Search results for ""ABRAMS""
Harry N. Abrams The Darkness That Comes Before
Harry N. Abrams Diary of a Wimpy Kid #13 the Meltdown (International Edition)
Abrams Books for Young Readers Ammas Sari
Abrams Books for Young Readers The Enchanted Symphony
Abrams Books for Young Readers Separados No Somos Iguales: Sylvia Méndez Y La Lucha de Su Familia Por La Integración (Separate Is Never Equal Spanish Edition)
Abrams Books for Young Readers Greta Thunberg
Abrams Books for Young Readers Fort Mose And the Story of the Man Who Built the First Free Black Settlement in Colonial America
Abrams Books for Young Readers DEAR PRIMO UNA CARTA PARA TI
Proa LLegir Maragall ara
Sam Abrams comenta poema a poema i llibre a llibre tota la producció lírica de Joan Maragall, el primer poeta modern de Catalunya. Des de l'Oda infinita de Poesies (1895) fins al Cant espiritual de Seqüències (1911). Aquest estudi, adreçat tant al públic lector en general com a l'especialista, és una de les principals aportacions a l'Any Maragall, que commemora el centenari del naixement i el cinquantenari de la mort del poeta. L'estudi de Sam Abrams, escrit amb tota la passió i el rigor, no amaga la seva intenció: oferir una visió completament nova de l'obra poètica de Maragall i reivindicar-ne el mestratge artístic, la intelligència, la humanitat i la plena modernitat i vigència.
Skyhorse Publishing The Luckiest Guy in the World: My Journey in Politics
The Remarkable True Story of Robert Abrams, the man who changed the New York Attorney General's Office for Good. At the heart of this political memoir is the story of how the office of state attorney general, an historically sleepy backwater post, has evolved into a front line major protector of the rights of citizens across the country. New York State Attorney General Robert Abrams exercised leadership in organizing attorneys general throughout the nation to take collective action against the Reagan administration’s punishing laissez-faire anti-regulatory policies. Abrams and his fellow attorneys general set the precedent for the successful challenges mounted by today’s attorneys general against the Trump administration’s immigration policies and rollback of consumer and civil rights protections. Through lively anecdotes, Abrams captures the Bronx of his childhood, his early insurgent grassroots campaigns taking on the powerful Democratic Party machine, the urban challenges of being Bronx Borough President, the turbulent Vietnam anti-war years, and the beginnings of the environmental justice movement. He revisits the explosive Tawana Brawley case where an African American teenage girl alleged rape and brutality by a group of white men that included law enforcement officials. Abrams provides behind-the-scenes interactions with important figures ranging from Golda Meir, George McGovern, Mario Cuomo, Robert Moses, and Cesar Chavez to Shirley Chisholm. The book demonstrates how ordinary people battling unequal odds against corporate and other powerful forces can prevail when laws are enforced to protect their rights. A chapter about the infamous Love Canal case details the shocking revelation that buried beneath the seemingly placid upstate New York working class community lay tons of toxic waste spawning chronic health problems for residents. Abrams in a landmark lawsuit took on Occidental Petroleum for its callous actions, paved the way for the passage of the Superfund Act and a victory for the emerging environmental justice movement. He describes dramatic confrontations with the radical anti-abortion group, Operation Rescue, and its increasingly violent efforts to deny a woman’s right to choose. His courageous, path-breaking support of LGBT rights, seeking to end the prevailing bigotry with legal victories that ultimately led to marriage equality is also revisited. In The Luckiest Guy in the World for more information.
The University of Chicago Press The Rise of the Masses: Spontaneous Mobilization and Contentious Politics
An insightful examination of how intersecting individual motivations and social structures mobilize spontaneous mass protests. Between 15 and 26 million Americans participated in protests surrounding the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and others as part of the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020, which is only one of the most recent examples of an immense mobilization of citizens around a cause. In The Rise of the Masses, sociologist Benjamin Abrams addresses why and how people spontaneously protest, riot, and revolt en masse. While most uprisings of such a scale require tremendous resources and organizing, this book focuses on cases where people with no connection to organized movements take to the streets, largely of their own accord. Looking to the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, and the Black Lives Uprising, as well as the historical case of the French Revolution, Abrams lays out a theory of how and why massive mobilizations arise without the large-scale planning that usually goes into staging protests. Analyzing a breadth of historical and regional cases that provide insight into mass collective behavior, Abrams draws on first-person interviews and archival sources to argue that people organically mobilize when a movement speaks to their pre-existing dispositions and when structural and social conditions make it easier to get involved—what Abrams terms affinity-convergence theory. Shedding a light on the drivers behind large spontaneous protests, The Rise of the Masses offers a significant theory that could help predict movements to come.
The University of Chicago Press The Rise of the Masses: Spontaneous Mobilization and Contentious Politics
An insightful examination of how intersecting individual motivations and social structures mobilize spontaneous mass protests. Between 15 and 26 million Americans participated in protests surrounding the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and others as part of the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020, which is only one of the most recent examples of an immense mobilization of citizens around a cause. In The Rise of the Masses, sociologist Benjamin Abrams addresses why and how people spontaneously protest, riot, and revolt en masse. While most uprisings of such a scale require tremendous resources and organizing, this book focuses on cases where people with no connection to organized movements take to the streets, largely of their own accord. Looking to the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, and the Black Lives Uprising, as well as the historical case of the French Revolution, Abrams lays out a theory of how and why massive mobilizations arise without the large-scale planning that usually goes into staging protests. Analyzing a breadth of historical and regional cases that provide insight into mass collective behavior, Abrams draws on first-person interviews and archival sources to argue that people organically mobilize when a movement speaks to their pre-existing dispositions and when structural and social conditions make it easier to get involved—what Abrams terms affinity-convergence theory. Shedding a light on the drivers behind large spontaneous protests, The Rise of the Masses offers a significant theory that could help predict movements to come.
