Search results for ""pocket""
Vox Diccionari pocket EnglishCatalan catalàanglès
Un diccionari molt adient per iniciar-se l?aprenentatge de l?anglès- 30.000 entrades- 50.000 accepcions- abundants exemples d?ús- transcripció fonètica de l?anglès- lèxic anglès britànic i americà- taula de verbs irregulars i gramàtica anglesa- recull lèxic relacionat amb noves tecnologiesAmb accés a la versió en línia del diccionariAdaptat a la nova normativa ortogràfica de l?IEC (vigent des de 2017)
Ediciones Larousse (MX) Diccionario Pocket Español/Inglés
Moderne Kunst, Verlag Fur Wchli Reichlin Chalet5 Pocket
Klett (Ernst) Verlag,Stuttgart Langenscheidt Pocket Phrasebook German
Linden Publishing Co Inc Pocket Size Carpenter's Helper
Kane/Miller Book Publishers The Pocket Money Blues
Rowman & Littlefield Maine Beaches: Pocket Guide
Maine has dozens of wonderful beaches tucked away in the nooks and crannies of the coast. This handy guide makes 18 of the state's favorite beaches easy to find and includes loads of useful information so you can make the most of your time at the shore.
Shambhala Publications Inc The Pocket Dalai Lama
Andrews McMeel Publishing Pocket Posh William Shakespeare
Test your Bard knowledge with these amusing puzzles and quizzes wrapped in a posh lovely package. An engaging and stylish collection of brain-teasing puzzles and quizzes for Bard lovers. Do you know which university William Shakespeare attended? A: Oxford, B: Cambridge, C: Glasgow, D: None. Who dies first-Romeo or Juliet? A: Romeo, B: Juliet, C: They both live, D: They die at the same time. William Shakespeare's timeless and universal themes of love, loss, and human nature have been adapted to the page and screen for over 400 years.
Thames & Hudson Pocket Museum Ancient Egypt
Rocky Nook Fujifilm X100VI Pocket Guide
Rocky Nook Nikon Zf Pocket Guide
Rocky Nook Watercolor 101 Pocket Guide
Loewe Verlag GmbH KreativKratzel Pocket Art Fantasy
Loewe Verlag GmbH KreativKratzel Pocket Art Farbenglck
Bibliograph. Instit. GmbH Pocket Teacher Abi Musik
Bibliograph. Instit. GmbH Pocket Teacher Abi Chemie
Editions Flammarion Paris: Ronis: Paris Pocket
Interlink Publishing Group, Inc Black Kaffiyeh Pocket Journal
Charlesbridge Publishing,U.S. Whats in Your Pocket
Red Wheel/Weiser Taurus Pocket Zodiac Cards
Red Wheel/Weiser Cancer Pocket Zodiac Cards
Red Wheel/Weiser Aquarius Pocket Zodiac Cards
The History Press Ltd Giuseppe Verdi: pocket GIANTS
Giuseppe Verdi (1813–1901) was the Shakespeare of opera, the composer of Rigoletto, Il Trovatore, La Traviata, Aida and Otello. The chorus of Hebrew slaves from Nabucco (1842) is regarded in Italy as virtually an alternative national anthem – and the great tragedian rounded off his career fifty years later with a rousing comedy, Falstaff.When Verdi was born, much of northern Italy was under Napoleonic rule, and Verdi grew up dreaming of a time when the peninsula might be governed by Italians. When this was achieved, in 1861, he became a deputy in the first all-Italian parliament.While in his 20s, Verdi lost his two children and then his wife (many Verdi operas feature poignant parent-child relationships). Later, he retired, with his second wife, to his beloved farmlands, refusing for long stretches to return to composition. Verdi died in January 1901, universally mourned as the supreme embodiment of the nation he had helped create.Daniel Snowman was born in London, educated at Cambridge and Cornell and at 24 became a Lecturer at the University of Sussex, going on to become BBC Radio’s Chief Producer, Features. Since 2004 has held a Senior Research Fellowship at the Institute of Historical Research (University of London). Recent books include a study of the cultural impact of the ‘Hitler Emigrés’, a collection of critical essays on the work of today's leading historians and The Gilded Stage: A Social History of Opera, reviewed by Tim Blanning as ‘A mighty achievement, by far and away the best history of opera available’.
