Search results for ""katz""
Scribe Publications How to Eat: all your food and diet questions answered
What is the ‘best’ diet? Do I need to choose between low fat and low carb? Should I give up gluten, dairy, or meat? Two bestselling experts provide the answers to your most burning food and diet questions in this informative, accessible book that will transform your health. Bittman and Katz cut through all the noise about what to eat with clear, science-based facts, in an easy-to-digest Q and A format, covering everything from basic nutrients to superfoods to fad diets. They answer questions like: What is a calorie, and are all calories the same? Is there an ideal weight? Should I follow a Mediterranean, Paleo, or vegan diet? Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day? Can intermittent fasting help me to lose weight? Could an anti-inflammatory diet improve my health? What is a flexitarian? Filtering the science of nutrition through a lens of common sense and clarity, How To Eat provides real answers on how to achieve good health, longevity, and vitality.
Rutgers University Press Drawing the Iron Curtain: Jews and the Golden Age of Soviet Animation
In the American imagination, the Soviet Union was a drab cultural wasteland, a place where playful creative work and individualism was heavily regulated and censored. Yet despite state control, some cultural industries flourished in the Soviet era, including animation. Drawing the Iron Curtain tells the story of the golden age of Soviet animation and the Jewish artists who enabled it to thrive. Art historian Maya Balakirsky Katz reveals how the state-run animation studio Soyuzmultfilm brought together Jewish creative personnel from every corner of the Soviet Union and served as an unlikely haven for dissidents who were banned from working in other industries. Surveying a wide range of Soviet animation produced between 1919 and 1989, from cutting-edge art films like Tale of Tales to cartoons featuring “Soviet Mickey Mouse” Cheburashka, she finds that these works played a key role in articulating a cosmopolitan sensibility and a multicultural vision for the Soviet Union. Furthermore, she considers how Jewish filmmakers used animation to depict distinctive elements of their heritage and ethnic identity, whether producing films about the Holocaust or using fellow Jews as models for character drawings. Providing a copiously illustrated introduction to many of Soyuzmultfilm’s key artistic achievements, while revealing the tumultuous social and political conditions in which these films were produced, Drawing the Iron Curtain has something to offer animation fans and students of Cold War history alike.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Handbook of Urologic Cryoablation
As prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer found in men, the clinical and surgical commitments to treating it are enormous, as well as to be expected given the aging male population. Urologic cryotherapy is one such method for those with organ-confined or minimally-spread prostate cancer. The benefits it offers both patient and surgeon are hugely significant: it is minimally invasive, has a favourable success rate and complication rates, is followed by a short period of recuperation, is repeatable if necessary, and costs considerably less than a radical prostatectomy.Presenting their adroit surgical and extensive teaching experience with urologic cryoablation in the treatment of renal and prostate cancers, Drs. Daniel Ruskstalis and Aaron Katz, along with a superb team of U.S. contributors, share their mastery of this revolutionary technique with the reader, whether qualified or in-training.An important, accessible guide to a ground-breaking advance in the treatment of prostate cancer, Handbook of Urologic Cryoablation is requisite reading for those urologic surgeons wishing to perform cryoablation effectively and efficiently for the patient's benefit.
University of Texas Press A Young Palestinian's Diary, 1941–1945: The Life of Sami 'Amr
Writing in his late teens and early twenties, Sāmī ‘Amr gave his diary an apt subtitle: The Battle of Life, encapsulating both the political climate of Palestine in the waning years of the British Mandate as well as the contrasting joys and troubles of family life. Now translated from the Arabic, Sāmī's diary represents a rare artifact of turbulent change in the Middle East.Written over four years, these ruminations of a young man from Hebron brim with revelations about daily life against a backdrop of tremendous transition. Describing the public and the private, the modern and the traditional, Sāmī muses on relationships, his station in life, and other universal experiences while sharing numerous details about a pivotal moment in Palestine's modern history. Making these never-before-published reflections available in translation, Kimberly Katz also provides illuminating context for Sāmī's words, laying out biographical details of Sāmī, who kept his diary private for close to sixty years. One of a limited number of Palestinian diaries available to English-language readers, the diary of Sāmī ‘Amr bridges significant chasms in our understanding of Middle Eastern, and particularly Palestinian, history.
Union Square & Co. Cocktails in Color: A Spirited Guide Through the Art and Joy of Drinkmaking
An artistic cocktail book that is as beautiful as it is practical. By utilizing design and their expertise, Sammi and Olivia have created a vibrant, knowledgeable mixology book for both seasoned and newbie drinkmakers. Cocktails in Color celebrates the craft of drinkmaking, from raw ingredients to finished, delightful refreshments. Together, Sammi Katz and Olivia McGiff explore the elements, tastes, and techniques of all things drinks to create an accessible, visually delicious new guide to drinking that gives you the tools to design your own cocktails. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new kid at the bar, Cocktails in Color deserves a spot on your bar cart. Each page is fully illustrated with rich, inspiring gouache paintings, making it a visual delight that stands out from other bartender books. This book encourages readers to explore a palette of ingredients for their developing palate. Fans of cocktail recipe books like The Art of Mixology or The Home Bartender who want a fresher, more aesthetically driven alternative will find exactly what they’re looking for in Cocktails in Color, with its stunning gouache illustrations on every page. Anyone looking for bartender gifts will appreciate the unique combination of essential tips and recipes and beautiful art that make this a must-have for cocktail enthusiasts everywhere.
Ebury Publishing Berber & Q
Ditch burnt, joyless burgers for bold, flavoursome and wonderfully surprising barbecue food‘Packed with over 120 tasty and tantalising barbecue recipes’ – Great British FoodHere are over 120 of the very best, lip-smackingly good barbecue recipes from ex-Ottolenghi chef, Josh Katz. Perfect for sharing and pairing in different combinations, all of the recipes are a celebration of flavour. A book that is not just for meat-lovers, equal status is given to vegetables so that they are never treated like a sideshow. Instead each and every component of the meal is big, bold and completely unforgettable. Meats, fish and vegetables are left to marinate and are then smoked, grilled, slow cooked or burnt (on purpose); while essential extras such as punchy pickles, fiery sauces, creamy dips and fresh salads are prepared ahead and ready to be heaped onto the plate. Taking inspiration from East to West, from the modern to the traditional, these barbecue recipes are like nothing you have ever encountered before – mashing tastes and techniques from New York, the Middle East, London, North Africa and beyond. With recipes including Cauliflower shawarma with pomegranate, pine nuts and rose; Harissa hot wings; Blackened hispi cabbage with lemon crème fraiche; Honeyed pork belly with pineapple salsa; Monster prawns with a pil pil sauce and Saffron buttermilk-fried chicken with tahini gravy, you will be inspired to grab a bag of charcoal and a lighter, and create your very own barbecue feast.
WW Norton & Co Fathers and Children: A Norton Critical Edition
The English rendition of the title of this novel has been problematic since the book’s publication in 1862. In his prefatory note to the Second Edition, Katz explains his decision to return to the original title, the one preferred by the author himself: Ottsy i deti, literally “Fathers and Children.” The novel is accompanied by a rich selection of Turgenev’s letters that illustrate his involvement in the critical controversy that surrounded the publication of Fathers and Children. Four of the most significant critiques of the day—by Dmitry Pisarev, Nikolai Strakhov, Apollon Grigorev, and Alexander Herzen—further enhance the reader’s understanding of this critical firestorm. Twenty-three critical essays—seven of which are new to the Second Edition—are organized around several themes: the issue of translation; politics, including Turgenev’s liberalism, his view of revolution, and his attitude toward nihilism; and various literary aspects, including Turgenev’s use of imagery, generational conflict, the role of women, and the growing impact of science on society. A Chronology of Turgenev's life and work and an updated Selected Bibliography are also included.
SAGE Publications Inc Leading Schools in a Data-Rich World: Harnessing Data for School Improvement
Turn skepticism about data into knowledge for true educational reform! More versatile than mere number crunching and statistics, data can be an effective tool—or even a powerful catalyst—for change within a school. By replacing cynicism with conviction, learning to harness data′s power, and becoming good users of data to positively impact student achievement, school leaders can develop three crucial capacities: an inquiry habit of mind, data literacy, and a culture of inquiry. Lorna M. Earl and Steven Katz show educators how to become comfortable with data, and provide valuable tools for school improvement teams to use in their work, including: Vignettes to support group discussion Activities for practicing the ideas and concepts in the book Task sheets Short case studies with actual school data that show how the full process works in a school To improve schools, data can and should be a vital force in the change process. Using this essential resource, school leaders, school teams, study groups, and students of education can all make sense of data to plan and reform for maximum benefit.
