Search results for ""JOVIS Verlag""
JOVIS Verlag Infrastructures of Freedom: Public Light and Everynight Life on a Southern City's Margins
Infrastructures of Freedom sheds light on the impact of inadequate public lighting in self-built communities in Cape Town. In democratic South Africa, where infrastructure provision still reflects deeply embedded notions of citizenship, informal neighborhoods with minimal infrastructure provision face challenges beyond access to basic services and opportunities. Fear, the feeling of being forgotten, and living in undignified conditions are among the powerful experiences darkness brings about in these neighborhoods. The book not only reveals these experiences of everynight life, but takes a step further: it considers how the co-production of a solar public lighting project within a community improved everynight life and suggests ways for infrastructure to more successfully articulate citizenship. With a foreword by Christian Schmid and Sophie Oldfield
JOVIS Verlag Best High-Rises 2022/23: Internationaler Hochhaus Preis 2022 / The International High-Rise Award 2022
Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) / Bilingual edition (English/German) Lieferkettenprobleme und Arbeitskräftemangel aufgrund der COVID-19-Pandemie sorgen für einen anhaltenden weltweiten Fertigstellungsrückgang. Trotz dieser Herausforderungen wurden in den letzten beiden Jahren über 1000 Hochhäuser mit einer Mindesthöhe von 100 Metern errichtet, jedes dritte davon in China. Best High-Rises 2022/23 präsentiert 34 der spannendsten kürzlich fertiggestellten Hochhausprojekte, die sich weltweit durch Design, Nachhaltigkeit, Energie- und Kosteneffizienz sowie nutzer*innenfreundliche Gestaltung auszeichnen. Jedes dieser Projekte wird umfassend anhand von Fotos und Plänen vorgestellt. Der Internationale Hochhaus Preis wird alle zwei Jahre vergeben. Zu den bisherigen Gewinner*innen zählen u. a. OMA (2020), Benjamín Romano (2018), BIG (2016), Stefano Boeri (2014), Ingenhoven Architects (2012), WOHA (2010) und Foster and Partners (2008).
JOVIS Verlag Women in Architecture Berlin: Facetten weiblicher Baukultur
Frauen in der Architektur sicht- und hörbar zu machen, ihnen eine Bühne zu geben, ihre Leistungen zu zeigen – das war das Anliegen des Women in Architecture Berlin Festivals 2021. Institutionen, Verbände und Initiativen im Bereich der Baukultur waren aufgefordert teilzunehmen. 70 Jahre nach dem Tod von Emilie Winkelmann, der ersten erfolgreichen deutschen Architektin, sollte Bilanz gezogen werden: Wer sind die starken Frauen von heute? Werden sie wahrgenommen? Wie steht es um die Gleichstellung in der Baukultur und den Umbau des Berufsbildes? Die Publikation zeigt auf, was Institutionen aus Politik, Lehre und Wirtschaft, was Chef*innen und Mitarbeiter*innen, Hochschulleiter*innen und Professor*innen tun können oder schon getan haben, damit es vorangeht auf der Baustelle Gleichstellung.
JOVIS Verlag Handbuch der Stadtbaukunst: Anleitung zum Entwurf von städtischen Räumen
Das Handbuch der Stadtbaukunst vermittelt grundlegendes Wissen für den städtebaulichen Entwurf. Stadträume, Hofräume, Platzräume und Straßenräume werden anhand von 150 Beispielen aus über 70 deutschen Städten maßstäblich dargestellt, analysiert und verglichen. Das vierbändige Werk dokumentiert eindrucksvoll die in der Leipzig-Charta beschriebenen Qualitäten der europäischen Stadt: Schönheit und Dauerhaftigkeit, Nutzungsmischung, soziale Vielfalt, Dichte und die Trennung in öffentliche und private Räume. Herausgeber Christoph Mäckler knüpft an die Lehrbücher von Cornelius Gurlitt, Raymond Unwin und Josef Stübben aus dem frühen 20. Jahrhundert an und liefert eine fundierte Anleitung zum Bauwerk Stadt. Mit Beiträgen von Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, Christoph Mäckler, Werner Oechslin, Alexander Pellnitz, Jan Pieper, Birgit Roth, Mirjam Schmidt, Wolfgang Sonne, Jürg Sulzer und Anne Pfeil sowie Thomas Will
JOVIS Verlag Retail in Transition: Verkaufswelten im Umbruch
Digital technology, new business models, demographic and cultural change, and now the Corona pandemic are shaking up the traditional model of brick-and-mortar retail. All these developments have a profound impact on our cities and urban life. The next chapter of our social development is being determined and formed in the city centers and their shopping streets. How will cities deal with the imminent desolation of their centers? What is driving people into or out of downtown areas? What answers can architecture come up with in response? In this context, caspar.esearch produced a critical study aimed at gaining a better understanding of the rapid changes taking place, particularly in the German retail sector.
