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Watson-Guptill Publications Manga Art
Best-selling artist and art instructor Mark Crilley, whose YouTube manga instruction videos have received more than 10 million views and counting, presents the most complete look yet at the variety of creative options available in the world of manga. Crilley fills each chapter with gorgeous, original artwork created with a variety of tools and in a variety of manga-inspired styles. He pairs each piece with information on the materials used and the inspiration that led to its creation. Manga Art provides readers the chance to hear from one of the leading artists in the field of manga instruction, as he reveals the creative secrets behind over 100 pieces of original, never-before-seen artwork.
Random House USA Inc Drawing Lesson, The
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Greening of Petroleum Operations: The Science of Sustainable Energy Production
The Future of Petroleum Operations This state-of-the-art text analyzes some of the most contentious issues in the energy industry, covering new and greener processes for engineers and scientists and urging them to move petroleum operations closer to sustainability. Although petroleum is still the world's most diverse, efficient, and abundant energy source, there is a growing initiative from global political and industry leaders to "go green," because of climate concerns and high gasoline prices. This book investigates and details how to do that. This groundbreaking new volume: Explains why current petroleum industry practices are inherently unsustainable and offers unique new solutions for "greening" the petroleum industry Discusses hot-button issues, such as global warming, carbon sequestration, zero-waste management, and sustainability Shows engineers and scientists how to implement the processes necessary to be more environmentally conscious Offers, for the first time, a new theory that certain carbons do not contribute to global warming, but their origin and the processes involved do Praise for The Greening of Petroleum Operations "The book proposes a paradigm shift in energy management. It correctly identifies root causes of environmental impact of current petroleum production operations. With proper science, the book shows that fossil fuel production and utilization are inherently sustainable as long as natural materials and energy sources are used.... This book has the potential of revolutionizing energy management practices." —Farouq Ali, Honorary Professor of Oil and Gas Engineering, University of Calgary
Hartley & Marks Publishers Ibs: A Doctor's Plan for Chronic Digestive Troubles: The Definitive Guide to Prevention and Relief
Peeters Publishers La Bibliotheque de Marguerite d'Autriche: Essai de Reconstitution d'Apres l'Inventaire de 1523-1524
Peeters Recueil de Poemes (Divan)
Peeters Publishers Un Catechisme Universel Pour l'Eglise Catholique: Du Concile de Trente a Nos Jours
Peeters Publishers Mefitis D'apres Les Dedicaces Lucaniennes De Rossano Di Vaglio
Peeters Publishers Temps Et Dramatisations Dans Les Recits Ecrits D'eleves De 5eme
Kon Acad Wetenschappen Letteren Sisyphus' dochters: Beeldhouwsters en hun werk in de publieke ruimte (Parijs, Londen & Brussel, ca. 1770-1953)
Zowel de beeldhouwkunst als de publieke ruimte zijn eeuwenlang als mannelijke domeinen beschouwd. Toch waren er al vroeg, en vooral sinds de late achttiende eeuw, vrouwelijke beeldhouwers aan de slag in de (semi)publieke ruimte, en dit bovendien veel vaker dan men tot nu toe aannam. In Sisyphus’ dochters gaat Marjan Sterckx in op deze unieke beeldhouwsters en hun werk in de stedelijke publieke en semipublieke ruimte in de periode ca. 1770-1953. Parijs, Londen en Brussel fungeren als casus.Na een analyse van de fysieke aanwezigheid en vertegenwoordiging van de beeldhouwwerken van vrouwen in de drie onderzochte steden, beschrijft de auteur de toenmalige moeilijkheden en mogelijkheden voor vrouwen met diverse profielen om beeldhouwer te worden, een degelijke opleiding te genieten en openbare opdrachten te bekomen in die steden. Vervolgens gaat ze in op de vormelijke en inhoudelijke kenmerken van het getraceerde beeldhouwwerk, en hun zichtbaarheid in de publieke en semipublieke ruimte. Een laatste deel behandelt de ontvangst, vroeger en nu, van de bestudeerde beeldhouwsters en hun (semi)publieke werken. Een tweede volume, de catalogus, inventariseert en illustreert waar mogelijk 365 niet eerder bijeengebrachte sculpturen van de hand van vrouwen in publieke en semipublieke buiten- en binnenruimtes in Parijs, Londen en Brussel in de periode ca. 1770-1953.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Dating Late XIXth Dynasty Ostraca
Since many ostraca from the environs of Deir el-Medina lack specific regnal year dates, dating them precisely is a tricky business. This volume attempts to provide comparative datings for 78 ostraca (and papyri) from the late XIXth dynasty. The method draws explicitly on the division of the gang into two sides and, crucially, makes full use (for the first time) of the specific ordering of workmen’s names to be found in documentation from this period. The archaeological context of the important body of late XIXth dynasty material from the Valley of the Kings is investigated and it is shown that the datings proposed here on comparative grounds correlate strongly with the grouping of the ostraca by excavation and find-site. The work is supported by a comprehensive index of the workmen by source and a concordance comparing the datings suggested here with those from other standard reference resources.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Das Archiv des Bel-Remanni
