entrada para que puedan volver continuamente a las promesas de Dios en las Escrituras. Este devocional incluye: un hermoso interior de un color 365 días de oraciones basadas en la Biblia referencias de las Escrituras con énfasis en palabras citadas directamente de la Biblia Ya sea que Jesús escucha sea para regalar o para ti, para establecer una práctica de oración más consistente, las palabras de Sarah Young y su constante retorno a la Palabra de Dios enriquecerán tu vida de oración como nunca. Jesus Listens Many of us want to pray more, but we feel unsure of what to say. In this inspiring 365-day devotional prayer book, Jesus Listens, Sarah Young, author of the New York Times bestselling Jesus Calling, helps you come to God in all circumstances through a year of daily prayers based on the words of Scripture. By praying Scripture through Jesus Listens, you'll experience how intentional prayer connects you to God, changes your heart, and can even move mountains. In this daily devotional prayer book, Sarah Young offers honest prayers for readers who . . . have been praying for years but long for renewed biblical insights want to pray God's promises straight from Scripture are going through difficult times, are new to faith, and are not sure how to begin in prayer have found spiritual rest in Jesus Calling and Jesus Always are eager to start a meaningful new spiritual discipline The biblical basis for each prayer in Jesus Listens is given at the end of each entry so you can continually return to God's promises in Scripture. This devotional includes: a beautiful one-color interior 365 days of Bible-based prayers scripture references with emphasis on words quoted directly from the Bible Whether you gift Jesus Listens or pick it up yourself to establish a more consistent prayer practice, Sarah Young's words and her constant return to the Word of God will enrich your prayer life like never before.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Las trampas del miedo, Edición limitada, con borde artesanal: Una visita a las dimensiones biológicas, psicológicas y espirituales para desmantelar el temor paralizante y la tiranía del autosabotaje
Con borde artesanal, exclusivamente en la edición limitada de tapa dura.Un arsenal de armas contra el miedo que te llevará a establecer una nueva relación con las circunstancias que te producen temor e iniciar el camino a un nuevo y mejor futuro.Las trampas del miedo, la continuación del éxito de ventas, Inquebrantables, es una visita a las dimensiones biológicas, psicológicas y espirituales de los temores que debemos desmantelar. El autor explica cómo operan estas trampas y ofrece herramientas para superarlas, pero no se queda allí: incluye varias de las secuelas que el miedo causa y explora alternativas para enfrentarlas.Las trampas del miedo es para ti si quieres: desmantelar los miedos paralizantes tomar mejores decisiones trazar el mapa de tu propósito navegar la soledad catalizar la pérdida aprender a meditar y orar En este libro, Habif potencia su habitual discurso desenfadado y energizante con una recopilación de investigaciones que soportan la médula de su pensamiento, varias de ellas a contrapelo de lo que suele repetirse en los discursos de motivación. Es un arsenal de datos de interés y ejercicios de fácil aplicación y seguimiento.Su propuesta va desde las profundidades de la comprensión del miedo a ciertos comportamientos que, sin saberlo, están vinculados con él, como las adicciones, la permanencia en el dolor, la ausencia de control interno o el rechazo al amor.Desde los padecimientos producidos por el miedo a su recuperación, Habif escoge sus experiencias y comparte las claves de su éxito. Estos conocimientos llevarán a los lectores a establecer una nueva relación con las circunstancias que les producen temor y a comprender que no tiene que huirle, sino responder con los mismos recursos que este aplica: una estrategia de trampas.La encuadernación de Las Trampas del miedo versión tapa dura fue diseñada con especial cuidado para representar la tensión que existe entre la incertidumbre y la certeza. Esa tensión se observa en cada detalle del diseño. Los bordes de las páginas presentan una terminación no acabada, que se logra mediante una técnica especial de cortado que busca proyectar la apariencia de haber sido roto a mano. Esto busca simbolizar una obra en proceso, un proyecto no terminado, como lo es cada persona.Fear TrapsAn arsenal of weapons against fear that will lead you to establish a new relationship with the circumstances that produce fear and start the path to a new and better future.In Fear Traps, the follow-up to the bestseller, Unbreakables, is a trek into the biological, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of fear that we must dismantle. The author explains how these traps operate and offers tools for overcoming them.Fear Traps is for you if you want to: dismantle paralyzing fears make better decisions create a map for your purpose navigate loneliness come to grips with loss learn to meditate and pray In this book, Habif guides us with his usual light-hearted and energizing manner through research that supports the core of his thinking, going against the grain of what’s common in many other motivational and self-help books. Fear Traps is an arsenal of interesting data and exercises that are easy to apply and follow.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Puedes contar con Dios: 100 Devocionales para niños
