Search results for ""author judith"
Quest Books,U.S. The Chakras
Pearson Education (US) MyMathGuide for Introductory and Intermediate Algebra
Pearson Education (US) Student Solutions Manual for Introductory and Intermediate Algebra
Hatje Cantz Milen Till: Till Now
Till Now provides an overview of the work to date of the young German-French artist Milen Till, whose multi-layered works explore the legacy of conceptual art as well as the ready-made. His playful reinterpretations of masterpieces by Marcel Duchamp, Piet Mondrian, Agnes Martin, or even the Bavarian comedian Karl Valentin reveal their essential characteristics, distort them, contextualize them, and thus give them a startling new meaning that challenges the 20th-century cult of the genius. Using a wide variety of methods, means, and tools - from folding rulers to drums and darts - he takes components of art history and the art world's sacrosanct to develop entirely original works with a tongue-in-cheek lightness.
Birkhauser Styria Media Center Graz: ArchitekturConsult
The spectacular Styria Media Center office tower, designed by architects Hermann Eisenköck and Herfried Peyker (Architekturconsult) will be opened in June 2015. The disc-shaped, sculptural media building will have the space for 1,200 employees. The heart of the building is an integrated newsroom with more than 240 workspaces. Other users include Antenne Steiermark and the editors of Kleine Zeitung and Kleine Zeitung Digital on an area of about 3,200 m2. The building is a strikingly proportioned, recumbent figure almost 60 meters in height that rises upward from a semi-basement. There is a skylobby on the top floor with a conference room and bar, and a rooftop deck offers a magnificent view over the city of Graz. With numerous drawings and construction photos, the book documents the design and construction process of this exceptional building.
CABI Publishing Parasitic Nematodes: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Immunology
Parasitic Nematodes are amongst the most successful parasites on Earth. This fully-updated second edition constitutes a comprehensive volume that continues to discuss the molecular biology, biochemistry and immunology of nematode parasites of humans, domestic animals and plants. There is a strong focus on new advances including chapters on horizontal gene transfer, genetics of susceptibility in humans, nematode protein structures, role of bacterial symbionts, host immune system modulation, modulation of allergic and autoimmune diseases by parasitic nematodes and the use of these organisms or their products as therapeutics. This book will be of significant importance to advanced students and researchers in human and veterinary parasitology, plant nematology and pathogen immunology in general.
Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development HR Business Partnering
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Working with Violence and Confrontation Using Solution Focused Approaches: Creative Practice with Children, Young People and Adults
An authoritative, interdisciplinary book which outlines how solution focused practice is particularly effective in addressing violent behaviour in clients and service users, encompassing work with both adults and children. Solution focused approaches have been used successfully with a range of violent behaviours from school-based bullying to severe domestic violence, as well as with victims of violence. Solution focused approaches hold people accountable for building solutions to their violent behaviour. The book shows how to engage clients in solution talk as opposed to problem talk, set useful goals and help clients to develop new behaviours. It outlines the practice principles and working techniques that make up solution focused practice with physical, emotional and sexual violence. Illustrative case studies and practice activities are provided. This book is suitable for anyone working to help reduce violent behaviour, including social workers, counsellors, therapists, nurses, probation workers and youth offending teams.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families
Tackling issues relevant to family life today, this authoritative Companion shows why studying social change in families is fundamental for understanding the transformations in individual and social life, across the globe. Contains original essays by expert contributors on a wide range of topics relating to the sociology of families. Includes coverage of social inequality, parenting practices, children’s work, the changing patterns of citizenship, and multi-cultural families. Gives special attention to European and North American examples. Discusses previously neglected groups, including immigrant families and gays and lesbians. Explores how revolutionary changes in aging, longevity, and sexual behavior have radically affected the experience of different generations, and the relationships between them.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families
