Search results for ""birkhauser""
Birkhauser Contested Modernities: Postcolonial Architecture and the Construction of Identities in Southeast Asia
In many countries of Southeast Asia, the middle years of the 20th century marked the dawn of a new era. Independence had been won from colonial powers, and young states such as Burma (Myanmar), Indonesia, Cambodia and Singapore were faced with the task of reconstituting themselves as nations and developing an independent postcolonial identity. Architecture and urban planning played an important role in this process. Local manifestations of modernism emerged that sought to reconcile universal aspirations with specific social conditions. This volume critically examines this architectural and ideological heritage and argues for the preservation and redevelopment of these particular architectures, which are at risk of disappearing amid the rapid urbanization of today.
Birkhauser Conceptual Joining: Wood Structures from Detail to Utopia / Holzstrukturen im Experiment
This book explores experimental approaches to the design and construction of wooden structures in architecture, while presenting the results of an artistic research project. Through the use of digital tools, the anatomy of wood becomes a design-determining principle for spatial structures. The architects and artists also explore the potential of traditional craftsmanship and derive from this a material-oriented practice. Structures are not designed here for a specific use, but rather open up various usage possibilities due to their unique spatial and geometric properties. The documentation provides insight into an open-ended research process. Guest contributions reflect on the underlying concepts and thus the future relevance of wood as a building material.
Birkhauser Coming Full Circle: Nachhaltige Architektur von Baumschlager Hutter Partners
Nachhaltigkeit, aus ökologischer Sicht eine Notwendigkeit, gewinnt auch aus Developer-Perspektive zunehmend an Bedeutung: Quantifiziert fließt sie in die Bewertung einer Immobilie mit ein. Carlo Baumschlager und Jesco Hutter sind mit ihrem Büro Baumschlager Hutter Partners (Dornbirn, Heerbrugg, Wien, München, St. Gallen, Zürich) seit 2010 aktiv, 2019 erhielt es den Staatspreis für Architektur und Nachhaltigkeit. In dieser thematischen Monografie werden 11 Bauten dargestellt, die vom Ziel der Nachhaltigkeit wesentlich geprägt sind. Neben projektspezifischen Informationen und Plänen findet der Leser wichtige Kennzahlen mit eigens entwickelten Infografiken sowie ein Glossar der einschlägigen Terminologie. Ein eigener opulenter Bildteil bringt die gestalterische Qualität der Bauten zur vollen Entfaltung.
Birkhauser Licht, Natur, Architektur: Ganzheitliche Lichtplanung verstehen und anwenden
In this planning guide, the renowned lighting designer Ulrike Brandi documents all her findings on the topics of lighting design, daylight, sustainability and healthy living spaces. It is a challenge to create holistic lighting design in times of advancing mechanization, but it is the right thing to do in terms of achieving sustainability in the use of light and energy. The renowned lighting designer Ulrike Brandi explains this attitude with the words, "It’s better to make the most of natural light from the start, rather than compensating with artificial light afterwards". The guideline Light Nature Architecture proves how essential, but also simple, it is to integrate natural light into architectural planning and thus into the design of healthy and pleasant living and working environments. This richly illustrated handbook is structured based on natural light phenomena and combines Ulrike Brandi’s wealth of experience, theoretical principles, and design methods to create a reference work and source of inspiration. Richly illustrated basic work for holistic lighting design Insight into the extensive practical experience of the renowned lighting designer Ulrike Brandi Source of inspiration for professional planners, architects and laypeople Available in German and English (Light Nature Architecture, ISBN 9783035624151)
Birkhauser Jože Plečnik. Für eine humanistische Architektur
Jože Plečnik (1872–1957) studierte bei Otto Wagner in Wien. 1911 übernahm er den Lehrstuhl von Jan Kotěra in Prag. Seine Wiener Bauten sind Landmarken, in Prag wurde er zum Architekten der Prager Burg, und in den 1920er-Jahren begann er den Umbau seiner Heimatstadt Ljubljana. Über Plečnik wurde viel geforscht und publiziert. Valenas Betrachtungen zeigen jedoch neue Aspekte seines Schaffens auf: sein Wirken in Prag, den Einfluss der römisch-italienischen Inspiration in seinem Werk, den Umgang mit „natürlichem“ Gelände, die Rolle des Bestands bei der Entwicklung neuer liturgischer Raumkonzepte in Kirchenumbauten und die Frage, inwiefern es bei „Plečniks Ljubljana“ angemessen ist, von humanistischem Stadtumbau zu sprechen – die Themen des neuen Plečnik-Buchs sind für Einsteiger und Experten gleichermaßen interessant.
Birkhauser Bauen mit Leichtlehm: Handbuch für das Bauen mit Holz und Lehm
Das Interesse an Lehm als Material ist ungebremst. Leichtlehm, leicht wiegend und auch leicht zu verarbeiten, ist ein vielseitiger und zukunftweisender Baustoff für den modernen computergestützten Holzbau wie für die Erneuerung historischen Lehmfachwerks. Ausgewogene, durch das Mischungsverhältnis steuerbare bauphysikalische Eigenschaften ermöglichen klimagerechtes, ressourcenschonendes Bauen in den verschiedensten Klimazonen. So werden Wärmespeicherung, Feuchte-, Schall- und Brandschutz des üblichen Holzbaus verbessert, die Konstruktionen vereinfacht. Volhards anerkanntes Standardwerk beschreibt detailliert die Herstellungsverfahren, gibt praktische Tipps für den Selbstbau und zeigt die Anwendung von Fertigbaustoffen in zeitgemäßer Bauabwicklung. Die 9. Auflage wurde korrigiert und aktualisiert.
