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Contemporary Books Inc Joe Weider's Ultimate Bodybuilding
"This massive and authoritative Master Blaster book is the greatest bodybuilding book ever written, primarily because it is firmly based on the training principles of the Weider System of Bodybuilding, which have been followed by literally every bodybuilder in the modern history of the sport. I began developing my Weider System back in the 1930s and continue to refine and add new Weider Training Principles to it. You can rely on the information I present in this book to improve your physique. Good luck!" -- Joe Weider On Instinctive Training "One of the most fundamental secrets of successful bodybuilding is getting to know your body and how it reacts to various training and nutritional practices. Unless you have finely honed your instinctive training ability, it will take many weeks, even months, to evaluate each experiment. It definitely pays to master the Weider Instinctive Training Principle." -- Franco Columbo, two-time Mr. Olympia On Progression "The key to building massive, powerful muscles is to doggedly increase the training weights you use. But it is only good to increase training poundage if you do so in perfect form. There is a direct correlation between the amount of weight you use with perfect biomechanics in an exercise and the mass of muscles that move that weight." -- Lee Haney, three-time Mr. Olympia On Muscle Confusion "Once I reached the advanced level of bodybuilding and started entering competitions, I discovered that I quickly became bored with a set training program. I began to use the Weider Muscle Confusion Principle, changing to a new and more challenging routine every time I came into the gym to bomb a particular body part." -- Lou Ferrigno On Supersets "Since supersets constitute a big jump in training intensity, I always tell bodybuilders new to the Weider Supersets Training Principles to experiment with supersets, compounding movements for the biceps and triceps, or forearm flexors and forearm extensors." -- Albert Beckles, IFBB World Pro Grand Prix Champion
Oxford University Press Inc The Secret Listener: An Ingenue in Mao's Court
A personal account of life in the orbit of Mao and Zhao En-Lai and one woman's effort to tell what it was like to be at the center of the storm. The history of China in the twentieth century is comprised of a long series of shocks: the 1911 revolution, the civil war between the communists and the nationalists, the Japanese invasion, the revolution, the various catastrophic campaigns initiated by Chairman Mao between 1949 and 1976, its great opening to the world under Deng, and the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Yuan-tsung Chen, who is now 90, lived through most of it, and at certain points in close proximity to the seat of communist power. Born in Shanghai in 1929, she came to know Zhou En-Lai-second only to Mao in importance--as a young girl while living in Chongqing, where Chiang Kai--Shek's government had relocated to, during the war against Japan. That connection to Zhou helped her save her husband's life in Cultural Revolution. After the communists took power, she obtained a job in one of the culture ministries. While there, she frequently engaged with the upper echelon of the party and was a first-hand witness to some of the purges that the regime regularly initiated. Eventually, the commissar she worked under was denounced in 1957, and she barely escaped being purged herself. Later, during Cultural Revolution, she and her husband were purged and sent to live in a rough, poor area. She and her husband finally moved to Hong Kong, with Zhou's special permission, in 1971. A first-hand account of what life was like in the period before the revolution and in Mao's China, The Secret Listener gives a unique perspective on the era, and Chen's vantage point provides us with a new perspective on the Maoist regime-one of the most radical political experiments in modern history and a force that genuinely changed the world.
Oxford University Press Inc Priest of Nature: The Religious Worlds of Isaac Newton
He was the dominant intellectual figure of his age. His published works, including the Principia Mathematica and Opticks, reached across the scientific spectrum, revealing the degree of his interdisciplinary genius. His renown opened doors throughout his career, securing him prestigious positions at Cambridge, the Royal Mint, and the Royal Society. Yet alongside his public success, Sir Isaac Newton harbored private religious convictions that set him at odds with established law and Anglican doctrine, and, if revealed, threatened not just his livelihood but his life. Religion and faith dominated much of Newton's thought and his manuscripts, in various states of completion and numbering in the thousands of pages, are filled with biblical speculation and timelines, along with passages that excoriated the early Church Fathers. They make clear that his theological positions rendered him a heretic. Newton believed that the central concept of the Trinity was a diabolical fraud and loathed the idolatry, cruelty, and persecution that had come to characterize orthodox religion. Instead, he proposed as "simple Christianity"--a faith that would center on a few core beliefs and celebrate diversity in religious thinking and practice. An utterly original but obsessively private religious thinker, Newton composed some of the most daring works of any writer of the early modern period. Little wonder that he and his inheritors suppressed them, and that for centuries they were largely inaccessible. In Priest of Nature, historian Rob Iliffe introduces readers to Newton the religious animal, deepening our understanding of the relationship between faith and science at a formative moment in history and thought. Previous scholars and biographers have generally underestimated the range and complexity of Newton's religious writings, but Iliffe shows how wide-ranging his observations and interests were, spanning the entirety of Christian history from Creation to the Apocalypse. Iliffe's book allows readers to fully engage in the theological discussion that dominated Newton's age. A vibrant biography of one of history's towering scientific figures, Priest of Nature is the definitive work on the spiritual views of the man who fundamentally changed how we look at the universe.
Pearson Education (US) Better Python Code: A Guide for Aspiring Experts
Move Beyond Python Code That "Mostly Works" to Code That Is Expressive, Robust, and Efficient Python is arguably the most-used programming language in the world, with applications from primary school education to workaday web development, to the most advanced scientific research institutes. While there are many ways to perform a task in Python, some are wrong, inelegant, or inefficient. Better Python Code is a guide to "Pythonic" programming, a collection of best practices, ways of working, and nuances that are easy to miss, especially when ingrained habits are borrowed from other programming languages. Author David Mertz presents concrete and concise examples of various misunderstandings, pitfalls, and bad habits in action. He explains why some practices are better than others, based on his 25+ years of experience as an acclaimed contributor to the Python community. Each chapter thoroughly covers related clusters of concepts, with chapters sequenced in ascending order of sophistication. Whether you are starting out with Python or are an experienced developer pushing through the limitations of your Python code, this book is for all who aspire to be more Pythonic when writing better Python code. Use the right kind of loops in Python Learn the ins and outs of mutable and immutable objects Get expert advice to avoid Python "gotchas" Examine advanced Python topics Navigate the "attractive nuisances" that exist in Python Learn the most useful data structures in Python and how to avoid misusing them Avoid security mistakes Understand the basics of numeric computation, including floating point numbers and numeric datatypes "My high expectations for this engaging Python book have been exceeded: it offers a great deal of insight for intermediate or advanced programmers to improve their Python skills, includes copious sharing of precious experience practicing and teaching the language, yet remains concise, easy to read, and conversational."--From the Foreword by Alex Martelli Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.
Little, Brown Book Group Restoration Heart: A Memoir
'Breathtaking untold story . . . riotously colourful' Mail on Sunday'I read most of it in one exciting sitting. It is brilliant, gripping and sad' Harry MountRestoration Heart is a story of love, double divorce and redemption. It is a biography of the heart, and of a house. When William Cash suffers a post-divorce, mid-life breakdown, aged 43, life seemed bleak - but things were about to change. Like William himself, his old Shropshire family house Upton Cressett was in as much in need of being rescued and 'fixed up' as its owner. As William embarks on re-building his life and ruin of a country house, he starts looking again for love. But money, patience and the likelihood of ever finding family happiness soon start to run out.Drawing on his haul of letters written to various wives, fiancées and girlfriends - all potential third wives - the book follows Cash's search for a chatelaine for Upton Cressett. Restoration Heart is a tempestuous, Gulliver-like voyage of the heart with a colourful cast of figures including Tom Wolfe, Jay McInerney, Margaret Thatcher, Elizabeth Hurley, David Hockney, Piers Morgan, an American singer legend cousin and, most dramatically, future prime minister Boris Johnson. Hilarious and poignant, this 'restore-a-wreck' memoir is an account of how an Englishman is rescued by love, architecture and beauty. The memoir also holds up a dark lens to the Bonfire of the Vanities generation that Cash was a member of at Cambridge.The story reveals how a broken man can become completely transformed - both emotionally and imaginatively - by a building and its surrounding landscape. During the four year refurbishment, the house's reclamation becomes inexorably linked with his own re-birth and salvation before he finally marries for the third time and gets to live in his family house. This is not a misery-memoir; it is an uplifting - albeit tempestuous - Gulliver-like biography of the heart with an ancient Elizabethan house as the writer's Arcadian safe house and source of salvation.
John Murray Press Miles To Go Before I Sleep: Letters on Hope, Death and Learning to Live
'Claire's honest, raw, authentic diaries will be a source of comfort to many'- Miranda Hart At the age of 54 Claire Gilbert was diagnosed with myeloma, an incurable cancer of the blood. The prognoses ranged from surviving only a few months to living for several decades, with no guarantee of which outcome was to be hers. It was a shocking diagnosis into uncertainty, or rather, into only one certainty: death. But Claire discovered that facing her own mortality was liberating. She discovered this through writing letters. Claire asked her siblings and a small group of friends if they would let her write to them with total honesty about what she was going through, as she was going through it. These letters turned out to be a great solace, and gradually her group of 'dear readers' has grown; what she had to say wasn't just of value to herself, but to others, too. The letters chart Claire's journey through diagnosis, chemotherapy and a brutal round of stem cell treatment, and end with the rest of the UK joining her in her immuno-compromised isolation in March 2020, when the coronavirus pandemic hit. Unflinchingly honest and wide-ranging, Claire writes about the restorative role of nature, politics, poetry, humour - and a restless exploration of the spiritual dimension of death and dying. This is an honest, luminous account of what Claire has gone through and what keeps her going, a deeply spiritual meditation on life and suffering, and an exploration of how faith is no simple solace but provides a whole new plane of meaning during these liminal moments.'Claire Gilbert's account of the progress of her fatal illness, from diagnosis through various traumatic treatments, is in turn candid, painful, funny, tender, fierce and philosophical. But most of all it is a marvellously enjoyable read depicting the human spirit at its finest: defiant, exuberant, joyous. An example to us all that we can triumph over the cruellest adversity'- Salley Vickers
John Wiley & Sons Inc Process Dynamics in Environmental Systems
Providing a comprehensive analysis of the dynamic complexities of environmental systems—both natural and manmade—Process Dynamics in Environmental Systems is a unique, practical introduction to the issues and design mandates central to environmental engineering. An outgrowth of the classic text Physicochemical Processes for Water Quality Control, this new book amplifies and updates the important discussion of process dynamics begun in the original. Designed as a stand-alone reference to every aspect of process dynamics, the current book offers a complete theoretical analysis of the subject as well as numerous practical illustrations of how process models are useful in interpreting and designing a wide variety of process operations. Beginning with a broad overview of the factors and features of environmental systems and processes, the book then clearly details the general nature of fundamental processes, the character of the different types of systems in which they occur, and the way in which these factors influence process dynamics and environmental systems. The book then examines the core elements of process analysis—energetics, reaction rates, and reactor dynamics—and shows how process modeling integrates these elements in quantitative descriptions and in designs of engineered systems. Central to the structure of this book is a detailed analysis of the nature of reaction and transport phenomena—the two fundamental aspects of any environmental system. Including a look at reactions on both a macroscopic and microscopic scale, the book examines the mechanics of macroscopic and microscopic transport processes, outlining mass transport concepts basic to an understanding of reaction phenomena and reactor engineering. Subsequent chapters examine environmental reaction phenomena in the context of chemical species and transformations, including a discussion of energy balances and flows in both single-phase and multi-phase systems. A detailed look at the molecular basis for reaction kinetics in both single-phase and multi-phase systems follows. The book then broadens its focus to reactor dynamics, outlining engineering design considerations associated with reactor systems involving one phase; and then reactor systems involving transformations among and between components in two or more phases. A particularly unique feature of the book is its coverage of process dynamics for reactor systems in which transient conditions occur, at both the macroscopic and microscopic scales. A synthesis of the various aspects of process dynamics forms the book's conclusion, enabling the reader to skillfully apply the concepts of process dynamics to the interpretation and design of environmental systems. An ideal reference/handbook to the theory and uses of process dynamics, the book's practical, instructive format includes detailed example problems, assigned problems with answers, as well as suggested supplementary reading. Useful general appendices are provided, and many individual chapters also feature appendices which address issues specific to the chapter. Featuring a practical, forward looking approach to environmental systems design, Process Dynamics in Environmental Systems is a must for professionals and students interested in building the structures that preserve—and elevate—our quality of life. A blueprint to understanding and designing environmental authoritative text and handbook for the '90s and beyond Process dynamics is the science of quantifying and predicting the various components and phenomena underlying environmental systems. Designed as a comprehensive teaching text, reference, and study guide, Process Dynamics in Environmental Systems offers a complete theoretical analysis of process dynamics as well as numerous practical illustrations of how process models are useful in interpreting and designing a wide variety of process operations. Beginning with a broad overview of the factors and features of environmental systems and processes, the book then clearly details the general nature of fundamental processes, the character of the different types of systems in which they occur, and the way in which these factors influence process dynamics and environmental systems. The book then examines: The core elements of process analysis—energetics, kinetics, and reactor dynamics—and shows how process modeling integrates these into quantitative descriptions and the design of engineered systems The mechanics of macroscopic and microscopic transport processes Reaction rates in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems Engineering and design considerations associated with reactor systems involving one and two or more phases Reactor systems involving transient conditions at the macroscopic and/or microscopic scales The book's practical, instructive format includes detailed example problems, assigned problems with answers, as well as suggested supplementary reading.
