Search results for ""ABRAMS""
Harvard Business Review Press Thriving in a Male-Dominated Workplace (HBR Women at Work Series)
Find success in a workplace dominated by men.Sexism. Self-doubt. Invisibility. When you're one of the only women in your workplace, it can be difficult to gain your footing. Organizations need to change, but in the meantime, women can find success in these settings—and even flourish in them.Thriving in a Male-Dominated Workplace provides the advice you need to ensure your professional growth in roles and industries that have traditionally been filled by and controlled by men. From connecting with the right people to growing your confidence to fighting back against bias, you'll be able to establish your credibility and be seen by your colleagues as the expert you are.This book will inspire you to: Find support across the organization Overcome impostor syndrome and self-doubt Speak up for yourself and your accomplishments Build a better culture—once and for all The HBR Women at Work series spotlights the real challenges and opportunities women experience throughout their careers. With interviews from the popular podcast of the same name and related articles, stories, and research, these books provide inspiration and advice for taking on topics at work like inequity, advancement, and building community. Featuring detailed discussion guides, this series will help you spark important conversations about where we're at and how to move forward.
Titan Books Ltd Star Wars: The Galaxy's Greatest Heroes
The actors and creators behind 15 of Star Wars' most popular heroes discuss the process behind creating some of the most iconic characters in cinematic history. Includes Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia), Harrison Ford (Han Solo), and George Lucas (the creator of Star Wars), Lawrence Kasdan (writer: The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens), J.J. Abrams (writer, director: The Force Awakens and The Rise of Skywalker), to name a few
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Interiorite Et Monde
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Successful Business Plan: Secrets and Strategies
The ultimate purpose of developing a business plan is to have a successful business. In the long run, it is fruitless to write a business plan that can raise the funds you seek if your enterprise is so poorly conceived it is bound to fail. So a successful business plan should address the long-term needs of your business and devise strategies that enhance both the overall performance of your company and your personal satisfaction. Table of contents: Section I Starting the Process The Successful Business Getting Your Plan Started Making Your Plan Compelling Section II Business Plan Components The Executive Summary Company Description Industry Analysis & Trends Target Markets Competition Strategic Position & Risk Assessment Marketing Plan & Sales Strategy Operations Technology Plan Management & Organisation Community Involvement & Social Responsibility Development, Milestones & Exit Plan The Financials The Plan's Appendix Section III Putting the Plan to Work Preparing, Presenting & Sending Out Your Plan Looking for Money Using Your Plan for Classes & Competitions Internal Planning for Existing Businesses & Corporations Time Saving Tips Section IV Special Considerations Considerations for Internet, "e-businesses" Considerations for Retailers Considerations for Manufacturers Considerations for Service Businesses Section V Reference Outline of a Business Plan Business Terms Glossary Funding Sources Research Sources Entrepreneur's Sources
Penguin Putnam Inc The Art Of Desire
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Peace (2001-2005)
In addition to the presentation speeches and the Nobel lectures, this volume also includes an introduction to each lecture, endnotes of explanation and selected bibliographies. The introduction takes note of any relevant developments since the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded as well as any new biographical information. The Nobel Peace prizewinners during the period 2001-2005 include men, women and organizations whose principles, dedication and diligence continue to shape history. Below is a list of the prizewinners during the period 2001-2005. (2001) United Nations & Kofi Annan - for their work for a better organized and more peaceful World; (2002) Jimmy Carter - for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development; (2003) Shirin Ebadi - for her efforts for democracy and human rights. She has focused especially on the struggle for the rights of women and children; (2004) Wangari Maathai, - for her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace; and, (2005) International Atomic Energy Agency & Mohamed Elbaradei - for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way.
