Search results for ""author robert"
UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Press Con Safo: The Chicano Art Group and the Politics of South Texas
Ruben C. Cordova traces the history of Con Safo, one of the earliest and most significant of the Chicano art groups, from 1968, when it formed as El Grupo, to the mid-1970s, when Con Safo gradually disbanded. Founded by Felipe Reyes, the original group was made up of six San Antonio artists. The fluxuating membership over the decade of the group's existence included Mel Casas, Jose Esquivel, Rudy Treviño, and Roberto Ríos. Although the structure of the original group changed, its mission did not: Con Safo defined possibilities for Chicano art at a time when Chicano culture was largely invisible. Cordova’s painstaking research, which included extensive archival work and interviews with group members and activists, resolves many of the contradictions and fills in many of the gaps that exist in earlier accounts of the group. Con Safo: The Chicano Art Group and the Politics of South Texas is an important resource for anyone interested in Chicano art and Chicano history. The book concludes with reproductions of original documents related to the group, including Casas’s “Brown Paper Report."
Hirmer Verlag Egon Eiermann: Deutsche Olivetti
The ensemble with its prominent twin towers that Egon Eiermann (1904–1970) built in Frankfurt am Main for the Italian office machinery company Olivetti, was the Karlsruhe architect’s last major project. His priorities lay in the slender form, derived from the task, the construction and the material to create a characteristic silhouette. Adriano Olivetti, the son of the company’s founder, valued not only the firm’s products, which became cult objects of Italianità in the field of design and which established the ‘Stile Olivetti’. He also made the same demands regarding quality in architecture. The grandson, Roberto Olivetti, commissioned Eiermann, a famous representative of German postwar Modernism, to design the German branch offices. For the architect the project formed the culmination of his career, while for the Karlsruhe student Klaus Kinold it marked the beginning of a career as a photo g-rapher of architecture. He maintained that he had learned more for his future profession from his teacher Egon Eiermann than from anyone else.
Pitch Publishing Ltd The Futsal Way: Maximizing the Performance of Elite Football Teams Through Futsal Methods
Success in elite football demands both mental and physical excellence. Players must make decisions at lightning speed, and execute those decisions with perfect technique, combined with an ultra-clear understanding of where others - their team-mates and their opponents - are at all times. In The Futsal Way, world-renowned futsal coach Sergio Gargelli and veteran writer Paul Challen make the case that today's elite football clubs require futsal coaches on their staff to take their teams to the next level - as many have already done. With photos, diagrams and clear explanations, they demonstrate how top-level coaches can use futsal to produce exceptional players in the 11-a-side game - as seen in the amazing technical ability of many Brazilian and Spanish players who grew up playing futsal. With a foreword by Euro 2020-winning manager Roberto Mancini, this book is a must for any team or coach looking to keep pace with modern training techniques and tactical developments. It combines in-depth instruction with real-life examples.
WW Norton & Co Dubliners: A Norton Critical Edition
Through what Joyce described as their "style of scrupulous meanness," the stories present a direct, sometimes searing view of Dublin in the early twentieth century. The text of this Norton Critical Edition is based on renowned Joyce scholar Hans Walter Gabler’s edited text and includes his editorial notes and the introduction to his scholarly edition, which details and discusses Dubliners’ complicated publication history. "Contexts" offers a rich collection of materials that bring the stories and the Irish capital to life for twenty-first century readers, including photographs, newspaper articles and advertising, early versions of two of the stories, and a satirical poem by Joyce about his publication woes. "Criticism" brings together eight illuminating essays on the most frequently taught stories in Dubliners—"Araby," "Eveline," "After the Race," "The Boarding House," "Counterpoints," "A Painful Case," and "The Dead." Contributors include David G. Wright, Heyward Ehrlich, Margot Norris, James Fairhall, Fritz Senn, Morris Beja, Roberta Jackson, and Vincent J. Cheng.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd How to Keep your Doctorate on Track: Insights from Students’ and Supervisors’ Experiences
The path of a doctoral student can feel challenging and isolating. This guide provides doctoral students with key ideas and support to kick-start a doctoral journey, inspire progress and complete their thesis or dissertation. Featuring observations from experienced supervisors, as well as the reflections of current and recent postgraduate researchers, this intimate and entertaining book offers vital insights into the critical moments in any doctoral experience. Bringing together the voices of doctoral supervisors and candidates past and present from around the globe, How to Keep your Doctorate on Track will be a trusted companion for any PhD, DBA or EdD student. Supervisors and those offering support and guidance to doctoral candidates will also glean valuable insight into fresh approaches and their own practice. Contributors include: A. Alecsandru, F. Archontoulis, C. Atkinson, A. Byrnes-Johnstone, J. Callahan, A. Casey, R. Cole, O.S. Crocco, M. Cseh, Z. Djebali, G. Dobson, J. Donaghey, D.C. Duke, U. Furnier, V.O. Gekara, T. Gray, T.W. Greer, A. Hallin, B. Harney, G. Henry, C. Hughes, P. Jordan, M. Knox, S.F. Lambert, A. Lee, Q.Y. Lee, A. Lobo, R. Markey, N.S. Mauthner, E. McDonald, L. McKerr, D. Nickson, K. Nimon, E. Partlow, H. Prescott, N. Reynolds, S. Riaz, A. Robertson, J. Robinson, K. Rosenbusch, G. Ryan, J.J. Saunders, M. Shirmohammadi, M.K. Tran, A. Trif, M. Valverde, P. Watson Black, V. Webster, R. Whiting, C.F. Wright
Duke University Press Otherwise Worlds: Against Settler Colonialism and Anti-Blackness
The contributors to Otherwise Worlds investigate the complex relationships between settler colonialism and anti-Blackness to explore the political possibilities that emerge from such inquiries. Pointing out that presumptions of solidarity, antagonism, or incommensurability between Black and Native communities are insufficient to understand the relationships between the groups, the volume's scholars, artists, and activists look to articulate new modes of living and organizing in the service of creating new futures. Among other topics, they examine the ontological status of Blackness and Indigeneity, possible forms of relationality between Black and Native communities, perspectives on Black and Indigenous sociality, and freeing the flesh from the constraints of violence and settler colonialism. Throughout the volume's essays, art, and interviews, the contributors carefully attend to alternative kinds of relationships between Black and Native communities that can lead toward liberation. In so doing, they critically point to the importance of Black and Indigenous conversations for formulating otherwise worlds. Contributors. Maile Arvin, Marcus Briggs-Cloud, J. Kameron Carter, Ashon Crawley, Denise Ferreira da Silva, Chris Finley, Hotvlkuce Harjo, Sandra Harvey, Chad B. Infante, Tiffany Lethabo King, Jenell Navarro, Lindsay Nixon, Kimberly Robertson, Jared Sexton, Andrea Smith, Cedric Sunray, Se’mana Thompson, Frank B. Wilderson