Packt Publishing Limited Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On: Apply modern RL methods, with deep Q-networks, value iteration, policy gradients, TRPO, AlphaGo Zero and more
This practical guide will teach you how deep learning (DL) can be used to solve complex real-world problems. Key Features Explore deep reinforcement learning (RL), from the first principles to the latest algorithms Evaluate high-profile RL methods, including value iteration, deep Q-networks, policy gradients, TRPO, PPO, DDPG, D4PG, evolution strategies and genetic algorithms Keep up with the very latest industry developments, including AI-driven chatbots Book DescriptionRecent developments in reinforcement learning (RL), combined with deep learning (DL), have seen unprecedented progress made towards training agents to solve complex problems in a human-like way. Google’s use of algorithms to play and defeat the well-known Atari arcade games has propelled the field to prominence, and researchers are generating new ideas at a rapid pace. Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On is a comprehensive guide to the very latest DL tools and their limitations. You will evaluate methods including Cross-entropy and policy gradients, before applying them to real-world environments. Take on both the Atari set of virtual games and family favorites such as Connect4. The book provides an introduction to the basics of RL, giving you the know-how to code intelligent learning agents to take on a formidable array of practical tasks. Discover how to implement Q-learning on ‘grid world’ environments, teach your agent to buy and trade stocks, and find out how natural language models are driving the boom in chatbots.What you will learn Understand the DL context of RL and implement complex DL models Learn the foundation of RL: Markov decision processes Evaluate RL methods including Cross-entropy, DQN, Actor-Critic, TRPO, PPO, DDPG, D4PG and others Discover how to deal with discrete and continuous action spaces in various environments Defeat Atari arcade games using the value iteration method Create your own OpenAI Gym environment to train a stock trading agent Teach your agent to play Connect4 using AlphaGo Zero Explore the very latest deep RL research on topics including AI-driven chatbots Who this book is forSome fluency in Python is assumed. Basic deep learning (DL) approaches should be familiar to readers and some practical experience in DL will be helpful. This book is an introduction to deep reinforcement learning (RL) and requires no background in RL.
Simon & Schuster Eleanor in the Village: Eleanor Roosevelt's Search for Freedom and Identity in New York's Greenwich Village
A “riveting and enlightening account” (Bookreporter) of a mostly unknown chapter in the life of Eleanor Roosevelt—when she moved to New York’s Greenwich Village, shed her high-born conformity, and became the progressive leader who pushed for change as America’s First Lady.Hundreds of books have been written about FDR and Eleanor, both together and separately, but yet she remains a compelling and elusive figure. And, not much is known about why in 1920, Eleanor suddenly abandoned her duties as a mother of five and moved to Greenwich Village, then the symbol of all forms of transgressive freedom—communism, homosexuality, interracial relationships, and subversive political activity. Now, in this “immersive…original look at an iconic figure of American politics” (Publishers Weekly), Jan Russell pulls back the curtain on Eleanor’s life to reveal the motivations and desires that drew her to the Village and how her time there changed her political outlook. A captivating blend of personal history detailing Eleanor’s struggle with issues of marriage, motherhood, financial independence, and femininity, and a vibrant portrait of one of the most famous neighborhoods in the world, this unique work examines the ways that the sensibility, mood, and various inhabitants of the neighborhood influenced the First Lady’s perception of herself and shaped her political views over four decades, up to her death in 1962. When Eleanor moved there, the Village was a zone of Bohemians, misfits, and artists, but there was also freedom there, a miniature society where personal idiosyncrasy could flourish. Eleanor joined the cohort of what then was called “The New Women” in Greenwich Village. Unlike the flappers in the 1920s, the New Women had a much more serious agenda, organizing for social change—unions for workers, equal pay, protection for child workers—and they insisted on their own sexual freedom. These women often disagreed about politics—some, like Eleanor, were Democrats, others Republicans, Socialists, and Communists. Even after moving into the White House, Eleanor retained connections to the Village, ultimately purchasing an apartment in Washington Square where she lived during World War II and in the aftermath of Roosevelt’s death in 1945. Including the major historical moments that served as a backdrop for Eleanor’s time in the Village, this remarkable work offers new insights into Eleanor’s transformation—emotionally, politically, and sexually—and provides us with the missing chapter in an extraordinary life.
The University Press of Kentucky Hillsville Remembered: Public Memory, Historical Silence, and Appalachia's Most Notorious Shootout
"What did happen here there have been so many tales and outright lies told. It has been hard to see through the smoke to see the truth. Now memory, memory is like a loaded pistol it can turn again who's a-holdin' it." - J. Sidna Allen in Thunder in the Hills by Frank Levering On March 14, 1912, Hillsville, Virginia, native Floyd Allen (1856–1913) was convicted of three criminal charges: assault, maiming, and the rescue of prisoners in custody. What had begun as a scuffle between Allen's nephews over a young woman ended with him being charged as the guilty party after he allegedly hit a deputy in the head with a pistol. When the jury returned with the verdict, Allen stood up and announced, "Gentleman, I ain't a-goin." A gunfight ensued in the crowded courtroom which claimed the lives of the judge, prosecuting attorney, sheriff, a juror, and a witness, and wounded seven other people. The men of the Allen family fled the scene, but detectives from the Baldwin-Felts Detective Agency apprehended the men two months later. The state of Virginia put Floyd and Claude Allen to death by electrocution the following spring.Within days of the shootout, local and national media sensationalized the event, maligning the Allen men as rough, uncouth residents of impoverished Appalachia. More than a century later, the "Hillsville Massacre" - as it was dubbed - continues to impact the citizens and communities of the area as local newspapers recirculate the sordid story and give credence to annual public reenactments that continue to negatively impact the national perception of the region.Hillsville Remembered: Public Memory, Historical Silence, and Appalachia's Most Notorious Shootout is the first book-length scholarly review of the Hillsville Massacre. This comprehensive study examines a variety of sources written about and inspired by the event and casts light on how the incident helped reinforce the nation's conception of the region through depictions of this sensational moment in history. Author Travis A. Rountree uses rhetorical analyses to trace and reflect on the texts and contexts surrounding the events that have been reported, preserved, interpreted, and reinterpreted with different voices in various formats. In all, this book provides an extensive analysis of the Hillsville Massacre and reveals new understandings of the production of memories and stories that evolved from the event.
Paulist Press International,U.S. I Came Here Seeking a Person: A Vital Story of Grace; One Gay Man's Spiritual Journey
This book is a contemporary account of a spiritual journey by a sober, gay, ex-Jesuit clinician and community leader writing at the complicated intersection of faith, psychology, sexuality, culture, and exponential social change. The book's themes are both "of the moment" and universal; they are difficult, and yet hopeful."This gorgeously-written book…is a beckoning, a heart-song, an invitation to discover the face of the divine in each other. This is a magnificent book!"—Mirabai Starr, author of Caravan of No Despair and Wild Mercy"I Came Here Seeking a Person is a deep and fascinating book worthy of the great Thomas Merton, whom Bill considers his mentor."—Ron Hansen, author of Mariette in Ecstasy, professor at Santa Clara University "Beautifully written, captivatingly expressive, this book is genuine literature.. . Bill Glenn reveals an aspect of gay experience that few tend to consider—the spiritual."—Daniel Helminiak, author of The Human Core of Spirituality and Sex and the Sacred: Gay Identity and Spiritual Growth"This is a stunningly insightful personal account of a Queer person of faith. Generations to come will marvel at the 'all of it' LGBTQ+ people had to cope with and challenge as we came into our own as lovers and beloveds during the pandemics of homophobia, heterosexism, and AIDS."—Rev. Chris Glaser, author of Uncommon Calling: A Gay Christian's Struggle to Serve the Church"Taking us along as his companions, Bill revisits the remarkable moments and souls that have shaped his life…. These humble reflections of a former Jesuit, psychologist, gay man, and respected leader are a gift to all of us who yearn to know ourselves more fully."—Nick Carter, president emeritus, Andover Newton School of Theology "Bill shows us how grace lands in the various chapters of his life and leads him to risk whatever it takes to find his way home to deep and lasting love. His story will help us to stay true to our own."—Sonny Manuel, SJ, author, clinical psychologist, professor emeritus, Santa Clara UniversityWilliam D. Glenn is a psychotherapist and spiritual director. Currently the chair of the Board of Trustees of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, with husband Scott Hafner, he is the cofounder of its Center for LGBTQ and Gender Studies in Religion. He has served as executive director of Continuum and president of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation.†
Basic Books Don't Read Poetry: A Book About How to Read Poems
In Don't Read Poetry, award winning poet and literary critic Stephanie Burt offers an accessible introduction to the seemingly daunting task of reading, understanding, and appreciating poetry. She dispels preconceptions about poetry, explains how poems speak to one another, and how they can speak to our lives. It shows readers how to find more poems once they have some poems they like, and how to connect the poetry of the past to poetry of the present.Unlike other guides, Burt does not approach poetry chronologically, or by school, form, or poet. Instead, her book moves through six reasons to read poetry. These include "feeling and attitude," or how poems can embody, reflect, and share emotions, and "difficulty and frustration," or how poets present us with problems and let us see the world anew. Each chapter explores the theme through the works of various poets and their histories. Burt moves seamlessly from the "classics" - Sappho, Wordsworth, Plath &c - to poetry circulated in Riot Grrrl fanzines or on Twitter. She challenges the assumptions that most people make about "poetry," whether they think they like it or think they don't (it's all old; it's all incomprehensible; it's sappy, or soppy; it's lovely; it's uplifting; it's good if it's in the New Yorker; it can't be good if it's in the New Yorker) in order to help us cherish-and distinguish among-individual poems. If the book has one governing argument, it's this: Don't read "poetry"; read poems.Burt seeks to fill a gap by providing a book that, while suitable for course adoption, is written for the average trade reader. Don't Read Poetry stands apart from other books as well in the sheer range of forms considered (from aubades to zeugma-based, Twitter-friendly epigrams), and the timeline covered. For the first time, Burt will take full account of new styles of poetry from the past few decades-poetry dependent on the digital environment, for example, or on practices imported from gallery art, from radical social thought (CAConrad, or books from Ugly Duckling Presse), or the culture and language of Korean, and Native, and Chinese, and Latina/o/x, Americans, from Carter Revard to the current U.S Poet Laureate.Destined to become a classic, Don't Read Poetry is the perfect book for anyone confronting poetry for the first time, but also has much to teach the those fully immersed in the genre.