Written by an international team of experts, this comprehensive volume investigates modern-day family relationships, partnering, and parenting set against a backdrop of rapid social, economic, cultural, and technological change. Covers a broad range of topics, including social inequality, parenting practices, children’s work, changing patterns of citizenship, multi-cultural families, and changes in welfare state protection for families Includes many European, North American and Asian examples written by a team of experts from across five continents Features coverage of previously neglected groups, including immigrant and transnational families as well as families of gays and lesbians Demonstrates how studying social change in families is fundamental for understanding the transformations in individual and social life across the globe Extensively reworked from the original Companion published over a decade ago: three-quarters of the material is completely new, and the remainder has been comprehensively updated
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Heimat Und Fremde: Selbst-, Fremd- Und Leitbilder in Film Und Fernsehen
KIT Publishers Making Sense of Capacity Development: Experiences with Technical Assistance & Capacity Development in the HIV Response
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag M Selection: Collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art
'M Selection' features a selection of works from the Migros Museum of Contemporary Art's collection by 27 Swiss and international artists. It examines the artists and their works and puts them in context with various artistic movements from the second half of the 20th century: Pop Art, Minimalism, Post-Minimalism, Land Art, Performance, Photography and conceptual Art, Feminist and Appropriation Art. The fully illustrated book gives brief texts on the featured works. Two introductory essays on the entire collection and the exhibition concept complete the book. 'M Selection' is published to coincide with an exhibition at the Musee Rath in Geneva. Artists featured include: Marc Camille Chaimowicz (French), Cosey Fanni Tutti (British), Thea Djordjadze (Georgian, working in Germany), Hamish Fulton (British), Douglas Gordon (British [Scottish]), Mathilde ter Heijne (Dutch, working in Germany), Daniel Knorr (Romanian, working in Germany), Sol LeWitt (American), Babette Mangolte (French, working in the USA), Bruce Nauman (American), Gerhard Richter (German), Markus Schinwald (Austrian), Katharina Sieverding (German), Alina Szapocznikow (Polish, worked in France), Oscar Tuazon (American), Andy Warhol (American), Stephen Willats (British), Christopher Wool (American), and others.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Taal en Taalwetenschap
De nieuwste editie van de toonaangevende bestseller in de categorie studieboeken Nederlandse taal en taalkunde In de derde herziene editie van Taal en Taalwetenschapgeefteen team van gerenommeerdetaalkundigeneen bredeinleiding inde belangrijkste thema'svan de taalwetenschap. Dit studieboek behandeltalle taalkundige deelgebieden, waaronderfonetiek, fonologie, morfologie, syntaxis, semantiek, discourse, en pragmatiek. De lezer maakt kennis met fundamentele begrippen en inzichten in het vakgebied, dieop toegankelijke wijze worden toegelicht aan de hand van voorbeelden uit allerlei talen. Ook is er aandacht voor meer toegepaste onderwerpen waarbij de taalgebruiker en taalgemeenschap centraal staan, zoalstaalverwerving, sociolinguïstiek, historische taalkunde en taalstoornissen. Deze jongste editie is grondig herzien om recente ontwikkelingen in het vakgebied recht te doen. Zo wordt de bespreking van taalverwerking versterkt door interdisciplinair onderzoek uit de neuro- en computerwetenschappen, en komen nieuwe inzichten vanuit de Optimaliteitstheorie en ander fonologisch onderzoek aan bod. In het boek kunnen lezers niet alleen zelftests vinden, maar ook: Uitgebreide introducties aan taal en taalvermogen om de lezer te gronden in noodzakelijke fundamentele kennis van het vakgebied Beschouwingen van discourse, syntaxis, woorden, fonologie, talen, en taalgemeenschappen Een toegankelijke schrijfstijl en vele voorbeelden om de betrokkenheid van de lezer te stimuleren, ideaal voor hen die nieuw met het onderwerp zijn Nieuwe oefeningen en samenvattingenen een begeleidende website die aanvullende onderwijsmaterialen voor de docent bevat, zoals modelantwoorden, onderwijssuggesties en aanvullende audio- en videobestanden Taal en Taalwetenschap is bij uitstek geschikt voor gebruik ininleidende cursussen in de taalwetenschap, maar ook voor zelfstudie: de bestseller is een onmisbaar naslagwerk dat een breed overzicht geeft van taal en taalwetenschap in al haar facetten.