JOVIS Verlag Das Berliner Zimmer: Geschichte, Typologie, Nutzungsaneignung
Das Berliner Zimmer ist seit jeher Zumutung und Angebot zugleich: dunkel, schwer zu beheizen, ohne klar definierte Funktion. Ein Raum, der zur kreativen Aneignung einlädt, der geliebt und gehasst wird – aber bisher kaum erforscht wurde. Jan Herres leistet in diesem Buch Pionierarbeit. Er zeigt auf, wie das Berliner Zimmer ab dem 18. Jahrhundert entstand und warum es bis heute Eingang in den Berliner Wohnungsbau findet. Die architekturgeschichtliche Beschreibung wird durch Fallstudien und Bildstrecken zu heutigen Formen der Nutzung und Möblierung ergänzt. Durch die Erfassung von Grundrissen, Größen und Wohnpraktiken liegt mit Das Berliner Zimmer. Geschichte, Typologie, Nutzungsaneignung die erste Anthologie des Berliner Zimmers vor, die zugleich ein Plädoyer dafür ist, Wohnarchitektur nutzungsoffen und wandelbar für künftige Anforderungen zu planen.
JOVIS Verlag Post-pandemic Urbanism
Working from home, online shopping, undertourism: the disruptive upheavals caused by the COVID-19 pandemic challenge architecture and urban planning. New spaces for action are opening up, but are they being utilized? From dividing traffic space fairly to urban food policies, from new places for work and recreation to the question on how communities can be oriented towards the common good: Post-pandemic Urbanism envisions a near future and discusses how cities and their transformative power can help to handle this current crisis and those to come.
JOVIS Verlag Architekturpreis des Landes Steiermark 2021: To Open Spaces – Entgrenzung von Raum und Zeit
Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) / Bilingual edition (English/German) Das mit dem Architekturpreis des Landes Steiermark 2021 ausgezeichnete Graz Museum Schlossberg von studio WG3 arbeitet mit der Idee der Auflösung von Raumgrenzen: Aus einer in sich geschlossenen ehemaligen Festung ist durch die transformierende Wirkung der Architektur ein offener Raum und Ort der kulturellen Teilhabe entstanden. Mauern, die das Areal über Jahrhunderte umschlossen haben, wurden geöffnet. Entstanden sind fließende, ineinander übergehende Sequenzen von Innen- und Außenräumen, spielerische Rauminterventionen und Orte der Kommunikation. Die Publikation stellt das ausgezeichnete Projekt umfassend vor und beleuchtet dabei vor allem den Entstehungsprozess mit den beteiligten Planungspartner*innen. Ergänzend werden die drei mit einer Anerkennung gewürdigten Projekte präsentiert: das Hotel KAI 36 von LAM ARCHITEKTUR STUDIO, die Volksschule Leopoldinum – SmartCity von alexa zahn architekten sowie das Gebäudeensemble Schneebauer Geschwister von KUESS Architektur
JOVIS Verlag Landschaftlichkeit als Architekturidee
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) The concept of landscape-ness is gaining increasing importance in architecture not least due to the rising threat of climate change. Based on international examples, Margitta Buchert analyzes the potential of architecture for dealing with contemporary challenges, including socio-cultural transformations and questions of lifeworld orientations within the tensions of global networking and local exposure—between natural space and urban space. Which architectural understandings and characteristics flow into architecture and urban projects by introducing the concept of landscape-ness? Which spatial articulating qualities are emphasized? And what sensibilities and capacities are enriched? Dimensions of landscape as nature—however, shaped and reshaped by humans—are in focus, as well as the connection between aesthetics, architecture, ecology, and the city.
