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John Wiley and Sons Ltd Practical Field Ecology: A Project Guide
Offers a comprehensive, accessible introduction to experimental design, field monitoring skills for plants and animals, data analysis, interpretation and reporting This user-friendly book presents field monitoring skills for both plants and animals, within the context of a research project. This text provides a single resource to take the reader all the way through from the planning stage, into the field, guiding through sampling, organism identification, computer-based data analysis and interpretation, and finally how to present the results to maximise the impact of the work. Logically structured throughout, and revised extensively in the second edition, the book concentrates on the techniques required to design a field-based ecological survey and shows how to execute an appropriate sampling regime. It evaluates appropriate sampling and analytical methods, identifying potential problems associated with various techniques and how to mitigate these. The second edition of this popular text has updated reference material and weblinks, increased the number of case studies by 50% to illustrate the use of specific techniques in the field, added over 20% more figures (including 8 colour plates), and made more extensive use of footnotes to provide extra details. Extensions to topics covered in the first edition include additional discussion of: ethical issues; statistical methods (sample size estimation, use of the statistical package R, mixed models); bioindicators, especially for freshwater pollution; seeds, fecundity and population dynamics including static and dynamic life tables; forestry techniques including tree coring and tree mortality calculations; the use of data repositories; writing for a journal and producing poster and oral presentations. In addition, the use of new and emerging technologies has been a particular focus, including mobile apps for environmental monitoring and identification; land cover and GIS; the use of drones including legal frameworks and codes of practice; molecular field techniques including DNA analysis in the field (including eDNA); photo-matching for identifying individuals; camera trapping; modern techniques for detecting and analysing bat echolocation calls; and data storage using the cloud. Divided into six distinct chapters, Practical Field Ecology, 2nd Edition begins at project inception with a chapter on planning—covering health and safety, along with guidance on how to ensure that the sampling and experimental design is suitable for subsequent statistical analysis. Following a chapter dealing with site characterisation and general aspects of species identification, subsequent chapters describe the techniques used to survey and census particular groups of organisms. The final chapters cover analysing, interpreting and presenting data, and writing up the research. Offers a readable and approachable integrated guide devoted to field-based research projects Takes students from the planning stage, into the field, and clearly guides them through organism identification in the laboratory and computer-based data analysis, interpretation and data presentation Includes a chapter on how to write project reports and present findings in a variety of formats to differing audiences Aimed at undergraduates taking courses in Ecology, Biology, Geography, and Environmental Science, Practical Field Ecology, 2nd Edition will also benefit postgraduates seeking to support their projects.
John Wiley & Sons Inc MOS Devices for Low-Voltage and Low-Energy Applications
Helps readers understand the physics behind MOS devices for low-voltage and low-energy applications Based on timely published and unpublished work written by expert authors Discusses various promising MOS devices applicable to low-energy environmental and biomedical uses Describes the physical effects (quantum, tunneling) of MOS devices Demonstrates the performance of devices, helping readers to choose right devices applicable to an industrial or consumer environment Addresses some Ge-based devices and other compound-material-based devices for high-frequency applications and future development of high performance devices. "Seemingly innocuous everyday devices such as smartphones, tablets and services such as on-line gaming or internet keyword searches consume vast amounts of energy. Even when in standby mode, all these devices consume energy. The upcoming 'Internet of Things' (IoT) is expected to deploy 60 billion electronic devices spread out in our homes, cars and cities. Britain is already consuming up to 16 per cent of all its power through internet use and this rate is doubling every four years. According to The UK's Daily Mail May (2015), if usage rates continue, all of Britain's power supply could be consumed by internet use in just 20 years. In 2013, U.S. data centers consumed an estimated 91 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, corresponding to the power generated by seventeen 1000-megawatt nuclear power plants. Data center electricity consumption is projected to increase to roughly 140 billion kilowatt-hours annually by 2020, the equivalent annual output of 50 nuclear power plants."—Natural Resources Defense Council, USA, Feb. 2015 All these examples stress the urgent need for developing electronic devices that consume as little energy as possible. The book “MOS Devices for Low-Voltage and Low-Energy Applications” explores the different transistor options that can be utilized to achieve that goal. It describes in detail the physics and performance of transistors that can be operated at low voltage and consume little power, such as subthreshold operation in bulk transistors, fully depleted SOI devices, tunnel FETs, multigate and gate-all-around MOSFETs. Examples of low-energy circuits making use of these devices are given as well. "The book MOS Devices for Low-Voltage and Low-Energy Applications is a good reference for graduate students, researchers, semiconductor and electrical engineers who will design the electronic systems of tomorrow."—Dr. Jean-Pierre Colinge, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) "The authors present a creative way to show how different MOS devices can be used for low-voltage and low-power applications. They start with Bulk MOSFET, following with SOI MOSFET, FinFET, gate-all-around MOSFET, Tunnel-FET and others. It is presented the physics behind the devices, models, simulations, experimental results and applications. This book is interesting for researchers, graduate and undergraduate students. The low-energy field is an important topic for integrated circuits in the future and none can stay out of this."—Prof. Joao A. Martino, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Genetic Resources, Equity and International Law
This book provides a clear analysis of the multi-level impacts of the existing international law regime related to genetic resources on developing countries. It does so through a cogent exposition of the different areas of the law pertaining to genetic resources that are relevant and impact on people's rights and livelihoods. Its focus on equity is a welcome addition to the literature.'- Philippe Cullet, University of London, UK'Camena Guneratne's thought-provoking book critically evaluates the clash between the private property approach to genetic resources embedded in international intellectual property conventions, and the competing values embedded in a variety of other conventions and laws. She contests key assumptions behind intellectual property regimes supporting genetic commerce, distinguishing the genetic 'commons' from other types of resource. This book provides a comprehensive scholarly dealing with the topics noted in its title, but also should increase debate about policy failures in responding to the risks to the underprivileged of the instruments we use to pursue our economic interests of the majority.'- Paul Martin, University of New England, Australia'This is a wonderful book. All to often in the quest to preserve biodiviersity, we forget that the equation of equity hs to be the forefront of the debates on sustainable development. Dr. Guneratne rectifies this mistake.This linkage between biodiversity, politics and international law is of such a high calibre, that it is likely that this work will become a key text for students and scholars alike.'- Alexander Gillespie, University of Waikato, New ZealandThis book examines current developments in international law which regulate the uses of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, and the various property regimes which are applied to these resources by these international agreements.In the current context of the global food crisis, the development and stability of national agricultural systems is an urgent concern, particularly among developing countries. This stability, and national food security, will potentially be threatened if these countries are unable to have free access to agricultural crop plants. This book analyses a range of international agreements including the recently adopted Nagoya Protocol and demonstrates that in their current implementation they favor private ownership of these resources rather than free access. The book takes the position that this is inherently inequitable and these resources should be maintained in the public domain.This book will be of use to a wide range of readers from students and scholars to those working in the fields of trade and intellectual property, human rights, environmental conservation and advocacy on international issues. It contains a rigorous legal analysis of current international law development on the issue based on the negotiations which have taken place in the relevant forums, and will therefore be particularly useful to lawyers and legal scholars. It is also written in an uncomplicated style which makes it readily accessible to non-lawyers and the case studies and empirical data used throughout the book adds to its interest.
Elsevier Health Sciences Acupuncture for IVF and Assisted Reproduction: An integrated approach to treatment and management
The management of infertility using acupuncture is an expanding area of practice and one which is frequently rewarding for TCM acupuncture practitioners. Acupuncture for IVF and Assisted Reproduction has been specially prepared to meet the growing demand for information in this area and draws upon 20 years combined experience of the authors together with the latest evidence from both orthodox medicine and TCM. Richly illustrated and clearly written throughout, the book takes the reader through the anatomy and physiology of reproductive medicine (from both an orthodox and TCM perspective) and explains the underlying basis of orthodox medical fertility tests and investigations. The volume then explores the pathology and aetiology of TCM syndromes and shows how common fertility-related conditions, such as endometriosis and male factor infertility, affect Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) success rates. It explains in great detail how to take a reproductive medical history and successfully diagnose TCM syndromes. Acupuncture for IVF and Assisted Reproduction also provides guidelines on how to regulate the menstrual cycle in preparation for IVF treatment and shows how lifestyle can affect fertility and ART success rates. Placing a strong emphasis on the practical aspects of patient care, Acupuncture for IVF and Assisted Reproduction contains an abundance of case history templates, algorithmic acupuncture treatment pathways and patient fact sheets and will be ideal for all acupuncture practitioners working in this field. "A must have for the bookshelf of any acupuncturist who is ever called upon to treat fertility issues - if you have room for one book this surely must be it." Reviewed by The Acupuncture Fertility Centre March 2015 "Practitioners of all levels of experience and TCM students should find it compelling reading and an invaluable companion to their learning." Reviewed by Stephen Clarke, Journal of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society May 2015 "This book is extremely well re-searched and referenced." Reviewed by Danny Maxwell on behalf of Journal of Chinese Medicine, February 2015 Simplifies complex information into easily accessible and understandable material Explains reproductive anatomy and physiology from the perspectives of both orthodox medicine and TCM Explains the underlying basis of orthodox medical fertility tests and investigations Explores the pathology and aetiology of TCM syndromes Provides detailed information on how to take a fertility medical history and how to diagnose TCM syndromes Presents the evidence for the influence of various lifestyle factors on fertility and ART success rates Provides guidelines on how to regulate the menstrual cycle in preparation for IVF treatment Explains how common fertility-related conditions such as endometriosis, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, thyroid disease, and male factor infertility affect ART success rates Explains how to adapt acupuncture treatment to different ART protocols Provides case history templates, algorithmic acupuncture treatment pathways and patient fact sheets Explains how to manage patients with complex medical histories Looks at Repeated Implantation Failure, reproductive immunology dysfunction, and recurrent miscarriages Explains how to support patients if their IVF is unsuccessful and how to treat patients during early pregnancy Examines ethical considerations relevant to fertility acupuncture practice
John Wiley & Sons Inc Integrated Circuit, Hybrid, and Multichip Module Package Design Guidelines: A Focus on Reliability
Circuit designers, packaging engineers, printed board fabricators, and procurement personnel will find this book's microelectronic package design-for-reliability guidelines and approaches essential for achieving their life-cycle, cost-effectiveness, and on-time delivery goals. Its uniquely organized, time-phased approach to design, development, qualification, manufacture, and in-service management shows you step-by-step how to: * Define realistic system requirements in terms of mission profile, operating life, performance expectations, size, weight, and cost * Define the system usage environment so that all operating, shipping, and storage conditions, including electrical, thermal, radiation, and mechanical loads, are assessed using realistic data * Identify potential failure modes, sites, mechanisms, and architecture-stress interactions--PLUS appropriate measures you can take to reduce, eliminate, or accommodate expected failures * Characterize materials and processes by the key controllable factors, such as types and levels of defects, variations in material properties and dimensions, and the manufacturing and assembly processes involved * Use experiment, step-stress, and accelerated methods to ensure optimum design before production begins Detailed design guidelines for substrate...wire and wire, tape automated, and flip-chip bonding...element attachment and case, lead, lead and lid seals--incorporating dimensional and geometric configurations of package elements, manufacturing and assembly conditions, materials selection, and loading conditions--round out this guide's comprehensive coverage. Detailed guidelines for substrate...wire and wire, tape automated, and flip-chip bonding...element attachment and case, lead, lead and lid seals--incorporating dimensional and geometric configurations of package elements, manufacturing and assembly conditions, materials selection, and loading conditions--round out this guide's comprehensive coverage. of related interest... PHYSICAL ARCHITECTURE OF VLSI SYSTEMS --Allan D. Kraus, Robert Hannemann and Michael Pecht For the professional engineer involved in the design and manufacture of products containing electronic components, here is a comprehensive handbook to the theory and methods surrounding the assembly of microelectronic and electronic components. The book focuses on computers and consumer electronic products with internal subsystems that reflect mechanical design constraints, cost limitations, and aesthetic and ergonomic concerns. Taking a total system approach to packaging, the book systematically examines: basic chip and computer architecture; design and layout; interassembly and interconnections; cooling scheme; materials selection, including ceramics, glasses, and metals; stress, vibration, and acoustics; and manufacturing and assembly technology. 1994 (0-471-53299-1) pp. SOLDERING PROCESSES AND EQUIPMENT --Michael G. Pecht This comprehensive, fundamentals first handbook outlines the soldering methods and techniques used in the manufacture of microelectronic chips and electronic circuit boards. In a clear, easy-to-access format, the book discusses: soldering processes and classification; the material dynamics of heat soldering when assembling differing materials; wave and reflow soldering; controlling contamination during manufacturing cleanings; techniques for assuring reliability and quality control during manufacturing; rework, repair, and manual assembly; the modern assembly / repair station; and more. The book also provides clear guidelines on assembly techniques as well as an appendix of various solder equipment manufacturers. 1993 (0-471-59167-X) 312 pp.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Project Partnering for the Design and Construction Industry
It is no secret that problems in the construction industry canquickly escalate into full-fledged conflicts; adversarial positionstaken by the various parties involved in a project routinely leadto disrupted schedules and costly litigation. It doesn't have to bethat way. Project Partnering for the Design and Construction Industryprovides powerful tools for improving working relationships amongcontractors, designers, clients, and suppliers. Speaking directlyto the construction professional, author Ralph J. Stephensondemonstrates numerous ways to avoid conflict and ensure successful,on-time project deliveries by promoting teamwork, establishingnoncontract ground rules for ethical and responsible behavior, andemploying a variety of conflict-resolution techniques. This thoroughly practical handbook describes all the steps,procedures, and guidelines you need to make project partnering workfor you. You'll discover how to identify possible sources ofconflict before the work begins and learn to plan and write aproject partnering charter. You'll develop the ability to identifycommonly encountered problem-types and avoid miscommunications anddisputes that may arise from incompatible personalities andmanagement styles. Using real-world case studies, examples, and his own personalobservations, the author examines construction projects of allsizes and types, from inception and design through completion andbeyond. He offers a historical overview of the constructionindustry, comments on its nature as a business, analyzes itsvarious components, and offers helpful tips on management methodsfor specific projects and organizational structures. This comprehensive and enthusiastic book demonstrates how effectiveproject partnering fosters competent, high-quality work throughoutthe entire life cycle of a project. It also enables constructionprofessionals to make each project more profitable and lessstressful, while finding renewed job satisfaction in a revitalizedworking environment How to manage construction projects on time, within budget--andwithout major conflicts . . . To many contractors, architects, design engineers, and suppliers, aconflict-free construction project may seem like an impossibledream. Not so. Project Partnering for the Design and ConstructionIndustry provides step-by-step instructions on how to conduct ahigh-quality, on-time, profitable construction project, whileavoiding strife, adversarial behavior, or debilitating legalaction. Written in plain English and spiced with humor, this enormouslyuseful guide: * Examines all practical methods and procedures needed to createsuccessful partnering systems for a wide range of projects * Shows how project partnering dispute resolution techniques candefuse problems and disagreements quickly and inexpensively beforethey get out of hand * Describes a variety of preventative measures to help containliability and reduce time spent on nonconstruction activities * Helps establish productive relationships among all participantsin a construction project, including designers, contractors,clients, and suppliers * Provides numerous case studies where project partnering has beenapplied successfully, as well as real-world examples, charts,illustrations, and actual partnering charters * Offers alternative dispute resolution techniques for situationswhere project partnering is inappropriate * Discusses background, history, and the general organizationalstructure of the construction industry For contractors, engineers, architects, subcontractors, suppliersand owners, and anyone involved in the decision-making process onconstruction projects, this book provides the key to undertakingprojects with confidence and building a solid reputation in themarketplace.
