Search results for ""Author David""
Penguin Books Ltd The Immoralist
'To know how to free oneself is nothing; the arduous thing is to know what to do with one's freedom' - André Gide Michel had been a blindfold scholar until, newly married, he contracted tuberculosis. His will to recover brings self-discovery and the growing desire to rebel against his background of culture, decency and morality. But the freedom from constraints that Michel finds on his restless travels is won at great cost. And freedom itself, he finds, can be a burden. Gide's novel examines the inevitable conflicts that arise when a pleasure seeker challenges conventional society and, without moralizing, it raises complex issues involving the extent of personal responsibility.
Penguin Books Ltd The Uncanny
An extraordinary collection of thematically linked essays, including THE UNCANNY, SCREEN MEMORIES and FAMILY ROMANCES.Leonardo da Vinci fascinated Freud primarily because he was keen to know why his personality was so incomprehensible to his contemporaries. In this probing biographical essay he deconstructs both da Vinci's character and the nature of his genius. As ever, many of his exploratory avenues lead to the subject's sexuality - why did da Vinci depict the naked human body the way hedid? What of his tendency to surround himself with handsome young boys that he took on as his pupils? Intriguing, thought-provoking and often contentious, this volume contains some of Freud's best writing.
Penguin Books Ltd Faust, Part I
Goethe's Faust reworks the late-medieval myth of Dr Faust, a brilliant scholar so disillusioned he resolves to make a contract or wager with the devil, Mephistopheles. The devil will do all he asks on Earth and seek to grant him a moment in life so glorious that he will wish it to last for ever. But if Faust does bid the moment stay, he falls to Mephisto and must serve him after death. In this first part of Goethe's great work the embittered thinker and Mephistopheles enter into their agreement, and soon Faust is living a life beyond his study and - in rejuvenated form - winning the love of the charming and beautiful Gretchen. But in this compelling tragedy of arrogance, unfulfilled desire and self-delusion, Faust, served by the devil, heads inexorably towards destruction.
Penguin Books Ltd Capital: Volume II
The "forgotten" second volume of Capital, Marx's world-shaking analysis of economics, politics, and history, contains the vital discussion of commodity, the cornerstone to Marx's theories.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Connected Child: Bring Hope and Healing to Your Adoptive Family
"An extremely useful parenting handbook... truly outstanding ... strongly recommended."--Library Journal (starred review)"A tremendous resource for parents and professionals alike."--Thomas Atwood, president and CEO, National Council for AdoptionThe adoption of a child is always a joyous moment in the life of a family. Some adoptions, though, present unique challenges. Welcoming these children into your family--and addressing their special needs--requires care, consideration, and compassion.Written by two research psychologists specializing in adoption and attachment, The Connected Child will help you: Build bonds of affection and trust with your adopted child Effectively deal with any learning or behavioral disorders Discipline your child with love without making him or her feel threatened "A must-read not only for adoptive parents, but for all families striving to correct and connect with their children."--Carol S. Kranowitz, author of The Out-of-Sync Child "Drs. Purvis and Cross have thrown a life preserver not only to those just entering uncharted waters, but also to those struggling to stay afloat."--Kathleen E. Morris, editor of S. I. Focus magazine "Truly an exceptional, innovative work . . . compassionate, accessible, and founded on a breadth of scientific knowledge and clinical expertise."--Susan Livingston Smith, program director,Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute"The Connected Child is the literary equivalent of an airline oxygen mask and instructions: place the mask over your own face first, then over the nose of your child. This book first assists the parent, saying, in effect, 'Calm down, you're not the first mom or dad in the world to face this hurdle, breathe deeply, then follow these simple steps.' The sense of not facing these issues alone--the relief that your child's behavior is not off the charts--is hugely comforting. Other children have behaved this way; other parents have responded thusly; welcome to the community of therapeutic and joyful adoptive families." --Melissa Fay Greene, author of There is No Me Without You: One Woman's Odyssey to Rescue Africa's Children
Wordsworth Editions Ltd The Pickwick Papers
With an Introduction and Notes by David Ellis, University of Kent at Canterbury. With Illustrations by R.Seymour, R.W. Buss and Hablot K. Browne (Phiz). The Pickwick Papers is Dickens' first novel and widely regarded as one of the major classics of comic writing in English. Originally serialised in monthly instalments, it quickly became a huge popular success with sales reaching 40,000 by the final part. In the century and a half since its first appearance, the characters of Mr Pickwick, Sam Weller and the whole of the Pickwickian crew have entered the consciousness of all who love English literature in general, and the works of Dickens in particular.