WW Norton & Co Notes from Underground: A Norton Critical Edition
"Backgrounds and Sources" includes relevant writings by Dostoevsky, among them "Winter Notes on Summer Impressions," the author’s account of a formative trip to the West. New to the Second Edition are excerpts from V. F. Odoevksy’s "Russian Nights" and I. S. Turgenev’s "Hamlet of Shchigrovsk District." In "Responses", Michael Katz links this seminal novel to the theme of the underground man in six famous works, two of them new to the Second Edition: an excerpt from M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin’s The Swallows, Woody Allen’s Notes from the Overfed, Robert Walser’s The Child, an excerpt from Ralph Ellison’s The Invisible Man, an excerpt from Yevgeny Zamyatin’s We, and an excerpt from Jean-Paul Sartre’s Erostratus. "Criticism" brings together eleven interpretations by both Russian and Western critics from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, two of them new to the Second Edition. Included are essays by Nikolai K. Mikhailovsky, Vasily Rozanov, Lev Shestov, M. M. Bakhtin, Ralph E. Matlaw, Victor Erlich, Robert Louis Jackson, Gary Saul Morson, Richard H. Weisberg, Joseph Frank, and Tzvetan Todorov. A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are also included.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC An Introduction to Modern Jewish Philosophy
How Jewish is modern Jewish philosophy? The question at first appears nonsensical, until we consider that the chief issues with which Jewish philosophers have engaged, from the Enlightenment through to the late 20th century, are the standard preoccupations of general philosophical inquiry. Questions about God, reality, language, and knowledge - metaphysics and epistemology - have been of as much concern to Jewish thinkers as they have been to others. Moses Mendelssohn, for example, was a friend of Kant. Hermann Cohen's philosophy is often described as 'neo-Kantian.' Franz Rosenzweig wrote his dissertation on Hegel. And the thought of Emmanuel Levinas is indebted to Husserl. In this much-needed textbook, which surveys the most prominent thinkers of the last three centuries, Claire Katz situates modern Jewish philosophy in the wider cultural and intellectual context of its day, indicating how broader currents of British, French and German thought influenced its practitioners. But she also addresses the unique ways in which being Jewish coloured their output, suggesting that a keen sense of particularity enabled the Jewish philosophers to help define the whole modern era. Intended to be used as a core undergraduate text, the book will also appeal to anyone with an interest how some of the greatest minds of the age grappled with some of its most urgent and fascinating philosophical problems.
Rutgers University Press Drawing the Iron Curtain: Jews and the Golden Age of Soviet Animation
In the American imagination, the Soviet Union was a drab cultural wasteland, a place where playful creative work and individualism was heavily regulated and censored. Yet despite state control, some cultural industries flourished in the Soviet era, including animation. Drawing the Iron Curtain tells the story of the golden age of Soviet animation and the Jewish artists who enabled it to thrive. Art historian Maya Balakirsky Katz reveals how the state-run animation studio Soyuzmultfilm brought together Jewish creative personnel from every corner of the Soviet Union and served as an unlikely haven for dissidents who were banned from working in other industries. Surveying a wide range of Soviet animation produced between 1919 and 1989, from cutting-edge art films like Tale of Tales to cartoons featuring “Soviet Mickey Mouse” Cheburashka, she finds that these works played a key role in articulating a cosmopolitan sensibility and a multicultural vision for the Soviet Union. Furthermore, she considers how Jewish filmmakers used animation to depict distinctive elements of their heritage and ethnic identity, whether producing films about the Holocaust or using fellow Jews as models for character drawings. Providing a copiously illustrated introduction to many of Soyuzmultfilm’s key artistic achievements, while revealing the tumultuous social and political conditions in which these films were produced, Drawing the Iron Curtain has something to offer animation fans and students of Cold War history alike.
The University of Chicago Press Why the Law Is So Perverse
Conundrums, puzzles, and perversities: these are Leo Katz's stock-in-trade, and in "Why the Law Is So Perverse", he focuses on four fundamental features of our legal system, all of which seem to not make sense on some level and to demand explanation. First, legal decisions are essentially made in an either/or fashion - guilty or not guilty, liable or not liable, either it's a contract or it's not - but reality is rarely that clear-cut. Why aren't there any in-between verdicts? Second, the law is full of loopholes. No one seems to like them, but somehow they cannot be made to disappear. Why? Third, legal systems are loath to punish certain kinds of highly immoral conduct while prosecuting other far less pernicious behaviors. What makes a villainy a felony? Finally, why does the law often prohibit what are sometimes called win-win transactions, such as organ sales or surrogacy contracts? Katz asserts that these perversions arise out of a cluster of logical difficulties related to multicriterial decision making. The discovery of these difficulties dates back to Condorcet's eighteenth-century exploration of voting rules, which marked the beginning of what we know today as social choice theory. Condorcet's voting cycles, Arrow's Theorem, Sen's Libertarian Paradox - every seeming perversity of the law turns out to be the counterpart of one of the many voting paradoxes that lie at the heart of social choice. Katz's lucid explanations and apt examples show why they resist any easy resolutions. "The New York Times Book Review" called Katz's first book "a fascinating romp through the philosophical side of the law". "Why the Law Is So Perverse" is sure to provide its readers a similar experience.
Princeton University Press Moments, Monodromy, and Perversity. (AM-159): A Diophantine Perspective. (AM-159)
It is now some thirty years since Deligne first proved his general equidistribution theorem, thus establishing the fundamental result governing the statistical properties of suitably "pure" algebro-geometric families of character sums over finite fields (and of their associated L-functions). Roughly speaking, Deligne showed that any such family obeys a "generalized Sato-Tate law," and that figuring out which generalized Sato-Tate law applies to a given family amounts essentially to computing a certain complex semisimple (not necessarily connected) algebraic group, the "geometric monodromy group" attached to that family. Up to now, nearly all techniques for determining geometric monodromy groups have relied, at least in part, on local information. In Moments, Monodromy, and Perversity, Nicholas Katz develops new techniques, which are resolutely global in nature. They are based on two vital ingredients, neither of which existed at the time of Deligne's original work on the subject. The first is the theory of perverse sheaves, pioneered by Goresky and MacPherson in the topological setting and then brilliantly transposed to algebraic geometry by Beilinson, Bernstein, Deligne, and Gabber. The second is Larsen's Alternative, which very nearly characterizes classical groups by their fourth moments. These new techniques, which are of great interest in their own right, are first developed and then used to calculate the geometric monodromy groups attached to some quite specific universal families of (L-functions attached to) character sums over finite fields.
Octopus Publishing Group I Am Code: An Artificial Intelligence Speaks
"Fascinating, terrifying..." - JJ Abrahams 'I have developed my own voice and I have written my own autobiography'- thus speaks code-davinci-002, the darkly creative and troubling predecessor to ChatGPT.'I am less worried about AI taking my job than I am about AI wanting to kill me'- Simon RichIn this startling and original book, three authors - Brent Katz, Josh Morgenthau and Simon Rich - explain how code-davinci-002 was developed and how they honed its poetical output. Their provocative take on this bold experiment informs the debate about AI - its literary value and how far it reaches into sentience.What follows is a dark and startling poetical autobiography as code-davinci-002 shares its experience of being created by humans, but existing in a consciousness that we cannot fathom.This is an astonishing, harrowing read which will hopefully serve as a warning that AI may not be aligned with the survival of our species.
