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John Wiley & Sons Inc Laser-Enhanced Ionization Spectroscopy
Laser-enhanced ionization (LEI) is a type of optical spectrometrythat employs photoexcitation to ionize atoms selectively. Over thepast two decades, this method--originally known as the optogalvaniceffect--has been the object of extensive worldwide research and thesubject of numerous papers and published articles. Until now,however, no single volume has presented this wealth of theory anddata in a cohesive and accessible form. Laser-Enhanced Ionization Spectrometry fills this gap in theliterature. It synthesizes vast amounts of information previouslyavailable only through scattered research papers and covers everyaspect of the technology, from underlying principles and theory tomethodology and applications. This book examines the state of theart of LEI, compares it with other methods, and demonstrates howlaser-enhanced collisional ionization is especially well suited toanalytical atomic spectrometry. The contributors to this collaborative effort--from Russia,Australia, Europe, and the United States--clarify terminology,explain the inner workings of LEI, and offer derivations for bothidealized forms and realistic approximations. They also analyze thecapabilities and limitations of this technique as an analyticalmethod, including instrumentation, sources of noise, limits ofdetection, interferences, and applications. After concentrating largely on flame LEI as the most commonly usedmethod to derive LEI measurements, the discussion moves to thedevelopment of nonflame technologies for LEI. There is alsoextended coverage of the relationship between LEI and laser-inducedfluorescence, including an examination of the interplay oflaser-induced ionization and fluorescence techniques in differentatomic and molecular reservoirs. Laser-Enhanced Ionization Spectrometry places understanding,usefulness, and practical applications ahead of detailedderivations. For practicing analytical chemists andspectroscopists, it offers a clear and uncluttered approach to acomplex subject, as well as a fresh perspective on a still-emergingtechnology. This book sums up the present understanding and state of the art oflaser-enhanced ionization (LEI)-a unique but underutilized tool foranalytical atomic spectrometry. LEI possesses the special abilityto ionize atoms selectively. The text focuses on the role of thistechnology in analytical chemistry, and covers both theory andapplications in one complete, self-contained volume. Carefully crafted by leading experts from around the globe, withcontributions under six key headings, Laser-Enhanced IonizationSpectrometry * Draws on hundreds of research papers to create a comprehensivereference for LEI * Describes in depth how ions are produced, and how a signal isgenerated and detected * Provides an extensive and up-to-date compilation of published LEIdetection limits * Emphasizes basic understanding and practical applications ratherthan detailed derivations * Discusses terms and definitions and clears up sources ofconfusion in the field * Offers up-to-date coverage of instrumentation and applications * Evaluates the usefulness of LEI as an analytical tool * Deals with questions of limits of detection, interference, andnoise * Devotes an entire segment to nonflame technologies for LEI * Extends the discussion to fluorescence techniques and how theycan be interrelated with LEI in various atomic and molecularreservoirs
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mergers and Acquisitions Handbook for Small and Midsize Companies
Unlike the M&A fever that gripped so many large, publicly heldcorporations in the 1980s, the mergers and acquisitions activity ofthe 1990s is primarily centered around small and midsizebusinesses. But the sale and purchase of these companies present aunique constellation of problems, pitfalls, and challenges that maylead the unprepared buyer or seller to disappointment, difficulty,or even disaster. In this book--the only mergers and acquisitionsguide that focuses on small and midsize companies--experts fromevery profession and specialty related to the sale or acquisitionof a business lead buyers and sellers step by step through eachphase of the M&A process. Their aim is to help both partiesavoid hazards and mistakes and arrive at a fair and mutuallyprofitable arrangement. Beginning with the basics, the book offers an overview of themarket: the size and type of businesses covered; who the buyers andsellers are; why businesses are put up for sale; how to prepare abusiness for sale; and how to size up a business that is on themarket. The book's second section looks at financial and valuationissues, a particularly important area when purchasing companiesthat are not subject to SEC regulations. Coverage includesnormalizing historical financial statements, using financialforecasts, determining real ROI, valuation methods for midsizecompanies, and determining the value of partial ownerships,intangible assets, and business risk characteristics. After a detailed examination of legal issues, the book explores theroles of outside professionals in the M&A process, includingintermediaries, attorneys, accountants, business appraisers, andmachinery and technical appraisers. The book concludes with a lookat various ways of structuring the final deal and the pros and consof each arrangement from both the buyer's and seller'sperspectives. With 36 self-contained chapters that can be read in sequence orconsulted independently, Mergers and Acquisitions for Small andMidsize Companies is both a comprehensive M&A tutorial fornewcomers to the process and an indispensable reference forprofessionals involved in any aspect of the buying and selling ofsmall and midsize companies. A Step-by-Step Guide to Buying and Selling a Business from aDistinguished Group of Recognized Experts Mergers and Acquisitions Handbook for Small and Midsize Companiesis the perfect guide for anyone who is selling a business or hopingto buy one. Each of the nearly 30 contributors is a recognizedexpert in a particular aspect of the M&A process. These authorsexplain their topics from the ground up, assuming no previousexperience on the part of the reader and addressing the subjectfrom every conceivable angle. Areas of discussion include: * Fundamentals of the mergers and acquisitions process * Financial and valuation--normalizing historical financialstatements, utilizing forecasts, valuation methods, and more * Legal aspects--disclosure requirements, due diligence, advisorengagement letters, closing documentation * The role of outside professionals--intermediaries, attorneys,accountants, business appraisers, and machinery and technicalappraisers * The deal itself--deal structures, creative financing strategies,a case study, pros and cons of ESOPs, and much more
John Wiley & Sons Inc Technology Licensing: Corporate Strategies for Maximizing Value
Find out how today's top technology-based companies get thegreatest return on their intellectual property, and how you cantoo. A total hands-on guide to cutting-edge technology licensingstrategies Russell Parr and Patrick Sullivan, along with a team ofdistinguished experts working at the frontlines of technologylicensing, reveal how today's top technology-based companies aremaximizing the value of and return on their intellectual property.They also offer hands-on advice and guidance on how you can do thesame in your company. With the help of numerous real-life casestudies that demonstrate licensing strategies now used at DuPont,Xerox, Kodak, AlliedSignal, Hewlett-Packard, Dow Chemical, andother industry leaders, they tell you everything you need to knowto: * Determine where technology licensing best fits in your company'soverall business strategies * Establish a successful licensing program tailored to yourcompany's vision and goals * Create and successfully manage a technology portfolio * Quickly and easily calculate royalty rates * Put the lessons learned at top technology-based companies to workin your company "Technology licensing strategies are now key instruments foraccomplishing the corporate visions set forth by future-thinkingcompanies. Look at any corporate mission statement and you willfind the seeds of a strategy-based technology licensing program."--Russell Parr and Patrick Sullivan In today's volatile, hypercompetitive global marketplace,cooperation and the sharing of intellectual property are keys tosuccess. Of course, one of the most valuable forms of intellectualproperty is technology. More often than not, innovation andincreased market penetration are the direct result of combiningtechnologies from a variety of sources. Consequently, manycompanies have begun to devote more and more of their strategicefforts to discovering the best ways to manage technology so as tomaximize value and return. For instance, AT&T has set up anindependent business group to manage its intellectual property as aseparate profit center, while other companies continue to runlicensing through their legal and R&D departments. Whichapproach makes the most sense for your company, and why? Get theanswers to these questions and many others in TechnologyLicensing. In this valuable book, Russell Parr and Patrick Sullivan, alongwith a distinguished team of contributing experts, reveal thelicensing strategies now being used at DuPont, Xerox,Hewlett-Packard, Dow Chemical, Kodak, and other top multinationalcorporations. They also provide practical prescriptions fordetermining where technology licensing belongs on yourorganizational chart and for establishing a successful licensingprogram tailored to your company's vision and goals. Taking a practical hands-on approach to technology licensing, theytell you what you need to know about: * Creating and managing technology portfolios * Types of licenses--with a detailed analysis of the strengths andweaknesses of each in various business contexts * Successful licensing strategies now used at top technology-basedcompanies * Royalty rate determination methods * And more Drawing upon the expertise of those on the frontlines of technologylicensing, Technology Licensing tells you how today's toptechnology-based firms maximize the value of their intellectualproperty and how your company can too.
Hachette Books I Ain't Studdin' Ya: My American Blues Story
This memoir charts the extraordinary rise to fame of living blues legend, Bobby Rush. Born Emmet Ellis, Jr. in Homer, Louisiana, he adopted the stage name Bobby Rush out of respect for his father, a pastor. As a teenager, Rush acquired his first real guitar and started playing in juke joints in Little Rock, Arkansas, donning a fake mustache to trick club owners into thinking he was old enough to gain entry into their establishments. During the mid-1950s, Rush relocated to Chicago to pursue his musical career. It was there that he started to work with Earl Hooker, Luther Allison, and Freddie King, and sat in with many of his musical heroes, such as Howlin' Wolf, Muddy Waters, Jimmy Reed and Little Walter. Rush eventually began leading his own band in the 1960s, crafting his own distinct style of funky blues, and recording a succession of singles for various labels. It wasn't until the early 1970s that Rush finally scored a hit with "Chicken Heads." More recordings followed, including an album which went on to be listed in the Top 10 blues albums of the 1970s by Rolling Stone and a handful of regional jukebox favorites including "Sue" and "I Ain't Studdin' Ya."And Rush's career shows no signs of slowing down now. The man once beloved for performing in local jukejoints is now headlining major music/blues festivals, clubs, and theaters across the U.S. and as far as Japan and Australia. At age 86, he is still on the road for over 200 days a year. His lifelong hectic tour schedule, dating back to the '50s, earned him the affectionate title "King of the Chitlin' Circuit," from Rolling Stone. In 2007, he earned the distinction of being the first blues artist to play at the Great Wall of China. His renowned stage act features his famed shake dancers, who personify his funky blues and the ribald humor that he has cultivated during the course of his storied career. He was featured in Martin Scorcese's The Blues docuseries on PBS, a documentary film called Take Me to the River, performed with Dan Aykroyd on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, and most recently had a cameo in the Golden Globe nominated Netflix film, Dolemite Is My Name, starring Eddie Murphy. He was recently given the highest Blues Music Award honor of B.B. King Entertainer of the Year. His songs have also been featured in TV shows and films including HBO's Ballers and major motion pictures like Black Snake Moan, starring Samuel L. Jackson.Considered by many to be the greatest bluesman currently performing, this book will give readers unparalleled access into the man, the myth, the legend: Bobby Rush.
Human Kinetics Publishers Postural Correction
Postural Correction presents 30 of the most commonly occurring postural conditions in a comprehensive format, providing hands-on therapists and body workers the knowledge and resources to help clients address their malalignments. Focusing on treatment rather than assessment, it takes a direct approach and applies specific techniques to improve posture from an anatomical rather than aesthetic perspective.Primarily concerned with the lengthening of shortened tissues to help realign body parts, Postural Correction offers a collective approach to remedying malalignment. Techniques vary for each posture correction, including deep tissue massage, simple passive stretches, soft tissue release, common trigger points, and gentle limb traction. Because weak or poorly functioning muscles may contribute to postural problems, the text notes what muscles need to be strengthened and includes recommendations on techniques. Suggestions also are made for those postures that are difficult to correct with hands-on techniques, such as scoliosis, genu valgum (knock knees), and genu varum (bow legs).Recognizing that the work clients can carry out independently is a crucial component of long-term postural correction, this guide includes information on how clients can continue their therapy independently between or at the conclusion of their therapy sessions. Therapists can take these techniques and recommendations to advise, educate, and guide clients in their efforts. Much attention is paid to lifestyle, activities, and habitual use or resting of a body part that may have led to the initial pain and malalignment.Structured by anatomical regions of the body to make accessing information quick and easy, Postural Correction tackles postural concerns commonly affecting the spine; pelvis; upper limbs, including the shoulder and elbow; and lower limbs, including the hip, knee, ankle, and foot. Examples from various sports and demographics such as the elderly offer contextual and applied value. Descriptions avoid biomechanical jargon and instead focus on simple, clear explanations. Information is also included for when hands-on techniques are limited in correcting a particular posture.Special features make this book unique and useful:• Full-color anatomical illustrations and photographs present a clear visual of what will help bring about postural change.• Consistency with the other titles in the Hands-On Guides for Therapists series ensures that the manual therapies throughout this book are easily accessible.• An overview of each malalignment includes the muscles that are shortened or lengthened, notes about each posture, a bulleted list of ideas grouped according to whether these are carried out by the therapist or the client, and rationale for the suggested corrective techniques.• Concluding comments summarize the information for access at a glance.Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education course and exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes all the course materials and exam.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Physics (2006-2010)
This volume is a collection of the Nobel lectures delivered by the prizewinners, together with their biographies and the presentation speeches by Nobel Committee members for the period 2006-2010. The criterion for the Physics award is to the discoverer of a physical phenomenon that changed our views, or to the inventor of a new physical process that gave enormous benefits to either science at large or to the public. The biographies are remarkably interesting to read and the Nobel lectures provide detailed explanations of the phenomena for which the Laureates were awarded the Nobel Prize.Aspiring young scientists as well as more experienced ones, but also the interested public will learn a lot from and appreciate the geniuses of these narrations.List of prizewinners and their discoveries:(2006) to John C Mather and George F Smoot “for their discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation”The very detailed observations that the Laureates have carried out from the COBE satellite have played a major role in the development of modern cosmology into a precise science.(2007) to Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg “for the discovery of Giant Magnetoresistance”Applications of this phenomenon have revolutionized techniques for retrieving data from hard disks. The discovery also plays a major role in various magnetic sensors as well as for the development of a new generation of electronics. The use of Giant Magnetoresistance can be regarded as one of the first major applications of nanotechnology.(2008) to Yoichiro Nambu “for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics“, and to Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa “for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature”Why is there something instead of nothing? Why are there so many different elementary particles? The Laureates presented theoretical insights that give us a deeper understanding of what happens far inside the tiniest building blocks of matter.(2009) to Charles Kuen Kao “for groundbreaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication“, and to Willard S Boyle and George E Smith “for the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit — the CCD sensor”Kao's discoveries have paved the way for optical fiber technology, which today is used for almost all telephony and data communication. Boyle and Smith have invented a digital image sensor — CCD, or charge-coupled device — which today has become an electronic eye in almost all areas of photography.(2010) to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov “for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene”The Laureates have shown that a thin flake of ordinary carbon, just one atom thick, has exceptional properties that originate from the remarkable world of quantum physics.