Jolly Fish Press Wild Midnight: An Emily Story
Jolly Fish Press It's Not Destiny: An Abby Story
Cengage Learning, Inc A Glossary of Literary Terms
First published over fifty years ago, A GLOSSARY OF LITERARY TERMS remains an essential resource for all serious students of literature. Now fully updated to reflect the latest scholarship on recent and rapidly evolving critical theories, the new contains a complete glossary of essential literary terms presented as a series of engaging, beautifully crafted, essays that explore the terms, place them in context, and suggest related entries and additional reading. This indispensable, authoritative, and highly affordable reference covers terms useful in discussing literature and literary history, theory, and criticism. Perfect as a core text for introductory literary theory or as a supplement to any literature course, this classic work is an invaluable reference that you can use throughout your academic and professional careers.
UEA Publishing Project Audio Obscura
'Audio Obscura is more hypnotic than it first sounds - these muttered confessions might even make you miss your train...' - Clara Tait, Time OutAt a railway station, everyday dramas are constantly being played out: meeting, parting, anticipating, escaping. The atmosphere is an odd mix of tension and contemplation. Everyone is waiting for something to happen or moving between events. In a station we are forced into proximity. We observe one another yet behave as if being in a crowd confers invisibility. We tend to assume that we are neither overheard nor overlooked. This book derives from a sound work, also called Audio Obscura. Commissioned by Artangel and Manchester International Festival, it was created for Manchester, Piccadilly and St Pancras International stations, where these photographs were taken.The idea comes from the camera obscura, or "dark room", a once popular form of entertainment and artist's tool which uses a small aperture and mirrors to project a reflection of the passing world. A form of proto-cinema, the camera obscura was in part what led to early photography, as people strove to fix the images it produced.As Lavinia Greenlaw writes in her introduction, "All of my work has, in one form or another, been an exploration of the point at which we start to make sense of things; an attempt to arrest and investigate that moment, to separate its components and test their effects. Audio Obscura extends this to the act of listening, or dark listening, in which unconscious aspects of perception are brought to light in ourselves."
Jolly Fish Press Heart Horse: A Natalie Story
Jolly Fish Press Forever Amigo: An Abby Story
Jolly Fish Press Buddy Blues: An Emily Story
Jolly Fish Press Taking Chances: A Grace Story
Oxford University Press Inc Alien Legacies: The Evolution of the Franchise
The 1979 film Alien has left an indelible mark on popular culture. Directed by Ridley Scott, at the time known primarily for making advertisements, and starring then-unknown actor Sigourney Weaver in the lead role, it transcended its humble origins to shock and disturb audiences upon its initial release. Its success has led to three direct sequels, two prequels, one "mashup" franchise, a series of comic books, graphic novels, novelizations, games, and an enormous and devoted fanbase. For forty years, Alien and its progeny have animated debate and discussion among critics and academics from a wide variety of fields and methodological perspectives. This book brings together scholars from diverse disciplinary backgrounds to explore Alien through a contemporary lens. The chapters here demonstrate the extent to which its effects and reception are deeply multifaceted, with the Alien franchise straddling the lines between "high" and "low" culture, playing with generic categories, crossing media boundaries, and animating theoretical, critical, and political debates. Chapters touch on female agency and motherhood, the influence of H.R. Giger, the viscerality of Alien's body horror, the narrative tradition of the Female Gothic, the patriarchal gaze in the Alien video games, and the rise of in-universe online marketing campaigns. In so doing, the volume aims to debate Alien's legacy, consider its current position within visual culture, and establish what the series means--and why it still matters--forty years since its birth.
