Search results for ""author manus"
Haynes Publishing Group Mini (1969 - 2001) Haynes Repair Manual
Every manual is written from hands-on experience gained from stripping down and rebuilding each vehicle in the Haynes Project Workshop. The practical step-by-step instructions and clear photos are easy to follow and provide information on maintenance, servicing, fault finding, the MoT, brakes, electrics and Haynes tips to make many tasks easier.
Haynes Publishing Group MGA (55 - 62) Haynes Repair Manual
Every manual is written from hands-on experience gained from stripping down and rebuilding each vehicle in the Haynes Project Workshop. The practical step-by-step instructions and clear photos are easy to follow and provide information on maintenance, servicing, fault finding, the MoT, brakes, electrics and Haynes tips to make many tasks easier.
Springer International Publishing AG Practical Manual of Quality Function Deployment
This book introduces into the practical application of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) beyond the famous House of Quality Matrix by presenting a fully developed example of a clear and comprehensive QFD framework. The QFD workflow is described step by step, encompassing strategic planning, customer surveys, product and service characteristics, mechanisms, parts and cost deployment, technologies, process phases and faults analysis. The model, as presented with practical suggestions, can be used in firms with low resources and/or need for speed. In addition, a chapter is dedicated to the most common “fuzzy” algorithms, explained for professionals and the book closes by describing in detail some QFD case studies. This book will be of interest to all who wish to use QFD to respond to and satisfy customer requirements effectively.
Merlin Unwin Books Manual of a Traditional Bacon Curer
Pooleys Air Pilot Publishing Ltd Air Pilot's Manual - Communications: Volume 7
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Truck and Trailer Systems Lab Manual
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.A practical medium- and heavy-duty truck systemsFeaturing more than 100 in-depth lab exercises, this hands-on guide provides the practice you need to succeed as a medium- and heavy-duty truck service technician. The labs meet and exceed NATEF standards. Every system is thoroughly covered--from electrical and lighting to brakesand transmissions.Each lab includes: Objective of the lab Safety precautions Tools needed to complete the lab Challenging review questions help to reinforce the topics covered and are patterned after the typical questions found on the ASE Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Certification tests (T3 through T8). Written by an expert with decades of experience as an automotive and diesel technician and instructor, this lab manual is the perfectcompanion to the comprehensive text, Truckand Trailer Systems.Truck and Trailer Systems Lab Manual covers: Vehicle identification numbers Engine, transmission, and drive axle ID tag numbers Safety Tools and measuring equipment Basic electrical Magnetism Batteries Starting system Charging system Lighting and wiring Computer systems Mobile heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems Tires, wheels, and wheel end systems Frames and suspensions Steering systems Trailers and fifth wheels Hydraulic brake systems Air brake foundation brakes Air brake air system Anti-lock brake systems Drive lines Clutches Drive axles Single and twin countershaft manual transmissions Automated manual transmissions Automatic transmissions Allison automatic transmissions PMI Auxiliary power units
Thames & Hudson Ltd Viking: The Norse Warrior's (Unofficial) Manual
The fifth instalment in this popular and highly successful series, Viking follows on from Legionary, Gladiator, Knight and Samurai, your guide to the Norse world of the tenth century ad. Discover everything you will need to become a successful Viking warrior: how to join a war band; what to look for in a good leader; how to behave at a feast; what weapons and armour to choose; how to fight in a shield wall; where to go raiding; how to plunder a monastery and ransom a monk; how to navigate at sea; and what to expect if you die gloriously in battle. Modern reconstructions and ancient artefacts, including 16 pages of brilliant colour images, will immerse the reader visually in the Viking world. The humorous text peppered with quotes from sagas and chronicles will take you on an engrossing journey from joining a raiding party to how to die gloriously.
