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Narcea, S.A. de Ediciones Ser profesor y dirigir profesores en tiempos de cambio
La escuela vive hoy inmersa en un tiempo de vértigo y de cambio. Pero existen determinadas preguntas que no debieran abandonarse nunca: En qué consiste ser profesor? cuál es su perfil? cómo concibe el mundo un docente y cómo se relaciona con él? por qué se siente llamado a educar? para qué educa? cómo debería hacerlo? se diferencia en algo de otros profesionales? La pequeña-gran revolución que necesita la escuela nace hoy de las aulas y de los claustros; está dentro de cada profesor o profesora que asume su responsabilidad de hacer posible el cambio creyendo con pasión en su tarea y en sus alumnos y alumnas.(Abstract: TO BE A PROFESOR AND TO DIRECT PROFESSORS IN CHANGING TIMES - The school today lives immersed in times of bewildering changes. But there are certain questions that should never be abandoned: What does it consist of to be a professor? What is their profile? How does a teacher conceive the world and how does he/she relate with it? Why does he/she feel called to educate?
Fábulas Edición de lujo Libro 06 de 15 Tercera edición
Imagina que todos los personajes de las historias ma?s queridas fueran reales y vivieran entre nosotros, con sus poderes intactos. Cómo sobrellevarían la vida en nuestra realidad mundana y sin magia?La respuesta se encuentra en Fa?bulas, la aclamada versión que Bill Willingham ha hecho del venerable canon de los cuentos de hadas. De Blanca Nieves a Lobo Feroz, pasando por Ricitos de Oro o Chico de Azul, los personajes de los viejos cuentos renacen aquí como exiliados que viven camuflados mágicamente en la Villa Fábula de Nueva York.Aclamados tanto por la crítica como por los lectores, estos clásicos modernos narrados en forma de cómic se recopilan por primera vez en una serie de preciosos tomos de tapa dura. Este sexto tomo de Fábulas: Edición de lujo recopila los arcos argumentales La balada de Rodney y June, Lobos y Felices para siempre, y abarca los números del 46 al 51 de la premiada serie de Vertigo. Además, incluye la introducción de Todd Klein, el guion completo de Bill Wi
La Cosa del Pantano de Alan Moore vol. 01 de 3 Edición Deluxe Segunda edición
Tras un horrible accidente, el doctor Alec Holland se convirtió en la Cosa del Pantano, una criatura elemental que lucha contra la autodestrucción de un mundo dominado por la contaminación. En los años 80, inspirado por el trabajo de Len Wein y Bernie Wrightson, Alan Moore llevó a la Cosa del Pantano a un nivel nunca visto, gracias a su original enfoque narrativo. Sus guiones provocativos e innovadores, combinados con el arte de algunos de los mejores profesionales del medio, hicieron de Swamp Thing uno de los grandes cómics de finales del siglo XX. Este volumen incluye los primeros números de Moore, entre los que se encuentra el episodio Lección de anatomía, con el que el escritor sentó las bases de la naturaleza de un personaje destinado a ser el campeón del Verde, la fuerza que aglutina toda la flora de nuestro planeta.Siguiendo el espíritu de Sandman: Edición Deluxe, iniciamos la recopilación de otra significativa etapa del sello Vertigo de DC Comics, un conjunto de cómics que n
El río baja sucio
Estoy segura de que cuando termines este libro, te sentirás como Tom, notarás vértigo y melancolía y, como él, comprenderás que hay cosas que suceden que no tienen una respuesta precisa. Y pasarán los años, y cada vez que veas un río con el caudal contaminado recordarás al de esta novela y te preguntarás qué habrá sido de todos sus personajes.Del prólogo de ANA MERINOLas vacaciones de Semana Santa de Tom y Martín suelen ser predecibles. En la sierra, con sus familias, los amigos, las bicis, el río, la naturaleza? Nada demasiado memorable salvo el reencuentro, que les permite disfrutar de la amistad que los une desde que eran pequeños. Sin embargo, ahora, con casi catorce años ?en lo que parece que van a ser sus últimas vacaciones juntos?, ocurrirá algo que cambiará para siempre su percepción del mundo. Conocerán al enigmático hombre que vive en la casa llamada Los Rosales y a su hija Danae; este encuentro provocará una sacudida en la vida de los dos amigos que
Se recogen en el presente volumen los tres libros que fueron publicados con posteriori-dad a Este cuento se ha acabado. Poesía reunida 2014-1977 (2015), que son, a saber, Los poemas de Horacio E. Cluck (2017), Matar el tiempo (2018) y Que llueva siempre (2020), si bien es cierto que aquí se suceden en el orden que al autor le hubiera gustado que apareciesen y no en el que definitivamente se editaron.Anexo a aquella poesía reunida, o lo que es lo mismo, el punto final a toda una obra poética fracturada desde la constancia y el vértigo, desde el fatalismo irónico y la pérdida más absorbente, Postrimerías se articula en distintos episodios de extraña per-cepción ante un mundo, raro en sí, que adolece de otras certidumbres cercanas al poeta, fastidioso agrimensor del tiempo tal vez, porque a fin de cuentas la poesía, la poesía de la última época de Luis Miguel Rabanal al menos, no es más que una manipulación con-tinuada de la verdad, de la inocencia y del dolor.
La realidad no existe
El primer libro del creador del exitoso podcastKaizen.Cuánto confías en lo que ves, sientes, piensas o recuerdas? Y si fuera todo mentira?En este libro aprenderás que tu universo no es el mismo que el de tu perro ni que el del camarón mantis púrpura, que no ves el mar del mismo color que los griegos del siglo VII a.c., que tu pueblo es uno de los rincones más exóticos que existen, aunque no lo creas, o que puedes llegar a recordar cosas horribles que nunca sucedieron. Y es que la realidad en la que vivimos es muy frágil. Nos engañan los sentidos, el cerebro y la cultura; nos engañan hasta las leyes de la física. Pero, a pesar del vértigo que puede generarnos pensarlo, ser conscientes de nuestros filtros y nuestra percepción limitada de las cosas es el primer paso para empezar a entenderlas de verdad.Jaime Rodríguez de Santiago nos brinda en estas páginas, como ya hace en su exitoso podcast Kaizen, una oportunidad de abrir nuestro foco y descubri
Page Two Books, Inc. Rock Steady
Listen within. You are the expert in you. Chronic vertigo, dizziness, and tinnitus are invisible disruptions to a person's life that can be unresponsive to traditional treatments, leaving sufferers feeling hopeless. Yet healing is possible using neuroplasticity, the brain and body's capacity to change itself. So, why is nobody teaching us how to do it? Vestibular audiologist and neuroplasticity therapist Joey Remenyi explains why holistic neuroplasticity is often overlooked; why nobody else can prescribe it for you; and why ignoring, denying, distracting, and avoiding symptoms may not work. Joey gives hope to the hopeless with her pioneering self-study approach to healing chronic symptoms that outlines how we can rebuild a new normal with methodical steps. Using client case studies and her own personal experience, Joey guides the reader to gently feel their way through healing-physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Including home exercise ideas and a heart-centered approach to the science, Rock Steady is the handbook for anyone with chronic unwanted sensations or sounds in their body.