Springer International Publishing AG People, Parks, and Power: The Ethics of Conservation-Related Resettlement
This book presents a critical review of the ethics of conservation-related resettlement. We examine what has become known as the” parks versus people” debate, also known as the “new conservation debate,” which has pitted indigenous and other local people against nation states and social scientists against ecologists and conservationists for the past several decades. Aiming to promote biodiversity conservation and habitat preservation, some biologists, park planners, and conservation organizations have recommended that indigenous and other people should be removed from protected areas. Local people, for their part, have argued that residents of the areas that were turned into protected areas, national parks, game reserves and monuments had managed them in productive ways for generations and that they should have the right to remain there and to use natural resources as long as they do so sustainably. This position is often supported by indigenous rights organizations and social scientists, especially anthropologists. There are also some conservation-oriented NGOs that have policies involving a more human rights-oriented approach aimed at poverty alleviation, sustainable development, and social justice. The book discusses biodiversity conservation, indigenous peoples (those who are ethnic minorities and who are often marginalized politically), and protected areas, those categories of land set aside by nation-states that have various kinds of rules about land use and residence. The focus initially is on case studies from protected areas in the United States including Yellowstone National Park, Yosemite National Park, and Glacier National Park and on national monuments and historical parks where resettlement took place. We then consider issues of coercive conservation in southern Africa, including Hwange National Park (Zimbabwe), the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (Botswana), Etosha National Park, and Bwabwata National Park (Namibia), and Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (South Africa and Botswana). All of these cases involved involuntary resettlement at the hands of the governments. In the book we consider some of the social impacts of conservation-forced resettlement (CfR), many of which tend to be negative. After that, we assess some of the strategies employed by indigenous peoples in their efforts to recover rights of access to protected areas and the cultural and natural resources that they contain. Examples are drawn from cases in Asia, Africa, and South America. Conclusions are provided regarding the ethics of conservation-related resettlement and some of the best practices that could be followed, particularly with regard to indigenous peoples.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Consultation to Family Business Enterprises: An International Perspective
While family businesses have existed for millennia all over the world, it is only in the past few decades that professional consultants have been utilized to help them function more effectively. This engaging, up to the minute volume explores the varied and complex world of family enterprises as they now exist in the third decade of the 21st century. Attention is given to the factors unique to family businesses in their attention to perpetuating family values, traditions, loyalties and their legacy to future generations. Consultants may be drawn from law, finance and accounting, organizational psychology, or family psychology (with its special emphasis on understanding the family relationship system). The book describes methods of assessment and how to effectively communicate the results as well as techniques of consulting and provides an invaluable description of what is necessary to be and become a family business consultant. Readers will benefit from explorations of A new model featuring 8 inter-related business domains Cybersecurity issues and how to handle them Working collaboratively with financial and legal professionals Comprehensive coverage of research based assessment instruments Given that over 85% of the businesses in the world, from small to multinational in size and scope are family businesses, the enormous amount of information conveyed in this volume can be extremely valuable to professional consultants and those in the C Suite (CEO’s, CFO’s, COO’s) in helping businesses operate at maximum efficiency, productivity, profitability and satisfaction to all involved."Throughout this well organized and well written book, the authors raise the pivotal questions that form the basis for becoming and being an exceptional family business consultant. Psychologists can learn to transform family business conundrums into healthy interactions between the family members of the enterprise before, during, and after transitions of the company. The various aspects of serving as a consultant are fleshed out in the carefully-researched chapters. Case studies show the patterns of behavior that can lead to continuing multigenerational successes or hard dissolutions. Their new model entitled “The Dynamic Interactive Multifactorial Family Enterprise Ecosystem Model” constitutes a major contribution to the field. The best part of the book remains its celebration of the importance and richness of family businesses across generations that will inspire any reader."G. Andrew H. Benjamin, JD, PhD, ABPPPast President, American Academy of Couple & Family PsychologyPast President, American Board (ABPP) of Couple & Family Psychology Clinical Professor of Psychology & Affiliate Professor of Law, University of Washington
Primal Nutrition, Inc The Gut Healing Protocol: An 8-Week Holistic Program to Rebalance Your Microbiome
Heal Your Gut Holistically Mounting scientific evidence is confirming what Hippocrates said some 2,400 years ago, that, "all disease begins in the gut." Nurturing and maintaining a healthy intestinal microbiome has become a topic of great interest to both mainstream medicine and progressive health enthusiasts. In The Gut Healing Protocol, Australian health journalist Kale Brock delivers a comprehensive, holistic 8-week program to overcoming the common diet and lifestyle-related problems of inflammation and intestinal permeability through healthy diet and stress management endeavors. The Gut Healing Protocol contains over 30 recipes to help friendly bacteria predominate in your gut, and actively heal gut lining that may have been damaged by the consumption of toxic foods and other adverse lifestyle practices. Other highlights of the book include: A scientific round-up of the gut; how it works and how it can influence your health How antibiotics can leave you vulnerable to gut dysbiosis and strategies to heal from such damage How leaky gut can impact health throughout the body—especially inflammatory and autoimmune conditions—and how to heal with targeted foods and supplements The "gut-brain" connection, including how most of your "feel good" hormone serotonin is made in the gut and the profound effects that this has on brain function The roles played by the various microbes who live on and inside of you Why eliminating certain foods can drastically decrease the inflammation in the gut Extensive description of the proper integration and benefits of prebiotics, probiotics and fermented foods Details about the functional medicine strategy of "Weeding, Seeding & Feeding" to heal a damaged gut The destructive effects of common gut irritants like wheat, dairy, sugar, alcohol, and artificial sweeteners Complementary holistic healing strategies such as anti-microbials, alkalizing foods, bone broth, proper chewing, food combining, oil pulling, and supplementation Taking BEEMS time (Breath, Eat, Earth, Move, Sunshine) to support physical and psychological health Intensive FAQ section discussing troubleshooting and commonly misunderstood topics including as FODMAP, SIBO, constipation, veganism and gut health, dealing with conflicting mainstream medical advice The Gut Healing Protocol is a lively and engaging read that offers the information and practical guidance you need to become well versed in the gut microbiome. You'll finish with the confidence to heal a damaged gut and enjoy optimal immune, digestive, physical, and cognitive function for the rest of your life.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Water Resource Economics and Policy: An Introduction
Economic issues arise in almost every water policy context. Water is of most concern when scarce, but physical scarcity is often overcome as human beings move water from place to place, sometimes creating monumental structures. The roles that cost and economic value play in water resource allocation are implicit, but often poorly understood. This second edition clarifies the role of economics and offers material that can be applied to water resource allocation problems around the world. Topics covered include: groundwater, floods and droughts, in situ uses of water, and institutions and law. New to the book is an exploration of water issues outside the United States as well as a new application of behavioral and experimental economics to the topic.A concise introduction to issues of water quality and quantity in both urban and agricultural settings, Water Resource Economics and Policy will be a valuable resource or text for students and researchers in the fields of agricultural economics, geography, law, and hydrology. Those involved in water resource agencies and private utilities will also find the book a useful reference.Acclaim for the first edition:'This textbook is written for first-year graduate students and senior level undergraduates in economics. ... Graduate students in geography, water resources, and environmental management should also be interested. The well-done helpful diagrams and charts are those expected for a textbook in economics at this level. In every chapter many interesting real-world examples illustrate the concept being discussed. Some chapters have easy-to-read case studies set off from the text. ... I plan on keeping this excellent book as a shelf reference and would willingly adopt it for a class in water resource economics.' - Donald E. Agthe, Journal of the American Water Resources Association'This is a much-needed book, which introduces the interested reader to the economics of water resource allocation, and analyzes relevant policy issues derived from all over the world. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first book which is focused on communicating the basic economic concepts that govern water resources allocation. ... The lively writing style of W. Douglass Shaw, which is enriched with excellent examples and case studies from various countries, makes this book an obvious choice for a textbook in relevant courses ... this excellent book should be a compulsory reading for all of us who work in the field of water resources management.' - Phoebe Koundouri, Ecological Economics
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Neoliberal Capitalism and Precarious Work: Ethnographies of Accommodation and Resistance
'All in all, the chapters of the volume provide insightful material 'about how different forms of precarious work are linked to speci?c institutional changes in the labour market and laws governing it but also how they are linked to each other'. . . Situated in the ?eld of Global Labour Studies, the volume goes beyond one of the most central weaknesses of the discipline: its optimistic bias. By systematically including cases in which trade failed or chose not to engage in the organization of precarious workers, the contributions pave the way to a deeper understanding of the challenges within this ?eld.'- British Journal of Industrial RelationsWith the renaissance of market politics on a global scale, precarious work has become pervasive. This edited collection explores the spread across a number of economic sectors and countries worldwide of work that is invariably insecure, dirty, low-paid, and often temporary and/or part-time.The first part of this cross-disciplinary book analyses the different forms of precarious work that have arisen over the past thirty years in both the Global North and South. These transformations are captured in ethnographically orientated chapters on sweatshops, day labour, homework, Chinese construction workers unpaid contract work, the introduction of insecure contracting into the Korean automotive industry, and the insecurity of Brazilian sugarcane cutters. The case studies all shed light upon how the nature of work and the workplace are changing under the pressures of neoliberal capitalism and what this means for workers. In the second part the editors and contributors then detail some of the ways in which precarious workers are seeking to improve their own situations through their efforts to counter the growth of precarity under neoliberal capitalism, efforts that involve collectively exploring forms of resistance to work restructuring and the failures of traditional trade unions to fully engage with precarious work's growth.Illustrating the impacts of the expansion of precarious work, this book will appeal to students, academics and those generally interested in the issues of the global economy, the reworking of labour markets, the impacts of neoliberal capitalism and ethnographies of the working poor in various parts of the world.Contributors include: L.L.M. Aguiar, M.J. Barreto, S. Chauvin, J. Cock, B. Garvey, M. Gillan, D. Hattatoglu, A. Herod, L. Huilin, K. Joynt, R. Lambert, P. Ngai, J. Tate, M. Thomas, E. Webster, A. Yun
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Scandal and Religious Identity in Early Stuart England: A Northamptonshire Maid's Tragedy