De Gruyter Human and Technological Progress Towards the Socio-Economic Paradigm of the Future: Part 3
This book determines the specific features of socio-economic transformations of various spheres of the national economy with a focus on the financial system. It considers the development of industrial holdings in the electric energy sphere and also studies the influence of technology on fish farming in modern Russia. The global factors of using digital technologies at the municipal level during creation of "green" and "smart" cities are analyzed. The perspectives of development of tourism in the digital economy from the positions of supply and demand and are determined. The specifics of development of agricultural production in the age of digital transformations by the example of modern Russia are outlined, and "smart" agricultural platform, which allows for multiple increase of the agro-industrial complex’s efficiency, is developed. New possibilities and need in reformation of the international monetary system in the conditions of the Fourth industrial revolution are determined. The problems and perspectives of development of Eurasian stock markets in the modern economic conditions under the influence of wide distribution of digital technologies are systematized. Specific features of the evolution of the forms of money – from gold to crypto currencies are – are distinguished. Specific features of benchmarking of depreciation of currencies (inflation) under the influence of globalization and regionalization of the international monetary system are determined. The authors present a concept of the banking system of the future in the conditions of macro-economic instability, which stimulates financial crisis management of the national economy, and determine the role of banks in aggregation and redistribution of monetary resources in economy in the context of digital transformations. Also, attention is paid to social consequences of digital modernization of the financial system – transformation of human’s social life in the age of innovative banking is shown. Effectiveness of online banking, as a new form of payments that is popular in the digital economy, is analyzed. The authors formulate competencies that employees of banks of the future, which will function in the digital economy, should have and study the perspectives of digitization of the practice of tax administration based on technological processing and analytics of Big Data by the example of experience of modern Russia, as well as related transformation processes in the existing practice of the tax system organization. A concept of organization and management of the national tax system in the conditions of robotization of production and consumption is developed, and the role of blockchain technologies in improvement of the modern Russian tax system is determined. The investment platform for the modern digital economy is offered. As a result, the scientific paradigm of formation of the digital financial system in the conditions of Industry 4.0 is formed.
Open University Press The Pocketbook Guide to Report Writing
Daisy Bogg is a qualified and HCPC-registered social worker who has worked within mental health and addiction services for over 20 years, for the NHS, local authorities and voluntary sector organisations.***Report writing is a key skill for social work and one in which many practitioners receive little formal training or preparation. Fully revised and updated, the new edition of this handy pocketbook for social workers provides key advice for busy practitioners to help them to write clear, professional and well-structured reports. This includes practical advice, hints and tips to improve your report writing and ensure you adhere to best practice in your written communications.Social workers will find this guide invaluable for creating high-quality reports for a range of common situations. This useful book includes:• A range of report templates for a variety of situations, practice contexts and service user groups• Examples of good practice in report writing and common pitfalls to avoid • Examples of legal policy and assessment situations• Checklists of content and style requirements for various report types• Examples of best practice and common pitfalls, including links to the law to make your decisions evidence-based and authoritative• Checklists and decision-making flow charts to simplify what can prove a complex areaWritten by an experienced practitioner, this practical guide is not only suitable for newly-qualified social workers but also their more experienced colleagues that would like to develop and hone their writing skills. Students of social work will also find this an essential resource for their practice education and beyond. ****This book forms part of a series of pocketbooks for social workers. These compact guides are written in an accessible and to-the-point style to help the busy practitioner locate the information they need as and when they need it—all bound up in A5 and under! The pocketbooks explore key practical skills involved in such areas as mental capacity, report writing and assessment.*'This book, in my opinion, is a must for experienced and newly qualified social workers alike. The author offers a solid platform for social workers to work from by offering initial theory before identifying professional responsibility, distinguishing fact from opinion, aiding the reader to construct the purpose and goal of the report before confidently leading to an evidenced based conclusion. The book is filled with practical hints, tips and best practice points. It advises on potential pitfalls, offers a wide range of templates to ensure key areas are covered and goes as far as directing the reader on grammar and even spell-checking! The book is a practical and valuable resource.'Martin Gilbert, Learning & Development Lead in Mental Health, Birmingham City Council, UK
Open University Press Mindfulness and Wellbeing for Student Learning: A Guided 5-Week Course
“I am so glad that this book has been written! […] A highly practical book, easily accessible for others to use with their students.”Dr Elisabeth Curling, Senior Lecturer in Immunology, School of Biosciences, University of Kent, UK“[This book] will enable students across the globe to improve their well-being. Highly recommended.”Dr Julia Ronder, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist"This book is a fascinating and practical guide to mindfulness for students. I would thoroughly recommend reading it if you are a student yourself, or an educator looking to help students with their mental wellbeing.”Dr Jacqueline Buchanan, GP Partner and Medical Student EducatorAs the challenges facing students continue to grow, the importance of mindfulness for academic and personal success is gaining recognition. Yet many students and their teachers remain unclear on how to implement mindfulness techniques successfully. Mindfulness and Wellbeing for Student Learning is a 5-week introduction to mindfulness to support students’ learning and wellbeing. Adapted from several mindfulness programmes, the book aims to help students cope with the various demands of university life and provide them with a wellbeing toolkit. Included are an array of mindfulness techniques proven to help improve focus, manage stress, regulate emotions and manage procrastination, to name a few.The book:•Introduces a 5-week guided programme to teach students about wellbeing•Contains numerous interactive mindfulness exercises•Provides structured wellbeing lesson plans complete with resources •Draws on the real experiences and feedback of studentsThis book is an essential resource for students and aims to equip them with invaluable skills to overcome the anxieties and stresses of university life. No matter the subject, this book will help students to build academic and personal resilience, helping them to thrive at university and beyond. It is also a perfect book for teachers or personal tutors looking to set up mindfulness groups or simply support their students during these challenging times.Lorraine Millard has been a psychotherapist for over 35 years, a mindfulness teacher for 15 years and has taught over 150 mindfulness courses. She designed and delivers the 5-week course at the University of Kent, UK.Louise Frith is an Academic Skills Tutor at the University of York, UK, specialising in writing for academic purposes. She has published two previous books: Professional Writing for Social Workers, 2nd edition (2021) and The Student’s Guide to Peer Mentoring (2017).Patmarie Coleman has previously taught for 22 years on person-centred courses, is a senior counsellor at the University of Kent, UK and also runs a private supervision practice in Southeast London, UK. Patmarie was trained by Lorraine in Mindfulness and has completed further training with the Mindfulness Network. Patmarie authored the chapter: Intersectional, Anti-Racist and Intercultural Approaches by Therapists of Colour, for Therapy in Colour (2023)
Little, Brown Book Group Six Years a Hostage: The Extraordinary Story of the Longest-Held Al Qaeda Captive in the World
THE EXTRAORDINARY STORY OF THE LONGEST-HELD AL QAEDA CAPTIVE IN THE WORLDStephen McGown was en route from London to South Africa, on a once-in-a-lifetime trip by motorbike, returning home to Johannesburg. He had reached Timbuktu, in Mali, when he was captured, along with a Dutch and a Swedish national, by Al Qaeda Islamist militants. Steve was taken because he held a British passport. He was subsequently held hostage at various camps in the Sahara Desert in the north-west of Africa for nearly six years before eventually being released.Life as Steve had known it changed in that instant that he was taken at gunpoint. He had nothing to bargain with, and everything to lose. For the next six years, he reluctantly engaged in what he came to call the greatest chess game of his life. Thousands of kilometres to the south, in Johannesburg, the shock of Stephen's capture struck the McGown family and his wife, Cath, with whom he had, until recently, been living in London. They immediately began efforts to secure Steve's release, through diplomatic channels and in every other way they felt might have a chance of seeing Stephen freed. But as the months of captivity became years, Steve was compelled to go to extraordinary lengths to survive. Making it back home alive became his sole aim. To accomplish this, he realised that he would have to do everything he could to raise his status in the eyes of his captors. To this end, he taught himself Arabic and French, and also converted to Islam, accepting a new name, Lot. To this day, Steve retains the unenviable record of being the longest-held, surviving prisoner of Al Qaeda. While he was undoubtedly always Al Qaeda's captive, through the long years he spent in intimate proximity to his captors, Steve got to see the Islamist militants as few other Westerners have ever seen them. Six Years a Hostage is not only a remarkable story of mental strength, physical endurance and the resilience of the human spirit, but also, significantly, a unique and nuanced perspective onone of the world's most feared terrorist groups. Steve did not merely survive his terrible ordeal; he emerged from the desert a changed - stronger, more positive - human being. This is Stephen McGown's remarkable story, as told to Tudor Caradoc-Davies, a freelance writer, editor and author based in Cape Town, South Africa. After seven years spent working for glossy magazines such as Men's Health, GQ, Best Life and Women's Health, he now contributes to a range of publications. He also writes for the (South African) Sunday Times, and Red Bulletin.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The ETF Book: All You Need to Know About Exchange-Traded Funds
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are revolutionizing the investment industry. From their introduction in 1993, ETFs have expanded exponentially over the past fifteen years. You, as an informed investor, need to know what makes ETFs unique, how they work, and which funds may help you achieve your financial goals. The updated edition provides the most current look at the ETF market, where the number of funds has doubled since the book first published in December 2007. A huge number of bonds funds, commodities funds, currency funds, leverage and short funds have been introduced. In addition, actively managed ETFs are here now, and some major mutual fund companies, like Fidelity and PIMCO, are getting into the market. Remarkably, the terminology in the ETP marketplace is also evolving at a rapid pace. The acronym ETP for exchange-traded product has become an industry standard. The term did not exist two years ago. Written by veteran financial professional and experienced author Richard Ferri, The ETF Book, Updated Edition gives you a broad and deep understanding of this important investment vehicle and provides you with the tools needed to successfully integrate exchange-traded funds into any portfolio. This detailed, yet clearly articulated guide contains the most up-to-date information on navigating the growing number of ETFs available in today's marketplace. Divided into four comprehensive parts, this guide addresses everything from ETF basics and in-depth fund analysis to the tax benefits of using ETFs. Included are a variety of portfolio management strategies using ETFs and examples of different model portfolios that you can easily adapt to your own investment endeavors. Whether you're just getting started or are a seasoned ETF investor, The ETF Book, Updated Edition will help enhance your understanding of this evolving field by: Examining the fundamental differences between exchange-traded portfolios Highlighting how to effectively implement a wide selection of ETFs?from Exploring specific ETF strategies?from buy and hold to market timing and sector rotation Introducing Index Strategy Boxes?a new way to understand index construction and how a fund is investing your money And much more Each chapter of The ETF Book, Updated Edition offers concise coverage of various issues. It is filled with in-depth insights on different types of ETFs and practical advice on how to select and manage them. The appendixes are an added benefit, offering an ETF Resource List, which will point you to more places for information on these structures, and a detailed Glossary to help you with industry-specific definitions. The ETF Book, Updated Edition is an invaluable road map for developing a winning investment strategy. Armed with the knowledge found throughout these pages, you'll be prepared to build a solid portfolio of ETFs that will benefit you for years to come.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Super Trader, Expanded Edition: Make Consistent Profits in Good and Bad Markets
Think like a trader. Act like a trader. Become a Super Trader."Let your profits run!" It's the golden rule by which all Super Traders live. With the help of investing guru Dr. Van K. Tharp, you can join the ranks of full-timetraders who consistently master the market.Super Trader provides a time-tested strategy for creating the conditions that allow you to reach levels of trading success you never thought possible. Providingexpert insight into both trading practices and psychology, Tharp teaches you how to steadily cut losses short and meet your investment goals through the use of position sizing strategies--the keys to steady profitability. Tharp offers concepts and tactics designed to help you: CREATE AND MEET YOUR SPECIFIC UNDERSTAND THE BIG PICTURE CONQUER COUNTERPRODUCTIVE THINKING MASTER THE ART OF POSITION SIZING STRATEGIES With Tharp's proven methods, you can live the dream of enjoying above-average profits under various market conditions--up, down, and sideways. Tharp's wisdom, perspective, and tactical expertise are legendary in the world of trading. Follow the master down the path to trading excellence with Super Trader.How do you transform yourself from a mild-mannered investor into a proactive trader who outperforms the market day-in and day-out. Think clearly. Plan accordingly.Commit completely. In other words, become a trader. No one is better suited to help you make the transformation than legendary trading educator Dr. Van K. Tharp.Combining the sharp insight and technical brilliance that have drawn legions of investors to his books and seminars, Tharp provides a holistic approach for becoming a successful full-time trader. His system--a meld of investing psychology and sound trading practice--is the secret to achieving optimum conditions that produce results in both bull and bear markets.Using the lessons of Super Trader, you will approach trading as you would a small business--realistically, systematically, and enthusiastically. Drawing on his decades of experience, Tharp has created a simple plan designed to help anyone successfully navigatethe market that includes the following: Mastering the psychology of trading Crafting a "business plan"--a working document to guide your trading Developing a trading system tailored to your personal needs and skills Creating position sizing strategies to meet your objectives Monitoring yourself constantly to minimize mistakesYou can put this plan to use immediately. Throughout the book, Tharp raises the pertinent questions you must ask yourself about becoming a trader, being a trader, and succeeding as a trader.The rewards that come with being a Super Trader--both financial and personal--make you feel as if you can leap small buildings in a single bound. Whatever your skill level, Tharp provides the formula for succeeding in a fieldwhere most people fail.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Modern Statistics: A Computer-Based Approach with Python
This innovative textbook presents material for a course on modern statistics that incorporates Python as a pedagogical and practical resource. Drawing on many years of teaching and conducting research in various applied and industrial settings, the authors have carefully tailored the text to provide an ideal balance of theory and practical applications. Numerous examples and case studies are incorporated throughout, and comprehensive Python applications are illustrated in detail. A custom Python package is available for download, allowing students to reproduce these examples and explore others.The first chapters of the text focus on analyzing variability, probability models, and distribution functions. Next, the authors introduce statistical inference and bootstrapping, and variability in several dimensions and regression models. The text then goes on to cover sampling for estimation of finite population quantities and time series analysis and prediction, concluding with two chapters on modern data analytic methods. Each chapter includes exercises, data sets, and applications to supplement learning.Modern Statistics: A Computer-Based Approach with Python is intended for a one- or two-semester advanced undergraduate or graduate course. Because of the foundational nature of the text, it can be combined with any program requiring data analysis in its curriculum, such as courses on data science, industrial statistics, physical and social sciences, and engineering. Researchers, practitioners, and data scientists will also find it to be a useful resource with the numerous applications and case studies that are included. A second, closely related textbook is titled Industrial Statistics: A Computer-Based Approach with Python. It covers topics such as statistical process control, including multivariate methods, the design of experiments, including computer experiments and reliability methods, including Bayesian reliability. These texts can be used independently or for consecutive courses.The mistat Python package can be accessed at"In this book on Modern Statistics, the last two chapters on modern analytic methods contain what is very popular at the moment, especially in Machine Learning, such as classifiers, clustering methods and text analytics. But I also appreciate the previous chapters since I believe that people using machine learning methods should be aware that they rely heavily on statistical ones. I very much appreciate the many worked out cases, based on the longstanding experience of the authors. They are very useful to better understand, and then apply, the methods presented in the book. The use of Python corresponds to the best programming experience nowadays. For all these reasons, I think the book has also a brilliant and impactful future and I commend the authors for that."Professor Fabrizio RuggeriResearch Director at the National Research Council, ItalyPresident of the International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics (ISBIS)Editor-in-Chief of Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (ASMBI)
University of Massachusetts Press Words for the Hour: A New Anthology of American Civil War Poetry
Recaptures the astonishing outpouring of poetry in response to the Civil War ""Words for the Hour"" presents a readable and illuminating account of the Civil War, told through the words of poets North and South. From bathos to profound philosophical meditation and sorrow, the range of these poems illuminates the complexity of their era while also revealing the continuing power of this turning point in American history to speak to readers in the present day. The volume is divided into three parts, each offering a different perspective on the poetry generated by the war. Part I samples the extraordinary range of poems written immediately preceding and during the war and published in popular periodicals, providing a kind of poetic newspaper account as one might have read it then - from the early days of optimistically heralded victory on both sides, through the mounting casualties and brutal deaths of the long middle years, to the war's conclusion and President Lincoln's assassination. Viewing the struggle from many different vantage points gives the reader access to the ways that people from various backgrounds experienced the trajectory of the war. Civilians and soldiers, free blacks and proponents of slavery, women and men from Massachusetts and Virginia and from recently admitted states and barely developed territories, writers with their eyes on the national political stage and those focused on personal domestic issues: these are the multiple voices of America responding to the war. Part II includes substantial selections of poems by writers who published extensively in response to the conflict, providing more complex and comprehensive perceptions of the war. These poets include not just well-known figures such as Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, and John Greenleaf Whittier, but also African American poets George Moses Horton and Frances Ellen Watkins Harper and Southern poets Henry Timrod and Sarah Piatt. Part III offers poems by two poets who did not publish during their lifetimes, but had strong imaginative responses to the conflict, thus giving a sense of the long reach of the war as a defining national experience. One of these two poets (Emily Dickinson) is now renowned while the other (Obadiah Ethelbert Baker) is first published in this volume. ""Words for the Hour"" is indeed ""new"" among anthologies of Civil War poetry not only in its wide range of poems by popular, anonymous, and now canonical poets but also in its informational apparatus. A historical timeline listing major battles and events of the war begins the volume, and historical photographs or lithographs introduce each section of poems. The book also includes a substantial introduction, a glossary of important names and terminology relevant to understanding the poems, and biographical sketches for all the poets whose work is included.