Temple University Press,U.S. Transformations of Warfare in the Contemporary World
Today’s warfare has moved away from being an event between massed national populations and toward small numbers of combatants using high-tech weaponry. The editors of and contributors to the timely collection Transformations of Warfare in the Contemporary World show that this shift reflects changes in the technological, strategic, ideological, and ethical realms.The essays in this volume discuss:·the waning connection between citizenship and soldiering; ·the shift toward more reconstructive than destructive activities by militaries; ·the ethics of irregular or asymmetrical warfare; ·the role of novel techniques of identification in military settings; ·the stress on precision associated with targeted killings and kidnappings; ·the uses of the social sciences in contemporary warfare. In his concluding remarks, David Jacobson explores the extent to which the contemporary transformation of warfare is a product of a shift in the character of the combatants themselves. Contributors include: Ariel Colonomos, Roberto J. González, Travis R. Hall, Saskia Hooiveld, Rob Johnson, Colonel C. Anthony Pfaff, Ian Roxborough, and the editors
Baile del Sol SRL Línea de naufragio
Con frecuencia, Agustín Díaz Pacheco alcanza la dignidad de los clásicos. Actualmente, su obra comienza a ser objeto de estudio en algunas universidades de Estados Unidos. No sin paradoja ?o como reacción natural- este autor, fuera de los circuitos de consumo, no encuentra dificultades en ser comprendido y admirado por jóvenes lectores, insatisfechos con lo que hay. Varios de sus cuentos integran el syllabus de The University of Georgia, además de haber sido seleccionado ?con Roberto Arlt, Juan Rulfo, Julio Cortázar, Ernesto Sábato y Elena Poniatowska- para encabezar diferentes proyectos de análisis de la literatura hispánica. Libros como El camarote de la memoria, Proa en nieblas, Breves atajos y Línea de naufragio, obras de Díaz Pacheco, por citar algunos de sus libros, significan una forma de resistencia, una negación y una confirmación: es esa otra voz que la propaganda ignora o pretende acallar. Es esa voz incómoda, admirable, que no encaja ni en la literatura de consumo ni se reb
Editora y Distribuidora Hispano Americana, S.A. (EDHASA) Bohemundo de Antioquía
Hijo desheredado de Roberto Guiscardo (descrito en su propia lápida como "Terror del mundo"), Bohemundo I de Antioquía pertenecía a la estirpe de caballeros normandos que se desplazaron a Italia en busca de fortura y que sólo contaban con su españa para abrirse camino en el mundo. Encontró su oportunidad con el llamamiento del papa Urbano II a una cruzada que liberara Tierra Santa, y supo aprovecharla, convirtiéndose en uno de los principales líderes.En Bohemundo se daba una rara combinación de ardor guerrero, carisma y astucia diplomática que le permitió, tras un largo e infructuoso asedio, apoderarse de Antioquía la víspera de la llegada de un descomunal ejército que exterminó a los cruzados ante las murallas de la ciudad. Capturado por los sarracenos y posteriomente liberado, regresó en busca de refuerzos a la Francia de Felipe I (con cuya hija se casó), para acabar sus día en Bari, no sin antes haber librado nuevamente batalla con su gran enemigo íntimo, el emperador de Constan
Alfaguara Tres novelas exóticas
Un viaje al corazón de la naturaleza humana a través de tres pequeñas obras maestras.Leerlo [a Rodrigo Rey Rosa] es aprender a escribir y también es una invitación al puro placer de dejarse arrastrar por historias siniestras o fantásticas.Roberto BolañoUna escritura despojada hasta el máximo, en la que ninguna palabra sobra, y sin embargo envolvente y sensual hasta rozar lo obsesivo, casi como un sueño vivido.Pere GimferrerLas novelas escritas por guatemaltecos (o sus variantes de género) son, por definición, exóticas. Las novelas guatemaltecas ambientadas en la selva del Petén, en África del Norte o en el sur la India pueden no tener el encanto de lo extraño, pero deben llamarse, en rigor, exóticas, declara el autor en su introducción a este volumen memorable.Escritor errante, Rodrigo Rey Rosa es un maestro a la hora de retratar las geografías que ha conocido y a los seres humanos que las pueblan. Marruecos, la India y las antiguas tierras mayas en la selva de Cent
Naturart Enciclopedia de la gastronomía italiana
Una obra ilustrada completa de las técnicas necesarias para preparar las recetas más imprescindibles de la gastronomía italiana. Con 250 pasos explicados con todo detalle y las técnicas precisas para preparar con éxito pasta fresca, polenta, risotto, grissini y salsas, entre muchos otros. Con 8 vídeos que muestran las técnicas más complejas, disponibles mediante códigos QR para smartphones y tabletas. Esta completa obra incluye 120 recetas esenciales de la gastronomía italiana, completamente ilustradas, entre las que se incluyen: achicoria de Treviso al horno, minestrone, cordero a la calabresa, espaguetis con almejas, risotto en tinta de sepia y tiramisú. Grandes chefs de la cocina italiana, galardonados con estrellas Michelin, presentan sus recetas más emblemáticas: Massimiliano Alajmo, Gaetano Alia, Massimo Bottura, Teresa Buongiorno, Flavio Costa, Accursio Craparo, Enrico Crippa, Alfonso Iaccarino, Roberto Petza, Valeria Piccini, Niko Romito, Nadia Santini
Taylor & Francis Ltd Filming the Nation: Jung, Film, Neo-Realism and Italian National Identity
Italian neo-realism has inspired film audiences and fascinated critics and film scholars for decades. This book offers an original analysis of the movement and its defining films from the perspective of the cultural unconscious. Combining a Jungian reading with traditional theorizations of film and national identity, Filming the Nation reinterprets familiar images of well-known masterpieces by Roberto Rossellini, Vittorio de Sica and Luchino Visconti and introduces some of their less renowned yet equally significant films.Providing an illuminating analysis of film images across a particularly traumatic and complex historical period, Filming the Nation revisits the concept of national identity and its ‘construction’ from a perspective that combines cultural, psychoanalytic and post-Jungian theories. As such this book will be essential reading for all students and scholars of film and psychoanalysis.
John Blake Publishing Ltd Firmino (Ultimate Football Heroes - the No. 1 football series): Collect them all!
The No.1 football series - over 1 million copies sold!This is the story of Roberto Firmino, star of both Liverpool F.C and the Brazilian national team. Follow his exciting journey from his early days at Figueirense and Hoffenheim all the way to the bright lights of Anfield, where he has become a key part of Liverpool's Premier League success. Known for his energy, control and speed, Firmino has proven himself to be a real team player, always there to use his skills to help his team on the road to glory.Ultimate Football Heroes is a series of biographies telling the life stories of the biggest and best footballers in the world and their incredible journeys from childhood fan to superstar professional player. Written in fast-paced, action-packed style these books are perfect for all the family to collect and share.
