Search results for ""author robert"
HarperCollins Publishers The Palace of Eros
EOS (Instituto de Orientación Psicológica Asociados) La emocin decide y la razn justifica
Este libro es quizás la forma más precisa de sintetizar los conocimientos científicos sobre los motores que intervienen en nuestro comportamiento. Con esta afirmación se manifiesta sin complejos que nuestra esencia está más cerca del sentir que del pensar.Se sitúa a la persona como elemento esencial de la motivación científica y lo ofrecemos novelando historias reales como espejo que muestra todos los ángulos que nos arrastran al sufrimiento o nos elevan a la satisfacción.
Ciudad Argentina Garantías procesales
Editorial Doce Robles Así nacen y mueren los periódicos en España Un relato de la transición de la Prensa 19772015
Plaza y Valdes, S.L. Cassirer y su neoilustración la conferencia sobre Weimar y el debate de Davos con Heidegger
En su conferencia pronunciada en 1928 para conmemorar la República de Weimar, Cassirer muestra que los valores defendidos por esa constitución republicana hunden sus raíces en la Ilustración europea. Los derechos del hombre y del ciudadano promulgados por la Revolución francesa gracias a Lafayette se habrían inspirado desde luego en las declaraciones de los nuevos Estados libres norteamericanos, pero deberían su gestación y consagración conceptual nada menos que a filósofos como Leibniz o Kant. Con todo ello se ilustra la fecunda interacción que se da entre teoría y praxis, entre la historia de las ideas y el cómo va configurándose merced a ellas nuestra realidad político-social.Poco después, en la primavera de 1929, los asistentes a un congreso filosófico celebrado en la localidad suiza de Davos presenciaron un debate que ha devenido legendario por confrontar dos cosmovisiones antagónicas. En torno a sus respectivas interpretaciones del pensamiento kantiano, Cassirer y Heidegger p
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Metafísica de las costumbres
Esta obra representa una recreación de la cuarta y última parte de El mundo como voluntad y representación, es decir, de aquélla que se interesa por la moral; en realidad, no se trata sino de una versión con ribetes didácticos elaborada para sus alumnos de la Universidad de Berlín. A Schopenhauer le gustaba comparar su sistema filosófico con la Tebas de las cien puertas, indicando con ello que siempre se viene a parar al mismo centro neurálgico, cualquiera que sea la vía de acceso escogida. Sin duda, su mayor anhelo era el de integrar todas las parcelas del saber en una partitura homogénea y armónica, en donde las claves morales quedasen bien orquestadas con los compases de la estética o los acordes de la epistemología, gracias al compás que marca esa melodía de fondo entonada por su original metafísica. En este orden de cosas, la ética de Schopenhauer se presenta en esta obra como una odisea que bordea en todo momento el insondable abismo de la mística, empeñada como está en explorar
Edaf Antillas Lectura Rapida
Desclée De Brouwer La conversión de Aurelio Agustín el proceso interior en sus confesiones
Encuadernación: Cartoné.Elaborar la imagen de san Agustín de la existencia cristiana, la interpretación del acontecer interior relatado por las Confesiones, no puede ser simplemente el relato de una conversión moral y religiosa, una conversión del mal al bien, de la incredulidad a la fe. Por el camino surge también una interpretación psicológica. Una psicología que aquí requiere saber acerca del espíritu y poder ver la realización de un destino espiritual, saber de lo religioso y poder reconocerlo en su sentido originario, ver lo cristiano más allá de lo espiritual y religioso. Por último, la historia de Agustín se desarrolla en el ámbito moral y del alma, pero también en el del pensamiento y la idea. Desde la perspectiva de la historia del pensamiento, Agustín arroja una mirada retrospectiva a su vida e introduce interpretativamente la segunda conversión en la primera.El Dios del cristianismo al que Agustín se ha convertido y en cuya presencia escribe sus Confesiones, no es el s
Herder & Herder Psicoanálisis Y Espiritualidad
IC Editorial Técnicas de protección de personas vigilancia seguridad privada y protección de personas