Birkhauser Adrian Frutiger – Typefaces: Complete Works
The Swiss type designer Adrian Frutiger decisively influenced the international creation of typefaces after 1950. His Univers typeface and the machine-readable font OCR-B are milestones, as is his type for the Paris airports, which evolved into the Frutiger typeface. All set new standards for signage types. In all, he created some fifty types, including Ondine, Méridien, Avenir, and Vectora. Based on conversations with Frutiger himself and on extensive research, this publication provides a highly detailed and accurate account of the type designer’s artistic development. All of his types – from the design phase to the marketing stage – are illustrated and analyzed with reference to the technology and related types. Hitherto unpublished types that were never realized and more than one hundred logos complete the picture.
Birkhauser Tempel und Teehaus in Japan
After a trip to Japan in 1953, Werner Blaser published his landmark book on classical Japanese architecture. His studies of 17th- and 18th-century wooden buildings document minimalist, grid-based structures using stark black-and-white photographs, some color photographs and numerous line drawings. His book, highly prized in terms of design and content, contributed significantly to introducing Japanese aesthetics to Western architecture, art and graphics. Mies van der Rohe, for example, gave it to many of his friends. The reprint is enriched by a text on the history of the book by Christian Blaser, Werner Blaser's son, a contribution by Inge Andritz on Mies van der Rohe and Japanese architecture, and a personal afterword by Tadao Ando.
Birkhauser Architects and Engineers: Modes of Cooperation in the Interwar Period, 1919–1939
In the first decades of the 20th century, civil engineers were widely seen as a role model for future architects. Their role within the contemporary architecture movements, however, was hardly discussed. To this day, even fundamental questions about collaborations, rivalries, or conflicts between the two sister disciplines still await answers. This volume brings together contributions by international scholars on the cooperation between architects and civil engineers in various countries in the interwar period. By offering both insights into national peculiarities and new reflections on the general nature, character, and significance of such joint efforts, it opens exciting new perspectives on the modern building culture of Europe and beyond.
Birkhauser Vocabularies for an Urbanising Planet: Theory Building through Comparison
Cartography as an instrument for the analysis of urbanisation processes The speed, scale and scope of urbanisation have increased dramatically in recent decades. To decipher the rapidly changing urban territories across the planet, we need a radical shift in the analytical perspective on urbanisation. In this book, a transdisciplinary international research team presents an expanded vocabulary of urbanisation processes through a comparison of Tokyo, Hong Kong – Shenzhen – Dongguan, Kolkata, Istanbul, Lagos, Paris, Mexico City and Los Angeles. Based on a novel cartography and on detailed ethnographic and historical explorations, this book systematically analyses the diversity of responses to urgent contemporary urban challenges. It proposes a series of new concepts that allow us to assess the practical consequences of different urban strategies in everyday life. Essential book on urbanism New evaluation models for urbanisation processes Comprehensive analyses and illustrations of the urban patterns of international metropolises Comparison of urbanisation processes in eight metropolises around the world
Birkhauser JOSEF HOFFMANN 1870–1956: Progress Through Beauty: The Guide to His Oeuvre
This book is the first comprehensive document to the complete works of Josef Hoffmann. As a student of Otto Wagner, a founding member of the Vienna Secession art movement (1897), a professor at the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts (Kunstgewerbeschule) (1899–1936), and co-founder of the Wiener Werkstätte cooperative (1903), the Deutscher Werkbund association (1907) and the Österreichischer Werkbund (1912), Hoffmann helped to cultivate a new model of architectural and product design characterized by advanced craftsmanship and artistic ambition. The book, which features more than 40 illustrated essays by well-known experts on Hoffmann’s most significant buildings, interiors, exhibitions, and craft and product design, covers all facets of his extensive oeuvre. Richly illustrated, it includes a detailed biography and a comprehensive documentation section, making this a new standard reference work.
Birkhauser Essenz / Essence: Winking · Froh Architekten
For the past 20 years, Bernhard Winking and Martin Froh have been active along the entire spectrum of architecture and urban planning in Europe and China. With their award-winning redevelopment of Spiegel-Insel in Hamburg and the addition to the Esplanade, Winking · Froh Architekten have demonstrated in exemplary fashion how ensembles of post-war modernism can be preserved in a manner appropriate to their status as historic monuments yet further developed in a contemporary manner. Their residential buildings – in Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg and other places – are distinctive yet blend into their respective surroundings and use sustainable and durable materials. Sparing use of sculptural design elements goes hand in hand with attractive floor plans. Another aspect of their work is urban development projects such as Europaplatz in Heidelberg and Book City in Ningbo.
Birkhauser Design & Democracy: Activist Thoughts and Examples for Political Empowerment
Design affects all social contexts and is therefore intensively instrumentalized both by the politically powerful and their critics. Both functions of design, and their inevitable combination, are presented in this book in precise detail. Authors from various countries present previously unknown and innovative examples of democratic activities conducted through design. This publication is therefore aimed not only at design professionals but also at the general public of all countries.