Snowbooks Ltd Beside the Seaside
Orion Publishing Co How to Build a Treehouse
Many of us dream of owning a treehouse, whether it's a tree fort or playhouse for the children, a secret retreat or just a unique space for relaxing and reconnecting with nature. This book is a comprehensive guide to designing and building your perfect treehouse. Beautifully illustrated, and written by a professional treehouse builder, the book explains how you select the right tree, which materials and tools to use, and how to construct the platform, walls, floor and roof. For anyone wanting to be more ambitious, there are options for installing special features such as ladders, slides and climbing walls.
The Natural History Museum Snakes: Their diversity, ecology and behaviour
Whether loathed, feared, admired or worshipped, snakes evoke stronger human reactions than almost any other animal. Moving gracefully without limbs, swallowing meals often several times larger than their own heads, and with many having venomous bites, they never fail to fascinate. From garter snakes and vipers to cobras, boas and pythons, Snakes describes the biology and natural history of this ecologically diverse and important group of animals. It highlights the amazing variety and complexity of this group that includes more than four thousand living species. Information on habitat, conservation status, and behaviour are also included to complete this comprehensive and fully illustrated introduction to the snakes of the world.
MD - Duke University Press Immanuel Wallerstein and the Problem of the World
Leading cultural theorists consider the meaning and implications of world-scale humanist scholarship by engaging with Immanuel Wallersteins world-systems analysis.
Pearson Education Conformity and Conflict Readings in Cultural Anthropology
Alada Books, S.L. HBW and Birdlife International Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World: Volume 2: Passerines
Myers Education Press Intra-Public Intellectualism: Critical Qualitative Inquiry in the Academy
Vault Comics Alien Bounty Hunter: Volume 1
Ben Madsen is a bounty hunter. Yeah…he knows how that sounds. But Ben likes his job—until the bondsman convinces him to take a bounty he doesn’t want, to get the kind of paycheck he needs. When the big payday turns out to be more than Ben bargained for, he’s swept into an otherworldly conspiracy and dropped into alien city hidden right here on Earth. Good thing he’s the best man for the job—sort of. Hero or fall guy, Ben Madsen will prove one thing during his misadventures: He’s really good at jumping from high places and surviving. From Stephen Levinson and executive producer Mark Wahlberg comes a sci-fi adventure full of humor, heart, and you guessed it…aliens: ALIEN BOUNTY HUNTER. PRAISE FOR ALIEN BOUNTY HUNTER: “[ALIEN BOUNTY HUNTER] has a bold, clean aesthetic with jazzy, vibrant colors that feel like a mix between the best horror and gangster movies of the ‘80s.” – Rowan Grover, Multiversity Comics “ALIEN BOUNTY HUNTER does something rare in modern comics in that each issue feels like part of an ongoing story but also a complete tale in its own. […] A pretty excellent comic book.” – Nola Pfau, Women Write About Comics “Throw in some exciting action and powerful emotions and I honestly can’t find any fault in [ALIEN BOUNTY HUNTER].” – John McCubbin, Snap Pow
Tortuga Press Superabuelo
Monacelli Press New York 1960
Harvard Business Review Press The Year in Tech, 2021: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review
A year of HBR's essential thinking on tech—all in one place.From 5G networks to biometric marketing and from augmented reality to AI wearables, new technologies are reshaping business on the factory floor and in the C-suite. What should you and your company be doing now to take advantage of the new opportunities these technologies are creating—and avoid falling victim to disruption?The Year in Tech 2021: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review will help you understand what the latest and most important tech innovations mean for your organization and how you can use them to compete and win in today's turbulent business environment.Business is changing. Will you adapt or be left behind? Get up to speed and deepen your understanding of the topics that are shaping your company's future with the Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review series. Featuring HBR's smartest thinking on fast-moving issues—blockchain, cybersecurity, AI, and more—each book provides the foundational introduction and practical case studies your organization needs to compete today and collects the best research, interviews, and analysis to get it ready for tomorrow.You can't afford to ignore how these issues will transform the landscape of business and society. The Insights You Need series will help you grasp these critical ideas—and prepare you and your company for the future.