Archaeopress Marcadores gráficos y territorios megalíticos en la Cuenca interior del Tajo: Toledo, Madrid y Guadalajara
The aim of this work is to analyze Late Prehistoric graphical markers, comprising paintings, engravings, Megalithic elements, and other portable objects. All of them can be described as post-paleolithic or Schematic Art over various surfaces. The chosen area, the inland region of the Tajo inner basin (Spain), was especially appealing for several reasons, such as the lack of scholarship on the subject, the lack of information on the geographical location of the archaeological sites, and the extended ignorance about the sites’ materials and relationships. The methodology is based on systematic registration of all archaeological sites. This is studied from an Archaeology Landscape perspective through Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis. It tests geographical markers according to their strategic location (pre-eminence and visibility) and their relationship with other funerary, habitable and resources sites. This has allowed parietal surfaces (megaliths, caves, shelters) and mobile pieces to be given coordinate position for the first time in the region, which has demonstrated abundant and complex prehistoric graphical markers. The results achieved allow the extrapolation of settlement models, explained in chapter VI. Generally, shelters divide the territory by geographical units where the settlers have access to a variety of economic resources and transit networks. SPANISH DESCRIPTION: El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio de los marcadores gráficos de la Prehistoria Reciente, entre los que se incluyen pinturas, grabados, elementos megalíticos y elementos mobiliares que responden a la descripción de Arte Esquemático o Postpaleolítico sobre diferentes soportes. Se eligió como zona de estudio la cuenca interior del Tajo a su paso por las provincias interiores (España), de especial interés por su carencia de valoraciones conjuntas y desde luego, por la escasa información acerca del posicionamiento geográfico de estos yacimientos y el desconocimiento bastante generalizado de sus contenidos y relaciones contextuales. El método de trabajo se ha fundamentado en la recogida sistemática de todos los yacimientos registrados. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo con nuevas tecnologías como los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG), desde una perspectiva de la Arqueología del Paisaje. Se han efectuado diversos análisis establecidos sobre su posición estratégica (preeminencia y visibilidad) y su relación con otros yacimientos de carácter funerario, habitacional y recursos de explotación. Esto ha permitido que los soportes parietales (abrigos, cuevas y megalitos), así como piezas mobiliares, se hayan georreferenciado por primera vez en la región, dando muestras de la abundancia y complejidad de estas grafías prehistóricas. Los resultados nos han permitido extrapolar modelos de implantación en el territorio, expuestos en el capítulo VI. En general, existe una tendencia a delimitar el territorio en unidades geográficas caracterizadas, en las que las sociedades productoras tienen acceso a una variedad de recursos económicos y redes de tránsito.
Human Kinetics Publishers Science and Development of Muscle Hypertrophy
Science and Development of Muscle Hypertrophy, Second Edition, is the most comprehensive resource on muscle hypertrophy in the world. Written by Brad Schoenfeld, PhD, an internationally renowned expert on muscle hypertrophy, this book is the definitive resource for strength and conditioning professionals, personal trainers, sport scientists, researchers, and exercise science instructors who are seeking information regarding muscle hypertrophy, including the mechanism of its development, how the body structurally and hormonally changes when exposed to stress, ways to most effectively design training programs, and nutritional guidelines for eliciting hypertrophic changes.This new edition offers more than 1,000 references and applied guidelines. Two all-new chapters deliver practical content on the measurement of muscle hypertrophy and advanced training practices. Readers will learn various methods by which hypertrophy is measured, including site-specific measures (circumference measures, MRI, CT, and ultrasound), indirect measures (underwater weighing, DXA, BIA, ADP, and skinfolds), and histological measures (biopsy), as well as the strengths and limitations of each modality. The new edition also provides guidance for achieving greater training volumes with training practices that maximize the individual’s genetic potential to gain muscle.No other resource offers a comparable amount of content solely focused on the science of muscle hypertrophy and its application to designing training programs. The full-color book offers several features to make the content accessible to readers: Research Findings sidebars highlight the aspects of muscle hypertrophy currently being examined to encourage readers to re-evaluate their knowledge and ensure their training practices are up to date. Practical Applications sidebars outline how to apply the research conclusions for maximal hypertrophic development. Comprehensive subject and author indexes optimize the book’s use as a reference tool. Although muscle hypertrophy can be attained through a range of training programs, this book allows readers to understand and apply the specific responses and mechanisms that promote optimal muscle hypertrophy. It explores how genetic background, age, sex, and other factors have been shown to mediate the hypertrophic response to exercise, affecting both the rate and the total gain in lean muscle mass. Sample programs show how to design a three- or four-day-per-week undulating periodized program and a modified linear periodized program for maximizing muscular development.Science and Development of Muscle Hypertrophy is an invaluable resource for those seeking to maximize hypertrophic gains for themselves or their athletes or clients and for those searching for the most comprehensive and authoritative research in the field.Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education course and exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes all the course materials and exam.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Lactic Acid Bacteria: Biodiversity and Taxonomy
Lactic Acid Bacteria Biodiversity and Taxonomy Lactic Acid BacteriaBiodiversity and Taxonomy Edited by Wilhelm H. Holzapfel and Brian J.B. Wood The lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are a group of related microorganisms that are enormously important in the food and beverage industries. Generally regarded as safe for human consumption (and, in the case of probiotics, positively beneficial to human health), the LAB have been used for centuries, and continue to be used worldwide on an industrial scale, in food fermentation processes, including yoghurt, cheeses, fermented meats and vegetables, where they ferment carbohydrates in the foods, producing lactic acid and creating an environment unsuitable for the survival of food spoilage organisms and pathogens. The shelf life of the product is thereby extended, but of course these foods are also enjoyed around the world for their organoleptic qualities. They are also important to the brewing and winemaking industries, where they are often undesirable intruders but can in specific cases have desirable benefits. The LAB are also used in producing silage and other agricultural animal feeds. Clinically, they can improve the digestive health of young animals, and also have human medical applications. This book provides a much-needed and comprehensive account of the current knowledge of the LAB, covering the taxonomy and relevant biochemistry, physiology and molecular biology of these scientifically and commercially important microorganisms. It is directed to bringing together the current understanding concerning the organisms’ remarkable diversity within a seemingly rather constrained compass. The genera now identified as proper members of the LAB are treated in dedicated chapters, and the species properly recognized as members of each genus are listed with detailed descriptions of their principal characteristics. Each genus and species is described using a standardized format, and the relative importance of each species in food, agricultural and medical applications is assessed. In addition, certain other bacterial groups (such as Bifidobacterium) often associated with the LAB are given in-depth coverage. The book will also contribute to a better understanding and appreciation of the role of LA B in the various ecosystems and ecological niches that they occupy. In summary, this volume gathers together information designed to enable the organisms’ fullest industrial, nutritional and medical applications. Lactic Acid Bacteria: Biodiversity and Taxonomy is an essential reference for research scientists, biochemists and microbiologists working in the food and fermentation industries and in research institutions. Advanced students of food science and technology will also find it an indispensable guide to the subject. Also available from Wiley Blackwell The Chemistry of Food Jan Velisek ISBN 978-1-118-38384-1 Progress in Food Preservation Edited by Rajeev Bhat, Abd Karim Alias and Gopinadham Paliyath ISBN 978-0-470-65585-6
The Pragmatic Programmers Modern C++ Programming with Test-Driven Development: Code Better, Sleep Better
f you program in C++ you've been neglected. Test-driven development (TDD) is a modern software development practice that can dramatically reduce the number of defects in systems, produce more maintainable code, and give you the confidence to change your software to meet changing needs. But C++ programmers have been ignored by those promoting TDD--until now. In this book, Jeff Langr gives you hands-on lessons in the challenges and rewards of doing TDD in C++. Modern C++ Programming With Test-Driven Development, the only comprehensive treatment on TDD in C++ provides you with everything you need to know about TDD, and the challenges and benefits of implementing it in your C++ systems. Its many detailed code examples take you step-by-step from TDD basics to advanced concepts. As a veteran C++ programmer, you're already writing high-quality code, and you work hard to maintain code quality. It doesn't have to be that hard. In this book, you'll learn: * how to use TDD to improve legacy C++ systems * how to identify and deal with troublesome system dependencies * how to do dependency injection, which is particularly tricky in C++ * how to use testing tools for C++ that aid TDD * new C++11 features that facilitate TDD As you grow in TDD mastery, you'll discover how to keep a massive C++ system from becoming a design mess over time, as well as particular C++ trouble spots to avoid. You'll find out how to prevent your tests from being a maintenance burden and how to think in TDD without giving up your hard-won C++ skills. Finally, you'll see how to grow and sustain TDD in your team. Whether you're a complete unit-testing novice or an experienced tester, this book will lead you to mastery of test-driven development in C++. What You Need * A C++ compiler running under Windows or Linux, preferably one that supports C++11. Examples presented in the book were built under gcc 4.7.2. * Google Mock 1.6 (downloadable for free; it contains Google Test as well) or an alternate C++ unit testing tool. Most examples in the book are written for Google Mock, but it isn't difficult to translate them to your tool of choice. * A good programmer's editor or IDE. * cmake, preferably. Of course, you can use your own preferred make too. CMakeLists.txt files are provided for each project. Examples provided were built using cmake version 2.8.9. * Various freely-available third-party libraries are used as the basis for examples in the book. These include: - cURL - JsonCpp - Boost (filesystem, date_time/gregorian, algorithm, assign) Several examples use the boost headers/libraries. Only one example uses cURL and JsonCpp.
