Search results for ""Springer""
Springer Nonlinear FokkerPlanck Flows and their Probabilistic Counterparts
- Introduction.- Existence of nonlinear FokkerPlanck flows.- Time dependent FokkerPlanck equations.- Convergence to equilibrium of nonlinear FokkerPlanck flows.- Markov processes associated with nonlinear FokkerPlanck equations.- Appendix.
Springer Rodent Quality Control Genes and Bugs
Chapter 1 Genetically standardized laboratory rodents.- Chapter 2 Genetically altered rodents.- Chapter 3 Standard nomenclature of mouse and rat Strains.- Chapter 4 Genetic quality controls for inbred strains and outbred stocks.- Chapter 5 Genetic quality controls for genetically altered rodents.- Chapter 6 Cryopreservation of valuable mouse and rat lines.- Chapter 7 Health monitoring programs and international standards.- Chapter 8 Statistical aspects of health monitoring in rodents.- Chapter 9 Viruses and viral diagnostics.- Chapter 10 Bacteria and Bacterial Diagnostics.- Chapter 11 Parasites and parasitic diagnostics.- Chapter 12 Laboratory animal pathology in relation to spontaneous infections.
Springer Artificial Intelligence with and for Learning Sciences. Past Present and Future Horizons
Designing a Collaborative Safety Training Experience in Virtual Reality.- Data-Efficient Student Profiling in Online Courses.- Understanding Practices, Needs and Challenges of Lifelong Learning Digitalization.- Exploring AI in Videogames: An Application to the Didactic Paradigm "the Virtual Class".- Generative Artificial Intelligence to Improve the Learning of Test-Driven Development.- Reflections on the implications of artificial intelligence in inclusive education.- Peek the Edu-Metaverse: from an Educational Framework to the AI Challenges for Biometrics.- Toward the Deployment of a Chatbot to Augment Computer Science Education.- Breaking Barriers in the Metaverse: An Exploration of Accessibility for Users with Disabilities.- BitStory-An Immersive Serious Game for Computer Science Education.- ProjectCoding-Applied Game for Learning Java.- The impact of music and metaverse on education: results of a scoping review.- Teachers' perceptions and opinions on e_ective learning through th
Springer Muslim Women between Community and Individual Rights
Introduction and Background.- Theoretically Contextualising the Project.- Contextualising Legal Pluralism.- South Africa's History of Colonialism and Apartheid.- Locating Islam in South Africa: History of Mosques and Muslim Organisations.- Compromising Legislation Upholding the Patriarchy.- Social Context of Women's Experiences.- The Collusion of the Patriarchs.- Muslim Personal Law and the State: Legal Pluralism and Its Discontents.
Springer Orthopedic Board and FRCS Examination
Part I. Basic science.- Chapter 1. Applied Basic Science.- Part II . Trauma.- Chapter 2. Upper Extremity Trauma.- Chapter 3. Pelvic and Lower Extremity Trauma.- Part III . Adult Pathology.- Chapter 4. Hip.- Chapter 5. Knee.- Chapter 6. Shoulder and Elbow.- Chapter 7. Spine.- Chapter 8. Foot and Ankle.- Part IV . Hand & Paediatrics.- Chapter 9. Hand.- Chapter 10. Paediatrics.- Part V. Miscellaneous.- Chapter 11. Miscellaneous.
