Search results for ""Author Andrea""
Amazon Publishing Still I Miss You
From the acclaimed author of In Your Hands comes a heartrending novel about the struggle to hold on to what you’ve lost, and knowing when it’s time to let go. In this keenly observant dissection of a love affair in limbo, award-winning author Inês Pedrosa masterfully draws readers into the feverish, unsparing dual confessions of a man and a woman who are finally baring their hearts, souls, fury, and grief over a relationship that was abruptly shattered and never forgotten. Until now, there was so much between them left unspoken. With each new unguarded, darkly funny, and emotional disclosure, they’re brought back together—though impossibly so. Through the intimate voices of these unforgettable narrators unfolds a remarkable love story of regret and reconciliation, of loss and wrenching truths, told across lines few have ever considered crossing. Praised by the New York Times for the “incantatory prose…absorbing in its history, as well as in its family dynamics” of her multigenerational saga In Your Hands, Pedrosa casts a seductive new spell with Still I Miss You, her second novel to be translated into English.
Random House USA Inc Double Bass Blues
Simon & Schuster The Loved Dog
Thomas Nelson Publishers Ansiosos por nada (Edición para lectores jóvenes): Superando la ansiedad y la soledad
Nuestros hijos están bajo tremendo estrés y presión, con una cultura que cambia rápidamente y les exige cada vez más. Más atención, más pantallas, más intensidad, más miedo. Ansiosos por nada ayuda a los jóvenes a superar la ansiedad y las presiones del mundo y llegar a un entendimiento más profunda de la presencia amorosa de Dios como se promete en Filipenses 4:6-7, basándose en el contenido del libro más vendido de Max Lucado del mismo nombre.En esta época caótica de las redes sociales, las agendas repletas y la creciente conciencia de los problemas del mundo, es normal que los jóvenes se sientan a veces abrumados. Pero las buenas nuevas del evangelio no han cambiado. Este libro alentador ayudará a los preadolescentes y adolescentes a tomar el control de sus sentimientos y elegir enfocarse en la verdad de Dios.Este libro tan necesario adapta el contenido de Nunca estás solo y Ansiosos por nada. Con la calidez y autenticidad que lo ha convertido en un querido pastor y escritor, Max Lucado ofrece a los estudiantes de secundaria y preadolescentes: esperanza bíblica y estrategias poderosas para ayudarlos a florecer en medio de las luchas ánimo de que Dios está cerca, se preocupa y escucha verdades que puedan reclamar en momentos difíciles maneras prácticas de trabajar a través de sus preocupaciones y confiar en la fidelidad de Dios Esta edición especial de Ansiosos por nada también incluye: una nota para los niños del autor Max Lucado preguntas de aplicación, indicaciones del diario y actividades que guían a los niños en la atención centrada en Cristo notas e infografías con versículos bíblicos relevantes y conclusiones barras laterales que abordan el estrés relacionado con la tecnología Práctico, motivador y con un fundamento bíblico, Ansiosos por nada (edición para jóvenes lectores) es un libro oportuno para niños que se sienten abrumados, solos o ansiosos, o que simplemente quieren experimentar el abundante gozo y paz de Dios.Anxious for Nothing (Young Reader’s Edition)Our kids are under tremendous stress and pressure, with a rapidly changing culture demanding more and more from them. More attention, more screens, more intensity, more fear. Anxious for Nothing helps young people overcome the anxiety and pressures of today's world and come to a deeper understanding of God's loving presence as promised in Philippians 4:6-7, drawing on content from Max Lucado’s bestselling book of the same name. In this chaotic age of social media, packed schedules, and an increasing awareness of the world's problems, it's normal for young people to feel overwhelmed sometimes. But the good news of the gospel has not changed. This encouraging book will help tweens and teens take control of their feelings and choose to focus on God's truth. biblical hope and powerful strategies to help them flourish amidst struggles encouragement that God is near, He cares, and He listens truths to claim for themselves in difficult moments practical ways to work through their worries and rely on God's faithfulness
John Wiley & Sons Inc Reversible Ligand Binding: Theory and Experiment
Presents the physical background of ligand binding and instructs on how experiments should be designed and analyzed Reversible Ligand Binding: Theory and Experiment discusses the physical background of protein-ligand interactions—providing a comprehensive view of the various biochemical considerations that govern reversible, as well as irreversible, ligand binding. Special consideration is devoted to enzymology, a field usually treated separately from ligand binding, but actually governed by identical thermodynamic relationships. Attention is given to the design of the experiment, which aids in showing clear evidence of biochemical features that may otherwise escape notice. Classical experiments are reviewed in order to further highlight the importance of the design of the experiment. Overall, the book supplies students with the understanding that is necessary for interpreting ligand binding experiments, formulating plausible reaction schemes, and analyzing the data according to the chosen model(s). Topics covered include: theory of ligand binding to monomeric proteins; practical considerations and commonly encountered problems; oligomeric proteins with multiple binding sites; ligand binding kinetics; hemoglobin and its ligands; single-substrate enzymes and their inhibitors; two-substrate enzymes and their inhibitors; and rapid kinetic methods for studying enzyme reactions. Bridges theory of ligand binding and allostery with experiments Applies historical and physical insight to provide a clear understanding of ligand binding Written by a renowned author with long-standing research and teaching expertise in the area of ligand binding and allostery Based on FEBS Advanced Course lectures on the topic Reversible Ligand Binding: Theory and Experiment is an ideal text reference for students and scientists involved in biophysical chemistry, physical biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, protein engineering, drug design, pharmacology, physiology, biotechnology, and bioengineering.
