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John Wiley and Sons Ltd Manual of Trauma Management in the Dog and Cat
Manual of Trauma Management in the Dog and Cat provides quick access to clinically relevant information on stabilizing, diagnosing, and managing the trauma patient. The book uses an outline format to provide fast access to essential information, focusing on practical advice and techniques for treating traumatic injuries. Manual of Trauma Management in the Dog and Cat is an ideal handbook for quickly and confidently managing this common presenting complaint. Beginning with a concise summary of the global assessment of traumatized patients, the heart of the book is devoted to guidance on managing specific types of trauma following definitive diagnosis. Manual of Trauma Management in the Dog and Cat is a valuable quick-reference guide to treating canine and feline trauma patients for general practitioners and emergency specialists alike.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Image-Guided Interventions: Expert Radiology Series
Completely revised to reflect recent, rapid changes in the field of interventional radiology (IR), Image-Guided Interventions, 3rd Edition, offers comprehensive, narrative coverage of vascular and nonvascular interventional imaging-ideal for IR subspecialists as well as residents and fellows in IR. This award-winning title provides clear guidance from global experts, helping you formulate effective treatment strategies, communicate with patients, avoid complications, and put today's newest technology to work in your practice. Offers step-by-step instructions on a comprehensive range of image-guided intervention techniques, including discussions of equipment, contrast agents, pharmacologic agents, antiplatelet agents, and classic signs, as well as detailed protocols, algorithms, and SIR guidelines. Includes new chapters on Patient Preparation, Prostate Artery Embolization, Management of Acute Aortic Syndrome, Percutaneous Arterial Venous Fistula Creation, Lymphatic Interventions, Spinal and Paraspinal Nerve Blocks, and more. Employs a newly streamlined format with shorter, more digestible chapters for quicker reference. Integrates new patient care and communication tips throughout to address recent changes in practice. Highlights indications and contraindications for interventional procedures, and provides tables listing the materials and instruments required for each. Features more than 2,300 state-of-the-art images demonstrating IR procedures, full-color illustrations of anatomical structures and landmarks, and video demonstrations online. 2014 BMA Medical Book Awards Highly Commended in Radiology category! Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Atlas of Clinical Gross Anatomy: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access
Atlas of Clinical Gross Anatomy uses over 500 incredibly well-executed and superb dissection photos and illustrations to guide you through all the key structures you'll need to learn in your gross anatomy course. This medical textbook helps you master essential surface, gross, and radiologic anatomy concepts through high-quality photos, digital enhancements, and concise text introductions throughout. Get a clear understanding of surface, gross, and radiologic anatomy with a resource that's great for use before, during, and after lab work, in preparation for examinations, and later on as a primer for clinical work. Learn as intuitively as possible with large, full-page photos for effortless comprehension. No more confusion and peering at small, closely cropped pictures! Easily distinguish highlighted structures from the background in each dissection with the aid of digitally color-enhanced images. See structures the way they present in the anatomy lab with specially commissioned dissections, all done using freshly dissected cadavers prepared using low-alcohol fixative. Bridge the gap between gross anatomy and clinical practice with clinical correlations throughout. Master anatomy efficiently with one text covering all you need to know, from surface to radiologic anatomy, that's ideal for shortened anatomy courses. Review key structures quickly thanks to detailed dissection headings and unique icon navigation. Access the full text and self assessment questions at
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Accounting Ethics
A trusted resource on the complex ethical questions that define the accounting professionAn accountant’s practice depends on making difficult decisions. To achieve the best results, individual accountants and accounting firms need a clear understanding of the ethical duties and decision-making involved in the four major functions of modern accounting—auditing, management accounting, tax accounting, and consulting—as well as a strong sense of ethical conduct to guide the certification and validation of reliable financial records. Now in its third edition, Accounting Ethics is a thorough and engaging exploration of the ethical issues that accountants encounter in their professional lives. Since the publication of the first edition in 2002, Accounting Ethics has become an indispensable resource for accounting courses and certification programs worldwide, known for its focus on real-world application, practical advice, reader-friendly guidance, and its insight into the effects of global change on the profession. Together with coverage of the contemporary regulatory environment—including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, and the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act—this revised edition features expanded pedagogical resources such as new end-of-chapter case studies and discussion questions, and includes the updated AICPA Code of Conduct. Concise and dependable, Accounting Ethics sustains its reputation as an authoritative resource for practicing accountants, new professionals, students of accounting, and those who are considering the profession.