Pearson Education (US) Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Developmentally Appropriate Instruction for Grades Pre-K-2 (Volume 1)
NOTE: Used books, rentals, and purchases made outside of Pearson If purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson, the access codes for the Enhanced Pearson eText may not be included, may be incorrect, or may be previously redeemed. Check with the seller before completing your purchase. For courses in Elementary Mathematics Methods and for classroom teachers. Note: This is the bound book only and does not include access to the Enhanced Pearson eText. To order the Enhanced Pearson eText packaged with a bound book, use ISBN 0134090683. A practical, comprehensive, student-centered approach to effective mathematical instruction for grades Pre-K-2. Helping students make connections between mathematics and their worlds–and helping them feel empowered to use math in their lives–is the focus of this widely popular guide. Designed for classroom teachers, the book focuses on specific grade bands and includes information on creating an effective classroom environment, aligning teaching to various standards and practices, such as the Common Core State Standards and NCTM’s teaching practices, and engaging families. The first portion of the book addresses how to build a student-centered environment in which children can become mathematically proficient, while the second portion focuses on practical ways to teach important concepts in a student-centered fashion. The new edition features a corresponding Enhanced Pearson eText version with links to embedded videos, blackline masters, downloadable teacher resource and activity pages, lesson plans, activities correlated to the CCSS, and tables of common errors and misconceptions. This book is part of the Student-Centered Mathematics Series, which is designed with three objectives: to illustrate what it means to teach student-centered, problem-based mathematics, to serve as a reference for the mathematics content and research-based instructional strategies suggested for the specific grade levels, and to present a large collection of high quality tasks and activities that can engage students in the mathematics that is important for them to learn. Improve mastery and retention with the Enhanced Pearson eText* The Enhanced Pearson eText provides a rich, interactive learning environment designed to improve student mastery of content. The Enhanced Pearson eText is: Engaging. The new interactive, multimedia learning features were developed by the authors and other subject-matter experts to deepen and enrich the learning experience. Convenient. Enjoy instant online access from your computer or download the Pearson eText App to read on or offline on your iPad® and Android® tablet.* Affordable. Experience the advantages of the Enhanced Pearson eText along with all the benefits of print for 40% to 50% less than a print bound book. *The Enhanced eText features are only available in the Pearson eText format. They are not available in third-party eTexts or downloads. *The Pearson eText App is available on Google Play and in the App Store. It requires Android OS 3.1-4, a 7” or 10” tablet, or iPad iOS 5.0 or later.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Biochemical Studies on Some Biomarkers of Xenobiotic Exposure
Pesticides belonging to carbamate and organophosphate groups have the potential to induce oxidative stress. However, the role of aqueous extract of A. vera has not been properly studied to demonstrate its ameliorative potential against the toxicity induced by these pesticides in single and combination in different organs of mammalian systems. After an extensive literature survey on the subject, an endeavour has been made to define the following objectives in order to fill up the existing lacuna of information about cartap and malathion induced oxidative stress in rat blood, brain and liver and its impact on neurotransmission as well as energy metabolism. Liver and blood were also included in this study for establishing a more meaningful agreement. The present study was therefore undertaken to delineate the differential impacts of cartap and malathion on the biochemical and histological parameters in Wistar rats. In addition, the prophylactic effect of aqueous extract of A. vera leaves has also been evaluated. The objectives of the present study include: evaluation of xenobiotic-induced oxidative stress, determination of activity of acetylcholinesterase and other esterases in the brains of rats exposed to xenobiotics as potential biomarkers of neurotoxicity; evaluation of different enzymes of energy metabolism in rats exposed to xenobiotics; measurement of specific parameters concerning the function of the kidney and liver in rats exposed to xenobiotics; evaluation of AChE isozyme profile to specifically understand the target of xenobiotics in the brain of rats; analysis of patterns of major biomolecules (proteins/DNA) in rats exposed to xenobiotics for different treatment durations; and assessment of the ameliorative impact of phytochemicals, if any, on xenobiotics. This book is divided into eight sections. Section 1 contains the general introduction and background of the study. Section 2 contains an extensive literature survey on the subject so as to present updated information. Section 3 demonstrates the main objectives of the study. Section 4 describes the various experimental designs, procedures, protocols, tools and techniques. Section 5 illustrates the data obtained from this study. Section 6 enumerates the discussion of the data and associated mechanisms. Section 7 includes the summary and conclusion of the entire study. Section 8 includes citations and references used in this work. This book contains many specific diagrams, illustrations and presentations in simple tables and figures which are self-explanatory so as to make any reader well versed to this subject. In addition, specific flow charts are added to simplify the presentation. We hope that this publication will be of great use to graduates, postgraduates, researchers and faculty members who are studying in the field of plant-based principles for alleviating pesticide toxicity and associated diseases. The tools and techniques explained in this title could be of immense use to all those working in this area. The authors welcome comments and suggestions to improve the quality of the content in the next edition.
Paul Holberton Publishing Ltd Venetian Disegno: New Frontiers
Venetian Disegno: New Frontiers circa 1420 to 1620 offers a fresh perspective on the art of Venice and the Veneto. The volume brings together the contributions of scholars and curators specialist on a wide variety of artists and art forms including drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and architecture. Venetian Disegno: New Frontiers circa 1420 to 1620 takes disegno as its central theme, that in its plurality of meaning allows for a consideration of the conceptual role of design and the act of drawing. The relationship between disegno and Renaissance Venetian art has historically been a problematic one, with emphasis instead being placed on the Venetian predilection for colore. This volume is reflective of an ongoing challenge to this perspective and draws attention to the importance of Venetian disegno and the study of drawings for understanding various art forms. The book commences with a critical study of what constitutes disegno in Venetian art. It does so through questioning the historiography of Venetian artistic scholarship and the restrictive framework and preconceptions that have emerged before setting out the merits of a broader, more inclusive approach. Disegno is applied in its multifaceted nature to address the physical act of drawing, the tangible drawn object and the role of design in artistic practice. The term 'Venetian' is taken to encompass both Venice and its mainland territories not least because of the mobility of artists across and beyond the region. Contributions are divided into five thematic sections. The first, entitled 'Peripheries', frames the art of Venice within a wider discourse on the movement of ideas across and beyond the Veneto in locations including Padua, Verona and Rome. A section on Media considers the origins and innovations that took place in the use of materials such as blue paper, oil and coloured chalks. In another, the theories that have developed on Venetian notions of disegno are brought under scrutiny, addressing topics such as the long upheld perspective that Venetian artists did not draw, the role of sculpture in Tintoretto's drawing practice and the interrelation between the written and drawn line in Palma Giovane's draftsmanship. The section on Invention reflects on the technical innovations that were facilitated through the uptake of printmaking and the intellectual freedom granted by humanist patrons. Finally, Function gets to the heart of the practical purpose of disegno. Contributions focus on the workshops of the Bellini family and Titian to consider the diverse ways they used drawing within their artistic practices with an emphasis on technical analysis. These sections are all preceded by introductions that provide an overview on each theme while the volume is bookended by two reflections on the state of research into Venetian disegno and the potential for further progress. Sumptuously illustrated with over 100 images with a comprehensive bibliography, Venetian Disegno: New Frontiers circa 1420 to 1620 represents a significant contribution to scholarship on the art of Venice, Renaissance workshops and drawing studies.
Human Kinetics Publishers Group Dynamics in Recreation and Leisure: Creating Conscious Groups Through an Experiential Approach
People who choose a career in the recreation or leisure fields will spend a large amount of their time in groups. Group Dynamics in Recreation and Leisure: Creating Conscious Groups Through an Experiential Approach builds skills not only in working in group settings but also in creating and facilitating conscious groups. A conscious group is one that recognizes the personal growth of its members as the main group objective. Most people in recreational activities and events are looking to meet people and take part in positive group interaction, providing recreation professionals with a perfect opportunity to develop successful conscious groups.Group Dynamics in Recreation and Leisure introduces group dynamics theory and current research as it applies to recreation and leisure settings. It presents the key concepts and terms, a brief history of the field, and the various theories and models of group development. The text then explains the concept of the conscious group, describes the nature and components of a conscious group, and applies experiential learning theory to working with these groups.Group Dynamics in Recreation and Leisure also moves beyond the theory to show students that their understanding of group dynamics can be a meaningful and realistic tool. They'll learn to apply the theory to the practical factors and issues involved in leading and working with conscious groups. They'll explore group goal setting; clarification of objectives and expectations; processes for decision making and problem solving; positive communication; ethics, morals, and values; effective leadership of recreation groups; and the effects of conflict, power, gender, and environment on group functioning. Students will also find a thorough examination of common issues that arise when working with groups, including potential pitfalls and strategies for dealing with or avoiding those pitfalls. They'll learn about the strengths, weaknesses, and myths of group interaction, including signs of “illness” within groups; working with alternative groups, such as cooperative living groups, as well as involuntary groups and unwilling participants; and capitalizing on diversity and difference. Because those in recreation professions so often work with large groups, crowd dynamics is also discussed. The authors describe how individual and small-group behavior can affect larger groups and also look at mob behavior and riots.Throughout the book, case studies, scenarios, and examples from leisure services, parks, tourism, and experiential education help students better understand and apply the information. These are some other student-friendly features:-Toolbox Tips on strategies and techniques for working with groups-Learning activities that apply the principles discussed in the text-Web sites for further exploration of the ideas in the textGroup Dynamics in Recreation and Leisure: Creating Conscious Groups Through an Experiential Approach provides a new view of group dynamics with a unique focus on recreation, leisure, and experiential education settings. Through its concentration on skill development to facilitate productive group work, Group Dynamics in Recreation and Leisure renders the topic of group dynamics as meaningful,realistic, and applicable for both students and practitioners.
Open University Press How to Get a PhD: A Handbook for Students and Their Supervisors
“A fresh update to a true classic. This is one of the most reassuring and useful books you will ever read about doing your PhD, no matter your topic - or where you are enrolled.”Professor Inger Mewburn, Director of Researcher Development, Office of the Dean of Higher Degree by Research, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia“How to get a PhD is both honest and thorough and thus immensely helpful, for supervisors as much as for students.”Professor Paul Allain, Dean of the Graduate and Researcher College, University of Kent, UK“The 7th edition! ‘How to get a PhD’ is proving its status as a must read for PhDs and supervisors.”Dr Hans Sonneveld, Founder and Board member, Netherlands Centre of Expertise for Doctoral EducationHow to Get a PhD 7e provides a practical and realistic approach for all students who are embarking on a PhD. In addition, supervisors will find invaluable tips on their role in the process, good supervisory practices and how to support students to work effectively. Thoroughly revised and updated throughout, the seventh edition provides an overview of what it means to undertake a PhD within a modern university, exploring both the challenges and rewards of a doctoral degree, including:• Contemporary challenges for students including transgender issues, sexual harassment, and exploitation within the academic environment• Time demands, the balance of academia and paid work, and the uncertainty of academic careers and how this can impact students’ mental health• Academic debates surrounding the increased importance of technology and open access• Emphasising diversity with an increased focus on how students, supervisors and universities can work together to make a more effective and welcoming academic environmentThe new edition is structured so that users can find the section that will help the specific stage of their work. With practical guidance through the application process, research, viva and post-viva, this book supports PhD students of all disciplines across their journey and beyond, including part-time, those returning to study and those who are practice-based.Estelle M. Phillips has enjoyed a long career as an academic and independent educational consultant. She has published widely on various aspects of the PhD and has spoken at universities on four continents about the skills required to complete and supervise a PhD.Colin G. Johnson is an associate professor at the University of Nottingham, and was formerly Associate Dean for Graduate Studies in the sciences at the University of Kent. He is an experienced PhD supervisor and examiner, and has led training courses for new PhD students and advised on postgraduate strategy for a number of universities.Professor Derek S Pugh (1930-2015) was Emeritus Professor of International Management of the Open University Business School, UK. He published 17 books and over 100 papers in his field and had considerable experience in the design of doctoral programmes and the successful supervision and examination of PhD students.