The book presents a comprehensive treatment of a family archive originating from Neo-Babylonian Sippar complete with editions and handcopies of the texts. Among the subjects treated in the commentary are the prebendary system of the Ebabbar temple, various dues and taxes, and agriculture. The archive is shown to exhibit strong traces of the activity of apprentice scribes; it can in fact be considered to be a 'school archive,' the setting of the 'school' being the archive owner's family. It is only part of a larger group, the other part of which is an archive of medical texts (also consisting mostly of school tablets) studied by Irving Finkel.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Tell Sabi Abyad II: The Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Settlement: Report on the Excavations of the National Museum of Antiquities Leiden in the Balikh Valley, Syria
Tell Sabi Abyad II is a small prehistoric mound located in the steppe region of northern Syria. The large-scale excavations have revealed eight main levels of occupation mainly represented by multi-roomed rectangular buildings. These levels are dated between 7550 and 6850 cal B.C., i.e. in the Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic B period. This extensive and well-illustrated interim report deals with respectively stratigraphy and architecture, flint and obsidian industries, small finds, early pottery found in the topmost level, plant remains and animal remains. In the conclusions the main results of the excavations are summarized, and the site is being discussed in its wider context.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) An Archaeological Ethnography of a Neolithic Community: Space, Place and Social Relations in the Burnt Village at Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria
In this second volume about Tell Sabi Abyad in northern Syria a detailed spatial analysis of one of the Later Neolithic settlements in the tell, the so-called Burnt Village (dated at c. 5200 B.C.), is presented. The aim of this analysis is to write an `archaeological ethnography’, by which is meant a comprehensive reconstruction of the life of the inhabitants of this settlement. The book consists of seven chapters, which respectively deal with research objectives, theoretical perspectives on the study of space, architecture and finds, formation processes, functions of artefacts, distributions of artefacts and use of buildings, and social and economic structure and ritual practices. In this well-illustrated and well-documented volume the author makes a substantial contribution to scholarship and the extraordinary potentials of the Near Eastern Neolithic archaeological record. In particular the innovative research presented has yielded new insights in human interactions in the Later Neolithic of northern Mesopotamia. Furthermore, the theoretical perspectives about material culture, space and rituals are of interest for all those interested in archaeological theory and methodology.
Peeters Publishers An Approach to the Historical Geography of the Southern Black Sea Littoral (First Millennium BC)
This book examines the historical geography of the southern Black Sea littoral in the first millennium BC. Notwithstanding the remarkable development of research on the Black Sea in antiquity over the last few decades, the southern littoral remains an area several aspects of which have still not been thoroughly studied, while the archaeological investigation has only very recently started to be held in numerous parts of the coast and in a more systematic way. This monograph aims to examine the most significant aspects of the historical geography of this region, in the light of all the written and archaeological evidence that is available so far: First of all, the littoral’s natural environment, namely the geographic stage on which the numerous peoples that inhabited it developed their civilisations and economies. Furthermore, the indigenous peoples of the littoral, most of which have never been given as detailed an examination as, for example, the Greek colonists there, and our knowledge of them is scanty. Of course, the Greek presence and colonisation in the southern Black Sea is also studied, as is the existence of other peoples, who were neither indigenous nor colonists but still had a presence in the littoral, whether as invaders (e.g. the Cimmerians), or as political overlords (e.g. the Persians). Finally, stress is laid on the urban development along the littoral: what kinds of settlements and installations were created, in which places, and with what frequency. Thus, the book offers for the first time in modern scholarship a detailed examination of the historical geography of the ca. 1000 km-long southern Black Sea littoral over the thousand years before Christ.