Harvard University Press Education and the Commercial Mindset
America’s commitment to public schooling once seemed unshakable. But today the movement to privatize K–12 education is stronger than ever. Samuel E. Abrams examines the rise of market forces in public education and reveals how a commercial mindset has taken over.“[An] outstanding book.”—Carol Burris, Washington Post“Given the near-complete absence of public information and debate about the stealth effort to privatize public schools, this is the right time for the appearance of [this book]. Samuel E. Abrams, a veteran teacher and administrator, has written an elegant analysis of the workings of market forces in education.”—Diane Ravitch, New York Review of Books“Education and the Commercial Mindset provides the most detailed and comprehensive analysis of the school privatization movement to date. Students of American education will learn a great deal from it.”—Leo Casey, Dissent
Cambridge University Press Realism and Democracy: American Foreign Policy after the Arab Spring
America is turning away from support for democrats in Arab countries in favor of 'pragmatic' deals with tyrants to defeat violent Islamist extremism. For too many policymakers, Arab democracy is seen as a dangerous luxury. In Realism and Democracy, Elliott Abrams marshals four decades of experience as an American official and leading Middle East expert and shows that deals with tyrants will not work. Islamism is an idea that can only be defeated by a better idea: democracy. Through a careful analysis of America's record of democracy promotion in the region and beyond, from the Cold War to the Obama years, Abrams proves that repression helps Islamists beat democrats, while political openings offer moderates and liberals a chance. This book makes a powerful argument for an American foreign policy that combines practical politics and idealism and refuses to abandon those struggling for democracy and human rights in the Arab world.
The University of Chicago Press Evolution and the Machinery of Chance: Philosophy, Probability, and Scientific Practice in Biology
An innovative view of the role of fitness concepts in evolutionary theory. Natural selection is one of the factors responsible for changes in biological populations. Some traits or organisms are fitter than others, and natural selection occurs when there are changes in the distribution of traits in populations because of fitness differences. Many philosophers of biology insist that a trait’s fitness should be defined as an average of the fitnesses of individual members of the population that have the trait. Marshall Abrams argues convincingly against this widespread approach. As he shows, it conflicts with the roles that fitness is supposed to play in evolutionary theory and with the ways that evolutionary biologists use fitness concepts in empirical research. The assumption that a causal kind of fitness is fundamentally a property of actual individuals has resulted in unnecessary philosophical puzzles and years of debate. Abrams came to see that the fitnesses of traits that are the basis of natural selection cannot be defined in terms of the fitnesses of actual members of populations, as philosophers of biology often claim. Rather, it is an overall population-environment system—not actual, particular organisms living in particular environmental conditions—that is the basis of trait fitnesses. Abrams argues that by distinguishing different classes of fitness concepts and the roles they play in the practice of evolutionary biology, we can see that evolutionary biologists’ diverse uses of fitness concepts make sense together and are consistent with the idea that fitness differences cause evolution. Abrams’s insight has broad significance, for it provides a general framework for thinking about the metaphysics of biological evolution and its relations to empirical research. As such, it is a game-changing book for philosophers of biology, biologists who want deeper insight into the nature of evolution, and anyone interested in the applied philosophy of probability.
University of Texas Press How the Maya Built Their World: Energetics and Ancient Architecture
Maya architecture is often described as "massive" and "monumental," but experiments at Copan, Honduras, convinced Elliot Abrams that 300 people could have built one of the large palaces there in only 100 days.In this groundbreaking work, Abrams explicates his theory of architectural energetics, which involves translating structures into volumes of raw and manufactured materials that are then multiplied by the time required for their production and assembly to determine the labor costs of past construction efforts. Applying this method to residential structures of the Late Classic period (A.D. 700-900) at Copan leads Abrams to posit a six-tiered hierarchic social structure of political decision making, ranging from a stratified elite to low-ranking commoners. By comparing the labor costs of construction and other economic activities, he also prompts a reconsideration of the effects of royal construction demands on commoners.How the Maya Built Their World will interest a wide audience in New and Old World anthropology, archaeology, architecture, and engineering.
Johns Hopkins University Press Shortchanged: How Advanced Placement Cheats Students
"Shortchanged is a brilliant book."—The Washington Post Author and high school English teacher Annie Abrams reveals how the College Board's emphasis on standardized testing has led the AP program astray.Every year, millions of students take Advanced Placement (AP) exams hoping to score enough points to earn college credit and save on their tuition bill. But are they getting a real college education? The College Board says that AP classes and exams make the AP program more accessible and represent a step forward for educational justice. But the program's commitment to standardized testing no longer reflects its original promise of delivering meaningful college-level curriculum to high school students. In Shortchanged, education scholar Annie Abrams uncovers the political and pedagogical traditions that led to the program's development in the 1950s. In revealing the founders' intentions of aligning liberal arts education across high schools and colleges in ways they believed would protect democracy, Abrams questions the collateral damage caused by moving away from this vision. The AP program is the College Board's greatest source of revenue, yet its financial success belies the founding principles it has abandoned. Instead of arguing for a wholesale restoration of the program, Shortchanged considers the nation's contemporary needs. Abrams advocates for broader access to the liberal arts through robust public funding of secondary and higher education and a dismantling of the standardized testing regime. Shortchanged illuminates a better way to offer a quality liberal arts education to high school students while preparing them for college.