Birkhauser Korean Modern: The Matter of Identity: An Exploration into Modern Architecture in an East Asian Country
The development of modern architecture in Korea and, more recently, South Korea, is closely tied to the country’s dramatic transformations since the late 19th century. The authors interrogate major periods from the Late Joseon Dynasty to the vibrant democratic present, showing how architecture, by making technological and stylistic leaps, has played a important role in the construction of the nation’s identity. The architectural analyses, ranging from Hwaseong Fortress to 21st-century constructions like Paju Book City, Ssamziegil Shopping Center, the Boutique Monaco skyscraper, and the Bauzium Sculpture Museum, focus on buildings in which the formation of a specifically Korean modernism is particularly observable. The appendix includes biographical descriptions of major architectural figures.
Birkhauser Die Sprache der Räume: Eine Geschichte der Szenografie
Das reich bebilderte Buch untersucht die Präsentation von Dingen und Ideen durch szenografische Raumgestaltung. Sein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt in der Darstellung ihrer historischen Entwicklung, die durch thematische Exkurse ergänzt wird: Von Musentempeln der Antike über Schatzkammern und Sammlungen bis hin zu bekannten Gestaltern, Universal Design und Science Center werden räumliche Vermittlungsstrategien anschaulich dargestellt und erläutert. Die historische Chronologie wirkt dabei als ordnende Systematik, die vergessene, jedoch inspirierende Praktiken sichtbar macht, seien sie anonymer oder künstlerischer Natur. Der Leser kann so etwa über die Erfindung von Vitrinen nachlesen oder Arbeitsweisen großer Ausstellungsmacher wie Rudofsky und Szeemann oder zeitgenössischer Büros wie Brückner und Merz kennenlernen.
Birkhauser Open Building Research
Architectural work in dialogue with different disciplines Founded by Paolo Brescia and Tommaso Principi as a design network between Milan, London and Mumbai, OBR explores new modes of contemporary living, developing an architecture that responds sensitively to and stimulates interaction with its environment, while adapting to the changing needs of society. OBR’s work strives to promote a sense of community enhancing individual identities. In this book, the architects present their work as a communal endeavor. They engage influential people in transdisciplinary dialogues that extend beyond architecture itself, questioning its autonomy and offering new perspectives on its potential and relevance. The monograph showcases a selection of twenty-four international projects by OBR that address key social issues through the medium of architecture. The first monograph on OBR’s work Selection of 24 international projects presented in texts, plans and photographs Transdisciplinary dialogues with Roni Horn, Michel Desvigne, Giovanna Borasi, and Georges Amar
Birkhauser Intimacies: The Architecture of Youssef Tohme
Founded in 2008, the French-Lebanese firm of Youssef Tohme Architects and Associates has a delicate signature that takes the regional context as its starting point in developing an individual architectural language. By using a wide variety of materials that interact with the built environment, they create buildings that evolve over time alongside their inhabitants. The book documents twelve of the firm’s projects – from a single-family home to a museum, including urban interventions in Beirut, Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille, and Bucharest. The book also includes an essay that takes a comprehensive look at the working methods of this firm, focusing in particular on the dimension of time and the changes that occur as the buildings are used. Fondé en 2008, le cabinet Franco-Libanais Youssef Tohme Architectes et Associés part du "milieu" pour développer un langage architectural spécifique à chaque projet. En utilisant des matériaux qui interagissent avec l'environnement bâti, Youssef Tohme conçoit des bâtiments qui évoluent dans le temps, avec leurs habitants. Ce livre documente douze des projets de l'agence – d'une maison unifamiliale à un musée, y compris des interventions urbaines à Beyrouth, Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille et Bucarest. L'ouvrage comprend également un essai (en français et en anglais) qui porte un regard sensible et analytique sur les processus de conception. Il s'attarde notamment sur la dimension géo-temporelle des lieux, sur l'importance de sentir le "présent" pour imaginer l'espace, et sur les changements qui s'opèrent au fur et à mesure de l'utilisation des bâtiments.
Birkhauser Construction: Manual
People involved in architecture need to be familiar with construction methods in order to be in control of their designs. New technical requirements impact on our buildings and call for up-to-date specialist knowledge, which leads to new forms of architecture. This handbook uses clearly comprehensible 3D isometric diagrams to introduce the world of contemporary construction, from concept through to the detail; photographs are used to illustrate the content. The three main chapters deal with the structure, the building envelope, and the fit-out, starting with a clear introduction to the construction principles of modern building methods. Using drawings of selected built examples at scales of 1:10 and 1:20, a deeper examination of details is possible.
Birkhauser Manuskript: Essentials für den Alltag von Innenarchitekten und Designern
MANUscript is a reference book sui generis: a combination of inspiration, guide, and notebook. It explores basic aspects of interior design (ceilings, floors, walls, doors, stairs) and the relevant materials used (rugs, wall paint, glass, wood products, stone, concrete). It also focuses on means of recording and communicating designs: methods of representation, practical tables, rules of thumb, and hands-on suggestions. This updated and expanded edition addresses new and important topics in day-to-day design practice, discusses how to use plants in green facades, space-defining shrubs, the staging potential of light, and also lists key terms in a multilingual table. There are also stimulating statements on design-related issues from prominent architects, interior designers, and designers. An additional special feature of this publication are the pages with space for personal additions, observations, and notes.