Páginas de Espuma SL Mientras nieva sobre el mar
Un faro levantado en mitad de un campo de trigo produce el mar. Sobre el lomo de un caballo se anuncia el destino de un grupo de hombres. A la luz de una vela, un niño recupera un juguete perdido. Unos condenados a muerte creen ver, durante su última cena, que la salvación está bordada en las servilletas. Por la hendidura de una cueva puede salirse al otro lado del mundo. Una mujer deforme siente el vértigo de la levedad bajo las estrellas. Un unicornio de oro distrae su melancolía asomándose a una ventana abierta sobre un jardín. En el transcurso de una noche, la palabra de un náufrago sabrá suspender la incredulidad de quien escucha y atraer el milagro con su fábula. Y mientras su voz detiene el tiempo, cae la nieve sobre el mar.En estos cuentos la franqueza y el misterio, el candor y la emoción de la palabra se afinan para alcanzar el límite más exigente de la escritura: hacer de lo fingido una absoluta verdad donde aún perdura la inocencia.
DC Comics Absolute Swamp Thing by Alan Moore Volume 1
In 1983, a revolutionary English writer joined a trio of trailblazing American artists to revitalize a longstanding comic book icon. By the time they'd finished their work four years later, SWAMP THING by Alan Moore, Stephen R, Bissette, John Totleben, and Rick Veitch was universally recognized as one of the handful of titles that defined a new era of complexity and depth in modern graphic storytelling, and their run on the series remains one of the medium's most enduring masterpieces. Now DC Comics and Vertigo are proud to present an all-new vision of this landmark achievement. Comprising three deluxe hardcover volumes, ABSOLUTE SWAMP THING BY ALAN MOORE debuts completely new colouring for every page, crafted exclusively for this definitive collector's edition by legendary colour artist Steve Oliff (Akira, Miracleman). This first volume includes the issues THE SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING #20-34 and SWAMP THING ANNUAL #2 and features a monumental new afterword from Bissette accompanied by a wealth of historic behind-the-scenes material from the title's original creative team.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Otology & Middle Ear Surgery
Otology & Middle Ear Surgery is a comprehensive guide to the surgical treatment of a range of otological conditions. The book is divided into 23 chapters, beginning with anatomy of the ear, the physiology of hearing, audiology, hearing loss, the physiology of balance and vestibular function tests. Further chapters provide step by step surgical procedures for the ear canal, otitis media, tinnitus, vertigo, and Meniere’s disease. Otology & Middle Ear Surgery provides up to date information on the latest technology in the rapidly developing field of audiology, including cochlear implant technology, radiology of the ear, hearing aids, auditory brainstem implants and assisted listening devices. Concluding chapters cover bacterial biofilm infection in otology, anaesthesia, superior canal dehiscence surgery, and a final chapter on middle ear surgery. With over 160 full colour images, illustrations and information tables, Otology & Middle Ear Surgery is an essential resource for otolaryngologists, ENT surgeons and residents. Key Points Comprehensive, illustrated guide to ear surgery Covers a range of otological conditions from otitis media to Meniere’s disease Includes up to date information on the latest technology in audiology medicine 163 full colour images, illustrations and tables
Discovery Walking Guides Ltd Walk! Devon
Adventurous walking tastes are as varied as Devon's many landscapes. There's always something special to explore from spectacular coastlines and wild moors to pretty villages and tranquil river valleys. Walk! Devon delivers walking experiences of the highest quality. Its amazing geological history has created a multi-faceted landscape ranging from rough uncut cliff faces to polished sun kissed sands, crystal clear waters and smooth rounded hills; even the luminous Devon air adds clarity and sparkle to the brillance of the landscape. Walk! Devon includes 40 fully detailed walk descriptions, plus short walk alternatives, including OS maps and colour photos by the authors of Walk! Dartmoor and Walk! Exmoor. All walking routes include:- - walking route summary. - ratings for Effort, Time, Distance, Ascents/Descents, Refreshments and Vertigo Risk. - fully detailed walk description including frequent timings to aid navigation and check your progress. - GPS Waypoints at every key point on every route. - full colour map of the route licenced from OS. - short walk and stroll alternatives. Full GPS Track and Waypoint files for Walk! Devon are included on the Personal Navigator Files CD published by Discovery Walking Guides.
Penguin Books Ltd 'Broadsword Calling Danny Boy': On Where Eagles Dare
A Telegraph, Evening Standard and Daily Mail Book of the YearFrom the acclaimed writer and critic Geoff Dyer, an extremely funny scene-by-scene analysis of Where Eagles Dare - published as the film reaches its 50th anniversaryA thrilling Alpine adventure starring a magnificent, bleary-eyed Richard Burton and a coolly anachronistic Clint Eastwood, Where Eagles Dare is the apex of 1960s war movies, by turns enjoyable and preposterous. 'Broadsword Calling Danny Boy' is Geoff Dyer's tribute to the film he has loved since childhood: an analysis taking us from its snowy, Teutonic opening credits to its vertigo-inducing climax. For those who have not even seen Where Eagles Dare, this book is a comic tour-de-force of criticism. But for the film's legions of fans, whose hearts will always belong to Ron Goodwin's theme tune, it will be the fulfilment of a dream.'Geoff Dyer's funniest book yet. Who else would work in Martha Gellhorn on the first page of a book on the film Where Eagles Dare?' Michael Ondaatje'One of our greatest living critics, not of the arts but of life itself, and one of our most original writers' Kathryn Schulz, New York Magazine
Thieme Publishers Delhi An Approach to Successful Stapedectomy
An Approach to Successful Stapedectomy is a comprehensive book covering most of the real-world topics related to stapedectomy. The innovation from pick and perforator to microdrill and then to CO2 laser is a big landmark in the development of instruments for stapedectomy. The book covers various aspects of innovation in surgical techniques and the instruments used. Various topics like stapedectomy versus stapedotomy, reconstruction of stapedius muscle, methods to handle loose piston over incus, surgery in short incus, problems during stapedectomy, revision surgery, laser stapedotomy, and stapedotomy in patients with abnormal facial nerve are discussed in depth in this book. This book will aid in laying a strong foundation for budding otologists and will help them evolve into better stapes surgeons. Key Features: Various difficult situations encountered during surgery have been documented in the book. A series of photographs from author’s own collection are included to demonstrate each step of surgery for easy understanding of the subject. The use of laser in stapedectomy has been discussed in detail. Use of laser is a great landmark in the history of stapedectomy. It imparts excellent hearing results. Patients experience less vertigo, hence shorter hospital stay.
