Search results for ""author frances"
HarperCollins Publishers Diamond Demands
Back to claim his bride!Lily's fiery connection with tycoon Trip is inexplicable, but undeniableuntil a thrill-seeking expedition leaves Trip missing, presumed dead. Weeks later he stuns everyone with his returnand an engagement announcement! To stabilise his position as CEO he urgently requires a wifeand he's chosen Lily. Usually guarded, she's reluctant to indulge this ring ruse. But their reawakened passion might leave her powerless to refuseStolen in her wedding dress!For billionaire Aristide, crashing his half-brother's wedding seems the perfect revenge on the family that rejected him. Stealing the bride? Even better. But Francesca Campo is not the demure heiress he expectedshe's fiery and reckless, with a passion that thrills him. And as she matches Aristide's demands touch for touch and kiss for kiss, the lines of their convenient agreement become dangerously blurred
Manchester University Press Women Beware Women by Thomas Middleton
Women Beware Women is among the most powerful and adroitly plotted of Jacobean tragedies. Written by Thomas Middleton, a later contemporary of Shakespeare, the play deals with topics of enduring fascination such as sexual and financial greed, the sexual exploitation of women by a manipulative older woman, murderous revenge and the sexual predatoriness of a man in a position of power. The storyline is based on the most public of Medici scandals in late sixteenth-century Florence, with the Grand Duke Francesco seducing and then marrying a beautiful Venetian runaway, after arranging the murder of her Florentine lower-class husband. The tragedy ends with a spectacular masque involving misdirected poison, flaming gold, poisoned arrows, poisoned smoke, physical mishaps and numerous deaths.This edition is designed for the classroom and for the reader interested in the best in Renaissance drama.
Johns Hopkins University Press Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture
Addressing the diverse ways in which eighteenth-century contemporaries of different nations and cultures created visual, verbal, and material representations in various media.Focused on conventions of technology, labor, and tolerance on the one hand, and on artistic intentionality on the other hand, these essays also address the implications of this past in our own research today. The first section, “Representing Humans and Technology,” opens with the late Srinivas Aravamudan’s presidential address, “From Enlightenment to Anthropocene.” This is followed by a panel of essays on labor and industry, which includes Valentina Tikoff on the overlap between welfare and the technical training of Spanish orphans for warfare; Susan Egenolf on mythological representations of industry; Susan Libby on the Encyclopédie’s mechanical representations of sugar production on the plantations; and Jon Klancher on technological manuals. The second section, “Inside the Artist’s Studio,” opens with Shearer West’s ASECS/BSECS lecture on “selfiehood” and eighteenth-century celebrity. This is followed by papers on self-promoting self-representations—by painters in Wendy Wassyng Roworth’s essay on Angelica Kauffman’s studio in Rome and Francesca Bove’s essay on George Morland’s studio; and by a self-promoting French society lady in Heather McPherson’s essay on Madame Récamier’s portraits. This section concludes with Leith Davis’s essay on representations in the contemporary press of Ireland and the Glorious Revolution. The final section addresses emerging issues in two forums. The first reconsiders issues of intentionality: participants include Stephanie Insley Hershinow, Sarah Ellenzweig, Edmund J. Goehring, Thomas Salem Manganaro, and Kathleen Lubey. The second section reconsiders issues of tolerance—and the association of Enlightenment tolerance with Voltaire during the recent Charlie Hebdo rallies in Paris. Participants include Jeffrey M. Leichman, Reginald McGinnis, Jack Iverson, Fayçal Falaky, Ourida Mostefai, and Elena Russo.
Biblioteca Autores Cristianos La época contemporánea
Este volumen presenta los dos últimos siglos de la historia de la Iglesia. Dos siglos apasionantes, difíciles y aparentemente confusos. El Espíritu sigue presente y actuante en vasijas de barro, pero estas son más variadas, complejas y llenas de sentidos diversos que nunca. La época contemporánea ha quedado marcada por la secularización de la sociedad; los principios de la Ilustración y de la revolución francesa fueron impregnando poco a poco las instituciones civiles y las mentes de los pueblos. Las sociedades buscaron nuevos modos de organización, extendiéndose un modelo de política laica que supuso una marginalización y maltrato de la Iglesia. La tradicional compenetración entre trono y altar, único sustento que parecía ser posible para que la Iglesia llevase a cabo su misión, iba resquebrajándose progresivamente. En este contexto, un urgente aggiornamento eclesial se fue planteado como un reto ineludible. Se multiplicaron las nuevas congregaciones religiosas, se purificó la liturgi
Ediciones Akal Diccionario de musica Music Dictionary
La notoriedad alcanzada por el "Dictionnaire de musique" de Sébastien de Brossard se vio coronada por la publicación en 1768 del "Dictionnaire de musique" de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, texto nacido con vocación de contribuir al conocimiento de la terminología predominante en la práctica musical francesa del momento. Sin embargo, el contenido teórico-técnico se destaca controvertible sobre un escenario netamente iluminado por una erudición domesticada con vistas al bien común.El silencio acaecido tras la pionera traducción del "Diccionario" al inglés (William Waring, 1771), la exigua aportación al alemán de Dorothea y Peter Gülke (1984), y la escasez testimonial del "Essay" de John T. Scott (1998), concluye en nuestro país con la primera edición en castellano, realizada por José Luis de la Fuente Charfolé, que, tras un riguroso estudio introductorio en el que expone el estado actual de las investigaciones, aportaciones y sucesos de mayor relevancia acaecidos sobre el texto, evidencia la
Ediciones Rialp, S.A. Historia de Espaa en el siglo XIX
La España del siglo XVIII no llama la atención por su grandeza o su capacidad creadora, sino por su prosperidad. El país no se había metido en grandes aventuras, y solo cabía esperar un tranquilo XIX. Sin embargo, entre 1808 y 1812 una serie de acontecimientos cambian el curso de la historia: un destronamiento coloca en el trono a Fernando VII; España es invadida por Napoleón y José Bonaparte se proclama rey de España; el pueblo se alza, iniciando la Guerra de lndependencia, y logra finalmente expulsar a los franceses; en Cádiz unas Cortes proclaman la primera Constitución española; una guerra simultánea, al otro lado del Atlántico, llevará a perder inmensos territorios, y contribuirá a la quiebra de la economía española. José Luis Comellas es catedrático, profesor emérito de la Universidad de Sevilla y uno de nuestros más prestigiosos historiadores. En Rialp ha publicado, entre otros: Historia de España moderna y contemporánea (18. ed.); Historia breve del mundo reciente (3. ed.); Pan
Hoja de Lata Editorial Esta es mi sangre pequeña historia de las reglas de las que la tienen y de los que las marcan