JOVIS Verlag 100+: Neue Perspektiven auf die Bauhaus-Rezeption Mit einem Vorwort von Ines Weizman
100+ präsentiert neue Zugänge zur Geschichte und Bedeutung des Bauhauses: Das Jahr 1919 wird zum Ausgangspunkt einer mikrohistorischen Betrachtung der globalen Verflechtungen der Institution sowie bisher verdrängter Stimmen insbesondere queerer Protagonist*innen. Die Avantgarde wird in ihrem Widerspruch zwischen Fortschrittsglauben und dem Anspruch auf eine überzeitliche Gültigkeit beleuchtet. Ein Blick auf die radikalen Manifeste und Positionen der Bauhäusler*innen zur Gestaltung der Lebenswelt eröffnet neue Perspektiven, etwa auf deren Verhältnis zu staatlicher Intervention und der Wirkmacht privatwirtschaftlicher Interessen. Auf Basis dieser Überlegungen werden die soziotechnologischen Utopien des Bauhauses in all ihrer Ambivalenz auf ihre Nachhaltigkeit für die architektonischen, gesellschaftlichen und politischen Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts geprüft.
JOVIS Verlag MigraTouriSpace: Raummigration und Tourismus
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) MigraTouriSpace is an artistic examination of travelling as an approach to the phenomena of migration and tourism, and of the many ways in which they overlap. Understanding that when people travel they also take with them spaces and images means that tourism no longer inevitably refers to the vacation as an exceptional state. Brought back home, the tourist’s gaze has long operated to shape everyday life.For three years, artist Stefanie Bürkle and her interdisciplinary team travelled between Berlin and South Korea, photographing and filming. The result of this research is an atlas of images, with places such as the Vietnamese wholesale market Dong Xuan Center in Berlin Lichtenberg and the German Village, Dogil Maeul, in South Korea, that demonstrates the tension between a migration of culturally coded spatial contexts and post-touristic practices. With a preface by Martina Löw
JOVIS Verlag Archaeology of Modernism: Preservation Bauhaus Dessau
The Bauhaus Building in Dessau, designed by Walter Gropius in 1926, represents a "built manifesto of Bauhaus ideas" and is one of modernism’s most important buildings. Together with the associated Masters’ Houses (Meisterhäuser), the Houses with Balcony Access (Laubenganghäuser) in Dessau, and Bauhaus buildings in Weimar and Bernau, it is included in UNESCO’s World Heritage List. The book focuses on strategies for preserving the Bauhaus Building. It presents the building—and its eventful history—from its construction to its destruction, rebuilding, and restoration. Using texts, photographs, and numerous blueprints, the book provides a detailed exploration of specific aspects of the architecture—such as the building’s outer shell, materials, construction, color scheme, and surfaces—and the long-term preservation concept for the site. In doing so, it proposes structural measures aimed at adapting the building to today’s challenges and at conserving the building with its historic and artistic characteristics. Archaeology of Modernism. Preservation Bauhaus Dessau is the revised and expanded edition of Archaeology of Modernism. Renovation Bauhaus Dessau, which was published by JOVIS as Volume 23 of the EDITION BAUHAUS series in 2006. This new edition is presented as Volume 58.
JOVIS Verlag Archäologie der Moderne: Denkmalpflege Bauhaus Dessau
The Bauhaus Building in Dessau, designed by Walter Gropius in 1926, represents a "built manifesto of Bauhaus ideas" and is one of modernism’s most important buildings. Together with the associated Masters’ Houses (Meisterhäuser), the Houses with Balcony Access (Laubenganghäuser) in Dessau, and Bauhaus buildings in Weimar and Bernau, it is included in UNESCO’s World Heritage List. The book focuses on strategies for preserving the Bauhaus Building. It presents the building—and its eventful history—from its construction to its destruction, rebuilding, and restoration. Using texts, photographs, and numerous blueprints, the book provides a detailed exploration of specific aspects of the architecture—such as the building’s outer shell, materials, construction, color scheme, and surfaces—and the long-term preservation concept for the site. In doing so, it proposes structural measures aimed at adapting the building to today’s challenges and at conserving the building with its historic and artistic characteristics. Archaeology of Modernism. Preservation Bauhaus Dessau is the revised and expanded edition of Archaeology of Modernism. Renovation Bauhaus Dessau, which was published by JOVIS as Volume 23 of the EDITION BAUHAUS series in 2006. This new edition is presented as Volume 58.