Rutgers University Press Artificial Generation: Photogenic French Literature and the Prehistory of Cinematic Modernity
Artificial Generation: Photogenic French Literature and the Prehistory of Cinematic Modernity investigates the intersection of film theory and nineteenth-century literature, arguing that the depth of amalgamation that occurred within literary representation during this era aims to replicate an illusion of life and its sensations, in ways directly related to broader transitions into our modern cinematic age. A key part of this evolution in representation relies on the continual re-emergence of the artificial woman as longstanding expression of masculine artistic subjectivity, which, by the later nineteenth century, becomes a photographic and filmic drive. Moving through the beginning of film history, from Georges Méliès and other “silent” filmmakers in the 1890s, into more contemporary movies, including Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo (1958) and Blade Runner 2049 (2017), the book analyzes how films are often structured around the prior century’s mythic and literary principles, which now serve as foundation for film as medium—a phantom form for life’s re-presentation. Artificial Generation provides a crucial reassessment of the longstanding, mutual exchange between cinematic and literary reproduction, offering an innovative perspective on the proto-cinematic imperative of simulation within nineteenth-century literary symbolism.
Wesleyan University Press Inquisition
During the 1982 air strikes on Beirut, Faiz Ahmed Faiz asked his friend Mahmoud Darwish “Why aren’t the poets writing this war on the walls of the city?” Darwish responded, “Can’t you see the walls falling down?” Queer, Muslim, American, Kazim Ali has always navigated complex intersections and interstices on order to make a life. In this scintillating mixture of lyrics, narrative, fragments, prose poem, and spoken word, he answers longstanding questions about the role of the poet or artist in times of political or social upheaval, although he answers under duress. An inquisition is dangerous, after all, especially to Muslims whose poetry and art and spiritual life has always depended not on the Western ideal of a known God or definitive text but on the concepts of abstraction, geometry, vertigo. “Someone always asks ‘where are you from,’” Ali writes, “and I want to say ‘a body is a body of matter flung/from the far corners of the universe and I am a patriot/of breath of sin of the endless clamor/out the window.’” Ali engages history, politics, and the dangerous regions of the uncharted heart in this visceral new collection.
Edinburgh University Press Veering: A Theory of Literature
This book reflects on the figure of veering to form a new theory of literature. Contrary to a widespread sense that literature has become increasingly irrelevant to our culture and everyday life, Royle brilliantly traces a strangely compelling 'literary turn'. Starting with an 'Advertisement' (which literally means a 'turning towards') like an 18th-century novel, he explores images of swerving, loss of control, digressing and deviating to form this new theory of literature. Royle's study ranges from Montaigne to Stephen King, from the 'dance of atoms' in Lucretius to the 'human veer' in Don DeLillo. With wit and irony he investigates 'veering' in the writings of Jonson, Milton, Dryden, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Melville, Hardy, Proust, Lawrence, Bowen, J.H. Prynne and many others. Veering provides new critical perspectives on all major literary genres: the novel, poetry, drama, the short story and the essay, as well as 'creative writing'. It proposes a new term for understanding post-1960s cultural and intellectual history: 'the literary turn'. It transverses different disciplines and discourses including verse, vertigo, the dinameu, detournement, transversality, environmentalism, the linguistic, the ethical and the political turn.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Robert Pippin and Film: Politics, Ethics, and Psychology after Modernism
Robert Pippin (1948- ) is a major figure in contemporary philosophy, having published influential work on thinkers including Kant, Hegel, and Nietzsche. He is also an original thinker about – and critic of – film who has written books and numerous articles on canonical subjects such as the Western, Film Noir, and Hitchcock's Vertigo. In Robert Pippin and Film, Dominic Lash demonstrates the ways that film has been crucial to Pippin's thought on important philosophical topics such as political psychology, ethics, and self-knowledge. He also explores the implications of Pippin's methodological commitments to clear language and to maintaining close contact with the details of the films in question. In so doing, Lash brings Pippin's work on film to a wider audience and contributes to current debates both within film studies and beyond. This includes those concerning the relationships between film and philosophy, criticism and aesthetics, and individual subjectivity and political consciousness. Lash focuses on Pippin's major works on film – Hollywood Westerns and American Myth (2010), Fatalism in American Film Noir (2012), The Philosophical Hitchcock (2017), and Filmed Thought (2020) as well as his many shorter writings on film.
Rutgers University Press Artificial Generation: Photogenic French Literature and the Prehistory of Cinematic Modernity
Artificial Generation: Photogenic French Literature and the Prehistory of Cinematic Modernity investigates the intersection of film theory and nineteenth-century literature, arguing that the depth of amalgamation that occurred within literary representation during this era aims to replicate an illusion of life and its sensations, in ways directly related to broader transitions into our modern cinematic age. A key part of this evolution in representation relies on the continual re-emergence of the artificial woman as longstanding expression of masculine artistic subjectivity, which, by the later nineteenth century, becomes a photographic and filmic drive. Moving through the beginning of film history, from Georges Méliès and other “silent” filmmakers in the 1890s, into more contemporary movies, including Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo (1958) and Blade Runner 2049 (2017), the book analyzes how films are often structured around the prior century’s mythic and literary principles, which now serve as foundation for film as medium—a phantom form for life’s re-presentation. Artificial Generation provides a crucial reassessment of the longstanding, mutual exchange between cinematic and literary reproduction, offering an innovative perspective on the proto-cinematic imperative of simulation within nineteenth-century literary symbolism.
DC Comics Absolute Preacher Vol. 1 (2023 Edition)
Jesse Custer was just a small-town preacher in Texas...until his congregation was flattened by powers beyond his control and the preacher became imbued with abilities beyond anyone's understanding. Now possessed by Genesis--the unholy offspring of an angel and demon--Jesse holds Word of God, an ability to command anyone or anything with a mere utterance. And he'll use this power to hold the Lord accountable for the people He has forsaken. From the ashes of a small-town church to the bright lights of New York City to the backwoods of Louisiana, Jesse Custer cuts a righteous path across the soul of America in his quest for the divine--an effort that will be met by every evil that Heaven and Earth can assemble. Joined by his gun-toting girlfriend, Tulip, and the hard-drinking Irish vampire Cassidy, Jesse will stop at nothing to fulfill his quest to find God. The powerhouse creative team of Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon bring readers on a violent and riotous journey across the country in this award-winning Vertigo tale, collected in stunning Absolute format!
Humanix Books The Oxygen Cure: A Complete Guide to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
The Best-Kept Secret in MedicineIn the United States, the FDA currently recognizes hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) for 14 conditions, including decompression sickness, embolism, crush injury, bone infection, burns, wound healing, severe anemia, and several others.Now, in The Oxygen Cure, hyperbaric expert William S. Maxfield, M.D., will convince you that HBOT is a vastly underused modality that deserves to take its place among frontline medical treatments. As a holistic treatment, HBOT targets the underlying disease or condition, not just the symptoms.The Oxygen Cure reveals how hundreds of studies on HBOT conducted around the world prove it works at the cellular level to help or heal conditions such as: Stroke Chemo-Related Side Effects Epilepsy Fibromyalgia Emphysema & Asthma ADHD Rheumatoid Arthritis Cardiac Diseases Migraine & Vertigo Early Dementia Vision Loss Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson's Disease Traumatic Brain Injury & PTSD And Dozens More Full of hope-inspiring case histories and expert findings, The Oxygen Cure shows how HBOT not only benefits the sick and injured (including our wounded veterans), but may also reduce our country’s staggeringly high medical costs.HBOT often provides a safe alternative to drug therapy and dangerous invasive procedures.