Skyhorse Publishing Climate in Crisis: Who's Causing It, Who's Fighting It, and How We Can Reverse It Before It's Too Late
The science is overwhelming; the facts are in. The planet is heating up at an alarming rate and the results are everywhere to be seen. Yet, as time runs out, climate progress is blocked by the men who are profiting from the burning of the planet: energy moguls like the Koch brothers and ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson. Powerful politicians like Senators Mitch McConnell and Jim Inhofe, who receive massive contributions from the oil and coal industries. Most of these men are too intelligent to truly believe that climate change is not a growing crisis. And yet they have put their profits and careers ahead of the health and welfare of the world's population — and even their own children and grandchildren. How do they explain themselves to their offspring, to the next generations that must deal with the environmental havoc that these men have wreaked? With a new introduction from the authors, Climate in Crisis takes a very personal look at this global crisis, literally bringing it home.
Skyhorse Publishing Horsemen of the Apocalypse: The Men Who Are Destroying Life on Earth—And What It Means for Our Children
From the New York Times bestselling author Dick Russell, edited and introduced by New York Times bestselling author Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.! ”A must read for anyone concerned with climate and energy issues.” —Leonardo DiCaprio, Academy Award winning actor and environmental activist The science is overwhelming; the facts are in. The planet is heating up at an alarming rate and the results are everywhere to be seen. Yet, as time runs out, climate progress is blocked by the men who are profiting from the burning of the planet: energy moguls like the Koch brothers and Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson. Powerful politicians like Senators Mitch McConnell and Jim Inhofe, who receive massive contributions from the oil and coal industries. Most of these men are too intelligent to truly believe that climate change is not a growing crisis. And yet they have put their profits and careers ahead of the health and welfare of the world’s population—and even their own children and grandchildren. How do they explain themselves to their offspring, to the next generations that must deal with the environmental havoc that these men have wreaked? Horsemen of the Apocalypse takes a personal look at this global crisis, literally bringing it home.
Rowman & Littlefield The U.S. Army Zombie Combat Files: From the Lost Archives of the Undead
The shocking undead discovery of a military historian ·Zombies remain popular – from The Walking Dead to Ash vs. Evil Dead, they just won’t go away ·A gifty, zombie collector’s item ·Authentic military design with 150 illustrations Unearthed from a dusty Army archive, here are portions of two draft manuals instructing soldiers on how to confront . . . ZOMBIES! Now declassified, these files offer a guided tour of the U.S. Army’s adaptable approach to the zombie menace: first through battle strategies and field tactics, and later through instruction on capturing and retraining zombies to use as military assets. Showcasing the seemingly outrageous illustrations from the original volumes, a military historian has selected points of interest, such as the use of zombie combatants during the Cold War, or changes in zombie behavior.
Arcadia Publishing Scioto County
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Evaluation and Treatment of Syncope: A Handbook for Clinical Practice
Designed for the practitioner, this handbook provides an easy-to-read overview of how to evaluate and treat patients with a history of fainting. The 2nd Edition has been fully revised to contain all the latest information concerning diagnosis and treatment. It is based on the 2004 update of the ESC Guidelines on the Management of Syncope and offers up-to-date direction based on comprehensive analysis. All chapters share a consistent structure and are concise - only essential references are included. However, each chapter comes with suggestions for further reading and a comprehensive literature source is provided separately at the end of the book and divided into major interest areas. The ESC Education Series This book is part of the ESC Education Series. The series is designed to provide medical professionals with the latest information about the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Where available, management recommendations are based on the established European Guidelines, which encompass the best techniques to use with each cardiac disease. Throughout the series, the leading international opinion leaders have been chosen to edit and contribute to the books. The information is presented in a succinct and accessible format with a clinical focus.