Hyperion Alvin Ailey
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers Sojourner Truth's Step-Stomp Stride
DK The Met Faith Ringgold: Narrating the World in Pattern and Color
See the world through Faith Ringgold's eyes and be inspired to produce your own masterpieces.Have you ever wondered exactly what your favorite artists were looking at to make them draw, sculpt, or paint the way they did? In this charming illustrated series of books to keep and collect, created in full collaboration with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, you can see what they saw, and be inspired to create your own artworks, too. In What the Artist Saw: Faith Ringgold, meet inspiring American activist Faith Ringgold. Step into her life and learn what led her to mix different media and craft powerful stories into quilts. Travel with her from Harlem, New York, to Europe, Ghana, and Nigeria. Pick a cause that you care about and try combining it with fabric or sculpture to make your own artworks! In this series, follow the artists' stories and find intriguing facts about their environments and key masterpieces. Then see what you can see and make your own art. Take a closer look at landscapes with Georgia O'Keeffe, or even yourself, with Vincent van Gogh. Try carving a woodblock print at home with Hokusai. Every book in this series is one to treasure and keep: perfect for budding young artists to explore exhibitions with, and then continue their own artistic journeys.
Quarto Publishing PLC Young, Gifted and Black Too: Meet 52 More Black Icons from Past and Present
Random House USA Inc Donut: The Unicorn Who Wants to Fly
Clarion Books The Year of the Three Sisters
Clarion Books The Year of the Baby, 2
John Wiley & Sons Inc Chemistry and Biochemistry of Oxygen Therapeutics: From Transfusion to Artificial Blood
Human blood performs many important functions including defence against disease and transport of biomolecules, but perhaps the most important is to carry oxygen – the fundamental biochemical fuel - and other blood gases around the cardiovascular system. Traditional therapies for the impairment of this function, or the rapid replacement of lost blood, have centred around blood transfusions. However scientists are developing chemicals (oxygen therapeutics, or “blood substitutes”) which have the same oxygen-carrying capability as blood and can be used as replacements for blood transfusion or to treat diseases where oxygen transport is impaired. Chemistry and Biochemistry of Oxygen Therapeutics: From Transfusion to Artificial Blood links the underlying biochemical principles of the field with chemical and biotechnological innovations and pre-clinical development. The first part of the book deals with the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and toxicity of oxygen, including chapters on hemoglobin reactivity and regulation; the major cellular and physiological control mechanisms of blood flow and oxygen delivery; hemoglobin and myoglobin; nitric oxide and oxygen; and the role of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in ischemia/reperfusion Injury. The book then discusses medical needs for oxygen supply, including acute traumatic hemorrhage and anemia; diagnosis and treatment of haemorrhages in "non-surgical" patients; management of perioperative bleeding; oxygenation in the preterm neonate; ischemia normobaric and hyperbaric oxygen therapy for ischemic stroke and other neurological conditions; and transfusion therapy in β thalassemia and sickle cell disease Finally “old”and new strategies for oxygen supply are described. These include the political, administrative and logistic issues surrounding transfusion; conscientious objection in patient blood management; causes and consequences of red cell incompatibility; biochemistry of red blood cell storage; proteomic investigations on stored red blood cells; red blood cells from stem cells; the universal red blood cell; allosteric effectors of hemoglobin; hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers; oxygen delivery by natural and artificial oxygen carriers; cross-linked and polymerized hemoglobins as potential blood substitutes; design of novel pegylated hemoglobins as oxygen carrying plasma expanders; hb octamers by introduction of surface cysteines; hemoglobin-vesicles as a cellular type hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier; animal models and oxidative biomarkers to evaluate pre-clinical safety of extracellular hemoglobins; and academia – industry collaboration in blood substitute development. Chemistry and Biochemistry of Oxygen Therapeutics: From Transfusion to Artificial Blood is an essential reference for clinicians, haematologists, medicinal chemists, biochemists, molecular biologists, biotechnologists and blood substitute researchers.