Discovery Walking Guides Ltd Walk! the Lake District South
The Lake District is to leisure walking what Vienna is to the waltz, Venice to canalization, Bletchley to code-breaking, Chicago to the blues, and Dublin to the brewing of porter. None of these places invented the related pursuit, but in each the activity was honed to a fine art. With superb lakes carved into spectacularly sculpted valleys, long rugged ridges blessed with imposing panoramas, jagged crags dangling from grand peaks, sweeping dales cradling remote hamlets, and barren fells tonsured with arcane henges and ancient ruins, the Lake District has everything the dedicated wilderness seeker could desire. All 37 walking routes include: walking route summary, ratings for Effort Time Distance Ascents/Descents Refreshments and Vertigo risk, fully detailed walk description including frequent timings to aid navigation and check your progress, GPS waypoints at every key point on every route, full colour 1:40,000 scale Ordnance Survey licenced mapping for each route, short walk and stroll alternatives Synopsis Including GPS Waypoint lists and a Place Name Index, this 160-page colour book contains walking routes within the Lake District South region. Wire-O spiral binding allows it to lay flat and be folded back on itself without damage. It features: route summary of exertion rating; refreshments rating; time, distance, ascents/descents; and more.
Skyhorse Publishing The Conversation
Several years after the French Revolution, in the winter of 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte has to make a crucial decision: to keep the main ideals of the new France alive or to elevate the country into a powerful base by making it an empire and becoming emperor. One evening at the Tuileries Residence in Paris, Second Consul Jean-Jacques Cambacérès, a brilliant law scholar and close ally, listens as Napoleon struggles to determine what will be best for a country much weakened by ten years of wars and revolutions. Torn between his revolutionary ideals and his overwhelming longing for power, Napoleon Bonaparte declares that it can only be achieved by his taking the throne. Bonaparte attempts to rally Cambacérès to his cause and maps out in great detail why France must become an empire, with him as its Emperor. The Republican hero desires only one thing: to forge his legend during his lifetime. France has arrived at a crossroads, and Bonaparte must break many barriers to fulfill his ambition. “An empire is a Republic that has been enthroned,” he declares. And so, through the night, French history is made. With historical erudition, d’Ormesson remarkably captures the man’s vertigo of triumph, which ultimately leads to his fall.
Milkweed Editions The Carrying: Poems
WINNER OF THE NATIONAL BOOK CRITICS CIRCLE AWARDFINALIST FOR THE PEN/JEAN STEIN BOOK AWARDFrom U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón comes The Carrying—her most powerful collection yet.Vulnerable, tender, acute, these are serious poems, brave poems, exploring with honesty the ambiguous moment between the rapture of youth and the grace of acceptance. A daughter tends to aging parents. A woman struggles with infertility—“What if, instead of carrying / a child, I am supposed to carry grief?”—and a body seized by pain and vertigo as well as ecstasy. A nation convulses: “Every song of this country / has an unsung third stanza, something brutal.” And still Limón shows us, as ever, the persistence of hunger, love, and joy, the dizzying fullness of our too-short lives. “Fine then, / I’ll take it,” she writes. “I’ll take it all.”In Bright Dead Things, Limón showed us a heart “giant with power, heavy with blood”—“the huge beating genius machine / that thinks, no, it knows, / it’s going to come in first.” In her follow-up collection, that heart is on full display—even as The Carrying continues further and deeper into the bloodstream, following the hard-won truth of what it means to live in an imperfect world.
University of Minnesota Press Ghosts: Death’S Double And The Phenomena Of Theatre
Making spirits visible has been a part of the theatrical experience since at least the sixteenth century. Instead of illusions, however, ghostly doubles in theatre are materially real and pervasive. In Ghosts, Alice Rayner examines theatre as a memorial practice that is haunted by the presence of loss, looking at how aspects of stagecraft turn familiar elements into something uncanny. Citing examples from the works of Shakespeare, Beckett, and Suzan-Lori Parks as well as the films Vertigo, Gaslight, and The Sixth Sense, she begins by describing time as it is employed by theatre with multiple aspects of presence, duration, and passage. Suggesting that objects connect past to present through the sense of touch, she explores how props are suspended backstage between motion and meaning. Her final chapters consider the curtain as theatre’s means for attempting to divide real and imaginary worlds. If ghosts hover where secrets—secrets of the past, secrets from oneself, secrets of life and death—are kept, then, according to Rayner, “theatre is where ghosts best make their appearances and let communities and individuals know that we live amid secrets hiding in plain sight.” Alice Rayner is associate professor of drama at Stanford University and author of, most recently, To Act, To Do, To Perform: Drama and the Phenomenology of Action.
Columbia University Press Second Time Around: From Art House to DVD
The art houses and cinema clubs of his youth are gone, but the films that D. A. Miller discovered there in the 1960s and ’70s are now at his fingertips. With DVDs and streaming media, technology has turned the old cinematheque’s theatrical offerings into private viewings that anyone can repeat, pause, slow, and otherwise manipulate at will.In Second Time Around, Miller seizes this opportunity; across thirteen essays, he watches digitally restored films by directors from Mizoguchi to Pasolini and from Hitchcock to Honda, looking to find not only what he first saw in them but also what he was then kept from seeing by quick camerawork, normal projection speed, missing frames, or simple censorship. At last he has an unobstructed view of the gay leather scene in Cruising, the expurgated special effects in The H-Man, and the alternative ending to Vertigo. Now he can pursue the finer details of Chabrol’s debt to Hitchcock, Visconti’s mystificatory Marxism, or the unemotive emotion in Godard.Yet this recaptured past is strangely disturbing; the films and the author have changed in too many ways for their reunion to be like old times. The closeness of Miller’s attention clarifies the painful contradictions of youth and decline, damaged prints and flawless restorations.
Surrey Books,U.S. The Migraine Relief Plan: An 8-Week Transition to Better Eating, Fewer Headaches, and Optimal Health
An essential lifestyle guide to reducing headaches and other symptoms related to migraines, vertigo, and Meniere's disease. Its "slow-approach" plan and more than 75 trigger-free recipes set readers up for success-even when they're in pain. In The Migraine Relief Plan, certified health and wellness coach Stephanie Weaver outlines a new, step-by-step lifestyle approach to reducing migraine frequency and severity. Using the latest research, her own migraine diagnosis, and extensive testing, Weaver has designed an accessible plan to help those living with migraines, headaches, or Meniere's disease. Over the course of eight weeks, the plan gradually transitions readers into a healthier lifestyle, including key behaviors such as regular sleep, trigger-free eating, gentle exercise, and relaxation techniques. The book also collects resources-shopping lists, meal plans, symptom tracking charts, and kitchen-tested recipes for breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner-to provide readers with the tools they need to be successful. The Migraine Relief Plan encourages readers to eat within the guidelines while still helping them follow personal dietary choices, like vegan or Paleo, and navigate challenges, such as parties, work, and travel. A must-have resource for anyone who lives with head pain, this book will inspire you to rethink your attitude toward health and wellness.