OM Book Service Loose Leaf for Negotiation
McGraw-Hill Education Connect 1 Semester Access Card for Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cardiac Pacing - A Case Approach: Cardiac Pacemakers and Implantable Defibrillators: A Workbook
There are many excellent textbooks that exist in the area of implantable devices for arrhythmia control. Few textbooks, however, provide a case study approach. Collectively, these workbooks provide an approach to problem solving an electrocardiographic interpretation for patients with permanent pacemakers and defibrillators. Volume 1 addresses patients with permanent pacemakers Volume 2 examines interactions between pacemakers and implantable defibrillators Volume 3 provides case studies of transtelephonic pacemakers electrocardiography Volume 4 provides more pacemaker and implantable defibrillator troubleshooting cases This volume takes a case-orientated approach, providing a diverse series of problems on a broad range of pacing related topics. The cases are divided into easy, moderate and complex according to their level of difficulty, allowing the reader to gauge their progress. This workbook is suitable for physicians, nurses, technicians, technologists and industry engineers, particularly those new to the field who are keen to learn in a practical way.
RAND Defense Downsizing: An Evaluation of Alternative Voluntary Separation Payments to Military Personnel
Johns Hopkins University Press Plautus: The Comedies
"The works of Plautus," writes Palmer Bovie, "mark the real beginning of Roman literature." Now Bovie and David Slavitt have brought together a distinguished group of translators for the final two volumes of a four-volume set containing all twenty-one surviving comedies of one of Western literature's greatest dramatists. Born in Sarsina, Umbria, in 254 B.C., Plautus is said to have worked in Rome as a stage carpenter and later as a miller's helper. Whether authentic or not, these few details about the playwright's life are consistent with the image of him one might infer from his plays. Plautus was not "literary" but rather an energetic and resourceful man of the world who spoke the language of the people. His dramatic works were his way of describing and portraying that world in a language the people understood. Since Plautus's career unfolded against the background of the Second Punic War, it is not surprising that his prologues often end with a wish for the audience's "good luck against your enemies" or that the plays have their share of arrogant generals, boastful military captains, and mercenary adventurers. But other unforgettable characters are here as well-among them Euclio, in the Aulularia, the model for Moliere's miser. In these lively new translations, which effectively communicate the vitality and verve of the originals, the plays of Plautus are accessible to a new generation. Plays and translators: Volume 4: Persa, Palmer Bovie. Menaechmi, Palmer Bovie. Cistellaria, R. H. W. Dillard. Pseudolus, Richard Beacham. Stichus, Carol Poster. Vidularia, John Wright.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers New Paradigms for Treating Relationships
New Paradigms for Treating Relationships is a contemporary international perspective on the psychoanalytic theory and practice of couple and family therapy. It summarizes theory, sets it in context, and illustrates the concepts with clinical illustrations. This clearly written and engaging book is essential for practicing couple and family therapists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts, teachers of psychotherapy, as well as for students of psychoanalysis and philosophy.
Rowman & Littlefield The Islam/West Debate: Documents from a Global Debate on Terrorism, U.S. Policy, and the Middle East
In 2002, sixty prominent American intellectuals released an open letter defending the use of military force against al-Qa'ida. The letter sparked an impassioned international debate unlike any other, in which jihadists, journalists, liberal Muslims, and German pacifists engaged one another on the most pressing issues of our time: terrorism, U.S. policy, and Islam-West relations. A valuable resource for specialist and non-specialist alike, this volume chronicles that debate and includes contributions from both sides of the political spectrum in America and the Middle East-and even from al-Qa'ida.