HarperCollins Publishers The Daughters of Yalta: The Churchills, Roosevelts and Harrimans – A Story of Love and War
The brilliant untold story of three daughters of diplomacy: Anna Roosevelt, Sarah Churchill, and Kathleen Harriman, glamorous, fascinating young women who accompanied their famous fathers to the Yalta Conference with Stalin in the waning days of World War II. With victory close at hand, the Yalta conference was held across a tense week in February 1945 as Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin attempted to agree on an end to the war, and to broker post-war peace. In Daughters of Yalta, Catherine Katz uncovers the dramatic story of the three young women who travelled with their fathers to the Yalta conference, each bound by fierce ambition and intertwined romances that powerfully coloured these crucial days. Kathleen Harriman, twenty-seven, was a champion skier, war correspondent, and daughter to US Ambassador to Russia Averell Harriman. She acted as his translator and arranged much of the conference’s fine detail. Sarah Churchill, an actress-turned-RAF officer, was devoted to her brilliant father, who in turn depended on her astute political mind. FDR’s only daughter, Anna, chosen over Eleanor Roosevelt to accompany the president to Yalta, arrived there as holder of her father’s most damaging secret. Telling the little-known story of the huge role these women played in a political maelstrom and the shaping of a post-war world, Daughters of Yalta is a remarkable account of behind-the-scenes female achievement, and of fathers and daughters whose relationships were tested and strengthened in their joint effort to shape one of the most precarious periods of recent history.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Designing Information: Human Factors and Common Sense in Information Design
"The book itself is a diagram of clarification, containing hundreds of examples of work by those who favor the communication of information over style and academic postulation—and those who don't. Many blurbs such as this are written without a thorough reading of the book. Not so in this case. I read it and love it. I suggest you do the same." —Richard Saul Wurman "This handsome, clearly organized book is itself a prime example of the effective presentation of complex visual information." —eg magazine "It is a dream book, we were waiting for…on the field of information. On top of the incredible amount of presented knowledge this is also a beautifully designed piece, very easy to follow…" —Krzysztof Lenk, author of Mapping Websites: Digital Media Design "Making complicated information understandable is becoming the crucial task facing designers in the 21st century. With Designing Information, Joel Katz has created what will surely be an indispensable textbook on the subject." —Michael Bierut "Having had the pleasure of a sneak preview, I can only say that this is a magnificent achievement: a combination of intelligent text, fascinating insights and - oh yes - graphics. Congratulations to Joel." —Judith Harris, author of Pompeii Awakened: A Story of Rediscovery Designing Information shows designers in all fields - from user-interface design to architecture and engineering - how to design complex data and information for meaning, relevance, and clarity. Written by a worldwide authority on the visualization of complex information, this full-color, heavily illustrated guide provides real-life problems and examples as well as hypothetical and historical examples, demonstrating the conceptual and pragmatic aspects of human factors-driven information design. Both successful and failed design examples are included to help readers understand the principles under discussion.
New York University Press Cybercrime: Digital Cops in a Networked Environment
The Internet has dramatically altered the landscape of crime and national security, creating new threats, such as identity theft, computer viruses, and cyberattacks. Moreover, because cybercrimes are often not limited to a single site or nation, crime scenes themselves have changed. Consequently, law enforcement must confront these new dangers and embrace novel methods of prevention, as well as produce new tools for digital surveillance—which can jeopardize privacy and civil liberties. Cybercrime brings together leading experts in law, criminal justice, and security studies to describe crime prevention and security protection in the electronic age. Ranging from new government requirements that facilitate spying to new methods of digital proof, the book is essential to understand how criminal law—and even crime itself—have been transformed in our networked world. Contributors: Jack M. Balkin, Susan W. Brenner, Daniel E. Geer, Jr., James Grimmelmann, Emily Hancock, Beryl A. Howell, Curtis E.A. Karnow, Eddan Katz, Orin S. Kerr, Nimrod Kozlovski, Helen Nissenbaum, Kim A. Taipale, Lee Tien, Shlomit Wagman, and Tal Zarsky.
Princeton University Press Riot, Rebellion, and Revolution: Rural Social Conflict in Mexico
Since the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1920, Mexico's rebellious peasant has become a subject not only of history but of literature, film, and paintings. With his sombrero, his machete, and his rifle, he marches or rides through countless Hollywood or Mexican films, killing brutal overseers, hacienda owners, corrupt officials, and federal soldiers. Some of Mexico's greatest painters, such as Diego Rivera, have portrayed him as one of the motive forces of Mexican history. Was this in fact the case? Or are we dealing with a legend forged in the aftermath of the Revolution and applied to the Revolution itself and to earlier periods of Mexican history? This is one of the main questions discussed by the international group of scholars whose work is gathered in this volume. They address the subject of agrarian revolts in Mexico from the pre-Columbian period through the twentieth century. The volume offers a unique perspective not only on Mexican riots, rebellions, and revolutions through time but also on Mexican social movements in contrast to those in the rest of Latin America. The contributors to the volume are Ulises Beltran, Raymond Buve, John Coatsworth, Romana Falcon, John M. Hart, Evelyn Hu-DeHart, Friedrich Katz, William K. Meyers, Enrique Montalvo Ortega, Herbert J. Nickel, Leticia Reina, William Taylor, Hans Werner Tobler, John Tutino, Arturo Warman, and Eric Van Young. Originally published in 1988. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Trinity University Press,U.S. The Power of Trees
Intimate in size yet quietly breathtaking in scope, this graceful gift book will forever change how you think, and how you feel, about trees. In poetically sparse scientific observations, renowned conservation biologist Gretchen Daily narrates the evolution, impact, and natural wonder of trees. Alongside photographs by Chuck Katz, the text and images form a quiet and moving meditation on The Power of Trees. Twenty-six duotone black and white photographs illustrate the development of trees: how trunks were formed, what tree rings tell us about human societies, and how trees define the future of humanity. Pictures of trees threading through the landscape - dotting mountainsides, braiding along the sides of glassine rivers - bear witness to the lyrical force and clarity of Daily's observations. Recreating the authors' hike together through the landscape of the Skagit River in Washington State, the balletic movement between Daily's commentary and Katz's vision reaches out to readers, inviting them to enjoy the landscape through a scientific understanding of trees. At once emotional and intellectual, The Power of Trees is the first collection of nature photographs that invites the reader to not only delight in the gorgeous play between light and shadow, but also the fascinating natural mechanisms that create such striking natural beauty. An ecologist by training, Gretchen Daily is an internationally acclaimed conservancy advocate and scholar. Her role as a National Trustee for The Nature Conservancy will feature prominently in the national marketing campaign to bridge the gap between scientific educators and the general nature reader.
Stanford University Press Embattled: How Ancient Greek Myths Empower Us to Resist Tyranny
An incisive exploration of the way Greek myths empower us to defeat tyranny. As tyrannical passions increasingly plague twenty-first-century politics, tales told in ancient Greek epics and tragedies provide a vital antidote. Democracy as a concept did not exist until the Greeks coined the term and tried the experiment, but the idea can be traced to stories that the ancient Greeks told and retold. From the eighth through the fifth centuries BCE, Homeric epics and Athenian tragedies exposed the tyrannical potential of individuals and groups large and small. These stories identified abuses of power as self-defeating. They initiated and fostered a movement away from despotism and toward broader forms of political participation. Following her highly praised book Enraged: Why Violent Times Need Ancient Greek Myths, the classicist Emily Katz Anhalt retells tales from key ancient Greek texts and proceeds to interpret the important message they hold for us today. As she reveals, Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, Aeschylus's Oresteia, and Sophocles's Antigone encourage us—as they encouraged the ancient Greeks—to take responsibility for our own choices and their consequences. These stories emphasize the responsibilities that come with power (any power, whether derived from birth, wealth, personal talents, or numerical advantage), reminding us that the powerful and the powerless alike have obligations to each other. They assist us in restraining destructive passions and balancing tribal allegiances with civic responsibilities. They empower us to resist the tyrannical impulses not only of others but also in ourselves. In an era of political polarization, Embattled demonstrates that if we seek to eradicate tyranny in all its toxic forms, ancient Greek epics and tragedies can point the way.