A window into the mental and cultural worlds of the Stuart period, capturing the existing religious, social and political tensions on the eve of the English Civil War. This book starts with an extraordinary event and document. The event is the trial and execution for infanticide of a puritan minister, John Barker, along with his wife's niece and their maid, in Northampton in 1637; the document,what appears to be a virtual transcript of Barker's last speech on the gallows. His downfall soon became polemical fodder in scribal publications, with Puritans circulating defences of Barker and anti-Calvinists producing a Laudian condemnation of the minister. Scandal and Religious Identity in Early Stuart England uses Barker's crime and fate as a window on the religious world of early modern England. It is based upon an extraordinary deposit of manuscript and printed sources, all produced between 1637 and 1640 by people living in close proximity to one another and all of whom knew one another, either as friends or more often as enemies. Marshalling evidence frompublic polemical sources and from almost entirely private ones - a diary, private letters and a spiritual autobiography - the book is able to examine the same events and persons, and beliefs and practices, from multiple perspectives: the micro and the macro, the personal and the political, and the affective and the doctrinal. Throughout, we meet a range of very different people putting various bodies of religious theory into practice, connecting the most local and particular of events and rivalries to the great issues of the day and responding, in certain cases, to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and the temptations of the devil. This approach enables a whole series of generalisations to be explored: about the relation between politics and religion, devotion and polemic, puritans and their enemies, local and national affairs; between rumour, manuscript and print; and, finally, about gender hierarchyand the social roles of men and women. The result is an extraordinarily detailed and intimate portrait of the religio- political scene in an English county on the eve of civil war. PETER LAKE is Distinguished University Professor of early modern English history at Vanderbilt. He is the author of several studies of English religion, culture and politics in the Elizabethan and early Stuart periods. ISAAC STEPHENS is Assistant Professor of History at Saginaw Valley State University and has published on early modern marriage, religion, and life-writing.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Comparative Perspectives on Criminal Justice in China
Comparative Perspectives on Criminal Justice in China is highly recommended. The editors have assembled the leading Western and Chinese scholars in the field to examine the administration of criminal justice in China, showing both how far the system has come and the challenges that lie ahead. This is an important and timely book. It is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand or has to deal with the Chinese criminal justice system.'- Klaus Mühlhahn, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany'This highly informative and engaging volume on the Chinese criminal justice system today provides a window into the vagaries of law and its operation in the People's Republic. McConville and Pils bring together an impressive array of scholars whose studies span the criminal process. From initial police investigation, through to prosecution and sentencing of defendants, we see how dominant values in the Chinese state and its structures of power make the practice of criminal justice today still intensely political.'- Susan Trevaskes, Griffith University, AustraliaComparative Perspectives on Criminal Justice in China is an anthology of chapters on the contemporary criminal justice system in mainland China, bringing together the work of recognised scholars from China and around the world.The book addresses issues at various stages of the criminal justice process (investigation and prosecution of crime and criminal trial) as well as problems pertaining to criminal defence and to parallel systems of punishment. All of the contributions discuss the criminal justice system in the context of China's legal reforms. Several of the contributions urge the conclusion that the criminal process and related processes remain marred by overwhelming powers of the police and Party-State, and a chapter discussing China's 2012 revision of its Criminal Procedure Law argues that the revision is unlikely to bring significant improvement.This diverse comparative study will appeal to academics in Chinese law, society and politics, members of the human rights NGO and diplomatic communities as well as legal professionals interested in China.Contributors include: I. Belkin, S. Biddulph, G. Chen, W. Chen, Y.-J. Chen, J.A. Cohen, I. Dobinson, Z. Guo, J. He, R. He, H. Fu, J. Jiang, R. Lan, S.B. Lubman, J. Ma, M. McConville, S.A. Mosher, E. Nesossi, E. Pils, J.D. Rosenzweig, F. Sapio, T. Stutsman, B. Teng, W. Zuo
Fonthill Media Ltd Women in Ancient Greece
This book is a companion volume to the authors Women in Ancient Rome, first published in 2013. It provides a much-needed analysis of how women behaved in Greek society, how they were regarded and the various restrictions imposed on their freedoms, movements and actions. Naturally, given that ancient Greece in most of its manifestations was very much a man's world, the majority of books on ancient Greek society even now tend to focus almost exclusively on men; this book redresses the balance by shining the spotlight on that other somewhat neglected or dismissed half: women had a significant role to play in many aspects of Greek society and culture and this book illuminates those roles. Women in Ancient Greece asks the controversial question: how far is the commonly accepted assumption that women were secluded and excluded just an illusion ?It answers the question by extending from the treatment of women in Greek myth, and the role of women in Homer and Hesiod through the playwrights, poets and philosophers to the comparatively liberated and powerful women in Sparta and Macedon until the end of the Hellenistic era; it covers women's lives in ancient Athens, Sparta and in other city states; it examines the role of women in Crete. It describes eminent women writers, philosophers, artists and scientists; it explores love, marriage and adultery, the virtuous and the meretricious, and the key roles women played in Greek death and religion. Crucially, the book is people- based, drawing much of its evidence and many of its conclusions from the lives lived by actual historical Greek women. In short, Women in Ancient Greece provides evidence for the important active role women played in ancient Greece, highlighting the contribution they made to one of the world's most influential and enlightened civilisations.Amongst many other ground-breaking things, the ancient Greeks developed a form of democracy; however, at the same time, to a large extent, they felt it necessary to keep their women secluded, and excluded from public business. This book acknowledges this seclusion and exclusion as inarguable fact, but contends that it is all very much a question of degree: the presumption through centuries of scholarship has been that women were locked in and at the same time locked out; Women in Ancient Greece goes further to question just how illusory this generalisation actually was.
University of Minnesota Press People, Practice, Power: Digital Humanities outside the Center
An illuminating volume of critical essays charting the diverse territory of digital humanities scholarship The digital humanities have traditionally been considered to be the domain of only a small number of prominent and well-funded institutions. However, through a diverse range of critical essays, this volume serves to challenge and enlarge existing notions of how digital humanities research is being undertaken while also serving as a kind of alternative guide for how it can thrive within a wide variety of institutional spaces. Focusing on the complex infrastructure that undergirds the field of digital humanities, People, Practice, Power examines the various economic, social, and political factors that shape such academic endeavors. The multitude of perspectives comprising this collection offers both a much-needed critique of the existing structures for digital scholarship and the means to generate broader representation within the field. This collection provides a vital contribution to the realm of digital scholarly research and pedagogy in acknowledging the role that small liberal arts colleges, community colleges, historically black colleges and universities, and other underresourced institutions play in its advancement. Gathering together a range of voices both established and emergent, People, Practice, Power offers practitioners a self-reflexive examination of the current conditions under which the digital humanities are evolving, while helping to open up new sustainable pathways for its future. Contributors: Matthew Applegate, Molloy College; Taylor Arnold, U of Richmond; Eduard Arriaga, U of Indianapolis; Lydia Bello, Seattle U; Kathi Inman Berens, Portland State U; Christina Boyles, Michigan State U; Laura R. Braunstein, Dartmouth College; Abby R. Broughton; Maria Sachiko Cecire, Bard College; Brennan Collins, Georgia State U; Kelsey Corlett-Rivera, U of Maryland; Brittany de Gail, U of Maryland; Madelynn Dickerson, UC Irvine Libraries; Nathan H. Dize, Vanderbilt U; Quinn Dombrowski, Stanford U; Ashley Sanders Garcia, UCLA; Laura Gerlitz; Erin Rose Glass; Kaitlyn Grant; Margaret Hogarth, Claremont Colleges; Maryse Ndilu Kiese, U of Alberta; Pamella R. Lach, San Diego State U; James Malazita, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Susan Merriam, Bard College; Chelsea Miya, U of Alberta; Jamila Moore Pewu, California State U, Fullerton; Urszula Pawlicka-Deger, Aalto U, Finland; Jessica Pressman, San Diego State U; Jana Remy, Chapman U; Roopika Risam, Salem State U; Elizabeth Rodrigues, Grinnell College; Dylan Ruediger, American Historical Association; Rachel Schnepper, Wesleyan U; Anelise Hanson Shrout, Bates College; Margaret Simon, North Carolina State U; Mengchi Sun, U of Alberta; Lauren Tilton, U of Richmond; Michelle R. Warren, Dartmouth College.
University of Minnesota Press People, Practice, Power: Digital Humanities outside the Center
An illuminating volume of critical essays charting the diverse territory of digital humanities scholarship The digital humanities have traditionally been considered to be the domain of only a small number of prominent and well-funded institutions. However, through a diverse range of critical essays, this volume serves to challenge and enlarge existing notions of how digital humanities research is being undertaken while also serving as a kind of alternative guide for how it can thrive within a wide variety of institutional spaces. Focusing on the complex infrastructure that undergirds the field of digital humanities, People, Practice, Power examines the various economic, social, and political factors that shape such academic endeavors. The multitude of perspectives comprising this collection offers both a much-needed critique of the existing structures for digital scholarship and the means to generate broader representation within the field. This collection provides a vital contribution to the realm of digital scholarly research and pedagogy in acknowledging the role that small liberal arts colleges, community colleges, historically black colleges and universities, and other underresourced institutions play in its advancement. Gathering together a range of voices both established and emergent, People, Practice, Power offers practitioners a self-reflexive examination of the current conditions under which the digital humanities are evolving, while helping to open up new sustainable pathways for its future. Contributors: Matthew Applegate, Molloy College; Taylor Arnold, U of Richmond; Eduard Arriaga, U of Indianapolis; Lydia Bello, Seattle U; Kathi Inman Berens, Portland State U; Christina Boyles, Michigan State U; Laura R. Braunstein, Dartmouth College; Abby R. Broughton; Maria Sachiko Cecire, Bard College; Brennan Collins, Georgia State U; Kelsey Corlett-Rivera, U of Maryland; Brittany de Gail, U of Maryland; Madelynn Dickerson, UC Irvine Libraries; Nathan H. Dize, Vanderbilt U; Quinn Dombrowski, Stanford U; Ashley Sanders Garcia, UCLA; Laura Gerlitz; Erin Rose Glass; Kaitlyn Grant; Margaret Hogarth, Claremont Colleges; Maryse Ndilu Kiese, U of Alberta; Pamella R. Lach, San Diego State U; James Malazita, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Susan Merriam, Bard College; Chelsea Miya, U of Alberta; Jamila Moore Pewu, California State U, Fullerton; Urszula Pawlicka-Deger, Aalto U, Finland; Jessica Pressman, San Diego State U; Jana Remy, Chapman U; Roopika Risam, Salem State U; Elizabeth Rodrigues, Grinnell College; Dylan Ruediger, American Historical Association; Rachel Schnepper, Wesleyan U; Anelise Hanson Shrout, Bates College; Margaret Simon, North Carolina State U; Mengchi Sun, U of Alberta; Lauren Tilton, U of Richmond; Michelle R. Warren, Dartmouth College.
Human Kinetics Publishers The Business of Personal Training
Running a personal training business is not easy. From marketing and sales to budgets, staffing, and clientele issues there is much to consider. Getting it right takes time—time that you would probably rather spend improving your clients’ fitness and wellness. The Business of Personal Training walks you through the business-based side of personal training while teaching you the valuable skills you’ll need to start, build, and grow your business. Whether you are a personal trainer working for a fitness facility, an independent contractor, or the owner of a personal training business, you will benefit from the practical business guidelines and tools presented in this book. Divided into two main parts, The Business of Personal Training will first give you an understanding of the various roles open to you and the expectations in each. The second part will lead you through key business concepts designed to grow your business. You’ll learn how to structure your business, plan for startup expenses and financing, and get the right staff in place. You’ll find critical information on marketing and promoting the services you offer, effectively selling and generating revenue, driving referral business and customer loyalty, and expanding and diversifying your business. Two appendixes offer sample templates and forms: • Nine business plan templates: cover letter, executive summary, business or company description, market analysis and demographics, competitive analysis, management plan, financial plan, capital required, and marketing plan • Seven personal trainer–client forms: PAR-Q+, personal wellness profile, physician’s clearance, informed consent and release, assessment recording form, cleaning checklist, and facility and equipment maintenance log As an added bonus, a companion web resource provides the templates and forms in an electronic format so you can customize them as needed. A third appendix provides a list of business resources. There is no need to be overwhelmed with all that goes into running your personal training business successfully. The Business of Personal Training is a comprehensive, digestible, and applicable resource that will take your business to the next level, giving you more time for what’s most important.Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education course and exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes all the course materials and exam.