The History Press Ltd Oxford: A Pocket Miscellany
Which Prime Minister holds an Oxford beer drinking record? Which Oxford academic ate the heart of King Louis IV? Which Pope came from Oxford? From the momentous to the outlandish, this book is packed full of fun facts about Oxford. With photographs, drawings and cartoons, intriguing information and little-known, weird and often hilarious trivia, it is a highly entertaining guide to where you are, what to look out for now you’re here, and how on earth all this came to be. Dip in and celebrate! From famous quotes about the city to local people’s likes and dislikes, it’s all here in this addictive little book.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Pocket Guide to Echocardiography
With its easy accessibility, low cost, and ability to deliver, essential bedside information about the cardiac structure and function, echocardiography has become one of the most relied-upon diagnostic tools in clinical medicine. As a result, more clinicians than ever before must be able to accurately interpret echocardiographic information in order to administer appropriate treatment. Based on the authors’ experience teaching echocardiography in busy clinical settings, this new pocketbook provides reliable guidance on everyday clinical cardiac ultrasound and the interpretation of echocardiographic images. It has been designed to help readers develop a stepwise approach to the interpretation of a standard transthoracic echocardiographic study and teach how to methodically gather and assemble the most important information from each of the standard echocardiographic views in order to generate a complete final report of the study performed. What’s included: • A summary of TTE examination protocol and a comprehensive listing of useful formulas and normal values • Atrial and ventricular dimensions, LV and RV systolic function, LV diastolic patterns • Echocardiographic findings in the most commonly encountered cardiac diseases and disorders, including various cardiomyopathies, cardiac tamponade, constrictive pericarditis, valvular heart disease, pulmonary hypertension, infective endocarditis, and congenital heart disease • Companion website with video clips and over 70 self-assessment questions Packed with essential information and designed for quick look-up, this pocketbook will be of great assistance for anyone who works in busy clinical settings and who needs a ready and reliable guide to interpreting echocardiographic information to help deliver optimal patient care.
Pan Macmillan Axel Schefflers Pocket Library
Axel Scheffler has achieved worldwide acclaim for his humorous illustrations, and his books have been translated into over thirty languages. He has enjoyed particular success in his award-winning picture book collaborations with Julia Donaldson, including The Gruffalo, but is also the bestselling illustrator of novelty books such as The Bedtime Bear, Jingle Jangle Jungle and Muddle Farm.
Gemini Books Group Ltd The Pocket Billie Eilish
Freytag + Berndt Dublin City Pocket Map
Church Publishing Inc 2025 Christian Pocket Diary
A portable calendar designed for clergy making pastoral visits. In addition to highlighting important dates in the Anglican, Roman Catholic, Orthodox Christian, Islamic, Jewish, and civil calendars, this weekly planner also includes resources for pastoral visits drawn from the Book of Common Prayer and other resources. The planner includes ample space for daily annotations, as well as pages for noting addresses, phone numbers, and birthdays.
Freytag-Berndt London City Pocket Map
City map with register. Easy to read due to the clear map image and with tourist sights displayed in symbols: monuments, museums, stadiums, etc. Also useful things like post offices, parking garages and stations. Often also with a public transport or metro card. Symbols indicate the location of tourist sites, monuments, places of historical interest, viewpoints, post offices, parking garages and stations. You will also find more information about public transport or the metro in the cover.
Poursuite editions ARN Pocket Vol.1
The History Press Ltd Horatio Nelson: pocket GIANTS
Why is Nelson a hero? Because he was a captain before he was 21, a man who shaped the course of history from the decks of his ships, hailed as a saviour of the nation, a hero killed in action at the moment of his greatest victory at the Battle of Trafalgar and immortalized ever since. What lies beneath the romantic legend of Horatio Nelson? What did he do before he became famous? Why did he fall from grace twice? Did he really put a telescope to his blind eye? Why did Victory’s signal lieutenant change his ‘England expects . . . .’ signal at Trafalgar? What made his leadership special? This book traces Nelson’s spectacular and often controversial career from a Norfolk parson’s son who entered the Royal Navy at the age of twelve, through his youth as a difficult and ambitious naval subordinate, his rise to admiral and celebrity, his fighting career and his outstanding victories at the battles of the Nile, Copenhagen and ultimately Trafalgar.