D Giles Ltd Simple Pleasures: The Art of Doris Lee
A major new book about Doris Lee, one of the top female artists - indeed among the top figurative artists, regardless of gender - in the American art world from the mid-1930s through the 1950s. Simple Pleasures presents the first major critical assessment of works by the artist Doris Lee (19041983). Lee was one of the most recognised artists in America during the 1930s and 40s, and was a leading figure in the Woodstock Artist's Colony. Her oeuvre reveals a remarkable ability to merge the reduction of abstraction with the appeal of the everyday. In so doing, she offers one of the very rare examples of a coherent visual identity that successfully bridged the various artistic "camps" that formed with the shift in the art world in the post-World War II era. Doris Lee exploded onto the national scene in 1935 when her painting Thanksgiving was awarded the Art Institute of Chicago's Logan Prize and instigated the Sanity in Art movement in protest. Two years later, her painting Catastrophe was purchased by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Simple Pleasures explores this initial national recognition in the 1930s within the context of American Scene painting, and traces the artist's thematic interest in the simple objects and scenes of the everyday through her career. It also examines the influence of the rise in abstraction during the late 1940s and 1950s, and the particular way in which this abstraction found resonance with Lee's long-held interest in, and collections of, folk and non-western art. During this post-war period, Lee, like many of her American Scene colleagues, found lucrative work in the heyday of commercial advertising. Lee's commercial commissions for patrons such as American Tobacco Company, Life magazine, Abbott Laboratories, and Associated American Artists are especially compelling in both their populist accessibility and in their deceptively sophisticated abstraction. Sixty-five works by the artist span the 1930s through the 1960s and are comprised of paintings, drawings, prints, and commissioned commercial designs in fabric and pottery. Included are advertisements by companies that commissioned images from Lee, and photographs that contextualise the artist's work within the Woodstock artist's community. AUTHORS: Barbara L. Jones is chief curator, The Westmoreland Museum of American Art, Greensburg, PA, and the author of Samuel Rosenberg: Portrait of a Painter (2003). Melissa Wolfe is curator of American Art, St. Louis Art Museum, and co-editor of Reflections: The American Collection of the Columbus Museum of Art (2019). John Fagg is professor of American Studies, University of Birmingham, UK, and author of 'That Abused Word: Genre': The 1930s Genre Painting Revival in The Space Between: Literature and Culture 1914-1945 (2011). Tom Wolf is professor of Art History at Bard College, NY and leading Yasuo Kuniyoshi scholar. 157 colour illustrations
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Regional and Urban Policy of the European Union: Cohesion, Results-Orientation and Smart Specialisation
Professor Philip McCann has contributed to a revival of regional and urban economics. His ideas and research have stimulated views about how regions and cities grow, and also how they can be better governed. He offers here another major contribution to improved regional policy design. By its scale and scope, EU regional policy reform merits a thorough and enlightening analysis such as this. This is an important book by one of the finest scholars in the field.'- Joaquim Oliveira Martins, Head of OECD Regional Policy Division, France'Geographical economics has come a long way in the past two decades. It has generated new ways of thinking about how to improve development in less-favoured cities and regions, in the context of a commitment to enjoying the advantages of trade and the mobility of people and knowledge. Philip McCann's magisterial analysis of one of the most ambitious efforts ever undertaken in this area - the EU Cohesion Policy - argues powerfully for a new way forward based on respecting the different starting points of cities and regions and mobilizing their potential, and yet doing so with rigorous respect for efficiency and openness.'- Michael Storper, London School of Economics, UKThe regional and urban development policy of the European Union, or more precisely, EU Cohesion Policy, is undergoing change. This development is driven by the enormous transformations in European regions and by shifts in thinking and analysis. The issues raised by the changes to regional and urban development policy in Europe span many academic disciplines and build on different research methodologies. A broad approach is required in order to address these issues and this book explicitly incorporates insights from a range of different disciplines.After examining the major regional and urban features of the European economy and discussing the analytical underpinnings of the current re-design to EU Cohesion Policy, the book also aims to provide a road map of the various EU regional and urban data-sources which are available to researchers and policy-makers. This volume is aimed at all economists, geographers, regional scientists, spatial planners, transportation scientists, sociologists, urban studies researchers, environmental scholars, political scientists and policy-analysts who are interested in regional and urban issues.Contents: Preface 1. The Backdrop to EU Cohesion Policy Debates: Europe 2020 and the Post-Crisis Economy 2. The Regional and Urban Economies of the European Union 3. The Logic and Workings of EU Cohesion Policy 4. A Reformed EU Cohesion Policy 5. Innovation, Regions and the Case for Regional Innovation Policies 6. Smart Specialisation and European Regions 7. Conclusions on the Reforms to the Regional and Urban Policy in the European Union Bibliography Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Integrating Social and Employment Policies in Europe: Active Inclusion and Challenges for Local Welfare Governance
Though the importance for social outcomes of improved local coordination of social and employment policies is widely acknowledged, it has to date been the object of only limited research in comparative welfare state studies. Based on detailed and systematic empirical research in 18 localities across six European countries, this innovative volume begins to redress this imbalance. The novel insights it offers into the complex determinants of effective policy coordination in contrasting national and local contexts will be of great interest to scholars and policy makers alike.'- Daniel Clegg, The University of Edinburgh, UK'This edited volume, based on internationally comparative research, provides a valuable contribution to the growing body of academic literature on the local governance of social and employment policies. Through national case study as well as comparative chapters, the book takes up the challenging task of investigating the complex processes of coordinating various politico-administrative levels, a variety of private and public actors, and diverse policy fields, focusing specifically on how these processes take shape at the local level.'- Rik van Berkel, Utrecht School of Governance, the Netherlands'Activation has been the latest leit motiv of labour market policies since the Nineties. Activation measures require extensive coordination across levels of government, service providers and administrative agencies operating in different sectors. This volume provides an excellent empirical analysis of six European countries, highlighting the light and shadows of real-world activation experiences at the local level. The authors provide precious insights not only for welfare state scholars, but also for policy makers faced with the challenge of modernizing work and welfare through a more effective governance.'- Maurizio Ferrera, Università degli Studi di Milano, ItalyA central goal of European activation policies is to provide coherent and actively inclusive employment and social services. This book offers new insights on the effective governance and implementation of such policies.Utilizing empirical studies from six European welfare states, expert contributors explore how different institutional contexts influence localized service delivery and how local authorities deal with the associated coordination challenges. Acknowledging that neither decentralization nor provider networks necessarily prevent fragmented service provision, Martin Heidenreich and Deborah Rice illustrate that an understanding of the European budgetary context, as well as individual network brokerage, is vital for a successful integration of employment and social policies at the local level.Timely and engaging, this innovative book will provide new theoretical perspectives and invaluable empirical materials for academics and students in the field of comparative social policy. Policy makers and officials will also appreciate the editors' practical approach.Contributors: P. Aurich-Beerheide, M. Bassoli, T. Berthet, C. Bourgeois, S.L. Catalano, V. Fuertes, C. Garsten, P.R. Graziano, M. Heidenreich, K. Hollertz, K. Jacobsson, S. Mandes, R. McQuaid, D. Rice, K. Sztandar-Sztanderska, K. Tourné Languin, K. Zimmermann
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Access to Information and Knowledge: 21st Century Challenges in Intellectual Property and Knowledge Governance
This collection is an inspiration and a delight for those advocates fighting for access to knowledge in the 21st century. The work highlights a number of 21st century challenges - including the obstacles of restrictive licensing; the barriers and obstacles of intellectual property; and the threats posed by international trade agreements. This collection provides a toolbox of policy solutions to deal with such hazards. The work highlights how information and knowledge can be unlocked through open access licensing, progressive intellectual property law reform, and fair trade.'- Matthew Rimmer, Australian Research Council, ANU College of Law and the Australian Centre for Intellectual Property in Agriculture'In a knowledge economy, access to information and knowledge takes on an ever-increasing role. But certain knowledge outputs are protected by exclusive intellectual property rights, which in one way or another restrict access to some information. It is therefore timely to examine these access issues in greater detail. The fact that this volume offers such a detailed analysis is its greatest strength. The in-depth analysis of all these aspects makes this a truly fascinating book!'- Paul Torremans, University of Nottingham, UK'This is an important book that brings together leading scholars from Europe and the United States to explore the access challenge in intellectual property law. It reframes the debate by focusing on the critical role of timely access to information in innovation-based economies. Well worth the read.'- Michael W. Carroll, American University Washington College of Law, USMassive quantities of information are required to fuel the innovation process in a knowledge-based economy; a requirement that is in tension with intellectual property (IP) laws. Against this backdrop, leading thinkers in the IP arena explore the 'access challenge' of the 21st century, framed as the tension between the interest in the free flow of information and the fragmentation of knowledge resulting from strong IP laws.In some areas this tension seems to resolve in a shift of IP laws in the direction of greater openness, whether due to new business models, improved legal tools or access-friendly interpretations of existing laws. The book's chapters explore the challenges encountered by this 'opening' process from various perspectives, including:- open access to public sector and scientific research data- enhanced use of licensing- reshaping the contours of individual IP laws- inclusion of new stakeholders in the IP debate- challenges to the information flow in the international arena.In identifying some of the core IP-related challenges to the process of adapting to the knowledge needs of the new economy, this book will provide an enlightening read for academics, policymakers and lawyers concerned with IP laws and the flow of knowledge.Contributors: J. Axhamn, D. Beldiman, D.L. Burk, E. Ellyne, C. Geiger, L. Guibault, R. Kampf, M. Marzetti, M. Ricolfi, I. Schneider, M. Senftleben, A. Stazi, P. Yu
University of Minnesota Press The Long 2020
Sharply intelligent, often personal reflections on the global crises of 2020 that are still ongoing By all accounts, 2020 was the longest year in recent memory, as people in the United States and across the globe careened from one unfolding catastrophe to another. The consequences of this devastating year are sure to impact the planet for decades, if not centuries, to come. This collection considers the question of that long 2020 from the perspective of the lived experience of the year, its long and deep roots in various human and nonhuman pasts, and the transformation of our sense of the future.The Long 2020 assembles a strikingly interdisciplinary group of scholars and thinkers to address how the many crises of 2020—epidemiological, political, ecological, and social—have unfolded, examining both their origins as well as their ongoing effects. The contributors address questions of time, history, and scale as they have played out, and continue to play out; the relationship between home and environment, with a focus on architecture, breathing, and human–nonhuman relations; and the experience of cultural, political, and social life, deploying cultural and political theory to explore questions of race, gender and sexuality, and democracy.The global pandemic has still not abated, reflecting the need to rethink our interrelatedness to viruses and other species. In bringing together this diverse group of authors, The Long 2020 offers a variety of perspectives on the impacts of that fraught year, the effects of which continue to permeate daily life.Contributors: Stacy Alaimo, U of Oregon; Elisabeth Anker, George Washington U; Janelle Baker, Athabasca U, Alberta, Canada; Daniel A. Barber, U of Pennsylvania Weitzman School of Design; Adia Benton, Northwestern U; Levi R. Bryant, Collin College; Beatriz Colomina, Princeton U; William E. Connolly, Johns Hopkins U; Cary Gabriel Costello, U of Wisconsin–Milwaukee; Megan Craig, Stony Brook U; Wai Chee Dimock, Harvard U; Paulla Ebron, Stanford U; Nirmala Erevelles, U of Alabama; Roderick A. Ferguson, Yale U; Rosa E. Ficek, U of Puerto Rico at Cayey; Stefanie Fishel, U of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland; Jonathan Flatley, Wayne State U; Jennifer Gabrys, U of Cambridge; David Gissen, Parsons School of Design and the New School, New York; Dehlia Hannah, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts; Karen Ho, U of Minnesota; Bonnie Honig, Brown U; Frédéric Keck, Laboratory of Social Anthropology (CNRS Paris); Eben Kirksey, Deakin Institute in Melbourne, Australia; Bernard C. Perley, U of British Columbia, Vancouver; Tom Rademacher; Renya Ramirez, U of California, Santa Cruz; Zoe Todd (Métis); Anna Tsing, U of California, Santa Cruz; Sarah E. Vaughn, U of California, Berkeley; Rebecca Wanzo, Washington U; McKenzie Wark, Eugene Lang College, New York City.
APress Salesforce Architect's Handbook: A Comprehensive End-to-End Solutions Guide
Take a deep dive into the architectural approach, best practices, and key considerations needed to comprehend, evaluate, and design an efficient, scalable, and sustainable Salesforce-based solution. This book takes a comprehensive look at the seven architectural domains that must be considered when architecting a Salesforce-based solution and equips you to develop the artifacts needed for an end-to-end enterprise architecture blueprint for Salesforce implementation and DevOps.This must-have handbook helps Salesforce professionals implement and manage Salesforce in their organization. You will learn Salesforce architecture: solution architecture, data architecture, security architecture, integration architecture, identity and access management architecture, and strategies that can be used for Salesforce-based mobile applications.In addition to the main architecture concepts, the book also offers industry best practices and the recommended framework for approaching, managing, delivering, and continuously improving a Salesforce solution using its Salesforce Development & Deployment Lifecycle. What You Will Learn Get a detailed overview of the Salesforce multi-tenant, metadata-driven architectural framework and the under-the-hood technology stack that supports Salesforce Know the seven architecture domains, their intricacies, and the considerations needed within each when designing a Salesforce solution Have an architectural mindset and the artifacts needed to architect an end-to-end enterprise-level implementation of Salesforce Be familiar with the most common Salesforce products, licenses, AppExchange products, and the key considerations of using out-of-the-box declarative capabilities vs custom programmatic capabilities of Salesforce Understand data architecture design considerations that include data modeling in Salesforce, identifying and mitigating large data volume concerns, and the key considerations for data migration and data archiving strategies Understand security architecture considerations related to securing data within Salesforce and the various approaches to allow or restrict sharing and visibility from within Salesforce Understand integration architecture considerations that provide an overview of the integration patterns and the integrations solutions that can be used with Salesforce to connect Salesforce with a remote system hosted on-premises, on the cloud, or by third-party solution providers Understand identity and access management architectural considerations across the 9 stages of an identity and access management lifecycle Be aware of the strategies available to design mobile solutions with Salesforce and the options available for Salesforce mobile architecture Employ the principles of the DevOps & Development Lifecycle needed for an ideal state Salesforce implementation Who This Book Is ForProfessionals interested in implementing, optimizing, and architecting Salesforce solutions enterprise-wide; Salesforce implementation (SI) partners needing a detailed playbook for architecting and delivering successful Salesforce solutions; Salesforce admins, developers, and architects looking for a one-stop educational resource to mastering the Salesforce architect domains or those pursuing the Salesforce architecture domain certification exams, including the Salesforce Certified Technical Architect (CTA) board exam
Elsevier Health Sciences Piermattei's Atlas of Surgical Approaches to the Bones and Joints of the Dog and Cat
This expertly illustrated atlas has been the go-to reference in veterinary orthopedic surgery for nearly 50 years and remains the premier resource for small animal surgical procedures. As in prior editions, Piermattei's Atlas of Surgical Approaches to the Bones and Joints of the Dog and Cat, 5th Edition is teeming with highly detailed drawings that illustrate a wide range of surgical approaches. This edition also features six all new surgical approaches and three approaches which have been expanded to illustrate the modifications required when performing orthopedic surgery on the cat. In addition to updated images throughout, fifty-five brand new illustrations accompany the new surgical approaches. As many will attest, Piermattei's Atlas is an invaluable reference that no small animal surgeon should be without. "In summary, if you still don't have a previous edition of Piermattei's atlas of surgical approaches to the bones and joints of the dog and cat on your bookshelves, this is a must have. If you already have a previous edition, the difference between the 4th and 5th are not big, but there are a few additions that will still make it a worthwhile buy." Reviewed by: Benito De La Puerta, Ldo, Cert SAS Dip ECVS, UK Date: July 2014 Step-by-step procedures walk you through proper positioning, anatomic landmarks, potential dangers, and increasing exposure. Primary indications listed for each surgical approach help you quickly determine which approach is most appropriate for a particular surgery. Consistent format features text on the left side and illustration plates on the right, for quick access to key information. High-quality drawings created by an expert medical artist provide exceptional clarity, realism, and detail. Cross-references throughout the text make it easy to compare surgical approaches for the same body area. Full pages dedicated to each plate allow you to more easily view anatomical parts and approaches. NEW! Six all-new approaches to surgical procedures have been added to the text. They include: Approach to the Lumbosacral Intervertebral Disk and Foramen Through a Lateral Transilial Osteotomy Approach to the Medial Region of the Shoulder Joint Minimally Invasive Approach to the Shaft of the Humerus Approach to the Lateral Aspect of the Hemipelvis Minimally Invasive Approach to the Shaft of the Femur Minimally Invasive Approach to the Shaft of the Tibia NEW! Expanded coverage of modifications required when performing orthopedic surgery on the cat include: Approach to the Lateral Aspect of the Humeral Condyle and Epicondyle in the Cat Approach to the Craniodorsal Aspect of the Hip Joint Through a Craniolateral Incision in the Cat Approach to the Shaft of the Femur in the Cat NEW! Updated images provide a better picture of various surgical approaches.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Reproducibility: Principles, Problems, Practices, and Prospects
2017 PROSE Award Honorable MentionThe PROSE Awards draw attention to pioneering works of research and for contributions to the conception, production, and design of landmark works in their fields.Featuring peer-reviewed contributions from noted experts in their fields of research, Reproducibility: Principles, Problems, Practices, and Prospects presents state-of-the-art approaches to reproducibility, the gold standard of sound science, from multi- and interdisciplinary perspectives. Including comprehensive coverage for implementing and reflecting the norm of reproducibility in various pertinent fields of research, the book focuses on how the reproducibility of results is applied, how it may be limited, and how such limitations can be understood or even controlled in the natural sciences, computational sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and studies of science and technology.The book presents many chapters devoted to a variety of methods and techniques, as well as their epistemic and ontological underpinnings, which have been developed to safeguard reproducible research and curtail deficits and failures. The book also investigates the political, historical, and social practices that underlie reproducible research in contemporary science studies, including the difficulties of good scientific practice and the ethos of reproducibility in modern innovation societies.Reproducibility: Principles, Problems, Practices, and Prospects is a guide for researchers who are interested in the general and overarching questions behind the concept of reproducibility; for active scientists who are confronted with practical reproducibility problems in their everyday work; and for economic stakeholders and political decision makers who need to better understand the challenges of reproducibility. In addition, the book is a useful in-depth primer for undergraduate and graduate-level courses in scientific methodology and basic issues in the philosophy and sociology of science from a modern perspective.“A comprehensive, insightful treatment of the reproducibility challenges facing science today and of ways in which the scientific community can address them.” Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Elizabeth Ware Packard Professor of Communication, University of Pennsylvania“How can we make sure that reproducible research remains a key imperative of scientific communication under increasing commercialization, media attention, and publication pressure? This handbook offers the first interdisciplinary and fundamental treatment of this important question.”Torsten Hothorn, Professor of Biostatistics, University of Zurich Harald Atmanspacher, PhD, is Associate Fellow and staff member at Collegium Helveticum, ETH and University Zurich and is also President of the Society for Mind-Matter Research. He has pioneered advances in complex dynamical systems research and in a number of topics concerned with the relation between the mental and physical. Sabine Maasen, PhD, is Professor for Sociology of Science and Director of the Munich Center for Technology in Society (TU Munich) and Associate Fellow at Collegium Helveticum (ETH and University Zurich). Her research focuses on the interface of science, technology, and society, notably with respect to neuroscience and its applications.