Delta Publicaciones Comportamiento del consumidor principios de microeconomía
Edinburgh University Press The Contemporary British Novel Since 2000
The Contemporary British Novel Since 2000 is divided into five parts, with the first part examining the work of four particularly well-known and highly regarded twenty-first century writers: Ian McEwan, David Mitchell, Hilary Mantel and Zadie Smith. It is with reference to each of these novelists in turn that the terms realist postmodernist, historical and postcolonialist fiction are introduced, while in the remaining four parts, other novelists are discussed and the meaning of the terms amplified. From the start it is emphasised that these terms and others often mean different things to different novelists, and that the complexity of their novels often obliges us to discuss their work with reference to more than one of the terms. Also discusses the works of: Maggie O'Farrell, Sarah Hall, A.L. Kennedy, Alan Warner, Ali Smith, Kazuo Ishiguro, Kate Atkinson, Salman Rushdie, Adam Foulds, Sarah Waters, James Robertson, Mohsin Hamid, Andrea Levy, and Aminatta Forna.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Railway Children
Discover our collectable Puffin Clothbound Classic edition of The Railway Children Puffin Clothbound Classics are stunning collectable gift editions of some of the best-loved classics in the world - including this charming edition of The Railway ChildrenFather is in trouble, and Roberta, Peter, and Phyllis have to leave their home in London and go into hiding in the countryside.''Boys and girls are only little men and women. And we are much harder and hardier than they are.''Each day, the children run down to the nearby railway station, where they say good morning to the Station Master and hello to Perks the Porter and wave at the passing London train, sending their love to Father.Little do they know that the stranger on board the 9:15 a.m. train might be able to help track him down...Collect our Puffin Clothbound Classics:9780241444313 The Little Prince9780241663554 The Jungle Book97802415688
Espasa Libros, S.L. 1936 fraude y violencia en las elecciones del Frente Popular
Manuel Álvarez Tardío y Roberto Villa García, dos historiadores españoles de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, son los autores de un libro que cambiará nuestra perspectiva de las elecciones de febrero de 1936, que dieron la victoria al Frente Popular, describiendo y demostrando la existencia de fraude electoral y el ambiente de extrema violencia que imperó en los meses anteriores y posteriores.Un libro que causará polémica y debates encendidos.
University Press of Kansas The Miracle Case: Film Censorship and the Supreme Court
It was only a forty-minute foreign film, but it sparked a legal confrontation that has left its mark on America for more than half a century. Roberto Rossellini's ""Il Miracolo"" (""The Miracle"") is deceptively simple: a demented peasant woman is seduced by a stranger she believes to be Saint Joseph, is socially ostracized for becoming pregnant out of wedlock, but is finally redeemed through motherhood.Although initially approved by state censors for screening in New York, the film was attacked as sacrilegious by the Catholic establishment, which convinced state officials to revoke distributor Joseph Burstyn's license. In response, Burstyn fought back through the courts and won.Laura Wittern-Keller and Raymond Haberski show how the Supreme Court's unanimous 1952 ruling in Burstyn's favor sparked a chain of litigation that eventually brought filmmaking under the protective umbrella of the First Amendment, overturning its long-outdated decision in Mutual v. Ohio (1915). Their story features a more formidable cast than did the film itself, with the charismatic Francis Cardinal Spellman decrying the film as a Communist plot, while outspoken film critic Bosley Crowther vigorously advocated ""freedom of the screen."" Meanwhile, movie producers stood by silently for fear of alienating the Church and its large movie-going membership, leaving Burstyn to muster his own defense.More than the inside story of one case, this book explores the unique place that the movies occupy in American culture and the way that culture continues to be shaped by anxiety over the social power of movies. The Burstyn decision weakened the ability of state censorship boards and the Catholic Church to influence the types of films Americans were allowed to see. Consequently, the case signaled the rise of a new era in which films would be more mature and more controversial than ever before.Focusing on this single most important case in the jurisprudence surrounding motion picture expression, Wittern-Keller and Haberski add a significant new dimension to the story of cinema, censorship, and the history of First Amendment protections.
Duke University Press Sovereignty in Ruins: A Politics of Crisis
Featuring essays by some of the most prominent names in contemporary political and cultural theory, Sovereignty in Ruins presents a form of critique grounded in the conviction that political thought is itself an agent of crisis. Aiming to develop a political vocabulary capable of critiquing and transforming contemporary political frameworks, the contributors advance a politics of crisis that collapses the false dichotomies between sovereignty and governmentality and between critique and crisis. Their essays address a wide range of topics, such as the role history plays in the development of a politics of crisis; Arendt's controversial judgment of Adolf Eichmann; Strauss's and Badiou's readings of Plato's Laws; the acceptance of the unacceptable; the human and nonhuman; and flesh as a biopolitical category representative of the ongoing crisis of modernity. Altering the terms through which political action may take place, the contributors think through new notions of the political that advance countermodels of biopolitics, radical democracy, and humanity. Contributors. Judith Butler, George Edmondson, Roberto Esposito, Carlo Galli, Klaus Mladek, Alberto Moreiras, Andrew Norris, Eric L. Santner, Adam Sitze, Carsten Strathausen, Rei Terada, Cary Wolfe
University of Alberta Press Waiting: An Anthology of Essays
The verb esperar means to wait. It also means to hope.—“The Past Was a Small Notebook, Much Scribbled-Upon”, Cora Siré Waiting, that most human of experiences, saturates all of our lives. We spend part of each day waiting—for birth, death, appointments, acceptance, forgiveness, redemption. This collection of thirty-two personal essays is as much about hope as it is about waiting. Featuring literary voices from the renowned to the emerging, this anthology of contemporary creative nonfiction will resonate with anyone who has ever had to wait. Contributors: Samantha Albert, Rona Altrows, Sharon Butala, Jane Cawthorne, Weyman Chan, Rebecca Danos, Patti Edgar, John Graham-Pole, Leslie Greentree, Edythe Anstey Hanen, Vivian Hansen, Jane Harris, Richard Harrison, Elizabeth Haynes, Lee Kvern, Anne Lévesque, Margaret Macpherson, Alice Major, Wendy McGrath, Stuart Ian McKay, Lorri Neilsen Glenn, Susan Olding, Roberta Rees, Julie Sedivy, Kathy Seifert, Cora Siré, Steven Ross Smith, Anne Sorbie, Glen Sorestad, Kelly S. Thompson, Robin van Eck, Aritha van Herk
Rizzoli International Publications Beautiful Creatures: Jewelry Inspired by the Animal Kingdom
Many of the most imaginative designs by the world s great jewelry houses and artisans take inspiration from the animal kingdom. From Cartier s iconic panthers to Bulgari s snakes and JAR s butterflies, these spectacular objects dripping with precious stones are akin to wearable art. Beautiful Creatures depicts some of the most spectacular beasts ever transformed into sparkling treasures and accompanies a special exhibition in the American Museum of Natural History s Allison and Roberto Mignone Halls of Gems and Minerals, opening in fall 2020. The 120 pieces featured date from the mid-1800s to the present, representing species from the realms of land, air, and water. Gorgeous studio photography of the jewelry is complemented by images of iconic personalities, including Elizabeth Taylor, Twiggy, and the Duchess of Windsor wearing famous animal-inspired jewels. Guest curator Marion Fasel relays the stories behind the individual pieces through entertaining anecdotes and reveals the colorful histories and fascinating symbolism of these remarkable creatures in precious gems and metals that intrigue and delight and that we never tire of wearing.