Elsevier Health Sciences Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary
Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary, 5th Edition includes the veterinary technical and scientific words and phrases you might encounter in practice. With well over 60,000 main and subentries including large animals, small animals, and exotics, presented in a user-friendly format, the fifth edition continues its legacy as the most comprehensive dictionary reference in the veterinary field. Completely revised and updated for today's veterinary team, it now includes an all-new companion Evolve site, which hosts an audio glossary of 1,200 common veterinary terms and an image collection featuring high-quality images from the book. The online site also includes printable appendices with essential reference information including conversion charts and blood groups of domestic animals. More than 60,000 main entries and subentries are included, making this the most comprehensive dictionary covering the whole range of veterinary medicine including large and small animals and exotic pets. Pronunciation of key terms is indicated by a phonetic respelling that appears in parentheses immediately following main entries. High-quality, color illustrations aid further understanding of important terminology. Color design and format help you find key information at a glance. Extensive appraisal, clarification, and focusing of entries to reflect current practice. Extensive contributions from internationally acknowledged expert consultants. UPDATED and NEW! Updated and all-new terminology from the latest research, including updated taxonomy in virology and bacteriology, ensures this invaluable reference is up-to-date. NEW! Updated images ensure you receive the most current and pertinent illustrations that identify and highlight specific terms. NEW! An all-new suite of online features including printable appendices with essential veterinary reference information, an image collection with 1,000 high-quality images, and an audio glossary with more than 1,200 common veterinary terms. NEW! A new co-editor and new expert contributors from around the world provide updates on the latest advances in the field of veterinary science.
Indiana University Press The Wisconsin Oneidas and the Episcopal Church: A Chain Linking Two Traditions
This unique collaboration by academic historians, Oneida elders, and Episcopal clergy tells the fascinating story of how the oldest Protestant mission and house of worship in the upper Midwest took root in the Oneida community. Personal bonds that developed between the Episcopal clergy and the Wisconsin Oneidas proved more important than theology in allowing the community to accept the Christian message brought by outsiders. Episcopal bishops and missionaries in Wisconsin were at times defenders of the Oneidas against outside whites attempting to get at their lands and resources. At other times, these clergy initiated projects that the Oneidas saw as beneficial—a school, a hospital, or a lace-making program for Oneida women that provided a source of income and national recognition for their artistry. The clergy incorporated the Episcopal faith into an Iroquoian cultural and religious framework—the Condolence Council ritual—that had a longstanding history among the Six Nations. In turn, the Oneidas modified the very form of the Episcopal faith by using their own language in the Gloria in Excelsis and the Te Deum as well as by employing Oneida in their singing of Christian hymns.Christianity continues to have real meaning for many American Indians. The Wisconsin Oneidas and the Episcopal Church testifies to the power and legacy of that relationship.
Paraclete Press Poverty: Responding Like Jesus
Rowman & Littlefield The School Safety Handbook: Taking Action for Student and Staff Protection
A comprehensive and systematic way to ensure a safe learning environment. This new book provides an extensive review of the many facets of the problem, legal issues, and school safety strategies and preventitve steps.