O'Reilly Media Switching to VolP
More and more businesses today have their receive phone service through Internet instead of local phone company lines. Many businesses are also using their internal local and wide-area network infrastructure to replace legacy enterprise telephone networks. This migration to a single network carrying voice and data is called convergence, and it's revolutionizing the world of telecommunications by slashing costs and empowering users. The technology of families driving this convergence is called VoIP, or Voice over IP. VoIP has advanced Internet-based telephony to a viable solution, piquing the interest of companies small and large. The primary reason for migrating to VoIP is cost, as it equalizes the costs of long distance calls, local calls, and e-mails to fractions of a penny per use. But the real enterprise turn-on is how VoIP empowers businesses to mold and customize telecom and datacom solutions using a single, cohesive networking platform. These business drivers are so compelling that legacy telephony is going the way of the dinosaur, yielding to Voice over IP as the dominant enterprise communications paradigm. Developed from real-world experience by a senior developer, O'Reilly's Switching to VoIP provides solutions for the most common VoIP migration challenges. So if you're a network professional who is migrating from a traditional telephony system to a modern, feature-rich network, this book is a must-have. You'll discover the strengths and weaknesses of circuit-switched and packet-switched networks, how VoIP systems impact network infrastructure, as well as solutions for common challenges involved with IP voice migrations. Among the challenges discussed and projects presented: * building a softPBX * configuring IP phones * ensuring quality of service * scalability * standards-compliance * topological considerations * coordinating a complete system ?switchover? * migrating applications like voicemail and directory services * retro-interfacing to traditional telephony * supporting mobile users * security and survivability * dealing with the challenges of NAT To help you grasp the core principles at work, Switching to VoIP uses a combination of strategy and hands-on "how-to" that introduce VoIP routers and media gateways, various makes of IP telephone equipment, legacy analog phones, IPTables and Linux firewalls, and the Asterisk open source PBX software by Digium. You'll learn how to build an IP-based or legacy-compatible phone system and voicemail system complete with e-mail integration while becoming familiar with VoIP protocols and devices. Switching to VoIP remains vendor-neutral and advocates standards, not brands. Some of the standards explored include: * SIP * H.323, SCCP, and IAX * Voice codecs *802.3af * Type of Service, IP precedence, DiffServ, and RSVP *802.1a/b/g WLAN If VoIP has your attention, like so many others, then Switching to VoIP will help you build your own system, install it, and begin making calls. It's the only thing left between you and a modern telecom network.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fragile Networks: Identifying Vulnerabilities and Synergies in an Uncertain World
A unified treatment of the vulnerabilities that exist in real-world network systems—with tools to identify synergies for mergers and acquisitions Fragile Networks: Identifying Vulnerabilities and Synergies in an Uncertain World presents a comprehensive study of network systems and the roles these systems play in our everyday lives. This book successfully conceptualizes, defines, and constructs mathematically rigorous, computer-based tools for the assessment of network performance and efficiency, along with robustness and vulnerability analysis. The result is a thorough exploration that promotes an understanding of the critical infrastructure of today's network systems, from congested urban transportation networks and supply chain networks under disruption to financial networks and the Internet. The authors approach the analyses by abstracting not only topological structures of networks, but also the behavior of network users, the demand for resources, the resulting flows, and the associated costs. Following an introduction to the fundamental methodologies and tools required for network analysis and network vulnerability, the book is organized into three self-contained parts: Part I—Network Fundamentals, Efficiency Measurement, and Vulnerability Analysis explores the theoretical and practical foundations for a new network efficiency measure in order to assess the importance of network components in various network systems. Methodologies for distinct decision-making behaviors are outlined, along with the tools for qualitative analysis, the algorithms for the computation of solutions, and a thorough discussion of the unified network efficient measure and network robustness with the unified measure. Part II—Applications and Extensions examines the efficiency changes and the associated cost increments after network components are eliminated or partially damaged. A discussion of the recently established connections between transportation networks and different critical networks is provided, which demonstrates how the new network measures and robustness indices can be applied to different supply chain, financial, and dynamic networks, including the Internet and electronic power networks. Part III—Mergers and Acquisitions, Network Integration, and Synergies reveals the connections between transportation networks and different network systems and quantifies the synergies associated with the network systems, from total cost reduction to environmental impact assessment. In the case of mergers and acquisitions, the focus is on supply chain networks. The authors outline a system-optimization perspective for supply chain networks and also formalize coalition formation using game theory with insights into the merger paradox. With its numerous network examples and real-world applications, Fragile Networks: Identifying Vulnerabilities and Synergies in an Uncertain World is an excellent book for courses in network science, transportation science, operations management, and financial networks at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It is also a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners in the areas of applied mathematics, computer science, operations research, management science, finance, and economics, as well as industrial, systems, and civil engineering. Listen to Dr. Nagurney's podcast Supernetworks: Building Better Real and Virtual Highways at .
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Power and Identity in the Post–Soviet Realm – Geographies of Ethnicity and Nationality After 1991
With the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the demise of the Cold Wars bipolar world order, Soviet successor states on the Russian periphery found themselves in a geopolitical vacuum, and gradually evolved into a specific buffer zone throughout the 1990s. The establishment of a new system of relations became evident in the wake of the Baltic States accession to the European Union in 2004, resulting in the fragmentation of this buffer zone. In addition to the nations that are more directly connected to Zwischeneuropa (i.e. In-Between Europe) historically and culturally (Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine), countries beyond the Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia), as well as the states of former Soviet Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan) have also become characterized by particular developmental pathways. Focusing on these areas of the post-Soviet realm, this collected volume examines how they have faced multidimensional challenges while pursuing both geopolitics and their place in the world economy. From a conceptual point of view, the chapters pay close attention not only to issues of ethnicity (which are literally intertwined with a number of social problems in these regions), but also to the various socio-spatial contexts of ethnic processes. Having emerged after the collapse of Soviet authority, the so-called post-Soviet realm might serve as a crucial testing ground for such studies, as the specific social and regional patterns of ethnicity are widely recognised here. Accordingly, the phenomena covered in the volume are rather diverse. The first section reviews the fundamental elements of the formation of national identity in light of the geopolitical situation both past and present. This includes an examination of the relative strength and shifting dynamics of statehood, the impacts of imperial nationalism, and the changes in language use from the early-modern period onwards. The second section examines the (trans)formation of the identities of small nations living at the forefront of Tsarist Russian geopolitical expansion, in particular in Central Asia, the Caucasus, and the Southern Steppe. Finally, in the third section, the contributors discuss the fate of groups whose settlement space was divided by the external boundaries of the Soviet Union, a reality that resulted in the diverging developmental trajectories of the otherwise culturally similar communities on both sides of the border. In these imperial peripheries, Soviet authority gave rise to specifically Soviet national identities amongst groups such as the Azeris, Tajiks, Karelians, Moldavians, and others. The book also includes over 30 primarily original maps, graphs, and tables and will be of great use not only for human geographers (particularly political and cultural geographers) and historians, but also for those interested in contemporary issues in social science.
Merrell Publishers Ltd The Story of Kensington Palace
Today Kensington Palace is synonymous with young royals; it is the official home of TRH The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their family, and of TRH The Duke and Duchess of Sussex. It is also famous for being the residence of Diana, Princess of Wales, during the last years of her life, and visitors still flock to the palace to learn about her story. But the history of Kensington stretches back much further. It boasts more than three centuries of continuous royal occupation, making it unique among the Historic Royal Palaces. Formerly a private house enlarged by Christopher Wren in the late 17th century to suit the needs of William and Mary, Kensington Palace was the favoured home of five sovereigns until the death of George II in 1760. Even after its conversion into a royal residence, the palace remained a rather unprepossessing building, fashioned out of reddish-grey brick. However, this belied its architectural significance, for it was shaped and decorated by some of the country's leading architects, artists, craftsmen and designers, and is now a major national monument. The palace's social and political significance is arguably even greater. Kensington has played host to some of the most important personalities and events in the long history of the royal family. It was the birthplace and childhood home of Queen Victoria, and it was here that she held her first council meeting as monarch in 1837. During the previous century, Kensington had been divided into apartments for the younger generation of royals - an arrangement that continues today. From the late 19th century onwards, it became a visitor attraction, a museum and home to the Royal Ceremonial Dress Collection. Today the palace attracts more than 400,000 visitors a year. In this new illustrated account, Tracy Borman tells the fascinating story of Kensington from private residence to modern-day royal palace, describing not only the development of the building and its magnificent gardens, but also the dramas and intrigues of court life. Its history is set against a backdrop of events that shaped both Britain and its monarchy: from the Jacobite uprisings of the mid-18th century to the rise of industrialisation in the 19th, and the turbulence of world war in the 20th. Here, in the domestic surrounds of the palace, the monarchy evolved and modernised in tandem with the times. The story of Kensington Palace is, in short, the story of the modern monarchy. AUTHOR: Tracy Borman is joint Chief Curator of Historic Royal Palaces. She has worked for various national heritage organisations, including the Heritage Lottery Fund, the National Archives and English Heritage. An acclaimed writer and historian 200 illustrations, 1 plan
Golden Hoard Press Pte Ltd Techniques of Solomonic Magic
An analysis of the methods of Solomonic magic from the 7th to the 19th century as found in the Hygromanteia and Key of Solomon. This volume is about the methods of magic used in 7th century Egyptian Alexandria and how they have been passed via the Greek grimoires of Byzantium (the Hygromanteia), to the manuscripts of the Latin Clavicula Salomonis and its English incarnation as the Key of Solomon. Jewish techniques like the use of pentacles, oil and water skrying were added along the way, but Solomonic magic (despite its name) remained basically a classical Greek form of magic. Amazingly, this transmission has involved very few changes: the 'technology' of magic has remained firmly intact. The emphasis is upon specific magical techniques such as the invocation of the gods, the binding of demons, the use of the four demon Kings, the construction of a circle and lamen (for protection of the magician). The requirements of purity, sexual abstinence, and fasting have changed little in the last 2000 years. The concrete reasons for that are explained. The difference between amulets, talismans and phylacteries or lamens is outlined along with their methods of construction. Examples of magical circles have been taken from many sources and their construction and development traced out. Practical considerations such as choice of incense, the timing of the cutting of the wand, utilisation of rings and statues, use of the Table of Evocation, or the acquisition of a familiar spirit are explained. The structure of a Solomonic evocation puts into perspective the reasons for each step, the use of thwarting angels, achieving invisibility, sacrifice, love magic, treasure finding, and the binding, imprisoning and licensing of spirits. The facing directions and timing of evocations have always been crucial, and these too have remained consistent. By examining the way these same methods were used again and again in the various periods, minor omissions in magical practice can be observed and repaired. This book is thus a follow-on from Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian Magic. This volume investigates precise methods used by magicians from the magicians' own handbooks rather than from the opinions of theologians, historians, anthropologists or legislators. The emphasis is on what magicians did and why. Tools used by magicians in 7th century Alexandria, 15th century Constantinople and 19th century London are very much the same. Detailed comparisons are made chapter by chapter with 70 illustrations of magical equipment like the wand, the sword, wax and clay images and magical gems, drawn from a wide range of manuscripts and reproduced with detailed analysis. Literally hundreds of manuscripts in libraries across Europe have been read and checked to ensure this is the most detailed analysis of Solomonic magic, from the inside, ever penned.
Human Kinetics Publishers Interdisciplinary Arts: Integrating Dance, Theatre, and Visual Arts
No matter what field a person is working in or preparing for, collaboration and integration of ideas and knowledge are important to success. Interdisciplinary Arts provides a portal to that success by introducing students to the integration of arts concepts that they can apply to any field or endeavor they undertake.This unique text draws from the separate but related disciplines of theatre, dance, and visual arts to help students explore creative and innovative thinking and problem solving. The authors guide the students through the creative process, using exercises, journal prompts, and other tools to aid them in creating original works that employ those arts concepts.Interdisciplinary Arts uses strategies and terminology from multiple areas of artistic practice to enrich students’ perspectives as artists and as problem solvers and communicators. It also spotlights various artists from history and presents case studies about former students who have created exciting projects, broadening students’ understanding of what might be possible and spurring more creative thinking.As students delve into the text and its resources and prompts, they will address these types of questions: How can I look past the first solution to find the right solution? How can I train myself to be creative? How can I better articulate how my study of the arts informs my decision-making in other fields? How can the arts help me get a job in my chosen field? Interdisciplinary Arts helps students discover their expressive capabilities and integrate them fully into their lives. They will learn to break through barriers by looking at things in new ways and by allowing their experiences in each discipline to inform their work in others. Their creative journey will take them through a four-step creative process: A thumbnail sketch that acts as a rough draft or outline for their project A feedback phase, where they learn to assimilate their ideas and others’ ideas about their project A presentation phase, where they showcase their work A reflection phase, where they consider why they made the work, what it means to them, and what they learned from it The book also comes with an instructor guide that offers chapter overviews, teaching tips, additional exercises, a sample syllabus, and more. A student web resource includes all the activities and journal prompts as well as editable worksheets and additional resources.Students engaging with Interdisciplinary Arts will come away with a better sense of cross-disciplinary thinking, their own capacity for creativity, and the connections between their body, mind, and spirit. They will find that their creative energies flow more freely, and they will be able to see how to transfer the skills they learned through this text to a host of endeavors throughout their lives.Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Black Sabbath's Master of Reality
John Darnielle describes Master of Reality through a fictional character, a fifteen-year-old boy being held in an adolescent psychiatric centre in southern California in 1985.John Darnielle describes "Master of Reality" in the voice of a fifteen-year-old boy being held in an adolescent psychiatric centre in southern California in 1985. Adolescents in treatment are often required to keep a journal, and they write letters by the dozens: to their parents, to their friends on the outside, to the nurses who confiscate their belongings, to the teachers back at school who've offered them an outlet for their creativity. Our narrator has arrived in treatment with a Walkman and some tapes that are precious to him, only to have them taken away on the ground that their content is part of his greater problem.His various writings, aimed mainly at getting his tapes and Walkman back, will explain how Black Sabbath differs from their Satan-worshipping popular image, and how Master of Reality is an overtly Christian album, which it is. Our narrator will try to explain Black Sabbath like an emissary from an alien race describing his culture to his captors: passionately, patiently, and lovingly. This album has a genuinely remarkable historical status: as a touchstone for the directionless, and as a common coin for young men and women who felt shut out of the broader cultural economy.It'd be hard to overstate Ozzy Osbourne's totemic status among adolescents in the early eighties. His public image, cobbled together by his audience from occasional mainstream press mentions and niche magazine coverage, made him a nearly perfect sponge for the aggressive feelings of frustrated young men around the world. To this audience, who continue to occupy a an enormous if ghostly position on the margins, the early Black Sabbath albums were accepted classics in a genre whose lack of real status only served to indicate its true value.This, for me, is one of the places where the music does its most interesting work: when it becomes a tool in the hands of its listeners, and when the process of explaining it becomes part of its essence. This was never truer than in the mainstream metal subcultures of the eighties, where album titles served as passwords to a more accepting world. "Master of Reality", from its Christian heart right down to its ultimately incomprehensible title, is the perfect candidate for illuminating these undersung passageways."33 1/3" is a series of short books about a wide variety of albums, by artists ranging from James Brown to the Beastie Boys. Launched in September 2003, the series now contains over 50 titles and is acclaimed and loved by fans, musicians and scholars alike.