Little, Brown Book Group That Will Be England Gone: The Last Summer of Cricket
Included in the Financial Times best books of 2020 selection'For those who fear the worst for the sport they love, this is like cool, clear water for a man dying of thirst. It's barnstorming, coruscating stuff, and as fine a book about the game as you'll read for years' Mail on Sunday'Charming . . . a threnody for a vanished and possibly mythical England' Sebastian Faulks, Sunday Times'Lyrical . . . [Henderson's] pen is filled with the romantic spirit of the great Neville Cardus . . . This book is an extended love letter, a beautifully written one, to a world that he is desperate to keep alive for others to discover and share. Not just his love of cricket, either, but of poetry and classical music and fine cinema' The Times (best summer books)'To those who love both cricket and the context in which it is played, the book is rather wonderful, and moving' Daily Telegraph'Philip Larkin's line 'that will be England gone' is the premise of this fascinating book which is about music, literature, poetry and architecture as well as cricket. Henderson is that rare bird, a reporter with a fine grasp of time and place, but also a stylist of enviable quality and perception' Michael ParkinsonNeville Cardus once said there could be no summer in England without cricket.The 2019 season was supposed to be the greatest summer of cricket ever seen in England. There was a World Cup, followed by five Test matches against Australia in the latest engagement of sport's oldest rivalry. It was also the last season of county cricket before the introduction in 2020 of a new tournament, The Hundred, designed to attract an audience of younger people who have no interest in the summer game.In That Will Be England Gone, Michael Henderson revisits much-loved places to see how the game he grew up with has changed since the day in 1965 that he saw the great fast bowler Fred Trueman in his pomp. He watches schoolboys at Repton, club cricketers at Ramsbottom, and professionals on the festival grounds of Chesterfield, Cheltenham and Scarborough. The rolling English road takes him to Leicester for T20, to Lord's for the most ceremonial Test match, and to Taunton to watch an old cricketer leave the crease for the last time. He is enchanted at Trent Bridge, surprised at the Oval, and troubled at Old Trafford.'Cricket,' Henderson says, 'has always been part of my other life.' There are memories of friendships with Ken Dodd, Harold Pinter and Simon Rattle, and the book is coloured throughout by a love of landscape, poetry, paintings and music. As well as reflections on his childhood hero, Farokh Engineer, and other great players, there are digressions on subjects as various as Lancashire comedians, Viennese melancholy and the films of Michael Powell.Lyrical and elegiac, That Will Be England Gone is a deeply personal tribute to cricket, summer and England.
SAGE Publications Inc Integrative Therapy: A Practitioner′s Guide
`The book is comprehensive, and extensively researched and referenced. ….[The] last chapter contains some excellent training resources for trainers of counsellors/psychotherapists. I would therefore endorse it as a useful textbook, especially as there is an excellent in-depth example of an assessment form, and guidance on how this can be used for trainees. These were useful revision points to me as an experienced counsellor′ - The Independent Practitioner `The book would be useful to practitioners who want to start thinking ′outside the box′ of a particular orientation. It is also aimed at students and trainers - the last 40 pages in particular are full of practical training exercises. Overall, I would recommend it as a well-reasoned argument for therapy to be rooted in an integrative base′ - Therapy Today `Throughout the book it is assumed that we can learn from each other and that we need to, whatever orientation we were trained in, in the service of the client. I find this pragmatic approach open and refreshing in a period when some of us have polarised around the ′what works best′ debate. Both authors are experienced practitioners and trainers and their commitment to integrative counselling and psychotherapy shines through′ - AUCC Journal Integration rather than a single theory has become accepted and widely recommended as a way forward in psychotherapy and counselling. Integrative Therapy, Second Edition, a timely and innovative guide for practitioners, is based on the view that training and practice methods should be evaluated for their usefulness to the client instead of their adherence to a particular model. Drawing from research on therapy process and outcome, and on human development respectively, the authors highlight striking similarities between the change processes involved in these two areas of study. The findings provide a basis for an adaptable framework for integrative practice. The authors pinpoint what is common as well as what is different in various approaches, using case illustrations to make comparisons throughout between the three major models: psychodynamic, humanistic-existential and cognitive-behavioural. What emerges is the central importance of the therapeutic relationship in the process of change - ′how to be with clients′ as opposed to ′what to do′. Fully revised and updated, this Second Edition includes new material on neuroscience and practitioner-oriented research methodology showing how the processes of doing research and doing therapy have many things in common. The book aims to cultivate a spirit of willingness amongst therapists trained in one model to learn from colleagues trained in others. It also features exercises to support its use on courses and will thus be invaluable to trainees of counselling, psychotherapy and counselling psychology. Maja O′Brien is a chartered counselling psychologist and psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer based in Oxford and a Principal Lecturer on the Doctorate in Psychotherapy by Professional Studies run jointly by the Metanoia Institute and Middlesex University. Gaie Houston is a writer, UKCP-registered psychotherapist and senior lecturer at The Gestalt Centre, London.
Library of the Holocaust IMI: A Lifetime in the Days of the Family Mandel
The story of the transport, known as “Kasztner’s Train” that carried 1, 676 Jewish men women and children from Budapest and its environs out of immediate danger, and eventually to freedom is one of the most compelling and thought-provoking episodes of the Holocaust. The Jews of Hungary were the last remaining large group of Jews left in Europe. Although subjected to anti-Jewish decrees and acts of violence, they remained mostly intact. That changed in March 1944 when the Nazis, afraid that their Hungarian cronies were about to capitulate to the Allies, occupied the country. Before long, the fate of the Jews in Hungary became precarious, then deadly. They were deported at a frightening rate, most directly to Auschwitz where almost ninety percent of the over 425,000 Jews perished. Against this backdrop, Rudolf Kasztner, a part of a Jewish aid group tried r=to prevent Jews from being deported. He negotiated directly with the notorious Nazi, Adolf Eichmann to release Jews in exchange for payment. Kasztner wanted a much larger arrangement, but it never happened. To some, Kasztner was a literal life saver. To others, he was a collaborator, a traitor to his people.Among those on that train, along with his mother and uncle, was eight-year-old Imi Mandel. The story of how he came to be included in that uncertain journey that travelled from Budapest to the Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp, and after six months, on to freedom in Switzerland is but one part of the tale told by Mandel’s friend, Terry Horowitz. Along the way Mandel and his family crossed paths with some of the memorable people we think about when studying the Holocaust: names like Hannah Szenes, Anne Frank and Raoul Wallenberg. Mandel’s father, Lajos was a prominent cantor in Budapest and an important figure in Jewish life there. But he was forced laborer hundreds of miles away and didn’t even know his wife and child had left Budapest. Eventually the family was reunited, first in Israel and later in the United States. Imi, now known as Manny, grew to adulthood, and has had a successful and rewarding life. He now regularly speaks about the Holocaust in front of various groups. The story of Manny and the entire Mandel family offers us a rich detail of the Jewish world before and during the war, along with its aftermath and how they overcame many tragedies and obstacles. Finally, their story becomes a chronicle of a quintessential American life.
Archaeopress Greco-Roman Cities at the Crossroads of Cultures: The 20th Anniversary of Polish-Egyptian Conservation Mission Marina el-Alamein
The ancient town discovered at the site of today’s Marina el-Alamein (located on the northern coast of Egypt) developed from the 2nd century BC to the 6th century AD. It found itself at the crossroads of several civilisations: Hellenic, later replaced by Roman, and ultimately Christian, and was always strongly influenced by Egyptian tradition. A variety of cultures appeared and met here and grew in strength – then their significance weakened – but they always co-existed and influenced one another. The syncretism prevailing here is notable in the spheres of art, architecture, religion and worship. 2015 marked thirty years since the discovery of the remains of the ancient city, which, for many centuries, had been unknown to the world. The remains were found unexpectedly during the preparatory work for the construction of a modern tourist settlement on the Mediterranean coast, and the significance and extraordinary value of the discovery was immediately recognised. Now the ancient city, and the historic remains of its buildings, are gradually coming to light. The Jubilee was twofold, since 2015 marked also the 20th anniversary of the setting up of the Polish-Egyptian Conservation Mission, Marina el-Alamein. Throughout this time, both architectural and archaeological research have been carried out at the site, many discoveries have been made, numerous relics of historic building structures have been preserved, and conservation methods have been improved. In the jubilee year, researchers who work on archaeological sites and towns with a similar history and position in the ancient world in the realms of art and culture were invited to contribute to a scientific discussion and exchange of experiences. The contributors were representatives of different disciplines and research methodologies: archaeologists, architects, Egyptologists, specialists in religious studies, historians and conservators. The papers in the present volume encompass interdisciplinary reviews of both new and long-term studies carried out in various regions of the ancient world. The papers present research that was conducted in different regions ranging from ancient Mauritania, through Africa, Egypt, Cyprus, Palestine, Syria, as well as sites in Crimea and Georgia. The topography of cities, the architecture of public buildings, as well as houses and their décor — architectural, sculptural and painted — are presented. Religious syncretism and the importance of ancient texts are discussed. Studies on pottery are also presented. The volume includes studies on the conservation of architectural remains, sculpture and painting. Several articles are devoted to the study of Marina el-Alamein; others talk about ancient Alexandria, Deir el-Bahari, Hermopolis Magna, Bakchias, Pelusium, Kom Wasit, Berenike, Ptolemais, Apollonia, Palmyra, Nea Paphos, as well as Chersonesus Taurica and Apsarus.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Managing Global Organizations: A Cultural Perspective
As its title implies, this book by three distinguished scholars puts a cultural perspective at the front and center of issues relating to current approaches to managing complex organizations. It does this by covering the most recent relevant findings by researchers from around the world and, most importantly, interpreting those findings in ways that provide useful guidelines and approaches for those in positions of organizational responsibility. For anyone studying or practicing management in challenging global-oriented contexts this volume is essential - and highly interesting - reading.'- Lyman W. Porter, University of California, Irvine, US'This book is a tour-de-force and a must-read for any scholar and practitioner who is interested in managing global organizations. From such topics as how to motivate, reward, lead, manage conflict, and structure work in different cultural contexts, the authors provide critical insights into how culture shapes all aspects of organizational behavior and a compelling vision of the future that awaits multinational and global organizations. Bravo to the authors for providing the field with a gold mine of information on managing organizations across cultures!'- Michele Joy Gelfand, University of Maryland, College Park, US'This book represents the very best of academic as well as field intensive thinking about cultural and global issues in organizations. While many people have focused on cultural and global issues in the past several decades, the field has largely lacked a systematic review and analysis of these issues in specific contexts. What Bhagat, Triandis and McDevitt offer the reader is a wonderfully comprehensive analysis of key issues of culture in organizations. This is absolutely a must reading for every serious scholar of global organizations.'- Chris Earley, Purdue University, USThe globalization of business is a reality that confronts organizations of all sizes from different nations and cultures. This book serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding the nature of cultural variations that affect important aspects of organizational behavior.The authors expertly cover all of the relevant functions that managers are concerned with in the process of managing global organizations. Various research-based theories and findings are discussed to explain the significance of cultural variations in these phenomena. Readers will gain a clear perspective on how cultural variations have the potential to affect organizational functioning and effectiveness across national borders.A mastery of the fundamental concepts and issues covered in this book will enable future managers of multinational and global corporations to become more effective in dealing with people in different countries and enhance organizational effectiveness on an ongoing basis. Scholars and students will also find this book a path-breaking resource for understanding this important topic.
The Catholic University of America Press In Reasonable Hope: Philosophical Reflections on Ultimate Meaning
In Reasonable Hope considers three foundational responses to this quest for some understanding of the existence, meaning, and value of everything. Other approaches can be considered as combinations or variations of these. Firstly, there is the approach which claims that it is our humanity, exercising its unique intelligent subjectivity, that is the source and measure of all possible meaning and value. Nothing can be thought of as existing, meaningful or of value apart from a thinking human subject. This is a broadly Humanist approach to ultimate meaning. Man is the measure of all things. Secondly, there is the approach of Scientism. This claims that an ultimate understanding of the world and ourselves must be sought, less anthropocentrically, in terms of the findings of basic empirical sciences such as physics and chemistry. We live in a world ever-increasingly dominated by the autonomous system of science and technology. Such Scientism implies an explicitly reductionist and materialist conception of the meaning and value of everything. Thirdly, there is the approach of Theism which maintains that, in the final analysis, the meaning and value of everything, insofar as this can be known, is to be explained in terms of a transcendent infinitely perfect personal being we call God.The first two approaches are carefully considered. However, it is the third to which most attention is devoted. Consideration is given to the traditional impersonal metaphysical approach to questions about the existence and nature of God. The alternative approaches of linguistic philosophy and phenomenology, which reject such metaphysical speculation are also discussed. These various approaches are judged to be complementary rather than strict alternatives.In the latter half of the book is devoted to a more personal and self-involving discussion of the relevance of an affirmation of the existence of God. It explores the implications of a rational commitment to live one's life in accordance with the requirements of values which transcend explanation in purely physical terms, such as truth, goodness, beauty, and especially love. It provides a personal and existential development of the rational hope that such values are ultimately more objectively real and dependable than the eventual universal material chaos predicted by empirical science. It argues that the existence of God as the infinite expression and source of these values is the necessary and sufficient condition of this rational hope in their enduring significance. Finally, there is an account of how the Christian Revelation illuminates and transforms our rational hope in the enduring significance of love of God and neighbor.