WW Norton & Co The Story Behind the Story: 26 Stories by Contemporary Writers and How They Work
This big, beautiful anthology of short fiction is for readers, writers, and anyone curious about the mysterious processes of literary minds. All contributors have been recent faculty members of the prestigious Warren Wilson Low Residency Program, including such literary favorites as Margot Livesey, Charles Baxter, Robert Boswell, Jim Shepard, Antonya Nelson, David Shields, and the editors themselves. Each writer was asked to submit an original story, accompanied by an essay describing the challenges of the story and how they were met. Since writers resist herding, the editors were happily surprised by the wide range of essays—"fiction writers, when given the space, think about their work very differently." We learn about the genesis of a story, how story evolves, what was eventually relinquished and why, and how a story—surprisingly—might "insist" on changing. Arranged alphabetically by author, and beginning with Richard Russo's cogent introduction, this volume is a treasure throughout.
St Martin's Press Sharks
While sharks are one of the most intriguing and talked-about species on the planet, our scientific knowledge is just now beginning to let us understand these creatures that have captivated the popular imagination for centuries. Gorgeous, accurate illustrations accompany text that describes the characteristics of each species, from the tiny Nurse Sharks to the enormous Great White. In addition to providing an excellent introduction to the biological nature of the animals, including descriptions of eating, mating and migratory patterns, SHARKS makes an impassioned plea for their conservation, giving this book a valuable and timely message.
Penguin Putnam Inc The Cook of the Halcyon
Penguin Putnam Inc The Safety Net
Penguin Putnam Inc A Voice in the Night
JOVIS Verlag Gelebte Utopie: Die Terrassenhaussiedlung der Werkgruppe Graz
The Werkgruppe Graz designed the terraced housing estate in Graz-St. Peter in 1965, during a period of societal upheaval. The complex was eventually built between 1972 and 1978. The planning group—members of the avant-garde artists’ association Forum Stadtpark—took a stand against the established system of residential construction, which was characterized by monotone design and the urban sprawl of single-family homes. Instead, they championed the utopian approach of involving residents in the planning process, which was reflected in the development’s basic structuralist framework with adaptable living units. Comprised of four terraced housing blocks in exposed concrete at the edge of Graz, the estate’s sculptural, brutalist appearance received international acclaim. Gelebte Utopie is the first book to provide a collection of texts of architectural commentary and context on the settlement. It additionally offers insights into the inhabitants’ living spaces and is enriched with artistic projects.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Praxishandbuch digitale Automobillogistik
Die zunehmende Digitalisierung führt zu grundlegenden Veränderungen in den Prozessen und Unternehmensstrukturen der Automobilindustrie sowie bei allen am Wertschöpfungsnetz beteiligten Lieferanten und Dienstleistern. Auch durch die Transformation zur E-Mobilität werden in Zukunft noch weitere Veränderungen in der digitalen Supply Chain notwendig.Dieses Buch zeigt innovative Umsetzungen in der Automobilindustrie anhand anschaulicher Beispiele sowie weitgehend detaillierter Lösungsszenarien, die sich zielgerichtet interpretieren und adaptieren lassen. Dabei wird die enge Integration von Strategie, Information, Technologie, Struktur und Prozess deutlich.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Modernes Homeoffice für Dummies
Homeoffice ist für viele inzwischen Alltag geworden, Tendenz steigend. Vorbei die Zeiten, als Kollegen, die ab und zu von zu Hause arbeiteten, unter Verdacht standen, sich nur einen lauen Arbeitstag machen zu wollen. Trotzdem gibt es noch zahlreiche Fragen und Herausforderungen für viele Mitarbeiter, Führungskräfte, Unternehmen und Kunden: Wie ist Arbeit zu organisieren, wenn viele Mitarbeiter im Homeoffice sind, aber eben nicht alle? Wie bleiben wir in gutem Kontakt? Welche Arbeitsmittel und Schulungen werden benötigt? Und: Welche Chancen und Risiken verbergen sich in der Arbeitsform Homeoffice? Wie kann ich mein Büro zu Hause am besten einrichten und worauf muss ich dabei achten? Wie schaffe ich es, Berufliches und Privates im Homeoffice unter einen Hut zu bekommen? Wann ist Präsenz eben doch die bessere Wahl? Welche Haltung braucht es beim Einzelnen, in der Firma, bei der Führungskraft, damit "Homeoffice" gut gelingt? All diese Fragen und noch viele mehr beantwortet dieses Buch.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Klima retten für Dummies Junior
Du willst was für das Klima tun? Nicht mehr abwarten? Damit du richtig durchstarten kannst, erklärt dir dieses Buch in kurzen Texten, was beim Klimawandel und der Erderwärmung passiert. Die reinen Fakten werden kombiniert mit einfachen Experimenten. Du hast dann gegenüber deinen Freunden und Eltern viel bessere Argumente. Du erfährst, wo die Gefahren des Klimawandels liegen, welche Zukunftstechnologien es gibt, die zur Lösung der Klimakrise beitragen können, und was du selbst tun kannst. Erfahre, wie auch du im Alltag zum Klimaretter wirst. Bestens geeignet für Kinder und Jugendliche ab 12 Jahren.