Una revolución sangrienta, pero pacífica, está a punto de estallar: la revolución menstrual. Quienes tienen la regla consideran que ha llegado el momento de rebelarse contra quienes ponen las reglas. Esta es mi sangre, escrito por la periodista y feminista francesa Élise Thiébaut, nos ofrece, en tono ameno y desenfadado, una historia política y personal de la menstruación.Esta es mi sangre explora los distintos imaginarios de la menstruación construidos a lo largo de la historia: desde los viejos mitos, en los que la sangre menstrual se vincula al tabú y a la superstición, hasta las representaciones subversivas de la menstruación en el arte contemporáneo feminista.Thiébaut defiende que hablar de la menstruación es un acto de empoderamiento de la mujer en su lucha por la reapropiación del espacio público, una forma de reivindicarse como un sujeto político más allá de su supuesta esencia natural. Esta es mi sangre no solo describe, para subvertirlos, los imaginarios patriarcales de
Reservoir Books Diario de un vampiro en pijama
La obra más íntima e intimista de Mathias Malzieu: una fábula contemporánea, inteligente y deliciosa en la que nos cuenta su propia historia de superación personal.Salvar la vida ha sido la aventura más extraordinaria que jamás haya vivido.Tras varios años dando rienda suelta al artista compulsivo y polifacético que lleva dentro, tras haberse convertido en un icono de la modernidad indie francesa, la racha se le rompe a Mathias Malzieu. Le diagnostican una enfermedad sanguínea que lo pone a las puertas de la muerte. Pero no claudica ante la amenaza, se agarra a la vida y a quienes dulcemente le rodean tan fuerte como un niño lo hace a sus sueños. Además, Mathias cuenta con una baza secreta, un don tremendamente maravilloso: la capacidad de sublimar su experiencia a través de la escritura, gracias a una tremenda visión poética de la vida.Esta es una novela, en forma de diario personal, que explora los temas de la enfermedad, la muerte y el afán de supera
Editorial Berenice Madame de Staël la baronesa de la libertad un retrato apasionado de la madre espiritual de la Europa moderna
Con Madame de Staël, la baronesa de la libertad, Xavier Roca-Ferrer realiza una pionera y fundamental biografía de este imprescindible personaje de la cultura europea. Un ensayo a la vez biográfico, cultural e histórico-político sobre la figura excepcional de la baronesa de Staël, considerada ?madre espiritual de la Europa moderna? y, sin embargo, poco y mal conocida en nuestras latitudes.Criada en un ambiente excepcional, en la "corte" de sus padres -él, todopoderoso financiero suizo, y ella, anfitriona de uno de los salones más importantes de la Ilustración francesa-, Germaine Necker, más conocida como Madame de Staél por su matrimonio con el embajador sueco en Francia, el barón de Staël von Holstein, mostró muy pronto dotes de niña prodigio. Llevó una azarosa vida llena de amantes, pasión intelectual y altibajos emocionales, y en contacto permanente con grandes personajes de la cultura como Diderot, Constant, A. W. Schlegel, Tayllerand, Goethe, Schiller, Lord Byron.... Rea
University of California Press Sculpture at the Ends of Slavery
From abolitionist medallions to statues of bondspeople bearing broken chains, sculpture gave visual and material form to narratives about the end of slavery in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Sculpture at the Ends of Slavery sheds light on the complex—and at times contradictory—place of such works as they moved through a world contoured both by the devastating economy of enslavement and by international abolitionist campaigns. By examining matters of making, circulation, display, and reception, Caitlin Meehye Beach argues that sculpture stood as a highly visible but deeply unstable site from which to interrogate the politics of slavery. With focus on works by Josiah Wedgwood, Hiram Powers, Edmonia Lewis, John Bell, and Francesco Pezzicar, Beach uncovers both the radical possibilities and the conflicting limitations of art in the pursuit of justice in racial capitalism's wake.
Alianza Editorial Cdiz Episodios Nacionales 8 primera serie
El gran friso narrativo de los Episodios Nacionales sirvió de vehículo a Benito Pérez Galdós (1843-1920) para recrear en él, novelescamente engarzada, la totalidad de la compleja vida de los españoles ?guerras, política, vida cotidiana, reacciones populares? a lo largo del agitado siglo XIX. Baluarte de la resistencia frente a los franceses, Cádiz se convierte en síntesis de una nueva España en la que pugnan el deseo de reformar sus instituciones y las posturas tenaces e irreductibles ante el invasor. A través de Gabriel de Araceli, de guarnición en la Isla, Galdós nos da en el presente episodio una visión directa de aquel denso y brillante mundo gaditano en el que se cruzan y entremezclan héroes de ficción y protagonistas históricos.
Editorial CCS Fuentes salesianas Don Bosco y su obra
Respondiendo a las indicaciones del Capítulo General XXVII para que se traduzcan las Fuentes Salesianas (CG XXVII n. 67.6), EDITORIAL CCS presenta este esperado volumen. El libro comienza con una introducción que sitúa a Don Bosco en la historia, la pedagogía y la espiritualidad de su tiempo. El contenido está estructurado en tres partes: Escritos y documentos para la historia de Don Bosco y de la obra salesiana (Francesco Motto), Escritos y testimonios de Don Bosco acerca de la educación y la escuela (José Manuel Prellezo), Escritos y testimonios de Don Bosco sobre la vida espiritual (Aldo Giraudo). La obra se completa con las fuentes, la bibliografía y un índice temático que facilitará el empleo sistemático del contenido.
Editorial Anagrama S.A. Solal
Cuando apareció Solal, la primera novela de Albert Cohen, el éxito fue inmediato y la crítica francesa le saludó como un escritor extraordinario, a pesar de la novedad y complejidad de su propuesta narrativa. En ella aparecían por primera vez sus inolvidables personajes: el joven Solal y sus atrabiliarios y desternillantes Esforzados, Saltiel, Comeclavos, Salomon, Michaël, Mattathias. También sus grandes temas: la búsqueda del Absoluto a través del amor, los juegos de seducción con reglas refinadas hasta el delirio, el tormento de los celos, la muerte; la omnipresencia del judaísmo: Solal, en una fulgurante carrera, pasa de la efervescencia resignada del ghetto a las intrigas sociopolíticas del mundo occidental
American Academy in Rome Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, Volume 63/64
The Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, an annual publication of the American Academy in Rome, gathers articles on topics including Roman archaeology and topography, ancient and modern Italian history, Latin literature, and Italian art and architectural history. Volume 63/64 is the first volume edited by Sinclair W. Bell, Professor of Art History at Northern Illinois University. This volume includes the following essays and articles:" Incised and Stamped Ceramics from Morgantina: Taking the Long View" by Emma Buckingham and Carla M. Antonaccio; "Early Iron Age and Orientalizing Mediterranean Networks from Funerary Contexts in Latium vetus: Identifying Gender and Special Patterns of Interaction" by Francesca Fulminante; "Herakles on the Move: A Greek Hydria's Journey from Athens to Vulci" by Sheramy D. Bundrick; "A Hemicycle with a View" by Barbara Burrell; "Coinage Programs and Panegyric in the Reign of Trajan: Imagery, Audience, and Gency" by Nathan T. Elkins; "Matidia Minor and the Rebuilding of Suessa Aurunca" by Margaret Woodhull; "Sesostris' Chariot in a Roman Circus? A New Interpretation of a Scene Depicted on an Imperial Oil Lamp" by Sylvain Forichon; "The Sylloge Einsidlensis, Poggio Bracciolini's De Varietate Fortunae, the Turris de Arcu, and the Disappearance of the Arch of Titus in the Circus Maximus" by Tommaso Leoni; "Three Drawings of the Domus Aurea and the Colosseum at the Uffizi: Disiecta membra froma Drawing-book after the Antique?" by Marco Burnetti; and reports from the American Academy in Rome covering 2017-2019.
