Search results for ""author leonard""
Penguin Putnam Inc Escape from Detention Mad Libs: World's Greatest Word Game
Penguin Putnam Inc Grab Bag Mad Libs: World's Greatest Word Game
Penguin Putnam Inc Slam Dunk Mad Libs: World's Greatest Word Game
Penguin Putnam Inc Animals, Animals, Animals! Mad Libs Junior: World's Greatest Word Game
Bitter Lemon Press Havana Red: A Mario Conde Mystery
On August 6 th 1989 , the day on which the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of the Transfiguration, the body of a strangled transvestite is discovered in the humid undergrowth of the Havana Woods. He is wearing a beautiful red evening dress and the red ribbon with which he was asphyxiated is still round his neck. To the consternation of Lieutenant Mario Conde, in charge of the investigation, the victim turns out to be Alexis Arayan, the son of a highly respected diplomat. His investigation begins with a visit to the home of the 'disgraced' dramatist, Alberto Marques, with whom the murdered youth was living. Marques, a man of letters and a former giant of the Cuban theatre, helps Conde solve the crime. In the baking heat of the Havana summer, Conde also unveils a dark, turbulent world of Cubans who live without dreaming of exile, grappling with food shortages and wounds from the Angolan war.
Cornell University Press Fundraiser A: My Fight for Freedom and Justice
Most people will recognize the name Robert Blagojevich as the brother of ill-fated Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich. But many don't know why Robert came to work for his brother or how he came to be named as a defendant in the criminal trial accusing Rod of attempting to sell Barack Obama's former Senate seat to the highest bidder after the presidential election of 2008. Now, Robert offers a brutally honest inside look at what it is like to face the full force and power of the federal government and maintain innocence in a high-profile criminal case. By the time United States of America vs. Rod Blagojevich and Robert Blagojevich was over, one of the most renowned prosecutors in America, Patrick Fitzgerald, had brought down a governor of Illinois for the second time in five years. An investigation that would unseat one of the unindicted "co-conspirators" in the case, Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr., had begun. And the integrity of President Obama, US Senator Roland Burris, and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel had been called into question. For the last four months of 2008, Robert was, at his brother's request, the head of Rod's fundraising operation, Friends of Blagojevich. Rod and Robert had taken very different career paths and had drifted apart by middle age. But when Rod asked Robert to help him fundraise—because he couldn't trust anyone else in the role—Robert agreed, honoring his parents' wish that the brothers help one another when needed. In the rough-and-tumble world of Chicago-style politics, operating on an ethical level was not easy, as this telling memoir demonstrates. Robert often had to tell potential donors that there was no quid pro quo for a contribution: giving money did not result in state contracts and certainly didn't result in an appointment to fill a vacant Senate seat. Fundraiser A is a criminal defendant's gripping account of how he rose to the biggest challenge of his life and beat the odds of a 96 percent Department of Justice conviction rate to walk away with his freedom. It offers not only a previously untold story of a fascinating trial with well-known, colorful characters that captured the attention of the nation, but also a look at a universal relationship—brothers—as well as the theme of a David ordinary citizen facing the Goliath federal government. Those who enjoy legal thrillers, political dramas, family sagas, and all things Chicago will be especially interested in this memoir.
Penguin Putnam Inc Hanukkah Mad Libs: World's Greatest Word Game
University of Pennsylvania Press Novels in the Time of Democratic Writing: The American Example
During the thirty years following ratification of the U.S. Constitution, the first American novelists carried on an argument with their British counterparts that pitted direct democracy against representative liberalism. Such writers as Hannah Foster, Isaac Mitchell, Royall Tyler, Leonore Sansay, and Charles Brockden Brown developed a set of formal tropes that countered, move for move, those gestures and conventions by which Samuel Richardson, Jane Austen, and others created their closed worlds of self, private property, and respectable society. The result was a distinctively American novel that generated a system of social relations resembling today's distributed network. Such a network operated counter to the formal protocols that later distinguished the great tradition of the American novel. In Novels in the Time of Democratic Writing, Nancy Armstrong and Leonard Tennenhouse show how these first U.S. novels developed multiple paths to connect an extremely diverse field of characters, redefining private property as fundamentally antisocial and setting their protagonists to the task of dispersing that property—its goods and people—throughout the field of characters. The populations so reorganized proved suddenly capable of thinking and acting as one. Despite the diverse local character of their subject matter and community of readers, the first U.S. novels delivered this argument in a vernacular style open and available to all. Although it differed markedly from the style we attribute to literary authors, Armstrong and Tennenhouse argue, such democratic writing lives on in the novels of Cooper, Hawthorne, Melville, and James.