Birkhauser Mid-Century Modern – Visionäres Möbeldesign aus Wien
Visionary furniture design from Vienna In 1938, Vienna lost its best and most creative minds. This rupture was manifested in all of the arts and sciences and its mark is felt to this day – not least in the field of furniture design. With inexhaustible creativity the Jewish furniture designers who were forced to flee Vienna continued to work while in exile. They taught at the best universities and spread their ideas and vision throughout the entire world. Their creations became classics of twentieth-century furniture design, the epitome of mid-century modern style. This book honors the memory of the exiled designers with a thorough overview of their work. It details their life stories and their visionary designs, which remain as relevant and contemporary as ever, and brings to light new aspects of the history of Viennese furniture design. A new history of Viennese furniture design, with 27 detailed biographies Numerous previously unpublished photographs and sketches Including works by Friedl Dicker-Brandeis, Martin Eisler, Josef Frank, Friedrich Kiesler, Richard Neutra, Bruno Pollak, Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky, Franz Singer, Ernst Schwadron, among others
Birkhauser Building Better - Less - Different: Clean Energy Transition and Digital Transformation: Fundamentals - Case Studies - Strategies
Sustainability Sustainability is to become the guiding principle of social action and economic activity. At the same time, its ways and means are far from clear. As a holistic praxis, sustainability must combine technical and material as well as social, economic, ecological and also ethical strategies, which have multiple complex interactions and all too often also conflicting goals and priorities. In no other field can these be better observed, addressed and influenced than in architecture and building. "Building Better – Less – Different" Each volume of "Building Better – Less – Different" details two fundamental areas of sustainability and explores their specific dynamics and interactions. After introductory overviews, innovative methods and current developments are described and analysed in in-depth essays, international case studies and pointed commentaries. The sustainability criteria of efficiency ("better"), sufficiency ("less") and consistency ("different") form the framework for each book. What the press say about the first volume"Circular Construction and Circular Economy" "The articles, case studies and commentaries in this book make a major contribution to advancing the current discourse on implementing circular-based economic models in the building sector." Hessian Chamber of Architects, book reviews "To think of tomorrow when building today is the core message that Dirk E. Hebel and Felix Heisel want to convey to their readers. … And they also show us how: with the help of relevant examples, grouped under the headings ‘better’, ‘less’ and ‘different’, they demonstrate concrete applications and argue that circular construction can also benefit the construction industry…" architektur aktuell Clean energy transition It has long been common knowledge that energy and sustainability are closely interlinked. And yet we are witnessing a profound shift in the sector. While the earlier focus was on improving energy efficiency and increasing the proportion of renewable energy in buildings, current energy conservation policies are supporting a broader, more holistic view. This encompasses integral approaches in which building design and construction measures form part of the energy concept from the outset, as well as accounting for grey energy in building materials and a holistic evaluation of buildings over their entire life cycle. For the energy-intensive and emission-producing building sector, climate change presents an even greater challenge than conserving resources. How can we contribute to a shift in heating strategies and employ new technologies to achieve climate-neutral heating? How can we respond to rising temperatures and the risk of increased energy consumption for cooling? Can low-tech concepts help to reduce the environmental impact of buildings over their life cycle? Shouldn’t we take greater account of the users of buildings, and do we need completely different energy supply strategies? Digital Transformation At a time of natural ubiquity of digital tools, widely adopted to streamline project delivery in architecture, the foundations have been laid for a profound transformation of the construction industry to address the climate crisis. Digital architectural design and construction methods can be used as enabling technologies for a fundamental change towards a circular construction approach with significantly reduced ecological and climate impact. This approach comprises a digital reinterpretation of natural building materials through digital construction technologies. Digital deconstruction and reuse strategies can transform the existing building stock into resources for the future. Mass customization of tailor-made building components minimizes resource consumption. Architects, in their emerging role as interdisciplinary interface and digital master builders, reunite design and making through digital craft. Finally, the book provides a glimpse into the potential future of construction, which might be characterized by fundamentally different concepts of design and materialization of our built environment, challenging current paradigms within our discipline.