Del autor de best sellers del New York Times, Max Lucado, estos 100 devocionales ayudarán a los niños a preocuparse menos, probar cosas nuevas con valentía y acercarse a Dios a medida que aprenden a confiar en su fidelidad.Puedes contar con Dios enseña a los niños que lo puedes hacer porque él nunca los dejará y los amará incondicionalmente. Cada una de las 100 entradas incluye un reconfortante versículo bíblico y un breve devocional que muestra un ejemplo de la fidelidad de Dios presenta el mensaje de que Dios es digno de confianza de una manera que los niños, de 6 a 10 años, puedan entender les asegura a los niños que Dios puede ayudarlos con sus desafíos, tristezas y preguntas ofrece una sección para pensar con un punto clave, una pregunta de reflexión o una oración para guiar a los niños a comprender y aplicar la verdad bíblica es perfecta para que las familias lean juntas o para que los lectores mayores disfruten solos Dale a tu niño el regalo de saber que puede contar con Dios, pase lo que pase. Este devocional para niños es perfecto para familias que quieren que sus hijos se sientan seguros en su fe un regalo para conmemorar una decisión de fe, bautismo o confirmación una canasta de regalo de Pascua Con un marcador de cinta, una página de presentación, una atractiva tapa dura con textura e interiores de colores llamativos, este devocional que trae esperanza a los niños es el regalo perfecto para cualquier niño que necesite valentía para un nuevo desafío, paz para las ansiedades sobre el futuro o alivio de la decepción, inseguridad y agobio. Puedes contar con Dios guiará a los niños hacia una relación más profunda con Dios a medida que aprenden sobre su fidelidad en el pasado y les genera confianza en que siempre pueden confiar en quien los ayudará.You Can Count on GodFrom New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado, these 100 devotions will help kids worry less, bravely try new things, and draw closer to God as they learn to trust His faithfulness.Adapted from the encouraging devotional for adults, You Can Count on God for Kids teaches children that they can count on God because He will never leave them, and will love them unconditionally. Each of the 100 entries includes a comforting Bible verse and a short devotion that show an example of God's faithfulness presents the message that God is trustworthy in a way that children, ages 6 to 10, can understand reassures kids that God can help them with their challenges, sorrows, and questions offers a takeaway section with a key point, reflection question, or prayer to guide kids in understanding and applying the biblical truth This devotional is perfect for families who want their children to feel secure in their faith a present to commemorate a decision of faith, baptism, or confirmation an Easter basket gift With a ribbon bookmark, presentation page, attractive textured hardcover, and bold color interiors, this hope-giving devotional is the perfect gift for any child needing courage for a new challenge, peace from anxieties about the future, or relief from disappointment, insecurity, and feeling overwhelmed.
Thomas Nelson Publishers 3:16: Los números de la esperanza
«Ahora, con un contenido totalmente nuevo, uno de los libros más vendidos de Max Lucado se ha actualizado para una nueva generación».A veces la vida parece caerse a pedazos y puede parecer irreparable. Todos hemos tenido nuestra parte de decepciones, pérdidas o dificultades. Pero para cada desafío hay una promesa impresionante: todo va a salir bien. ¿Cómo podemos saberlo? Porque Dios amó tanto al mundo.En 3:16, el pastor y autor de best sellers del New York Times Max Lucado nos anima a estudiar detenidamente el «Diamante de la esperanza de la Biblia»: Juan 3:16.Max dice de su versículo favorito: «Cada vez que recuerdo estas palabras, son tan frescas y sorprendentes como mi primer encuentro con ellas. La conciencia alucinante del amor ilimitado de Dios, su incalculable sacrificio y la inestimable enseñanza que encierra. ¿Cómo no repasarlo una y otra vez? Quiero que esta generación, y todas las que vengan después, miren de cerca la promesa clave de Dios y elijan el regalo que va más allá de todos los regalos». A lo largo de esta edición actualizada y ampliada de 3:16, Max te invitará a: Asombrarte de lo profundo, amplio, grande y elevado que es el amor de Dios por ti Comprender más plenamente la esperanza viva que tienes a través de la muerte y resurrección de Jesús Descansar en la seguridad de que la salvación es un don de Dios, no algo que puedas ganar Si no sabes nada de la Biblia, empieza por aquí. Juan 3:16 te invita a conocer el amor de Dios de forma profunda e íntima. Y una vez que aceptes el amor de Dios, tu vida nunca será la misma.Si te sabes todo lo que hay en la Biblia, vuelve aquí. Deja que Juan 3:16 se convierta en el estandarte de tu vida, hasta el punto en que el mensaje del amor interminable e inquebrantable de Dios desborde de ti a los demás.Cada ejemplar de 3:16 incluye también un devocional de 40 días diseñado para ayudarte a acercarte a tu amoroso Salvador. 3:16«Now with brand-new content added, one of Max Lucado’s all-time bestselling books is updated for a new generation!»Sometimes life appears to fall to pieces and can seem irreparable. We’ve all had our fair share of disappointments, loss, or hardships. But for every challenge there is a breathtaking promise: it’s going to be okay. How can we know? Because God so loved the world.In 3:16, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado encourages us to study closely the “Hope Diamond of the Bible”: John 3:16.Max says of his favorite verse, “Every time I recall these words, they are fresh and as stunning as my first encounter with them. The mind-bending awareness of God’s limitless love, his incalculable sacrifice, and the priceless teaching at the core. How can we not review it again and again? I want this generation, and all who come after, to look closely at the key promise of God and choose the gift beyond all gifts.”Throughout this updated and expanded edition of 3:16, Max will invite you to: Stand in awe of how deep, wide, long, and high God’s love is for you Understand more fully the living hope you have through Jesus’ death and resurrection Rest in the assurance that salvation is a gift from God, not something you can earn
HarperCollins Publishers Thomasina (Collins Modern Classics)
Collins Modern Classics are re-launched in gorgeous new covers bringing these familiar stories to a new generation. From the author of best-loved classic ‘The Snow Goose’. “I was aware, from the very beginning, that I was a most unusual cat…” Thomasina is the beloved pet cat of 7-year-old Mary Ruadh, whose strict father is the town's vet. When Thomasina falls ill, her father sees no other option but to put the cat down. Heartbroken by his cruelty, Mary stops speaking to her father and falls dangerously ill herself. Meanwhile, Thomasina is rescued by Lori, a young woman who lives alone in an isolated glen and is rumoured to be a witch with healing powers. While Lori helps Thomasina recover from her ordeal, Mary's health continues to deteriorate and it is only when Thomasina makes her miraculous return, on a dark and stormy night, and is reunited with her owner that Mary is pulled from the brink of death.