Kar-Ben Copies Ltd Yom Kippur: A Family Service
Titan Books Ltd Star Trek: The Movies
The making of the Star Trek movies, as told by the cast and crew! As Star Trek Beyond heads into movie theaters and the Star Trek franchise celebrates its 50th Anniversary, this jam-packed volume celebrates Star Trek on the silver screen in all its incarnations - from the J.J. Abrams-directed Star Trek and Into Darkness to the classic The Wrath of Khan and The Undiscovered Country - with a stellar array of big name cast and crew interviews.In this unparalleled collection of interviews and behind the scenes features, all true Star Trek fans can learn of J.J. Abrams' challenges in revitalising Star Trek for the big screen. Experience the late, great Leonard Nimoy's reflections on the life of Spock and his own directorial experiences on Star Trek. Chris Pine, Zoe Saldana, and Zachary Quinto reveal their secrets behind reinterpreting classic Trek characters, while Benedict Cumberbatch, Eric Bana, Peter Weller and Malcolm McDowell reveal all about creating some of the most memorable Star Trek villains.Packed with in-depth features and interviews with the casts and crews of the Star Trek movies, plus an exclusive inside story on making Star Trek: The Motion Picture, this is a must for all true Trek fans!
Rowman & Littlefield Platforms and Prayer Books: Theological and Liturgical Perspectives on Reform Judaism
Since the Enlightenment, Jews have sought to understand Judaism as a modern religion in an intellectual context equivalent to Christianity. This shifted the focus of attention away from the ritual commandments to a concern with the universal foundations of the faith. Platforms and Prayer Books analyzes the impact of that shift, presenting new approaches as well as innovative arguments. The essays in this collection express the inherent difficulty of reconciling theory with practice in a liberal religious framework. In addition, they also demonstrate the surprising vitality of a movement that many expected to decline demographically as well as intellectually. Not only is the Reform movement actually increasing in numbers, but, as this book demonstrates, it is also showing an amazing breadth of creativity. Through lively discussions, noted scholars and rabbis trace the evolution of Reform Judaism through discussions on theological and liturgical topics that are grounded in the platforms and prayer books that chart the movement's developments through its 200-year history. Contributors with perspectives from both within and outside of Reform Judaism evaluate trends and interpret changes that have taken and are taking place, exploring the historical context and contemporary significance of Reform Jewish belief.
Kar-Ben Copies Ltd Shabbat: A Family Service
CABI Publishing Stable Isotopes in Human Nutrition: Laboratory Methods and Research Applications
The use of stable isotopes in nutritional studies is now widespread, and the technique is becoming increasingly popular. Practical applications are numerous and include:calcium and iron absorption studiesstudies looking at the impacts of diet, physical activity, aging, and medical therapy and supplementation on nutrient metabolismthe measurement of energy cost of pregnancystudies on the causes of growth faltering in infantsinvestigations into childhood and adult obesity.This book is designed as a laboratory handbook of methods used to perform stable isotope studies in humans. It covers basic principles, dosage information, sample preparation procedures, analytical instrumentation, and necessary mathematical methods and provides the fundamentals to enable researchers to evaluate and establish stable isotope methods in their own laboratories.
HarperCollins Publishers The Multi-Orgasmic Man: Sexual secrets every man should know
Every man can have multiple orgasms – and can directly improve his lovemaking skills – just by learning some simple physical techniques.This new edition of our Bestseller shows how… All men can be multi-orgasmic – experiencing multiple sexual peaks. The Multi-Orgasmic Man is a now much loved and referred to classic in personal and sexual development. Based on the Eastern Taoist principles of loving, the book is a revealing, practical – and highly readable guide. The book explains a range of simple physical and psychological techniques that will allow that allow men of all ages to enlarge their range of sexual experience and become multi-orgasmic. The techniques will allow men to fulfill their own sexual desires, and their partner’s dreams and fantasies by dramatically improving the quality and quantity of their lovemaking. Includes: Yin and Yang in sexuality – the special role of sexual energy.• How to stoke up sexual energy to prolong and enhance pleasure.• How to become multi-orgasmic.• Sexual problems? How to solve them.• Making love for a lifetime – special passion for mature lovers.• Why multi-orgasmic sexuality will improve your overall physical and emotional fitness – as well as your sexuality.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Symbolic Objects in Contentious Politics
Explores the ‘stuff’ at the heart of protests, revolutions, civil wars, and other contentious political events. In particular, the focus is on those objects that have or acquire symbolic importance. The book offers a cohesive theoretical contribution which draws on diverse scholarly work in order to form the building blocks for future inquiry.