Elsevier Health Sciences The Anatomy and Physiology Learning System
Who said learning A&P can't be fun? The Anatomy and Physiology Learning System, 4th Edition makes it easy to learn normal structure and function of the body, and summarizes the common disorders found in each body system. Written by well-known educator Edith Applegate, this book combines clear, crisp writing with hundreds of vibrant illustrations. This edition includes a stronger emphasis on medical vocabulary, so you understand key terms before you learn anatomy. A wide array of engaging features simplifies physiology concepts, and an Evolve website supports the book with a wealth of new learning opportunities. Even if you have little or no background in science, you will learn the A&P you need to enter your career! A clear and concise writing style makes the book easy to read and understand, even if you have a limited background in science. Quick Check questions let you check your comprehension at various points within a chapter. Chapter quizzes provide recall, thought, and application questions to check your understanding of A&P concepts. An Evolve website includes online tutoring, a Body Spectrum coloring book, Anatomy & Physiology Pioneers boxes with brief biographies of trailblazers in science and medicine, 3-D animations, an audio glossary, Spanish pronunciations of key terms, and frequently asked questions. Outlines and objectives at the beginning of each chapter help you prioritize your study. Key terms are highlighted to help you analyze, pronounce, and spell important medical words. A glossary provides definitions and a pronunciation guide for key terms. Functional Relationships pages illustrate the connection between each individual system and the other body systems, showing how all systems work together. Representative Disorders describe the common health issues associated with each body system. Focus on Aging boxes describe the effects of aging on body systems. Quick Applications boxes connect the material to real-world scenarios. From the Pharmacy boxes describe common medications for each body system and include a brief description of the drug and its action, common uses, and abbreviations. 100 new high-quality illustrations help you visualize anatomical features and physiological processes. Chapter summaries and vocabulary quizzes have been added to the end of each chapter. New Building Your Medical Vocabulary section covers the history of medical words, giving you the building blocks to use and recognize new terms.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Petroleum Refining Design and Applications Handbook, Volume 3: Mechanical Separations, Distillation, Packed Towers, Liquid-Liquid Extraction, Process Safety Incidents
PETROLEUM REFINING The third volume of a multi-volume set of the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the advances of petroleum refining designs and applications, written by one of the world’s most well-known process engineers, this is a must-have for any chemical, process, or petroleum engineer. This volume continues the most up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of the most significant and recent changes to petroleum refining, presenting the state-of-the-art to the engineer, scientist, or student. This book provides the design of process equipment, such as vessels for the separation of two-phase and three-phase fluids, using Excel spreadsheets, and extensive process safety investigations of refinery incidents, distillation, distillation sequencing, and dividing wall columns. It also covers multicomponent distillation, packed towers, liquid-liquid extraction using UniSim design software, and process safety incidents involving these equipment items and pertinent industrial case studies. Useful as a textbook, this is also an excellent, handy go-to reference for the veteran engineer, a volume no chemical or process engineering library should be without. Written by one of the world’s foremost authorities, this book sets the standard for the industry and is an integral part of the petroleum refining renaissance. It is truly a must-have for any practicing engineer or student in this area. This groundbreaking new volume: Assists engineers in rapidly analyzing problems and finding effective design methods and select mechanical specifications Provides improved design manuals to methods and proven fundamentals of process design with related data and charts Covers a complete range of basic day–to–day petroleum refining operations topics with new materials on significant industry changes Includes extensive Excel spreadsheets for the design of process vessels for mechanical separation of two-phase and three-phase fluids Provides UniSim ®-based case studies for enabling simulation of key processes outlined in the book Helps achieve optimum operations and process conditions and shows how to translate design fundamentals into mechanical equipment specifications Has a related website that includes computer applications along with spreadsheets and concise applied process design flow charts and process data sheets Provides various case studies of process safety incidents in refineries and means of mitigating these from investigations by the US Chemical Safety Board Includes a vast Glossary of Petroleum and Technical Terminology
John Wiley & Sons Inc Corrosion Policy Decision Making: Science, Engineering, Management, and Economy
CORROSION POLICY DECISION MAKING Explore the science, management, economy, ecology, and engineering of corrosion management and prevention In Corrosion Policy Decision Making, distinguished consultant and corrosion expert Dr. Reza Javaherdashti delivers an insightful overview of the fundamental principles of corrosion with a strong focus on the applicability of corrosion theory to industrial practice. The authors demonstrate various aspects of smart corrosion management and persuasively make the case that there is a real difference between corrosion management and corrosion knowledge management. The book contains seven chapters that each focuses on one important aspect of corrosion and corrosion management. Corrosion management is an issue that is not just corrosion science or corrosion engineering but rather a combination of both elements. To cover this paradoxical aspect of corrosion management, chapter 2 deals with some basic, introductory concepts and principles of corrosion and coating/painting (an important corrosion protection method) while chapter 3 explains the elements of smart corrosion management in detail. Another important principle of smart corrosion management is to be able to study the cost of corrosion, chapter 4 introduces important points in the economics involved in a smart corrosion management. As indicated earlier, corrosion engineering is also an integral part of corrosion management and thus chapter 5 looks at the engineering side of corrosion by detailing the example of Process Additives (EMPA). Chapter 6 for the first time looks at the possibility of using TRIZ (algorithm of invention) in corrosion management. Finally, chapter 7 presents the necessary elements for building a model that would explore the mutual interaction between corrosion and environment mainly by exploring the difference between environmental impact and environmental effect. Chapter 7 is also very important because the four models so far applied to estimate the cost of corrosion (Uhlig Method, Hoar Method, I/O method and LCC method) are not capable of suggesting any clear model or a sensible way of exploring the elements necessary to explain the impact of indirect costs of corrosion the most important of which being environmental damages imposed by corrosion. This book is ideal for engineers, students, and managers working or studying corrosion, Corrosion Policy Decision Making is also an indispensable resource for professionals in the fields of upstream and downstream, on-shore/off-shore oil and gas, transportation, mining, power generation as well as major sectors of other strategic industries.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Quantile Regression: Applications on Experimental and Cross Section Data using EViews
QUANTILE REGRESSION A thorough presentation of Quantile Regression designed to help readers obtain richer information from data analysesThe conditional least-square or mean-regression (MR) analysis is the quantitative research method used to model and analyze the relationships between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables, where each equation estimation of a regression can give only a single regression function or fitted values variable. As an advanced mean regression analysis, each estimation equation of the mean-regression can be used directly to estimate the conditional quantile regression (QR), which can quickly present the statistical results of a set nine QR(τ)s for τ(tau)s from 0.1 up to 0.9 to predict detail distribution of the response or criterion variable. QR is an important analytical tool in many disciplines such as statistics, econometrics, ecology, healthcare, and engineering.Quantile Regression: Applications on Experimental and Cross Section Data Using EViews provides examples of statistical results of various QR analyses based on experimental and cross section data of a variety of regression models. The author covers the applications of one-way, two-way, and n-way ANOVA quantile regressions, QRs with multi numerical predictors, heterogeneous QRs, and latent variables QRs, amongst others. Throughout the text, readers learn how to develop the best possible quantile regressions and how to conduct more advanced analysis using methods such as the quantile process, the Wald test, the redundant variables test, residual analysis, the stability test, and the omitted variables test. This rigorous volume: Describes how QR can provide a more detailed picture of the relationships between independent variables and the quantiles of the criterion variable, by using the least-square regression Presents the applications of the test for any quantile of any numerical response or criterion variable Explores relationship of QR with heterogeneity: how an independent variable affects a dependent variable Offers expert guidance on forecasting and how to draw the best conclusions from the results obtained Provides a step-by-step estimation method and guide to enable readers to conduct QR analysis using their own data sets Includes a detailed comparison of conditional QR and conditional mean regression Quantile Regression: Applications on Experimental and Cross Section Data Using EViews is a highly useful resource for students and lecturers in statistics, data analysis, econometrics, engineering, ecology, and healthcare, particularly those specializing in regression and quantitative data analysis.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Statistical Learning for Big Dependent Data
Master advanced topics in the analysis of large, dynamically dependent datasets with this insightful resource Statistical Learning with Big Dependent Data delivers a comprehensive presentation of the statistical and machine learning methods useful for analyzing and forecasting large and dynamically dependent data sets. The book presents automatic procedures for modelling and forecasting large sets of time series data. Beginning with some visualization tools, the book discusses procedures and methods for finding outliers, clusters, and other types of heterogeneity in big dependent data. It then introduces various dimension reduction methods, including regularization and factor models such as regularized Lasso in the presence of dynamical dependence and dynamic factor models. The book also covers other forecasting procedures, including index models, partial least squares, boosting, and now-casting. It further presents machine-learning methods, including neural network, deep learning, classification and regression trees and random forests. Finally, procedures for modelling and forecasting spatio-temporal dependent data are also presented. Throughout the book, the advantages and disadvantages of the methods discussed are given. The book uses real-world examples to demonstrate applications, including use of many R packages. Finally, an R package associated with the book is available to assist readers in reproducing the analyses of examples and to facilitate real applications. Analysis of Big Dependent Data includes a wide variety of topics for modeling and understanding big dependent data, like: New ways to plot large sets of time series An automatic procedure to build univariate ARMA models for individual components of a large data set Powerful outlier detection procedures for large sets of related time series New methods for finding the number of clusters of time series and discrimination methods , including vector support machines, for time series Broad coverage of dynamic factor models including new representations and estimation methods for generalized dynamic factor models Discussion on the usefulness of lasso with time series and an evaluation of several machine learning procedure for forecasting large sets of time series Forecasting large sets of time series with exogenous variables, including discussions of index models, partial least squares, and boosting. Introduction of modern procedures for modeling and forecasting spatio-temporal data Perfect for PhD students and researchers in business, economics, engineering, and science: Statistical Learning with Big Dependent Data also belongs to the bookshelves of practitioners in these fields who hope to improve their understanding of statistical and machine learning methods for analyzing and forecasting big dependent data.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Promising Care: How We Can Rescue Health Care by Improving It
Promising Care: How We Can Rescue Health Care by Improving It collects 16 speeches given over a period of 10 years by Donald M. Berwick, an internationally acclaimed champion of health care improvement throughout the course of his long and storied career as a physician, health care educator and policy expert, leader of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), and administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. These landmark speeches (including all of Berwick's speeches delivered at IHI's annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care from 2003 to 2012) clearly show why our medical systems don't reliably contribute to our overall health. As a remedy he offers a vision for making our systems better — safer, more effective, more efficient, and more humane. Each of Berwick's compelling speeches is preceded by a brief commentary by a prominent figure in health care, policy, or politics who has a unique connection to that particular speech. Contributors include such notables as Tom Daschle, Paul Batalden, and Lord Nigel Crisp. Their commentaries reflect on how it felt to hear the speech in the context in which it was delivered, and assess its relevance in today's health care environment. The introduction is by Maureen Bisognano, CEO of Institute for Healthcare Improvement, and author of Pursuing the Triple Aim. Praise for previous books by Don Berwick Curing Health Care: "The book is an easy and affirming read for anyone who is familiar with and has used the TQM teachings of Dr. Joseph M. Juran and Dr. W. Edwards Deming and would be a simple and informative introduction to the concepts for anyone who has been hearing about TQM but has no idea what it is all about and wants to know more."—Permanent Fixes (blog) "Donald Berwick is the most clearly heard evangelist of applying industrial methods of continuous quality improvement in health care."—Annals of Internal Medicine Escape Fire: "With an effective blend of common sense, real-life stories, persuasive metaphors, and out-of-the-box thinking, Dr. Berwick's presentations make for fascinating reading for anyone interested in improving America's $1.7 trillion health care system."—Piper Report "Anyone interested in change in the healthcare system would enjoy this book. In degree programs, the various speeches would be useful for discussion in a health policy readings course."—The Annals of Pharmacotherapy
University of Pennsylvania Press Strangers Nowhere in the World: The Rise of Cosmopolitanism in Early Modern Europe
The mingling of aristocrats and commoners in a southern French city, the jostling of foreigners in stock markets across northern and western Europe, the club gatherings in Paris and London of genteel naturalists busily distilling plants or making air pumps, the ritual fraternizing of "brothers" in privacy and even secrecy—Margaret Jacob invokes all these examples in Strangers Nowhere in the World to provide glimpses of the cosmopolitan ethos that gradually emerged over the course of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Jacob investigates what it was to be cosmopolitan in Europe during the early modern period. Then—as now—being cosmopolitan meant the ability to experience people of different nations, creeds, and colors with pleasure, curiosity, and interest. Yet such a definition did not come about automatically, nor could it always be practiced easily by those who embraced its principles. Cosmopolites had to strike a delicate balance between the transgressive and the subversive, the radical and the dangerous, the open-minded and the libertine. Jacob traces the history of this precarious balancing act to illustrate how ideals about cosmopolitanism were eventually transformed into lived experiences and practices. From the representatives of the Inquisition who found the mixing of Catholics and Protestants and other types of "border crossing" disruptive to their authority, to the struggles within urbane masonic lodges to open membership to Jews, Jacob also charts the moments when the cosmopolitan impulse faltered. Jacob pays particular attention to the impact of science and merchant life on the emergence of the cosmopolitan ideal. In the decades after 1650, modern scientific practices coalesced and science became an open enterprise. Experiments were witnessed in social settings of natural inquiry, congenial for the inculcation of cosmopolitan mores. Similarly, the public venues of the stock exchanges brought strangers and foreigners together in ways encouraging them to be cosmopolites. The amount of international and global commerce increased greatly after 1700, and luxury tastes developed that valorized foreign patterns and designs. Drawing upon sources as various as Inquisition records and spy reports, minutes of scientific societies and the writings of political revolutionaries, Strangers Nowhere in the World reveals a moment in European history when an ideal of cultural openness came to seem strong enough to counter centuries of chauvinism and xenophobia. Perhaps at no time since, Jacob cautions, has that cosmopolitan ideal seemed more fragile and elusive than it is today.