McGraw-Hill Education Workbook/Laboratory Manual for Tu mundo
Thieme Publishing Group Medical Thoracoscopy / Pleuroscopy: Manual and Atlas
A detailed guide to the latest endoscopic techniques in interventional pulmonology In Medical Thoracoscopy/Pleuroscopy: Manual and Atlas, international experts explain the current methodology and demonstrate different technical approaches to medical thoracoscopy/pleuroscopy (MT/P) in the diagnosis and treatment of pleuropulmonary diseases. A combination of instructive manual and atlas, this book presents clinical cases with indications, techniques, and outcomes for each procedure. In the 'Atlas', endoscopic photographs demonstrate the application of this minimally invasive technique in various pathologies, from pleural effusion to various manifestations of lung cancer. Features: Diagnostic and therapeutic indications reflect new technology such as the semi-rigid/semi-flexible pleuroscope, CT/MR imaging, and video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) Over 150 full-color endoscopic photographs and 120 figures enhance the text An accompanying DVD contains video clips of 8 typical clinical cases, plus practical information on the use of talc poudrage, the induction of a pneumothorax, and more This comprehensive visual guide is an indispensable primer for residents and fellows in pulmonology or pneumology, and for respiratory physicians, internists, or thoracic surgeons. System Requirements for the DVD: Language: English; region code: 0; picture format: 4:3 NTSC; duration: 33 minutes (approximately); disk format: DVD-5.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Biomedical Devices: Design, Prototyping, and Manufacturing
Biomedical Devices: Design, Prototyping, and Manufacturing features fundamental discussions of all facets of materials processing and manufacturing processes across a wide range of medical devices and artificial tissues. Represents the first compilation of information on the design, prototyping, and manufacture of medical devices into one volume Offers in-depth coverage of medical devices, beginning with an introductory overview through to the design, manufacture, and applications Features examples of a variety of medical applications of devices, including biopsy micro forceps, micro-needle arrays, wrist implants, spinal spacers, and fixtures Provides students, doctors, scientists, and technicians interested in the development and applications of medical devices the ideal reference source
Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development Building Academic Vocabulary: Teacher's Manual
In Building Academic Vocabulary: Teacher's Manual, Robert J. Marzano and Debra J. Pickering give teachers a practical way to help students master academic vocabulary. Research has shown that when teachers, schools, and districts take a systematic approach to helping students identify and master essential vocabulary and concepts of a given subject area, student comprehension and achievement rises. In the manual, readers will find the following tools: A method to help teachers, schools, and districts determine which academic vocabulary terms are most essential for their needs. A six-step process for direct instruction in subject area vocabulary. A how-to to help students use the Building Academic Vocabulary: Student Notebook. The six-step method encourages students to learn critical academic vocabulary by connecting these terms to prior knowledge using linguistic and non-linguistic means that further encourage the refinement and deepening of their understanding.. Suggestions for tailoring academic vocabulary procedures for English Language Learners.. Samples and blackline masters for a variety of review activities and games that reinforce and refine student understanding of the academic terms and concepts they learn. The book also includes a list of 7,923 vocabulary terms culled from the national standards documents and other publications, organized into 11 subject areas and 4 grade-level categories. It puts into practice the research and ideas outlined in Marzano's previous book Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement. Using the teacher's manual and vocabulary notebooks, educators can guide students in using tools and activities that will help them deepen their own understanding of critical academic vocabulary, the building blocks for achievement in each discipline.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Manual of Splinting and Casting
Now in vibrant full color, Manual of Splinting and Casting, 2nd Edition, provides highly visual, step-by-step instructions on the most common, need-to-know techniques for initial orthopaedic injury management. This practical point-of-care reference uses a highly templated format with hundreds of illustrations and photographs so you can quickly grasp exactly how to perform each technique. It's an ideal resource for orthopaedic and sports medicine residents, nurses, medical students, emergency physicians, and orthopaedic technologists-anyone who needs a concise, easy-to-follow guide to splinting and casting at the point of care. Presents each technique in a highly templated format using bulleted steps and illustrations that show each crucial step. Features "how-to clinical photographs and decision-making and treatment algorithms throughout. Contains fully updated content and new techniques in sections covering Orthopaedic Analgesia, Reduction Maneuvers, Splints and Casts, and Traction Maneuvers. An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Manufacturing Technology Research: Volume 1
Ovid Technologies Manual Washington de especialidades clínicas. Neumología