Hay House UK Secrets of the Ancestors Oracle
Abiola Abrams is a self-worth midwife, spiritual success mindset coach, advice columnist and motivational speaker. She is founder of Spiritpreneur Academy, where she helps women leaders move out of their own way and claim their power.
New York University Press A View from Abroad: The Story of John and Abigail Adams in Europe
Reveals how the European travels of John and Abigail Adams helped define what it meant to be an American From 1778 to 1788, the Founding Father and later President John Adams lived in Europe as a diplomat. Joined by his wife, Abigail, in 1784, the two shared rich encounters with famous heads of the European royal courts, including the ill-fated King Louis XVI and Queen Marie-Antoinette, and the staid British Monarchs King George III and Queen Charlotte. In this engaging narrative, A View from Abroad takes us on the first full exploration of the Adams’s lives abroad. Jeanne E. Abrams reveals how the journeys of John and Abigail Adams not only changed the course of their intellectual, political, and cultural development—transforming the couple from provincials to sophisticated world travelers—but most importantly served to strengthen their loyalty to America. Abrams shines a new light on how the Adamses and their American contemporaries set about supplanting their British origins with a new American identity. They and their fellow Americans grappled with how to reorder their society as the new nation took its place in the international transatlantic world. After just a short time abroad, Abigail maintained that, “My Heart and Soul is more American than ever. We are a family by ourselves.” The Adamses’ quest to define what it means to be an American, and the answers they discovered in their time abroad, still resonate with us to this day.
Rodale Press Inc. The Man's Guide to Women: Scientifically Proven Secrets from the Love Lab About What Women Really Want
A great "philosopher" once said "trying to understand women is like trying to smell the color 9." But the fact is, men can understand women to their great benefit. All they need is the right teacher. And arguably there is no better teacher than John Gottman, PhD, a world-renowned relationships researcher and author of the bestselling 7 principles of Making Marriage Work. His new book, written with wife Julie Gottman, a clinical psychologist, and Doug Abrams and Rachel Carlton Abrams, MD, is based on 40 years of scientific study, much of it gleaned from the Gottman's popular couple's workshops and the "love lab" at the University of Washington. It's written primarily for men because new research suggeststhat it is the man in a relationship who wields the most influence to make it great or screw it up beyond repair.
Temple University Press,U.S. The Money Pitch: Baseball Free Agency and Salary Arbitration
Professional baseball players have always been well paid. In 1869, Harry Wright paid his Cincinnati Red Stockings about seven times what an average working-man earned. Today, on average, players earn more than fifty times the average worker's salary. In fact, on December 12, 1998, pitcher Kevin Brown agreed to a seven-year, $105,000,000 contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers, the first nine-figure contract in baseball history. Brown will be earning over $400,000 per game; more than 17,000 fans have to show up at Dodger Stadium every night just to pay his salary. Why are baseball players paid so much money? In this insightful book, legal scholar and salary arbitrator Roger Abrams tells the story of how a few thousand very talented young men obtain their extraordinary riches. Juggling personal experience and business economics, game theory and baseball history, he explains how agents negotiate compensation, how salary arbitration works, and how the free agency \u0022auction\u0022 operates. In addition, he looks at the context in which these systems operate: the players' collective bargaining agreement, the distribution of quality players among the clubs, even the costs of other forms of entertainment with which baseball competes. Throughout, Dean Abrams illustrates his explanations with stories and quotations -- even an occasional statistic, though following the dictum of star pitcher, club owner, and sporting goods tycoon Albert Spalding, he has kept the book as free of these as possible. He explains supply and demand by the cost of a bar of soap for Christy Mathewson's shower. He illustrates salary negotiation with an imaginary case based on Roy Hobbs, star of The National. He leads the reader through the breath-taking successes of agent Scott Boras to explain the intricacies of free agent negotiating. Although studies have shown that increases in admissions prices precede rather than follow the rise in player salaries, fans are understandably bemused by skyrocketing salaries. Dean Abrams does not shy away from the question of whether it is \u0022fair\u0022 for an athlete to earn more than $10,000,000 a year. He looks at issues of player (and team) loyalty and player attitudes, both today and historically, and at what increased salaries have meant for the national pastime, financially and in the eyes of its fans. The Money Pitch concludes that \u0022the money pitch is a story of good fortune, good timing, and great leadership, all resulting from playing a child's game -- a story that is uniquely American.\u0022
Emerald Publishing Limited Videogames, Libraries, and the Feedback Loop: Learning Beyond the Stacks
Videogames, Libraries, and the Feedback Loop: Learning Beyond the Stacks offers fresh perspectives of youth videogaming in public libraries. Abrams and Gerber delve into research-based accounts to explore feedback mechanisms that support important reflective and iterative practices. Highlighting how videogame library programs can evolve to meet contemporary needs of youth patrons, the authors equip readers to re-envision library programming that specifically features youth videogame play.