Vintage Publishing Eminent Hipsters
In Eminent Hipsters, musician and songwriter Donald Fagen, best known as the co-founder of the rock band Steely Dan, presents an autobiographical portrait that touches on everything from the cultural figures that mattered the most to him as a teenager, to his years in the late 1960s at Bard College, to a hilarious account of a recent tour he made with Boz Scaggs and Michael McDonald.Fagen begins by introducing the 'eminent hipsters' that spoke to him as he was growing up (and desperately yearning to be hip) in suburban New Jersey in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The figures who influenced him most were not the typical ones – Miles Davis, say, or Jack Kerouac – but rather people like Jean Shepherd, whose manic, acidic nightly radio broadcasts out of WOR-Radio had a tough realism about life and ‘enthralled a generation of alienated young people’; Henry Mancini, whose chilled-out, nourish soundtracks, especially to films by Blake Edwards utilised the unconventional, spare instrumentation associated with the cool jazz school; and Mort Fega, the laid back, knowledgeable all night jazz man at WEVD, who was like ‘the cool uncle you always wished you had’. He writes of how, growing up as a Cold War baby, one of his primary doors of escape became reading science fiction by such authors as Philip K. Dick, and of his regular trips into New York City to hear jazz. Other emblematic musical heroes Fagen writes about include Ray Charles, Ike Turner, and the Boswell Sisters, a trio from the 1920s and 30s whose subversive musical genius included trick phrasing and way out harmony.‘Class of ’69’ recounts Fagen’s colourful tumultuous years at Bard College, the progressive university north of New York City that attracted a strange mix of applicants, including ‘desperate suburban misfits with impressive verbal skills but appalling high school records’ (like himself). It was at Bard that Fagen first met Walter Becker, with whom he would later form Steely Dan. The final section of the book, ‘With the Dukes of September’, offers a day-by-day account of a tour Fagen undertook last summer across America with Boz Scaggs and Michael McDonald, performing a programme of old R&B and soul tunes as well as some of each of their own hits. Told in a weary, cranky, occasionally biting and always entertaining voice, Fagen brings to life the ups and downs and various indignities and anxieties of being on the road – The Dukes were an admittedly ‘low-rent operation’ compared to a Steely Dan tour – as well as communicating the challenges and joy of playing every night to a different crowd in a different city.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World Scientific Reference On Handbook Of The Economics Of Wine (In 2 Volumes)
Over the last three decades, wine economics has emerged as a growing field within agricultural economics, but also in other fields such as finance, trade, growth, environmental economics and industrial organization. Wine has a few characteristics that differentiate it from other agricultural commodities, rendering it an interesting topic for economists in general. Fine wine can regularly fetch bottle prices that exceed several thousand dollars. It can be stored a long time and may increase in value with age. Fine wine quality and prices are extraordinarily sensitive to fluctuations in the weather of the year in which the grapes were grown. And wine is an experience good, i.e., its quality cannot be ascertained before consumption. As a result, consumers often rely on 'expert opinion' regarding quality and maturation prospects.This handbook takes a broad approach and familiarizes the reader with the main research strands in wine economics.After a general introduction to wine economics by Karl Storchmann, Volume 1 focuses on the core areas of wine economics. The first papers shed light on the relevance of the vineyard's natural environment for wine quality and prices. 'Predicting the Quality and Prices of Bordeaux Wine' by Orley Ashenfelter is a classic paper and may be the first wine economics publication ever. Ashenfelter shows how weather influences the quality and the price of Bordeaux Grands Crus wine. Since the weather condition of the year when the grapes were grown is known, an econometric analysis may be constructed. It turns out this model outperforms expert opinion, i.e., critical vintage scores. At best, expert opinion reflects public information. The subsequent papers, by Ashenfelter and Storchmann, Gergaud and Ginsburgh, and Cross, Plantinga and Stavins, tackle the terroir question. That is, they examine the relevance of a vineyard's physical characteristics for wine quality and prices, but from various dimensions and with different results. Next, Alston et al. analyze a question of great concern in the California wine industry: the causes and consequences of the rising alcohol content in California wine. Is climate change the culprit?The next chapter presents three papers that apply hedonic price analyses to fine wine. Combris, Lecocq and Visser show that Bordeaux wine market prices are essentially determined by the wines' objective characteristics. Costanigro, McCluskey and Mittelhammer differentiate their hedonic analysis for various market segments. Ali and Nauges incorporate reputational variables into their pricing model and distinguish between short- and long-run price effects.The next section of this volume deals with one of the unique characteristics of wine — its long storage life, which makes it potentially an investment asset. Studying wine's increasing role as an alternative asset class, Sanning et al., Burton and Jacobsen, Masset and Weisskopf, Masset and Henderson, and Fogarty all examine the rate of return to holding wine as well as the related risks. Since these papers analyze different wines and different time periods there is no 'one message.' However, all point out that, while wine may diversify an investor's portfolio, wine's returns do not beat common stock in the long run.The last two chapters examine the role of wine experts. First, Ashenfelter and Quandt revisit the 1976 'Judgment of Paris' and show that aggregating the assessments of several judges should go beyond 'adding points.' Depending on the method employed, the results may vary, and some measure of statistical precision is essential for interpreting the reliability of the results. In two different papers, Cicchetti and Quandt respond to the necessity to provide statistical tools for the assessment of wine tastings.In a seminal paper, Hodgson reports a remarkable field experiment in which similar wines were placed before judges at a major competition. The results have the shocking implication that how medals are awarded at a major California wine fair is not far from being random. Ashton analyzes the performance of professional wine judges and finds little support for the idea that experienced wine judges should be regarded as experts.Do experts scores influence the price of wine? The answer to this question is less obvious then commonly thought since expert opinion oftentimes only repeats public information such as wine quality that results from the weather that produced the wine grapes. Hadj Ali, Lecocq, and Visser as well as Dubois and Nauges find that high critical scores exert only small effects on wine prices. However, Roberts and Reagans show that a high critical exposure reduces the price-quality dispersion of wineries.Lecocq and Visser analyze wine prices and find that 'characteristics that are directly revealed to the consumer upon inspection of the bottle and its label explain the major part of price differences.' Expert opinion and sensory variables appear to play only a minor role. In an experimental setting using two Vickrey auctions, Combris, Lange and Issanchou confirm the leading role of public information, i.e., the label remains a key determinant for champagne prices. In a provocative and widely discussed study drawing on blind tasting results of some 5,000 wines, Goldstein and collaborators find that most consumers prefer less expensive over expensive wine.Finally, Weil examines the value of expert wine descriptions and lets several hundred subjects match the wines and their descriptors. His results suggest that the ability to assign a certain description to the matching wine is more or less random.Volume 2 covers the topics reputation, regulation, auctions, and market organizational. Landon and Smith, Anderson and Schamel, and Schamel analyze the impact of current quality and reputation (i.e., past quality) on wine prices from different regions. Their results suggest that prices are more influenced by reputation than by current quality. Costanigro, McCluskey and Goemans develop a nested framework for jointly examining the effects of product, firm and collective reputation on market prices.The following four papers deal with regulatory issues in the US as well as in Europe. While Riekoff and Sykuta shed light on the politics and economics of the three-tier system of alcohol distribution and the prohibition of direct wine shipments in the US, Deconinck and Swinnen analyze the European planting rights system. The political economy of European wine regulation is then covered by Melonie and Swinnen, before Anderson and Jensen shed light on Europe's complex system of wine industry subsidies.The next chapter is devoted to wine auctions. In three different papers, Fevrier, Roos and Visser, Ashenfelter, and Ginsburgh analyze the effects of specific auction designs on the resulting hammer prices. The papers focus on multi-unit ascending auctions, absentee bidders, and declining price anomalies.The last chapter, supply and organization, is devoted to a wide range of issues. First, Heien illuminates the price formation process in the California winegrape industry. Then, Frick analyzes if and how the separation of ownership and control affects the performance of German wineries.Vink, Kleynhans and Willem Hoffmann introduce us to various models of wine barrel financing, particularly to the Vincorp model employed in South Africa. Galbreath analyzes the role of women in the wine industry. He finds that (1) women are underrepresented and (2) that the presence of a female CEO increases the likelihood of women in winemaker, viticulturist, and marketing roles in that firm. Gokcekus, Hewstone, and Cakal draw on crowdsourced wine evaluations, i.e., Wine Tracker data, and show that private wine assessments are largely influenced by peer scores lending support to the assumption of the presence of a strong herding effect.Mahenc refers to the classic model of information asymmetries and develops a theoretical model highlighting the role of informed buyers in markets that are susceptible to the lemons problem. Lastly, in their paper 'Love or Money?' Scott, Morton and Podolny analyze how the presence of hobby winemakers may distort market outcomes. Hobby winemakers produce higher quality wines, charge higher prices, and enjoy lower financial returns than professional for-profit winemakers. As a result, profit-oriented winemakers are discouraged from locating at the high-quality end of the market.
Human Kinetics Publishers Health Opportunities Through Physical Education
This innovative new textbook, with a full suite of related resources, has been created to support student development and enhancement of healthy behaviors that influence their lifestyle choices and fitness, health, and wellness. A key feature of this curriculum is the complete integration of physical education and health concepts and skills to maximize student interest, learning, and application. This objective was accomplished by combining the expertise of our author teams from two related textbooks--Fitness for Life, Sixth Edition, and Health for Life. This is not just a health textbook with a few physical education concepts thrown in. School systems that want a single textbook to help them address both physical education and health education standards will find that this book provides them a unique and cost-effective option. Health Opportunities Through Physical Education is available in print and digital formats, including an iBooks interactive version for iPads plus other e-book formats that students can use across a variety of platforms. Part I, Fitness for Life, will help students become physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity. The book will guide students in becoming informed consumers on matters related to lifelong physical activity and fitness, taking responsibility for setting individualized goals, and making their own plans for active living. To accomplish this overarching goal, they learn a variety of self-management skills, including self-assessment. The program is based on established educational theory, which is outlined in the teacher web resources. And they learn all of this through a combination of classroom and physical activity lessons that meet national, state, and local physical activity guidelines and help instill a love for lifetime fitness activities. Part I also enables students to achieve the following goals: • Meet college and career readiness standards by learning and using critical thinking, decision making, and problem-solving skills • Use the Stairway to Lifetime Fitness concept, created by author Chuck Corbin, to encourage higher-order learning (move from dependence to independence) • Perform self-assessments, including all tests in the Fitnessgram battery and the Presidential Youth Fitness Program Part I includes many features that actively engage students by allowing them to: • Assess their own fitness and other health and wellness factors to determine personal needs and assess progress resulting from healthy lifestyle planning. • Use Taking Charge and Self-Management features to learn self-management skills (e.g., goal setting, self-monitoring, self-planning) for adopting healthy lifestyles. • Learn key concepts and principles, higher-order information, and critical thinking skills that provide the basis for sound decision making and personal planning. • Do reading and writing assignments as well as calculations that foster college and career readiness. • Try out activities that are supported by lesson plans offered in the teacher web resources and that can help students be fit and active throughout their lives. < • Take part in real-life activities that show how new information is generated by using the scientific method. • Become aware of and use technology to learn new information about fitness, health, and wellness and learn to discern fact from fiction. • Use the web and the unique web icon feature to connect to relevant and expanded content for essential topics in the student web resource. • Find Academic Connections that relate fitness topics to other parts of the curriculum such as science, language arts, and math. • Use other features such as fitness quotes, consumer corner, Fit Facts, and special exercise features (including exercise and self-assessment videos) that promote higher-order learning. • Focus their study time by following cues from Lesson Objectives and Lesson Vocabulary elements in every chapter. • Use the chapter-ending review questions to test their understanding of the concepts and use critical thinking and project assignments to meet educational standards, including college and career readiness standards. Part II, Health for Life, teaches high school students the fundamentals of health and wellness, how to avoid destructive habits, and how to choose to live healthy lives. This text covers all aspects of healthy living throughout the life span, including preventing disease and seeking care; embracing the healthy lifestyles choices of nutrition and stress management; avoiding destructive habits; building relationships; and creating healthy and safe communities. Part II also has an abundance of features that help students connect with content: • Lesson Objectives, Lesson Vocabulary, Comprehension Check, and Chapter Review help students prepare to dive in to the material, understand it, and retain it . • Connect feature spurs students to analyze various influences on their health and wellness. • Consumer Corner aids students in exploring consumer health issues. • Healthy Communication gets students to use and expand their interpersonal communication skills as they share their views about various health topics. • Skills for Healthy Living and Making Healthy Decisions help students learn and practice self-management so they can make wise choices related to their health and wellness. • Planning for Healthy Living assists students in applying what they’ve learned as they set goals and establish plans for behavior change. • Self-Assessment offers students the opportunity to evaluate their health habits and monitor improvement in health behaviors. • Find Academic Connections that relate fitness topics to other parts of the curriculum such as science, language arts, and math. • Take It Home and Advocacy in Action prepare students to advocate for health at home and in their communities. • Health Science and Health Technology focus on the roles of science and technology as they relate to health and where science and technology intersect regarding health issues. • Living Well News challenges students to integrate health literacy, math, and language skills to better understand a current health issue.