Random House USA Inc A Briefer History of Time: The Science Classic Made More Accessible
Penguin Putnam Inc We the Living (75th-Anniversary Edition)
Taylor & Francis Ltd Global Standards of Market Civilization
Global Standards of Market Civilization brings together leading scholars, representing a range of political views, to investigate how global 'standards of market civilization' have emerged, their justification, and their political, economic and social impact. Key chapters show how as the modern state system has evolved such standards have also developed, incorporating the capacity for social cooperation and self-government to which states must conform in order to fully participate as legitimate members in international society. This study analyzes their justification, and their political, economic and social impact. Civilization is a term widely used within modern political discourse its meaning, yet it is poorly understood and misused. part I explores the idea of a ‘standard of civilization’, its implications for governance, and the use of such standards in political theory and economic thought, as well as its historical application part II presents original case studies that demonstrate the emergence of such standards and explore the diffusion of liberal capitalist ideas through the global political economy and the consequences for development and governance; the International Monetary Fund’s capacity to formulate a global standard of civilization in its reform programs; and problems in the development of the global trade, including the issue of intellectual property rights. This book will be of strong interest to students and scholars in wide range of fields relating to the study of globalization including: international political economy; international political theory; international relations theory; comparative political economy; international law; historical sociology; and economic history.
The University of Chicago Press Alain L. Locke: The Biography of a Philosopher
Alain L. Locke, in his famous 1925 anthology "The New Negro", declared that 'the pulse of the Negro world has begun to beat in Harlem'. The first biography of this extraordinarily gifted philosopher and writer, Alain L. Locke narrates the untold story of his profound impact on twentieth-century America's cultural and intellectual life. The heart of this narrative illuminates Locke's heady years in 1920s New York City and his forty-year career at Howard University, where he helped spearhead the adult education movement of the 1930s and wrote on topics ranging from the philosophy of value to the theory of democracy.
The University of Chicago Press Alain L. Locke: The Biography of a Philosopher
Alain L. Locke, in his famous 1925 anthology "The New Negro", declared that 'the pulse of the Negro world has begun to beat in Harlem'. The first biography of this extraordinarily gifted philosopher and writer, Alain L. Locke narrates the untold story of his profound impact on twentieth-century America's cultural and intellectual life. The heart of this narrative illuminates Locke's heady years in 1920s New York City and his forty-year career at Howard University, where he helped spearhead the adult education movement of the 1930s and wrote on topics ranging from the philosophy of value to the theory of democracy.
Broadview Press Ltd Tender Buttons: Objects, Food, Rooms
The first publisher of Tender Buttons described the book’s effect on readers as “something like terror, there are no known precedents to cling to.” Written in pencil in a small notebook and barely revised after its first composition, the text caused a sensation and was widely reviewed and discussed on its publication. This edition of Gertrude Stein’s transformative work immerses the text in its cultural context. The most opaque of modernist texts, Tender Buttons also had modernism’s most voluminous and varied response.This Broadview Edition uses the response to Tender Buttons as a way of understanding this spectacular moment in publishing history. Stein’s text is published alongside its parodies, defenses, publicity brochure, and selections from the hundreds of responses to it in American daily newspapers, which placed it in the context of Cubism, fashion shows, and celebrity culture.