Pegasus Books Kubrick: An Odyssey
Edinburgh University Press Nine Centuries of Man: Manhood and Masculinities in Scottish History
This interdisciplinary collection explores a diverse range of the multiple and changing forms of masculinities from the late eleventh to the late twentieth century.
Mondadori Electa Francesca Woodman: Portrait of a Reputation
Francesca Woodman took her first photograph at the age of the thirteen. From the time she was a teenager until her death at twenty-two, she produced a fascinating body of work exploring gender, representation, and sexuality by photographing her own body and those of her friends. Featuring approximately forty unique vintage prints, as well as notes, letters, postcards, and other ephemera related to the artist s burgeoning career, the volume, which accompanies an exhibition of the same name at MCA Denver, details both Woodman s creative and personal coming-of-age during the years 1975-1979. Francesca Woodman: Portrait of a Reputation considers how the artist came into her creative voice and her singular approach to photography at a notably young age. Ranging from portraits in her studio/apartment in college to self-portraits in the bucolic Colorado landscape in which she was raised, these works capture Woodman s hallmark approach to art making: enigmatic, rigorous, and poignant. The volume also includes select photographs of Woodman taken by friend and RISD classmate George Lange during this period. Taken together, they present a nuanced and in-depth study of this formative period in the development of this groundbreaking artist.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Methods for Meta-Analysis in Medical Research
With meta-analysis methods playing a crucial role in health research in recent years, this important and clearly-written book provides a much-needed survey of the field. Meta-analysis provides a framework for combining the results of several clinical trials and drawing inferences about the effectiveness of medical treatments. The move towards evidence-based health care and practice is underpinned by the use of meta-analysis. This book: * Provides a thorough criticism and an up-to-date survey of meta-analysis methods * Emphasises the practical approach, and illustrates the methods by numerous examples * Describes the use of Bayesian methods in meta-analysis * Includes discussion of appropriate software for each analysis * Includes numerous references to more advanced treatment of specialist topics * Refers to software code used in the examples available on the authors' Web site Practising statisticians, statistically-minded clinicians and health research professionals will benefit greatly from the clear presentation and numerous examples. Medical researchers will grasp the basic principles of meta-analysis, and learn how to apply the various methods.
Random House USA Inc Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives: A Holistic Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth
Edinburgh University Press Gender in Scottish History Since 1700
Scottish history is undergoing a renaissance. Everyone agrees that an understanding of our nation's history is integral to our experience of its present and the shaping of the future. But the story of Scotland's past is being told with little reference to gendered identities. Not only are women largely missing from these grand narratives, but men's experience has tended to be sublimated in intellectual, political and economic agendas. Neither femininities nor masculinities have been given much of a place in Scotland's past or in the process of nation-making. Gender in Scottish History offers a new perspective on Scotland's past since around 1700, viewing some of the main themes with a gendered perspective. It starts from the assumption that gender is integral to our understanding of the ways in which societies in the past were organised and that national histories have a tendency to be gender blind. Each chapter engages with one key theme from Scottish historiography, asking what happens when women are added to the story and how the story changes when the meanings of gendered understandings and assumptions are probed. Addressing politics, culture, religion, science, education, work, the family and identity, Gender in Scottish History proposes an alternative reading of the Scottish past which is both inclusive and recognisable.