New York University Press God and Blackness: Race, Gender, and Identity in a Middle Class Afrocentric Church
Blackness, as a concept, is extremely fluid: it can refer to cultural and ethnic identity, socio-political status, an aesthetic and embodied way of being, a social and political consciousness, or a diasporic kinship. It is used as a description of skin color ranging from the palest cream to the richest chocolate; as a marker of enslavement, marginalization, criminality, filth, or evil; or as a symbol of pride, beauty, elegance, strength, and depth. Despite the fact that it is elusive and difficult to define, blackness serves as one of the most potent and unifying domains of identity. God and Blackness offers an ethnographic study of blackness as it is understood within a specific community—that of the First Afrikan Church, a middle-class Afrocentric congregation in Atlanta, Georgia. Drawing on nearly two years of participant observation and in‑depth interviews, Andrea C. Abrams examines how this community has employed Afrocentrism and Black theology as a means of negotiating the unreconciled natures of thoughts and ideals that are part of being both black and American. Specifically, Abrams examines the ways in which First Afrikan’s construction of community is influenced by shared understandings of blackness, and probes the means through which individuals negotiate the tensions created by competing constructions of their black identity. Although Afrocentrism operates as the focal point of this discussion, the book examines questions of political identity, religious expression and gender dynamics through the lens of a unique black church.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Quantitative Business Valuation: A Mathematical Approach for Today's Professionals
Quantitative Business Valuation A Mathematical Approach for Today's Professionals Essential reading for the serious business appraiser, Quantitative Business Valuation, Second Edition is the definitive guide to quantitative measurements in the valuation process. No other book written on business valuation is as well researched, innovative, and bottom-line beneficial to you as a practitioner. Written by leading valuation and litigation economist Jay B. Abrams, this text is a rigorous and eye-opening treatment filled with applications for a wide variety of scenarios in the valuation of your privately held business. Substantially revised for greater clarity and logical flow, the Second Edition includes new coverage of: Converting forecast net income to forecast cash flow Damages in manufacturing firms Regressing scaled y-variables as a way to control for heteroscedasticity Mathematical derivation of the Price-to-Sales (PS) ratio Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) and Real Options (RO) Analysis Venture capital and angel investor rates of return Lost inventory and lost profits damage formulas in litigation Organized into seven sections, the first three parts of this book follow the chronological sequence of performing a discounted cash flow. The fourth part puts it all together, covering empirical testing of Abrams' valuation theory and measuring valuation uncertainty and error. Parts five to seven round it all out with discussion of litigation, valuing ESOPs and partnership buyouts, and probabilistic methods including valuing start-ups. The resulting work, solidly grounded in economic theory and including all necessary mathematics, integrates existing science into the valuation professionand develops valuation formulas and models that you will find useful on a daily basis.
Canongate Books S.
One book. Two readers. A world of mystery, menace and desireA young woman picks up a book left behind by a stranger. Inside it are his margin notes, which reveal a reader entranced by the story and by its mysterious author. She responds with notes of her own, leaving the book for the stranger, and so begins an unlikely conversation that plunges them both into the unknown. THE BOOK: Ship of Theseus, the final novel by a prolific but enigmatic writer named V. M. Straka, in which a man with no past is shanghaied onto a strange ship with a monstrous crew and launched on a disorienting and perilous journey.THE WRITER: Straka, the incendiary and secretive subject of one of the world's greatest mysteries, a revolutionary about whom the world knows nothing apart from the words he wrote and the rumours that swirl around him. THE READERS: Jennifer and Eric, a college senior and a disgraced grad student, both facing crucial decisions about who they are, who they might become, and how much they're willing to trust another person with their passions, hurts and fears.S., conceived by filmmaker J.J. Abrams and written by award-winning novelist Doug Dorst, is the chronicle of two readers finding each other in the margins of a book and enmeshing themselves in a deadly struggle between forces they don't understand. It is also Abrams and Dorst's love letter to the written word.
The University of Chicago Press Evolution and the Machinery of Chance: Philosophy, Probability, and Scientific Practice in Biology
An innovative view of the role of fitness concepts in evolutionary theory. Natural selection is one of the factors responsible for changes in biological populations. Some traits or organisms are fitter than others, and natural selection occurs when there are changes in the distribution of traits in populations because of fitness differences. Many philosophers of biology insist that a trait’s fitness should be defined as an average of the fitnesses of individual members of the population that have the trait. Marshall Abrams argues convincingly against this widespread approach. As he shows, it conflicts with the roles that fitness is supposed to play in evolutionary theory and with the ways that evolutionary biologists use fitness concepts in empirical research. The assumption that a causal kind of fitness is fundamentally a property of actual individuals has resulted in unnecessary philosophical puzzles and years of debate. Abrams came to see that the fitnesses of traits that are the basis of natural selection cannot be defined in terms of the fitnesses of actual members of populations, as philosophers of biology often claim. Rather, it is an overall population-environment system—not actual, particular organisms living in particular environmental conditions—that is the basis of trait fitnesses. Abrams argues that by distinguishing different classes of fitness concepts and the roles they play in the practice of evolutionary biology, we can see that evolutionary biologists’ diverse uses of fitness concepts make sense together and are consistent with the idea that fitness differences cause evolution. Abrams’s insight has broad significance, for it provides a general framework for thinking about the metaphysics of biological evolution and its relations to empirical research. As such, it is a game-changing book for philosophers of biology, biologists who want deeper insight into the nature of evolution, and anyone interested in the applied philosophy of probability.