JOVIS Verlag Die urbane Leere: Neue disziplinäre Perspektiven auf Transformationsprozesse in Europa und Lateinamerika
Economic, ecological, and social crises not only become manifest as interruptions in societal development, but also as spatial phenomena. A key example of these are urban wastelands such as abandoned factory sites, large-scale unoccupied residential buildings, and unused spaces at street level. They are the visible results of urban change, highlighting challenges for disciplines such as architecture and urban design.This book explores urban transformation using the concept of urban voids. Wastelands hold manifold possibilities for urban development, as it is here that the strategies of planners meet the collective and self-managed tactics employed by local residents. The author analyses case studies from Latin America in order to open up future angles for space-shaping disciplines in Europe.
JOVIS Verlag Wood. Rethinking Material
Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) / Bilingual edition (English/German) Als organisches Baumaterial erfährt Holz in Zeiten der Klimakrise eine besondere Wertschätzung. Eingebunden in umweltschonende Ressourcenkreisläufe zeigt sich seine Innovationskraft, wenn es als Material Bestandteil neuer technologischer Entwicklungen und hybrider Verwendungen wird, die aktuellen und komplexen architektonischen Aufgaben gewachsen sind. Das neue Denken des Materials Holz als hochmodernem und veränderlichem Baustoff der Zukunft hat gerade erst begonnen.GAM. 17 nimmt Holz in seiner Vielschichtigkeit und seinem architektonischen Potenzial neu in den Blick und stellt dabei konstruktive und gestalterische Konzepte vor, die die Möglichkeiten des Materials für eine klimafreundlichere Bauwirtschaft ausloten. Ergänzt wird dies durch einen Rückblick in die Geschichte des Holzbaus und seine ideologischen Verstrickungen, die die Weiterentwicklung des Baustoffs lange erschwert haben. Mit Beiträgen von Reyner Banham, Urs Hirschberg, Anne Isopp, Jens Ludloff, Laila Seewang, Stephan Trüby, Anselm Wagner und anderen
JOVIS Verlag 2000 Jahre Wohnen in Wien: Vom keltischen Oppidum bis zum Wohnquartier der Zukunft. Wohnen als Sozialgeschichte
The history of housing can also be told as the (cultural) history of a city—from its agricultural settlement by the Celts to the social housing of the present. Within this dual history, political and economic developments as well as social norms came to be reflected in forms of housing that, at the end of the twentieth century, increasingly drew critique. Under the influence of international developments, this has led to the diversity characterizing society and housing construction today.In this book, Wolfgang Förster—initiator of the International Building Exhibition Vienna—New Social Housing—explores how the sociocultural history of a city can be told through the development of housing.
JOVIS Verlag The Essence of Berlin-Tegel: Taking Stock of an Airport's Architecture
Tegel Airport, opened in 1974 in West Berlin, was not only finished under budget and on time but today also remains an impressive work of art. For their design of the terminal, the architects chose the figure of a large hexagon with edges of 120 metres. A sophisticated use of space created an 'airport of short distances', with as little as 28 metres between the doors of the cars and the aircraft. Peter Ortner's photographs capture his uniquely personal view of the airport complex - the details so familiar to anyone who has travelled through or waited inside Tegel. Text in English and German.
JOVIS Verlag Tokyo: An Urban Portrait: Looking at a Megacity Region Through its Differences
Tokyo's seemingly endless sea of buildings has grown incrementally over the past centuries, leading to an urban condition that is both coherent and contradictory at the same time. The understanding of Tokyo as a continuous and interdependent urban complex is a much-neglected perspective in previous readings of the city. An attachment to the land, strong civic commitment, and a deep appreciation of the immaterial has produced a nested megastructure of smaller communities. These places have all evolved in a related way, briefly and temporarily disrupted by earthquakes and a devastating war. Over time, a set of distinct urban patterns emerged through centralisation processes, the "manshon urbanisation", the relocation of various types of manufacturing, and other developments. What might appear homogeneous in composition and rhythm is in fact a configuration of distinctly different spaces, created by the routines of everyday life that make the district of Shinjuku different from Shimokitazawa or Kitamoto. This book not only provides the first comprehensive reading of the many urbanisation processes shaping Tokyo today, but also seeks an entirely new approach for looking at megacity regions: through their differences, and the way those differences are produced in the course of everyday life.