Thomas Nelson Publishers This Time Around: Three Sweet Romances
Thomas Nelson Publishers An Amish Gathering: Life in Lancaster County
A Change of Heart by Beth WisemanLeah is no good at cooking, cleaning, sewing, gardening—the skills that young women need to make a proper Amish wife. All she wants to do is write stories, but she's sincerely tired of being a disappointment. Will she ever find someone who accepts her just as she is? And can an almost-Amish angel in red polka dots help her find her way?A Place of His Own by Kathleen FullerWhen Josiah left Paradise the first time, he didn't even say good-bye. Now he's back, ten years later, and he's changed. Why is he so distant and bitter? Where is the boy who used to be Amanda's best friend? Amanda is learning that there are things even a capable Amish girl can't fix. But can she stand there and watch him walk away . . . again?When Winter Comes by Barbara CameronIt's been too long since Rebecca has done what she loves—put on her skates and fly across the ice. Five years have passed since a winter accident took her twin Lizzie and left Rebecca heartbroken. And Ben has waited for her all that time. At last she's starting to heal. But has too much time passed for their hearts to reconnect?
Thomas Nelson Publishers Strong and Kind: And Other Important Character Traits Your Child Needs to Succeed
**PAPERBACK BOOK AVAILABLE TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2017 with new content** It's never been more important to teach your children well.What America needs today are parents w ho don’t just s ay they value these virtues but who live them and passionately and boldly teach them to their children. It’s up to me and you and every parent in America to make the necessary changes to give our children the opportunity to change the world. We do that by instilling good character traits in them so that they will be capable of being the adults our world needs.—Korie RobertsonMany parents want to see positive character traits in their children but wonder how to instill them. As stars of the hit reality-TV show Duck Dynasty, Korie and Willie Robertson receive loads of letters and messages from fans asking how they’ve raised such good kids. As they will tell you, “it isn’t always easy, but raising kids with good character is possible.”A straightforward, practical approach to parenting, Strong and Kind helps you identify the character traits you want to see in your children and gives you the tools for putting them in place. Besides strength and kindness other charactertraits include: Self-Control Honesty Compassion Patience Joyfulness Loyalty Humility By modeling positive traits, with confidence, consistency, creativity, unity, and in truth and love, you can increase the chances of your kids catching on. At the end of the day, the Duck Dynasty stars say the most important thing you can do for your children is what they do at the end of every episode: hand them over to God in prayer. Flap Copy: What Legacy Will You Pass Down To The Next Generation?“After being a parent for twenty years, I have come to believe that the most important thing for parents to decide—more important than bottle or breastfeeding, more important than co-sleeping or sleep training, and even more important than whether to put your child in day care or become a stay-at-home parent—is what values are important to your family and how you will go about instilling those values in your children.” In Strong and Kind Korie Robertson—with the help of her mom, Chrys Howard, and with insights and stories from her husband, Willie—introduces nine character traits that children need in order to lead a successful life. And though there are no perfect parents or perfect children, Korie shares principles—based on biblical wisdom and time-tested practices—that will help you parent your own one-of-a-kind child.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Sister Roar: Claim Your Authentic Voice, Embrace Real Freedom, and Discover True Sisterhood
You deserve to live your strongest, happiest, most fulfilled life. Join Duck Dynasty matriarch Miss Kay and her daughter-in-law Lisa as they share a Scripture-infused message that will help you set aside your loneliness, disappointment, and past mistakes and finally embrace your God-given purpose.The world has never needed your voice more than it does at this moment. Through faith-filled, poignant, and sometimes hilarious stories about the sisterhood that Miss Kay and Lisa have built with each other and with other women they've met on their journey, Sister Roar will embolden you to: Discover how God can transform your voice into the powerful tool it was meant to be Find inspiration, comfort, and encouragement through true stories of healed heartbreak See how much you have in common with beloved women of the Bible Create a place of sisterhood where you are loved for who you are A love letter to the sisterhood of believers around the globe, Sister Roar reminds you beyond any doubt that you have that the world needs to hear. Your sisters are calling. Are you ready to roar?Praise for Sister Roar:"Sister Roar is a beautiful book. Miss Kay and Lisa share their stories in a way that invites women to seek the healing and strength that come from healthy female community and to believe in the hope that each woman has an irreplaceable life, story, and mission. Most of all, they encourage women to live the fullest of lives by surrendering to and embracing their best friend and Savior--Jesus--who makes mercy, joy, mission, and healing possible."--Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life
Thomas Nelson Publishers Facing Fear: Step Out in Faith and Rise Above What's Holding You Back