Springer Dao Companion to Chinas fa Tradition
Introduction.- The fa Tradition in Chinese Philosophy.- Part I: Major texts and thinkers.- 1. The Book of Lord Shang: The Ideology of the Total State.- 2. Shen Buhai's Theory of fa.- 3. Morality in the Shenzi ?? Fragments.- 4. Han Feizi: The World Driven by Self-Interest.- 5. The Concept of fa in Guanzi and its Evolution.- 6. The Ideology of Chao Cuo.- Part II: Major Ideas of the fa Traditions.- 7. Rule by Impersonal Standards in the Early Empire: Ideas and Realities.- 8. Fa and the Early Legal System.- 9. Two Perspectives on the Fa Tradition: Politics versus the Rule of Impartial Standards.- 10. Human Motivation in the fa Tradition.- 11. The ruler in fa-based Government.- 12. The Historiography of Political Realism.- 13. The Ruler's New Tools:&
Springer 10 Nursing Interventions for Family Caregivers
Who is the Family Caregiver?.- When the Family Caregiver Knows Best.- Caregiver Burnout is Real.- Family Caregiving 101.- Family Caregiver Stress in Critical Care.- Unique Needs of Family Caregiver Immigrants.- Teaching Family Caregiver Care for the Patient with COPD.- When Care Goes Wrong.- Teaching to Speak Up.- Teaching Family Caregivers about Cancer Treatments.- Managing Symptoms During End-of-Life Care.- The Dying Process.- Keeping Family Caregiver Self-Care at the Forefront.- Rural Family Caregiving: When Resources are Scarce.- Family Caregiver Support with Advance Care Planning.- The Move from Home to Alternative Living.- Family Caregiver Cancer Care.- Family Caregiver Veteran Care.- Family Caregiver Dementia Care.- Markers of Successful Family Caregiver Self-Care.- C.A.R.E Program and Family Caregivers.- Caring for Your Loved One with Mental Illness.- Seek Out the Te
Springer Supply Chain Management
1. Developing the concept of supply chain management.- 2. Supply chain structure.- 3. Supply chain infrastructure.- 4. Interconnectedness in supply.- 5. Supply chain resilience to global crises.- 6. Supply chain management policy.- 8. Future identity of supply chain management.
Springer Emerging and Reemerging Infections in Travellers
1. Filovirus Disease.- 2. Crimean Congo Haemorrhagic fever.- 3. Dengue.-4. Chikungunya.- 5. Yellow fever.- 6. West Nile Virus infection.- 7. Zika virus.- 8. Alkhumra haemorrhagic fever.- 9. Emerging and re-emerging infections in travellers rift valley fever in travellers.-10. Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome.- 11. Middle East respiratory syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV).- 12. Influenza in travellers.- 13. Viral Hepatitis.- 14. Meningococcal disease.- 15. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.- 16. Malaria in travelers, diagnosis and management.- 17. Emergence and spread of resistant microorganisms, related to travel.- 18. Mass gathering and infectious diseases.- 19. Health tourism and infectious diseases.- 20. Advice for humanitarian aid workers.- 21. Approach to fever in the returning traveller.- 22. Preparedness and Response for Emerging Infectious Diseases.
Springer Intervention nach häuslicher Gewalt
Wenn die Gewalt aufhört: Verschiedene Beziehungen und verschiedene Formen von Gewalt in der Familie - Leben mit Gewalt in der Familie: Retrospektive Erinnerung an die Kindheitserfahrungen von Frauen.- Wie man helfen kann, die Gewalt zu beenden: Anwendung einer Sicherheitsmethodik über die gesamte Lebensspanne.- Paaren helfen, sich sicher zu trennen: Auf dem Weg zu sicheren Trennungen.- Heilung und Reparatur in Beziehungen: Therapeutische Arbeit mit Paaren.- Systemische Arbeit mit Eltern, Kindern und erwachsenen Überlebenden, wenn der Missbrauch aufhört.- Arbeit im Territorium: Erfahrungen von Therapeuten bei der Arbeit mit gewalttätigem Verhalten in Paaren und Familien.- Supervision und Beratung von Therapeuten, die mit Familien und Trauma intervenieren.- Prävention und Frühintervention bei Gewalt und Missbrauch in Familien.
Springer Cardiovascular Medicine
Introduction: Cardiac Signs and Symptoms, and Selected Noninvasive Diagnostic Methods.- Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult.- Valvular Heart Disease.- Coronary Artery Disease.- Basic Aspects of Myocardial Function, Growth, and Development.- Myocardial Disease.- Pericardial Disease.- Vascular Disease.- Electrical Disturbances of the Heart.- Cardiac Effects of Systemic Disorders, Pregnancy, Aging, and Environmental Changes.- Surgery and the Heart.- The Genetic Basis for Cardiovascular Disease.- Preventive Cardiology.
