Search results for ""Exit""
Exit 100 fotógrafos europeos
Una nueva edición de la colección "100" de EXIT Publicaciones. Después de 100 Fotógrafos españoles, 100 Artistas latinoamericanos, 100 Artistas españoles y de 100 Videoartistas, repasamos la actualidad de la fotografía europea en un libro de referencia y que sin duda se convertirá en el vademécum de la fotografía europea esencial para expertos y aficionados. Hemos construido un atlas básico de la fotografía actual en Europa.La historia de la fotografía tiene en Europa uno de sus pilares más estables y consistentes. Desde los orígenes de este lenguaje, de esta herramienta que cambiaría tantas cosas con el paso del tiempo en el panorama del arte, en Europa se ha practicado e innovado su práctica. En este atlas básico de Europa, se ha procurado incluir a aquellos que han tenido un papel esencial en la fotografía de las últimas décadas, pero también a aquellos que aunque no hayan conseguido una gran visibilidad en otros lugares han sido esenciales para el desarrollo del lenguaje fotográ
Exit Palabra de artista 30 entrevistas con artistas españoles
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Exi(it) LibrisTodas las entrevistas que Rosa Olivares ha hecho con artistas españoles recopiladas, por primera vez en dos volúmenes. Conversaciones durante 30 años con los artistas que han construido el arte contemporáneo en España. Cada entrevista va precedida de un breve texto en el que se sitúa personal e históricamente el momento de la entrevista, la importancia del artista en aquella fecha, las razones y las relaciones con cada uno de ellos. Pintores, fotógrafos, escultores, nombres históricos y de proyección internacional, algunos posiblemente casi olvidados, todos y cada uno de ellos hablan de arte, de experiencia, de conocimiento y de nuestra propia historia. Un libro imprescindible para escuchar a los propios artistas. Palabra de artista es un homenaje al arte español y a los artistas españoles que han conseguido llevar adelante nuestro arte, que han construido el presente del arte español.
Exit Publicaciones Esther Ferrer maquetas y dibujos de instalaciones 19702011
Las instalaciones de Esther Ferrer (San Sebastián, 1937) son ideas, a veces ideas salvajes, a veces estructuradas, más o menos irónicas o dulces, casi siempre perfectas formalmente y, muchas veces, de difícil realización. Conocida como performer y artista conceptual, Premio Nacional de Artes Plásticas 2008, desarrolla una amplia producción de instalaciones desde la década de los 70. Una producción escasamente conocida ya que para su realización se precisan medios y espacios no siempre disponibles. Sin embargo Ferrer desarrolla estos proyectos detalladamente durante años a través de dibujos y maquetas artesanales realizadas por ella misma y posteriormente perfeccionadas por profesionales del oficio. En este libro se recopila y documenta por primera vez toda esta producción artística imposible de encontrar en ningún otro libro, publicación o archivo.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Market Maker's Edge: A Wall Street Insider Reveals How to: Time Entry and Exit Points for Minimum Risk, Maximum Profit; Combine Fundamental and Technical Analysis; Control Your Trading Environment Every Day, Every Trade
A market maker reveals how he: times entry and exit points for minimum risk, maximum profit; combines fundamental and technical analysis; and, controls his environment every day, with every trade! Hundreds of books, written from the buy-side viewpoint of the successful trader, promise day trading success. "The Market Maker's Edge" is the first book to turn the tables, working from the sell side to explain how the market maker routinely maintains the upper hand, seizing profits while controlling risk in today's volatile marketplace.Written by a Josh Lukeman - a Morgan Stanley Dean Witter market maker who has honed his skills for years - "The Market Maker's Edge" reveals: 4 signals for spotting - and profiting from - a developing trend; important risk control concepts every trader must know to protect against losses; advanced trading strategies based on recurring technical patterns; and, today's top market makers operate in intensely competitive atmosphere, with millions of dollars at stake. "The Market Maker's Edge" is today's only trading book written from inside the market maker's domain. Use it to open the door, and shed light on the trading tactics used by Wall Street's most powerful market making institutions.