University of Minnesota Press Classic Hollywood, Classic Whiteness
Leading scholars address the myriad ways in which America’s attitudes about race informed the production of Hollywood films from the 1920s through the 1960s. From the predominantly white star system to segregated mise-en-scènes, Hollywood films reinforced institutionalized racism. The contributors to this volume examine how assumptions about white superiority and colored inferiority and the politics of segregation and assimilation affected Hollywood’s classic period.Contributors: Eric Avila, UCLA; Aaron Baker, Arizona State U; Karla Rae Fuller, Columbia College; Andrew Gordon, U of Florida; Allison Graham, U of Memphis; Joanne Hershfield, U of North Carolina; Cindy Hing-Yuk Wond, College of Staten Island, CUNY; Arthur Knight, William and Mary; Sarah Madsen Hardy, Bryn Mawr; Gina Marchetti, U of Maryland; Gary W. McDonogh; Chandra Mukerji, UC, San Diego; Martin F. Norden, U of Massachusetts; Brian O'Neil, U of Southern Mississippi; Roberta E. Pearson, Cardiff U; Marguerite H. Rippy, Marymount U; Nicholas Sammond; Beretta E. Smith-Shomade, U of Arizona; Peter Stanfield, Southampton Institute; Kelly Thomas; Hernan Vera, U of Florida; Karen Wallace, U of Wisconsin, Oshkosh; Thomas E. Wartenberg, Mount Holyoke; Geoffrey M. White, U of Hawai’i; and Jane Yi.
The Book Guild Ltd Oh, Calamity!: The lost, damaged and surviving films of the Aldwych farces and farceurs
The first-ever complete study of the Aldwych farce films (1924-1954) and the plays they were based on. The thirteen Aldwych farces were phenomenally successful in the West End between 1922 and 1933. The stars - Ralph Lynn, Tom Walls and Robertson Hare transferred their work to the screen equally successfully in the early 1930s. With humour that relied more on characterisation and clever wordplay than slapstick, they became top stars of the new sound films, 'talkies'. Also covered in the book are the screen originals written for the team by Ben Travers, the 1930s solo vehicles for both Lynn and Walls, and the later plays and films in which Hare appeared with Alfred Drayton. Each of the forty-eight films featured in the book is described in full, with its cast, credits, plot, history, availability and reviews. Ninety short profiles of the personnel involved (stars, leading ladies, supporting actors, playwrights, screenwriters, producers and directors) are included, as well as 200 rare illustrations.
University of Pennsylvania Press Latin America Since the Left Turn
In the early twenty-first century, the citizens of many Latin American countries, such as Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, and Venezuela, elected left-wing governments, explicitly rejecting and attempting to reverse the policies of neoliberal structural economic adjustment that had prevailed in the region during the 1990s. However, in other countries such as Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru continuity and even extension of the neoliberal agenda have been the norm. What were the consequences of rejecting the neoliberal consensus in Latin America? Why did some countries stay on the neoliberal course? Contributors to Latin America Since the Left Turn address these questions and more as they frame the tensions and contradictions that currently characterize Latin American societies and politics. Divided into three sections, the book begins with an examination of the political economy, from models of development, to taxation and spending patterns, to regionalization of trade and human migration. The second section analyzes the changes in democracy and political identities. The last part explores the themes of citizenship, constitutionalism, and new forms of civic participation. With essays by the foremost scholars in the field, Latin America Since the Left Turn not only delves into the cases of specific countries but also surveys the region as a whole. Contributors: Isabella Alcañiz, Sandra Botero, Marcella Cerrutti, George Ciccariello-Maher, Tula G. Falleti, Roberto Gargarella, Adrian Gurza Lavalle, Juliet Hooker, Evelyne Huber, Ernesto Isunza Vera, Nora Lustig, Paulina Ochoa Espejo, Emilio A. Parrado, Claudiney Pereira, Thamy Pogrebinschi, Irina Carlota Silber, David Smilde, John D. Stephens, Maristella Svampa, Oscar Vega Camacho, Gisela Zaremberg.
Dibujo Cmo crear objetos y entornos con imaginacin
Dibujo está destinado a artistas, arquitectos y diseñadores y también a principiantes, estudiantes y profesionales. Con este libro aprenderás a dibujar cualquier objeto o entorno con imaginación, comenzando con las habilidades más básicas del dibujo en perspectiva.Los primeros capítulos explican cómo hacer con precisión cuadrículas de perspectiva y elipses, que en los capítulos posteriores proporcionan la base para formas más complejas. Asimismo, se detallan los procesos de investigación y diseño utilizados para obtener determinados efectos visuales, lo que facilita el flujo de trabajo.Este volumen, además, cuenta con más de 25 páginas con códigos escaneables, mediante móvil o tableta y a través de la app de Design Studio Press, que incluyen videotutoriales que amplían los contenidos tratados.Tras más de dos décadas de experiencia docente, Scott Robertson y Thomas Bertling te brindan sus enseñanzas y las técnicas con que han ayudado a
Penguin Books Ltd Confessions of an Italian
An overlooked classic of Italian literature, this epic and unforgettable novel recounts one man's long and turbulent life in revolutionary Italy.At the age of eighty-three and nearing death, Carlo Altoviti has decided to write down the confessions of his long life. He remembers everything: his unhappy childhood in the kitchens of the Castle of Fratta; romantic entanglements during the siege of Genoa; revolutionary fighting in Naples; and so much more. Throughout, Carlo lives only for his twin passions in life: his dream of a unified, free Italy and his undying love for the magnificent but inconstant Pisana. Peopled by a host of unforgettable characters - including drunken smugglers, saintly nuns, scheming priests, Napoleon and Lord Byron - this is an epic historical novel that tells the remarkable and inseparable stories of one man's life and the history of Italy's unification.Ippolito Nievo was born in 1831 in Padua. Confessions of an Italian, written in 1858 and published posthumously in 1867, is his best known work. A patriot and a republican, he took part with Garibaldi and his Thousand in the momentous 1860 landing in Sicily to free the south from Bourbon rule. Nievo died before he reached the age of thirty, when his ship, en route from Palermo to Naples, went down in the Tyrrhenian Sea in early 1861. He was, Italo Calvino once said, the sole Italian novelist of the nineteenth century in the 'daredevil, swashbuckler, rambler' mould so dear to other European literatures. Frederika Randall has worked as a cultural journalist for many years. Her previous translations include Luigi Meneghello's Deliver Us and Ottavio Cappellani's Sicilian Tragedee and Sergio Luzzatto's Padre Pio: Miracles and Politics in a Secular Age.Lucy Riall is Professor of Comparative History at the European University Institute. Her many books include Garibaldi. Invention of a Hero. 'Of all the furore that came out of the Risorgimento, only Manzoni and Nievo really matter today' - Umberto Eco 'The one 19th century Italian novel which has [for an Italian reader] that charm and fascination so abundant in foreign literatures' - Italo Calvino 'Perhaps the greatest Italian novel of the nineteenth century' - Roberto Carnero 'A spirited appeal for liberté, égalité and fraternité, the novel is also an astute, scathing and amusing human comedy, a tale of love, sex and betrayal, of great wealth and grinding poverty, of absolute power and scheming submission, of idealism and cynicism, courage and villainy' - The Literary Encyclopedia