Springer AJCC Cancer Staging Atlas
-Purposes and Principles of Cancer Staging.- Cancer Survival Analysis.- Lip and Oral Cavity.- Pharynx.- Larynx.- Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses.- Major Salivary Glands (Parotid, Submandibular, and Sublingual).- Thyroid.- Mucosal Melanoma of the Head and Neck.- Esophagus and Esophagogastric Junction.- Stomach.- Small Intestine.- Appendix.- Colon and Rectum.- Anus.- Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor.- Neuroendocrine Tumors.- Liver.- Intrahepatic Bile Ducts.- Gallbladder.- Perihilar Bile Ducts.- Distal Bile Duct.- Ampulla of Vater.- Exocrine and Endocrine Pancreas.- Lung.- Pleural Mesothelioma.- Bone.- Soft Tissue Sarcoma.- Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Other Cutaneous Carcinomas.- Merkel Cell Carcinoma.- Melanoma of the Skin.- Breast.- Vulva.- Vagina.- Cervix Uteri.- Corpus Uteri.- Ovary and Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma.- Fallopian Tube.- Gestational Trophoblastic Tumors.- Penis.- Prostate.- Testis.- Kidney.- Renal Pelvis and Ureter.- Urinary Bladder.- Urethra.- Adrenal.- Hod
Springer The Dynamic Sun: Proceedings of the Summerschool and Workshop held at the Solar Observatory, Kanzelhöhe, Kärnten, Austria, August 30-September 10, 1999
Our Sun is the nearest star and thus an ideal laboratory to study dynamic processes which are related to solar terrestrial physics. The topics addressed in this book cover solar MHD and generation of acoustic waves, as well as physical parameters that are suited to describing solar activity and could serve as proxies for space weather forecasting. The influence of solar activity (radiation and solar wind) on telecommunication systems, satellite missions etc. is also discussed. In short, contribution reports are given on various topics in solar physics. The book covers solar physics from the photosphere to space weather influences. The intended level of readership is aimed at students working in this or related fields, professionals, and astronomers who wish to acquire some basic knowledge in the field of solar terrestrial relations, which is provided in the review articles.
Springer System of Negotiations: Game Theory and Behavioral Economics in Procurement – the Guide for Professionals
This book presents criteria and recommendations for successful negotiations. The System of Negotiations, which was developed on a scientific basis for this purpose, clearly illustrates the most important steps, tools and applications. By using game theory and behavioral economics, the success of negotiations in purchasing can be systematically maximized. At the same time, transparency and fairness offer a high level of acceptance among negotiating partners. To this end, numerous practical examples are used to show how contracts can be awarded in the event of competition between suppliers, and how various auction formats and differentiated communication can be used to achieve optimal savings potential. Also for situations where the supplier is a monopolist, ways are described to avoid being at the mercy of pricing power.
Springer New Trends and Platforms for Quantum Technologies
Introduction to Quantum Circuits.- From Majorana to Andreev Qubits and Back.- Superconducting Quantum Bits.- Introduction to Entanglement and Non-Locality Theory in Many-Body Systems.
Springer Communication Principles for Data Science
Preface.- Acknowledgements.- Part 1. Communication over the Gaussian channel.- Chapter 1.Overview of the book.- Chapter 2. A statistical model for additive noise channels.- Chapter 3. Additive Gaussian noise model.- Problem Set 1.- Chapter 4. Optimal receiver: maximum A Posteriori (MAP) principle.- Chapter 5. Analysis of error probability.- Chapter 6. Multiple bits transmission via pulse amplitude modulation.- Problem Set 2.- Chapter 7. Multi-shot communication.- Chapter 8. Repetition coding.- Chapter 9: Capacity of the additive white Gaussian noise channel.- Problem Set 3.- Part 2. Communication over inter-symbol interference (ISI) channels.- Chapter 10. Signal conversion from discrete to continuous time (1/2).- Chapter 11. Signal conversion from discrete to continuous time (2/2).- Chapter 12. Optimal receiver architecture.- Problem Set 4.- Chapter 13. Optimal receiver in ISI channels: maximum likelihood (ML) sequence detection.- Chapter&nb
Springer Algorithms for Satellite Orbital Dynamics
Preface.- Introduction.- Chapter 1 Selection and Conversions of Coordinate System.- Chapter 2 Complete Solutions of the two-body Problem.- Chapter 3 Analytical methods of structural solutions for a perturbed satellite orbit.- Chapter 4 Non-singular point analytical solutions for a perturbed Earth's satellite orbit by extrapolation.- Chapter 5 Design of satellite orbit and lifespan estimation.- Chapter 6 Orbital solutions of satellites of the Moon and major planets.- Chapter 7 Orbits in the restricted three-body problem and calculation methods.- Chapter 8 Numerical methods for satellite orbit extrapolation.- Chapter 9 Formulation of orbit determination and calculation of initial orbit.- Chapter 10 Determination of precession orbit.- Appendix.