Permuted Press The ABCs of Metallica
An alphabetical history of one of rock’s heaviest bands…Metallica! Featuring hard-rocking rhymes and bold illustrations, The ABCs of Metallica looks back at the remarkable history of one of rock ‘n’ roll’s most celebrated groups. Each letter of the alphabet highlights a significant moment along the band’s journey, from their humble Garage Days, to their numerous classic albums such as ...And Justice for All and Master of Puppets, to biographical information on the band members themselves. The book is sure to entertain young readers as well as diehard fans of all ages. A portion of the proceeds will benefit Metallica’s All Within My Hands Foundation, which is dedicated to creating sustainable communities by supporting workforce education, the fight against hunger, and other critical local services.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Multidisciplinary Handbook of Social Exclusion Research
Social exclusion is a key problem for policy makers, researchers and professionals worldwide. Despite this, the debate lacks a dominant disciplinary focus. This innovative handbook covers evidence from key research and policy to offer cross-disciplinary perspectives on major areas of social exclusion. Focusing on central policy domains including education, healthcare and crime, it is structured so as to relate evidence to the state of social exclusion and the mechanisms by which it can be tackled. It book will be an unrivalled reference for academics and practitioners working across disciplines including housing, education, psychology, political science, healthcare, sociology and law.
John Wiley & Sons Disconnect The Breakdown of Representation in American Politics
Kar-Ben Copies Ltd Rosh Hashanah: A Family Service
Diversified Publishing The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World
Post Hill Press Finding Joseph I: An Oral History of H.R. from Bad Brains
Titan Books Ltd Guillermo del Toro's The Devil's Backbone
Explore the creation of Guillermo del Toro's early masterpiece through this visually stunning and insightful look at the spine-chilling classic. Released in 2001, Guillermo del Toro's The Devil's Backbone marked out the director as a singular talent with the unique ability to mix the macabre with the sublime. Set during the Spanish Civil War, the film focuses on ten-year-old Carlos (Fernando Tielve), an orphan taken in by Republican sympathisers. On his first day at the orphanage, he witnesses a ghostly apparition, the spirit of a young boy named Santi (Andreas Munoz) who disappeared from the institution a year earlier. With the ghost's help, Carlos must uncover the dark secrets that led to Santi's death and help prevent himself and his fellow orphans from meeting the same fate. Seen by del Toro as a spiritual companion piece to his Oscar-winning Pan's Labyrinth (2006), The Devil's Backbone explores similar themes against the backdrop of the same brutal conflict that turned ordinary men into monsters. This book is written in close collaboration with the director and provides the definitive account of the film's creation, covering everything from del Toro's initial musings through to the haunting designs for Santi, the hugely challenging shoot, and the overwhelming critic and fan reactions upon its release. Including exquisite concept art and rare unit photography from the set, Guillermo del Toro's The Devil's Backbone gives readers an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at how this gothic horror masterpiece was crafted for the screen. The book also draws on interviews with every key player in the film's creation to present the ultimate behind-the-scenes look at this unforgettable Spanish-language classic.
Collective Ink Shaman Pathways - What is Shamanism?
What is Shamanism? is the product of a collaboration between eleven leading Shaman authors and practitioners each tasked with the discussion of a particular central aspect or theme. The result serves as both an excellent introduction to anyone coming to Shamanism for the first time and a stimulating read for the more experienced Shaman interested in engaging with contemporary thinking and debate. Edited by Trevor Greenfield, What is Shamanism? features essays from Dorothy Abrams, Elen Sentier, Hearth Moon Rising, Imelda Almqvist, Julie Dollman, Janet Gale, Jez Hughes, Kenn Day, Laura Perry, S. Kelley Harrell and Taz Thornton.