Exit Publicaciones Museos y centros de arte contemporáneo en España
En las últimas tres décadas el mapa de museos y centros de arte contemporáneo en el estado español ha cambiado radicalmente. Desde una ausencia escandalosa de museos y centros que atendieran al arte de nuestros días hemos llegado, en los inicios del siglo XXI, a una abundancia tan exagerada como difícil de mantener. El ciclo de crecimiento se cierra con una crisis económica que amenaza a la supervivencia de muchos de estos centros y agita el mapa apenas dibujado de un país puesto al día en estructuras y contenidos artísticos. La primera publicación que reúne a estos centros y museos de arte contemporáneo en España acaba de salir a la venta. Un proyecto de Museology, realizado por Exit Publicaciones (Proyectos Utópicos, S.L.), con la colaboración del Ministerio de Cultura a través de su Dirección General de Bellas Artes. Más de dos años de trabajo de documentación, redacción y producción han sido necesarios para reunir una información dispersa y variable, en continuo movimiento, que por
Exit Publicaciones Pablo Genovés
Exit Publicaciones Gerardo Custance perímetro
Los paisajes del extrarradio de Madrid, previamente delimitados por el autor mediante una metodología de trabajo muy concreta, son el objeto de estudio de las imágenes de esta serie de Gerardo Custance. Su mirada, en palabras de Rosa Olivares, autora del ensayo encargado de contextualizar este proyecto del fotógrafo madrileño, se asemeja a la del cartógrafo. De hecho, al igual que el especialista en trazar mapas, Custance delimita primero el lugar, el área de estudio, el paisaje a representar. No obstante, y como siempre ocurre con la fotografía artística, su encuadre aporta algo más: la toma de conciencia de la pérdida y transformación de los espacios naturales de nuestro entorno más inmediato, unos espacios literalmente devorados por el incesante avance de las ciudades contemporáneas. Un cambio que no tiene nada de romántico ni de grandioso, pero que solamente mediante el objetivo del artista puede convertirse en algo más que en la crónica de una destrucción recurrente en nuestra cul
Exit Publicaciones 100 Latin American Artists
Exit Publicaciones 100 Spanish Artists
Exit Publicaciones 100 Spanish Photographers
Exit Editorial El chico de la maleta
No Exit Press Ufos
No Exit Press Bruce Lee
Thoroughly examines the films of Bruce Lee and explores some of the myths that surround them.
Exit 26 Publishing The Last Note
No Exit Press Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy
No Exit Press F Scott Fitzgerald
No Exit Press Charlie Kaufman And Hollywoods Merry Band Of Pranksters Fabulists And Dreamers
Analyzes and traces the origins of the pivotal films and directors in this undeclared war on the mundane by the American New Wave.
No Exit Press Felicitys Wedding oldcastle
It is Felicity''s wedding day - supposedly the happiest day of her life. Surrounded by the finest the city of Dublin and her doting father can offer, a perfect bridegroom at the church, Felicity wonders if she can go through with it. Will she? Should she? Could she? Her decision will cast ripples into lives far beyond her own. A warm and witty tale in which the ghosts of the past refuse to stay there and the power of love, in all its rich and varied guises, colours a sometimes painfully tangled web of familial relationships with all its hopes, expectations and regrets.