Springer Methodenlehre und Statistik: Einführung in Datenerhebung, deskriptive Statistik und Inferenzstatistik
Das Buch bietet eine einfache und verständliche Einführung in die grundlegende Vorgehensweise der Datenerhebung in Psychologie und Sozialwissenschaften sowie in die statistische Darstellung und Analyse der erhobenen Daten. Es orientiert sich dabei am generellen Erkenntnisprozess in der Wissenschaft und verdeutlicht anhand dieses Prozesses die einzelnen Schritte von der Forschungsfrage zur wissenschaftlich fundierten Antwort. Nach einer Darstellung der unterschiedlichen Methoden der Datenerhebung werden die wichtigsten Möglichkeiten zur Aufbereitung und Visualisierung der Daten in Tabellen, Abbildungen und Kennwerten vorgestellt. Anschließend werden die zentralen Fragen und Testverfahren der Inferenzstatistik vorgestellt, die die Verallgemeinerung von Studienergebnissen auf die Population erlauben.
Springer Carbon Nanostructured Materials
Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes from Products of Hydrocarbons Conversion by CVD Method.- Design of Modern Equipment for Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials.- Production Technology and Application of Materials Based on Thermally Expanded Graphite.
Springer Enterprise Risk Management Models
Enterprise Risk Management in Supply Chains.- Risk Matrices.- Value-Focused Supply Chain Risk Analysis.- Examples of Supply Chain Decisions Trading Off Criteria.- Simulation of Supply Chain Risk.- Value at Risk Models.- Chance Constrained Models.- Data Envelopment Analysis in Enterprise Risk Management.- Balanced Scorecards to Measure Enterprise Risk Performance.- Information Systems Security Risk.- Enterprise Risk Management in Projects.- Natural Disaster Risk Management.- Sustainability Risk Management.- Environmental Damage and Risk Assessment.
Springer The Path to Sustainable Corporate Management
This book shows how managers at all levels of the company can master the challenges of sustainable corporate management with confidence.
Springer What a Coincidence!: On Unpredictability, Complexity and the Nature of Time
How does chance enter our world? And why is so much not predictable?In an understandable, exciting and amusing narrative, the author takes us into the world of chemistry, quantum physics and biology. Touching on astronomy and philosophy, we witness a rewarding journey of discovery. In the process, he develops a completely new view of chance based on the laws of nature. Here, the omnipresent non-equilibrium plays an extremely decisive role, because it generates the complex structures in our world. Finally, on this basis, he presents an equally simple and captivating hypothesis on the nature of time.This non-fiction book provides a deep insight into the fascination of research, the agonizing search for fundamental understanding, and the struggle for scientific knowledge.
Springer Cloud Computing
Introduction.- Foundations of Cloud Computing.- Cloud Computing Pyramid.- Features of Private and Public Clouds.- Cloud Workload Characterization.- Cloud Management and Monitoring.- Cloud Computing and Information Security.- Migrating to Cloud.- Migrating a Complex Industry to Cloud.- Cost and Billing practices in Cloud.- Analytics in the Cloud.- Future Trends in Cloud Computing.- A Quick Test of Your Cloud fundamentals Grasp.- Hands-on project to use Cloud Service Provider.- Appendix A: Points to Ponder.- Appendix B: Additional Considerations for Cloud Computing.- Appendix C: Suggested List of Additional Cloud Projects.Appendix A: Points to Ponder.- Appendix B: Additional Considerations for Cloud Computing.- Appendix C: Suggested List of Additional Cloud Projects.Appendix A: Points to Ponder.- Appendix B: Additional Considerations for Cloud Computing.- Appendix C: Suggested List of Additional Cloud Projects.Appendix A: Points to Ponder.- Appendix B: Additional C
Springer Atlas of Ocular Optical Coherence Tomography
Foreword.- Introduction.- Age related macular degeneration (ARMD) .- Diabetic retinopathy and retinal vascular diseases.- Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR).- Epiretinal membrane, macular hole and vitreomacular traction (VMT) syndrome..- Optic disc anomalies .- Ocular tumors.- Pathologic Myopia.- Hereditary disease.- Uveitis and intraocular inflammation.- Anterior segment OCT.