JOVIS Verlag Architectures of Science: The Berlin Universities and Their Development in Urban Space
In Berlin, science, architecture, and the city are interwoven in a unique way: what was originally a single palace in the historic centre gradually developed to become a comprehensive academic landscape, in which three large universities today shape the city. Taking multiple perspectives onboard, this architectural guide asks how the growth of Berlin as a metropolis has been linked to the development of science and how its various disciplines have been able to realise their demands for buildings to carry out research and teaching and to hold scientific collections. In five chapters, the authors guide readers through various locations in Mitte, Charlottenburg, Dahlem, Adlershof, and Buch and show how questions about the representation and functionality of buildings, their conversion, or even their relocation to the outskirts of the city were reconciled with the expansion of infrastructure and contemporary ideas about urban planning. The book's critical and detailed look at the architectures of science, the genesis of which it traces over more than two centuries, sheds new light on Berlin's university landscape. At the same time, it allows readers to rediscover the political and social zeitgeist in the buildings of science. In cooperation with Gabriele Metzler (concept) and Konrad Angermüller (design) and with additional contributions by Nils Exner and Sascha Morawe.
JOVIS Verlag Digital City Science. Researching New Technologies in Urban Environments
How will science and technology shape future cities—and how do cities shape science and technology in return? Who are the actors behind these processes? Driven by a transdisciplinary approach, Perspectives in Metropolitan Research 6 elaborates on the intertwinements of science, technology, and cities. The contributors discuss recent theoretical approaches at the interfaces between digitalization and cities and define their own role as a researcher. What are the assumptions that guide our view while researching? What does it mean to work in a transdisciplinary environment with a focus on the future of cities? In sum, this edition offers an overview of current perspectives on the Digital City. It is conceptualized as a forum for academic exchange on different methods, methodologies, measurements, and materials; on theories, treasures, toys, and tools; on power, prestige, problems, and perfection of/in Digital City Science.
JOVIS Verlag Architectural Policy in Finland: Architecture as Civic Education
Finland is the undisputed pioneer in architectural education. In 1998, it was one of the first countries in Europe to develop an official architectural policy, whose declared aim it was to more systematically integrate architecture into the educational system, teacher training programs at universities, and adult education. In her field study, Turit Fröbe spoke with various experts to get a picture just how successful this internationally acclaimed Finnish architectural policy is being perceived. Has it succeeded in anchoring architectural education in the education system? What conditions did this require? What structures were created to do so? And is it possible to derive recommendations from Finnish experience for countries such as Germany? Also available in German: ISBN: 978-3-86859-617-5
JOVIS Verlag Urban Design Methods
Urban Design Methods is a manual for reconciling contemporary approaches with increasingly complex demands in the shaping of urban living spaces. Architects and landscape architects, as well as city, regional, and landscape planners, often find that they are unable to do modern projects justice with their specialist skills alone. Cooperative approaches are needed to deal with both the complexity of raising questions and the growing number of affected parties who need to be involved. Urban design—understood as an inter- and transdisciplinary field at the interface of architecture, city and regional planning, landscape architecture, sociology, and the diverse stakeholders involved in any project—requires a compendium of adaptable methods to dissolve the boundaries between theory and praxis and between natural and social systems. For the first time, this book collects a broad spectrum of methods intended to support urban designers in deciphering the contexts in which they work, and help them attain a greater individual professional understanding. It clearly outlines the range of challenges and the constantly evolving areas of activity.
JOVIS Verlag Layers of Time in the Urban Landscape: Visions of Socialist Urbanity in Mitrovica
Mitrovica is a divided city. The bridge separating the Serb north and the Albanian south is a symbolic site in the ongoing ethno-political dispute over Kosovo. Beneath the ethnic division and post-conflict reconstruction, however, lies the fascinating heritage of the city’s rapid industrial and urban development under the ideological premises of socialist Yugoslavia.This book is a unique cooperative endeavor at the intersection of photography and history, aiming to document the overlaps in the socialist and post-conflict transformations of the city of Mitrovica. It powerfully demonstrates that the material remnants of the socialist metamorphosis of the city are more than passive leftovers of a lost age. Rather, they continue to give meaning to post-socialist, post-industrial, and post-conflict socio-spatial configurations in Mitrovica.
JOVIS Verlag Inter Actions
An exploration of the elements in architecture which shape the design of living environments.