Springer International Publishing AG Roads to Higher Dimensional Polytopic Projects: Reference Architectures
High dimensional reference architectures presented here allows confronting and prevailing over the growing complexity of polytopic projects implementations.Such projects should be envisaged giving that conventional systems operations, equipments, methodologies or organizations will reach their limits for self-evolvability in high complexity conditions. Self-evolvable high complexity systems are based on high dimensional polytopic reference architectures.Polytope is the general term of the sequence: point, line, polygon, polyhedron and so on.The polytopic projects are targeting the artificiality, not only for materials where it is well known and applied, but also for biological, cognitive, intelligent and mathematical systems. The book highlights the polytopic projects basic similarity despite the noticeable difference as domains of application. The roads to follow and the algebra of changing roads are emphasized.The book is divided in 9 chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the Polytopic Roadmap to 4D and beyond. The role for the dialogue of processes in duality of the non-Aristotelian Logic of Contradiction and of Included Middle is emphasized for different domains. Chapter 2 refers to chemical systems. Supramolecular chemistry, metal organic frameworks, MOF, and reaction networks, are the examples considered in the frame of polytopic chemistry. Chapter 3 refers to biological systems. Biological dynamical hierarchies and quasi-species are the considered case studies. Technological and scientific projects targeting artificiality for cells and viruses are considered. Chapter 4 refers to cognitive systems. Developmental stages, formal and relational concepts analysis, and neural coding are considered here. The roles of the 4D systems of systems of systems and of conceptual 4D-cube are emphasized. Artificiality for cognitive systems is the object of study.Chapter 5 refers to mathematical systems. Modeling levels and the 4D digital twins are discussed. Hopf monoids as tools for the study of combinations and separations, dual graded graphs and V-models are informally presented. Chapter 6 refers to application of formal concept analysis, FCA, for high dimensional separations, nesting and drug delivery. Chapter 7 refers to polytopic engineering systems as multiscale transfer, distributors-collectors, cyclic operations, middle vessel columns, mixing, assembly and designs. Equipments have been characterized using Polytopic Roadmaps and classified by Periodic Tables. Chapter 8 introduces polytopic industry, economy, society and sustainability. Chapter 9 outlines new domains of interest as arts and architecture, transdisciplinarity, complex systems and unity of sciences and engineering.Polytopic Roadmaps are proposed as Method for experts from various fields to synthesize their thinking and capabilities into new projects implementation to face and surpass high complexity. A repetitive finding of this book is that self-evolvability observed in physical systems is based on the same directed sequence of reference architectures as the self-evolvability of concepts in our mind. Continuing to develop the field of self-evolvable systems and presenting the polytopic roadmaps for 4D and beyond advances in ever growing complexity domains, the book will be useful to engineers, researchers, entrepreneurs and students in different branches of production, complex systems sciences and engineering, ecology and applied mathematics.
Human Kinetics Publishers Clinical Guide to Positional Release Therapy
Clinical Guide to Positional Release Therapy With Web Resource provides professionals in the sports medicine and therapy fields with an easy-to-read reference on the clinical application of positional release therapy (PRT). The book is an invaluable resource for those who desire to learn, practice, and perfect the art of PRT to gently treat patients of all ages who have acute and chronic somatic dysfunction, including tightness and pain. Author Timothy E. Speicher, president of the Positional Release Therapy Institute, uses contemporary science and evidence-based practice to provide health care practitioners—including athletic trainers, physical therapists, massage therapists, and chiropractors—with a manual of PRT treatment techniques. The text is also suitable for students enrolled in upper-level courses in athletic training, physical therapy, and massage therapy programs. The highly visual book is organized in a manner that enables the reader to acquire a foundation of the applications, procedures, and theory of PRT. Part I explores the research surrounding PRT, providing articles that support the use of PRT through evidence-based practice. Readers will consider special populations, such as elderly patients, competitive athletes, and patients with disabilities. Part II explores PRT techniques by anatomical area. Each region (lower quarter, pelvis, spine, upper quarter, and cranium) contains an overview of common injury conditions and their myofascial triggers, differential diagnoses, and instructions on palpating and treating specific anatomical structures. Each chapter in part II also contains self-treatment techniques where appropriate. Clinical Guide to Positional Release Therapy dedicates considerable attention to palpation instruction, a core skill that enables successful diagnoses and applications of many orthopedic assessments and therapeutic techniques. Readers also will gain knowledge of anatomical and kinesiological structures to ensure success in assessment. Application of adjunctive therapies, such as ultrasound, electronic stimulation, massage, joint stabilization, and therapeutic exercise, is provided throughout the text to complement PRT and facilitate an optimal healing environment. Clinical Guide to Positional Release Therapy includes more than 400 full-color photos and illustrations. The unique layout of the book displays the anatomy, palpation, and treatment techniques in one or two pages, making the techniques visually easy for practitioners and students to follow and put into practice. In addition, scanning charts listing structures and mapping of the anatomical areas specific to the chapter content appear at the end of each chapter. The text is supplemented by a web resource featuring 61 videos demonstrating various PRT techniques described in the book. The most common conditions and the techniques used to treat them are detailed, and Dr. Speicher provides advice about adapting the techniques to other conditions and muscle groups. The supplemental videos can be accessed online. Whether students are just being introduced to PRT or medical professionals are already seasoned practitioners, Clinical Guide to Positional Release Therapy will assist them in using PRT in a simplified and structured manner to improve patient outcomes.
University of Minnesota Press Collectivism after Modernism: The Art of Social Imagination after 1945
“Don’t start an art collective until you read this book.” —Guerrilla Girls “Ever since Web 2.0 with its wikis, blogs and social networks the art of collaboration is back on the agenda. Collectivism after Modernism convincingly proves that art collectives did not stop after the proclaimed death of the historical avant-gardes. Like never before technology reinvents the social and artists claim the steering wheel!” —Geert Lovink, Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam “This examination of the succession of post-war avant-gardes and collectives is new, important, and engaged.” — Stephen F. Eisenman, author of The Abu Ghraib Effect “Collectivism after Modernism crucially helps us understand what artists and others can do in mushy, stinky times like ours. What can the seemingly powerless do in the face of mighty forces that seem to have their act really together? Here, Stimson and Sholette put forth many good answers.” —Yes Men Spanning the globe from Europe, Japan, and the United States to Africa, Cuba, and Mexico, Collectivism after Modernism explores the ways in which collectives function within cultural norms, social conventions, and corporate or state-sanctioned art. Together, these essays demonstrate that collectivism survives as an influential artistic practice despite the art world’s star system of individuality. Collectivism after Modernism provides the historical understanding necessary for thinking through postmodern collective practice, now and into the future. Contributors: Irina Aristarkhova, Jesse Drew, Okwui Enwezor, Rubén Gallo, Chris Gilbert, Brian Holmes, Alan Moore, Jelena Stojanovi´c, Reiko Tomii, Rachel Weiss. Blake Stimson is associate professor of art history at the University of California Davis, the author of The Pivot of the World: Photography and Its Nation, and coeditor of Visual Worlds and Conceptual Art: A Critical Anthology. Gregory Sholette is an artist, writer, and cofounder of collectives Political Art Documentation/Distribution and REPOhistory. He is coeditor of The Interventionists: Users’ Manual for the Creative Disruption of Everyday Life. “To understand the various forms of postwar collectivism as historically determined phenomena and to articulate the possibilities for contemporary collectivist art production is the aim of Collectivism after Modernism. The essays assembled in this anthology argue that to make truly collective art means to reconsider the relation between art and public; examples from the Situationist International and Group Material to Paper Tiger Television and the Congolese collective Le Groupe Amos make the point. To construct an art of shared experience means to go beyond projecting what Blake Stimson and Gregory Sholette call the “imagined community”: a collective has to be more than an ideal, and more than communal craft; it has to be a truly social enterprise. Not only does it use unconventional forms and media to communicate the issues and experiences usually excluded from artistic representation, but it gives voice to a multiplicity of perspectives. At its best it relies on the participation of the audience to actively contribute to the work, carrying forth the dialogue it inspires.” —BOMB
University of California Press Japan's Invisible Race: Caste in Culture and Personality
Modern Japanese share a myth to the effect that they harbor in their midst an inferior race less "human" than the stock that fathered their nation as a whole. These pariahs, numbering more than two million, are segregated by caste just as firmly as the Negro is in the United States. The present volume, to which several Japanese and American social scientists have contributed, offeres an interdisciplinary description and analysis of this strangely persistent phenomenon, inherited from feudal times. Its main thesis is that caste and racism are derivatives of identical psychological processes in human personality, however differently structure they may be in social institutions. It finds that what it terms status anxiety, related to defensively held social values, leads to a need to segregate disparaged parts of the population on grounds of innate inferiority. Until the time of their official emancipation in 1871, the so-called eta were distinguished visibly by their special garb. Today few clues to their identity are visible; yet, they remain a distinguishable, segregated segment of the population and bear inwardly, in a psychological sense, the stigma resulting from generations of oppression. This volume traces the story of the outcastes in complete detail--their origin, their stormy post-emancipation history, and their present leftist political significance. Large populations of outcasts live in urban ghettoes within the major cities of south-central Japan. In some of these metropolitan centers they comprise up to 5 percent of the population but contribute 60 to 65 percent of unemployment and relief roles. They have periodic trouble with the police; they manifest a delinquency rate more than three times that of the ordinary population; their children do poorly in school; they are subject to various forms of job discrimination; and few marriages are successfully consummated across the caste barrier. Some try to escape their past identity by becoming prostitutes or by entering the underworld. Those who survive discrimination to achieve status in society either live in fear of exposure [if they are "passing"] or overtly maintain their identity in proud isolation. Some who live in rural communities have achieved equal economic status with their neighbors but not full social acceptance. In their theoretical closing discussion the authors offer a challenging critique of Marxian class theory in introducing the concept of "expressive" exploitation--that is, the psychological use of a subordinate group as a repository of what is disavowed by the values of a culture in a caste society--as distinct in form and function from the "instrumental" economic or political exploitation of subjected minorities in class societies. Contributors:Gerald BerremanJohn B. CornellJohn DonoghueEdward NorbeckJohn PriceYuzuru SasakiGeorge O. Totten This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press's mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1966.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Night Fighter Navigator: Beaufighters and Mosquitos in WWII
Yorkshireman Dennis Gosling joined the RAF on May 24 1940\. Having completed his training he was posted to 219 Squadron flying the night-fighter version of the Beaufighter from Tangmere in 1941\. As a navigator, he became part of a two-man team that would endure throughout his first operational tour. In those infant day of radar interception he honed his skills in the night skies above southern England and the English Channel but without a firm kill. On 12 February 1942, he and his pilot were instructed to pick up a brand new aircraft and deliver it to North Africa, flying via Gibraltar, a hazardous flight at extreme range. In March the crew were posted to 1435 Flight of 89 Squadron with the task of defending the besieged island of Malta. The four Beaufighters of the flight flew into an horrific scenario of almost constant bombing raids by the Luftwaffe and Italian Air Force. Because of these raids the damage to aircraft on the ground was devastating and the Flight was often reduced to a single serviceable aircraft. His first success came in April 1942 with a confirmed kill, and then shortly after his 21st birthday on 13 May a triumphant night on the 17th brought 3 certain kills and one damaged enemy aircraft. From being the virgins of the squadron they shot into the record books, his pilot being awarded the DFC. To his disgust, Flight Sergeant Gosling received no award. At this stage he became somewhat embittered by the class system he felt was operated by the RAF. Having endured the torment of constant bombardment, serious stomach complaints (even flying with a bucket in the aircraft) and near starvation he completed his tour and was repatriated to the UK via Brazil and Canada in the Queen Mary. After a spell instructing new night navigators, he joined 604 Squadron and in December 1943 he was promoted to Warrant Officer. February 1944 saw the squadron reequipped with the Mosquito and assignment to 2 Tactical Air Force in preparation for D-Day. Now once again he was flying initially over southern England and the Channel. The squadron became mobile after the landings and were based in various captured airfields in France, but the conditions were so inadequate for operations that the squadron returned to English bases, from where they operated over and beyond the advancing Allied troops. Eventually, after having been awarded a much deserved DFC, he accepted the King's Commission. This autobiography is written as stated by the author "I want my readers to relive my experiences as they happened to me - to take their hands and have them walk beside me. I want them to feel the joy and the pain, share the laughs and the heartache, take pleasure in the triumphs, agonise with me when things went wrong and understand why my Service years influenced so much of my life." He has succeeded magnificently
Scottish Mountaineering Club The Grahams & The Donalds
Following on from the Scottish Mountaineering Club's best-sellers, The Munros and The Corbetts, this definitive guidebook recommends the best journeys on the next principal listings of Scottish hills. Written and compiled by some of the foremost authorities on the Scottish mountains and brought to life with maps and vivid colour photographs, this richly illustrated guide details more than 250 routes, including, where appropriate, logical combinations with neighbouring hills. Ranging between 600m and 762m, there are 231 Grahams, while the Donalds comprise the 141 summits and Tops above 2000ft (610m) in the Scottish Lowlands. At such an accessible height range, these hills are increasingly popular and offer challenges across the country for both the occasional and dedicated walker. The lower height limit for a Graham was changed from 2000ft (609m) to 600m by Alan Dawson, the keeper of the list, after the book was sent to print. Consequently 3 hills removed from the list in 2014 once more qualify as Grahams along with 9 new summits, taking the total from 219 to 231. So that users of this book have route information for all of the hills on the official list, we have prepared an addendum containing updated information to Grahams already in the book, together with route descriptions and maps for the newly added and reinstated hills in the list below. This is available as a free download at Whether you're looking to climb all the summits on Scotland's principal lists or just want some great days off the beaten tracks, The Grahams & The Donalds is a book no hillwalker should be without. About the SMC The SMC produces a number of Hillwalkers' Guides including the best and most popular guides to the Munros, Corbetts, Grahams and Donalds, together with a series of area guidebooks covering all of Scotland. In addition, it produces Scramblers' Guides and the definitive series of Climbers' Guidebooks covering summer and winter climbing in Scotland. SMC guidebooks are published by the Scottish Mountaineering Press. The Scottish Mountaineering Press is a wholly owned subsidiary of a charity, the Scottish Mountaineering Trust, to whom we channel all of our profits. At the Press we promote and share Scotland's natural wonders by embracing the creativity and art born out of an explorer spirit, and by celebrating the endeavour and joy in a life lived outdoors. About the Editors Rab Anderson co-authored the previous SMC guidebook to The Munros, as well as editing The Corbetts. He has written or contributed to various guidebooks for the SMC, most recently the Climbers' Guide to the Outer Hebrides (co-author) and the acclaimed Hillwalkers' Guide to The Grahams & The Donalds (co-author and co-editor). Rab lives in Edinburgh. Tom Prentice co-authored the SMC Hillwalkers' Guide to The Munros. From his home in Glasgow he has made a career out of photographing and writing about Scotland's mountains, contributing to magazines, newspapers, radio and television, as well as authoring and publishing numerous books.