Springer Tantalum and NiobiumBased Capacitors
Introduction.- Chap1: Major Degradation Mechanisms.- Chap2: Basic Technology.- Chap3: Applications.- Conclusion.
Springer Fundamentals of Multimedia
Part I: Introduction and Multimedia Data Representations.- Introduction to Multimedia.- A Taste of Multimedia.- Graphics and Image Data Representations.- Color in Image and Video.- Fundamental Concepts in Video.- Basics of Digital Audio.- Part II: Multimedia Data Compression.- Lossless Compression Algorithms.- Lossy Compression Algorithms.- Image Compression Standards.- Basic Video Compression Techniques.- MPEG Video Coding: MPEG-1, 2, 4 and 7.- New Video Coding Standards: H.264 and H.265.- Basic Audio Compression Techniques.- MPEG Audio Compression.- Part III: Multimedia Communications and Networking.- Network Services and Protocols for Multimedia Communications.- Internet Multimedia Content Distribution.- Multimedia over Wireless and Mobile Networks.- Part IV: Multimedia Information Sharing and Retrieval.- Social Media Sharing.- Cloud Computing for Multimedia Services.- Content-Based Retrieval in Digital Libraries.
Springer Epilepsy Surgery A Practical CaseBased Approach
Epilepsy Surgery Evaluation.- Dominant, lesional mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.- Non-dominant, Lesional Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.- Non-dominant, Non-lesional Mesial Temporal Epilepsy.- Dominant, Lesional Temporal Pole Epilepsy.- Non-dominant, Lesional Neocortical Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.- Dominant, Lesional Post-Traumatic Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.- Non-dominant Tumor-related Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.- Non-dominant Temporal Lobe Epilepsy due to Dual Pathology.- Non-dominant, Lesional Frontal Lobe Epilepsy Involving the Prefrontal Cortex.- Non-dominant Lesional Parieto-occipital Epilepsy.- Rasmussen's Encephalitis and Focal Cortical Dysplasia.- Non-dominant, Non-lesional insular epilepsy.- Hypothalamic Hamartoma.- .Non-dominant, Lesional Frontal Lobe Epilepsy Masquerading as Generalized Epilepsy.- Non-dominant Lesional Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.- Non-dominant Lesional Frontal and Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.- Multifocal Epilepsy and Non-dominant Cingulate Lesion.- Multifocal Epilepsy and Non-dom
Springer Psychology of Communication
1. Definitions1.1 What is communication?1.2 What is communication competency? 1.3 What is communication psychology?1.4 Summary and book recommendationsReferences 2. Classical communication models2.1 An overview on models of communication2.2 Communication model by Shannon and Weaver2.3 Communication model by Schulz von Thun2.4 Maxim of communication by Grice2.5 Rules for successful communication by Rogers2.6 Communication model by Watzlawick2.7 Summary and book recommendations1.1&
Springer Management of Political Risks: Fundamentals and Tools for Executives and Entrepreneurs
Political risks are on the rise. The recent past has been characterized by a dominance of geopolitical risks, which have the potential to endanger companies, entire sectors, and even national economies. Furthermore, the expanding regulatory framework, growing national debt, and other factors contribute to the escalation of political risks. The book offers a comprehensive and proven approach to identify and manage such risks. In addition to avoiding and mitigating risks, there is an opportunity to cultivate competitive advantages in navigating these challenges. Throughout the book, three fictional companies—a chemical corporation, an electricity producer, and a commodity trader—accompany the reader and demonstrate how the provided tools can be applied in practical scenarios.