Birkhauser Besser - Weniger - Anders Bauen: Energiewende und Digitale Transformation: Grundlage - Fallbeispiele - Strategien
Nachhaltigkeit ist heute zur alles übergreifenden Leitlinie gesellschaftlichen Handelns geworden, doch zugleich sind ihre Mittel und Wege alles andere als eindeutig klar. Aus ihrem ganzheitlichen Verständnis heraus muss Nachhaltigkeit technisch-materielle, soziale, ökonomische, ökologische als auch ethische Strategien vereinen, zwischen denen es komplexe Wechselwirkungen und oft genug auch Ziel- und Prioritätskonflikte gibt. In keinem anderen Bereich lassen sich diese Zusammenhänge besser verstehen, darstellen und beeinflussen als im Bauwesen. „Besser – Weniger – Anders Bauen" greift in jedem Band zwei Bereiche von Nachhaltigkeit auf, deren Wechselwirkungen besonders wichtig und zugleich besonders gut zu erfassen sind. Nach einführenden Überblicksdarstellungen werden für jeden Bereich etablierte Methoden, aktuelle Entwicklungen und akute Konfliktfelder beschrieben, analysiert und an internationalen Fallbeispielen im Detail dargestellt. Dies geschieht anhand der Nachhaltigkeitskriterien von Effizienz („besser"), Suffizienz („weniger") und Konsistenz („anders"). Stimmen zum ersten Band„Kreislaufgerechtes Bauen und Kreislaufwirtschaft" „Die Beiträge, Fallstudien und Kommentare helfen, die Diskussion zur Umsetzung kreislaufbasierter Wirtschaftsmodelle im Baubereich voranzutreiben." Architektenkammer Hessen, Fachliteratur „Beim Bauen von Neuem bereits das Morgen mitdenken ist einer der zentralen Denkanstöße, die Dirk E. Hebel und Felix Heisel in ihrem Buch den LeserInnen mit auf den Weg geben. … Wie das gehen kann, wird unter den Vorzeichen ‚Besser‘, ‚Weniger‘ und ‚Anders‘ anschaulich anhand konkreter Beispiele vorgeführt, nicht zuletzt auch der Aspekt, wie kreislaufgerechtes Bauen als Mehrwert für die Bauwirtschaft funktionieren könnte …" architektur aktuell Energiewende Als selbstverständlich erscheint die schon lange bestehende Verbindung zwischen Nachhaltigkeit und Energie. Und doch vollzieht sich darin gerade ein tiefgreifender Wandel. Ging es bisher in erster Linie um Energieeffizienz und den Anteil erneuerbarer Energieträger am Gebäude, so unterstützen nun politische Vorgaben zum Energieverbrauch eine ganzheitlichere Betrachtung. Diese beginnt mit integralen Ansätzen, bei denen der Gebäudeentwurf und konstruktive Maßnahmen bereits Teil des Energiekonzepts werden, und führt über die Erfassung der grauen Energie in Baumaterialien bis zur ganzheitlichen Bewertung von Gebäuden über deren gesamten Lebenszyklus. Noch stärker als die Ressourcenfrage stellt heute der Klimawandel die Hauptherausforderung für den energiehungrigen und emissionsintensiven Sektor Gebäude dar. Wie können wir die Wärmewende besser gestalten und mit verbesserten technologischen Ansätzen klimaneutral heizen? Wie begegnen wir den steigenden Temperaturen und der Gefahr eines damit zunehmenden Energieverbrauchs zum Kühlen? Ist auch mit einfacheren Gesamtkonzepten eine geringere Umweltbelastung von Gebäuden über den gesamten Lebenszyklus zu erreichen? Müssen nicht die Nutzer von Gebäuden stärker berücksichtigt werden, und braucht es ganz andere Energieversorgungsstrategien? Digitale Transformation Digitale Werkzeuge sind heute allgegenwärtig und werden weithin für eine effizientere Projektentwicklung in der Architektur eingesetzt. Damit ist der Grundstein für eine tiefgreifende Transformation der Baubranche zur Bewältigung der Klimakrise gelegt. Digitale architektonische Entwurfs- und Konstruktionsmethoden lassen sich als Basistechnologien für einen grundlegenden Wandel hin zu einem kreislauforientierten Bauwesen mit deutlich geringeren Auswirkungen auf Umwelt und Klima nutzen. Dazu gehört eine digitale Neuinterpretation natürlicher Baustoffe mittels digitaler Bautechnologien. Mithilfe digitaler Rückbau- und Wiederverwendungsstrategien lässt sich der Gebäudebestand in Ressourcen für die Zukunft verwandeln. Die Massenindividualisierung maßgeschneiderter Bauteile minimiert den Ressourcenverbrauch. In ihrer neuen Rolle als interdisziplinäre Vermittler und digitale Baumeister vereinen Architekten Entwurf und Fertigung durch digitale Expertise. Darüber hinaus gibt das Buch Einblicke in die mögliche Zukunft des Bauens, in der grundlegend andere Konzepte von Gestaltung und Materialisierung unserer gebauten Umwelt die jetzt herrschenden Paradigmen unserer Fachdisziplin in Frage stellen.
Birkhauser Candela Isler Müther: Positions on Shell Construction. Positionen zum Schalenbau. Posturas sobre la construcción de cascarones.
The Masters of Concrete Shells Concrete shell construction started to become popular in the mid-20th century. Technically advanced designs with conspicuous expressiveness began to appear all over the world. With three typical protagonists – Félix Candela (1910–1997), Heinz Isler (1926–2009), and Ulrich Müther (1934–2007) – the book examines this construction method. Their work – primarily in Mexico, Switzerland, and the former GDR – was carried out under very different political, economic, social, and cultural conditions. The authors analyze the buildings and projects against the background of developments in architecture and engineering at that time. The focus is on mutual influence, shared aspects and differences in the design processes, the structural design, and the execution. In addition, the book examines how the work was received and today’s application of the building method. Learning from Félix Candela, Heinz Isler, and Ulrich Müther and their historic shell construction buildings Unknown material from the drawing archives In English with summaries in German and Spanish
Birkhauser The Property Issue: Politics of Space and Data
"Who owns the land?" is a central question because space is a resource as vital as air and water. Today, however, data ownership has become just as relevant as the question of land ownership in the context of urban planning. Technology companies are entering the field of architecture with algorithm-driven planning methods and massive investments in infrastructures and smart cities. In their technocratic vision, citizens become users, architecture becomes an instrument of statistics, and concepts such as the city and society become mere "algorithmic assemblages." This issue, co-edited by ARCH+, Arno Brandlhuber, and Olaf Grawert of station+/ETH Zurich, discusses the politics of space and data; the real and virtual assets of the city of the future.