Springer Gabler Quick Guide Legal Best Practices für Gründerinnen
1. Geschäftsidee.- 2. Gründung.- 3. Finanzierung.- 4. Belegschaft.- 5. Geschäftsordnung für GF (insb: Zustimmungspflichtige Geschäfte).- 6. Investor Relations.- 7. Good Governance für Geschäftsführer:innen, etc.- 8. Hilfreiche Tools.- 9. Schutzrechte (Marken, Logos etc.).- 10. AGB.- 11. Websites.- 12. Exit der Gründer:innen.- 13. Worst Case Szenario / Exit-Strategie.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Globalised Minds, Roots in the City: Urban Upper-middle Classes in Europe
Globalised Minds, Roots in the City utilises empirical evidence from four European cities to explore the role of urban upper middle classes in the transformations experienced by contemporary European societies. Presents new empirical evidence collected through an original comparative research about professionals and managers in four European cities in three countries Features an innovative combination of approaches, methods, and techniques in its analyses of European post-national societies Reveals how segments of Europe’s urban population are adopting “exit” or “partial exit” strategies in respect to the nation state Utilises approaches from classic urban sociology, globalization and mobility studies, and spatial class analysis Includes in depth interviews, social networking techniques, and classic questions of political representation and values
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Globalised Minds, Roots in the City: Urban Upper-middle Classes in Europe
Globalised Minds, Roots in the City utilises empirical evidence from four European cities to explore the role of urban upper middle classes in the transformations experienced by contemporary European societies. Presents new empirical evidence collected through an original comparative research about professionals and managers in four European cities in three countries Features an innovative combination of approaches, methods, and techniques in its analyses of European post-national societies Reveals how segments of Europe’s urban population are adopting “exit” or “partial exit” strategies in respect to the nation state Utilises approaches from classic urban sociology, globalization and mobility studies, and spatial class analysis Includes in depth interviews, social networking techniques, and classic questions of political representation and values
Les set lleis espirituals de lxit
Aquest és un llibre que estimaràs per sempre. Entre les seves pàgines s?hi amaguen els secrets per fer realitat els teus somnis. Senzill i ambiciós alhora, conté l'essència dels ensenyaments de Deepak Chopra perquè puguis assolir l'èxit i el benestar en les diverses àrees de la teva vida.Sempre s?ha cregut que l?èxit és un procés que requereix treballar de valent, exigència i ambició, i sovint es creu que s?aconsegueix a costa dels altres. En canvi, l?autor assegura que l?èxit és l'habilitat de portar a terme els teus desitjos fàcilment i sense cap esforç. Només quan ets capaç d?entendre la teva veritable naturalesa i de viure en harmonia amb les lleis naturals que et governen, aconsegueixes tenir bona salut, relacions satisfactòries i abundància. Una perspectiva sobre l?assoliment de l?èxit que, sens dubte, et canviarà la vida.
Little, Brown & Company Baccano!, Vol. 13 (light novel)
The year 2002. The luxury cruise ship Entrance has been hijacked--and thanks to a mysterious cult, its sister ship Exit isn't faring much better. As the two ships race toward each other across the Pacific, what will happen when the two finally meet...?!
La versió de la flor
Qui va dir que després de la tempesta surt el sol quan hi pot haver un llampec?Torna el fenomen literari de més èxit del últims temps en una edició revisada per l'autora
Los 88 Peldaos de la Gente Feliz
Durante su brillante carrera como emprendedor, Anxo observó que existen una serie de claves -a las que se refiere como peldaños- que, correctamente asimiladas, se convierten en aceleradores del éxit. Este lirbo nos ofrece 88 nuevas claves para conseguir la felicidad y nos explica los secretos de la gente feliz.
Pearson Education Limited Market Leader 3rd edition Elementary Test File
The Market Leader Test File provides 6 photocopiable tests: New entry test Four new progress tests, linked closely to the Course Book New exit test Audio for the listening tests can be found on the and on the Test Master CD ROM, available in the Teachers Resource Book
THAMES & KOSMOS Mazescape Ariadne
Mazescape is a fascinating and intriguing game of labyrinths for one player that guarantees intense brain racking moments as you search for the exit. It is a game you can take anywhere and play time and time again to discover all the different nooks and crannies of the seven maps included.
THAMES & KOSMOS Mazescape Labyrinthos
Mazescape is a fascinating and intriguing game of labyrinths for one player that guarantees intense brain racking moments as you search for the exit. It is a game you can take anywhere and play time and time again to discover all the different nooks and crannies of the seven maps included.
Nyam nyam Marcelina
"Volia fer una sopadeliciosa per sopar".Marcelina ens dóna la recepta d'una sopa molt peculiar. En una casserola va tirant ingredients raríssims, és possible que tingui èxit i surti una sopa riquíssima? Podrà donar de sopar amb ella als seus amics?