Hay House From Imagination to Reality
Powerful transformational practices, including the Law of Assumption, from Abdullah, the mysterious Black Ethiopian rabbi who was the mentor to New Thought icon Neville Goddard.“In this captivating book, Abiola enlightens readers, revealing that it is their birthright to transform their wildest dreams from imagination to reality.”#1 New York Times best-selling author Gabrielle BernsteinIn From Imagination to Reality, Abiola Abrams reveals the hidden teachings of Abdullah, a mystic and sage from the 1930s whose influence on spiritual teachers such as Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy underscores the profound impact of his insight. Abdullah’s teachings have long been linked to Neville Goddard’s creation of the Law of Assumption.Abdullah’s spiritual laws provide the foundation of conscious creation; and the manifesting processes, revelations, and exercises provided in these pages will become your tools for harn
Cornell University Press Historical Sociology
This book argues that history and sociology share the same vital preoccupation: the desire to unravel the puzzle of human agency. How do large-scale social transformations occur, and what is the role of the individual in them? Phil Abrams devotes three chapters to the development of industrialism and scrutinizes, in that connection, the theories of Marx, Weber, and Durkheim. Subsequent chapters consider Talcott Parsons and the debate on "convergence"; the formation of "states"; the idea of the "event" as a legitimate concern of history and sociology; individuals and sociological generations; deviancy and revolution; and a final chapter on the limits of historical sociology.
Atlantic Books Songs of Innocence: The Story of British Childhood
As recently as one hundred years ago British children existed in ways now unthinkable; boys as young as eight worked gruelling hours in unlit factories; girls were sold into sexual slavery with dolls still in their grasp; and boys at schools like Rugby and Harrow were brutally trained for their future at the helm of Britain's vast red empire. In Songs of Innocence Fran Abrams charts the transformation of childhood in the UK from early Victorian disagreements about child-rearing to the Scouts' very direct involvement in the First World War. Poignant first-hand accounts of poverty and deprivation as well as innocent pleasures carry the reader through a Dickensian landscape of urchins and Fauntleroys, the cosseted lives of Edwardian children to the self-sufficient charges of Baden-Powell. Fran Abrams draws distinctions along class lines and divisions such as town and country, Romantic and conservative, to achieve a historical perspective shows the progression of the idea of childhood through a century of massive social change brought about by urbanization, war and medico-psychological advances. Songs of Innocence employs searing personal testimony and immaculate research to provide a fascinating exposition of the past and a mirror for the present.
New York University Press A View from Abroad: The Story of John and Abigail Adams in Europe
Reveals how the European travels of John and Abigail Adams helped define what it meant to be an American From 1778 to 1788, the Founding Father and later President John Adams lived in Europe as a diplomat. Joined by his wife, Abigail, in 1784, the two shared rich encounters with famous heads of the European royal courts, including the ill-fated King Louis XVI and Queen Marie-Antoinette, and the staid British Monarchs King George III and Queen Charlotte. In this engaging narrative, A View from Abroad takes us on the first full exploration of the Adams’s lives abroad. Jeanne E. Abrams reveals how the journeys of John and Abigail Adams not only changed the course of their intellectual, political, and cultural development—transforming the couple from provincials to sophisticated world travelers—but most importantly served to strengthen their loyalty to America. Abrams shines a new light on how the Adamses and their American contemporaries set about supplanting their British origins with a new American identity. They and their fellow Americans grappled with how to reorder their society as the new nation took its place in the international transatlantic world. After just a short time abroad, Abigail maintained that, “My Heart and Soul is more American than ever. We are a family by ourselves.” The Adamses’ quest to define what it means to be an American, and the answers they discovered in their time abroad, still resonate with us to this day.
Ohio University Press Negotiating a Perilous Empowerment: Appalachian Women’s Literacies
In many parts of Appalachia, family ties run deep, constituting an important part of an individual’s sense of self. In some cases, when Appalachian learners seek new forms of knowledge, those family ties can be challenged by the accusation that they have gotten above their raisings, a charge that can have a lasting impact on family and community acceptance. Those who advocate literacy sometimes ignore an important fact — although empowering, newly acquired literacies can create identity conflicts for learners, especially Appalachian women. In Negotiating a Perilous Empowerment, Erica Abrams Locklear explores these literacy-initiated conflicts, analyzing how authors from the region portray them in their fiction and creative nonfiction. Abrams Locklear blends literacy studies with literary criticism to analyze the central female characters in the works of Harriette Simpson Arnow, Linda Scott DeRosier, Denise Giardina, and Lee Smith. She shows how these authors deftly overturn stereotypes of an illiterate Appalachia by creating highly literate characters, women who not only cherish the power of words but also push the boundaries of what literacy means. Negotiating a Perilous Empowerment includes in-depth interviews with Linda Scott DeRosier and Lee Smith, making this an insightful study of an important literary genre.
Temple University Press,U.S. Legal Bases: Baseball And The Law
If baseball is the heart of America, the legal process provides the sinews that hold it in place. It was the legal process that allowed William Hulbert to bring club owners together in a New York City hotel room in 1876 to form the National League, and ninety years later, it allowed Marvin Miller to change a management-funded fraternity of ballplayers into the strongest trade union in America. But how does collective bargaining and labor arbitration work in the major leagues? Why is baseball exempt from the antitrust laws? In Legal Bases, Roger Abrams has assembled an all-star baseball law team whose stories illuminate the sometimes uproarious, sometimes ignominious relationship between law and baseball that has made the business of baseball a truly American institution.