New York University Press Liberty, Equality, Democracy
This volumes explores the whole range of Alexis Tocqueville's ideas, from his political, literary and sociological theories to his concept of history, his religious beliefs, and his philosophical doctrines. Among the topics considered are: Tocqueville's beliefs about foreign policy as applied to American democracy; Tocqueville and Machiavelli on the art of being free; Tocqueville and the historical sociology of state; virtue and politics in Tocqueville; Tocqueville's debt to Rousseau and Pascal; Tocqueville's analysis of the role of religion in preserving American democracy; Tocqueville and American literary critics; and Tocqueville and the postmodern refusal of history. The different approaches to Tocqueville's classical work represented in this book, combined with the frequent use of unpublished sources, present a fresh and renewed vision of his classic Democracy in America, reinforcing after a century and a half its reputation as the most modern, provocative, and profound attempt to explain the nature of democracy. Contributing to the volume are: Pierre Birnbaum (University of Sorbonne), Herbert Dittgen (University of Goettingen), Joseph Alulis (Lake Forest College), Dalmacio Negro (Universidad Complutense, Madrid), Peter A. Lawler (Berry College), Catherine Zuckert (Carleton College), Francesco de Sanctis (Naples University), Hugh Brogan (University of Essex), Cushing Strout (Cornell University), Gisela Schlueter (Universitaet Hannover), Roger Boesche (Occidental College), Edward T. Gargan (University of Wisconsin), and James T. Schleifer (College of New Rochelle).
Little, Brown Book Group Shadow Rider: Paranormal meets mafia romance in this sexy series
The No. 1 New York Times bestselling 'queen of paranormal romance'* is back with a sexy new series starring a Chicago crime family that hides a dark, mystical secret . . . Whether it's fast cars or fast women, Stefano Ferraro gets what he wants. When he's not fodder for the paparazzi, he commands Ferraro family businesses - both legitimate and illegitimate. While their criminal activity is simply a rumour yet to be proven, no one knows the real truth. The Ferraros are a family of shadow riders capable of manipulating light and dark, an ability Stefano thought ran in his family alone - until now . . . With little left to her name, Francesca Cappello has come to Chicago in hopes of a new life. She wasn't expecting to attract the attention of a man with primal hunger in his eyes, driven to claim her as his to protect and to please. And if he discovers her secret, it could ruin her . . .Find out why readers are OBSESSED with the Shadow Series'Dark, gritty, edgy, magical . . . will hold you spellbound' Fresh Fiction'Exciting, nerve-wracking, suspenseful . . . a true page-turner' Long and Short'Dark and sensual . . . tore my heart apart and pieced it back together again' Harlequin Book Junkie'The family that Feehan introduces to us is freakin' AWESOME! I loved each and every sibling' Addicted to Romance'An exciting, action-packed romantic ride' Goodreads reviewer*J. R. Ward
Ullmann Publishing Couples in Art: Iconic Lovers Portrayed by Artists
This book tells the story of romantic companionship in one hundred works of art. Chronologically arranged and emotionally driven, this study of couples runs through many cultures, civilizations, and epochs. With examples from across the globe, it portrays iconic and lesser-known (yet fascinating) couples immortalized in the history of art. Whether affectionately embracing, engaged in flirtatious exchanges, seducing one another, or simply enjoying each other's company, readers are invited into their complex world of passion, lust, and love. This celebration of these romantic relationships is expressed through sculptures, paintings, photographs, tapestries, stained glass, and illustrations.Gathered together are representations of couples from ancient cultures (Amenophis IV and Nefertiti), the Middle Ages (Tristan and Isolde), and the Renaissance (Paolo and Francesca). The book also covers contemporary pairs such as John Lennon and Yoko Ono or Gilbert and George, and artists such as Manet, Gainsborough, Renoir, Metsys, Rembrandt, Rubens, Blake, Moore, and Munch, to name but a few. The artists offer us an extensive selection of couples: from history, folklore, and legend, to pairs of a purely fictional nature. This variety of artistic means and vision results in a charming and irresistible collection.Art historian Agata Toromanoff has written several books on design. After running a contemporary art gallery and participating in the launch of a fashion brand, she founded a book packaging agency, Fancy Books. She also curates photography shows across Europe.
