Search results for ""author theoni"
Nova Science Publishers Inc Socialization: Theories, Processes & Impact
Quickstudy Reference Guides Psychologists: History & Theories
Transcript Verlag Kritische Theorie aktualisieren
Juventa Verlag GmbH Theorien der Kulturpdagogik
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Theorie der Unbegrifflichkeit
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Zur kritischen Theorie
SAGE Publications Ltd Learning Theories Simplified
Written for busy teachers, trainers, managers and students, this 'dip-in, dip-out' guide makes theories of learning accessible and practical.
Springer International Publishing AG Intelligence - Theories and Applications
Intelligence allows people to understand events and to shape their surrounding environment. This book delves deeper into the theories and applications of intelligence, showing it is a multifaceted concept —defined and explained differently by prestigious experts of various disciplines in their own research. The book provides interdisciplinary connections of intelligence as it relates to a variety of clearly outlined subject areas, and should lead to a deep understanding of the phenomenon as it pertains to practical applications in different domains. Contributors in this volume present results from evolutionary biology, mathematics, artificial intelligence, medicine, psychology, cultural studies, economy, political sciences and philosophy. Individual scientific models are integrated in an interdisciplinary concept of wisdom. This volume will help enhance the common understanding of intelligence for fellow researchers and scientists alike.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Theories of Truth
The classic and contemporary readings in this collection represent the four most influential theories of truth – correspondence, pragmatist, coherence, and deflationary theories. A collection of classic and contemporary philosophical reflections on the nature of truth. Opens with an introduction to theories of truth, designed for readers with little or no prior knowledge of the subject. Divided into four sections on the most important theories of truth - correspondence, pragmatist, coherence, and deflationary theories. Brings together articles in the recent debate over the correspondence theory and deflationism that are not otherwise available in one place. Includes contributions by C.S. Peirce, William James, Bertrand Russell, Alfred Tarski, Hartry Field, Dorothy Grover, Anil Gupta and others. Concludes with an extensive bibliography of recent articles on truth.
Books on Demand Die Datenwelt Theorie
Junius Verlag GmbH Queere Theorien zur Einführung
Edition Tiamat Antisemitismus und postkoloniale Theorie
Turia + Kant, Verlag Husserls Theorie der Anschauung
wbv Media GmbH Bilderbcher Band 1 Theorie
UTB GmbH Theorien der Sozialen Arbeit
Evangelische Verlagsansta Lebensalter Eine theologische Theorie
Edinburgh University Press Nationalism: Theories and Cases
This highly original contribution to studies of nationalism focuses on its ideological foundations, tracing its historical beginnings and charting its varied manifestations in world politics today. Its broad theoretical and empirical inquiry explores the dynamics of nationalism and its theories and also considers the role of 'the nation' in political processes taking place beyond states. In addition to a wide-ranging review of traditional approaches to nationalism, this book is unique in its broad geographic and historical scope and in the appraisal of these approaches in contemporary international politics, including developments such as the increased role of non-state actors, regional integration, trans-national movements and diasporas. A key element of the book is its case studies which range from the rise of national movements within the old Empires to contemporary ethnic conflicts, and which allow for a clearer understanding of the politics of nationalism, how its theories can be applied and which urge some searching questions about 'new' forms of ethno-national mobilization. Key Features *Only book to cover both historical and contemporary theories of nationalism *Reviews classical theories of nationalism *Shows nationalism to be integral to all political changes and demonstrates its relevance to democracy and globalisation *Uses examples and case studies to demonstrate application of theories of nationalism in world politics *Links classical and 'new' nationalism - continuities and discontinuities between the 'old' and current understandings of nationalism are highlighted
Pluto Press Theories of Social Capital
Forcibly demonstrates how social capital has expanded across the social sciences only by degrading the different disciplines it touches.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Theories of the State
The idea of the State is crucial to our understanding of 20th century political thought and practice, and there are now signs of a growing awareness of the interest and intrinsic importance of the State in political theory, international politics and jurisprudence. This book provides an overview of certain key problems and theories of the State, presenting them in a structured and systematic manner, and in doing so it aims to make the ideas and value of the State more comprehensible to the student of politics. An introductory discussion on the nature of the State is followed by chapters devoted to particular theories: the absolutist, constitutional, ethical, class and pluralist, with the aim of analysing, elucidating and criticizing each. Finally, the discussion turns to the question 'Is a theory of the State necessary?'
Nova Science Publishers Inc Risk Perception: Theories & Approaches
Nova Science Publishers Inc Self-Organization: Theories & Methods
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Dokumentenlogistik: Theorie und Praxis
Die Dokumentenlogistik führt die theoretischen Grundlagen der bisher getrennt betrachteten Bereiche des Logistik- und des Dokumentenmanagements zusammen. So entsteht eine neue Disziplin an der Schnittstelle von Logistik und Dienstleistungsmanagement. Der Band behandelt sowohl die theoretische Konzeption als auch ihre praktische Umsetzung. Mit der Übertragung von erprobten Konzepten und Erfahrungen aus der Güter- und Warenlogistik liefern die Autoren neue Impulse für die logistische Handhabung von Dokumenten und Informationen.