Peeters Publishers Studia Patristica. Vol. CXXIV - Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019: Volume 21: Hagiographica; Ascetica; Martyria
The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford. These papers range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers Studia Patristica. Vol. CXXIII - Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019: Volume 20: Biblica; Judaica; Philosophica, Theologica, Ethica
The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford. These papers range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers Die Briefe 3-29 des Ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos I.: V.
Die vorliegenden Bände veröffentlichen die Briefe 3–29 des ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos erstmals auf breiter Handschriftenbasis und mit einer Übersetzung in einer modernen Sprache. Diese vergleichsweise kurzen Texte sind grösstenteils an Timotheos’ ehemaligen Schulkollegen Sergios adressiert, der zuerst Schullehrer in Mossul und später Metropolit von Elam war. Sie sind wichtige Dokumente für die Rekonstruktion der damaligen kirchlichen Situation und geben regen Einblick in die vielfältige Tätigkeit des Absenders und des Adressaten, insbesondere auch in den Konflikt, den Sergios’ Wahl zum Metropoliten von Elam auslöste. Daneben werden auch Fragen der aristotelischen Logik oder der syrischen Grammatik berührt. Der längere Brief 26 beschäftigt sich mit der »Perle des Glaubens« die auch bei den Westsyrern und Chalkedonensern rein aufbewart wird, aber »am reinsten« bei den Ostsyrern. In dem Zusammenhang spricht Timotheos auch von den fünf Patriarchaten, von denen seines das erste ist.
Peeters Publishers The Archaeology of Mithraism: New Finds and Approaches to Mithras-Worship
Over the course of the second century CE, worship of the Persianate god Mithras swept across the whole of the Roman Empire. With its distinctive traces preserved in the material record—including cave-like sanctuaries and images of Mithras stabbing a bull—the cult has long been examined to reconstruct the thought-systems of Mithraism, its theology, through such monumental trappings. This volume starts from the premise that, like much “religion” in the Roman world, the cult of Mithras must be examined through its practices, the ritual craft knowledge which enabled those rites, and the social structures thus created. What did Mithras-worshippers do? How do we explain the unity and diversity of practices observed? Archaeology has the potential to answer these questions and shed new light on Mithras-worship. Presenting new discoveries, higher resolution archaeological data on finds and assemblages, and re-evaluations of older discoveries, this volume charts new paths forward in understanding one of the Roman Empire’s most distinctive cults.
Peeters Publishers La purità e il cuore dell'uomo: Indagini lessicali e percorsi teologici attorno a katharos
Percorrendo diversi corpora della letteratura ebraico-cristiana, si approfondiscono testi in cui risalta l’uso dell’aggettivo katharos e dei termini corradicali. La Bibbia greca è così studiata sia nel suo contesto storico-culturale sia nella sua recezione presso le comunità di lingua greca, con speciale attenzione al suo insegnamento concernente la purità. Ci si interroga sui sensi propri e metaforici della purificazione, sulle modalità in cui essa si attua, sul coinvolgimento del corpo, della ragione, del culto nonché delle persone con cui si vive. Dopo un sondaggio nella letteratura profana, con speciale attenzione ai testi medici, si attraversano i Settanta, gli scritti di Filone Alessandrino, Giuseppe Flavio, il Nuovo Testamento, i Padri apostolici, l’opera A Diogneto, alcuni grandi teologi del II-V secolo della vitalissima Alessandria d’Egitto e infine il monaco Massimo il Confessore, del VI-VII secolo, di origine palestinese, appassionato interprete delle Scritture e saggio custode degli insegnamenti di Evagrio e dei Cappadoci.