Guilford Publications School Psychology for the 21st Century: Foundations and Practices
Now in a revised and updated third edition reflecting a decade of changes in the field, this leading text prepares new practitioners to support all students' academic, behavioral, and social–emotional success. The multiple roles and functions of the school psychologist are described and illustrated with vivid vignettes. Readers gain vital skills for planning and implementing evidence-based prevention and intervention efforts and collaborating to facilitate systems change. Guided by a problem-solving perspective, the book provides tools for effective, culturally responsive practice in today's diverse schools. End-of-chapter discussion questions and activities enhance learning. New to This Edition *Incorporates key advances in evidence-based assessment, intervention, and multi-tiered systems of support. *Increased attention to supporting the growing numbers of culturally and linguistically diverse students in schools. *Addresses changes in school psychology training programs and professional standards. *New emphasis on implementation science.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis
Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis offers a powerful, visually-rich approach to the subject—delivering streamlined yet rigorous coverage of the use of economic analysis techniques in engineering design. This award-winning textbook provides an impressive array of pedagogical tools to maximize student engagement and comprehension, including learning objectives, key term definitions, comprehensive case studies, classroom discussion questions, and challenging practice problems. Clear, topically—organized chapters guide students from fundamental concepts of borrowing, lending, investing, and time value of money, to more complex topics such as capitalized and future worth, external rate of return, deprecation, and after-tax economic analysis. This fully-updated second edition features substantial new and revised content that has been thoroughly re-designed to support different learning and teaching styles. Numerous real-world vignettes demonstrate how students will use economics as practicing engineers, while plentiful illustrations, such as cash flow diagrams, reinforce student understanding of underlying concepts. Extensive digital resources now provide an immersive interactive learning environment, enabling students to use integrated tools such as Excel. The addition of the WileyPLUS platform provides tutorials, videos, animations, a complete library of Excel video lessons, and much more.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Principles of Engineering Economic Analysis
The Catholic University of America Press Questions Concerning Aristotle's "On Animals": Albert the Great
After the Latin translation of Aristotelian works outside the logica vetus began in earnest in twelfth-century Spain, it remained to Scholastic philosophers to assimilate the new materials. Although many individuals commented on the logica nova and on some of Aristotle's books on natural philosophy, Albert the Great is one of only a very few Scholastics to comment on the entire collection of Aristotle's biological works.This text, the "Questions concerning Aristotle's On Animals" ["Quaestiones super de animalibus"], recovered only at the beginning of the twentieth century and never before translated in its entirety, represents Conrad of Austria's report on a series of disputed questions that Albert the Great addressed in Cologne ca. 1258. "The Questions", in nineteen books, mixes two distinct genres: the scholastic quaestio, with arguments pro et contra, a determination, and answers to the objections; and the straightforward question-and-response found, for example, in "The Prose Salernitan Questions".Here, even more clearly perhaps than in his slightly later and much larger paraphrastic commentary "On Animals" ["De animalibus"], Albert adduces his own views - often criticizing other medieval physicians and natural philosophers - on comparative anatomy, human physiology, sexuality, procreation, and embryology. This translation, based on the critical edition that appeared in the "Cologne" edition of Albert's work, helps to explain the title "patron saint of scientists" bestowed upon Albert by Pope Pius XII.This work should find its audience among medievalists and historians of science and culture. More so than the massive "On Animals", it should prove useful in the classroom as an encyclopedia or handbook of medieval life.
Johns Hopkins University Press Documentary History of the First Federal Congress of the United States of America, March 4, 1789-March 3, 1791: Correspondence: First Session, March - May 1789
Three new volumes in this acclaimed series present letters written by and to members of the First Federal Congress and communications from other informed individuals at the seat of government in New York City by 1789. The letters bring the official record to life by providing details about the political process through which Congress began to accomplish its daunting agenda by establishing the first federal revenue system, fleshing out the executive and judicial branches outlined in the Constitution, drafting the Bill of Rights, and beginning to tackle the divisive issue of locating the permanent federal capital. The documents supply a rich source of information about the members' opinions on issues, lives in New York and concerns about their distant families, and the services they provided for constituents, as well as constituent opinions about issues. They also make available for the first time in English the frank and insightful letters of the French minister on the subject of the new federal government.