Birkhauser Leandro Valencia Locsin: Filipino architect
The largely unknown oeuvre of the Philippine architect Leandro V. Locsin (1928-1994) embodies the search for identity in the built environment. Having completed his studies, Locsin opened his practice in 1953 in the capital Manila which, after the aerial attacks by the Allied forces for the liberation of the Philippines from Japanese occupation, had been almost completely destroyed. The reconstruction, as well as technical innovations and favorable political and economic conditions, made it possible for him to design a wide range and large number of projects, including hotels, commercial buildings, churches, cultural venues, and public buildings. His work combines inspiration from modernism with local traditions and comprises a total of 245 projects, of which more than half were completed. The book presents a selection of the most important buildings and projects.
Birkhauser Claude-Nicolas Ledoux: Architektur und Utopie im Zeitalter der Französischen Revolution. Zweite und erweiterte Ausgabe
Claude-Nicolas Ledoux (1736-1806) is today regarded as chief representative of French revolutionary architecture. With his extraordinary inventiveness he projected the architectural ideals of his era. Ledoux’s influential buildings and projects are presented and interpreted both aesthetically and historically in this book. His best-known projects – the Royal Saltwords of Arc-et-Senans, the tollgates of Paris, the ideal city of Chaux – reveal the architect’s allegiance to the principles of antiquity and Renaissance but also illustrate the evolution of his own utopian language. With the French Revolution, Ledoux ceased building as his contemporaries perceived him as a royal architect. He focused on the development of his architectural theory and redefined the vision of the modern architect.
Birkhauser Erich Mendelsohn: Bauten und Projekte
Erich Mendelsohn (1887–1953) was one of the most versatile architects of the 20th century. His work reconciles the opposites of organic and rational building, of technological innovation and a regionalist attitude, of individual form and universal expression. He fled from Germany in 1933 via England and Palestine to the USA, and his work remains influential to this day. This comprehensive monograph documents all 70 of Mendelsohn's known completed buildings through text and images. In two essays, it also looks at his unbuilt projects. A newly compiled catalogue raisonné lists all of his works. The publication also contains numerous new photographs by Carsten Krohn, newly drawn plans and historical illustrations.
Birkhauser Erich Mendelsohn: Buildings and Projects
Erich Mendelsohn (1887–1953) was one of the most versatile architects of the 20th century. His work reconciles the opposites of organic and rational building, of technological innovation and a regionalist attitude, of individual form and universal expression. He fled from Germany in 1933 via England and Palestine to the USA, and his work remains influential to this day. This comprehensive monograph documents all 70 of Mendelsohn's known completed buildings through text and images. In two essays, it also looks at his design approach and his life. A newly compiled register lists all of his unbuilt projects The publication also contains numerous new photographs by Carsten Krohn, newly drawn plans and historical illustrations.
Birkhauser Spaces of Intensity: 3h architects
The focus of the Hungarian architecture practice, 3h architects, which was founded in 1994 by Katalin Csillag and Zsolt Gunther, is on the sensitive transformation of urban spaces and historic buildings. They set spaces with great intensity and complexity against a world that seems incomprehensible, often linking them with interrupted strands of history and creating unmistakable space effects using daylight and artificial lighting. Their work covers offices, housing and educational buildings, as well as castles and churches, and has already attracted a number of awards. The monograph documents nine completed and five not-yet-completed buildings. The essays by various authors focus on the practice’s key interests in the context of Hungary’s architectural culture: space and light, typology, context, and ornament
Birkhauser Chinas neue Architektur: Bauen im Kontext
A new generation is shaping China's architecture In recent years, a refreshingly unconventional architectural scene – outside the mainstream – has established itself in China. Its representatives, many of whom were trained in the West, are known for their sensitive handling of space, light, and material, and by their engagement with context and their own tradition. Since Wang Shu, one of the most important representatives of the profession, won the Pritzker Prize, international professionals have become more aware of China’s new architecture. Twenty fascinating examples of different building typologies—many with social relevance – as well as an introductory essay illustrate current building activities and provide an insight into the cultural and architectonic influences. An introduction to China’s current architectural scene Conversation with Pritzker Prize winner Wang Shu 20 fascinating projects by about 15 leading architects Also availabel in German
Birkhauser Hannes Meyers neue Bauhauslehre: Von Dessau bis Mexiko
Hannes Meyer hat als zweiter Bauhausdirektor die von Walter Gropius und den frühen Meistern begründete Bauhauspädagogikwesentlich verändert und neu konzipiert: Das Prinzip „Volksbedarf statt Luxusbedarf“ löste das in die Krise geratene Konzept „Kunst und Technik – eine neue Einheit“ von 1923 ab. Meyer verfolgte eine Versachlichung und Demokratisierung der Bauhauslehre, die Kooperation mit der Industrie und die Einbeziehung wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsweisen in den Entwurfsprozess. Im Rahmen einer projektorientierten Lehre realisierten nun Studierende Bauprojekte und industrielle Produktionen. Das Buch stellt dieses Lehrkonzept erstmals detailliert vorgestellt und geht seinen Wirkungen nach: auf Studierende, aber auch auf Nachfolgeschulen wie die Hochschule für Gestaltung in Ulm.