Angle Editorial Cartes damor de la monja portuguesa
Les cinc cartes damor daquest volum van ser publicades per primera vegada lany 1669 a França amb un èxit rotund. Encara avui se segueixen llegint i publicant, tot i desconèixer si realment les va escriure o no la monja Mariana Alcoforado.Traduccio d'Anna Casassas. Epileg de Meri TorrasLa sensibilitat, plenament moderna, que transmeten aquestes cartes portugueses les converteix en un tractat sobre lamor. Escrites des de la desesperació i el desig, en un procès dautoconeixement, les cartes expressen, amb profunditat i intensitat, lessència més íntima de la naturalesa humana : lamor, aquell sentiment que tard o dhora sens contagia.Mariana AlcoforadoL?any 1669 va publicar-se a París un llibre amb el títol Cartes portugueses, amb les cinc cartes que suposadament havia escrit Mariana Alcoforado i que es presenten com una traducció. L?èxit va ser extraordinari. Arreu d?Europa es llegeixen i es tradueixen. Avui dia, però, es creu que van ser escrites pel comte Gabriel
Swift i Brainy Missi Egipte
La Swift i el Brainy et necessiten! La seva missió a Egipte és plena d?endevinalles, enigmes, jeroglífics i... perills! Els podràs ajudar a sortir sans i estalvis de la piràmide? Aconseguireu la medalla de Superraonadors?Desenvolupar des de molt jove les capacitats necessàries per superar amb èxit els problemes i les situacions complexes que es presenten en el nostre dia a dia és essencial. Aquest llibre posa en joc tot el necessari per desenvolupar aquestes capacitats i permetre que els nens superin amb èxit qualsevol tipus de dificultat, prosperin en la gestió dels seus propis recursos, millorin el seu rendiment acadèmic i augmentin la capacitat de raonament per aconseguir petits i grans èxits al llarg de la seva vida.La autora de el llibre, Carolina Laguna, és neuropsicòloga infantil i juvenil, llicenciada en Psicologia amb tres Màsters. És coordinadora del departament de Neuropsicologia a Psicólogos Pozuelo. Dirigeix diferents formacions per a psicòlegs i educadors, i és tutora d'a
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Beyond Brexit: Towards a British Constitution
Brexit means exit, but what exactly will we be leaving behind? Entry into the European Community in 1973 was a momentous event – one which had seismic effects on the politics and constitution of Britain. Brexit, while equally as momentous, has almost wholly been confined to discussions of economic consequence. But what will happen to the constitution? Beyond Brexit looks for the first time at the constitutional impact of Brexit and the consequences of Britain’s EU membership, raising the question of just how the United Kingdom is to be preserved. Vernon Bogdanor explores the ever-changing relationship between Britain and the European Union from the original concept of European unity to 21st century Euroscepticism, the fundamental problems confronting Britain on its exit from the European Union, and argues that Brexit is the start of new beginnings – heralding a peaceful constitutional moment. The new preface includes what questions need to be asked now that Britain has started the process of leaving the European Union.
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. The Road Ahead for the Fed
Expert contributors examine the recent actions of the Federal Reserve and suggest directions for the Fed going forward by drawing on past political, historical, and market principles. They explain how the Fed arrived at its current position, offer ideas on how to exit the situation, and propose new market-based reforms that can help keep the Fed on the road to good monetary policy in the future.
Melbourne University Press Damned if I do
This is the revealing, personal story of the man behind the controversial pro-euthanasia movement, told in his own words. Medical doctor, humanist, author and founder/director of Exit International, Philip Nitschke's life has always been in the spotlight.The book spans Philip's early days, from his curious, activist student days in Adelaide, to working with Aboriginal land rights groups in Australia's Far North; to his successful campaign to have euthanasia legalised in Australia and his assistance in four people ending their lives before the law was overturned.It covers the controversy surrounding Philip's work, including the banning in Australia of his international bestselling book The Peaceful Pill, and disturbing reports that many young people overdosed on Nembutal, the drug that Exit International recommends for suicide.Ultimately, Philip believes that the right to one's own death is as fundamental as the right to control one's own life: 'It seems we demand humans to live with indignity, pain and anguish whereas we are kinder to our pets when their suffering becomes too much.'