A practical guide to overcoming fear from the daredevil who has walked on a tightrope across Times Square and the Grand Canyon.Nik Wallenda is a seventh-generation member of the Flying Wallendas, a circus family known for performing dangerous feats without safety nets. Nik is known for his daring televised tightrope walks over Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon, Times Square, and an active volcano.Nik has been walking the wire since he took his first steps, but he had never experienced fear until a tragic accident in 2017. The eight-person pyramid he and several members of his family were practicing collapsed, and five of its members fell thirty feet to the ground. While severely injured, they all survived miraculously, but the accident changed Nik’s life forever. For the first time he felt overwhelming fear, and Nik had to find it in himself to move on, release the past, and get back out on the wire.Most of us will never walk a tightrope, but we face things that scare us every day. Whether putting ourselves out there socially or seeking a dream job, all of us allow anxieties and fears to hold us back. In Facing Fear, you will: Discover how to overcome lifelong areas of personal fear Understand the importance of dealing with trauma to fully heal and move forward Gain the determination to pick yourself up, grow in faith, and purposely walk toward success one step at a time Facing Fear weaves parts of Nik’s personal story of the accident and how he conquered his fear with practical advice to help you overcome whatever fears are holding you back. This practical book will help you step out in faith and trust that God will hold you steady, even when you're afraid.
Thomas Nelson Publishers An Amish Schoolroom: Three Stories
Thomas Nelson Publishers We Are Charleston: Tragedy and Triumph at Mother Emanuel
We Are Charleston not only recounts the events of that terrible day but also offers a history lesson that reveals a deeper look at the suffering, triumph, and even the ongoing rage of the people who formed Mother Emanuel A.M.E. church and the wider denominational movement.On June 17, 2015, at 9:05 p.m., a young man with a handgun opened fire on a prayer meeting at the Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in Charleston, South Carolina, killing nine members of the congregation. The captured shooter, twenty-one-year-old Dylan Roof, a white supremacist, was charged with their murders. Two days after the shooting, while Roof’s court hearing was held on video conference, some of the families of his nine victims, one by one, appeared on the screen—forgiving the killer. The “Emanuel Nine” set a profound example for their families, their city, their nation, and indeed the world.We Are Charleston not only recounts the events of that terrible day but also offers a history lesson that reveals a deeper look at the suffering, triumph, and even the ongoing rage of the people who formed Mother Emanuel A.M.E. church and the wider denominational movement.In many ways, this church’s story is America’s story—the oldest A.M.E. church in the Deep South fighting for freedom and civil rights but also fighting for grace and understanding. Fighting to transcend bigotry, fraud, hatred, racism, poverty, and misery. The shootings in June 2015, opened up a deep wound of racism that still permeates Southern institutions and remains part of American society. We Are Charleston tells the story of a people, continually beaten down, who seem to continually triumph over the worst of adversity. Exploring the storied history of the A.M.E. Church may be a way of explaining the price and power of forgiveness, a way of revealing God’s mercy in the midst of tremendous pain. We Are Charleston may help us discover what can be right in a world that so often has gone wrong.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Esperanza del cielo: Ocho mensajes reconfortantes de Dios a un padre afligido
Este es un libro muy diferente sobre el cielo. En Esperanza del cielo, un padre recibe la seguridad de volver a reunirse en el cielo con su hijo, mientras el hombre acuna el cuerpo de su hijo después de su suicidio.Al Hallene descubrió el cuerpo de su hijo, estudiante universitario, después de que Alex se hubiera ahorcado. Mientras Al esperaba a que llegasen las autoridades, tuvo diez minutos a solas con Alex. Durante ese tiempo desgarrador, Dios le dio a Al ocho«visiones» de consuelo y seguridad del cielo, donde padre e hijo se reunirían algún día. A medida que Al relata esos alentadores momentos, a los lectores se les recuerda la dulce esperanza del cielo que todos compartimos.
Thomas Nelson Publishers King James Version Bible Commentary
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Five Family Money Conversations: Money Personalities at Every Age and Stage
Thomas Nelson Publishers La creación de Dios tan colorida
Este vibrante y educativo libro ilustrado da vida a la historia bíblica de la creación en Génesis 1 para niños de 2 a 6 años.En La creación de Dios tan colorida, el alegre texto de Tim Thornborough y las brillantes y divertidas ilustraciones de Jennifer Davison se combinan para mostrar a los niños cómo Dios hizo su muy buena y maravillosa creación. Los pequeños aprenderán que Dios utilizó todas las tonalidades del arcoíris al crear el mundo, a su gente, ¡y mucho más!La creación de Dios tan colorida ayudará a los niños a: Ampliar su vocabulario aprendiendo los numerosos nombres de la fantástica gama de colores de la creación Aprender cómo Dios creó a toda la humanidad con una hermosa y fabulosa variedad de colores de piel Mantener el interés con un texto y unas ilustraciones atrevidas y llamativas Valorar la belleza y la majestuosidad de lo que Dios hizo Encontrar la alegría en la creación «Esto es bueno», dijo Dios. «Es muy, pero muy bueno».God's Very Colourful CreationThis vibrant and educational picture book brings to life the biblical story of creation in Genesis 1 for children ages 2-6.In God's Very Colourful Creation, the joyful text of Tim Thornborough and the bright, fun illustrations by Jennifer Davison combine to show children how God made his very good and wonderful creation. Little ones will learn that God used every shade of the rainbow when creating the world, his people, and so much more!God's Very Colourful Creation will help children: Expand their vocabulary by learning the many names for the fantastic array of colors in creation Learn how God created all of mankind in a beautiful and fabulous variety of skin colors Stay engaged with text and illustrations that are bold and eye-catching Value the beauty and majesty of what God made Find joy in creation! “This is good,” said God. “It's so, so good.”