Birkhauser Walter Gropius: Bauten und Projekte
Walter Gropius (1883–1969) gehört als Begründer des Bauhauses zu den Ikonen der Architektur des 20. Jahrhunderts. Während die frühen Bauten in Pommern noch stark von seinem Lehrer Peter Behrens geprägt waren, gelangte er über eine expressionistische, das Handwerk betonende Phase schließlich zur geometrischen Abstraktion. Er arbeitete dabei stets mit anderen Architekten zusammen und gründete in den USA das Kollektiv The Architects Collaborative. Die umfassende Monografie dokumentiert sämtliche 74 bekannten, realisierten Bauten Gropius‘, auch zahlreiche frühe Werke, die er selbst nie veröffentlichte; sie setzt sich aber auch mit seinen ungebauten Projekten auseinander. Illustriert wird das Buch durch neue Fotografien des Autors, historische Abbildungen sowie neu vom Autor gezeichnete Pläne.
Birkhauser Buro Hohe Brucke
Das Burogebaude fur Doppelmayr, den Weltmarktfuhrer im Seilbahnbau, ist ein aktuelles Beispiel fur innovativen und flexiblen Burobau. Bis vor kurzem war das Unternehmen auf mehrere Standorte in Vorarlberg aufgeteilt. 2013 traf man nach einem geladenen Wettbewerb die Entscheidung, ein neues Gebaude fur bis zu 600 Angestellte nach den Planen des Wiener Architekturburos AllesWirdGut (AWG) zu realisieren. Der Entwurf reflektiert die ursprungliche Aufteilung auf mehrere Standorte, die fruher auch als Doppelmayr-Dorf bezeichnet wurden. Neun miteinander verbundene Baukoerper bieten eine Vielzahl von Atmospharen, Begegnungszonen und abwechslungsreich gestalteten Arbeitsplatzen. Das Buch dokumentiert das Buro Hohe Brucke in allen wesentlichen Aspekten.
Birkhauser Construire l'architecture: Du matériau brut à l'édifice. Un manuel
Systematically structured and prepared with the student in mind, the book conveys in one volume the necessary basic technical building construction knowledge to enable readers to implement a wide range of designs. For this reason, over the last 14 years, it has developed into an indispensable information and reference handbook, not only for students and teachers, but also for architects. The 3rd edition of this standard work for building construction has again been revised in terms of content and illustrations. References to standards, thermal insulation standards, and some project examples have been updated; they are now comprehensively and systematically documented, explaining the design process from start to finish.
Birkhauser Basics Project Control
With larger projects it makes sense to involve a project controller who will competently secure the client’s interests and effectively ensure that the client’s objectives are met throughout the project. To achieve this, it is not sufficient to be experienced in the design and execution of construction projects. Specialist project management skills are a mandatory requirement for the success of a project. The project controller is pivotal to the success of the project; together with the client he will define the objectives of the project, develop organizational structures, and be instrumental in appointing project participants. He will assist with the proper fulfilment of contracts and with the documentation of design decisions. The Basics Project Control volume presents, in a practical way, all duties and services involved in project management.
Birkhauser Modeling Post-Socialist Urbanization: The Case of Budapest
This book examines Budapest’s urban development, planning, and governance between 1990 and 2010. In the face of socialist urbanization’s structural legacies, the recent radical decentralization of government and resources and the impacts of a post-socialist war of ideologies, a trend is analyzed which leads to an urbanization mostly characterized by business-dominated development projects not integrated into any grand urban design. The author claims this outcome to be typical of the development of post-socialist cities and presents it in an abstract model establishing links between particular historical background conditions and the phenomena of Budapest’s recent urbanization. With a conversation between Kees Christiaanse, Ákos Moravánszky, and the author.
Birkhauser Int|AR Interventions and Adaptive Reuse Intervention as Act
Design interventions for the reuse of existing structures must face the question of the past and the extent to which it should be included in the design for the future. This is the point of departure of Int|AR, a yearly publication on current issues in international adaptive reuse. Can architectural interventions become actions in the sense of interventions in art or civic involvement? Which forms are conceivable in design, building and representation of architecture? Where are the boundaries to performances and similar other forms of interventions? This Int|AR volume presents essays, built or unbuilt projects and ideas that investigate undiscovered potentials in building in existing fabric.
Birkhauser Franz Riepl baut auf dem Land: Eine Ästhetik des Selbstverständlichen
Die Architektur des in München und Linz arbeitenden Architekten Franz Riepl steht für Zurückhaltung im Entwurf und für Empfindsamkeit im Detail. Die Stimmigkeit, die seine Architektur im Alltag erreicht, basiert auf der Kenntnis von Vorbildlichem. So findet seine Baukunst zu verständlicher Form. Sie entwickelt mit den Jahren Patina, die sinnlich erfahrbare Atmosphäre verbreitet. Dieser seltenen Qualität spürt das Buch nach: in einem Interview, in dem Riepl über Räume und Möbel spricht; mit einem Fotoessay über 6 Projekte: ein Vierkanthof, eine Wohnung, ein Wohnhaus, ein Fleischerei-Geschäft sowie zwei Gasthäuser. Diese Bilder werden durch Pläne und Zeichnungen ergänzt. Ein Essay untersucht Riepls Umgang mit der Patina und mit der Nutzung neuerer Bauten.