Penguin Books Ltd The Nun
In 1758 Diderot's friend the Marquis de Croismare became interested in the cause célèbre of a nun who was appealing to be allowed to leave a Paris convent. Less than a year later, in an affectionate attempt to trick his friend, Diderot created this masterpiece - a fictitious set of desperate and pleading letters to the Marquis from a teenage girl forced into the nunnery because she is illegitimate. In these letters, the impressionable and innocent Suzanne Simonin describes the cruelty and abuse she has suffered in an institution poisoned by vicious gossip, intrigues, persecutions and deviance. Considered too subversive during Diderot's lifetime, The Nun first appeared in print in 1796 following the Revolution. Part gripping novel, part licentious portrayal of sexual fervour and part damning attack on oppressive religious institutions, it remains one of the most utterly original works of the many eighteenth-century.
McGraw-Hill Education Ditch the Act: Reveal the Surprising Power of the Real You for Greater Success
Use your failure, mistakes, and vulnerabilities to fund success—the proven guide to building a powerful personal brand through the fearless admission of just being humanBusiness professionals are finding it harder and harder to break through the noise. The problem is, most of it is just that: noise. What if you could gain more career success, respect, and a powerful digital presence by being your natural, flawed self instead of pretending to be perfect? Ditch the Act takes a strategic approach to this little-known secret to help you build an authentic, long-lasting personal brand. The authors—both marketing and communications experts—explain why exposure is important and how it cultivates more durable connections than any polished persona can, and they show how to use stories of failure and weakness in ways that build trust and loyalty from large audiences. Inside, you’ll find an actionable, 7-step process for driving brand differentiation and growth. Actions include: •Crafting a unique bio and creating an “exposure resume” •Writing out stories and thought leadership insights based on the exposure resume•Extracting key content pieces to turn into video scripts for posting, sharing, and embedding in existing content•Fostering camaraderie in new relationshipsPeople are getting weary of—and, frankly, seeing right through—the oversized egos dominating the business world today. By building a personal brand that is honest and authentic and that reveals personal struggles, you can build stronger, longer-lasting relationships—and achieve greater success.
Rizzoli International Publications Dance Me to the End of Love
In 1995, Welcome Books published the star of its "Art and Poetry" series, "Dance Me to the End of Love", a deliriously romantic song by Leonard Cohen visualized through the warm, spirited paintings and collages of Henri Matisse. Now, for its 10-year anniversary, Welcome presents a new edition of "Dance Me to the End of Love" featuring a revised design. Cohen's song is a lyrical tribute to the miracle of love, the grace it bestows on us, and its healing power. Originally recorded on his "Various Positions" album, and featured in Cohen's anthology, "Stranger Music", this poetic song is gloriously married to artwork by Henri Matisse, perhaps the greatest artist of the twentieth century. "I had this dance within me for a long time," Matisse once said in describing one of his murals. "Dance Me to the End of Love" is the perfect book for art lovers, song lovers, and all other lovers as well.
Bitter Lemon Press Havana Blue
Lieutenant Mario Conde is suffering from a terrible New Year's Eve hangover. Though it's the middle of a weekend, he is asked to urgently investigate the mysterious disappearance of Rafael Morin, a high-level business manager in the Cuban nomenklatura. Conde remembered Morin from their student days: good-looking, brilliant, a "reliable comrade'' who always got what he wanted, including Tamara the girl Conde was after. But Rafael Morin's exemplary rise from a poor barrio and picture perfect life hide more than one suspicious episode worthy of investigation. While pursuing the case in a decaying but adored Havana, Conde confronts his lost love for Tamara and the dreams and illusions of his generation.