Objetivos - Identificar los dispositivos de protección personal y aplicar las técnicas estáticas y dinámicas coordinando medios humanos y materiales. - Aplicar la teoría de la protección personal en el caso concreto de su protegido. - Reconocer el espacio en el que se desenvuelve el protegido y evaluar los dispositivos de que dispone. - Coordinar con el departamento de seguridad todos los movimientos y preparar los medios necesarios. - Ejecutar las instrucciones que las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad impartan en relación con la persona objeto de protección. - Decidir las rutas e itinerarios y aplicar las técnicas de conducción. - Establecer, en coordinación con el departamento de seguridad, los itinerarios principales y alternativos de cada desplazamiento, eligiendo el más adecuado en cada circunstancia. Y estimar la necesidad, en su caso, de contactar con las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad. Contenidos La protección integral Introducción. Fundamentos de la protección y conocimiento de
Tercero incluido Mil sonidos Deleuze Guattari y la música electrónica
Editorial Terracota Historia de la desaparición
El secreto, la negativa, la ignorancia, el olvido, la tachadura, la rasgadura, las contradicciones,las confusiones, todas son técnicas para desaparecer a las personas,para difuminar su memoria, desconocer los conflictos, callar las batallas. En Historiade la desaparición los desaparecidos vuelven a estar aquí, tienen nombre.
City Point Press Time to Fly: Life and Love After Loss
Sophia Institute Press CHURCH IN THE STORMS
Rockridge Press Mindfulness for Teen Anxiety: A Practical Guide to Manage Stress, Ease Worry, and Find Calm
Arcadia Publishing Suffragists in Washington DC The 1913 Parade and the Fight for the Vote American Heritage
Penzler Publishers The Great Mistake
Rowman & Littlefield Mr. Rockefeller's Roads: The Story Behind Acadia's Carriage Roads
The beautiful carriage roads of Mount Desert Island fit so perfectly into the land it seems as though they have always been there. Actually, they are the result of decades of planning and painstaking effort on the part of philanthropist John D. Rockefeller, Jr. and were built by local islanders over a 27-year period. Access by cars is not permitted, so the trails remain a boon to walkers, horseback riders, bicyclists, and cross-country skiers.This second edition also includes an interview with David Rockefeller, son of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and an exploration of the history of the roads since the publication of the first edition in 1990. Additional archival photographs and new color photographs of the roads are also included
Design Originals Stamp & Slice Clay
Korean Book Service Elizabeth Keiths Korea As It Was
Taylor Trade Publishing Exploring New Orleans: A Family Guide
More than just a list of places to see and things to do, Exploring New Orleans is loaded with the history and heritage of this venerable old city. With a background on the people, the diverse cultures, the unique architecture, the music, and the fabulous food, your experience in the city is greatly enriched, and you are ready to explore.
Manchester University Press The Arts of Angela Carter: A Cabinet of Curiosities
This book aims to give new insights into the multifarious worlds of Angela Carter and to re-assess her impact and importance for the twenty-first century. It brings together leading Carter scholars with some emerging academics, in a new approach to her work, which focuses on the diversity of her interests and versatility across different fields. Even where chapters are devoted specifically to her fiction, they tend to concentrate on inter-disciplinary crossings-over as in, for example, psycho-geography or translational poetics. The purpose of this collection is to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of her death. This is the continuation of a tradition, triggered by the first edited collection by Lorna Sage in 1994, published in the wake of her untimely death in 1992, while the most recent, New Critical Readings (2012) , edited by Sonya Andermahr and Lawrence Phillips marks the twentieth anniversary.