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Cape Town & the Garden Route
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher Lonely Planet's Cape Town & the Garden Route is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Soak in the view from the summit of Table Mountain, take a boat to Robben Island for an insight into the country's history, and explore the beaches, forests and verdant mountains along the majestic Garden Route - all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Cape Town and begin your journey now! Inside Lonely Planet's Cape Town & the Garden Route: Colour maps and images throughout Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sightseeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Cultural insights provide a richer, more rewarding travel experience - covering history, people, music, landscapes, wildlife, cuisine, politics Covers City Bowl, Foreshore, Bo-Kaap & De Waterkant, East City, District Six, Woodstock & Observatory Gardens & Surrounds, Green Point & Waterfront, Sea Point to Hout Bay, Southern Suburbs, Simon's Town & Southern Peninsula, Cape Flats & Northern Suburbs, Stellenbosch, Franschhoek, Paarl, Robertson, Hermanus, Stanford, Darling, Langebaan, The Garden Route The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Cape Town & the Garden Route is our most comprehensive guide to Cape Town, and is perfect for discovering both popular and offbeat experiences. Travelling further afield? Check out Lonely Planet's South Africa, Lesotho & Swaziland for a comprehensive look at what all these southern African countries have to offer. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company and the world's number one travel guidebook brand, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, video, 14 languages, nine international magazines, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves, it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media (Australia)
Plaza y Valdes, S.L. Teoría social y política de la Ilustración escocesa una antología
La Escocia del siglo XVIII fue una fértil tierra para el pensamiento y dio lugar a uno de los más significativos movimientos intelectuales de la moderna cultura europea: la Ilustración escocesa.Esta antología sobre la teoría social y política de la Ilustración escocesa supone una novedad editorial que atiende la carencia de una obra de conjunto sobre este movimiento intelectual. Recupera trabajos de Francis Hutcheson, Henry Home Lord Kames, Thomas Reid, David Hume, William Robertson, Adam Smith, Adam Ferguson, John Millar, James Dunbar y Dugald Stewart, muchos de los cuales son inéditos para el lector hispanohablante. Esta nómina de nombres no encierra una serie de pensadores dispersos, sino que comprende a una articulada elite intelectual cuya presencia en la vida social escocesa perduró durante tres generaciones.Con los textos elegidos para esta antología se pretende centrar la atención en tres aspectos. En primer lugar, en la profunda preocupación de los ilustrados escoceses
Ediciones del Viento, S.L. El color de las pulgas
En 1965 El buen salvaje ganaba el Premio Nadal por unanimidad del jurado, lo que ocurría sólo por segunda vez en los veinte años de vida del concurso. Se trataba de la novela de un autor colombiano que vivía en Madrid y que narraba la vida de un joven escritor sudamericano que intentaba sobrevivir y escribir una novela por los cafés de París. Si entonces la obra fue celebrada como una novela picaresca, moderna, literaria y decadente, que homenajeaba y parodiaba a Proust, Gide, Balzac, Victor Hugo o el mismo Dostoievski, andando los años se desveló como el antecedente de otras obras reseñables, como La vida exagerada de Martín Romaña, de Brice Echenique, o Los detectives salvajes, de Roberto Bolaño; sin olvidar que el tiempo en que fue escrita coincidía con el de la Rayuela de Cortázar. El buen salvaje desapareció de las librerías españolas hace muchos años, y hoy es un título totalmente desconocido. Y sin embargo su lectura se hace más divertida, paródica y original que nunca. La histo
Yo siempre seré yo a pesar de ti
Una novela que nos habla del amor en el siglo XXI y, sobre todo, del amor propio, el crecimiento personal y la lucha contra los estándares sociales.Karma (Laura) es una mujer que roza los treinta. Trabaja de teleoperadora en unos grandes almacenes y comparte piso con su amigo Roberto. Son una dupla galáctica y funcionan mejor que cualquier matrimonio convencional.La vida de Karma da un vuelco de ciento ochenta grados cuando conoce a Leo, su match de Tinder. Leo acaba con todos sus miedos y hace que se sienta como una diosa en la cama y fuera de ella.Sin embargo, ella convive con los monstruos de su pasado, con la carga de pesar más de lo que la sociedad acepta como normativo, con la necesidad de volver a terapia y con la creencia de tener una autoestima que en realidad no es tan férrea como ella piensa.Karma somos un poco todas, Karma se construye de todas las mujeres que me inspiran, Karma soy yo.Por qué se le han de romper los esqu
Columbia University Press Foucault's Futures: A Critique of Reproductive Reason
In Foucault's Futures, Penelope Deutscher reconsiders the role of procreation in Foucault's thought, especially its proximity to risk, mortality, and death. She brings together his work on sexuality and biopolitics to challenge our understanding of the politicization of reproduction. By analyzing Foucault's contribution to the politics of maternity and its influence on the work of thinkers such as Roberto Esposito, Giorgio Agamben, and Judith Butler, Deutscher provides new insights into the conflicted political status of reproductive conduct and what it means for feminism and critical theory.
University of Minnesota Press DIY Detroit: Making Do in a City without Services
For ten years James Robertson walked the twenty-one-mile round-trip from his Detroit home to his factory job; when his story went viral, it brought him an outpouring of attention and support. But what of Robertson’s Detroit neighbors, likewise stuck in a blighted city without services as basic as a bus line? What they’re left with, after decades of disinvestment and decline, is DIY urbanism—sweeping their own streets, maintaining public parks, planting community gardens, boarding up empty buildings, even acting as real estate agents and landlords for abandoned homes.DIY Detroit describes a phenomenon that, in our times of austerity measures and market-based governance, has become woefully routine as inhabitants of deteriorating cities “domesticate” public services in order to get by. The voices that animate this book humanize Detroit’s troubles—from a middle-class African American civic activist drawn back by a crisis of conscience; to a young Latina stay-at-home mom who has never left the city and whose husband works in construction; to a European woman with a mixed-race adopted family and a passion for social reform, who introduces a chicken coop, goat shed, and market garden into the neighborhood. These people show firsthand how living with disinvestment means getting organized to manage public works on a neighborhood scale, helping friends and family members solve logistical problems, and promoting creativity, compassion, and self-direction as an alternative to broken dreams and passive lifestyles.Kimberley Kinder reveals how the efforts of these Detroiters and others like them create new urban logics and transform the expectations residents have about their environments. At the same time she cautions against romanticizing such acts, which are, after all, short-term solutions to a deep and spreading social injustice that demands comprehensive change.