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Flashing Steel, 25th Anniversary Memorial Edition: Mastering Eishin-Ryu Swordsmanship
Johns Hopkins University Press The New PhD: How to Build a Better Graduate Education
This book examines the failed graduate school reforms of the past and presents a plan for a practical and sustainable PhD.For too many students, today's PhD is a bridge to nowhere. Imagine an entering cohort of eight doctoral students. By current statistics, four of the eight—50%!—will not complete the degree. Of the other four, two will never secure full-time academic positions. The remaining pair will find full-time teaching jobs, likely at teaching-intensive institutions. And maybe, just maybe, one of them will garner a position at a research university like the one where those eight students began graduate school. But all eight members of that original group will be trained according to the needs of that single one of them who might snag a job at a research university. Graduate school has been preparing students for jobs that don't exist—and preparing them to want those jobs above all others. In The New PhD, Leonard Cassuto and Robert Weisbuch argue that universities need to ready graduate students for the jobs they will get, not just the academic ones. Connecting scholarly training to the vast array of career options open to graduates requires a PhD that looks outside the walls of the university, not one that turns inward—a PhD that doesn't narrow student minds but unlocks and broadens them practically as well as intellectually. Cassuto and Weisbuch document the growing movement for a student-centered, career-diverse graduate education, and they highlight some of the most promising innovations that are taking place on campuses right now. They also review for the first time the myriad national reform efforts, sponsored by major players like Carnegie and Mellon, that took place between 1990 and 2010, look at why these attempts failed, and ask how we can do better this time around. A more humane and socially dynamic PhD experience, the authors assert, is possible. This new PhD reconceives of graduate education as a public good, not a hermetically sealed cloister—and it won't happen by itself. Throughout the book, Cassuto and Weisbuch offer specific examples of how graduate programs can work to:• reduce the time it takes students to earn a degree;• expand career opportunities after graduation;• encourage public scholarship;• create coherent curricula and rethink the dissertation;• attract a truly representative student cohort; and • provide the resources—financial, cultural, and emotional—that students need to successfully complete the program.The New PhD is a toolbox for practical change that will teach readers how to achieve consensus on goals, garner support, and turn talk to action. Speaking to all stakeholders in graduate education—faculty, administrators, and students—it promises that graduates can become change agents throughout our world. By fixing the PhD, we can benefit the entire educational system and the life of our society along with it.
Penguin Putnam Inc Halloween Mad Libs Junior: World's Greatest Word Game
McGraw-Hill Education Management Lessons from Mayo Clinic: Inside One of the World's Most Admired Service Organizations
The leader’s guide to building a service powerhouse using the approach that made Mayo Clinic the #1 Hospital in AmericaMayo Clinic is among the best service organizations in the world. It fosters a culture that exceeds customer expectations and earns deep loyalty from both customers and employees. This classic business guide explains the methods behind Mayo Clinic’s success and delivers universal lessons to business leaders in any service organization. Management Lessons from Mayo Clinic provides a close examination of the operating principles guiding every management decision at this legendary institution. The authors explain how the Clinic implements and maintains its strategy, adheres to its management system, executes its care model, and embraces new knowledge. Each chapter concludes with a section titled “Lessons for Managers.”You’ll learn how to apply the Clinic’s winning methods to your own organization: business concepts that produce stellar results, effective organizational efficiency, and world-class interpersonal service.
British Library Publishing The Arsenal Stadium Mystery
Gribble's unique mystery, featuring the actual Arsenal squad of 1939, sends Inspector Anthony Slade into the world of professional football to investigate a case of deadly foul play on and off the pitch.
Les Belles Lettres Ma Vie Avec Virginia
Lev Gleason Publications Captain Canuck Vol 01: Aleph
Workman Publishing The Fruit Gardener's Bible: A Complete Guide to Growing Fruits and Nuts in the Home Garden
Aladdin Paperbacks Space Explorers: 25 Extraordinary Stories of Space Exploration and Adventure
Hal Leonard Corporation The Joy of Music
This classic work is perhaps Bernstein's finest collection of conversations on the meaning and wonder of music. This book is a must for all music fans who wish to experience music more fully and deeply through one of the most inspired and inspiring music intellects of our time. Employing the creative device of Imaginary Conversations in the first section of his book Bernstein illuminates the importance of the symphony in America the greatness of Beethoven and the art of composing. The book also includes a photo section and a third section with the transcripts from his televised Omnibus music series including Beethoven's Fifth Symphony The World of Jazz Introduction to Modern Music and What Makes Opera Grand.