University of California Press Open Hand, Closed Fist: Practices of Undocumented Organizing in a Hostile State
How does a group that lacks legal status organize its members to become effective political activists? In the early 2000s, Arizona's campaign of "attrition through enforcement" aimed to make life so miserable for undocumented immigrants that they would "self-deport." Undocumented activists resisted hostile legislation, registered thousands of new Latino voters, and joined a national movement to advance justice for immigrants. Drawing on five years of observation and interviews with activists in Phoenix, Arizona, Kathryn Abrams explains how the practices of storytelling, emotion cultures, and performative citizenship fueled this grassroots movement. Together these practices produced both the "open hand" (the affective bonds among participants) and the "closed fist" (the pragmatic strategies of resistance) that have allowed the movement to mobilize and sustain itself over time.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Stacey's Remarkable Books
This NAACP Image Award winner is the companion to the #1 New York Times bestseller Stacey's Extraordinary Words, from political leader Stacey Abrams and artist Kitt Thomas.Stacey’s favorite day of the week is Thursday, when the whole class goes to the library and she gets to lose herself in her beloved books.On one of these special days, Stacey discovers that a new student named Julie has trouble reading in English, so they begin sharing books and stories to practice. Soon, more students start to join them.Books take the group on magical adventures and reveal other worlds and cultures—but best of all, they bring them together as friends.This is another inspiring tale, based on a true story from Stacey Abrams’s childhood, about the life-changing power of books.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Keto Desserts For Dummies
From the bestselling authors of Keto Diet For Dummies Keto Desserts for Dummies debunks the rumor that you need to give up your favorite sweet treats when you go keto. Rami and Vicky Abrams provide in-depth details on how to maintain the popular low-carb, low-sugar diet while still enjoying delicious desserts and treats. Created by the founders of the wildly popular, along with the Total Keto Diet App, Keto Desserts For Dummies explains how to swap out standard baking ingredients, including sugar, flour, and milk, for keto-friendly ones. You’ll maintain the flavor of your favorite desserts while making them compatible with the keto diet. This handy guide shows you how to: Make delicious desserts while sticking to the keto regimen Choose keto-friendly versions of your favorite desserts so you don't ruin your daily macros Incorporate keto-approved desserts into your overall keto meal plans Keto Desserts For Dummies includes more than 150 easy-to-follow and tasty recipes sure to make your taste buds light up. All the recipes are designed to be simple and easy to follow, ensuring that anyone can make them, even people new to the keto program.
HarperCollins Publishers While Justice Sleeps
The #1 New York Times bestseller ‘Glossy, gritty, breathlessly suspenseful, effortlessly authentic, and altogether wonderful ’ Lee Child ‘A compelling, suspenseful mystery’ Mark Billingham ‘A mesmerising legal thriller’ Michael Connelly An explosive secretWhen legendary Washington judge Justice Wynn falls into a coma and puts his law clerk, Avery, in control, Avery’s world is turned upside down. Because Justice Wynn had a secret. One that nobody wants to come out… A life in the balance As Wynn lies in hospital, Avery begins to unravel a sequence of clues, and realizes the puzzle will lead her directly into danger. A showdown that will change everythingBut how high a price can you put on the truth? And is Avery brave enough to expose the White House itself? A gripping political thriller from the activist, leader, and speaker Stacey Abrams. ‘Brilliant’ LISA GARDNER‘Twisty and full of surprises’ KARIN SLAUGHTER‘Demands to be read in one sitting’ JEFFERY DEAVER‘Thrilling’ LEE CHILD
Rutgers University Press Everyday Desistance: The Transition to Adulthood Among Formerly Incarcerated Youth
Winner of the 2020 Society for Social Work and Research Book Award In Everyday Desistance, Laura Abrams and Diane J. Terry examine the lives of young people who spent considerable time in and out of correctional institutions as adolescents. These formerly incarcerated youth often struggle with the onset of adult responsibilities at a much earlier age than their more privileged counterparts. In the context of urban Los Angeles, with a large-scale gang culture and diminished employment prospects, further involvement in crime appears almost inevitable. Yet, as Abrams and Terry point out, these formerly imprisoned youth are often quite resilient and can be successful at creating lives for themselves after months or even years of living in institutions run by the juvenile justice system. This book narrates the day-to-day experiences of these young men and women, focusing on their attempts to surmount the challenges of adulthood, resisting a return to criminal activity, and formulating long-term goals for a secure adult future.
Amazon Publishing Penelope in Retrograde: A Novel
In this witty and heartfelt debut from author Brooke Abrams, a romance writer with a passion for astrology reluctantly travels home for Thanksgiving to make amends with her estranged family…and possibly manifest her own happily ever after. Romance writer Penelope Banks can write the perfect love story, but when it comes to family, all she’s got is a rough draft. Penny shelved the idea of fitting in with her high-achieving family years ago, but when her new business venture—a romance bookstore—is at risk of closing before its doors have opened, she’s forced to ask for help from the one place she never expected. Home. Penny’s prepared for the usual Thanksgiving lineup: her perfect sister, meddling nana, matchmaking mother, and workaholic father. The guest she didn’t anticipate? Her ex-husband, Smith. After an awkward rideshare with Smith leaves Penny questioning why the romance in her life exists only in her novels, Penny adds some fiction to reality and turns her father’s colleague into the perfect fake boyfriend. With only four days to mend damaged relationships, and her bookstore’s future at stake, all the stars must align for Penny to finally write a happily ever after for herself and her family.