Little, Brown Book Group Sister to Sister: the perfect page-turning holiday read for 2021
'Rich people behaving badly' BooklistThe battle lines are drawn . . .Following the scandalous revelations about his love life, disgraced media mogul Harry Rose is searching for redemption. His daughters - bright, winsome Eliza and dark, difficult Maria - have taken over his beloved company and are making some major changes. Guided by Harry, Eliza navigates life as Rose Corp's new queen. But Maria is standing in her way. And then there's the distraction of Eliza's childhood playmate, the twinkly-eyed Rob Studley, and the unresolved death of her mother . . . After a stellar start, things take a turn for the worse and ultimately Eliza will have to make a choice: career, or love?Loosely based on the turbulent reigns of Tudor queens Mary and Elizabeth, this is a scandalous tale of love, power and betrayal . . .Praise for Olivia Hayfield 'Ingenious and addictive' Francesca Hornak 'A delicious read' Renee Rosen'Racy & pacy!' Nicky Pellegrino'The perfect escape' The Listener'An amusing, smart and oddly thought-provoking read with glamour and great heart' Kete: New Books from Aotearoa'A must-read for history buffs' Woman's Day'An addictively readable novel . . . there is lots to love in this racy romp about the lives of the rich and fabulous' New Zealand Woman's Weekly'A fun and entertaining read . . . non-stop Tudor intrigue!' An Historian About Town
Boom! Studios Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Unlimited Power Vol. 1 SC
The first volume of the universe-altering UNLIMITED POWER saga, collecting both the Mighty Morphin and Power Rangers arcs together for the first time!The new Mighty Morphin team is on a collision course with an even deadlier Lord Zedd, who has a new mission and a new motivation — one that will change everything you thought you knew about our heroes! But even if the Mighty Morphin team can find a way to survive Zedd and their mysterious new enemies, they may discover the greatest threat to their future is the shocking secret of Zordon’s past! Meanwhile, only the original Power Rangers, now known as the Omega Rangers— Jason, Trini and Zack- can hope to defeat a new cosmic threat, but their secret weapon is... the villainous Lord Drakkon?! But will Drakkon be their ally... or the one who dooms them all? Superstar writer Ryan Parrott (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II), rising star artist Marco Renna, and Francesco Mortarino (Cult
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Heritage Studies
A Companion to Heritage Studies BLACKWELL COMPANIONS TO ANTHROPOLOGY A Companion to Heritage Studies “This Companion provides a gateway to heritage studies for students and scholars alike. Taken together, the essays testify to how exciting and dynamic this field has become.”Valdimar Tr. Hafstein, University of Iceland “Interdisciplinary and international in scope, A Companion to Heritage Studies succeeds in bringing together critical and practical, historicizing and future-oriented scholarship on what has become an all-pervasive global interest and industry, passion and resource.”Regina F. Bendix, Göttingen University, Germany “A vast and complete overview of the contemporary challenges of heritage preservation and management. This is an important book for practitioners, planners, and policy makers. The Companion fills a gap and helps address many of the uncomfortable questions heritage preservation is facing today.”Francesco Bandarin, Special Advisor to UNESCO for Heritage and Professor, University Iuav of Venice A Companion to Heritage Studies is a comprehensive, state-of-the-art survey of the interdisciplinary study of cultural heritage. Featuring a substantial framework-setting essay by the editors, and contributions from an international array of scholars, including some with extensive experience in heritage practice through UNESCO, the World Heritage Centre, ICOMOS and national heritage systems, this Companion offers a cutting-edge guide to this emergent and increasingly important field that is global in scope, cross-cultural in focus, and critical in approach. The selected essays have been innovatively organized into three sections on the expansion, use and abuse, and the recasting of heritage. The Companion covers all of the key themes in research, including old and new outlooks on cultural heritage and its management, heritage as a form of cultural politics, the emergence of critical heritage studies, the role of heritage in times of rapid change and conflict, heritage in environmental protection, the rise of intangible heritage, museums and digital heritage, World Heritage and tourism, and heritage ethics and human rights. A Companion to Heritage Studies will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars of anthropology, archeology, and cultural studies, as well as anyone interested in better understanding the historical, social, and political significance of heritage.
York Medieval Press Late Medieval Heresy: New Perspectives: Studies in Honor of Robert E. Lerner
Fresh investigations into heresy after 1300, demonstrating its continuing importance and influence. From the Gregorian reforms to the Protestant Reformation, heresies and heretics helped shape the religious, political, and institutional structures of medieval Europe. Within this larger history of religious ferment, the late medieval period presents a particularly dynamic array of heterodox movements, dissident modes of thought, and ecclesiastical responses. Yet recent debates about the nature of heresy in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries have too easily created an impression of the period after 1300 as merely an epilogue to the high medieval story. This volume takes the history of heresy in late medieval Europe (1300-1500) on its own terms. From Paris to Prague and fromnorthern Germany to Italy and even extending as far as Ethiopia, the essays shed new light on a vibrant world of audacious beguines, ardent Joachites, Spiritual Franciscans, innovative mystics, lay prophets, idiosyncratic alchemists, daring magicians, and even rebellious princes locked in battles with the papacy. As befits a collection honoring the pioneering career of Robert E. Lerner, the studies collected here combine close readings of manuscripts andother sources with a grounding in their political, religious and intellectual contexts, to offer fresh insights into heresies and heretics in late medieval Europe. MICHAEL D. BAILEY is Professor of History at Iowa State University; SEAN L. FIELD is Professor of History at the University of Vermont. Contributors: Louisa A. Burnham, Elizabeth Casteen, Jörg Feuchter, Samantha Kelly, Richard Kieckhefer, Deeana Copeland Klepper, FrancesKneupper, Georg Modestin, Barbara Newman, Sylvain Piron, Justine L. Trombley.
Advook Editorial S.L. Merchandising y retail comunicacin en el punto de venta
Merchandising y retail es una guía definitiva para la correcta gestión del punto de venta. En él se analiza desde la exposición del producto hasta su iluminación, pasando por el escaparatismo o el marketing mix. Todo ello con el objeto de obtener el máximo rendimiento para las empresas.Pero este manual va más allá de ser una guía. En sus páginas también se encontrarán definiciones y numerosos ejemplos de los diversos conceptos que configuran este arte. Es por ello que se estudia el retail, micromerchandising, macromerchandising, cross o marketing visual. Todo ello ejemplificado mediante casos tales como las españolas Zara o Mercadona, la sueca H&M, las británicas Harrods o Tesco, la irlandesa Primark o la francesa Fnac.El punto de venta ya no es solo un lugar donde se venden productos, sino un espacio donde el cliente experimenta sensaciones y disfruta, al mismo tiempo que las empresas hacen negocio.Su autora, Gloria Jiménez Marín, es Doctora de la Universidad de Sevilla. Univ
Titan Books Ltd A Portrait In Shadow
Enter a sumptuous world of art and magic in 17th-century Florence as Artemisia Gentileschi is determined to make her mark as a painter, and exact her revenge - perfect for fans of Alix E. Harrow, Elena Ferrante and Susanna Clarke. When Artemisia Gentileschi arrives in Florence seeking a haven for her art, she faces instant opposition from the powerful Accademia, self-proclaimed gatekeepers of Florence’s magical art world. As artists create their masterpieces, they add layer upon layer of magics drawn from their own life essence, giving each work the power to heal – or to curse. The all-male Accademia jealously guards its power and has no place for an ambitious young woman arriving from Rome under a cloud of scandal. Haunted by the shadow of her harrowing past and fighting for every commission, Artemisia begins winning allies among luminaries such as Galileo Galilei, the influential Cristina de’ Medici and the charming, wealthy Francesco Maria Maringhi. But not everyone in Florence wants to see Artemisia succeed, and when an incendiary preacher turns his ire from Galileo to the art world, Artemisia must choose between revenge and her dream of creating a legacy that will span the generations.