Stanford University Press The Pink and the Black: Homosexuals in France Since 1968
This book examines the development of France’s male and female homosexual communities and its gay liberation movements after 1968. The book focuses on the construction of social institutions, treating gay activist organizations and their relation to post-1968 French feminism, gay ghettos in French cities, the gay press, the impact of AIDS on political identity, and the renewed militancy of the 1990s. While acknowledging the influence of America’s gay liberation movement on the French situation, the author emphasizes the differences arising from the fact that homosexuality has not historically been criminalized in France as it has been in the United States. The book is divided into four parts. Part I, “The Revolution of Desire (1968-79),” which examines the activism of the early post-1968 gay liberation movement, is preceded by a historical summary that traces French cultural, political, and social attitudes toward homosexuality. It also explores the relations between the movements for gay and women’s liberation in their various incarnations. Part II, “The Time of Socialization (1979-84)” describes the development of gay ghettos and the dissemination of gay institutions (media, countercultural venues, bars, baths, and the like). The pivotal year is 1981, which saw the advent of François Mitterrand’s government, with its pro-gay policies, as well as the first tracking of AIDS in the United States. Part III, “End of the Carefree Life (1981-89),” deals with initial reactions in France to the AIDS epidemic, reactions that included the realization of its ubiquity, first with the death of Michel Foucault in 1984, and then with the media spectacle of Rock Hudson’s death in 1985. The author describes the French government’s response to the epidemic, the role of French medical researchers in searching for the causes of the infection, and the development of Aides (meaning helpers), a social, medical, and political-action group dedicated to raising public and personal awareness of AIDS. Part IV, “The Time of Contradictions (1989-96),” focuses on the changing social institutions of homosexuality in the 1990s: the development of ACT-UP, based on the American model, in France; the campaign to promote safer sex; the integration of seropositive individuals into the homosexual community; and the acceptance of homosexuality almost as a given. The book concludes with a thoughtful epilogue on the integration of minority communities into French society.
Taylor & Francis Inc New Directions in the Study of Late Life Religiousness and Spirituality
Examine the questions of how, what, and why associated with religiousness and spirituality in the lives of older adults! New Directions in the Study of Late Life Religiousness and Spirituality explores new ways of thinking about a topic that was once taboo but that has now attracted considerable attention from the gerontological community. It examines various approaches to methodology and definition that are used in the study of religion, spirituality, and aging. In addition, it explores the ways that gerontological research can highlight the role of religion and spirituality in the lives of older adults. The first section will introduce you to new ways of thinking about research methodology and data analysis that can be applied to studying the complexity of older adults' religious/spiritual practice and beliefs. You'll learn several approaches to the study of phenomena that are both personal and also deeply embedded in community. The second section addresses issues of definition, exploring important questions that call for critical reflection, such as: What are we studying? What social and psychological influences shape our thinking about definition? and Do the definitions used by gerontologists match those held by older people? The final section moves the study of religion, spirituality, and aging beyond a focus on health and mortality to examine well-being more broadly in the context of the life experiences of older adults. Here is a small sample of what you'll learn about in New Directions in the Study of Late Life Religiousness and Spirituality: structural equation modelinga statistical method designed to capture the dynamics inherent in the passage of time feminist qualitative methods for studying spiritual resiliency in older women spirituality as a public health issue the differences between groups of older people in the way they define religion and spirituality the psychosocial implications of two types of religious orientationdwelling and seeking older women's responses to the experience of widowhood and to the question of whether their religious beliefs were affected by the experience how social context influences our decisions and our interpretations of people's religious beliefs, behaviors, and experiences the ways that people caring for a spouse with dementia rely on religious coping a model that delineates three different ways people relate to God in copingand a study that asks whether these types of coping produce different outcomes for caregivers how people adjust to bereavement as a function of their beliefs about an afterlife
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis
In this sweeping new interpretation of the history of civilization, bestselling author Jeremy Rifkin looks at the evolution of empathy and the profound ways that it has shaped our development-and is likely to determine our fate as a species. Today we face unparalleled challenges in an energy-intensive and interconnected world that will demand an unprecedented level of mutual understanding among diverse peoples and nations. Do we have the capacity and collective will to come together in a way that will enable us to cope with the great challenges of our time? In this remarkable book Jeremy Rifkin tells the dramatic story of the extension of human empathy from the rise of the first great theological civilizations, to the ideological age that dominated the 18th and 19th centuries, the psychological era that characterized much of the 20th century and the emerging dramaturgical period of the 21st century. The result is a new social tapestry-The Empathic Civilization-woven from a wide range of fields. Rifkin argues that at the very core of the human story is the paradoxical relationship between empathy and entropy. At various times in history new energy regimes have converged with new communication revolutions, creating ever more complex societies that heightened empathic sensitivity and expanded human consciousness. But these increasingly complicated milieus require extensive energy use and speed us toward resource depletion. The irony is that our growing empathic awareness has been made possible by an ever-greater consumption of the Earth's resources, resulting in a dramatic deterioration of the health of the planet. If we are to avert a catastrophic destruction of the Earth's ecosystems, the collapse of the global economy and the possible extinction of the human race, we will need to change human consciousness itself-and in less than a generation. Rifkin challenges us to address what may be the most important question facing humanity today: Can we achieve global empathy in time to avoid the collapse of civilization and save the planet? One of the most popular social thinkers of our time, Jeremy Rifkin is the bestselling author of The European Dream, The Hydrogen Economy¸ The End of Work, The Biotech Century, and The Age of Access. He is the president of the Foundation on Economic Trends in Washington, D.C.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Electrochemical Science and Technology: Fundamentals and Applications
Electrochemistry is a discipline of wide scientific and technological interest. Scientifically, it explores the electrical properties of materials and especially the interfaces between different kinds of matter. Technologically, electrochemistry touches our lives in many ways that few fully appreciate; for example, materials as diverse as aluminum, nylon, and bleach are manufactured electrochemically, while the batteries that power all manner of appliances, vehicles, and devices are the products of electrochemical research. Other realms in which electrochemical science plays a crucial role include corrosion, the disinfection of water, neurophysiology, sensors, energy storage, semiconductors, the physics of thunderstorms, biomedical analysis, and so on. This book treats electrochemistry as a science in its own right, albeit resting firmly on foundations provided by chemistry, physics, and mathematics. Early chapters discuss the electrical and chemical properties of materials from which electrochemical cells are constructed. The behavior of such cells is addressed in later chapters, with emphasis on the electrodes and the reactions that occur on their surfaces. The role of transport to and from electrodes is a topic that commands attention, because it crucially determines cell efficiency. Final chapters deal with voltammetry, the methodology used to investigate electrode behavior. Interspersed among the more fundamental chapters are chapters devoted to applications of electrochemistry: electrosynthesis, power sources, “green electrochemistry”, and corrosion. Electrochemical Science and Technology is addressed to all who have a need to come to grips with the fundamentals of electrochemistry and to learn about some of its applications. It will constitute a text for a senior undergraduate or graduate course in electrochemistry. It also serves as a source of material of interest to scientists and technologists in various fields throughout academia, industry, and government – chemists, physicists, engineers, environmentalists, materials scientists, biologists, and those in related endeavors. This book: Provides a background to electrochemistry, as well as treating the topic itself. Is accessible to all with a foundation in physical science, not solely to chemists. Is addressed both to students and those later in their careers. Features web links (through to extensive material that is of a more tangential, specialized, or mathematical nature. Includes questions as footnotes to support the reader’s evolving comprehension of the material, with fully worked answers provided on the web. Provides web access to Excel® spreadsheets which allow the reader to model electrochemical events. Has a copious Appendix of relevant data.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Generalized Linear Models: with Applications in Engineering and the Sciences
Praise for the First Edition "The obvious enthusiasm of Myers, Montgomery, and Vining and their reliance on their many examples as a major focus of their pedagogy make Generalized Linear Models a joy to read. Every statistician working in any area of applied science should buy it and experience the excitement of these new approaches to familiar activities." —Technometrics Generalized Linear Models: With Applications in Engineering and the Sciences, Second Edition continues to provide a clear introduction to the theoretical foundations and key applications of generalized linear models (GLMs). Maintaining the same nontechnical approach as its predecessor, this update has been thoroughly extended to include the latest developments, relevant computational approaches, and modern examples from the fields of engineering and physical sciences. This new edition maintains its accessible approach to the topic by reviewing the various types of problems that support the use of GLMs and providing an overview of the basic, related concepts such as multiple linear regression, nonlinear regression, least squares, and the maximum likelihood estimation procedure. Incorporating the latest developments, new features of this Second Edition include: A new chapter on random effects and designs for GLMs A thoroughly revised chapter on logistic and Poisson regression, now with additional results on goodness of fit testing, nominal and ordinal responses, and overdispersion A new emphasis on GLM design, with added sections on designs for regression models and optimal designs for nonlinear regression models Expanded discussion of weighted least squares, including examples that illustrate how to estimate the weights Illustrations of R code to perform GLM analysis The authors demonstrate the diverse applications of GLMs through numerous examples, from classical applications in the fields of biology and biopharmaceuticals to more modern examples related to engineering and quality assurance. The Second Edition has been designed to demonstrate the growing computational nature of GLMs, as SAS®, Minitab®, JMP®, and R software packages are used throughout the book to demonstrate fitting and analysis of generalized linear models, perform inference, and conduct diagnostic checking. Numerous figures and screen shots illustrating computer output are provided, and a related FTP site houses supplementary material, including computer commands and additional data sets. Generalized Linear Models, Second Edition is an excellent book for courses on regression analysis and regression modeling at the upper-undergraduate and graduate level. It also serves as a valuable reference for engineers, scientists, and statisticians who must understand and apply GLMs in their work.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cellular Automata: A Discrete View of the World
An accessible and multidisciplinaryintroduction to cellular automata As the applicability of cellular automata broadens and technology advances, there is a need for a concise, yet thorough, resource that lays the foundation of key cellularautomata rules and applications. In recent years, Stephen Wolfram's A New Kind of Science has brought the modeling power that lies in cellular automata to the attentionof the scientific world, and now, Cellular Automata: A Discrete View of the World presents all the depth, analysis, and applicability of the classic Wolfram text in a straightforward, introductory manner. This book offers an introduction to cellular automata as a constructive method for modeling complex systems where patterns of self-organization arising from simple rules are revealed in phenomena that exist across a wide array of subject areas, including mathematics, physics, economics, and the social sciences. The book begins with a preliminary introduction to cellular automata, including a brief history of the topic along with coverage of sub-topics such as randomness, dimension, information, entropy, and fractals. The author then provides a complete discussion of dynamical systems and chaos due to their close connection with cellular automata and includes chapters that focus exclusively on one- and two-dimensional cellular automata. The next and most fascinating area of discussion is the application of these types of cellular automata in order to understand the complex behavior that occurs in natural phenomena. Finally, the continually evolving topic of complexity is discussed with a focus on how to properly define, identify, and marvel at its manifestations in various environments. The author's focus on the most important principles of cellular automata, combined with his ability to present complex material in an easy-to-follow style, makes this book a very approachable and inclusive source for understanding the concepts and applications of cellular automata. The highly visual nature of the subject is accented with over 200 illustrations, including an eight-page color insert, which provide vivid representations of the cellular automata under discussion. Readers also have the opportunity to follow and understand the models depicted throughout the text and create their own cellular automata using Java applets and simple computer code, which are available via the book's FTP site. This book serves as a valuable resource for undergraduate and graduate students in the physical, biological, and social sciences and may also be of interest to any reader with a scientific or basic mathematical background.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Nonprofit Essentials: The Development Plan