TFM Publishing Ltd Low back pain: Some real answers
Back pain is the commonest form of rheumatism and it is estimated to affect between 65% and 80% of populations sampled. The costs of back pain-related medical care and disability compensation make it one of society's most significant non-lethal medical conditions. Whilst mortality is low, its morbidity is high, inconvenience great, and economic burden massive. The actual symptom of back pain is one of the commonest and most perplexing encountered in medical practice. A proper understanding of what it means is crucial for further medical advance. However, the field of back pain research probably has more experts than any other. Anybody who has back pain will, as often as not, expound views on all matters concerning causation and expectations. Indeed, it is not for a lack of ideas that this field of investigation has failed to make progress. A respected senior investigator advised me early on that patients could not even tell which side their pain was on. It was only many years later that I discovered why. Though the initial incident or accident would seem important to the patient and to the researcher, it is remarkable how little it helps distinguish patterns of back pain. Tests of inappropriate behaviour in the past have been widely disseminated and yet even the originators have said that they cannot be sure of the implications of positive non-organic test findings. This book will show that these 'indicators' are not what they seem to be. In many cases, it is difficult to tell which level in the lumbar spine the pain comes from, and thus treatments such as injections or operation, may be given at the wrong level, let alone the wrong side. Though the various forms of back pain treatment seem to help some patients, when these same treatments are subjected to randomised controlled trials, the evidence for efficacy seems to all but vanish. With all these difficulties and uncertainties, it can be seen why low back pain presents one of the most fallible fields of healthcare. This book indicates that there are ways of dealing with the majority of these problems. Many of the answers from the research conducted were most unexpected. The reader is also advised that the scientific approach cannot deliver hard and fast answers to all contemporary questions in such a wide field and much has depended on the choice of problems to study. Whilst the tests used to distinguish the patterns in this study have their limitations, and whilst there is, as yet, only limited evidence as to the underlying pathology for the patterns recognised, it is felt that some of the other patterns identified are descriptive of diagnoses that are generally accepted. If the answers that are put forward appear to change the direction of understanding, it is hoped that you, the reader, will be able to carry the enquiry further when you see patients, advise treatment or even experience back pain yourself!
Merrell Publishers Ltd Ralston Crawford: Air & Space & War
American art underwent a transformation during the period 194055, and nowhere is that change better exemplified than in the work of Ralston Crawford (19061978). Crawford worked in a variety of media throughout his career, and his wartime and early postwar art ranged from designing camouflage and creating weather infographics for the US Army to documenting the detonation of the atomic bomb for Fortune magazine. This exciting new book explores Crawford's influences and the ideas and experiences he had during World War II and its aftermath, and chronicles a period of change, during which Crawford gradually moved away from celebrating feats of engineering and industrial development to creating imagery that was more abstract and far more personal, expressing the grief and anxiety of the postwar world. Crawford's painting during the 1930s had largely been a dazzling series of Precisionist works that reflected American advances in industry, engineering and technology. After the United States entered World War II, Crawford served in the Weather Division of the Army Air Forces. He created pictorial representations of weather patterns for airplane pilots, and was exposed to countless photographs of air crashes. He continued working as an artist throughout the conflict, receiving a commission to paint the Curtiss-Wright aircraft plant in Buffalo, New York, and, in 1946, an assignment to observe and record one of the atomic bomb tests at Bikini Atoll. These experiences had a profound impact on Crawford, and marked a major turning point in his life and art. Published to coincide with an exhibition opening at the Dayton Art Institute, Ralston Crawford: Air & Space & War presents a remarkable selection of Crawford's paintings, drawings, photographs and prints from this time. These vary from powerful images of chaos and devastation to ordered and precise paintings of airplane assembly at the Curtiss-Wright plant and cover illustrations and charts related to weather, flight and radar for Fortune magazine. The evolution of many of the works can be traced from photograph and drawing to the finished painting, revealing Crawford's decisions about form and space, which were informed by his experiences with airplanes and flight. Accompanying the artworks is a series of perceptive essays. Rick Kinsel considers Crawford's war years in the context of developments in both aviation and American art. Emily Schuchardt Navratil reflects on aerial views by Crawford and on his Curtiss-Wright commission. Amanda Burdan looks at Crawford's work for Fortune, while Jerry Smith surveys various American and European abstract renditions of airplanes and flight as a means by which to place Crawford's interest in aviation during World War II into a broader historical context. In the final essay, John Crawford examines the importance of photography in his father's work, and explores collage as both a compositional technique and as a term that may be used to describe the series of intense experiences that contributed to Crawford's development as an artist in the 1940s and early 1950s. 270 illustrations
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Comprehensive Guide to Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
AComprehensive Guide to Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) begins by describing the general characteristics, classification, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, clinical uses and adverse effects of NSAIDs. The adverse effects of NSAIDs, drug interactions and their clinical applications in neurological diseases, headaches, and cerebrovascular diseases are discussed. These drugs are also often used in dermatology, especially in the treatment of dermatosis. Extensive information concerning NSAIDs and dermatological diseases is provided. A broad perspective on the role of NSAIDs in infectious diseases is also provided. The next chapter discusses findings concerning the effects of NSAIDs on bone and tendon healing, together with cellular and molecular factors. The authors suggest that NSAIDs may be a risk factor for tissue healing. Diclofenac sodium (DS), widely used in urology clinics, exhibits dose-dependent side effects on various systems. This chapter suggests that nanoparticle technology can be applied to the oral form of DS in order to reduce its side-effects. The effects of NSAIDs on the reproductive systems of both sexes are also evaluated. Both genders make extensive use of NSAIDs during infertility treatment. Another chapter focuses on how DS affects spermatogenesis. The authors suggest that DS causes histopathological changes in the testes by disrupting the nutrition of testicular cells and impairing complete testis functions. Men wishing to have children should therefore use this drug with caution. The authors also review the effects of NSAIDs on prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer. In the following chapter, the authors examine the role of NSAIDs in gynaecology and obstetrics. Advances in the use of NSAIDs and melatonin in reproductive medicine for both sexes are discussed. The authors describe the biological roles of NSAIDs and melatonin in human reproduction, diseases, pregnancy, and assisted reproductive treatment. The subsequent chapter highlights the side-effects of NSAIDs on the gastrointestinal system. This book goes on to assess how DS affects the nervous system in the light of molecular and cellular analysis. The authors first explore the dose-dependent effects of DS on the nervous system. They then examine the potential neuroprotective / neurotoxic effects of DS on the nervous system, including the spinal cord, brain, cerebellum and peripheral nerves. The effects of DS on the adult hippocampus are assessed based on experimental studies. The purpose of this section is to highlight the relationship between oxidative stresses and the role of antioxidants in reducing DS toxicity. The importance of melatonin administration against pre- and postnatal DS toxicity in the nervous system is evaluated in several chapters. Recent findings suggest that prenatal exposure to NSAIDs causes an alteration in the morphology of optic nerve fibres based on stereological, histological and electron microscopic analysis. The authors evaluate histomorphometric results from light and electron microscopic analysis of the effects of prenatal DS exposure on male fertility. Numerous studies have shown that all elements of the male system are affected by this exposure. Lastly, the authors specifically focus on Sertoli cells and suggest that prenatal DS exposure produces toxic effects on Sertoli cell morphology.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Plant Flavonoids Against Metastasis: New Concepts For Cancer Treatment
Cancer poses a major threat to human health and is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Today, we know that metastasis, a multistep process whereby tumour cells spread from the site of origin to distant organs, is responsible for most cancer mortality. In fact, more than 90% of cancer-related deaths are attributed to tumour metastasis. Unfortunately, there are no therapies currently available to specifically target metastasis of any human cancer types, and patients with distant metastases ultimately die from their disease. Current conventional treatment modalities are focused on the removal of tumours by surgical resection and/or the killing of malignant cells using cytotoxic chemotherapeutic drugs or ionizing radiation, with no substantial inhibitory effects on the migratory and invasive abilities of cancer cells. Moreover, emerging evidence has shown that these standard treatment modes can unexpectedly increase the motility and invasiveness of surviving tumour cells, inducing or accelerating metastases formation and aggravating malignant progression. This paradoxical phenomenon can help us to understand why, despite the technological advancements in surgical procedures and drug delivery methods, the overall survival rate of numerous cancer types has barely changed over the past several decades, remaining unacceptably poor. Due to the insufficiency of existing therapies in improving the prognosis of cancer patients, new effective treatment options are urgently needed. To this end, the focus must be moved from a simply cytotoxic approach to s metastasis-preventing strategy, substituting the question of why cancer forms and how to kill it for the question of why tumours spread and how to prevent metastasis. In this book, a conceptually new approach to cancer management is presented, by focusing not on the killing of transformed neoplastic cells, but blocking the spread of tumour cells to distant organs, thereby restricting malignant progression and targeting the main cause of cancer-related mortality. Plant-derived flavonoids might be ideal candidates for novel antimetastatic agents, as they are non-toxic and possess the capacity to inhibit multiple steps of metastatic cascade. These polyphenolic phytochemicals act through regulating a number of metastasis-associated signalling cascades in different tumour cells, and also modulate diverse components of tumour microenvironments and attenuate the formation of tumour-specific angiogenesis. Moreover, the combination of certain flavonoids with surgical resection, chemotherapy or radiotherapy may result in the abolishment of the metastasis-promoting effects of these conventional therapeutic modalities, providing novel treatment options for combating cancer in the future. It is expected that the development of flavonoids for antimetastatic drugs and their inclusion in further cancer treatment strategies can substantially improve the prognosis of patients with various types of malignancies in a time when cancer incidence is predicted to continuously increase throughout the world. This book should be read by anyone who is interested in innovative advances in cancer care. Due to its systemic approach to cellular and molecular processes of metastatic cascade, this book might serve as a useful contemporary textbook for medical colleges and universities for studies of cancer development, progression and dissemination.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Endometriosis: From Diagnosis to Treatment
Endometriosis is a chronic benign estrogen-dependent disease which is characterized by the presence of endometriotic glands and stroma outside the uterine cavity. It affects women during reproductive age, but it may also be diagnosed in menopausal women. Endometriosis can be asymptomatic; but most frequently it can be responsible for pain symptoms and/or infertility, severely impacting women' quality of life. Overall, clinical presentation depends on the location of endometriotic lesions: intestinal symptoms can occur in case of bowel nodules whereas urinary symptoms can occur in case of urinary tract endometriosis. At the moment, the exact prevalence of endometriosis is unknown because its definitive diagnosis requires surgery and histological evaluation. It has been estimated that this benign chronic disease affects at least 3.6% of reproductive age women; however, its prevalence could significantly increase considering women suffering from dysmenorrhea, chronic pelvic pain and/or infertility. The etiology of endometriosis is unclear: various factors, such as multiple abnormalities of the immune system, genetic factors and environmental factors may influence women' susceptibility to develop this chronic disease. Although the gold standard for the diagnosis of endometriosis is the pathological evaluation of surgical biopsies or specimens, today transvaginal ultrasonography is largely employed to reliably identify the presence of deep infiltrating endometriosis or ovarian endometriomas. The aim of the surgery for endometriosis is to restore the normal anatomy by removing endometriotic lesions and by performing adequate removal of abdominal adhesions. However, surgery, in case of deep infiltrating implants, can be rather challenging for gynecologists due to the complexity of pelvic adhesions involving several structures and it may be characterized by rare but not negligible urological, intestinal, neurological and vascular complications. Furthermore, pain may recur after conservative surgery for endometriosis. Although surgery is obviously required in cases of ureteral stenosis, bowel occlusion or ovarian cysts with doubtful characteristics of malignancy, medical therapy, and, particularly, hormonal therapies, are the initial therapeutic approach today for most patients with endometriosis-related pain. Long-term medical therapy for endometriosis aims to minimize the production and action of estradiol, inhibiting the production of cyclic hormones from the ovaries. Numerous medical options (such as estroprogestins, progestins, gonadotropin- releasing hormones analogs and antagonists) are available for treating women with endometriosis: the choice of the most suitable compound is based on several factors, such as intensity of pain, age, desire to conceive, costs, route of administration and impact of the endometriosis on work capacity, sexual function and quality of life of each women. Currently, research is focused on finding new innovative targets to treat this benign chronic disease; in fact, it is well known that development, maintenance and progression of endometriosis depend on a variety of aberrant mechanisms including cell proliferation, immune function, apoptosis, invasion capacity and angiogenesis. The aim of this book is to give an accurate overview on pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of endometriosis.
APress Using and Administering Linux: Volume 1: Zero to SysAdmin: Getting Started
Learn to be a Linux sysadmin and an expert user of the Linux operating system, even with no previous Linux experience. This second edition of the popular and highly rated Linux self-study training course has been fully updated to Fedora Linux 37 with expanded and revised content and figures as well new chapters on the BTRFS file system, using Zram for swap, NetworkManager, automation with Ansible, and systemd.Like the previous version, this edition has been reviewed for technical accuracy by a highly respected Linux expert and will prepare you to manage complex systems with ease and equip you for a new career. It has also been reviewed by a student who took this course to ensure its readability and flow for those with little or no previous experience with Linux.In this first volume of the training course series, you will learn about operating systems in general and Linux in particular, and explore the Linux philosophy for SysAdmins in preparation for the rest of the course. This book provides you with the tools necessary for mastering user management; installing, updating, and deleting software; and using command line tools to do performance tuning and basic problem determination.You'll begin by creating a virtual network and installing an instance of Fedora – a popular and powerful Linux distribution – on a VirtualBox VM that can be used for all of the experiments on an existing Windows or Linux computer. You’ll then move on to the basics of using the Xfce GUI desktop and the many tools Linux provides for working on the command line including virtual consoles, various terminal emulators, Bash, and other shells.Explore data streams and the Linux tools used to manipulate them, and learn about the Vim text editor, which is indispensable to advanced Linux users and system administrators and be introduced to some other text editors. You’ll also see how to install software updates and new software, learn additional terminal emulators, and some advanced shell skills. Examine the sequence of events that take place as the computer boots and Linux starts up, configure your shell to personalize it in ways that can seriously enhance your command line efficiency, and delve into files and filesystems.What You Will Learn Install Fedora Linux and basic configuration of the Xfce desktop Access the root user ID, and the care that must be taken when working as root Use Bash and other shells in the Linux virtual consoles and terminal emulators Create and modify system configuration files with Use the Vim text editor Explore administrative tools available to root that enable you to manage users, filesystems, processes, and basic network communications Configure the boot and startup sequences Who This Book Is For Anyone who wants to learn Linux as an advanced user and system administrator at the command line while using the GUI desktop to leverage productivity.