Conciso, portátil y fácil de usar, Manual Washington de especialidades clínicas. Neumología proporciona acceso rápido a la información esencial necesaria para evaluar a los pacientes con neumopatías. La 2.ª edición ofrece el contenido más actualizado sobre el diagnóstico, la investigación y el tratamiento de las neumopatías agudas y crónicas más comunes, incluyendo la cobertura de tecnologías avanzadas y fármacos más recientes. Ideal para estudiantes de medicina en rotaciones y residentes, el manual también es útil como recurso de primera línea para internistas y otros proveedores de atención primaria. Características principales: Desarrollo ampliado de pruebas diagnósticas y tratamientos Reorganización del formato para una búsqueda rápida y sencilla de la información Información clínica práctica para diagnosticar y tratar a una amplia variedad de pacientes Cobertura integral de asma, EPOC, enfermedad pulmonar intersticial, hipertensión pulmonar, fibrosis quística, infecciones pulmonares, trasplante de pulmón, trastornos respiratorios del sueño y otras afecciones pulmonares comunes Síntomas, signos y problemas encontrados en la práctica diaria en un formato de referencia rápida con viñetas Referencias actualizadas para información adicional sobre un tema en particular. Escrito por becarios y profesores junior de la Facultad de Medicina de la Washington University para abordar de manera efectiva las experiencias clínicas de la vida real
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Graph Theory: Solutions Manual
This is a companion to the book Introduction to Graph Theory (World Scientific, 2006). The student who has worked on the problems will find the solutions presented useful as a check and also as a model for rigorous mathematical writing. For ease of reference, each chapter recaps some of the important concepts and/or formulae from the earlier book.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Manual Washington de especialidades clínicas. Cardiología
Siguiendo la tradición de excelencia de la serie de libros Washington, Manual Washington de especialidades clínicas. Cardiología presenta la información necesaria para asegurar una atención al paciente de la más alta calidad y pone la medicina cardiovascular al alcance de médicos generales, residentes y estudiantes. Este texto incorpora los avances más actuales en diagnóstico y tratamiento, y ha sido meticulosamente elaborado por médicos internos, residentes y especialistas del Departamento de Medicina de la Washington University School of Medicine. En cada capítulo se abordan los temas más relevantes de la especialidad, con contenido de vanguardia, acerca de la fisiopatología de las enfermedades, herramientas diagnósticas y opciones de tratamiento, incluidos los últimos descubrimientos biomédicos y los tratamientos más actuales disponibles. Desde la publicación de la edición anterior de este manual, el ámbito de la medicina cardiovascular ha registrado avances significativos en diversas áreas. Estos progresos han sido meticulosamente incorporados en esta 4.ª edición, lo que asegura que siga siendo una fuente relevante y actualizada en el campo. Ideal para estudiantes, médicos residentes de cardiología y especialidades médicas, y para los especialistas que necesitan acceso rápido a información científica y clínica actual en medicina cardiovascular; también es útil como recurso de primera línea para internistas y otros proveedores de atención primaria.
Ra-Ma S.A. Editorial y Publicaciones Manual práctico de gestión y secretariado
Encuadrnación: RústicaEste libro constituye una herramienta ideal para todas aquellas personas, futuros o presentes profesionales del secretariado, personal assistant, administrativos y, en general, profesionales que tengan relación con tareas de gestión y administración dentro de la compañía. Abarca una gran variedad de áreas que todo profesional que se precie debería conocer y que, sin duda, le ayudarán a afrontar las necesidades y retos que la empresa moderna demanda.La obra se muestra de forma clara y sencilla, describiendo los aspectos más importantes de cada capítulo y huyendo del exceso de datos o detalles que nos apartarían del objetivo del libro, que no es otro sino el mostrar, resumir y crear inquietud al lector sobre los distintos temas que se abordan, para que éste pueda completar de forma monográfica aquellos contenidos que más le convengan. Además, se ilustra con ejemplos prácticos y preguntas de refuerzo al finalizar cada uno de los capítulos para fomentar el repas
Antonio Madrid Vicente, Editor Manual práctico de electricidad y electrónica
Monte Carmelo Don Manuel González. Obras completas I
Recientemente beatificado, obispo, fundador y escritor prolífico, D. Manuel (1877-1940) es, ante todo y sobre todo, el ?Obispo de la Eucaristía?, y un genio de la teoría y de la praxis catequética de los últimos tiempos.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Manual Washington de especialidades clínicas. Endocrinología
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Manual Washington de medicina de urgencias
Red Wheel/Weiser Psychic Self-Defense Personal Training Manual
Agronomy Publications Illustrated Taxonomy Manual of Weed Seeds
Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd Additive Manufacturing: Design, Methods, and Processes
Additive manufacturing has matured from rapid prototyping through the now popular and "maker"-oriented 3D printing, recently commercialized and marketed. The terms describing this technology have changed over time, from "rapid prototyping" to "rapid manufacturing" to "additive manufacturing," which reflects largely a focus on technology.This book discusses the uptake, use, and impact of the additive manufacturing and digital fabrication technology. It augments technical and business-oriented trends with those in product design and design studies. It includes a mix of disciplinary and transdisciplinary trends and is rich in case and design material. The chapters cover a range of design-centered views on additive manufacturing that are rarely addressed in the main conferences and publications, which are still mostly, and importantly, concerned with tools, technologies, and technical development. The chapters also reflect dialogues about transdisciplinarity and the inclusion of domains such as business and aesthetics, narrative, and technology critique. This is a great textbook for graduate students of design, engineering, computer science, marketing, and technology and also for those who are not students but are curious about and interested in what 3D printing really can be used for in the near future.