Praise for Nonprofit Essentials: The Development Plan "Linda provides a very practical outlook on how to succeed in developing and implementing a fundraising plan for a nonprofit organization. The importance of the various players and their roles—staff, board, and volunteers—is critical for any nonprofit organization, and the information in Nonprofit Essentials: The Development Plan could effectively be used by any size organization to organize and execute an effective development strategy." —Diane Hartz Warsoff, Executive Director Utah Nonprofits Association "An excellent road map for creating a development plan and building the necessary staff and volunteer ownership of the plan, Nonprofit Essentials: The Development Plan is a valuable resource for every nonprofit that wants to raise increased funds more effectively and efficiently. Its tips and real-world scenario sections help to make the case that organizations must take the time to plan adequately if they want to be successful." —Barbara L. Ciconte, CFRE, Senior Vice President Donor Strategies, Inc. "Linda Lysakowski's Nonprofit Essentials: The Development Plan provides the resources, tools, guidance, and step-by-step processes for any organization to successfully create and manage a development plan. Her inclusion of tips and techniques, real-world stories, and her focus on organization-wide involvement make this essential reading not only for development officers, but for senior staff and board members." —Eugene A. Scanlan, PhD, CFRE, President eScanlan Company One of the most significant factors in the success of any fundraising program is the ability and willingness of the organization to take the time to develop an integrated development plan with realistic budgets, timelines, and areas of responsibility. Part of the AFP/ Wiley Fund Development Series, Nonprofit Essentials: The Development Plan takes the reader through the development planning process and helps both novice development officers and seasoned professionals to create a plan that contributes to an organization's realization of its mission. Exhorting readers to ensure their plan is a living instrument and not just a document sitting on a shelf, nonprofit expert Linda Lysakowski includes examples of typical development plan formats as well as timelines for the planning process to help users identify the level of detail that will be required. Whether large or small, your organization will benefit from Nonprofit Essentials: The Development Plan. This professional guide's nuts-and-bolts presentation equips your organization to create a dynamic development plan that fosters enthusiasm, cultivates a sense of confidence, and helps track success.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division AACN Procedure Manual for Progressive and Critical Care
Edited by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses and written by more than 100 critical care experts under the direction of Karen L. Johnson, PhD, RN, FAAN, this definitive reference represents the gold standard of care for procedures performed in progressive and critical care settings. It guides you through procedures common to the adult critical care environment, including those performed by advanced practice nurses, in an illustrated, step-by-step format. This edition - now in in full color - features new procedures, new and updated illustrations, and updated content throughout, reflecting the latest evidence-based guidelines and national and international protocols. Quick-reference tabs make it easier than ever to locate content quickly. This new edition integrates key AACN initiatives, such as Practice Alerts, and coordinates closely with the AACN Core Curriculum for Progressive and Critical Care Nursing, 8th Edition. Chapter-specific quick-links employ QR codes for instant access to high-quality online references. Edited by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, written by more than 100 expert critical care clinicians under the direction of Karen L. Johnson, PhD, RN, FAAN, and extensively reviewed by more than 100 additional critical care experts to ensure the accuracy and currency. Comprehensive coverage includes all procedures commonly performed in progressive and critical care settings, including those performed by advanced practice nurses (indicated by an AP icon). Straightforward, step-by-step organization uses consistent headings to make following a procedure (and finding the various supporting elements) quick and easy, with bulleted lists, tables, and detailed illustrations throughout to ensure that content is easy to reference and follow. Rationales for all interventions in patient and family education, assessment, patient preparation, procedure, and monitoring help students understand the rationale for every step, and a level of evidence is provided when a research base exists to substantiate an intervention, giving insight into the strength of recommendations. NEW! Additional procedures, new and updated illustrations, and updated content throughout reflect the latest evidence-based guidelines and national and international protocols. NEW! Full-color design with color reference tabs enhances navigation, plus full-color illustrations reinforce understanding. UPDATED! Key AACN initiatives, such as Practice Alerts, are integrated throughout, and content coordinates with the AACN Core Curriculum for Progressive and Critical Care Nursing, 8th Edition. NEW! Chapter-specific quick-links via QR codes provide quick access to online references, which have been updated and limited to the highest-value sources.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Rehabilitation for the Postsurgical Orthopedic Patient
With detailed descriptions of orthopedic surgeries, Rehabilitation for the Postsurgical Orthopedic Patient, 3rd Edition provides current, evidence-based guidelines to designing effective rehabilitation strategies. Coverage of each condition includes an overview of the orthopedic patient's entire course of treatment from pre- to post-surgery. For each phase of rehabilitation, this book describes the postoperative timeline, the goals, potential complications and precautions, and appropriate therapeutic procedures. New to this edition are a full-color design and new chapters on disc replacement, cartilage replacement, hallux valgus, and transitioning the running athlete. Edited by Lisa Maxey and Jim Magnusson, and with chapters written by both surgeons and physical therapists, Rehabilitation for the Postsurgical Orthopedic Patient provides valuable insights into the use of physical therapy in the rehabilitation process. Comprehensive, evidence-based coverage provides an overview of the orthopedic patient's entire course of treatment from pre- to post-surgery, including a detailed look at the surgical procedures and therapy guidelines that can be used to design the appropriate rehabilitation programs. Case study vignettes with critical thinking questions help you develop critical reasoning skills. Indications and considerations for surgery describe the mechanics of the injury and the repair process so you can plan an effective rehabilitation program. Therapy guidelines cover each phase of rehabilitation with specifics as to the expected time span and goals for each phase. Evidence-based coverage includes the latest clinical research to support treatment decisions. Overview of soft tissue and bone healing considerations after surgery helps you understand the rationale behind the timelines for the various physical therapy guidelines. A Troubleshooting section in each chapter details potential pitfalls in the recovery from each procedure. Over 300 photos and line drawings depict concepts, procedures, and rehabilitation. Detailed tables break down therapy guidelines and treatment options for quick reference. Expert contributors include surgeons describing the indications and considerations for surgery as well as the surgery itself, and physical or occupational therapists discussing therapy guidelines. New coverage of current orthopedic surgeries and rehabilitation includes topics such as disc replacement, cartilage replacement, hallux valgus, and transitioning the running athlete. New full-color design and illustrations visually reinforce the content. Updated Suggested Home Maintenance boxes in every chapter provide guidance for patients returning home. References linked to MEDLINE abstracts make it easy to access evidence-based information for better clinical decision-making.
University of Washington Press The Landscape of Stalinism: The Art and Ideology of Soviet Space
This wide-ranging cultural history explores the expression of Bolshevik Party ideology through the lens of landscape, or, more broadly, space. Portrayed in visual images and words, the landscape played a vital role in expressing and promoting ideology in the former Soviet Union during the Stalin years, especially in the 1930s. At the time, the iconoclasm of the immediate postrevolutionary years had given way to nation building and a conscious attempt to create a new Soviet “culture.” In painting, architecture, literature, cinema, and song, images of landscape were enlisted to help mold the masses into joyful, hardworking citizens of a state with a radiant, utopian future -- all under the fatherly guidance of Joseph Stalin. From backgrounds in history, art history, literary studies, and philosophy, the contributors show how Soviet space was sanctified, coded, and “sold” as an ideological product. They explore the ways in which producers of various art forms used space to express what Katerina Clark calls “a cartography of power” -- an organization of the entire country into “a hierarchy of spheres of relative sacredness,” with Moscow at the center. The theme of center versus periphery figures prominently in many of the essays, and the periphery is shown often to be paradoxically central. Examining representations of space in objects as diverse as postage stamps, a hikers’ magazine, advertisements, and the Soviet musical, the authors show how cultural producers attempted to naturalize ideological space, to make it an unquestioned part of the worldview. Whether focusing on the new or the centuries-old, whether exploring a built cityscape, a film documentary, or the painting Stalin and Voroshilov in the Kremlin, the authors offer a consistently fascinating journey through the landscape of the Soviet ideological imagination. Not all features of Soviet space were entirely novel, and several of the essayists assert continuities with the prerevolutionary past. One example is the importance of the mother image in mass songs of the Stalin period; another is the "boundless longing" inspired in the Russian character by the burden of living amid vast empty spaces. But whether focusing on the new or the centuries-old, whether exploring a built cityscape, a film documentary, or the painting Stalin and Voroshilov in the Kremlin, the authors offer a consistently fascinating journey through the landscape of the Soviet ideological imagination.
SPCK Publishing God Lost and Found
When you dig a bit below the surface, you are likely to discover that many of us who attend church regularly feel we have lost touch with a living experience of God. Indeed, we may find we no longer believe in God at all. The reasons why faith breaks down are multi-layered and complex, and this sympathetic volume has been written for those who aren't satisfied with pious answers to real questions and disappointments. John Pritchard draws deeply on his own experience of dark times in order to shed light on what we may be going through ourselves. He then offers starting points from which we might rediscover and re-imagine a more realistic faith in the God who, despite appearances, is ever present with us, whether apprehended or not. 'God Lost and Found' offers many unique qualities and insights that will force you to confront your honest feelings towards God. The book then progresses into a helpful discussion that will provide you with various starting points for rediscovering your faith in God. 'During those times when God is lost from my life, I want a friend who is honest, sympathetic, insightful and engaging. John Pritchard in this book is that kind of friend, encouraging me with creativity, fun and gentleness to find God.' David Wilkinson, Principal, St John's College, Durham University 'This is an unusually honest book. Its analysis is plain-spoken and compassionate, and what Bishop John has to say about finding ways to live constructively with times of emptiness is superbly well focused. You'll emerge from reading this with - probably - relief that a widespread set of challenges has been so sensitively identified and - certainly - with gratitude for sensible, durable advice on how to go on making friends with the mystery we can never digest or contain.' Rowan Williams, Master of Magdalen College, Cambridge 'What a courageous book! In his inimitable, engaging style, John Pritchard exposes the doubts, anxieties and spiritual dryness which can afflict even faithful believers. He shows us the darkest reality of being unable to find God. But he does not leave us there. His many stories and insights lift us gently to look again, experience afresh and be open to "new beginnings". The result is a deeply compassionate book - full of hope and full of God.' Elaine Storkey, author of Scars Across Humanity
University of Notre Dame Press Between Two Millstones, Book 1: Sketches of Exile, 1974–1978
Russian Nobel prize–winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918–2008) is widely acknowledged as one of the most important figures—and perhaps the most important writer—of the last century. To celebrate the centenary of his birth, the first English translation of his memoir of the West, Between Two Millstones, Book 1, is being published. Fast-paced, absorbing, and as compelling as the earlier installments of his memoir The Oak and the Calf (1975), Between Two Millstones begins on February 13, 1974, when Solzhenitsyn found himself forcibly expelled to Frankfurt, West Germany, as a result of the publication in the West of The Gulag Archipelago. Solzhenitsyn moved to Zurich, Switzerland, for a time and was considered the most famous man in the world, hounded by journalists and reporters. During this period, he found himself untethered and unable to work while he tried to acclimate to his new surroundings. Between Two Millstones contains vivid descriptions of Solzhenitsyn's journeys to various European countries and North American locales, where he and his wife Natalia (“Alya”) searched for a location to settle their young family. There are fascinating descriptions of one-on-one meetings with prominent individuals, detailed accounts of public speeches such as the 1978 Harvard University commencement, comments on his television appearances, accounts of his struggles with unscrupulous publishers and agents who mishandled the Western editions of his books, and the KGB disinformation efforts to besmirch his name. There are also passages on Solzhenitsyn's family and their property in Cavendish, Vermont, whose forested hillsides and harsh winters evoked his Russian homeland, and where he could finally work undisturbed on his ten-volume dramatized history of the Russian Revolution, The Red Wheel. Stories include the efforts made to assure a proper education for the writer's three sons, their desire to return one day to their home in Russia, and descriptions of his extraordinary wife, editor, literary advisor, and director of the Russian Social Fund, Alya, who successfully arranged, at great peril to herself and to her family, to smuggle Solzhenitsyn's invaluable archive out of the Soviet Union. Between Two Millstones is a literary event of the first magnitude. The book dramatically reflects the pain of Solzhenitsyn's separation from his Russian homeland and the chasm of miscomprehension between him and Western society.