Rowman & Littlefield The Return of Science: Evolution, History, and Theory
Social scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians have adapted evolutionary theory for use in a variety of disciplines for several decades, but until now historians have lagged behind. In The Return of Science, several distinguished historians join prominent scholars from a wide range of disciplines to debate the applications of evolutionary theory to cultural, social, economic, and political phenomena. The contributors offer original theoretical approaches and deal with issues such as the benefits, limits, and dangers of using evolutionary theory in the social sciences, the problem of defining units of evolution, the use of mathematics in historical study, and the appropriateness of chaos theory in historical study. Originally published as part of the journal History and Theory, these revised and updated essays are a valuable resource for historiographers.
Random House USA Inc The Leopard: Introduction by David Gilmour
Harvard University Press The Washington Haggadah
After the Bible, the Passover haggadah is the most widely read classic text in the Jewish tradition. More than four thousand editions have been published since the late fifteenth century, but few are as exquisite as the Washington Haggadah, which resides in the Library of Congress. Now, a stunning facsimile edition meticulously reproduced in full color brings this beautiful illuminated manuscript to a new generation.Joel ben Simeon, the creator of this unusually well-preserved codex, was among the most gifted and prolific scribe-artists in the history of the Jewish book. David Stern’s introduction reconstructs his professional biography and situates this masterwork within the historical development of the haggadah, tracing the different forms the text took in the Jewish centers of Europe at the dawn of modernity.Katrin Kogman-Appel shows how ben Simeon, more than just a copyist, was an active agent of cultural exchange. As he traveled between Jewish communities, he brought elements of Ashkenazi haggadah illustration to Italy and returned with stylistic devices acquired during his journeys. In addition to traditional Passover images, realistic illustrations of day-to-day life provide a rare window into the world of late fifteenth-century Europe.This edition faithfully preserves the original text, with the Hebrew facsimile appearing in the original right-to-left orientation. It will be read and treasured by anyone interested in Jewish history, medieval illuminated manuscripts, and the history of the haggadah.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Odd Gods
Steyler Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH Shanghai 1940-1949: Shanghai 1940-1949
Springer International Publishing AG Manual of Pediatric Anesthesia
Authored by three world experts, this is a clinically focused book on pediatric anesthesia. "The Manual", as it is known, has long dominated the market for a succinct and practical resource on administering anesthesia to children and is used by residents, general anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists, and pediatric anesthesiologists. This new edition retains the basic structure of the book and is updated throughout. Text-heavy in the current edition, the Seventh Edition features the addition of figures to chapters where they are especially helpful (eg, the chapter on cardiovascular surgery and cardiac procedures) and makes greater use of headings to break up the text and guide reading. From reviews of the Sixth Edition:"This is an extremely well written book that I would recommend highly to anyone involved in anaesthetizing children. It is comprehensive enough to provide an excellent reference for trainees and general anaesthetists who occasionally deal with paediatric cases, while at the same time giving valuable supplemental information for paediatric anaesthetists encountering an unusual procedure or condition. In short, this is a book that would make a welcome addition to any anaesthetist's mobile library." --Anaesthesia
AU Press Transparent Lives: Surveillance in Canada
The work of a multidisciplinary research team, Transparent Lives explains how surveillance is expanding—mostly unchecked—into every facet of our lives. Although many Canadians are aware that government agencies are able to conduct mass surveillance using phone and online data, relatively few of us recognize the extent to which our privacy has been invaded by routine forms of monitoring. We cannot walk down a city street, attend a class, pay with a credit card, hop on an airplane, or make a phone call without data being captured and processed. Where does such information go, and who makes use of it? Who gains, and who loses? The New Transparency Project set out to investigate the myriad of ways in which both government and private sector organizations gather, monitor, analyze, and share information about ordinary citizens.This research, which extended over several years, culminated in the identification of nine key trends in the contemporary practice of surveillance—trends that, together, raise urgent questions of both privacy and social justice. Perhaps the loss of control over our personal information is merely the price we pay for using social media and other forms of electronic communication. Or should we instead be wary of systems that make us visible, and thus vulnerable, to others as never before? Transparent Lives is intended to inform policymakers, journalists, civil liberties groups, and educators about the current state of surveillance in Canada. Above all, though, it aims to alert unsuspecting citizens to the ubiquitous and largely invisible practices of monitoring that surround them.