Princeton University Press Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks, Volume 5: Journals NB6-NB10
For over a century, the Danish thinker Soren Kierkegaard (1813-55) has been at the center of a number of important discussions, concerning not only philosophy and theology, but also, more recently, fields such as social thought, psychology, and contemporary aesthetics, especially literary theory. Despite his relatively short life, Kierkegaard was an extraordinarily prolific writer, as attested to by the 26-volume Princeton University Press edition of all of his published writings. But Kierkegaard left behind nearly as much unpublished writing, most of which consists of what are called his "journals and notebooks." Kierkegaard has long been recognized as one of history's great journal keepers, but only rather small portions of his journals and notebooks are what we usually understand by the term "diaries." By far the greater part of Kierkegaard's journals and notebooks consists of reflections on a myriad of subjects--philosophical, religious, political, personal. Studying his journals and notebooks takes us into his workshop, where we can see his entire universe of thought. We can witness the genesis of his published works, to be sure--but we can also see whole galaxies of concepts, new insights, and fragments, large and small, of partially (or almost entirely) completed but unpublished works. Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks enables us to see the thinker in dialogue with his times and with himself. Volume 5 of this 11-volume series includes five of Kierkegaard's important "NB" journals (Journals NB6 through NB10), covering the months from summer 1848 through early May 1849. This was a turbulent period both in the history of Denmark--which was experiencing the immediate aftermath of revolution and the fall of absolutism, a continuing war with the German states, and the replacement of the State Church with the Danish People's Church--and for Kierkegaard personally. The journals in the present volume include Kierkegaard's reactions to the political upheaval, a retrospective account of his audiences with King Christian VIII, deliberations about publishing an autobiographical explanation of his writings, and an increasingly harsh critique of the Danish Church. These journals also reflect Kierkegaard's deep concern over his collision with the satirical journal Corsair, an experience that helped radicalize his view of "essential Christianity" and caused him to ponder the meaning of martyrdom. Kierkegaard wrote his journals in a two-column format, one for his initial entries and the second for the extensive marginal comments that he added later. This edition of the journals reproduces this format, includes several photographs of original manuscript pages, and contains extensive scholarly commentary on the various entries and on the history of the manuscripts being reproduced.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Managing Global Organizations: A Cultural Perspective
As its title implies, this book by three distinguished scholars puts a cultural perspective at the front and center of issues relating to current approaches to managing complex organizations. It does this by covering the most recent relevant findings by researchers from around the world and, most importantly, interpreting those findings in ways that provide useful guidelines and approaches for those in positions of organizational responsibility. For anyone studying or practicing management in challenging global-oriented contexts this volume is essential - and highly interesting - reading.'- Lyman W. Porter, University of California, Irvine, US'This book is a tour-de-force and a must-read for any scholar and practitioner who is interested in managing global organizations. From such topics as how to motivate, reward, lead, manage conflict, and structure work in different cultural contexts, the authors provide critical insights into how culture shapes all aspects of organizational behavior and a compelling vision of the future that awaits multinational and global organizations. Bravo to the authors for providing the field with a gold mine of information on managing organizations across cultures!'- Michele Joy Gelfand, University of Maryland, College Park, US'This book represents the very best of academic as well as field intensive thinking about cultural and global issues in organizations. While many people have focused on cultural and global issues in the past several decades, the field has largely lacked a systematic review and analysis of these issues in specific contexts. What Bhagat, Triandis and McDevitt offer the reader is a wonderfully comprehensive analysis of key issues of culture in organizations. This is absolutely a must reading for every serious scholar of global organizations.'- Chris Earley, Purdue University, USThe globalization of business is a reality that confronts organizations of all sizes from different nations and cultures. This book serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding the nature of cultural variations that affect important aspects of organizational behavior.The authors expertly cover all of the relevant functions that managers are concerned with in the process of managing global organizations. Various research-based theories and findings are discussed to explain the significance of cultural variations in these phenomena. Readers will gain a clear perspective on how cultural variations have the potential to affect organizational functioning and effectiveness across national borders.A mastery of the fundamental concepts and issues covered in this book will enable future managers of multinational and global corporations to become more effective in dealing with people in different countries and enhance organizational effectiveness on an ongoing basis. Scholars and students will also find this book a path-breaking resource for understanding this important topic.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Taxation and Green Fiscal Reform: Theory and Impact
This collection of essays on green fiscal reform offers very rewarding readings for those who wish to improve their understanding of the intricacies of trade globalization, climate change and pricing mechanisms for the environment. The contributing authors are truly global in their coverage, reporting on findings and reflections from around the world. Highly commendable are the insights on carbon pricing in China and the country's rare earth dispute in WTO.'- Mikael Skou Andersen, Aarhus University, Denmark'This volume of the Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation series includes a remarkable collection of papers written by scholars from different academic backgrounds, discussing theoretical and practical aspects of environmental taxes and other economic instruments, such as emission trading schemes. The book is very relevant as it provides a fascinating overview of their world-wide application and is a highly valuable contribution to the existing literature, revealing that environmental taxes continue to be applied during times of financial and economic crisis.'- Stefan Ulrich Speck, European Environment Agency'Environmental Taxation and Green Fiscal Reform contains a rich selection of chapters that discuss different economic instruments used for environmental policy in a broad range of countries. The topics range from theoretical discussions of the definitions of such instruments to ex post assessments of their implementation. The book is an important source of information and is likely to trigger interesting debates.'- Nils Axel Braathen, OECD s Environment DirectorateAgainst a backdrop of intense political interest it is more important than ever to explore the role of fiscal policy in achieving environmental sustainability. Environmental Taxation and Green Fiscal Reform skillfully explores the various ranges of environmental and energy policies needed for an environmentally sustainable future.The book combines perspectives from leading environmental taxation scholars on both the theory and impact of different policies. It covers topics such as theoretical assumptions of environmental taxes; the relationship between environmental taxes and trade; permit trading and price stability, as well as waste management and the political economy.With its global coverage, this topical book will appeal to policy makers in government as well as academics in environmental law programs, environmental economics programs and environmental sustainability programs.Contributors: Á.A. Alvaró, C. Brandimarte, B. Butcher, J. Cottrell, Y. He, S.-A. Joseph, T. Kawakatsu, C. Kettner, S. Kitagawa, D. Kletzan-Slamanig, A. Köppl, A. Lerch, X. Liu, J.E. Milne, M. Moinuddin, P. Pearce, A. Pirlot, S. Rudolph, T. Sasao, R.V. Shah, S. Suk, S.L. Tan, D.J. Thampapillai, M. Villar Ezcurra, S.E. Weishaar, T. Yano, Y. Zhao, X. Zhou,
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Global Economy: Knowledge, Technology and Internationalization
Addressing the heterogeneity of and interplay between important concepts guiding modern regional economic development, this volume presents a rich variety of state-of-the-art empirical research. Focusing simultaneously on the meso- and micro-level implications of globalization, drawing attention to incumbent new market seeking in entrepreneurship, and highlighting the various forms innovation can take, the chapters contribute to our understanding of geography as a facilitator of regional dynamics. The comprehensive approach to agglomeration economies, the life-cycle development of industries, proximities and policy responses comes recommended.'- Frank van Oort, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Utrecht University, the Netherlands'I would encourage all researchers interested in entrepreneurship and innovation to read this volume. It provides a new conceptual approach to the link between global economic trends and entrepreneurship, through the role of local space as an important source for innovation. Readers can find old and new issues on the formation of entrepreneurship elegantly linked together, so as to provide new insights into this important field of research.'- Roberta Capello, Politecnico di Milano, ItalyWe have, in recent decades, been able to witness a veritable revolution in the world economy, known as 'globalization'. Generally, the term is connected to the rapid increase of the free movement of goods, capital, people, ideas, information and knowledge around the globe. This book contributes to the meso- and micro-economic literature on innovation and entrepreneurship in the global economy.Extending our understanding of the many different ways that innovation and entrepreneurship contribute to economic development and growth in a globalized economy, the expert contributors highlight that the current wave of globalization has been a period of exceptional entrepreneurship both among large multinational firms and among independent entrepreneurs. They demonstrate that location matters for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship, and clarify that public policy in a globalized economy must stress knowledge and ideas as the source of competitiveness and economic growth.Both graduates and post graduates, along with university researchers, will find this book to be useful in their studies, particularly those with an interest in innovation and entrepreneurship research, regional economics, economic geography and international economics.Contributors: M.J.Abellán Madrid, J. Abrahamsson, M. Andersson, S. Anokhin, R. Antonietti, D.B. Audretsch, M. Belitski, H. Boter, A. Broström, M.R. Ferrante, A. García-Tabuenca, N.M.George, U. Gråsjö, K.E. Haynes, V. Jienwatcharamongkhol, C. Karlsson, B. Kianian, T.C. Larsson, R. Leoncini, C.Y. Liu, M. McKelvey, G. Painter, J. Parajuli, V. Parida, C. Suárez Gálvez, M.G.A. Svensson, S. Tavassoli, V. Vanyushyn, Q. Wang, K.I. Westeren, J. Wincent, S. Wixe
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples: The Search for Legal Remedies
Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples offers the most comprehensive resource for advancing our understanding of one of the least coherently developed of climate change policy realms - legal protection of vulnerable indigenous populations. The first part of the book provides a tremendously useful background on the cultural, policy, and legal context of indigenous peoples, with special emphasis on developing general principles for climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions. The remainder of the volume then carefully and thoroughly works through how those general principles play out for different regional indigenous populations around the globe. All of the contributions to the volume are by leading experts who bring their insights and innovative thinking to bear on a truly complex subject. Whether as a novice s starting point or expert's desktop reference, I cannot think of a more useful resource for anyone interested in climate policy for indigenous peoples.'- J.B. Ruhl, Vanderbilt University Law School, USThis timely volume explores the ways in which indigenous peoples across the world are challenged by climate change impacts, and discusses the legal resources available to confront those challenges.Indigenous peoples occupy a unique niche within the climate justice movement, as many indigenous communities live subsistence lifestyles that are severely disrupted by the effects of climate change. Additionally, in many parts of the world, domestic law is applied differently to indigenous peoples than it is to their non-indigenous peers, further complicating the quest for legal remedies. The contributors to this book bring a range of expert legal perspectives to this complex discussion, offering both a comprehensive explanation of climate change-related problems faced by indigenous communities and a breakdown of various real world attempts to devise workable legal solutions. Regions covered include North and South America (Brazil, Canada, the US and the Arctic), the Pacific Islands (Fiji, Tuvalu and the Federated States of Micronesia), Australia and New Zealand, Asia (China and Nepal) and Africa (Kenya).This comprehensive volume will appeal to professors and students of environmental law, indigenous law and international law, as well as practitioners and policymakers with an interest in indigenous legal issues and environmental justice.Contributors: R.S. Abate, D. Badrinarayana, K. Boom, M. Burkett, J.M. Cha, E. Charles-Newton, L.A. Crippa, M. Davis, P. Dong, N. Johnstone, P. Kameri-Mbote, P. Kebec, S. Krakoff, E.A. Kronk, J.-D. Lavallee, J. Liu, A. Long, L.A. Miranda, C.Y. Mulalap, E. Nyukuri, H. Osofsky, J.V. Royster, I.L. Stoyanova, V. Sutton, E.J. Techera, S. Thériault, R. Tsosie, P. Van Tuyn, W. Yu
Taylor & Francis Inc Reducing Rural Poverty in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities for Microenterprises and Public Employment Schemes
Fight rural poverty through the creation of significant policy mechanisms, microenterprises, and employment programsThe majority of the world’s poor live in Asia, and most of these live in rural areas. These areas are also infamous for the food insecurity and malnutrition associated with poverty. Making even a modest dent in rural Asian poverty has the potential to realize large gains in global human development. Reducing Rural Poverty in Asia provides evidence-based guidelines for policymakers in developing countries, for researchers focusing on development problems, and for the international development assistance community in the continuing search for ways to effectively reduce poverty in the developing world. Detailed examinations are clearly presented on the efforts for poverty alleviation through microenterprise development and rural public employment programs that focus on public works and household/small-scale industries. Asia-based case studies of various microenterprises and rural public employment projects reveal important policy mechanisms and the effectiveness of each poverty reduction measure. Tables, figures, and relevant glossaries make unfamiliar terms and difficult information easy to understand.Part I of Reducing Rural Poverty in Asia: presents a framework for the analysis of rural microenterprises with a focus on microfinance highlights the main findings of country-specific case studies suggests guidelines for an appropriate strategy for the provision of microfinance to reach the poor, alleviate poverty, and create financial stability analyzes the issues relating to public wage employment schemes and the principal findings of the case studies draws policy conclusions for the formulation of effective public employment schemes Part II of Reducing Rural Poverty in Asia presents case studies conducted in India, Bangladesh, and the Philippinesalong with revealing conclusions. These studies include: the SIDBI Foundation for Micro Credit in Indiaincluding the continuing problem of the exclusion of the poorest the Maharashtra Rural Credit Project in India and concerns about the sustainability of the financial infrastructure the Small Enterprises Development Project in Bangladesh and the high rate of return on capital from financed enterprises the successes of the Grameen Uddog, Agrani Bank Micro-Enterprise Development Unit (MEDU), and Kishoreganj Community-Based Projects in Bangladesh the income-stabilizing role of the Employment Guarantee Scheme in Maharashtra, India guidelines for the Public Works Employment policy and implementation in the Philippines Reducing Rural Poverty in Asia is a concise overview of the crucial research undertaken at the request of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and makes this a vital resource for researchers, educators, students, policymakers, and development experts working towards the goal of poverty reduction.