Túnez, en el corazón del Mediterráneo, es un lugar donde fenicios, romanos, bizantinos, árabes, italianos y franceses dejaron su huella.Si queréis la guía del Trotamundos será vuestro cicerone. La primera escala del viaje es la capital, donde descubriréis una de las medinas más hermosas y su viejo centro colonial, además de los valiosos mosaicos romanos del Museo Nacional del Bardo.No lejos está Sidi-bou-Said, un pueblo costero de paredes blancas, y los restos de la púnica Cartago. Al oeste, la Costa de Coral, que alterna cabos, calas y acantilados, se extiende de Bizerta a Tabarka. También podréis visitar el Parque Nacional de Ichkeul, Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Desde Tabarka el recorrido prosigue hacia los yacimientos romanos de Bulla Regia,Dugga, Makthar, Sbeitla, Haidra y Thuburbo Maius.El cabo Bon, al este de la capital, se distingue por su
Quin hablar en europeo Prxima aparicin
En este libro, Basurto y Domínguez plantean por fin seriamente la cuestión de la ausencia de una lengua común como un problema político para el futuro de Europa. Con el fin de abordarlo, emprenden un fascinante recorrido histórico por la formación de las diversas lenguas europeas desde el Imperio Romano hasta el austrohúngaro, pasando por la Revolución Francesa, y nos muestran el intenso entrecruzamiento que siempre ha existido entre política, lengua, educación e identidad nacional. Además de un sugerente repaso al convulso pasado lingüístico del Viejo Continente, en estas páginas se ofrece una aguda visión de la Bruselas actual, con todas sus contradicciones y superposiciones lingüísticas e indentitarias. El presente ensayo no solo resulta innovador por atreverse a plantearla pregunta sobre la unión lingüística europea, sino también por arriesgarse a sugerir posibles y sorprendentes soluciones.
Headline Publishing Group Italian for Beginners
Say 'arrivederci, lonely harts' with another fabulous page-turner from Kristin Harmel Cat Kennedy has always lived life on the safe side, until the day she wildly accepts an invitation to spend a month with an ex-boyfriend in Italy. But her reunion with the slick and gorgeous Francesco turns out to be short-lived, and soon she finds herself alone in Rome. It will take an unexpected friendship with a fiery Italian waitress, a whirlwind Vespa tour of the Eternal City with a handsome stranger, and a surprise encounter with an old acquaintance to show Cat that life doesn't always work out the way you expect, and that sometimes you have to have to let yourself fall in order to fly.
Socialismo historia y utopiapensamiento critico
El presente libro busca hacer un balance filosófico e histórico de la tradición socialista para entender su legado, en busca de ideas que tengan relevancia y potencial para los retos de la sociedad presente. Haciéndose eco de la actitud de Hegel ante la Revolución Francesa, el libro propone que los fracasos y tragedias del socialismo durante el siglo XX fueron tal vez inevitables dadas las condiciones del momento pero, precisamente por esa misma especificidad histórica, en la sociedad actual las ideas socialistas pueden ser una guía valiosa para la acción en un mundo cada vez más complejo sin que por ello se vaya a repetir el pasado. Antes bien, las transformaciones del capitalismo moderno, especialmente en una era de globalización y de crisis ambiental de carácter planetario, hacen que sea cada vez más plausible y más viable retomar la agenda de solidaridad y responsabilidad compartida que forma parte de la tradición socialista desde sus orígenes hace ya más de dos siglos.
Headline Publishing Group The View Was Exhausting: smart and sexy, the celebrity fake-dating sensation
Their kisses write headlines and their fights break the internet. Nobody needs to know it's not real.'Absolutely the last word on the fake dating trope' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ reader review'The celebrity fake dating book I was waiting for' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ reader review'I felt breathless' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ reader review'I absolutely loved this story from cover to cover' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ reader review'Come for the kissing and the razor-sharp commentary on privilege and fame... stay for the great fake movies and grumpy old cat' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ reader review'It's impossible not to be drawn into the whirlwind of emotions' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ reader review---Everybody's talking about Whitman 'Win' Tagore and Leo Milanowski. Their on-off romance is the greatest love story of our time.As a woman of colour in Hollywood, Win knows she must work harder than everyone else to control her public image. Whenever she nears scandal, she calls in Leo to divert attention - and the cameras - with their earth-shattering chemistry.Nobody needs to know it's a lie.But the truth about their relationship isn't the only secret Leo's keeping. And, as the line between performance and reality begins to blur, can Win risk taking a chance on real love?The View Was Exhausting is a bold, wickedly observant modern love story about truth, fame and privilege - and how we love now.---'Effortlessly cool, razor-sharp and crazy fun' Taylor Jenkins Reid'The complex, Hollywood love story we've all been waiting for' Emily Henry'SEXY and GLAMOROUS and ROMANTIC and CELEBTASTIC and such UTTER, GLORIOUS FUN' Marian Keyes'Smart, sexy and genuinely insightful' gal-dem'Deft, funny and tender... as smart as it is swoon-worthy' Julia Armfield'A perfect summer read' Vogue'You will devour this' Prima'I loved the chemistry' Francesca Cha'Fun, sexy and totally gripping' Laura Kay
La campaña de Trafalgar tres naciones en pugna por el dominio del mar 1805
Seguramente el mejor conocedor de nuestra historia naval en la Edad Moderna. Luis Ribot, El Cultural Detallado y preciso. Carlos García Gual, El País Un estudio riguroso y muy documentado, redactado en estilo periodístico, vivo y ágil. Antonio Atienza, La Aventura de la Historia El 21 de octubre de 1805 la flota franco-española se enfrentó a la británica a la altura del cabo Trafalgar, en Cádiz. Estaba en juego el dominio en Europa y la primacía militar y comercial en los mares de todo el mundo. Este combate transcurrió en unas condiciones aciagas para la coalición hispano-francesa. Bajo la deplorable dirección del almirante Villeneuve y en contra de la opinión de los altos mandos españoles ?Gravina, Alcalá Galiano y Churruca?, tuvieron que hacer frente a la escuadra mandada por el almirante Nelson, uno de los más brillantes estrategas que ha dado la marina de guerra. Todos ellos, nombres ya legendarios, perecieron con honor como consecuencia de aquella aciaga jornada junto a más de 7.