McGraw-Hill Education ISE Theories of Personality
Theories of Personality provides a comprehensive foundation on the nature of personality theory, as well as its contributions to science. Coverage of each theory encompasses a biographical sketch of each theorist, related research, and applications to real life. Written by three preeminent psychology professors—Jess Feist, Gregory J. Feist, and Tomi-Ann Roberts—this program is engaging and student-friendly. The ninth edition provides new studies and sections on topics such as ego identity, gender studies, mindfulness and self-actualization, and more. The Connect course for this offering includes SmartBook, an adaptive reading and study experience which guides students to master, recall, and apply key concepts while providing automatically-graded assessments.McGraw-Hill Connect® is a subscription-based learning service accessible online through your personal computer or tablet. Choose this option if your instructor will require Connect to be used in the course. Your subscription to Connect includes the following:• SmartBook® - an adaptive digital version of the course textbook that personalizes your reading experience based on how well you are learning the content.• Access to your instructor’s homework assignments, quizzes, syllabus, notes, reminders, and other important files for the course.• Progress dashboards that quickly show how you are performing on your assignments and tips for improvement.• The option to purchase (for a small fee) a print version of the book. This binder-ready, loose-leaf version includes free shipping.Complete system requirements to use Connect can be found here:
Nova Science Publishers Inc Handedness: Theories, Genetics & Psychology
Sage Publications Ltd Early Childhood Theories Today
If you work in the early years, you have probably heard of Montessori and Bronfenbrenner - but have you heard of Bavolek or Fisher? Contemporary theorists and theories of early childhood learning have much to teach us. It is often forgotten that this learning is still evolving and that new voices are joining the discussion every year. This book introduces early years practitioners to some contemporary theorists and explores their work alongside more well-known thinkers. It demonstrates how these theories relate to everyday practice in the early years and that discussion of them can support ongoing professional learning.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Personalmanagement: Theorien – Konzepte – Instrumente
Zeitgemäßes Personalmanagement: Dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen, worauf es ankommtDas Personalmanagement steht in Zeiten globaler und digitaler Märkte vor großen Herausforderungen: Es gilt, einer zunehmend flexiblen Arbeitswelt, eines sich wandelnden Arbeitsmarktes sowie sich stark verändernder Mitarbeiterbedürfnisse und -fähigkeiten gleichermaßen gerecht zu werden. In diesem Buch vermitteln die Autoren in anschaulicher und kompakter Weise die zentralen Grundlagen, Konzepte und Instrumente eines zeitgemäßen Personalmanagements. Praxisbeispiele und Kontrollfragen unterstützen die Inhalte und legen den Fokus auf folgende Aspekte: Wie sieht die Zukunft der Arbeit aus? Welche Möglichkeiten bieten digitale Medien und das mobile Internet für die Personalplanung? Wie generieren Unternehmen ein nachhaltiges Health Care Management? Mithilfe welcher Instrumente konstruieren Personalverantwortliche eine erfolgreiche Führungsethik? Durch diese umfassende Perspektivvielfalt gibt Ihnen dieses Buch einen Überblick über die Herausforderungen sowie aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich des zeitgemäßen Personalmanagements. Selbstverständlich berücksichtigen die Autoren auch internationale Tendenzen der Mitarbeiterführung.Lernen Sie zukunftsweisende Ansätze kennenZunächst bringen Ihnen die Autoren die konzeptionellen Grundlagen des Personalmanagements näher und ordnen den Gegenstandsbereich dieses Begriffs verständlich ein. Nach der Vorstellung einiger ökonomischer Ansätze steht die konkrete Ausformung des zeitgemäßen Personalmanagements im Fokus. Erfahren Sie mehr über: Quantitative und qualitative Verfahren der Personalbedarfsplanung Gestaltung des Personalgewinnungsprozesses Internationale Gestaltung von Mitarbeiterflusssystemen Belohnungssysteme des Personalmanagements Führung von Mitarbeitern in Teams Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement Zu empfehlen ist dieses Buch über zeitgemäßes Personalmanagement insbesondere für Bachelor- und Mastervorlesungen im Bereich des Personalmanagements. Darüber hinaus ist es ein systematischer Leitfaden für (Personal-)Manager sowie Führungsnachwuchskräfte. Die aktuelle Auflage wurde komplett überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Kapitelübergreifend zeigen die Autoren Ansatzpunkte zur Gestaltung zukunftsfähiger Arbeitswelten und Anwendungsbeispiele künstlicher Intelligenz im Personalmanagement auf. Zudem enthält das Werk ein neues Kapitel über das zukunftsweisende Konzept des agilen Personalmanagements.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Plates: Theories and Applications
This book covers the essentials of developments in the area of plate structures and presents them so that the readers can obtain a quick understanding and overview of the subject. Several theoretical models are employed for their analysis and design starting from the classical thin plate theory to alternatives obtained by incorporation of appropriate complicating effects or by using fundamentally different assumptions. The book includes pedagogical features like end-of-chapter exercises and worked examples to help students in self-learning. The book is extremely useful for the senior undergraduate and postgraduate students of aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Feminist Theories of Crime
This collection re-imagines the field of criminology with insights gleaned from feminist theory. Works included here illustrate that gender is a key organizing principle of social life. This means that men and women have gender, that patriarchy as well as gender must be theorized, and that other systems of oppression such as race and class must also be studied to fully understand the crime problem and the criminal justice system. Finally, the articles collected here exemplify the feminist concern for thinking consciously about how and why we do our research with the crucial goal of producing knowledge that will promote social justice.