Henry Bradshaw Society Manuale Ad Vsum: Percelebris Ecclesie Sarisburiensis
Published by Boydell & Brewer Inc.
Human Kinetics Publishers Aquatic Fitness Professional Manual 7th Edition
Aquatic fitness is not just for older adults or those with physical limitations. Water exercise is a proven fitness activity that is challenging and fun for all age groups and abilities. It offers reduced-impact options for group exercise, small-group fitness, and personal training. As the primary preparation resource for the certification exam of the Aquatic Exercise Association (AEA), Aquatic Fitness Professional Manual, Seventh Edition, is the most comprehensive resource to help you design and lead effective exercise sessions in the pool. With contributions from 17 industry experts, you will learn how to energize your teaching with techniques and programs based on many popular fitness formats, such as kickboxing, yoga, body sculpting, Pilates, walking and jogging, circuits, intervals, and sport-specific training. You'll also find updated research on shallow- and deep-water exercise, as well as new and revised content on the following: • Specialty equipment such as bikes, treadmills, and gym stations intended for the aquatic environment • The latest interval training techniques, including HIIT and Tabata • Water safety guidelines • Aquatics recommendations from organizations such as the Arthritis Foundation and the National Osteoporosis Foundation • Nutrition and weight management guidance that reflects the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans • Business and legal insights on compliance with insurance, music licensing, and the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) In addition, the Aquatic Fitness Professional Manual covers basic exercise science concepts, including exercise anatomy and physiology. The text reviews injuries, emergencies, and working with special populations. For those preparing for the AEA Aquatic Fitness Professional Certification exam, you'll find a detailed glossary and index, along with review questions at the conclusion of each chapter, to help you study. Nowhere else will you find the fitness applications and comprehensive programming you need in one convenient resource. The Aquatic Fitness Professional Manual contains essential foundational information on the components of physical fitness, group fitness teaching techniques, and the AEA Standards and Guidelines. Expand your teaching and career opportunities by cultivating the critical skills for leading safe, enjoyable, and effective aquatic exercise programs.