University of Illinois Press Man, Play and Games
According to Roger Caillois, play is "an occasion of pure waste: waste of time, energy, ingenuity, skill, and often of money." In spite of this--or because of it--play constitutes an essential element of human social and spiritual development. In this classic study, Caillois defines play as a free and voluntary activity that occurs in a pure space, isolated and protected from the rest of life. Play is uncertain, since the outcome may not be foreseen, and it is governed by rules that provide a level playing field for all participants. In its most basic form, play consists of finding a response to the opponent's action--or to the play situation--that is free within the limits set by the rules. Caillois qualifies types of games-- according to whether competition, chance, simulation, or vertigo (being physically out of control) is dominant--and ways of playing, ranging from the unrestricted improvisation characteristic of children's play to the disciplined pursuit of solutions to gratuitously difficult puzzles. Caillois also examines the means by which games become part of daily life and ultimately contribute to various cultures their most characteristic customs and institutions. Presented here in Meyer Barash's superb English translation, Man, Play and Games is a companion volume to Caillois's Man and the Sacred.
DC Comics Absolute Sandman Volume Three
Written by Neil Gaiman Art by Various Cover by Dave McKean The third volume collecting Neil Gaiman’s seminal, award-winning series starring the Dream King in deluxe format. ABSOLUTE SANDMAN VOL. 3 presents several key SANDMAN tales in a slipcased hardcover edition, including “Brief Lives,” in which the Sandman’s sister Delirium prevails upon her older brother to help her find their missing sibling, Destruction. But their journey through the Waking World has dramatic repercussions for their family and also for the relationship between the Sandman and his wayward son, Orpheus. Also included is the spectacular short story “Ramadan,” a tale of a young king of ancient Baghdad and the deal he strikes with The Sandman to grant his city immortality, with spectacular illustrations by P. Craig Russell (Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde, The Jungle Book). Never-before-collected bonus features include pin-up pages from galleries in THE SANDMAN #50 and SANDMAN SPECIAL #1, the Desire story from VERTIGO: WINTER’S EDGE #3, THE ENDLESS GALLERY #1, script and thumbnails from THE SANDMAN #50, and a section on the Endless retail products (poster, statues, t-shirts, Little Endless and more)! Plus, an introduction by artist Jill Thompson. Advance-solicited; on sale May 28 • 8.25” x 12.5” • 616 pages, FC
Columbia University Press Second Time Around: From Art House to DVD
The art houses and cinema clubs of his youth are gone, but the films that D. A. Miller discovered there in the 1960s and ’70s are now at his fingertips. With DVDs and streaming media, technology has turned the old cinematheque’s theatrical offerings into private viewings that anyone can repeat, pause, slow, and otherwise manipulate at will.In Second Time Around, Miller seizes this opportunity; across thirteen essays, he watches digitally restored films by directors from Mizoguchi to Pasolini and from Hitchcock to Honda, looking to find not only what he first saw in them but also what he was then kept from seeing by quick camerawork, normal projection speed, missing frames, or simple censorship. At last he has an unobstructed view of the gay leather scene in Cruising, the expurgated special effects in The H-Man, and the alternative ending to Vertigo. Now he can pursue the finer details of Chabrol’s debt to Hitchcock, Visconti’s mystificatory Marxism, or the unemotive emotion in Godard.Yet this recaptured past is strangely disturbing; the films and the author have changed in too many ways for their reunion to be like old times. The closeness of Miller’s attention clarifies the painful contradictions of youth and decline, damaged prints and flawless restorations.
Little, Brown Book Group The Carrying: Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for Poetry
WINNER OF THE NATIONAL BOOK CRITICS CIRCLE AWARD FOR POETRY 2019Ada Limón is a poet of ecstatic revelation . . . a book of deep wisdom and urgent vulnerability' Tracy K. Smith, Guardian'Vulnerable, tender, acute . . . The Carrying is a gift' Natasha Trethewey, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and former US Poet Laureate'Exquisite poems' Roxane GayFrom National Book Critics Circle Award Winner Ada Limón comes The Carrying - her most powerful collection yet.Vulnerable, tender, acute, these are serious poems, brave poems, exploring with honesty the ambiguous moment between the rapture of youth and the grace of acceptance. A daughter tends to aging parents. A woman struggles with infertility - 'What if, instead of carrying / a child, I am supposed to carry grief?' - and a body seized by pain and vertigo as well as ecstasy. A nation convulses: 'Every song of this country / has an unsung third stanza, something brutal.' And still Limón shows us, as ever, the persistence of hunger, love, and joy, the dizzying fullness of our too-short lives. 'Fine then, / I'll take it,' she writes. 'I'll take it all.'The Carrying leads us deeper towards the hard-won truth of what it means to live in an imperfect world.
Harvard University Press Hermes’ Dilemma and Hamlet’s Desire: On the Epistemology of Interpretation
A distinguished anthropologist and a creative force behind postmodern writing in his field, Vincent Crapanzano here focuses his considerable critical powers upon his own culture. In essays that question how the human sciences, particularly anthropology and psychoanalysis, articulate their fields of study, Crapanzano addresses nothing less than the enormous problem of defining the self in both its individual and collective projections.Treating subjects as diverse as Roman carnivals and Balinese cockfights, circumcision, dreaming, and spirit possession in Morocco, transference in psychoanalysis, self-characterization in teenage girls’ gossip, Alice in Wonderland, and Jane Austen’s Emma, dialogue models in hermeneutics, and semantic vertigo in Hamlet’s Elsinore, these essays look critically at the inner workings of interpretation in human sciences and literary study. In modern Western culture’s attempts to interpret and communicate the nature of other cultures, Crapanzano finds a crippling crisis in representation. He shows how the quest for knowledge of “exotic” and “primitive” people is often confused with an unexamined need for self-definition, and he sets forth the resulting interpretive paradoxes, particularly the suppression of any awareness of the play of power and desire in such an approach. What is missing from contemporary theories of interpretation is, in Crapanzano’s account, a crucial understanding of the role context plays in any act of communication or its representation—in interpretation itself.
Uncivilized Books That Night, A Monster . . .
“Lovingly written and painted, this strange and silly book will delight everyone who reads it. The grown-up people who read it may find it confusing. But young people, I think, will understand that in its strangeness and silliness it mirrors our own strange and silly world." —Eleanor Davis, author of Stinky and How to Be Happy Thomas is a friend to all plants. He even has a cactus collection! One morning, he discovers his mother has been replaced by a ferna monstrous fern! What happened? Is this the start of a plant revolt? Did the fern eat her? Where did this fern come from, anyway? Will it eat his father too? And then Thomas? That Night, A Monster . . . is a beautifully painted all-ages graphic novel exploring imagination: its power and its dark side. Marzena “Marzi” Sowa is a Polish graphic novelist living in France. She was born in 1979 in the small industrial city Stalowa Wola. She left her country in 2001 and settled in Bordeaux. Marzi, her graphic memoir about childhood in communist Poland, was published by Vertigo in 2011. The book has been translated in several languages. Marzi loves dictionaries, is afraid of spiders, and is crazy about skateboarding and cheesecake. Berenika Kołomycka is a cartoonist, sculptor, and illustrator. In 2011, she received the Grand Prix at the Łodz International Comics Festival. She lives in Poland.