Fordham University Press The Storm at Sea: Political Aesthetics in the Time of Shakespeare
The Storm at Sea: Political Aesthetics in the Time of Shakespeare counters a tradition of cultural analysis that judges considerations of aesthetic autonomy in the early modern context to be either anachronistic or an index of political disengagement. Pye argues that for a post-theocratic era in which the mise-en-forme of the social domain itself was for the first time at stake, the problem of the aesthetic lay at the very core of the political; it is precisely through its engagement with the question of aesthetic autonomy that early modern works most profoundly explore their relation to matters of law, state, sovereignty, and political subjectivity. Pye establishes the significance of a “creationist” political aesthetic—at once a discrete historical category and a phenomenon that troubles our familiar forms of historical accounting—and suggests that the fate of such an aesthetic is intimately bound up with the emergence of modern conceptions of the political sphere. The Storm at Sea moves historically from Leonardo da Vinci to Thomas Hobbes; it focuses on Shakespeare and English drama, with chapters on Hamlet, Othello, A Winter’s Tale, and The Tempest, as well as sustained readings of As You Like It, King Lear, Thomas Kyd’s Spanish Tragedy, and Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus. Engaging political thinkers such as Carl Schmitt, Giorgio Agamben, Claude Lefort, and Roberto Esposito, The Storm at Sea will be of interest to political theorists as well as to students of literary and visual theory.
HarperCollins Publishers Christmas Island (A Very Hygge Holiday, Book 2)
Cosy up in front of a fire and discover Christmas the Norwegian way…full of romance, cosy traditions and hygge! In the bleak midwinter… A really frosty wind is making Holly’s life absolutely miserable After all the years of hard work it took Londoner Holly Greene to become a doctor, now it could all be taken away and she only has herself to blame. She’s retreating to her brother’s rustic home on an island off the coast of Norway to lick her wounds. Only, it’s the middle of winter and icy slush plus endless darkness isn’t exactly the cheery, festive getaway she had imagined. Nearly stumbling off the edge of a cliff in the dark, Holly is saved by Frøy, a yellow-eyed cat of fearsome but fluffy proportions, and his owner – grouchy, bearded recluse, Tor. Tor has his own problems to face but the inexplicable desire to leave a bag of freshly baked gingerbread men on Holly’s doorstep is seriously getting in the way of his hermit routine. Call it kindness, call it Christmas, but Holly’s arrival means midwinter has never looked less bleak. Readers LOVE this book: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 'The perfect Christmassy escape!' – Laura, Amazon Reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 'A beautiful and relaxing read, full of Christmassy togetherness. I really recommend it' – Roberta Reads ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 'Definitely a book to cosy up with on an English cold damp day… I was sorry when it ended' Amazon Reviewer
Biblioasis Forgotten Work
A New York Times New & Noteworthy Book • "Strange and affectionate, like Almost Famous penned by Shakespeare. A love letter to music in all its myriad iterations."—Kirkus Reviews • "This book has no business being as good as it is."—Christian Wiman In the year 2063, on the edge of the Crater formerly known as Montréal, a middle-aged man and his ex’s daughter search for a cult hero: the leader of a short-lived band named after a forgotten work of poetry and known to fans through a forgotten work of music criticism. In this exuberantly plotted verse novel, Guriel follows an obsessive cult-following through the twenty-first century. Some things change (there’s metamorphic smart print for music mags; the Web is called the “Zuck”). Some things don’t (poetry readings are still, mostly, terrible). But the characters, including a robot butler who stands with Ishiguro’s Stevens as one of the great literary domestics, are unforgettable. Splicing William Gibson with Roberto Bolaño, Pale Fire with Thomas Pynchon, Forgotten Work is a time-tripping work of speculative fiction. It’s a love story about fandom, an ode to music snobs, a satire on the human need to value the possible over the actual—and a verse novel of Nabokovian virtuosity.
University of Texas Press Violence and Naming: On Mexico and the Promise of Literature
Reclaiming the notion of literature as an institution essential for reflecting on the violence of culture, history, and politics, Violence and Naming exposes the tension between the irreducible, constitutive violence of language and the reducible, empirical violation of others. Focusing on an array of literary artifacts, from works by journalists such as Elena Poniatowska and Sergio González Rodríguez to the Zapatista communiqués to Roberto Bolaño's The Savage Detectives and 2666, this examination demonstrates that Mexican culture takes place as a struggle over naming—with severe implications for the rights and lives of women and indigenous persons.Through rereadings of the Conquest of Mexico, the northern Mexican feminicide, the Zapatista uprising in Chiapas, the disappearance of the forty-three students at Iguala in 2014, and the 1999 abortion-rights scandal centering on “Paulina,” which revealed the tenuousness of women’s constitutionally protected reproductive rights in Mexico, Violence and Naming asks how societies can respond to violence without violating the other. This essential question is relevant not only to contemporary Mexico but to all struggles for democracy that promise equality but instead perpetuate incessant cycles of repression.
McFarland & Co Inc The Assoluta Voice in Opera, 1797-1847
It is unusual for styles in opera to carry over from one era into another. It would be even more unusual for one era's characteristics to linger two generations into the next. Yet this is precisely what happened during the first half of the nineteenth century, when the intricacies of the fleet bel canto style were combined with the Romantic era's heroic declamation and formidable orchestral emphasis resulting in the creation of the assoluta voice.This work traces the emergence of the impressive vocal writing that resulted from the marriage of the bel canto and Romantic eras. It also covers the uniquely versatile divas who were given the opportunities to make their mark on opera from the time of Cherubini to that of a young Verdi. Here, both the wide-ranging vocalism in the scores themselves and the artists capable of performing this style are referred to as assoluta. The chapters consider Luigi Cherubini's ""Medee"", Gioacchino Rossini's ""Armida"", Carl Maria von Weber's ""Oberon"", Gaetano Donizetti's ""Anna Bolena"", Vincenzo Bellini's ""Norma"", Donizetti's ""Gemma di Vergy"" and ""Roberto Devereux"", the time of transition in the late 1800s and early 1900s, and Giuseppe Verdi's ""Nabucco"" and ""Macbeth"".