THAT COMPANY CALLED IF Bookaroo Phone Pocket Black
Like it or not, none of us can bear to be separated from our phones for very long. So it makes complete sense to travel light and carry some of our other essential daily stuff along with it!
Hay House UK Ltd The Rose Pocket Oracle
Unlock the sacred mysteries of the rose through one of Hay House's bestselling oracle decks from highly celebrated spiritual teacher Rebecca Campbell now in a compact keepsake tin, perfect for your on-the-go spiritual journey! A breathtakingly beautiful invitation to reconnect with the Goddess and celebrate the sacred mysteries of the rose, nature and the feminine. A secret symbol of Goddesses of old, the rose has captivated mystics, artists, healers, and poets through the ages. She is much more ancient than we and has potent medicine for these times. This activating oracle card deck opens the doorway to the physical and spiritual teachings of Mother Rose. May Her mysteries call you home to your own true nature and invite you to plant your soul more deeply than ever before. The accompanying deep-rooted guidebook will help you to connect with the healing energy of the rose, tune in to the changing seasons of your life, hear the v
O'Reilly Media Macintosh Terminal Pocket Guide
Every Mac user knows how to work with windows and icons, but there is a wonderful application behind the scenes - the Terminal - that provides tremendous additional power. With this handy guide, you'll learn valuable commands that remove limits and open doors that many Mac users don't know exist. Discover how to solve common tasks that are awkward or difficult in the Finder by opening the Terminal and typing a few commands. Among hundreds of tasks, you'll be able to: Log into your Mac from remote locations Search and modify files in powerful ways Kill programs that refuse to quit Set up scheduled jobs that run at particular days & times Let several people use one Mac at the same time Control system services
Frances Lincoln RHS Pocket Diary 2025
Random House USA Inc Pocket Full of Sads
Y Lolfa Gaelic in Your Pocket
Adams Media Corporation My Pocket Gratitude
Silence your inner critic and offer yourself the kindness and acceptance you deserve with these 150 guided meditations to embracing your true self. Self-compassion provides you with the tools to understand yourself, give and receive love, and cope with life’s struggles. We are often kinder to others than we are to ourselves. But self-compassion is vital to helping you understand your emotions, giving and receiving love, letting go of past mistakes, moving forward with more confidence, and so much more. Now you can cultivate and practice self-compassion through 150 guided meditations in My Pocket Mediations for Self-Compassion. With easy-to-follow instructions on beginner meditation, you can learn how to express kindness and compassion towards yourself, make peace with your emotions, build your resiliency, and learn not only to accept, but appreciate exactly who you are. Featuring meditations on self-appreciation, being body positive, a
O'Reilly Media HTML5 Pocket Reference
Need help finding the right HTML5 element or attribute for your web page or application? HTML5 Pocket Reference is the classic reference that web designers and developers have been keeping close at hand for more than thirteen years. This fifth edition has been updated to reflect the current state of HTML5, including the HTML5 Candidate Recommendation, the emerging HTML5.1 Working Draft, and the living WHATWG standard. Features include: An alphabetical listing of every element and attribute in HTML5, HTML5.1, and the WHATWG living standard Descriptions, markup examples, content categories, content models, and start- and end-tag requirements for every element At-a-glance notes indicating the differences between the HTML5 specifications and HTML 4.01 Useful charts of special characters An overview of HTML5 APIs If you're an experienced web designer or developer who needs a quick resource for working with established web standards, this handy book is indispensable.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The KamenetsPodolsky Pocket 1944
Blue Angel Gallery Isis Oracle Pocket Edition
MP-FAD F.A. Davis Mobilization Notes Pocket Guide
Provides the rehabilitation specialist with innovative intervention strategies that are designed to address impairments in joint mobility. Arranged by anatomic region, this book provides an overview of functional anatomy and joint kinematics for the spine and extremities.
O'Reilly Media Oracle RMAN Pocket Reference
This is a guide for DBAs who intend to use Oracle Recovery Manager for database backup and recovery. The first part of the book is primarily task-oriented. After a short section on RMAN architecture, the book shows (in checklist style) how to perform common backup and recovery tasks.
O'Reilly Digital Photography Pocket Guide
Acting as a guide for taking digital photographs, this third edition is for everyone who owns or will own a digital camera. It covers everything from shooting sports action, close ups, and night shots, to dealing with image resolution, archiving, memory cards, and more. It includes an explanation of each camera component and what it does.