HarperCollins Publishers Page (The Protector of the Small Quartet, Book 2)
The adventure continues in book two of the New York Times bestselling series from the fantasy author who is a legend herself: Tamora Pierce. A powerful classic that is more timely than ever, the Protector of the Small series is about smashing the ceilings others place above you. WHEN THEY SAY YOU WILL FAIL… FAIL TO LISTEN. As the only female page in history to pass the first year of training to become a knight, Keladry of Mindelan is a force to be reckoned with. But Kel’s battle to prove herself isn’t over. She must masterher paralyzing vertigo, the gruelling training schedule and the dark machinations of those who would rather she fail. But in times of danger, Kel shines. The kingdom’s nobles are beginning to wonder if she can succeed far beyond what they imagined. And those who hate the idea of a female knight are getting desperate – they will doanything to halt her journey. In a landmark quartet published years before it’s time, Kel must prove herself twice as good as her male peers just to be thought equal. A series that touches on questions of courage, friendship, a humane perspective – told against a backdrop of a magical, action-packed fantasy adventure. ‘I take more comfort from and as great pleasure in Tamora Pierce’s Tortall novels as I do from Game of Thrones’ – Washington Post
Carcanet Press Ltd Now We Can Talk Openly About Men
Shortlisted for the 2019 Irish Times Poetry Now Award. Shortlisted for the 2019 Pigott Poetry Award. Shortlisted for the 2019 Roehampton Poetry Prize. Featured in the TLS & Irish Times Books of the Year 2018. Martina Evans's Now We Can Talk Openly about Men is a pair of dramatic monologues, snapshots of the lives of two women in 1920s Ireland. The first, Kitty Donovan, is a dressmaker in the time of the Irish War of Independence. The second, Babe Cronin, is set in 1924, shortly after the Irish Civil War. Kitty is a dressmaker with a taste for laudanum. Babe is a stenographer who has fallen in love with a young revolutionary. Through their separate, overlapping stories, Evans colours an era and a culture seldom voiced in verse. Set back some years from their stories, both women find a strand of humour in what took place, even as they recall the passion, vertigo and terror of those times. A dream-like compulsion in their voices adds a sense of retrospective inevitability. The use of intense, almost psychedelic colour in the first half of the book opposes the flattened, monochrome language of the second half. This is a work of vivid contrasts, of age and youth, women and men, the Irish and the English: complementary stories of balance, imbalance, and transition.
Pan Macmillan Alone on the Wall: Alex Honnold and the Ultimate Limits of Adventure
‘Riveting . . . Honnold is neither crazy nor reckless. Alone on the Wall reveals him to be an utterly unique and extremely appealing young man’ - Jon Krakauer, bestselling author of Into the Wild.This updated edition contains the account of Alex's El Capitan climb, which is the subject of the Oscar and BAFTA winning documentary, Free Solo. Alex Honnold is one of the world's best ‘free solo’ climbers, he scales impossible rock faces without ropes, pitons or any support of any kind. Exhilarating, brilliant and dangerous, there is a purity to Alex's climbs that is easy to comprehend, but also impossible to fathom; in the last forty years, only a handful of climbers have pushed themselves as far, ‘free soloing’ to the absolute limit of human capabilities. Half of them are dead. From Yosemite's famous Half Dome to the frighteningly difficult El Sendero Luminoso in Mexico, Alone on the Wall explores Alex's seven most extraordinary climbing achievements so far. These are tales to make your palms sweat and your feet curl with vertigo. Together, they get to the heart of how – and why – Alex does what he does. Exciting, uplifting and truly awe-inspiring, Alone on the Wall is a book about the essential truth of being free to pursue your passions and the ability to maintain a singular focus, even in the face of mortal danger.
Elliott & Thompson Limited Saturday Night at the Movies: The Extraordinary Partnerships Behind Cinema's Greatest Scores
Discover the remarkable stories behind some of the most popular film music of all time; From Jurassic Park to The Lord of the Rings, Vertigo to Titanic, a powerful score can make a movie truly extraordinary. The alchemy between composer and director creates pure cinematic magic, with songs and melodies that are instantly recognisable and eternally memorable. So what is their secret?; Saturday Night at the Movies goes behind the scenes to reveal twelve remarkable partnerships, and how they have created the music that has moved millions. Discover how these collaborations began and what makes them so effective: the dynamic personalities, the creative chemistry, the flashes of genius. The best scores come from sound and image working together to bring the director’s vision to life, but many scores also stand alone as towering achievements of composition that have shaped the face of modern music.; Featuring such luminaries as Alfred Hitchcock and Bernard Herrmann, Christopher Nolan and Hans Zimmer, and James Horner and James Cameron, Saturday Night at the Movies explores the creation of film favourites such as Back to the Future, Fargo, Edward Scissorhands and many, many more.; Includes:; J.J. Abrams & Michael Giacchino; Kenneth Branagh & Patrick Doyle; Tim Burton & Danny Elfman; James Cameron & James Horner; The Coen Brothers & Carter Burwell; Alfred Hitchcock & Bernard Herrmann; Peter Jackson & Howard Shore; David Lean & Maurice Jarre; Sam Mendes & ¬Thomas Newman; Christopher Nolan & Hans Zimmer; Steven Spielberg & John Williams; Robert Zemeckis & Alan Silvestri
Radius Books Michael Light: Lake Las Vegas/Black Mountain
Until 2008 Nevada was the fastest-growing state in America. But the recession stopped this urbanizing gallop in the Mojave Desert, and Las Vegas froze at exactly the point where its aspirational excesses were most baroque and unfettered. In this third Radius Books installment of noted photographer Michael Light's aerial survey of the inhabited West, the photographer eschews the glare of the Strip to hover intimately over the topography of America's most fevered residential dream: castles on the cheap, some half-built, some foreclosed, some hanging on surrounded by golf courses gone bankruptcy brown, some still waiting to spring from empty cul-de-sacs. Throughout, Light characteristically finds beauty and empathy amidst a visual vertigo of speculation, overreach, environmental delusion and ultimate geological grace. Janus-faced in design, one side of the book plumbs the surrealities of "Lake Las Vegas," a lifestyle resort comprised of 21 Mediterranean-themed communities built around a former sewage swamp. The other side of the book dissects nearby Black Mountain and the city's most exclusive-and empty -future community where a quarter billion dollars was spent on moving earth that has lain dormant for the past six years. Following the boom and bust history of the West itself, Light's photographs terrifyingly and poignantly show the extraction and habitation industries as two sides of the same coin. Essays by two of the world's most celebrated cultural and landscape thinkers, Rebecca Solnit and Lucy Lippard, offer resonant counterpoint.