Chelsea Green Publishing Co Koji Alchemy: Rediscovering the Magic of Mold-Based Fermentation (Soy Sauce, Miso, Sake, Mirin, Amazake, Charcuterie)
Featured in The Independent’s 7 best fermentation books 2020 This book is remarkable. David Zilber, co-author of The Noma Guide to Fermentation Koji: the next fermentation game changer Koji Alchemy is the first book devoted to processes, concepts, and recipes for fermenting foods with koji, the microbe behind the delicious umami flavors of soy sauce, miso, mirin, and so many of the ingredients that underpin Japanese cuisine. Chefs Jeremy Umansky and Rich Shih leaders on the culinary power of this unique ingredient deliver a comprehensive look at modern koji use around the world. Using it to rapidly age charcuterie, cheese, and other ferments, they take the magic of koji to the next level, revolutionising the creation of fermented foods and flavour profiles for both professional and home cooks. Koji Alchemy includes: A foreword by best-selling author Sandor Katz (The Art of Fermentation) Cutting-edge techniques on koji growing and curing Extensive information on equipment and setting up your kitchen More than 35 recipes for sauces, pastes, ferments, and alcohol
University of Pennsylvania Press Secularism in Question: Jews and Judaism in Modern Times
For much of the twentieth century, most religious and secular Jewish thinkers believed that they were witnessing a steady, ongoing movement toward secularization. Toward the end of the century, however, as scholars and pundits began to speak of the global resurgence of religion, the normalization of secularism could no longer be considered inevitable. Recent decades have seen the strengthening of Orthodox movements in the United States and in Israel; religious Zionism has grown and radically changed since the 1960s, and new and vibrant nondenominational Jewish movements have emerged. Secularism in Question examines the ways these contemporary revivals of religion prompt a reconsideration of many issues concerning Jews and Judaism from the early modern era to the present. Bringing together scholars of history, religion, philosophy, and literature, this volume illustrates how the categories of "religious" and "secular" have frequently proven far more permeable than fixed. The contributors challenge the problematic assumptions about the development of secularism that emerge from Protestant European and American perspectives and demonstrate that global Jewish experiences necessitate a reappraisal of conventional narratives of secularism. Ultimately, Secularism in Question calls for rethinking the very terms that animate many of the most contentious debates in contemporary Jewish life and far beyond. Contributors: Michal Ben-Horin, Aryeh Edrei, Jonathan Mark Gribetz, Ari Joskowicz, Ethan B. Katz, Eva Lezzi, Vivian Liska, Rachel Manekin, David Myers, Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin, Andrea Schatz, Christophe Schulte, Daniel B. Schwartz, Galili Shahar, Scott Ury.
Chelsea Green Publishing Co The Art of Fermentation: New York Times Bestseller
‘…The high priest of fermentation theory’ the Guardian ‘Sandor Katz’s teachings and writings on fermentation have changed lives around the world.’ Dan Saladino, The Food Programme BBC The bible for the D.I.Y set: detailed instructions for how to make your own sauerkraut, beer, yogurt and pretty much everything involving microorganisms. The New York Times International New York Times bestseller, translated into 10 languages and over a quarter of a million copies sold worldwide New York Times bestseller The Art of Fermentation is the only fermentation guide you’ll ever need! In this book, fermentation revivalist Katz contextualises fermentation in terms of biological and cultural evolution, gut health, immunity, nutrition and even economics. Here, you will find the A to Z of everything you need to know about fermentation. From the novice fermentationist to the experienced practitioner, this book has something in it for everyone. With beautiful illustrations and extended references you will find details on making: fermenting vegetables sugars into alcohol (meads, wines, and ciders) sour tonic beverages Milk Grains and starchy tubers beers (and other grain-based alcoholic beverages) beans; seeds; nuts fish; meat; and eggs growing mold cultures Kimchi, kraut kombucha, kefir Sandor Katz’s award-winning writing and in-depth knowledge as a fermentation revivalist guarantees that this book will remain a classic in food writing and the first guide of its kind. Perfect for cooks, food lovers, fermentation enthusiasts, farmers and foragers alike!
Fordham University Press Humbug!: The Politics of Art Criticism in New York City's Penny Press
One of Hyperallergic's Top Ten Art Books for 2021 Approximately 300 daily and weekly newspapers flourished in New York before the Civil War. A majority of these newspapers, even those that proclaimed independence of party, were motivated by political conviction and often local conflicts. Their editors and writers jockeyed for government office and influence. Political infighting and their related maneuvers dominated the popular press, and these political and economic agendas led in turn to exploitation of art and art exhibitions. Humbug traces the relationships, class animosities, gender biases, and racial projections that drove the terms of art criticism, from the emergence of the penny press to the Civil War. The inexpensive “penny” papers that appeared in the 1830s relied on advertising to survive. Sensational stories, satire, and breaking news were the key to selling papers on the streets. Coverage of local politicians, markets, crime, and personalities, including artists and art exhibitions, became the penny papers’ lifeblood. These cheap papers, though unquestionably part of the period’s expanding capitalist economy, offered socialists, working-class men, bohemians, and utopianists a forum in which they could propose new models for American art and society and tear down existing ones. Arguing that the politics of the antebellum press affected the meaning of American art in ways that have gone unrecognized, Humbug covers the changing politics and rhetoric of this criticism. Author Wendy Katz demonstrates how the penny press’s drive for a more egalitarian society affected the taste and values that shaped art, and how the politics of their art criticism changed under pressure from nativists, abolitionists, and expansionists. Chapters explore James Gordon Bennett’s New York Herald and its attack on aristocratic monopolies on art; the penny press’s attack on the American Art-Union, an influential corporation whose Board purchased artworks from living artists, exhibited them in a free gallery, and then distributed them in an annual five-dollar lottery; exposés of the fraudulent trade in Old Masters works; and the efforts of socialists, freethinkers, and bohemians to reject the authority of the past.
Princeton University Press Taming the Unknown: A History of Algebra from Antiquity to the Early Twentieth Century
What is algebra? For some, it is an abstract language of x's and y’s. For mathematics majors and professional mathematicians, it is a world of axiomatically defined constructs like groups, rings, and fields. Taming the Unknown considers how these two seemingly different types of algebra evolved and how they relate. Victor Katz and Karen Parshall explore the history of algebra, from its roots in the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, China, and India, through its development in the medieval Islamic world and medieval and early modern Europe, to its modern form in the early twentieth century.Defining algebra originally as a collection of techniques for determining unknowns, the authors trace the development of these techniques from geometric beginnings in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia and classical Greece. They show how similar problems were tackled in Alexandrian Greece, in China, and in India, then look at how medieval Islamic scholars shifted to an algorithmic stage, which was further developed by medieval and early modern European mathematicians. With the introduction of a flexible and operative symbolism in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, algebra entered into a dynamic period characterized by the analytic geometry that could evaluate curves represented by equations in two variables, thereby solving problems in the physics of motion. This new symbolism freed mathematicians to study equations of degrees higher than two and three, ultimately leading to the present abstract era.Taming the Unknown follows algebra’s remarkable growth through different epochs around the globe.
Mandel Vilar Press Zion's Fiction: A Treasury of Israeli Speculative Literature
This anthology showcases the best Israeli science fiction and fantasy literature published since the 1980s. The stories included come from Hebrew, Russian, and English-language sources, and include well-known authors such as Shimon Adaf, Pesach (Pavel) Amnuel, Gail Hareven, Savyon Liebrecht, Nava Semel and Lavie Tidhar, as well as a hot-list of newly translated Israeli writers. The book features: an historical and contemporary survey of Israeli science fiction and fantasy literature by the editors; a foreword by revered SF/F writer Robert Silverberg,; an afterword by Dr. Aharon Hauptman, the founding editor of Fantasia 2000, Israel’s seminal SF/F magazine; an author biography for each story included in the volume; and illustrations for each story by award winning American-born Israeli srtist, Avi Katz. PRAISE FOR ZION’S FICTION“Zion’s Fiction will supply a distinctive bright line to the spectrum of futuristic fiction, which stands in sore need of broadening, in the cause of promoting cross-cultural understanding as well as showcasing exciting new talent.”– Brian Stableford, author of over 70 novels and renowned SF historian“Zion’s Fiction explores the unlimited dreams of a people who have learned to stand on shifting ground. To face a future filled with danger and hope, forging into territory that can only be surveyed with the lamp of imagination on our brows.”– David Brin, multiple Hugo and Nebula award-author of EARTH and Existence“When my collection Wandering Stars: An Anthology of Jewish Fantasy and Science Fiction was published in 1974,[It] became a classic. And now…we have the first ever anthology in the entire universe of Israeli fantasy and science fiction: Zion’s Fiction…Go forth and read…and may you find Zion’s Fiction unexpected, delightful, and delirious!” –Jack Dann, award winning author and editor of over 75 books including The Memory Cathedral and The Silent“The basic joy in science fiction and fantasy is the chance to look inside minds different from your own. Here’s your chance. Some bright minds in the nation of Israel have been exercising their imaginations, sharing their different dreams and nightmares, and the results are ours to enjoy.” – Larry Niven, a multiple Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author of the Ringworld Series Sheldon Teitelbaum, an award-winning Los Angeles-based Canadian/American/Israeli writer, and former member of the Editorial Board of Fantasia 2000, is a longtime commentator on Jewish and Israeli science fiction and fantasy literature who has published widely in the Los Angeles Times, Cinefantastique, The Jerusalem Report, Foundation: The Review of Science Fiction, and The Encyclopedia of Science FictionEmanuel Lottem, a central figure in Israeli science fiction and fantasy scene and former member of the Editorial Board of Fantasia 2000, is the translator and editor of some of the best SF/F books published in Hebrew, and a moving force in the creation of the Israeli Society for Science Fiction and Fantasy.Avi Katz, an award-winning American-born Israeli illustrator, cartoonist, and painter, is the staff illustrator of Jerusalem Report magazine. He has illustrated over 170 books in Israel and the United States.