Human Kinetics Exercise Testing and Prescription Lab Manual
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual on Cervical Cytology and Colposcopy
Colposcopy is a procedure for examining the cervix with the goal of preventing cervical cancer. Manual on Cervical Cytology and Colposcopy is a concise guide to this method, and the cellular anatomy of the cervix. The book is divided into three sections; cervical cytology, colposcopy and case studies. The first section covers apparatus required for pap smear collection, fixation, position of the patient, site of smear collection and necessary precautions. This section also includes guidance on Papanicolaou’s staining technique, interpretation and reporting of smears. The final section features several case studies involving colposcopy. The book is thoroughly up-to-date, with guidance on liquid based, thin-layer technology, recently developed to overcome the major limitations of the conventional pap smear. World Health Organisation classification of pap smear is included, as well as the visual inspection method proposed by WHO for developing countries. This succinct book is enhanced by 178 full colour images and illustrations, making it an ideal quick reference guide for postgraduate medical students, residents and fellows in obstetrics and gynaecology, and practising gynaecologists. Key Points Concise guide to examination of the cervix for cervical cancer Covers the latest developments in colposcopy technology Includes colposcopy case studies in final section 178 full colour images and illustrations
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins The Washington Manual of Bedside Procedures
Concise, portable, and user-friendly, The Washington Manual of Bedside Procedures focuses on the essential information you need for the preparation, performance, and aftercare of invasive bedside procedures. This practical reference presents brief, logical approaches to invasive procedures commonly performed by most housestaff, with an emphasis on internal medicine and surgery. Using a colorful, step-by-step approach, it provides a clear view of the challenges faced by residents, interns, and medical students, plus offers practical solutions and expert guidance – all in one convenient and easily accessible source. Offers step-by-step guidance on the indications, contraindications, technique, and potential complications of a variety of invasive bedside procedures. Includes comprehensive coverage of central venous cannulation, radial arterial line placement, endotracheal intubation, lumbar puncture, abdominal paracentesis, thoracentesis, and knee arthrocentesis, as well as universal protocols and precautions. Provides commentary on the safety and contraindications of the procedures based on the latest evidence-based data. Discusses the use, potential benefits, and technique of ultrasound guidance for certain procedures, as well as fluid analysis, where appropriate.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Modern Marine Engineer’s Manual: Volume I
This book is designed to serve as a textbook for students and a reference for today’s engineering officers, port engineers, superintendent engineers, and other maritime professionals. Steam turbine propulsion systems are included, but the coverage has been reduced in recognition of the popularity of main propulsion diesel engines, covered in volume 2, and the anticipated increasing applications of aeroderivative gas turbines. Reciprocating steam engines have been eliminated. Pumps, pumping systems, and heat exchangers are given extensive coverage. Computer applications for machinery and system management are presented, including an entire chapter on maintenance management. Relevant material on international and national laws, classification society requirements, and standards, such as ISO 9000 series and the ISM code, are included in the text. The characteristics of fuels are presented along with a discussion of fuel testing and analysis, and a section on bunkering. A chapter on safety and management discusses shipboard engineering operations, shipyard repair planning and economics, and safety management. Each chapter includes review questions and references for additional study.
Penguin Random House India The Manual for Indian Start-Ups
Rowman & Littlefield Outboard Motors Maintenance and Repair Manual
The aim of this book, with its superb step by step photographs and detailed diagrams is to enable every owner to understand the workings of an outboard motor (2 or 4 stroke) and be able to fix it with relative ease. It includes: an explanation of the different parts that make up the engine and how they interact; how fuel is transformed into propulsion; regular maintenance and repair worksheets to help even the most mechanically ignorant to work on their outboard engine with confidence; the most common causes of breakdown; troubleshooting tables to allow you to diagnose and fix the most common engine problems and advice on how to winterize your outboard in one short afternoon. After reading this book, your outboard will no longer be a potential bother to you but an ally for better boating.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Technique Manual