Verlag Herder Der Kleine Drache Hab-Mich-Lieb
Harrassowitz Asyut - The Capital That Never Was
Springer International Publishing AG Emerging Technologies for Authorization and Authentication: 5th International Workshop, ETAA 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 30, 2022, Revised Selected Papers
This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Authorization and Authentication, ETAA 2022, held in Copenhagen, Denmark, on September 30, 2022, co-located with ESORICS 2022.The revised 8 full papers presented together with one invited paper were carefully reviewed and selected from 10 submissions. They cover topics such as: new techniques for biometric and behavioral based authentication, authentication and authorization in the IoT and in distributed systems in general, including the smart home environment.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Klinefelter’s Syndrome: From a Disabling Condition to a Variant of Normalcy
This book presents the latest insights into all the critical aspects of Klinefelter’s Syndrome, in order to promote a more homogeneous a medical approach to this condition, leading to better and more “evidence-based” support, and improving patient satisfaction.It offers physicians and all health professionals involved in treating these patients (andrologists, pediatricians, endocrinologists, psychologists) a comprehensive overview and a useful tool for their daily clinical practice.
Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale Navigating Ambiguity: Creating Opportunity in a World of Unknowns
Mad Cave Studios Dahlia In The Dark Vol. 1
Mad Cave Studios A Legacy Of Violence Vol. 1
University of Cincinnati Press American Values, Religious Voices, Volume 2 – Letters of Hope from People of Faith
Religious scholars and leaders engage in a nonpartisan letter-writing campaign following the 2021 Presidential inauguration. In the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election, biblical scholar Andrea L. Weiss and graphic designer Lisa M. Weinberger teamed up to create Values & Voices, a national nonpartisan campaign that used letters and social media to highlight core American values connected to our diverse religious traditions. The result was American Values, Religious Voices: 100 Days, 100 Letters, a collection of one hundred letters written by some of America's most accomplished and thoughtful scholars of religion interspersed with original artwork during the first one hundred days of the Trump presidency. In 2021, Weiss and Weinberger invited religious scholars and leaders to address President Biden, Vice President Harris, and members of the 117th Congress in their national letter writing and social media campaign. During the first 100 days of the Biden administration, religious leaders from across the country and from a range of religious denominations once again sent one letter a day to elected leaders in Washington. These letters bring an array of religious texts and teachings to bear on our most pressing contemporary issues. Arranged chronologically, the 2021 edition features 59 returning letter writers and 42 new scholars, new artwork, original essays, and and a new section focused on putting the letters into practice by using them for teaching, preaching, meditative practice, civic activism, and more. An alternate table of contents arranged by core values that emerged in the letters over the 100 days allows for thematic reading.