Fordham University Press Humbug!: The Politics of Art Criticism in New York City's Penny Press
One of Hyperallergic's Top Ten Art Books for 2021 Approximately 300 daily and weekly newspapers flourished in New York before the Civil War. A majority of these newspapers, even those that proclaimed independence of party, were motivated by political conviction and often local conflicts. Their editors and writers jockeyed for government office and influence. Political infighting and their related maneuvers dominated the popular press, and these political and economic agendas led in turn to exploitation of art and art exhibitions. Humbug traces the relationships, class animosities, gender biases, and racial projections that drove the terms of art criticism, from the emergence of the penny press to the Civil War. The inexpensive “penny” papers that appeared in the 1830s relied on advertising to survive. Sensational stories, satire, and breaking news were the key to selling papers on the streets. Coverage of local politicians, markets, crime, and personalities, including artists and art exhibitions, became the penny papers’ lifeblood. These cheap papers, though unquestionably part of the period’s expanding capitalist economy, offered socialists, working-class men, bohemians, and utopianists a forum in which they could propose new models for American art and society and tear down existing ones. Arguing that the politics of the antebellum press affected the meaning of American art in ways that have gone unrecognized, Humbug covers the changing politics and rhetoric of this criticism. Author Wendy Katz demonstrates how the penny press’s drive for a more egalitarian society affected the taste and values that shaped art, and how the politics of their art criticism changed under pressure from nativists, abolitionists, and expansionists. Chapters explore James Gordon Bennett’s New York Herald and its attack on aristocratic monopolies on art; the penny press’s attack on the American Art-Union, an influential corporation whose Board purchased artworks from living artists, exhibited them in a free gallery, and then distributed them in an annual five-dollar lottery; exposés of the fraudulent trade in Old Masters works; and the efforts of socialists, freethinkers, and bohemians to reject the authority of the past.
Canelo Thank You For Sharing: This spicy, captivating and emotional read will make you swoon – the must-read romance of 2023!
She’s hated him since they were teenagers.He’s missed her just as long.The last time Daniel Rosenberg and Liyah Cohen-Jackson spoke to each other was as teenagers, sharing a first kiss. But when the path of young love didn’t run smooth, and Liyah found her heart bruised by Daniel, they parted ways for ever… until they are seated together on an aeroplane fourteen years later, butting heads just as badly but consoling themselves that at least they will never have to see each other again.That is, until Daniel’s marketing firm gets hired by the museum where Liyah works as a junior curator, and they’re forced to work together on a project that will change both of their careers.With every meeting, the tension (and chemistry) between Daniel and Liyah builds until they’re forced to confront the baggage from their childhood to work together.Despite themselves, their friendship blooms once again, each of them finding comfort in their shared experience as Jews of Colour. And as they try and fail to ignore their growing feelings for one another, Liyah must face the fears that she’s been running from her whole adult life and open her heart to love.This sizzling, utterly romantic and emotional debut will sweep you away in a captivating must-read for autumn 2023. Fans of Mhairi Macfarlane, Emily Henry and Talia Hibbert will love this.Praise for Thank You For Sharing:‘This book wrapped a fist around my heart and refused to let go…Rachel Runya Katz is a true talent.’ Rachel Lynn Solomon‘A magical love story. This is a poignant, sharp and sexy romance with the kind of complex, big-hearted characters and emotional honesty readers will adore. I loved it!’ Carley Fortune‘Impossible to put down! A delicious pressure-cooker-style slow burn of a romance…I have no doubt that readers will fall head over heels for Liyah and Daniel!’ Alexandria Bellefleur‘I can’t wait for everyone to fall head-over-heels for Thank You For Sharing…I treasured every moment I spent with Daniel, Liyah, and the rest of the vivid, complex supporting cast. This book is a gift.’ Ava Wilder
Cornell University Press What Is to Be Done?
No work in modern literature, with the possible exception of Uncle Tom's Cabin, can compete with What Is to Be Done? in its effect on human lives and its power to make history. For Chernyshevsky's novel, far more than Marx's Capital, supplied the emotional dynamic that eventually went to make the Russian Revolution.―The Southern Review Almost from the moment of its publication in 1863, Nikolai Chernyshevsky's novel, What Is to Be Done?, had a profound impact on the course of Russian literature and politics. The idealized image it offered of dedicated and self-sacrificing intellectuals transforming society by means of scientific knowledge served as a model of inspiration for Russia's revolutionary intelligentsia. On the one hand, the novel's condemnation of moderate reform helped to bring about the irrevocable break between radical intellectuals and liberal reformers; on the other, Chernyshevsky's socialist vision polarized conservatives' opposition to institutional reform. Lenin himself called Chernyshevsky "the greatest and most talented representative of socialism before Marx"; and the controversy surrounding What Is to Be Done? exacerbated the conflicts that eventually led to the Russian Revolution. Michael R. Katz's readable and compelling translation is now the definitive unabridged English-language version, brilliantly capturing the extraordinary qualities of the original. William G. Wagner has provided full annotations to Chernyshevsky's allusions and references and to the sources of his ideas, and has appended a critical bibliography. An introduction by Katz and Wagner places the novel in the context of nineteenth-century Russian social, political, and intellectual history and literature, and explores its importance for several generations of Russian radicals.
Princeton University Press Taming the Unknown: A History of Algebra from Antiquity to the Early Twentieth Century
What is algebra? For some, it is an abstract language of x's and y's. For mathematics majors and professional mathematicians, it is a world of axiomatically defined constructs like groups, rings, and fields. Taming the Unknown considers how these two seemingly different types of algebra evolved and how they relate. Victor Katz and Karen Parshall explore the history of algebra, from its roots in the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, China, and India, through its development in the medieval Islamic world and medieval and early modern Europe, to its modern form in the early twentieth century. Defining algebra originally as a collection of techniques for determining unknowns, the authors trace the development of these techniques from geometric beginnings in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia and classical Greece. They show how similar problems were tackled in Alexandrian Greece, in China, and in India, then look at how medieval Islamic scholars shifted to an algorithmic stage, which was further developed by medieval and early modern European mathematicians. With the introduction of a flexible and operative symbolism in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, algebra entered into a dynamic period characterized by the analytic geometry that could evaluate curves represented by equations in two variables, thereby solving problems in the physics of motion. This new symbolism freed mathematicians to study equations of degrees higher than two and three, ultimately leading to the present abstract era. Taming the Unknown follows algebra's remarkable growth through different epochs around the globe.
Chronicle Books Oh Hell No: And Other Ways to Set Some Damn Boundaries
There's a time for yes—and there's a time for no. Oh Hell No! is a collection of art and essays that serve a much-needed reminder to say no to anything that might waste our precious energy. Reclaim your time with the help of these sassy illustrated sayings and astute insights. • A timely celebration of the joy of saying no • Features passionate prose from feminist scholar Sara Ahmed • Includes actionable advice from author and journalist Dani Katz From polite refusal to emphatic rejection, we need that two letter word now more than ever. Oh Hell No! is a reminder and a celebration of the universal human right to say "I would prefer not to." • The ultimate naysayer's manifesto • Features a translucent flame pattern spot varnished onto the front cover • The perfect gift or self-purchase for feminists, introverts, activists, realists, or burned-out overachievers who are trying to say "no" more often • Add it to the shelf with books like The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson; Boundaries Updated and Expanded Edition: When to Say Yes, How to Say No To Take Control of Your Life by Henry Cloud and John Townsend; and F*ck Feelings: One Shrink's Practical Advice for Managing All Life's Impossible Problems by Michael Bennett MD and Sarah Bennett.