An invaluable guide for orthopaedic surgeons at all levels of experience, Total Knee Arthroplasty, 3rd Edition, takes a practical, authoritative approach to this widely performed procedure. Dr. Richard Scott, co-designer of the Total Knee System, walks you step by step through a wide range of surgical scenarios, offering consistent, readable coverage of the techniques you need to know. A user-friendly index, hundreds of detailed, full-color illustrations and photographs, and bulleted summaries make information easy to find and put to use in practice. Covers all facets of operative and non-operative knee replacement in depth, from simple varus knees to complex valgus and more. Features new topics such as posterior-stabilized TKA, measured resection techniques, and gap balancing techniques, as well as new high-quality figures and photographs, practical examples, tips, challenges, and recommendations. Contains step-by-step coverage of techniques and complex methods, including key tips on what to avoid in every situation. Shares the knowledge and expertise of Dr. Richard Scott, who highlights personal pearls and pitfalls, answers frequently asked questions, and provides expert guidance in the design and technique of PCL retaining TKA and Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Liverpool University Press Hands-on Palaeontology: A Practical Manual
There are many books on palaeontology, aimed at amateurs, undergraduates and aspiring academics. Perhaps commonest amongst these are guides to fossil identification, from the general (basic texts on fossil variety and morphology) to the specific (field guides to specific groups, localities or horizons). Many of these are readable, comprehensive and provide good advice. This is not such a book - there is more to the subject than just putting a name on a specimen, however important that may be.As the book’s title states, this is a practical manual covering the many aspects of palaeontology. It is organised in fifty-three chapters; each chapter focusses on one aspect of palaeontology as viewed with a geologist’s trained eye. It can be read from cover-to-cover or dipped into when an answer to a specific question is needed. The aim is to help the developing palaeontologist move their skills on to the next level.It is aimed, primarily, at the beginner in the broadest sense, both amateur and undergraduate. Palaeontologists and geologists are encouraged to use the book as much as a reference as a reader, dipping in to the chapters that contain relevant tips, hints and comments to enable them to improve their understanding of their current interest. It is informative, readable and, most of all, of practical application for all palaeontologists.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Manual Engineering Statistics, 5e Student Solutions
This is the Student Solutions Manual to accompany Engineering Statistics, 5th Edition. Montgomery, Runger, and Hubele's Engineering Statistics, 5th Edition provides modern coverage of engineering statistics by focusing on how statistical tools are integrated into the engineering problem-solving process. All major aspects of engineering statistics are covered, including descriptive statistics, probability and probability distributions, statistical test and confidence intervals for one and two samples, building regression models, designing and analyzing engineering experiments, and statistical process control. This edition features new introductions, revised content to help students better understand ANOVA, new examples to help calculate probability and approximately 80 new exercises.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas
A mainstay for pathology residents, Autopsy Pathology is designed with a uniquely combined manual and atlas format that presents today's most complete coverage of performing, interpreting, and reporting post-mortem examinations. This lasting and useful medical reference book offers a practical, step-by-step approach to discussing not only the basics of the specialty, but the performance of specialized autopsy procedures as well. Material is divided into two sections for ease of use: a manual covering specific autopsy procedures, biosafety, generation of autopsy reports, preparation of death certificates, and other essential subjects; and an atlas, organized by organ system, which captures the appearance of the complete spectrum of autopsy findings. Offers expanded coverage of microscopic anatomy. Includes a chapter on performing special dissection procedures that may not be covered during a typical residency. Examines important techniques, such as autopsy photography and radiology, microscopic examination, supplemental laboratory studies, and other investigative approaches. Addresses the latest legal, social, and ethical issues relating to autopsies, as well as quality improvement and assurance. Presents more than 600 full-color photographs depicting common gross and microscopic autopsy findings for every part of the body. Correlates pathologic findings with their clinical causes to enhance diagnostic accuracy. Improved images in the Atlas section provide greater visual understanding. Additional online features include dissection videos demonstrating autopsy techniques; downloadable, commonly used forms for autopsy reports; and calculators for weights and measures. Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience offers access to all of the text, figures, images, videos, forms, calculators, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins The Washington Manual of Dermatology Diagnostics