Norvik Press Lucie
This novel tells the story of the misalliance between Lucie, a vivacious and beautiful dancing girl from Tivoli, and Theodor Gerner, a respectable lawyer from the strait-laced middle society of nineteenth-century Norway. Having first kept her as a mistress, Gerner is so captivated by Lucie's charms that he marries her, only to discover that his project to turn her into a proper and demure housewife is continually frustrated by her irrepressible sensuality and lack of fine breeding. What had made her alluring as a mistress makes her unacceptable as a wife. His attempts to govern her behaviour develop gradually into a harsh tyranny against which she rebels in a manner which brings misery and despair to both. Amalie Skram, a contemporary of Ibsen, expresses the same criticism of repressive social mores and hypocrisy here as he does in plays like A Doll's House and Ghosts, although in a deeply personal way. In this novel from 1888, as in her other novels, she makes an impassioned statement on the double standard, contributing to the great debate about sexual morality which engaged many Scandinavian writers in the late nineteenth century. She also presents a closely observed realistic depiction of a lively cross-section of Kristiania society from the turn of the century, ranging from high society dress parties to arid country cottages to dark and dingy tenements reeking of poverty.
George Braziller Inc Hook and Eye: A Selection of Poems
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Life Sciences Law
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Regesta Pontificum Romanorum: Tomus tertius (ab a. DCCCXLIV usque ad a. MXXIV)
Im Rahmen des Projekts »Papsturkunden des frühen und hohen Mittelalters« der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, welches im Gesamtunternehmen der Pius-Stiftung für Papsturkundenforschung eingebettet ist, entsteht die Neubearbeitung der Regesta Pontificum Romanorum unter der Ägide von Klaus Herbers. Der dritte Band knüpft an die ersten beiden Bände an und enthält die Pontifikate von Sergius II. bis zu Benedikt VIII. (von 844 bis 1024). In kurzen lateinischen Regesten werden systematisch die Papstkontakte in chronologischer Reihenfolge erschlossen. Durch die Aufarbeitung der Forschungsgeschichte seit der letzten Auflage 1885 wurde die Zahl der Einträge für die knapp 180 Jahre des dritten Bandes auf über 3500 erhöht. Neben zahlreichen Neufunden sind nun auch Schreiben an den Papst aufgenommen und erzählende Quellen stärker berücksichtigt. Die in großer Zahl überlieferten Briefe Leos IV., Nikolaus I. und vor allem Johannes VIII. stehen neben den Schreiben und Taten nahezu unbekannter Päpste und Gegenpäpste. Konzilsakten sowie Brief- und Rechtssammlungen wurden ebenso ausgewertet wie die Bischofsviten des Liber pontificalis und die wichtigste Historiographie. Einen zentralen Fortschritt erbrachte die bibliografische Aktualisierung. Die Regesten verweisen auf die heute maßgeblichen Editionen und die Diskussion zu Echtheit und Datierung der Papstschreiben. Konkordanzen und ein Initienregister erleichtern den Zugriff.