Human Kinetics Publishers Practical Guide to Exercise Physiology: The Science of Exercise Training and Performance Nutrition
Science comes to life with Practical Guide to Exercise Physiology, Second Edition. Taking an application-based approach, supported by vivid medical illustrations, this book provides students and health and fitness professionals with a simple and straightforward way to learn the fundamentals of human physiology, metabolism, and nutrition.Intricate physiological processes responsible for how the body responds and adapts to physical activity are described in an accessible manner so that readers can easily select appropriate training programs and explain them to others. Practical Guide to Exercise Physiology, Second Edition, is complemented by medical artwork that puts these complex systems into a digestible visual context. These systems are then applied to real-world practice and training principles that are beneficial to specific body systems to achieve the desired results.Part I of Practical Guide to Exercise Physiology, Second Edition, reviews human physiology fundamentals, including muscles and muscle adaptation, bioenergetics, and the cardiorespiratory system. Part II applies these scientific concepts to training programs designed for specific fitness goals. These goals include weight loss and improvements in strength and muscle mass, speed and power, and aerobic endurance. Part III of the text outlines special considerations for training with pregnant women and children as well as older adults. This part also includes exercise adjustments for changes in temperature and altitude.The second edition of Practical Guide to Exercise Physiology features new content on trending fitness concepts such as HIIT, periodization, and detraining. The text also provides several useful tools for practical application: Fun facts and sidebars examine current topics and engage readers with additional content about the human body’s response to training. At the end of each chapter, summary statements and review questions highlight essential information. Performance Nutrition Spotlights offer advice and tips on using nutrition to support adaptations and improve performance. The Index of Common Questions From Clients section collects the most common inquiries from clients and points to the corresponding chapter where each of those topics is covered, helping readers to quickly access the information. Practical Guide to Exercise Physiology, Second Edition, contains all the information students and fitness professionals need to understand the connection between physiology and exercise. Readers will gain confidence in designing exercise programs for various populations and in their ability to explain to clients how each exercise and movement will help them achieve their goals.Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes both the book and exam.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits
THE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF LINEAR CIRCUITS Textbook covering the fundamentals of circuit analysis and design, now with additional examples, exercises, and problems The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, 10th Edition, taps into engineering students� desire to explore, create, and put their learning into practice by presenting linear circuit theory, with an emphasis on circuit analysis and how to evaluate competing designs. The text integrates active and passive linear circuits, allowing students to understand and design a wide range of circuits, solve analytical problems, and devise solutions to problems. The authors use both phasors and Laplace techniques for AC circuits, enabling better understanding of frequency response, filters, AC power, and transformers. The authors have increased the integration of MATLAB® and Multisim in the text and revised content to be up-to-date with technology when appropriate. The text uses a structured pedagogy where objectives are stated in each chapter opener and examples and exercises are developed so that the students achieve mastery of each objective. The available problems revisit each objective and a suite of problems of increasing complexity task the students to check their understanding. Topics covered in The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, 10th Edition, include: Basic circuit analysis, including element, connection, combined, and equivalent circuits, voltage and current division, and circuit reduction Circuit analysis techniques, including node-voltage and mesh-current analysis, linearity properties, maximum signal transfer, and interface circuit design Signal waveforms, including the step, exponential, and sinusoidal waveforms, composite waveforms, and waveform partial descriptors Laplace transforms, including signal waveforms and transforms, basic properties and pairs, and pole-zero and Bode diagrams Network functions, including network functions of one- and two-port circuits, impulse response, step response, and sinusoidal response An appendix that lists typical RLC component values and tolerances along with a number of reference tables and OP AMP building blocks that are foundational for analysis and design. With an overarching goal of instilling smart judgment surrounding design problems and innovative solutions, The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, 10th Edition, provides inspiration and motivation alongside an essential knowledge base. The text is designed for two semesters and is complemented with robust supplementary material to enhance various pedagogical approaches, including an Instructors Manual which features an update on how to use the book to complement the 2022-23 ABET accreditation criteria, 73 lesson outlines using the new edition, additional Instructor Problems, and a Solutions Manual. These resources can be found on the companion website:
John Wiley & Sons Inc Gas Insulated Substations
GAS INSULATED SUBSTATIONS An essential reference guide to gas-insulated substations The second edition of Gas Insulated Substations (GIS) is an all-inclusive reference guide to gas insulated substations (GIS) and its advanced technologies. Updated to the latest technical developments and applications, the guide covers basic physics of gas insulated systems, SF6 insulating gas and its alternatives, safety aspects and factors to choose GIS. GIS technology, its modular structure, control and monitoring systems, testing, installation rules and guidelines for operation, specification, and maintenance. Detailed information on various types for GIS, with 14 reference project explanations and three extensive case studies give information for the best solutions of practical applications. Special solutions using mobile substations concepts, mixed technology switchgear (MTS) with air and gas insulated technology, underground substations, and the use of special GIS substation buildings e.g., shopping centers, parking lots, city parks, business complexes’ or subway stations are explained. Future developments of GIS technology are shown for the next steps in alternatives to SF6, low power instrument transformers, and digitalization of substations. A new chapter explains advanced technologies applied to GIS projects which cover the following; environmental issues for the substation permission process, insulation coordination studies for the network requirements including very fast transients, project scope development, risk-based asset management, health and safety impact, electromagnetic fields, SF6 decomposition byproducts and condition assessment. Disruptive development steps in gas insulated substations technologies are also covered in this second edition. Vacuum breaking and switching technology for rated voltages of up to 500 kV is explained in detail with its physical background. Principle function and possible implementation of low power instrument transformers (LPIT) are explained and examples of applications are given. The principles of digital twin for gas insulated substations (GIS) and gas insulated transmission lines (GIL) are explained in theory and project applications show the practical use and advantage. The wide and fast-growing technical field of offshore GIS applications for AC and DC is explained on many examples and gives information on special requirements when getting offshore. Theoretical requirements on DC gas insulated systems, methods of testing, prototype installation tests, modular design features, and advantages in applications are given. Finally, impact and advantages of digital substations using GIS are explained. Key features: Written by leading GIS experts involved in development and project applications Discusses practical and theoretical aspects Detailed material of GIS for new and experienced GIS users, and project planners Invaluable guide to practicing electrical, mechanical and civil engineers as well as third- and fourth-year electric power engineering students
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Complete Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions: Process Tools to Support M&A Integration at Every Level
Ease the M&A process with a more effective integration plan The Complete Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions is the ultimate handbook for planning and managing post-merger integration. Packed full of "how to" guidance, tools, templates and resources that have been put to the test on numerous due diligence and integration efforts around the world, The Complete Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions has been the go-to guide for firms seeking to maximize the value of their deals since the release of the first edition in 1999. Poor integration management virtually ensures that a merger or acquisition will fail to meet financial and strategic goals. The Complete Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions provides the information that enables firms to quickly and prudently capture projected cost and revenue synergies, and to move the combined organization forward. The book addresses strategic deal considerations, due diligence, integration management, people dynamics and cultural integration, common integration mistakes, communications strategies, and provides actionable steps toward creating measurable, positive results throughout the integration process. The updated third edition contains new information and tools to help firms in any industry manage deals of all sizes, including: Results of The State of M&A Integration Effectiveness Survey, 2014 A new chapter on the M&A process deal stages, with an expanded Deal Flow Model Findings of substantial M&A research from various studies in multiple industries and organizations, supporting the concepts presented throughout the book New and revised tools and templates for due diligence, integration, and results measurement and reporting New case examples of recent transactions Highlighted 'Key Principles' throughout each chapter A summary of key points at the end of each chapter Discussion questions addressing the key themes of each chapter A 'rapid assessment' diagnostic regarding the key elements of each chapter, which can be completed for any organization A revised chapter on taking your M&A game to the next level – essential requirements for building M&A capabilities into a consistently successful enterprise competency Merger and acquisition activity across the globe continues to grow, and is also playing a major role in the development of expanding markets. A well-managed integration effort is essential to success, and failure means a tremendous waste in terms of time and money, as well as the rapid destruction of shareholder value. The Complete Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions: Process Tools to Support M&A Integration at Every Level, Third Edition is an invaluable resource to guide firms in managing M&A integration and maximize the value of their deals.
Fordham University Press New York After 9/11
An estimated 2 billion people around the world watched the catastrophic destruction of the World Trade Center. The enormity of the moment was immediately understood and quickly took on global proportions. What has been less obvious is the effect on the locus of the attacks, New York City, not as a seat of political or economic power, but as a community; not in the days and weeks afterward, but over months and years. New York after 9/11 offers insightful and critical observations about the processes set in motion by September 11, 2001 in New York, and holds important lessons for the future. This interdisciplinary collection brings together experts from diverse fields to discuss the long-term recovery of New York City after 9/11. Susan Opotow and Zachary Baron Shemtob invited experts in architecture and design, medicine, health, community advocacy, psychology, public safety, human rights, law, and mental health to look back on the aftereffects of that tragic day in key spheres of life in New York City. With a focus on the themes of space and memory, public health and public safety, trauma and conflict, and politics and social change, this comprehensive account of how 9/11 changed New York sets out to answer three questions: What were the key conflicts that erupted in New York City in 9/11’s wake? What clashing interests were involved and how did they change over time? And what was the role of these conflicts in the transition from trauma to recovery for New York City as a whole? Contributors discuss a variety of issues that emerged in this tragedy’s wake, some immediately and others in the years that followed, including: PTSD among first responders; conflicts and design challenges of rebuilding the World Trade Center site, the memorial, and the museum; surveillance of Muslim communities; power struggles among public safety agencies; the development of technologies for faster building evacuations; and the emergence of chronic illnesses and fatalities among first responders and people who lived, worked, and attended school in the vicinity of the 9/11 site. A chapter on two Ground Zeros –in Hiroshima and New York – compares and historicizes the challenges of memorialization and recovery. Each chapter offers a nuanced, vivid, and behind-the-scenes account of issues as they unfolded over time and across various contexts, dispelling simplistic narratives of this extended and complicated period. Illuminating a city’s multifaceted response in the wake of a catastrophic and traumatic attack, New York after 9/11 illustrates recovery as a process that is complex, multivalent, and ongoing.
