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Dorling Kindersley Ltd Science: The Definitive Visual Guide
Explore the science innovations as you have never seen them with this visual guide. From the humble beginnings of science, right through to today's information age - go on a journey through the history of science through its people, inventions, and discoveries. This updated 3rd edition explores astronomy, biology, geology, mathematics, and more in stunning visual detail. Inside the pages of Science: The Definitive Visual History, you'll find: - The most recent scientific discoveries across a variety of fields, from astronomy to genetics - Scientific concepts explained using clear, instantly understandable text combined with informative diagrams and CGIs- Feature spreads that illuminate the breakthroughs that changed the world - "Before" and "After" panels allow the reader to follow a particular theme throughout the bookThis fully comprehensive visual guide delves into the groundbreaking moments in science that changed the world. Explore the experiments, theories, and individuals and why each is so significant to developing scientific thought from Greek geometry to quantum physics. This science book also includes great scientists such as Zhang Heng, Isaac Newton, and Marie Curie and gives you more information about the people behind each discovery. Updated to include the latest scientific developments, from recent advances in genetic engineering to the detection of gravitational waves 100 years after Einstein predicted their existence, Science is the ultimate gift for any science or history enthusiasts!
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Jack and the Beanstalk
Based on the traditional fairy tale, this picture book remains a firm favourite for parents looking for children's classics to read with their little one. When Jack sells his cow for a handful of magic beans, he doesn't expect a huge beanstalk to grow outside his window! Join Jack as he goes on an exciting and magical adventure up to the top of the towering beanstalk and discovers a peckish giant, a golden goose, and a magical harp.The charming illustrations by Giuseppe Di Lernia in this picture book are sure to capture the imaginations of little ones, and the large format of this book is ideal for sharing with children aged 3 to 5 and reading together at bedtime.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd The Ugly Duckling
Filled with beautiful illustrations, this favourite fairy tale is the perfect classic picture book to share with young children. Teased by his siblings for his different looks, the brave cygnet journeys into the world, looking for friendship and kindness. Adapted from Hans Christian Andersen's original story, this is the story of how one little duckling overcomes obstacles and challenges, and with patience and determination, finally finds the companionship for which he has been searching. The charming illustrations by Giuseppe di Lernia in this picture book are sure to capture the imaginations of little ones, and the large format of this book is ideal for sharing with children aged 3 to 5 and reading together at bedtime.
Dorling Kindersley Verlag Französisch für clevere Kids 5 Wörter am Tag
Dorling Kindersley Verlag Unsere Welt in 1000 Bildern. Geschichte
Dorling Kindersley Verlag DK Wissen
Dorling Kindersley Verlag Fahrzeuge
Dorling Kindersley Verlag Mein MitmachWissensKick. Tiere
Dorling Kindersley Verlag Das ist Musik
Dorling Kindersley Verlag Superchecker Natur und Technik
Dorling Kindersley Verlag StickerLexikon. Große Fahrzeuge
Dorling Kindersley Verlag Das ist Kunst Alles über berühmte Gemälde und Skulpturen
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Dorling Kindersley Verlag Tierkinder der Wildnis
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Dorling Kindersley Reise Paris
Dorling Kindersley Verlag Unsere Welt in Zahlen. Tiere
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Dorling Kindersley Reise Top 10 Reiseführer Toronto
Dorling Kindersley Reise Naturparadiese in Europa
DK Behind the Scenes at the Museum: Your All-access Guide to the World's Amazing Museums
Take an exclusive tour of the world's most exciting museums and discover their hidden treasures.This behind-the-scenes guide showcases a huge range of incredible artifacts from history and reveals the hard work, care, and effort that goes into collecting, preserving, and storing them.Ever wondered what happens to an astronaut's spacesuit after it's been worn on the Moon? Or how the world's most valuable diamond is looked after? Find out all about how museums work and the people that make it happen - from how historians care for Anne Frank's diary to what it takes to excavate and exhibit a wooly mammoth skeleton.Behind the Scenes at the Museum gives you exclusive access to hidden objects that aren't normally on public display. It lets you into a world of animal specimens pickled in jars, priceless jewelry too valuable to be on display, and fragile papers that must be kept in carefully controlled conditions. Filled with incredible images, step-by-step explanations of exciting techniques, and job profiles of the people that make it happen, Behind the Scenes at the Museum offers unique, behind-the-curtain access to the secret delights of the world's most interesting museums.
DK Marvel Amazing Powers [RD3]
Whose suit is reinforced with the metal Vibranium? Who loves climbing up walls? Who has unlimited strength? Discover these answers and all the amazing powers of your favourite Marvel Super Heroes. Meet the Guardians of the Galaxy, Spider-Man, Thor, The Hulk, Black Widow, Captain America and many more! Marvel: Amazing Powers is a level 3 Reader for children beginning to read alone. It combines DK's four-level reading program with the ever-popular Marvel comics, helping kids learn how to read--and learn to love reading. Featuring high-quality images from the Marvel comics, Marvel: Amazing Powers was created in consultation with literacy experts. Young readers will learn about Wolverine, Black Panther, Ant-Man, and Wasp, as well as many more awesome heroes. Discover their extraordinary abilities, and remember, evil Super Villains are lurking just around the corner... ©2019 Marvel.