Duke University Press Detours: A Decolonial Guide to Hawai'i
Many people first encounter Hawai‘i through the imagination—a postcard picture of hula girls, lu‘aus, and plenty of sun, surf, and sea. While Hawai‘i is indeed beautiful, Native Hawaiians struggle with the problems brought about by colonialism, military occupation, tourism, food insecurity, high costs of living, and climate change. In this brilliant reinvention of the travel guide, artists, activists, and scholars redirect readers from the fantasy of Hawai‘i as a tropical paradise and tourist destination toward a multilayered and holistic engagement with Hawai‘i's culture and complex history. The essays, stories, artworks, maps, and tour itineraries in Detours create decolonial narratives in ways that will forever change how readers think about and move throughout Hawai‘i. Contributors. Hōkūlani K. Aikau, Malia Akutagawa, Adele Balderston, Kamanamaikalani Beamer, Ellen-Rae Cachola, Emily Cadiz, Iokepa Casumbal-Salazar, David A. Chang, Lianne Marie Leda Charlie, Greg Chun, Joy Lehuanani Enomoto, S. Joe Estores, Nicholas Kawelakai Farrant, Jessica Ka‘ui Fu, Candace Fujikane, Linda H. L. Furuto, Sonny Ganaden, Cheryl Geslani, Vernadette Vicuña Gonzalez, Noelani Goodyear-Ka‘ōpua, Tina Grandinetti, Craig Howes, Aurora Kagawa-Viviani, Noelle M. K. Y. Kahanu, Haley Kailiehu, Kyle Kajihiro, Halena Kapuni-Reynolds, Terrilee N. Kekoolani-Raymond, Kekuewa Kikiloi, William Kinney, Francesca Koethe, Karen K. Kosasa, N. Trisha Lagaso Goldberg, Kapulani Landgraf, Laura E. Lyons, David Uahikeaikalei‘ohu Maile, Brandy Nālani McDougall, Davianna Pōmaika‘i McGregor, Laurel Mei-Singh, P. Kalawai‘a Moore, Summer Kaimalia Mullins-Ibrahim, Jordan Muratsuchi, Hanohano Naehu, Malia Nobrega-Olivera, Katrina-Ann R. Kapā‘anaokalāokeola Nākoa Oliveira, Jamaica Heolimelekalani Osorio, No‘eau Peralto, No‘u Revilla, Kalaniua Ritte, Maya L. Kawailanaokeawaiki Saffery, Dean Itsuji Saranillio, Noenoe K. Silva, Ty P. Kāwika Tengan, Stephanie Nohelani Teves, Stan Tomita, Mehana Blaich Vaughan, Wendy Mapuana Waipā, Julie Warech
UEA Publishing Project UEA Creative Writing Anthology Poetry: 2018
“What could be more timely than the wresting of new ways of saying from the hand-me-down matter of language; what more exploratory and exacting/exciting? Perhaps, in an era of frequently cynical and lazy language-use, an appetite has grown among readers for writing that doesn’t so much hit the nail squarely on the head, as refashion the very concept of the hammer” says Tiffany Atkinson, in her Introduction to this volume; a volume that is the record of a year of hard work, experiment, conversation, revision, and speculative play between the weight of tradition and the desire to find new ways of saying. What is immediately visible in these pages is the sheer variation in style and form, from the fragmentary and epigrammatic to the ranging and discursive, from the intimate to the global, from the playful to the elegiac. What is not visible is the mutual care and camaraderie of a group working together to encourage the emergence of each distinctive voice.Here are the UEA Poets of 2018. Remember, you read them here first.‘It’s so nice to have such a collectively-minded group on the MA this year. People will one day speak of the Norwich School...’– Jeremy Noel-TodGboyega Abayomi • Naomi Afrassiabi • Blythe Zarozinia Aimson • Craig Barker • Max Bowden • Anna Cathenka • Cai Draper • Kat Franceska • Rachel Goodman • Laurence Hardy • Iona May • Keeley Middleton • Bec Miles • Ellen Renton • Jessica O'Brien Rhodes • Alice Willitts
Penguin Books Ltd The Trio
SHORTLISTED FOR THE BERNARD SHAW PRIZE 2023Elegant, mature and richly atmospheric, a bittersweet love story glimpsed through the veil of memory'The love child of Normal People and Brideshead Revisited... Sublime and elegiac' Francesca Reece'[A] heady mix of hope and nostalgia, of desire and regret, of new love and lost love' Sunday TimesThora, August and Hugo come from different worlds. One is an art school dreamer, one a wealthy scion of the old-world elite, and one an ordinary boy from out of town. But over the course of two sky-blue summers in Stockholm, they are drawn together magnetically.Years later, Hugo is long estranged from Thora and August when their daughter knocks on his door. She has questions about her parents which she believes Hugo can answer - and the memories of those luminous days of youth come flooding back.Modern yet timeless, poignant and euphoric, The Trio is a novel about the path not taken, the people we might have become, and the relationships which shape and haunt us long after they come to a close.'Remarkably assured... Sharp, vividly imagined and affecting, [it] intrigues and captivates' Irish Times'An international success before even being published, The Trio is a novel that stands well above the hype... Elegiac, bittersweet, [with] the golden shimmer of nostalgia' Gefle Dagblad
Ediciones Cátedra Confesiones de un hijo del siglo
Alfred de Musset nace a finales de 1810 en el seno de una familia de la pequeña aristocracia francesa. Según la tradición familiar, completamente falsa, descendían de Juana de Arco e incluso de la Casandra cantada por Ronsard. Esta tradición le haría mantener a Musset durante toda su vida el orgullo de su nombre y sus. Poesía y amor, amor por la literatura y sed de amor absoluto, irán asociados desde sus inicios en su vida y en su obra. Alfred de Musset y George Sand se conocieron a finales de la primavera de 1833. Él era idealista y libertino, melancólico y alegre, introvertido y cínico, con un porte aristocrático. Ella realista, de clase burguesa y con distinto sistema de valores y diversa manera de entender la literatura. Sin embargo, una simpática complicidad se crea entre ellos dando paso a una relación amorosa apasionada y dolorosa. El proyecto de Confesiones de un hijo del siglo nace con la separación de los amantes. El objetivo de Musset era realizar un homenaje a George Sand,
Editorial Almuzara Qu pasa en Catalua
Manuel Chaves Nogales atendió la dinámica política en Cataluña durante la II República española en dos importantes ocasiones. En diciembre de 1931 entrevistó en profundidad al presidente de la Generalitat Francesc Maciá para su periódico, Ahora, tras la tormenta que supuso su acelerada proclamación de la República catalana. La segunda ocasión se dio entre finales de febrero y principios de marzo de 1936. Tras los arrolladores acontecimientos producidos por la victoria del Frente Popular en las elecciones de febrero de 1936, que suponen la vuelta del gobierno de la Generalitat, encarcelado desde octubre de 1934, Chaves Nogales ofreció, también en Ahora, una visión amplia del caso catalán a través de un grupo de ocho reportajes que se inició exactamente el 26 de febrero con el gran titular Qué pasa en Cataluña?, y que compone el grueso de esta edición. En ese momento Chaves se muestra perspicaz como nunca a la hora de buscar la información sobre un estado de cosas que siempre, por defini
Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970), "el más ilustre de los franceses" como a veces se le llama, fue un hombre cuya talla y valía se agrandan con el paso del tiempo y los estudios que se le dedican. Militar por vocación y, a la vez, pensador sistemático y riguroso, fue un hombre de acción que nutrió sus decisiones en el atento examen de las circunstancias, las personas y sus raíces históricas. Eso le permitió ser protagonista de hechos difíciles de compaginar, como criticar la mala dirección de la guerra sin perder su fe en el ejército, colaborar con el héroe más valorado de su tiempo y disentir de él, pensar la política de defensa en contra de la corriente dominante y, lo más pasmoso: declararse el auténtico representante de Francia frente a su Gobierno cuando este decidió rendirse a los ejércitos de Hitler en 1940. Ese acto de rebeldía, que tuvo éxito contra todo pronóstico, marcó toda su vida, pero no fue una excepción. De Gaulle fue un gran inconformista, un permanente crítico en busca d
Edicións Nigra Trea O traxe tradicional galego
O traxe tradicional confórmase a finais do século XVIII por parte das clases populares, fronte á aristocracia e burguesía que seguían as pautas sinaladas polas modas estranxeiras. O seu desenvolvemento coincide coa Revolución Francesa, unhas das épocas máis convulsas da historia da humanidade, ao tempo que tamén se empeza a consolidar outra roupa por parte das clases dominantes, a moderna, antecesora inmediata da actual, de carácter igualitario e global.Esta evolución non foi exclusiva de Galicia, senón da maioría das rexións peninsulares e europeas, adoptando deste xeito unha vestimenta diferenciada fronte á unificación cada vez máis intensa propiciada polas modas e a industria téxtil.En xeral, trátase dunha indumentaria con características de seu, confeccionada polas mulleres da casa, e as costureiras e os xastres locais, utilizando basicamente tecidos e elementos ornamentais autóctonos, ata que coa mellora das comunicacións empezaron a chegar de fóra, en casos de moi lonxe.