Cooper-Hewitt Museum Beauty: Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial
Beauty celebrates design objects and practices that are exuberant, ethereal, atmospheric, experiential, exceptional or sublime. Objects of beauty provoke immediate reactions and demand judgment – asking us to redefine what is lovely or grotesque, formed or malformed, virtuous or subversive. They exalt experience as a living, unfolding exchange between people and things. Beauty honours the voices of designers from 26 countries around the world by conducting original interviews about their works and processes – showing that aesthetic innovation can drive change, whether materially, structurally or ethically. Beauty is an object to be touched, smelled and savoured. Each of the book’s seven sections is printed on a luxurious Japanese matte paper with its own fifth accent colour. A smaller signature of pages – printed on its own creamy pink paper at the centre of the book – is called the heart. It contains front and back matter and the responses from designers to the questions: What comes to mind when you hear the word beauty? What is the most beautiful time of day? What is the most beautiful place you’ve visited? The authors/edited selected the designers for the book and exhibition with a group of international curatorial advisors: Adélia Borges (Brazil), Claire Catterall (England), Kenya Hara (Japan), Mugendi M’Rithaa (South Africa), Sarah Scaturro (United States), Annemartine van Kesteren (Netherlands) and Suvi Saloniemi (Finland).
Archipelago Books The Storm
By one of Colombia's most acclaimed contemporary novelists, The Storm is an atmospheric, gripping portrait of the tensions that devastate one family. Twins Mario and Jose do not know how to cope with the hatred they feel for their father, an arrogant man whose pride seems to taint everything he touches. Over the course of a fateful fishing trip straight into the heart of a storm, father and sons are confronted with the unspoken secrets and resentments that are destroying them.
Fine Feather Press Ltd The Little Book of Trees
Fine Feather Press Ltd Seashore Activity Pack
British Small Animal Veterinary Association BSAVA Manual of Feline Practice: A Foundation Manual
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Forms of Enterprise in 20th Century Italy: Boundaries, Structures and Strategies
Taking an historical perspective, this unique book highlights the evolution of the many diverse forms of business enterprise, and discusses the contribution of these different types of firm to the economic growth of Italy.One important issue that has recently captured the attention and the research efforts of both economists and economic historians has been the debate on varieties of capitalism in the modern world. In this context, the expert contributors analyze the various stages of Italian development that have been characterized by diverse dominating forms of enterprise which, in turn, have adapted to the nature of technological and market opportunities at the institutional, national and international level. This book proposes a new interpretation of the ?Italian case? that utilizes both the structural and macroeconomic perspective of comparative history, as well as the microeconomic perspectives focusing on the strategies of different economic agents.Based on solid quantitative evidence, this original work will prove to be a valuable resource for academics and students of strategy and organization, economic historians and applied economists.
Europa Editions (UK) Ltd The Ingenious Language: Nine Epic Reasons to Love Greek
“It is to the Greeks that we turn when we are sick of the vagueness, of the confusion, of our own age.”—Virginia WoolfDiscover a new passion for a very old language, a language that can express what can’t be said in any other, and thrillingly relevant to our lives today. A language that rewards desire by giving its own modal verb; bequeaths lovers a special case beyond singular and plural; prioritises mindfulness and dynamic presence through its very own grammar. A language that can transform our relationship to time and to those around us.A love song to the language of the greatest poets, philosophers, adventurers, lovers, and generals that ever lived. In Marcolongo’s words: “Greek has been the longest and most beautiful romance of my life.” Whether or not readers are familiar with ancient Greek, they will find Marcolongo’s boundless enthusiasm for her subject utterly infectious.
Floris Books One Christmas in Our Building: A Very Merry Mystery
Emma can't wait for Christmas -- the tree, the presents, the tasty turkey dinner! Her dad and stepmum Susan want Christmas to be perfect, but things aren't going to plan -- and then their turkey disappears! Will Christmas be ruined?As Emma encourages her parents to appreciate what they have, their neighbours -- the Taylor-Wilsons, the Singhs and Mrs Angel -- come knocking to share their own festive traditions and help the family have a very merry Christmas. One Christmas in Our Building is a unique and heart-warming picture book about community spirit and the true meaning of the festive season. Johanna Lindemann beautifully, and amusingly, captures a child's perspective on Christmas, and Andrea Stegmaier's illustrations are lively, textured and full of fun details to spot.
Ulysses Press Houseplant Tarot: A 78-Card Deck of Adorable Plants and Succulents for Magical Guidance
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Ada Magnífica, científica /Ada Twist, Scientist
Workman Publishing The Fat Kitchen: How to Render, Cure & Cook with Lard, Tallow & Poultry Fat
Animal fats are being welcomed back into the kitchen! Chefs and home cooks alike are rediscovering how fats create amazing texture — from the flakiest lard pie crust to the crispiest fried chicken — and define the flavor of a dish like authentic clam chowder with salt pork or duck fat French fries.The Fat Kitchen is the comprehensive guide to rendering and using whole animal fats, including lard, tallow, and poultry fat. Cooks will learn the distinctive qualities and best uses of each fat along with methods for curing and storing them. In addition, 100 scrumptious recipes highlight traditional cultural favorites like matzoh ball soup, pasta carbonara, pork tamales, roast beef with Yorkshire pudding, Southern-style collards, confit chicken, New England baked beans, and jelly doughnuts.