Lerner Publishing Group What Are Conspiracy Theories?
Nova Science Publishers Inc Viscoelasticity: Theories, Types & Models
Classiques Garnier Meinong Et Sa Theorie Des Relations: Elements Pour Une Genealogie de la Theorie de l'Objet
CABI Publishing Animal Andrology: Theories and Applications
Understanding animal andrology is fundamental to optimising genetic breeding traits in domestic and wild animals. This book provides extensive coverage of male reproductive biology, discussing the essentials of sperm production, harvest and preservation before covering the applications to a range of animals including cattle, horses, pigs, small ruminants, camelids, cats and dogs, poultry and exotic species. It also examines the laboratory procedures that provide the basis of general fertility research.
Bristol University Press Practical Lessons from Policy Theories
First published as a special issue of Policy & Politics, this critical and practical volume challenges policy theory scholars to change the way they produce and communicate research. Leading academics propose eight ways to synthesise and translate state of the art knowledge to equip scholars to communicate their insights with each other and a wider audience. Chapters consider topics such as narratives as tools for influencing policy change, essential habits of successful policy entrepreneurs, and applying cultural theory to navigate the policy process. Providing theoretical clarity and accumulated knowledge, this text highlights the vital importance of translating policy research in practical and understandable ways. The articles on which Chapters 2, 3 and 5 are based are available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence.
University College Dublin Press The Theorising Irish Social Policy
Theorising Irish Social Policy addresses theoretical and conceptual debates underpinning Irish social policy and is an advanced text for courses in social policy as well as being intended for academics, researchers, policy analysts and policy makers. It will be an invaluable aid for students who in the past were left to their own devices in the task of relating internationally developed themes and frameworks to Irish developments. The book is comprehensive in its choice of themes which include an introductory discussion on locating Irish social policy, followed by chapters written by leading Irish academics on globalisation; communitarianism, social capital and subsidiarity; individualisation; women, autonomy and bodily integrity; fathers, identity and well-being; poverty and insecurity; equity, efficiency and health care; difference and social diversity; rights and judicial activism. Theorising Irish Social Policy is part of the University College Dublin Press series of social policy texts, which include Contemporary Irish Social Policy (1999), Irish Social Policy in Context (1999), Disability and Social Policy in Ireland (2003) and Mental Health and Social Policy in Ireland (forthcoming, 2005).