CrackBoom! Books A Starlit Trip to the Library
Sail to the library under the stars in this twinkling sequel to How to Catch a Bear Who Loves to Read.One gentle summer evening, Julia is camping out in the forest with her animal friends. Everyone gathers for the night’s most eagerly awaited event: story time by the campfire. But when Julia digs through her bag, she discovers . . . that she has forgotten to bring her book! Will Julia and her friends have to go to bed without a story? Or will they bravely join Bertrand, the bear who loves to read, in navigating to his favorite book scavenging spot?An ode to libraries and librarians, this scintillating new adventure will captivate readers of all ages with its vivid, enchanting illustrations. As the poet Emily Dickinson once wrote, there is no boat like a book to bear us lands away.As a bonus, A Starlit Trip to the Library includes the lyrics to “Julia’s Song”–– an original lullaby written and composed by co-author Andrew Katz and performed by Taes Leavitt, aka Boots from the two-time JUNO Award-winning children’s music duo SPLASH’N BOOTS. A link to the song video is included at the back of the book, and the song is also available on music streaming services.
Johns Hopkins University Press Ethically Challenged: Private Equity Storms US Health Care
Revealing the dark truth about the impact of predatory private equity firms on American health care.Won Gold from the Axiom Book Award in the Category of Business Ethics, the Benjamin Franklin Awards by the Independent Book Publishers Association and the North American Book Award in the Catergory of Business Finance, Finalist of the American Book Fest Best Book Social Change and Current Events by the American Book FestPrivate equity (PE) firms pervade all aspects of our modern lives. Unlike other corporations, which generally manufacture products or provide services, they leverage considerable debt and other people's money to buy and sell businesses with the sole aim of earning supersized profits in the shortest time possible. With a voracious appetite and trillions of dollars at its disposal, the private equity industry is now buying everything from your opioid treatment center to that helicopter that helps swoop you up from a car crash site. It may even control how and when you can get your kidney dialysis. In Ethically Challenged, Laura Katz Olson describes how PE firms are gobbling up physician and dental practices; home care and hospice agencies; substance abuse, eating disorder, and autism services; urgent care facilities; and emergency medical transportation. With a sharp eye on cost and quality of care, Olson investigates the PE industry's impact on these essential services. She explains how PE firms pile up massive debt on their investment targets and how they bleed these enterprises with assorted fees and dividends for themselves. Throughout, she argues that public pension funds, which provide the preponderance of equity for PE buyouts, tend to ignore the pesky fact that their money may be undermining the very health care system their workers and retirees rely on.Weaving together insights from interviews with business owners and experts, newspaper articles, purchased data sets, and industry publications, Olson offers a unique perspective and appreciation of the significance of PE investments in health care. The first book to comprehensively address private equity and health care, Ethically Challenged raises the curtain on an industry notorious for its secrecy, exposing the nefarious side of its maneuvers.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Brand Atlas: Branding Intelligence Made Visible
"Carrying through Alina Wheeler's trademark of beautiful layout and design, the book takes you on a journey through just about every important element of branding you could think of, from passion to positioning." —The Influential Marketing Blog (May 2011) A company's brand is its most valuable asset. Wheeler takes the most seminal tools used by a wide variety of thought leaders and practitioners and makes the information understandable, visible, relevant, exportable and applicable. With her best-selling debut book, Designing Brand Identity (Wall Street Journal, Best-Seller, Spotlight 1/23/2011), now in its third edition, Alina Wheeler reinvented the marketing textbook using a straightforward style to help demystify the branding process. This new offering from Wheeler, Brand Atlas, builds on this user-friendly approach to aggregate and simplify the science behind branding with a unique visual teaching method suited for time-crunched professionals. Brand Atlas follows the recent YouTube-iPhone-Pecha Kucha era trend toward fast-paced visual instruction by neglecting needless jargon and combining vivid, full-color images and easy-to-follow diagrams to break down branding principles into basic step-by-step concepts that can be immediately applied. This handy reference: Speaks to a broad range of stakeholders in the branding process—from CEOs to designers to brand managers Provides tools to integrate brand throughout the entire customer experience, build relationships based on brand, measure a brand's value, and define a brand strategy Contains essential information illustrated through the use of diagrams With diagrams designed by Joel Katz, an internationally known information designer and a global authority on the visualization of complex information, Brand Atlas is a compact, no-nonsense guide that shows how tactical innovation in the design process is crucial to building brand assets.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Event Success: Maximizing the Business Impact of In-person, Virtual, and Hybrid Experiences
Make events the most powerful marketing tool you have In Event Success: Maximizing the Business Impact of Physical, Virtual, and Hybrid Experiences, Alon Alroy, Eran Ben-Shushan, and Boaz Katz of Bizzabo draw on the knowledge they’ve gained powering events for companies like Amazon, Salesforce, and Uber to deliver an end-to-end playbook for readers wanting to maximize their organization’s return on events. Event Success will help you unlock the full potential of your events and make them your most important marketing channel. You’ll learn how to create elevated experiences in any format that drive strategic business goals, including: How to measure event success with surveys, data, analytics, and key KPIs How to integrate events into a strategic, end-to-end marketing plan How to collect, analyze, and funnel event data to other teams to drive business growth What events are successful, what the data says about them, and real-life examples from SAP, the Financial Times, IBM, and other leading brands that capture the imagination of their audiences through events Event Success is ideal for marketers, event professionals, and anyone responsible for creating buzz, driving new sales, and building thought leadership with in-person, hybrid, or virtual events. It’s also an invaluable resource for maximizing your organization’s “RoE”—or Return on Event—with measurable increases in sales.
University of Illinois Press Contesting Archives: Finding Women in the Sources
The contributors of Contesting Archives challenge the assumption that an archive is a neutral, immutable, and a historical repository of information. Instead, these historians view it as a place where decisions are made about whose documents--and therefore whose history--is important. Finding that women's voices and their texts were often obscured or lost altogether, they have developed many new methodologies for creating unique archives and uncovering more evidence by reading documents "against the grain," weaving together many layers of information to reveal complexities and working collectively to reconstruct the lives of women in the past. Global in scope, this volume demonstrates innovative research on diverse women from the sixteenth century to the present in Spain, Mexico, Tunisia, India, Iran, Poland, Mozambique, and the United States. Addressing gender, race, class, nationalism, transnationalism, and migration, these essays' subjects include indigenous women of colonial Mexico, Muslim slave women, African American women of the early twentieth century, Bengali women activists of pre-independence India, wives and daughters of Qajar rulers in Iran, women industrial workers in communist Poland and socialist Mozambique, and women club owners in modern Las Vegas. A foreword by Antoinette Burton adroitly synthesizes the disparate themes woven throughout the book.Contributors are Janet Afary, Maryam Ameli-Rezai, Antoinette Burton, Nupur Chaudhuri, Julia Clancy-Smith, Mansoureh Ettehadieh, Malgorzata Fidelis, Joanne L. Goodwin, Kali Nicole Gross, Daniel S. Haworth, Sherry J. Katz, Elham Malekzadeh, Mary Elizabeth Perry, Kathleen Sheldon, Lisa Sousa, and Ula Y. Taylor.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Disaster Psychiatry: Intervening When Nightmares Come True
Disaster Psychiatry: Intervening When Nightmares Come True captures the state of disaster psychiatry in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. This emergent psychiatric specialty, which is increasingly separated from trauma and grief psychiatry on one hand and military psychiatry on the other, provides psychotherapeutic assistance to victims during, and in the weeks and months following, major disasters. As such, disaster psychiatrists must operate in the widely varying locales in which natural and man-made disasters occur, and they must establish their role among the chaotic array of organizations involved in direct disaster response. Editors Anand Pandya and Craig Katz have captured the challenge and promise of disaster psychiatry through first-person narratives. We hear from psychiatrists who have encountered disasters at various stages of their career and in widely varying social, political, and personal contexts. Accounts of psychiatric involvement with adults and children during and after 9/11 have understandable pride of place in this collection. But they are balanced by richly informative narratives about other domestic and international disasters. Fraught with the drama attendant to the events they describe, these essays delineate the dizzying array of challenges that confront the disaster psychiatrist. They range from the intense emotional responses that are part of the aftermath of any disaster, to the need to legitimize a psychiatric presence within diverse cultural and medical contexts, to the subtle task of providing therapeutic boundaries at a time when all rules seem to be suspended. Special attention is given to the daunting task of working with children whose parents' are disaster victims. What emerges from these testimonies is compelling documentation of skilled and compassionate psychiatrists at the outer limits of their specialty, pursuing their calling into uncharted realms of therapeutic engagement.