Princeton University Press Syllabus of Errors: Poems
...we are fixed to perpetrate the species-- I meant perpetuate--as if our duty? were coupled with our terror. As if beauty itself were but a syllabus of errors. Troy Jollimore's first collection of poems won the National Book Critics Circle Award, was hailed by the New York Times as "a snappy, entertaining book," and led the San Francisco Chronicle to call him "a new and exciting voice in American poetry." And his critically acclaimed second collection expanded his reputation for poems that often take a playful approach to philosophical issues. While the poems in Syllabus of Errors share recognizable concerns with those of Jollimore's first two books, readers will also find a voice that has grown more urgent, more vulnerable, and more sensitive to both the inevitability of tragedy and the possibility of renewal. Poems such as "Ache and Echo," "The Black-Capped Chickadees of Martha's Vineyard," and "When You Lift the Avocado to Your Mouth" explore loss, regret, and the nature of beauty, while the culminating long poem, "Vertigo," is an elegy for a lost friend as well as a fantasia on death, repetition, and transcendence (not to mention the poet's favorite Hitchcock film). Ingeniously organized into sections that act as reflections on six quotations about birdsong, these poems are themselves an answer to the question the poet asks in "On Birdsong": "What would we say to the cardinal or jay, / given wings that could mimic their velocities?"
Discovery Walking Guides Ltd Madeira Walks: Volume One, Leisure Trails
Madeira is a wonderful destination for walkers, offering a breathtaking diversity of landscapes; lushly verdant slopes, towering volcanic peaks, dramatic gorges and soaring cliffs surprise and amaze the newcomer. Add the levada network, primeval forests, subtropical flora and the superb landscaped gardens - little wonder that the island is fondly called "The floating garden of the Atlantic". Shirley Whitehead, Madeira's resident walking expert, has brought together over 40 'Leisure Walks' adventures suitable for a wide range of abilities and age groups. Madeira Walks volume 1 offers a wealth of choice for every walker and explores the best areas the island has to offer. With Madeira Walks in your pocket, your visit to Madeira becomes an unforgettable adventure.Each 'Leisure Walk' description includes:- Route Summary giving overall view of the route and access information; Ratings for Effort, Time, Distance, Ascents/Descents, Refreshments, and Vertigo risk (where applicable), in an easy to see pictorial 'Summary' box; fully detailed walk description, including frequent timings to aid navigation and check your progress; gps waypoints at every key point on every route (subject to reception); full colour 1:40,000 scale mapping for each route taken from the latest edition of Madeira Tour & Trail Map. Shirley is an expert on Madeira's flora, describing the varied and exotic plant life we encounter on each Leisure Walk. For gps users Discovery Walking Guides provides free gpx waypoint files for Madeira Walks as a zip file download from its website.
DC Comics Death: The Deluxe Edition: 2022 Edition
From the pages of Newbery Medal-winner Neil Gaiman s The Sandman comes fan-favourite character Death in a collection of her solo adventures! The first story introduces the young, pale, perky, and genuinely likable Death. One day in every century, Death walks the earth to better understand those to whom she will be the final visitor. Today is that day. As a young mortal girl named Didi, Death befriends a teenager and helps a 250-year-old homeless woman find her missing heart. What follows is a sincere musing on love, life, and (of course) death. In the second story, a rising star in the music world wrestles with revealing her true sexual orientation, just as her lover is lured into the realm of Death, where Death herself should make an appearance. A practical, honest, and intelligent story that illuminates the miracle of death. Plus, Death s first appearance from The Sandman series, her tale from The Sandman: Endless Nights, and much more! With The Sandman television adaptation debuting on Netflix, and the audio drama unfolding on Audible, explore the comic book classics that started it all! Collects Death: The High Cost of Living #1-3, Death: The Time of Your Life #1-3, the Death Talks about Life AIDS pamphlet, stories from Vertigo: Winter s Edge #2 and The Sandman: Endless Nights, the short story The Wheel from the 9-11 tribute book, and The Sandman #8 and #20.
Coach House Books Practical Dreamers: Conversations with Movie Artists
'The streets are full of admirable craftsmen, but so few practical dreamers.' -- Man Ray What if there were movies made the same way as suits, custom fitted, each one tailored for one person? Not broadcast, but narrowcast? Not theatres around the world showing the same globalized pictures, but instead a local circumstance, a movie so particular, so peculiar, it could cure night blindness or vertigo? Welcome to the world of fringe movies, where artists have been busy putting queer shoulders to the wheels, or bending light to talk about First Nations rights (and making it funny at the same time), or demonstrating how a personality can be taken apart and put together again, all in the course of a ten-minute movie which might take years to make. Practical Dreamers takes us to this other side of the media plantation. In it, twenty-seven Canadian artists dish about how they get it done and why it matters. The conversations are personal, up close and jargon free, smart without smarting. The stellar cast includes smartbomb Steve Reinke; visionary Peter Mettler; Middle East specialist Jayce Salloum; queer Asian avatars Richard Fung, Midi Onodera, Ho Tam, and Wayne Yung; footage recyclers Aleesa Cohene and Jubal Brown; overhead projector king Daniel Barrow; First Nations vets Kent Monkman and Shelley Niro; international art presence Paulette Philips; and documentarian Donigan Cumming. These in-depth talks come lavishly illustrated in an oversized volume.
Drawn and Quarterly The Peanutbutter Sisters and Other American Stories
An immigrant weaves a new, surreal americana, complete with bubblegum fights and bomb queens. Rarely does a new talent arrive in the medium as unmistakably distinct as Rumi Hara. With immersive art and a clear-eyed storytelling rhythm, her uncategorizable debut, Nori, put her playful cartooning on display. Her new collection, The Peanutbutter Sisters and Other American Stories, delights with equal mischievousness. The Peanutbutter Sisters is a glorious balance of contradictions, at once escapism and realism; science fiction and slice of life. Two students explore the urban landscape while following Newton Creek, the polluted Queens-Brooklyn border. As they do, they plan a traditional Japanese play with contemporary pop culture. Another story features an intergalactic race of all living things set in the year 2099 and is a dazzling treatise on the environment and journalism. Yet, sometimes the fantastical collides with the quotidian in the same story. A man struggling with vertigo during quarantine encounters a world of sexual revelry whenever he has a dizzy spell. The Peanutbutter sisters ride a hurricane into NYC and yet aren t able to hitch a ride back with a whale due to a heavily polluted ocean. Hara s magical realist tendencies and diverse cast of characters all contort the tropes of the American comics canon. Yet above all else, her innate control of the comics language her ability to weave the absurd with the real on such a charming and commanding level is refreshingly unrivaled.