Rowman & Littlefield The Next American Century: Essays in Honor of Richard G. Lugar
With 40 years in public service, and 23 years on the Senate Foreign Relations committee, Richard Lugar's career and views are of particular interest today, when the U.S. must be particularly careful to choose a wise course of foreign policy. In this collection of essays, distinguished scholars, government officials, public servants and businessmen honor the man who sees Teddy Roosevelt's 'big stick...not as a substitute for good sense, but an expression of it,' in addition to analyzing the U.S.'s responsibilities and possible courses of action in the Middle East, in building democratic allies, in using intelligence, and much more.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Urban Planning and Management
Urban Planning and Management presents a collection of key articles on different aspects of sustainability in urban planning and management whilst simultaneously illustrating the conflicting arguments about whether and how sustainability should be achieved.Part I covers the factors determining the life and death of cities and what is required to achieve sustainable development. In Part II issues of whether cities should be compact or dispersed and concepts of sustainable development in third world cities and societies are explored. Parts III and IV examine design as an integral part of producing a sustainable urban policy and energy use. Part V deals with Local Agenda 21 issues and Part VI looks at town planning. Part VII discusses transport as both a product and determinant of sustainable urban planning and management. Parts VIII, IX and X examine the sustainable provision of other services including waste collection, recycling schemes and water. In Part XI sustainability is shown as occurring within, and constrained by, legal, property rights and management practices.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Dynamics of Corporate Co-evolution: A Case Study of Port Development in China
This fascinating, close range look at the co-evolution of a Chinese joint venture port operator and the dynamic political and economic environment in which it is embedded demonstrates yet again that in the right hands, theory and practice can and do inform and infuse each other. In the haystack of contemporary China books, this is a precious needle.'- Oded Shenkar, Ohio State University, US'This work is an excellent example of a joint business-academic collaboration on telling the story of how a major business evolved successfully with its environment - an environment in which most businesses have found it difficult to operate and most researchers have found it a challenge to explain. Through meticulous research, the research team explains with solid facts and strong theory how a business influenced its highly complex and ambiguous political environment through developing strategic relationships. This project is a model for conducting relevant research that the management field desperately needs. It is exemplary of engaged scholarship that merges the best of scholarship and practice. Both academics and executives will find this book a treasure of ideas.'- Anne Tsui, Arizona State University, US'The Dynamics of Corporate Co-evolution provides an excellent exploration of co-evolution from the perspective of power relations within a hierarchical system. It is relevant not only to firms working within a political environment, but also useful for people working in think tanks and policy analysis. Its treatment of relationship management has universal implications.'- Huijiong Wang, The State Council, PRCOffering insights of unusual richness, this book examines one of the world's most important business environments to determine the way that organizations can develop through interaction with their environments. It fills a gap in our understanding of the evolution of the Chinese business environment and throws light on the theory of co-evolution in order to inspire management practice.Written on the basis of a collaboration between a leading business manager and renowned university scholars, this groundbreaking book makes a significant contribution both to theory and practice of competitive strategy.Contents: Part I: Introduction, Perspective and Method 1. Introduction 2. The Co-evolutionary Perspective 3. Research Design and Methodology Part II: Environment, Evolution and Managerial Initiative 4. Yantian Port and its Changing Environment 5. The Evolution of a World-Class Port 6. Innovations in Management Practice 7. Relationship Management - Creating a Relational Framework Part III: Co-evolution: Theory and Practice 8. Forms of Co-evolution 9. The Political Dynamics of Corporate Co-evolution 10. Lessons for Managers Operating in a Complex Environment Index
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Clinical Pain Management: A Practical Guide
Clinical Pain Management Pain has many dimensions; biological, psychological and social. All of these warrant attention in clinical management and research. Despite advances in pain management and understanding, chronic pain in particular continues to be a major health concern. Many challenging problems persist in our efforts to understand and manage chronic pain. This revised and updated second edition of Clinical Pain Management: A Practical Guide draws attention to the challenges that exist for people living with chronic pain conditions, for the clinician trying to provide effective management of the patient’s pain, for the scientist seeking to unravel the mechanisms underlying pain, and for society as a whole. This book offers the opportunity for clinicians to improve their knowledge about pain and apply that knowledge for the benefit of their patients. This second edition has built upon the first edition, which was distinctive in its integration of the clinical, psychosocial and basic science topics related to the different types of pain and their management. With up-to-date information throughout the 44 chapters of this second edition, this book provides a valuable resource about pain from a variety of perspectives. Clinical Pain Management: A Practical Guide, Second Edition, will be particularly valuable not only for clinicians to help them assist with their patients experiencing an acute pain or suffering from chronic pain, but also for scientists who wish to gain more insights into these pain conditions and their underlying processes.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Perspectives in World Food and Agriculture 2004, Volume 2