Rethink Press Cashing Out
Launching and growing a business can be unpredictable so a clear vision and a strategy for exit is essential to navigate these choppy waters. If you're not sure where you're going and how to get there, feel weighed down by responsibility and tough decision-making, and struggle to balance work and personal life, Cashing Out is your lifeline. Using the time-tested, actionable APEX methodology for scaling businesses and avoiding common mistakes, this book provides proven strategies for CEOs and for visionary founders who want to sell to private equity and secure a life-changing deal. Cashing Out gives you the tools to: Articulate a clear vision for your business Unlock new levels of cash flow Prioritise your time Scale to a 100m+ valuation Identify and achieve the right private equity exit that fits with your goals
Orion Publishing Co Rebus Anniversary Box Set
A must for collectors, this beautifully designed box set of KNOTS AND CROSSES, BLACK AND BLUE and EXIT MUSIC is a must for existing fans and newcomers to No.1 bestselling author Ian Rankin''s Inspector Rebus novels. ''One of the most beguiling characters in the history of crime fiction'' The TimesYear 1: KNOTS AND CROSSES - the novel which first introduced John Rebus. Year 10: BLACK AND BLUE - the breakthrough novel, winner of the CWA Gold Dagger.Year 20: EXIT MUSIC - where Rebus retires... but will he ever be able to leave it all behind?Includes exclusive introductions from Jilly Cooper, Peter Robinson and Mark Lawson.''Rankin is a phenomenon . . .They call his work crime fiction, but the adjective is superfluous ... these novels are totally absorbing'' Allan Massie, Spectator
Ara Llibres Herois quotidians descobreix el valor que tens a dins
Tu pots formar part del club dels herois quotidians! Pilar Jericó, l'autora de NoMiedo, traduït a sis idiomes i gran èxit de vendes, revela en aquest llibre com pots vèncer les dificultats de la vida real, encara que no tinguis superpoders.No és un camí fàcil: com els herois de les llegendes, hauràs d'assumir realitats que potser t'espanten, travessar deserts i nits fosques, superar proves i adquirir noves habilitats fins a concloure l'aventura amb èxit. Però al final del viatge hauràs assolit una riquesa que no es compra amb diners: deixaràs de ser esclau de les teves pors i hauràs après a valorar el que tens, estimar-te sense màscares i gaudir de les petites coses de cada dia. És per això que val la pena que emprenguis l'aventura.
Little, Brown & Company Shadows House, Vol. 4
As the sand slips through the glass, the hour of reckoning approaches! Emilico must rescue Kate and exit the labyrinth before time runs out, but tortuous paths, coagles, and all sorts of other obstacles stand in her way. Can Emilico overcome all odds and save Kate?!
labutxaca Estimada Marta
Estimada Marta és el llibre de poemes més conegut de Miquel Martí i Pol, i un dels llibres de poesia de més èxit de la poesia catalana contemporània, inscrit en la llarga i fecunda tradició de la poesia d'amor d'Occident. Aquesta edició inclou el pròleg original del poeta.
Pearson Education Limited Gold First New Edition Teacher's Book
Step-by-step guidance on how to use Gold in the blended classroom - Full teaching notes with answer key and audio scripts - Ideas for additional and alternative activities - Two photocopiable worksheets with teaching notes for each unit - Test-master providing editable unit, achievement, entrance and exit tests online.