Simon & Schuster The Playmaker's Advantage: How to Raise Your Mental Game to the Next Level
Discover the next frontier in sports training—improving your mental game, no matter your age or experience—and how to become the Playmaker, both in your professional and personal life.Coaches search for it. Parents dream of it. Fans love it. Athletes want it. The playmaker on any sports team possesses it: an elusive, intangible quality combining anticipation, perception, and decision-making skills. This quality raises their game above the competition and allows them to pass when no one else can, anticipate the movement of opponents, avoid costly mental mistakes, and ultimately, hold the team together. Now, for the first time, cognitive science research is revealing the secrets of the playmaker’s keen sense of awareness. Just as tests of speed, strength, and agility have provided a baseline of physiological biomarkers, coaches can now capture cognitive metrics including attention, pattern recognition, anticipation, and the ability to take quick, decisive action during the chaos of competition. The Playmaker’s Advantage is a groundbreaking book that will educate athletes of all ages about this essential creative capability in an accessible, easy to understand method.
Hal Leonard Corporation West Side Story E-Z Play
Imperfect Publishing Musings of a Curious Aesthete
Penguin Putnam Inc Luck of the Mad Libs: World's Greatest Word Game
Mad Libs is the world’s greatest word game and the perfect gift or activity for anyone who likes to laugh! Write in the missing words on each page to create your own hilariously funny stories all about the luck of the Irish!The only thing luckier than a four leaf clover is a NUMBER leaf clover! With 21 “fill-in-the-blank” stories about leprechauns, pots of gold, and horseshoes, Luck of the Mad Libs is the perfect St. Patrick's Day activity! Play alone, in a group, or at the end of a rainbow! Mad Libs are a fun family activity recommended for ages 8 to NUMBER.Luck of the Mad Libs includes:- Silly stories: 21 "fill-in-the-blank" stories all about the luck of the Irish!- Language arts practice: Mad Libs are a great way to build reading comprehension and grammar skills.- Fun with Friends: each story is a chance for friends to work together to create unique stories!
Penguin Putnam Inc Spy Mad Libs: World's Greatest Word Game
Penguin Putnam Inc Gobble Gobble Mad Libs: World's Greatest Word Game
Penguin Putnam Inc Mad About Animals Mad Libs: World's Greatest Word Game
Penguin Putnam Inc More Best of Mad Libs: World's Greatest Word Game
Penguin Putnam Inc Rock 'n' Roll Mad Libs: World's Greatest Word Game
Penguin Putnam Inc Straight "A" Mad Libs: World's Greatest Word Game
Random House USA Inc A Briefer History of Time: A Special Edition of the Science Classic
University of Washington Press False Witness
In the summer of 1948, with Cold War tensions rising, a young state legislator from Spokane, Washington, named Albert Canwell set out to combat the “communist menace” through a state version of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. University of Washington professor Melvin Rader was a victim of the Canwell Committee’s rush to judgment, but he fought back. False Witness tells of his struggle to clear his name. It is a testament of personal courage in the face of mass hysteria and a cautionary example of how basic freedoms can rapidly erode when the powers of the state are allowed to serve a rigid ideological agenda.