The second volume in a series designed to keep agricultural leaders abreast of the most up-to-date information concerning global agriculture, Perspectives in World Food and Agriculture, Volume 2 brings together cutting-edge agricultural research and the latest views on agricultural policy. Written by internationally renowned researchers, scientists, and academics, Volume 2 includes: The UN's approaches to address global food security and poverty An essay by the World Food Prize Laureat Globalization, emerging diseases, and invasive specie Environmental sustainability Plant-derived vaccines, antibiotic bans, and health impacts The future of agricultural biotechnology The pivotal role of agriculture in human developmen Global agricultural statistics and projections Aimed at faculty, undergraduate and graduate students in colleges of agriculture, policy makers, government and industry scientists, public libraries, farmers and agribusiness operators, this book is key to keeping current on agricultural research and policy.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Modern Methods For Quality Control and Improvement
This is a revision of a classic! This text provides a single source for information on both the structure and management of quality systems and the use of statistics to control and improve quality. It incorporates an international flavor and a good balance of services and manufacturing coverage. It is practical and appropriate for industry practitioners as well.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Gauss and Jacobi Sums
Devised in the 19th century, Gauss and Jacobi Sums are classical formulas that form the basis for contemporary research in many of today's sciences. This book offers readers a solid grounding on the origin of these abstract, general theories. Though the main focus is on Gauss and Jacobi, the book does explore other relevant formulas, including Cauchy.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Hydrology and the Management of Watersheds
This new edition is a major revision of the popular introductory reference on hydrology and watershed management principles, methods, and applications. The book's content and scope have been improved and condensed, with updated chapters on the management of forest, woodland, rangeland, agricultural urban, and mixed land use watersheds. Case studies and examples throughout the book show practical ways to use web sites and the Internet to acquire data, update methods and models, and apply the latest technologies to issues of land and water use and climate variability and change.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Smith's Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation
Long known as the go-to resource for superbly illustrated, up-to-date coverage in this complex field, Smith's Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation, 8th Edition, provides a wealth of information on malformation syndromes of environmental and genetic etiology, recognizable disorders of unknown cause, clinical approaches to specific diagnoses, and normal standards of measurement for the entire spectrum of disorders. This award-winning reference is indispensable for clinicians in pediatrics, neonatology, family medicine, and genetics, as well as nurse practitioners and physician assistants-anyone who needs a complete, authoritative, and easy-to-read guide to help accurately diagnose human disorders, establish prognoses, and provide appropriate management and genetic counseling. Includes an easy-to-read description of each condition: Common and occasional abnormalities, natural history, etiology, and references. Opposing pages contain descriptive photographs and line drawings of either an individual with the abnormality or specific features of the abnormality. Contains new coverage of Hennekam Syndrome, Parkes Weber Syndrome, KBG Syndrome, Kosaki Overgrowth, Malan Syndrome, and much more. Arranges disorders based on similarity in overall features, so you can easily navigate to the correct section and compare/contrast similar disorders. Features more than 1,500 full-color photographs and illustrations, many from the personal collections of Drs. Smith and Jones, and others from multiple international collaborators. Provides summarized information in order to understand basic mechanisms of morphogenesis and birth defects and key concepts in genetics and genetic testing-necessary information for counseling patients and parents. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Emerald Publishing Limited Current Topics in Management
This fifth volume of "Current Topics" contains seventeen chapters divided into six sections. The editors contribute Chapters 1 and 17, and the remaining sixteen were selected from seventy-five competitive papers presented at the sixth annual International Conference on Advances in Management held at Baton Rouge, Lousiana, during July 1999. The major architecture for this book is divided into six sections. They are labelled: Organization Theory, Organizational Behavior, Trust, Morality, and Ethics, Organizational Development and Innovation, International Management, and Concluding Comments.
Arcadia Publishing U.S. National Library of Medicine
Elsevier Health Sciences Veterinary Medicine