JOVIS Verlag The Botanical City
Roadside 'weeds' and other routinely overlooked aspects of urban nature provide a fascinating glimpse into the complex global ecologies and new cultures of nature emerging across the world. This unique collection of essays explores the botanical dimensions of urban space, ranging from scientific efforts to understand the distinctive dynamics of urban flora to the way spontaneous vegetation has inspired artists and writers. The book comprises five thematic sections: histories and taxonomies, botanising the asphalt, the art of urban flora, experiments in non-design, and cartographic imaginations. The essays explore developments in Berlin, London, Lahore, and many other cities, as well as more philosophical reflections on the meaning of urban nature under the putative shift to the Anthropocene.
JOVIS Verlag Die immer Neue Altstadt / Forever New: Frankfurt’s Old Town: Bauen zwischen Dom und Römer seit 1900 / Building between Dom and Römer since 1900
Die Frankfurter Altstadt zwischen Dom und Römer weist wie kein anderes Areal der Stadt eine spannungsreiche und politisch hoch aufgeladene Baugeschichte auf: Angefangen mit dem Einzug der Moderne, als die neuen Verkehrsmittel Straßendurchbrüche durch die kleinteilige Bebauung der Altstadt erforderten, dem Siedlungsbau zur Zeit des Neuen Frankfurt bis zur nahezu vollständigen Zerstörung im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Die modernen Wiederaufbauplanungen in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren waren geprägt von Auseinandersetzungen darüber, ob die Architektur rekonstruiert oder modern wiederaufgebaut werden solle. In den 1970er Jahren baute Frankfurt auf dem Römerberg das Technische Rathaus und das Historische Museum im Stil des Brutalismus, in den 1980er Jahren folgten postmoderne Bauten und Rekonstruktionen. Seit 2013 werden nach dem Abriss des Technischen Rathauses weitere große Teile der historischen Altstadt neu errichtet. Dieses Buch erzählt die städtebaulichen Entwicklungen der Frankfurter Altstadt anhand exemplarischer Bauten und Bauprojekte. Dabei ermöglichen Blicke auf vergleichbare städtebauliche Entwicklungen in Deutschland und Europa eine Einordnung der spezifischen Frankfurter Situation. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der Debatte um das Für und Wider von Altstadtrekonstruktionen sowie deren Instrumentalisierung für Identität und Tradition.
JOVIS Verlag Public Spaces
The book Public Spaces - What for? Wozu? Pourquoi? presents essays and discussions about the significance of one's own design aspirations for the planning of public spaces. It contains detailed descriptions of the Trammplatz in Hanover and the Platz der Funf Kontinente in Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, with contributions by Stefan Schostok, the senior mayor of the regional capital Hanover, as well as Uwe Bodemann, the Head of Municipal Planning in Hanover, and Vera Spautz, the mayoress of Esch-sur-Alzette, along with Luc Everling, the urban architect from Esch, Doerte Eggert-Heerdegen, and Kamel Louafi.
JOVIS Verlag Understanding Color: Hear Green, Think Yellow
There is hardly anything that determines how we view the world to the same extent as color. It differentiates, organizes, and structures our surroundings. Color is a medium that has a strong influence on our feelings, whilst being perceived quite differently and rarely altogether consciously. Context, general seeing patterns, and subjective criteria play a decisive role in the perception and evaluation of color. What does this mean in terms of how we handle color as a design element? How can one learn to apply such an inconsistent medium in a more targeted manner and what must one take into consideration in the process? This book invites you to explore views on color and one’s own color spectrum, aiming to promote design competence through a conscious approach to color. Practical exercises and pictorial analyses help one to gain an understanding of this medium that is difficult to grasp, but omnipresent. Pointers with regard to the interplay of color, interpretation, and spatial experience question our habitual ways of seeing, provide insight into one’s own perceptual architecture, and make seeing a dynamic process.
JOVIS Verlag Vietnamesische Nationalversammlung in Hanoi
Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) / Bilingual edition (English/German) Was ist „vietnamesische Baukultur“? Eine Frage, die nicht leicht zu beantworten ist in einem Land, das bis 1976 geteilt war und dessen Architektur durch die Kolonialmächte Frankreich und Japan geprägt wurde. gmp gibt mit dem Neubau der Vietnamesischen Nationalversammlung in Hanoi eine Antwort. Das Gebäude verbindet Vergangenheit und Zukunft Vietnams, indem die wichtige Landestradition von Symbolen und Zeichen aufgegriffen und modern interpretiert wird. Dabei stehen die Grundformen Kreis (Himmel) und Quadrat (Erde) im Vordergrund. In diesem Band stellen die verantwortlichen Architekten das mit dem Vietnamesischen Nationalpreis für Architektur ausgezeichnete Gebäude anhand von Plänen, Bildern und Texten anschaulich und detailliert vor.