University of Notre Dame Press Doctrine of Double Effect, The: Philosophers Debate a Controversial Moral Principle
This anthology of philosophical essays, gathered from numerous sources, provides a convenient, in-depth introduction to the Doctrine of Double Effect. A number of important philosophers and intellectual perspectives are represented in what constitutes a debate over the doctrine and the various concerns it raises. Philosophers represented in these readings include Joseph M. Boyle, Jr., Warren Quinn, G. E. M. Anscombe, Thomas Nagel, Phillippa Foot, Jonathan Bennett, Nancy Davis, Donald Marquis, and many others. The Doctrine of Double Effect is a principle of reasoning well known to moral philosophers. The standard formulation of the doctrine states that it is "licit to posit a cause which is either good or indifferent from which there follows a twofold effect, one good, the other evil, if a proportionally grave reason is present, and if the end of the agent is honorable." According to this doctrine, an effect that would be considered morally wrong if it were the intentional outcome of an act could be morally permissible if it were the unintended effect of that act, even if it had been foreseen. As a method of drawing moral distinctions between the intentional and unintentional production of evil, the doctrine has had a long history. It has often been employed, for example, in debates about "just war" and the kinds of acts that are permissible in war. The first section of this collection offers an introduction to the doctrine, its purpose, its claims, and the issues it raises for moral philosophers. Sections two and three take the form of a debate by several influential thinkers about the validity of the doctrine and the many problems surrounding it. The authors in section two defend the doctrine; those in section three oppose it. Sections four and five focus on applications, concrete and theoretical, of the doctrine, showing its possible uses and misuses. This book will be valuable to teachers and students of philosophy as well as others interested in a clear understanding of this controversial doctrine. Contributors: G. E. M. Anscombe, Greg Beabout, Jonathan Bennett, Joseph M. Boyle, Jr., William Cooney, David Copp, Nancy Davis, Stanislaus J. Dundon, John Martin Fischer, Philippa Foot, Jeff Jordan, Donald B. Marquis, Robert M. Martin, Thomas Nagel, Warren S. Quinn, Mark Ravizza, Michael Walzer, and P. A. Woodward.
University of Illinois Press Scarlett Doesn't Live Here Anymore: SOUTHERN WOMEN IN THE CIVIL WAR ERA
Scarlett Doesn't Live Here Anymore is a dramatic history of the South in the years leading up to and following the Civil War: a history that focuses on the women, black and white, rich and poor, who made up the fabric of southern life before the war and remade themselves and their world after it. Positing the household as the central institution of southern society, Edwards delineates the inseparable links between domestic relations and civil and political rights in ways that highlight women's active political role throughout the nineteenth century. She draws on diaries, letters, newspaper accounts, government records, legal documents, court proceedings, and other primary sources to explore the experiences and actions of individual women in the changing South, demonstrating how family, kin, personal reputation, and social context all merged with gender, race, and class to shape what particular women could do in particular circumstances. Meet Harriet Jacobs, the escaped slave who hid in a tiny, unheated attic on her master's property for seven years until she could free her children and herself. Marion Singleton Deveaux Converse, the southern belle who leaped out a second-story window to escape her second husband's "discipline" and received temporary shelter from her slaves. Sarah Guttery, a white, poor, unwed mother of two, whose hard work and clean living earned her community's respect despite her youthful transgressions. Aunt Lucy, who led her fellow slaves in taking over her master's abandoned plantation and declared herself the new mistress. Through vivid portraits of these and other slaves, free blacks, common whites, and the white elite, Edwards shows how women's domestic situations determined their lives before the war and their responses to secession and armed conflict. She also documents how women of various classes entered into the process of rebuilding, asserting new rights and exploring new roles after the war. An ideal basic text on society in the Civil War era, Scarlett Doesn't Live Here Anymore demonstrates how women on every step of the social ladder worked actively throughout the period to shape southern society in ways that fulfilled their hopes for the future. They used the resources at their disposal to fashion their own positive identities, to create the social bonds that sustained them in difficult times, and to express powerful social critiques that helped them make sense of their lives.
Human Kinetics Publishers Motor Learning and Performance: From Principles to Application
Motor Learning and Performance: From Principles to Application, Sixth Edition With Web Study Guide, enables students to appreciate high-level skilled activity and understand how such incredible performances occur. Written in a style that is accessible even to students with little or no knowledge of physiology, psychology, statistical methods, or other basic sciences, this text constructs a conceptual model of factors that influence motor performance, outlines how motor skills are acquired and retained with practice, and shows students how to apply the concepts to a variety of real-world settings. The sixth edition of Motor Learning and Performance has been carefully revised to incorporate the most important research findings in the field, and it is supplemented with practice situations to facilitate a stronger link between research-based principles and practical applications. Other highlights include the following: A web study guide offers updated principles-to-application exercises and additional interactive activities for each chapter, ensuring that students will be able to transfer core content from the book to various applied settings. Extensive updates and new material related to the performance of complex movements expand the theoretical focus to a more in-depth analysis of dynamical systems and the constraints-led approach to learning. Narratives from Motor Control in Everyday Actions that appear in the web study guide tie each book chapter to concrete examples of how motor behavior is applicable to real life. Photo caption activities pose questions to students to encourage critical thinking, and answers to those questions are provided to instructors in the instructor guide. As the text investigates the principles of human performance, pedagogical aids such as learning objectives, key terms, and Check Your Understanding questions help students stay on track with learning in each chapter. Focus on Research and Focus on Application sidebars deliver more detailed research information and make connections to real-world applications in areas such as teaching, coaching, and therapy. The sixth edition of Motor Learning and Performance: From Principles to Application goes beyond simply presenting research—it challenges students to grasp the fundamental concepts of motor performance and learning and then go a step further by applying the concepts. Incorporating familiar scenarios brings the material to life for students, leading to better retention and greater interest in practical application of motor performance and learning in their everyday lives and future careers.
The University of Michigan Press The Scent of Ancient Magic
Magic was a fundamental part of the Greco-Roman world. Curses, erotic spells, healing charms, divination, and other supernatural methods of trying to change the universe were everyday methods of coping with the difficulties of life in antiquity. While ancient magic is most often studied through texts like surviving Greco-Egyptian spellbooks and artifacts like lead curse tablets, for a Greek or Roman magician a ritual was a rich sensual experience full of unusual tastes, smells, textures, and sounds, bright colors, and sensations like fasting and sleeplessness. Greco-Roman magical rituals were particularly dominated by the sense of smell, both fragrant smells and foul odors. Ritual practitioners surrounded themselves with clouds of fragrant incense and perfume to create a sweet and inviting atmosphere for contact with the divine and to alter their own perceptions; they also used odors as an instrumental weapon to attack enemies and command the gods. Elsewhere, odiferous herbs were used equally as medical cures and magical ingredients. In literature, scent and magic became intertwined as metaphors, with fragrant spells representing the dangers of sensual perfumes and conversely, smells acting as a visceral way of envisioning the mysterious action of magic.The Scent of Ancient Magic explores the complex interconnection of scent and magic in the Greco-Roman world between 800 BCE and CE 600, drawing on ancient literature and the modern study of the senses to examine the sensory depth and richness of ancient magic. Author Britta K. Ager looks at how ancient magicians used scents as part of their spells, to put themselves in the right mindset for an encounter with a god or to attack their enemies through scent. Ager also examines the magicians who appear in ancient fiction, like Medea and Circe, and the more metaphorical ways in which their spells are confused with perfumes and herbs. This book brings together recent scholarship on ancient magic from classical studies and on scent from the interdisciplinary field of sensory studies in order to examine how practicing ancient magicians used scents for ritual purposes, how scent and magic were conceptually related in ancient literature and culture, and how the assumption that strong scents convey powerful effects of various sorts was also found in related areas like ancient medical practices and normative religious ritual.
Casemate Publishers Alan Brooke: Churchill's Right-Hand Critic: A Reappraisal of Lord Alanbrooke
Lord Alanbrooke was Churchill's right-hand man during World War II, and as Chief of the Imperial General Staff he had an integral part in shaping the strategy of Britain and the Allies. Despite this crucial role, he is very little known compared to military commanders such as Montgomery, Alexander, Slim, Mountbatten, Patton, or Eisenhower. This new biography of Lord Alanbrooke uses archival material and his diaries to trace his life, including his experiences in World War I and the development of his military career in the interwar years, with a focus on his post as the Chief of the Imperial General Staff during World War II.Voted the greatest Briton of the 20th century, Churchill has long been credited with almost single-handedly leading his country to victory in World War II. However without Brooke, a skilled tactician, at his side the outcome might well have been disastrous. Brooke more often than not served as a brake on some of Churchill's more impetuous ideas. However, while Brooke's diaries reveal his fury with some of Churchill's decisions, they also reveal his respect and admiration for the wartime prime minister. In return Churchill must surely have considered Brooke one of his most difficult subordinates but later wrote that he was "fearless, formidable, articulate, and in the end convincing".As CIGS, Brooke was integral to coordination between the Allied forces, and so had to wrestle with the cultural strategy clash between the British and Americans. Comments in his diaries offer up his opinions of both his British and American military colleagues – his negative assessments of Mountbatten’s ability, and acerbic comments on the difficult character of de Gaulle and the weaknesses of Eisenhower. Conversely he was clearly over-indulgent in the face of Montgomery's foibles. Brooke was often seen as a stern and humourless figure, but a study of his private life reveals an little-seen lighter side, a lifelong passion for birdwatching, and abiding love for his family. The two tragedies that befell his immediate family were a critical influence on his life. Sangster completes this new biography with a survey of the way various historians have assessed Brooke, explaining how he has lapsed into seeming obscurity in the years since his crucial part in the Allied victory in World War II.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Organisational Culture: Concept, Context, And Measurement (In Two Volumes)
In 1989, the prominent organisational culture scholar, Stephen Ott, lamented what he saw as the failure of the organisational culture perspective to have the kind of lasting influence — whether empirical, or in terms of its contribution to practice — that had been hoped for. In attempting to explain this state of affairs, Ott observed that: “Some of the most important unanswered questions are methodological, and without methodological advancement, the perspective will not achieve maturity.” The situation today, more than two decades after Ott voiced these concerns, is that academics, researchers, and practitioners alike continue to struggle with the question of how best to decipher and measure an organisation's culture.Organisational Culture: Concept, Context and Measurement (In Two Volumes) aims to encourage an agenda for organisational culture research that gives a renewed emphasis to methodological issues. In pursuit of this aim, consideration is given to both conceptual questions and questions of measurement. In Volume I of the book, the main focus is on the concept of organisational culture. Based on an analysis and critique of existing treatments, as well as a comparison of organisational culture with a number of closely related concepts, consideration is given to how the concept might usefully be elaborated and further refined. In Volume II of the book, the focus is on methodological issues. Drawing on the findings of a series of empirical studies conducted over a number of years, consideration is given to what would be required to develop a measure for organisational culture that is practically useful and also capable of accessing culture at its deepest, and arguably most influential yet most elusive, level. In particular, an approach is advocated that seeks to contextualise organisational culture, in terms of various time and experience domains, and that also promotes the use of attributions analysis as a means whereby to further understand culture at this level.A valuable resource for scholars and practitioners alike, the book provides readers who are interested in understanding the role and influence of culture in organisations with a comprehensive analysis of the development and application of the organisational culture concept. For readers who are interested in conducting research into the measurement and practical application of organisational culture, the book provides a methodological approach that can be used to guide their research.