Arcadia Publishing Belleville: 1914 and Beyond
Rowman & Littlefield Social Problems across the Life Course
The human life course is filled with and subject to a wide range of personal difficulties, many of which are shared by others. Life events and processes such as birth, childhood, training for and entering an occupation, marriage, and procreation, growing older, death and dying are all subject to dilemmas, obstacles, and barriers. Social Problems across the Life Course offers accessible readings that examine the societal construction of social problems out of the personal troubles that people confront at major life stages. The essays provide an overview and illustrate the theory and principals that inform both the life course and social problems. Introductions by the editors vividly introduce the research and key theories in this unique anthology, perhaps the only one available to help students understand how life stages and personal and social problems interact.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Student-Assisted Teaching: A Guide to Faculty-Student Teamwork
This innovative handbook provides a range of models for undergraduate student-assisted teaching partnerships to help faculty, faculty developers, and administrators make learning more student-centered, more effective, and more productive. Each of the 31 models included in this volume is supported by practical details and focuses on four main aspects of a specific peer-assisted learning environment: implementation, evidence of effectiveness and learning benefits, analysis of time and cost expenditures, and suggestions for replication. Contents include discussions of working with undergraduate partners in several areas: Programs for first-year students Difficult courses Special groups Courses and programs for all students Faculty development The chapters present a range of approaches, applications, disciplines, institutions, and contexts, and demonstrate that student-faculty partnerships can be adapted to meet diverse needs in a variety of situations. Extensive appendices aid implementation by providing concrete examples of hiring documents, training syllabi, teaching materials, and evaluation methods.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Public Health Nutrition
In this second edition of the bestselling title from the acclaimed Nutrition Society Textbook series, Public Health Nutrition has been extensively revised to ensure that it reflects the latest evidence-based knowledge and research. Ground-breaking and comprehensive in both its scope and approach, Public Health Nutrition has been fully updated by an expert editorial team to cover the most recent changes in the field. It now offers a structured overview of the subject’s core concepts and considers public health nutrition tools and the application of intervention strategies. Divided into five key sections, Public Health Nutrition contains a wealth of information, including: Public health nutrition concepts and assessment tools, and their application in light of the latest evidence. Case studies to illustrate how best to apply the theory and evidence to policy and practice. An examination of nutrition throughout the lifecycle, and the relationship between diet and disease, including in relation to obesity, diabetes, cancer, as well as mental health. The impact of environmental factors on public health. Public health strategies, policies and approaches. With a clear and concise structure, Public Health Nutrition is an essential purchase for students of nutrition, dietetics and other healthcare areas, as well as an invaluable practical guide for health professionals working within public health. A supporting companion website featuring multiple-choice, short answer, and essay style questions is available at
John Wiley and Sons Ltd American Identities: An Introductory Textbook
American Identities is a dazzling array of primary documents and critical essays culled from American history, literature, memoir, and popular culture that explore major currents and trends in American history from 1945 to the present. Charts the rich multiplicity of American identities through the different lenses of race, class, and gender, and shaped by common historical social processes such as migration, families, work, and war. Includes editorial introductions for the volume and for each reading, and study questions for each selection. Enables students to engage in the history-making process while developing the skills crucial to interpreting rich and enduring cultural texts. Accompanied by an instructor's guide containing reading, viewing, and listening exercises, interview questions, bibliographies, time-lines, and sample excerpts of students' family histories for course use.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Energetic Brain: Understanding and Managing ADHD
How to get past the myths, tap into the creativity of the ADHD mind, and thrive ADHD affects millions of people-some 3 to 5% of the general population. Written by a neuroscientist who has studied ADHD, a clinician who has diagnosed and treated it for 30 years, and a special educator who sees it daily, The Energetic Brain provides the latest information from neuroscience on how the ADHD brain works and shows how to harness its potential for success. It distills the latest research findings to give readers the most up-to-date information available and provides practical strategies for managing ADHD-and thriving-at school, at work, and at home, from childhood through adulthood. Debunks popular (and destructive) myths about ADHD Covers how to manage ADHD with medication or without, what parents can do to help, and how to thrive with ADHD throughout the lifespan Offers effective academic and behavioral interventions for school, and helpful accommodations for the workplace The Energetic Brain provides a truly thorough view of ADHD, making it an invaluable guide for parents, teachers, and those living with ADHD.