Peeters Publishers Discours des personnages féminins chez Sénèque: Approches logométriques et contrastives d'un corpus théâtral
Dans les tragédies de Sénèque, la femme est depuis longtemps un objet d’étude. Plusieurs aspects ont été abordés, mais, aujourd’hui, une étude des discours féminins de ce corpus théâtral fait défaut. Dans ce contexte, il convient de mettre en place une méthode de recherche pour répondre, notamment, aux questions suivantes: Est-il possible de dégager une façon féminine ou masculine de s’exprimer sur scène? Si oui, quelles seraient les raisons d’une telle différenciation discursive et quelles en seraient les conséquences sur l’action dramatique? Quelle est l’influence de l’interlocuteur sur lesdits discours? Des héroïnes prennent-elles la parole comme des hommes, ou inversement? Voici autant de pistes explorées dans le présent ouvrage. Pour traiter ce sujet à la croisée des études du discours et des études sur la femme, nous avons recours à la logométrie. Cette recherche s’inscrit donc aussi dans une profonde réflexion méthodologique, puisque de nouveaux outils sont utilisés pour traiter ces questions inédites.
Peeters Publishers Louvain, Belgium, and Beyond: Studies in Religious History in Honour of Leo Kenis
The scholarship of Leo Kenis has been characterised by methodological rigour and a broad-ranging interest in the history of church, theology and religion in the 19th and the 20th centuries. His most valued contributions concern the history of the Louvain Faculty of Theology, the crises of Modernism and Nouvelle théologie, the Second Vatican Council and the post-conciliar transformations of the Catholic Church in Belgium and Western Europe. This volume collects twenty-five contributions from Louvain and international colleagues working in the same field of expertise, who are all familiar with the research of Leo Kenis. Four domains of his expertise are addressed in this volume: the history of the (Ancient) Louvain Faculty of Theology, the Modernist Crisis, the history of religious orders abroad and at home, and the preparation and implementation of the Second Vatican Council. These contributions honour and extend the research of Leo Kenis as a Louvain scholar in religious history.
Peeters Publishers Studia Patristica. Vol. XCVII - Papers presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2015: Volume 23: From the Fourth Century Onwards (Latin Writers); Nachleben
The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford. These papers range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers Studia Patristica. Vol. XCI - Papers presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2015: Volume 17: Biblica; Philosophica, Theologica, Ethica; Hagiographica; Ascetica
The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford. These papers range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers Studia Patristica. Vol. XC - Papers presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2015: Volume 16: Christ as Ontological Paradigm in Early Byzantine Thought
The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford. These papers range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers Studia Patristica. Vol. LXXVI - Papers presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2015: Volume 2: El platonismo en los Padres de la Iglesia
The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford. These papers range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers Subjekt und Wahrheit: Meister Eckharts dynamische Vermittlung von Philosophie, Offenbarungstheologie und Glaubenspraxis
Perhaps one of the most prominent features of Meister Eckhart's thought is the refusal to adopt a rigid compartimentalization between the different dimensions of human life. A first-class theologian and philosopher as well as a Dominican preacher, Eckhart does not content himself with pursuing his academic activities in parallel with his more humble pastoral tasks. Rather, he aims at integrating the different claims of revealed theology, philosophical speculation, and spiritual guidance into a dynamic conception of truth as an event that is ultimately rooted in the human subject. Eckhart's thesis that there is only one truth, albeit in different modes and forms, opens the path towards an existential mediation, not only between Scripture-based theology and Aristotelian philosophy, but also between theoretical knowledge as a whole and practical life-orientation. The papers contained in this volume were initially presented at a colloquium on 17 October 2014, in Vienna. The different contributions examine Eckhart's method of "translating truth" from an interdisciplinary perspective that includes theology, medieval and modern philosophy, medieval German literature studies, contemporary exegesis, and spirituality.
Peeters Publishers Manuscripta Graeca et Orientalia: Mélanges monastiques et patristiques en l'honneur de Paul Géhin
Ce volume de mélanges rassemble 27 contributions en l'honneur de Paul Géhin, directeur de recherche émérite au CNRS, qui fut pendant 15 ans directeur de la Section grecque et de l'Orient chrétien de l'IRHT (1997-2011). Spécialiste d'Évagre le Pontique et de manière plus large de la transmission de la littérature patristique et ascétique dans les domaines byzantin et oriental (syriaque et arabe), P. Géhin, membre du Comité international de Paléographie grecque, est également un grand connaisseur des manuscrits tant grecs que syriaques et arabes. Les contributions qui lui sont offertes reflètent ces divers intérêts et proposent des éditions de textes, des études de manuscrits et de copistes, des enquêtes sur les textes et les pratiques ascétiques et monastiques; plusieurs d'entre elles concernent des livres ou des hommes en lien direct avec le Sinaï.