Stanford University Press The Great Herbal of Leonhart Fuchs: De historia stirpium commentarii insignes, 1542 (Notable Commentaries on the History of Plants)
Leonhart Fuchs's herbal—recognized for more than four centuries as a masterpiece of Renaissance botany and one of the most beautiful books ever printed—now appears for the first time in a facsimile edition, accompanied by a volume of commentary based on three decades of historical and botanical research; the two volumes are published as a handsome boxed set. Only some 150 copies of the herbal are known to survive in rare book collections, and in the antiquarian book market it commands high prices (a copy was sold at Christie's for $17,000 in 1997). The herbal, a compilation of information on the medicinal properties of plants, had declined in the Middle Ages. This changed in the early sixteenth century with the emergence in Germany of the new form of a printed, illustrated herbal, led by De historia stirpium commentarii insignes by Leonhart Fuchs (1501-1566). The plan and organization of the herbal was entirely original with Fuchs, although the work included a vast amount of material derived from his Classical predecessors. Fuchs's book is of great splendor, without equal among sixteenth-century herbals. It is illustrated with 511 woodcut figures, all original and depicted from life. These figures established a standard of botanical illustration that has lasted to the present day, and more than 100 species were illustrated for the first time (including 12 New World plants such as maize, kidney bean, chili pepper, cactus, and tobacco). During Fuchs' lifetime, the herbal and its various abridgements went through 39 printings in Latin, German, French, Spanish, and Dutch. The original Latin edition of 1542 is here reprinted in a facsimile only slightly smaller than the original, as the second volume of this set. The exhaustively detailed commentary will become the standard reference work for Renaissance botany. Of invaluable interest to historians of medicine, pharmacology, philology, art, and printing, it will also appeal to collectors of fine and rare books, gardeners, and proponents of alternative medicine. The commentary contains some 150 illustrations, 100 in color, that include contemporary hand-colored figures from printed copies of the herbal and woodcuts hand-colored under Fuchs' supervision for a projected, unpublished elaboration of the original herbal. Book References to Fuchs's Herbal "A folio of breathtaking splendor." —The Illustrated Herbal "A botanical masterpiece." —Herbals: Their Origin and Evolution "Perhaps the most celebrated and beautiful herbal ever published." —Printing and the Mind of Man "Fuchs' woodcuts set a standard for botanical illustration that holds up to this day for clarity and directness." —The Renaissance Print "One of the greatest of all herbals." —100 Books Famous in Medicine
Cornell University Press Darfur and the Crisis of Governance in Sudan: A Critical Reader
The ongoing conflict in the western Sudanese region of Darfur has received unprecedented attention from the international media and human rights organizations, and it has captured the attention of millions of people around the world. Those seeking to learn about the conflict, as well as those who have reported on it, often rely on information produced by the various organizations that are addressing the humanitarian crises spawned by the conflict. In turn, most coverage of the Darfur crisis provides only a cursory understanding of the historical, economic, political, sociological, and environmental factors that contribute to the conflict. Moreover, the perspectives of the people of Darfur and the Sudan have not been adequately heard. As a result, Sudanese civil society's active engagement in resolving the country's problems goes unrecognized. Darfur and the Crisis of Governance in Sudan remedies this situation by bringing together a diverse group of contributors from Sudan and beyond—scholars, activists, NGO and aid workers, members of government and the Darfurian rebel movements, and artists—who share a deep knowledge of the situation in Darfur and Sudan. Together, they provide the most comprehensive, balanced, and nuanced account yet published of the conflict's roots and the contemporary realities that shape the experiences of those living in the region. The cross-disciplinary dialogue fostered by Salah M. Hassan and Carina E. Ray yields a comprehensive understanding of the causes, manifestations, and implications of the ongoing conflict. Many of the contributors emphasize that despite the international attention Darfur has received, it is those within Darfur and Sudan—both in preexisting organizations and in newly formed alliances—who have taken the lead in seeking local solutions. This book features a portfolio of affecting full-color photographs of daily life in Darfur by the acclaimed photographer Issam A. Abdelhafiez and, significantly, an extensive appendix of official local and international documents about the conflict—laws, decrees, resolutions, reports, and governmental statements—that have shaped both the crisis and its global perception. Collected here for the first time, these documents are invaluable as primary sources for researchers, students, activists, NGOs, and anyone else trying to understand the complexities of the crisis. Contributors: Issam A. Abdel Hafiez; Musa Adam Abdul-Jalil; Abaker Mohamed Abuelbashar; Rogaia Mustafa Abusharaf; Eric Kofi Acree; Ali B. Ali Dinar; Munzoul A.M. Assal; Alex de Waal; Atta El-Battahani; Kamal El-Gizouli; Abdel Monim Elgak; Abdullahi Osman El-Tom; Grant Farred; Adrienne Fricke; Fahima A. Hashim; Salah M. Hassan; Amira Khair; Mansour Khalid; Mahmood Mamdani; Carina E. Ray; Karin Willemse; Benaiah Yongo-Bure; Al-Tayib Zain Al-Abdin
Edinburgh University Press The Edinburgh International Encyclopaedia of Psychoanalysis
Editorial Board: Bernard Burgoyne (London) James Grotstein (Los Angeles) Murray Stein (Chicago) Cleo van Velsen (London) Consultant Editors: Lewis Aaron, Howard Bacal, June Bernstein, Ron Britton, Morris Eagle, John Muller, Malcolm Pines, Eric Rayner, Paul Roazen, William Richardson, Andrew Samuels, Robert Wallerstein Executive Editors: Joe Aguayo, Shelley Ahanati, Betty Cannon, Rebecca Curtis, Elinor Fairbairn Birtles, Kirsty Hall, Jennifer Johns, Rik Loose, Maria Rhode, David Scharff, Robert Stolorow, Richard Tuch, Jane van Buren, Aleksandra Wagner The one thousand entries in this book provide the best single volume coverage of psychoanalysis available. With its wide, objective and catholic vision, the Encyclopaedia demonstrates that psychoanalysis is a single discipline, very much greater than any particular movement, school or individual, including its founder, Freud. Thus the book contains authoritative entries on all the most important authors, practitioners, concepts, movements, schools, debates and controversies in psychoanalysis and its offspring, past and present. A precis essay is given of each school amplified by explanations of all key terms within that school. Entries are alphabetically arranged, fully cross-referenced, many with suggestions for further reading. Most importantly the book features both contributors and entries reflecting the various disciplines such as Feminism, Literature, Philosophy, Art and Anthropology that have contributed to the development of psychoanalysis or been influenced by it. Besides an immense array of topics on psychoanalysis contributed by psychoanalysts themselves, there are also entries on many topics written by psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, philosophers, medical researchers, historians, literary critics, anthropologists, linguists and other specialists. International in scope, the Encyclopaedia also draws on a geographically wide field of authors. The Encyclopaedia caters for readers who require knowledge at a glance as well as those seeking a more detailed account. Besides concise definitions, it includes numerous illuminating longer essays by distinguished contributors including: Peter Fonagy, Michael Eigen, James Grotstein, Eric Laurent, Thomas Ogden, Paul Roazen, Hazel Barnes, Charles Brenner, Marcia Cavell, Morris Eagle, Murray Stein, Allan Schore, Robert Stolorow and Robert Wallerstein. Key Features * Entries on all the concepts of the main psychoanalytic schools of thought including the analytic psychologist, Jung. * Full coverage of: Freud, Fairbairn, Jung, Klein, Bion, Kohut, Winnicott and Lacan. Existential psychoanalysis is covered in detail, as are Group psychoanalysis, Child psychotherapy and Psychiatry. *Some 50 extended essays on links with other subjects including: Philosophy, Ethology, Literature, Film, Politics, Feminism, Neuroscience, Human Nature, Religion and many more. * Entries on all the main figures of psychoanalysis, past and present as well as the history and practice of psychoanalysis in 47 countries worldwide.
University of California Press National Power and the Structure of Foreign Trade
This study begins with a brief survey of economic thought on the relationship between foreign trade and national power, from the Mercantilists on. Chapter II attempts a systematic theoretical approach to the subject. It first makes clear the fundamental basis of the possible use of foreign trade as an instrument of national power policy. Using well-known concepts of economic analysis, it proceeds to show under what conditions and by means of what policies this instrument is likely to attain its highest efficiency. The principles of power policy thus deduced theoretically are then compared with the actual practices followed by German trading methods in recent years. Toward the end of this chapter the reader will be carried into a detailed discussion of certain problems of the theory of international trade, which are touched upon earlier in the chapter. Chapter III is applied to the historical background of our problem. It gives a survey of the literature on "economic aggression" before and during World War I and brings out the importance of the Paris Economic Conference of the Allies in 1916 for the Versailles Treaty and postwar economic policies. In Chapter IV we review in the light of our theoretical and historical analyses certain safeguards or remedies which could be or have been proposed to prevent the use of foreign trade as an instrument of national power policies. Certain questions raised in Part 1 can be answered in quantitative terms. Part 2 consists, therefore, of an exposition of various trends of international trade in recent years disclosed by statistical analysis. In Chapter V we calculate an index number expressing the extent to which the trade of the large trading nations is or has been directed by preference toward the smaller trading countries. Chapter VI gives index numbers for the degree of concentration of their foreign trade on one or a few big markets or sources of supply. Finally, in Chapter VII we measure the extent to which world trade has been based primarily on an exchange of manufactures against raw materials and foodstuffs. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1945, with an expanded edition published in 1980.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Air Pollution and Community Health: A Critical Review and Data Sourcebook
Air Pollution and Community Health A Critical Review and Data Sourcebook Frederick W. Lipfert Air pollution has affected community health since the advent of the industrial age and arguably since the discovery of fire. While organized societies have taken important steps to reduce and control emissions, the quality of the air we breathe today remains a critical concern. Air Pollution and Community Health transforms the major epidemiological works of the past 40 years into a coherent picture of the effects of air pollution on respiration, hospitalization, and mortality. The book re-evaluates these studies to clarify their findings within a consistent analytical framework and to define statistical relationships between various measures of community health and air quality. Lipfert emphasizes observational studies and the quality of the data used. The book is organized by health endpoint rather than by pollutant, beginning with the major air pollution disasters that helped galvanize the environmental revolution. His analysis shows that community air pollution acts primarily to exacerbate existing conditions in susceptible individuals, rather than to create new cases of respiratory disease. He concludes that "the alarms that sounded over 40 years ago are still ringing"--substantial health risks are still presented by the current urban mixtures of air pollution. Many of the studies reviewed suggest that the current ambient air quality standards required by the Clean Air Act fail to protect the health of the most susceptible individuals. Further, because of the role of natural sources of air pollution, questions are raised as to whether complete protection can ever be achieved. The book presents data from many of the epidemiological studies reviewed, including those of the major disasters of 1930-1960. Graphical presentations are featured for easy reference; many new analyses are presented here for the first time. The book also includes introductory chapters on air pollution, statistical analysis, and respiratory physiology, for the convenience of readers who may not be well versed in all of these topics. The major technical chapters on mortality and hospitalization include reviews of the effects of air pollution episodes, time-series analyses, cross-sectional studies, and long-term studies of pollution abatement. The chapters on respiratory function include both the effects of air pollution on function and the role of lung function as an independent predictor of longevity. Air Pollution and Community Health presents one of the first comprehensive analyses of the subject. It should be used to re-examine the effectiveness of air pollution research and control policies in the United States and is essential reading for all professionals involved in air pollution control or public health.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Planned Giving Simplified: The Gift, The Giver, and the Gift Planner
Planned Giving Simplified A down-to-earth introduction to planned giving by a leading pioneerin the field. In this groundbreaking book, charitable gift planning expert RobertF. Sharpe, Sr., demystifies the complex world of planned giving fornot-for-profit managers. He provides a detailed blueprint forstarting and building a successful planned giving program, anddevelops a rational framework for managing the subtle interplay oflegal, administrative, and interpersonal factors involved in theplanned giving process. Central to Sharpe's proven approach is his controversial definitionof the effective charitable gift planner as being not so much afund raiser as an expert at helping potential benefactors satisfy adeeply felt emotional need. Rather than soliciting or closing onplanned gifts, the planner's primary focus should be on formingrelationships with donors and providing them with the means andopportunity to fulfill their desire to do good. Using compelling case studies, Sharpe demonstrates his approach inaction. He identifies the various types of planned gifts and takesyou inside the hearts and minds of the planned givers themselves,revealing their primary motivations and overarching concerns. Hethen guides you, step-by-step, through the entire planned givingprocess, and concludes with a clear delineation of theorganizational structures required to sustain a planned givingprogram. Praise for Planned Giving Simplified "This book is a must for all who are serious about establishing ormaintaining a successful gift planning program for theirinstitution." --Nancy L. Perazelli, CFRE Gift Planning Officer,Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. "In his own inimitable style, Bob Sharpe has done an admirable jobof describing the planned giving process in an easy-to-understandmanner. Woven throughout is the emphasis on the important humanrelationship between the donor and the charitable gift planner."--Walter T. Weaver, III Director, Finance Support Division, BoyScouts of America. "Robert F. Sharpe, Sr., has provided a comprehensive road map ofthe world of planned giving. He guides [readers] to the desireddestination without unnecessary detours along the way. His bookwill be a valuable addition to the libraries of not onlynot-for-profit professionals, but also 'givers' who seek a betterunderstanding of the many routes available to them in their giftplanning." --Joseph H. Powell President Emeritus and SeniorConsultant, Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation. "The name Bob Sharpe is synonymous with planned giving. I don'tknow of anybody who knows more about it and who can better conveyits importance." --Reverend Dr. Arthur Caliandro Pastor, MarbleCollegiate Church, New York City. "I really like [this book]. It is . . . elegantly simple, direct,and forthright. . . . very enjoyable." --Thomas W. Cullinan, JDExecutive Director of Gift Planning, University of Maryland.