Master the nuances of dermatologic diagnosis, Washington Manual style! The Washington Manual family of references are universally respected as focused, user-friendly, clinically relevant handbooks that provide essential, “in-the-trenches” know how for physicians of all experience levels. The Washington Manual of Dermatology Diagnostics carries on this tradition, equipping you to efficiently evaluate the complete spectrum of skin disorders so you can manage them appropriately. Accurately diagnose a full range of skin diseases and disorders, from inflammatory conditions through infections and infestations, reactive disorders and drug eruptions, disorders of pigmentation, benign and malignant lesions, and disorders of the hair and nails, to cutaneous manifestations of systemic disease. Master dermatologic surgery techniques including biopsies, electrosurgery, cryotherapy, photodynamic therapy, Mohs micrographic surgery, laser surgery, and wound healing. Effectively assess pediatric and geriatric conditions with complete, separate chapters on these important areas. Find the information you need quickly thanks to a compact, quick-reference format. Approach clinical challenges from any direction with appendices that organize differential diagnoses by primary lesion, morphological groups, and anatomical region, as well as pediatric differential diagnoses. Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition , which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like: Complete content with enhanced navigation A powerful search that pulls results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web Cross-linked pages , references, and more for easy navigation Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Mandala Ediciones Manual De Uso De La Moxibustin
La palabra moxa proviene del japonés mogusa (??) (la u se pronuncia muy débilmente). En japonés yomogi (??) es un sinónimo de moxa. El idioma chino usa el mismo carácter que mogusa, pero con distinta pronunciación: ài, o también àiróng (??) (significa "terciopelo de ài").El carácter chino para formar moxa es el mismo, y es uno de los dos que forman la palabra china para "acupuntura" zhenjiu (??).La moxibustión (chino simplificado y tradicional: ?, pinyin: jiu) es una terapia de la medicina oriental que utiliza la raíz prensada de la planta altamisa o artemisa a la que se le da forma de cigarro puro denominado moxa. Juega un importante rol en los sistemas de medicina de China, Japón, Corea, Vietnam, Tíbet, Mongolia. Los proveedores usualmente envejecen la altamisa y la muelen hasta convertirla en polvo; y los practicantes lo queman o lo procesan aún más en escamas que recuerdan a cigarros. A veces lo usan indirectamente, con agujas de acupuntura, y otras lo queman cerca de la piel del p
Editorial Sirio Manual Conciso de Anatomia del Yoga
El presente Manual es un texto de estudio que está orientado al curso de Filosofía del Derecho.Su lectura y aplicación abarcan los temas que se exigen en la cátedra universitaria, y cuya intención es allanar el camino a los estudiantes en la comprensión del curso, y a la par, les permita desarrollar un pensamiento jurídico-filosófico propio bajo la base de la argumentación necesaria.Lo que este libro puede hacer por ti.La ventaja del libro es que nos permite acceder de manera ordenada y concisa a los aspectos esenciales del derecho y de la filosofía, nos ayuda por lo tanto, a mantener una visión general para no perderse en la inmensidad de la materia. Numerosos ejemplos y esquemas posibilitan que lo abstracto sea concreto e ilustrativo.El Manual abarca tres bloques temáticos:Bloque I. Introducción a las Ciencias jurídicasBloque II. Filosofía clásica, moderna y contemporáneaBloque III. Teoría de justicia El Bloque I desarrolla los conceptos y las cuestiones básicas de las Ciencias juríd
John Wiley & Sons Inc Laboratory Manual for Anatomy and Physiology
Laboratory Manual for Anatomy & Physiology, 7th Edition, contains dynamic and applied activities and experiments that help students both visualize anatomical structures and understand complex physiological topics. Lab exercises are designed in a way that requires students to first apply information they learned and then critically evaluate it. With many different format options available, and powerful digital resources, it's easy to customize this laboratory manual to best fit your course. While the Laboratory Manual for Anatomy and Physiology is designed to complement the latest 16th edition of Principles of Anatomy & Physiology, it can be used with any two-semester A&P text.
British Small Animal Veterinary Association BSAVA Manual of Practical Veterinary Welfare
British Small Animal Veterinary Association BSAVA Manual of Rodents and Ferrets
John Wiley & Sons Inc Theory and Practice of Additive Manufacturing
Theory and Practice of Additive Manufacturing Discover the ins and outs of additive manufacturing in this student-friendly textbook Also known as 3D printing, additive manufacturing is a process by which layers of material are added to create three-dimensional objects guided by a digital model. It has revolutionized the design and manufacture of customized products, facilitating the rapid, flexible production of a huge range of goods. It promises to revolutionize manufacturing engineering, shorten industrial supply chains, and more. Theory and Practice of Additive Manufacturing provides the first introduction to this subject designed specifically for students. Balancing the underlying theories behind additive manufacturing with concrete applications, it guides readers through basic processes, essential tools and materials, and more. The result is ideal for readers looking to bring additive manufacturing to bear on engineering or industry careers of almost any kind. Theory and Practice of Additive Manufacturing features: Over 100 worked-out example problems Detailed discussion of the emerging digital tools including mechanistic modeling, machine learning, and more Commitment to pedagogy and reinforcement geared toward student learning outcomes Theory and Practice of Additive Manufacturing is ideal for undergraduate and graduate students and instructors in introductory additive manufacturing courses, as well as practicing engineers and researchers working in industries that use additive manufacturing technologies, including aerospace, automotive, and consumer goods.
The Islamic Texts Society Al-Nawawi's Manual of Islam