JOVIS Verlag Fernweh: A Travelling Curators' Project
What is the role of travel in art? The need for distance, new places, and experiences? What is the relationship between visitor and host? What is remote in the age of globalization? These were only some of the questions explored by eight curators from Europe and the Americas during the train travelling symposium Fernweh across rural Scotland. During their journeys they visited villages, towns, and art venues around the country to investigate the relationship between place, hospitality, collaboration, distance, and the urban-rural, as well as other matters. “At the core of Fernweh is a longing for an undefined, perhaps transcendent freedom, but one that may lead to critical reflection, both on oneself and also on one’s surroundings that will also return to the question of community.” (Simon Ward)
JOVIS Verlag Qingdao Grand Theater in China
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) The Grand Theater Qingdao lies in the Laoshan district of the harbor city at a newly created park that stretches from the sea to the foot of the Laoshan mountains. The objective of the design was to translate the landscape and the elements into the language of architecture, creating a unique ensemble in harmony with the genius loci, or the spirit of the place. The building rises up out of the landscape like a mountain massif, while a “floating” cloudlike roof surrounds it. This publication shows the significance of this “stage of urban life” in the historical context of China’s opera and concert houses. Texts by the architecture critic Christian Brensing and photos by the architecture photographer Christian Gahl present the building in detail.
JOVIS Verlag Florian Thomas
JOVIS Verlag Suburban Constellations
In a world of cities, suburbanisation is the most visible and pervasive phenomenon. Twenty-two of the most well-known global urban scholars analyse the multiple manifestations of suburbanisation and suburbanism.
JOVIS Verlag Is There (Anti-)Neoliberal Architecture?
Over the last three decades neoliberal ideology has irreversibly changed our political and economic reality. But what—if any—relationship exists between neoliberalism and our built environment? Is There (Anti-)Neoliberal Architecture? seeks to complement the prevailingly geographical and sociological approaches to neoliberalism by (re)addressing the subject from the specific perspective of architectural theory. The articles collected in the volume focus on various dimensions of the contemporary architecture-system including: architectural practice, disciplinary status, discourse, exemplary projects, theoretical concepts etc. The result offers a multifaceted picture of architecture in the era of neoliberalism and its crisis. Contributions by Ole Fischer, Maria S. Giudici, Rixt Hoekstra, Tahl Kaminer, Ana Llorente, Olaf Pfeifer, Andreas Rumpfhuber, Ana Jeinić, Oliver Ziegenhardt, and
JOVIS Verlag Smart City in Practice
Smart Cities are being discussed all around the world. Information and communication technology is being implemented to contribute to solving current and future social challenges within cities. This book shows how a Smart City was actually developed over five years, as a Public-Private Partnership between Deutsche Telekom and the city of Friedrichshafen. The aim of the project was to enhance the quality of life of the citizens, to increase the locational advantages for businesses and to raise the level of interconnection in the urban society. The idea was put into practice over a five-year period and was accompanied by social-scientific research. The authors reveal the impact and purpose of the project, which provides a concrete contribution to the worldwide debate about Smart Cities.
JOVIS Verlag Die Stadtstraße
City streets form the backbone of public spaces. In addition to serve mobility, they provide opportunities for shopping, entertainment, strolling, and much more. They are urban spaces shaped and characterized by the facades of buildings. In the face of today's climatic requirements, how can we design the city streets of the future to be distinctive and inviting urban spaces? For over a decade, the Konferenz zur Schönheit und Lebensfähigkeit der Stadt has dedicated itself to fundamental questions in urban development. The contributions in this volume present discussions from experts in both the theory and practice of a range of different disciplines, as well as from the heads of various German city planning departments, on how the functional and traffic needs of city streets can be combined with their architectural, urban design, and ecological requirements. Discusses the challenges and opportunities offered by urban streets Brings together contributions by renowned experts from bot
JOVIS Verlag Bauhaus Dessau: Architektur – Gestaltung – Idee
Das Bauhaus Dessau, von Walter Gropius entworfen und von 1925 bis 1932 Sitz der „Hochschule für Gestaltung Bauhaus Dessau”, zieht jährlich rund 80.000 Besucher aus dem In- und Ausland an, die auf der Suche nach den Wurzeln der gestalterischen Moderne des 20. Jahrhunderts sind. Nun liegt das erste Buch vor, in dem das UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe nach der umfassenden Sanierung vorgestellt wird. Bauhaus Dessau zeigt mit über 150 Farb- und Schwarzweißfotos die ganze architektonische und künstlerische Vielfalt und Qualität des Gebäudes. Der Band skizziert die Geschichte des Hauses, seine Funktionen und architektonischen Glieder sowie die von den Bauhäuslern selbst entworfene Innenausstattung. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf den Arbeiten und Produkten der Werkstätten, denn Architektur, Gestaltung und Idee des Bauhauses sind untrennbar miteinander verbunden. Bauhaus Dessau eignet sich als Begleiter beim Rundgang durch das Gebäude ebenso wie zum Nachschlagen einzelner Details.