John Wiley & Sons Inc NMR of Quadrupolar Nuclei in Solid Materials
NMR OF QUADRUPOLAR NUCLEI IN SOLID MATERIALS Over the past 20 years technical developments in superconducting magnet technology and instrumentation have increased the potential of NMR spectroscopy so that it is now possible to study a wide range of solid materials. In addition, one can probe the nuclear environments of many other additional atoms that possess the property of spin. In particular, it is possible to carry out NMR experiments on isotopes that have nuclear spin greater that ½ (i.e. quadrupolar nuclei). Since more that two-thirds of all NMR active isotopes are quadrupolar nuclei, applications of NMR spectroscopy with quadrupolar nuclei are increasing rapidly. The purpose of this handbook is to provide under a single cover the fundamental principles, techniques and applications of quadrupolar NMR as it pertains to solid materials. Each chapter has been prepared by an expert who has made significant contributions to out understanding and appreciation of the importance of NMR studies of quadrupolar nuclei in solids. The text is divided into three sections: The first provides the reader with the background necessary to appreciate the challenges in acquiring and interpreting NMR spectra of quadrupolar neclei in solids. The second presents cutting-edge techniques and methodology for employing these techniques to investigate quadrupolar nuclei in solids. The final section explores applications of solid-state NMR studies of solids ranging from investigations of dynamics, characterizations of biological samples, organic and inorganic materials, porous materials, glasses, catalysts, semiconductors and high-temperature superconductors. About EMR Handbooks The Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance (EMR) publishes a wide range of online articles on all aspects of magnetic resonance in physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The existence-of this large number of articles, written by experts in various fields, is enabling the publication of a series of EMR Handbooks on specific areas of NMR and MRI. The chapters of each of these handbooks will comprise a carefully chosen selection of Encyclopedia articles. In consultation with the EMR Editorial Board, the EMR Handbooks are coherently planned in advance by specially-selected Editors, and new articles, are written (together with updates of some already existing articles) to give appropriate complete coverage. The handbooks are intended to be of value and interest to research students, postdoctoral fellows and other researchers learning about the scientific area in question and undertaking relevant experiments, whether in academia or industry. Have the content of this handbook and the complete content of the Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance at your fingertips! Visit:
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Health Professional and Patient Interaction
Learn how to navigate the complicated and challenging world of health care with Health Professional and Patient Interaction, 10th Edition. Covering strategies for effective communication and collaboration, this time-tested guide offers the tools needed to establish positive patient and interprofessional relationships that are built on respect. It not only covers respectful actions, communication standards, and good decision-making, but also demonstrates how those decisions directly shape successful patient outcomes. Practical examples and authentic scenarios highlight how to apply respect and professionalism to coworkers and patients of various ages and backgrounds across a wide spectrum of healthcare environments. It's the strong foundation you need to communicate effectively for positive, collaborative, and compassionate patient-centered care. UNIQUE! Integration of respect throughout the text underscores its necessity across the many different types of interactions between the health professional and patient and establishes the foundation for positive relationships with patients and interprofessional care teams. UNIQUE! Focus on interprofessional and intraprofessional collaboration addresses issues that apply to many different healthcare disciplines to help you identify with your specific field, as well as recognize themes that apply across a variety of healthcare delivery settings. UNIQUE! Information on developmental and lifespan changes offers insight on the challenges experienced by patients, families, and caregivers and strategies for effective age-appropriate interactions. UPDATED! Comprehensive, evidence-based content provides the most current information and strategies for being an effective and compassionate health professional. Authentic patient cases and scenarios drawn from contemporary practice demonstrate strategies and tools for effective communication and collaboration with patients and colleagues in a wide range of healthcare settings. Reflections Questions throughout the text challenge you to apply critical thinking skills and personal experience to different scenarios. Questions for Thought and Discussion at the end of the book help you apply your knowledge to a variety of situations. Extensive, updated references ensure content is current and applicable to today's clinical practice. NEW! Revised content explores the importance of self-care, coping with moral distress, building resiliency, and workplace wellness. NEW! Expanded coverage of justice, diversity, equity and inclusion emphasizes culturally-informed care and essential values and skill sets to minimize the impact of social and racial inequities on health outcomes. NEW! Updated coverage of telehealth and virtual care delivery explores the evolution of communication with patients and colleagues. NEW! Updated tools and strategies for managing difficult conversations to promote patient respect and optimize health outcomes in challenging situations. NEW! An enhanced ebook, included only with print purchase, provides access to all the text, figures, and references, plus the ability to search, customize content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
Leuven University Press The Intimate: Polity and the Catholic Church—Laws about Life, Death and the Family in So-called Catholic Countries
The waning influence of the Catholic church in the ethical and political debate For centuries the Catholic Church was able to impose her ethical rules in matters related to the intimate, that is, questions concerning life (from its beginning until its end) and the family, in the so-called Catholic countries in Western Europe. When the polity started to introduce legislation that was in opposition to the Catholic ethic, the ecclesiastical authorities and part of the population reacted. The media reported massive manifestations in France against same-sex marriages and in Spain against the de-penalization of abortion. In Italy the Episcopal conference entered the political field in opposition to the relaxation of several restrictive legal rules concerning medically assisted procreation and exhorted the voters to abstain from voting so that the referendum did not obtain the necessary quorum. In Portugal, to the contrary, the Church made a “pact” with the prime minister so that the law on same-sex marriages did not include the possibility of adoption. And in Belgium the Episcopal conference limited its actions to clearly expressing with religious, legal, and anthropological arguments its opposition to such laws, which all other Episcopal conferences did also.In this book, the authors analyse the full spectrum of the issue, including the emergence of such laws; the political discussions; the standpoints defended in the media by professionals, ethicists, and politicians; the votes in the parliaments; the political interventions of the Episcopal conferences; and the attitude of professionals. As a result the reader understands what was at stake and the differences in actions of the various Episcopal conferences. The authors also analyse the pro and con evaluations among the civil population of such actions by the Church. Finally, in a comparative synthesis, they discuss the public positions taken by Pope Francis to evaluate if a change in Church policy might be possible in the near future.Research by GERICR (Groupe européen de recherche interdisciplinaire sur le changement religieux), a European interdisciplinary research group studying religious changes coordinated by Alfonso Pérez-Agote. This publication is GPRC-labeled (Guaranteed Peer-Reviewed Content). Contributors: Céline Béraud (Université de Caen), Annalisa Frisina (Università degli Studi di Padova), Franco Garelli (Università degli Studi di Torino), Antonio Montañés (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Enzo Pace (Università degli Studi di Padova), Philippe Portier (École pratique des hautes études, Paris-Sorbonne), Jose Santiago (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Roberto Francesco Scalon (Università degli Studi di Torino), Liliane Voyé (Université Catholique de Louvain)
Liss Llewellyn Wow: Women Only Works on Paper
WOW - a collaboration between Liss Llewellyn and the Laing Art Gallery - showcases 38 British women artists working on paper between 1905 and 1975, a transformative period for women in the arts. The featured artists approached the medium in various ways, using traditional as well as innovative techniques to transform paper into beautiful and complex works of art. The exhibition celebrates the diversity of these approaches and highlights the ways in which paper provided artists with a rich arena for artistic innovation.Paper’s adaptability allows for a multitude of techniques. Using paper in its traditional role as a support for drawings and prints, or creating collage and sculpture, the featured artists responded to the medium’s inherent qualities - malleable, smooth and sensuous - to test ideas, express feelings or create a finished work. It is often in the more formative moments that the works in this exhibition most resonate; through these studies we bear witness to the seed of an idea in germination, as in Clare Leighton's iconic Southern Harvest, or Evelyn Dunbar's celebrated works for the War Artist's Advisory Committee.Selecting hand-made, mould-made or machine-made papers in various weights, textures and tints - depending on their intentions - artists worked with a variety of media from pencil, ink and pastel, to watercolour, tempera and oil, sometimes incorporating extraneous elements such as gold leaf and metallic forms. Working on monumental sheets, such as Winifred Knights' cartoon for St Martin's Altarpiece or tiny pages such as Edith Granger-Taylor's Small Grey Abstract, women’s choices were nevertheless sometimes dictated by circumstance: the propensity of Frances Richards and Tirzah Garwood - by no means isolated cases - to work on paper on a small scale was in part a result of not having access to a studio.From portraits, landscapes, botanical studies and genre scenes, many of the works in WOW highlight the artist's skill and dexterity in drawing on paper, which was at the core of artistic training and practice. Some artists have used the traditional techniques of etching, screen printing and woodblock to create a diverse range of images. Others highlight the ethereal properties of paper through precise cuts, resulting in elaborate collages combining shapes, patterns and designs, or compact and manipulate paper to create inventive and surprising sculptures. Featuring both famous and lesser-known talents, WOW celebrates the many ways in which women artists expressed themselves through works on, and with paper and highlights their unique contribution to the graphic arts in 20th century Britain.
Windgather Press Early Christianity in South-West Britain: Wessex, Somerset, Devon, Cornwall and the Channel Islands
This book offers a new assessment of early Christianity in south-west Britain from the fourth to the tenth centuries, a rich period which includes the transition from Roman to native British to Saxon models of church. The book will be based on evidence from archaeological excavations, early texts and recent critical scholarship and cover Wessex, Devon and Cornwall.In the south-west, Wessex provides the greatest evidence of Roman Christianity. The fifth-century Dorset villas of Frampton and Hinton St Mary, with their complex baptistery mosaics, indicate the presence of sophisticated Christian house churches. The fact that these two Roman villas are only 15 miles apart suggests a network of small Christian communities in this region. The author uses evidence from St Patrick’s fifth-century ‘Confessions’ to describe how members of a villa house church lived. Wessex was slowly Christianised: in Gloucestershire, the pagan healing sanctuary at Chedworth provides evidence of later use as a Christian baptistery; at Bradford on Avon in Wiltshire, a baptistery was dug into the mosaic floor of an imposing villa, which may by then have been owned by a bishop.In Somerset a number of recently excavated sites demonstrate the transition from a pagan temple to a Christian church. Beside the pagan temple at Lamyatt, later female burials suggest, unusually, a small monastic group of women. Wells cathedral grew beside the site of a Roman villa’s funeral chapel. In Street, a large oval enclosure indicates the probable site of a ‘Celtic’ monastery. Early Christian cemeteries have been excavated at Shepton Mallet and elsewhere. Lundy Island, off the Devon coast, provides evidence of a Celtic monastery, with its inscribed stones that commemorate early monks. At Exeter, a Saxon anthology includes numerous riddles, one of which describes in detail the production of an illuminated manuscript in a south-western monastery. Oliver Padel’s meticulous documentation of Cornish place-names has demonstrated that, of all the Celtic regions, Cornwall has by far the highest number of dedications to a single, otherwise unknown individual, typically consisting of a small church and a farm by the sea. These small monastic ‘cells’ have hitherto received little attention as a model of church in early British Christianity, and the latter part of the text focuses on various aspects of this model, as lived out in coastal and in upland settlements, on islands, and in relation to larger Breton monasteries. Study of 60 Breton sites has demonstrated possible connections between larger Breton monasteries and smaller Cornish cells.
Third Man Books The Last Vanishing Man and Other Stories
Magic stops. Men vanish. Worlds end. Life goes on. The stories in The Last Vanishing Man start with the end of the world, as a narrator seeks to imagine how the actions of an American terrorist ripple through his family. American violence and masculinity are topics that weave through these stories, as characters of various genders and sexualities get scarred by the wounds of manhood. But though these stories bounce similar themes off each other, they are not narrow in focus or tone. Hard-edged realism lives alongside ghost stories and weird tales; the lyrical tragedy of “A Suicide Gun” sits beside the wild, filthy, absurdist romp that is “The Ballad of Jimmy and Myra”, a murder ballad that might be a lost Weird Al song for a John Waters movie. The collection winds down with an expatriot American living in the melting tundra of Siberia, seeking liberation from the forces that deranged his life, the same forces that shaped and warped the lives of all the other characters in the book.The Last Vanishing Man is organized in four sections. The first section tells tales of people seeking to make sense of history and their place in it, whether the history of a queer sanctuary in Canada or of the unfulfilled dreams of the Warhol star Candy Darling. The second section gives us characters who are each on a quest to understand someone who is gone, vanished into memory or worlds beyond, their stories closer to myth than history. In the third section, lonely men seek meaning in a world where they have lost their way. Their quests become philosophical, even spiritual, as they wander toward something greater than their own transient desires. The final section breaks the book open with extremes: extremes of feeling, extremes of strangeness, extremes of horror. The fiercely disturbing story “Patrimony” portrays a post-apocalypse where male power renders the procreation of humanity into torture. “On the Government of the Living” is also a post-apocalyptic story, also a story of children and humanity, but more haunting parable than horror, more Samuel Beckett than Clive Barker.The Last Vanishing Man is a book for readers seeking more than familiar genre conventions, readers seeking stories that challenge, unsettle, surprise, and sing. These are stories aware of the sufferings of the world, stories of characters tormented by unfulfilled desires and unfathomable violence, but also stories of compassion, of community, of humor, and of infinite possibilities beyond the prison of the self.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Gaucher's Disease: From Diagnosis to Treatment
This book was designed as an educational resource for all professionals involved in the care of patients with Gaucher disease (GD). Chapter 1 is an introduction about GD. GD is the most common autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease (LSD) due to the deficiency or absence of the activity of enzyme glucosylceramidase (GCase) or also known as acidï¢- glucosidase (GBA1) or uridine phosphate glucosylceramide synthase (UDP-GLC). Defects in these enzymes cause miss-sorting or loss function of lysosomal proteins leading to accumulation of glucocerebroside (GLC) in the tissue macrophages monocyte. Accumulation of GLC cause enlargement of the spleen, destruction of bone, anemia, thrombocytopenia, and abnormalities of the lungs. GD is classified into three types: type 1 GD (GD1) is a chronic and non-neuronopathic accounting for 95% of GD cases, and types 2 and 3 (GD2, GD3) involves nerve cell destruction causing acute brainstem dysfunction or progressive neuroleptic deterioration, respectively. Chapter 1 review disease classification, epidemiology, pathophysiology, and clinical manifestations of GD. Chapter 2 discusses GD diagnosis and clinical presentations from prenatal, new-born, first year of life, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood patients suspected to have GD. Several biomarkers, tools used to detect abnormal biomarkers such as chitotriosidase, pulmonary and activation-regulated chemokines, and other inflammatory markers are discussed, in addition to methods used to detect these biomarkers. Chapter 3 highlights available enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), clinical trials, dosing, and adverse drug reaction of each ERT, pregnancy information, and effect of ERT on endocrine and metabolic profiles. Chapter 4 discusses available substrate reduction therapy (SRT), clinical trials, dosing, adverse drug reaction, pregnancy information, drug-drug interaction and patients' polymorphism profiles that influence the dosing of SRT. Chapter 5 discusses type 2 and 3 GD which are the neuronopathic variants of the GD, genotype and phenotype of the patients, role of ERT or SRT or gene therapy, chaperone therapy, and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Chapter 6 discusses common complication of GD such as bone and hepatocellular abnormalities, increased risk of cancer and Parkinson Disease development. Chapter 7 highlights several novel therapies with their mechanisms of action, details regarding ongoing or completed clinical trials such as newer SRT lucerastat which is on clinical trials for possible use in GD3. At this time, there are no drugs available to treat GD2 or GD3. Promising novel therapy include pharmacology chaperone (PC), antioxidants, and gene therapy. There are 2 PCs currently being tested in clinical trial, ambroxol and arimoclomol. Ambroxol, an over-the-counter drugs has been used to treat various airway infections, showed promising result to cross blood brain barrier that provide promising options for GD3 treatment.