Thomas Nelson Publishers How to Be Married (to Melissa): A Hilarious Guide to a Happier, One-of-a-Kind Marriage
Your therapist told you that marriage was no laughing matter, but standup comedian and podcaster Dustin Nickerson begs to differ. Join Dustin as he draws on experiences from his incredibly average life to share tips for appreciating the uniqueness of every marriage.Through storytelling and brutally honest disclosures, Dustin brings his highly relatable brand of humor to the challenges couples may face, including eating healthy (versus being happy), parenting (building crucial survival skills), finances (bill collectors, anyone?), and church attendance (Melissa's purse holds enough mints and fidget toys to entertain the kids and Dustin). Go beyond the formulas and charts of conventional marriage advice as you dig deep into your one-of-a-kind relationship. In this book written for actual married humans by an actual married human, Dustin shares: Why laughter in your marriage is essential--even in the hard times Why in marriage, unlike on Southwest, your baggage does not fly free An approach to problem-solving (we're talking money, kids, and in-laws) that brings you closer Why you should never put Scattergories on your wedding registry Praise for How to Be Married (to Melissa):"How to Be Married (to Melissa) feels like you're having a conversation with a guy who has legitimate experience and expertise in my favorite things: faith, marriage, and comedy. In a culture full of 'fake it till you make it' people, Dustin is the real deal when it comes to all three categories."--Trey Kennedy, comedian
Thomas Nelson Publishers Alone in Plain Sight: Searching for Connection When You're Seen but Not Known
Are you tired of people knowing who you are but no one really knowing you?As the star of the twentieth season of The Bachelor, Ben Higgins looked like he had it all together. Instead, Ben felt dissatisfied, fearful, and deeply alone. Like so many of us, he thought of himself as the kid who never got picked for the game, the person always on the outside of the joke, the friend who knew a lot of people but was never truly known. He wondered if he mattered at all.In Alone in Plain Sight, Ben vulnerably shares how he found authentic connection with himself, with others, and with God. As Ben helps us name our own yearning for meaning, he explores ways to understand ourselves more deeply so that we are free to connect with others; how shared pain can bridge even the widest gaps between two very different people; why we must deconstruct our culture’s fairy-tale view of love; and how the God who longs for relationship with us is the answer to our need for connection. As Ben discovered, in a disconnected world, it is still possible to have lasting purpose and peace. You are already known. You are already loved. You are already seen. Discover how to live out how much you matter as you embrace the true meaning of your one incredible life.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Alone in Plain Sight: Searching for Connection When You're Seen but Not Known
Are you tired of people knowing who you are but no one really knowing you?As the star of the twentieth season of The Bachelor, Ben Higgins looked like he had it all together. Instead, Ben felt dissatisfied, fearful, and deeply alone. Like so many of us, he thought of himself as the kid who never got picked for the game, the person always on the outside of the joke, the friend who knew a lot of people but was never truly known. He wondered if he mattered at all.In Alone in Plain Sight, Ben vulnerably shares how he found authentic connection with himself, with others, and with God. As Ben helps us name our own yearning for meaning, he explores ways to understand ourselves more deeply so that we are free to connect with others; how shared pain can bridge even the widest gaps between two very different people; why we must deconstruct our culture’s fairy-tale view of love; and how the God who longs for relationship with us is the answer to our need for connection. As Ben discovered, in a disconnected world, it is still possible to have lasting purpose and peace. You are already known. You are already loved. You are already seen. Discover how to live out how much you matter as you embrace the true meaning of your one incredible life.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Fear Gone Wild: A Story of Mental Illness, Suicide, and Hope Through Loss
A pastor's wife's shattering yet ultimately hopeful story of her husband's death by suicide, her journey to understand mental illness, and the light she found in the darkness.On August 25, 2018, Kayla Stoecklein lost her husband, Andrew--megachurch pastor of Inland Hills Church in Chino, California--to suicide. In the wake of the tragedy, she embarked on a brave journey to better understand his harrowing battle with mental illness and, ultimately, to overcome the stigma of suicide.Fear Gone Wild is her intimate account of all that led to that tragic day, including her husband's panic attacks and debilitating bouts of anxiety and depression. Despite their deep faith in God and the countless prayers of many believers, Andrew was never healed of his illness. Turning to Scripture for answers, she discovered that God uses wilderness experiences to prepare His children--including Jesus--for his greater purpose and to work miracles inside our souls.With a clear-eyed acknowledgment of how misguided and misinformed she was about mental illness, Kayla Stoecklein shares her story in hopes that anyone walking through the wilderness of mental illness will be better equipped for the journey and will learn to put their hope in Jesus through it all.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Beyond Valor: A World War II Story of Extraordinary Heroism, Sacrificial Love, and a Race against Time
Thomas Nelson Publishers Grateful American: A Journey from Self to Service
Thomas Nelson Publishers Grown-up Faith: The Big Picture for a Bigger Life