Birkhauser Ride a Bike!: Reclaim the City
Bicycles as a means of transport in cities are playing an ever more important role. The reasons are: reduction of motorcar traffic, sustainable traffic planning, reduction of noise and exhaust emissions, enhancement of the value of public space, healthier form of transport, savings potential in national health services and infrastructure expenditure. The book illustrates urban design ideas and architectural projects which go far beyond purely redesigning road layouts; its eight essays focus on the trend in urban design, landscape design, and traffic planning, it introduces nine exemplary bicycle traffic concepts in various cities (Barcelona, Copenhagen, New York, and Oslo amongst others), and presents 28 forward-looking individual bicycle infrastructure projects.
Birkhauser SCALE Volumes 1-5 (Set)
The SCALE series, spanning five volumes, discusses all relevant building components from design to actual construction. It systematically presents design as a process for the integrative development of form, structure, and technology. The planning process is illuminated by showcasing uniform planning documents from international example projects.
Birkhauser Renzo Piano: Raum - Detail - Licht
Der Pritzker-Preisträger Renzo Piano gilt weltweit als einer der renommiertesten Architekten unserer Zeit. Zentrale Elemente seiner Ästhetik bilden das Spiel mit natürlichem Licht, die Transparenz seiner Bauten, aber auch die Qualität ihrer Details. Museumsbauten gehören zu seinen wesentlichen Bauaufgaben. Die Publikation dokumentiert neun Museumsbauten des Büros Renzo Piano Building Workshop, unter ihnen die Fondation Beyeler in Basel, das Kulturzentrum Jean-Marie Tjibaou in Neukaledonien sowie das Broad Contemporary Art Museum in Los Angeles. Besonderes Augenmerk legt die Darstellung auf deren Räumlichkeit und Detaillierung. In einem zweiten Teil wird der Umgang mit natürlichem Licht in diesen Museen systematisch analysiert. Sämtliche Zeichnungen wurden in einheitlicher Darstellung eigens neu angefertigt.
Rudolf (von) Alt painted people, landscapes, villages and towns in the countries of the Habsburg monarchy as well as in Crimea, Italy and Germany. In his pictures, he also documented the emergence of Vienna as a cosmopolitan city between the 1820s and the beginning of the 20th century. Stefan Oláh photographs architecture and living and cultural environments from the Himalayas to Brazil – and in Vienna. In this publication, paintings by Rudolf (von) Alt are juxtaposed with photographs by Stefan Oláh. The artists’ positions – and their lines of sight - are almost identical. Their motifs are similar – or not. The historian Leonhard Weidinger introduces the pairs of images with richly informative texts about the buildings, their history and their surroundings.
Birkhauser Made of Concrete
The publication presents an analysis of 16 contemporary Swiss concrete buildings in scales 1:10 and 1:1 using large-scale detailed isometric drawings. The buildings represent examples of the diverse methods available for using concrete to build contemporary architecture. Series of images on the construction processes and texts on the architectural / construction methods, and a systematic overview of the construction principles of building envelopes, provide the reader with a new, deeper understanding. The book is the result of in-depth research by the authors at the Architecture Department of the ETH Zurich. It demonstrates the innovative strength of Swiss architectural production, which combines current technical requirements with sophisticated building culture.
Birkhauser Breathe: Investigations into Our Atmospherically Entangled Future
This book explores breathing and the atmosphere as leitmotifs for the design of an inclusive future in a new climate regime, uncovering intertwinements of societal activities with the air and the atmosphere. With this awareness of entanglement, the deeply performative characteristics of the air, atmosphere and climate are foregrounded and can be discovered as central agents in the conception and design of our planetary existence. This carefully edited collection brings together renowned authors from various disciplines, and their ideas, observations, and examples inspire us to rethink our forms of social action and design. With contributions by: Bruno Latour Eva Horn, Heather Davis David Life, Bronislaw Szerszynski Jean-Paul Thibaud Gernot Böhme Peter Sloterdijk Rosetta Sarah Elkin Wolfgang Kessling Anja Thierfelder Matthias Schuler Tomás Saraceno Klaus K. Loenhart
Birkhauser Crowd Design: From Tools for Empowerment to Platform Capitalism
The digital revolution is interwoven with the promise to empower the user. Yet, the rise of centralised, commercial platforms for crowdsourced work questions the validity of this narrative. In Crowd-Design, Florian Alexander Schmidt analyses the workings and the rhetoric of crowdsourced work platforms by comparing the way they address the masses today with historic notions of the crowd. The utopian concepts of early online collaboration are taken as a vantage point from which to view and critique current and, at times, dystopian applications of crowdsourced work. The study is focused on the crowdsourcing of design tasks, but these specific applications are used to examine the design of the more general mechanisms employed by the platform providers to motivate and control the crowds. Crowd-Design is as much about the crowdsourcing of design as it is about the design of crowdsourcing.
Birkhauser Building Biology: Criteria and Architectural Design
Health and environmental compatibility are key topics in contemporary society. The book shows how the built environment can be aesthetically pleasing, modern and, at the same time, healthy and environmentally friendly. It makes the link between architecture as a design task and a building biology approach to design. Building biology teaches us about the holistic interaction between people and their built environment. It combines building culture with ecology and disciplines such as chemistry, biology, geology, and psychology. Using the building of the Institute of Building Biology + Sustainability (IBN) as a model, building biology criteria and approaches are explained in detail. Numerous additional current projects illustrate how these are implemented in responsible, healthy, and hence sustainable architecture.