Peeters Publishers Patocka et l'unité polémique du monde
Cet essai d'interprétation et de périodisation de la pensée patockienne ne prétend pas être un compte-rendu exhaustif de l'oeuvre. Son objectif est de mettre au jour un lien unitaire entre ses versants phénoménologique et historico-politique, suivant deux traits caractéristiques du renouveau de la phénoménologie chez Patocka: le dévéloppement d'une voie asubjective, cosmologique et historique de la phénoménologie, d'une part, et la prise en compte à nouveaux frais, en deça de la neutralité proclamée de l'épochè, de la vérité à la fois ontologique, existentiale, historique, et socio-politique du conflit - polemos. En parcourant ces deux pistes, l'essai propose une clé de lecture susceptible d'éclairer certaines difficultés d'interprétation propres à l'oeuvre patockienne: l'enjeu du passage à une philosophie cosmologique, celui d'une théorie de l'existence en trois différents mouvements et d'une théorie de l'espace, et, enfin, celui de la constitution d'une phénoménologie des différents mondes historiques, de l'Europe aux mondes pré ou extra-européens.
Peeters Publishers Thomas Aquinas's "Summa Contra Gentiles": a Mirror of Human Nature
The Summa contra gentiles is perhaps the most peculiar work of St. Thomas Aquinas, due to Thomas's decision to structure the work first according to what humans can say about God without revelation and then what humans can say about God once revelation is explicitly introduced. Such an approach to the human pursuit of the divine is otherwise unheard of in Thomas's own day, and this unusual structure has provided a fertile seedbed for a wide range of interpretations. Matthew Kostelecky's book shows the integral relationship between the conceptions of human nature and God operative throughout the Summa contra gentiles such that the text is always in a twofold movement, at once describing what humans can say about God while also reflecting human nature back on itself by delineating its limits and capabilities with respect to the possible human knowledge of God. As a result, the Summa contra gentiles is presented as a mirror of human nature as that nature is directed to its most noble object.
Peeters Publishers Sagalassos Jaarboek 2010 de Vroeg Tot MiddenByzantijnse Periode 4501250 N Chr Het Jaarverslag Van de Campagne Van 2010
Peeters Publishers Poetiques De La Maladie: D'Honore De Balzac a Thomas Mann
Au debut du XIXe siecle, a l'aube de la medecine moderne, le developpement de la maladie n'etant pas entierement surcode par les discours medicaux, le corps souffrant devient un des objet de predilection de la litterature. Le discours realiste comme l'analyse subjective et la poesie en font un lieu commun ou ces differents types d'ecritures reflechissent a leur propre pouvoir poetique et rhetorique, ou ils testent leur dimension ethique pour produire leur propre definition en tant que pratiques litteraires. Confrontee a la maladie, la litterature a du, en effet, s'interroger sur sa capacite de toucher a l'existence humaine, poser la question de l'urgence des paroles, de la valeur des mots, et du pouvoir que ceux-ci ont d'arreter une signification definie. La maladie, vecue ou fictionnelle, definit ainsi, au-dela d'une simple thematique, un espace de reflexion qui parle de la litterature elle-meme dans ce qu'elle a de plus trouble et d'incertain.
Peeters Publishers Care, Compassion and Recognition: An Ethical Discussion
Since Carol Gilligan’s In a Different Voice (1982) the ethics of care has developed as a movement of allied thinkers, in different continents, who have a shared concern and who reflect on similar topics. This shared concern is that care can only be revalued and take its societal place if existing asymmetrical power relations are unveiled, and if the dignity of care givers and care receivers is better guaranteed, socially, politically and personally. In this first volume of a new series leading care ethicists from Europe and the United States focus on the moral significance of two concepts in the debate that ask for further reflection. In discussion with the work of Axel Honneth on recognition and the work of Emmanuel Housset on compassion a contribution is made to a reconsideration of recognition and compassion from an ethics of care perspective. This volume contains contributions by Andries Baart, Estelle Ferrarese, Chris Gastmans, Mieke Grypdonck, Emmanuel Housset, Carlo Leget, Hilde Lindemann, Axel Liégeois, Christa Schnabl, Joan C. Tronto, Annelies van Heijst, Linus Vanlaere, Frans Vosman and Margaret Urban Walker.