University of Texas Press La ütz awäch?: Introduction to Kaqchikel Maya Language
Kaqchikel is one of approximately thirty Mayan languages spoken in Belize, Guatemala, Mexico, and, increasingly, the United States. Of the twenty-two Mayan languages spoken in Guatemala, Kaqchikel is one of the four "mayoritarios," those with the largest number of speakers. About half a million people living in the central highlands between Guatemala City and Lake Atitlán speak Kaqchikel. And because native Kaqchikel speakers are prominent in the field of Mayan linguistics, as well as in Mayan cultural activism generally, Kaqchikel has been adopted as a Mayan lingua franca in some circles.This innovative language-learning guide is designed to help students, scholars, and professionals in many fields who work with Kaqchikel speakers, in both Guatemala and the United States, quickly develop basic communication skills. The book will familiarize learners with the words, phrases, and structures used in daily communications, presented in as natural a way as possible, and in a logical sequence. Six chapters introduce the language in context (greetings, the classroom, people, the family, food, and life) followed by exercises and short essays on aspects of Kaqchikel life. A grammar summary provides in-depth linguistic analysis of Kaqchikel, and a glossary supports vocabulary learning from both Kaqchikel to English and English to Kaqchikel. These resources, along with sound files and other media on the Internet at, will allow learners to develop proficiency in all five major language skills—listening comprehension, speaking, reading, writing, and sociocultural understanding.
Universitatsverlag Winter Sudwestdeutsche Theologenbriefwechsel: Kirchen- Und Kulturgeschichtliche Einblicke. Christoph Strohm Zum 65. Geburtstag
Centerstream Publishing Charlie Watts' Favorite Drummers
Pearson Education (US) Student Solutions Manual for College Algebra: Graphs and Models
This manual contains completely worked-out solutions for all the odd-numbered exercises in the text.
Pearson Education (US) MyMathGuide for Algebra Foundations: Basic Mathematics, Introductory Algebra, and Intermediate Algebra
MyMathGuide: Notes, Practice, and Video Path is a loose-leaf workbook that is correlated to the To-the-Point Objective Videos and can be accessed within MyMathLab or packaged with the text or MyMathLab code. It provides: * A guided path where students can follow along with the To-the-Point Objective Videos (while filling-in the steps from the videos), or while reading the textbook, or listening to instructor lecture. * Notes on key concepts, skills, and definitions for each learning objective.*Vocabulary practice and review.*Examples that offer problem-solving practice where students can fill-in the blank steps to guide them through solving the example, plus Your Turn practice exercises.*Space to write questions and notes, and also can provide a good foundation for a hybrid or self-paced course notebook or lecture notes.*Additional Practice Exercises with Readiness Checks.
Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain Sally Gabori
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ethical Practice and the Abuse of Power in Social Responsibility: Leave No Stone Unturned
To avoid unfair and abusive practice in social care, policy makers and professionals need to examine the body of values, rules and methods which guide their work, and to move towards a more sophisticated participatory approach to social responsibility.Presenting the stories of individuals from all levels of the social and legal systems, including service users, judges, therapists, psychiatrists, social workers, social policy academics and parents, Ethical Practice and the Abuse of Power in Social Responsibility represents and unites academic, professional and personal perspectives. Topics covered include:* accountability and confidentiality * system abuse in psychiatric medicine, child protection and child care work * community poverty action * children's rights in statutory agency decision making * the use of information technology in family law disputes.The book contains background material, a review of current research, case studies and useful addresses, and lays guidelines for future policy. It is essential reading for social care academics, policy makers and professionals seeking to refine their practice to understand the invisible and prejudicial structures and processes which govern their work.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health: A Practical Guide, Volume 3
Rewritten with the new primary care environment in mind, this greatly expanded and updated edition of Child Mental Health in Primary Care extends the structured approach of the first edition to adoelscent mental health. As in the first edition, Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health covers each problem in a uniform way, offering definitions, assessment outlines, detailed management options and indications for referral. Numerous case examples further illuminate aspects of many conditions. Comprehensive and practical, the forty-eight chapters of Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health cover the full range of difficulties and disabilities affecting the mental health of children and young people. The book is divided into three volumes, and can either be read from cover to cover or used as a resource to be consulted for guidance on specific problems. This book is vital for all healthcare professionals including general practitioners, health visitors and other staff working in primary care to assess, manage and refer children and adolescents with mental health problems. School medical officers, social workers and educational psychologists, many of whom are in the front line of mental health provision for children and young people, will also find it extremely useful. Reviews of the first edition: 'This very comprehensive and detailed book provides the tools for primary care health professionals not only to assess a child's needs but in many cases also to implement an initial package of care.' JUST FOR NURSES 'I have no reservation in recommending the book to all people working with children and families in any capacity. An important training text for a variety of professions. A very effective text to be used in daily practice for quick reference.' CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH 'This book is well produced and clearly written. A useful book for anyone interested or involved with children.' FAMILY PRACTICE 'I looked through the book again and again but could not find anything missing.' NURSING TIMES