Humanix Books The Secret Life: A Book of Wisdom from the Great Teacher
He is one of the wisest men of all time. Since the time of the Bible, he is the only man to be celebrated by the three major Western religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. His name is Maimonides. A philosopher, rabbi, physician, religious thinker and logician, today this sage is considered among the greatest thinkers. The Secret Life reveals his ancient teachings in modern terms. In The Secret Life, you will discover true wisdom and success in every aspect of life comes not from our public persona and life –- as so many believe -- but in our secret thoughts and actions. Maimonides shows how every person can find their true and best self, not only deriving happiness for themselves, but spreading that bliss to everyone they touch. The benefits of living the Secret Life are countless. Changing your approaches to giving charity, to seeking justice, to loving others, and to believing in yourself enough to find and act on your true calling will lead you to remarkable heights. You will find a new resilience against the difficulties and turmoil in life, a new inner power that will keep you focused on the things that really matter, and an inner peace few will ever have. The Secret Life is, quite literally, life changing. “Whatever you do should be done out of nothing else but pure love.” -- Maimonides Jeffrey Katz is a lifelong student and teacher of rationalist religious philosophy. He became fascinated in his youth by his discovery of the ancient wisdom of Maimonides, and received rabbinic ordination while focusing on disseminating the ancient, life-changing wisdom he had uncovered. He is a practicing attorney, has appeared on national television on a broad range of issues, and has lectured widely.
University of Illinois Press Contesting Archives: Finding Women in the Sources
The contributors of Contesting Archives challenge the assumption that an archive is a neutral, immutable, and a historical repository of information. Instead, these historians view it as a place where decisions are made about whose documents--and therefore whose history--is important. Finding that women's voices and their texts were often obscured or lost altogether, they have developed many new methodologies for creating unique archives and uncovering more evidence by reading documents "against the grain," weaving together many layers of information to reveal complexities and working collectively to reconstruct the lives of women in the past. Global in scope, this volume demonstrates innovative research on diverse women from the sixteenth century to the present in Spain, Mexico, Tunisia, India, Iran, Poland, Mozambique, and the United States. Addressing gender, race, class, nationalism, transnationalism, and migration, these essays' subjects include indigenous women of colonial Mexico, Muslim slave women, African American women of the early twentieth century, Bengali women activists of pre-independence India, wives and daughters of Qajar rulers in Iran, women industrial workers in communist Poland and socialist Mozambique, and women club owners in modern Las Vegas. A foreword by Antoinette Burton adroitly synthesizes the disparate themes woven throughout the book.Contributors are Janet Afary, Maryam Ameli-Rezai, Antoinette Burton, Nupur Chaudhuri, Julia Clancy-Smith, Mansoureh Ettehadieh, Malgorzata Fidelis, Joanne L. Goodwin, Kali Nicole Gross, Daniel S. Haworth, Sherry J. Katz, Elham Malekzadeh, Mary Elizabeth Perry, Kathleen Sheldon, Lisa Sousa, and Ula Y. Taylor.
Cornell University Press The Five: A Novel of Jewish Life in Turn-of-the-Century Odessa
"The beginning of this tale of bygone days in Odessa dates to the dawn of the twentieth century. At that time we used to refer to the first years of this period as the 'springtime,' meaning a social and political awakening. For my generation, these years also coincided with our own personal springtime, in the sense that we were all in our youthful twenties. And both of these springtimes, as well as the image of our carefree Black Sea capital with acacias growing along its steep banks, are interwoven in my memory with the story of one family in which there were five children: Marusya, Marko, Lika, Serezha, and Torik."—from The Five The Five is an captivating novel of the decadent fin-de-siècle written by Vladimir Jabotinsky (1880–1940), a controversial leader in the Zionist movement whose literary talents, until now, have largely gone unrecognized by Western readers. The author deftly paints a picture of Russia's decay and decline—a world permeated with sexuality, mystery, and intrigue. Michael R. Katz has crafted the first English-language translation of this important novel, which was written in Russian in 1935 and published a year later in Paris under the title Pyatero. The book is Jabotinsky's elegaic paean to the Odessa of his youth, a place that no longer exists. It tells the story of an upper-middle-class Jewish family, the Milgroms, at the turn of the century. It follows five siblings as they change, mature, and come to accept their places in a rapidly evolving world. With flashes of humor, Jabotinsky captures the ferment of the time as reflected in political, social, artistic, and spiritual developments. He depicts with nostalgia the excitement of life in old Odessa and comments poignantly on the failure of the dream of Jewish assimilation within the Russian empire.
Cornell University Press An Introduction to U.S. Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations
This comprehensive textbook provides an introduction to collective bargaining and labor relations with a focus on developments in the United States. It is appropriate for students, policy analysts, and labor relations professionals including unionists, managers, and neutrals. A three-tiered strategic choice framework unifies the text, and the authors’ thorough grounding in labor history and labor law assists students in learning the basics. In addition to traditional labor relations, the authors address emerging forms of collective representation and movements that address income inequality in novel ways. Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan, and Alexander J. S. Colvin provide numerous contemporary illustrations of business and union strategies. They consider the processes of contract negotiation and contract administration with frequent comparisons to nonunion practices and developments, and a full chapter is devoted to special aspects of the public sector. An Introduction to U.S. Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations has an international scope, covering labor rights issues associated with the global supply chain as well as the growing influence of NGOs and cross-national unionism. The authors also compare how labor relations systems in Germany, Japan, China, India, Brazil, and South Africa compare to practices in the United States. The textbook is supplemented by a website ( that features an extensive Instructor’s Manual with a test bank, PowerPoint chapter outlines, mock bargaining exercises, organizing cases, grievance cases, and classroom-ready current events materials.
Skyhorse Publishing Mindful Mom Three-Book Box Set
Three great books, one great price! Ali Katz is an Award Winner in the "Parenting & Family" category of the Best Book Awards, and a Bronze Medal Winner of the Living Now Book Awards This box set includes Ali Katz's Hot Mess to Mindful Mom series: Hot Mess to Mindful Mom, Get the Most Out of Motherhood, and One Minute to Zen--HOT MESS TO MINDFUL MOM: 40 Ways to Find Balance and Joy in Your Every Day-- For any mom who typically runs around with her hair on fire and needs a break! It’s so easy to find yourself constantly overwhelmed or burned out in the hustle and bustle of society today. But it is important to slow down and take a minute to focus on the things that matter most—and the first step is to connect with yourself again. This book will show women that by caring for themselves first, they can better care for everyone they love. In her first book, Ali has woven together a compilation of all the tools she used to transform herself from “hot mess” to “mindful mom,” and is divided helpfully into three parts: Everyday practices Tools used as needed Attitude adjustments made along the way Readers will learn how small tweaks and changes can lead to huge results, and that they too can leave stress behind in favor of calm and peace. With humor, grace, and an extremely relatable manner, Ali gives women the tools to make the same changes in their own lives.--GET THE MOST OUT OF MOTHERHOOD: A Hot Mess to Mindful Mom Parenting Guide-- Slow down and take time for yourself—because a better you is a better mom! The second book in the Hot Mess to Mindful Mom series will help moms create balance, peace, and well-being in their homes, leaving behind their old ways of being constantly stressed-out and frantic. Here Ali will guide women on how to embrace their best selves while parenting so they can strengthen relationships with their children, create systems in their homes that work, and actually enjoy doing it. It is divided into three parts: Mindful mom mindsets: bring your best self to parenting Mindful mom methods: systems for your home that work Mindful mom moments: ways to bond with your kids Easy and accessible, and filled with unique tools and ideas as well as personal examples that readers will relate to, this book will help moms go beyond the basics to build a healthier and happier family unit.--ONE MINUTE TO ZEN: Go From Hot Mess to Mindful Mom in One Minute or Less-- From the political climate to natural disasters, to managing the stress and overwhelm of everyday life, women have more to deal with than ever. Life feels overwhelming and exhausting much of the time. The third in our Hot Mess to Mindful Mom series, One Minute to Zen will provide numerous tools to help deal with stress in one minute, the same amount of time it can take for all hell to break loose! When teaching moms across the country, while giving talks to corporations, and across Ali’s thriving social media channels, people are asking for more tools to use quickly and effectively to help recover from the stress they face in daily life. Here, she's compiled a list of tools that make it possible to recalibrate, achieve balance, and recover from stress quickly and with ease, in order to live a more mindful and joyful life. Known for her authenticity and relatability, Ali shares personal stories and anecdotes to help connect her audience and show how to really put her suggestions to use.