Why isn't life everything we expected it to be? And why doesn't our faith resolve our frustrations and problems?Kevin Myers, the founding pastor of 12Stone Church, a congregation of more than 30,000 active attenders near Atlanta, believes the reason we don't experience a transformed life is that we fail to grow up spiritually. We focus on developing physically, intellectually, emotionally, and financially, yet our faith remains immature and anemic.In this powerful new book, Myers offers a deep yet simple roadmap to a grown-up faith through understanding the whole context of the Bible, developing spiritual intimacy with God, and gratefully embracing holy obedience. As you understand the Bible and the big picture of God's story with humanity, you begin to find answers to life's most compelling questions. As you begin to understand God more, your longing and ability to experience spiritual intimacy with him increases, as does your desire to obey what God asks of you and your ability to follow through. This is the way to the bigger life, a life even better than you expected--or even dreamed possible.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear
Thomas Nelson Publishers This Is Your Captain Speaking: My Fantastic Voyage Through Hollywood, Faith and Life
The remarkable life, career, and faith journey of Gavin MacLeod, the beloved star of The Love Boat and The Mary Tyler Moore Show.For 16 years, millions of Americans welcomed Gavin MacLeod into their living rooms every Saturday night. This veteran of stage and screen transformed himself from a seasoned character actor into the leading, lovable father-figure of Captain Merrill Stubing in The Love Boat at the height of TV’s boom years.From his humble theatrical beginnings in upstate New York to Radio City Music Hall and on to Hollywood, Gavin MacLeod was on the fast track to success. However, a few hard life lessons—like dealing with a divorce—taught him that the key to happiness can only be found through a deep faith in God, and he feels his work for Christ is more important than any award.The consummate storyteller, Gavin shares his fondest memories of meeting and working with countless stars, such as Cary Grant, Steve McQueen, Gregory Peck, Bette Davis, Frank Sinatra, Ethel Merman, Ella Fitzgerald, Ronald Reagan, Milton Berle, and Fred Astaire.In This Is Your Captain Speaking, Gavin shares: Behind-the-scenes accounts from the early days of New York theatre, TV shows, and Hollywood Personal stories never shared before on the death of his father, struggles with depression, and his painful divorce How he found an enduring faith in the hostile world of entertainment, calling on God and never giving up A nostalgic look back at the golden era of American television, This is Your Captain Speaking will take readers on an uplifting and inspiring journey into the life of one of TV’s most beloved actors.Praise for This Is Your Captain Speaking:“Gavin epitomizes the old-fashioned concept of a gentleman. He is a loving, generous, and authentic seeker of God’s truth. His life story speaks for itself.”—Kathie Lee Gifford
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Feasts of the Lord: God's Prophetic Calendar From Calvary to the Kingdom
Isreal's feasts are infinitely more important than just a series of cultural observances. These feasts are appointed by the Lord, and they are owned by the Lord. Together they form God's prophetic calendar, outlining the work of history's most important person...Jesus, the Messiah. As such, few themes are more timely or rewarding for God's people today.The Feasts of the Lord covers all aspects of the biblical feasts, including: historical background biblical observance and prophetic significance Yet, this book is not just another reference book on the feasts. It is written from the Hebrew Christian viewpoint, helping you to see the feasts through Jewish eyes.The words of the Savior, His messianic claims, and Bible prophecy will all take on a rich, new relevance for you against the exciting backdrop of The Feasts of the Lord.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Nelson's Compact Series: Compact Bible Handbook
At-a-glance survey of every book of the Bible addressing the "who, what, where, when and why" questions. Includes Outlines, Charts, and Timelines Summarizes every book of the Bible
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Flirtation Experiment: Putting Magic, Mystery, and Spark Into Your Everyday Marriage
From popular Christian voices Lisa Jacobson and Phylicia Masonheimer, The Flirtation Experiment inspires you to strengthen your marriage with a fun, unexpected approach that leads to the depth, richness, and closeness you desire. Romance novels, Hallmark movies . . . the immense demand for romantic stories reveals a deep, unsatisfied longing that can be found in many marriages, but does it have to be that way? Is it possible that the best marriage has to offer can grow, rather than fade after you say “I do”? Lisa and Phylicia say, “Absolutely yes!” So what is the secret to a happy, thriving, loving marriage, where the fire of romance and close friendship do not fade? While The Flirtation Experiment includes the frisky side of marriage, it’s far more than a good romp. By degrees, each chapter takes you to a deeper place, covering themes every beautiful marriage has in common, such as covenant, healing, and hope. After reading The Flirtation Experiment, wives will be filled with hope and encouragement for how they can make a powerful, positive change in their marriages, become empowered to pursue their husbands romantically, understand the Bible invites women to be proactive in their marriages, be motivated to consistently love in creative ways, and forge closeness and intimacy in their marriages. “Intentional flirting keeps a positive lightness in the atmosphere and improves our overall communication,” says Jacobson. “My light flirtations bring us closer in meaningful ways and lead to connection on a deeper level. It helps us discover true romance waiting for us in everyday situations.” Perfect for the wife who wants romance, passion, and the closeness that only comes from a deep heart connection but isn’t sure where to start, The Flirtation Experiment is a candid, real-life record of two Christian women from different seasons of life who discovered they could make a significant impact on their marriage relationships, one small flirtatious experiment at a time.Readers can go deeper by using The Flirtation Experiment Workbook.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Dance Your Dance: 8 Steps to Unleash Your Passion and Live Your Dream