Taylor & Francis Ltd Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health: A Practical Guide, Volume 1
Rewritten with the new primary care environment in mind, this greatly expanded and updated edition of Child Mental Health in Primary Care extends the structured approach of the first edition to adoelscent mental health. As in the first edition, Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health covers each problem in a uniform way, offering definitions, assessment outlines, detailed management options and indications for referral. Numerous case examples further illuminate aspects of many conditions. Comprehensive and practical, the forty-eight chapters of Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health cover the full range of difficulties and disabilities affecting the mental health of children and young people. The book is divided into three volumes, and can either be read from cover to cover or used as a resource to be consulted for guidance on specific problems. This book is vital for all healthcare professionals including general practitioners, health visitors and other staff working in primary care to assess, manage and refer children and adolescents with mental health problems. School medical officers, social workers and educational psychologists, many of whom are in the front line of mental health provision for children and young people, will also find it extremely useful. Reviews of the first edition: 'This very comprehensive and detailed book provides the tools for primary care health professionals not only to assess a child's needs but in many cases also to implement an initial package of care.' JUST FOR NURSES 'I have no reservation in recommending the book to all people working with children and families in any capacity. An important training text for a variety of professions. A very effective text to be used in daily practice for quick reference.' CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH 'This book is well produced and clearly written. A useful book for anyone interested or involved with children.' FAMILY PRACTICE 'I looked through the book again and again but could not find anything missing.' NURSING TIMES
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Revealing the Inner World of Traumatised Children and Young People: An Attachment-Informed Model for Assessing Emotional Needs and Treatment
Bringing together the latest research and theory about a child's inner world and the impact of the world around them, this is a guide to understanding and responding to the emotional needs of traumatised children. Founded on the principle that traumatised children do not have a secure sense of self and therefore cannot relate to the outside world without becoming overwhelmed, this book brings psychoanalytic and psychodynamic understandings of child psychology together with current neuroscience and trauma theory. At the heart of the book is an attachment-informed assessment model and guidance for treatment.Professionals working therapeutically with traumatised children, including therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health workers, social workers and residential care workers, will benefit from the wealth of knowledge and valuable practice guidance presented in this book.
Monacelli Press Interior Landmarks: Treasures of New York
The first book to present great landmarked interiors of New York in all their intricate detail, Interior Landmarks is a visual celebration of space that captures the rich heritage of the city. Since 1965, the New York City Landmarks Law has preserved for generations to come a remarkable number of significant spaces in New York City's cultural, social, economic, political, and architectural history. Not only do the exterior facades of these buildings fall within the law's purview, but many of their stunning interiors as well. Newly updated with current information, this book tells the stories of forty-six interior landmarks from the widely celebrated - Radio City Music Hall, the Great Hall of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Grand Central Station - to others that are virtually unknown. A catalogue of all 120 interior landmarks, with names of their architects and locations, is also included. Readers will learn about their original construction and style, their exceptional design features, materials, and architectural details, as well as the challenges to preserving them - whether they were unanimously accepted or hotly contested in legal battles - and the preservationists, philanthropists, politicians, and designers who made it possible. The book also includes updated details on the restorations or re-imaginings that took place. Combining strong visuals and thorough research, this valuable reference work will fascinate all readers with an interest in the city's history. This paperback edition is updated with current information, including the 2017 addition of The New York Public Library's historic Rose Main Reading Room to the list of protected landmarks.