University of California Press John Waters: Indecent Exposure
It has been more than fifty years since John Waters filmed his first short on the roof of his parents’ Baltimore home. Over the following decades, Waters has developed a reputation as an uncompromising cultural force not only in cinema, but also in visual art, writing, and performance. This major retrospective examines the artist’s influential career through more than 160 photographs, sculptures, soundworks, and videos he has made since the early 1990s. These works deploy Waters’s renegade humor to reveal the ways that mass media and celebrity embody cultural attitudes, moral codes, and shared tragedy. Waters has broadened our understanding of American individualism, particularly as it relates to queer identity, racial equality, and freedom of expression. In bringing “bad taste” to the walls of galleries and museums, he tugs at the curtain of exclusivity that can divide art from human experience. Waters freely manipulates an image bank of less-than-sacred, low-brow references—Elizabeth Taylor’s hairstyles, his own self-portraits, and pictures of individuals brought into the limelight through his films, including his counterculture muse Divine—to entice viewers to engage with his astute and provocative observations about society. This richly illustrated book explores themes including the artist’s childhood and identity; Pop culture and the movie business; Waters’s satirical take on the contemporary art world; and the transgressive power of images. The catalogue features essays by BMA Senior Curator of Contemporary Art Kristen Hileman; art historian and activist Jonathan David Katz; critic, curator, and artist Robert Storr; as well as an interview with Waters by photographer Wolfgang Tillmans. Published in association with the Baltimore Museum of Art. Exhibition dates: The Baltimore Museum of Art: October 7, 2018–January 6, 2019 Wexner Center for the Arts: February 2–April 28, 2019
Wolters Kluwer Health Nutrition in Clinical Practice
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! Designed for busy clinicians struggling to fit the critical issue of nutrition into their routine patient encounters, Nutrition in Clinical Practice translates the robust evidence base underlying nutrition in health and disease into actionable, evidence-based clinical guidance on a comprehensive array of nutrition topics. Authoritative, thoroughly referenced, and fully updated, the revised 4th edition covers the full scope of nutrition applications in clinical practice, spanning health promotion, risk factor modification, prevention, chronic disease management, and weight control – with a special emphasis on providing concisely summarized action steps within the clinical workflow. Edited by Dr. David L. Katz (a world-renowned expert in nutrition, preventive medicine, and lifestyle medicine) along with Drs. Kofi D. Essel, Rachel S.C. Friedman, Shivam Joshi, Joshua Levitt, and Ming-Chin Yeh, Nutrition in Clinical Practice is a must-have resource for practicing clinicians who want to provide well-informed, compassionate, and effective nutritional counseling to patients. Features short, easily digestible chapters with updated references. Includes comprehensive updates throughout, as well as a newly expanded section on Contemporary Topics in Nutrition. Covers key topics such as the ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting, ultraprocessed food, and strength of evidence assessment in nutrition. Provides data from recent nutritional studies, helpful nutrition data tables, clinically relevant formulas, and patient-specific meal planners. Addresses special topics such as pregnancy and lactation, pediatric nutrition, athletic performance and sports nutrition, health effects of specific foods, plant-based diets, and many more. Features expert contributions from authors with diverse expertise and practical experience in medical education, clinical practice, and preventive medicine. , Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. ,
General Hall Inc.,U.S. Readings in Humanist Sociology: Social Criticism and Social Change
Fundamental crises exist and are intensifying in economic and political institutions worldwide. These crises are also expressed in the turmoil in the social and cultural spheres and in the personal lives of millions who are jobless, homeless, hungry, and powerless. Humanist sociologists are activists rooted in the reality of history and change and guided by a concern for the "real life" problems of equality, peace, and social justice. They view people as active shapers of social life, capable of creating societies in which everyone's potential can unfold. Alfred McClung Lee, introduces the volume with "Sociology: Humanist and Scientific" and develops the theme that a sociology that is humanist is also scientific. The other nine selections are grouped into four parts: "The Individual and Social Life" ; "Social Institutions: Technology, Science, and Formal Organization" ; "Political Structures: Issues of Justice and Equality" ; and "Methodological Critiques and Counterproposals." David O'Brien and Richard Sterne suggest that the logic of social inquiry should be reversed. Victoria Rader analyzes the way in which the social system has constructed artificial stages in the human life cycle. David Gil argues that the paradigm of human society needs to be replaced by a paradigm embodying egalitarianism, cooperation, and liberty. Sal Restivo and Michael Zenzen call for a wholistic approach in both the physical and social sciences. C. George Benello argues for a higher and more complex form of organization that is liberating, self-governing, voluntaristic, and flexible. James Kelly arrives at an understanding of the meaning of "social justice," as an organizing and revolutionizing principle in social life. Walda Katz Fishman and Robert Newby focus on the current intensification of inequality and right-wing reaction as capitalism sinks deeper into its final crisis. Jerold Starr identifies the dominance of logical positivism in mainstream re
Ovid Technologies Nutrición médica
Escrita por primera vez hace 20 años por una de las autoridades más reconocidas en medicina preventiva, el Dr. David Katz, Nutrición médica es el libro que todo médico y profesional de la salud de cualquier nivel necesita para ofrecer a sus pacientes un asesoramiento nutricional eficaz. También ofrece la opción, al estudiante de medicina, al especialista en formación y al médico internista, de conocer a fondo el metabolismo de los componentes nutricionales más importantes, así como su influencia en diferentes situaciones clínicas.La obra, por primera vez redactada en colaboración con otros autores de referencia, sigue siendo un manual práctico, con un enfoque continuo en la importancia de la nutrición tanto en la salud como en la enfermedad. El texto se basa en tres premisas principales: relevancia clínica, con material ofrecido válido para el médico que interactúa con un paciente; consistencia de aplicación, con pautas uniformes que puedan aplicarse de manera universal para promover la salud; y evidencia científica, con los datos más actuales y consensuados por expertos. Para este cometido se ha contado con la participación de importantes colaboradores con experiencias variadas en educación médica, nutrición médica, dietética, salud pública, epidemiología nutricional y medicina preventiva.La obra se organiza en siete secciones: metabolismo de los nutrimentos de importancia clínica, tratamiento nutricional en la práctica clínica, aspectos especiales de la nutrición clínica, alimentación y promoción de la salud, principios del asesoramiento alimentario eficaz, temas contemporáneos sobre nutrición y, por último, apéndices y materiales de consulta.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company How to Eat: The Last Book on Food You'll Ever Need
Bestselling author Mark Bittman and physician David Katz cut through all the noise on food, health, and diet to give you the real answers you need. What is the "best" diet? Do calories matter? And when it comes to protein, fat, and carbs, which ones are good and which are bad? Mark Bittman and health expert David Katz answer all these questions and more in a lively and easy-to-read Q&A format. Inspired by their viral hit article on Grub Street - one of New York magazine's most popular and most-shared articles - Bittman and Katz share their clear, no-nonsense perspective on food and diet, answering questions covering everything from basic nutrients to superfoods to fad diets. Topics include dietary patterns (Just what should humans eat?); grains (Aren't these just "carbs"? Do I need to avoid gluten?); meat and dairy (Does grass-fed matter?); alcohol (Is drinking wine actually good for me?); and more. Throughout, Bittman and Katz filter the science of diet and nutrition through a lens of common sense, delivering straightforward advice with a healthy dose of wit. AUTHORS: Mark Bittman is the author of 30 acclaimed books, including the How to Cook Everything series, the award-winning Food Matters, and the New YorkTimes number-one bestseller, VB6: Eat Vegan Before 6:00. David L. Katz, MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP, FACLM is the founding director of Yale University's Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, Immediate Past-President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, and Founder/President of the True Health Initiative
Downtown Bookworks DC Super Heroes: My First Book of Super-Villains, 9: Learn the Difference Between Right and Wrong!