A-list choreographer Laurieann Gibson guides creators of all kinds to embrace their passions and achieve success, providing a practical road map to never giving up on your dream. Have you felt stuck like you’re just running in place, fearful of taking the next step? World-renowned Emmy-nominated choreographer and creative visionary Laurieann Gibson shares personal stories from her 20+ career in entertainment, words of encouragement, and practical advice to help you reach your full potential.Gibson candidly opens up about her experiences, challenges, and triumphs, sharing the 8 principles that not only shaped her incredible career but also guided her work with the world’s biggest pop stars. Dance Your Dance is a practical guide that will help you: Act on the creative spark that brings you joy Move beyond the dream killers of your past Persevere through the toughest moments Build a team to support you on your journey Empower others to realize their own dreams Drawing on her fascinating artistic experiences and the faith that sustained her through her biggest challenges, Laurieann offers a step-by-step guide to living out your vision...because when it comes to being who God created you to be, it’s always your time to shine.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Still in the Game: Finding the Faith to Tackle Life’s Biggest Challenges
Be proud of your scars. They’re signs that you survived whatever tried to break you.For Devon Still, life has been a journey from one scar to the next. From one challenge to the next. His is a story of pushing through pain and overcoming obstacles of all shapes and sizes—of choosing to fight for the sake of his family, his community, and his faith.Millions of people around the world have been inspired by Devon’s tireless devotion in helping his daughter, Leah, learn how to “beat up cancer.” But in these pages, Devon takes readers behind the headlines to reveal the deeper story of what prepared him for that fight.Still in the Game is Devon’s declaration that our challenges reveal our purpose, that our scars make us stronger, and that no loss is too great to stop our comeback!
Thomas Nelson Publishers After the Cheering Stops: An NFL Wife’s Story of Concussions, Loss, and the Faith that Saw Her Through
Former NFL wife Cyndy Feasel tells the tragic story of her family’s journey into chaos and darkness resulting from the damage her husband suffered due to football-related concussions and head trauma—and the faith that saved her.“If I’d only known what I loved the most would end up killing me and taking away everything I loved, I would have never done it.” – Grant FeaselGrant Feasel spent ten years in the NFL, playing 117 games as a center and a long snapper mostly for the Seattle Seahawks. The skull-battering, jaw-shaking collisions he absorbed during those years ultimately destroyed his marriage and fractured his family. Grant died on July 15, 2012, at the age of 52, the victim of alcohol abuse and a degenerative brain disease known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE.Cyndy Feasel watched their life together become a living hell as alcohol became Grant’s medication for a disease rooted in the scores of concussions he suffered on the football field. Helmet-to-helmet collisions opened the door to CTE and transformed him from a sunny, strong, and loving man into a dark shadow of his former self. In this raw and emotional memoir that takes a closer look at the destruction wrought by a game millions love, Cyndy describes in painful and excruciating detail what can happen to an NFL player and his family when the stadium empties and the lights go down. A powerful tale of warning for football moms and NFL wives everywhere, After the Cheering Stops is also a story of the hard-won hope found in God’s presence when everything else falls apart.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Not Forgotten: The True Story of My Imprisonment in North Korea
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Candidate
Thomas Nelson Publishers Heidi Heckelbeck Tries Out for the Team
Thomas Nelson Publishers The TEXT Bible: Uncover the message between God, humanity, and you (NET, Stone Leathersoft, Comfort Print)
What would you do if you could text God all your questions, all your worries, all your doubts and fears to God? What if He was always online and would always answer you? Would you start typing right now?Someone once said that the single most important thing about you is your thoughts on God. Give that a minute to sink in. Why would that be? Because all your thoughts about humanity, love, suffering, and the like are shaped primarily by whether or not you think there is any meaning to it all, by whether or not you are on your own, and by whether or not God even cares about it all. Knowing who God is will give you answers to life’s big questions that you might not have even known you needed.The TEXT Bible gives you a practical and memorable Bible study method that you can use with any passage of Scripture: Talk to God; Encounter God and humanity; eXamine your heart; Talk to others. Plus, there's so much more!Features include: Book introductions provide an overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read Texting the Text: use the 4-step process of Scripture engagement Big Q of the Text: big life questions with short answers "Who is God?": 100 short devotions on the person and character of God Praying the Text: learn how to start praying God's Word right back to Him Get to Know the Text: provides concise history of a major event or character Follow the Thread: navigate the Bible across topics Anatomy of the Text: describes parts of speech or important types of literature such as parables or apocalyptic books Terms of the Text: what you need to understand about some of the unique words in the Bible Wide margins provide space to reflect, journal or create art next to your favorite verses Bible reading plans guiding you through the entire Bible Concordance for looking up a word’s occurrences throughout the Bible Ribbon markers for you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading 8 full-color maps show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Clear and readable 9-point NET Comfort Print®