D Giles Ltd Seeing Differently: The Phillips Collects for a New Century
An expansive collection catalogue that offers a multiplicity of fresh perspectives on recent modern and contemporary art acquisitions in The Phillips Collection. Planned to coincide with The Phillips Collection's centennial and exhibition, this ground-breaking volume offers an unprecedented breadth of insights and inclusive narratives on the Phillips's growing art collection from a range of voices, including artists, critics, and scholars. Seeing Differently features works across wide-ranging media by renowned artists from the 19th to the 21st centuries, including Benny Andrews, Alexander Calder, Edgar Degas, Simone Leigh, and Renee Stout. An opening essay by Dorothy Kosinski, artist conversations, thematic essays, and 150 plates with 50 object responses by notable contributors, ensure that this will be a lasting art historical resource. AUTHORS: David C. Driskell is an artist, scholar, and professor emeritus at the University of Maryland. Mary Jane Jacob is professor and executive director of exhibitions at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Dorothy Kosinski is Vradenburg Director & CEO of The Phillips Collection. Elsa Smithgall is senior curator at The Phillips Collection. 278 colour illustrations
University of Washington Press Hilda Morris
One of the premier sculptors of her generation in the Northwest, Hilda Morris (1911-1993) lived her artistic life in the center of the region's circle of avant-garde painters, sculptors, poets, and musicians. This is the first book to document her half-century-long career and presents Morris's highly individual abstract sculptures against the backdrop of artistic developments during the second half of the twentieth century. A part of the abstract expressionist movement, Morris's vigorous, gestural sculptures inspired by mythological and universal symbols were instrumental in introducing a rigorous, expansive thinking about abstraction to the Pacific Northwest community. As an account of her life and the first complete survey of her entire oeuvre - sculpture, painting, and drawing - this volume will be essential to an understanding of the period.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Energy, Environment and the Economy: Asian Perspectives
Asian nations increasingly have to balance energy needs with environmental impacts and economic growth. These critical issues for the development of Asian nations and the quality of life of their citizens are extensively addressed in this major new volume which focuses on research and policy perspectives.A distinguished group of researchers from Asia, Europe and North America, focuses on Asian initiatives on global and regional environmental problems, the impact of energy and environment on development and international trade in Asia, the problems associated with siting major energy facilities, the Asian green movement and public reaction to environmental degradation, and the role of communities in achieving a balance between energy, environment and economics.Researchers and policymakers, public policy and management researchers and environmentalists will welcome this important book which addresses the key issue of balancing the conflicting objectives of energy planning, environmental management and economic development.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship Policy
This unique Handbook provides a solid foundation for essential study in the nascent field of entrepreneurship policy research.This foundation is initially developed via the exploration of two significant propositions underpinning the nature of entrepreneurship policy research. The first is that entrepreneurship has emerged as a bona fide focus of public policy, particularly with respect to economic growth and employment creation. The second is that neither scholars nor policy makers are presently equipped to understand the public policy role for entrepreneurship. The contributors - experienced scholars, specialist researchers and dynamic policy makers thus grapple with novel questions of considerable policy relevance that few have previously posed. The Handbook therefore provides some of the first crucial, systematic analyses of important issues, and key questions to be raised in order to move entrepreneurship policy forward are also presented.Written by academics and practitioners drawing examples from both North America and Europe, this stimulating new Handbook is a prerequisite for students, scholars and practitioners in the incipient world of entrepreneurship policy.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd East Anglia and its North Sea World in the Middle Ages