Panini Publishing Ltd Captain Britain And Mi13: Hell Comes To Birmingham
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Comprehensive Guide to Successful Conferences and Meetings: Detailed Instructions and Step-by-Step Checklists
Plan Your Meeting or Conference with Confidence From creating the program book to making special arrangements forVIPs, this celebrated resource contains all the guidance, tools andinspiration you need to organize, manage and conduct a trulyoutstanding meeting or conference. The detailed advice--fromauthors with more than fifty years of planning experience--can beapplied to most any type of gathering, from events for twenty-fiveto an extravaganza for thousands. A sampling of subjects includessite and function room selection, activity coordination,accommodating handicapped participants, public relations,audio/video equipment, booking entertainment, budgeting, andconducting evaluation and follow-up. Extensive checklists andcharts ensure total success.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Derrida
A Companion to Derrida is the most comprehensive single volume reference work on the thought of Jacques Derrida. Leading scholars present a summary of his most important accomplishments across a broad range of subjects, and offer new assessments of these achievements. The most comprehensive single volume reference work on the thought of Jacques Derrida, with contributions from highly prominent Derrida scholars Unique focus on three major philosophical themes of metaphysics and epistemology; ethics, religion, and politics; and art and literature Introduces the reader to the positions Derrida took in various areas of philosophy, as well as clarifying how derrideans interpret them in the present Contributions present not only a summary of Derrida’s most important accomplishments in relation to a wide range of disciplines, but also a new assessment of these accomplishments Offers a greater understanding of how Derrida’s work has fared since his death
New York University Press A World Fit for People: Thinkers From Many Countries Address the Political, Economic, and Social Problems of Our Time
A World Fit for People examines what impact the many dramatic worldwide changespolitical, economic, social, culturalare having on the lives of people all over the world. A collaborative effort of more than fifty thinkers from countries throughout the world, this remarkable book contains a range of specific proposals intended to convert threats to opportunities and fears to hopes, in order to foster an environment of peace, prosperity, and social harmony. Part One examines political aspects of changing systems and the links between democracy, development, and the market economy, addressing such issues as rising regionalism, "The West and the Rest," northern policies and southern responses, and the global role of transition countries. Part Two focuses on economic aspects of systemic change. Topics include the role of markets and governments in a free market economy, the plight of developing countries, conditions for aid, and the collapsing vision of global development. The roles of women and family, ethnic conflict, and religion and, more generally, the human, social, cultural, and ecological aspects of change, are considered in Part Three. The contributors advocate a respect for human rights and ethnic and religious diversity as a means of ensuring a pluralistic society. Part Four, which pays special attention to countries trying to overcome the legacy of "the old order," is devoted to such issues as the integration of underdeveloped countries into the global order; the privatization process; trade and payments reforms; and the risks of rapid transformation. A World Fit for People will serve as a useful guide to international economists, diplomats, political scientists, and students of international affairs.
Penguin Putnam Inc Christmas Fun Mad Libs: Deluxe Stocking Stuffer Edition
Mad Libs is the world’s greatest word game and the perfect gift for anyone who likes to laugh! Write in the missing words on each page to create your own hilariously funny stories all about Christmas past, present and future! Our Christmas Fun Mad Libs: Deluxe Stocking Stuffer Edition will fill your holidays with peace and NOUN! With 21 “fill-in-the-blank” stories, this deluxe edition of Christmas Fun Mad Libs features a festive, full-color interior and bright and shiny red and green foil on the cover. It's the perfect stocking stuffer for kids and adults who can't get enough Christmas fun! Play alone, in a group or while wrapping presents! Mad Libs are a fun family activity recommended for ages 8 to NUMBER.Christmas Fun Mad Libs: Deluxe Stocking Stuffer Edition includes:- Silly stories: 21 "fill-in-the-blank" stories all about the most wonderful time of the year!- Language arts practice: Mad Libs are a great way to build reading comprehension and grammar skills.- Fun With Friends: each story is a chance for friends to work together to create unique stories!
Manchester University Press The Role of Terrorism in Twenty-First-Century Warfare
This book presents a critical reflection on the major armed conflicts that occurred during the 1990s and the first decade of the twenty-first century. Conflicts in Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria all involved the use of terrorism by one or more groups. Looking to the future, the book asks what this means for violent conflicts yet to come?Using a variety of case studies, the authors provide a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the role played by terrorism as a stand-alone tactic as well as one used to ignite broad-scale conflict. They also pose the question on what occasions does terrorism tend to occur as an armed conflict begins to subside, and when, in other words, is it a trailing indicator?
Protea Boekhuis 'n Digter in Antwerpen
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Infection and Malignancy in Rheumatic Diseases, An Issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America: Volume 43-1
This issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics will include articles such as: Vaccines and Biologics- efficacy and toxicity; Improving Vaccine administration in Practice; HCV and rheumatology; HBV reactivation and rheumatic disease; Herpes zoster in rheumatic diseases; Opportunistic infections in biologic therapy, risk and prevention; and many more!