Thomas Nelson Publishers Love Is the Point: 100 Days of God’s Love for You and How to Share It with Those Around You
Love in action is what life is all about! Take a 100-day journey to recognize the ways that God shows love in your life and discover opportunities to share that love with those around you in this daily devotional--.In What If Love Is the Point? Carlos and Alexa PenaVega shared how putting God at the center of their marriage, parenting, and career choices dramatically changed their lives and brought real fulfillment. Now, in Love Is the Point, they've created a 100-day devotional, inviting you to join them on the adventure of experiencing God's love and boldly sharing that love with others.This relevant and inspirational devotional will inspire you to focus on God and his love in their everyday lives; encourage you to see all of the ways that God shows his love whenever we seek him; and Challenge you to put God's love into action through reflection questions, tips for how to love people we don't automatically connect with. A practical and moving follow-up to their first book, this devotional reminds you that whether you are facing hardships or celebrating happy occasions, you can hear God's quiet voice that encourages and empowers you to live with hearts full of love.Because love is the point.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Up and Down: Victories and Struggles in the Course of Life
He was a small-town boy who burst onto the international golf scene with a dramatic hook shot from deep in the woods to win the Masters— before the game he loved almost killed him. Opening up about the toll that chasing and achieving his dream of being a champion golfer took on his mental health, Bubba Watson shares his powerful story of the breaking point that gave him clarity.Bubba Watson is known as the big-hitting left-handed golfer who plays with the pink driver—the small-town kid who grew up as a child golf prodigy before going on to win two Masters Tournaments, competing in the Olympics, and rising to be the number two golfer in the world.But every dream comes with a price. Feeling that he was never good enough, Bubba began to let the constant criticism from fans and commentators haunt his thoughts. Success in the game he loved was killing him.In Up and Down, Bubba opens up about his debilitating anxiety attacks, the death of his father and namesake, adopting his children, and how reaching a breaking point professionally and personally drew him closer to his family and God.Golf is what Bubba Watson does, but it is not who he is. Through his story, you'll learn how Bubba: Overcame his anxiety and feelings of inadequacy Found his true identity not in the standards of the world, but in the God who already knows he is enough Learned to trust God with his gifts, family, and biggest dreams Became the husband, father, friend, and mentor he was called to be Life, like golf, is filled with ups and downs. Up and Down is the inspiring story of an imperfect man striving to become the best person he can be—wherever the course may take him.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Breath as Prayer: Calm Your Anxiety, Focus Your Mind, and Renew Your Soul
Find hope amid anxiety through the spiritual practice of breath prayer in this beautifully illustrated and practical guide to connecting body, mind, and spirit during times of stress. Breath as Prayer will lead you through the practice and the proven health benefits of Christian breath prayer: intentional prayers centered around Scripture that focus our minds on Christ as we calm our bodies through breathing. Breath as Prayer offers: More than 80 breath prayers focused on Scripture, along with brief meditations Gorgeous original full-color illustrations A quick-start how-to guide to refer to as needed Guidance on how to implement a breath prayer practice The science behind breath work and prayer and why it works An invitation to reflect on the effect of breath prayers on your body With a beautiful foil-accented cover, Breath as Prayer is an ideal gift for: Anyone experiencing stress, anxiety, or fear Grief and anxiety support groups Prayer groups and prayer ministries Men and women looking for new avenues for connecting with God Teens and young adults dealing with stress and anxiety Adult baptism and confirmation God created our bodies, minds, and spirits to be intimately connected with one another. Purpose-filled breathing is one of the most effective, calming ways to integrate all aspects of who we are, especially during times of intense stress. Breath as Prayer invites you to the crossroads of Christian contemplative practice, Scripture, psychology, and science to deepen your faith, bring peace to your body, and discover a new reliance on Christ. Breathe deeply, lean into God's Word, and discover why every breath can be an invitation to pray.
Thomas Nelson Publishers God's Promises for Every Day
God's Promises® for Every Day by Jack Countryman quickly guides you to helpful verses for your everyday needs, whether you're seeking God's promises and answers for your own life or for a friend.No matter what season of life we are in, we need reassurance of God's promises to us--reminders that God is with us, ready to meet our needs with His love, provision, and direction. God's Promises for Every Day provides: A collection of hundreds of verses Short readings and prayers which make it a perfect companion for time alone with God Verses to address every season of life and answer readers' most pressing questions Scriptures to comfort in times of worry, offer direction in times of crisis, and reassure you of God's love in times of discouragement Whether you're considering this for a gift or self-purchase, you should know God's Promises for Every Day is: Perfect for men and women of all ages A quick and easy-to-use Scripture reference With 15 million copies of God's Promises® books sold, Jack Countryman is a perfect guide for when you crave a word of encouragement or you need biblical direction. When you live with God's promises in your life, you will be blessed beyond your wildest imagination.