Amazon Publishing Penelope in Retrograde: A Novel
In this witty and heartfelt debut from author Brooke Abrams, a romance writer with a passion for astrology reluctantly travels home for Thanksgiving to make amends with her estranged family…and possibly manifest her own happily ever after. Romance writer Penelope Banks can write the perfect love story, but when it comes to family, all she’s got is a rough draft. Penny shelved the idea of fitting in with her high-achieving family years ago, but when her new business venture—a romance bookstore—is at risk of closing before its doors have opened, she’s forced to ask for help from the one place she never expected. Home. Penny’s prepared for the usual Thanksgiving lineup: her perfect sister, meddling nana, matchmaking mother, and workaholic father. The guest she didn’t anticipate? Her ex-husband, Smith. After an awkward rideshare with Smith leaves Penny questioning why the romance in her life exists only in her novels, Penny adds some fiction to reality and turns her father’s colleague into the perfect fake boyfriend. With only four days to mend damaged relationships, and her bookstore’s future at stake, all the stars must align for Penny to finally write a happily ever after for herself and her family.
Rowman & Littlefield Democracy: How Direct?: Views from the Founding Era and the Polling Era
For more than two hundred years Americans have been debating how direct a democracy they want. Many hold that representative government too seldom reflects the people's real views, while others counter that direct popular voting will lead to excesses of passion and deficits of deliberation. In Democracy: How Direct? Elliot Abrams brings together eminent scholars to discuss the issues surrounding the dilemma of a representative versus direct democracy. This collection of previously unpublished essays begins by examining the views of our nation's founders and the historical perspectives on our democracy and then debates modern issues such as polling, public opinion, and the referendum process. With their valuable combination of historical analysis, contemporary data, and theoretical understanding, these essays will surely raise the level of the ongoing debate surrounding the nature of American democracy.
Hay House UK Ltd From Imagination to Reality
Powerful transformational practices, including the Law of Assumption, from Abdullah, the mysterious Black Ethiopian rabbi who was the mentor to New Thought icon Neville Goddard.In this captivating book, Abiola enlightens readers, revealing that it is their birthright to transform their wildest dreams from imagination to reality.#1 New York Times best-selling author Gabrielle BernsteinIn From Imagination to Reality, Abiola Abrams reveals the hidden teachings of Abdullah, a mystic and sage from the 1930s whose influence on spiritual teachers such as Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy underscores the profound impact of his insight. Abdullah's teachings have long been linked to Neville Goddard's creation of the Law of Assumption.Abdullah's spiritual laws provide the foundation of conscious creation; and the manifesting processes, revelations, and exercises provided in these pages will become your tools for harnessing the energy of your int
Hay House Inc African Goddess Rising Oracle: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook
A breathtakingly beautiful oracle deck of 44 African goddesses, spirits, queens, and ancestors from many powerful peoples and pantheons—reaching from the continent of Africa and throughout the diaspora by intuitive spiritual teacher Abiola Abrams. "From the moment that I received the sacred assignment to birth this deck, these magical folks would not leave me alone. I come from generations of intuitives and healers, so divine channeling is not new to me. But these oracle keepers were persistent! They "dreamed me," pursued me, and guided me through this co-creation.Although African spirituality is vast, most practices share foundational beliefs including: ancestral veneration, reverence for elders and community, respecting natural phenomenon, and the power to transmute obstacles. This deck is faithful to our sacred truths and secrets passed down through oral tradition.This deck will support you as a tool for divination, healing, awakening, and personal development.Rise up. It is your time.Asè!" (the power to make things happen or so let it be) - from the guidebook
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Anglo-Saxon Glastonbury: Church and Endowment
A survey of the landed endowment of Glastonbury Abbey before 1066, with a history of its estates. The early history of the religious community at Glastonbury has been the subject of much speculation and imaginative writing, but there are few sources which genuinely further our knowledge of Glastonbury Abbey in the Anglo-Saxonperiod. This has resulted in a lack of serious historical research and hence the neglect of an important ecclesiastical establishment. This study brings together the evidence of royal and episcopal grants of land and combines it with material from Domesday Book, to produce a survey of the landed endowment of Glastonbury Abbey before 1066, and an analysis of the history of its Anglo-Saxon estates. Although there is too little data to formulate a complete account of the Abbey's early landholdings, the surviving evidence, collected together here, outlines a history for each place named in connection with the pre-Conquest religious house; in addition, each case helps to establish an overall framework for the life-cycle of the Anglo-Saxon estate, building on our understanding of actual conditions of tenure and of the various fortunes ecclesiastical land might experience. LESLEY ABRAMS is Lecturer in History, Brasenose College, and Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford University.