Open University Press Creative Teaching Approaches in the Lifelong Learning Sector
This practical book explores creative ways of teaching and learning in the lifelong learning sector and provides a toolkit of creative teaching approaches with the potential to transform your teaching practice. Drawing on various techniques and diverse environments the book illustrates a variety of approaches, offering insights and conclusions drawn from a rich range of practice examples and highlighting the potential pitfalls of creative practices. The book tackles crucial issues such as: The characteristics of a creative tutor Boosting your creative confidence, and that of your learners Creative methods to excite and engage learners Constructing a creative session Developing resilience and self-care strategies Throughout the book there are activities, reflection points and extension tasks, as well as the frequent use of symbols and cross-referencing notes to help you see the links between sections. Creative Teaching Approaches in the Lifelong Learning Sector will appeal to trainee and experienced teachers working in the lifelong learning sector, including further and higher education, work-based learning, and adult and community settings. “So much more than a manual or menu of how to bring creativity into teaching, this book will be refreshing for experienced lecturers, trainers and teachers, and an inspirational as well as reassuring font of ideas for those new to the role.”Dr Clare Rigg, Head of Department of Business, Hotel, Catering & Tourism, Institute of Technology Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland“Brendon and Josie have drawn on their wealth of experience to co-author a practical teaching guide to meet the needs of 21st century learners in the Lifelong Learning Sector...This is a recommended read for anyone looking to update their practice.”Debbie Fletcher, Vice Principal of Leeds City College“Drawing on their own experiences, as shared with us in the stories of their respective journeys from the world of traditional teaching and training methods and environments to that of creative active engagement of and with learners, the Harveys provide valuable insights into and a practical guide for learning facilitators in a variety of contexts to take or enhance their own journeys into the use of Creative Approaches in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Complete with stories, cases, and examples supported by provocative thinking points and activities and exercises for learning facilitators, this is a must-have resource. Consistent with their message, this is a creatively written and presented practical guide that inspires outside-the-box thought and action eschewing any attempts to provide “recipes” but rather championing the need for diversity of methods and approaches based on learners, setting, context, and other variables.”Tony G. LeTrent-Jones, Adjunct Professor, University of North Carolina, USA, and Elon University, USA
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Between God and the Sultan: A History of Islamic Law
Today's discussions on Islam and the place religion should have in society often lead to questions about the Shari'a - Islamic law. Those who work for a political role for Islam demand that the Shari'a must be applied in their country, while those critical of Islam use the law as proof of its 'medieval' character. Islam is sometimes, not quite justly, called a 'religion of rules', and the rules of Islam are the Shari'a. But it is often hard to establish the exact nature of this law in more practical terms. Asking those who favour it or those who oppose it may only lead to greater confusion. But a rule and its exact opposite can both be said to be 'what the Shari'a says' and what God demands of the believer. It may even be questioned if there is any Shari'a at all in the work-a-day world, or whether it is just an ethical ideal, or a body whose secrets are known only to God. At the same time people may be stoned or mutilated in the name of this law. The key to understanding Shari'a is the concept of 'religious law', a term which might seem contradictory. 'Religion' is faith in a non-material force of some kind, and something we consider internal to the human soul. 'Law', on the other hand, is external to us, established by society in order to regulate the material needs of the community. The contrast between 'religion' and 'law' has been continuous throughout Muslim history. Islamic law has always existed in a tension between these two forces: God, who gave the law, and the state - the 'sultan' - representing society and implementing the law. This tension and dynamic have created a very particular history for the law - in how it was formulated and by whom, in its theoretical basis and its actual rules, and in how it was practised in historical reality from the time of its formation till today. That is the main theme of the book. Knut S. Vikor aims in this book to introduce the development and practice of Islamic law to a wide readership: students, lawyers and the growing number of those interested in Islamic civilisation. He summarises the main concepts of Islamic jurisprudence, discusses debates concerning the historicity of Islamic sources of dogma and the dating of early Islamic law; describes the classic practice of the law, in the formulation of legal rules and practice in the courts; and sets out various substantive legal rules, on such vital matters as the family and economic activity.
Human Kinetics Publishers NSCA’s Guide to High School Strength and Conditioning
The need for qualified high school strength and conditioning professionals has never been greater. Whether following the framework for long-term athletic development or teaching weight training as a lifelong fitness activity, you need to offer both the environment and instructional skills to safely develop strong student-athletes. NSCA’s Guide to High School Strength and Conditioning will equip you to deliver the highest-quality program in the high school setting—whether you are a strength and conditioning professional, physical education teacher, sport coach, or administrator.Written by a team of contributors within the world-renowned National Strength and Conditioning Association, NSCA’s Guide to High School Strength and Conditioning summarizes the primary duties and responsibilities of the various positions and roles that contribute to developing a safe and effective program. It provides insights into the benefits of offering a strength and conditioning program at the high school level and offers advice for the implementation of such a program. Examples are also provided for strength-and-conditioning-related PE curriculums to demonstrate how those types of programs can work and how they connect to the SHAPE America national standards and grade-level outcomes.The text is loaded with information that can be practically applied to any high school program. You will learn the variables to consider when designing a resistance or cardiovascular training program and 13 detailed protocols for conducting assessments so you can objectively evaluate movement and performance. Detailed exercise descriptions include beginning position, movement phases, breathing guidelines, modifications and variations, and coaching tips. The descriptions, along with accompanying photos, teach proper technique for 28 common resistance training exercises, 10 bodyweight exercises, 12 anatomical core exercises, 11 static and dynamic stretching exercises, 12 plyometric exercises, 10 speed and agility drills, and 5 cardio machines. Sample warm-up sequences and exercise sessions for resistance, plyometric, speed and agility, cardiovascular, and circuit training are also provided—all of which follow the programming guidelines and recommendations for high school student-athletes.NSCA’s Guide to High School Strength and Conditioning includes the evidence-driven information that will help any high school strength and conditioning professional—including both coaches and teachers—to become the best practitioner possible. This valuable resource is one that you will turn to for many years to come as you build a solid strength and conditioning community for your student-athletes.Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education course and exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately, or as part of a package that includes all the course materials and exam.
David & Charles The Sock Knitting Bible: Everything You Need to Know About How to Knit Socks
The ultimate guide to every aspect of sock knitting for knitters of all abilities. Whether you've never picked up a double pointed needle in your life or you've already started your sock knitting journey, this book will help you on your way. The Sock Knitting Bible will break down all the different techniques and show wannabe sock knitters that there is nothing to be scared of. Covering everything from casting on to colourwork and everything in between, knitters won't find a better reference book for all their sock knitting needs. Whether you want to knit toe up, cuff down or even two at a time socks, we've got it covered. Sock knitting is the perfect portable project too - once you know the basics you can dip in and out until they are flying off your needles! There are a lot of sock pattern books out there but this is more than a pattern book - it covers all the different techniques and methods for sock knitting! There are step-by-step instructions for all the various sock knitting techniques so that instead of sounding like a foreign language making socks becomes your second language. There are also step-by-steps instructions for three basic socks so that you can follow them even if you are an absolute beginner and then start to choose your preferred method for sock making. Author Lynne Rowe explains what kind of yarns are best suited to different styles of sock and shares her techniques for how to get the best finish. We also look at the different kinds of tools available for making socks so you can experiment with double pointed-needles, the magic loop method and small circular needles as well as innovative new products such as flexible double-pointed needles until you find your own favourite method. With this book you can put that beautiful skein of hand dyed yarn you couldn't resist to good use by making the perfect pair of socks because in addition to the extensive techniques there are also 10 projects by some of the most exciting and talented sock designers, illustrating a number of the different knitting methods and styles. Here you will find stripes, fair isle, cables, lacy, sparkly and snuggly socks: a pattern for all your needs. It won't be long before you are delighting your friends and family with your new found skills - just be sure to make yourself a pair too! But be warned: sock knitting is addictive!
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Groundcover Revolution: How to use sustainable, low-maintenance, low-water groundcovers to replace your turf - 40 alternative choices for: - No Mowing. - No fertilizing. - No pesticides. - No problem!
Tired of spending your weekends mowing, trimming, and edging? Then it’s time to say goodbye to your standard grass lawn and join the Groundcover Revolution! Turns out you’re not alone in your desire to ditch the lawn and replace it with something prettier, more diverse, lower maintenance, welcoming to pollinators, and good for Earth’s climate health. Reducing the lawn is among the biggest trends in homeownership, with an endless stream of homeowners looking for an eco-friendly alternative to a traditional turfgrass lawn. In the last few years alone, over 23 million American adults converted part of their lawn to a natural landscape, and now they’re looking to do even more. The biggest challenge to adopting this new ideal of the perfect lawn? Knowing how and when to replace your turf, and which plants are the best ones for the job. Groundcover Revolution is here with all the answers you need (and some you didn’t even know you needed!). Those answers include: How replacing a lawn with groundcovers reduces resource consumption on a significant level Why groundcovers require far less long-term maintenance than turf after establishment The many additional benefits of groundcovers, including erosion control, a reduction in chemical usage, a boost in biodiversity, and mitigation of climate change as a carbon sink The ways groundcovers overcome challenges such as tree roots, compacted soils, poor drainage, and dense shade The step-by-step mechanics of how to get rid of your lawn, how to place and plant groundcovers from seeds, plugs, or transplants, and how to care for your new “quilted lawn” once it’s in place Also included are 40 in-depth profiles of plants that are perfect choices for replacing a grass lawn. There are options for sun, for shade, for dry and wet sites, and for various climates around the globe. There are choices that bloom, options that are evergreen, and selections that are deer resistant. Author Kathy Jentz has also included an incredibly useful chart that gives youall the specifics on each of the 40 choices for quick reference and to make your groundcover selection process even easier. Don’t let a lack of information stop you from creating the no-mow groundcover lawn of your dreams. Join the revolution and say goodbye to the burden of lawn care and hello to summer weekends relaxing by the pool or camping with family and friends. Whether you want to replace the entire lawn or just reduce the amount of land dedicated to turf, it’s time to usher in a new and improved idea of what a beautiful lawn should be.
Hodder & Stoughton Languages of Loss: A psychotherapist's journey through grief
'This is the most startlingly honest book about grief I have ever read. Its immediacy hits you on the first page and takes you on an unforgettable journey. No one has set out so clearly the stages we go through as we try to come to terms with facing the enormity of death.' - Dame Penelope Wilton, DBE'Sasha writes exquisitely and honestly, the sheer rawness of what she has gone through and is still going through, sitting in balance with the calm and clear-sighted objectivity of the therapist, who is also her.' - Hugh BonnevilleOne person, two perspectives on grief. Plunged unexpectedly into widowhood at just 49 years old, psychotherapist Sasha Bates describes in searing honesty the agonisingly raw feelings unleashed by the loss of her husband and best friend, Bill. At the same time, she attempts to keep her therapist hat in place and create some perspective from psycho-analytic theory. From the depths of her confusion she gropes for ways to manage and bear the pain - by looking back at all that she has learnt from psychotherapeutic research, and from accepted grief theories, to help her make sense of her altered reality.Languages of Loss starts a necessary and overdue conversation about death and loss. It breaks down taboos and tries to find humour and light amidst the depressing, bewildering reality. It is an essential companion to help support readers through the agony of those early months, giving permission for all the feelings, and offering various methods of living with them.This book's overriding message is that everyone's experience of grief is different, but knowing more about the theory, and learning a new vocabulary, while not necessarily easing the grief, can help you feel less alone, and at some point enable you to reflect back and see how far you have come.'This is a useful as well as a moving book. The writing is energetic, down-to-earth and bracingly honest, and many readers will feel consoled and enlightened by Bates's take on her experience.' - Cathy Rentzenbrink, The Times'Bates's skill as a psychotherapist is married to her deft ability to use language and metaphor to create this vital treatise on loss. As much as Languages of Loss is an essential text on grief, it is also a story of love.' - Sunday Business Post Review'This book will give anyone grieving the death of their partner an insight into their experience, and help those around them understand the difficult and painful process of grief.' - Julia Samuel, author of This Too Shall Pass and Grief Works
Elsevier Health Sciences Diagnosis and Management of Lameness in the Horse
Helping you to apply many different diagnostic tools, Diagnosis and Management of Lameness in the Horse, 2nd Edition explores both traditional treatments and alternative therapies for conditions that can cause gait abnormalities in horses. Written by an international team of authors led by Mike Ross and Sue Dyson, this resource describes equine sporting activities and specific lameness conditions in major sport horse types. It emphasizes accurate and systematic observation and clinical examination, with in-depth descriptions of diagnostic analgesia, radiography, ultrasonography, nuclear scintigraphy, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, thermography, and surgical endoscopy. Broader in scope than any other book of its kind, this edition includes a companion website with 47 narrated video clips demonstrating common forelimb and hindlimb lameness as well as gait abnormalities. Cutting-edge information on diagnostic application for computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging includes the most comprehensive section available on MRI in the live horse. Coverage of traditional treatment modalities also includes many aspects of alternative therapy, with a practical and realistic perspective on prognosis. An examination of the various types of horses used in sports describes the lameness conditions to which each horse type is particularly prone, as well as differences in prognosis. Guidelines on how to proceed when a diagnosis cannot easily be reached help you manage conditions when faced with the limitations of current diagnostic capabilities. Clinical examination and diagnostic analgesia are given a special emphasis. Practical, hands-on information covers a wide range of horse types from around the world. A global perspective is provided by a team of international authors, editors, and contributors. A full-color insert shows thermography images. Updated chapters include the most current information on topics such as MRI, foot pain, stem cell therapy, and shock wave treatment. Two new chapters include The Biomechanics of the Equine Limb and its Effect on Lameness and Clinical Use of Stem Cells, Marrow Components, and Other Growth Factors. The chapter on the hock has been expanded substantially, and the section on lameness associated with the foot has been completely rewritten to include state-of-the-art information based on what has been learned from MRI. Many new figures appear throughout the book. A companion website includes 47 narrated video clips of gait abnormalities, including typical common syndromes as well as rarer and atypical manifestations of lameness and neurological dysfunction, with commentary by author/editors Mike Ross and Sue Dyson. References on the companion website are linked to the original abstracts on PubMed.