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Key Contemporary Social Theorists
Key Contemporary Social Theorists is a comprehensive introduction to some of the most significant figures in social, cultural, political and philosophical thought of the twentieth century. This collection of newly commissioned entries offers students and scholars an authoritative guide on current contributions to contemporary social theory and social science. Preceding the entries is a well-organized chart of the main trends of development in social theory. The result is an invaluable reference work for all those concerned with central issues in contemporary social theory.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Theorie de l'Objet & Presentation Personnelle
Duke University Press Religions/Globalizations: Theories and Cases
For the majority of cultures around the world, religion permeates and informs everyday rituals of survival and hope. But religion also has served as the foundation for national differences, racial conflicts, class exploitation, and gender discrimination. Indeed, religious spirituality, having been transformed by contemporary economic and political events, remains both empowering and controversial. Religions/Globalizations examines the extent to which globalization and religion are inseparable terms, bound up with each other in a number of critical and mutually revealing ways. As the contributors to this work suggest, a crucial component of globalization—the breakdown of familiar boundaries and power balances—may open a space in which religion can be deployed to help refabricate new communities. Examples of such deployments can be found in the workings of liberation theology in Latin America. In other cases, however, the operations of globalization have provided a space for strident religious nationalism and identity disputes to flourish. Is there in fact a dialectical tension between religion and globalization, a codependence and codeterminism? While religion can be seen as a globalizing force, it has also been transformed and even victimized by globalization. A provocative assessment of a contemporary phenomenon with both cultural and political dimensions, Religions/Globalizations will interest not only scholars in religious studies but also those studying Latin America, the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa. Contributors. David Batstone, Berit Bretthauer, Enrique Dussel, Dwight N. Hopkins, Mark Juergensmeyer, Lois Ann Lorentzen, Eduardo Mendieta, Vijaya Rettakudi Nagarajan, Kathryn Poethig, Lamin Sanneh, Linda E. Thomas
Unrast Verlag Dekolonialistische Theorie aus Lateinamerika
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Theories Pedagogiques Recherches Epistemologiques
Meyer + Meyer Fachverlag Fußballkindergarten Theorie und Praxis
Transcript Verlag Politische Theorie des Anarchismus
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Theorien in der Entwicklungspsychologie
Dieses einzigartige Lehrbuch stellt die Grundtheorien der Entwicklungspsychologie dar. Alle Kapitel wurden von führenden Experten verfasst. So ist es ideal für Studierende im Bachelor-Studiengang Psychologie, wie auch für alle Studiengänge mit entwicklungspsychologischen Inhalten. Auch für Quereinsteiger auf Masterlevel, sowie Berufseinsteiger und Weiterbildungsteilnehmer im pädagogischen Bereich bietet es einen idealen und fundierten Überblick über die fundamentalen Theorien.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Thermografie: Theorie, Messtechnik, Praxis
DAS maßgebliche Werk zur Thermografie auf dem deutschen Markt! Der berührungslosen Temperaturmessung begegnet man auf vielen Gebieten - von industriellen Anwendungen in Forschung und Entwicklung bis hin zu militärischen und behördlichen Überwachungsaufgaben. Die Thermografie findet auch vielseitige Verwendung im akademischen und ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Bereich, beispielsweise in der Leistungselektronik, für biologische und chemische Experimente sowie für medizinische Untersuchungen. Geschrieben von einem Praktiker mit mehr als 20 Jahren Berufserfahrung, vereint das Buch die Theorie und Praxis der Thermografie von den grundlegenden physikalischen Zusammenhängen ausgehend über die messtechnischen Grenzen und die notwendigen Messbedingungen hin bis zu praktischen Hinweisen für konkrete Anwendungsfälle. Unerreicht in Umfang und Detailtiefe, richtet sich Thermografie - Theorie, Messtechnik, Praxis an Ingenieure für Mess- und Regelungstechnik, Anwendungsentwickler, Physiker in der Industrie, Ingenieure für Bauwesen, medizinische Laboratoriensowie an die Sensor- und Automobilindustrie.
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Skularisierung Grundlagentexte zur Theoriegeschichte
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Theories of Legal Relations
Theories of Legal Relations is an astute examination of existing legal systems that explores the notion of legal relationships and frameworks, using various analytical approaches to legal theory including subjectivist, objectivist, psychological and empirical.Emmanuel Jeuland defends the logical anteriority of relationships in law and their universality (e.g. in the new Chinese Civil Code), addressing new issues such as the possibility of legal relationships with natural and artificial entities. He delves into the consequences of these potential relationships in terms of theory of law, legal reasoning and theory of justice. Chapters discuss legal relationships within legal systems globally, including the intention to create a legal relationship in the UK, declaratory judgments in the US, relationship of courtesy in Germany, and the commercial relationship in France.Providing a well-rounded analytical investigation into legal relations involving relational autonomy, this timely book will be an ideal read for both legal and interdisciplinary scholars interested in legal philosophy, society and culture. Other academics concerned with relationships with natural or artificial entities will also find this book to be a stimulating read.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Rethinking Theories of Governance
Are theories of governance useful for helping policymakers and citizens meet and tackle contemporary challenges? This insightful book reflects on how a theory becomes useful and evaluates a range of theories according to whether they are warranted, diagnostic, and dialogical.By arguing that useful theory tells us what to ask, not what to do, Christopher Ansell investigates what it means for a theory to be useful. Analysing how governance theories address a variety of specific challenges, chapters examine intractable public problems, weak government accountability, violent conflict, global gridlock, poverty and the unsustainable exploitation of our natural resources. Finding significant tensions between state- and society-centric perspectives on governance, the book concludes with a suggestion that we refocus our theories of governance on possibilities for state-society synergy. Governance theories of the future, Ansell argues, should also strive for a more fruitful dialogue between instrumental, critical and explanatory perspectives.Examining both the conceptual and empirical basis of theories of governance, this comprehensive book will be an invigorating read for scholars and students in the fields of public administration, public policy and planning, development studies, political science and urban, environmental and global governance. By linking theories of governance to concrete societal challenges, it will also be of use to policymakers and practitioners concerned with these fields.