Springer Economics of Higher Education: Background, Concepts, and Applications
This book examines the many ways in which economic concepts, theories and models can be used to examine issues in higher education. The topics explored in the book include how students make college-going decisions, the payoffs to students and society from going to college, markets for higher education services, demand and supply in markets for higher education, why and how state and federal governments intervene in higher education markets, college and university revenues and expenditures, how institutions use net-pricing strategies and non-price product-differentiation strategies to pursue their goals and to compete in higher education markets, as well as issues related to faculty labor markets. The book is written for both economists and non-economists who study higher education issues and provides readers with background information and thorough explanations and illustrations of key economic concepts. In addition to reviewing the contributions economists have made to the study of higher education, it also examines recent research in each of the major topical areas. The book is policy-focused and each chapter analyses how contemporary higher education policies affect the behaviour of students, faculty and/or institutions of higher education. "Toutkoushian and Paulsen attempted a daunting task: to write a book on the economics of higher education for non-economists that is also useful to economists. A book that could be used for reference and as a textbook for higher education classes in economics, finance, and policy. They accomplish this tough balancing act with stunning success in a large volume that will serve as the go-to place for anyone interested in the history and current thinking on the economics of higher education.” William E. Becker, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Economics, Indiana University
Springer Morphology and Evolution of Turtles
This volume celebrates the contributions of Dr. Eugene Gaffney to the study of turtles, through a diverse and complementary collection of papers that showcases the latest research on one of the most intriguing groups of reptiles. A mix of focused and review papers deals with numerous aspects of the evolutionary history of turtles, including embryonic development, origins, early diversification, phylogenetic relationships, and biogeography. Moreover it includes reports on important but poorly understood fossil turtle assemblages, provides historical perspectives on turtle research, and documents disease and variation in turtles. With its broad scope, which includes descriptions of material and new taxa from Australia, Asia, and Europe, as well as North and South America, this work will be an essential resource for anyone interested in the morphology and evolution of turtles. “This volume’s breadth of time, geography, and taxonomic coverage makes it a major contribution to the field and a ‘must have’ for all vertebrate paleontologists.”, James F. Parham, California State University, CA, USA “A comprehensive and sweeping overview of turtle evolution by the top experts in the field that will interest everyone curious about these unique reptiles.” Jason S. Anderson, University of Calgary, Canada “An invaluable addition to the literature that covers the full spectrum of approaches toward understanding the evolution of these noble creatures.” Ann C. Burke, Wesleyan University, CT , USA “A truly comprehensive volume that both the student of fossil turtles, as well as the general reader interested in these enigmatic creatures, will find fascinating.” Tyler Lyson, Yale University, CT, USA
Springer Ethical Issues in Prison Psychiatry
Recent surveys demonstrate a high and possibly increasing prevalence of mental disorders in prisoners. They have an increased risk of suffering from a mental disorder that transcends countries and diagnoses. Ethical dilemmas in prison psychiatry arise from resource allocation and include issues of patient choice and autonomy in an inherently coercive environment. Ethical conflicts may arise from the dual role of forensic psychiatrists giving raise to tensions between patient care/protection of the public.This book describes models and ethical issues of psychiatric healthcare in prison in several countries. Relevant issues are: the professional medical role of a psychiatrist and/or psychotherapist working in prison, the involvement of psychiatrists in disciplinary or coercive measures; consent to treatment, the use of coercion in forcing a prisoner to undergo treatment, hunger strike, confidentiality. The book ends with consensus guidelines concerning good practice in Prison Psychiatry.
Springer The Forgotten Subject: Subject Constitutions in Mediatized Everyday Worlds
The volume provides a critical inventory of existing concepts of the subject in communication studies research. In addition, concepts are developed in order to be able to analyze subjectivity in the context of current theoretical debates (including media sociology, cultural studies, psychoanalysis, practice theory, science and technology studies) as well as social, cultural and technical developments (including digitalization, mediatization, mobility and networking). Since subject conceptions are of central importance for any communication and media analyses, the volume fills a central gap in communication and media studies.