JOVIS Verlag Kunst Haus Graz
Today, the Kunsthaus Graz is integral to the urban identity of Austria’s second-largest city. The “friendly alien” designed by architects Peter Cook and Colin Fournier has become a familiar object in the city since landing in 2003. But views on the building have changed with the times. Looking back at nearly twenty years of history since the building's creation, the book opens up a kaleidoscopic perspective with a primary focus on how the Kunsthaus is used. It contextualizes the Kunsthaus Graz both locally and globally while exploring its relation to those who use it. With written contributions by Barbara Steiner, Sophia Walk, Pablo von Frankenberg, Anselm Wagner, Katia Huemer, Niels Jonkhans, Elisabeth Schlögl, Peter Cook, and Colin Fournier, and photographic contributions by Arthur Zalewski and Martin Grabner
JOVIS Verlag Density, Architecture, and Territory: Five European Stories
Worldwide urbanization brings seemingly inescapable and uncontrollable forms of densification with it. Increasingly, cities are no longer defined by clearly visible borders. Instead they form open territories that are honeycombed with infrastructures and immaterial networks. This development requires a new understanding of density: density is not the product of piling square feet on top of one another, instead it is the result of vital connections between the different urban levels. Apart from a physical and economical dimension, density also has a social significance in particular, as a means of promoting and structuring human relations and therefore contributing to a good urban life.Density, Architecture, and Territory puts forward a model of density as a tool for sustainable urban development. Based on five European urban planning projects in Saintes, Utrecht, Copenhagen, Nantes, and Bregenz, various densification strategies are presented and analyzed. Discussions with the architect Kees Christiaanse, the philosopher Marc Armengaud, the landscape architect Henri Bava, and the economist Allain Sallez round off the publication.
JOVIS Verlag Slow Urban Planning: Tribsees’ Zukunft machen
Obwohl der öffentliche Raum im Osten Deutschlands nach der Wende aufwendig saniert wurde, leiden viele Kleinstädte und Dörfer unter Wegzug und Leerstand. So auch Tribsees in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, wo zurzeit 70 von 240 Häusern in der Innenstadt unbewohnt sind. Ein Team aus Künstler*innen und Student*innen rund um Ton Matton bespielte im Jahr 2020 einige dieser Häuser, um gemeinsam mit den Bewohner*innen Möglichkeiten und Konzepte für die Zukunft ihrer Stadt auszuloten: Mit viel Improvisation und nicht immer ganz im Rahmen des Gesetzes entstanden neue Erzählungen eines städtischen Miteinanders, das auf individueller Verantwortung, (Selbst-)Versorgung und lokaler Produktion basiert. Slow Urban Planning dokumentiert nicht nur das Projekt mit seinen künstlerischen Arbeiten, die etwa im Rahmen der Tribsees Centenniale entstanden. Es beleuchtet auch, wie stadtplanerische Prozesse gemeinhin verlaufen und wie Regelwerke angepasst werden könnten, um performative Prozesse besser zu integrieren.
JOVIS Verlag Asmara: Africa's Jewel of Modernity
Impressive photographs by Stefan Boness convey the unique atmosphere of Asmara as a living museum of modernity. Asmara, the capital of Eritrea, has one of the most extensive surviving ensembles of modernist architecture in the world. To this day, the influence of the former colonial power of Italy from the early 20th century remains visible. Many of the buildings, erected in the futuristic, expressionist, cubist or rationalistic style have been preserved and dominate the cityscape of Asmara. In 2017 UNESCO made the city a World Heritage Site in recognition of its outstanding modernist architecture. New, changed and revised edition of Asmara The Frozen City (2006). Text in English and German.