Pearson Education Limited Gold Pre-First Teacher's Book
- Step-by-step guidance on how to use Gold in the blended classroom - Full teaching notes with answer key and audio scripts - Ideas for additional and alternative activities - Two photocopiable worksheets with teaching notes for each unit - Test-master providing editable unit, achievement, entrance and exit tests online.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Partners in Life and Work: Finding Success Through a Partner Business
• Provides tailored guidance for entrepreneurs who are also life partners, and women entrepreneurs, based on the authors’ decades of successful experience • Covers such important issues for all entrepreneurs as risk tolerance and mitigation, infrastructure scaling, and exit strategy • Offers insights on trends and opportunities for entrepreneurs in a post-COVID19 world
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Beyond Brexit: Towards a British Constitution
Brexit means exit, but what exactly will we be leaving behind? Entry into the European Community in 1973 was a momentous event – one which had seismic effects on the politics and constitution of Britain. Brexit, while equally as momentous, has almost wholly been confined to discussions of economic consequence. But what will happen to the constitution? Beyond Brexit looks for the first time at the impact of Brexit and the constitutional consequences of Britain’s EU membership, raising the question of just how the United Kingdom is to be preserved. In this book, Vernon Bogdanor explores the ever-changing relationship between Britain and the European Union from the original concept of European unity to 21st century Euroscepticism, the fundamental problems confronting Britain on its exit from the European Union, and argues that Brexit is the start of new beginnings – heralding a peaceful constitutional moment.
Pearson Education Limited Market Leader 3rd edition Upper Intermediate Test File
TheMarket Leader Test File provides 6 photocopiable tests: New entry test Four new progress tests, linked closely to the Course Book New exit test Audio for the listening tests can be found on the website and on the Test Master CD ROM, available in the Teachers Resource Book
Pearson Education Limited Gold Advanced Teacher's Book
Gold Advanced Teacher's Book provides: step-by-step guidance on how to use Gold in a blended classroom full teaching notes with answer key, and seperate audio script section plenty of ideas for warmer, extension and alternative activities easy-to-use cross-references to additional practice in other components two photocopiable worksheets with teaching notes for each unit. With the Teacher's Book: Online Testmaster providing editable unit, progress, entrance and exit tests.
Hodder & Stoughton The Last Word: an utterly addictive and spine-chilling suspense thriller from the TikTok bestseller for 2023
"I still have whiplash from this book""I. Am. Speechless. This book is RELENTLESS. Page after page of twists and turns.""WOW!! Twisty and super fast-paced.""Easily the best book I've read all year.'Real readers love The Last Word.If you give this book a one-star review, you might end up dead.THE PULSE-POUNDING NEW NOVEL FROM THE AUTHOR OF TIKTOK THRILLER SENSATION NO EXITEmma enjoys the isolation and quiet of house-sitting. The only company she needs is her dog and her books. But when she leaves a one-star review for a poorly written and gruesome horror novel, her peaceful escape turns into a nightmare. Not only is she being harassed by the angry author online, she's noticing disturbing incidents in the house. Scratches in the night. A figure crawling around in the shadows. It soon becomes clear that it's all connected. This is a fight between author and reader. Who will have the last word? . . .Expect the unexpected in this pulse-pounding novel of psychological suspense and terror from the critically acclaimed author of the TikTok sensation No Exit.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Winning the Trading Game: Why 95% of Traders Lose and What You Must Do To Win
With Winning the Trading Game, investment expert Noble DraKoln helps you develop and refine the mental discipline and practical skills needed to ensure trading success. This detailed guide will put you in a better position to use technical analysis to identify profitable trades and exit losing trades; maximize the leverage available in futures and Forex, without endangering your capital base; and control risk by utilizing appropriate strategies for each type of opportunity and time frame.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Entries and Exits: Visits to Sixteen Trading Rooms
Come behind closed doors and see real trades made by real traders. Dr. Alexander Elder leads you into 16 trading rooms where you meet traders who open up their diaries and show you their trades. Some of them manage money, others trade for themselves; some trade for a living, others are on the semi-professional level. All are totally serious and honest in sharing their trades with those who would like to learn. You will meet American and international traders who trade stocks, futures, and options using a variety of methods. All are normally very private, but now, thanks to their relationships with Dr. Elder, you can see exactly how these traders decide to enter and exit trades. Each chapter illustrates an entry and an exit for two trades, with comments by Dr. Elder. With this book as your guide, you can get closer to mastering the key themes of trading—psychology, tactics, risk control, record keeping, and the decision-making process. The companion Study Guide is filled with striking insights and practical advice allowing you to test your knowledge and reinforce the principles outlined in Entries & Exits.