Springer Multisensory Design of Retail Environments: Vision, Sound, and Scent
Online retailers have gained massive popularity in recent years, plunging large parts of brick-and-mortar retail into an existential crisis. In order to survive in times of growing online retail, brick-and-mortar retailers must become aware of their unique potential to address non-digitizable consumer needs and transform retail environments into places of experience and discovery. A key building block for achieving this aim lies in the creation of sensory experiences that motivate consumers to enter and linger in stationary retail environments.But how? To answer this question, this volume provides insights into the latest research results from sensory marketing on vision, sound, and scent. The authors describe the sometimes surprising effects of sensory cues on consumer behavior and provide clear recommendations for marketing practice. Readers of this book have access to videos via a dedicated app: simply download the SN More Media app free of charge, scan a link with the play button and immediately play the video on your smartphone or tablet.
Springer Mathematics for Computer Scientists: A Practice-Oriented Approach
This textbook contains the mathematics needed to study computer science in application-oriented computer science courses. The content is based on the author's many years of teaching experience.The translation of the original German 7th edition Mathematik für Informatiker by Peter Hartmann was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.Textbook Features You will always find applications to computer science in this book. Not only will you learn mathematical methods, you will gain insights into the ways of mathematical thinking to form a foundation for understanding computer science. Proofs are given when they help you learn something, not for the sake of proving. Mathematics is initially a necessary evil for many students. The author explains in each lesson how students can apply what they have learned by giving many real world examples, and by constantly cross-referencing math and computer science. Students will see how math is not only useful, but can be interesting and sometimes fun.The Content Sets, logic, number theory, algebraic structures, cryptography, vector spaces, matrices, linear equations and mappings, eigenvalues, graph theory. Sequences and series, continuous functions, differential and integral calculus, differential equations, numerics. Probability theory and statistics. The Target AudiencesStudents in all computer science-related coursework, and independent learners.
Springer Rail Vehicle Technology
This textbook covers the theoretical principles and technology of railway and tramway vehicles. In addition to the legal principles, driving resistances, drives, brakes, running dynamics and running gears as well as the supporting structures and superstructures are dealt with. Great importance is attached to clear illustrations and numerous examples. With the help of this book, even engineers and railway enthusiasts from other disciplines can successfully familiarize themselves with the field of railway vehicle technology. The present edition has been revised and supplemented by the chapter "Engineering in rail vehicle construction".
Springer Machine Tools Production Systems 3: Mechatronic Systems, Control and Automation
The first part of this third volume focuses on the design of mechatronic components, in particular the feed drives of machine tools used to generate highly dynamic drive movements. Engineering guides for the selection and design of important machine components, the control technology of feed drives, and the measuring systems required for position capture are presented. Another focus is on process and diagnostic equipment for manufacturing machines and systems. The second part describes control concepts including programming methods for various applications of modern production systems. Programmable logic controllers (PLC), numerical controllers (NC) and robot controllers (RC) are part of these presentations. In the context of automated manufacturing systems, the various levels of the automation pyramid and the importance of control systems are also outlined. Finally, the volume deals with the engineering of machines and plants. The German Machine Tools and Production Systems Compendium has been completely revised. The previous five-volume series has been condensed into three volumes in the new ninth edition with colored technical illustrations throughout. This first English edition is a translation of the German ninth edition.
Springer An Introduction to Agroforestry
Agroforestry has come of age during the past fifteen years. During this period, activities and interest in agroforestry education and training have increased tremendously, as in other aspects of agroforestry development. Today, agroforestry is taught at the senior undergraduate and postgraduate levels in many institutions around the world, either as a separate subject or as a part of the regular curricula of agriculture, forestry, ecology, and other related programs. Although several books on the subject have been published during the past few years, there is still no single publication that is recognized as a textbook. This book is an effort to make up for this deficiency. The need for such a book became obvious to me when I was faced with the task of teaching a graduate-level course in agroforestry at the University of Florida five years ago. Subsequently, the Second International Workshop on Professional Education and Training held here at the University of Florida in December 1988 recommended that the preparation of an introductory textbook be undertaken as a priority activity for supporting agroforestry education world-wide. The various educational and training courses that I have been involved in, and my interactions with several instructors and students of agroforestry in different parts of the world, further motivated me into this venture.