Quercus Publishing A History of Interior Design Fifth Edition
A History of Interior Design tells the story of 6,000 years of domestic and public space. It's an essential resource for students, professionals and anyone interested in interior design, the decorative arts, architecture and art history. It explores a broad range of styles and movements, weaving together a fascinating narrative from cave dwellings and temple architecture, through Gothic cathedrals and Islamic palaces, to modern skyscrapers and the retail spaces of the 21st-century.This fully updated fifth edition includes more on the contributions of women designers and architects, additional coverage of furniture, product design and decoration, as well as numerous examples of diverse modern styles from around the world. An extra final chapter focuses on the influence of the latest technology and current thinking on the importance of conservation and ethical sourcing.This new edition includes 730 images, over 300 of which are new or colour replacements for black and white photos.
Cornell University Press The Ethics of Narrative: Essays on History, Literature, and Theory, 1998–2007
Hayden White is widely considered to be the most influential historical theorist of the twentieth century. The Ethics of Narrative brings together nearly all of White's uncollected essays from the last two decades of his life, revealing a lesser-known side of White: that of the public intellectual. From modern patriotism and European identity to Hannah Arendt's writings on totalitarianism, from the idea of the historical museum and the theme of melancholy in art history to trenchant readings of Leo Tolstoy and Primo Levi, the first volume of The Ethics of Narrative shows White at his most engaging, topical, and capacious. Expertly introduced by editor Robert Doran, who lucidly explains the major themes, sources, and frames of reference of White's thought, this volume features five previously unpublished lectures, as well as more complete versions of several published essays, thereby giving the reader unique access to White's late thought. In addition to historical theorists and intellectual historians, The Ethics of Narrative will appeal to students and scholars across the humanities in such fields as literary and cultural studies, art history and visual studies, and media studies.
Hodder Education OCR Business for A Level
Exam Board: OCRLevel: A-levelSubject: BusinessFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: June 2016- Guides students through the new course and assessment structure with advice at the start of the book to help them understand what's required- Enables students to put their knowledge in context and helps them start analysing business data with case studies of real businesses included throughout- Prepares students for assessment with the 'Your turn' feature that contains practice questions including multiple choice, case study and data response, and those that test their quantitative skills
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Research Process in Nursing
Comprehensive and thorough in scope, The Research Process in Nursing 7th edition provides everything you could want to know about research methods. This established textbook reflects the significant advances in nursing research and the importance of evidence-based practice, and provides an invaluable resource for both the novice and the more experienced researcher. It includes practical information and advice on: How to find and critique the evidence How to choose the right approach How to collect data How to make sense of the data How to put research into practice Special features: A clear, explicit and easy to understand text which links theory with practical steps in the research process. Examples provided allow the reader to apply a variety of research concepts to theoretical learning and professional practice. Incorporates chapters, research examples, and policy from a range of international countries, including Canada, Australia, USA and Hong Kong. Provides detailed discussions around each example, which clearly link theory with practice Easy to read for novice researchers and undergraduate nursing students, but at the same time provides sufficient depth and detail to be of value to experienced researchers and practitioners.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families
Tackling issues relevant to family life today, this authoritative Companion shows why studying social change in families is fundamental for understanding the transformations in individual and social life, across the globe. Contains original essays by expert contributors on a wide range of topics relating to the sociology of families. Includes coverage of social inequality, parenting practices, children’s work, the changing patterns of citizenship, and multi-cultural families. Gives special attention to European and North American examples. Discusses previously neglected groups, including immigrant families and gays and lesbians. Explores how revolutionary changes in aging, longevity, and sexual behavior have radically affected the experience of different generations, and the relationships between them.