Theatre Communications Group Inc.,U.S. Neva: English/Spanish billingual edition
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Parasomnia
Temple University Press,U.S. The Italian Legacy in Philadelphia: History, Culture, People, and Ideas
Italian arts and culture have been a significant influence on Philadelphia dating back to Thomas Jefferson and colonial times. Throughout the ensuing decades, Italian art and architecture styles flourished, and wealthy Philadelphians traveled to Italy and brought back objects to display in emerging institutions of art and culture. New immigration formed neighborhoods—such as South Philly, home to the Italian Market—and Italian business leaders, politicians, artists, musicians and sports figures came to prominence and became part of the social fabric of the city.This glorious volume, The Italian Legacy in Philadelphia, celebrates the history, impact, and legacy of this vibrant community, tracing four periods of key transformation in the city’s political, economic, and social structures. The editors and contributors chronicle the changing dynamics of the city as Italian immigrants established themselves and as they continue to have lively interactions with people and institutions in Italy.Interdisciplinary essays, along with nearly 250 gorgeous images, explore the changing perspectives and styles of those who contributed Italian influences. As settlers and their descendants brought everyday cultural practices, memories, and traditions, they created different Italian-American experiences that became important parts of American culture, a legacy that is thriving in contemporary, globalized Philadelphia.
Abrams The Science of Baking (Ada Twist, Scientist: The Why Files #3)
The third book in a nonfiction early-reader series based on the new Ada Twist, Scientist Netflix show!How does a cake bake? What’s the difference between baking soda and baking powder? And why is it so important to measure the different ingredients in a recipe?Ada Twist, Scientist: The Why Files is the perfect nonfiction resource for all these questions and more. Based on the bestselling series and the new Netflix show, this nonfiction series is perfect for the youngest scientists of tomorrow, as they learn along with Ada. Designed in a scrapbook format, these books combine art from the show, illustrations, and photography to bring simple science concepts to life.
Abrams Ada Twist and the Perilous Pants: The Questioneers Book #2
Ada Twist is full of questions. A scientist to her very core, Ada asks why again and again. One question always leads to another until she’s off on a journey of discovery! When Rosie Revere’s Uncle Ned gets a little carried away wearing his famous helium pants, it’s up to Ada and friends to chase him down. As Uncle Ned floats farther and farther away, Ada starts asking lots of questions: How high can a balloon float? Is it possible for Uncle Ned to float into outer space? And what’s the best plan for getting him down? In this new chapter-book adventure, Ada must rely on her curious mind, her brave spirit, and her best pals Rosie Revere and Iggy Peck to solve a mystery in her own backyard.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Hydraulic Fluid Power: Fundamentals, Applications, and Circuit Design
HYDRAULIC FLUID POWER LEARN MORE ABOUT HYDRAULIC TECHNOLOGY IN HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS DESIGN WITH THIS COMPREHENSIVE RESOURCEHydraulic Fluid Power provides readers with an original approach to hydraulic technology education that focuses on the design of complete hydraulic systems. Accomplished authors and researchers Andrea Vacca and Germano Franzoni begin by describing the foundational principles of hydraulics and the basic physical components of hydraulics systems. They go on to walk readers through the most practical and useful system concepts for controlling hydraulic functions in modern, state-of-the-art systems.Written in an approachable and accessible style, the book’s concepts are classified, analyzed, presented, and compared on a system level. The book also provides readers with the basic and advanced tools required to understand how hydraulic circuit design affects the operation of the equipment in which it’s found, focusing on the energy performance and control features of each design architecture. Readers will also learn how to choose the best design solution for any application.Readers of Hydraulic Fluid Power will benefit from: Approaching hydraulic fluid power concepts from an “outside-in” perspective, emphasizing a problem-solving orientation Abundant numerical examples and end-of-chapter problems designed to aid the reader in learning and retaining the material A balance between academic and practical content derived from the authors’ experience in both academia and industry Strong coverage of the fundamentals of hydraulic systems, including the equations and properties of hydraulic fluids Hydraulic Fluid Power is perfect for undergraduate and graduate students of mechanical, agricultural, and aerospace engineering, as well as engineers designing hydraulic components, mobile machineries, or industrial systems.