Springer Die Preisbildung im deutschen wissenschaftlichen Antiquariatsbuchhandel
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Springer Lean Management: Introduction and In-Depth Study of Japanese Management Philosophy
This book shows the basics, methods and principles of lean process design in production as well as in other areas such as development, engineering and administration. In addition, it serves as a reference work for practical use. Questions have been developed for each topic area for process analysis. These can be used for self-reflection and benchmarking. Numerous examples, a continuous fictitious industry case as well as learning objectives and exercises with solutions for each chapter supplement the explanations and enable optimal exam preparation.This book is a translation of the original German 2nd edition Lean Management by Frank Bertagnolli, published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2020. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.
Springer Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook Texts and Monographs in Physics
Introduction to knowledge discovery in databases.- Part I Preprocessing methods.- Data cleansing.- Handling missing attribute values.- Geometric methods for feature extraction and dimensional reduction.- Dimension Reduction and feature selection.- Discretization methods.- outlier detection.- Part II Supervised methods.- Introduction to supervised methods.- Decision trees.- Bayesian networks.- Data mining within a regression framework.- Support vector machines.- Rule induction.- Part III Unsupervised methods.- Visualization and data mining for high dimensional datasets.- Clustering methods.- Association rules.- Frequent set mining.- Constraint-based data mining.- Link analysis.- Part IV Soft computing methods.- Evolutionary algorithms for data mining.- Reinforcement-learning: an overview from a data mining perspective.- Neural networks.- On the use of fuzzy logic in data mining.- Granular computing and rough sets.- Part V Supporting methods.- Statistical methods for data mining.- Logics
Springer Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology
Assessment strategies.- Behavioral syndromes and disorders.- Biographies of leading professionals in the field.- Care systems.- Diagnosis and diagnostic labels.- Educational and vocational issues.- Accommodations. - Forensic issues.- General issues.- Imaging modalities and techniques.- -Medical issues.- Medications.- Movement disorders.- Neurological disorders and injuries.- Neurological syndromes.- Professional issues.- Rehabilitation interventions.- Test batteries.- Tests and assessment tools.
Springer Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology
Springer Frauenpower
Du bist, was du denkst: Die Macht der Gedanken.- Wecke die Visionärin in dir.- Stärken-Management Stärken stärken.- Beruf kommt von Berufung.
Springer The Method of Newton’s Polyhedron in the Theory of Partial Differential Equations
One service mathematics has rendered the 'Et moi, ..., si j'avait su comment cn rcvenir, human race. It has put common sense back. je n'y serais point aile.' where it bdongs, on the topmost shelf neAt Jules Verne to the dusty canister labelled 'discarded non* sense'. The series is divergent; therefore we may be Eric T. Bdl able to do something with it. O. Heaviside Mathematics is a tool for thought. A highly necessary tool in a world where both feedback and non- linearities abound. Similarly, all kinds of parts of mathematics serve as tools for other parts and for other sciences. Applying a simple rewriting rule to the quote on the right above one finds such statements as: 'One service topology has rendered mathematical physics ...'; 'One service logic has rendered com- puter science .. :; 'One service category theory has rendered mathematics ...'. All a,rguably true. And all statements obtainable this way form part of the raison d'etre of this series.
Springer Novel Defence Functional and Engineering Materials NDFEM Volume 1
Chapter 1: Polymer Materials for Defence & Aerospace Applications.- Chapter 2: Functional Polymers for Defence Applications.- Chapter 3: 0D, 1D, 2D & 3D Nano Materials: Synthesis and Applications.- Chapter 4: A New Frontier in Functional Fluids: Nano Lubricating and Thermally Conducting Fluids.- Chapter 5: Electrically, Magnetically and Strain Field Assisted Smart / Functional Nano Fluids.- Chapter 6: Polymer Precursors for High Technology Applications.- Chapter 7: Precursor Materials for Semiconductor Thin Films.- Chapter 8: Functional Paints and Coatings.- Chapter 9: Hydrogels: A Unique Class of Soft Materials.- Chapter 10: Ionic Liquids: New Functional Fluids as Lubricants.