Skyhorse Publishing Your Mentor: A Practical Guide for First-Year Teachers in Grades 1-3
This practical, easy-to-implement guide was developed by surveying student teachers, substitute teachers, returning teachers, emergency credential teachers, and teacher educators. Your Mentor contains their wide-ranging recommendations of what they wanted to see included in a teaching reference. Actual samples of lesson units, themes, and communications with parents are included along with easy-to-follow, classroom-tested suggestions for: Making lesson plans Keeping records Using technology in the classroom Planning special events Developing and maintaining professional credentials and portfolios This book is a valuable reference tool for those in their first few years of teaching, teachers returning to the classroom, and students considering the teaching profession. It will serve as a daily companion—like the experienced mentor we all want and need.
Simon Pulse Pawns
Aladdin Paperbacks The Pet-Sitting Peril
Aladdin Paperbacks What Could Go Wrong?
Aladdin Paperbacks The View from the Cherry Tree
Aladdin Paperbacks The View from the Cherry Tree
Arcadia Publishing Deland
August House Publishers Scared in School
Arcadia Publishing Hueytown Images of America Arcadia Publishing
Penguin Young Readers Cantoras (Spanish Edition)
Scholastic US Smile! (Baby Faces Board Book): Volume 2
Alfred A. Knopf Cantoras: A novel
Random House USA Inc The Invisible Mountain
Novas Edicoes Academicas Chassi de uma central móvel de concreto
Little Tiger Reise in den Norden
Little Tiger Die weite Steppe
Börsenbuchverlag Kings of Crypto
FISCHER Taschenbuch Die Tangospielerin
Quarto Publishing PLC The Egg
This beautifully illustrated and heartwarming tale tells the story of the surprising friendship between a young boy and the dragon who drops into his life quite by surprise! George knows something isn't right when he finds more than he bargained for under his mother's favourite chicken....but when the egg hatches he finds himself looking after a baby dragon! George takes his job as a parent seriously, teaching the hatchling all sorts of 'dragony' ways. From the fine art of flying to breathing fire, from how to distress a damsel to how to defeat a knight, George makes sure to teach the young dragon everything it will need to thrive. However, as time goes on the dragon begins to pine for his own kind, and one day he disappears, leaving George heartbroken... Where has the dragon disappeared to? Will the boy and his dragon ever be reunited? This tale will be loved by children and adults alike, who will treasure the wonderful hand-painted illustrations just as much as the moving story in this touching tale of fantasy, family and kinship.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Developments in Financial Reporting by Multinationals
This volume is concerned with financial reporting issues resulting from the growth and spread of multinational corporations.The book consists of up-to-date readings from a broad range of international journals which look at, and evaluate, the financial accounting techniques adopted in different parts of the world for dealing with issues such as segment reporting, disclosure standards, financial reporting and stock markets. The final part deals with the reporting practices of individual companies over time.This insightful volume will be of value to researchers and practitioners alike.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Integrating the Mind: Domain General Versus Domain Specific Processes in Higher Cognition
There are currently several debates taking place simultaneously in various fields of psychology which address the same fundamental issue: to what extent are the processes and resources that underlie higher cognition domain-general versus domain-specific? Extreme Domain Specificity argues that people are effective thinkers only in contexts which they have directly experienced, or in which evolution has equipped them with effective solutions. The role of general cognitive abilities is ignored, or denied altogether. This book evaluates the evidence and arguments put forward in support of domain specific cognition, at the expense of domain generality. The contributions reflect a range of expertise, and present research into logical reasoning, problem solving, judgement and decision making, cognitive development, and intelligence. The contributors suggest that domain general processes are essential, and that domain specific processes cannot function without them. Rather than continuing to divide the mind’s function into ever more specific units, this book argues that psychologists should look for greater integration and for people’s general cognitive skills to be viewed as an integral part of their lives.Integrating the Mind will be valuable reading for students and researchers in psychology interested in the fields of cognition, cognitive development, intelligence and skilled behaviour.
Cinnamon Press Parramisha
What’s written about us by non-Roma is a stereotypical image that’s both romantic and vilified. In writing our own Parramisha-story we are obligated to deconstruct those prevailing narratives readily available in popular culture and that have unjustly treated us. Parramisha challenges the reader to reconstruct a new image as a life affirming narrative of our wholeness as a Romani identity.