The relations between medieval East Anglia and countries across the North Sea examined from a variety of perspectives. East Anglia was a distinctive English region during the Middle Ages, but it was one that owed much of its character and identity to its place in a much wider "North Sea World" that stretched from the English Channel to Iceland, the Baltic and beyond. Relations between East Anglia and its maritime neighbours have for the most part been peaceful, involving migration and commercial, artistic, architectural and religious exchanges, but have also at times beencharacterised by violence and contestation. All these elements have played a significant role in processes of historical change that have shaped the history both of East Anglia and its North Sea world. This collection of essays discusses East Anglia in the context of this maritime framework and explores the extent to which there was a distinctive community bound together by the shared frontier of the North Sea during the Middle Ages. It brings together the work of a range of international scholars and includes contributions from the disciplines of history, archaeology, art history and literary studies. Professor David Bates is Professorial Fellow in History, RobertLiddiard is Professor of History, at the University of East Anglia. Contributors: Anna Agnarsdóttir, Brian Ayers, Wendy R. Childs, Lynda Dennison, Stephen Heywood, Carole Hill, John Hines, David King, Robert Liddiard,Rory Naismith, Eljas Oksanen, Richard Plant, Aleksander Pluskowski, Christopher Scull, Tim Pestell, Charles West, Gareth Williams, Tom Williamson.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence and Innovation in the Economy, Society and Democracy
Digital transformation continues to accelerate change in all aspects of modern life. This book examines when, where, how, and why artificial intelligence and digital change can boost innovation and transform the economy, society and democracy. It provides a holistic approach to the promotion of the knowledge economy, knowledge society and knowledge democracy.The book is developed based on the Cyber-D4 nexus, which is a conceptual framework of Cyber-Defense, Cyber-Development, Cyber-Democracy, and Cyber-Diplomacy, and it adopts a Quadruple/Quintuple Innovation Helix (Q2IH) approach. This nexus ties new national and industrial cyber strategies, including business strategies for smart cities and the Internet of Things, with the local, national, regional, and global security and economic objectives.Academics, policy makers, practitioners, researchers and students in combined fields of science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship, digital transformation, artificial intelligence and the future of industry will appreciate the lens through which the chapter authors explore both the minutiae and expansive influence of digital transformation.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Field Guide to Intercultural Research
This informative Field Guide to Intercultural Research is specifically designed to be used in the field, guiding the reader away from pitfalls and towards best practice. It shares valuable fieldwork challenges and experiences, as well as insights into key methodological debates and practical recommendations relevant to both new and seasoned researchers.Offering an international outlook and featuring insights from across four continents, this invaluable guide introduces new methods and approaches to data analysis, tackling various research phases, including perspectives from quantitative researchers. It focuses on the role of culture and the intercultural challenges that fieldworkers encounter, enticing readers into further conversations concerning the role of fieldwork in producing new knowledge. Expert contributors illustrate the benefits of field research in intercultural research not only to academic literature, but also to organisational policies and the societies within which we work and live.Including insights from the fields of ethnography and social anthropology, this cutting edge guide is crucial reading for all students and researchers of business and management studies as well as organisational development hoping to begin their foray into fieldwork, as well as experienced scholars looking for new approaches to field research. It will also benefit management professionals and consultants in need of an expanded knowledge-base for coFnducting action research or other interventions in organisations.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd How to Get Published in the Best Management Journals