University of Nebraska Press Cobra: A Life of Baseball and Brotherhood
Finalist for the 2021 CASEY Award for Best Baseball Book of the Year“For that period of time, he was the greatest player of my generation.”—Keith Hernandez Dave Parker was one of the biggest and most badass baseball players of the late twentieth century. He stood at six foot five and weighed 235 pounds. He was a seven-time All-Star, a two-time batting champion, a frequent Gold Glove winner, the 1978 National League MVP, and a World Series champion with both the Pittsburgh Pirates and the Oakland A’s. Here the great Dave Parker delivers his wild and long-awaited autobiography—an authoritative account of Black baseball during its heyday as seen through the eyes of none other than the Cobra. From his earliest professional days learning the game from such baseball legends as Pie Traynor and Roberto Clemente to his later years mentoring younger talents like Eric Davis and Barry Larkin, Cobra is the story of a Black athlete making his way through the game during a time of major social and cultural transformation. From the racially integrated playing fields of his high school days to the cookie-cutter cathedrals of his prime alongside all the midseason and late-night theatrics that accompany an athlete’s life on the road–Parker offers readers a glimpse of all that and everything in between. Everything. Parker recounts the triumphant victories and the heart-breaking defeats, both on and off the field. He shares the lessons and experiences of reaching the absolute pinnacle of professional athletics, the celebrations with his sports siblings who also got a taste of the thrills, as well as his beloved baseball brothers whom the game left behind. Parker recalls the complicated politics of spring training, recounts the early stages of the free agency era, revisits the notorious 1985 drug trials, and pays tribute to the enduring power of relationships between players at the deepest and highest levels of the sport. With comments at the start of each chapter by other baseball legends such as Pete Rose, Dave Winfield, Willie Randolph, and many more, Parker tells an epic tale of friendship, success, indulgence, and redemption, but most of all, family. Cobra is the unforgettable story of a million-dollar athlete just before baseball became a billion-dollar game.
Duke University Press Biopolitics: A Reader
This anthology collects the texts that defined the concept of biopolitics, which has become so significant throughout the humanities and social sciences today. The far-reaching influence of the biopolitical—the relation of politics to life, or the state to the body—is not surprising given its centrality to matters such as healthcare, abortion, immigration, and the global distribution of essential medicines and medical technologies.Michel Foucault gave new and unprecedented meaning to the term "biopolitics" in his 1976 essay "Right of Death and Power over Life." In this anthology, that touchstone piece is followed by essays in which biopolitics is implicitly anticipated as a problem by Hannah Arendt and later altered, critiqued, deconstructed, and refined by major political and social theorists who explicitly engaged with Foucault's ideas. By focusing on the concept of biopolitics, rather than applying it to specific events and phenomena, this Reader provides an enduring framework for assessing the central problematics of modern political thought.Contributors. Giorgio Agamben, Hannah Arendt, Alain Badiou, Timothy Campbell, Gilles Deleuze, Roberto Esposito, Michel Foucault, Donna Haraway, Michael Hardt, Achille Mbembe, Warren Montag, Antonio Negri, Jacques Rancière, Adam Sitze, Peter Sloterdijk, Paolo Virno, Slavoj Žižek
Duke University Press Biopolitics: A Reader
This anthology collects the texts that defined the concept of biopolitics, which has become so significant throughout the humanities and social sciences today. The far-reaching influence of the biopolitical—the relation of politics to life, or the state to the body—is not surprising given its centrality to matters such as healthcare, abortion, immigration, and the global distribution of essential medicines and medical technologies.Michel Foucault gave new and unprecedented meaning to the term "biopolitics" in his 1976 essay "Right of Death and Power over Life." In this anthology, that touchstone piece is followed by essays in which biopolitics is implicitly anticipated as a problem by Hannah Arendt and later altered, critiqued, deconstructed, and refined by major political and social theorists who explicitly engaged with Foucault's ideas. By focusing on the concept of biopolitics, rather than applying it to specific events and phenomena, this Reader provides an enduring framework for assessing the central problematics of modern political thought.Contributors. Giorgio Agamben, Hannah Arendt, Alain Badiou, Timothy Campbell, Gilles Deleuze, Roberto Esposito, Michel Foucault, Donna Haraway, Michael Hardt, Achille Mbembe, Warren Montag, Antonio Negri, Jacques Rancière, Adam Sitze, Peter Sloterdijk, Paolo Virno, Slavoj Žižek
Goose Lane Editions Badass on a Softail
As David Hoffer, 44, rides his Harley Davidson Heritage Softail south on the Laurentian Autoroute to a memorial for a friend who has died of prostate cancer, he worries that he may soon join his pal on the other side. His back is killing him, and he's got a pain in the rear end that just won't go away. Hoffer's pain in the butt may be non-medical. To finance new equipment for his music video production company, he has sold land adjoining his studio to the Children of the Sun, but he has learned that their religious activites don't consist of nude sunbathing. His affair with Roberta, half his age, is complicated by his attachment to his previous lover. His inner child (more dopehead adolescent than squalling infant) is annoyed with him; so is his ex-wife; so is his business partner. So are some other people who don't like his style. Set in 1994 in the Laurentians where the Solar Temple cult was planning its apocalypse, Badass on a Softail is a culture-jamming fugue on what happens when the Age of Aquarius stares into the mirror and sees the Age of Acquisition staring back.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Lives of the Great Gardeners
The lives of 40 men and women behind some of the world’s most exciting gardens. Throughout history great gardeners have risen from all walks of life. Some have been aristocratic amateur gardeners, others professional designers with an international practice. Some have come to garden-making from sister arts such as sculpture or painting; others have been hands-on nurserymen or botanists. What they all have in common is the ability to take an idea and develop it in a new manner relevant to their times. The book contains four sections. ‘Gardens of Ideas’ moves from the politically allusive gardens of 18th-century England made by men such as William Kent, to Charles Jencks’s Scottish garden inspired by 21st-century cosmography. ‘Gardens of Straight Lines’ explores the lives of the great formalist gardeners, from Le Nôtre at Versailles to the rational English minimalism of contemporary designer Christopher Bradley-Hole. ‘Gardens of Curves’ begins with that great exponent of the English landscape garden, ‘Capability’ Brown, and leads to the extraordinary Brazilian designer Roberto Burle Marx. Finally, ‘Gardens of Plantsmanship’ moves from the father of naturalistic planting, William Robinson, to the sweeping prairies of New York’s favourite Dutch designer, Piet Oudolf.
Headline Publishing Group The Little Book of Chelsea: Bursting with over 170 true-blue quotes
There are few football clubs in the world that attract as much interest in the modern game as Chelsea. Whether it is the latest observations from former coach Maurizio Sarri, his successor Frank Lampard, big-money transfer targets, the style of play or results in Europe, everybody thinks they know what's happening – or at least has an opinion on it. The arrival in 2003 of Russian billionaire tycoon Roman Abramovich as owner turned a glamorous club with a long history of under-achievement, into an international powerhouse. After one championship in 99 years, the Blues have, in a dozen years, won five Premier League titles, plus the UEFA Champions League, two UEFA Europa League titles, five FA Cups and three Football League Cups. The club always was a magnet for well-known names – vaudeville legend George Robey played for the Pensioners in the club's earliest days – and, in the modern era, Stamford Bridge has become home to a dazzling array of world stars. From Ron 'Chopper' Harris and Ken Bates through Ruud Gullit, Roberto Di Matteo and Glenn Hoddle to Jose Mourinho, John Terry, Zola, Diego Costa and Eden Hazard, there is no lack of characters to draw on for quotes.