Peeters Publishers Identity Puzzles: Medieval Christian Art in Syria and Lebanon
Numerous churches decorated with medieval wall paintings can be found in Lebanon and Syria, especially in the former Crusader County of Tripoli and the Muslim-controlled Damascus area. In particular the first half of the thirteenth century turned out to be a period of intensive artistic activities. This book addresses the matter of identity formation in the decoration of Maronite, Melkite and Syrian Orthodox churches during this artistic 'Syrian Renaissance', and explores the differences and similarities between the arts of these communities. Attention is given to the interaction between Latins and local Christians, the attribution of works of art to local and Byzantine artists, and the relationship with Islamic art. Furthermore, recent discoveries have revealed that indigenous painters and workshops involved in the embellishment of churches also produced icons which were formerly attributed to Latin artists, thus adding a new dimension to the research on the production of Christian art in the Middle East during the Crusader era.
Peeters Publishers La Critique au Service de la Revolution
L'auteur, specialiste de l'analyse du discours et de l'histoire des idees, etudie la critique litteraire communiste dans l'Europe francophone au cours des annees 1920 et 1930. Il cherche a rendre raison du systeme qui divise les lettres en deux "camps", celui de la litterature bourgeoise, decadente et condamnee, et celui de la litterature revolutionnaire et de realisme socialiste. Il analyse la logique politico-litteraire de jugement porte sur les oeuvres qui paraissent par des critiques militants, au premier rang desquels Barbusse, Aragon et Nizan. Depassant la condamnation simpliste du stalinisme, il montre qu'un conflit indepassable oppose l'ecriture moderniste et la pensee militante et traverse les deux siecles de la modernite.
Peeters Publishers Entre Pragmatisme, Reformisme et Modernisme: Le Role Politico-Religieux des Khattabi dans le Rif (Maroc) Jusqu'a 1926
Ce livre presente une contribution a la comprehension de Muhammad b. Abd al-Karim al-Khattabi (Abdelkrim)(1882-1961), le leader du mouvement de resistance rifaine face a l'expansion espagnole au Maroc dans les annees vingt (1920-1926). En depit d'une litterature abondante consacree au sujet, Abdelkrim demeura longtemps incomprehensible. Dans cette etude l'auteur traite, a base de documents et textes primaires, de la pensee d'Abdelkrim qui plaidait pour la renaissance de la culture islamique d'une part et admirait le progres europeen moderne sur le plan materiel d'autre part. L'auteur depeint et analyse Abdelkrim comme etant un penseur reformiste, moderniste et pragmatique a la fois. Ces choix politiques d'Abdelkrim aboutirent au cours des annees vingt a fonder le gouvernement Rifain controverse, une mixture d'emirat islamique et du systeme republicain europeen. Cette voie choisie par Abdelkrim se proposait comme alternative islamique pour la crise de l'Etat islamique apres la chute du Califat et la montee de la colonisation occidentale au debut du siecle.
Peeters Publishers Qumran: Sa Piete, Sa Theologie Et Son Milieu
Peeters Publishers L'evangile Selon Matthieu: Redaction Et Theologie
Peeters Publishers Die Geschichte Des Lebna-Dengel, Claudius Und Minas: V.
Peeters Publishers Schleiermachers Hermeneutische Dialektik
Peeters Publishers Religion Und Gestaltung Der Zeit
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Adriatico Tra IV E III SEC AC: Vasi Alto-Adriatici Tra Piceno O Spina E Adria. 20-21 Giugno. Vasi Alto-Adriatici Tra Piceno Spina E Adria
Gregorian & Biblical Press Graecitas Biblica Novi Testamenti Exemplis Illustratur
Gregorian & Biblical Press Sapienza e Storia in DN 712 Analecta Biblica Dissertationes
Editorial Molino La batalla de los demonios zorro / War of the Fox Demons