Pan Macmillan BodyWise: Discovering Your Body's Intelligence for Lifelong Health and Healing
Are you tired? Do you suffer from chronic pain-headaches, backaches, or pelvic discomfort? Do you experience depression or feel anxious? Do you have allergies, rashes or autoimmune issues? Have you lost your sex drive somewhere along the way? If you have one or more of these symptoms, you may be suffering from a condition that Rachel Carlton Abrams, M.D. calls Chronic Body Depletion. The condition can be related to weight gain, high blood pressure, exhaustion, and many other symptoms that leave the body run down. In BodyWise, Dr. Rachel shows us not only how to treat the symptoms that plague us, but offers strategies for optimum health and lifelong healing. Dr. Rachel presents an integrative approach that balances conventional medicine, wellness practices, and intuition to heal the body both physically and emotionally. Exploring the causes of today's most chronic health issues, BodyWise teaches women to understand the body's innate wisdom, and to use a customized 28-day plan to restore their five fundamentals of health: eating, sleeping, moving, loving, and finding purpose. Written with the wisdom of a top physician but the warmth and humor of a close friend, BodyWise is a compelling and life-changing work that delivers hope, knowledge, and advice on how to live a life that is healthy and truly fulfilling.
Hay House Inc African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy
A book of actionable self-love and self-care rituals, ceremonies, and celebrations based on the goddesses of the African diaspora and black people around the world written by spiritual teacher, intuitive coach, and author, Abiola Abrams. Imagine being able to welcome ancient African goddess magic into your dailylife to dissolve your fears, limiting beliefs,and shadow blocks as you learn how the principles of conjuring in African traditions can help you to become the person you were born to be. When Africans were kidnapped and brutally brought to "The New World," they hid their deities and rituals in stories of saints, angels,and legendary characters. Their deities included a powerful cadre of orishas, lwas, goddesses. From Egypt to South Africa, Cuba to even indigenous Australia, we chant their names then and now: Yemaya, Odudua, Erzulie, Ala, Isis, Maat among others. Each chapter of the book is dedicated to an African goddess. We learn about the deity, how to invoke and honor her energy, and how she honors you. In addition to an accompanying declaration, there will be a self-love, self-care,or manifesting ritual related to each goddess. Consider AFRICAN GODDESS RISINGto be an initiation into your own power. This is our time to rise and to shine. Here is your crown. You are power and magic: fearfully and wonderfully made.
Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd Stanley Whitney
Since the mid-1970s, American painter Stanley Whitney has been exploring the formal possibilities of colour within grids of multi-coloured blocks. Matthew Jeffrey Abrams's thoughtful book, the first full monograph on the artist, highlights Whitney's unique and sophisticated understanding of line and colour and his commitment to abstract painting over four decades of consistent practice. Abrams brings together Whitney's personal and professional narratives to weave a chronological analysis of the work and the artist's wider cultural contribution. Born in Philadelphia in 1946, Whitney moved to New York in 1968, and under the guidance of Philip Guston he began to experiment with abstraction, drawn to the basic formal qualities of Abstract Expressionism, the pure chroma of the Color Field movement, and the minimalist approach of such artists as Donald Judd. Steadfastly pursuing abstraction at a time when critical interest was focussed on figurative art and photography, Whitney has not received the critical recognition due to him until late in his career. This book affirms his outstanding achievement.
Groundwood Books Ltd ,Canada I Was Cleopatra
The provocative fictional memoir of a boy actor in Shakespearian London.In Shakespeare’s time, women were not allowed to appear on stage, and so female parts were played by boy actors. In I Was Cleopatra, readers meet John Rice — perhaps the most beautiful and acclaimed boy actor of them all. It is believed by many that John Rice originated the roles of Lady Macbeth, Cleopatra and Cordelia, and this fictional memoir explores his life both on and off the stage. With graceful prose and an encyclopedic knowledge of the period, Dennis Abrams invites readers to experience gender fluidity and sexuality through the fictional recollections of a fascinating historical figure as he reflects on his life in this “farewell” to his theatrical past.The story follows John from the age of thirteen, when he leaves his family in Reading to join the King’s Men theater troupe in London as an apprentice boy actor. Over the course of the next few years, John eagerly hones the acting skills necessary to portray female roles. He memorizes lines, reads all the plays he can get his hands on, and works on imitating female gestures and mannerisms. He becomes a friend, and eventually a lover, of Alexander, a boy actor who is getting too old to play female roles. And he works closely with Shakespeare himself, who coaches him through the roles of Lady Macbeth and Cleopatra, among others.But around the time he turns sixteen, John starts to worry about inevitably becoming too old to convincingly portray women onstage, which leads to some unsettling choices.Key Text Featuresliterary referencesauthor’s noteCorrelates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.3Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.6Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text.
Titan Books Ltd Marvelocity: The Marvel Comics Art of Alex Ross
Thirteen years after his Eisner Award-winning, nationally best-selling Mythology--here is the long-awaited Marvel Comics counterpart, a retrospective celebration of the other half of the comics galaxy that is currently ruling the world: Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Black Panther, the Avengers, the X-Men, Doctor Strange, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and the Fantastic Four. "Alex is a legend. Even if you don't consider yourself a comics-head, you should check out his work to see what the best of the form has to offer." --Ta-Nehisi Coates As he did for the DC characters in Mythology, Alex Ross now brings the heroes of the Marvel universe into dynamic life as never before. Marvelocity includes more than 50 never-been-published sketches, paintings, photographs and working models, and other preparatory art, and a 14-panel portfolio gallery of Marvel's most beloved characters. And Ross has written a new 10-page story pitting Spider-Man against the Sinister Six--the webslinger's most popular villains--that ends with a stunning twist. With an introduction by J. J. Abrams