Little, Brown Book Group Taking Liberties
'Gripping and gritty, this book will keep you hooked from the first page to the last.' Roberta KrayLiberty Chapman had a difficult childhood. The oldest of four kids, she tried to protect them from their violent father until one day he murdered their mother and got sent down.What was left of the family rattled through the care system, bouncing from foster placement to care home. Liberty would have probably ended up on drugs, or dead, or worse if it hadn't been for a ballsy solicitor who told her to get her act together.So that's what she did. She kept her nose clean, got an education.And look at her now. New name, new accent, new town. The past is far behind her and she's concentrating on her own legal career. She has a Porsche, a house in Hampstead... and then one morning her boss asks her to do a favour. He wants her to go to Leeds, to get an important client's son off an assault charge.But Leeds is in Liberty's past. And once she hits town, the past slaps her in the face... and pulls her back into what she worked so hard to leave behind.
Pitch Publishing Ltd Dundee United On This Day: History, Facts & Figures from Every Day of the Year
Dundee United On This Day brings to life the most glorious, weird and wonderful moments from the club's history in one irresistible page-turning diary. Formerly Dundee Hibs, very nearly called Dundee City and twice known (when playing in the US) as Dallas Tornado, Dundee United is a club with a colourful past. Within these pages are big derby wins, relegation battles, victories over Barcelona and other top European clubs, a dramatic league title win, cup heartache and eventual cup glory, canine pitch invaders, infamous disallowed goals and much more. Revisit the exploits of club greats like Finn Dossing, Hamish McAlpine, Paul Sturrock, Dave Narey, Mixu Paatelainen and Andy Robertson, and celebrate the successes of legendary managers Jerry Kerr and Jim McLean. You'll enjoy a wealth of evocative and sometimes bizarre anecdotes, enthralling match reports and tales of well-known and less-known figures from 1909 to the present day. With a treasure trove of club history, trivia and facts, this book is a 'must' for Dundee United fans.
Edinburgh University Press Church and University in the Scottish Enlightenment: The Moderate Literati of Edinburgh
Since its original publication in 1985, Church and University in the Scottish Enlightenment has come to be regarded as a classic work in 18th-century Scottish history and Enlightenment studies. It depicts Hugh Blair, Alexander Carlyle, Adam Ferguson, John Home, and William Robertson as an intimate coterie that played a central role in the Scottish Enlightenment, seen here not only as an intellectual but as a cultural movement. These men were among the leaders in the University of Edinburgh, in the Moderate party in the Church of Scotland, and in Edinburgh's thriving clubs. They used their institutional influence and their books, plays, sermons, and pamphlets to promulgate the tenets of Moderatism, including polite Presbyterianism, Christian Stoicism, civic humanism, social and political conservatism, and the tolerant, cosmopolitan values of the international Enlightenment. Using a wide variety of sources and an interdisciplinary methodology, this collective biography portrays these 'Moderate Iiterati' as zealous activists for the cause in which they believed, ranging from support for a Scots militia, Ossian, and Roman Catholic relief to opposition to the Jacobite rebellion of 1745 and the American and French Revolutions
University of Minnesota Press Trash Animals: How We Live with Nature’s Filthy, Feral, Invasive, and Unwanted Species
Why are some species admired or beloved while others are despised? An eagle or hawk circling overhead inspires awe while urban pigeons shuffling underfoot are kicked away in revulsion. Fly fishermen consider carp an unwelcome trash fish, even though the trout they hope to catch are often equally non-native. Wolves and coyotes are feared and hunted in numbers wildly disproportionate to the dangers they pose to humans and livestock. In Trash Animals, a diverse group of environmental writers explores the natural history of wildlife species deemed filthy, unwanted, invasive, or worthless, highlighting the vexed relationship humans have with such creatures. Each essay focuses on a so-called trash species—gulls, coyotes, carp, cockroaches, magpies, prairie dogs, and lubber grasshoppers, among others—examining the biology and behavior of each in contrast to the assumptions widely held about them. Identifying such animals as trash tells us nothing about problematic wildlife but rather reveals more about human expectations of, and frustrations with, the natural world. By establishing the unique place that maligned species occupy in the contemporary landscape and in our imagination, the contributors challenge us to look closely at these animals, to reimagine our ethics of engagement with such wildlife, and to question the violence with which we treat them. Perhaps our attitudes reveal more about humans than they do about the animals. Contributors: Bruce Barcott; Charles Bergman, Pacific Lutheran U; James E. Bishop, Young Harris College; Andrew D. Blechman; Michael P. Branch, U of Nevada, Reno; Lisa Couturier; Carolyn Kraus, U of Michigan–Dearborn; Jeffrey A. Lockwood, U of Wyoming; Kyhl Lyndgaard, Marlboro College; Charles Mitchell, Elmira College; Kathleen D. Moore, Oregon State U; Catherine Puckett; Bernard Quetchenbach, Montana State U, Billings; Christina Robertson, U of Nevada, Reno; Gavan P. L. Watson, U of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
University of Illinois Press Sport History in the Digital Era
From statistical databases to story archives, from fan sites to the real-time reactions of Twitter-empowered athletes, the digital communication revolution has changed the way sports fans relate to their favorite teams. In this volume, contributors from Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States analyze the parallel transformation in the field of sport history, showing the ways powerful digital tools raise vital philosophical, epistemological, ontological, methodological, and ethical questions for scholars and students alike. Chapters consider how the philosophical and theoretical understanding of the meaning of history influence a willingness to engage with digital history, and conceptualize the relationship between history making and the digital era. As the writers show, digital media's mostly untapped potential for studying the recent past via blogs, chat rooms, gambling sites, and the like forge a symbiosis between sports and the internet, and offer historians new vistas to explore and utilize.Sport History in the Digital Era also shows how the best digital history goes beyond a static cache of curated documents. Instead, it becomes a truly public history that serves as a dynamic site of enquiry and discussion. In such places, scholars enter into a give-and-take with individuals while inviting the audience to grapple with, rather than passively absorb, the evidence being offered.Timely and provocative, Sport History in the Digital Era affirms how the information revolution has transformed sport and sport history--and shows the road ahead.Contributors include Douglas Booth, Mike Cronin, Martin Johnes, Matthew Klugman, Geoffery Z. Kohe, Tara Magdalinski, Fiona McLachlan, Bob Nicholson, Rebecca Olive, Gary Osmond, Murray G. Phillips, Stephen Robertson, Synthia Sydnor, Holly Thorpe, and Wayne Wilson.