DK Marvel La Enciclopedia (Marvel Encyclopedia)
Con una introducción de Stan Lee, investigada meticulosamente e increíblemente ilustrada, esta magnífica guía del universo Marvel presenta más de 1200 personajes atemporales de Marvel comics.Las entradas de los héroes y villanos icónicos incluyen sus más recientes aventuras. Además, se han documentado exhaustivamente los últimos crossover del universo Marvel, como Guerra Civil II e Imperio Secreto. Los diversos personajes aparecen representados con ilustraciones de los mejores artistas de Marvel comics y acompañados de detallados perfiles redactados por un equipo de expertos en los cómics de Marvel.Desde equipos icónicos como los Avengers, X-Men y Guardianes de la Galaxia hasta los favoritos de los fanáticos Black Panther, Deadpool y Capitana Marvel, hasta las estrellas emergentes Amadeus Cho o Squirrel Girl, cada personaje importante de Marvel se exhibe como una obra de arte. La enciclopedia sobre el gran universo Marvel Descubre los hechos esenciales sobre los héroes de Marvel comics como el Capitán América, Spider-Man y Iron Man, y villanos como Thanos, Loki y Kingpin. Actualizada y expandida, esta enciclopedia definitiva de Marvel comics revela información vital e historias secretas de más de 1200 personajes clásicos y nuevos de Marvel.¡Esta enciclopedia es un revelador libro sobre el universo Marvel que ningún fan de la saga debería perderse! Descúbrelo a través de 12 capítulos que no te dejarán indiferente.Marvel. La enciclopedia (Spanish Edition), es la edición en español de Marvel Encyclopedia y pertenece a la sección de nuestro catálogo reservado para todos aquellos apasionados de los cómics y de los Súper Héroes de MARVEL.No te pierdas ninguno de nuestros libros de Marvel comics: guías, enciclopedias y diccionarios que te ayudarán a conocer todos los secretos de tus personajes favoritos y te descubrirán un universo nuevo y desconocido.© 2020 MARVEL
DK The Sleepy Bunny: A Springtime Story About Being Yourself
This picture book is an adorable introduction to Easter for pre-readers. Meet a sleepy bunny with an unlikely talent, that will remind little ones their differences can also be their superpower.Benji snoozes all day long, while the other animals bounce about and have the best Easter fun together. They laugh at him for this, but when it’s time to set up the annual secret egg hunt, who could be more perfect for this night-time job?From the bestselling book, The Happy Pumpkin, comes a new springtime adventure for Easter! Grown-ups and children can enjoy this exciting Easter book about a sleepy little bunny that does things differently, teaching little ones to embrace and celebrate their differences. This heartwarming picture book for 0-5 year olds: - Has an exciting storyline that’s easy for young children to follow along.- Promotes social and emotional learning (SEL) themes, as it teaches children to develop healthy, positive identities, as well as showing compassion to others.- Includes beautiful illustrations that accompany charming narrative text.- Features sturdy pages in a small format making it perfect for adults to share with little ones.With playful springtime illustrations in full bloom, adults and children will love to read aloud and follow the story of this bunny to see if she ever gets her hop back! The Sleepy Bunny will inspire young readers to be bold and proud of their individuality, while encouraging others to appreciate these differences.
DK The Oceans Atlas: A Pictorial Guide to the World's Waters
Delve beneath the world’s oceans to discover their physical features, wildlife, and threats to their future.How do waves form? Where is the deepest part of the ocean? What is a black smoker? What would the ocean floor look like without water? What lives in a coral reef? If you find yourself seeking the answers to these questions, then this may be the book for you!Introducing The Oceans Atlas – a beautifully illustrated guide to Earth’s oceans for kids aged 9-12. Explore key features of the oceans from seafloor to surf, including tides and trenches, currents and coastline, volcanoes and vents. Discover the variety of marine life from the biggest sharks and whales to the tiniest invertebrates and polyps. Find out the human impact on our seas and how we can create a healthier and cleaner future.Dive straight into this ocean book for kids, offering: - An illustrated guide to the innermost depths of our oceans that shows details not visible in photographs.- A variety of maps from seafloor topography and cross-sections to shipping routes and ocean resources. - Original and retro-feel illustration style combined with modern fonts which creates a different approach compared to photographic or CGI-based books.From coral reefs to hazardous seas, The Oceans Atlas is an engaging, fact-packed guide for children aged 9–12, especially those interested in natural science, geography, or ecology. So whether you’re a budding young geographer, or a teacher looking for an engaging resource to use in your classroom, this oceans encyclopedia is full of fascinating facts to impress young readers time and time again. At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So why stop there? If you like The Oceans Atlas, then why not complete the collection? Take a peek inside the beautiful and absorbing world of birds with The Bird Atlas, explore the complex animal kingdom with The Animal Atlas, reveal the inner workings of the human body with The Body Atlas and take a trip around the globe with The Earth Atlas.