Permuted Press The Blood and the Sweat: The Story of Sick of It All's Koller Brothers
When it comes to New York City hardcore, its community proudly boasts Lou and Pete Koller—brothers who have dominated the scene worldwide since 1986 with the aurally devastating Sick of It All as their vehicle.“One the best books ever written about hardcore, period…” —Decibel Magazine For Flushing, Queens natives Lou and Pete Koller, hardcore has become a lifestyle as well as an unlikely career. From the moment these siblings began applying their abilities to punk’s angrier, grimier sub-genre, they quickly became fifty percent of one of the most intense and compelling quartets to ever claim the movement—the legendary New York hardcore band, Sick of it All. Contrary to popular belief, Lou and Pete are proof positive that you don’t need to have lived a street life, or come from a fractured, chaotic home in order to produce world-class hardcore. If Agnostic Front are the godfathers of New York hardcore, then vocalist Lou and guitarist Pete are its grand masters. The Blood and the Sweat is the no-holds-barred autobiography of two brothers who have never wavered, as well as an unrelenting depiction of the American dream, and the drive and determination required to live it—regardless of whatever obstacles appear before you. Featuring commentary from family, friends, bandmates past and present, and their peers, including Gary Holt (Exodus, Slayer), Kurt Brecht (D.R.I.), Barney Greenway (Napalm Death), and more…
Schiffer Publishing Ltd M60 Tank: US Cold War MBT
The M60 was deployed by the US military from 1960 until it was phased out and replaced with the M1 Abrams during/after Operation Desert Storm. More than 10,000 examples were produced, and many examples remain in service with foreign militaries to the present day. This is the most comprehensive photo reference on the type, featuring 340 black-and-white and color images. The photos illustrate both the design features and the combat history of the tank. Specific chapters are designated for the M60, A1, A2, and A3 models, along with various auxiliary vehicles based on the M60 hull.
Anness Publishing World Encyclopedia of Tanks & Armoured Fighting Vehicles
This book is an authoritative history and directory of tanks and their immediate derivatives, such as ARVs (armoured recovery vehicles), tank destroyers, command versions, bridgelayers, mine-clearers and other Funnies, and AFVs such as armoured cars, armoured personnel carriers and self-propelled artillery, covering a vast range of wheeled, tracked and semi-tracked vehicles. From the world's first tank, "Little Willie", to the contemporary M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank, the book examines a vast range of tanks and AFVs. This unique volume, with over 1200 wartime and museum photographs, brings together the most significant tanks and AFVs in military history.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Bradley Fighting Vehicle: The US Army's Combat-Proven Fighting Platform, 1981-2021
The Bradley Fighting Vehicle was developed in the 1970s to counter the new Infantry Fighting Vehicles of the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies. Designed to survive the imagined high-intensity, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) battlefield of the Cold War, it became, alongside the M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank, the mainstay of US armoured forces during the 1980s. As the Cold War ended, however, it would go on to prove its worth on other battlefields. During the First Gulf War the Bradley would destroy more Iraqi AFVs than the Abrams, while during the 1990s it would prove itself an effective weapons system in the missions to Bosnia and Kosovo. During the 2003 invasion of the Iraq and the fighting that followed it confirmed its reputation as a versatile and deadly AFV. This volumes examines the development and service history of both the M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle and the M3 Bradley Cavalry Fighting Vehicle. The various modifications and improvements over its long service history are described, as is the experience of the soldiers who have fought alongside and in it during the past three decades. The book also gives a full account of the wide range of kits and accessories available in all the popular scales and includes a modelling gallery covering the most important Bradley variants. Detailed colour profiles provide both reference and inspiration for modellers and military enthusiasts alike.
Insight Editions Guillermo del Toro's The Devil's Backbone
Explore the creation of Guillermo del Toro’s early masterpiece through this visually stunning and insightful look at the spine-chilling classic. Released in 2001, Guillermo del Toro’s The Devil’s Backbone announced the director as a singular talent with a unique ability to mix the macabre with the sublime. A spiritual companion piece to his Oscar-winning Pan’s Labyrinth (2006), the film shares similar themes and is also set against the backdrop of the Spanish Civil War, a brutal conflict that turned ordinary men into monsters. Through a series of in-depth and extremely candid interviews with the director, this deluxe volume not only explores the shooting of the film but also delves into a range of other topics with del Toro, including his influences, his uniquely nuanced approach to filmmaking, and the traumatic personal events that colored the creation of The Devil’s Backbone. The book also draws on interviews with key contributors in the film’s creation, including cinematographer Guillermo Navarro and composer Javier Navarrete, to give readers an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at how this gothic horror masterpiece was crafted. Featuring a wealth of exquisite concept art and rare unit photography, Guillermo del Toro’s The Devil’s Backbone is the ultimate behind-the-scenes look at an unforgettable Spanish-language classic.