Cornerstone The Bridges Of Madison County
Fall in love with one of the bestselling novels of all time -- the legendary love story that became a beloved film starring Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep.If you've ever experienced the one true love of your life, a love that for some reason could never be, you will understand why readers all over the world are so moved by this small, unknown first novel that they became a publishing phenomenon and #1 bestseller.The story of Robert Kincaid, the photographer and free spirit searching for the covered bridges of Madison County, and Francesca Johnson, the farm wife waiting for the fulfillment of a girlhood dream, The Bridges of Madison County gives voice to the longings of men and women everywhere -- and shows us what it is to love and be loved so intensely that life is never the same again.
Boom! Studios Saban's Go Go Power Rangers Vol. 7
The origin of the all-new Omega Rangers begins here in the Power Rangers: Necessary Evil comic book event! NECESSARY EVIL IS HERE. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers have survived the shocking events of their war with Lord Drakkon—a twisted alternate-reality version of Tommy Oliver (AKA the Mighty Morphin Green Ranger)—and reality has now been reset…but has the danger truly passed? Why don’t the Rangers recall the incredible events of the landmark Shattered Grid? The answer to this question sets Jason - the Mighty Morphin Red Ranger - on a path that will lead to the formation of the mysterious Omega Rangers and changes everything you thought you knew! The writing duo of New York Times bestseller Ryan Parrott (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) and the GLAAD Award-nominated Sina Grace (Iceman) join artist Francesco Mortarino (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) to reveal the secret history behind the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers with the introduction of all new characters, new alliances and jaw-dropping answers to some of the biggest questions that fans have always asked! Collects Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #21-24
Princeton University Press Inventing Falsehood, Making Truth: Vico and Neapolitan Painting
Can painting transform philosophy? In Inventing Falsehood, Making Truth, Malcolm Bull looks at Neapolitan art around 1700 through the eyes of the philosopher Giambattista Vico. Surrounded by extravagant examples of late Baroque painting by artists like Luca Giordano and Francesco Solimena, Vico concluded that human truth was a product of the imagination. Truth was not something that could be observed: instead, it was something made in the way that paintings were made--through the exercise of fantasy. Juxtaposing paintings and texts, Bull presents the masterpieces of late Baroque painting in early eighteenth-century Naples from an entirely new perspective. Revealing the close connections between the arguments of the philosophers and the arguments of the painters, he shows how Vico drew on both in his influential philosophy of history, The New Science. Bull suggests that painting can serve not just as an illustration for philosophical arguments, but also as the model for them--that painting itself has sometimes been a form of epistemological experiment, and that, perhaps surprisingly, the Neapolitan Baroque may have been one of the routes through which modern consciousness was formed.
Alianza Editorial Zaragoza episodios nacionales 6 primera serie
El gran friso narrativo de los Episodios Nacionales sirvió de vehículo a Benito Pérez Galdós (1843-1920) para recrear en él, novelescamente engarzada, la totalidad de la compleja vida de los españoles -guerras, política, vida cotidiana, reacciones populares- a lo largo del agitado siglo XIX. Prisionero de los franceses en el episodio anterior ??Napoleón en Chamartín??, Gabriel de Araceli se fuga y se dirige a Zaragoza para incorporarse al ejército que se está organizando con fuerzas dispersas. El destino lo lleva a ser uno de los valerosos defensores de la ciudad en el segundo y más fuerte de los ?sitios?. Junto con otros personajes de total creación literaria, Araceli convive con el general Palafox y las demás figuras históricas que realmente intervinieron en la gran gesta popular.
Pocas obras dicen tanto en su título como la que aquí se presenta. Porque, en La fiesta revolucionaria de Mona Ozouf, quedan contenidas todas esas políticas de la Revolución francesa de que hablara B. Baczko. Desde las primeras páginas del libro, el lector descubre que es la propia fiesta la que se abre al plural; que no hay fiesta, sino fiestas; que la fiesta es imaginario de la política (el espectáculo de una comunidad como invención de sí misma), combate revolucionario (cada una de las gloriosas jornadas) e institución (y aquí debe considerarse toda la problemática de la fundación). Pero, al hilo del relato, ese mismo lector colige que la fiesta revolucionaria también es Una, que es forma de la que participan el moderantismo de los constituyentes, el ardor de los jacobinos del año II o la reacción de los termidorianos.
Palabra de guerrillero
El fenómeno guerrillero español durante la ocupación francesa de 1808 provocó asombro en toda Europa y animó a no pocos rincones del continente en su rebelión contra los ejércitos imperiales. Mezcla de bandoleros, contrabandistas y soldados improvisados, las numerosas y eficaces partidas que en concreto operaron en el sur peninsular tuvieron en jaque a un considerable número de efectivos enemigos y jugaron un importante papel en su ayuda a las tropas regulares españolas e inglesas. Pero tras cada voluntario en la guerrilla había una historia personal, una tragedia cuya catarsis resolvían los fusiles o las navajas. La presente novela se escribe sobre geografías reales y unas bases documentales tan sólidas que muchas veces superan a la más dura e imaginativa de las ficciones.
Nick Hern Books Feeling Afraid As If Something Terrible Is Going To Happen
'I'm thirty-six, I'm a comedian, and I'm about to kill my boyfriend.' A permanently single, professionally neurotic stand-up comedian finally meets his Mr Right – and then does everything wrong. Is Mr Right quite what he seems? And just how far will the comedian go to get a laugh? Marcelo Dos Santos's play Feeling Afraid As If Something Terrible Is Going To Happen is a dark and bitingly funny one-man show about vulnerability, intimacy, ego and truth. It premiered in the Roundabout at the 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe, produced by Francesca Moody Productions, directed by Matthew Xia, and starring Samuel Barnett. The critically acclaimed, Fringe First-winning production transferred to the Bush Theatre, London, in November 2023.