An increasing number of universities around the globe are rewarding faculty who place their work in top management journals. Drawing on the insights from top journal editors and leading scholars in the field, this book is a treasure trove of tips for publishing in the best management journals. The topics covered include the mysteries of the review process, getting your methodology right, publishing across disciplinary boundaries, the rise of open access journals, publishing ethics, making use of peer review, targeting special issues, sustaining a publications career, and making sense of journal rankings. Drawing on the considerable experience of its authors, and offering candid insights that are often held as secrets among senior faculty, this book takes the reader behind the scenes of the journal review process, making it a must-read for those seeking to advance their career.Contributors: P. Andries, Y. Baruch, D.D. Bergh, S.K. Bhaumik, B.K. Boyd, M.R. Buckley, P. Budhwar, T. Clark, J.G. Combs, D. Cumming, S. Estrin, G.R. Ferris, D. Gioia, B. Harley, M.A. Hitt, G.P. Hodgkinson, R.D. Ireland, F.W. Kellermanns. D.J. Ketchen Jr., B.T. Lamont, A. Leiponen, B.R. Martin, W. Mitchell, T. Pederson, P.L. Perrewé, A.L. Ranft, P.L. Roth, A.D. Smith, C.C. Snow, W.H. Starbuck, W.H. Stewart Jr., S. Tallman, S. Toms, R. Van Dick, G. Wood, M. Wright, D.W. Yiu
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Agriculture, Biotechnology and Development
Over the last two decades one of the great global emerging technological trends has been the shift from chemistry to biology in agriculture. Bitterly contested and enduringly controversial, the shift to biotechnology has nevertheless led to greater sustainability and promises even greater gains in years to come. This Handbook is an invaluable compendium of detailed case study and insight.'- Mark Lynas, Cornell University, US'This important volume analyses the current state of crop biotechnology development and regulation. It establishes a firm basis for understanding the current level of deployment of crops modified by biotechnology and also the uneven and often unscientific bases that have been used to judge their merits for particular regions. This book is an indispensable reference for anyone concerned with the development of this vital area of agriculture.'- Peter H. Raven, Missouri Botanical Garden, US'With interest in biotechnology surging, this book is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn more about the potential that advancements in modern agriculture have to offer, how they've already changed agriculture around the world and what s coming down the pipeline. Agriculture is about economics, the environment and feeding the world; so too, at the heart of it, is biotechnology, as this book so clearly demonstrates. The authors have years of experience with biotechnology and their expertise shines through on each page.'- Lorne Hepworth, CropLife CanadaThis book is a compendium of knowledge, experience and insight on agriculture, biotechnology and development. Beginning with an account of GM crop adoptions and attitudes towards them, the book assesses numerous crucial processes, concluding with detailed insights into GM products. Drawing on expert perspectives of leading authors from 57 different institutions in 16 countries, it provides a unique, global overview of agbiotech following 20 years of adoption. Many consider GM crops the most rapid agricultural innovation adopted in the history of agriculture. This book provides insights as to why the adoption has occurred globally at such a rapid rate.This is a rich and varied collection of research, which will appeal to scholars, academics and practitioners worldwide. An invaluable resource, this book will be a first point of reference to anyone with an interest in agbiotech and studies into agriculture, biotechnology and development.Contributors: A.A. Adenle, P. Aerni, C. Alexander, J.M. Alston, V. Beckmann, J. Bognar, C.G. Borroto, D. Brewin, G. Brookes, J. Carpenter, Y. Carrière, D. Castle, M. Chen, P. Conceição, B. Dayananda, M. Demont, K. Dillen, D. Eaton, E. Einsiedel, J. Falck-Zepeda, J. Fernandez-Cornejo, G.B. Frisvold, C.V. Gonslaves, D. Gonsalves, M. Gouse, G. Graff, R. Gray, A. Gupta, W.O. Hennessey, J.E. Hobbs, W.E. Huffman, L. A. Jackson, C. Juma, N. Kalaitzandonakes, S. Kaplan, V.J. Karplus, W.A. Kerr, G.G. Khachatourians, E.M. Kikulwe, E. Kim, D.E. Kolady, S.P. Kowalski, J. Kruse, L. Levidow, S. Levine, K. Ludlow, X. Ma, A. Magnier, S. Malla, I. Matuschke, J.J. McCluskey, A. McHughen, J. Medlock, D. Miller, L. Nagarajan, A. Naseem, C. Oguamanam, M. Ouattarra, M. Owen, R. Paarlberg, P. W. B. Phillips, M. Qaim, T. Raney, J.M. Reeves, S.D. Rhodes, S.M.H. Rizvi, C.D. Ryan, D. Schimmelpfennig, G.J. Scoles, G. Skogstad, S. J. Smyth, C. Soregaroli, D.J. Spielman, A.J. Stein, J. Thomson, J. Vitale, G. Vognan, G. Waterfield, S. Wechsler, J. Wesseler, A. Williams, W.W. Wilson, L.L. Wolfenbarger, G. Ye, J. Yorobe Jr, D.Z. Zeng, D. Zilberman