Candlewick Press,U.S. God's Dream
Rowman & Littlefield Platforms and Prayer Books: Theological and Liturgical Perspectives on Reform Judaism
Since the Enlightenment, Jews have sought to understand Judaism as a modern religion in an intellectual context equivalent to Christianity. This shifted the focus of attention away from the ritual commandments to a concern with the universal foundations of the faith. Platforms and Prayer Books analyzes the impact of that shift, presenting new approaches as well as innovative arguments. The essays in this collection express the inherent difficulty of reconciling theory with practice in a liberal religious framework. In addition, they also demonstrate the surprising vitality of a movement that many expected to decline demographically as well as intellectually. Not only is the Reform movement actually increasing in numbers, but, as this book demonstrates, it is also showing an amazing breadth of creativity. Through lively discussions, noted scholars and rabbis trace the evolution of Reform Judaism through discussions on theological and liturgical topics that are grounded in the platforms and prayer books that chart the movement's developments through its 200-year history. Contributors with perspectives from both within and outside of Reform Judaism evaluate trends and interpret changes that have taken and are taking place, exploring the historical context and contemporary significance of Reform Jewish belief.
Taylor & Francis Inc Nutrition-Infection Interactions and Impacts on Human Health
Nutrition and infection are often at a crossroads, interacting with each other and influencing human health. Infection is a major health problem and nutritional deficiency plays a significant role in increasing the risk of infection. Nutrition–Infection Interactions and Impacts on Human Health presents state-of-the-art evidence on nutrition–infection interactions and their impact on health and disease. The book explores a wide range of topics including the effects of infection on nutrition—a common occurrence in the developing world—and nutrient–infection interactions for specific infections including HIV, TB, malaria, and parasitic infections. These are reviewed with a special emphasis on nutritional interventions. Also covered is the role of the gastrointestinal tract and its influence on nutrition, focusing on the human gastrointestinal microbiota, enteric syndromes, probiotics, and immunonutrients. The book discusses infection–nutrition interactions in special age groups such as children, adolescents, and the elderly. It also reviews emerging nutritional and anti-infective strategies with an emphasis on future research directions. The book is useful for epidemiologists, nutritionists, and health care staff caring for patients. The book’s broad scope allows for its applicability to both the developed and the developing world.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Tank Spotter’s Guide
Invented during World War I to break the grim deadlock of the Western Front trenches, tanks have gone on to revolutionise warfare. From the lightning Blitzkrieg assaults of World War II to the great battles in the Middle Eastern desert and the largest ever tank battles on the Eastern Front, tanks have become one of the key components of the 'combined arms' philosophy of warfare. This pocket guide gives the reader all of the essential information on 40 of history's premiere tanks, including the Tiger, Sherman, Panther and M1A1 Abrams. Each tank is presented with a detailed drawing to aid recognition.
National Geographic Society Daily Joy: 365 Days of Inspiration
The first in National Geographic’s 365-photo-a-day line of inspirational books, Daily Joy unites inspiring words of joy with lovely National Geographic images of the world–a perfect gift to keep on your bedside table to read just before bed or first thing in the morning. Crafted in the tradition of the successful Offerings series from Abrams/Stewart Tabori & Chang, Daily Joy’s elegant design features 365 days of gorgeous National Geographic photography, each one paired with a meaningful quotation, meditation, or thought that will help readers find joy every day of the year. Each month has a theme, and all the quotes are centered around it.