Yale University Press The Virus in the Age of Madness
A trenchant look at how the coronavirus reveals the dangerous fault lines of contemporary society As seen on CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS: “A stirring alarm addressed to an unsettled world.” (Kirkus Reviews) Forget the world that came before. The author of American Vertigo serves up an incisive look at how COVID-19 reveals the dangerous fault lines of contemporary society. With medical mysteries, rising death tolls, and conspiracy theories beamed minute by minute through the vast web universe, the coronavirus pandemic has irrevocably altered societies around the world. In this sharp essay, world-renowned philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy interrogates the many meanings and metaphors we have assigned to the pandemic—and what they tell us about ourselves. Drawing on the philosophical tradition from Plato and Aristotle to Lacan and Foucault, Lévy asks uncomfortable questions about reality and mythology: he rejects the idea that the virus is a warning from nature, the inevitable result of global capitalism; he questions the heroic status of doctors, asking us to think critically about the loci of authority and power; he challenges the panicked polarization that dominates online discourse. Lucid, incisive, and always original, Lévy takes a bird’s-eye view of the most consequential historical event of our time and proposes a way to defend human society from threats to our collective future. A portion of the author’s proceeds will be donated to Binc (The Book Industry Charitable Foundation).
Scarecrow Press A Year of Hitchcock: 52 Weeks with the Master of Suspense
Alfred Hitchcock's career spanned more than five decades, during which he directed more than 50 films, many of them indisputable classics: Notorious, Strangers on a Train, Rear Window, Vertigo, North by Northwest, and Psycho, among others. In A Year of Hitchcock: 52 Weeks with the Master of Suspense, authors Jim McDevitt and Eric San Juan provide a comprehensive examination of Hitchcock's film-to-film development, spanning from the beginning of his career in silents to his final film in 1976, including his work on two French propaganda shorts he directed during World War II and segments he directed for Alfred Hitchcock Presents. Organized into 52 chapters and arranged in chronological order, the book invites readers to spend a year with the director's most notable works, all of which are available on DVD. Each film is examined in the context of Hitchcock's career, as the authors consider the themes central to his work; discuss each film's production; comment on the cast, script, and other aspects of the film; and assess the film's value to the Hitchcock viewer. From The Lodger to Family Plot, 68 works directed by Hitchcock are analyzed. Each analysis is supplemented by key film facts, trivia, awards, a guide to his cameos, a filmography, and a listing of available DVD releases. Whether readers decide to undertake the journey through his films one week at a time or pick and choose at their discretion, A Year of Hitchcock will open the eyes of any viewer who wants to better understand this director's evolution as an artist.
Pushkin Press The Executioner Weeps
Winner of the 1957 Grand prix de la littérature policière It was fate that led her to step out in front of the car. A quiet mountain road. A crushed violin. And a beautiful woman lying motionless in the ditch. Carrying her back to his lodging on a beach near Barcelona, Daniel discovers that the woman is still alive but that she remembers nothing - not even her own name. And soon he has fallen for her mysterious allure. She is a blank canvas, a perfect muse, and his alone. But when Daniel travels to France in search of her past, he slips into a tangled vortex of lies, depravity and murder. The Executioner Weeps is a macabre thriller about the dangerous pitfalls of love. 'The French master of noir' Observer 'Unsettling... worthy of Agatha Christie at her devious best... classic French noir' Guardian 'Hugely atmospheric' The Times 'Spellbinding' Wall Street Journal 'Disturbing from the outset with strong echoes of Simenon' Sunday Times Frédéric Dard (1921-2000) was one of the best known and loved French crime writers of the twentieth century. Enormously prolific, he wrote more than three hundred thrillers, suspense stories, plays and screenplays, under a variety of noms de plume, throughout his long and illustrious career, which also saw him win the 1957 Grand prix de la littérature policière for The Executioner Weeps. Dard's Bird in a Cage, The Wicked Go to Hell, Crush, The Gravediggers' Bread and The King of Fools are also available or forthcoming from Pushkin Vertigo.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Where the Road Bends
How did I get here? He ripped back the zip, his heart pounding as red dust trickled in and landed on his face. He stood, brushing the dust from his eyes, a sense of vertigo launching itself up his spine. One step from the swag and his eyes snapped open. He started to lean into a void. Over a cliff. Fifteen years after college graduation, four friends reconnect to keep a long-ago promise and go on a trip of a lifetime in the Australian Outback. Eliza needs to disconnect from her high-powered fashion job to consider the CEO position she’s just been offered. Lincoln hopes to rekindle a past relationship and escape from another one. Bree looks forward to a fun getaway from home and her deeply buried disappointments. Andy wants to disappear from the mess he’s made of his life—possibly forever. Dropped at a campsite in the middle of nowhere, the friends quickly discover they aren’t the same people they once were, and they begin to confront hard truths about one another—and themselves. Then a bizarre storm sweeps across their camp, scattering them across the desert. Wondering if they are part of some strange escape game, each of the friends meets a guide to help them find exactly what they need: purpose, healing, courage, and redemption. But they’ve already traveled far down the road of life and course-correcting to become the people they were meant to be won’t be easy.
University of Texas Press A Gringa in Bogotá: Living Colombia's Invisible War
To many foreigners, Colombia is a nightmare of drugs and violence. Yet normal life goes on there, and, in Bogotá, it's even possible to forget that war still ravages the countryside. This paradox of perceptions—outsiders' fears versus insiders' realities—drew June Carolyn Erlick back to Bogotá for a year's stay in 2005. She wanted to understand how the city she first came to love in 1975 has made such strides toward building a peaceful civil society in the midst of ongoing violence. The complex reality she found comes to life in this compelling memoir. Erlick creates her portrait of Bogotá through a series of vivid vignettes that cover many aspects of city life. As an experienced journalist, she lets the things she observes lead her to larger conclusions. The courtesy of people on buses, the absence of packs of stray dogs and street trash, and the willingness of strangers to help her cross an overpass when vertigo overwhelms her all become signs of convivencia—the desire of Bogotanos to live together in harmony despite decades of war. But as Erlick settles further into city life, she finds that "war in the city is invisible, but constantly present in subtle ways, almost like the constant mist that used to drip down from the Bogotá skies so many years ago." Shattering stereotypes with its lively reporting, A Gringa in Bogotá is must-reading for going beyond the headlines about the drug war and bloody conflict.
Columbia University Press Balance: How It Works and What It Means
Living is a balancing act. Ordinary activities like walking, running, or riding a bike require the brain to keep the body in balance. A dancer’s poised elegance and a tightrope walker’s breathtaking performance are feats of balance. Language abounds with expressions and figures of speech that invoke balance. People fret over work-life balance or try to eat a balanced diet. The concept crops up from politics—checks and balances, the balance of power, balanced budgets—to science, in which ideas of equilibrium are crucial. Why is balance so fundamental, and how do physical and metaphorical balance shed light on each other?Paul Thagard explores the physiological workings and metaphorical resonance of balance in the brain, the body, and society. He describes the neural mechanisms that keep bodies balanced and explains why their failures can result in nausea, falls, or vertigo. Thagard connects bodily balance with leading ideas in neuroscience, including the nature of consciousness. He analyzes balance metaphors across science, medicine, economics, the arts, and philosophy, showing why some aid understanding but others are misleading or harmful. Thagard contends that balance is ultimately a matter of making sense of the world. In both literal and metaphorical senses, balance is what enables people to solve the puzzles of life by turning sensory signals or an incongruous comparison into a coherent whole.Bridging philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience, Balance shows how an unheralded concept’s many meanings illuminate the human condition.