Oxford University Press Mona Lisa: The People and the Painting
Read this book and the world's most famous image will never look the same again. For the world's greatest cultural icon still has secrets to reveal - not the silly secrets that the 'Leonardo loonies' continue to advance, but previously unknown facts about the lives of Leonardo, his father, Lisa Gherardini, the subject of the portrait, and her husband Francesco del Giocondo. From this factual beginning we see how the painting metamorphosed into a 'universal picture' that became the prime vehicle for Leonardo's prodigious knowledge of the human and natural worlds. We learn about the new money of the ambitious merchant who married into the old gentry of Lisa's family. We discover Lisa's life as a wife and mother, her association with sexual scandals, and her later life in a convent. We meet, for the first time, previously undiscovered members of Leonardo's immediate family and discover new information about his early life. The tiny hill town of Vinci is placed before us, with its widespread poverty. We find out about the career and possessions of his father, a notable lawyer in Florence. The meaning of the portrait that resulted from these human circumstances is vividly illuminated though Renaissance love poetry and verses specifically dedicated to Leonardo. We come to understand how Leonardo's sciences of optics, psychology, anatomy and geology are embraced in his poetic science of art. Recent scientific examinations of the painting disclose how it evolved to assume its present appearance in Leonardo's experimental hands. Above all, we cut through the suppositions and the myths to show that the portrait is a product of real people in a real place at a real time. This is the book that brings back a sense of reality into the creation of the portrait of Lisa del Giocondo. And the actual Mona Lisa, it turns out, is even more astonishing and transcendent than the Mona Lisa of legend.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Missy Series 3: Missy and the Monk
Missy… no longer alone, unleashed and unfettered! She’s stuck with a Meddling Monk, in a TARDIS that won’t fly without both pilots. It’s a partnership neither one wants – the Monk thinks Missy wants him dead. Whereas, Missy thinks the Monk is annoying. And wants him dead. The two Time Lords must learn to live together, or die trying… 3.1 Body and Soulless by James Goss. Stuck with a co-pilot, Missy has taken extreme measures. After all, she only needs the Monk’s brain to fly his TARDIS. But when Missy and the bodiless Monk end up on different sides of a planetary war, they may need one another to survive… 3.2 War Seed by Johnny Candon. Missy takes the Monk to Earth to make a point – she can be nice if she wants. In fact, she can save the planet! While the Monk tries to charm the corporate sharks, Missy makes them a better offer. To supply the ultimate warrior, created in the ultimate war… 3.3 Two Monks, One Mistress by James Kettle. On the trail of some weapons-grade plutonium, Missy and the Monk visit Renaissance Italy and the house of an elderly Borgia. But someone else is en route to the Tuscan villa with designs on the old man’s treasures. Someone the Monk will soon know very well… Cast: Michelle Gomez (Missy), Rufus Hound (The Meddling Monk), Gemma Whelan (The Meddling Nun), Sheena Bhattessa (Francesca), Samuel Collings (The Seed), Anjella MacKintosh (Soldier 2/VAD Soldier/Medic), Glen McCready (Kalvor Commander/Aztec Priest), Lynsey Murrell (Anastasia Temple), Tania Rodrigues (Prime), James Smillie (Alfredo), John Telfer (Richard Temple), Ashley Zhangazha (Gasher). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Seagull Books London Ltd The Arrière-Pays
Since the publication of his first book in 1953, Yves Bonnefoy has become one of the most important French poets of the postwar years. At last, we have the long-awaited English translation of his celebrated work "L'Arriere-Pays", which takes us to the heart of his creative process and to the very core of his poetic spirit. In his poem "The Convex Mirror," Bonnefoy writes: "Look at them down there, at that crossroads, / They seem to hesitate, then go on." The idea of the crossroads haunts Bonnefoy's work, as he is troubled by the idea that the path not taken may lead to the arriere-pays, a place of greater plenitude, and of more authentic being - an "elsewhere in the absolute." Seized by this fear that what he terms "presence" exists always somewhere else, a little further on, Bonnefoy here sets out on a labyrinthine quest to find traces of this "original place," which he locates not only in objects of knowledge and experience as diverse as the deserts of Asia, a hill fort in India, a church in Armenia, and the paintings of Piero della Francesca but also, crucially, in the undivided intensity of his experiences as a child. Written with a visionary grace, "The Arriere-Pays" is a spiritual testament to art, philosophy, and poetry. Enriched by a new preface by the poet, this volume also includes three recent essays in which he returns to his original account of an ethical and aesthetic haunting, one that recounts the struggle between our instinct to idealize - what he deems our eternal Platonism - and the equally strong need to combat this and to be reconciled with our nature as finite beings, made of flesh and blood, in the world of the here and now.
Extramuros Edición, S.L. Adicion
Los mariscales, es decir, albéitares o veterinarios militares, Alonso y Francisco de Rus García mandaron imprimir su Guía veterinaria original en cuatro tomos de pequeño formato de forma que fueran fácilmente transportables por aquellos que precisaran su consulta ante los casos prácticos de su quehacer diario. La obra, un completísimo estudio general de veterinaria, refleja los cambios y avances más significativos de esta ciencia en la Europa de la época, consecuencia de la fundación de las escuelas veterinarias oficiales francesas y españolas. Este trabajo, reputado texto representativo de la Ilustración en España, marca así la transición de un periodo científico representado por la albeitería, fruto de la observación, a otro en el que prima la ciencia ya conocida como veterinaria, basada en la experiencia directa y el estudio riguroso. Francisco de Rus García, hermano del autor del primer tomo de esta obra, se propone en este volumen "manifestar clara y patentemente las enferm
Pitch Publishing Ltd In the Heat of the Midday Sun: The Indelible Story of the 1986 World Cup
In the Heat of the Midday Sun is a love letter to the 1986 World Cup. A tournament viewed via the shimmering satellite images of an age before the dawn of high-definition coverage - which was introduced four years later, at Italia '90 - it was the last World Cup where the commentaries sounded like they were broadcast from the surface of the moon. Mexico took on the tournament after Colombia failed to deliver on their host candidature, relinquishing the rights in 1983. With a devastating Mexico City earthquake just eight months before the big kick-off, it was a miracle that the Estadio Azteca was still able to be the venue of Diego Maradona's greatest and most infamous hours. As well as Argentina's most gifted son, Mexico '86 was blessed by the presence of Socrates, Platini, Francescoli, Butragueno, Belanov and Elkjaer to name but a few of the icons on display. This is the story of an evocative World Cup that seemed to be held together by Sellotape.