Indiana University Press Saharan Frontiers: Space and Mobility in Northwest Africa
The Sahara has long been portrayed as a barrier that divides the Mediterranean world from Africa proper and isolates the countries of the Maghrib from their southern and eastern neighbors. Rather than viewing the desert as an isolating barrier, this volume takes up historian Fernand Braudel's description of the Sahara as "the second face of the Mediterranean." The essays recast the history of the region with the Sahara at its center, uncovering a story of densely interdependent networks that span the desert's vast expanse. They explore the relationship between the desert's "islands" and "shores" and the connections and commonalities that unite the region. Contributors draw on extensive ethnographic and historical research to address topics such as trade and migration; local notions of place, territoriality, and movement; Saharan cities; and the links among ecological, regional, and world-historical approaches to understanding the Sahara.
Columbia University Press I-Docs: The Evolving Practices of Interactive Documentary
The history of documentary has been one of adaptation and change, as docu-mentarists have harnessed the affordances of emerging technology. In the last decade interactive documentaries (i-docs) have become established as a new field of practice within non-fiction storytelling. Their various incarnations are now a focus at leading film festivals (IDFA DocLab, Tribeca Storyscapes, Sheffield DocFest), major international awards have been won, and they are increasingly the subject of academic study. This anthology looks at the creative practices, purposes and ethics that lie behind these emergent forms. Expert contributions, case studies and interviews with major figures in the field address the production processes that lie behind interactive documentary, as well as the political, cultural and geographic contexts in which they are emerging and the media ecology that supports them. Taking a broad view of interactive documentary as any work which engages with 'the real' by employing digital interactive technology, this volume addresses a range of platforms and environments, from web-docs and virtual reality to mobile media and live performance. It thus explores the challenges that face interactive documentary practitioners and scholars, and proposes new ways of producing and engaging with interactive factual content.
Pearson Education (US) College Algebra: Graphs and Models
For courses in college algebra. Visualize. Interact. Succeed. The Graphs and Models series by Bittinger, Beecher, Ellenbogen, and Penna is known for helping students “see the math” through its focus on visualization and technology. These texts continue to maintain the features that have helped students succeed for years: focus on functions, visual emphasis, side-by-side algebraic and graphical solutions, and real-data applications. With the Sixth Edition, visualization is taken to a new level with technology, and students find even more ongoing review. Also available with MyMathLab MyMathLab® is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them absorb course material and understand difficult concepts. New Guided Visualizations in MyMathLab help students allow for hands-on manipulation to gain understanding of difficult concepts. References to 28 Just-In-Time review topics are placed throughout the text and MyMathLab to help students right when they need it most, and new Cumulative Review Assignments and Skill Maintenance Quizzes are pre-made and assignable in MyMathLab to help students connect concepts and maintain skills throughout the course. Plus, new Video Assessment Exercises and a new Video Notebook further enhance the MyMathLab course and resources available. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyMathLab does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyMathLab, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyMathLab, search for: 0134265211 / 9780134265216 * College Algebra: Graphs and Models Plus MyMathLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 013417903X / 9780134179032 * College Algebra: Graphs and Models 0321431308 / 9780321431301 * MyMathLab -- Glue-in Access Card 0321654064 / 9780321654069 * MyMathLab Inside Star Sticker
Sansom & Co Egon Altdorf Poems + Images: Poems + Images
Altdorf’s earliest poems, written during military service and as a prisoner of war, reflected on nature, poetry and art. Beginning a new life, post-war, as an artist, Altdorf explored how the human figure might be depicted through increasingly abstract representations. Similarly, he refined his poetry to create ‘a new, free, melodic’ language’ with ‘a simple, song-like beauty’. Presenting Altdorf’s poetry alongside his art reveals a powerfully interconnected vision shaped but not defined by war: a humanitarian outlook informed by a profound spiritual belief.
Real Reads Tom Sawyer
One night, innocent games of pirates and Robin Hood turn serious when the boys witness a murder in the graveyard. The murderer will kill them if they tell the truth. What should they do? The boys decide to search for the murderer’s treasure. What risks will they take? Who else will they endanger? Will they have the courage and quick thinking to escape from dark caverns, cross the mighty Mississippi, and outwit the criminals? Will they find what they are looking for?